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Miy MU SNk at Stony Briokf - November 30th, 1992 ONE NATION Volume 26, Number 4 PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON: Will His Presidency Be All That?

By Eric W. Perkins

STONY BROOK- For eight going on: all through his campaign trail, for Blacks was steadily increasing since advisor, the U.S. unemployment rate will long months of campaigning and mud- Bush has promised, before a the beginning of 1991. Also, in May of not reach its pre-recession levels un til slinging,"We The People" has heard every predominantly Black audience, "I will last year, the unemployment rate stood 1996. new and old promise (as well as insults) have a positive civil rights agenda. I 13%, even though employment of White BecauseofBush'sbadeconomlic that each of the Presidential Candidates guarantee you I will personally get Collar African-American women rose by record, other issues such as crime, could muster. While Bill Clinton and involved in protecting the civil rights of more than 2 1/2 times between 1968 and education, etc., have worsened. Accordi Texas billionaire Ross Perot were every American" (New York Times, 3/ 1980 (CRS Report, 12/19/84). The to The Sentencing Proect, 23% of ll attacking the issue of the economy, 22/88). And during that speech, he also unemploymentrate for African-American African-American men between the ag President Bush continued to down play acknowledged his support for affirmative male teenagers is more than twice that of of20 and 29 are either in prison, injail, the recession we're in, and instead chose action. But, in reality, Bush has derailed white male teenagers (37% versus 16%). probation, or on parole. Meanwhile, only ge to attack Bill Clinton's character-all the legislation aimed at restoring protections The overall unemployment rate for 6.2% of white males in the same a, while,hoping the American people would in the work place, by vetoing the Civil African-American males is 12.1%, more group are under control of the criminal forget how much of a mess he's gotten Rights Act of 1990. And, while times than double the white rate of 5.3%. justice system. The Sentencing Rep rt into financially, by reminding us of how were getting tougheralloverforeverybody Through September 1991, Bush reveals that black males have an 18% "successful" the Gulf War was. (especially in the African-American had created only 235,000 new jobs. At chance of serving time in a juvenile or Now that the election is finally community), Bush continued to stress that this rate, it would take about one hundred adult prison at some point in their lives; over, with Clinton the victor, the question "the economy is strengthening," and years for Bush (had he stayed in the Oval white males have a 3% chance. inmany [Black] people'sminds are,"Will "we're not in a recession." Little did he Office), to live up to the 30 million jobs On education, Clinton's Plan is he keep all of his promises, and help us know, while he was playing golf and pledge he made at the Republican National to: 1.) prepare ever child for schoo)1, out?" Before anyone answers that avoiding the issues, according to the Convention back in '88. Further, question, let's first look at what's been Bureau of Labor, the unemployment rate according to Bush's own chief economic i. TH BOYS CHOIR OF counseling and tutoring and haas Stony Brook, NY- The Quincentennial at the Statue of Liberty. transformedthelivesofhundredsofyoun g powerful and disciplined sound of the The group records, makes television people. Boys Choir of Harlem will fill the Main appearances and was featuredon the sound Tickets to the December 13 S- . Stage theater of the Staller Center on track of the movie, "Glory". rcnrtoarp $' ' n $0~ chil;rpnl. 12 n Id ...... -..% . %A & . %. d VA LU U .V , I .L J Sunday, December 13 at 3 PM. The The Boys Choir of Harlem under are half-price. Discounts for center is located on the campus of the performs vocal music from a broad students and senior citizens are available University @ Stony Brook. repertoire ranging from classical to at the Staller Center Box Office. For The Boys Choir of Harlem was contemporary songs, gospel and spirituals. tickets and information, call the Staller founded in 1968 by Dr. Walter J. Tumbull The sound is unique; unlike the European Center Box Office at (516) 632- 7230 or as the Ephesus Boys Choir of Central boys choirs, the Harlemensemble includes TicketMaster at (516)888-9000. Harlem. The organization was tenors and basses as well as the traditional incorporated in 1975 and has grown from trebles associated with young boys' voices. II -CaJ asmallchurchchoirtoamajorperforming The Performing Choir-the 35- L1 T L arts institution with an international 40 boys who tour--are only 1/6 of the reputation forexcellence. Thisyearmarks Boys Choir of Harlem program. The VOICE its 24th season. members are divided into four groups, I The Choir has traveled including the Girls Choir, reinstituted in extensively throughout the U.S. and 1988. The purpose of the organization is Europe, performed at the White House to provide a positive, creative outlet for s 11 several times, and at Nelson Mandella's inner-citychildren. The program includes arrival in the U.S. and the Columbus musical training, academic education, U KYM'S KORNER MELANIN KWANZAA EDITORIAL

PAGE 11 PAGE 7 PAGE 4 PAGE 3 u BACNOL ONE Nk~ATION rL _I 1 IL-l. I I I I ~L -r I JI ·I -~ _L~~d. _L II " Challenging Tomorrow Today " Student Policies The Africana Studies Program is interdisciplinary in scope and addresses itself by Jonelle Taylor to the experiences of persons of African descent Student Organizations are would reduce the amount of suite parties throughout the world. It is designed to explore African civilizations and their influences displeased with the escalating fees and and as a result common area damage on other parts of the "Black Diaspora." Issues within the black international communities regulations required to plan events in the would also be reduced. in Africa, the , and elsewhere will be examined from both historical and Student Union. On Tuesday November Concerns about the new Polity on political concepts, contemporary perspectives. Particular attention will be focused 17, student organizations met with the ticket policy implemented approximately theories. cultural development, legal relations, and social directors of Student Union Activities to 3 to 4 weeks ago were also expressed. It SCourse Descriptions present their grievances. mandates that all tickets to any event in AFS 102 Themes In the Black Experience .]iaaka Unfortunately, only representative from the Student Union, including parties, will An historical survey of the experience of the people of African descent. This course will CSO, Malik Sigma Psi and LASO be sold through the box office during the examine the similarities and differences among the lifestyles of Black people in Africa, attended. time of the event. The sponsoring the Caribbean, and America with particular emphasis on the United States. The first The cost to reserve the Student organization will now be charged an semester will treat themes up to 1865. The second semester will treat themes from 1865 Union Ballroom costs $245, the Bi-level additional fee of 7% of the profits made to the present. Core satisfying Social and Behavioral Sciences Category A, Group 3 costs $235 and the auditorium costs $176 or up to $25 to pay the hourly wage of the Fall ( 101) and Spring ( 102 ), 3 credit each semester per night. These costs do not include the box office employee and the printing of AFS 223-F The African Continuum Fairley mandatory security and additional clean the tickets. An examination of the persistence of African culture in the Americas. Exploration of up fees. All of these costs are putting a Lou Copertino says, "The some of the factors that have influenced these African-based cultural forms and their significantstrain on the budgets of student the tickets. impact on other ethnic groups in the Americas. T11e organizations. Those most effected are Lou Copertino says, "The or 102 3 credits Prereqisites : AFS 101 non-polity funded groups such as reason for this new policy is to eliminate AFS 240 Issues in Caribbean Society Fairlev fraternities and sororities, which rely on the vulnerability of the representative An Analysis of the process of social change in the English, Spanish, and French fund raisers and personal accounts as who collects the money at the door." Caribbean with special emphasis on those societies undergoing rapid transformation. A their sole means of financial support. But Large quantities of money are sometimes and Study core course satisfying Social and Behavioral Sciences category A, Group 4, Lou Copertino, Associate Director of collected and the person collecting the of Another Culture. Student Union Activities, argues that money has no protection. He is concerned credits Prerequisites : AFS 101, 102 Spring, 3 these costs were provided by an about the possibility of off campus AFS 275 Black Women and Social Change: A cross-culture Perspectives independent auditor and are necessary persons holding them up and harming Cash for repairs, maintenance and certain them. survey of the history of black women in the context of the struggles for A cross-cultural student building personnel wages. With this new policy, each social justice in the Caribbean (English and Spanish speaking ), Africa, and the United CSO claims that organizations person attending the event will receive a States. Several major topics will be covered: the slave resistance and the anti- colonial should not be required to clean up after ticket at the box office and then will be struggle in Africa, the struggle against underdevelopment in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and events if they are paying clean up fees. allowed to enter. A representative of the Jamaica; and the anti-apartheid in . For example, when using the Ballroom, sponsoring organization will collect the Spring, 3 credits an organization must move tables before entering tickets. All of the tickets will be AFS 283 Community Service Cash and after events and must pick up returned to Polity the next day and will Through field experience, readings, research, and discussion, students will focus on a excessive debris. be checked against the amount of money social and educational problem relating primarily to the African-American experience. The students claim that the collected at which time the organization Specific programs may include working with children from low income families, number of security guards required is too will receive a check. educational and cultural enrichment projects tutoring in various institutional settings, excessive. Atthe meeting, CSO suggested The organizations do agree that and other projects to be announced. Does not count towards the distribution requirement that in order to compensate for the cost of this method will reduce the possibility of in social and behavioral sciences. May only be repeated once. S/U grading only. security, areferendum shouldbeputforth outside attacks, but they would like a Prerequisite: permission of instructor Spring, 3 credits to the students that wouldcover the charge representative from the organization to of security for all events in the Union. assist the box office employee to oversee There is also an additional cost that their own money. Malik Sigma Psi organizations must pay if public safety is especially feels that since they are not requested to be present. But students feel Polity-funded thatPolity should not have that the cost for public safety should control over their money. already be included in the tuition and is The office of Student Union part of our rights as students. and Activities commented that there will Organizations would also like be more meetings pertaining to these the Union to stay open to 3 pm instead of issues. Kwasi Fraser, the president of the usual 2 pm limit for parties. CSO says CSO, urges that more organizations get that their events cater to a lot of alumni involved because he believes "The and the established time limit is not Student Union is here for the students sufficient. If an extension is granted it and not for the faculty." Trouble 3y Sean Bollers Don't Last Always On November 14th, 1992, Stony evening was definitely blessed. It touched Brook Gospel Choir presented it's Annual all of our hearts just to look down from Fall concert. For the first time in many the stage, into the audience and see so years, this sold out event started on time, many people having fun and enjoying as published. At 7:30 pm, on the dot, themselves. God was definitely in the Devotion began, by 7:45 pm the choir was house. on stage ready to start. The first selection In the second half of the concert, presented was also the theme of the concert we started with the selection "Jesus is "Trouble Don't Last Always." This song Real" which was originally performed broughtexcitement andjoy upon the crowd by the renowned recording artist John P. that was already on its feet. The next 3 Kee and Choir. It was surprising to note selections, "Yes I'm a Believer," "On that the majority of the audience knew Christ," and "I'm depending on You." this number. The audience sang and had the remainder of the audience on its clapped to the song in jubilation. Indeed feet rejoicing along with the Choir. It was we can say that on that night The Staller the general consensus of the Choir that Center rocked with eneryv and music. _ L ~c~~aa~s~ 0'5 -S 0 3' I I I BLACKWORLD "KNOW THYSELF" EDITORIAL KYM SCARLETT There have been some incidents organizations who have also asked for a behalf. If Hillel had simply petitioned the Editor-in-Chief occurring on campus which some people seat on the board and were denied. There Board's decision they could have spared would have you believe are race related. has been one organization which was been themselves the trouble of this "campaign" AMBER JACQUES Not everything that occurs is a Black/ denied entry into the board three times. that they've embarked on. (Does the N.Y Managing Editor White situation. Some of these situations The next step is then be to petition the Times advertise in Newsday? See are newsworthy and deserve to be board and then wait for a decision. As far Statesman 1 l/19/92,pg.3). Whatwedon't JENNIFER TOUSSAINT discussed. BlackWorld, unlike our as we know Hillel has yet to do so. What understand is why everyone is clamoring Production Manager colleagues from the Statesman and is incorrect is trying to bring an uninformed to be labeled a "minority" all of a sudden. Shelanu will take the time to separate fact Senate into an area where they have no That is ridiculous. Various groups for CHANDA NGWASHI from unsubstantiated rhetoric. jurisdiction. The Executive Board of years have been fighting for the exact Copy Editor We support the Polity is to be commended for knowing opposite. procedure that the Minority Planning this. The individual senators need to learn What this all boils down to is -..CONRAD GARDNER .: Board used in it's handling of Hillel's that as well as take a refresher course in crying wolf where there is none. African- Business Manager application to MPB. Whether the vote manners. American andJewishrelationsare strained itself was fair or noi is still in ,question. What is also out of order, in the here in New York enough already. When S CHARLES VALEMBRUN The procedure was parliamentarily name of peace, is the media "war" which we say "peace" let us be sincere about it. correct. There have been other has been waged by Shelanu in Hillel's - I · · I I_ I I I I __ Secretary ......

