Exploring Triple-Win Solutions for Living, Moving and Consuming That Encourage Behavioural
Exploring t riple-win solutions for living, m oving and consuming that encourage b ehavioural c hange, protect the e nvironment, p romote health and health e quity WWW.INHERIT.EU AUTHORS Brigit Staatsen, Nina van der Vliet, Hanneke Kruize Lisbeth Hall (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Netherlands), George Morris (University of Exeter, UK), Ruth Bell (UCL, Institute of Health Equity, UK), Ingrid Stege- man (EuroHealthNet, Brussels) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank the following experts for their contributions to the review: Pablo Martinez Juarez, Sonia Quiroga (Universidad de Alcala, ES) Georgina Guillen-Hanson, Kristina Modee, Rosa Strube (Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Production and Anne-Sophie Meritt, Marita Friberg Consumption, DE) (Public Health Agency of Sweden) Monica Aberg Yngwe, Caroline Costongs, Wendy van Lippevelde, Bruno Buytaert Masja Schmidt (EuroHealthNet) (Flemish Institute for HP and DP) Vojtech Maca Nikola Tilgale-Platace, Andris Izinkevics (Charles University Environment Centre, CZ) (Riga City council) Angela Donkin Yvette Shajanian Zarneh (UCL, Institute of Health Equity, UK) (Federal Centre for Health Education, DE) Geir Arild Esnes, Monica Lillefjell, Kirsti Anthun, Jantine Schuit, Irene van Kamp Siw Tone (Norwegian University of Science and (RIVM, NL) Technology) Cover design and lay-out: REVOLVE MEDIA Joyce Westerink, Hanne Spelt (Philips Research, NL) Dragan Gjorgjev, Fimka Tozija, M Dimovska (Institute of Public Health, Republic of Macedonia) Timothy Taylor, Sahran Higgins The contents of this review do not reflect the of- (University of Exeter, UK) ficial opinion of the European Union. Responsibil- ity for the information and views expressed in the Pania Karnaki, Fotis Tsichlas review lie entirely with the authors.
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