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2 AN GIANG - KEÁT NOÁI CÔ HOÄI, HÔÏP TAÙC THAØNH COÂNG PHAÀN I: Lôøi ngoû aèm trong vuøng Ñoàng baèng soâng Cöûu Long, tænh An Giang vöøa coù ñoàng baèng vöøa coù vuøng ñoài nuùi vôùi nhieàu caûnh quan töôi Nñeïp; coù tuyeán bieân giôùi giaùp Vöông quoác Campuchia daøi gaàn 100 km vôùi caùc cöûa khaåu quoác teá, quoác gia, thuaän tieän caû ñöôøng thuûy laãn ñöôøng boä. Veà maët ñòa- kinh teá, An Giang ñöôïc xem laø trung taâm kinh teá thöông maïi keát noái giöõa 3 thaønh phoá lôùn: thaønh phoá Hoà OÂng Vöông Bình Thaïnh, Chí Minh, thaønh phoá Caàn Thô vaø thaønh phoá Phnom Penh (Campuchia) Chuû tòch UBND tænh An Giang vaø laø cöûa ngoõ giao thöông quan troïng cuûa quoác gia, cuûa caùc tænh, thaønh phoá trong vuøng Ñoàng baèng soâng Cöûu Long, vôùi Vöông quoác Mr. , Vuong Binh Thanh Campuchia vaø caùc nöôùc thaønh vieân ASEAN. Chairman of An Giang People’s Committee Vôùi ñieàu kieän töï nhieân thuaän lôïi, taøi nguyeân phong phuù, An Giang coù lôïi theá trong phaùt trieån kinh teá noâng nghieäp; du lòch; coâng nghieäp cheá bieán noâng saûn thöïc phaåm; thöông maïi bieân giôùi.

Nhaèm taêng cöôøng thu huùt ñaàu tö khai thaùc tieàm naêng, theá maïnh cuûa ñòa phöông, tænh An Giang ñaõ töøng böôùc hoaøn thieän qui hoaïch phaùt trieån, taäp trung ñaàu tö keát caáu haï taàng kyõ thuaät ñoàng boä, phaùt trieån maïnh khoa hoïc, coâng ngheä, tieáp caän trình ñoä coâng ngheä tieân tieán; ñaøo taïo, boài döôõng nguoàn nhaân löïc chaát löôïng cao, ñaåy maïnh caûi thieän moâi tröôøng ñaàu tö, kinh doanh, naâng cao naêng löïc caïnh tranh, xem ñaây laø öu tieân haøng ñaàu ñeå thöïc hieän caùc muïc tieâu keá hoaïch phaùt trieån kinh teá- xaõ hoäi cuûa tænh, nhaèm ñöa An Giang trôû thaønh moät trong nhöõng ñieåm ñeán haáp daãn cuûa caùc nhaø ñaàu tö. An Giang cam keát taïo ñieàu kieän thuaän lôïi nhaát cho nhaø ñaàu tö khi ñeán ñaêng kyù vaø trieån khai thöïc hieän döï aùn treân ñòa baøn tænh.

PART I: Preface ocated in the Delta, An Giang province has both plain and mountainous areas with beautiful landscapes, sharing a border of nearly 100 km with the Kingdom Lof including many international and national border gates, convenient for both waterway and road. In terms of geo-economics, An Giang is considered an economic and commercial center connecting three major cities: , Can Tho city and Phnom Penh city (Cambodia) and the important trade gateway of the country, the provinces and cities in the with the Kingdom of Cambodia and ASEAN member countries.

With favorable natural conditions and abundant natural resources, An Giang has advantages in development of agricultural economiscs, tourism, food and agricultural product processing industry; border trade.

In order to enhance attracting investment to exploit the potential and strengths of the province, An Giang province has step by step completed development planning, focused on investment in uniform technical infrastructure, developed science and technology, accessed to advanced technology; trained and fostered high-quality human resources, improved the investment and business environment, and raised the competitive capability as a top priority for implementing objectives of the economic development plan to make An Giang become one of the attractive destinations of investors. An Giang is committed to create the most favorable conditions for investors who register and carry out projects in the province.


PHNOM PENH Campuchia


An Giang naèm ôû phía Taây Nam cuûa Vieät Nam, laø tænh ñaàu nguoàn soâng Cöûu Long, phía Ñoâng giaùp tænh Ñoàng thaùp, Ñoâng Nam giaùp thaønh phoá Caàn Thô, phía Taây giaùp tænh Kieân Giang vaø Taây Baéc giaùp Campuchia; caùch thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh 190km, caùch thaønh phoá Phnom Penh – Campuchia 120 km.

Tænh An Giang coù 11 ñôn vò haønh chính tröc thuoäc, goàm 02 thaønh phoá, 01 thò xaõ vaø 08 huyeän. Trong ñoù, thaønh phoá Long Xuyeân tænh lî cuûa An Giang.

1. Geographical location

An Giang is located in the Southwestern part of . It is the upstream province of Mekong River. It is adjacent to Dong Thap Province in the East, Can Tho city in the and Kien Giang province in the West and Cambodia to the . It is about 190km far from An Giang to Ho Chi Minh city, and 120km to Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

An Giang province has 11 administrative units, including 02 cities, 01 town and 08 districts. Among them, Long Xuyen city is provincial capital of An Giang.


Baãn àöì haânh chñnh tónh An Giang ADMINSTRATIVE MAP OF AN GIANG PROVINCE


Kim ngaïch DIEÄN TÍCH LÖÏC LÖÔÏNG LAO ÑOÄNG xuaát khaåu: 3.537 1.230.000 820 km2 ngöôøi trieäu USD


TOÅNG SOÁ TOÁC ÑOÄ DOANH NGHIEÄP ÑAÊNG KYÙ TREÂN Toång voán TAÊNG TRÖÔÛNG ÑÒA BAØN TÆNH ñaàu tö toaøn xaõ hoäi: GRDP 8.568 DN SOÁ VOÁN ÑAÊNG KYÙ: 26.192 5,11% 49.297 tyû ñoàng tyû ñoàng

GRDP ÑAÀU TÖ TRÖÏC TIEÁP BÌNH QUAÂN NÖÔÙC NGOAØI: döï aùn coøn hieäu löïc, ÑAÀU NGÖÔØI toång voán ñaêng kyù 37ñaàu tö: 34,333 260 trieäu ñoàng trieäu USD

6 AN GIANG - KEÁT NOÁI CÔ HOÄI, HÔÏP TAÙC THAØNH COÂNG 2. Overview of An Giang province (Data in 2017)


3,537 1,230,000 820 km2 people million USD


Total number of Total GRDP enterprises registered investment in the province: GROWTH RATE capital: 8,568 enterprises: 5.11% Registered capital: 26,192 49,297 VND billion VND billion

Foreign direct GRDP PER investment: projects in valid, total CAPITA registered investment 37 capital: 34.333 260 VND million million USD

AN GIANG - OPPORTUNITY CONNECTION, SUCCESSFUL COOPERATION 7 3. CÔ SÔÛ HAÏ TAÀNG KINH TEÁ - XAÕ HOÄI 3. Socio-economic infrastructure 3.1 Hïå thöëng giao thöng tónh An Giang 3.1.Transport infrastructure of An Giang Province

- Coâng trình caàu, caûng - Bridges and ports: Campuchia

+ Caàu Vaøm Coáng ñang xaây döïng (döï kieán ñöa + Vam Cong bridge is being constructed (expected vaøo söû duïng trong cuoái naêm 2018), daøi 2.037m to put into operation in late 2018) is 2,037m long noái lieàn hai bôø An Giang vaø Ñoàng Thaùp seõ ruùt connecting An Giang and Dong Thap, which will ngaén 01 giôø thôøi gian töø thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh save 01 hour from Ho Chi Minh city to An Giang. ñeán An Giang. + My Thoi port (10km far from the center of Long + Caûng Myõ Thôùi (caùch trung taâm thaønh phoá Long Xuyen city): capable of receiving ships of 10,000 tons, Xuyeân 10km): coù khaû naêng tieáp nhaän loaïi taøu receiving over 1.5 million tons of cargo annually. 10.000 taán, haøng naêm tieáp nhaän haøng hoùa treân 1,5 trieäu taán. - Road:

- Ñöôøng boä - Road: The road system is asphalted and concretized, ensuring that 100% of communes have roads to their - Ñöôøng boä: Heä thoáng giao thoâng ñöôøng boä center. ñöôïc nhöïa hoùa vaø beâ toâng hoùa, ñaûm baûo 100% xaõ coù ñöôøng oâ toâ ñeán trung taâm. There are highways passing through An Giang province such as National Highway 91, National Treân ñòa baøn tænh coù caùc tuyeán quoác loä ñi ngang Highway N1, National Highway 91C and National qua laø: Quoác loä 91, Quoác loä 91C, Quoác loä N1 vaø Highway 80. Specifically, National Highway 91 has Quoác loä 80. Trong ñoù, Quoác loä 91 coù chieàu daøi the length of 91 km connecting National Highway 91 km noái vôùi Quoác loä 2 cuûa Campuchia qua 2 of Cambodia through Tinh Bien border gate; cöûa khaåu Tònh Bieân; Quoác loä 91C noái thaønh phoá National Highway 91C connects Chau Doc city with Chaâu Ñoác vôùi cöûa khaåu Khaùnh Bình (caùch thuû ñoâ Khanh Binh border gate (about 70 km from Phnom Phnom Penh - Campuchia) khoaûng 70 km.Tænh loä Penh capital). There are 14 routes with the total coù 14 tuyeán vôùi toång chieàu daøi 404 km. length of 404 km.

- Ñöôøng thuûy - The waterway:

- Ñöôøng thuûy: Soâng Tieàn (chaûy qua ñòa phaän tænh - The waterway: Tien river (flowing through the 87km) vaø soâng Haäu (qua ñòa phaän tænh 100 km) laø province about 87km) and Hau river (flowing hai con soâng quan troïng noái An Giang vaø Ñoàng through the province about 100km) are two baèng soâng Cöûu Long vôùi caùc nöôùc Campuchia, important rivers connecting An Giang and Laøo, Thaùi Lan. Ngoaøi ra, maïng löôùi keânh caáp 2, the Mekong Delta with Cambodia, Laos and caáp 3 ñaûm baûo caùc phöông tieän töø 50 -100 taán Thailand. In addition, the network of grade 2 and löu thoâng trong tænh. 3 canals ensures the circulation of vehicles from 50-100 tons in the province.

- Ñöôøng haøng khoâng -Airlines:

- Ñöôøng haøng khoâng: An Giang naèm trong khu -Airlines: An Giang is located in the area of Can vöïc cuûa Caûng haøng khoâng quoác teá Caàn Thô vôùi Tho international airport with distance of about khoaûng caùch khoaûng 50km vaø caùch Caûng haøng 50km and Tan Son Nhat international airport with khoâng quoác teá Taân Sôn Nhaát khoaûng 190 km. distance of about 190 km


AN GIANG - OPPORTUNITY CONNECTION, SUCCESSFUL COOPERATION 9 3.2 Hïå thöëng cung cêëp àiïån 3.2. Power supply system Treân ñòa baøn tænh coù 6.097 traïm bieán aùp vôùi coâng suaát 924.331 KVA, ñaûm baûo cung caáp nguoàn ñieän cho nhu caàu sinh hoaït, hoaït ñoäng saûn xuaát - kinh doanh cuûa doanh nghieäp treân ñòa baøn. Ñònh höôùng ñeán naêm 2020, An Giang seõ coù 8.057 traïm bieán aùp vôùi coâng suaát 1.384.331 KVA. In the province, there are 6,097 transformer stations with a capacity of 924,331 KVA, ensuring the supply of electricity for domestic demand, production and business activities of enterprises in the locality. It is oriented to 2020 that An Giang will have 8057 transformer stations with a capacity of 1,384,331 KVA.

3.3 Hïå thöëng cung cêëp nûúác 3.3. Water supply system Toång coâng suaát Ñaùp öùng Toaøn tænh coù 198 coâng trình cung caáp nöôùc saïch vôùi toång coâng suaát 194.282 m3/ngaøy ñeâm, ñaùp öùng 97,58% nhu caàu söû duïng. 194.282 97,58% nhu caàu söû duïng The whole province has 198 water supply plants with the total m3/ngaøy ñeâm capacity of 194,282 m3/day, meeting 97.58% of the demand.

3.4 Haå têìng bûu chñnh - viïîn thöng 3.4. Post and telecommunication infrastructure

Maïng thoâng tin- vieãn thoâng cuûa An Giang hieän ñaïi, ñaûm baûo keát noái thoâng suoát ñeán caùc tænh, thaønh trong nöôùc vaø quoác teá. Tính ñeán cuoái thaùng 12 naêm 2017, soá thueâ bao internet öôùc coù treân maïng treân ñòa baøn tænh laø 645.918 thueâ bao; toång soá ñieåm giao dòch thoâng tin di ñoäng: 132 ñieåm; toång soá traïm thu phaùt soùng thoâng tin di ñoäng (BTS): 2.989 traïm.

Information and telecommunication network of An Giang is modern, ensuring smooth connection to the provinces and cities in the country and internationally. By the end of December 2017, the number of internet subscribers in the province is estimated at 645,918; total number of mobile transaction points: 132 points; total number of mobile stations: 2,989.

10 AN GIANG - KEÁT NOÁI CÔ HOÄI, HÔÏP TAÙC THAØNH COÂNG 3.5 Nguöìn nhên lûåc: Toång soá lao ñoäng saün coù khoaûng: 1.230.000 ngöôøi; trong ñoù tyû leä lao ñoäng qua ñaøo taïo ñaït 56,6%. Treân ñòa baøn tænh coù Tröôøng Ñaïi hoïc An Giang (ñang thöïc hieän caùc böôùc thuû tuïc ñeå trôû thaønh thaønh vieân Ñaïi hoïc Quoác gia thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh) ñaøo taïo ña ngaønh, laø moät trong nhöõng trung taâm ñaøo taïo, cung caáp nguoàn nhaân löïc cho vuøng Ñoàng baèng soâng Cöûu Long. Hieän Tröôøng Ñaïi hoc An Giang ñang ñaøo taïo 10.566 sinh vieân chính quy trong ñoù khoa Coâng ngheä thoâng tin coù 746 sinh vieân (chieám tyû leä 7,06%). Beân caïnh ñoù coøn coù heä thoáng caùc tröôøng trung hoïc chuyeân nghieäp, tröôøng ngheà, trung taâm daïy ngheà taïi caùc ñòa phöông trong tænh. 3.5. Labor force: Total available labor force 1,230,000 people; the percentage of trained workers is 56.6%. An Giang University in the province (in the process of becoming a member of the National University Ho Chi Minh city) has diversified training courses, is one of the centers for training and supplying human resources for the Mekong Delta. At present, An Giang University is training 10,566 full-time students, of which 746 students are in the Faculty of Information Technology (7.06%). Besides, there is a system of professional intermediate schools, vocational schools, vocational centers in the province.

3.6 Hïå thöëng ngên haâng Treân ñòa baøn tænh hieän coù 61 toå chöùc tín duïng vôùi 352 ñieåm giao dòch. Haàu heát caùc ngaân haøng lôùn trong nöôùc ñaõ coù maët taïi An Giang, ñaùp öùng nhu caàu veà voán saûn xuaát, kinh doanh, vaø cung caáp ñaày ñuû caùc dòch vuï ngaân haøng. Tính ñeán cuoái naêm 2017, toång dö nôï cuûa caùc ngaân haøng treân ñòa baøn tænh laø 60.972 tyû ñoàng. 3.6. Banking system There are 61 credit institutions in the province with 352 transaction points. Most of the major banks in the country are present in An Giang, meeting the demand for production and business capital, and providing full range of banking services. By the end 2017, total outstanding loans of banks in the province are VND 60,972 billion.


