
1. Terres de l’Ebre: destination cycling enthusiasts 03

2. Internationally recognised distinctive landscapes 04

3. The bicycle is the ideal means of transport to get to know Terres de l’Ebre 06

4. Receiving the visitor 08

5. Cycletourism in Terres de l’Ebre 10

6. Biking holiday deals 11

Ametlla de Mar Photograph yielded by Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de - Terres de l'Ebre 1. Terres de l’Ebre: destination cycling enthusiasts

“You name it, here you have it” seems to be the case in these lands, and make them quite exceptional if not unique. Terres de l’Ebre is a mosaic, between the Mediterranean sea and the southern most part of the coastal Catalan ranges, whichever way you look at it, whether you are admiring its scenic beauty or its cultural and culinary life. Nor far removed from more frequented tourist resorts and built up areas, this relatively small area is criss-crossed by backroads, lanes and paths, ope- ning it up to the walker, cyclist and motorist alike. There really is a bit of everything in Terres de l’Ebre:

▶ First and foremost, the calm waters of the River ▶ Caves and World Heritage cave paintings bear wit- Ebro, that have shaped this land on the last stage of ness to the fact that Man has always lived here, cul- its journey to the sea. tivated the lands and lived well.

▶ Mile upon mile of largely unspoilt deserted bea- ▶ The episcopal and Renaissance city of , an ches give way to a coastline carved out into lovely, example of once powerful, ancient cities. isolated coves. ▶ Grassroots culture steeped in tradition and ex- ▶ Imposing mountains like Massís dels Ports, the traordinary festivals. Montsià and Llaberia ranges, the Cardó range or the hills of -Vandellòs. ▶ High quality and varied cuisine borne out of local produce. ▶ Fruits, cereals, rice, wine and olives are all harves- ted here, feasts for the eyes as well as for lovers of ▶ Above all the Ebro Delta marks out Terres de l’Ebre, good food. a marvel of Nature where the mightiest river in Spa- nish territory surrenders itself to the Mediterrean. ▶ Fishing villages like L'Ametlla de Mar, L'Ampolla or les Cases d' and inland, towns like Paüls, , Arnes, or , each with its own special charm.

Barranc de les Fonts o de l'Arram, (Via Verda) Photograph yielded by Rutes Muntanya -Autor: MINGO CURTO Hardly surprising then, that Terres de l’Ebre has been home to many and va- ried cultures down through the centuries: Iberians, Romans, Muslims, Jews and Christians have all settled here becau- se of the prevailing strategic and trading conditions. They have left their mark on everything from the folklore and monu- ments to the language and character of the people.

Much to the delight of its inhabitants, in 2013 Terres de l’Ebre was honoured to be declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNES- CO, conferring a status that has become key in launching the area onto the world stage.

Terres de l’Ebre, with its more than 1.000 kms of routes of different types, has a huge range at the disposal of cyclists of all shades and ability. Cycle tourism could be at a leisurely pace to enjoy the scenery, a safe place to try out road biking or MTB trails of varying levels of difficulty.

2. Internationally recognised distinctive landscapes

—Biosphere Reserve:

The Ebro River is the soul and the backbone of Terres As if that wasn’t enough, the culture, history and cui- de l’Ebre, to whom it owes its very name. The might of a sine of Terres de l’Ebre have played a fundamental river like the Ebro has made its mark on the landscape role in its selection for international recognition. and its inhabitants since time immemorial.

That doesn’t mean that its value as a tourist attraction Some examples are the cave paintings given World He- is derived solely from the charming nature of the river. ritage status by UNESCO in 1998, architectural heritage In fact, if this area pleasantly surprises its visitors, it is gems like the Roman road Via Augusta, the damn at because of its contrasting diversity. Xerta, Suda castle, the city walls and cathedral at Tor- tosa, the Templar castle at Miravet, modernist wineries, The Terres de l’Ebre Biosphere Reserve takes in two of Rennaisance buildings at d’Horta de Sant Joan... the most spectacular protected areas in : the Ebro Delta Nature Reserve and the Ports Nature Reser- However you look at it, Terres de l’Ebre is clearly a ve, among others like the Serra de Cardó. special place: Nature, art, culture and, of course, ex- cellent food. Local produce gets all the credit, and These natural environments, with their diverse ecosys- bears quality certifications, such as Designation of tems and habitats are ideal for all sorts of open-air ac- Origin (DO) or Protected Geographical Indication tivities, every type of cycle tourism, walking, horseriding (IGP). Some of the most well known examples of lo- or birdwatching. cally produced food are: rice, wine, citrus fruits, ho- ney, olive oil, oysters, prawns, mussels, eels and fish Contrasting scenery is all within a short distance, from sourced in river, sea or lagoon. A treat for those who the most southerly beech trees in Europe, in the Ports like to live well. Massif, to the miles of dunes in the Ebro Delta.