P aphy'Editor THIS WEEK'S QUOTE i;.!•i:if..,!•::i~~iii~i:;i•i: i! :{:i:: t y,:i d o r iii...... -....ii!ii: : :: : : : ...... : : . :. -.. .1...... i"..O :.-•....NS... ..T .. iiii.N.. . ili;:ii!:i~~~~~~ii:•..CRSA EDWARDS|A ...... I.iii~iii!ii•'•i~i~ ...... - ...... -- _....-..- .-...... "The race is not given to the swift, nor the strong, but to those who endureth to the end." *ilytRose sUTaredNy Ge Edi-

- I a __ __I I · I - a ______-s __ Poliy M UilboR Some ar- TO The Black History Month Formal suNIbmittedeng andorgra...... to SUDENT ar... Ad...... ADVERTISE: Committee UIO RmL 071, or or Needs your help on the following CALL 2-6452 committees:

expressedUNION Rarepolic 071,oes not ornecssar- our *advertising esilythose A shareflecd RE...... by.... the..... Edi-torial. *decorating tinionesstaff.torial may Viewpoints, NE...... -...... be edited.... Per-eforte ..... vertisingO policy does not nec- *entertainment essarilyNATIONC reflect editorial policy. Editorials are the Please contact Kym opinions of the majority of Scarlett at 2-6452 ::: ::. ::. ,:.... .:...... : :.:.:. ..: ...... or leave a message WE in the MPB mailbox do ..v:: . :: .:::.:..:..:i .i ::.:ii ':::: ' II. : : ::.: . hi::.<:.:..a- .-:,' ... . ,".': .:::::--.'' r giiimiimiri.iAiidiii- .. ,.-.- -..... -,. -'... 1. '1. . -.".-,: -..'... , . d% Joanne Perou or Ernesto Issac ...... 'N...... : , :...:.. I m 6ýý = -~L · I II II I I iMMI · _ I , L _ BIAC NA TIO I EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT KWANZAA

By Chanda Ngwashi

Kwanzaa is a holiday that is Kwanzaa Kwanzaa? vowels are as follows: A=ah as in father celebratedforthe main purpose of uniting A: Kwanzaameans"the first"or"the first A: Gifts may be exchanged during E=a as in day; i=ee as in free; O=oo as in and strengthening the Afrikan family. fruits of the harvest", in the East African Kwanzaa though it is suggested that they too. The accent is almost always on the Any misconceptions you may previously language of Kiswahili. notbe given iftheypresent undue hardship. next to the last syllable. have carried can now be cleared up Q: When is Kwanzaa observed? When gifts are given it is suggested that through the following article. For those A: Kwanzaa is observed from December they be creative i.e. handmade or NGUZO SABA of you who would like to practice 26th through January 1st functional like a book. (THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES) Kwanzaa, but are abitreluctant, practice Q: What is the origin of Kwanzaa? Q: How is Kwanzaa Celebrated? parts of it ata time and gradually build up A: Kwanzaa was founded in 1966 by Dr. A: Kwanzaacan becelebratedin anumber Listed below are The Seven Principles of theritual until you are able to practice the Maulana Karenga, a Black Studies of ways. At a bare minimum a table Kwanzaa, which may serve as guides for entire holiday. Other suggestions are to professor who describes himself as a should be prepared with the following daily living. visit your local Black video rental store cultural nationalist Kwanzaa originated items: A place mat (Mkeka) usually 1. Umoja (Unity) and ask them if they carry any tapes on as a cultural idea and an expression of the made of straw; a candle holder for seven To strive for and maintain unity in the the celebration of Kwanzaa and find out nationalist Us organization which was candles (Kinara); seven candles family, community, nation and race. if a local community center will be headed by Dr. Karenga. (Mishumaa saba); a variety of fruit 2. Kujichagulia (Self-determination) practicing Kwanzaa as a community so Q: Is Kwanzaa a religious holiday? (Mazoa) ears of corn (Vibunzi) To define ourselves, name ourselves, you can physically see and spirituality A: Kwanzaa is unique in that it is neither representing the number ofchildren in the create for ourselvesandspeak forourselves feel what the holiday entails. religious, political, nor heroic, but rather home; gifts if any (Zawadi); and a unity instead of being defined, named, created Let us remember that theNguzo a cultural one. or communal cup (Kikombe cha umoja) for and spoken for by others. Saba was not established to be practiced Q: What is Kwanzaa based on? for pouring and sharing libation. Each 3. Ujoma (Collective Work and solely during Kwanzaa,butas dailyritual A: Kwanzaa is based on seven day of Kwanzaa a candle should be lit Responsibility) to assist us in attaining the unity, freedom fundamental principles which are referred beginning with the black candle which is To build and maintain and equity that has long been absent our community to as the Nguzo Saba. placed in the center of the candle holder. together from our community. The practice of and make our sister's and Q: What are those principles? Candles are then lit alternately from left to brother's problems our Kwanzaa is growing, and growing problems and to A: Unity, Umoja (U-mo-ja); Self- right. Three green candles should be solve them together. rapidly, throughout the diaspora. Sisters determination, Kujichagulia (Ku-ji-cha- placed on the left and three red candles and brothers are practicing a holiday that 4. Ujamma (Cooperative Economics) gu-lia); Collective workandresponsibility, Should be placed on the right. To build is OURS. For more information on Each day a and maintain our own stores, Ujima (U-ji-ma); Cooperative economics, Kwanzaa contact your local Black book principle shouldbe recited when the candle shops, and other businesses and to profit Ujamaa (U-ja-ma); Purpose, Nia; waslit, Theimportancethateachprinciple store and see the book list in this issue. from them together. Creativity, Kuumba (Ku-um-ba); and has for the person reciting it The following information was should be 5. Nia (Purpose) taken faith, Imani (i-mani). from a book called KWANZAA: expounded upon. Other suggestions can To make our collective vocation the Q: Is Kwanzaa a Christmas substitute? be found in Everything You Always Wanted To this book. building and developing [of] our A: No, though Dr. Karenga recognized Know. Q: Why is Kiswahili used? community in order to restore our people the undue hardship that the over A: Kiswahili was chosen because it is a to their traditional greatness. commercialization of Christmas has for non-tribal African Question: What is Kwanzaa? language that 6. Kuumba (Creativity) Black people and others who are at the encompasses Answer: Kwanzaa is a unique American a large portion of the African To do always as much as we can, in the lowestrung of the social strata. Therefore, continent. An Holiday that pays tribute to the rich added benefit is that way we can, in order to leave our those who find Kwanzaa to be more cultural roots of Americans of African Kiswahilipronunciation isextremelyeasy. community more beautiful and beneficial meaningful to them, now have an option ancestry. Vowels are pronounced like those in than we inherited it. and can still be part of the holiday season. Q: What is the meaning of the work Spanish and the consonants with few Q: How important is gift giving during exceptions like those of English. The CO l't11 -6n- i---e I -I THANKSGIVING: THE HISTORY By Nicole Yvette Highbaugh

On Thursday, November 26, whole truth. According to many different from the ceremonies of today. In feasts were deemed essential to the students will be home with their families encyclopedias, including World Book. the their ceremony, Native Americans wore a continuation of food among the tribe or eating turkey or chicken filled with stuff- first Thanksgiving in America was regalia to address the Creator, or their community. ing, beans and vegetables, not to men- observed by a groupofthirty-eightEnglish God. This article should show what tion many kinds of dessert. And while settlers who, on December4, 1619,arrived Their feasts included a wild bird, Thanksgiving is really about. It is not most would spend this time eating and at the Berkleley Plantation and began such as turkey, as well as fish, berries and about shopping until you drop, or eating thinking about what to get forChristmas, what is now the Thanksgiving we celebrate corn. These foods were prepared and everything in sight. It's about thanking some would reflect on pastimes with today. Also, according to encyclopedias, served according to the rituals. Also the Creator for being able to have the food their families. as well as many history books, the Pilgrims included in the ceremony were offerings on your table and reflecting on all the What is Thanksgiving? This and Native Americans joined in a to the spirits, libations for loved ones who good times you had with your family and holiday is most commonly defined as a Thanksgiving ceremony to celebrate a were no longer living, and the giving of friends. Many students do not have the day set aside every year to give thanks to good harvest. The Native Americans thanks. The ceremony would then become time to spend a few days with their families the Creator for blessings that were given taught the Pilgrims to plant corn and other a sacred event as people prepared to eat which is why Thanksgiving is one of the in the year. But it was also a day of crops. the harvested crops and acknowledge the best holidays a student gets. So while thanking the Creator for the crops that Butthehistory books don'treveal spiritual and physical necessity of the you're enjoying the parades and food, were harvested in the late fall. This is the the entire truth. Neither the English settlers foods obtained by the beneficent animal (especially the dessert), think about the reason Thanksgiving is celebrated in the nor the Pilgrims founded Thanksgiving. and plant spirits. purpose of the holiday and thank the last week of November. The tradition of Thanksgiving was In their feasts of Thanksgiving, not much is known celebrated by Native Creator and your family for the good However, Americans years Native Americans usually sought of the Thanksgiving before the settlers from things in life. ibout the history Europe arrived. forgiveness to show that the gift of food what little is known isn'tthe The Native American ceremony iolidav, and ------~ ·-; wasIOWA,-ould notbe wasted. Theybelieved these II · _ - NomaC A *R 3 .0 0NTO m -- I Remember, Rebuild and Arise! - II I_ * --

