EPJ Web of Conferences 214, 05016 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201921405016 CHEP 2018

Porting the LHCb Stack from (Intel) to aarch64 (ARM) and ppc64le (PowerPC)

1, 2 2 3 Laura Promberger ∗, Marco Clemencic , Ben Couturier , Aritz Brosa Iartza , and Niko Neufeld2 on behalf of the LHCb collaboration 1Fakultät für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik - Fachgebiet Informatik, Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft, Karlsruhe, Germany 2EP, CERN, Meyrin, Switzerland 3Escuela de Ingeniería Informática, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain

Abstract. LHCb is undergoing major changes in its data selection and process- ing chain for the upcoming LHC Run 3 starting in 2021. With this in sight several initiatives have been launched to optimise the software stack. This con- tribution discusses porting the LHCb Stack from x86_64 architecture to both ar- chitectures aarch64 and ppc64le with the goal to evaluate the performance and the cost of the computing infrastructure for the High Level Trigger (HLT). This requires porting a stack with more than five million lines of code and finding working versions of external libraries provided by LCG. Across all software packages the biggest challenge is the growing use of vectorisation - as many vectorisation libraries are specialised on x86 architecture and do not have any support for other architectures. In spite of these challenges we have success- fully ported the LHCb High Level Trigger code to aarch64 and ppc64le. This contribution discusses the status and plans for the porting of the software as well as the LHCb approach for tackling code vectorisation in a platform independent way.

1 Introduction

In 2021 the LHCb experiment will undergo a major upgrade for Run 3. With the increased luminosity provided by the LHC and the introduction of new sub-detectors, the LHCb exper- iment will be able to research new phenomena and known ones more in detail. At the same time this results in an increase of the raw data detector output by a factor of 100 from 50 GB/s to approximately 4 TB/s. And the output data rate of the final selection of the events being written to disk will increase from 0.7 GB/sto2-10GB/s. To cope with the large increase of data volume a combination of upgrading the hardware resources of the HLT computing farm and increasing the performance of the software stack is necessary. The increase of performance can be achieved by optimizing the logic of algorithms and exploiting techniques which maximize hardware efficiency. Mainly to be named are multi-threading and vectorisation. The upgrade of the computing farm will include a new data center and new compute nodes. For the most competitive cost-performance solution it is important to have several

∗e-mail: [email protected]

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). EPJ Web of Conferences 214, 05016 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201921405016 CHEP 2018

options. For this LHCb decided to extend the architecture support from Intel x86_64 to ARM aarch64 and PowerPc ppc64le.

1.1 The LHCb software stack

The LHCb software stack is made up of multiple, large projects. These projects can be divided into three groups. The LCG project provides external dependencies (e.g. Oracle, ROOT, Python). On top of these is the experiment-independent project Gaudi which is being used by different experiments at CERN. Last there are the experiment-specific projects LHCb, Lbcom, Rec and Brunel which alone sum up to about five million lines of code. For this study we used the LHCb stack with Brunel v53r1 [1]. First, with the predefined LCG version 91 [2], but later LCG was upgraded to version 92 [3]. This version of the stack was selected because vectorisation is considered to be the largest challenge for porting the code. The selected version contains less vectorised code than the software stack being currently developed for Run 3. At the same time this version has the disadvantage that it is not multi-threaded, yet.

2 Vectorisation Before being able to port the software stack, several vectorisation libraries being used by LHCb are evaluated for their cross-platform support. The two libraries used are Vc and Vcl. An overview of their features is shown in Table 1. Both libraries do not have any support for either aarch64 (ARM) or ppc64le (PowerPc). However, Vcl being a light low-level wrapper on top of the intrinsic functions allows an implementation of the missing architectures in a limited time. Whereas Vc is a more high-level approach making its usage easier but with a more complex internal structure. Therefore it was decided for the port to add the cross- platform support to Vcl for all needed functions and replace the usage of Vc by either Vcl or a generic scalar implementation.