04 Tivissa Photograph yielded by Patronat d Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona - Terres de l'Ebre

—The Ebro Delta Protected Area — Els Ports Protected Area

Everyone says the Ebro Delta is one of the loveliest and Such was the biodiversity of this area, that protecting most delightful areas in Catalonia. It is the third most it was put forward way back in 1932. It was hardly sur- important wetland in the western Mediterranean after prising, given land conservation factors present there, Doñana and Camarga in France. It was declared a Na- that in 2014 it was declared a Special Conservation ture Reserve in 1983. Zone (ZEC), in recognition of the importance of its ha- bitats at a European level. Today The Ports is the lar- These days it is a nature reserve of the first order and gest conservation area on Catalonia’s Mediterranean the richest array of flora and fauna are found here. coast. The 7.802 hectare area falls between the counties of Baix Ebre and Montsià. The mouth of the river as it The Protected Area is part of a massif which extends meets the Mediterranean is made up of: bays, bea- through Catalonia, Aragon and Valencia before mer- ches, dunes, salt marshes, riverbank woods, coastal ging with the Iberian Mountain Range. Its vast 800 lagoons, river islands, springs, rice fields, mirages... square kms is home to more than a thousand spe- cies of flora, the most southerly naturally ocurring All this provides a real paradise for very many living beech forest in Europe and important species such things (birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, invertebra- as the mountain goat or Bonelli’s eagle. tes...), each adapted to the different habitats. Although 65% of the Delta’s land is intensively farmed, this rich Clearly Els Ports open up many opportunities to the biodiversity lives harmoniously alongside the human visitor, most notably to Nature lovers, walkers, hi- activity. kers, climbers and cavers. Among certain groups of Catalan walkers, the area stands out as the range Devotees of birdwatching are certainly in no doubt where all the different Mediterranean mountain en- about the Delta’s importance, but you don’t have to vironments come together. From its highest point at be an expert in birds to enjoy gazing at nesting birds Mont Caro, (1.441 m) you can see both the Pyrenees and to be impressed by the sight of flamingos among and Majorca on a clear day. more than 340 species that are found here. This is especially true when you consider that in Europe as Eventhough Els Ports are largely unknown to the a whole there are only 700 catalogued species. general public, their immense, wild expanses undis- covered, it does not mean that they are only of inte- The Delta is the ideal place to take to the saddle rest to the most experienced of walkers and moun- and start pedalling; in fact cycling has always been taineers. While it is true that challenging cycle trails the tradtional way of getting around here. There is and walks are plentiful here, when the park was de- no better way to enjoy the natural surroundings clared a Nature Reserve in 2001, easy paths were than from the the seat of a bicycle on the network opened up to the general public so that even families of lanes and tracks that have been adapted with cy- can enjoy getting to know the area. cle tourism in mind.

05 3. The bicycle is the ideal means of transport to get to know Terres de l’Ebre

Terres de l’Ebre and especially Baix Ebre, have great potential as a mecca for cycle tourism, whatever the state of fitness of the cyclist. A firm favourite with Europeans, for whom it is their go to method of transport, the bicycle is also a great way to get around on holidays and weekend breaks and is an increasingly popular form of leisure. A growing trend can be seen in the numbers of people taking up cycling and in the range of tourist offers available.

Cycle tourism is a relaxing way to discover Terres de l’Ebre and its varied scenery. The converted train track “Via Verde de la Val de Zafán” which goes through to Tortosa is ideal for families and groups of friends to cycle along together, taking in the scenery on the way. The same can be said for various stages of the “Camí Natural de l’Ebre”. In fact the bicycle will take the visitor to some of the most out-of-the-way spots on the Delta Ebro Nature Reserve. Here lanes lead to quiet beaches past lagoons and fields of rice.

