Za Boha a Národ For God and Nation

Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol

OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL – MEMBERSHIP 28,000 – HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 – Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offi ces VOLUME CV P PASSAIC,ASSAIC, NN.J.,.J., OOctoberctober 1199, 22016016 NUMBER 5080

Where our organization was founded Report of the General Councel Concerning St. Mary of the Assumption Parish in Passaic, N.J. the American Fraternal Alliance by Attorney John D. Pogorelec, Jr. Celebrates its 125th Anniversary at Mass and Dinner The 130th Annual Meeting of the American Fraternal Al- liance, successor to the National Fraternal Congress of America, was held in Nashville, Tennessee from September 8th to September 10th 2016. There were approximately 400 participants representing fraternal benefi t so- cieties and State fraternal congresses. Attend- ing on behalf of the Slovak Catholic Sokol were the following: Scott T. Pogorelec, FIC, Supreme Secretary; Albert J. Suess, Sales Manager; and the undersigned. The American Fraternal Alliance is an organization that unites the not-for-profi t fra- ternal benefi t societies operating in 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Canada. Alli- ance member societies represent approxi- mately 10.5 million individuals, making it one of America’s largest member-volunteer networks. The Alliance develops and supports public policy initiatives at the state and federal level that foster the expansion of the fraternal business model, protects the fi nancial security of fraternal life insurers and their members, and allow fra- ternals to effectively and effi ciently carry out their unique business and social missions. The Alliance is recognized for its vigorous and determined efforts to move the fraternal benefi t system forward with innovation and strategic thinking. This year, the American Fraternal Alliance highlighted the fol- The Most Rev. Arthur J. Serratelli, Bishop of Paterson, center, is shown at the 125th anniversary Mass at lowing goals and objectives: St. Mary of the Assumption Parish in Passaic, N.J. on September 30. With him on the photo are l-r, Su- 1) Governance Roadmap – Change Starts at Your Conven- preme Secretary Scott T. Pogorelec, F.I.C., Rev. Msgr. John J. Demkovich, retired pastor of the parish; our tion; General Counsel, Attorney John D. Pogorelec, Jr. and Attorney Peter A. Bakarich, president of the parish 2) Professional Development and Leadership; council and also president of Assembly 1, the oldest lodge of the Slovak Catholic Sokol. 3) Keep the youth involved; and - Photo by Louie Smeriglio 4) The impact and opportunity of the internet for associa- tions and their membership. On Friday evening, September tion of Passaic. Thus St. Mary’s The workshop sessions that I attended consisted of fl uent 30, St. Mary of the Assumption has served various waves of im- speakers who generated a spirited discussion of many ideas for fra- Parish celebrated and important migrants beginning with the Slo- ternals to consider. One such session dealt with the theme of rede- milestone in the life of the faith vaks and now among those from signing the traditional convention format. Fraternal Benefi t Societ- community of Passaic, N.J. On that Mexico and other Spanish speaking ies whose conventions serve as the supreme governing body, such occasion, Paterson Bishop Arthur nations. Today the Spanish speak- as ours, are faced with a variety of challenges when the govern- J. Serratelli celebrated a Mass of ing have been fully integrated into ing body convenes. The panelists emphasized that too often con- thanksgiving marking the 125th the vibrant life of the parish com- ventions are designed and planned from the customary view that anniversary of the founding of the munity. Today, those of Slovak an- “we’ve always done it this way.” However, increasing costs, time parish. The current pastor, the Rev. cestry along with Latinos strive to and family constraints have demonstrated that new approaches Jorge Rodriguez, the retired pas- give Christian witness to their faith need to be adopted at conventions to ensure that the meeting is con- tor of the parish, Monsignor John at the historic church. sequential, effi cient and inclusive. Implementing educational and J. Demkovich, as well as a num- At the conclusion of the liturgy, leadership development opportunities for delegates can add value ber of area priests concelebrated Attorney Peter J. Bakarich, presi- and improve our decision making. Designing an effective planning the festive liturgy. In his homily, dent of the parish council offered meeting can assist fraternals in accomplishing more of their strate- Bishop Serratelli recalled the rich closing remarks and expressed gic goals while minimizing costs in the long run. tradition of the faith-fi lled Slovak thanks and gratitude to all who In addition, I attended a workshop session dedicated towards immigrants who laid the founda- had a hand in the jubilee celebra- changing the way we conduct business in the modern era. Experi- tion of the parish, supported and tion and who make St. Mary’s their enced fraternal panelists shared strategies that highlighted the role sustained it over the years. Today, spiritual home. Attorney Bakarich of the internet that can engage participants in meaningful ways. The 125 years after its establishment, also serves as president of Assem- discussion also focused on regulatory changes that affect the op- St. Mary’s Parish continues to be bly 1 of the Slovak Catholic Sokol, erations of fraternals, including corporate governance disclosure, the spiritual home of immigrants. the founding lodge of the Slovak enterprise risk management, cyber risk, capital requirements and In recent years, Spanish speak- Catholic Sokol established in 1905. the fi nancial examination process. Diversifi cation and asset alloca- ing immigrants from Mexico and Following the decision at our orga- tion are of extreme importance in this era of political and economic other central and south American nization’s 3rd national convention instability. Lastly, conventioneers need to actively court Milleni- countries have settled in the neigh- in Bridgeport, Conn. in 1908 the als – those born in the early 1980’s through the early 2000’s. This borhood around St. Mary’s in what women of St. Mary’s founded our (Continued on page 8) was once known as the Dunee sec- (Continued on page 9) PAGE 2 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, OCTOBER 19, 2016

Our organization’s new Protector SEZ YOU... Right Rev. Gary A. Hoover, O.S.B. Historic Milestone Letters to the Editor for our organization. Each has been a member of our Sokol Assembly Dear Brothers and Sisters of the This year marks an historic milestone for our ancestral home- 303 located at the abbey. Slovak Catholic Sokol, land. From July 1 thru December 31, 2016, the Slovak Presidency A native of Garfi eld Heights, It was great seeing so many of of the Council of the European Union is being observed. For the six Oh., Abbot Gary was born there you at our recent 61st Internation- month period, Slovakia presides over the 28-member EU which rep- October 5, 1956, son of Raymond al Golf Tournament in DuBois, resents 28 countries in with a combined population of over Hoover and the former Doro- Pa. God willing, I hope to see you 500 million. (The exit of Great Britain will not take effect until early thy Miho. He attended Elmwood again next year. in 2017). Since its independence in 1993, Slovakia has enjoyed great Elementary School in Garfi eld success and observed several milestones. That same year, Slovakia Heights and graduated from Bene- became the 180th member of the United Nations and for a two year dictine High School in Cleveland period, 2007-09 served as an elected member of the Security Coun- in 1974. He entered the novitiate cil. It later became a member of NATO . Since 2004 it has been a of St. Andrew Svorad Abbey and member of the EU. All of these achievements for a people which a professed vows as a Benedictine century ago were hardly known is certainly noteworthy. monk in 1977. He received his If we look back a century to 1916, Slovaks had begun to emi- undergraduate degree in sociol- grate to the United States beginning in the fi nal decades of the nine- ogy from John Carroll University teenth century, seeking to make a new life for themselves and their in 1979 and joined the faculty at children in the United States, a land of freedom and opportunity. Benedictine High School in 1980, However, they never forgot the plight of their brethern at home. Slo- where he taught Theology and so- vaks were one of the subject peoples of the Dual Monarchy, created ciology. He was ordained to the in 1867. This situation gave the Magyars absolute control of Hun- priesthood in 1983. In 1984, he was gary, while the Hapsburg-Lorraine house retained complete control awarded a graduate degree in Non- over and the lands of the Czechs. The Slovaks resided in Profi t Business Administration what was known as upper Hungary. This intolerable situation gave Abbot Gary A. Hoover, O.S.B. at Notre Dame University. From Slovaks and Czechs little say regarding their own political destiny. 1989-1994, he served as treasurer American Slovaks, united in the Slovak League of America, a civic At the recent quarterly meeting of St. Andrew Abbey. In 1996, he and cultural federation founded in 1907 in Cleveland, Oh. to seek the of the Board of Directors, the Rt. assumed the duties of school chap- emancipation of their brethern at home, joined forces with the Czech Rev. Gary A. Hoover, O.S.B., Ab- lain, a position that later developed American organizations to achieve this goal. The guns of August bot of St. Andrew Svorad Benedic- under the title of Director of Spiri- Jim Macurak in 1914 launched the Great War. World War I provided the oppor- tine Abbey in Cleveland was cho- tual Life. For 18 years, Abbot Gary tunity for the Slovaks and Czechs to be a part of the great upheaval sen to serve as the new Protector of ministered to Benedictine athletic At the awards dinner, the fl ight which would create a new map of Europe and seek their own politi- the Slovak Catholic Sokol. Abbot teams and worked extensively with winners were announced. In ad- cal self-determination.The leaders of American Slovaks and Czechs Gary was elected the 7th Abbot the student retreat program. During dition, the winner of the coveted fi rst met in Cleveland in 1915 and signed what was known as the of the Cleveland Benedictines on the last two decades, he has also as- Frank S. Petruff Memorial Sports Cleveland Agreement. Again in 1918, the Slovak and Czech lead- August 6, 2014. Our organization sisted on weekends at the parishes Award was announced. My ers met in Pittsburgh in the presence of Thomas G. Masaryk, who has enjoyed a close and support- of St. Ambrose and St. Colette in name was announced, however would become the fi rst president of Czecho-Slovakia, to formulate ive relationship with the monks of Brunswick, Oh. He was appointed I thought this had to be a prank. plans for the creation of the fi rst Czecho-Slovak Republic. Among St. Andrew Abbey from its earliest prior, or second superior of the ab- However, when my brother-in- the Slovak American leaders invited to sign what became known as years. Its fi rst Abbot, the Rt. Rev. bey in 2008 by former Abbot Chris- law, Supreme Vice President the Pittsburgh Agreement, were the president of the Slovak Catholic Stanislav F. Gmuca, O.S.B. was topher Schwartz, O.S.B. In July of Edward Moeller and Supreme Federation, the Rev. John J. Kubasek of Yonkers, N.Y. and the noted elected our Sokol Protector in 1935. 2013, he was named administrator Secretary Scott T. Pogorelec and pioneer in wireless telegraphy, the Rev. Joseph Murgas of Wilkes- He presided at the 30th anniversary of the monastic community. others came over to my table, I Barre, Pa. among others. Father Kubasek and Father Murgas were celebration of our organization and We welcome Abbot Gary as the knew that I was the recipient. I among the signators of this historic document which sought to guar- celebrated a Pontifi cal Mass on that new Protector of the Slovak Catho- have come to these golf tourna- antee the right of the Slovaks in the new republic. Both the Cleve- occasion. Subsequent superiors of lic Sokol and his ministry among ments over the years, play golf land and Pittsburgh Agreements agreed that the Slovaks and Czechs the abbey, including Abbot Theo- us. He beautifully mirrors the tra- and enjoy the camaraderie and would work together to form the creation of a common state for dore G. Kojis, Abbot Jerome M. ditional Benedictine charism of fellowship which can only be their brethern at home. In particular, the Pittsburgh Agreement em- Koval, O.S.B., Abbot Roger W. prayer and work as well as that of found at a Sokol gathering. In phasized the importance of Slovak autonomy and that the numeri- Gries, O.S.B.(later Bishop), Abbot our Cyrilo-Methodian heritage of response, although I was lost cally superior Czechs would not meddle in the domestic affairs of Clement Zeleznik, O.B.B. and Ab- faith. We pray that God will contin- for words, I offered my sincere Slovakia. bot Christopher Schwartz, O.S.B. ue to bless him in the years ahead. thanks and gratitude for the hon- Exactly a century ago in May 1916, the Slovak League of have all be active in the work of Ad multos annos and Zdar Boh! or. My mother, the late Sophie America sent representatives to Europe to join forces with what was Macurak, a life-long Pittsburgh known as the Czecho-Slovak National Council. This group, dedi- Sokol activist, received the same cated to the liberation of the Slovaks and Czech from Hapsburg rule, Sokol Calendar award in 2004. They tell me that had at its helm, General Milan R. Stefanik, a Slovak, Thomas G. Ma- this is the fi rst time in the history saryk, born of a Slovak father and Czech mother and Eduard Benes, of the Petruff award that a mem- a Czech. The goal of the Czecho-Slovak National Council was to SAT.OCT.22 Catholic Sokol Fraternalist of the seek support for the independence of the Czechs and Slovaks. The Q Night at the Races benefi t hosted Year, Mary Ann Naple at Palazzo’s ber of the same family was recog- nized with this award. To be rec- Czecho-Slovak National Council received the blessings and support by Assembly 16 at the Slovak Catho- 1837 Restaurant, Washington, Pa. be- of the administration of President Woodrow Wilson. General Stefan- lic Sokol Club., 2912 East Carson ginning at 7 p.m. ognized in the same way with my mom is truly very special to me ik visited the United States in 1917 and Thomas G. Masaryk visited St., South Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. doors SUN.OCT.30 in 1918. On September 3, 1918, President Wilson announced that open at 6 p.m.; races begin at 7 p.m., Q Group 1 annual meeting at SS. and I will be eternally grateful. While I feel that I didn’t do the United States recognized the Czecho-Slovak National Council $10.00 per person, draft beer and Cyril and Methodius Parish, 218 Ack- as the de-facto government of Czecho-Slovakia. The new republic snacks included. erman Ave., Clifton, N.J. beginning anything special to merit this award, what is most important now had legal status. Thus the American Slovaks and Czechs were SUN.OCT.23 with Mass in church at 10:30 a.m. fol- shown to have played a crucial role in the establishment of Czecho- Q Annual Slovak Octoberfest cel- lowed by luncheon and meeting in the to me is the fact that I belong to such a wonderful and caring or- Slovakia. Following its creation, the Slovak League of America sent ebration of St. John Nepomucene church hall. more than a million dollars to the government of President Thomas Parish, 411 East 66th Street, New Q Group 11 annual meeting at SS. ganization. I told my wife of 47 years, Marilyn that I liken our G. Masaryk in Prague as part of its Million Dollar of 1917-1919 York City including Mass in Slovak at Cyril and Methodius Parish, 13th Drive in support of the new state. American Slovaks were however 10:30 a.m. with Octoberfest festivities Ave. and 2nd St. N.E., Minneapolis, relationship to that of the Petruff award. I didn’t do anything to de- disappointed in 1920 when the new centralist Constitution decided beginning at 12.30 p.m. in the parish Minn. beginning with Mass at 9 a.m., to eliminate the hyphen in the spelling of the state. The Slovaks al- social hall, music by the Joseph Jurasi meeting and luncheon to follow at the serve her or the award, but I have them both and she and the award Band. Father Dargay Memorial Hall, for (Continued on page 5) Q Video on the life and legacy of the additional information call James T. are mine to keep, and that’s that. Rev. Joseph Murgas: Radio’s For- Genosky 763 789-9196. Thank you again for this wonder- gotten Genius at the meeting of the SAT.NOV.5 ful honor and may God continue Slovak Heritage Association of the Q Group 14 annual meeting at the to bless the Slovak Catholic So- Laurel Highlands at the Am-Slo Club, Slovak Catholic Sokol Club, 2912 kol. Johnstown, Pa. beginning at 2 p.m. East Carson St., South Side Pitts- Zdar Boh! FRI.OCT.28 burgh, Pa. beginning at 10 a.m. Jim(Jumbo) Macurak Acworth, Georgia Q Dinner honoring our 2016 Slovak (Continued on page 15) SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, OCTOBER 19, 2016 PAGE 3

39th New Jersey Slovak Heritage Festival Halloween’s Due Oct. 31 The ghouls, goblins, and ghosts will make Halloween a “spook- tacular” event. But along with the creatures of the night will be lots of chocolates and raisins and candied apples and popcorn and pumpkin pie and happy, noisy kids in gaudy costumes yelling, “Trick or treat!” Today’s festivities can be traced to an ancient pagan celebration. In the old Celtic calendar, Halloween was the last day of the year, a time when warlocks and witches were wicked. And the people conducted collecting the ingredients of a midnight rites in superstitious fear celebration honoring Muck Olla, to gain the favor of the various de- a whimsical, boisterous fi ctitious mons of night. character who could “treat” the After Christianity was intro- generous giver to a measure of duced, the celebration became good luck and “trick” the miser in the Eve of All Hallows(shortened many ways. to Halloween) or All Saints Day, A variation of the Irish custom The somewhat cloudy and overcast weather could not diminish the enthusiasm and spirit of the participants which falls on November 1. caught on in the United States and of this year’s 39th New Jersey Slovak Heritage Festival held on Sunday, October 2. Nearly 3,000 participated In Ireland, groups of masked “trick or treat” has become a fun in the annual celebration of Slovak pride, held for the fi rst time at a new site, the Mercer County State Park revelers went from farm to farm, time for all. in Windsor, N.J. Continuing in a tradition dating from the fi rst festival, a Mass opens the day’s festivities. The Rev. Richard D. Baker, pastor of the United Parish of St. John Nepomucene, St. John the Martyr and St. Frances Xavier Cabrini in New York City was principal celebrant of the 11 a.m. Slovak Mass. Shown with Father Baker in the above photo are some of the festival principals, including from the left, Stephen Zluky in Group 3 Participates in Walk for Cancer the kroj his late father brought to America more than a century ago; a Trenton, N.J. participant in kroj from the Spis region, Andrew Hovan, from St. Michael’s Slovak Parish in Trenton who served as a Eucharistic Minister; Jana Trnovcova, Slovak Consul General in New York; Father Baker, Rev. Peter Bujdos, C.O., who ministers to the Slovak community at St. Michael’s Parish in Trenton who was the homilist; Dr. Jan Varso, chairman of the Offi ce for Slovaks Living Abroad in Bratislava; festival co-chairperson, Nina Holy, and fes- tival committee members, Henrieta Dait and Jane Holy Konzelmann attired in her kroj from Piestany. This year’s festival celebrated Slovakia’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Christmas Oplatky - 2016 Halloween The celebration of Christmas in a Slovak home would not be Fun Facts complete without the sharing of the traditional Oplatky, the Slovak * Samhainophobic - the fear of Christmas wafers eaten with honey. They are a time-honored faith tra- Halloween. dition passed on from generation to generation. Jankola Library and * Largest pumpkin ever mea- Slovak Museum located at the Mother- sured - 836 pounds. house of the Sisters of SS. Cyril and Meth- * Halloween is thought to have odius in Danville, Pa. has provided these originated around 4,000 B.C. Oplatky for those of Slovak ancestry scat- * Both Salem, Mass. & Anoka, tered across the United States who cherish Minn. are self-proclaimed Hal- this holiday tradition. Where in previous loween Capitals of the world. times, the Oplatky were available at one’s * Halloween originated in Ire- local Slovak parish. Sad to say, many of land. these parishes have closed or been merged. * Trick-or-Treating evolved Today our members reside in all our 50 states. Preserving this faith from an ancient Celtic tradition. tradition is important. Jankola Library accepts orders for Oplatky from * Boston, Mass. holds the record October 24 until December 16, 2016. for the most Jack-o-Lanterns lit The Oplatky, fi ve in one package are thermal-sealed and can be at once -30,128. purchased for $5.00 per pack. In addition, the minimum cost of ship- * A full moon on Halloween is On September 25, three members of Group 3 participated in a ping and handling is $6.00 and upward depending upon the number extremely rare. The next one to fi ve-mile walk for cancer in Worcester, Mass. The walk was a of packages ordered and the cost of priority mailing. Customized re- occur is 2020. The most recent benefi t for The UMass Memorial Foundation, Inc. The walk was quests can be fi lled to meet your needs. Payment to Jankola Library is occurred in 2001, before that in organized by Pam Johnson who works at the UMass Hospital in expected before receiving an order. 1955. Worcester and is a registered nurse in oncology. With perfect fall For more information or to place an order contact: Sister Cathe- * The number one candy choice weather, the walk attracted thousands of participants who came rine Laboure Bresnock, SS.C.M. at tel. 570 275-5606 or write Jankola is Snickers. out to walk or run the course. Among them were three genera- Library and Slovak Museum, 580 Railroad Street, Villa Sacred Heart, tions of Sokolky: Jeanne Bombara(Pam’s mom), Pam Johnson, Danville, PA 17821-1698. and Natalie Johnson(Pam’s 8-year-old daughter. The team name Sharing the Oplatky either at the Christmas Eve supper or on is Cancer Combat Crew and the shirts worn were designed by Em- Christmas day will add a special Slovak dimension to your celebration ily Johnson(Pam’s younger daughter) who is fi ve-years-old. Be- of Christ’s birth at Christmas. Jankola Library, founded in 1968, also cause these young girls are watching their dad go through cancer has a supply of books, tapes and other materials related to the study of treatments, they are very aware of what happens when a family the Slovak language as well as Slovak music and song books are avail- member is diagnosed with cancer. It is a life-changing experience able. Call for a booklist. Such items made wonderful gifts at Christmas that effects the whole family and one that no one will ever forget. for those who cherish their Slovak heritage. Wreath 18 Sokolky shown above include, l-r, Pam Johnson, Nata- lie Johnson and Jeanne Bombara.