By Cynthia Adrien 3rother Marius X

On Wednesday November 4th, ourselves. An example of this is the small humans should do the same. In the he African-American Students amount of Black-owned businesses in our economical sense this would mean ization invited Marius X, from the own communities. In light of Bill Clinton's establishing and maintaining our own a of Islam, to come speak to the new found presidency, Black people will businesses. He encouraged us that after its of Stony Brook on the subject of be in no better position then they were we obtain our degrees to return to our ack man in the 21st century. The before. His majorpoints were that struggle communities to start businesses or seek was small at first, less then 20 and sacrifices are needed to be made by us employment among Black owned , but as the night wore on more (college students) in order to insure our companies, if it is within our means to do its began to join the discussion. future. so. He also asked us to remember the e Marius X began speaking he Marius X made many references struggle it took to get us into college and led us that he was under the weather. to the Bible and applied them to the to use our time here wisely. His ly, he was sick with a 101 fever, but situation of African-Americans in America recommendations were to study, stop ould not have known that from the today. For example, he related the story partying and come together has minority n he delivered. He opened discussion of Moses and the children of Israel has students in a predominantly white inking the members of AASO for history repeating itself, with African- institution. There is to much competition ig him. He also stated that AASO Americans being the ones oppressed and and jealously among each other, at a time consciousness about the plight of discriminated against. The male children we need each other the most. people and that we (students) were were being killed off then just like Black A prominent message received o hear the truth. men are dying off now. In order to stop after hearing Marius X was the key to the According to Marius X the this vicious cycle a leader must be found survival of the Black man was in education ,al of the Black people in the 21st among Black people. In the Nation of and the maintenance of family and y is heavily dependent upon Black Islam this leader is said to be the Honorable community. Marius X spoke far more in- e doing something for themselves. Minister Louis Farrakahan. depth then what is written within this ;hted other minority groups and how Separatism of Blacks and Whites article, but one particular quote from they have a community in which they pull was another key point preached by Marius Marius X that evening sticks to mind from together to invest the uplifting of their X. Under the concept of doing for self, the many clever things he said is: "It is own. He urged us not to sit back and let Marius X sighted that the animals of the time to stand up, clean up, cut out the world stay among their own, so naturally foolishness, be focused be united." 1others do for us what we can do for 3RD WORLD GRADUATION INROADS: IN JEOPARDY PATHWAY TO SUCCESS By Sean Joe Adrien For 18 years the Third World stillaround,nottoomany. This is whythe By Cynthia graduation, now known as the Destiny Destiny Awards Dinner is so important, it INROADS / , or any of the Engineering disciplines. Awards Ceremony/Dinner and Journal, is an opportunity for us to celebrate and [nc. Is a non profit career development Your overall GPA must be an average of had been held, with the primary sponsors honor the students, the few who took all organization that prepares talented 3.0 or better and you should have a being the Africana Studies Department the university had to offer and persevere. ninority youth for professional and combined SAT score of a 900 or better, and the Advancement on Individual Merit/ Tradition is a very important part nanagerial careers in business and and/or an ACT composite score of 20 or Equal Opportunity Program. In this of student life and it is up to the student to industry. INROADS recruits outstanding better. INROADS also looks for tradition African- American and Latino determine what traditions will be Fispanic, African-American and Native- leadership characteristics, such as students were honored for their academic maintained. Don'tletalackofknowledge American students in their senior year of resiliency and determination, in their accomplishments and community service about the community's traditions deprive high school or their freshman and interns. contributions to the University. The our new students, seniors and juniors of sophomore yearofcollege. These students Once you have become an importance of this is that it was done in the their chance to be celebrated. Join the are then placed in internships with INROADS intern you will be committed presence of beloved family members, Destiny Awards Planning Committee. sponsoring companies that help train them toa year-round partnership that will require friends and faculty. Over the past three Historical Overview for corporate and community leadership. you to keep certain standards and years it has been the faculty who have During the academic year 1976- The goal of INROADS is to place participate in specific activities. These carried on this tradition. Well, this trend 77, upon the transfer of Lucia M. Rusty a student with a sponsoring organization, include the summer internship with the is at the end of its rope, many faculty are from the Africana Studies Program into and upon graduation the Inroads intern is sponsoring company that hires you, burdened with work and many other the Office of Undergraduate Studies, the hired by his or her sponsoring company. training workshops, staff coaching and tradition that seek to insure that we primary coordination of this activity took INROADS has been achieving its goal at community service. In return you gain graduate from the University. Is it the sole place in that office along with the a steady rate. Over two-thirds of its alumni valuable experience in established responsibility of our African-American committed members of the Ad Hoc have accepted full-time employment with corporations, competitive earnings, free and Latino faculty to maintain our Committee on Minority Student Concerns. their sponsoring company. There is also tutorial services, training and academic traditions? The core members were: Norma Mahoney the benefit of more minorities in the instruction. Here are a few of the This is not right, the Destiny (AIM/EOP), Gerald Shepard (University corporate world. With an influx of sponsoring corporations that hire Awards Dinner and Journal are events Counseling Center), Linda Martin minorities in business and industry, they INROADS interns: American Express that give undergraduate and graduate (Africana StudiesProgram), and at various will be able to pave the way for the entry Co., AT&T, The Bank of New York, students in our community the opportunity times, members included: Judith of others. Chase Manhattan Bank, Coopers & to be acknowledged. Lord knows, that if Berhannan (Office of Undergraduate To be eligible to become an Lybrand, Eastman Kodak Co., IBM, J.P any of us complete the requirements and Admissions), Emile Adams (Office of INROADS intern you must be a college Morgan, Lord & Taylor, New York Stock graduate from Stony Brook, it was against Student Affairs), and Paul Burke (Health minority student, majoring in a degree Exchange, New York Telephone, Saki the odds. We are faced with rigorous Careers Opportunity Programs). area that will lead to a professional Fifth Avenue and NYNEX. INROADS academic and personal problems, many In the academic year of 1985, corporate career. The most popular majors has 56 sponsoring organizations that pa) do not survive, we can all bear witness to are Business management, Accounting, that Just check to see how many of our -- 1BMB--RH- Economics, Finance, Computer Science peer that entered the university with are CoiltnerbBa^MI I stuoents oy increasing unapter une Jonelle Taylor funding for low-income students, and for public safety should already be giving schools greater flexibility to spend Student Organizations are PRESIDENT included in the tuition and is part of our the money in ways they think most displeased with the escalating fees and rights as students. effective, like reducing class sizes in early regulations required to plan events in CLINTON Organizations would also like grades. Support better incentives to hire the Student Union. On Tuesday establish tough standards, 3.) reform our the Union to stay open to 3 pm instead of and keep good teachers, including November 17,studentorganizations met schools, 4.) make our schools safe again, the usual 2 pm limit for parties. CSO says alternative certification forthose who want with the directors of Student Union and 5.) give every American a chance to that their events cater to a lot of alumni to take up teaching as a second career and Activities to present their grievances. getahead. Incontrast,Bushhasproposed and the established time limit is not differential pay to attract and retain Unfortunately, only representative from to cut college loan/grant funding for sufficient. If an extension is granted it the educators in shortage areas like math and CSO, Malik Sigma Psi and LASO middle-class students whose family tickets. science or in urban schools. Making our attended. exceeds $10000. Lou Copertino says,"Thereason income schools safe- To get drugs out of our Thecosttoreserve the Student Here,isanin-depthlookatwhat for this new policy is to eliminate the schools: work with state and local Union Ballroom costs $245, the Bi- Bill Clinton's Education Plan consists of the representative who communities to bring parents, educators, level costs $235 and the auditorium vulnerability of: Parents and children working students, law enforcement personnel and costs $176pernight These costs donot collects the money at the door." Large together- Inspire parents to take are sometimes community service workers together to include the mandatory security and quantities of money responsibility and empower them with provide comprehensive drug education, additional clean up fees. All of these collected and the person collecting the -the knowledge they need to help their prevention, intervention and treatment costs are putting a significant strain on money has no protection. He is concerned children enter school ready to learn; help programs. President Bill Clinton will also the budgets of student organizations. about the possibility ofoff campuspersons disadvantaged parents work with their support a Safe Schools Initiative, which Those most effected are non-polity holding them up and harming them. children to build an ethic of learning at will provide funds for violent-ridden funded groups such as fraternities and With this new policy,each person home that benefits both; fully fund schools to hire security personnel and sororities, which rely on fund raisers attending the event will receive a ticket at programs that save us several dollars for purchase metal detectors. "Our schools and personal accounts as their sole the box office and then will be allowed to every one spent-Head Start, the should be the safest, not the most means of financial support. But Lou enter. A representative of the sponsoring Women, Infants and Children (WIC) dangerous places in society -places Copertino, Associate Director of organization will collect the entering program and other critical initiatives where kids do fire drills, not bullet drills," Student Union Activities, argues that tickets. All of the tickets will be returned recommended by the National replies Clinton on the safe school issue. these costs were provided by an to Polity the next day and will be checked Commission on Children. Both the Civil Rights issue and independent auditor and are necessary against the amount of money collected at Establishing tough standards- Work with the Education issue, are just a few of the for repairs, maintenance and certain which time the organization will receive a educators, parents, business leaders and crucial things that Mr. Clinton has not student building personnel wages. check. public officials to create a set of National only commented on, but has also put CSO claims that organizations The organizations do agree that Standards forwhatstudents shouldknow. sensible and attainable plans to. But,even should not be required to clean up after this method will reduce the possibility of To create aNationalExamination System a President cannot do it alone-it's going events if they are paying clean up fees. outside attacks, but they would like a to measure our students' and schools' to take multi-partisan efforts on all levels. For example, when using the Ballroom, representative from the organization to progress in meeting the National Most of all, we as a people must get up off anorganizationmustmovetables before assist the box office employee to oversee Standards. To achieve the 1989 of ourelves and make these things come and after events and must pick up their own money. Malik Sigma Psi Education Summit's "National to pass-notjust for ourselves, but for our excessive debris. especially feels that since they are not Education Goals"by the year2000: every children, and our communities by, leading The students claim that the Polity-funded that Polity should not have child should begin school physically and others around us by our own examples of number of security guards required is control over their money. mentally ready to learn; and students positive, effective change. And, that's too excessive. At the meeting, CSO The office of Student Union should be knowledgeable in math, what will make Clinton's Presidency all suggested that in order to compensate and Activities commented that there will science, language, history and geography that-andthen some. God, please continue for the cost of security, a referendum be more meetings pertaining to these when they graduate high school. to bless America. should be put forth to the students that issues. Kwasi Fraser, the president of Reforming our schools- To reduce the would cover the charge of security for CSO, urges that more organizations get all events in the Union. There is also an involved because he believes "The Student additional cost that organizations must Union is here for the students and not for pay if public safety is requested to be the faculty." present. But students feel that the cost S"Ms. IThang" I -"Ms. Thang" AFRIKAN SURVIVAL Dear Ms. Thang, I am a strong Nubian sister but I am Dear Ms. Thang, READING LIST attracted to a Caucasian man in one of My best friend is my roommates AF-FLESH; RA-CREATOR, LIFE FORCE; KA-SPIRIT my classes. He happens to be my T.A. boyfriend. We've been friends since WE ARE THE FLESH & SPIRIT OF THE CREATOR Sometimes I hate myself for being childhood. I recently discovered that my AFRAKA - AFRAKAN attracted to him and not a Black man. roommate has a venereal disease from Other times I think why not go for him, one of her friends. She has no intentions 1. The Teachings of Ptahhotep: Black men have been dating white of telling her boyfriend. What should I The 8. The African American Holiday of Oldest Book in the World, women for years. Should I approach do? edited by 9. KWANZAA: A Celebration of him? Confused Asa G. Hillard III, Larry Williams and Family, by Dr. Maulana Karenga Partially Color-blind Dear Confused, Nia Damali 10. Blacks in Science, ed. by Ivan Van 2. The Pert M Dear Partially Color-blind, I understand that you are torn Hru-Papvnls of Ani- Sertima Khmtic Book of I think that you should not limit between keeping your roommates secret Coming Forth from 11. Vitamins and Minerals From A-Z The Mis-Education yourself to the men on this campus. and telling your friend the truth. It's up to of the Negro by with Ethno-consciousness, by Jewel Personally, I don't agree with Black/ you to decide which person means more Carter G. Woodson Pookrum M.D. 3. The Destruction of Black white interracial relationships. After all to you. From your statement it appears Civilization, 12. African Holistic Health, by Llaila 0. by that was done'and is being done to our that the boyfriend is more important. If Chancellor Williams Africa, M.T. 4. Black Man ofthe Nile and His Faily, brothers and sisters, how could you you don't tell him, he'll find out by having 13. Stolen Legacy by George G. M. by Dr. Yosef possibly think of dating one. I suggest painful urination and/or a foul smelling Ben Jochannan James 5. Civilization or Barbarism, you take an AFS class on SLAVERY to and odd-colored discharge. by Cheik 14. African Psvcholov,by WadeNobles refresh your memory. Once you you have to offer. Anta Diop 15. African Origins of Biological 6. Isis Paners: The Keys to theColors, remember your history you might by Psychiatry, by Richard King, M.D Dr. Frances Cress understand. Welsing 16. HealThvself forHealthandLongevitv 7. Iceman Inheritance, by Michael Bradley by Oueen Afua - -- -- I I L I II I -I I * *AITO 7~ THIS WAY FOR BLACK EMPOWERMENT THIS WAY FOR BLACK EMPOWERMENT The Third Time Is Tragedy for African-Americans The Third Time is Tragedy for African-Americans SPECIAL TO BLACKWORLD FROM LENORA FULANI by Dr. Lenora Fulani

The results of the 1992 link-up between the independent got 7% of the Black vote. Clinton before us. We 11 be left out again, elections most significantly the movement and the African- polled 84% of the Black vote, down just as twice before. Only this 20 million Americans who voted American community. by one percentage point frcm the time, we have no excuse but our own for independents Ross Perot, Where will Black people be 85% Michael Dukakis polled in conservatism and inaction for being myself, Dr. John Hagelin of the in relationship to a new, 1988. Significantly, the New York excluded. Slavery kept us out of Natural Law Party and Andre independent party in America ? In Times reported a 13% fall-off in the other two parties. It would be a Marrou of the Libertarian Party my opinion , we must be at the head Black voter registration overall, tragedy is slavishness to the raise same serious issues for the pf the line . We ve never had a indicative to the extent to which Democratic Party kept us out of a African-American community. chance to be there before. The African Americans are third. The New Alliance Party, Democratic Party was a party of disillusioned with and The issue is no longer which I chair, is the leading slaveholders. We had no place there. disheartened by the state of politics whether there will be a third party representative for the Black The Republican party, while anti- in America. The Black ccmmunity in America. The issue is what its community and other traditional slavery, came into being while we is sitting on the fence right now, character will be. I believe that it New Deal constituencies in the were still slaves. We had no place straddling the obvious must be strongly pro-choice, pro- independent political movement. there either. But a new party, a new unresponsiveness of both major gay, anti-militarist, anti- NAP has rejected blind adherence national pro-democracy party, will, parties to the Black agenda and the imperialist, pro-labor, and pro- to the Democratic Party wince we in my opinion, came about through as yet unformed character of a new democracy. I believe the Black set out to create a Black-led, the combining of the many third party which is taking shape. Agenda nust be at its core and that multi-racial catalyst for independent forces that are now My role is to make sure that the Black conmmnity must serve-as independent politics some 13 active cn the political scene. this the Black community- which is the it does for the country in general- years ago. This year NAP polled new party does have a place for us, base of the New Alliance Party- and as its conscience. nearly a million votes for its local but we rust take it. We nmust grab its allies in the Latino cammnity, 1992 was a great year for candidates across the country, it. We nust get there first so that the lesbian and gay community, the American people. We learned elected a Black commissioner in this multi-racial, multi- among rank- and - file labor and you don t have to give your vote to a Perry County in Alabama, won constituency, rulti-issue political women, will be a vital and winner to win. And we put ourselves ballot status in the state of Oregon party will have at its core and frma determining force in that movement in position so that in 1996, with a and ought dozens of legal battles its very rcmnent of existence an as it is further defined. new plurality pro-people to open up the political process intractable commitment to the My message to the Black independent party we can win. and to include insurgents and African American agenda. camunity is that it is time to get we can create a new America of independents. At the core of According to the exit polls off the fence. If we don t, others democracy, justice and change. NAP's activity is its role as the published in USA Today, Ross Perot will get to the head of the line Independent politics is the key ! II THE GOLDMINE OF MELANIN By Tehuti Ramesut