To sum up, the area has a network of more than 1.000 kilometres of lanes and quiet country roads apart from the “Via Verda” which is over 100 kilometres and completely free of traffic.

The Ports Nature Reserve and the mountainous parts of Terra Alta and Ribera d'Ebre have a network of routes for Nature lovers and mountain bikers. Montsià is also good MTB territory with its paths winding around hilltops, past ravines, olive groves and tiny towns rich in history.

One of the great things about the lanes, trails and cycleways in Terres de l’Ebre is that they link the two nature reserves (The Ports and the Delta), and the most interesting agricultural areas in the region too.

Combining cycling with visits to local attractions and cultural sites is made easy by the interconnnectedness of all this in Terres de l’Ebre, and stays can be repeated or lengthened accordingly. Themed breaks designed for the special interests of the visitor result from this proximity: excursions to fruit orchards, vineyards and olive groves, or to see traditional fishing practices, cultural events and learn about heritage and historical memory are all within easy reach.

Some of the best known cycleways in Terres de l’Ebre are:

— Via Verda de la Val de Zafán (Puebla de Híjar-Al- the towns of Arnes, Horta de Sant Joan, Bot, Prat cañiz-Tortosa) de Comte, Pinell de Brai, , Xerta, , EMD Jesús, and Roquetes and is 100kms in total. Without a doubt the flagship of cycleways and an The very slight climbs on the route which only va- excellent railway conversion for the purpose of cy- ries by 400 metres accumulated, make it easy and cling. The Via Verda tourist route makes use of the suitable for those on foot and on horseback too. It old train track of Val de Zafán, which linked Tortosa includes a section for the disabled. with the counties of Matarranya and Aragon.

The track originated at the end of the XIX century, when the Aragon government sought to create a route to a seaport to export its goods. The railway was opened in 1942 and functioned for 31 years until it closed on 17 September 1973.

The conversion to cycle route has been very suc- cessful as it is ideal for the general public and Pont de l'Arc, Bot (Via Verda) many continue pedalling to the mouth of the Ebro. Photograph yielded by Rutes Muntanya -Autor: MINGO CURTO It goes over bridges, under tunnels, between va- lleys and steep-sided rock faces before reaching the rice fields. The track passes through tunnels some of which are lit, and takes in bridges, aqueducts and for- Forty-nine kms of the cycleway fall inside the Te- mer railway stations. Some stations have been rres de l’Ebre Biosphere Reserve. From la Puebla restored and offer bike hire, accommodation and de Híjar to Tortosa the Via Verda passes through restaurant facilities.

06 — Camí Natural de l’Ebre - GR 99 — Eurovelo 8

The Ebro is the longest and mightiest river on Spa- Eurovelo 8 is one of a European network of paths. nish soil, as well as the only big river in the Iberian The Eurovelo project sets out to connect the whole of peninsula to have its mouth in the Mediterranean. Europe by means of 15 long distance bicycle routes. Much has been written about the Ebro and it has be- come emblematic. Also known as the Mediterranean Route, Eurovelo 8 will link Greece and following the curve of the It passes through the autonomous regions of Canta- Mediterranean and going through some of its main bria, Castilla and Leon, la Rioja, the Basque Coun- tourist resorts. When the route passes through Ca- try, Navarra, Aragon and Catalonia where it ends talonia and Terres de l’Ebre it follows the old Roman its journey, forming the geographical feature of the road, Via Augusta, a section that is likely to become Delta. It is spectacular as it flows through Catalonia, one of the most popular in the network. passes the Sebes Nature Reserve and winds its way past Riba-roja, Miravet and , three intriguing ri- — Cycleways on the Ebro Delta verside towns. The Ebro Delta Protected Area has cycle routes ga- The “Camí Natural de l’Ebre”, links up with a num- lore to offer its visitors. The many and varied routes, ber of other ancient pathways on its way through covering more than 200 kilometres, explore the most Catalonia which together provide excellent walking. important wetland in the Mediterranean and lead They are Camí de Sirga, Camí de Sant Jaume, la Via into hidden corners that will fascinate the visitor. Augusta, the GR 7 as well as the GR 171 and the GR 92 that take in the coast. In fact, there are plenty who say that the Ebro Delta is the perfect place for some family cycle outings, even Most of the path is suitable for bicycles, especially with very small children. Logical really, the delta is from Benifallet onwards, where it links up with the so flat that the wheels seem to go round on their Via Verda, and from Tortosa to Riumar. Up river, in own, leaving the rider with nothing to do but enjoy the county of Ribera d’Ebre more sections of the path the surroundings and make sure they don’t fall off! are being adapted for cycling. All cycle routes are well described in leaflets that can be found on the Reserve’s website.