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Facebook PAGE 4 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, OCTOBER 19, 2016 REFLECTOR ... The Word Jotings fr om Sokol of God... and Slovak life

Brooklyn Slovak church now 26th Slovak Heritage Festival Gospel for the 30th Sunday home to unique ministry on November 6 in Pittsburgh of the Year - October 23rd In the best traditions of the Poverello, a new chapter The Slovak Studies Program at the University of has begun for the former Holy Family Slovak Church in Pittsburgh has once again made plans for this year’s Gospel Reading: Luke 18:9-14 Brooklyn, N.Y. In 2015, the Diocese of Brooklyn called exciting 26th anniversary Slovak Heritage Festival on upon two Conventual Franciscans, Deacon Nicholas Sunday, November 6. Along with the assistance of the Jesus addressed this parable Spano and Father Raphael Zwolenkiewicz to establish a Pitt Students Slovak Club, this year’s festival looks to to those who were convinced of their own righteousness unique outreach to young people at the former Slovak be one of the largest and most enjoyable celebrations of and despised everyone else. church located on the border of Williamsburg and Green- Slovak pride at Pitt. Festivities will be held in the Com- “Two people went up to the temple area to pray; point. The San Damiano Mission seeks to bring the gospel mons Room of the Cathedral of Learning, located at one was a Pharisee and the other was a tax collector. to the neighborhood in unconventional ways. The neigh- 4200 Fifth Avenue in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh The Pharisee took up his position and spoke this prayer to himself, borhood has undergone a dynamic change in demograph- from 1 to 5 p.m. ‘O God, I thank you that I am not like the rest of humanity - ics. The area is home to many millennials who have settled The festival was conceived by a group of students greedy, dishonest, adulterous - or even like this tax collector. in with reasonable rents and proximity to their work in who wanted to share their interest in the Slovak and I fast twice a week, and I pay tithes on my whole income.’ Manhattan. “....Many of them are baptized Catholics but American Slovak culture with the local community. As But the tax collector stood off at a distance have not practiced their faith,” according to Msgr. Joseph in previous years, the festival will be the culmination of and would not even raise his eyes to heaven Grimaldi, vicar general of the Diocese of Brooklyn. In the much hard work, effort and time, all fueled by Slovak but beat his breast and prayed, past, Sunday Mass took a back seat to brunch and shop- pride. ‘O God, be merciful to me a sinner.’ ping for the young people. Later Masses were introduced The festival will include cultural displays and lec- I tell you, the latter went home justifi ed, not the former; and now 50 people now attend. In addition, many social tures, as well as a shop for Christmas with Slovak and for whoever exalts himself will be humbled, events are held at the church in the evenings. A recent con- east European import vendors, as well as Slovak culi- and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” cert in the church drew more than 200. The friars know re- nary specialities including klobasa, halusky, pirohy and ligion is a dead zone in this neighborhood, so they host cre- pastries. A highlight of the afternoon will be a cultural The Gospel of the Lord. ative gatherings which attract good numbers of the young program featuring the talent of folk groups such as The people. Father Zwolenkiewicz noted that St. Francis of Pittsburgh Slovakians, the city’s oldest Slovak folk en- Assisi was called upon by God to “rebuild my church semble; the PAS(Pittsburgh Area Slovaks) and the Slav- Gospel for the 31st Sunday for it is in ruin,” He went on to say “So it’s the same idea jane Folk Ensemble. In addition, performances by Jozef of the Year - October 30th that we were invited to come here and to reach out to the Ivaska, internationally renowned singer from Slovakia, neighborhood and people who are here, to rejuvenate and The Singing Revilak Family from Bardejov, Slovakia, Gospel Reading: Luke 19:1-10 to restore part of this community.” Deacon Spano noted Ben Sorenson on the Fujara and others. An enjoyable ”There’s a lot of foot traffi c here Wednesday through Sun- afternoon celebrating Slovak culture and heritage is as- At that time, Jesus came to Jericho and intended to pass through day between 10:30 p.m. and 4 a.m.” The oak doors were sured. There is plenty of parking and free admission. For the town. replaced with glass ones so that the church looks it best more information on this year’s festival, call Christine Now a man there named Zacchaeus, during these hours and many concerts and other gatherings Metil at tel. 412 624-5906 or email [email protected]. who was a chief tax collector and also a wealthy man, are held here on weekday evenings. It has become a so- In 1989, the Slovak Catholic Sokol joined with the was seeking to see who Jesus was; cial place and community place you can come to an hang First Catholic Slovak Union, the First Catholic Slovak but he could not see him because of the crowd, out. It’s the beginning of evangelization and it seems to be Ladies Association, the National Slovak Society, the for he was short in stature. catching on. The unique mission was featured in an exten- Ladies Pennsylvania Slovak Catholic Union and the So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus, sive article in the October 3 issue of The New York Times. former First Slovak Wreath of the Free Eagle which who was about to pass that way. The San Damiano Mission is a wonderful example later merged with the National Slovak Society, and es- When he reached the place, Jesus looked up and said, of a former Slovak parish now used in the best traditions of tablished the Slovak Foundation at the University of “Zacchaeus, come down quickly, the new Evangelization. Slovaks fi rst settled in Brooklyn Pittsburgh to fund the Slovak Studies Program. for today I must stay at your house.” in the late 1890s. They had to travel across the East River And he came down quickly and received him with joy. to worship at St. Elizabeth’s Church in lower Manhattan. Lucina Slovak Folk Ensemble When they all saw this, they began to grumble, saying, St. Elizabeth’s, founded in 1891, was the fi rst Slovak par- gala on November 12 in Parma, Oh. “He has gone to stay at the house of a sinner.” ish established in New York state. In 1893, they organized The Lucina Slovak Folklore Ensemble of Cleve- But Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, the St. Joseph’s Society whose purpose was to eventually land celebrates its 35th anniversary this year. As part of “Behold, half of my possessions, Lord, I shall give to the poor, establish a parish for the Slovaks of Brooklyn. By 1902, the festivities, the group will host a Slovak Gala: “An and if I have extorted anything from anyone there were more than 350 Slovak families in the area. That Evening in the Heart of Europe,” on Saturday, Novem- I shall repay it four times over.” year, Brooklyn Bishop Charles McDonnell gave permis- ber 12 at the Holy Spirit Party Center located at 5500 And Jesus said to him, sion for the establishment of a Slovak parish under the West 54th Street in Parma, Oh. The cultural evening will “Today salvation has come to this house patronage of the Holy Family. In 1905, the parish wel- feature the talent and artistry of the Lucina Slovak Folk- because this man too is a descendant of Abraham. comed its fi rst pastor in the person of the Rev. Kolomon lore Ensemble of Cleveland, the Lucinka Children’s For the Son of Man has come to seek Tomchany. For the fi rst fi ve years of the parish, the faithful Ensemble, the Sarisan Slovak Folk Ensemble of Detroit, and to save what was lost.” worshipped in the lower church of St. Vincent de Paul Par- Mich. and D.J Denis. The Gospel of the Lord. ish. Ground was broken for the new church and rectory The evening will include entertainment, a full in 1910 and in 1911 they were blessed and dedicated. The course dinner with three entrees and dessert. Vegetarian parish opened a school under the direction of the School and gluten-free meals are available on request. An open Lodge Jottings Sisters of Notre Dame in 1918. A new school and convent bar will be featured. In addition, raffl es and gift baskets were completed in 1930. throughout the evening followed by music for dancing The parish has been home to active Sokol lodges EGYPT, PA luncheon. We hope to see some new and listening pleasure with DJ Denis. Doors open at 6 faces at this year’s meeting. An enjoy- beginning in 1908 with the establishment of our former p.m. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. and the cultural Assembly 255 Our lodge under the spiritual pro- able afternoon of Sokol fellowship Assembly 29. Father John F. Oravetz, who served as pas- program begins at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $50 per person, tection of SS. Cyril and Methodius and camaraderie is assured. Wishing tor of the parish from 1945 until his retirement in 1981, a table of eight costs 360.00 and for young people under will host its annual meeting on Sun- all our members a bountiful Thanks- was an active Sokol all his life. He served for many years the age of 21, the cost is $40 per person. There is limited day, November 13 in the social hall of giving and all good wishes, may I as chaplain of Group 1. He passed away in 1996. The seating with only 250 seats available. Advance ticket Holy Trinity Parish, located at 4556 remain legacy of Father Oravetz was honored when the former sales only. No tickets sold at the door. For tickets call: Main Street in Whitehall, Pa. begin- Zdar Boh! Holy Family School was named the Father John F. Ora- Tom Ivanec, 440 668-7797, Christine Matis-Hearn, 440 ning at 1 p.m. Gerald J. Fabian vetz Social Center, a community outreach facility in the 655-8244 or Jenna Allen, 440 439-4119. An enjoyable Reports of the offi cers will be Financial Secretary neighborhood. evening celebrating the best of Slovak music and dance presented and discussion on the im- We are pleased to see that yet another parish estab- is assured. All proceeds will benefi t the Lucina Slovak portance of increasing our member- PITTSBURGH, PA lished and sustained by the Slovaks continues to serve the Folklore Ensemble celebrating its 35th anniversary this ship will be on our meeting agenda. community. It is a legacy of our Cyrilo-Methodian heritage year. Founded in Cleveland in 1981, Lucina strives to Assembly 16 Election of offi cers for 2017 and our of faith in the best traditions of the new Evangelization. We present the best of the music and dance traditions of the Our lodge, under the spiritual pa- participation in upcoming Sokol and pray that God will bless the efforts of the San Damiano various regions of Slovakia at cultural galas throughout tronage of St. Gabriel the Archangel, Slovak activities will be discussed. Mission in helping to once again build up the faith in the the Cleveland area as well as in other American com- will host a fundraiser in the form of a Following our business meeting, Williamsburg-Greenpoint neighborhood of Brooklyn. munities. Night at the Races on Saturday, Oc- we will enjoy our traditional Slovak (Continued from page 14) SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, OCTOBER 19, 2016 PAGE 5

Historic Milestone Group Annual Meetings Set for Slovakia Group 1, “Msgr. Stephen Kra- quested to register with the Group We will have a report by Glenn (Continued from page 2) was crushed with the invasion of sula” - This year’s annual meeting Secretary James T. Genosky at Kramer on our recent Group 17 by the armies of is scheduled for Sunday, October tel. 763-789-9196 by the deadline Golf Outing. In addition, we will ways felt that the use of the hyphen 30 at SS. Cyril and Methodius date of October 23, 2016. Looking be discussing any activities for better refl ected the Slovak posi- the Warsaw Pact on order by the Soviet authorities. However with Parish, 218 Ackerman Avenue in forward to an enjoyable gathering the remainder of the year as well tion in the common state. The new Clifton, N.J. Our program begins in the best traditions of Group 11 as those in the new year. Reports constitution also failed to address the fall of Communism in 1989, a new chapter opened for Slovakia. with attendance at the 10:30 a.m. Sokol fellowship and fraternal- of offi cers will be presented and the question of Slovak autonomy Mass in church. We will assemble ism, may we remain election of offi cers is also on the which the American Slovaks had What began as the Velvet Revolu- tion gave way to the Velvet Divorce at 10:15 a.m. so as to march in a Zdar Boh! meeting agenda. All offi cers are favored. body for the liturgy which will be David J. Genosky reminded to submit their writ- American Slovaks continued in which the Slovaks and Czechs decided to peacefully separate with celebrated for the living and de- President ten report of their activities since their interest and support of the ceased members of Group 1. Fol- James T. Genosky our last annual meeting. We look Czechoslovak Republic between the independence of Slovakia and the Czech Republic proclaimed lowing the Mass we will gather in Secretary forward to seeing all our Wreaths the wars, continuing in their efforts the church hall where our meeting and Assemblies represented at this to have the Slovaks achieve the au- on January 1, 1993. And the rest is history. will be called to order. A luncheon Group 14, “St. Francis of As- year’s meeting and hope to see tonomy promised by the Pittsburgh will be served. Hosting this year’s sisi” - This year’s annual meeting some new faces. All offi cers and Agreement. Following the rav- For more than a century, Amer- ican Slovaks have showcased meeting will be Assembly 162 of will be held on Saturday, Novem- representatives of the lodges are ages of World War II, Communist Clifton, N.J. We have enjoyed an ber 5 at the Slovak Catholic Sokol asked to make their reservations regimes under Soviet control took the rich culture and heritage of Slovakia at various Slovak Day active fraternal and sporting year. Club, 2912 East Carson Street, by calling Carol Gonda at tel. 330 control of Czechoslovakia in 1948 Plans for our activities in 2017 South Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. begin- 783-0173 no later than November as well as most of the other coun- celebrations, festivals, exhibits and scholarly presentations. Our will be discussed. We hope to ning at 10 a.m. Delegates are asked 1. Wreath 54 will hold its meeting tries of central and eastern Europe. have all Group 1 lodges represent- to arrive at 9 a.m. for some pre- immediately following the Group For the next 41 years, American Slovak parishes, both Catholic and Lutheran have been centers ed at this year’s meeting. Looking discussion. We will meet in the bar meeting. Slovak contact with Czechoslova- forward to seeing a good turnout seating area. Zdar Boh! kia was minimal. However, dur- of Slovak activity in many parts of the country. Pride in our Slo- at this year’s meeting, may we re- On our meeting agenda will be James G. Jerek ing all of these years, American main, yours fraternally our organization’s upcoming 48th President Slovaks never lost interest in their vak heritage was fostered at these gatherings. Our Slovak fraternals Zdar Boh! International Slet scheduled for Carol Gonda ancestral homeland. For years, var- John D. Pogorelec, Jr., Esq. July 2017 as well as local tourna- Secretary ious American Slovak organiza- have throughout their long histo- ries promoted activities in which President ments, fundraisers and other fra- tions hosted tours to Czechoslova- Daniel F. Tanzone ternal gatherings. We hope to have Group 18, “Rev. Joseph Mar- kia, even enduring the diffi culties Slovak pride was fostered. During these activities, the rich cultural Secretary representation from all Sokol lodg- tincek” - Our annual meeting is in obtaining visas for travel there es belonging to our Group. Input scheduled for Sunday, November during the Communist period. and historical traditions of Slo- vakia and the Slovak people have Group 7, “Rev. Joseph Mur- from our members will insure the 6 in Coaldale, Pa. Our meeting will For example, priests and religious gas” - This year’s annual meeting success of our various fraternal and be called to order at 12:30 p.m. at women were denied a visa unless been showcased.Slovak Ameri- can activities have contributed in will be held on Sunday, November sporting activities. We hope to fi n- the Viennese Villa Restaurant. A they listed themselves as a teacher 6 at St. John the Evangelist Par- ish 2016 off on a positive note and family style dinner will be served and were not able to wear their re- great measure as a component of the rich fabric of American cul- ish located at 35 William Street in start the new year of 2017 off with beginning at 1:30 p.m. Reports of ligious garb during their visit.In the Pittston, Pa. Our program begins a BANG and fun Slet year! the offi cers will be presented and late 1960s, American Slovaks were tural life. Today, the nearly three million Americans who trace their with attendance at the 12:15 p.m. Zdar Boh! plans for our upcoming fraternal supportive of what became known Mass in church which will be cel- Carmella(Suess)Marzec activities will be fi nalized. Follow- as The Prague Spring, a move- heritage to Slovakia, located in the very heart of Europe; celebrate ebrated for the living and deceased President ing the dinner, the annual meetings ment under the leadership of the members of Group 7. Our Sokol, of Assembly 188, Assembly 110 Slovak, Alexander Dubcek which the accomplishments and vitality of their ancestral homeland. This Monsignor John J. Bendik serves Group 17, “Rev. Francis and Wreath 157 will be held. wanted to adopt democratic prin- as pastor of the parish. Following Skutil,” - Our annual meeting is Members planning to attend are ciples and create a more open so- year in particular, we salute the Slovak Presidency of the Council the liturgy, our annual meeting will scheduled for Sunday, November asked to confi rm reservations by ciety in Czechoslovakia. However, be called to order in the church hall. 6. We will attend the 11 a.m. Mass contacting John C. Orsulak at tel. in August 1968 the Prague Spring of the European Union. - Daniel F. Tanzone A luncheon will be served. Plans at Our Lady of Sorrows/St. Matth- 570 645-5344, email: orsuljc@ptd. for our upcoming sporting and ias Church located at 915 Cornell net or Joseph J. Kociscin at tel. 732 fraternal activities will be fi nalized. Street in Youngstown, Oh. The 572-3234, email: jjkociscin@op- Our young people look forward to Rev. John M. Jerek, pastor of the Kindly provide name, participate in next year’s exciting parish will celebrate the liturgy phone number as well as the names 48th International Slet. We hope to for the living deceased members of those who will be attending the have representatives from all our of Group 17. Following the Mass, dinner-meeting by the deadline of Group 7 Assemblies and Wreaths we will meet at Donavito’s Res- October 30. at the annual meeting. Members taurant, 139 South Bridge Street Zdar Boh! of Group 7 are welcome to attend. in Struthers, Oh. for our meeting Joseph Kociscin ISSN: 0897-8107 Please contact a Group offi cer for and a light lunch. Our meeting Vice President more information. will be called to order at 12:30 John C. Orsulak Established April 15, 1911 Zdar Boh! p.m. sharp. Secretary Official Publication of the Slovak Catholic Sokol Amy Degnan Blasco Issued Bi-Weekly President OUR NEXT ISSUE IS NOVEMBER 2ND Daniel F. Tanzone, Editor Group 11, “St. John Nepomu- In keeping with our bi week ly publishing sched ule, the next is sue of the Slovak Cath o lic Fal con will be that of Wednes day, November Editorial office: (973) 777-4010 cene,” - This year’s meeting is set for Sunday, October 30 at SS. 2nd. Deadline for all photos and infor ma tion for this issue will be Thursday, October 27th. View e-Falcon on our website: www.slovak- Cyril and Methodius Parish locat- Annual Subscription Rates Thank ing you for your con tin ued co op er a tion in United States $40.00 – All others countries $45.00 ed at 13th Avenue and 2nd Street, this mat ter, I re main Zdar Boh! - Daniel F. Tanzone, Editor N.E. in Minneapolis, Minn. Our POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Slovak Catholic Falcon, program begins with attendance P.O. Box 899, 205 Madison Street, at the 9 a.m. Mass which will be Passaic, New Jersey 07055 celebrated for the living and de- Keep Your Slovak Catholic Sokol ceased members of Group 11. Member of the Catholic Press Home Offi ce Numbers Handy Association and the Slovak Newspapermen's Following the liturgy, our annual TOLL FREE NUMBER – 1-800-886-7656 Association of America meeting will be called to order in the Father George Dargay Memo- HOME OFFICE – (973) 777-2605 or 777-2606 DIRECTOR OF SALES – 1-855-874-9179 or (412) 381-5431 Proprietor and Publisher rial Hall. Coffee and rolls will be SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL available before the meeting and UNDERWRITING – (973) 777-4704 lunch will be served following P.O. Box 899 EDITOR – (973) 777-4010 the business session. All delegates FAX NUMBER – (973) 779-8245 205 Madison Street, Passaic, N.J. 07055 and guests from Minneapolis, Home Office: (973) 777-2605-06 Minn., Duluth, Minn. Wreath 21 E-MAIL – [email protected] WEB SITE – of Superior, Wis. and Assembly WEB SITE – 155 of Ironwood, Mich. are re- PAGE 6 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, OCTOBER 19, 2016