As Afrakan people awake from be very dark have what is known as melanocytes. the lethargic state of mass ignorance, it Eumelanin. "Eumelanin, which has a There are many benefits to "...is responsible for stimulating the becomes very important to understand very high electrical charge, is quite having a high concentration of melanin. melanocytes which contain melanisomes our racial uniqueness. As melanin concentrated in its molecular weight and Some of them are: 1.) its capacity to act as which contains melanin." 6.) Serotonin, dominant people take on the values of is extremely energy absorbent." a barrier against ultraviolet rays while also a secretion by the pineal gland, melanin receive people, they deteriorate, Continental Africans, Africans in the absorbing heat from sunlight. 2.) It limits stimulates the bodies deification and waste retard, and destroy themselves on a Diaspora, Melanesians, Australian light beams entering the eye and absorbs facilities. This is done during the hours of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical aborigines and the Druids of India are all scattered light, thus protecting the eyeball daylight. level. Melanin,"...the Keys to the Colors," richly melanated, which would place them and allowing for greater visual acuity. With this in mind, it is extremely is seen by the Caucasian scientific in this category. Pheo-melanin orpseudo- Those with dark brown eyes have great important for melanin dominate people to community as the most important melanin is a "less dense form of melanin advantages over those with blue eyes. 3.) be in tune with their genetic bodily clock. molecule to understand; for the future of with a lower molecular weight and less Itprovides the skin with a sturdy elasticity, We must sleep at night and get up with the melanin recessive people depend upon capacity to absorb and store energy...." thus melanin dominate people don't sun. This cycle has been apart of us for their ability to transform, andre-introduce Asians (yellor-skinned), Native wrinkle as early as those who are melanin millenniums. The interruption of this this divine molecular wonder back into Americans, and Europeans would fall in recessive. 4.) Melanin is charged by cycle over the past 500 years has shown a their physiology. It is becoming crucial this category. electromagnetic energy, such as sound direct result in our inability to utilize our for them to have protection from UV light Melanin is formed when one and ultrasound, radar waves-x-rays, "gift" and reflective in our poor health as the planet becomes warmer. metabolizes amino acid phenylalanine, microwaves, cosmic rays, visible light, overall. What is melanin? How does it with anendproductofaminoacidtyrosine. the magnetic energy of the earth etc. The ability to harness energy is, work? What are its attributes? And why It is found in the pigment cells called Melanin behaves like a battery!!! 5.) an awesome gift. Our ancestors from the is there so little information available to melanocytes. "The melanocyte is a Melanin plays a major role in the immune Nile Valley utilized this ability thus the general public? These are the most modified nerve cell that in terms of systems' ability to resist disease. tapping cosmic energy, exploring the askedquestionsconcerning this molecule. structure will resemble a nerve in Currently, synthetic melanin is being used secrets of the galaxies, and mapping out Our willingness to research, study, and appearance with dendrite axon cellular as a anti viral agent! the universe without the use of telescopes. understand melanin will help us to come shape." Melanocytes excrete melanin in The pineal gland, located in the They also travel into the inner-space of back into harmony with the natural laws two ways. One by direct injection into center of the brain between the eyes just the unconscious mind. We all know the of the planet and universe. A brief skin cells, and by white blood cells above the level of the ears, acts as a ancients were spiritually developed and examination of melanin will be made, engulfing melanin particles in the skin, receiver for cosmic energy. This cone the priesthood's were known to have with the hopes of inspiring the reader to circulating it through the blood circulatory shaped gland, about the size of a pea, also supernatural powers. These abilities are do further research. tree within the cell, then depositing the secretes melatonin sporadically between the results of a cleansed, mucus less body Melanin is a jet black pigment melanin throughout the body. Melanin is the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. along with rigid adherence to the bodily found in skin, hair, eyes, organs, cells, also produced by mast cells, the nervous Melatonin regenerates bodily tissue, I^HMIMBHHmHMB ! feathers and scales. People who appear to system and the brain; without the help of strengthens the reproductive organs and -- I I I I 13· 1_ -n I · II A Goodman Coping With Life A goodtian is worth the pain, Having so many things on my mineI frcm hiih there#s much to gain. Monogamy Is such a problem for me Good loving and caring Life in general has no purpose with much warmth and sharing. So I should let it be Wherever you been? b I Though hard to ocm e y, he often is. can smell her in your shifty eyes. Bat Qxn you ve got cne like I a star he is Loneliness creeps up on me guess you didn't think I'd hear twinkling in her the mist of the night. Each and every night steamy pants You just know he Is hanging alright. Darkness accompanies me above you like a ctoud Cl, doem t it feel floating into good to hve a-cne. So I am afraid to see the light our threshold Its like the mxrning rise with its patronizing of the sun, silende. glaring in a bright orange-red while Living my life from day to day Reasong10 peeping through your bedroom shed. Is such a hassle Where were you? Although sometimres The reasoning of the heart one seems like a rarity, Nothing is ever okay I see her grunts in your tightened jaw. having one is no parity.. defies all reason I guess you didn't know that Problems arise That is why I continue to care for you Will you be my goodman? I climax at the rise and fal I often No solution in sight even though I haven't the slightest inclination of your body warier if you can. Even with foreign thighs I am ready to give up whether or not you care for me inding you. By: about I feel your quivering grunt Barbara J. White Without putting up a fight Prayer, and conversations with myself and exhausted breath, Taste the steam of the They don't seem to work rurning shower Betrayal still warm in Even on a good day I try to forget about you yoi r pants damp with her fragrance. Nothing seems to go right but it just doesn't seem to quell these emotions I just go home and cry You say you don't want to hurt me By: Susan Arauz |:i Myself to sleep at night but you have so I have I do not know what it is I volunteered Maybe it's just me I wasn't victimized HER NAME IS JAZZ I try to understand I just want to enjoy the time I have with you And make myself see I just want to spent some time with you sweeping soft y, she sachets sweetly I just want to be well-housed in your thoughts across the room...... But somehow I can't do that Can you understand that? Just like I envisioned her---.• every I sadly don't know why That the phone calls and letters star-laden night, I just keep to myself that forever wait for a response Wben the Sphere of mance wmdoud 0o And let out a subtle sigh There's something between us hang half-staffed, Company Of Idiots By: Kendreace! Miller -Ranel I know that Probing us closely, :.0*., Can you see what that something is? but ever so slowly, 01 In the company of idiots It's that I can put up with your moods White attowing her sil(pn rhfythms I sit everyday if only you would let me to tab total control of me. Wondering how I should act, PLACENTA Maybe I won't be armed with the and what I should say I can feet the steamy percussions exact words you may need to hear 10, 9, 8, 7 contractions & cymbals whispering her past of tainted passions...... But I offer you my presence as a They sit in a pack Ihe Pain is killing ire so form of comfort and companionship Her horns pteads for solace, as her saxony that's uncomfortable and unclean Sweat is bulging franom y head, because I don't want you to smoothness soothes my souL. But, I They carry a rancid odor, as if I were a rain fcrest must bear that cross alone tet her kgow that I'1 comfort her: that of a week old sardine rEotional and Physical pain are giving me hell- Is that too much for you to handle? 'Through hailt andfreezing rain making me pay for his or her existence to carne Does that sound like a commitment? I'll koep you soft & warm, b~4~ They whisper and they babble She is tearing rry walls francm side to side Well it is Just let your liquid melodies guide I They truly have no class Ripping ny tissues gradually away us A commitment to be your friend through the eye of this Qjiet Storm.' It probably wouldn't hurt She feels like the waterelon that I could never eat again. As long as you are mine (Feeling secure now, we converse): if they received a kick My heart is aching, thgh it Be there for me in the ass 'You know I need you, honey." cannot touch the pain of my Save some time for me "And,I really need you, baby.' My brain is undernourished cervix Answer my questions 'Come closer.. .come on, come closer. It feeds on Lack of worth is lagging around me.r I want to give pleasure thoughts honest and sweet 'XJght here?' Their brains are decrepit and hollow, No one understands my importance But I want to give you ",Yes, sweetheart. .just a little closer I am producing saromething, though. pleasure of the mind m ith thoughts that remain incomplete "How about now?' that way never be duplicated- as well as the body "Yeah, that's it, sweetheart ...... 5.: These people are as dense as detergent a unique fonm of life- It is possible S'Ahhihhhhh Sweet, sweet harmonyl '' that couldn't better than ever before- If we both try clean a stitch. The filth will never come out, because it/s MINE! ,.,. If you give -Eric W. Terfkins for every plan has a glitch It is a product of me me a Shall have her own uniqueness, reason. These morons are people I know, but her shaping and forming of personality will be the people who have no guts molded by I- Some are women who call me a dog THE MOTHER These same women are also called sluts beautiful. child she will grow to be, -Inperdnt of all. .0* I cannot tolerate idiots Hcwever, never standing alone Their depth perception is low The pain still dwells deeply inside, tm They've planted their seeds too close to the surface but knawing that I am producing a King or a Queen > IF YOU -WOULD LIKE TO they cannot vossiblv knnw reinforces all of my Pride. :(., SEE YOUR WiE0ORK IN - rFa- F...... 0 A&&Aqj"TVv i " ::BLRCKWUORLO: PLEASE STOP BY THE 0 BLRCKWKORLO OFFtIC.E LOCATED IN RM. 071 Next to me is a group of dumb, By: Lepora J. Flcurnory 0

OF THE STUDENT UNIO N W I TH YOUR :MACI N-" insensitive, intolerant jerks •o TOSH DISK. WORK1OUR W.ILL BE IAM-EO I- The group of them could not come up RATELVY TRANSFERRED 0TO THE OFFICE COM- with a single brain that works •PUTER. Poems should be no longer than I am in the company of idiots " 50 line t ingle spa.ed. and this is no lie ITYTPED COPIES ILSi iH.CCEPTE,-TE) , S...... " ', , . ' : * - . . . . Life is indeed a bitch, and then you die ANGST AND INJUSTICE Imagined Communities

