Of United Staies Gaiher in Omaha
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PART TWO PART TWO EDITORIAL SOCIETY PAGES ONE TO TEN ;he Omaha Sunday Bee PAGIiJ ONE TO TEN VOL. XLIV-N- O. 5. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOHNING, JULY 19, 1914. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. ohemi of United Staies Gaiher in Omaha 2& saga if.'-- . .A, t- 1 I WiffW V Jos J Mik m VKiSsMkmieHinent: Prendent Omaha Leader ancf Director Tel Jed Sokol Omaha Turner Qirh Hi ..rTtffc .A itr .v. Omaha. Tel Sed Solzol Team. 4 mi 0 C&asJSkizsJqy Treas Qen Com and oflocal Tel JeJ Sokol ZiJunund Member (ten Com) Reprcitnttfif Omnhb Turner Qittt Kg.' Ckas. Fryz WW" Vt'ccPres. Gen. Coni. and tiie Pnts, TelJecSokoi 'Chas.Spalek Sec - Cotnmi ee Urs.eT.Jant Member, &tn en . Conm"(re?) Bohemian expression, Tolocvlcna Jodnota Sokol, Tho regulnr Sokols and tho Tyrs havo ED means a union of physical culturists. The Turners. which recently become affillatbd, both nationally and name "Sokol" Is from tho Bohemian word literally locally, bo , both will bo represented in tho to meaning falcon, a bird which symbolizes swift- that Q Omaha Jfolemian Turners tournament to be weok. A gonoral invi- activity freedom, for tho sokols or turn- hold this ness, and to all other Slavic education, progress and tho perfect F.J. tation has also been oxtended ers bellevo In organizations by tho Sokols. maintenance of Individual health. A motto of Ku.tak Officers of tho Omaha Sokol are: Joo J. Mlk, Is: thought, freedom for all and theirs "Free Chairman president; Charlos Fryzok, vice president; J. F. folks gather at Rourko park or agility and skill. Miss Kment who is tho head of special prlvllogo to nono." fh hit city Prachonsky, secretary; Charles Kautsky, treasurer; other place of large assemblage, the woman's committee for tho present gathering, goes History of tho Sokol movement back (ommift'ee Hunacok, financial secretary; Anton Treska, witness athletic exhibitions or comes of an athletic family, haB Louis WHEN and mudo her many years, and In fact tho earliest traces of an Rudolph Zlkmund, assistant. It is usually a case of the own mark as an In competition, leader and director; athlete while her Idea of physical culture similar to that of the Tyrs, men aro officers: masses watching a selected few In a sister has not only won a championship medal, Of tho local Sokol these Sokols aro found In medieval times and even as Svojtok, prosldont; George Pltha, vice presi- highly specialized physical contest. Generally, but has established a high jump record for women Frank far back ns the ancient Greeks, for physical train- August Sorpan, secrotary; Anton Novak, thousands of people sit in a grandstand while two that compares very favorably with the best per- dent; ing is as old as civilization itself. All the ancient RokiiBok, director. teams of nine men each run, bat or pitch a ball formance on record for men. The women aro treasurer; Simon loader and European countries fostorod systematic training, Omaha Sokol and tho Omaha Sokol in a lively struggle for a ponnant, or twenty-tw- o putting quite as much enthusiastic effort into their Both tho not only for tho body but also for its effect on tho bolong to westorn division of the national men on opposing teams struggle fiercely for su- share of tho preparations ns aro the men, and will Tyrs tho mind and soul. officers being ns follows: premacy in foot ball. be disappointed if their guests do have the association, tho division nof Along thoso lines, progress has been slowly President, Simon Rokusok, Omaha; vice president, In - 4 But Omahans by the thousands gather time of their lives while Omaha. li it dIa tin mciltniFnl mnHnrti ttmna ' . - . when titnrln w..UUbll ntra tnw 10,000 Radii, South Omaha; secrotary, leader and will bo a novel Interesting affair. i.u turner men and ove, 0,000 turner women Frank at Rourke park this week for the exhibitions and It and ( At early century As as tho middle of tho seventeenth "and Rr,g on thJ f,e,d ftt ono Umo director, Joseph Sterba, South Omaha; treasurer, competitions of tho national quinquennial tourna- least 5,000 people are expocted from all parts of anu tno worm renowned uonemian tcacnor writer, The first Sokol organization In Amorica Joseph Vonasok, South Omaha. ment of Tol Sokol, beginning Wednesday and the United States to attend. Tho participants alono startod Jed Jan Amos Komensky, pointed out the advantages at St. Louis 1805, Plans for entertaining tho visitors, whether lasting Sunday, they will see to will number over 250 men and 150 women from in and tho Idea spread quickly until and learn of training tho body, especially among hoys nnd to New York, Chlengo they engage In tho athletic competitions or not, appreciate an entirely