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INDEX Baker, Harlow, 230–31, 239 A Baker University: effects of World War I, 136; German Club, AAA. See Agricultural Adjustment Agency 135, 136, photo, 135; German language instruction, 132, 133, Abilene (Dickinson Co.): cowboy culture, 154–55, 156; male 135–38, 139–41, 147; Quayle’s speeches, 132, 136, 138–39; identity in, article on, 148–63; photo, 150; town marshal, 156 yearbook illustrations, 136–37, reproduced, 136, 137 Abilene Chronicle, 155 Baldridge, B. L., 231 Abilene Daily Reflector, 156–57, 162 Baldwin City (Douglas Co.): anti-German sentiment, 141; Abilene High School: baseball team, 161; football team, 161–62, naturalization ceremony, 138. See also Baker University photo, 161; sex ratio of students, 156 Ball, Steadman, 39 Abzug, Bella, 46 Baptist Indian missions, 215, 216, 218 African Americans: businesses, 235; Confederate prisoner, 107, Barker & Summerfield: city directory listing, 10 112; farmers, 246n; in Union Army, 88; voting rights, 236. See Barnes, Henry: photo, 199 also Slaves Baseball, 161, 171–72, 173, 174–75. See also Major League Agricultural Adjustment Act, 246 Baseball; Torrez, Mike Agricultural Adjustment Agency (AAA), 248, 249–50 Bederman, Gail, 152 Agriculture: recovery from Depression, 244–45; surplus Bell, Annie, 234, 239 production, 246–47 Bell, George W., 234 Aguirre, Hank, 174 Bennett, Lyn Ellen: “Child Custody, Custodial Arrangements Albach, George, 231 and Financial Support in Late Nineteenth-Century Kansas,” Albach, Henry, 231 article by, 20–33; note on, 21 Albach, Phillip, 231, 239 Bennett, Robert
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