By Peniel Joseph

In recent weeks charges of speak, Hillel and others demanded that he Black Studies Departmentforallegedanti- outside the confines of this campus, a reverse racism and Anti-Semitism have not be funded by Polity and that he not be Semitic remarks, which were taken largely heated debate has raged over what is and beenhurledatthe Minority Planning Board allowed to speak. The most disquieting out of context and mangled for the use of isn't art, that has resulted in the (MPB) for its refusal to allow Hillel to aspect of the protest was charges of anti- the major dailies. Several years ago a politicization of the National Endowment Semitism levied against Dr. Muhammad, Blackprofessorat Stony Brook was denied for the Arts (NEA). The democracy that serve to distort the events surrounding the before even hearing him speak. The level tenure because he equated Zionism with this country is supposedly rooted in allows board's opprsition to Hillel's seemingly of intolerance is to be expected from white racism, and that was deemed unacceptable! freedom of speech and expression for all benign overturesof inclusion. Hillel's wish and neo-conservative administrative The real problem between the Black and who live here. to join the board is based on "wanting to prevaricators, but not from a group that Jewish communities is not in quibbling The charges of reverse racism close the gap" between the Black and wanted to close the gap between the Black over who fits into the definition of the that have been directed at MPB are Jewish communities on campus. While and Jewish communities. Hillel, along word minority. The problem as seen in the insidious, not simply because they are MPB's refusal is under a vague cloud of with all the rest who opposed the Black Leonard Jefferies, Crown Heights, and incorrect, but in the fact that they are hidden agenda's and subjective Extravaganza wanted then, as now, to be more close to home, Dr. Khallid rooted in a quest to censor and control the interpretations of the term minority, the the sole arbiters who would speak to and Muhammad's case, is that there can be no thoughts of students on this campus. Stony real issue here isn't about defining who is for the Stony Brook community. Instead intelligent discourse between the two Brook students are those who will one day or is not a minority, but on an analysis of of seeking the truth behind charges of communities if the Jewish community be part of the rank and file of the neo- Hillel's previously displayed sentiment anti-Semitism against Dr. Khallid perceives a Black representative to be intelligencia, therefore they must be towards the Black community, and on Muhamiad Hillel perpetuated the anti-Semitic. This is why Blacks are allowed the opportunity to critically think that score an agenda is far from hidden. ignorance that swirled around the campus opposed to Hillel joining MPB. Tolerance for themselves-at all times. If Hillel had This debate also deals with perspective, by repeatedly calling him a spreader of is not even afforded to Black speakers, its way last April, Dr. Muhammad would and whether all opinions and feelings, hate. This, of course, is a tactic betrayal of and tolerance is not what is needed, not have been allowed to speak at the agreed upon or not, deserve a voice, an the "can't we all just get along" mantra understanding is the ultimate goal, but school, and specifically to the Black opportunity, and a chance to be heard, that is now be espoused by Hillel. how can the latter be achieved, if the community. Whether agreeing with this critiqued, praised, or castigated. This is The charges of Anti-Semitism former has yet to be tried. speaker or not, trying to censor him is what is of most value to us (students), be then, as they are now, are rooted in racism The problem is one ofperception. wrong. The fact that the confederate flag it books, films, art, or speakers. The against the Black community, and a wish What the Jewish and Black communities is still in existence and unfurled in many reactionaryism that some take in their to control who our speakers are and what perceive as racist will notalwayscoincide, states, is something that does not have to approach resultsin misunderstood culture, our events will be. The tensions between Hillel has already shown that last April be admired, but must be accepted. The people, subjects, and is why we are still the Black and Jewish communities is at an with its attempt to censure the presence of commonalities that once existed between mired in intolerance and misunderstanding all time high, as evidenced by the events Dr.KhallidMuhammad. Joseph Conrad's the Jewish and Black communities are no today. Those who would choose to be the in Crown Heights last year, and more Heart of Darkness is considered by many longer m accord with the goals ot these arbitersof that whichismostprecious-our recently after the decision in the Yankel people, to be one of the best novels ever groups. The control, intolerance, and perspective-the ability to critically think, Rosenbaum case. In response to such written. Yet, to me, its clearly a racist censorship that Hillel brings, along with are completely missing this point. tensions has been reaction by the Jewish piece of work. Does that make it any less its populist mantra espousing Last April an uproar was community labeling the mayor a racist, all a piece of literature, or any less worthy to understanding, are rooted in racist manufactured in opposition of the Black the while forgetting the innocent death of be read, written about, and discussed? sentiment, that sees the only good Black speaker Dr. Khallid Muhammad who was a Black child was the riots impetus, and Who among us should make such community, as one that is enervated. This scheduled to speak at Stony Brook. One his murderer (who was Jewish) fled the important decisions, and for that matter commentary has not been done to create of the many Black organizations country. do any of us possess the right to do so. bigger fissures between the two groups, sponsoring this event was MPB. Hillel Although Black Power has Censorship, intolerance, the lack for the only to acknowledge how they were was one of several groups Jewish and suffered an appreciable decline over the will to pursue understanding, would only created, and why they are still there. Only non-Jewish who vehemently opposed the pasttwenty years, Jewish Powercontinues exacerbate the situation, and this has by constantly and consistently searching coming of Dr. Khallid Muhammad to the to rapidly ascend. Leonard Jefferies was already taken place on campus, before for the truth can true clarity in this debate campus. Before even hearing this man removed from the head of City College's Hillel wanted to join MPB. Concurrently, ever be found.

--I II -r I · I · I I ii I I I · _- I m people. When the opportunity to travel INROADS in order to hire you. Because subject has been discussed already. Yot comes up, go to tropical regions and enjoy they think that you are a valuable resource. how to hunt etc... being very hospitable a festival of fruits. Tropical fruits and Sponsor Companies give career-related and then having everything snatchedawa) MELANIN vegetables aid in melanin production. summer work experience for interns at from them. How many NATIVI For further information read the "Americans"areprosperinginthiscountr) clock. competitive wages and also provide following books: Vitamins and Minerals today? Getting back to the values, advisors or mentors to the students. from AtoZ with Ethno-Consciousness by December - Christmas. This is principles, and morals of our ancestors, In order to apply to INROADS Jewel Pookrum, The Isis Paers: The a moot situation considering along with a strict adherence to a diet that you must have the application completed that Christ Keys to the Colors by Dr. Frances Cress wasn't born on December is rooted in nurturing our physiology will and mailed by December 31, 1992. You 25. This Welsing, African Origins of Bioloica "Christmas spirit" is help bring forth a strong Afrakan Nation. can write or call INROADS at: something that Psychiatry by Richard King Heal Thyself should be celebrated all The use of herbs and food as medicine, INROADS / New York City, Inc. year 'round. If for Health andLongevit by Helen (Queen it's really sincere you could colon hygiene, flesh-free diet, and 40 Rector Street give Afua) Robinson and Colon Health: the 16th Floor someone a present on August 9 and call consistent mental calisthenics (i.e. reading, Key to a Vibrant Life by Norman W. that Christmas. The same meditation, purging destructive thoughts) New York, New York 10006 applies to Walker. Sisters and Brothers our future is Kwanzaa. The holiday has positive are necessary to bring forth a righteous (212) 766-1960 in our hands. We must break the chains of means, but people should practice AfrakanNation. The ancestors used music You can also contact Maria the mental slavery in order to reclaim our principles throughout the as a healing art. It's important to listen to Garcia, an INROADS intern who has been year. rightful place in the universe. The moral behind 'higher chakra music.' Unfortunately, in the organization for three years, for all of this is: PURIFY OR PERISH! more information Know why you do the very little is played on the radio. Get at 632-1045. things you do. Don't follow something because suggestions from your healers and " that' just the way it's always been" therapiston the best 'higherchakra music. do it Direct sunlight for 20 minutes 3 times a DWYOgUKNONNgWHA week is nourishment for melanin dominate INROADS KYM'S KORNER ^*Y,( E CEEBATfG? -___ · I, ,, ,, 01S N 5N'

----- I _II · ~ L ~ I. ii Ir I. IMMMMI KYM'S KORNER By Kym Scarlett

As the holiday season occur on that day then the whole premise EVERYDAY you shouldconstantlyyearn "Honor thy mother and thy father so that approaches, I ask myself, " Do people of the holiday is invalidated. for more. your days may be long upon the earth" know what they're actually celebrating?" February - Lincoln and March - St. Patrick's Day is (Exodus 20:12). Most holidays, to me, are bogus. Let's Washington's b-day's. What exactly are alright. July - Independence Day. (I like span the entire year. they being extoledfor? Having slaves and April - Easter. What in the world this one.) Whose independence are you January-New Year's Day. This then "freeing" them ? (how free are YOU do bunnies have to do with anything? celebrating? Certainly, not yourown. So, a time for everyone to make resolutions in the U.S.A?) Or, are we celebrating the Why the egg search? I wasn't aware that you setofffirecrackers and barbecue about which won't last into the next week, drink fact that Washington had an affair with his rabbits laid eggs. somebody else's freedom? That doesn't beer and watch football. Martin Luther slave and would sell the child from that May - Mother's Day. Black make sense. King Jr's birthday. Here is the holiday union forabarrelofmolasses? Valentine's women, the mothers of civilization should September- Labor Day is alright. which our government was gracious Day. If you love someone the date Feb. 14 be honored and respected everyday. October - Columbus Day. This enough to "give" us. Has anyone ever should be inconsequential. Last, but Armed Forces Day. Are we celebrating subject has been discussed already. You thought about the real significance of that certainly not least is the fact that February wars,savagery and death? Memorial Day. how to hunt etc...being very hospitable day? We are celebrating the life of a is Black History Month. It should not take Valid. Black man who preached non-violence. If the shortest month of the entire year for June - Father's Day. Same deal ContinuiedonuI there_ are any Black on Black crimes which you to be educated about yourselves. as Mother's Day. It even says in the Bible __ _~

people. Black nationalist movement, Marcus they symbolize the rewards of collective The seven basic symbols of Garvey. Red was for the blood our people productive labor. Moreover, as Kwanzaa KWANZAA Kwanzaa are: shed. Green was for hope and is the color means first or first fruits and it was than we inherited it. 1. Mazoa (fruit and vegetables) of the Motherland, and black was for the patterned after the traditional celebrations 7. Imani (Faith) 2. Mkeka (place mat) face of our people. that take place among African agricultural To believe with all our heart in our people, 3. Kinara (the candle holder for seven Dr. Karenga explains, "In the societies at harvest time. At harvest time our parents, our teachers, our leaders and candles one black, three red, and three 60s we reordered the colors and slightly the fruits of collective labor abound and it the righteousness and victory of our green) adjusted their interpretation to correspond is a time of great joy and togetherness, a struggle 4. Vibunzi (ears of corn reflective of the to our current needs." (Kwanzaa: Origin, time for Thanksgiving and remembrance. number of children in the home) Concepts,Practiceby MaulanaKarenga, The mazoa therefore, represent the KWANZAA SYMBOLS 5. Zawadi (gifts) p. 23.). Therefore, black is mentioned historical roots of the holiday itself. Like other holidays Kwanzaa has 6. Kikombe Cha Umoja (communal first because the people came first. Red is 2. Mkeka (Place mat) its symbols. Thesesymbolsare instructive unity cup) mentioned next not simply for the blood Dr. Karenga states, "The mkeka is the and inspirational objects that represent 7. Mishumaa Saba (the seven candles) that was shed, but also as a symbol of our symbol of tradition and by extension and reinforce desirable principles, The two optional, or continuing struggle. Finally green history." He adds, "Since Kwanzaa seeks concepts and practices. There are seven supplementary symbols are the Nguzo represents our bountiful motherland, to inspire appreciation and practice of basic symbols and two optional symbols Saba (seven principles) usually printed in Africa as well as the hopes and aspirations values which aid us in our lives and that are both traditional and moder items large letters for all to see and the Bendera for the future our youths represent. struggle, the stress on tradition and history and therefore reflect traditional, as well as ya Taifa (The national flag or standard). 1. Mazoa (Crops i.e. fruits and become unavoidable." One can not escape I modem concepts which evolved out of The bendera is the black, red and green vegetables) Contiinu ed ok npag e2 the life and struggle of African-American flag given to us by the father of the modern The mazoa have significance because ON THIS DAY IN AFRIKAN HISTORY... NOVEMBER/DECEMBER-- 1992 (23 6

Afrikan author, Richard Wright died in Paris in U.S. installed Mobutu Pan-Afrikan Revolu- 1960. In 1897 J.L Love as neo-colonialist tionary Socialist Party Death of Sojourner In 1942 Jimi Hendrix, Adam Clayton receives U.S. patent for puppet leder in Zaire in was founded in Wash- Truth, Afrikan Free- Afrikan rock musician, F. Jones patented a two Powell, was born in the pencil sharpener. 1965. ington, D.C. in 1883. dom Fighter, in 1883. was born. cycle petrol engine. 1930. _- - -\----- ..-.-... /7------2 3 4 6