4.1Noâng nghieäp - Thuûy saûn 4.1 Agriculture - Aquaculture

Naèm ôû thöôïng nguoàn soâng Cöûu Long, nöôùc ngoït quanh naêm, ñaát ñai maøu môõ, An Giang laø tænh saûn xuaát noâng nghieäp troïng ñieåm cuûa caû nöôùc. Located in the upstream of the Mekong River with fresh water around the year, fertile land, etc. An Giang is the key agricultural production province of the country.

- Luùa, gaïo: laø saûn phaåm noâng nghieäp chuû löïc cuûa An Giang vôùi dieän tích canh taùc treân 250 ngaøn ha, saûn xuaát 3 vuï vôùi heä soá söû duïng ñaát laø 2,43 laàn; saûn löôïng luùa ñaït khoaûng 3,89 trieäu taán/naêm; gioáng luùa coù treân 35 loaïi, trong ñoù gioáng coù chaát löôïng cao chieám 70- 80%. Moâ hình caùnh ñoàng lôùn ñang ñöôïc troàng 22.000 ha vaø phaùt huy hieäu quaû, nhaân roäng ñeå tieán tôùi saûn xuaát lôùn. Cô giôùi hoùa noâng nghieäp trong caùc khaâu laøm ñaát, töôùi tieâu, thu hoaïch treân 60% dieän tích.

- Rau maøu: laø loaïi caây troàng coù theá maïnh cuûa An Giang vôùi dieän tích khoaûng 58.549 ha, saûn löôïng thu hoaïch treân 01 trieäu taán/naêm. Treân ñòa baøn tænh ñaõ hình thaønh caùc vuøng chuyeân canh troàng: baép, ñaäu - Rice: as the main agricultural product of An Giang, phoäng, ñaäu xanh, meø ñen, khoai moân, ñaäu baép…Hieäu with an area of over 250,000 hectares, producing 3 quaû kinh teá mang laïi töø troàng rau maøu khaù cao. crops with a land use coefficient of 2.43 times; rice output of 3.89 million tons/year; There are more than - Caây aên traùi: Dieän tích gaàn 13,6 ngaøn ha, chuû yeáu 35 varieties of rice, including 70-80% of high quality laø: xoaøi (saûn löôïng gaàn 125,5 ngaøn taán), chuoái (saûn varieties. The large field model is being planted in the löôïng 33,7 ngaøn taán/naêm), cam (saûn löôïng 445 taán/ area of 22,000 hectares and promoting efficiency naêm), quyùt (saûn löôïng 877 taán/naêm)...Trong ñoù, xoaøi and replicated to forward big production. Agricultural ñöôïc xaùc ñònh laø caây aên quaû chuû löïc cuûa tænh ñöôïc mechanization is carried out in land preparation, ñònh höôùng phaùt trieån saûn xuaát vaø lieân keát tieâu thuï. irrigation, harvesting over 60% of the area. Hieän nay, moät soá loaïi xoaøi ñaëc saûn ñöôïc troàng nhieàu taïi caùc huyeän Tònh Bieân, Chôï Môùi vaø thò xaõ Taân Chaâu. - Vegetables and crops: as the strongest plants of Vôùi ñaëc ñieåm di truyeàn, ñieàu kieän khí haäu, thoå nhöôõng An Giang, with an area of 58,549 hectares, yields of ñaëc bieät neân saûn phaåm xoaøi An Giang khi chín coù over 01 million tons/year. In the province, specialized caùc ñaëc tính khaùc bieät, thòt quaû coù maøu vaøng, thôm cultivation areas have been established for growing ngon vaø ngoït. corn, peanut, green bean, black sesame, taro, okra, etc. The economic efficiency of growing vegetables and crops is quite high.

- Fruit trees: The area of fruit trees is nearly 13.6 thousand hectares, mainly including mango (125.5 thousand tons/ year), banana (33.7 thousand tons/ year), orange (445 tons/year), tangerine (877 tons/ year), etc. In which, mango is identified as the main fruit tree of the province and oriented to develop production and connect consumption. Currently, some specialty mangos are grown in Tinh Bien, Cho Moi districts and Tan Chau town. With genetic characteristics, special climate and soil conditions, An Giang mango products have different characteristics with nice yellow and delicious and sweet taste.

12 AN GIANG - KEÁT NOÁI CÔ HOÄI, HÔÏP TAÙC THAØNH COÂNG - Thuûy saûn: laø ngaønh kinh teá muõi nhoïn cuûa An Giang vôùi toång dieän tích thu hoaïch treân 2.700 ha/naêm, toång saûn löôïng ñaït treân 379 ngaøn taán/naêm, goàm caùc loaïi caù tra, basa, loùc, roâ, roâ phi, toâm caøng xanh, löôn… Hình thöùc nuoâi chuû yeáu laø ao haàm, loàng beø. Coù gaàn 50% dieän tích nuoâi ñaït tieâu chuaån GlobalGap, ASC…Coù khoaûng treân 90% saûn löôïng nuoâi ñöôïc ñöa vaøo cheá bieán xuaát khaåu. Trong ñoù, caù tra, caù ba sa ñöôïc xaùc ñònh laø saûn phaåm chieán löôïc cuûa tænh vôùi dieän tích nuoâi khoaûng 1.734 ha, saûn löôïng ñaït treân 287 ngaøn taán/naêm. Ñaây laø nguoàn nguyeân lieäu doài daøo ñaùp öùng nhu caàu cheá bieán xuaát khaåu cuûa caùc doanh nghieäp treân ñòa baøn tænh An Giang vaø caùc tænh laân caän.

Tænh coù 17 doanh nghieäp vôùi 23 nhaø maùy cheá bieán thuûy saûn xuaát khaåu, vôùi toång coâng suaát thieát keá leân ñeán 400.000 taán/naêm, trong ñoù toång coâng suaát cheá bieán haøng giaù trò gia taêng laø 5.000 taán. Cô sôû cheá bieán coù khoaûng 100 cô sôû cheá bieán khoâ caùc loaïi, vôùi coâng suaát tieâu thuï nguyeân lieäu thoâ trung bình 30.000 taán/naêm.

- Aquaculture: as the key economic sector of An Giang with the total harvested area of over 2,700 hectares/ year, the total output is over 379 thousand tons/year, including panagasius, basa fish, snakehead fish, Yellow perch fish, tilapia, crayfish, eel, etc. The main forms of farming are ponds, cages. Nearly 50% of farming area meets GlobalGap standards, ASC, etc. More than 90% of production is put into processing for export. In particular, Pangasius is identified as a strategic product of the province with an area of about 1,734 hectares, output of over 287 thousand tons/year. This is a good source of raw materials to meet the export processing needs of enterprises in An Giang province and neighboring provinces.

The province has 17 enterprises with 23 seafood processing factories for export, with a total designed capacity of 400,000 tons/year, of which the total processing capacity of value added products is 5,000 tons. There are about 100 dry-processing establishments with average raw material consumption of about 30,000 tons/year.


14 AN GIANG - KEÁT NOÁI CÔ HOÄI, HÔÏP TAÙC THAØNH COÂNG n Giang coù ñoàng baèng, ñoài nuùi vôùi heä sinh thaùi n Giang has plains, hills and mountains with moâi tröôøng phong phuù, coù daõy Thaát Sôn huyeàn diversified environmental ecosystems, the Abí, caûnh quan thieân nhieân töôi ñeïp, höõu tình, Amysterious That Son range, beautiful natural nhieàu danh thaéng noåi tieáng, saûn phaåm du lòch phong landscape, charming scenery, many famous tourism phuù, ña daïng, nhö: du lòch tham quan, du lòch nghæ attractions with may tourism products such as sightseeing döôõng, du lòch sinh thaùi, du lòch theå thao, vui chôi giaûi tours, resorts, ecotourism, sports tourism, recreation, trí, du lòch coäng ñoàng, du lòch vaên hoùa, du lòch taâm linh community tourism, cultural tourism, spiritual tourism (tín ngöôõng). An Giang coù söùc huùt raát lôùn vôùi du khaùch (belief). An Giang is very attractive to both domestic and trong vaø ngoaøi nöôùc. Trong naêm 2017, An Giang ñaõ international. In 2017, An Giang welcomed 7.3 million ñoùn 7,3 trieäu löôït khaùch, doanh thu töø du lòch ñaït 3.700 visitors, revenue from tourism reached VND 3,700 billion. tyû ñoàng. -Type of tourism associated with belief culture, festivals -Loaïi hình du lòch gaén vôùi vaên hoùa tín ngöôõng, leã hoäi: is a typical tourism product of An Giang. It includes Sam laø saûn phaåm du lòch ñaëc tröng cuûa An Giang. Ñoù laø Leã Mount Lady Festival (Chau Doc City), Dolta Ceremony hoäi Vía Baø Chuùa Xöù Nuùi Sam (thaønh phoá Chaâu Ñoác), Leã and Ox Racing Festival of Khmer in Tinh Bien and Tri Ton Dolta vaø ñua boø cuûa ngöôøi Khmer ôû huyeän Tònh Bieân district, Bung Binh Thien season cultural festival (An Phu vaø huyeän Tri Toân, Leã hoäi muøa nöôùc noåi Buùng Bình Thieân district), Cham ethnic cultural festival, Hoa Hao Day of (huyeän An Phuù), Leã hoäi vaên hoùa daân toäc Chaêm, Leã khai Initiation (Phu Tan district), death anniversaries of famous saùng Phaät giaùo Hoøa Haûo (huyeän Phuù Taân), caùc leã gioã people (Tran Van Thanh, Nguyen Huu Canh, Thoai Ngoc danh nhaân (Traàn Vaên Thaønh, Nguyeãn Höõu Caûnh, Thoaïi Hau, etc.) Ngoïc Haàu...). -Type of tourism associated with the ecosystem of rivers, -Loaïi hình du lòch gaén vôùi heä sinh thaùi soâng, nuùi, röøng mountains, forests and countryside: Coming to An vaø ñoàng queâ: Ñeán An Giang, du khaùch seõ thích thuù khi Giang, tourists will enjoy the experience of tours on the traûi nghieäm caùc tour du lòch treân soâng Haäu tham quan Hau river to visit floating villages; tours on the Tien river laøng beø; tour du lòch treân soâng Tieàn tham quan cuø lao to visit Gieng island, Tan Chau silk village; tours visiting Gieâng, laøng luïa Taân Chaâu; tour tham quan röøng traøm Tra Su mangrove forest, That Son range; countryside Traø Sö, vuøng Thaát Sôn; tour du lòch homestay ñoàng queâ homestay tours in Tiger island and Gieng island; tours to taïi cuø lao OÂng Hoå, cuø lao Gieâng; tour tham quan Buùng Bung Binh Thien, etc. Bình Thieân... -The Kinh, Chinese, Cham, Khmer ethnic groups in An -Coäng ñoàng daân toäc Kinh, Hoa, Chaêm, Khmer ôû An Giang have very rich and diversified cultural features. Giang coù nhöõng neùt vaên hoùa raát phong phuù vaø ña Exploring and learning the cultural life of the residents, daïng. Khaùm phaù, tìm hieåu ñôøi soáng vaên hoùa cuûa cö especially the traditional craft villages (forging, weaving, daân, nhaát laø caùc laøng ngheà truyeàn thoáng (reøn, deät, knitting products from water hyacinth, producing palm ñan laùt luïc bình; saûn xuaát ñöôøng thoát noát, baùnh phoàng) sugar, puffs) and enjoying the special cultural forms of vaø thöôûng thöùc caùc loaïi hình vaên hoùa ñaëc saéc cuûa ethnic groups such as Du Ke singing, drum playing, Yak caùc daân toäc nhö haùt duø keâ, muùa troáng, muùa chaèng Rom ; folk songs; Paranung drum palying, cuûa ngöôøi Khmer; haùt daân ca, muùa troáng Paranöng, Saranai trumpet playing of Cham people, etc. are also keøn Saranai cuûa ngöôøi Chaêm... cuõng laø saûn phaåm du excellent tourist products of An Giang. lòch ñaëc saéc cuûa An Giang. -An Giang also attracts tourists with many kinds of -An Giang coøn haáp daãn du khaùch vôùi nhieàu loaïi ñaëc traditional specialties made from various kinds of saûn truyeàn thoáng noåi tieáng ñöôïc cheá bieán töø caùc loaïi agricultural and natural products such as Chau Doc noâng, thuûy saûn töï nhieân nhö: maém Chaâu Ñoác, caùc loaïi fish sauce, dried foods and cuisine such as Linh fish khoâ vaø caùc moùn aåm thöïc nhö baùnh phoàng, caù linh, puffs, fried sticky rice, Neem salad, chicken steamed xoâi chieân phoàng laøm töø luùa neáp, goûi saàu ñaâu, gaø haáp bamboo leaves, Bay Nui cockchafer, palm sugar foam laù truùc, boï raøy Baûy Nuùi, baùnh boø ñöôøng thoát noát, laïp cake, cow china sausage, etc. xöôûng boø... Tourism is also identified as a key economic sector of Du lòch ñöôïc xaùc ñònh laø ngaønh kinh teá muõi nhoïn cuûa the province. An Giang Tourism has been gradually tænh. Ngaønh du lòch An Giang ñaõ vaø ñang töøng böôùc developing a friendly image to tourists, improving the xaây döïng hình aûnh thaân thieän vôùi du khaùch, naâng cao quality of services, investing in improving infrastructure chaát löôïng dòch vuï, ñaàu tö hoaøn thieän cô sôû haï taàng and diversifying products of tourism in combination vaø ña daïng saûn phaåm phuïc vuï du lòch keát hôïp baûo with environmental protection. This is also a great veä moâi tröôøng. Ñaây cuõng laø cô hoäi lôùn cho caùc doanh opportunity for domestic and foreign enterprises to nghieäp trong vaø ngoaøi nöôùc khi quan taâm ñaàu tö phaùt invest in developing An Giang tourism. trieån du lòch An Giang. AN GIANG - OPPORTUNITY CONNECTION, SUCCESSFUL COOPERATION 15 4.3 Thöông maïi - dòch vuï 4.3 Trade - Services:

Trade: Total retail sales of goods and services in 2017 reached 94,967 VND billion. - Export: Export turnover reached USD 820 million Main export items: + Rice: 430,000 tons exported; Export turnover: over USD 209 million. Market: direct export through 56 countries (15 Asian countries, 10 European countries, 15 African countries, 12 countries of Oceania, 4 countries of the Americas). + Aquatic products: export volume reached over 130 thousand tons; Export turnover reached USD 255 - Noäi thöông: Toång möùc baùn leû haøng hoùa vaø dòch vuï million. naêm 2017 ñaït 94.967 tyû ñoàng. Market: direct export through 76 countries (31 Asian - Xuaát khaåu: Kim ngaïch xuaát khaåu haøng hoùa ñaït 820 countries, 21 European countries, 17 countries of trieäu USD. the Americas, 4 countries of Africa, 3 countries of Oceania). Caùc maët haøng xuaát khaåu chuû yeáu: + Vegetables and crops: export volume reached + Gaïo: 430.000 taán; kim ngaïch xuaát khaåu ñaït: treân 209 8,581 thousand tons, export turnover reached: USD trieäu USD. 13.71 million. Thò tröôøng: xuaát khaåu tröïc tieáp qua 56 nöôùc (15 nöôùc + Garment: export turnover reached: USD 81.68 million. chaâu AÙ, 10 nöôùc chaâu AÂu, 15 nöôùc chaâu Phi, 12 nöôùc chaâu Ñaïi Döông, 4 nöôùc chaâu Myõ). + Others: USD 212.5 million. + Thuûy saûn: xuaát khaåu treân 300 ngaøn taán; kim ngaïch - Imports: $ 145 million. xuaát khaåu ñaït: 255 trieäu USD. Currently, goods of An Giang province has been Thò tröôøng: xuaát khaåu tröïc tieáp qua 76 nöôùc (31 nöôùc present in 133 countries, territories in the world. chaâu AÙ, 21 nöôùc chaâu AÂu, 17 nöôùc chaâu Myõ, 4 nöôùc An Giang has two international border chaâu Phi, 3 nöôùc chaâu Ñaïi Döông). - Border trade: gates: Tinh Bien and Xuong, two main border + Rau quaû: xuaát khaåu ñaït 8.581 ngaøn taán, kim ngaïch gates: Khanh Binh and Vinh Hoi Dong and one extra xuaát khaåu ñaït: 13,71 trieäu USD. border gate Bac Dai; The whole borderline is about100 km, the flow of goods traded through border gates is + Haøng may maëc: xuaát khaåu ñaït: 81,68 trieäu USD. always stable at high level, the annual growth rate + Haøng hoùa khaùc: xuaát khaåu ñaït: 212,5 trieäu USD. is nearly 30%; many trade activities, commercial links with the Cambodia market often take place, such as: - Nhaäp khaåu: ñaït 145 trieäu USD. Tinh Bien international fair, An Phu trade fair, program Ñeán nay, haøng hoùa cuûa tænh An Giang ñaõ coù maët taïi of trade promotion, cooperation with businesses and 133 nöôùc, vuøng laõnh thoå treân theá giôùi. supplier of Cambodia through the national promotion program - Kinh teá bieân maäu: An Giang coù 02 cöûa khaåu quoác teá laø Tònh Bieân vaø Vónh Xöông, 02 cöûa khaåu chính laø Khaùnh Bình vaø Vónh Hoäi Ñoâng vaø 01 cöûa khaåu phuï Baéc Ñai; toaøn tuyeán bieân giôùi daøi gaàn 100 km, löu löôïng haøng hoùa mua baùn trao ñoåi qua caùc cöûa khaåu bieân giôùi luoân giöõ oån ñònh ôû möùc cao, nhòp ñoä taêng tröôûng haøng naêm gaàn 30%; nhieàu hoaït ñoäng giao thöông, keát noái thöông maïi vôùi thò tröôøng Camuchia thöôøng xuyeân dieãn ra, nhö: hoäi chôï quoác teá Tònh Bieân, hoäi chôï thöông maïi An Phuù, toå chöùc chöông trình xuùc tieán, hôïp taùc vôùi caùc doanh nghieäp vaø nhaø phaân phoái Campuchia thoâng qua chöông trình xuùc tieán quoác gia.

16 AN GIANG - KEÁT NOÁI CÔ HOÄI, HÔÏP TAÙC THAØNH COÂNG 4.4 Coâng nghieäp 4.4 Industry

aùc ngaønh coâng nghieäp chuû löïc cuûa tænh An Giang ajor industries of An Giang province are: Claø: cheá bieán löông thöïc- thöïc phaåm, thuûy saûn, cô Mprocessing food and seafood, mechanics, garment, khí, may maëc, vaät lieäu xaây döïng... construction materials, etc.

Trong naêm 2017, giaù trò saûn xuaát coâng nghieäp cuûa tænh In 2017, the industrial production value of the province ñaït 36.609,5 tyû ñoàng (giaù so saùnh naêm 2010). reached VND 36,609.5 billion (comparative price in 2010).

AN GIANG - OPPORTUNITY CONNECTION, SUCCESSFUL COOPERATION 17 4.5 Caùc khu coâng nghieäp vaø khu kinh teá cöûa khaåu 4.5 Industrial zones and border-gate economic zones

* Caùc khu coâng nghieäp: Toaøn tænh coù 03 khu coâng nghieäp ñaõ hoaøn chænh coù cô * Industry zones: sôû haï taàng vaø ñöa vaøo söû duïng bao goàm: The whole province has 03 industrial zones completed - Khu coâng nghieäp Bình Hoøa (huyeän Chaâu Thaønh): 132 ha. the infrastructure and put into use, including: - Khu coâng nghieäp Bình Long (huyeän Chaâu Phuù): 30,57 ha. - Binh Hoa industrial zone (Chau Thanh district): 132 ha. - Khu coâng nghieäp Xuaân Toâ (huyeän Tònh Bieân): 57,4 ha. - Binh Long industrial zone (Chau Phu district): 30.57 ha. Caùc khu coâng nghieäp môøi goïi ñaàu tö cô sôû haï taàng goàm: - Xuan To industrial zone (Tinh Bien district): 57.4 ha. - Khu coâng nghieäp Vaøm Coáng (thaønh phoá Long Xuyeân): Industrial zones calling for investment in infrastructure 200 ha. include: - Khu coâng nghieäp Hoäi An (huyeän Chôï Môùi): 120 ha. - Vam Cong industrial zone (Long Xuyen city): 200 ha. - Hoi An industrial zone (Cho Moi District): 120 ha. - Khu coâng nghieäp Bình Hoøa môû roäng (huyeän Chaâu Thaønh): 100 ha. - Expanded Binh Hoa industrial zone (Chau Thanh district): 100 ha. - Khu coâng nghieäp Bình Long môû roäng (huyeän Chaâu Phuù): 120 ha. - Expanded Binh Long industrial zone (Chau Phu district): 120 ha. * Khu kinh teá cöûa khaåu: Goàm 03 khu vöïc: * Border gate economic zones consist of 03 areas: - Khu vöïc cöûa khaåu Tònh Bieân (huyeän Tònh Bieân): coù dieän - Tinh Bien border gate (Tinh Bien district) has a natural tích töï nhieân khoaûng 10.100 ha; caùch thuû ñoâ Phnom area of about 10,100 ha; It is about 120 km from Phnom Penh (Campuchia) khoaûng 120 km. Penh (Cambodia). -Khu vöïc cöûa khaåu Vónh Xöông (thò xaõ Taân Chaâu): - Vinh Xuong border gate (Tan Chau town) has a coù dieän tích töï nhieân khoaûng 12.487 ha; caùch thuû ñoâ natural area of about 12,487 ha; it is about 110 km Phnom Penh khoaûng 110 km. from Phnom Penh. - Khu vöïc cöûa khaåu Khaùnh Bình (huyeän An Phuù): coù - Khanh Binh border gate (An Phu district): has a dieän tích töï nhieân khoaûng 8.140 ha; caùch thuû ñoâ Phnom natural area of about 8,140 ha; it is about 75 km from Penh khoaûng 75 km. Phnom Penh.



ænh An Giang coù 11 ñôn vò haønh chính tröïc thuoäc bao goàm 02 thaønh phoá: Long Xuyeân vaø Chaâu Ñoác, 01 thò xaõ: Taân Chaâu vaø 08 huyeän, bao goàm: Chôï Môùi, Phuù Taân, Chaâu Thaønh, Chaâu Phuù, Thoaïi Sôn, TTri Toân, Tònh Bieân, An Phuù. Theo quy ñònh taïi Nghò ñònh soá 118/2015/NÑ-CP ngaøy 12/11/2015 cuûa Chính phuû quy ñònh chi tieát vaø höôùng daãn thi haønh moät soá ñieàu cuûa Luaät Ñaàu tö: - Danh muïc ñòa baøn öu ñaõi ñaàu tö treân ñòa baøn tænh An Giang ñöôïc quy ñònh nhö sau: + Ñòa baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá - xaõ hoäi ñaëc bieät khoù khaên: bao goàm caùc huyeän An Phuù, Tònh Bieân, Tri Toân, Thoaïi Sôn vaø thò xaõ Taân Chaâu. + Ñòa baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá - xaõ hoäi khoù khaên: bao goàm caùc huyeän: Chaâu Thaønh, Chaâu Phuù, Phuù Taân, Chôï Môùi vaø thaønh phoá Chaâu Ñoác. - Danh muïc ngaønh, ngheà öu ñaõi ñaàu tö: Tham khaûo Phuïc luïc I Nghò ñònh soá 118/2015/NÑ-CP ngaøy 12/11/2015 cuûa Chính phuû Quy ñònh chi tieát vaø höôùng daãn thi haønh moät soá ñieàu cuûa Luaät Ñaàu tö. Do ñoù, khi ñaàu tö taïi An Giang, caùc nhaø ñaàu tö seõ ñöôïc höôûõng chính saùch öu ñaõi cao nhaát theo quy ñònh hieän haønh. Cuï theå:

n Giang province has 11 administrative units, including 02 cities: Long Xuyen Aand Chau Doc, 01 town: Tan Chau and 08 districts, including Cho Moi, Phu Tan, Chau Thanh, Chau Phu, Thoai Son, Tri Ton, Tinh Bien, An Phu. Under the regulation of the Government’s Decree No. 118/2015 / ND-CP of November 12, 2015 detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of Investment Law’s articles: - The list of areas eligible for preferential - List of industries eligible for preferential investment: investment in An Giang province is stipulated Refer to Appendix I of Decree 118/2015/ND-CP of as follows: November 12, 2015 of the Government detailing + Areas with extremely difficult socio-economic and guiding the implementation of some articles of conditions: including districts of An Phu, Tinh the Investment Law. Bien, Tri Ton, Thoai Son, and Tan Chau towns. Therefore, when investing in An Giang, investors will +Areas with difficult socio-economic conditions: have the highest preferential policies according to including districts of Chau Thanh, Chau Phu, current regulations. Which are: Phu Tan, Cho Moi and Chau Doc city.

AN GIANG - OPPORTUNITY CONNECTION, SUCCESSFUL COOPERATION 19 I. MIEÃN, GIAÛM TIEÀN SÖÛ DUÏNG ÑAÁT, TIEÀN THUEÂ ÑAÁT, I. EXEMPTION, REDUCTION OF LAND USE, LAND RENT, THUEÂ MAËT NÖÔÙC (aùp duïng cho caû khu coâng nghieäp WATER SURFACE RENT (applicable to the provincial taäp trung cuûa tænh) industrial zone): 1. Mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát, thueâ maët nöôùc trong thôøi gian 1. Exemption of land rent, water surface rent during xaây döïng cô baûn theo döï aùn ñöôïc caáp coù thaåm the period of basic construction under projects quyeàn pheâ duyeät nhöng toái ña khoâng quaù 03 naêm approved by competent authorities, however, must keå töø ngaøy coù quyeát ñònh cho thueâ ñaát, thueâ maët not exceed 3 years, from the date of the decisions nöôùc. for land rent, water surface rent. 2. Mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát, thueâ maët nöôùc sau thôøi gian 2. Exemption of land rent, water surface rent after ñöôïc mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát, thueâ maët nöôùc cuûa thôøi the exemption period of land rent, water surface rent for the time of basic construction, specifically gian xaây döïng cô baûn, cuï theå nhö sau: as follows: a) Ba (3) naêm ñoái vôùi döï aùn thuoäc Danh muïc lónh a) Three (3) years, for projects on the list of preferential vöïc öu ñaõi ñaàu tö; investment category; b) Baûy (7) naêm ñoái vôùi döï aùn ñaàu tö vaøo ñòa baøn b) Seven (7) years for investment projects in difficult coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá - xaõ hoäi khoù khaên; socio-economic conditions areas; c) Möôøi moät (11) naêm ñoái vôùi döï aùn ñaàu tö taïi ñòa c) Eleven (11) years for investment projects in baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá - xaõ hoäi ñaëc bieät khoù khaên; exceptionally difficult socio-economic conditions döï aùn ñaàu tö thuoäc Danh muïc lónh vöïc ñaëc bieät öu areas; Investment projects in the list of special ñaõi ñaàu tö; döï aùn thuoäc Danh muïc lónh vöïc öu ñaõi preferential investment category; Investment ñaàu tö ñöôïc ñaàu tö taïi ñòa baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh projects in the list of preferential investment category teá - xaõ hoäi khoù khaên; invested in difficult socio-economic conditions areas; d) Möôøi laêm (15) naêm ñoái vôùi döï aùn thuoäc Danh d) Fifteen (15) years for projects in the list of special muïc lónh vöïc öu ñaõi ñaàu tö ñöôïc ñaàu tö taïi ñòa preferential investment category in exceptionally baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá - xaõ hoäi ñaëc bieät khoù khaên; difficult socio-economic conditions areas; Projects in döï aùn thuoäc Danh muïc lónh vöïc ñaëc bieät öu ñaõi the list of special preferential investment category ñaàu tö ñöôïc ñaàu tö taïi ñòa baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh invested in difficult socio-economic conditions areas. teá - xaõ hoäi khoù khaên. *Note: List of industries eligible for preferential investment, and special preferential investment * Ghi chuù: Danh muïc lónh vöïc öu ñaõi ñaàu tö, lónh category shall be implemented in accordance with vöïc ñaëc bieät öu ñaõi ñaàu tö thöïc hieän theo quy the Investment Law. ñònh cuûa phaùp luaät veà ñaàu tö. 3. For the socialization field: 3. Ñoái vôùi caùc lónh vöïc xaõ hoäi hoùa: a) Land rent paid on a lump sum for the whole term: a) Thueâ ñaát traû tieàn thueâ ñaát moät laàn cho caû thôøi - In areas with difficult social conditions (including gian thueâ: districts of Tri Ton, Tinh Bien, An Phu, Thoai Son and - Taïi caùc ñòa baøn coù ñieàu kieän - xaõ hoäi ñaëc bieät khoù Tan Chau town): to be exempt from land rent for the khaên (goàm caùc huyeän: Tri Toân, Tònh Bieân, An Phuù, whole term. Thoaïi Sôn vaø thò xaõ Taân Chaâu): ñöôïc mieãn tieàn thueâ - In areas with difficult socio - economic conditions ñaát cho caû thôøi gian thueâ. (including Chau Doc city and Chau Phu, Chau - Taïi caùc ñòa baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá - xaõ hoäi khoù Thanh, Cho Moi and Phu Tan districts): 50% reduction khaên (goàm thaønh phoá Chaâu Ñoác vaø caùc huyeän: of land rent. Chaâu Phuù, Chaâu Thaønh, Chôï Môùi, Phuù Taân): ñöôïc - In Long Xuyen city: 30% reduction of land rent. giaûm 50% tieàn thueâ ñaát. b) Land rent paid annually: - Taïi ñòa baøn thaønh phoá Long Xuyeân: ñöôïc giaûm - In areas with difficult socio - economic conditions 30% tieàn thueâ ñaát. (including districts of Tri Ton, Tinh Bien, An Phu, Thoai Son and Tan Chau town): to be exempt from land b) Thueâ ñaát traû tieàn thueâ ñaát haøng naêm: rent annually. - Taïi caùc ñòa baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá - xaõ hoäi ñaëc - In areas with difficult socio - economic conditions bieät khoù khaên (goàm caùc huyeän: Tri Toân, Tònh Bieân, (including Chau Doc city and Chau Phu, Chau An Phuù, Thoaïi Sôn vaø thò xaõ Taân Chaâu): ñöôïc mieãn Thanh, Cho Moi and Phu Tan districts): to be exempt tieàn thueâ ñaát haøng naêm. from land rent for 11 years (from the project activate - Taïi caùc ñòa baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá - xaõ hoäi khoù date), in addition with the land rental exemption khaên (goàm thaønh phoá Chaâu Ñoác vaø caùc huyeän: Chaâu Phuù, Chaâu Thaønh, Chôï Môùi, Phuù Taân) ñöôïc mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát 11 naêm (keå töø ngaøy döï aùn hoaøn thaønh ñöa vaøo hoaït ñoäng) sau thôøi gian ñöôïc mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát cuûa thôøi gian xaây döïng cô baûn. - Taïi ñòa baøn thaønh phoá Long Xuyeân: ñöôïc mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát 07 naêm (keå töø ngaøy döï aùn hoaøn thaønh ñöa vaøo hoaït ñoäng) sau thôøi gian ñöôïc mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát cuûa thôøi gian xaây döïng cô baûn. - Thôøi gian ñöôïc mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát cuûa thôøi gian xaây döïng cô baûn: caùc cô sôû thöïc hieän xaõ hoäi hoùa ñöôïc mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát trong thôøi gian xaây döïng cô baûn theo döï aùn ñöôïc caáp coù thaåm quyeàn pheâ duyeät nhöng toái ña khoâng quaù 03 naêm keå töø ngaøy coù quyeát ñònh cho thueâ ñaát.