Held September 24, 2016 Auditor, Brian Suchy. The presence of the Home Offi ce and Supreme Offi cers was truly appreciated. Several questions were presented and addressed to the satisfaction of the Board and Minutes of the Supreme Board of Directors President Horvath thanked the Supreme Secretary for presenting the report. President Hor- Quarterly Meeting held via Conference Call vath then asked for a motion to accept the report, so moved by Supreme Chaplain, Rev. An- drew S. Hvozdovic, V.F., seconded by Chairperson of the Supreme Auditors, James G. Jer- FIRST SESSION ek. Approved Saturday, September 24, 2016 – 9:30 a.m. President Horvath then called on the Supreme Director of Sports and Athletics, James Supreme President, Michael J. Horvath, Called to Order the Quarterly Meeting of the C. Matlon, for the Physical Fitness Board Report. Supreme Board of Directors at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, September 24, 2016 and greeted all the Brother Matlon reported that the 70th International Bowling tournament was held on members of the Board on the call. May 20-21, 2016 in Buffalo, NY. The tournament was held in conjunction with the Greek Supreme Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic, V.F. offered the Opening Prayer lead- Catholic Union. A total of 76 bowlers from the Slovak Catholic Sokol participated in the ing the Directors in the reading of the Prayer to Practice the Golden Rule, and a prayer for our annual event. All of the fi nancial documentation was completed and submitted to the Home members recovering from surgery or illness. Offi ce. Supreme Physical Directress, Kathleen S. Watkins led the Board members in reciting the The 29th International Softball Tournament took place on July 9, 2016 at Kirby Park Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. in Wilkes-Barre, PA. A total of 48 participants competed in the Co-Ed tournament. Our Su- Supreme Secretary, Scott T. Pogorelec, F.I.C. was asked to take the Roll Call and the preme Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic celebrated Mass for the participants and guests following members responded: on Saturday afternoon. A wonderful time was had by all and we look forward to many more Supreme Chaplain ...... Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic, V.F. participants competing next year. Supreme President ...... Michael J. Horvath Brother Matlon also reported on the Clinic that was held at SUNY Brockport from July Supreme Vice-President ...... Edward D. Moeller 28-31, 2016. He commended our Physical Director, John M. Underation, Physical Direc- Supreme Secretary ...... Scott T. Pogorelec, F.I.C. tress, Kathleen S. Watkins, their Assistants, Dusan Dorich and Katie Swift, and the entire Supreme Treasurer ...... Dennis J. Zifcak-Excused Physical Fitness Board on job well done. The participants exhibited great physical stamina General Counsel ...... John D. Pogorelec, Jr., Esq. learning the new drills. Each night included a planned social activity that everyone enjoyed. Chairperson of the Supreme Auditors ...... James G. Jerek The combination of work and play made it one of the best Clinics for all the participants. Supreme Director of Sports and Athletics ...... James C. Matlon Sister Watkins and Brother Underation also offered additional comments regarding the Supreme Physical Director ...... John M. Underation Clinic and the upcoming Slet. Supreme Physical Directress ...... Kathleen S. Watkins The 2016 Golf Tournament was held at Treasure Lake Resort on August 19-21, 2016. The record will show that nine members of the Board of Directors are on the Conference There were a total of 105 golfers from the Slovak Catholic Sokol, along with 15 golfers Call, and Supreme Treasurer, Dennis J. Zifcak is excused. Acknowledged from the Greek Catholic Union. The banquet was held on Saturday night and the high- President Horvath informed the Board that they all have received the Minutes from our light was most defi nitely the presentation of the Frank S. Petruff Memorial Sports Award to last Board meeting held on July 8-9, 2016 in Wilkes-Barre, PA and published in the August 10, James “Jumbo” Macurak from Pittsburgh, PA. Even with poor weather on Sunday, which 2016 issue of the Slovak Catholic Falcon. Brother President entertained a motion for their ac- unfortunately cancelled the Sunday round, a great time was had by all. Brother Matlon was ceptance, so moved by Supreme Physical Directress, Kathleen S. Watkins, seconded by Gen- able to secure a $40.00 credit for each participant to be used for next year’s tournament, eral Counsel, John D. Pogorelec, Jr., Esq. Approved which will again be held at Treasure Lake. The results and pictures are available for viewing President Horvath inquired if any Communications were received for presentation at on our website. the meeting. Sites that are being considered or are already confi rmed for the 2017 Sports Program: The Supreme Secretary reported that letters were received from Milan Kovac of Sokol March/April 2017 Basketball and Volleyball Barberton, OH USA, Robert Giroux of the Tabaret Society, Richard Burkett of the Johnstown Area Heritage May 19-21, 2017 Bowling Wilkes-Barre, PA Association, Bernie Demechko of Sister Cities, and Rt. Rev. Gary Hoover, OSB, of the Bene- June 23-25, 2017 Softball Wilkes-Barre, PA dictine Order of Cleveland, all thanking the Slovak Catholic Sokol for their donations and July 12-16, 2017 Slet SUNY Brockport, NY continued support. August 18-20, 2017 Golf DuBois, PA Also, written communications were received from Supreme Treasurer, Dennis J. Zifcak Brother Matlon also reported on a recent conference call with Fraternal Directors from and Director of Sales and Marketing, Albert J. Suess, F.I.C. requesting to be excused from the American Sokols, Sokol USA, and Polish Falcons. The call was to see if there was any conference call due to personal reasons. Acknowledged interest in possibly having joint fraternal events in the future. A second call was set up for President Horvath thanked the Supreme Secretary and called upon Mr. Thomas Cali- November and Brother James will have additional information for the Board at the Decem- mano, Market Director/Senior Vice-President, PNC Institutional Asset Management. ber meeting. Mr. Calimano discussed the portfolio’s current asset allocation, reviewed the historic and After a lengthy and lively discussion, President Horvath asked for a motion to accept the year to date cash fl ows, the long term growth of the portfolio, the effects of the equity and the report, so moved by Supreme Vice-President, Edward D. Moeller, seconded by General fi xed income market’s performance, and provided an overall relationship review. Counsel, John D. Pogorelec, Jr., Esq. Approved Fixed income returns will be impacted by the headwinds of actual and anticipated inter- President Horvath thanked Brother Matlon, Brother Underation, and Sister Watkins est rate increases by the Federal Reserve. However, even with an anticipated December rate for their report and called upon General Counsel, John D. Pogorelec, Jr., Esq. for the Legal increase, we will still be in a low interest environment. The risks of geopolitical unrest, slow Department Report. economic growth worldwide, the after effects of the Brexit vote and the upcoming presidential Counsel reported that there are several items to report on: election will continue to weigh on the fi nancial markets. Equity returns may be more moder- 1. Brother John offered comments regarding the Sokol Club in Ambridge, PA ate in this environment and fi xed income returns will be impacted by interest rates remaining and our intention to have this property sold as soon as possible. A conference lower for an extended period of time. call with all interested parties took place on July 21, 2016 and the decision to Brother Calimano addressed various questions from the Board concerning our per- have the property properly listed was decided. More information will follow at formance outlook and Mr. Calimano indicated the Society is in a strong fi nancial position, the December Quarterly meeting. especially in this volatile fi scal environment. The Board members expressed their thanks to 2. Brother Counsel also reported on the interested party looking to rent the vacant Mr. Calimano and President Horvath entertained a motion to accept the report, so moved by offi ce space on the fi rst fl oor of the Home Offi ce building. General Counsel Supreme Physical Directress, Kathleen S. Watkins, seconded by Supreme Director of Sports and the Supreme Secretary met with the possible tenants regarding the City of and Athletics, James C. Matlon. Approved Passaic Zoning Board meeting scheduled for November 10, 2016. More President Horvath then asked our Supreme Secretary to give a brief overview of the information will follow at the December Quarterly meeting. Membership/Sales and Marketing Report given to our Board members by our Director of 3. Lastly, Brother John verifi ed the property taxes and insurance are all paid to Sales and Marketing, Albert J. Suess, Jr., F.I.C. date on the three existing mortgages on fi le. The Supreme Secretary reported that as of August 31, 2016, a total of 472 new members After a brief discussion regarding the above items, President Horvath entertained a have joined our organization this year through the purchase of life insurance and annuity cer- motion to approve the report, so moved by Supreme Vice-President, Edward D. Moeller, tifi cates. The total face amount of insurance issued for the fi rst eight months is $15,513,594.00. and seconded by Supreme Physical Directress, Kathleen S. Watkins. Approved The total number of certifi cates in force is 31,822, consisting of 31,100 life certifi cates President Horvath thanked the General Counsel for his report and asked the Supreme and 722 annuity certifi cates. Brother Albert’s report also indicated that as of August 31, 2016, Secretary to present the Mortgage Department Report. there were 316 deaths, 2 certifi cates matured, 38 cancelled, 38 expired, 167 surrendered and Brother Scott reported that as of August 31, 2016, the organization has 3 existing mort- 58 lapsed for a total loss of certifi cates of 619. gages totaling $746,364.53. Principal payments received for the eight months in 2016 total Brother Suess also reported on the newly instituted Final Expense Plan. To date, there are $25,523.51 and interest payments total $32,954.08. All mortgages are paid up and on time. a total of fi ve authorized agents selling this new plan and the results have been encouraging President Horvath thanked Brother Scott and called upon Chairperson of the Supreme thus far. Also discussed was the new 2017 CSO Tables that have been approved and will be Auditors, James G. Jerek, for the 2016 Semi-Annual Audit Report. mandatory for Insurance Carriers to have in effect by January 1, 2020. Brother Jerek reported that the Audit for the fi rst six months of 2016 was conducted at Brother Suess also proposed the advertising in the Epiphany Church Weekly Bulletin. the Home Offi ce in Passaic, NJ on August 15-16, 2016. The report was printed in the Sep- With the presence and support of our Supreme Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic, V.F., it tember 7, 2016 issue of the Slovak Catholic Falcon. Brother James proceeded to review the has the potential to be a successful marketing tool. report and addressed several questions from the Board members. Brother Jerek expressed Brother Albert also had the opportunity to attend the 2nd Annual Johnstown Slavic Fes- his thanks to the Supreme Secretary and the Home Offi ce staff for their cooperation and tival, which took place on Saturday, September 17th. He was able to have a booth set up with appreciates the continued efforts of the various Boards to control and reduce many of the some of our sales materials. We would also like to give a special thank you to Joanne Spisak expenses. and other local members for their support and assistance throughout the day. After a brief discussion, Supreme President, Michael J. Horvath asked for a motion to Brother Suess also had the opportunity to participate in the annual Group 17, Youngstown, accept the report, so moved by Supreme Physical Director, John M. Underation, seconded OH Golf Outing with Chairperson of the Supreme Auditors, James G. Jerek, and Supreme by Supreme Director of Sports and Athletics, James C. Matlon. Approved SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, OCTOBER 19, 2016 PAGE 7

President Horvath thanked Brother Jerek for his report and inquired if any Donation Slovak Ladies Association National Headquarters. Father Andrew indicated it was a most requests were received to be addressed. successful meeting and thanked Cynthia Maleski and the FCSLA for their warm hospitality. The Supreme Secretary reported that one donation request was received from Supreme Father Andrew also offi cially announced that the 59th National Convention of the Slovak Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic, V.F., for the Epiphany Parish. A donation of $100 Catholic Federation will convene in Youngstown, OH on September 17-19, 2017. was approved by the Board. Acknowledged The Supreme President questioned the Board members regarding the Annuity Inter- Supreme Secretary, Scott T. Pogorelec, F.I.C., also reported to the Board that he had est Rate to be offered for the fourth quarter of 2016. the opportunity to attend the American Fraternal Alliance Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN The Board members had a lively discussion regarding the Annuity Interest Rate, tak- along with our General Counsel, John D. Pogorelec, Jr., Esq. and our Director of Sales and ing into consideration our investment portfolio, the low interest rate environment, and the Marketing, Albert J. Suess, Jr., F.I.C. It was an informative meeting and will certainly spark upcoming election. The Board mutually agreed to keep interest rates at their current level many new ideas for our Society going forward. Acknowledged and reevaluate them during the December meeting. The Board of Directors also wanted to congratulate our Supreme Secretary, Scott T. Pogor- President Horvath questioned if there was any Unfi nished Business to address. elec, F.I.C., and his lovely wife Maggie on their recent nuptials on August 26, 2016. Brother The Board members were informed by Brother Secretary that our Fraternalist of the Pogorelec thanked the Board for their kind remarks and also thanked our Supreme Chap- Year presentation will be held on Friday, October 28, 2016 in Washington, PA. Final ar- lain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic, V.F., for being the Offi ciant at the Wedding. rangements are being made to honor this year’s recipient, Sister Mary Ann Naple. The Acknowledged Board of Directors wishes to again extend their congratulations to Sister Naple on this well- After discussions with our Supreme President, Michael J. Horvath, the Supreme Sec- deserved honor. Acknowledged retary informed the Board members that the date and site for the next Supreme Board of Supreme Vice-President, Edward D. Moeller, also questioned the status of the new Directors meeting will be December 2-3, 2016 with travel dates being December 1 and 4, scholarship that was discussed at the July Quarterly meeting. President Horvath has dis- 2016 in Savannah, GA. Acknowledged cussed the scholarship with the Yencha Family and certain criteria needs to be met to move Having completed all the business on the agenda, Supreme President, Michael J. Hor- forward. General Counsel, John D. Pogorelec, Jr. Esq., will draft a document to be signed by vath, entertained a motion to adjourn, so moved by Chairperson of the Supreme Auditors, all parties. Brother Moeller made a motion to accept the new scholarship pending all criteria James G. Jerek, seconded by Supreme Vice-President, Edward D. Moeller. Approved is met, seconded by Supreme Physical Directress, Kathleen S. Watkins. Supreme Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic, V.F., offered the Closing Prayer for Approved all those in need as well as for all the ill and deceased members of the Organization. Under New Business, President Horvath discussed each Board member’s SWOT The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m. Zdar Boh! Analysis for our Organization. A lively discussion ensued regarding our strengths and weak- nesses as a society. Brother Horvath will prepare an outline for the December meeting to Respectfully Submitted, be discussed to evaluate the Organization’s plans for 2017. Acknowledged Scott T. Pogorelec F.I.C. Supreme Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic, V.F., also informed the Board on the Supreme Secretary recent Slovak Catholic Federation meeting held in Beachwood, OH at the First Catholic