Table 1: Vectorisation libraries Vcl Vc Avx2 Yes Yes Avx512 Yes In development Altivec No No Neon No In development Documentation Yes Yes Examples Yes Yes Nearly every function Masked Functions Shuffle, blend and permute (where construct) Unsupported Func- Officially yes, but not imple- tions and Architec- No tures mented GPL3 or payed for use in License BSD-3-Clause proprietary software Distribution Own website[4] Github[5]

2 EPJ Web of Conferences 214, 05016 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201921405016 CHEP 2018 options. For this LHCb decided to extend the architecture support from Intel x86_64 to ARM Table 1: Vectorisation libraries aarch64 and PowerPc ppc64le. Vcl Vc 1.1 The LHCb software stack Main Developer Agner Fog Matthias Kretz Targeted for horizontal vec- The LHCb software stack is made up of multiple, large projects. These projects can be Vectorisation Style Wrapper for intrinsic divided into three groups. The LCG project provides external dependencies (e.g. Oracle, torisation ROOT, Python). On top of these is the experiment-independent project Gaudi which is being Does not cover all use cases; Only support for Intel archi- used by different experiments at CERN. Last there are the experiment-specific projects LHCb, hard to implement vertical Problems tecture, not so many masked Lbcom, Rec and Brunel which alone sum up to about five million lines of code. vectorisation; vector width functions For this study we used the LHCb stack with Brunel v53r1 [1]. First, with the predefined not always identifiable LCG version 91 [2], but later LCG was upgraded to version 92 [3]. This version of the Expandability for stack was selected because vectorisation is considered to be the largest challenge for porting New Intrinsics Medium (no unit tests) Complex the code. The selected version contains less vectorised code than the software stack being currently developed for Run 3. At the same time this version has the disadvantage that it is Future Version 2 will be integrated not multi-threaded, yet. in the C++ standard

2 Vectorisation 3 Porting to aarch64 (ARM) Before being able to port the software stack, several vectorisation libraries being used by The LHCb stack is first ported to aarch64. For LCG it requires changing compile flags and LHCb are evaluated for their cross-platform support. The two libraries used are Vc and Vcl. versions of the external dependencies. Some optional dependencies, like Oracle, are not An overview of their features is shown in Table 1. Both libraries do not have any support for supported on the architecture, so they can be deactivated without creating any problems. For either aarch64 (ARM) or ppc64le (PowerPc). However, Vcl being a light low-level wrapper the other projects (Gaudi, LHCb, ...) compile flags also have to be changed. Additionally, all on top of the intrinsic functions allows an implementation of the missing architectures in a usage of Vc is replaced either by Vcl or a generic scalar implementation. limited time. Whereas Vc is a more high-level approach making its usage easier but with During the port two major problems occurred. First, there are platform-specific differ- a more complex internal structure. Therefore it was decided for the port to add the cross- ences when casting double to unsigned int. Intel does not have a specific instruction to platform support to Vcl for all needed functions and replace the usage of Vc by either Vcl or cast from double to unsigned int. Instead Intel cast from double to signed int and a generic scalar implementation. then reinterprets it to unsigned int. ARM on the other hand has an instruction to cast from double to unsigned int. As a result casting the number -2.3 to unsigned int is not valid on ARM. It will result in a floating-point exception stating that the operation is Table 1: Vectorisation libraries invalid as the value is out of range for unsigned int. To solve this problem the behavior cl c of Intel is mimicked explicitly: cast double to signed int and then to unsigned int. V V The mimicking was selected as enforcing the proper data range would have resulted in an Avx2 Yes Yes unreasonable amount of code breaking changes for this study. The second problem is also Avx512 Yes In development a platform-specific problem. It is about the default expansion of char. On Intel char is Altivec No No expanded to signed char and on ARM it is expanded to unsigned char. This resulted Neon No In development within the LHCb stack in a wrongly calculated hash function. To solve the problem the Gcc -fsigned-char Documentation Yes Yes compile flag has to be used, forcing ARM to behave like Intel: expanding char signed char Examples Yes Yes to . After successfully building the LHCb stack on aarch64, the results of the full reconstruc- Nearly every function Masked Functions Shuffle, blend and permute tion test (Brunel) were validated for their numerical accuracy as the values fluctuate depend- (where construct) ing on the compiler version and the platform being used. The validation returned that the Unsupported Func- results are inside the accepted range. Officially yes, but not imple- tions and Architec- No mented tures 4 Porting to ppc64le (PowerPc) GPL3 or payed for use in License BSD-3-Clause The port to ppc64le (ppc64le is little endian) is based on the aarch64 port. This is due to prior proprietary software work showing that changes when porting between aarch64 and ppc64le are smaller compared Distribution Own website[4] Github[5] to the changes required porting from x86_64.