Meandres a Flix Photograph yielded by Consell Comarcal de la Ribera d'Ebre — Trails in Els Ports Protected Area In the county of Terra Alta, the Via Verda has a network of routes added on which complement it. The network Els Ports Protected Area is a magnficent place for runs to a total of 266 kms between 12 towns and villages mountain bikers. Local tourist information offices and using local lanes which are shared with motor vehicles. the Terres de l’Ebre website can provide MTB trails The routes are of varying difficulty and suitable for both which open up this magestic, untamed mountain range touring cyclists and MTB. to MTB fans. Even with all the existing provision Terres de l’Ebre con- Those looking for challenging routes will not be disa- tinues to widen the scope of what is on offer for cyclists. ppointed. The trail that climbs up through the mountain Progress is being made by Baix Ebre council to convert pass that leads to Caro, at the top of the range, is only for an 11 kilometre stretch of former railway from Tortosa the most able riders. to la Cava, right in the heart of the Ebro Delta. It will be completely traffic free and will link the Via Verda de la The trails above 1.000 metres altitude through the Cova Val de Zafán with the Camí Natural de l’Ebre. Avellanes forest (Baix Ebre) or Refalguerí, towards Ma- tarranya (Terol) or Tinença de Benifassà (Castellon), The cycle tourism routes can be adapted according to take the rider through some of most refreshing and ex- the requirements of the user, be they are families with hilarating areas in these parts. children or active seniors, groups of friends, seasoned MTB riders or road racing enthusiasts. Promoting cy- — Other local cycle paths cling in particular underlines and draws attention to the excellent infrastructures that are already in existence. Apart from the long distance hiking and cycling pa- thways, all four counties that make up Terres de l’Ebre It is worth mentioning that more and more offers are have their own local paths connecting the towns, villa- coming onto the table that involve the use of electric bi- ges and lesser known beauty spots. The followinglea - cycles. A growing demand exists to enjoy longer rides flet details 17 routes that can be done from the Via Verda from those who are not able to use standard bicycles. de la Val de Zafán.

4. Receiving the visitor

Terres de l’Ebre has plentiful high quality tourist accommodation well distributed in coastal and inland towns: hotels, camp- sites, country houses, guest houses, apartments, b&bs, hostels, ...

In the four counties that make up Terres de l’Ebre there are 222 different places for tourists to stay including 96 hotels, 14 campsites and 112 country houses making a total of 13.425 available bed providing for every type of budget and kind of tra- veller.

Accommodation providers are increasingly aware that they must look after the needs of cyclists by offering repair ser- vices and housing for the bikes. At the same time, there is a growing number of specialist tour operators and bicycle hire companies.

The Terres de l’Ebre website in- cludes information on the full range of tourist offers: ac- commodation, restaurants, service providers, activities, museums, shops, hire companies and tourist information offices.

Visitors are well served by tourist information points and offices, including in both Protected Areas (Els Ports and the Ebro Delta), where they can find details on everything to do with the cycleways and related services. Route to the Ullals de Baltasar, (Delta de l'Ebre) Photograph yielded by Parc Natural del Delta de l’Ebre - Author: MARIANO CEBOLLA

08 — Tourist offices and information points

Baix Ebre

Centre d'informació del Parc Punt d’informació turística Oficina de turisme Oficina de turisme Natural del Delta de l’Ebre Benifallet El Perelló L’Ampolla Ecomuseu Tel. 977 462 334 Tel. 977 491 021 Tel. 977 593 011 Tel. 977 489 679 Av. Lluís Companys, 3 Lluís Companys, 2 Rda. del mar, 12 C/ Doctor Martí Buera, 22 43512 - Benifallet 43519 - El Perelló 43859 - L’Ampolla 43580 -