20 AN GIANG - KEÁT NOÁI CÔ HOÄI, HÔÏP TAÙC THAØNH COÂNG 4. Ñoái vôùi döï aùn trong Khu coâng nghieäp, Khu kinh teá: period for the basic construction. 4.1.Ñoái vôùi döï aùn trong Khu kinh teá: - In Long Xuyen city: Exemption of land rent for 07 years (from the project activate date), in addition a) Mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát trong thôøi gian xaây döïng cô with the land rental exemption period for the basic baûn nhöng toái ña khoâng quaù 03 naêm keå töø ngaøy construction. coù quyeát ñònh cho thueâ ñaát cuûa cô quan nhaø nöôùc coù thaåm quyeàn (khoâng bao goàm caùc tröôøng - Time for land rental exemption or the basic hôïp ñaàu tö xaây döïng caûi taïo vaø môû roäng cô sôû saûn construction: The establishments implementing xuaát, kinh doanh). socialization are exempt from land rent during the period of the basic construction under the projects b) Mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát sau thôøi gian mieãn tieàn thueâ approved by the competent authorities, but not ñaát cuûa thôøi gian xaây döïng cô baûn: exceed 3 years from the decision date for land rent. - 15 naêm ñoái vôùi döï aùn khoâng thuoäc Danh muïc lónh 4. For projects in Industrial Parks, Economic Zones: vöïc öu ñaõi ñaàu tö . 4.1. For projects in Economic Zones - 19 naêm ñoái vôùi döï aùn thuoäc Danh muïc lónh vöïc a) Exemption of land rent during the basic capital öu ñaõi ñaàu tö. construction period, which, however, must not c) Mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát, thueâ maët nöôùc cho toaøn boä exceed 3 years from the decision date for land rent thôøi haïn thueâ: approved by the competent authorities (excluding cases of investment in renovation construction - Döï aùn ñaàu tö thuoäc lónh vöïc ñaëc bieät öu ñaõi ñaàu and expansion of production and business tö. establishments). - Döï aùn ñaàu tö xaây döïng nhaø ôû cho coâng nhaân, b) Exemption from land rent after the basic ngöôøi lao ñoäng trong Khu kinh teá hoaëc thueâ laïi ñaát construction period: cuûa nhaø ñaàu tö xaây döïng kinh doanh keát caáu haï - 15 years for projects not included in the lists of taàng Khu kinh teá ñeå thöïc hieän theo quy hoaïch ñöôïc preferential investments. cô quan nhaø nöôùc coù thaåm quyeàn pheâ duyeät; chuû - 19 years for projects on the lists of preferential ñaàu tö khoâng ñöôïc tính chi phí veà tieàn thueâ ñaát vaøo investments. giaù cho thueâ nhaø. c) Exemption from land rent, water surface rent for - Nhaø ñaàu tö ñöôïc Nhaø nöôùc cho thueâ ñaát ñeå ñaàu the whole term: tö xaây döïng, kinh doanh keát caáu haï taàng khu chöùc - Investment projects in the fields of special naêng trong Khu kinh teá ñöôïc mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát preferential investment. cho toaøn boä thôøi gian thueâ sau thôøi gian ñöôïc mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát trong thôøi gian xaây döïng cô baûn. - Investment projects of building housing for workers, labors in the economic zone or sublease 4.2. Ñoái vôùi döï aùn trong Khu coâng nghieäp: land from investors for construction and operation of a) Mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát trong thôøi gian xaây döïng cô infrastructures in Economic Zone for implementation baûn nhöng toái ña khoâng quaù 03 naêm keå töø ngaøy under plannings approved by the competent coù quyeát ñònh cho thueâ ñaát cuûa cô quan nhaø authorities; Investors are not allowed to charge land nöôùc coù thaåm quyeàn (khoâng bao goàm caùc tröôøng rent on the rent fees. hôïp ñaàu tö xaây döïng caûi taïo vaø môû roäng cô sôû saûn - Investors who are leased land by the Government for xuaát, kinh doanh). investing in the construction and trading functional b) Mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát sau thôøi gian mieãn tieàn thueâ infrastructures in the Economic Zone shall be exempt ñaát cuûa thôøi gian xaây döïng cô baûn: from land rent for the entire lease duration after the capital basic construction exemption period. - Baûy (7) naêm ñoái vôùi döï aùn ñaàu tö vaøo Khu coâng nghieäp naèm treân ñòa baøn caáp huyeän khoâng thuoäc 4.2. For projects in Industrial Parks: Danh muïc ñòa baøn öu ñaõi ñaàu tö hoaëc thuoäc ñòa a) Exemption of land rent during the basic capital baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá - xaõ hoäi khoù khaên; construction period, which, however, must not exceed 3 years from the decision date for land rent - Möôøi moät (11) naêm ñoái vôùi döï aùn ñaàu tö vaøo Khu approved by the competent authorities (excluding coâng nghieäp naèm treân ñòa baøn caáp huyeän thuoäc cases of investment in renovation construction ñòa baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá - xaõ hoäi ñaëc bieät khoù and expansion of production and business khaên; döï aùn thuoäc Danh muïc lónh vöïc öu ñaõi ñaàu establishments). b) Exemption from land rent after the basic capital construction period: - Seven (7) years for projects on investment in Industrial Parks located in districts not included in the preferential investments list or not in the lists of areas with difficult socio-economic conditions - Eleven (11) years for projects on investment in Industrial Parks located in district-based areas with exceptionally difficult socio-economic conditions; Projects on the list of preferential investments that are invested in Industrial Parks located in district- based areas and not on the list of preferential investments or located in areas with difficult socio- economic conditions; - Fifteen (15) years for projects on the list of preferential investment invested in Industrial Parks located in district-based areas with exceptionally

AN GIANG - OPPORTUNITY CONNECTION, SUCCESSFUL COOPERATION 21 tö ñöôïc ñaàu tö vaøo Khu coâng nghieäp naèm treân ñòa baøn caáp huyeän khoâng thuoäc Danh muïc ñòa baøn öu ñaõi ñaàu tö hoaëc thuoäc ñòa baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá - xaõ hoäi khoù khaên; - Möôøi laêm (15) naêm ñoái vôùi döï aùn thuoäc Danh muïc lónh vöïc öu ñaõi ñaàu tö ñöôïc ñaàu tö vaøo Khu coâng nghieäp naèm treân ñòa baøn caáp huyeän thuoäc ñòa baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá - xaõ hoäi ñaëc bieät khoù khaên; döï aùn thuoäc Danh muïc lónh vöïc ñaëc bieät öu ñaõi ñaàu tö ñöôïc ñaàu tö vaøo Khu coâng nghieäp nghieäp naèm treân ñòa baøn caáp huyeän khoâng thuoäc Danh muïc ñòa baøn öu ñaõi ñaàu tö hoaëc thuoäc ñòa baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá - xaõ hoäi khoù khaên. c) Mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát, thueâ maët nöôùc cho toaøn boä thôøi haïn thueâ: - Döï aùn ñaàu tö xaây döïng nhaø ôû cho coâng nhaân difficult socio-economic conditions; Projects in the cuûa caùc khu coâng nghieäp ñöôïc Nhaø nöôùc cho list of preferential investment, which are invested in thueâ ñaát hoaëc thueâ laïi ñaát cuûa nhaø ñaàu tö xaây Industrial Parks located in the district-level areas and döïng kinh doanh keát caáu haï taàng khu coâng nghieäp not included in the list of geographical areas eligible ñeå thöïc hieän theo quy hoaïch ñöôïc cô quan nhaø for investment preferences or located in areas with nöôùc coù thaåm quyeàn pheâ duyeät; difficult socio-economic conditions. - Ñaát xaây döïng keát caáu haï taàng söû duïng chung c) Exemption from land rent, water surface rent for trong khu coâng nghieäp theo quy hoaïch ñöôïc caáp the whole term: coù thaåm quyeàn pheâ duyeät. - Investment projects on the construction of housing - Döï aùn ñaàu tö thuoäc Danh muïc lónh vöïc ñaëc bieät for workers in Industrial Parks are leased land by the öu ñaõi ñaàu tö ñöôïc ñaàu tö vaøo Khu coâng nghieäp Government or subleased land by the investors who naèm treân ñòa baøn caáp huyeän thuoäc ñòa baøn coù construct and trade Industrial Park infrastructures ñieàu kieän kinh teá - xaõ hoäi ñaëc bieät khoù khaên. for zoning implementation approved by competent authorities; II. ÖU ÑAÕI VEÀ THUEÁ THU NHAÄP DOANH NGHIEÄP: - Construction land for common-use infrastructures 1. AÙp duïng thueá suaát: in Industrial Parks under plannings approved by 1.1. Thueá suaát 10% trong thôøi gian möôøi laêm (15) competent authorities. naêm ñoái vôùi: - Investment projects on the list of special preferential a) Thu nhaäp cuûa doanh nghieäp töø thöïc hieän döï investment that are invested in Industrial Parks aùn ñaàu tö môùi taïi ñòa baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá - located in district-based areas in exceptional socio- xaõ hoäi ñaëc bieät khoù khaên, khu kinh teá, khu coâng economic difficulties areas. ngheä cao; khu coâng nghieäp naèm treân ñòa baøn caáp II. PROMOTION ON ENTERPRISE INCOME TAX huyeän thuoäc ñòa baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá - xaõ hoäi 1. Application of tax rates: ñaëc bieät khoù khaên; 1.1. The tax rate of 10% for a period of fifteen (15) b) Thu nhaäp cuûa doanh nghieäp töø thöïc hieän döï aùn years for: ñaàu tö môùi theo Luaät Coâng ngheä cao; a) Incomes of enterprise from the execution of new c) Thu nhaäp cuûa doanh nghieäp coâng ngheä cao, investment projects in areas of exceptionally difficult doanh nghieäp noâng nghieäp öùng duïng coâng ngheä socio-economic conditions, economic zones, hi- cao theo quy ñònh cuûa Luaät coâng ngheä cao; tech zones; Industrial zones located in in district- based area with extremely difficult socio-economic d) Thu nhaäp cuûa doanh nghieäp töø thöïc hieän döï aùn conditions; ñaàu tö môùi trong lónh vöïc saûn xuaát (tröø döï aùn saûn xuaát maët haøng thuoäc dieän chòu thueá tieâu thuï ñaëc b) Incomes of enterprise from the execution of new bieät, döï aùn khai thaùc khoaùng saûn) ñaùp öùng moät investment projects under the Hi-Tech Law; trong hai tieâu chí sau: c) Income of hi-tech enterprises and hi-tech agricultural enterprises according to the regulations - Döï aùn coù quy moâ voán ñaàu tö toái thieåu 6 (saùu) of the Hi-Tech Law; nghìn tyû ñoàng, thöïc hieän giaûi ngaân khoâng quaù 3 (ba) naêm keå töø ngaøy ñöôïc caáp Giaáy chöùng nhaän d) Incomes of enterprise from new investment ñaàu tö vaø coù toång doanh thu toái thieåu ñaït 10 (möôøi) projects of production field (except for projects on nghìn tyû ñoàng/naêm, chaäm nhaát sau ba naêm keå töø production of special-consumption-tax goods and naêm coù doanh thu; mineral exploitation projects) which satisfy one of the two criteria as following: - Döï aùn coù quy moâ voán ñaàu tö toái thieåu 6 (saùu) - Projects with an investment capital of at least 6 (six) nghìn tyû ñoàng, thöïc hieän giaûi ngaân khoâng quaù ba trillion VND, disbursed no more than 3 (three) years naêm keå töø ngaøy ñöôïc caáp Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaàu from the issuance date of the investment certificate tö vaø söû duïng treân ba nghìn lao ñoäng chaäm nhaát and have a minimum total revenue of 10 (ten) trillion sau 3 naêm keå töø naêm coù doanh thu. VND a year, three years after the turnover year; e) Thu nhaäp cuûa doanh nghieäp töø thöïc hieän döï aùn - Projects with an investment capital of at least 6(six) ñaàu tö trong lónh vöïc saûn xuaát, tröø döï aùn saûn xuaát trillion VND, shall be disbursed within three years from maët haøng chòu thueá tieâu thuï ñaëc bieät vaø döï aùn the issuance date of the investment certificate and khai thaùc khoaùng saûn, coù quy moâ voán ñaàu tö toái employing over three thousand labors three years thieåu möôøi hai nghìn tyû ñoàng, söû duïng coâng ngheä after the turnover year. phaûi ñöôïc thaåm ñònh theo quy ñònh cuûa Luaät coâng e) Incomes of enterprise from the execution of

