Prostitution Mobility and Representations The Case of Vietnamese Prostitutes going to Cambodia Nicolas Lainez March 2011 Research report no. 1 Alliance Anti-Trafic Vietnam (AAT, Vietnam) Alliance Anti-Trafic Vietnam combats sexual exploitation, in particular sexual abuse, prostitution and trafficking in women and female minors, in Southeast Asia. Alliance Anti- Trafic Vietnam develops pilot projects to help and protect women and minors through field actions implemented in a holistic and regional approach. Alliance Anti-Trafic Vietnam designs, manages and implements a project of action-oriented research. The organization believes that sexual exploitation, prostitution and trafficking in women and children deserve extensive research from a wide and interdisciplinary perspective. The project has various objectives: 1) to fill knowledge gaps; 2) to optimize current research tools; 3) to test innovative methods for data collection; 4) to foster close cooperation between academics, action-oriented researchers and policy-makers; 5) to network with key institutions from academia and the development sector, as well as government agencies in order to promote complementary efforts and synergies. Nicolas Lainez is in charge of the research project. He is a Ph.D. candidate in social anthropology (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, France) and Associated Researcher at the Research Institute on Contemporary Southeast Asia (IRASEC, Thailand). His email is:
[email protected] The original French manuscript was translated by Susan Emanuel, a professional translator in the social sciences with over 20 years of experience. She is presently working on an edited volume to be called The Yellow Trade: Trafficking of Women and Children in Colonial Vietnam, edited by Nicolas Lainez.