Centre de visitants del Oficina de turisme Punt d’informació turística Oficina de Turisme Parc Natural dels Ports L’Aldea Tortosa - Jardins del Príncep Tel. 977 500 845 Tel. 977 470 040 Tel. 977 450 012 Tel. 977 449 648 Tel. 977 504 012 Trenta-u, s/n Av. Catalunya, s/n Tel. 977 442 005 Av. de la val de Zafán, s/n 43894 - Camarles 43896 - L’Aldea Pujada al Castell de la Suda, 1 45550 - Roquetes 43500 - Tortosa

Ebre Terra Oficina de turisme Deltebre Oficina de turisme Punt d’Informació Turística Oficina Comarcal de Consell de Riumar L’Ametlla de Mar Centre Interpretació Turisme del Baix Ebre Tel. 977 489 309 ext. 4 Tel. 977 456 477 del Renaixement Tel. 977 480 627 C/ Coll verd, s/n Av. Amistat Hispano Italiana, s/n Tel. 977 444 668 Carrer Sant Miquel, 1 Nucli de Riumar 43860 – L’Ametlla de Mar C/ Sant Domènec, 13 43580 - Deltebre 43580 - Deltebre 43500 - Tortosa

Oficina de turisme de Catalunya a les Terres de l'Ebre a Tortosa Tel. 977 585 871 Tel. 977 449 648 Rambla Felip Pedrell, 3 43500 - Tortosa


Centre d’informació del Parc Oficina de turisme Oficina de turisme Oficina de turisme Natural del Delta de l’Ebre Amposta Alcanar Ulldecona Casa de Fusta Tel. 977 703 453 Tel. 977 737 639 Tel. 977 573 394 Tel. 977 261 022 Av. Sant Jaume, 42-52 Lepanto, s/n Pg. Marítim Pg. de l'Estació, s/n Bassa de l'Encanyissada 43870 - Amposta 43569 - Les Cases d’Alcanar 43550 - Ulldecona Partida de la Cuixota 43870 - Amposta

Centre de visitants del Parc Oficina de turisme Oficina de turisme Natural dels Ports al Montsià Sant Carles de la Ràpita Tel. 977 576 156 Tel. 977 718 339 Tel. 977 744 624 Passeig de la Clotada, 23-25 Sant Llorenç, 36 (baixos) Plaça Carles III, 13 (baixos) 43560 - La Sénia 43515 - La Galera 43540 - Sant Carles de la Ràpita

Ribera d'Ebre Terra Alta

Centre d’Informació de la Oficina de turisme Centre de visitants del Parc Oficina de turisme Reserva Natural de Sebes Ascó Natural dels Ports a la Terra Alta Mas del Director Tel. 977 406 583 Tel. 977 420 91O Tel. 977 265 112 Pl. de l'Estació, 3 Tel. 977 428 177 Av. Catalunya, 5-7 Camí de Sebes s/n 43791 - Ascó Carretera T-330 km. 27 43780 - Gandesa 43750 - Flix 43595 - Prat de Comte

09 5. Cycletourism in Terres de l’Ebre

Maials Itineraris de la Terra Alta La Granadella Curiositat natural / Curiosidad natural / Natural curiosity / Curiosité naturelle 01 - Vall d’Algars Bobera C-242 C-242 Bellaguarda Interès turístic / Interés turístico / Tourist interest / 02 - Bot - Vall Major Intérêt touristique 03 - Corbera d’Ebre - Vall de Sant Pau 04 - - Almatre Pintures rupestres / Pinturas rupestres / 05 - Prat de Comte - Pinell de Brai C-12 Prehistoric rock paintings / Peintures rupestres 06 - - Pinyeres Prades Restes històrico-arqueològiques / Restos 07 - Batea - Albarca histórico-arqueológicos / Historical and 08 - - Batea La Palma d’Ebre La Bisbal de Montserrat archaeological remains / vestiges historiques et 09 - Bot - Almudèfer de Falset C-242

archéologiques 10 - Via Verda - Corbera d’Ebre CV-103 La Febró La Morera Comudella de Torre-castell / Torre-castillo / Castle-tower / 11 - Prat de Comte - Vall de Carrubes Riba-roja Montserrat d’Ebre de Montserrat Tour-château 12 - Horta de Sant Joan - Arnes - Els Ports Faió Embassament de 01 (Fayón) Riba-roja 02 Siurana Esglèsia-ermita / Iglesia-ermita / Escaldei T-702 Church-hermitage / Église - ermitage T-741 Pobleda T-702 Arbolí Punta del Duc Flix Conjunt monumental / Conjunto monumental / 03 C-242 Monumental / Héritage monumental Itineraris de la Ribera d’Ebre Torroja