Oktoberfest set for Oct. 23 at New York Slovak Parish throughout the afternoon. Needless at 212 734-4613, or email: parish- to say, an enjoyable and satisfying fi [email protected]. The United Parish of St. John and continue until 6 p.m. There will a sausage plate consisting of brat- afternoon celebrating the harvest Father Richard D. Baker, pastor Nepomucene, St. John the Mar- be live music for dancing and listen- wurst, knockwurst, weisswurst with season is assured. Tickets are $35.00 of the parish who serves as chap- tyr and St. Frances Xavier Cabrini ing pleasure as well as a raffl e. potato salad and sauerkraut; breaded per person. Children age 18 and lain of Group 1, extends a cordial - East River Catholics will host a The feasting will include a menu chicken schnitzel and mixed vegeta- younger are welcome at $5.00. The invitation to New York area Sokols traditional Oktoberfest in the Slo- beginning with appetizers of Russian bles as well as mac and cheese. At ticket includes the meal, beer, wine and Sokolky to turn out for the tra- vak harvest tradition of “Dozinki”on eggs, klobasi and various coldcuts 4 p.m., Bavarian pork goulash with and soft drinks. For advance reser- ditional Oktoberfest festivities of the Sunday, October 23 in the social hall and cheeses. Coleslaw, caesar salad spatzle will be served. Dessert will vations only, call Lisa at the rectory parish. of St. John Nepomucene located at and pickles follow. A traditional Ok- include apple strudel with whipped 406 East 67th Street in Manhattan. toberfest soup made with lentils and cream, coffee and tea. Draft Okto- The program begins with Mass cel- wieners will then be enjoyed. The berfest beer, wine and soda will be Mark your calendar ebrated in church at 10:30 a.m. Fes- entrees include roast loin of pork enjoyed. Live music for dancing and Children’s Christmas Parties Set tivities in the hall begin at 12:30 p.m. with kapusta and bread dumplings; listening pleasure will be enjoyed Pittsburgh, Pa. - Group 14 along with Assembly 16 and Wreath 22 will host their annual Children’s Christmas Party for junior Sokol members on Saturday, December 10. The holiday festivities will be Our Ever-Popular, 304-Page held at the Slovak Catholic Sokol Club located at 2912 East Carson Street, South Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. Doors open at 12 noon and festivi- Sokol Cook Book ties begin at 1 p.m. As always, a wonderful program has been planned. Children, ages 0-12 years of age who have a Sokol insurance is Now in its Fourth Edition policy and who register are welcome to attend. Registration will be held every Wednesday and Thursday beginning on September 28th thru November 18th at the Sokol Club. In addition, parents can contact Carmella(Suess) Marzec the chairperson. Call her on her cell phone: 412 414-9249, or email: [email protected], facebook: Group 14 Pgh, Pa. Slovak Catholic Sokols. Due to space limitations, only 150 children are permitted to participate in the party. Thus, early registration is recommended. No names will be taken after the deadline of November 18th. Refresh- ments will be served along with entertainment and a visit from Santa will complete the afternoon of Sokol fellowship. In keeping with our fraternal tradition of caring and sharing, those planning to attend are ✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄ asked to bring along non-perishable food items which will be given to our local food pantry. Please join the Group 14 Pgh,Pa Slovak Catho- Just $15.50 which includes postage and handling lic Sokols Facebook Page for Christmas party updates and other ac- Sokol Assemblies and Wreaths can order a case of tivities during this holiday season in the best traditions of Pittsburgh 12 cook books for just $170.00 – Place your order today! Sokol fellowship and fraternalism. Make check or money order payable to: Zdar Boh! Carmella(Suess)Marzec Slovak Catholic Sokol Chairperson P.O. Box 899 – 205 Madison Street Passaic, N.J. 07055 Youngstown, Oh. - Members of Sokol lodges in the Mahoning (Canadian orders kindly add an additional $15.00 for postage) Valley, Wreath 54 and Assemblies 108 and 107 are cordially invited to join us for the annual Children’s Christmas Party hosted by Group 17. This year’s event is set for Sunday, December 4 from 1- 3 p.m. at Camelot Bowling Lanes, 628 Boardman-Canfi eld Road in Board- NAME______man, Oh. This holiday event will include bowling, refreshments and of course a visit from Santa. An afternoon of fun and fraternalism has ADDRESS______been planned. Members can enjoy two hours of bowing, pizza, soda pop and games. Reservations are necessary. Call Edie Babik at tel. CITY, STATE & ZIP______330 782-9555. Deadline to register is Wednesday, November 30. A fun-fi lled afternoon for children and adults is assured. NUMBER OF BOOKS______Zdar Boh! (Effective January 1, 2015) Edie Babik Wreath 54 PAGE 8 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, OCTOBER 19, 2016

Report of the General Councel Concerning Annual Meeting of the American Fraternal Alliance the American Fraternal Alliance (Continued from page 1) norms by being willing to look at factor is critical for fraternals, who everything differently,” which was particularly have faced declines in well received by the inspired frater- membership bases over recent de- nal audience. cades. There is, unfortunately, no Also, in an election year, the magic wand one can wave in order American Fraternal Alliance was to instantly swell our membership fortunate to have NPR Senior Cor- base with young people. However, respondent Linda Wertheimer ad- by embracing technology, we can dress the delegates and share her focus on growing membership and political observations. She brought become more relevant to a new unique insights to the day’s top generation. news stories that are shaping this An interesting program was election and defi ning the candi- presented by the keynote speaker, dates. Billy Beane. By way of back- In conclusion, the annual meet- ground, Speaker Beane is a former ing of the American Fraternal Al- professional baseball player. Cur- liance is instrumental to furthering rently, considered one of the most the general welfare of the fraternal innovative and talented baseball benefi t system and uniting fra- executives in the industry, Beane ternals in matters of regulatory has molded the Oakland Athletics concern and public interest. The into a perennial postseason con- Alliance continues to evolve to tender since taking over the general anticipate and meet the changing manager’s duties shortly follow- needs of the fraternal benefi t sec- ing the 1997 baseball season. He is tor of the fi nancial services indus- well known to applying statistical try. The knowledge, training, and analysis (known as sabermetrics) to experience your Supreme Offi cers players, which has led teams to re- receive while attending this annual consider how they evaluate players. meeting are applied to enable the He is also the subject of Michael Slovak Catholic Sokol to success- Lewis’s 2003 book on baseball fully grow and prosper. Our core economics, Moneyball: The Art of principles of strength and enthu- Winning an Unfair Game, which siasm will continue to endure and was made into a 2011 movie star- will keep alive the spirit of frater- ring actor Brad Pitt as Beane, him- nalism in the Slovak Catholic So- self. Beane led a thought provoking kol. discussion which focused on how ZDAR BOH! using data can impact and affect the Respectfully Submitted, success of the Alliance and member John D. Pogorelec, Jr. fraternals. He left the delegates with General Counsel a message of “challenge accepted

Brother Scott T. Pogorelec, F.I.C. is shown at one of the workshops at the American Fraternal Alliance an- nual meeting.

Supreme Secretary Scott T. Pogorelec, F.I.C. is shown fl anked by our General Counsel, Attorney John D. Pogorelec, Jr. and his lovely wife, Maggie at the annual meeting of the American Fraternal Alliance in Our Marketing and Sales Director, Albert J. Suess, F.I.C. participates in the lively discussion at one of the Nashville, Tenn. workshops at the annual meeting of the American Fraternal Alliance. SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, OCTOBER 19, 2016 PAGE 9

St. Mary of the Assumption Parish in Passaic, N.J. Celebrates Its 125th Anniversary of Christian Witness Among Us

(Continued from page 1) of Passaic rank among the oldest Wreath 2 in the fall of 1908. Both colonies of Slovaks in America. As Assembly 1 and Wreath 2 have their numbers grew, the Slovaks been an integral part of the faith longed to have a church where their community of St. Mary’s Parish for language and traditions would be more than a century. celebrated. Beginning in 1889, the Following the impressive lit- pastor of St. Joseph’s Parish in Bay- urgy, a delicious buffet dinner was onne, N.J. began regular visitations enjoyed in the parish social hall. of the Passaic Slovaks, celebrat- Representing our organization at ing Masses in the lower church of the 125th anniversary celebration St. Nicholas Parish in Passaic. On of St. Mary’s Parish were Supreme April 1, 1891, a meeting was held Secretary Scott T. Pogorelec, F.I.C. to organize a Slovak parish. Later along with his wife, Maggie and that year, permission was given by our General Counsel and Group 1 the Bishop of Newark, Winand M. president, Attorney John D. Pog- Wigger to establish a Slovak parish orelec, Jr. In addition, Honorary under the patronage of the Assump- Supreme Offi cer Steven M. Pog- tion of the Blessed Virgin Mary. orelec, F.I.C. and his wife, Annie The fi rst church was blessed and along with other offi cers of Group dedicated in the spring of 1893. 1, Thomas J. Krack, David Bulwin The congregation soon outgrew and Louie Smeriglio of Assembly this worship site. A new and larger Sokols and Sokolky who participated in the 125th anniversary dinner at St. Mary’s Social Hall are shown 162 also participated. It was on July church was blessed and dedicated above and include, l-r, Louis Smeriglio, Supreme Secretary Scott T. Pogorelec, F.I.C. and his wife, Maggie; 4, 1905 that the 46 founders gath- in September 1902. For the past General Counsel, Attorney John D. Pogorelec, Jr., Thomas J. Krack, David Bulwin, Attorney Peter J. Ba- ered in the shadow of the spires of 114 years, this impressive church karich and Annie and her husband, Honorary Supreme Offi cer Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C. St. Mary’s Church to establish our of French gothic design has been organization whose original name the spiritual home of the parish. In was the Roman and Greek Catho- September 1902, a parochial school lic Slovak Gymnastic Union So- was opened with the Dominican kol. Our organization’s name was Sisters of Newburg as teachers. changed to Slovak Catholic Sokol This school served the parish until in 1933. Over the past 111 years, its closing in 1974. many noteworthy anniversaries Over the years, the parish has and board meetings have begun been served by many dedicated with Mass celebrated at St. Mary’s priests. The early years saw a num- Church. Our organization’s gala ber of Slovak priests who each 30th anniversary celebration began served briefl y. Stability came to with Mass celebrated there in July the parish in August 1898, when 1935. On that occasion, the Rt. Rev. the Rev. Emery A. Haitinger ar- Stanislav F. Gmuca, O.S.B. the fi rst rived as pastor. Father Haitinger Abbot of St. Andrew’s Benedictine served the parish for 24 years. In Abbey in Cleveland celebrated a 1923, the Rev. John D. Salamon solemn pontifi cal Mass. In July was appointed pastor. He remained 1955, our organization’s Golden until his death in October 1945. In Jubilee celebration began with a November 1945, the Rev. Andrew Solemn Pontifi cal Mass celebrated J. Romanak arrived as pastor. He at St. Mary’s with the Bishop of was named a Domestic Prelate Paterson, the Most Rev. James A. with the title of Monsignor in 1950 McNulty as celebrant. One of the and in 1958 on the occasion of the most historic celebrations of our or- blessing of the new rectory and ganization took place in July 2005 renovated church, Bishop James when His Eminence, Cardinal A. Mcnulty announced that Pope Jozef Tomko came from Rome and Pius XII named him to the dignity was principal celebrant and hom- of Prothonotary Apostolic, the high- ilist at our centennial. In addition, est rank of Monsignor. Msgr. Ro- many of the annual meetings of the manak retired as pastor in 1972 and board of Directors have begun with remained in residence in the rectory Mass celebrated for our living and until his death in 1976. In 1972, the deceased members at St. Mary’s. Rev. John J. Demkovich arrived as The parish has enjoyed a rich pastor. Father Demkovich, named a history since its founding. The Monsignor in 1980, served as pastor fi rst Slovaks arrived in Passaic in until his retirement in 2011. Monsi- December 1879. They came at gnor Demkovich’s 40 years of faith- the invitation of John Waterhouse, ful ministry was the longest of any owner of the Waterhouse Factory. pastor at St. Mary’s. Most recently, He welcomed them at Castle Gar- the parish has been ably served by den upon their arrival in America. the Rev. Edgar Ruiz and for the He needed workers for his factory past year by the Rev. Jorge Rodri- and saw in the Slovaks the neces- guez. In addition, many priests have sary physical and mental capaci- served as associates. The parish has ties to serve his needs. Most of the produced 12 priest sons and more early Slovaks came from the coun- than 20 daughters have entered con- ties of Saris and Zemplin in eastern secrated religious life. Slovakia, in what was then a part We commend the members of the of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. faith community at St. Mary of the These early Slovaks organized the Assumption Parish as its celebrates St. Stephen’s Society, as a sick ben- this important milestone in it minis- efi t society in 1884. In 1891, this try. The Slovak Catholic Sokol prays society became an affi liate of the that in the years ahead, the parish First Catholic Slovak Union. The might continue to give witness to early establishment of this society our faith in our community. Happy testifi es to the fact that the Slovaks anniversary and Zdar Boh! PAGE 10 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, OCTOBER 19, 2016

Michal Kovac, Slovakia’s First President Passes Away on Oct. 5 Our Honorary Supreme Offi cer Monsignor Francis J. Beeda, S.T.L. celebrates his 80th birthday One of the prominent and dedi- cated members of the American Slovak community, the Rev. Msgr. Francis J. Beeda, S.T.L. celebrates his 80th birthday on November 3rd. He served as Supreme Chap- lain of the Slovak Catholic Sokol from 1993 until 2003. He current- ly serves as an Honorary Supreme Offi cer. A native of Scranton, Pa., Msgr. Beeda was born there November 3, 1936 son of the late August Beeda and the former Anna Durcak. He attended local public schools in Scranton and was an active youth at the former Holy Family Slovak Parish. Discerning a vocation to the priesthood, young Francis was Michal Kovac, Slovakia’s fi rst accepted by the Scranton Diocese Monsignor Francis J. Beeda president passed away peacefully on to study for the priesthood. When as associate pastor at St. Joseph’s Thursday, October 5 at St. Michael’s he completed his undergraduate Slovak Parish in Nanticoke. He Hospital in Bratislava at the age of studies, he was sent by the Bishop remained there until his appoint- 86. He was a native of the village of Scranton to complete his theo- ment in 1964 as an associate at of Lubis in the Humenne district logical studies at the Pontifi cal Sacred Heart Slovak Parish in of the traditional Zemplin region of North American College in Rome. Wilkes-Barre. He subsequently eastern Slovakia where he was born He was ordained a priest on De- became pastor of the parish and on August 5, 1930. He served as a cember 20, 1961 by Archbishop spent a total of 21 years of fruitful dedicated civil servant throughout Martin O’Connor in St. Peter’s priestly ministry there. his extensive professional career. Basilica. He celebrated his fi rst His arrival at Sacred Heart Following the fall of Communism Mass in the chapel of SS. Cyril inaugurated a new and vibrant in 1989, he was an instrumental and Methodius in the Basilica of chapter in the life of this historic leader in the peaceful split of the St. Clement in Rome. It is in this parish. During his years at the former Czechoslovakia which saw Roman basilica that the grave of parish, he helped to revive a love the independence of Slovakia on St. Cyril is located. Over the many for our Slovak faith and cultural January 1, 1993. On February 15, years of Msgr. Beeda’s active heritage in the many activities 1993 he was elected the fi rst presi- ministry, he would return to this in which the parish engaged in. dent of Slovakia and was solemnly historic Roman church on numer- During the American Bicenten- inaugurated on March 2, 1993. He ous occasions for many Slovak nial in 1976, he organized parish served as president until March 2, Supreme Chaplain and currently our kia now rest in peace. celebrations related to our Cyrilo- participation in numerous activi- 1998. During his years as Slova- Honorary Supreme Offi cer, Monsi- The body of Slovakia’s fi rst presi- Methodian heritage of faith. Fol- ties associated with the jubilee. kia’s president, he enjoyed a close gnor Francis J. Beeda, S.T.L., then dent, Michal Kovac is shown above lowing ordination, he remained in In addition, he was active in the and fraternal relationship with the Supreme Secretary and currently being carried out of the Presiden- Rome to complete studies for a Li- parish’s participation at the 46th American Slovak community. On our Honorary Supreme Offi cer, tial Palace in Bratislava during the centiate in Sacred Theology at the International Eucharistic Con- the above photo, President Kovac, Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C., Group State Funeral for the fallen leader Pontifi cal Gregorian University. gress held in Philadelphia. On that shown center, welcomed members 2 President Eileen S. Wilson and on October 13. The Mass of Chris- In the spring of 1962, he returned occasion, under his leadership, of the Slovak Catholic Sokol on Editor Daniel F. Tanzone. The state tian burial followed at the Cathedral to the United States where he cel- the Slovak Heritage Society of their visit to Slovakia at a reception funeral for President Kovac was of St. Martin with the Most Rev. ebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving at Northeastern Pennsylvania was in the presidential palace on May 6, scheduled for October 13 at the Ca- Stanislav Zvolensky, Archbishop of Holy Family Church in Scranton founded. The society’s continued 1997. Shown with President Kovac thedral of St. Martin in Bratislava. Bratislava presiding. Interment fol- where he was welcomed by the activity in promoting Slovak cul- on the photo from the left, are then May this outstanding son of Slova- lowed at the Ondrejsky Cemetery. pastor, the late Rev. Stephen Kol- ture and heritage is a lasting tes- Shown in the upper left of the photo lar, his family, friends and fellow timony to Msgr. Beeda’s efforts are, l-r, Slovakia’s current president, parishioners. and love for his Slovak heritage. Kiska: late President Kovac helped Andrej Kiska, speaker of the parlia- Following a summer assign- His many dedicated efforts were ensure Slovakia didn’t go astray ment, and prime min- ment at St. Patrick’s Parish in (Continued on page 14) The fi rst president of the mod- of state, it’s regrettable and typical ister, . Wilkes-Barre, he was assigned ern Slovak democratic state has of our era that Kovac didn’t live to passed away, stated President An- see the long-sought justice over the drej Kiska on October 5 with re- abduction of his son as well as the gard to the death of the fi rst presi- moral and material injustices of the dent (1993-98) of the independent early years of the Slovak indepen- Slovak Republic, TASR learned dent state in the 1990s. on October 6. Andrej Kiska thanked the former “Mr. Michal Kovac was the Slovak president. “Thank you, Mr. president during a diffi cult period president. Let us honor his memory between 1993-1998, when a reck- - honor the memory of President less and literally brutal fi ght for the Michal Kovac,” said Kiska. domestic nature and future of the Slovak Prime Minister Robert Slovak Republic on the European Fico received the news of Michal and world map took place,” said Kovac’s death with regret.”We Kiska. were on excellent terms - both “President Kovac held his professionally and personally. I ex- ground well in this fi ght and, with press my condolences to the family his conduct, he helped and loved ones of Michal Kovac,” Slovakia to not go astray complete- said Fico. ly...he kept us on the right path, According to Parliamentary which gradually brought us into Chairman Andrej Danko, the death the European family of free nations of the former Slovak president is a and states. It happened also thanks great loss for Slovakia. Danko ex- to him,” he added. pressed his condolences to the fam- According to the present head ily of the deceased. SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, OCTOBER 19, 2016 PAGE 11 Highlights of the Reception honoring the , Andrej Kiska on the occasion of the opening of the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly

His Excellency, Mr. Andrej Kiska, presi- that for more than a century, the American dent of the Slovak Republic, was among Slovak community has played an important the world leaders participating in the 71st role in the political emancipation of the Slo- annual session of the General Assembly of vaks at home. Over the past more than 20 the United Nations in New York, the week years, much has been accomplished since of September 19-24. On Tuesday evening, Slovakia’s independence in 1993. Of special September 20, President Kiska was honored pride this year is the Slovak Presidency of at a reception given in his honor at the resi- the Council of the European Union. A na- dence of the Slovak Mission to the United tion of just 5.5 million serving at the head Nations located at 67th Street off Fifth Av- of the nearly 500 million people who reside enue in Manhattan hosted by Ambassador in the European Union. At the conclusion, Frantisek Ruzicka, Permanent Representa- President Kiska was pleased to have the op- tive of the Slovak Republic to the United portunity to meet and speak with many of Nations. A number of representatives of the guests. He invited the American Slovaks the area’s Slovak community were invited to visit their beautiful ancestral homeland. to attend. Among the invited guests was the Among the special guests at the reception new pastor of the United Parish of St. John was former U.S. Ambassador to Slovakia, Nepomucene and St. Frances Xavier Cabri- Theodore Sedgwick who currently serves as ni, the Rev. Richard D. Baker. This parish president of the Slovak American Business serves as the spiritual and cultural center of and Innovation Council. the city’s Slovak community. The evening included a musical interlude In his address in perfect English, Presi- provided by the talented young perform- President Kiska, center, is fl anked by, l-r, Slovak Consul General in New York Jana dent Kiska thanked the American Slovak ers, Filip Pogany on the violin and Mathew Trnovcova, Ambassador Ruzicka, Rev. Richard D. Baker, and Slovak Ambasador to the community for its continued support and Graybil on the piano. Slovakia became the U.S. Peter Kmec. cooperation. As a young man, President 180th member of the United Nations in Kiska resided in the Philadelphia area for 18 March 1993, shortly following its indepen- months in the 1980s. President Kiska noted cence.