22 AN GIANG - KEÁT NOÁI CÔ HOÄI, HÔÏP TAÙC THAØNH COÂNG ngheä cao, Luaät khoa hoïc vaø coâng ngheä, thöïc hieän investment projects in the production field, except for giaûi ngaân toång voán ñaàu tö ñaêng kyù khoâng quaù 5 projects on the production of special-consumption- naêm keå töø ngaøy ñöôïc pheùp ñaàu tö theo quy ñònh tax goods and projects on mineral exploitation, cuûa phaùp luaät veà ñaàu tö.”. with investment capital of at least twelve trillion 1.2. Thueá suaát 10% trong suoát thôøi haïn hoaït ñoäng VND, that use expertised technology according to cuûa döï aùn ñoái vôùi: the regulations of High Technologies Law, Science and Technology Law, and the disbursement of total a) Thu nhaäp cuûa doanh nghieäp töø thöïc hieän hoaït investment capital for registration shall not exceed ñoäng xaõ hoäi hoaù trong lónh vöïc giaùo duïc vaø ñaøo 5 years from the date the investment is permitted taïo, daïy ngheà, y teá, vaên hoaù, theå thao vaø moâi according to the Investment Law. tröôøng; 1.2. The tax rate of 10% during the project operation b) Thu nhaäp cuûa doanh nghieäp töø thöïc hieän döï aùn duration for: ñaàu tö - kinh doanh nhaø ôû xaõ hoäi; a) The enterprise’s income from socialization activities c) Thu nhaäp cuûa doanh nghieäp ñaàu tö vaøo noâng in the field of education and training, job training, nghieäp, noâng thoân taïi ñòa baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá healthcare, culture, sports and the environment; - xaõ hoäi khoù khaên, ñaëc bieät khoù khaên; b) The enterprise’s income from the execution of 1.3. Thueá suaát 17% trong thôøi gian möôøi (10) naêm investment projects on social house trading; aùp duïng ñoái vôùi: c) The enterprise’s income investing in agriculture and social house trading in areas with socio- Thu nhaäp cuûa doanh nghieäp töø thöïc hieän döï aùn economic difficulties, exceptional difficulties; ñaàu tö môùi taïi ñòa baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá - xaõ hoäi khoù khaên; khu coâng nghieäp naèm treân ñòa baøn caáp 1.3. The tax rate of 17% for ten (10) years applies to: huyeän khoâng thuoäc Danh muïc ñòa baøn öu ñaõi ñaàu The enterprise’s income from the implementation of tö hoaëc thuoäc ñòa baøn coù ñieàu kieän kinh teá - xaõ hoäi new investment projects in difficult socio-economic khoù khaên. conditions areas; Industrial Zones located in the district level which are not included in the list of : Thôøi gian aùp duïng thueá suaát öu ñaõi * Ghi chuù preferential investment or located in areas with ñöôïc tính töø naêm ñaàu tieân döï aùn ñaàu tö môùi cuûa difficult socio-economic conditions. doanh nghieäp coù doanh thu; ñoái vôùi doanh nghieäp coâng ngheä cao, doanh nghieäp noâng nghieäp öùng * Note: The application duration of preferential duïng coâng ngheä cao ñöôïc tính töø ngaøy ñöôïc caáp tax rates: counting from the first year of enterprises giaáy chöùng nhaän laø doanh nghieäp coâng ngheä cao, having revenue; For hi-tech enterprises and hi-tech doanh nghieäp noâng nghieäp öùng duïng coâng ngheä agricultural enterprises: counting from the date cao; ñoái vôùi döï aùn öùng duïng coâng ngheä cao ñöôïc they are granted the certificates of being hi-tech tính töø ngaøy ñöôïc caáp giaáy chöùng nhaän döï aùn enterprises or hi-tech agricultural enterprises; For hi- öùng duïng coâng ngheä cao. tech application projects, counting from the date of being granted the hi-tech project-application 2. Mieãn, giaûm thueá thu nhaäp doanh nghieäp: certificates. 2.1. Mieãn thueá 4 naêm vaø giaûm 50% soá thueá phaûi noäp 2. Enterprise income tax exemption and reduction: trong 9 naêm tieáp theo ñoái vôùi: 2.1. Tax exemption for 4 years and reduction of 50% a) Thu nhaäp cuûa Doanh nghieäp aùp duïng thueá suaát of tax payable for the next 9 years for: 10% trong thôøi haïn 15 naêm. a) The enterprise’s income apply to the tax rate of b) Thu nhaäp cuûa doanh nghieäp töø thöïc hieän hoaït 10% within 15 years. ñoäng xaõ hoäi hoùa trong lónh vöïc giaùo duïc - ñaøo taïo, b) The enterprise’s income from socialization in the daïy ngheà, y teá, vaên hoùa, theå thao vaø moâi tröôøng. fields of education, training, health care, culture, sport and environment. c) Thu nhaäp cuûa doanh nghieäp coâng ngheä cao, doanh nghieäp noâng nghieäp öùng duïng coâng c) The income of hi-tech enterprises and hi-tech ngheä cao. agricultural enterprises. 2.2. Tax exemption for 2 years, 50% reduction of 2.2. Mieãn thueá 2 naêm, giaûm 50% soá thueá phaûi noäp payable tax for 4 subsequent years for: trong 4 naêm tieáp theo ñoái vôùi: The enterprise’s income apply to the tax rate of 17% Thu nhaäp cuûa doanh nghieäp aùp duïng thueá suaát within 10 years. 17% trong thôøi haïn 10 naêm. III. PROMOTION ON IMPORT TAX: III. ÖU ÑAÕI VEÀ THUEÁ NHAÄP KHAÅU: Exemption of import tax on goods imported to create Mieãn thueá nhaäp khaåu ñoái vôùi haøng hoùa nhaäp khaåu fixed assets of investment projects in the preferential ñeå taïo taøi saûn coá ñònh cuûa döï aùn ñaàu tö vaøo lónh fields for import tax or preferential areas for import vöïc ñöôïc öu ñaõi veà thueá nhaäp khaåu hoaëc ñòa baøn tax regulated in the Government’s Decree No. 134 ñöôïc öu ñaõi veà thueá nhaäp khaåu ñöôïc quy ñònh / 2016 / ND-CP dated 01/9/2016, detailing a number taïi Nghò ñònh soá 134/2016/NÑ-CP ngaøy 01/9/2016 of articles and implementing measures of the Export cuûa Chính phuû Quy ñònh chi tieát moät soá ñieàu vaø Tax Law and Import Tax Law. bieän phaùp thi haønh cuûa Luaät Thueá xuaát khaåu, Thueá IV. PREFERENTIAL POLICIES FOR ENTERPRISES INVES- nhaäp khaåu. TING IN AGRICULTURAL AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT: IV. CHÍNH SAÙCH ÖU ÑAÕI ÑOÁI VÔÙI DOANH NGHIEÄP Apart from the contents of preferential investment ÑAÀU TÖ VAØO NOÂNG NGHIEÄP, NOÂNG THOÂN: mentioned in Section II above, enterprises implementing Ngoaøi noäi dung öu ñaõi ñaàu tö ñöôïc neâu taïi Muïc investment projects in agriculture and rural areas are II treân ñaây, doanh nghieäp thöïc hieän döï aùn ñaàu tö also applied the following preferential investment vaøo noâng nghieäp, noâng thoân coøn ñöôïc aùp duïng policies as follow: chính saùch öu ñaõi ñaàu tö nhö sau: 1. Exemption and reduction of land use for housing construction for labors working on the project: 1. Mieãn, giaûm tieàn söû duïng ñaát ñeå xaây döïng nhaø ôû

AN GIANG - OPPORTUNITY CONNECTION, SUCCESSFUL COOPERATION 23 cho ngöôøi lao ñoäng laøm vieäc taïi döï aùn: To be allocated land by the Governmentor to be Ñöôïc Nhaø nöôùc giao ñaát hoaëc ñöôïc chuyeån muïc converted land for housing construction for labors ñích ñaát ñeå laøm nhaø ôû cho ngöôøi lao ñoäng vaø and exempt from land conversion fee for for pur- ñöôïc mieãn tieàn chuyeån muïc ñích söû duïng ñaát ñoái pose of building houses for labors working at pro- vôùi dieän tích ñaát ñöôïc chuyeån muïc ñích ñeå xaây ject; Exemption from land use fees for land after döïng nhaø ôû cho ngöôøi lao ñoäng laøm vieäc taïi döï conversion. aùn; ñöôïc mieãn tieàn söû duïng ñaát ñoái vôùi dieän tích 2. Exemption and reduction of land rent and water ñaát ñoù sau khi ñöôïc chuyeån ñoåi. surface rent fees from the Government: 2. Mieãn, giaûm tieàn thueâ ñaát, thueâ maët nöôùc cuûa Nhaø 2.1.Enterprises with agricultural projects eligible for nöôùc: preferential investment incentives, when renting land or water surface from the Governmentshall be 2.1. Doanh nghieäp coù döï aùn noâng nghieäp öu ñaõi apllied with the incentive price approved by the ñaàu tö vaø khuyeán khích ñaàu tö khi thueâ ñaát, thueâ provincial People’s Committee for at least 05 years. maët nöôùc cuûa Nhaø nöôùc thì ñöôïc aùp duïng möùc 2.2. For enterprises with agricultural projects eligib- giaù ñaát öu ñaõi do UÛy ban nhaân daân tænh quy ñònh le for special preferential investment incentives shall vaø giaù thueâ ñaát, thueâ maët nöôùc oån ñònh toái thieåu be exemptedfrom land rent or water surface rents 05 naêm. as from the date the Governmentleases land, water 2.2. Doanh nghieäp coù döï aùn noâng nghieäp ñaëc bieät surface. öu ñaõi ñaàu tö thì döï aùn ñoù ñöôïc mieãn tieàn thueâ 2.3. Enterprises with agricultural projects eligible for ñaát, thueâ maët nöôùc keå töø ngaøy Nhaø nöôùc cho thueâ preferential investment incentives shall be exemp- ñaát, thueâ maët nöôùc. ted from land rent, water surface rent for the first 15 2.3 Doanh nghieäp coù döï aùn noâng nghieäp öu ñaõi years as from the date the Governmentleases land, ñaàu tö thì döï aùn ñoù ñöôïc mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát, thueâ water surface and 50% reduction of rent fee for land maët nöôùc trong 15 naêm ñaàu keå töø ngaøy Nhaø nöôùc and water surface in the next 07 years. cho thueâ ñaát, thueâ maët nöôùc vaø giaûm 50% tieàn thueâ 2.4. Enterprises with encourage - investment-agricul- ñaát, thueâ maët nöôùc trong 07 naêm tieáp theo. tural projects shall be exempted from land rent, wa- 2.4. Doanh nghieäp coù döï aùn noâng nghieäp khuyeán ter surface rent for the first 11 years from the date khích ñaàu tö thì döï aùn ñoù ñöôïc mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát, the Governmentleases land, water surface; and 50% thueâ maët nöôùc trong 11 naêm ñaàu keå töø ngaøy Nhaø reduction of land rent, water surface rent in the next nöôùc cho thueâ ñaát, thueâ maët nöôùc vaø giaûm 50% tieàn 05 years. thueâ ñaát, thueâ maët nöôùc trong 05 naêm tieáp theo. 2.5. Enterprises with agricultural projects (special pre- ferential investment incentives, preferential invest- 2.5. Doanh nghieäp coù döï aùn noâng nghieäp (ñaëc bieät ment incentives, encourage investment) are leased öu ñaõi ñaàu tö, öu ñaõi ñaàu tö, khuyeán khích ñaàu tö) land by the Governmentto build houses for project ñöôïc Nhaø nöôùc cho thueâ ñaát xaây döïng nhaø ôû cho labors, land of non-agricultural production (land for ngöôøi lao ñoäng cuûa döï aùn, ñaát cô sôû saûn xuaát phi construction of workshops, storerages, drying yards, noâng nghieäp (ñaát xaây döïng nhaø xöôûng, kho chöùa, roads and trees), including land permitted to be con- saân phôi, ñöôøng giao thoâng, caây xanh) keå caû ñaát verted to different types of land specified in this title ñöôïc pheùp chuyeån muïc ñích sang caùc loaïi ñaát to serve the projects, shall be exempted from land quy ñònh taïi khoaûn naøy ñeå phuïc vuï döï aùn ñoù thì rent. ñöôïc mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát. 2.6. Newly-established small and medium-sized agri- 2.6. Doanh nghieäp noâng nghieäp nhoû vaø vöøa môùi cultural enterprises shall be exempted from land rents thaønh laäp ñöôïc mieãn tieàn thueâ ñaát, thueâ maët nöôùc and water surface rents of the Governmentfor the cuûa Nhaø nöôùc trong 05 naêm ñaàu keå töø ngaøy döï aùn first 5 years from the date the projects are completed hoaøn thaønh ñi vaøo hoaït ñoäng vaø giaûm 50% tieàn thueâ and put into operation and 50% reduction of rent fee ñaát, thueâ maët nöôùc trong 10 naêm tieáp theo. for land and water surfacein the next 10 following Ngoaøi ra, doanh nghieäp thöïc hieän döï aùn ñaàu tö vaøo years. noâng nghieäp, noâng thoân ñöôïc tieáp caän, hoã trôï tín In addition, enterprises implementing investment duïng; hoã trôï nghieân cöùu, chuyeån giao, öùng duïng projects in agriculture and rural areas have access, noâng nghieäp coâng ngheä cao; ñaøo taïo nguoàn nhaân credit support; research support, transfer and appli- löïc, phaùt trieån thò tröôøng; hoã trôï ñaàu tö cô sôû: baûo cation of hi-tech agriculture; human resources train- quaûn, cheá bieán noâng saûn; gieát moå gia suùc, gia caàm; ing, market development; Infrastructire investment cheá taïo thieát bò, linh kieän, maùy noâng nghieäp; saûn support: preservation and processing of agricultural xuaát saûn phaåm phuï trôï; hoã trôï doanh nghieäp cung products; kill cattle and poultry; manufacture equip- caáp dòch vuï coâng vaø ñaàu tö keát caáu haï taàng noâng ment, components of agricultural machines; pro- nghieäp, noâng thoân. duction of auxiliary products; support enterprises in V. HOÃ TRÔÏ ÑAÀU TÖ VAØO LÓNH VÖÏC DU LÒCH: public delivery supply and investment in agricultural and rural infrastructure. 1. Hoã trôï thöïc hieän caùc döï aùn ñaàu tö phaùt trieån dòch V. INVESTMENT SUPPORT TO TOURISM: vuï du lòch: 1. Support the implementation of tourism develop- 1.1. Xaây döïng cô sôû löu truù du lòch ing investment projects: 1.1.1. Möùc hoã trôï: 1. Construction of tourist accommodation establish- a) Xaây döïng môùi: ments 1.1.1. Support level: - Döï aùn ñaàu tö cô sôû löu truù ñaït tieâu chuaån 3 sao ñöôïc hoã trôï 40 trieäu ñoàng/phoøng nguû taïi caùc a) New construction: huyeän, Thò xaõ treân ñòa baøn tænh An Giang bao goàm: - Investment project of 3-star standard accommo- Chôï Môùi, Chaâu Thaønh, Phuù Taân, An Phuù, Thoaïi Sôn, dation is supported 40 million VND per bedroom in Tri Toân, Tònh Bieân, Chaâu Phuù vaø Thò xaõ Taân Chaâu. Moãi districts, towns in An Giang province including: Cho