Sant Francisco C-12 04 del Priorat Estació de la via verda / Estación de la Vía Verde / 01 - Flix al mas de Favó Nonasp () Greenway Station / Gare Via Verde 02 - Ruta del meandre La Pobla 03 - Flix - Les Planes - Duràn Ascó de Massaluca 359m C-242 Favara de Matarranya Punta de l’Home La Torre 04 - Roca del Cap Pla - Vinebre Santa 552m Far / Faro / Lighthouse / Phare (Fabara) Madrona Vinebre de l’Espanyol 05 - Tivissa - Capçanes - Tivissa 04 TV-7231 Santa Madrona 06 - Miravet - Serra de Cavalls - Font Calda - Miravet Pas de l’Ase Mirador paisatgístic / Mirador paisajístico / 07 - Termes de - - Tivissa - Miravet La Fatarella El Molar N-420 Viewpoint tower / Belvédère TV-7231 Pradell Fort d’en Sant Pau Blario de la M. D. de la Misericórdia Teixeta Brollador-font / Manantial-fuente / Fountain / Garcia Falset Maella 02 Turó de Source-fontaine Valljordà TV-7231 N-420 386m Vilalba dels Arcs C-12 Estacions de la Via Verda de la Marçà Pinyeres Tossa de la C-12B Miratges / Espejismos / Mirages / Mirages Val de Zafán Gaeta Montbrió Mirador 552m A-221 del Bassot Sant Bertomeu del Camp Creu de Jaciment Vilanova Estació Alcañiz C-221 arqueològic del 03 Móra la la Vall d’Escornalbou Cova / Cueva / Cave / Grotte Estació Valdealgarrofa TV-7231 Turó del Calvari Turó de les N-420 Nova 06 Comes dels Horts Estació Valljunquera 471m Darmós Capçanes Corbera d’Ebre Móra d’Ebre Estació Valldeltormo Batea 07 TV-7231 Llaberia Port esportiu o fluvial / Puerto deportivo o fluvial TV-3032 La Serra El Calvari Montroig / Nautical pier / Port sportif ou fluvial Estació Torre del Compte St. Joan d’Algars Lo Calvari Creu de d’Almos la Saboga Estació Vall-de-Roures La Miranda Santa Madrona T-324 de Llaberia C-221 Estació Cretes Tossal de 919 m Estació de tren / Estación de tren/ Train station/ Mundèfer Gandesa TV-3031 Estació Arnes 528m Gare Poblat Ibèric SERRA DE GR-99 Coll del Moro N-420 CAVALLS Montalt Estació Horta de Sant Joan 08 N-420 05 749 m Bonmont Miravet T-310 Estació Bot T-362 TV-3531 Poblat Ibèric Terres Noves Caseres Castell Ginestar Castellet de Banyoles T-311 Centre d’Inspiració Turística EbreTerra Estació Prat de Comte C-43 de Miravet Tivissa C-44 La Torre Almudèfer SERRA Santa Marina T-310 C-12 Balneari de la Fontcalda Sta. Anna DE PÀNDOLS N-230C Les Planes del Sol Puig Estació Pinell de Brai N-420 Sant Blai Sta. Marina del Rei Accés restringit / Acceso restringido / Restricted 10 Cavaller Santa 706 m Magdalena la Tossa Estació Benifallet 718 m Masriudoms acces / Accés restreint M.D. de C-44 Calaceite 09 11 A-7 Estació Xerta la Fontcalda 06 SERRA Vandellòs Masboquera N-340 El Pinell DE TIVISSA Estació Aldover Bot de Brai Estació Roquetes l’Ebre Rasquera St. Josep GR-99 Miami Platja C-43 Tortosa A-1413 C-12 TV-3301 Sant 07 T-334 Domènec Arens Prat VIA VERDA Barca TE-V-3341de Lledó del Llaguter Barranc L’Hospitalet de Comte de la Riera Molló Puntaire A-7 VIA VERDA N-230b 728 m T-333 de l’Infant 5 01 Pla VIA VERDA Benifallet del Burgar Tossal de l’Alzina Tren/ Tren/ Railway/ Train Horta GR-99 SERRA 697m Itineraris al Baix Ebre i al Montsià Lledó T-333 C-12 de DE LA MAR A-1413 Sant Joan Mola Grossa Platja del Torn