3 EPJ Web of Conferences 214, 05016 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201921405016 CHEP 2018

Here, the main work was related to optimizing compile flags for ppc64le and changing guards from checking whether it is an aarch64 platform to checking that it is not a x86_64 platform. Further changes included replacing __linux by __linux__ as the macro __linux is not defined on the PowerPc platform. This change mainly affected the external dependen- cies provided by LCG, for which the changes had to be recorded in form of patches to apply to the original code.

5 Performance The performance benchmark is the full reconstruction which runs for about 1 to 1.5 hours. This run time length allows to neglect the different performance behavior which can occur when the machine is warming up. Table 2 contains details of the machines used for the benchmark. Depending on their performance the benchmark was either run over 6,000 or 12,000 events to reach the required run-duration. As the LHCb stack in this study is not multi-threaded, multiple processes are started in parallel. NUMA-binding is used to balance the load on all available NUMA-nodes and prevent performance-deteriorating effects due to cross NUMA-node communication.

Table 2: Machines used for the benchmark

ThunderX2 E5-2630 v4Power8+ Power9 Architecture ARM Intel PowerPc PowerPc Platform aarch64 x86_64 ppc64le ppc64le Compiler GCC 7.2 GCC 6.2 GCC 7.3 GCC 7.3 Number logical cores 224 40 128 176 Threads per core 4 2 84 Cores per socket 28 10 8 22 Sockets/Numa nodes 2 2 22 Ram (GB) 256 64 256 128 Largest intrinsic set NEON AVX2 Altivec Altivec Cpu performance top-notch cost-efficient high-tier mid-tier

The scalability of the stack is shown in Figure 1. Here, the Intel E5-2630 v4 and the POWER8+ have the same speed-up even though the Intel E5-2630 v4 has four more real cores. Whereas the ThunderX2 and the POWER9 have a slower speed-up in the beginning but on the long run better performance due to the higher number of cores. The measurement of the POWER9 does only cover around half of the all the logical cores due to limitations of the amount of RAM currently available in the machine. Furthermore, for the Intel E5-2630 v4 and the Cavium ThunderX2 a cost-performance estimation is done. The Power8+ is not part of it as it is a machine being part of IBM’s "scale-up" offering, and not the cloud-oriented "scale-out" offering. It is designed for ma- chine learning on GPUs and therefore as such the results cannot be representative for systems which might realistically enter the data-centre. While to have a and therefore of no design which would be considered for the computing farm. And for the Power9 the price was not known. The results are shown in Figure 2. The numbers are in favor for Intel. But there are three things to be considered: One, the ported version of the stack uses less vectorisation

4 EPJ Web of Conferences 214, 05016 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201921405016 CHEP 2018

Here, the main work was related to optimizing compile flags for ppc64le and changing guards from checking whether it is an aarch64 platform to checking that it is not a x86_64 platform. Further changes included replacing __linux by __linux__ as the macro __linux is not defined on the PowerPc platform. This change mainly affected the external dependen- cies provided by LCG, for which the changes had to be recorded in form of patches to apply to the original code.

