FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT MAPPING OF THE WEST NAPA FAULT ZONE FOR INPUT INTO THE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA QUATERNARY FAULT DATABASE USGS External Award Number 05HQAG0002 Investigators John R. Wesling Department of Conservation Office of Mine Reclamation 801 K Street, MS 09-06 Sacramento, CA 95814-3529 (916) 323-9277, FAX (916) 322-4862
[email protected] Kathryn L. Hanson AMEC Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. 2101 Webster Street, 12th Floor Oakland, California 94612 (510) 663-4146, FAX (510) 663-4141
[email protected] Note This final technical report also summarizes work that was completed as part of U.S. Grant Number 1434-98-GR-00018. Mr. Andrew Thomas, Dr. Frank (Bert) Swan, and Ms. Jennifer Thornberg participated in the earlier study. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................1 1.1 APPROACH..............................................................................................................2 1.2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .............................................................................................3 2.0 GEOLOGIC AND TECTONIC SETTING.......................................................................4 3.0 MAPPING OF THE WEST NAPA FAULT ZONE.........................................................8 3.1 ST. HELENA – DRY CREEK .....................................................................................9 3.2 YOUNTVILLE – NORTH NAPA ...............................................................................10