Rosa Parks was arrestec Clark and Hampton, for refusing to follow Black Panther Party Popular pressure forced segregated seating law leaders, were First all-afrikan Ghana government to on buses in assassinated by people's conference R.B. Spikes patented remove its law banning Montgomery, Alabama police in held in Accra, Ghana automatic gear shift, 1968. in 1958. 1932. political activity, 1978. in 1955. , II I ------Illl I I .:,BSKSORa I historical record or keepsake for our Funding university is an honor to us, and everyone graduating African-American and Latino Last but not least, again, an that doesn't make it is the reminder that the primary coordination of the Annual students.) allocation of money for the sponsorship we still have ways to go in our Third World Awards Dinner, for all Leadership Training of the Destiny Awards Ceremony/dinner development. graduating African American and Latino As for "Leadership Training" should be made available at the beginning In closing, many people have students, was done by Norma Mahoney of along with supervision, it is provided to of each academic year by the organizations invested their time and many years into the AIM/EOP Program, until her those student who commit themselves to in our community. Our Student Clubs and the "Tradition". On behalf of the students/ retirement in 1991. From a historical coordinate, plan, and sponsor the Destiny Organizations can send a representative faculty we do believe that Destiny perspective, one can see that many Ceremony/Dinner and Journal. In and allocate a portion of their budget to represents the pinnacle of success for our individuals invested their time to make addition, students will be provided the the Destiny AwardsCeremony/Dinnerand graduates. Let's insure that the legacy of this event an established TRADITION on option toregisterfor AFS 283 (Community Journal. Such a commitment of funds "Destim r v' :*·.? . campus on behalfofour African-American Service) and earn credit for participating will clearly send a message to the and Latino graduates! on the Destiny Awards Committee. Is it "graduates" as well as to the program It is in light that the members of not also our duty as young scholars and advisor/planner of Destiny that our the newly formed Destiny Awards future leaders to build our own institution community Values and Honors this Ceremony/Dinner Advisory Committee and traditions, isn't that what we have "tradition"-particularly in the for the academic year 1992-93 are writing always talked about?: "Self celebration mainstream of its priorities and more so, to you these assessment and and Self Determination". its commitment to future graduating recommendations for your review and We must build up our own African- American and Latino students. participation, so you may strategically communities. Stony Brook, for next few It is ourevent and students at this university seek a "means" or way to insure the years will be your community. Take this can break a habit of our community, continued existence and effective opportunity to learn how to build a better whereby we always talk but are unable to sponsorship of what is now called the community, use this time to develop skills better organize our dollar to meet the need Annual Destiny Awards Ceremony/ that will be valuable to yourself and your of the community. We can change this, Dinner. (This name change was proposed community. As you have seen we have a our students graduate every year, so it is through this committee on behalf of the lot of room for improvements, so don't not a surprise that we must fund our own University publication entitled the Destiny just complain, do something to change ceremony to honor accomplishment. Journal, a yearbook which has become a one part at a time. Every student that graduates from this - L I·_ L- I I · I I L automatically, but are rather based on fruit, bread or anything else that might Statement) merit. They should be of an educational enhance the meal. Kwanzaa Menu Suggestions or otherwise beneficial nature. Books Itisimportant t decoratetheplace (By Joanne Baylor. Reprinted by make excellent gifts. Those things that where the karamu will be held, (e.g. home, permission from Kwanzaa magazine, Kwanzaa are handmade are encouraged. One should tradition and history, for they form the community center, church) in an African published by The New York Urban not fall victim to the commercialism foundation on which correct knowledge that motif that utilizes a black, red and green Coalition.) presently characterizes Christmas. and true understanding are built. The color scheme. A large Kwanzaa setting As with other traditional holidays 6. Kikombe Cha Umoja (The communal should dominate the room where the ancestors understood this clearly, as that have established meals, Kwanzaa too unity illustrated by the following proverb: "If cup) karamu will take place. A large Mkeka has a traditional menu. This menu was put Clearly, you know the beginning well, the end will as the name suggests, the unity should be placed creatively and made together based on the seven principles, not trouble you." cup symbolizes the first and most accessible to all for self-service. Prior to especially Ujima, Ujamaa and Kuumba. 3. Kinara (Candle holder) important principle of Kwanzaa, unity. It and during the feast, an informative and Collectively we come together to provide is used The kinara is symbolic of the to pour Tambiko (libation) in the entertaining program shouldbe presented. an economical meal. All it takes is continental Africans, our parent people. direction of the four winds, north, south, Traditionally, the program involves inspiration and creativity to put together a east and In incorporating this symbol, Dr. Karenga west, in remembrance of the welcoming, remembering, reassessment, celebration that will be remembered ancestors. used a Zulu concept. In early Kwanzaa The unity cup may then be recommitment and rejoicing, concluding through out the years. passed among members of celebrations, the kinara was used to the family and by afare-well statementand call for greater During Kwanzaa we fast from guests who may either symbolize Nkulunkulu, the first born, the choose to sip or unity. sunrise to sunset to cleanse our bodies, make a sipping gesture. This father of both our people and our is done to Below is a suggested format for minds and spirits, during the evening honor the ancestors and principles. Since the early days of to promote the the Karamu program, from a model by Dr. meal when we break our daily fast we spirit of oneness. Kwanzaa, the kinara has come to Karenga. light the appropriate candle which 7. Mishumaa Saba (The symbolize our ancestors as a collective seven candles) Kukaribisha (Welcoming) coincides with the principle of that day. whole. The Mishumaa Saba represent the Introductory remarks and The spirit of Kwanzaa teaches us to share 4. Vibunzi (Ears of corn) Nguzo Saba (The seven principles) which recognition of distinguished guests and our home, food and drink and music as our are at The Vibunzi represent children thus, the heart of the value system that is all elders ancestors did during the hunt or harvest. the foundation of Kwanzaa. each family uses as many ears of corn as According to Cultural Expression (i.e. songs, We must do the same today and invite Dr. Karenga, "The Nguzo it has children. Karenga states, "In Saba have their music, group dancing, poetry, other family members, friends and roots traditional terminology, the ears of corn in research of African cultures which performances, chants, unity circles, neighbors to our home to rejoice reveals recurrent value emphasis, represent the produce of the stalk, and the values etc.) collectively in a meaningful way to that reinforced the potential, of the offspring to become stalks bonds between the Kukumbuka (remembering) strengthen unity. Harambee! (let's pull people and increased or producers and reproducers themselves, their human SReflections of a man, woman together). possibilities for meaningful thus insuring the immortality of the people and fulfilling and child Some of the traditional Kwanzaa life". As each candle represents or nation." Emphasis is placed on the a distinct Cultural expression dishesare: Ricecheese balls, sweetpotato principle beginning children, for they truly represent the hope with Umoja (unity, Kuchunguza Tena Na Kutoa Ahadi pie, African togetherness health salad, the black center candle), and candle is lit for the future. Therefore, if we instill the Tena DoDo (plantain), Kwanzaa fried chicken, each day from left to right after proper values in them and teach them the the Umoja (Reassessment and recommitment) Baked Bluefish Supreme, Simply candle has been lit. benefits of mutual respect, we insure a Introduction of distinguished Heavenly Baked Fish,Nice rice and Dandy brighter tomorrow when we become guest lecturer and short talk. candied yams. THE KWANZAA elders. KARAMU (feast) Kushangilia (Rejoicing) Now that you have read a The evening 5. Zawadi (Gifts) of December 31st Tamshi la tambiko (Libation breakdown on the holiday of Kwanzaa, has special significance because Zawadi should be given as a reward for the statement) hopefully you will partake in celebrating Kwanzaa Karam uis held then, the karamu commitments made and kept and are Kikombe cha umoja (Unity cup) it this year. Also, attend the Kwanzaa allows for cultural expression, as well as usually exchanged among members of a Kutoa majina (Calling names of Holiday Expo for yourKwanzaa shopping for feasting. There should be a wide nuclear family. They should be given to family ancestors and Black heroes) needs. It will be held from December 17- variety of various foods as all attending reinforce personal growth and Ngorna (Drums) December 20 from 12 noon until 10 pm should take responsibility for preparing a achievement which benefits the collective. Karamu (Feast) daily at the JacobJavits Convention Center dish, or several dishes. Single persons Cultural Gifts given during Kwanzaa are not given Expression on 34th Street and 1 th Avenue in N.Y.C.. may bring a dish or they may elect to bring Tamishi La Tutaonana (The Farewell Happy Kwanzaa sisters and I - - -r . - - , _ brothers! *i L.M* ~ j UII VIEWPOINTS: POLITICAL TENSION RE-IGNITES WAR Campus Voices By Nelson Flores By Sean Boilers With this being an election year, Peace was reached between both parties most people in the country were focusing pending a democratic election. Q: What do you think about the commercialization of the movie Malcolm X? on the issues and the candidates that were The candidate for UNITA was running. However, there were important Jonas Savimbi and the candidate for the Ma' Shawn Parker, 21, Junior, Nursing events occurring in the motherland: the PML was Jose Eduardo dos Santos (who A: "If the advertisement is positive then I support it, because it spreads the word and election in Angola. On September 29th was in power prior to the election). influences people to see the movie." and 30th there was an election in Angola Eduardo dos Santos won the election, and between the Union for the Total Savimbi and his followers were displeased Carol Ann Greave, 20, Sophomore, Information Systems Independence of Angola (otherwise with the outcome. A confidential U.N. A: "I think think the commercializations is positive. This movie is dealing with race known as UNITA) and the Popular Representative (who just happened to be relations in our society and that is something we all need to be aware of." Movement for the Liberation (PML) of sent to Angola as Part of the election Angola (formerly a Marxist government). overseers) revealed some information Keith Saunders, 22, Senior, Africana Studies The election was overseen by U.N. regarding the election. He said the election A: "The movie is a ploy to turn Black people away from following the Honorable officials due to the history of civil wars in was done by secret ballot and followed all Minister Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the nation of Islam. The commercialization is this country. conventional election rules. However, he the second death of Malcolm X. White people know a dead man can't lead a revolution." Angola's civil war began after said, the electoral ballots had been that country gained its independence from tampered with. Tonya Ramsey, 19, Sophomore. Nursing Portugal in 1975. It involved the same two On October 29th the fighting A: "A lot of people heard of the name Malcolm X, but don't know really what the man political parties that were running in the reignited. The peace treaty had been is about So I hope that Spike Lee portrayed Malcolm X the right way and don't give recent election. UNITA is known as the violated, but here in America this incident people the wrong idea ofwhatthe man is abqut." . . - . - -. , rebels of the country. At the time when received little coverage. Fighting began rhiv -~rrre vr r ~v~hr Irrg rpru I~a~Jurg u vu· the war broke out, Cuba and the Soviet in the capital Luandan. There are reports - .Ula~m~l If our concert led to a positive change in Union began supplying arms to the PML of over 1000 people having been killed in Trouble Don't Last Always one life or many lives then we (As the Stony Brook Gospel Choir would (the government at that time). On the the fighting. This number had been successfully our task. say "the place rocked".) The night other side, UNITA got its supply of arms confirmedby the the U.N. Representative. We, the Stony Brook Gospel continued with other selections such as from the United States and South Africa. Fighting soon spread to the outside regions Choir would like to thank all those that "Ride On King Jesus,"- in which the This is very familiar to the United States' of Benguela and Lobito. On November supported us at our Annual Fall Concert. Choir tore up- "Pressing my Way" and involvementin Vietnam; the United States 3rd a cease fire was reached between the We hope you continue to support us in the last selection, "I'm Glad About It." In was afraid of an invasion of Communism. two political parties, pending a electoral semesters and atour Spring its entirety, the concert brought abouta free the upcoming The war lasted 16 years, until a peace recount. Concert next semester. treaty was signed on May 15th, 1991. soirit of reioicing and praising God. If our I , ,, One-on-One with Coach Tomlin >y Nelson Flores

Being that I am an advent year it was a feeling out process for them A: Well, the one thing that we focus on as Q: There has been a lot of speculation basketball fan here at Stony Brook, I year it was a feeling out process for them a team is for everyone to work hard and to of our team to go from a division 3 decided to interview the Head Coach and me. This year I have abetter feeling of give their best effort every time that their basketball team to a division 1 Bernard Tomlin of the S.U.N.Y. Stony what my players are capable of, even out their on the floor. If all the players can basketball team. Do you feel that this is Brook Patriot Basketball team. I wanted though we have five freshman on the concentrate and do this than we are going possible here at Stony Brook? to find out more about the new coach and team. We also have the return of two to be able to achieve our maximum A: My feeling is that our school has a his views of the upcoming season. veteran players (Curtis Bunch and Vincent potential, and as a coach that is all you can tremendous amount of potential. [T]he Q: When did you start coaching for the Farmer). ask of your players. size of our enrollment and the proximity Patriot basketball team? Q: Last year I noticed Emeka Smith got Q: You said you have five new freshman toN.Y. make it aschool that could certainly A: I started last year October 4, 1991. a lot of playing time. Do you have on the team what are their roles going have a future in major college athletics. Q: Where did you coach previously? anyone this year who can give him time to be in the up coming season? Now it is all a question of how it comes A: My previous position was the Assistant to rest and still create that team spark? A: What we always say prior to each together on our time table. Coach at the University of Rhode Island. A:Yes, last year Emeka was our only lead practice is that they(the five freshman) Q: How would you respond to a person Q: Were you aware that there was a guard who could run our offense. This will determine what type of roles they will who looked at the team this year and controversy here at Stony Brook with year we have another point guard Joe play based upon how hard they play said "I see most of the players are the previous coach? Kirsch, who is a freshman. I feel this year in practice. So far, the freshman have Black". A: Yes, I was aware of that fact he can help us out a lot and give Emeka played extremely well but I'm still getting A: Well what would say to them is we Q: How did the players react to you time to rest. a feel of what they will add to the team. always have open tryouts and this year we when you first came in? Q: You also had a veteran player last Q: Did you recruit these freshman selected the athletes that were most A: What was interesting about the situation year as a Graduate Assistant? yourself personally? qualified to play based on their was that a few of the players were part of A: Yes, Yves Simon. He worked with the A: Three of them I recruited personally. I performance during practice. the search committee and played an team last year and helped out think they will do well here both I must say I thoroughly enjoyed intricate part in selecting me as their tremendously. athletically and academically. this interview with Coach Tomlin. Coach coach. Q: Do you have any Graduate Assistants Q: So, you do stress academics? Tomlin I wish the best of luck on your Q: What was your record last season? that were veteran players this year? A: Yes, my feeling is that they're not here upcoming season and congratulations on A: Last year we were 17-10 and went to A: WehavenoofficialGraduate Assistants on scholarship and they need to get the being S.U.N.Y. Stony Brooks first Black the semi-finals of the this year. We lost our Graduate Assistants best education that they can to prepare head basketball coach. E.C.A.C. tournament. this year due to budget cuts. I have been themselves for life after college. Q: What is different about this year's very fortunate to have a volunteer coach Q: Which teams would you say would team opposed to last years team? Joe Walshman and an assistant coach be your toughest opponents? A: To begin with, they have had one year David Schuler. A: Inside the league I would say our working with me. Last year I began on Q: What are some of the things thatyou toughest opponents would be Hunter October4th and the first day of practice are going to focus on this year? Are you College and New Jersey Tech. Outside was October 15th. It was the first time I going to focus on your offense or your the league Hofstra, C.W.Post and S.UN.Y. had seen any of these athletes play, so last defense? Albany. ·-I I - I r I -II 1~~ 7 r 0'CKOLDOs 3*NTIN I WHO'S WHO IN OUR COMMUNITY r" EL HAJJ MALIK EL SHABAZZ OUR SHINING BLACK PRINCE