5 Performance The performance benchmark is the full reconstruction which runs for about 1 to 1.5 hours. This run time length allows to neglect the different performance behavior which can occur when the machine is warming up. Table 2 contains details of the machines used for the benchmark. Depending on their performance the benchmark was either run over 6,000 or 12,000 events to reach the required run-duration. As the LHCb stack in this study is not multi-threaded, multiple processes are started in parallel. NUMA-binding is used to balance the load on all available NUMA-nodes and prevent performance-deteriorating effects due to cross NUMA-node communication.

Table 2: Machines used for the benchmark

ThunderX2 E5-2630 v4Power8+ Power9 Architecture ARM Intel PowerPc PowerPc Platform aarch64 x86_64 ppc64le ppc64le Figure 1: Performance based on average time of one event per process Compiler GCC 7.2 GCC 6.2 GCC 7.3 GCC 7.3 Number logical cores 224 40 128 176 hreads per core T 4 2 84 as some parts were not replaced by Vcl but by a generic scalar code. Two, the stack is not ores per socket C 28 10 8 22 multi-threaded which prevents positive effects of cache-locality. It therefore penalizes a high ockets/ uma nodes S N 2 2 22 number of hyper-threads and makes machines with many cores expensive as each process am R (GB) 256 64 256 128 requires about 1.5 GB RAM. This disadvantages the ThunderX2 as it has 224 logical cores Largest intrinsic set NEON AVX2 Altivec Altivec and four hyper-threads compared to 40 logical cores and two hyper-threads of the E5-2630 v4. Three, the pricing for buying the machines is not fair. The E5-2630 v4 is a middle tier Cpu performance top-notch cost-efficient machine especially selected for its cost-performance ratio and was bought in a bulk of several high-tier mid-tier hundreds of servers. Whereas the ThunderX2 is the top-notch high tier solution from Cavium and the price of it is the price for buying a single machine. Nonetheless, the numbers are The scalability of the stack is shown in Figure 1. Here, the Intel E5-2630 v4 and the not off by factors. They suggest that in a competitive tender both, ARM and Intel, could be POWER8+ have the same speed-up even though the Intel E5-2630 v4 has four more real viable options. cores. Whereas the ThunderX2 and the POWER9 have a slower speed-up in the beginning but on the long run better performance due to the higher number of cores. The measurement 6 Future work of the POWER9 does only cover around half of the all the logical cores due to limitations of the amount of RAM currently available in the machine. The main goal is to have a cross-platform support in LHCb software stack for Run 3. How- Furthermore, for the Intel E5-2630 v4 and the Cavium ThunderX2 a cost-performance ever, to be able to do this the major problem of cross-platform vectorisation has to be estimation is done. The Power8+ is not part of it as it is a machine being part of IBM’s solved. For this aside from Vc and Vcl additional vectorisation libraries like UMESIMD "scale-up" offering, and not the cloud-oriented "scale-out" offering. It is designed for ma- and boost. where explored for their long-term maintainability, functionality and cross- chine learning on GPUs and therefore as such the results cannot be representative for systems platform support. None of those libraries was able to fulfill all requirements. which might realistically enter the data-centre. While to have a and therefore of no design Inspired by ROOT, LHCb is looking into a new solution named VecCore [6]. VecCore is which would be considered for the computing farm. And for the Power9 the price was not a wrapper on top of multiple different vectorisation back ends. It is actively developed but known. The results are shown in Figure 2. The numbers are in favor for Intel. But there still in an early-stage. VecCore will provide a uniform interface to use UMESIMD, Vc, Cuda are three things to be considered: One, the ported version of the stack uses less vectorisation or a scalar implementation as back end. ROOT plans to replace the direct Vc support by

5 EPJ Web of Conferences 214, 05016 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201921405016 CHEP 2018

Figure 2: Cost-performance estimation based on the price for buying a server

VecCore. And LHCb has done a first pilot study on the original LHCb stack which was also used to do this cross-platform support study. Next steps will be to introduce VecCore to the development teams of the sub-detectors. So that missing functions are detected early enough to be able to be integrated in VecCore in time for the tender of the new HLT computing farm. Further future work is a detailed analysis of the power-consumption for the different archi- tectures. Such an analysis would improve the quality of the measurement of competitiveness.