24 AN GIANG - KEÁT NOÁI CÔ HOÄI, HÔÏP TAÙC THAØNH COÂNG ñòa phöông ñöôïc hoã trôï 01 (moät) döï aùn ñaàu tö xaây Moi, Chau Thanh, Phu Tan, An Phu, Thoai Son, Tri döïng môùi khaùch saïn tieâu chuaån haïng 3 sao, möùc Ton, Tinh Bien, Chau Phu and Tan Chau town. Each hoã trôï toái ña 2 tyû ñoàng/ döï aùn. locality will be assisted with 01 (one) investment proj- - Cô sôû löu truù tieâu chuaån 4 sao ñöôïc hoã trôï 50 ect for construction of 3-star standard hotel with the trieäu ñoàng/phoøng nguû taïi thaønh phoá Long Xuyeân maximum support level of 2 billion VND/ project. vaø thaønh phoá Chaâu Ñoác. Moãi ñòa phöông ñöôïc - 4-star standard accommodation is supported 50 hoã trôï 01 (moät) döï aùn ñaàu tö xaây döïng môùi khaùch million VND per bedroom in Long Xuyen city and saïn tieâu chuaån haïng 4 sao, möùc hoã trôï toái ña 3 tyû Chau Doc city. Each locality will be assisted with ñoàng/döï aùn. 01 (one) investment project for construction of 4-star standard hotel with the maximum support level of 3 - Cô sôû löu truù ñaït tieâu chuaån 5 sao ñöôïc hoã trôï 60 billion VND/ project. trieäu ñoàng/phoøng nguû taïi thaønh phoá Chaâu Ñoác vaø thaønh phoá Long Xuyeân. Moãi ñòa phöông ñöôïc hoã - 5-star standard accommodation is supported 60 trôï xaây döïng döïng môùi 01 khaùch saïn tieâu chuaån million VND per bedroom in Chau Doc city and haïng 5 sao, möùc hoã trôï toái ña 6 tyû ñoàng/döï aùn. Long Xuyen city. Each locality will be assisted with 01 (one) investment project for construction of 5-star b) Söûa chöõa naâng caáp: Söûa chöõa naâng caáp cô standard hotel with the maximum support level of 6 sôû löu truù ñeå ñaït haïng tieâu chuaån töø 4 sao ñeán 5 billion VND/ project. sao ñöôïc hoã trôï 40 trieäu ñoàng/phoøng nguû taïi Thaønh b) Repair and upgrade:Repairing and upgrading the phoá Long Xuyeân vaø thaønh phoá Chaâu Ñoác. Moãi ñòa accommodation establishments in order to reach phöông ñöôïc hoã trôï söûa chöõa naâng caáp 01 döï aùn the standard of 4-star or 5-star will be supported khaùch saïn tieâu chuaån haïng töø 4 ñeán 5 sao, möùc hoã with 40 million VND per bedroom in Long Xuyen city trôï toái ña 4 tyû ñoàng/döï aùn. and Chau Doc city. Each locality is assisted with 01 1.1.2. Thôøi ñieåm hoã trôï: Sau khi döï aùn hoaøn thaønh project to repair and upgrade to 4-star or to 5-star ñöa vaøo söû duïng vaø ñaõ ñöôïc cô quan coù thaåm hotel with the maximum support level of 4 billion quyeàn phaân loaïi, xeáp haïng ñaït tieâu chuaån theo VND/ project. quy ñònh cuûa nhaø nöôùc. 1.1.2. Time of support: After the project is completed 1.2. Xaây döïng nhaø haøng keát hôïp baùn ñaëc saûn An and operating. It will beclassified and qualified by Giang ñaït chuaån phuïc vuï du lòch the competent agency according to Government regulations. 1.2.1. Möùc hoã trôï: 500.000 ñoàng/m2 xaây döïng (bao goàm caû haïng muïc nhaø veä sinh; khoâng bao goàm 1.2. Constructing standardized restaurants combining caùc haïng muïc khuoân vieân, tieåu caûnh, hoa vieân taïo with selling An Giang specialties that meet tourism caûnh quan), möùc hoã trôï toái ña 500 trieäu ñoàng/ 01 standards döï aùn. 1.2.1. Support level: 500,000 VND/ m2 (including restrooms areas, not including garden, landscape 1.2.2. Thôøi ñieåm hoã trôï: Sau khi coâng trình ñaõ ñöôïc and landscaping items). The maximum support level ñaàu tö, ñöa vaøo söû duïng vaø ñöôïc cô quan coù is 500 million VND/ 01 project. thaåm quyeàn coâng nhaän cô sôû dòch vuï ñaït chuaån phuïc vuï du lòch theo quy ñònh. 1.2.2. Support time: After the construction have been invested, put into operation and recognized 1.3. Xaây döïng khu mua saém ñaït chuaån phuïc vuï by the competent agencies about the standards for du lòch: tourism-service establishments. 1.3.1. Möùc hoã trôï: 500.000 ñoàng/m2 xaây döïng (bao 1.3. Constructing standardized shopping malls for goàm caû haïng muïc nhaø veä sinh neáu coù; khoâng bao tourism: goàm khuoân vieân, tieåu caûnh, hoa vieân taïo caûnh 1.3.1. Support level: VND 500,000/ m2 (including quan), möùc hoã trôï toái ña 100 trieäu ñoàng/ döï aùn. restroom - if any, not including garden, landscape 1.3.2. Thôøi ñieåm hoã trôï: Sau khi coâng trình ñaõ ñöôïc and landscaping items). The maximum support level ñaàu tö, ñöa vaøo söû duïng vaø ñöôïc cô quan coù is 100 million VND/ 01 project. thaåm quyeàn coâng nhaän cô sôû dòch vuï ñaït chuaån 1.3.2. Support time: After the construction have phuïc vuï du lòch theo quy ñònh. been invested, put into operation and recognized 1.4. Xaây döïng nhaø veä sinh coâng coäng ñaït chuaån by the competent agencies about the standards for phuïc vuï du lòch tourism-service establishments. 1.4. Constructing public standardized restrooms for 1.4.1. Möùc hoã trôï: 10%/ toång möùc chi phí cuûa döï tourism aùn, möùc hoã trôï toái ña 20 trieäu ñoàng/ döï aùn. 1.4.1. Support level: 10% / total cost of the project. 1.4.2. Thôøi ñieåm hoã trôï: Sau khi hoaøn thaønh ñöa vaøo The maximum support level is 20 million VND/ 01 söû duïng ñaûm baûo ñaït tieâu chuaån cuûa cô quan project. nhaø nöôùc. 1.4.2. Support time: After the construction is 1.5. Ñaàu tö khai thaùc du lòch soâng nöôùc completed and qualilified with the Government 1.5.1. Möùc hoã trôï: Döï aùn ñaàu tö taøu, beán taøu, caàu standards. taøu ñoùn khaùch du lòch vaø caùc trang thieát bò baûo 1.5. Investing in water tourism ñaûm an toaøn cho du khaùch nhaèm khai thaùc tuyeán 1.5.1. Support level: Investment projects in ships, du lòch ñöôøng soâng taïi caùc huyeän, thò xaõ, thaønh docks, wharfs to welcome tourists and safety phoá: Thaønh phoá Long Xuyeân, thaønh phoá Chaâu Ñoác, equipment for tourists in order to exploit river tourism thò xaõ Taân Chaâu, huyeän An Phuù, huyeän Phuù Taân, in districts, towns and cities: Long Xuyen city, Chau huyeän Chôï Môùi vaø huyeän Thoaïi Sôn ñöôïc hoã trôï Doc city, Tan Chau town, An Phu district, Phu Tan 10%/ toång möùc chi phí cuûa döï aùn, möùc hoã trôï toái ña district, Cho Moi district and Thoai Son district which 02 tyû ñoàng/döï aùn. are supported 10%/ total project cost. The maximum * Moãi ñòa phöông hoã trôï ñaàu tö 01 (moät) döï aùn xaây support level is 02 billion VND / project. döïng môùi. * Each locality supports investment 01 (one) new

AN GIANG - OPPORTUNITY CONNECTION, SUCCESSFUL COOPERATION 25 1.5.2. Thôøi ñieåm hoã trôï: Sau khi coâng trình ñöôïc ñaàu construction project. tö ñöa vaøo söû duïng, coù hoà sô ñeà nghò vaø ñöôïc 1.5.2. Support time: After the construction have been coâng nhaän hoaëc naèm trong quy hoaïch laø ñieåm du invested, put into operation and recognized or in lòch theo quy ñònh. zoning plans as a tourist destination according to the 2. Hoã trôï phaùt trieån du lòch coäng ñoàng: law. 2.1. Kinh doanh loaïi hình nhaø coù phoøng cho khaùch 2. Supporting community-tourism development: du lòch thueâ (Loaïi hình homestay): 2.1. Trade in houses with available rooms for rent (Local homestay) 2.1.1. Möùc hoã trôï: 2.1.1. Support level: - Toå chöùc hoaëc hoä gia ñình xaây döïng döï aùn coù qui - Organizations or households have the project scale moâ ñoùn, phuïc vuï töø 20 khaùch ñeán döôùi 40 khaùch: of serving from 20 to less than 40 guests: 50 million 50 trieäu ñoàng/döï aùn. VND/ project. - Toå chöùc hoaëc hoä gia ñình xaây döïng döï aùn coù - Organizations or households have the project scale qui moâ ñoùn, phuïc vuï töø 40 khaùch trôû leân: 80 trieäu of serving from more than 40 guests: 80 million VND/ ñoàng/döï aùn. project. * Moãi huyeän, thò xaõ, thaønh phoá thuoäc tænh hoã trôï 05 * Each district, town or city under the province will (naêm) döï aùn xaây döïng vaø kinh doanh loaïi hình nhaø support 05 (five) projects to build and do business in ôû coù phoøng cho khaùch du lòch thueâ. the form of houses with rooms for rent to tourists. 2.1.2. Thôøi ñieåm hoã trôï: Sau khi hoaøn thaønh ñöa vaøo 2.1.2. Support time: After being completed and put söû duïng ñuû ñieàu kieän ñöôïc thaåm ñònh vaø coâng into operation and being recognized homestay nhaän loaïi haïng homestay theo quy ñònh. class. 2.2. Hoã trôï laõi suaát cho vay ñaàu tö phaùt trieån loaïi 2.2. Interest rate support for investments in developing hình du lòch coäng ñoàng treân ñòa baøn tænh An Giang: community-based tourism in An Giang province: 2.2.1.Ñònh möùc: Hoã trôï 50% laõi suaát tieàn vay trong 2.2.1. Quota: Support 50% of the loan interest rate haïn khi vay voán ôû caùc ngaân haøng ñeå ñaàu tö phaùt when borrowing capital at banks for investment in trieån loaïi hình du lòch coäng ñoàng, soá nôï vay hoã trôï the development of community-based tourism, the toái ña khoâng quaù 02 tyû ñoàng/01 taäp theå hoaëc hoä maximum loan support amount shall not exceed gia ñình. VND 2 billion/ 01 group or households. 2.2.2. Thôøi gian hoã trôï: Theo thôøi gian vay voán ñaõ 2.2.2. Support time: According to the loan term thoûa thuaän taïi hôïp ñoàng tín duïng ñaõ kyù vôùi ngaân agreed in the credit contract signed with the bank haøng nhöng khoâng quaù 05 (naêm) naêm. but not more than 05 (five) years. VI. HOÃ TRÔÏ ÑAØO TAÏO LAO ÑOÄNG: VI. LABOR SUPPORT TRAINING: UÛy ban nhaân daân tænh ban haønh Ñeà aùn “Ñaøo taïo lao Provincial People’s Committee issues the project ñoäng coù tay ngheà ñaùp öùng yeâu caàu doanh nghieäp “Training skilled labors to meet the requirements giai ñoaïn 2017 - 2020 tænh An Giang” taïi Quyeát ñònh of enterprises in period 2017-2020 in An Giang soá 3373/QÑ-UBND ngaøy 09/11/2017, trong ñoù doanh province” stated in Decision No. 3373/QÑ-UBND nghieäp ñöôïc hoã trôï chi phí ñaøo taïo ngheà nghieäp dated November 09, 2017, in which, enterprises neáu coù tham gia, phoái hôïp vôùi cô sôû giaùo duïc ngheà are supported training expenses if they participate nghieäp trong vieäc ñaøo taïo ngheà nghieäp cho ngöôøi in, and coordinate with, vocational education lao ñoäng. Kinh phí hoã trôï töông öùng vôùi phaàn vieäc institutions in providing vocational training for phoái hôïp, tham gia cuûa doanh nghieäp vaø do 02 beân employees. Support funds corresponding to the (doanh nghieäp vaø cô sôû giaùo duïc ngheà nghieäp) coordination and participation of enterprises and thoûa thuaän ñöôïc theå hieän qua hôïp ñoàng vaø coù yù agreed by both parties (enterprises and vocational kieán thoáng nhaát cuûa cô quan chöùc naêng quaûn lyù education institutions), agreements are expressed in nhaø nöôùc veà ñaøo taïo ngheà nghieäp. contracts and agreed by the Government authorities

26 AN GIANG - KEÁT NOÁI CÔ HOÄI, HÔÏP TAÙC THAØNH COÂNG VII. CHÍNH SAÙCH VEÀ TAÏO QUYÕ ÑAÁT: in vocational training. 1. Nhaø ñaàu tö ñöôïc tieáp caän ñaát ñai tröôùc khi xin VII. POLICY ON CREATING THE LAND FUND: chuû tröông ñaàu tö ñeå haïn cheá tình traïng taêng 1.Investors have access to land before applying for giaù ñaát. investment policy in order to limit the increase of Nhaø ñaàu tö thoâng qua Trung taâm Phaùt trieån quyõ land price. ñaát, Sôû Taøi Nguyeân vaø Moâi tröôøng ñeå khaûo saùt, tieáp Investors survey, access information, land position, caän thoâng tin, vò trí ñaát ñai, quy hoaïch. Neáu döï zoning plans through Land Funding Development aùn trieån khai phuø hôïp quy hoaïch hoaëc ñònh höôùng Center, Department of Natural Resources and ñieàu chænh quy hoaïch, khoâng taùc ñoäng xaáu ñeán Environment. If the project is implemented in moâi tröôøng thì Sôû Taøi nguyeân vaø Moâi tröôøng seõ hoã accordance with the zoning plan or the adjusting trôï nhaø ñaàu tö tieáp caän tröôùc ñaát ñai baèng caùc orientation plans, that will not badly affect the hình thöùc thueâ ñaát, chuyeån nhöôïng quyeàn söû environment. Then, the Department of Natural duïng ñaát. Caùc tröôøng hôïp khaùc, Sôû Taøi nguyeân Resources and Environment will assist the investor in vaø Moâi tröôøng baùo caùo tröïc tieáp thöôøng tröïc UBND accessing the land in the form of land lease or transfer tænh xin yù kieán tröôùc khi thöïc hieän. Sau khi coù ñuû land-use right. In other cases, the Department of quyõ ñaát seõ tieán haønh thuû tuïc ñaàu tö. Natural Resources and Environment reports directly to the provincial People’s Committee for approval 2. Nhaø nöôùc öùng voán cuûa doanh nghieäp ñeå boài before implementation. Once the land fund is thöôøng, giaûi phoùng maët baèng vaø cam keát thôøi haïn available, investment procedures will be carried out. baøn giao quyõ ñaát saïch cho doanh nghieäp trieån 2. The Government uses the capital of enterprises for khai caùc döï aùn thuoäc tröôøng hôïp Nhaø nöôùc cho compensation and ground clearance and commit pheùp thu hoài ñaát theo quy ñònh cuûa phaùp luaät ñaát to the deadline for handing over clean land funds ñai ñeå doanh nghieäp coù quyõ ñaát saïch trieån khai to enterprises for implementing projects in cases döï aùn. Toaøn boä soá tieàn doanh nghieäp öùng tröôùc ñeå where the Government permits the retrieval of boài thöôøng, giaûi phoùng maët baèng seõ ñöôïc caán tröø land according to Land law provisions. All amounts vaøo tieàn söû duïng ñaát, tieàn thueâ ñaát phaûi noäp theo advanced by the enterprises for compensation quy ñònh. and ground clearance shall be deducted from the 3. Hoã trôï doanh nghieäp khaûo saùt, tieáp caän vôùi ngöôøi payable land-use fees, land-rent fee must be paid daân ñeå thueâ laïi ñaát noâng nghieäp trieån khai döï aùn according to regulations. noâng nghieäp quy moâ lôùn. Ñoàng thôøi coù chính saùch 3. Support enterprises to survey and approach hoã trôï tieàn thueâ ñaát moät soá naêm ñaàu, sau ñoù doanh local people to rent agricultural land for large- nghieäp traû laïi haøng naêm ñeå khuyeán khích caùc döï scale agricultural projects. At the same time, there aùn noâng nghieäp coâng ngheä cao coù tính chaát quan are policies to support the land-rent fee for the first troïng, ñoøn baåy trong phaùt trieån noâng nghieäp cuûa several years, then the enterprises return annually tænh. to encourage high-tech agricultural projects which are important and leverage in the agricultural 4. Trung taâm Phaùt trieån quyõ ñaát hôïp taùc vôùi doanh development of the province. nghieäp trieån khai vieäc taïo quyõ ñaát döï tröõ keâu goïi 4. Land Funding Development Center cooperates ñaàu tö. with enterprises to develop the land fund reserving 5. Taïo ñieàu kieän cho doanh nghieäp trieån khai tröôùc and calling for investment. caùc döï aùn coù söû duïng ñaát troàng luùa ñaõ ñöôïc 5. Facilitate enterprises to implement projects using quyeát ñònh chuû tröông ñaàu tö nhöng chöa ñöôïc land for rice cultivation, which have been invested Hoäi ñoàng nhaân daân tænh thoâng qua danh muïc döï but have not yet been approved by the provincial aùn söû duïng ñaát troàng luùa, sau ñoù seõ ñaêng kyù boå People’s Council. Projects shall be additionally sung thoâng qua Hoäi ñoàng nhaân daân tænh taïi kyø hoïp registered through the provincial People’s Council gaàn nhaát sau khi coù yù kieán thoáng nhaát cuûa Thöôøng at the nearest meeting session after having the tröïc Hoäi ñoàng nhaân daân tænh. consistent agreement of the Regular Committee of the provincial People’s Council.