different system of athletic other cities, besides tho Omaha and South Omaha and other cltlos. A eokol girls. By 1G59 thero were sovoral Institutions for was organized In Omaha on Soptember 3, 1877, nro most elaborate and provide for a very generous contests. It is a system that neither sacrifices tho teams of adults and chlldron. progress such training, and was made, although and from a vory moagor beginning has grown until amount of amusement outside of Rourke park, masses for a select few, nor stresses one particular For months, and in fact since last summer, only slowly. now tho local organization has over 200 members, whero tho serious work of the convention will bo form of physical effort above another. Is all-rou- when the convention of Tel Jed Sokol decided to It In I860 Dr. Mlroslav Tyrs, together with J. owns Its own hall and gardens, nnd has taken part held. Tho public is expected to crowd tho grand- and general In character, with the ultimate hold its next tournament in the Gate city, local Fuegner, founded In Bohemia the first real, active in all national tournaments since Its founding. At stands and the ball park will bo crowded each day object of improving the lives of all men, women Bohemian Turners have been preparing for tho and extenslvo organization for physical training, Cleveland In 1000 Omaha won tho second prize for while tho tosts of skill and strength are being and children participating, by thorough develop- big event. A score or more of men and women which was called Coska Oboe Sokolska, and had teams of tho first class, nnd ono of tho Omaha mndo. And this feature of tho show ought to get ment of both mind and body. havo labored to make it a grand success, only and headquarters In Prague, with six divisions In tho Turners, Petor Drozda, took first prlzo In appa- a groat deal of attention from tho public. People now, when the first delegations aro Omaha is especially interested in the entertain- almost duo country. The training was and still is In accord- In summer to tho vaude-vlll- o to arrive, ' ratus work of the first division, by which ho gained go to tho circus tho and ment of the national convention of tho Bohemian havo tho details of arrangement been Tyrs system of gymnastic physi- completed. ance with tho and tho championship of tho United States. houses In tho winter to seo highly trained athletes, for the reason that the local members of cal culture, based upon scientific foundations and In the last tournament, at Chicago in 1909, gymnasts perform their special feats, and give guild Welcome to the have achieved considerable distinction Omaha, the convention city, will calculated to meot all requirements for thorough, ovor 500 turners competed. Although tho tourna- warm approval to their efforts, not thinking, per- competitions be twice spelled In big in the that have been held elsewhere, electric letters, which the sound and harmonious development of all partici- ment In Onialiu this weok will not bo as largely haps, that at tho same time In tho turner halla furnished champion, visiting see having at least one while Bohemians will as they glance up pants. attended as tho ono previously held, because of ajembors of Tel Jed Sokol are accomplishing tho have on of Farnam one-sldedn-ess second honors been taken a number street to the municipal arch upon their All 1b avoided, their contests being held In the west, It will bo tho second largest same feats In the same way, meroly as a matter of At tho great gathering Bo- arrival, again nil-rou- occasions. world's of and as they approach Turner hall, showing a success due to development, and ono of the best over hold, with plonty of enter- physlclal development nnd training. But It Is so. hold Prague years ago, Thirteenth' hemian turners, at two and Martha streets, where they will and not to ono special branch of physical culturo. taining exhibitions and llvoly contests. Omaha had No circus that over traveled wasable to carry as men were right up make wel- Omaha at tho front when tho their headquarters. Both tho city hall Regular lossons of Hokols always begin with a tho western division tournament In 1898, when, a many skilled and trained athletes and expert gym- competition come sign free-han- d prizes for tho were given out. There- and a special one on South Thirteenth series of exercises, with tho occasional successful and largely attended Bohemian day was nasts as will take part In the exhibitions at Rourke eminently capable will emphaslzo fore It Is fit that these athletes street tho Gate City's pleasure at use of light hand apparatus, such as wands, dumb aluo held In connection with the Transmlsslsslppt park this week, and the host part of this show la privilege entertaining should have the of entertaining their the Sokols.