7 Conclusion This study is the first step to enable the LHCb collaboration to run their Run 3 HLT computing farm not only on Intel x86_64 machines but also on ARM aarch64 and PowerPc ppc64le. Throughout the work the first analysis that cross-platform support for vectorisation will be a major problem was proven to be true. However, as this study could prove that a port is feasible and that the cost-performance difference between the Intel E5-2630 v4 and the ARM Cavium ThunderX2 does not differ by factors we are confident that continuing this work will benefit the diversity and competitiveness of the tender for the HLT computing farm.

References [1] L. Brunel, Files · v53r1 · LHCb / Brunel · GitLab, [Online; accessed October 11, 2018], https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Brunel/tree/v53r1 [2] LHCb, Files · LCG_91_aarch64 · LHCb Core Software / lcgcmake · GitLab, [Online; accessed October 11, 2018; LCG 91 with aarch64 modifications], https://gitlab. cern.ch/lhcb-core/lcgcmake/tree/LCG_91_aarch64 [3] LHCb, Files · LCG_92_ppc64le_based_on_aarch64 · LHCb Core Software / lcgc- make · GitLab, [Online; accessed October 11, 2018; LCG 92 with aarch64 and

6 EPJ Web of Conferences 214, 05016 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201921405016 CHEP 2018

ppc64le modifications], https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb-core/lcgcmake/tree/ LCG_92_ppc64le_based_on_aarch64 [4] A. Fog, Software optimization resources. C++ and assembly. Windows, , BSD, Mac OS X, [Online; accessed January 19, 2018], http://www.agner.org/optimize/ [5] M. Kretz, GitHub - VcDevel/Vc: SIMD Vector Classes for C++, [Online; accessed Jan- uary 19, 2018], https://github.com/VcDevel/Vc [6] root project, GitHub - root-project/veccore: SIMD Vectorization Library, [Online; ac- cessed March 8, 2018], https://github.com/root-project/veccore

Figure 2: Cost-performance estimation based on the price for buying a server

VecCore. And LHCb has done a first pilot study on the original LHCb stack which was also used to do this cross-platform support study. Next steps will be to introduce VecCore to the development teams of the sub-detectors. So that missing functions are detected early enough to be able to be integrated in VecCore in time for the tender of the new HLT computing farm. Further future work is a detailed analysis of the power-consumption for the different archi- tectures. Such an analysis would improve the quality of the measurement of competitiveness.

7 Conclusion This study is the first step to enable the LHCb collaboration to run their Run 3 HLT computing farm not only on Intel x86_64 machines but also on ARM aarch64 and PowerPc ppc64le. Throughout the work the first analysis that cross-platform support for vectorisation will be a major problem was proven to be true. However, as this study could prove that a port is feasible and that the cost-performance difference between the Intel E5-2630 v4 and the ARM Cavium ThunderX2 does not differ by factors we are confident that continuing this work will benefit the diversity and competitiveness of the tender for the HLT computing farm.

References [1] L. Brunel, Files · v53r1 · LHCb / Brunel · GitLab, [Online; accessed October 11, 2018], https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Brunel/tree/v53r1 [2] LHCb, Files · LCG_91_aarch64 · LHCb Core Software / lcgcmake · GitLab, [Online; accessed October 11, 2018; LCG 91 with aarch64 modifications], https://gitlab. cern.ch/lhcb-core/lcgcmake/tree/LCG_91_aarch64 [3] LHCb, Files · LCG_92_ppc64le_based_on_aarch64 · LHCb Core Software / lcgc- make · GitLab, [Online; accessed October 11, 2018; LCG 92 with aarch64 and