Dự án đầu tư liên kết phát triển chuỗi giá trị gia 1 Tri Tôn 60 ha 2.500 Sở NN&PTNT tăng bò thịt

2 Khu liên hợp nghiên cứu sản xuất cá tra giống Thoại Sơn 200 ha 1.500 Sở NN&PTNT

Dự án trồng chuối cấy mô công nghệ cao theo 3 Tri Tôn 500 ha 150 Sở NN&PTNT chuỗi giá trị Dự án làng bè nuôi trồng thủy sản kết hợp du lịch 100 ha mặt 4 Chợ Mới 2.000 Sở NN&PTNT sinh thái Cù Lao Giêng nước

5 Nhà máy chế biến rau củ quả Chợ Mới 10 ha 200 Sở NN&PTNT

Dự án chuỗi cung cấp thịt heo an toàn trên địa 6 Tri Tôn 3 ha 500 Sở NN&PTNT bàn tỉnh

7 Cụm công nghiệp sản xuất nếp bền vững Phú Tân 5.000 ha 900 Sở NN&PTNT

Sản xuất giống cá tra 3 cấp chất lượng cao trên UBND thành phố 8 Long Xuyên 100 ha 600 địa bàn thành phố Long Xuyên Long Xuyên Sản xuất cá tra thương phẩm chất lượng cao trên UBND thành phố 9 Long Xuyên 300 ha 1.800 địa bàn thành phố Long Xuyên Long Xuyên


1 Khai thác khu đất sân vận động tỉnh An Giang Long Xuyên 3,5 ha 650 Sở VH,TT&DL

2 Khu du lịch cồn Phó Ba Long Xuyên 80 - 100 ha 5.000 Sở VH,TT&DL

3 Khu du lịch nghỉ dưỡng núi Tà Pạ Tri Tôn 200 ha 1.000 Sở VH,TT&DL

Khu du lịch sinh thái cộng đồng ba xã Cù Lao 4 Chợ Mới 170 ha 500 Sở VH,TT&DL Giêng

5 Khu du lịch hồ Soài So Tri Tôn 49 ha 500 Sở VH,TT&DL

Khu trung tâm hành hương (tượng Di Lặc - chùa 6 Tịnh Biên 39,76 ha 500 Sở VH,TT&DL Phật Lớn - chùa Vạn Linh)

7 Khu nghỉ dưỡng + vọng cảnh vồ Bồ Hong Tịnh Biên 22,54 ha 400 Sở VH,TT&DL

Khu văn hóa dân gian và tín ngưỡng (phía Tây - 8 Tịnh Biên 25,48 ha 300 Sở VH,TT&DL Bắc khu trung tâm hành hương)

9 Khu văn hóa các dân tộc (hồ Tà Lọt) Tịnh Biên 120 ha 250 Sở VH,TT&DL

10 Khu bảo tồn sinh thái (vồ Bà, đỉnh Chư Thần) Tịnh Biên 39,29 ha 120 Sở VH,TT&DL

11 Khu TM và vui chơi giải trí Vĩnh Xương Tân Châu 62 ha 450 Ban QLKKT

Khu TM – DV - DL và vui chơi giải trí đặc biệt khu 12 Tịnh Biên 25 ha 500 Ban QLKKT vực cửa khẩu Tịnh Biên

13 Khu TM DV và vui chơi giải trí Tịnh Biên Tịnh Biên 45 ha 900 Ban QLKKT

14 Khu TM - CN cửa khẩu Khánh Bình (gđ2) An Phú 13 ha 260 Ban QLKKT

UBND thành phố 15 Khu vui chơi giải trí Mỹ Khánh Long Xuyên 249,51 ha 250 Long Xuyên UBND thành phố 16 Khu du lịch lòng hồ Trương Gia Mô Châu Đốc 10 ha 200 Châu Đốc UBND thành phố 17 Khu du lịch sinh thái bãi bồi Vĩnh Mỹ Châu Đốc 38 ha 700 Châu Đốc

28 AN GIANG - KEÁT NOÁI CÔ HOÄI, HÔÏP TAÙC THAØNH COÂNG TỔNG ĐƠN VỊ CHỦ TRÌ TT DANH MỤC DỰ ÁN ĐỊA ĐIỂM QUY MÔ VỐN THỰC HIỆN (tỷ đồng) Khu vui chơi giải trí nghỉ dưỡng thành phố UBND thành phố 18 Châu Đốc 68,18 ha 200 Châu Đốc Châu Đốc UBND thành phố 19 Tuyến đường vòng công viên văn hóa Núi Sam Châu Đốc 75,3 ha 700 Châu Đốc UBND thành phố 20 Khu du lịch Bắc Miếu Bà Châu Đốc 22,06 ha 200 Châu Đốc Các khu chức năng tuyến đường nối khu dân cư UBND thành phố 21 Châu Đốc 115 ha 5.000 chợ Vĩnh Đông đến đường tránh quốc lộ 91 Châu Đốc

22 Khu du lịch Búng Bình Thiên An Phú 706,8 ha 600 UBND huyện An Phú

UBND huyện 23 Trung tâm thương mại Bắc Cống Vong Thoại Sơn 6 ha 100 Thoại Sơn

24 Khu nghỉ dưỡng + sân golf Tịnh Biên 200 ha 1.500 UBND huyện Tịnh Biên


1 Khu công nghiệp Vàm Cống Long Xuyên 200 ha 1.500 Ban QLKKT

2 Khu công nghiệp Bình Long mở rộng Châu Phú 120 ha 900 Ban QLKKT

3 Khu công nghiệp Bình Hòa mở rộng Châu Thành 98 ha 700 Ban QLKKT

4 Khu công nghiệp Hội An Chợ Mới 100 ha 900 Ban QLKKT

5 Khu công nghiệp Xuân Tô Tịnh Biên 150 ha 850 Ban QLKKT

6 Nhà máy bia An Giang Châu Thành 10 ha 500 Ban QLKKT

UBND thành phố 7 Cụm công nghiệp Bình Đức Long Xuyên 20 ha 150 Long Xuyên UBND thành phố 8 Cụm công nghiệp Tây Huề Long Xuyên 40 ha 350 Long Xuyên UBND thành phố 9 Cụm công nghiệp Vĩnh Tế Châu Đốc 75 ha 450 Châu Đốc

10 Cụm công nghiệp Châu Phong Tân Châu 30 ha 200 UBND thị xã Tân Châu

11 Cụm công nghiệp Long An Tân Châu 20 ha 250 UBND thị xã Tân Châu

12 Cụm công nghiệp Long Sơn Tân Châu 35 ha 450 UBND thị xã Tân Châu

13 Cụm công nghiệp Vĩnh Xương Tân Châu 20 ha 150 UBND thị xã Tân Châu

UBND huyện 14 Cụm công nghiệp Mỹ Phú Châu Phú 75 ha 400 Châu Phú

15 Cụm công nghiệp An Cư Tịnh Biên 28 ha 200 UBND huyện Tịnh Biên

16 Cụm công nghiệp An Nông Tịnh Biên 35 ha 200 UBND huyện Tịnh Biên

17 Cụm công nghiệp Hòa Bình Chợ Mới 75 ha 450 UBND huyện Chợ Mới

18 Cụm công nghiệp Hòa An Chợ Mới 75 ha 450 UBND huyện Chợ Mới

19 Cụm công nghiệp An Phú An Phú 40 ha 200 UBND huyện An Phú

20 Cụm công nghiệp Lương An Trà Tri Tôn 30 ha 200 UBND huyện Tri Tôn

UBND huyện 21 Cụm công nghiệp Tân Thành Thoại Sơn 18,8 ha 100 Thoại Sơn UBND huyện 22 Cụm công nghiệp Định Thành Thoại Sơn 20 ha 200 Thoại Sơn



1. Tuyến xe buýt nhanh nội thành phố Long Xuyên Tổ chức quản lý, khai thác vận tải hành khách 2. Tuyến xe 1 Tỉnh An Giang 60 Sở Giao thông vận tải công cộng bằng xe buýt buýt nhanh nội thành phố Châu Đốc 3. Tuyến xe buýt nhanh nội tỉnh


UBND thành phố Châu 1 Nâng cấp đô thị thành phố Châu Đốc Châu Đốc 58,1 ha 8.500 Đốc

2 Hệ thống thu gom và xử lý nước thải Tân Châu 1.505 ha 1.000 Sở Xây dựng


6 ha, 400 1 Bệnh viện Tim mạch An Giang Long Xuyên 1.000 Sở Y tế giường



Cooperative investment for developing Department of Agriculture 1 Tri Ton 60 ha 2,500 beef value added chain and Rural Development

Tra fish seeding research and Department of Agriculture 2 Thoai Son 200 ha 1,500 production complex area and Rural Development

Planting high-tech tissue implanted Department of Agriculture 3 Tri Ton 500 ha 150 banana in value chain and Rural Development

Raft village for agriculture combined Department of Agriculture 4 Cho Moi 100 ha 2,000 with ecotourism in Cu Lao Gieng and Rural Development

Department of Agriculture 5 Vegetable processing factory Cho Moi 10 ha 200 and Rural Development

Safe pork supplying chain in An Giang Department of Agriculture 6 Tri Ton 3 ha 500 province and Rural Development

The industrial cluster for sticky rice Department of Agriculture 7 Phu Tan 5,000 ha 900 sustainably manufacturing and Rural Development

Three-grade high quality Tra fish Long Xuyen People’s 8 Long Xuyen 100 ha 600 seeding production in Long Xuyen city Committee

High quality Tra fish products Long Xuyen People’s 9 Long Xuyen 300 ha 1,800 production in Long Xuyen city Committee


Exploiting An Giang provine stadium Department of Culture, 1 Long Xuyen 3.5 ha 650 land area Sports and Tourism

Department of Culture, 2 Pho Ba Isle Tourist Area Long Xuyen 80 - 100 ha 5,000 Sports and Tourism

Department of Culture, 3 Ta Pa mountain resort Tri Ton 200 ha 1,000 Sports and Tourism

Cu Lao Gieng community ecological Department of Culture, 4 Cho Moi 170 ha 500 toursit area Sports and Tourism

Department of Culture, 5 Soai So lake tourist area Tri Ton 49 ha 500 Sports and Tourism

Pilgrimaging center area (Maitreya Department of Culture, 6 statue – Big Buddha Pagoda - Tinh Bien 39.76 ha 500 Sports and Tourism Van Linh Pagoda)

Department of Culture, 7 Vo Bo Hong sightseeing relaxing area Tinh Bien 22.54 ha 400 Sports and Tourism

Traditional and religious culture area Department of Culture, 8 Tinh Bien 25.48 ha 300 (North-West of pilgrimaging center) Sports and Tourism

Department of Culture, 9 Ethnic cultural are (Ta Lot lake) Tinh Bien 120 ha 250 Sports and Tourism

Ecological reserving area (Vo Ba, Chu Department of Culture, 10 Tinh Bien 39.29 ha 120 Than peak) Sports and Tourism


Vinh Xuong Commercial and Economic zone 11 Tan Chau 62 ha 450 Entertaining Area management board

Trading- service – tourism and Economic zone 12 entertainment special area of Tinh Tịnh Biên 25 ha 500 management board Bien border gate

Tinh Bien Commercial, Economic zone 13 Tinh Bien 45 ha 900 Service and Entertainment area management board

Khanh Binh border gate commercial – Economic zone 14 An Phu 13 ha 260 service area (phase 2) management board

Long Xuyen People’s 15 My Khanh entertainment area Long Xuyen 249.51 ha 250 Committee

Truong Gia Mo lake bottom tourist Chau Doc People’s 16 Chau Doc 10 ha 200 area Committee

Vinh My mudflats ecological tourist Chau Doc People’s 17 Chau Doc 38 ha 700 area Committee

Entertaining area and resort in Chau Chau Doc People’s 18 Chau Doc 68.18 ha 200 Doc city Committee

Roundabout route of Sam Mountain Chau Doc People’s 19 Chau Doc 75.3 ha 700 Culture Park Committee

Northern Ba Chua Xu’s temple tourist Chau Doc People’s 20 Chau Doc 22.06 ha 200 area Committee

Functional areas of linking route of Chau Doc People’s 21 Vinh Dong market’s residential area to Chau Doc 115 ha 5,000 Committee bypass highway No.91

22 Bung Binh Thien tourist area An Phu 706.8 ha 600 An Phu People’s Committee

Northern Cong Vong commercial Thoai Son People’s 23 Thoai Son 6 ha 100 center Committee

Tinh Bien People’s 24 Resort + golf Tinh Bien 200 ha 1,500 Committee


Economic zone 1 Vam Cong industrial park Long Xuyen 200 ha 1,500 management board

Economic zone 2 Binh Long industrial park expanded Chau Phu 120 ha 900 management board

Chau Economic zone 3 Binh Hoa industrial park expanded 98 ha 700 Thanh management board

Economic zone 4 Hoi An industrial park Cho Moi 100 ha 900 management board

Economic zone 5 Xuan To industrial park Tinh Bien 150 ha 850 management board

Chau Economic zone 6 An Giang Beer factory 10 ha 500 Thanh management board

Long Xuyen People’s 7 Binh Duc industrial cluster Long Xuyen 20 ha 150 Committee

Long Xuyen People’s 8 Tay Hue industrial cluster Long Xuyen 40 ha 350 Committee


Chau Doc People’s 9 Vinh Te industrial cluster Chau Doc 75 ha 450 Committee

Tan Chau People’s 10 Chau Phong industrial cluster Tan Chau 30 ha 200 Committee

Tan Chau People’s 11 Long An industrial cluster Tan Chau 20 ha 250 Committee

Tan Chau People’s 12 Long Son industrial cluster Tan Chau 35 ha 450 Committee

Tan Chau People’s 13 Vinh Xuong industrial cluster Tan Chau 20 ha 150 Committee

Chau Phu People’s 14 My Phu industrial cluster Chau Phu 75 ha 400 Committee

Tinh Bien People’s 15 An Cu industrial cluster Tinh Bien 28 ha 200 Committee

Tinh Bien People’s 16 An Nong industrial cluster Tinh Bien 35 ha 200 Committee

17 Hoa Binh industrial cluster Cho Moi 75 ha 450 Cho Moi People’s Committee

18 Hoa An industrial cluster Cho Moi 75 ha 450 Cho Moi People’s Committee

19 An Phu industrial cluster An Phu 40 ha 200 An Phu People’s Committee

20 Luong An Tra industrial cluster Tri Ton 30 ha 200 Tri Ton People’s Committee

Thoai Son People’s 21 Tan Thanh industrial cluster Thoai Son 18.8 ha 100 Committee

