Advancing research excellence for governance and public policy in Africa PASGR Working Paper 018 Urban Governance and Turning African CiƟes Around: Luanda Case Study Croese, Sylvia University of Cape Town August, 2016 This report was produced in the context of a mul‐country study on the ‘Urban Governance and Turning African Cies Around ’, generously supported by the UK Department for Internaonal Development (DFID) through the Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR). The views herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those held by PASGR or DFID. Author contact informaƟon: Sylvia Croese University of Cape Town
[email protected] Suggested citaƟon: Croese, S. (2016). Urban Governance and Turning African CiƟes Around: Luanda Case Study. Partnership for African Social and Governance Research Working Paper No. 018, Nairobi, Kenya. Acknowledgements: I would like to acknowledge the research assistance for this study from João Francisco Pinto Domingos, head of the urban governance unit of Development Workshop Angola, and the support of its director, Allan Cain, and the head of its research unit, José Cato. I also thank Cláudia Conceição Luvau and architect Manuel Pimentel, the Director of the Naonal Instute for Spaal Planning and Urban Development, and architect Helder José, the Director of the Instute of Planning and Urban Management of Luanda at the me of research, for parcipang in and supporng the research process. This working paper benefited from the comments of Professor Edgar Pieterse, the principal invesgator of the PASGR research project ‘Urban governance and turning African cies around’; the expert review panel put together by PASGR, comprising Dr.