Ambassador Frantisek Ruzicka, right is shown welcoming President Andrej Kiska.

Slovakia’s President Andrej Kiska is shown addressing the guests at the reception given in his honor.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Slovakia, Theodore Sedgwick, second from the left is shown with, l-r, Editor Daniel F. Tanzone, Nina Holy, Father Richard D. Baker and Jane Holy From the left, Sabina Sabados, Ambassador Theodore Sedgwick, Luba Gregus Mason, Konzelmann. Father Richard D. Baker and Lisa Calabrese.

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People will also be able to see goldsmith products, samples of the textile and illumination process, three large monstrances What's making headlines in our ancestral homeland and two christening bowls. In addition, the book, ‘Decretum Gratiani’ which dates from the end of the 15th century that was printed in Venice and illuminated in the Spis area is also on dis- play. The Culture Ministry contributed $200,000 to the SNM for the preparation of this exhibit. The exhibit is the fi rst of its kind from Slovakia in the eternal city. (Continued on page 15)

News and Views from Slovakia...

Slovak and Czech museums in the Czech Republic. preparing exposition project “This stock-taking was carried out not only at the An artistic project titled Commemoration of the Anni- level of prime ministers, but also at the level of individual versary of Czechoslovakia’s Establishment in 1918 is being ministries. It’s unusual and unprecedented for countries to prepared for 2018 by various cultural institutions from both supervise the fulfi lment of each other’s commitments and Slovakia and the Czech Republic, TASR learned on Septem- relations as well as to exchange their experiences,” said Fico ber 26. after the meeting. The project has been confi rmed by the signing of a mem- His Czech counterpart Bohuslav Sobotka sees joint ses- orandum by six directors of museums and galleries at the Slo- sions as a nice tradition. “I think that the excellent relations vak National Museum(SNM) in Bratislava on September 26. between the Czech Republic and Slovakia are nowadays a This should be the largest Slovak-Czech museum project over good example for the entire EU. I think that our relations the past decade. form the basis for stability in central Europe,” said Sobotka, “We didn’t succeed in living together for 100 years, but adding that good cooperation between the two countries can I hope that by signing this memorandum we’ll cooperate for contribute to stability across the European Union. 100 years more. We’ve separated but we’re still fraternal na- In this regard, Fico noted that regarding European poli- tions. Our students are studying in the Czech Republic and tics, there are practically no topics that would divide the two vice-versa; we don’t need an interpreter. Many of our artists countries. Both prime ministers confi rmed once again their work in Prague,” said SNM general director Viktor Jasan at a same approach to the migration crisis and rejection of the press conference in Bratislava. migrant quotas. The Czech Republic’s National Museum(NM) general The Slovak and Czech cabinets in their joint state- director Michal Lukes said that the upcoming anniversary ment agreed to continue coordinating the European issues seems far away but organizers will have plenty of work to do. together. “The memorandum is not just a symbolic act. We’ve set up a “Slovak and Czech prime ministers concurred that the joint team for preparations of the exposition. It will take place EU internal refl ection shouldn’t lead to major institutional fi rst in Bratislava and then in Prague,” revealed Lukes. changes or fast integration processes, but to make key ele- “We don’t think of the exhibition as a duty to make a ments of the current Union more effi cient and to listen to mark for ourselves. We all perceive it as our own project that specifi c expectations of the people to a greater extent,” reads we look forward to,” said Slovak National Gallery(SNG) gen- the statement. eral director Alexandra Jusa. “We’ll get to know all sorts of The September 26 meeting in Bratislava was the fourth new and interesting things for sure.” joint session of the Slovak and Czech cabinets. The fi rst Moravian Museum general director Jiri Mitacek said such session took place on October 29, 2012 in the Czech that the exposition will feature not only what happened during city of Uherske Hradiste and in the Slovak city of Trencin, our common state but also what preceded it in the Moravian- while the second session was organized in the Slovak city Slovak region in the 19th century. of Skalica(Trnava region of western Slovakia) on April 24, The Military History Institute in Prague will prepare the 2014. The third joint session took place in Valtice in the part concerning both world wars and other related events. It’s southeastern part of the Czech Republic on May 12, 2015. director Ales Knizek stressed that the army played a signifi - cant role in the establishment of Czechoslovakia. “Resistance Gothic treasures from Slovakia’s on all fronts in various countries, Thomas G. Masaryk(fi rst exposition on display in Rome Czechoslovak president) and Milan Rastislav Stefanik(former Works of Master Paul of Levoca(Presov region) and war minister and general) all created propitious conditions other gothic treasures representing Slovak cultural heritage during World War I to create the state. from the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries are on display at There was a premier of the movie ‘Anthropoid’ in Prague the residence of Italy’s president, the Palazzo del Quirinale on September 27 depicting the assassination of Rheinhard in Rome, TASR learned on September 28. Heydrich - one of the main architects of the Holocaust - plot- The exposition, called ‘Tesori gotici dalla ted by one Slovak(Jozef Gabcik) and one Czech(Jan Kubis). Slovacchia’(Gothic Treasures from Slovakia) opened on “This is also about common fate,” said Knizek. September 29 and will continue until November 13. Pres- The whole exposition will be chronologically divided into ent at the opening were Slovak President Andrej Kiska, Ital- several parts - World War I and the establishment of Czecho- ian President Sergio Mattarella and Slovak Culture Minister slovakia in 1918; the fi rst decade of the state-building and es- Marek Madaric. “The Slovak National Museum(SNM) in Many monasteries and religious centers dot the coun- tablishment of various institutions; development in the 1930s; cooperation with the Italian President’s Offi ce General Sec- tryside throughout Slovakia. One of these is the Cerveny World War II accompanied by a short split of Czechoslovakia; retariat prepared the exhibit in honor of Slovakia’s Presiden- Klastor(the Red Monastery). It is located near the village renewal of the old system until 1948; Czechoslovakia becom- cy of the Council of the European Union to present Slovak of Cerveny Klastor within the Pieniny Mountains next to ing a Communist stronghold culminating with the invasion of culture and history according to Dagmar Brisudova of the the Dunajec River in north central Slovakia. The monas- the Warsaw Pact armies to Czechoslovakia in 1968; the nor- SNM. tery was founded in the early 14th century. The monastery malization period(1969-1989); the fall of Communism(1989) All Slovak items at the exhibit are national cultural gets it name from the red tiles that were used on the roofs and the division into two separate republics in 1993. landmarks of extraordinary artistic and historic value. Some of the complex. In 1699, Bishop Ladislav Matasovsky of exhibit items, such as the group of statues from altar of the Nitra purchased the monastery and gave it to the Camaldo- Fico: joint session of cabinets bring Nativity or the Lamentation of Christ, all from the Basilica lese monks who are a branch of the Carthusian order, who stock-taking of mutual relations of St. James in Levoca, have left Slovakia for the fi rst time. arrived in area in 1711. In 1782, the monastery was sup- Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico considers a joint Other works of Master Paul are featured as well, including pressed by Emperor Joseph II’s campaign against monastic session of the Czech and Slovak cabinets held in Bratislava the statue of Our Lady from an altar in the Cathedral of St. orders. In 1820, Emperor Franz Joseph I donated the mon- on September 26 as a stock-taking of mutual relations, TASR Martin in Spisska Kapitula and the statue of the Crucifi ed astery to the new Greek Catholic Diocese of Presov. The learned on the same day. Christ in Spisske Vlachy. In addition sculptures by Master monastery suffered a fi re in 1907 and was heavily damaged The joint meeting resulted in a statement of both prime Paul as well as paintings of his contemporaries are also part during World War II. In 1950, the communists closed the ministers that features cooperation in European issues, migra- of the Roman exhibit. monastery. The communists rebuilt the monastery between tion issues as well as in defense, energy, transport and agricul- the years 1956-66 converting the complex into a museum. ture areas. Selected stories are provided by TASR-Slovakia, the Today the monastery is a popular tourist attraction. The next joint session of the two cabinets is set for 2017 Slovak Republic’s offi cial News Agency. SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, OCTOBER 19, 2016 PAGE 13

Three Ways How to Buy Life Insurance Christians are Like Pumpkins International Basketball Through an Insurance you can purchase limited amounts God picks you from the patch, & Volleyball Update Professional of extra coverage without having brings you in, and washes all of The International Basketball and Volleyball Tournament, Most people need help con- to answer questions about your the dirt off which you may have originally scheduled for Barberton, Ohio in October 2016, has ducting the detailed fi nancial as- health. If you want to signifi cant- gotten from other pumpkins. been postponed until the new year. The tournament will be held on sessment needed to determine ly increase your coverage, you Then, he cuts the top off and Saturday, March 25, 2017. With most participants being busy with how much and what kind of insur- may have to answer health ques- scoops out all of the yucky stuff. fall high school football, volleyball, soccer and other fall sports, ance to buy. That’s why they usu- tions in order to qualify. He removes seeds of doubt, the Supreme Physical Fitness Board felt that the tourament would ally turn to a qualifi ed insurance If your employer doesn’t of- hate, greed, unforgiveness, etc. have much greater participation in the spring. The location for the professional. To fi nd one that’s fer a group life insurance quotes Then, he carves a new smiling tournament will remain the same in the Barberton School District right for you, ask for recommen- benefi t, you still might be able face and puts His light inside of in Barberton, Ohio. We are currently working with the school to dations from friends, relatives or to get coverage through work. you to shine for all the world to fi rm up the details and times. I will be sending out additional in- a trusted advisor, such as a lawyer Some companies give their em- see. Are you letting your light formation regarding the tournament and lodging in the near future. or accountant. Before agreeing to ployees the option to buy life in- shine? Be a jack-o-lantern for Je- It is very important to keep our Sokol sports tournaments ac- work with an agent, interview surance on a voluntary, employ- sus! - Posel tive to continue our fraternalism and promote the growth of new at least two to establish a basis ee-paid basis. While you pay the members. This should be a great warm-up and an opportunity for for comparison. Ask them about full cost of the benefi ts under a the upcoming 48th International Slet scheduled for July 2017. We their education, training, profes- voluntary arrangement, there are Tweet ‘em! will also have 3 on 3 for the younger children at the basketball and sional designations, and if they several advantages to buying Soon, very soon, your door- volleyball tournament. We ask that all of our Groups work on or- are a member of a professional insurance this way. Voluntary bell will ring and some pint-sized ganizing a team. Future updates regarding our sports activities will association, such as the National plans help workers get coverage pirate or ghost or whatever will appear in our Slovak Catholic Falcon. Association of Insurance and more easily than if they were to “twick or tweet” you as he or she Financial Advisers, which has a purchase an individual policy on thrusts forth a bag designed to be Zdar Boh! stringent code of ethics to which their own outside of the work- fi lled with as much halloween Frank P. Laury, III its members agree to adhere. place. Plus, the premium can loot as possible. Supreme Assistant Director of Sports & Athletics be automatically deducted from Sure, it’s a pain to answer that At Work your paycheck, and can be less constantly ringing doorbell. And Many employers, especially expensive because of effi ciencies sure, some of the little costumed Minutes of the semi-annual meeting larger ones, offer life insurance in application and billing proce- ones don’t deserve to be treated. of Group 6, “Msgr. Andrew Hllinka” as part of their benefi ts package – dures. Some of their manners are atro- usually a term policy equal to one cious. But that’s another story... The semi-annual meeting of DiVirgilo. The sports director, Mi- Group 6, “Msgr. Andrew Hlinka” chael T. Matras presented the report or two times your annual salary Direct Purchasing So just keep in mind that Hal- was held on Sunday, October 2, on the Group’s participation in vari- – at no cost to you. This is called You can purchase coverage via loween comes but once a year. 2016 at the Hoss Steak & Seafood ous Sokol sporting events. Group group insurance, a nice benefi t to the Internet, over the phone or “Tweet” ‘em and you won’t be Restaurant in Belle Vernon, Pa. 6 members participated in the 70th have, but it’s typically not enough by mail. The better services pro- risking a “twick.” Group 6 President Anna Mae War- international bowling tournament to meet most people’s needs. If vide qualifi ed insurance profes- nick called the meeting to order at held in Buffalo, N.Y. in May, as well you need more coverage than sionals to guide you through the 1:30 p.m. Sister Anna Mae wel- as the 61st international golf tourna- your employer’s “basic” benefi t, process, and offer competitive comed all the offi cers and delegates. ment held in DuBois, Pa. in August. talk to your benefi ts manager at quotes from multiple cheap life She then led the delegates in the At the meeting’s conclusion, Presi- work. insurance companies for term life Grace. dent Warnick expressed thanks and Many companies give their insurance. Based on your specifi c After enjoying a delicious lun- gratitude to all for their attendance employees the option to purchase health situation, fi nding the right cheon, the president called the busi- and promotion of the Slovak Catho- additional coverage through their company is important in getting ness session to order. Sister Anna lic Sokol in their local lodges. employer’s group plan. Often, the best price available. Mae Warnick then called on the With no further business, on a mo- secretary, Terri Gardner to read the tion by Dorothy Rudinec, seconded minutes of the previous meeting. The by Mary Catherine DeVirgilio, the minutes were read and recorded. The meeting was adjourned. The meet- president indicated that all the reports ing closed with a prayer. Wishing all were completed and all the bills have an enjoyable Thanksgiving, may I been paid. Sister Warnick opened remain Zdar Boh! the fl oor for discussion regarding the possibility of Group 6 hosting a ban- Respectfully submitted, quet in 2017. The treasurer’s report Terri Gardner was presented by Mary Catherine Group 6 secretary

EFFECTIVE DATE: JULY 1, 2016 The Mixing Bowl

HALLOWEEN ZOMBIE MIX MINIMUM HALLOWEEN SWEET This mix is a great way to use POTATO FRIES CURRENT GUARANTEE whatever Halloween candy you These home-baked sweet potato VANTAGE 1 1.25% 1.00% have on hand. fries are all that -- and quick and VANTAGE 2 1.50% 1.00% 4 cups Vanilla Chex™ cereal easy too! 4 cups Cinnamon Chex™ cereal 2 large sweet potatoes VANTAGE 3 2.00% 1.00% 2 cups chopped chocolate candy 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice VANTAGE 5 3.00% 2.00% 1 1/2 cups candy corn 1 tablespoon sugar VANTAGE 7 3.25% 2.00% 1 cup orange or red candy melts 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 cup chocolate candy melts 1/2 tablespoon salt 2 tablespoons vegetable oil Scrub the sweet potatoes clean. SINGLE PREMIUM IMMEDIATE ANNUITY – SPIA In large bowl, mix cereals. Chop Slice them into 1/4 rounds. Use 5 THROUGH 9 YEARS 2.75% chocolate candy into bite-size mini cookie cutters to cut jack-o- 10 YEARS OR MORE 3.50% pieces. Add to cereal mixture along lantern faces, stars, and pumpkins with candy corn. Toss to combine. ______into the center of each sweet potato Spread mixture evenly on waxed slice. paper. Melt orange and chocolate Place sweet potatoes on a parch- NO LONGER OFFERED EFFECTIVE: AUGUST 31, 2011 candy melts separately as directed ment-lined baking sheet. Drizzle on packages. Stir 1 tablespoon oil with olive oil, sprinkle with pump- into each color; stir until well com- kin pie spice, sugar, and salt. Or MINIMUM bined. Drizzle melted candy coat- try using a little Old El Paso taco CURRENT GUARANTEE ings over cereal mixture. seasoning instead and make Mexi FLEXIBLE 3.00% 3.00% Let stand about 1 hour or until fries! Bake in an oven preheated to SINGLE PREMIUM 3.00% 3.00% candy coating is hardened. Break 400°F and cook until tender, about into pieces to serve. 18-22 minutes. PAGE 14 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, OCTOBER 19, 2016