"You can work here, but you'd better put your base somewhere else. Don't put it or not in this man's hand. Any kind of organization that is based here can't be an effective Here in Afrika, the 22 million American Blacks are looked upon as the long-lost organization. Anything you've got going for you, if the base is here, is not going to be brothers of Afrika. Our people here are interested in every aspect of our plight, and they effective. Your and my base must be at home, and this is not home. study our struggle for freedom from every angle. Despite Western propaganda to the You can't understand what is going on in Mississippi if you don't understand what contrary, our Afrikan brothers and sisters love us, and are happy to learn that we also is going on in the Congo(now Zaire). And you can't really be interested in what's going are awakening from our long 'sleep' and are developing strong love for them." on in Mississippi if you're not also interested in what's going on in the Congo. They're Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little in 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. With a father both the same. The same interests are at stake. The same sides are drawn up, the same who was a Baptist preacher and a staunch Garveyite, Malcolm eventually followed in schemes are at work in the Congo that are at work in Mississippi. The same stake- his father's footsteps, becoming an organizer for Pan-Afrikanism. After leaving the no difference what-so-ever. Nation of Islam to form his own organizations, the Moslem Mosque, Inc. and the The only hope for the Black man in America [is] in a strong Afrika and the Afro- Organization of Afro-American Unity, Malcolm was assassinated by the FBI- CIA in American becoming inseparably linked with the overall program that's existing on the New York on February 21, 1965. Afrikan continent. The two problems must be solved together. We are just as much Afrikan today as we were in Afrika four hundred years ago, Malcolm X Speaks. New York: Grove, 1965. The Speeches of Malcolm X at Harvard. only we are a modem counterpart of it. When you hear a Black man playing music, New York: William Morrow, 1968. whether it is jazz or Bach, you still hear Afrikan music. The soul of Afrika is still reflected in the music played by Black men. In everything else we do we still are This informationwas takenfrom the Pan-AfricanRevolutionary SocialistParty's1991 Afrikan in color, feeling, everything. And we will always be that whether we like it Calendar. Seniors make sure your picture is in the Destiny Journal!!! BLACK TRIVIAL PURSUIT


1. What is the indigenous name for deciding to leave the Nation of mass-producing shoes? 13. From Slavery to Freedom. the Temple of Luxor? Islam? acknowledged as one of the most 10. Who was the woman called "Black comprehensive studies of Black 2. Who wrote the music for "Lift 6. What was the name of the exciting Moses", a major conductro on the history, was written by what Every Voice and Sing"? cultural movement in the 1920's that Underground Railroad, who historian? was characterized by a resurgence of returned to the South 19 times 3. What outstanding Black Black litertature, art, music and leading over 300 slaves to freedom 14. Who was nicknamed "The physician and surgeon in Chicago politics? in the North and ? Greatest"? performed the first successful open heart surgery? 7. What is the Recommended Daily 11. What was 15. In what profession is the white Allowance of water intake'per day awarded for her collection of man seen most in the Black 4. The Universal Negro for Afrikans? peoms? community? Improvement Association (UNIA) was initiated by what 8. What molecular structure provides 12. Which state in 1664, Maryland or Correction with #8 from 11/12/92 issu!e: man? Afrikans with rhythm and protection Georgia, made a law enslaving free Jesus was one of the several crucified from the sun? white women who married Black saviors to live during ancient time. T he 5. What organization did El Hajj male slaves? first was the wife of the ancient Afrik in Malik- El habazz form after 9. Who invented the first machine for goddess Aset. Who was he?

Ai!uf iMouriv "azu..ikl!fnd "I I -O1JVJO uOIZIU••jo *" uiqn ji'oweH *o01 nIUSV .oa-o- ANSW ERS oaew9'sna=WJ *, .Joi.z It f "6 'o»O no.o "6 sum.W.Ak!UTae . UXwunueunO po *H uosuuor "A& souefr *7Z uoim gour •/ .. _-.. ------. .. .. 1-"- s-"m6 W ? "-"lulH U U uquof " emJ I Ir." ousMsuBO m H"a,,JHQm -_,7 Amorm, L"a L I U/XLIl II -I Isl - Il · I I I I * I 'I I I 10o .oole Man, 1 To Steve, Our Deepest Sympathizer, Big time birthday"yush" Did you die or some- I'll call the next time With each other for to a very positive sister, thing! Videos on you, I'm available. support, you will make it Paulette "Nuff Respect". curry on me. Love, through the storm. We love Luv Ya, Coolie Girl Martine Tasha each of you Larry, Leo, Leslie, and Lydon. P.S. Can't wait for spring To Big Barney, To Jennifer, From your loving break. Stop being scan- *****•** *00* **0**0 Save the bread ends friends dalous. The walls 0*0000000*000000000 have for the birds! Jerry, ears around these parts. Can I have some Humanitarian C-Rad, Dracula on you!! You better show me order please? Control Beaten Badly! who she is before this your senate. To Asia, Happy Belated semester is over. Kym To Errol, ) )·IIOOQI I IO Q O O · · I) Birthday!! Signed, S i What's wrong with Jennifer & Cynthia Your SPN 112 To Amber, your voice when you 000*000**0000*0000* Buddy! What it is? answer the phone? 0000Q0000000000000! To Michelle, | D * * * *** *S****oe*** Love, Are you impressed Grinch, Tasha with this one? You better start To The Man, I *0****0000000000000 Love, getting busy on your props Easy come, easy go. 2.· Julianne, Ms. Proper before someone beats you. The Woman Give love a chance. Love, *O*O*******O*O***** Dread D. Your friend To Crash Dummy, ! To I *** * * ** ******** Darryl, When are we going Stop sleeping To Jennifer, to Pathmark and South P- Wayne, 'cause Buddha is Measurement of Lot. Rug burs tonite! You still owe me watching! yourself comes from with- Iam praying for you. one! Love Tasha in. Love, You know who... Cynthia Clarke I To Cynthia, 4 I 000000Clarke, 00*00*00000*90*0004 Grinch, Itll happen sooner Clarke, Fo the Wig Out Posse, I like you better in a than you think. Oh my goodness. If What's up with Double D better than a Jen I'm so tired take the ball. Triple D. I Thursday? IN~II Take the ball from Clarke. S.P. Stacked Monday & Tuesday Life Indigo .00*000*00000000001'! e @ . 0 00 ee..@ee O · .I 1 I Talks, To Audrey, Mayhem, i What's the 411, My Jamaican Prince, Stop stressing Sheik, Sheik, Sheik. y'all? Keep up the good What's up with the yourself, you think too From Trooper work. Peace. God bless movie and popcorn? * *000000**00*000000 y'all! Cream Puff Love Espie C-Rad, E.W.P. I Congratulations, Corey, Smooth C, To Stacked, good luck & we'll miss Decorum!! She got a man! But Don't worry your Uyou. Love Kym we still love you. time will soon come! Love, I Grinch The ladies of Tos. 11' ~L·-~eC~c--h- q-·Ls lr Ulql 1i * 4 1 rl '' 'II •~ ,- . .---•-/ . : ' ' · ' ' U 1 ITHOTTR UGGLE THERE IS NO PROGRESS f s I, LL I - -- IL II - · I -L WILL THERE BE ANY NEGRO-SAXONS IN THE 21ST CENTURY? AFRAKANISSUJES INE-ALq";



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g~,·rC~,,~,,,~;~C~E~,~5Yhhi~i`·~,~;t rA CCIONIV aIIWAJ an ;Buen Provecho! Hispanic Heritage Month Ends with its Annual Awards Dinner by Maria V. Garcia

On Thursday, October Ordonez (Colombian Guitar Emile L. Adams, Associate and multiple contributions to 29, 1992, the Hispanic Folk Music) played soothingly Vice President, USB Student the Hispanic Community". Heritage Month Committee in the background. Affairs. The award for Femando Tirado was awarded presented its annual Hispanic Awards were given "exceptional dedication and for his "outstanding service Heritage Month Awards out by the Hispanic Heritage service to the Hispanic through initiative in Dinner. The theme was: Month Awards Committee, Community through publishing the first Hispanic "Encuentro 92: 500 Years Balaam Mu Tau Fraternity community service, newsletter at USB". Luis Later. Latinos in the 90s." Inc., the Latin American extraordinary outreach, Gomez was given an award The dinner was Student Organization leadership and personal for his "commitment in delicious. Faculty, staff, (LASO), Sigma Iota Alpha commitment" was awarded to rebuilding the Society of students and guests had a Sorority Inc., and Sigma Ana Maria Loinaz Torres, Hispanic Engineers".' The variety of culinary delights Lambda Beta Fraternity Inc. Director of Student Services, following people received such as yellow rice, rice with The Hispanic Heritage HSC. Carlos M. Vidal, awards for "distinguished "gandules" (pigeon peas), Month Committee awards Assistant Professor in the dedication and service to the steak, chicken, stuffed were presented by Sister Social Welfare Department Hispanic community through plantains, "pastelitos" (similar Margaret Ann Landry and Boe was awarded for his community service, initiative to beef patties) and "flan" Ramirez. The award for "outstanding service to the and leadership": Esperanza (custard). To complement "outstanding dedication, Hispanic Community through Morris (Hispanic Languages dinner, musical sounds from leadership and service to the his humanitarianism and Department), Molly Laragy Jeronimo Moringo ("El Indio Hispanic Community through leadership". Dora Abreu, (graduate student), Marlyn Jeronimo y su Arpa advocacy, support and Hand RHD, was awarded for Baptista, Maria V. Garcia, Paraguaya") and Dr. Henry encouragement" was given to her "extraordinary outreach HHM on page 3 H.A.W.C. Reaching New Heights Are you aware of the decided to become part of the Our main goals are to part in making H.A.W.C. a success. influence of Hispanic women in solution and not the problem by educate and unite Latinas as well as Although we have not yet been society? Not many ofus are. We, as forming the Hispanic American the community on the achievements officially recognized by the Hispanic women, are constantly Womyn's Coalition (H.A.W.C.). and downfalls on today's Latin University, we have become active faced with a plethora of obstacles H.A.W.C. isnot a sorority, woman. We intend to reach the by having our first meeting and by and barriers. We have seen in the nordo we wish to discredit sororities women on campusby providing role forming ourexecutive board as well past and present that women have in any way. In fact, we acknowledge models in all fields. Through these as setting our agendas for next come together and formed a variety their accomplishments and hope to role models, our intent is to become semester. Further information on of organizations to combat their help relieve some of the tension and socially and politically alerton issues H.A.W.C. will be announced when struggles. Unfortunately, the Latin misunderstanding amongst them. that come to surface to prepare us we are officially recognized by the women on campus are divided, while We also are appealing to these for the future. University. some create a facade of a united organizations for their support and We, the current members front. This causes much concern to mutual cooperation in building a ofH.A.W.C. invite allorganizations, certain Latina sisters on campus. In strong network of information and men and women, and welcome all This articlewas writtenby reaction to thesedifferences, wehave contacts available to all Latinas. new ideas and suggestions to take JannetteRomdn andMarisolTorres Coping with Life by Ranel Ramirez Poemas