St. Salvador 1.046 m Barranc Camins / Caminos / Farm Roads/ Chemins d’Horta Coves Meravelles Balneari de l’Estany 01 - Via Augusta - EuroVelo 8 (en projecte) de Cardó la Creu de Santos T-301 942 m TV-3022 02 - Via Verda Alcañiz - Tortosa Platja d’Almadrava Xarxa local-comarcal / Red local-comarcal / Tosal d’Engrilló TE-V-3303 VIA VERDA SERRA Parc Eòlic de AP-7 03 - Camí natural de l’Ebre 1.072 m les Colladetes Local-regional roads / Réseau local Cretas T-333 DE CARDÓ 04 - Volta a la Serra de Boix-Cardó l’Assut Paüls M.D. del Carme 04 Xarxa bàsica / Red básica / Basic road/ 05 - Roquetes - Caro - Cova Avellanes GR-99 urb. Calafat St.Roc de urb. Les Tres Cales Réseau régional 06 - Barranc de la Galera 12 Cala de Calafat Xarxa estatal / Red estatal / State Arnes 07 - Camí de Sant Jaume A-1413 Roques de Xerta SERRA TV-3025 Cala de Sant Jordi network/ Réseau National Benet urb. Sant Jordi d’Alfama 08 - Camí de Fredes a Font Ferrera Tivenys DEL BOIX N-340 TV-3022 Autopistes / Autopistas / Motorways/ Cala Forn 09 - Camí de Fredes a Beseit A-231 Autoroutes Barranc Pous i Abeurador N-340 Cala Vidre T-301 de la Buinaca 39 Via verda de la Val de Zafán / Vía verde l’Espina Pintures Rupestres i Balma la Cova 1.181 m Aldover de Cabra Feixet de Mallada L’Ametlla de la Val de Zafán / Greenway “Val de Alfara El Perelló de Mar Zafán”/ Voie Verte “Val de Zafán” SERRA de Carles urb.Roques DE L’ESPINA Parc Eòlic del SERRA E-15 Daurades Camí natural de l’Ebre - GR-99/ Baix Ebre DE COMES TV-3422 VIA VERDA Bítem Camino natural del Ebro - GR-99 Itineraris del Parc Natural del Riu d’Algars Barranc de Delta de l’Ebre la Vall Cervera Platja de la Llenya Castell GR-99 de Carles Murals Barranc 02 SERRA de Camarles Cala de l’Àliga SERRA Sta.Magdalena St.Bernabé 01 - Ruta de les Llacunes DE COLL RODÓ N-340 DE L’ESCALETA St. Julià Els Reguers Platja de Sta. Llúcia Sta. Llúcia St.Josep AP-7 02 - Ecomuseu - Desembocadura de la Muntanya Beceite SERRA Jesús Platja de Cap-Roig 03 - Ecomuseu - Badia del Fangar DE LA FORTALESA Roquetes urb. Perelló-Mar 04 - Aldea - Camarles - Ampolla M.D. del 39A urb. Cap Roig M.D. de Mig Camí Coll de l’Alba Observatori de l’Ebre Platja del Baconé 05 - Itinerari Familiar 05 Mar Mediterrània Altimetria - Batimetria / Hipsometría- Raval Platja dels Capellans 06 - Amposta - Casa de Fusta Cua de Cavall Coll de l’Alba Batimetría / Altimetry - Bathymetry de Crist Tortosa L’Ampolla Platja de les Avellanes 07 - La Ràpita - Casa de Fusta Barranc Llagut Coll-redó Platja de l’Arquitecte 09 de la Caramella Riu d’Ulldemó Caro Platja de l’Arenal Punta del Fangar 08 - Camí de Sirga del Delta 1.447 m Parc natural / l’Ebre C-42 10 09 - Façana fluvial Deltebre GR-99 04 Bassa +1200 m C-12 de les Olles Parque natural / Cova M.D. dels Àngels 10 - Bassa de les Olles Barranc de Torre de Camarles 11 avellanes Sant Antoni Muscleres Protected Area/ 11 - Filtre d’Illa de Mar E-15 Vinallop Platja de la Marquesa Parc Naturel TV-3421 Port 1000-1200 m 12 - Filtre de l’Embut Camarles del Fangar Cova T-331 Casetes Velles del vidre N-340 TV-3401 Campredó 40 TV-3409 Torre El Lligallo 03 Platja de la Bassa de l’Arena Torre 03 del