Thoai Son People’s 22 Dinh Thanh industrial cluster Thoai Son 20 ha 200 Committee

Thoai Son People’s 23 Nui Sap industrial cluster Thoai Son 10 ha 100 Committee


1. Express bus route within Long Operation management and Xuyen city. exploitation public transportation by An Giang 2. Express bus 1 60 Department of Transport bus province route within Chau Doc city. 3. Provincial Express bus route


Chau Doc People’s 1 Upgrading Chau Doc city Chau Doc 58.1 ha 8,500 Committee

Tan Chau Waste water collection and 2 treatment system Tan Chau 1,505 ha 1,000 Department of Construction


1 An Giang Cardiovascular Hospital Long Xuyen 6 ha, 400 beds 1,000 Department of Health


UÛng hoä veà maët chuû tröông

Caù nhaân, toå chöùc nöôùc ngoaøi Tieáp xuùc, giôùi thieäu ñòa ñieåm ñaàu tö Caù nhaân, doanh nghieäp (Caû heä thoáng chính trò, coù theå Thöôøng tröïc Tænh uûy, UBND tænh, trong nöôùc caùc Sôû, Ban ngaønh caáp tænh, UBND caáp huyeän)

Ñaêng kyù thöïc hieän döï aùn YÙ kieán Sôû chuyeân ngaønh, UBND (Sôû Keá hoaïch vaø Ñaàu tö, caáp huyeän Ban QLKKT)

Tröôøng hôïp (4): Tröôøng hôïp (1): Tröôøng hôïp (2): Tröôøng hôïp (3): khoâng thuoäc tröôøng hôïp döï aùn quy ñònh taïi döï aùn quy ñònh taïi döï aùn quy ñònh taïi quyeát ñònh chuû tröông Ñieàu 30 Luaät Ñaàu tö Ñieàu 31 Luaät Ñaàu tö Ñieàu 32 Luaät Ñaàu tö

Quyeát ñònh chuû tröông ñaàu tö

Caáp Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaêng kyù ñaàu tö

Thaønh laäp doanh nghieäp (neáu coù)



Support on policies

Foreign individuals and Meeting and introducing investment locations (The whole political organizations system, possibly Provincial Permanent Committee, Provincial Domestic individuals and People’s Committee (PPC), provincial departments and agencies, enterprises People’s Committees at district level)

Registration of project Opinions of Specialized implementation (Department of departments, People’s Planning and Investment, Economic Committees at district level zone management board)

Case (4): Not in the Case (1): Projects Case (2): Projects Case (3): Projects cases of policy decision stipulated in Article 30 of stipulated in Article 31 stipulated in Article 32 of Investment Law of Investment Law Investment Law

Decisions on investment policies

Granting Certificate of Investment

Enterprise establishment (If any)

Procedures for fire prevention and fighting, electricity - water, technical infrastructure connection, etc.


Nhaø ñaàu tö thöïc hieän thuû tuïc cho thueâ ñaát Nhaø ñaàu tö vaø caáp Giaáy Nhaø ñaàu tö thöïc hieän CNQSDÑ Nhaø ñaàu tö thöïc hieän thuû thuû tuïc Nhaø ñaàu tö thöïc hieän caùc Nhaø ñaàu tö tuïc Caáp giaáy Ñaêng kyù thöïc hieän thuû thuû tuïc taïi B1 B2 B3 thöïc hieän B4 B5 chöùng nhaän caáp Giaáy tuïc Caáp giaáy Boä phaän thuû tuïc thaåm quyeàn sôû höõu chöùng nhaän pheùp xaây moät cöûa duyeät PCCC coâng trình ñaêng kyù döïng cuûa BQL KKT Nhaø ñaàu tö xaây döïng Ñaàu tö thöïc hieän thuû tuïc xaùc nhaän ñaêng kyù Keá hoaïch baûo veä moâi tröôøng hoaëc ÑTM


Investors implement land lease procedures Investors and granting implement Investment Investors Investors Investors Investors procedures Certificate implement implement implement implement at One-stop procedures B1 procedures of B2 B3 procedures of B4 procedures B5 department of granting application for evaluating fire of granting of Economic Certificate of Investment fighting and Construction zone Investors ownership of Certificate protection licence management implement works board procedures of registration confirmation of environmental protection plans or new urban centers


Laäp Baùo caùo NCTKT (CTÑT DA nhoùm A, B)

Cô quan Nhaø nöôùc laäp Nhaø ñaàu tö laäp

Sôû Keá hoaïch vaø Ñaàu tö (DPI) phoái hôïp vôùi caùc Sôû Keá hoaïch vaø Ñaàu tö (DPI) Sôû Keá hoaïch vaø Ñaàu tö (DPI) ñôn vò lieân quan thaåm ñònh nguoàn voán vaø khaû naêng caân ñoái voán (DA Toái ña 60 Laáy yù kieán Sôû ngaønh ngaøy DA Laáy yù kieán Sôû, ngaønh coù söû duïng voán ÑTC) nhoùm A, 30 DA nhoùm B DPI Laäp baùo caùo keát quaû thaåm ñònh keå töø ngaøy DPI Laäp baùo caùo keát quaû thaåm ñònh nhaän ñuû hoà sô (khoâng - Trình UBND tænh pheâ duyeät CTÑT: bao goàm Löu yù: Döï aùn nhoùm C DA nhoùm A, B khoâng coù söû duïng voán TGTÑ nguoàn - Trình UBND tænh pheâ duyeät khoâng phaûi laäp, thaåm Ñaàu tö coâng vaø DA nhoùm C aùp duïng voán CTÑT: DA nhoùm A, B khoâng coù söû ñònh BC NCTKT, QÑ theo hôïp ñoàng BT. duïng voán Ñaàu tö coâng vaø DA nhoùm CTÑT - Trình UBND tænh xem xeùt trình C aùp duïng theo hôïp ñoàng BT. HÑND tænh pheâ duyeät CTÑT: DA nhoùm - Trình UBND tænh xem xeùt trình A, nhoùm B söû duïng voán Ñaàu tö coâng. HÑND tænh pheâ duyeät CTÑT: DA nhoùm A, nhoùm B söû duïng voán Ñaàu tö coâng. UBND coâng boá DA (7 ngaøy)

Laäp, thaåm ñònh, pheâ duyeät BC NCKT

Nhaø ñaàu tö laäp Cô quan Nhaø nöôùc (phaûi coù thoûa thuaän baèng Vaên baûn)

Nhoùm A: ≤ 40 Nhoùm B,C: DPI thaåm ñònh ngaøy ≤ 30 ngaøy

UBND tænh duyeät BC NCKT

DA aùp duïng theo HÑ BT: DA UDCN cao: Löïa choïn laäp HS TKKT vaø DT tröôùc Löïa choïn NÑT NÑT tröôùc khi laäp BC khi Löïa choïn NÑT NCKT

Laäp doanh nghieäp DA (DA nhoùm C, DA aùp duïng Hôïp ñoàng BT khoâng baét buoäc)

Kyù keát hôïp ñoàng DA

Coâng khai Thoâng tin HÑDA

Trieån khai thöïc hieän DA

Quyeát toaùn, chuyeån giao DA


Make the pre-feasibility study report (Investment policy for Projects belong to Group A, B)

Making by State agencies Making by Investors DPI coperates with other related units to Department of Planning and DPI Investment (DPI) expertise the capital and capable to balance Form the date the capital (Projects recives full Get feedbacks from other departments use public investment Get feedbacks from other departments documents (not capital) including time for expertising capital): DPI makes the appraisal report DPI makes the appraisal report + For Projects belong to Group A: - Submit to PPC for approving Investment maximum 60 days Note: Projects belong policy: Projects belong to Group A, to Group C don’t make, + For Projects - Submit to PPC for approving B don’t use public investment capital expertise the Pre-feasi- belong to Group B: Investment policy: Projects belong and Projects belong to Group C apply bility study, Decision on maximum 30 days to Group A, B don’t use public following BT contracts. Investment policy investment capital and Projects - Submit to PPC for considering and belong to Group C apply following submitting People Assembly to approve BT contracts. the Investment policy:Projects belong to - Submit to PPC for considering Group A, B use public investment capital and submitting People Assembly to approve the Investment PPCpublic the Project (7 days) policy:Projects belong to Group A, B use public investment capital Make, expertise, approveFeasibility Study Report

Investors make State agencies make (need the written agreement)

GroupA: Group B, C: DPI expertises ≤ 40 days ≤ 30 days

PPC approves Feasibility Study Report

Projects apply BT contract: For Project apply high make the document for technology: choose Technical design and cost Chooseinvestor investor before making estimation before choosing Feasibility Study Report investor

Establish Project business (don’t force in case Projects belong to Group C, Projects apply BT contract)

Signing the project contract

Public the information of project contract

Project implementation

Project Settlement, transfer


STT ÑÔN VÒ ÑÒA CHÆ EMAIL ÑIEÄN THOAÏI FAX Soá 16C Toân Ñöùc Thaéng, P. Myõ Bình, 1 UÛy ban nhaân daân tænh An Giang [email protected] (0296) 3 854070 (0296) 3 852037 TP. Long Xuyeân, tænh An Giang Soá 16C Toân Ñöùc Thaéng, P. Myõ Bình, [email protected]. 2 Ban Hoã trôï Doanh nghieäp tænh An Giang (0296) 3 852155 TP. Long Xuyeân, tænh An Giang vn Soá 3 Leâ Trieäu Kieát, P. Myõ Bình, TP. 3 Sôû Keá hoaïch vaø Ñaàu tö tænh An Giang [email protected] (0296) 3 852913 (0296) 3 853380 Long Xuyeân, tænh An Giang Soá 5/10 Leâ Quyù Ñoân, P. Myõ Bình, TP. 4 Sôû Taøi chính An Giang [email protected] (0296) 3 852099 (0296) 3 857278 Long Xuyeân, tænh An Giang Sôû Taøi nguyeân vaø Moâi tröôøng tænh An Soá 837 Traàn Höng Ñaïo, P. Bình Khaùnh, 5 [email protected] (0296) 3 853709 (0296) 3 853217 Giang TP. Long Xuyeân, tænh An Giang Soá 1 Traàn Höng Ñaïo, P. Myõ Bình, TP. 6 Sôû Xaây döïng tænh An Giang [email protected] (0296) 3 852105 (0296) 3 856513 Long Xuyeân, tænh An Giang Soá 10 Leâ Trieäu Kieát, P. Myõ Bình, TP. 7 Sôû Coâng thöông tænh An Giang [email protected] (0296) 3 952638 (0296) 3 952694 Long Xuyeân, tænh An Giang Sôû Noâng nghieäp vaø Phaùt trieån noâng thoân Soá 07 Leâ Trieäu Kieát, P. Myõ Bình, TP. 8 [email protected] (0296) 3 852164 (0296) 3 856705 tænh An Giang Long Xuyeân, tænh An Giang Sôû Vaên hoùa - Theå thao vaø Du lòch tænh Soá 14 Leâ Trieäu Kieát, P. Myõ Bình, TP. 9 [email protected] (0296) 3 952920 (0296) 3 952755 An Giang Long Xuyeân, tænh An Giang Soá 2 Ñöôøng soá 20, Khoùm Taây Khaùnh 10 Ban Quaûn lyù Khu Kinh teá tænh An Giang 1, P. Myõ Hoøa, TP. Long Xuyeân, tænh [email protected] (0296) 3 943623 (0296) 3 943623 An Giang Soá 10 Buøi Vaên Danh, P. Myõ Long, TP. 11 Cuïc thueá tænh An Giang [email protected] (0296) 3 847203 (0296) 3 843819 Long Xuyeân, tænh An Giang Soá 30 Phan Ñình Phuøng, Phöôøng B, 12 Cuïc Haûi quan An Giang [email protected] (0296) 3 868678 (0296) 3 867055 TP. Chaâu Ñoác, tænh An Giang * Chỉ đạo xuất bản: Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh An Giang * Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung: Sở Kế hoạch và Đầu tư tỉnh An Giang * Đơn vị phối hợp thực hiện: Công ty TNHH MTV Truyền thông Đầu tư và Thương mại Nam Phương (Cần Thơ) * In tại CÔNG TY TNHH MỘT THÀNH VIÊN IN BAO BÌ DHG 1. Giấy phép xuất bản số: ...... /GP-STTTT, do Sở Thông tin và Truyền thông TP. Cần Thơ, cấp ngày tháng năm 2018. In xong và nộp lưu chiểu tháng 8 năm 2018.

Contact information

No. Unit Address Email Phone Fax No. 16C Ton Duc Thang street, My Binh 1 An Giang Provincial People’s Committee [email protected] (0296)3 854070 (0296) 3 852037 , Long Xuyen city, An Giang province No. 16C Ton Duc Thang street, My Binh hotrodoanhnghiep@angiang. 2 An Giang Bussiness Supporting Unit (0296)3 852155 ward, Long Xuyen city, An Giang province gov.vn No.3, Le Trieu Kiet street, My Binh ward, 3 Department of Planning and Investment [email protected] (0296)3852913 (0296) 3 853380 Long Xuyen city, An Giang province No.5/10, Le Quy Don street, My Binh 4 Department of Finance [email protected] (0296)3852099 (0296) 3 857278 ward, Long Xuyen city, An Giang province Department of Natural resources and No.837, Tran Hung Dao street, Binh Khanh 5 [email protected] (0296)3 853709 (0296) 3 853217 environment ward, Long Xuyen city, An Giang province No.1, Tran Hung Dao street, My Binh 6 Department of Construction [email protected] (0296)3 852105 (0296) 3 856513 ward, Long Xuyen city, An Giang province No.10, Le Trieu Kiet street, My Binh ward, 7 Department of industry and trade [email protected] (0296)3 952638 (0296) 3 952694 Long Xuyen city, An Giang province Department of Agriculture and rural No.7, Le Trieu Kiet street, My Binh ward, 8 [email protected] (0296)3 852164 (0296) 3 856705 development Long Xuyen city, An Giang province Department of Culture, Sport and No.14, Le Trieu Kiet street, My Binh ward, 9 [email protected] (0296)3 952920 (0296) 3 952755 Toruism Long Xuyen city, An Giang province No. 3, Street No.20, My Hoa ward, Long 10 Economic zone management board [email protected] (0296)3 943623 (0296) 3 943623 Xuyen city, An Giang province No.10, Bui Van Danh street, My Long 11 An Giang tax department [email protected] (0296)3 847203 (0296) 3 843819 ward, Long Xuyen city, An Giang province No.30, Phan Dinh Phung street, B ward, 12 Department of An Giang customs [email protected] (0296)3 868678 (0296) 3 867055 Chau Doc city, An Giang province * Direct in Publication: An Giang Provincial People’s Committee * Take Responsibility for the content: An Giang Department of Planning and Investment * Coordinated implementation: Nam Phuong Media Investment and Trade One member Company limited * Printed in DHG 1 Packing Print One member Company limited. Publish Certificate No…./GP-STTTT by Can Tho Department of Information and Communications dated in...... 2018. * Printed and Legal copyright deposited in August 2018.