Monsignor Francis J. Beeda, S.T.L. Lodge Jottings Sokol Birthdays = celebrates his 80th birthday OCTOBER 25 sen, Pa. (Continued from page 4) Kerri Ann Malanowski, Pitts- (Continued from page 10) ago. He is also a Life Member Laura Dubos, Broken Arrow, burgh, Pa., a member of Wreath 22, of the Slovak League of America tober 22 at the Slovak Catholic Sokol OK a member of Wreath 54, Po- recognized when Pope Saint John Pittsburgh, Pa. as well as other area Slovak clubs Club, 2912 East Carson Street, South land, Oh. Paul II named him a Prelate of Judy Hromada, Lorain , Oh., a Anna M. Warrick, West New- and associations. Side. Doors open at 6 p.m. and races Honor with the title of Monsignor member of Wreath 111, Lorain, Oh. ton, Pa., a member of Assembly 127, Always a great admirer of the start at 7 p.m. Admission is just $10.00 in 1984. More than 1,200 guests Leslie A. Evanoff, Medville, Pa., Monessen, Pa. legacy of Father Joseph Murgas, per person with draft beer and snacks turned out for the testimonial din- a member of Assembly 64, Erie, Pa. NOVEMBER 2 pioneer in wireless telegraphy, in included in the price. Come join us ner given in his honor on that oc- OCTOBER 26 Julie Brincka Gural, Columbia, 2006, Monsignor Beeda spear- for an enjoyable evening of traditional casion. Sadly, a year later in 1985, Evelyn Catanzarite, Freedom, N.J., a member of Wreath 2, Pas- headed a drive to raise funds to Sokol fellowship and good cheer. the faithful at Sacred Heart had Pa., a member of Wreath 85, McK- saic, N.J. erect a plaque honoring him on On Monday, November 7, we will to bid farewell to this mover and ees Roacks, Pa. Paul L. Mudrak, Carteret, N.J., the facade of the main post offi ce host a special Sokol Club meeting shaker when he was appointed Theresa K. Belfance, Saugerties, a member of Assembly 162, Clifton, in Bratislava. On September 20, at the Slovak Catholic Sokol, South pastor of St. Joseph’s Parish in N.Y., a member of Assembly 219, N.J. 2006, he unveiled the plaque in Side, beginning at 7 p.m. We ask that Hazleton, the oldest Slovak parish Yonkers, N.Y. NOVEMBER 3 the Slovak capital and spoke at its all our members make every effort to in the United States. He remained Zachary L. Belfance, Saugerties, Msgr. Francis J. Beeda, S.T.L., dedication. Father Murgas spent his attend this meeting since the future of at St. Joseph’s until December N.Y., a member of Assembly 219, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., our Honorary most fruitful creative years while our Sokol Club building will be dis- 2008 when he suffered a stroke Yonkers, N.Y. Supreme Offi cer. he was pastor at Sacred Heart Par- cussed. and retired as pastor in the spring Anne A. Bokeko, Medford, N.J., Michaela B. Benyak, Mononga- ish in Wilkes-Barre. Msgr. Beeda, On Wednesday, November 23, we of 2009. a member of Assembly 188, Lans- hela, Pa., a member of Assembly127, a worthy successor of Father Mur- host our traditional Sokol Club Mem- Monsignor Beeda has been a ford, Pa. Monessen, Pa. gas, serving for 21 years of fruitful ber Appreciation Night beginning at staunch supporter of the work of OCTOBER 28 Mary Lou Hamilton, Arlington priestly ministry there, saw the 7 p.m. at the Slovak Catholic Sokol our Slovak fraternals all his life Sister Loretta Marie Hrubec, Heights, Ill., a member of Assembly need to honor the legacy of this out- Club, South Side. This annual event and currently enjoys membership SS.C.M., Danville, Pa., a member 11, Chicago, Ill. standing Slovak immigrant. for Club members is an opportunity in all fi ve of them. He served as of Assembly 312, Passaic, N.J. Morgan Elizabeth Pudgil, Vista, On the occasion of Monsignor to express thanks and gratitude to all Supreme Chaplain of our organi- Simon Koval, Poway, CA, a Ca., a member of Wreath 39, Bridge- Beeda’s 80th birthday, a grateful who assist us in our various activities zation from 1993 to 2003. Our member of Assembly 11, Chi- port, Conn. American Slovak community pays at the Sokol Club. The evening will 29th national convention elected cago, Ill. Robert Toskovich, Garfield, says thank you and pays tribute to include, food, draft beer, soda, all free him an Honorary Supreme Of- Rebecca Lee, Wilkes Barre, Pa., N.J., a member of Assembly 1, Pas- this outstanding priest, patriotic of charge. There will be Happy Hour fi cer. In 2008, he was honored as a member of Assembly 59, Wilkes- saic, N.J. American, proud son of Slovakia prices. The event is an excellent op- our Slovak Catholic Sokol Frater- Barre, Pa. Mary Tribou, Lakeville, Mass., and heir of our Cyrilo-Methodian portunity to renew your 2017 mem- nalist of the Year. In addition to Veronica Gdula Maslar, Beaver- a member of Assembly 136, Nan- heritage of faith. We pray that Al- bership and enjoy an evening with his efforts on behalf of Slovak fra- dale, Pa., a member of Assembly 82, ticoke, Pa. mighty God will continue to bless fellow members. Zdar Boh! ternalism, Msgr. Beeda has been Dunlo, Pa. NOVEMBER 4 him for many years to come. Sto Larry Werner active in the work of the Slovak Marian Mitro, Millis, Mass., a Thomas A. Masi, Basking lat! Happy birthday Monsignor Recording Secretary Catholic Federation, serving on its member of Assembly 314, Boston, Ridge, N.J., a member of Assembly Beeda. Ad multos, gloriosque an- executive board and supporting its Mass. 182, New York City. nos and Zdar Boh! WHITING, IND. many projects over the years. He OCTOBER 29 Joseph Nicholas Oros, Reading, Those of our members who Wreath 81 has been a supporter of the work Arlene Most, Pittsburgh, Pa., a Pa., a member of Assembly 261, would like to send a greeting to him The evenings are getting shorter of the Slovak Institute of SS. Cyril member of Wreath 22, Pittsburgh, Reading, Pa. may do so by writing: Msgr. Fran- and cooler, and the beauty of fall and Methodius, now the Pontifi cal Pa. Caroline Ruth Yencha, Pleas- cis J. Beeda, Little Flower Manor leaves is beginning to make its ap- Slovak College of SS. Cyril and Kelli Lynne Newmaster, Can- ant Prairie, Wis., a member of As- 200 South Meade St., Room 204, pearance on the scene. This is a cue Methodius in Rome from its be- nonsburg, Pa., a member of Assem- sembly 59, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. ginnings more than a half century Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702. for the offi cers to begin planning for our traditional Christmas party, bly 127, Monessen, Pa. NOVEMBER 5 which coincides with our annual OCTOBER 30 Joanne Bartos, Struthers, meeting. The festivities are scheduled Andrew M. Chuba, Wilkes- Oh., a memberr of Wreath 107, for Sunday, December 4 at Johnel’s Barre, Pa., a member of Assembly Youngstown, Oh. Announcing the Memorial Restaurant, located at 4145 Calumet 59, Wilkes Barre, Pa. NOVEMBER 6 Avenue in Hammond, Ind. beginning Michelle Minnick, Elyria, Oh., a Jennifer Bell, Cannonsburg, Pa., Scholarship Fund!!! member of Wreath 111, Lorain, Oh. a member of Wreath 22, Pittsburgh, In Memory of.... at 12:30 p.m. The cost for members is $10.00 and guests are welcome at Joseph Jurasi, Garfi eld, N.J., Pa. Have you found yourself looking for a way to memorial- a cost of $15.00. A warm and sincere a member of Assembly 182, New NOVEMBER 7 ize a lost loved one or fellow Group/Wreath/Assembly member? invitation is extended to all. Reserva- York, N.Y. Makayla Breann Macurak, Why not make a donation in their honor to the newly developed tions are required and can be made by Sara Elizabeth Olexsak, Allen- Acworth, Ga., a member of Wreath Memorial Scholarship fund? Your donation will assure that an an- calling Judy Strisko at 219 659-6743 town, N.J., a member of Assembly 22, Pittsburgh, Pa. nual scholarship be given out to a college age student who best before the Tuesday, November 22nd 182, New York City. NOVEMBER 8 exemplifi es the meaning of fraternalism and volunteerism. Here’s deadline. Payment is due with your OCTOBER 31 Marc E. Drevitch, Wilkes-Barre, how it works: reservation. Robert D. Betza, Gibsonia, Pa., Pa., a member of Assembly 59, Send a check or money order to the Memorial Scholarship In keeping with our ongoing care a member of Assembly 127, Mones- Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Fund clearly indicating the name to be memorialized. You can and share community project of pro- fi nd a donation form on line at viding fi nancial assistance to our local food pantry, we ask those planning to 44th Annual March for Life set or simply send your donation to: attend to bring monetary donations for January 27 in Washington, D.C. for our Wreath’s pet project. Your For many years now, members of kes-Barre Township. The bus will Edward D. Moeller generosity will ensure that our com- our four Slovak Catholic fraternals, then pick up passengers at St. John Museum Treasurer munity’s needy will enjoy a Christ- namely the Slovak Catholic Sokol, Bosco Church located on Route Memorial Scholarship Fund mas fi lled with reminders of Christ’s the First Catholic Slovak Union, 93 leaving Hazleton at about 7:30 205 Madison St. love and compassion for the poor. the First Catholic Slovak Ladies a.m. Local branches and districts Passaic, NJ 07055 Special thanks are extended to the Association and the Ladies Penn- and Groups of our fraternals may Editor of the Falcon, Dan Tanzone, sylvania Slovak Catholic Union sponsor the cost of members plan- Š Your bequest will be recognized in the Falcon as well for the interesting and informative ad- have proudly participated in the an- ning to attend. Anyone interested as permanently added to the Memorial Scholarship dition to our previous Falcon submis- nual March for Life in our nation’s in attending should call Theresa A. Donation Log which will be kept at the Sokol Museum. sion. Dan’s knowledgeable history of capital. Under the banner, “Slovak Kluchinski at tel. 888 834-6614 or Š Depending on the amount of funds collected, we will our Wreath was very well received by Catholic Fraternals for Life,” each 570 823-3515 or email Theresa@ be able to award at least two $1,000 scholarships annu- our members. year our fraternalists participated in for more information. ally. The hope is that the donated funds will begin a We look forward to seeing some this peaceful demonstration show- The cost is $55.00 per person and self-perpetuating interest bearing scholarship account. new faces at the Christmas party, and ing our support for life in opposi- includes the cost of the bus, snacks we send warm wishes to those unable tion to abortion. on the bus and a dinner buffet at Have you recently lost a loved one? You might consider ear- to attend because of illness or dis- Once again, a bus will depart the Mountain Gate Restaurant on marking donations to this fund in their memory. Keep the spirit of tance. You are always remembered in from northeastern Pennsylvania to the way home. your fellow Sokol alive by investing in a way that their fraternal prayer at all of our functions. participate in the March for Life. We hope to see many area Sokol dedication will not be forgotten. Zdar Boh! The bus will depart from Wilkes- members participate in this annual Judy Strisko Barre at 7 a.m. from the park and demonstration of respect for life - Recording Secretary ride located on Route 309 in Wil- from conception to natural death! SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, OCTOBER 19, 2016 PAGE 15

News and Views from Slovakia... Your’re a Better (Wo)man Than I Am.... Sokol Calendar (Continued from page 12) (Continued from page 2) tion Place, S.W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Sagan fi rst ever Slovak to become Q 2016 Slovak Christmas Market at Saturday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sunday:10 brand ambassador for Slovakia the Embassy of the Slovak Repub- a.m. - 3 p.m., free admission, tel. 319 World and European cycling champion, Peter Sagan is the fi rst per- lic, 3523 International Court, N.W., 362-8500, sonality to bear the honorary title ‘Good Idea Slovakia’ Brand Ambassador, Washington, D.C., 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., SUN.DEC.4 TASR learned on September 29. refreshments inported gift items, free Q Wreath 81 annual meeting and (‘Good Idea Slovakia’ is a slogan used to represent Slovakia abroad admission, free street parking. Christmas party at Johnel’s Restau- that was designed especially for Slovakia’s Presidency of the Council of the SUN.NOV.6 rant, 4145 Calumet Ave. Hammond, EU. - ed. note) Q Group 18 annual meeting and Ind. beginning at 12:30 p.m. Sagan received the title from Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gunga Din wasn’t the only fa- luncheon at the Viennese Villa Res- Q Children’s Christmas Party hosted Miroslav Lajcak at the Slovak central bank(NBS) on the evening of Sep- mous water carrier. During the taurant in Coaldale, Pa. beginning at by Group 17 at Camelot Bowling tember 28. American Revolution, “Molly 12:30 p.m. for reservations call John Lanes. 628 Boardman-Canfi eld Rd., NBS Vice-Governor Jan Toth spoke about the successes of the Slovak Pitcher” of “Sergeant Molly” as Orsulak at 570 645-5344 or email: or- Boardman, Oh. from 1-3 p.m. reser- cyclist and described him as an exceptional young man from a modest fam- she was variously nicknamed, was [email protected]. vations necessary, call Edie Babik at ily in Zilina who is a role model for many. a real live water carrier during the Q 26th annual Slovak Heritage Festi- 330 782-9555 by November 30. “We’re in an institution that handles values by means of money. How- Battle of Monmouth in June 1778. val hosted by the Slovak Studies Pro- Q Slovak Heritage Association of the ever, there are other values that are incalculable, for example, when Peter has Born near Trenton, N.J., October gram at the University of Pittsburgh, Laurel Highlands meeting and Christ- our fl ag raised in honor of his victory and our national anthem is played,” 13, 1754, her real name was Mary Cathedral of Learning Commons mas party at the Am-Slo Club, John- said Lajcak at the ceremony. Hays McCauley. But her heroism Room, 4200 Fifth Ave., Oakland, stown, Pa. beginning at 2 p.m.; a light “Peter has been an exceptional phenomenon due to his talent, effort, did not stop with carrying water. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1-5 p.m., entertain- meal will be served, $5.00 per person; achievements and sense of humor. Thanks to him, many more people across After her husband John Hays was ment, exhibits, food and vendors; discussion the celebration of St. Nich- the world have come to know more about our country; he’s been a great ad- wounded, she took over the load- for info call Christine Metil 412 624- olas among Slovaks and Rusyns. vertisement for Slovakia. Who other than Peter should be at the birth of this ing and fi ring of the cannon. Sub- 5906 or email [email protected]. Q Children’s St. Nicholas Day cele- tradition and become the fi rst ever bearer of the honorary title of Slovakia’s sequently, General Washington Q Group 17 annual meeting begin- bration for members of Assembly 182 Brand Ambassador,” added Lajcak, who have him the title in the form of a issued her a warrant as a noncom- ning with 11 a.m. Mass at Our Lady in the social hall of St. John Nepomu- Viktor Oravec glass sculpture. missioned offi cer. of Sorrows/St. Matthias Church, cene Parish, 406 East 67th St., New “I’m pleased to receive such an award and that I have the honor to Youngstown, Oh., meeting to follow York, N.Y. beginning at 12:30 p.m. be the fi rst....I didn’t even need to win the Olympics to get it. I’m proud to The Martians at Donavito’s Restaurant, 139 South Q United Slovak Societies traditional represent Slovakia, but I think that a great many things need to change in Have Landed! Bridge St., Struthers, Oh. Vilija dinner at the American Slovak Q Slovakia. I hope that everything will continue only in a better way,” said On Halloween Eve, 1938, the Group 7 annual meeting at St. Club, 915 Broadway Ave., Lorain, Sagan, who was beset with problems in Rio such as two fl at tires. Mercury Players with Orson Welles John the Evangelist Parish, 35 Wil- Oh., cocktails at 5:30 p.m., dinner The honorary title of ‘Good Idea Slovakia’ Brand Ambassador forms broadcast a program based on H.G. liam St., Pittston, Pa. beginning with at 6 p.m., program to follow; tickets part of a long-term brand building process for the country. It’s aimed at re- Wells’ War of the Worlds. Done as attendance at the 12:15 p.m. Mass, $20.00, advance sales only; for res- warding outstanding personalities or entities and use their potential for pre- simulated news bulletins, it was meeting and luncheon to follow in the ervations call Len Zilko at 440 988- senting Slovakia at home and broad. The project is organized by the com- so realistic that it caused great church hall. 3236. munication agency Creative Department that has also created the new brand panic among many listeners who MON.NOV.7 SAT.DEC.10 Q of Slovakia. believed Martians had actually in- Wreath 22 meeting, under the spiri- Q Annual Children’s Christmas Party vaded New Jersey. tual patronage of St. Cecilia, at the hosted by Group 14, Assembly 16 and Lajcak: Slovakia has become global Slovak Catholic Sokol Club, 2912 Wreath 22 at the Slovak Catholic So- player thanks to UN campaign Noah Compiled Words East Carson St., South Side, Pitts- kol Club, 2912 East Carson St., South The campaign for the UN secretary-general post has made “Slovakia burgh, Pa. beginning at 7 p.m. Side, Pittsburgh, Pa., doors open at 12 more visible, despite its eventual unsuccess, said Slovak Foreign and Euro- Q Assembly 16 and Sokol Club spe- noon and festivities begin at 1 p.m., pean Affairs Minister Miroslav Lajcak at a press conference on October 7. cial meeting at the Slovak Catholic call Carmella Suess Marzec 412 414- Lajcak was the fi rst ever offi cial Slovak candidate for this post. “The Sokol Club, 2912 East Carson St., 9249, email:[email protected]., campaign has made Slovakia far more visible, as it was mentioned in South Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. beginning Facebook: Group 14 Pgh.Pa Slovak countries and on continents where basically no one has registered Slovakia at 7 p.m. Catholic Sokols. before,” noted Lajcak. “I can say that Slovakia has thus become a global NOV. 11-12 Q Slovak Christmas Vilija Dinner player and that it(the campaign) has helped us to fi nd new friends and open Q 92nd annual meeting of the New at The Slovak Garden, A Home for up new opportunities for developing cooperation,” he added. England Fraternal Alliance in Berlin, American Slovaks, 3110 Howell This campaign was a big trial for Slovakia’s diplomacy and it did Conn. Branch Rd., Winter Park, Fla., featur- SAT.NOV.12 great, argued Lajcak. “Experiences we’ve garnered will help us in the fu- On October 16, 1758, Noah ing traditional Slovak culinary speci- Q Lucina Slovak Folk Ensemble ture; they represent excellent capital and they will defi nitely open doors for Webster began his 85 years on alities; $15.00 per person; for reser- benefi t folk gala at Holy Spirit Party other Slovak diplomats to run for important global posts,” he emphasized. earth. As time passed the teacher, vations call 407 677-6894 or email Center, 5500 West 54th St., Parma, The UN Security Council offi cially proposed former Portuguese patriot, journalist, lecturer, lawyer, [email protected]. Oh., dinner at 6:30 p.m., cultural pro- prime minister Antonio Guterres to become the next secretary-general on legislator, and author managed to SUN.DEC.11 gram at 7:30 p.m., $50.00 per person, October 6. He’ll have to be confi rmed by the General Assembly. Lajcak make a mark for himself few can Q Traditional Vilija Dinner hosted advance ticket sales only, call Tom placed right behind Guterres in the fi nal secret vote and thus was the best match. Webster is most remem- by the American Slovak Cultural As- Ivanec 440 668-7797. candidate from among eastern European countries, which were thought to bered for his American Dictionary sociation of the Mahoning Valley in SUN.NOV.20 be the top contenders for the post. of the American Language, a work the Father Snock Center of the former Q 34th annual St. Martin Day Cel- “I honor the result and I consider it to be a huge encouragement, not which took him 20 years to com- St. Matthias School, 2800 Shady Run ebration hosted by Group 2 beginning only for me, but for all of us, for our foreign service. It’s also a success for plete. Rd., Youngstown, Oh. beginning at Slovakia. We should appreciate it,” declared Lajcak. with 11 a.m. Mass at Holy Name of 4 p.m., tickets $20.00, advance sales There wasn’t a unanimous desire among the permanent members of Jesus Church, 1950 Barnum Ave., only; for tickets contact Ron Garchar Mother-in-Law Day, Stratford, Conn. luncheon and fra- the Security Council to have a secretary-general from an eastern European October 28 at 330 533-7077 or Loretta Ekoniak at country. Lajcak was allegedly supported by China and Russia, while Great ternal program to follow at The Blue 330 549-3760 or email at loretta.eko- After thousands of years, the Goose Restaurant, $35.00 per person; Britain and the United States vetoed him and France Abstained. scorning, maligning, slandering, [email protected]. Lajcak said that the Eastern European regional group should carefully for reservations call Eileen S. Wilson, SUN.DEC.18 and poking fun at mothers-in-law tel. 203 378-8837. Deadline for reser- think about the result of the vote. “There will be a need for better coordina- may be coming to an end. For on Q Traditional Christmas concert of tion; we weren’t unifi ed enough, sympathetic enough and individual in- vations is Saturday, Nov. 12. chorus and instrumentalists under October 28, a day that will live in SAT.NOV.19 terests often pervated over interests of the regional group,” noted the chief the heart of every mother who is the direction of Stephen J. Knoblock of Slovakia’s diplomacy, adding that the initial promise that all countries Q Slovak League of America Execu- featuring the choir of the former Most also a mother-in-law, America will tive Board meeting in the social hall from eastern Europe would jointly support whichever candidate with the celebrate Mother-in-Law Day. Holy Trinity Parish at the Church of best odds wasn’t fulfi lled, but that many of them led a negative campaign of the Church of St. John Nepomu- St. Casimir, 239 Nepperhan Ave., The object is to refurbish the cene, 411 East 66th St., New York, against the others. distinctly negative image of moth- Yonkers, N.Y. beginning at 3 p.m. Chaos in the selection was also caused by a second candidate from N.Y. beginning at 10:30 a.m. in church followed by a buffet sup- ers-in-law as interfering, nagging WED.NOV.23 Bulgaria - European Commissioner for the Budget and Human Resources shrews. In actual fact, most Ameri- per served in the church hall, $35.00 Kristalina Georgieva - who was introduced somewhere as the offi cial can- Q South Side Sokol Club Member per person for concert and dinner or cans don’t accept that description Appreciation Night at the Slovak didate of the EU. It made some of the UNSC members uncertain, but in the at all. Recent studies disclose that $10.00 for concert alone. end it was Georgieva who paid for this. Catholic Sokol Club, 2912 East Car- Q Traditional Vilija Dinner and pro- most people like their mothers-in- son St., South Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. The foreign minister praised that this time the selection of the UN law. gram hosted by St. John Nepomucene secretary-general was transparent. He also labeled his campaign positive, beginning at 7 p.m. Parish, 411 East 66th St., New York, respectable, clean and transparent. DEC. 3-4 N.Y. beginning with Mass celebrated Lajcak noted that he hadn’t any specially reserved budget for his Q 7th annual Old World Christmas in Slovak in church at 10:30 a.m. fol- campaign, but that it was covered from the ministry’ budget. Market at the National Czech & Slo- lowed by program at 12:30 p.m. vak Museum & Library, 1400 Inspira-