Having so many things on my mind Is such a problem for me Life in general has no purpose Pensando en Mi So I should just let it be por Charlie Gomez Loneliness creeps up on me Each and every night Darkness accompanies me El otro dia pense suicidarte. So I am afraid to see the light Solo para ver si de verdad existias, Living my life from day to day Is such a hassle para sentir si en realidad eramos uno Nothing is ever okay o talvez para converceme Problems arise de que no eras No solution in sight el reflejo de otra luz muerta. I am ready to give up De esas que se arrastran por la tierra Without putting up afight como cadaveres disueltos en su sombra. Even on a good day Pense suicidarte de dia Nothing seems to go right para poder seguir tu huella. I just go home and cry Myself to sleep at night Para observar si es cierto que o eres un pedazo de la roca I do not know what it is Maybe it's just me o simplemente una forma del silencio I try to understand o la impur.eza de un suspiro. And make myself see Pienso suicidarte But somehow I can't do that solo para averiguar si morimos juntos, I sadly don't know why a la misma vez I just keep to myself y como un s1lo ser. And let out a subtle sigh Noticias Internacional the government and the military. put under pressure by the electoral guerilla movements. Since July of 1990, there tribunal by postponing the FMLN's However, many critics An announcement was made has been numerous reductions in registration asa legal political party. have attacked the Columbian by President Violeta Chamorro on the armed forces, making the The reason forthis supposedly being government for allowing the November4th stating that there will Nicaraguan army the smallest in based on limitationsplaced on party military greater flexibility in be no further reductions in the Central America. membership that violate a resolving these renewed guerilla Nicaraguan army or any attempts to constitutional guarantee of free attacks, a military that is notorious abolish it. Furthermore, there will association. The FMLN afterwards for flagrant violations of human be no attempts to remove General stated that an assembly will be called rights. Humberto Ortega from his position Although President to change its rules on membership. Opponents to this position in the military, at least until 1997, Alfredo Cristiani denies the state that these methods are being while the reorganization of the existence ofgrowing tensions within used now because the government Nicaraguan army is underway. the military, it nevertheless exists. both lacks legitimacy and popular A statement issued by President Cristiani is having The Columbian government is support. Also, they state that by General Ortegaon October 27 stated difficulty in getting the military to trying to win back popular support diverting military forces to remove that that the army stands fully behind accept the UN-supervised peace by declaring all-out war on leftist the guerilla threat, an increase in the Chamorro government and he treaty which calls for a revised plan guerillas. When Pablo Escobar of drug-related violence and other will resist any and all attempts to for demobilization of the armed the Medellin cartel escaped from activities is expected between the de-stabilize it. forces. prison earlier this year and the various drug bosses that are running Although the opposition There has been attacks resurgence of guerilla attacks, rampant throughout Columbia. party ard supporters of theChamorro made on public television on including aguerillaambush in which government described Ortega's President Cristiani's affiliation and 26 National Police Officers were A statement as a "technical coup concessions granted to the Frente murdered in southwest Putumayo, The articles in this section of Stony d'6tat", the government hasaccepted Farabundo Martf para la Liberaci6n the Columbian government issued a Brook en Accion originatedfrom this position as one that has moved Nacional (FMLN). number of decrees calling for a the Latin American Weekly Report a step forward in relations between The FMLN has also been hard-line stance against left-wing andfrom sections in Newsda. HHM from pgl _ _ Charles Gomez, and service to the Latin American achievement and high level of Alejandro Mendez. Community". Students who commitment to doing ACCION The awards by Balaam were awarded for their community service to help Mu Tau were presented by its "dedication and service to the expand the awareness of the iiCopy Editor President, Gustavo Ordonez. Latin American Community" Latin American culture". Martin Rodriguez, LASO were: Rosa Amador, Nadia SigmaLambda Beta's President, was given an award Chanza, Arlene Flores, Rosa awards were presented by its by Balaam Mu Tau which Genao, Jessica Gonzalez, Vice President, Fernando B'lloe RairezL stated, "apreciamos tu gran Maria Mawyin, Gustavo Tirado. Hepresented aplaque efuerzo y dedicacion." (We Ordonez, Orlando Rodriguez, to Sigma Iota Alpha for their News Editor appreciate your great strength Mary Septimo, and Fernando "success in accomplishment and dedication.) Balaam Mu Tirado. In addition, Dora and unity". Tau also awarded Sigma Abreu received a plaque for Overall, the Awards Poetry Lambda Beta for their her "service to the Latin dinner was very well- "positive contributions to the American Community and organized. Its successcan only Jessica Gonzalez Latino community through the LASO". be attributed to the hard work Latino newspaper, Accion". The president of of the Hispanic Heritage Carlos Wilkie and Alvin Sigma Iota Alpha, Yahira Month Planning and Awards Cepeda were awardedfor their Acosta, presented two awards. Committee, especially Dania RilphaielS-obetral "example and leadership in The first was awarded to de la Campa, Chairperson, and Charlie Gomner the Hispanic Community and Carmen Vasquez, Director, Sister Margaret Ann Landry, Balaam Mu Tau". Student Union & Activities, Balaam Mu Tau, the LASO's awards were for her "inspiration to all Latin American Student presented by its president, young Latin American women Organization, Sigma Iota U.U-L.I Martin Rodriguez. He and support of Sigma Iota Alpha, and Sigma Lambda Catholic Campus presented an award to Sigma Alpha". l l is a publishd The second was a Beta. Iota Alpha and Balaam Mu scholarship awarded to Maria Special thanks to the HHM committee Tau for their "dedication and V. Garcia for her "scholastic for their contribution to this article. Sixth Annual S.H.P.E. Conference La.newspaper. jill^,:' OWit S..l-^goalsa lsare fae:-d a s ents in D.C. a Big Success both on campus and abroad Special thanks by Raul Jimenez The Society of Hispanic also some non-technical workshops in their communities. Professional Engineers hosted it's which included; Latino women: The highlight of the Fraternlty f or their 6th annual Eastern Techncal on utions to Ston Making a Difference and Hispanic weekend was the Career Fair in Broo0sfirS'stand:only conference on November 12-14. Engineers and the Environment. which over 15 companies tLatino newsletter, This year's conference was held in These workshops are notonly a great participated by setting booths to produced and pubisihed the Omni Shoreham Hotel in resource to receive information accept resumds from undergraduate enti rely by studeaents Washington D.C. from, but also provides a way for andgraduate students for internships The weekend consisted of both student and professional and entry level positions. There was UniversitadadLat.ino .commi.unity Latina,f many technical and non-technical researchers to letotherpeople know also a great oppurtunity to speak to Blackw . Director of events. On the morning of the day of any projects they are working on 5Student company representatives abouttheir Activ..ities.. .. after registration, a number of tours as could be seen by the many respective companies. Car men Vasquez, the were held. Some of the sites visited technical papers which were various Latin orientated, It feels great when you : included NASA and the National presented at the workshops. walk into these events and see the tni6a to-a: Institute of Standards and There was also the Annual manydistinguishedHispanics in the their support PAZ, Technology. College Bowlcompetition in which fields of engineering and applied There were also a series of students from different schools sciences. It was also great to see Ifyiou would liketoa workshops for both the student and match their wits against each other how many Latina women were there place an advtFertiseent or professional chapters of S.H.P.E./ with questions from the Professional as well. S.H.E. Some of the technical Engineering exam. Afterwhichlater The next conference will poetr y|, or opinion 1 si workshops featured were: thatevening was the Annual Awaeds be held in Chicago on Feb. 25-27. Aeronautics and astronautics, inner in which Hispanics are For more info, look for flyers cotctF:ernlndoiTir:ao Computer Science, Information recognized for their aceivements in communityn, lease regarding the next S.H.E. meetings. Systems and Energy. There were their respected profession as well as Hope to see you there. A In the flJdQl.1rld : of::fice, room 071 in the EDITOR'S NOTE: There were two errors in the last issue. The first ony Brook Union orc was a gramatical error. The titile on the top of page two should read "iQui6n te va a Cuidar?" The second message. error was in the "Noticias International" section. Under Panama, the party name in which Rub6n Blades is under is the Papa Egoro Party. - Opini6neslOpinions ;Viva Puerto Rico Libre! por Charlie Gomez

El3 denoviembrede 1992 cultura en la cultura americana y mds importantequeotra. Entonces esas vidas perdidas? Una vida fue otro dia triste en la historia de una buena dosis de racismo. por que celebramos a Santa Claus, humana no tiene precio y si los Puerto Rico. El Partido Nuevo Las mas celebradas pagamos por HBO; comemos en estados unidenses pudieran pagar Progresista (PNP) gan6 las tradiciones enPuertoRico no tienen Burger King en Puerto Rico si los por una resurreci6n, yo no crea que elecciones. Cambiaria la palabra nada que ver con nuestra cultura. El americanos no comen lech6n asado, resucitarian aun puerorriquefio,que tristezapor veanza oporlosmenos 4 de julio no se trabaja en Puerto ni morcilla, ni mucho menos se van a pesar de todo muri6 por ellos. lascombinaria. Fueundiadetristeza Rico. iSabr el presidente de deparranda. Dicen muchos que sin los y veriienza. Ganaron los estadistas. EstadosUnidoscuandosedescubri6 Por supuestro que los Estados Unidos, Puerto Rico seria No es motivo de llanto, las lIgrimas Puerto Rico? No creo. El 25 de Estados Unidos tiene sus propios absolutamente nada. No seriamos s6lo mojan el problema, pero no to diciembre, en vez de celebrase el intereses en Puerto Rico. No crean unpaisrico,tampocolosomosahora. solucionan. Esmotivodereflexion. nacimiento de Jesds, el dnfasis estl queEstadosUnidosesnuestro-ngel Estados Unidos es la naci6n mas Todovia no puedo creer que hayan enSantaClaus. Entodaslasesquinas de la guardia y que nos mantienen poderosa del mundo y sin embargo puertorriquefos con ese tipo de enPuertoRico,hayunhombregordo econ6micamenteporcaridad. Una el nivel de desempleo en Puerto mentalidad. Usted diria que todo el vestidoderojoy yomepregunto de de las basesmilitares ms grandesy Rico es alarmante. Por eso dan mundotienederechoalalibertadde donde diablos habri salido ese mAs importantesde EstadosUnidos cuponesparacomeren vez detrabajo opini6n, pero hasta un burro tiene barrig6n! se encuentra en Ceiba, Puerto Rico. para mantenar la familia. Por lo unpocodedignidadyladignidadde En vez de recordar mas a Ya que nuestra isla es un punto menos tendrfamos nuestra propia unpaisnosecompra. Enquecabeza Ram6nEmeterio Betances,Eugenio estrat6gico en este asunto militar. patria (y esto lo digo con todo el cabe que Puerto Rico debe ser un MariadeHostos,RuizBelvisoPedro Por esta raz6n tienen todo tipo de sentidodelapalabra) ynuestasleyes estado americano. El argumento de Albizu Campos, se celebra mas el armas y tecnologiaen nuestratierra. gubernamentales estarian sobre las los estadistas y de mucho gente dia de George Washington y de Lopeorde todo es que cada vez que federales y si tenemos queir a una ignorante entre ellos, es simple y Abraham Lincoln,que se sepa stos alpresidenteledalaganadedeclarar guerra,queseaporlaindependencia sencillamente econ6mico, solo apellidos no son precisamente guerraaortopafs,losboricuastienen deBorinquen. iDespiertaBoricua! piensan en el billete. Si dieran un hispanos. Del dallo al idioma que dar cada, preparar maletas, Dile no a la estadidad de Puerto paso mas y pensaran mejor se darian prefiero no hablar. Tendria que vestirse de verde con la insignia de Rico. Que se largen los americanos cuenta que los Estados Unidos escribirdiezpiginas msparahablar "U.S.Army"enelcuellodelacamisa de mi tierra y yo regreso a mi isla. obtiene mns beneficios de nosotros deestedetalle. Yoestoloentenderia y comenzar a disparar. ICreen Puerto Rico es pequefo y "no hay y lo unico que obtenemos nosotros sihubieraunintercambiodecultura, ustedesqueesedineroquerecibimos cama pi tanta gente." iViva Puerto es dinero, la disoluci6n de nuestra pero no creo que haya una cultura de Estados Unidos vale mAs que Rico Libre! The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily representthe views of the staf of Accon or the views of Blackworld newspaper. All opinions are subject to editing. Opinions written in spanish arenot necessarily subject to translation. If you wish to give your opinion on issues that effect the Latino community, please send them to the Blackwoardoffice, rm 071 in the Student Union.

-- -c~ I Congratulations to the Sisters of Stony Brook rmf iii **fh.I~ 1 - en I ps,"NJI 1 1~6~ For inducting new members into their organization in an effort to promote a positive influence within the Latin community. From the Brotherhood of Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity

:s looking for volunteers to help The Founding Fathers of Sigma Lambda Beta FraternityInc. expand the newsletter. If you are congratulates our new brothers: interested in submitting articles or opinions, please contact Fernando on Stny Cmpus : ,;.·..;::: . Tirado through the Blackworld office, ::-:•:.• :::;::.:i:::,:,--!-••.::•..,. 4-,•• ::•..:•::::..•,..::•x. x6452. as they strive to bring about a positve effect within the Latino community on the Stony Brook Campus. WILL THERE BE ANY NEGRO- SAXONS IN THE 21ST CENTURY? AFRA K.N ISSUxES IN E ,; HEAL T9{YSELF






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