Gànguil de la Granadella 800-1000 m Tossal del Rei de Campredó N-235 1.349 m Mola la Bóta Refugi de Font Ferrera Barranc de L’Aldea Bassa 1.343 m AP-7 Platja la Galera T-340 del Canal Vell de Riumar 08 el Negrell Torre 41 1.344 m de la Carrova 600-800 m Cap de Tortosa M.D. de L’Aldea TV-3454 El Garxal GR-99 Deltebre 05 Barranc de la Fou Santa Illa urb. Riumar T-1025 Torre de Gràcia de la Candela Itineraris de la Terra Alta Bàrbara TV-3454 02 Port Fluvial 400-600 m T-331 Barranc del Pelós T-344 Amposta 09 Calaix de Mar TV-3405 Fredes 08 Sant Jaume T-340 GR-99 Itineraris de la Ribera d’Ebre Calaix Gran Illa Barranc C-12 d’Enveja de Buda de Valldebous l’Ebre TP-3311 TV-3405 200-400 m +30 m Barranc dels Clots 06 Estacions de la Via Verda de la Pantà 06 TV-3404 d’Ulldecona La Galera Val de Zafán TV-3421 Els Ullals l’Alfacada CV-106 E-15 de Baltassar Platja del Migjorn 100-200 m 10-30 m 12 Itineraris al Baix Ebre i al Montsià TV-3406 CV-105 CV-105 Els Muntells Platja del Serrallo TV-3313 Itineraris del Parc Natural del Ballestar Platja de la Platjola 0-100m 10 m Delta de l’Ebre urb. l’Eucaliptus Platja dels Eucaliptus TP-3311 l’Encanyissada la Tancada Poble Nou La Sénia TV-3314 N-340 01 la Pietat SERRA 01 TP-3322 La Miliana DEL MONTSIÀ TP-3311 AP-7 Els Plans TV-3313 Tramuntana Els Valentins Bel 07 Tramontana / North wind Pintures Rupestres Port Rossell TV-3319 Sant Rafel Abrics de l’Ermita la Foradada Sant Carles dels Alfacs CV-100 Sant Joan Mestral Gregal del Riu TV-3319 del Pas de la Ràpita Muscleres Platja del Trabucador Mistral / Mistral N Nordeste / North-east wind Castell d’Ulldecona TV-3319 Platja de les Delícies Ulldecona Platja del N-340 Punta del Galatxo Ponent W E Llevant Codonyol Poniente / West wind Solano / East wind T-332 Saragossa Lleida Platja de Barcelona CV-11 la Martinenca Punta 42 el Remei Corballera Tarragona Platja del Maricel Punta S Tortosa de la Banya Garbí Xaloc La Selleta Garbino / South-west wind Siroco / Sirocco CV-11 TP-3318 Les Cases la Fonda d’Alcanar Migjorn Viento del sur / South wind Platja de les Cases Castelló Alcanar N-340 Platja del Marjal TV-3316 TV-3321 Traiguera Platja de l’Estanyet N-238 Platja de Sol de Riu 0 5 10 15 20 km N-232 AP-7 La Jana Sant Jordi N-232 Disseny i realització: - Tel: 977 471 735 ext. 1104 - [email protected] EuroVelo 8 Via Augusta N-232

10 6. Biking holiday deals

Baix Ebre Avant is working alongside a number of enterprises in the region to bring services into line with current demands for cycling holidays in natural surroundings. More than 25 short stay and longer stay offers to spend time cycling in Terres de l’Ebre are shown as follows.

Apart from the information available in the portal, extra information is available in professional guides produced by the four separate counties presenting services and resources for the tourist. These guides showcase specific offers that can be enjoyed in the region and include cycle tourism, walking, ecotourism, nautical activities, culture and ways of life, gastronomy and tasting of local produce.

Platja del Trabucador, Sant Carles de la Ràpita (Delta de l'Ebre) Photograph yielded by Riu a l'Ebre