38th Annual SS. Cyril & Methodius In Memoriam Appeal of the Slovak Catholic Federation Slovak Catholic Sokol extends sincere sympathy to For the past 38 years, the Slovak Catholic Federation has hosted the bereaved families of deceased members its SS. Cyril and Methodius Appeal in support of the Pontifi cal Slovak College of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Rome and religious commu- APRIL 2016 nities of men and women in Slovakia. The appeal is an opportunity to repay in a special way the gift of faith which we have received Assembly/Wreath Member Age Date of Death through our Slovak ancestors. The Slovak college Assembly 9 Frank Agvent, Bridgeport, CT 89 March 9, 2016 in Rome, built by the American and Canadian Slo- Assembly 11 Joseph A. Seliga Jr., Chicago, IL 95 April 6, 2016 vak community, was dedicated in 1963 and serves Assembly 11 Josephine Petras, Chicago, IL 90 April 13, 2016 as a graduate house for Slovak priests pursuing Assembly 11 Anna Novotny, Chicago, IL 101 March 5, 2016 graduate degrees as the various Pontifi cal Roman Assembly 25 Raymond C. Moll, Perryopolis, PA 81 April 2, 2016 universities. We are pleased that our own Supreme Assembly 28 Adam B. Beresik, East Douglas, MA 94 February 28, 2016 Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic serves Assembly 32 Paul Pastier, Palmerton, PA 82 March 9, 2016 as the national president of the Slovak Catholic Assembly 34 James Jacques, Minneapolis, PA 69 March 29, 2016 Federation(SCF). The SCF serves as the represen- Assembly 36 Mary Menovcik, Detroit, MI 92 March 4, 2016 tative body of American and Canadian Catholics Assembly 48 Agnes Viscusi, Philadelphia, PA 86 January 18, 2016 of Slovak ancestry. Since assuming the offi ce of national president Assembly 57 Mary Margaret Marth, Allentown, PA 96 January 21, 2016 three years ago, individual members and local lodges of our organiza- Assembly 59 Eleanor Butasek, Wilkes-Barre, PA 81 March 31, 2016 tion have given generous support to the work of the SCF in general and Assembly 71 John C. Strucko, Edwardsville, PA 37 March 17, 2016 have been generous to the annual SS. Cyril and Methodius Appeal. As Assembly 86 Mary Ann Yanisko, Port Griffi th, PA 90 January 18, 2016 fraternalists, let us continue our charitable endeavors and include the Assembly 108 Albert Pasquale, Youngstown, OH 88 March 25, 2016 SS. Cyril and Methodius Appeal in our donations. In 2015, our Sokol Assembly 108 Norbert Krajnak, Youngstown, OH 90 February 26, 2015 lodges alone contributed a total of $2,414 to this appeal. Let us strive Assembly 108 Richard S. Hodos Sr., Youngstown, OH 77 August 11, 2014 to increase the number of lodges contributing this year in honor of Assembly 110 Stanley Scarbinsky, St. Clair, PA 96 March 3, 2016 Father Hvozdovic and the outstanding priestly ministry he shares with Assembly 163 Virginia Artalona, Donora, PA 74 April 10, 2016 us. Individuals may also make their individual contributions and per- Assembly 179 Pauline Yates, North Braddock, PA 92 March 26, 2016 haps honor the memory of a deceased family member. However large Assembly 219 Albert R. Popot, Yonkers, NY 72 December 16, 2015 or small, know that a donation to the SS. Cyril and Methodius Appeal Assembly 257 Raymond D. Baxter, Chicago, IL 69 March 6, 201 will be greatly appreciated and put to good use. Thank you and Pan Assembly 257 Denise Marie Misik, Chicago, IL 67 March 26, 2016 Boh Zaplat - My God repay your generosity. Assembly 257 John A. Bazik, Chicago, IL 79 December 20, 2009 As of this writing, about $15,000 has been raised for this year’s Assembly 299 Marie T. Torinese, Brooklyn, NY 85 March 31, 2016 appeal. Donations may be made at any time during the calendar year Wreath 1 Dolores Mae Agvent, Bridgeport, CT 82 June 4, 2016 of 2016. This year’s appeal coordinator is the Wreath 15 Francis Joseph Trambko, Perryopolis, PA 88 April 6, 2016 Rev. Thomas Nasta, SCF National First Vice Wreath 34 Joseph J. Hornack, Cleveland, OH 82 March 15, 2016 President and the national chaplain of the First Wreath 54 Agnes P. Kalwarczyk, Youngstown, OH 86 April 11, 2016 Catholic Slovak Union and pastor of the Par- Wreath 54 Cathie A. Stevens, Youngstown, OH 85 April 7, 2015 ish of Our Lady of Ransom in Philadelphia, Pa. Wreath 81 Margaret Helmick, Whiting, OH 90 March 31, 2016 Again, we thank you for your goodness and Wreath 81 Zofi a Dybel, Whiting, OH 86 March 29, 2016 generosity to this appeal. Make checks payable Wreath 85 Patricia Ann Roberts, Mc Kees Rocks, PA 47 February 7, 2016 to Slovak Catholic Federation. Wreath 147 Matthew P. Duda, Larksville, PA 87 April 7, 2016 The Slovak Catholic Federation was Wreath 155 Elizabeth Anne Milanek, Reading, PA 83 March 19, 2016 founded in 1911 by the Rev. Joseph Murgas in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. to coordinate the pastoral efforts of Slovak Catholic fraternal societies, parishes, religious communities of men and women and individuals Make a Difference Day and to give witness to our heritage of faith as handed down to our an- Vilija Dinner set for Dec. 4 in Lorain, Oh. cestors who fi rst were evangelized by the great Apostles of the Slavs, We all have opportunities every As part of its dedication to the beer will be available. Entertain- SS. Cyril and Methodius. day to change the world, whether preservation of our Slovak faith ment will be provided by Johnny we’re adopting a Highway to patrol traditions, the United Slovak Soci- “Squeeze” Pastirik. Advance ticket ✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄ for litter or volunteer- eties of Lorain, Ohio will host its sales only. Tickets are $20.00 per ing at a local shelter to traditional Vilija Dinner on Sunday, person. For reservations, contact 38th Annual Saints Cyril and Methodius Appeal help the homeless. It’s December 4. The annual event cel- Len Zilko at tel. 440 988-3236. amazing what just a ebrating the rich Slovak faith tradi- Area Sokol members are invited to Name______small effort by an indi- tion of the Christmas Eve supper, attend. An inspiring and enjoyable vidual or group of individuals can do Vilija or Stedry Vecer, will be held evening is assured. Address______to change the world, or at least their at the American Slovak Club, lo- The United Slovak Societies, local neighborhood. Make a differ- cated at 2915 Broadway Avenue in founded in 1935, is comprised of City______ence Day was established to help en- Lorain. The evening’s fare begins members of the following local courage us to take one day a year to with cocktails at 5:30 p.m. followed Slovak fraternal lodges: Slovak State______Zip______try to make a difference in the world. by dinner at 6 p.m. Catholic Sokol, Wreath 111; Na- History of Make a Difference Day The dinner begins with the shar- tional Slovak Society, Assembly Amount $______Originally created in 1992 by ing of the Oplatky and will consist 160; First Catholic Slovak Union, USA Weekend magazine, Make a of the Ladies Auxiliary perch, bo- Branch 228; First Catholic Slovak In memory of______Difference Day has seen a great deal balky, pirohy, sauerkraut soup, ko- Ladies Association, Branch 114 of support from various organiza- lacky and a wine toast. A cash will and Ladies Pennsylvania Slovak ______tions throughout the years, and most be available. Imported Zlaty Bazant Catholic Union, Branch 77. recently has been transferred over to Make check payable to Slovak Catholic Federation USA Today as its primarily sponsor people to make a difference in them- tic violence shelters. You can even and mail to: Dolores Evanko, National Secretary-Treasurer and organizer. USA Today provides selves, and the world. volunteer with your local blood bank Slovak Catholic Federation a central location for people to gather How to Celebrate Make or at a free clinic to help sign people 173 Berner Avenue their information and report what a Difference Day in. There are hundreds of opportuni- Hazleton, PA 18201 they’re doing locally to Make a Dif- ference. The ways to celebrate Make a Dif- ties for those interested in changing Since its creation Make a Differ- ference Day are limited only by your the world to get involved, and dozens ence Day has helped to encourage imagination, and your willingness to of organizations you contact to help contribute your time and efforts to you get involved. YOUR BENEFICIARIES thousands of people across the na- tion to start making an actual differ- changing the world. You can start cel- Remember, making a difference When was the last time you looked at your desig nat ed bene fi cia ries ence in the world. Contributions to ebrating by alerting people on social doesn’t have to involve a grandiose on your valuable Sokol insurance poli cy? How impor tant is it? Just making the world a better place have media to the upcoming opportunity to gesture, it can be as simple as buying a think about how much your life has changed. Have you mar ried, ranged from gathering stuffed bears make a difference, and then its time to coffee for a co-worker who’s looking divorced, had children, maybe you lost a loved one? This is an item for fi refi ghters to give to injured and get truly ambitious. down, or lunch for a homeless person you should consid er annu al ly. If you do need to make changes to any frightened children, to organizing re- Organize a food drive for your lo- just trying to get through the day. You of your poli cies, contact the Home Offi ce at 800-886-7656. lief efforts for victims of natural catas- cal Food Banks to help the hungry can even donate your old clothes and trophes like Hurricane Sandy. Overall and the needy, approach businesses blankets to shelters to help people get Make a Difference Day has spurred for donations to homeless and domes- back on their feet and stay warm. SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, OCTOBER 19, 2016 PAGE 17 Irrevocable Burial Trust Agreement Protection of assets at any age is important, but especially so when faced with the *** Medicaid (Title 19) rules and laws governing these issues differ by state and change need for nursing home services, Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income. One option without notice. Before taking any action, we recommend consulting an elder law attorney that may help preserve eligibility for services, while at the same time protecting assets from or professional in your state for advice on your situation the reach of creditors, is to place your Slovak Catholic Sokol life insurance policy in the Slovak Catholic Sokol Irrevocable Trust Agreement. Being Sure Upon naming the Irrevocable Burial Trust, as the irrevocable benefi ciary, the Trust Having the right amount of life insurance or putting money aside to cover your fi nal becomes the Owner of the policy and as Trustee, is obligated to apply the policy proceeds expenses is the right step. But it’s only a fi rst step. You need one more, easy step to protect towards burial, funeral, and end-of-life needs up to the face amount of the policy. The ben- your burial funds, the Irrevocable Burial Trust through the Slovak Catholic Sokol. efi t of naming the Irrevocable Burial Trust as Owner is that it may help the insured qualify for Medicaid and Social Security Income benefi ts by preventing the value of the policy from Stocks, Mutual Slovak Saving , CD being considered a resource of Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income eligibility. Funds, Annuity Catholic Sokol Money Market A further benefi t is that the policy proceeds, to the extent they are applied to end of life needs, would in most cases be protected from claims made by creditors, including Benefi ts Paid Direct for Final No Yes No the state and federal government. Any proceeds unnecessary for burial or funeral expense would be paid to the insured’s estate and would then be available to creditor’s claims. Benefi ts Protected from Creditors No Yes No Because the policy proceeds are to be applied to the end-of-life needs, the benefi ts avoid the cost and delay probate, and because they constitute the life insurance proceeds, they are tax Excludes Benefi ts to Qualify free upon death of. for SSI, VA, Medicaid No Yes No

The Irrevocable Burial Trust An Irrevocable Burial Trust is a valuable option that protects your assets that you Completing the Irrevocable Trust Agreement is a Simple Process: want to designate for your fi nal expenses. Upon naming the Irrevocable Burial Trust, as • The Grantor must be both the Insured and the Owner of the policy. the irrevocable benefi ciary, the Trust becomes the Owner of the policy and as Trustee, is • Only Slovak Catholic Sokol life insurance policies are eligible. obligated to apply the policy proceeds towards burial, funeral, and end-of-life needs up to • The total face amount of the policy or policies in the Trust are limited in amount in the face amount of the policy. most jurisdictions, which allows them to be excluded as a resource in determining eligibility for certain governmental service programs, such as those Types of expenses that qualify for payment from the mentioned above. These limitations vary depending on the state in which you are Irrevocable Burial Trust * side and frequently change from time to time, but a $10,000 limitation is quite common. • Funeral home personnel • It is your responsibility to determine the limitation that would be applicable to you. • Embalming/cosmetology • The Contingent benefi ciary of the policy or policies placed in the Trust must be the • Casket and/or other containers estate of the insured. • Clergy honorarium • It is important to act quickly, because under IRS rules, death proceeds of life • Transportation of deceased insurance policy given away within three years of the insured’s death are • Cremation automatically included in the insured’s gross estate. • Obituary notices • Musicians and fl owers The accuracy of the representation stated within are not guaranteed by the Slovak • Death certifi cates Catholic Sokol and are not meant to constitute either legal or tax advice, nor do they insure • Other legitimate funeral and burial expenses that this product is appropriate for the client’s situation. Before purchasing any life insur- ance product or creating an Irrevocable Trust, the client should seek the advice of an at- * Burial insurance funding should be within the limits of actual funeral costs. Excess pro- torney or a qualifi ed tax advisor. Laws vary from state to state and are subject to change at ceeds not spent on funeral costs must go back to the estate. Funeral trust burial insurance any time, which may result in the treatment of this product as being negative to the client’s plans should be used to fund funerals, and not to pass additional money to heirs. situation. The Slovak Catholic Sokol Irrevocable Trust Agreement is available on new and/or Reasons to choose an Irrevocable Burial Trust rather than existing Whole Life Policies. If you would like more information regarding this useful op- a Prepaid Funeral through a Funeral Home tion, you can contact your Authorized Slovak Catholic Sokol Agent, the Home Offi ce (800) • If the funeral home goes out of business you might not be able 886-7656 or the Sales and Marketing Offi ce (888) 381-5431. to recover your money • The funeral home might be sold or merge with another, less-personal funeral home A tradition of providing sound fi nancial protection and benefi ts to our members. that you would not want handling your fi nal arrangements, and they might not grant you a refund • What if you move, making your pre-paid funeral in a certain locality impractical or obsolete? (Editor’s note: We have noticed a number of returned • A funeral trust allows your arrangements to be handled by anyone you wish, such as copies of our Falcon due to incorrect ad dress es of our your personal representative, a relative, friend, or funeral home – anywhere – at the time of your passing members. We ask that when individuals move, that they com plete the form below for a change of address or Simple to establish and no extra charges call the home offi ce. We thank you for your continued Purchase a Slovak Catholic Sokol life insurance policy and we will create your ir- co op er a tion) revocable burial trust at no charge. The paperwork is simple to complete and we are here to help. CHANGE OF AD DRESS OR REQUEST The best time to protect your burial funds is now ** FOR SLOVAK CATHO LIC FALCON Purchasing an irrevocable burial trust life insurance policy protects your burial funds. •The Trust is the owner of the policy and the primary benefi ciary P.O.BOX 899 • 205 MADISON STREET • When a claim is paid, the funeral home is paid fi rst PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 •Any remaining funds are placed into the estate of the insured. T NEW T CHANGE T CAN CEL LA TION ** The representations included herein are not guarantees and do not constitute legal or tax advice. In addition, they do not ensure that the product is appropriate for the client’s situa- Certifi cate No.______tion. Before purchasing any life insurance product, we recommend that the client seek the advice of an attorney and accountant. Name______

Protection provided by the Irrevocable Burial Trust New Address______By irrevocably assigning your life insurance policy to the Slovak Catholic Sokol Irrevocable Burial Trust, you receive: City______State______Zip______• The ability to exclude your policy as an asset in order to qualify for government assistance programs, Medicaid or Supplemental Social Security Income (SSI). *** • Policy proceeds are paid to the trust, which then pays your funeral expenses. Old Ad dress______• Funds used for funeral expenses are protected from creditors, such as nursing homes, hospital, etc. City______State______Zip______• Death benefi ts used for funeral expenses will avoid probate costs and delays. • Benefi ts paid are income tax free. IRV Code Section 101(a) PAGE 18 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, OCTOBER 19, 2016

Scenes of the 93rd Annual Slovak Day of Western Pennsylvania Kennywood Park + West Miffl in, Pa. + July 21 Photos by Nick Bocher SLOVENSKÝ KATOLÍCKY SOKOL, 19. OKTÓBRA 2016 PAGE 19

39. Festival slovenského dedičstva v New Jersey prilákal 3000 návštevníkov Krátke správy zo Slovenska

T Starbucks otvára tretiu pre- Slovenskej poľnohospodárskej vádzku v obchodnom centre a potravinárskej komory M. v Bratislave. Po obchodných Semančík, sú alarmujúce a ani centrách Aupark a Eurovea tohoročné výhliadky sú podľa prichádza na rad Avion. Ame- neho neni “ružové”. rická sieť kaviarní Starbucks na T Slovensko má milión starob- Slovensku doposiaľ otvorila dve ných dôchodcov a 230-tisíc in- kaviarne. Už pri vstupe na slo- validných. Priemerný mesačný venský trh však avizovala, že do starobný dôchodok na Sloven- konca roka pribudne ešte jedna. sku na konci septembra tohto Tretiu kaviareň plánujú otvoriť v roku predstavoval 416,62 eura. V druhej polovici novembra. provnaní s koncom septembra T Predaj domácich potravín na vlaňajška ide o nárast o 7,23 eura. Slovensku klesá a domáca výro- T Minimálna mzda na Sloven- ba sa dostáva pod čoraz väčší tlak sku sa od budúceho roku zvýši globálneho obchodu s potravi- zo súčasných 405 eur na 435 nami. Ešte v roku 1990 Sloven- eur. 12. októbra o tom rozhodla sko pokrývalo z vlastnej výroby vláda. všetky potraviny. V roku 2004 T Americká spoločnosť John- sebestačnosť krajiny klesla na son Controls odčlení svoje ak- Obecenstvo počas kultúrneho programu. 67 percent a v roku 2015 dosia- tivity v oblasti výroby automobi- hlo zastúpenie slovenských po- lových sedadiel a interiérových (Pokračovanie zo str. 20) folklór, nasledovalo vystúpe- dedičstva v New Jersey bol opäť travín na pultoch obchodov už komponentov do samostatnej bavila účastníkov slovenskými nie speváka Rada Lesaya, ktorý úspešný. Výboru festivalu patrí iba 40 percent. fi rmy Adient. Nová spoločnosť s piesňami, hranými na mnohých zaspieval piesne na Slovensku pod’akovaniev za usporiadanie T Informácie, ktoré uviedol na viac ako 4000 zamestnancami a hudobných nástrojoch. Obecen- veľmi populárneho speváka týchto úspešných festivalov už konferencii o vplyve obcho- ôsmimi prevádzkami na Sloven- stvo oceňovalo detské vystúpe- Karola Duchoňa. 39 rokov. du a medzinárodných dohôd sku sa stane jedným z kľúčových nia dlhým potleskom. V tomto Po ňom nasledovalo vystúpe- Keďže rozpočet na tento libe-ralizujúcich obchodnú vý- zamestnávateľov v slovenskom detskom programe účinkovalo nie speváčky Katky Knechtovej festival bol hodne vyšší ako na menu s potravinam predseda automobilovom priemysle. vyše 150 detí, ktoré počas výstu- s doprovodom jej hudobnej minulé festivaly v PNC Arts pu Llama Band vyšli na javisko skupiny. Už prvou piesňou si Center, ÚSŽZ poskytol na jeho a spoločne zaspievali pieseň Slo- získala obecenstvo, hlavne tých podporu fi nančnú podporu, Neodhadzujte banánovú šupku vensko v nás. mladších, ktorí s ňou vydržali až čo bolo s vďakou oznámené z Po tejto časti programu, v do záverečnej hodiny. javiska pri otváracích formali- Banánová šupka je skvelým pred spaním až dovtedy, kým sa ktorej dominoval slovenský 39. Festival slovenského tách. pomocníkom na rôzne zdravot- stav vašej pokožky nezlepší. né neduhy. Bielenie zubov - Chcete mať Banány sú veľmi obľúbené zuby? Vyskúšajte si ich potierať Zomrel prvý slovenský prezident M. Kováč ACH, TÁ NAŠA u športovcov a vnútrom šupky aspoň 5 minút SLOVENČINA! nutričných po- denne a viditeľné výsledky za (Pokračovanie zo str. 20) luhy“ a prezident Bulharskej re- ... imidž Slovenska v zahraničí radcov, pretože dostavia už za týždeň. júceho z Ústavy SR preziden- publiky Petar Stojanov „Orden a budovanie národného brand- obsahujú Bradavice - Týchto neestetic- tovi Kováčovi v roku 1995 Stará planina so šerpou“. ingu podporí známy cyklista .... množstvo vita- kých výčnelkov kože sa môžete prepožičali štátne vyzname- Manželka Michala Kováča - mínov, vlákniny zbaviť úplne jednoducho. Po- nania: Rad Bieleho dvojkríža, Emília bola profesorkou na Eko- a minerálov, najmä draslík a tierajte bradavice vnútrom ba- Rad Ľudovíta Štúra, Kríž Mi- nomickej univerzite v Bratislave ... nohavice doplnila oversize dodajú telu veľa energie a navyše nánovej šupky tak často, ako to lana Rastislava Štefánika, Rad v odbore zamestnanosti a sociál- topom - skvelo chutia. Keď banán dojete, pôjde, až kým neodpadne. Ale- Andreja Hlinku a Pribinov neho rozvoja. Je zakladateľkou jeho šupku nezahoďte. Má totiž bo odrežte kúsok šupky, vnútor- kríž. V roku 1997 mu počas Nadácie Emílie Kováčovej. HOT objav slovenskej hudobnej až zázračné vlastnosti. nou stranou si ju prilepte pomo- ofi ciálnej návštevy na Sloven- Majú dve deti – syna Michala a scény... - Akné a vrásky - Ak bojujete cou leukoplastu na bradavicu a sku odovzdal prezident Poľskej staršieho Juraja. proti týmto dvom neduhom, nechajte cez noc pôsobiť. republiky Aleksander Kwas- Štátny pohreb prvého Buďte hrdá, že ste single vyskúšajte vnútro banánovej Proti bolesti - Banánová niewsky najvyššie poľské štátne prezidenta SR bol 13. októ- - šupky, ktoré v sebe skrýva šupka dokáže pôsobiť aj ako an- vyznamenanie Rad Bieleho orla, bra v Bratislave. Verejnosť sa množstvo antioxidantov a algetikum proti bolesti, keď vás mala možnosť s prezidentom ďalších účinných látok, ktoré bolia niektoré časti tela. Opäť veľmajster Zvrchovaného rádu Dezert, ktorý netreba piecť: Par- Kováčom rozlúčiť 12. októbra bojujú proti starnutiu pokožky. postihnuté miesta potierajte Maltézskych rytierov Andrew fait s černicovým topingom Bertie „Maltézsky kolár za zás- na Bratislavskom hrade. Navyše ju hydratujú, vyživujú vnútrom šupky. Bolesť by mala - a dokážu bojovať bojovať proti výrazne ustúpiť. zápalom spôsobujúce akné. Psoriáza - Hoci ju neod- zmenila imidž - Chcete odstrániť podráždenie, stráni úplne, dokáže aspoň svrbenie, akné či zatočiť s vráska- zmierniť jej prejavy. Ak trpíte ...prekvapila celkom novým mi? Vyškrabte vnútro banánovej touto chorobou vyskúšajte 2x “lookom”- šupky a naneste na postihnuté denne potierať postihnuté mi- miesta. Tento proces môžete esta a stav vašej pokožky sa ISSN: 0897-8107 ...počas fi ttingu šiat... dokonca opakovať každý večer viditeľne zlepší. Úradn¥ ™asopis - SLOVENSKÉHO KATOLÍCKEHO SOKOLA Zalo¢en¥ 15. apríla 1911 – Vychádza ka¢dú druhú stredu Fitness dobrota pre športovcov... NAVŠTÍVTE NAŠU FACEBOOK STRÁNKU Majitel« a vydavatel«: - SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL Daniel F. Tanzone, redaktor ...platby za vystúpenie kapely na Telefónne ™íslo: (973) 777-4010 mítingu. - V£etky ™lánky, príspevky a správy treba posielat« na adresu: Editor, Slovak Catholic Sokol, P.O. Box 899 Ktorá ingrediencia ich nahradí? SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL 205 Madison Street, Passaic, New Jersey 07055 - Za Boha a národ For God and Nation


ÚRADNÝ ČASOPIS SLOVENSKÉHO KATOLÍCKEHO SOKOLA - 28 000 ČLENOV - HLAVNÁ ÚRADOVŇA: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, NJ 07055 – VOLUME CV PASSAIC, N.J., 19. OKTÓBRA 2016 ČÍSLO 5080 Zomrel prvý slovenský prezident 39. Festival slovenského dedičstva v New Jersey Michal Kováč prilákal 3000 návštevníkov Vo veku 86 rokov 5. októbra zomrel prvý prezident Sloven- Tohoročný Festival sloven- program, ktorý sa začal o 2.30 spolupráci so slovenskou komu- skej republiky Michal Kováč. ského dedičstva v New Jersey sa popoludní. Po americkej a slo- nitou v New Yorku a na okolí a o Skonal v kruhu najbližších v Ne- po 38 rokoch konal v nedeľu 2. venskej hymne, ktorú spieval spolupráci s výborom festivalu. mocnici sv. Michala v Bratislave. októbra v novom parku, nakoľko Rado Lesay, spolupredsedovia Pozdrav účastníkom festivalu Michal Kováč bol hospitali- sa správa PNC Arts Center v festivalu privítali účastníkov a poslal aj prezident Slovenskej re- zovaný 30. augusta. Jeho stav Holmdel rozhodla, že od roku hostí, John Duch v angličtine a publiky Andrej Kiška. bol vážny, preto ho museli uviesť 2016 nemôžu byť v priestoroch Nina Holá v slovenčine. Nasle- Nina Holá predstavila hostí: do umelého spánku a napojiť na Centra poriadané etnické festi- dovali krátke pozdravy hostí. predsedu Slovenskej ligy Danie- pľúcnu ventiláciu. V pondelok valy. Festivalový výbor sa preto Prvý príhovor mal predseda la F. Tanzone a podpredsedu Dr. sa jeho zdravotný stav mierne rozhodol usporiadať 39. festival Úradu pre Slovákov žijúcich Mikuláša Halka a predsedníčku zlepšil. Bol pri vedomí a dýchal v Mercer County Park ned’aleko v zahraničí (ÚSŽZ) Dr. Ján Slovensko-amerického kultúr- bez pomoci prístrojov. Na druhý Windsor, NJ. Varšo, ktorý odovzdal pozdrav neho strediska Sabínu Sabadoš. deň však nastalo zhoršenie a Napriek daždivému počasiu účastníkom festivalu od minis- Kultúrnozábavný program, opäť ho museli napojiť na umelú sa na podujatí sa zúčastnilo asi tra zahraničných vecí Miroslava viedla a moderovala Janka Kon- pľúcnu ventiláciu. Začali mu tia za demokratické Slovensko 3 000 návštevníkov. Lajčáka, ktorý sa niekoľko krát zelmann. Predstavila Danku zlyhávať orgány. Exprezident (HZDS) a po parlamentných Park bol otvorený od 9.30 ho- zúčastnil festivalov v New Jer- Poduvanovú, ktorá viedla pre- roky trpel aj Parkinsonovou voľbách v roku 1992 bol zvo- diny ráno a poslední návštevníci sey a vyslovil vďaku a ocenenie hliadku krojov. Tohto roku kroje chorobou. lený za predsedu Federálneo ho opustili až po 7. hodine večer. organizačnému výboru festivalu z rôznych krajov Slovenska Ing. Michal Kováč, CSc. sa zhromaždenia ČSFR. V tejto Potravinové a výstavné stánky za dlhoročné úsilie udržať tieto predviedol aj folklórny súbor narodil 5. augusta 1930 v obci funkcii pôsobil do 31. decembra boli otvorené od 10. hod. Fut- národné festivaly na východe Limbora z New Yorku. Ich prog- Ľubiša, okres Humenné. Po 1992, keď ČSFR zanikla. balový turnaj o Pohár festivalu Ameriky. Hovoril tiež o práci ram doprevádzala populárna vyštudovaní Vysokej školy eko- Michal Kováč bol za prezi- sa začal už o 9. hodine. O 11. ÚSŽZ a uistil prítomných, že hudobná skupina Pajtáši, ktorá nomickej (VŠE) v Bratislave bol denta samostatnej Slovenskej hodine začala sv. omša, ktorú vláda SR chce udržiavať kontak- predstavila aj svojho fujaristu na tejto škole asistentom, neskôr republiky zvolený 15. februára slúžil farár slovenského kostola ty so slovenskými komunitami v Jána Trnovského. nastúpil do Oblastného ústavu 1993. Inaugurovali ho 2. marca sv. Jána Nepomuckého v New zahraničí a chce podporovať ich Nasledovali vystúpenia det- Štátnej banky československej. 1993. Svoje funkčné obdobie Yorku o. Richard Baker. Sloven- aktivity a programy. ských súborov Limboráčik z V rokoch 1965 – 1966 prednášal prezidenta SR ukončil päť rokov skú kázeň mal o. Peter Buydoš. Nasledoval pozdrav veľvys- New Yorku, Lipky z Linden, na bankovej škole na Kube a v po svojom vymenovaní, 2. mar- Pri sv. omši asistoval tiež spe- lanca SR v USA Petra Kmeca, NJ, Domoviny z Clift onu, NJ a rokoch 1967 – 1969 bol námest- ca 1998, keď odovzdal právo- vácky zbor z troch slovenských ktorý prečítal jeho zástupca Pe- tanečnej skupiny pri kostole sv. níkom Živnostenskej banky moci vláde SR. V roku 1999 farností – v Linden, Clift on a ter Zelenák. Festival pozdravila Michala v Trenton, NJ. Po nich v Londýne. V roku 1969 ho z Občianske združenie za zno- Trenton, NJ. aj generálna konzulka Sloven- sa predstavila detská hudobná Londýna odvolali, v roku 1970 vuzvolenie Michala Kováča za Hlavnou atrakciou festi- skej republiky v New Yorku Jana skupina Llama Band, ktorá po- vylúčili z Komunistickej strany prezidenta Slovenskej republiky valu bol zábavno-kultúrny Trnovcová, ktorá hovorila o Československa a preložili na iniciovalo kandidatúru Michala (Pokračovanie na str. 19) miesto radového bankové- Kováča na post hlavy štátu, on ho úradníka v Štátnej banke sa však vzdal kandidatúry v československej. Od roku 1978 prospech Rudolfa Schustera. až do decembra 1989 pracoval Michal Kováč je nositeľom ako vedeckovýskumný pra- mnohých domácich i zahra- covník vo Výskumnom ústave ničných vyznamenaní. V roku pre fi nancie a úver a v Ústred- 1994 mu v USA udelili Cenu nom ústave národohospodár- Inštitútu pre štúdie Východ- skeho výskumu. Venoval sa Západ za mimoriadny prínos k prednášateľskej činnosti. medzinárodnému porozume- Po revolúcii 1989 začal niu a počas ofi ciálnej návštevy pôsobiť v politike. Ako kandidát Poľska mu udelili Veľký kríž za hnutia Verejnosť proti násiliu zásluhy o Poľskú republiku. O (VPN) sa stal poslancom Fed- rok neskôr získal Cenu Ame- erálneho zhromaždenia (FZ) rickej advokátskej komory – ČSFR a v rokoch 1989–91 bol Právnej iniciatívy pre strednú ministrom fi nancií a miezd a východnú Európu – za mi- SR. Ministrom fi nancií SR bol moriadny prínos k budovaniu Michal Kováč aj vo vláde Jána právneho štátu, ako aj Cenu Li- Čarnogurského, a to od apríla ons Clubu. do júna 1991. V máji 1991 sa Na základe práva vyplýva- Členovia detských súborov, ktoré spestrili kultúrny program svojimi vystúpeniami. Vľavo je spevák bol spoluzakladateľom Hnu- (Pokračovanie na str. 19) Rado Lesay.