The Oyster Industry'


Fishery Leaflet 607 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Stewart L. Udall, Secretary David S. Black, Under Secretary Stanley A. Cain, Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Clarence F. Pautzke, Commissioner BUREAU OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES, H. E. Crowther, Director

The Mississippi Oyster Industry



Fishery Leaflet 607

Washington, D.C. December 1967 CONTENTS


Introduction ..

Reef location. 3

Harve$ting methods and equipment 6

Statistical evaluation...... 8

Causes of fluctuations in fishery . 9

Acknowledgment. 11

Literature cited. 11


I iii The Mississippi Oyster Industry


BRUCE W. MAGHAN, Fishery Biologist Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Exploratory Fishing and Gear Research Base Pascagoula, Mississippi 39567


Mississippi coastal waters have beena source of oysters since precolonial days. The Eastern oyster reaches marketable size in 2 years in Mississippi. Al1 reefs are within the limits of the Mississippi Sound, and the Mississippi Marine Con­ servation Commission has jurisdiction over reef rehabilitation, preservation, and expansion. This report describes how productive areas are maintained and how certain reefs are lost because of municipal and industrial wastes. It explains methods and equipment used in harvesting oysters since establishment of the fishery and shows annual landings, their value, and the number of fishermen in the fishery from 1928 to 1965.

INTRODUCTION Weatherby 1 notes that when moved to deepe r water and thinned out, "coon" oysters grew This report is based on literature research rapidly to marketable size. and interviews with various State and local Usually the Eastern oyster can tolerate officials and oystermen now concerned with temperatures between 300 and 90 0 F. and the fishery. salinities from 5.0 to 32.0 parts per thousand . The Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) oysters, however , are less is common along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts accustomed to sev ere cold and large num­ of the United States as far north as Cape bers are sometimes killed during sudde n Cod and is found in scattered localities north­ freezes (Butler, 1954). Demoran and Christ­ ward to Prince Edward Island in the Gulf mas (unpublished data) of the Gulf Coast of St. Lawrence. Research Laboratory recorded water tem­ The life cycle commences with a long peratures and salinity from various loca­ spawning season, which begins in March and tions including oyster producing areas in continues until November. During the season the Mississippi Sound for 1953- 56 and 1962- a female may produce from 15 million to 64. During these periods average monthly 114 million eggs. Fertilization occurs when water temp.eratures for anyone location did eggs and sperm are simultaneously released not fall below 480 or exceed 920 F.; maximum in the water. In 5 to 10 hours the fertilized growth occurred when the water temperature eggs become minute free-swimming larvae, was between 51 0 to 680 F. Average monthly which are at the mercy of currents for about salinity for anyone location did not fall be­ 2 weeks and may be carried considerable low 9.71 parts per thousand; optimum growth distances. When the shell is developed the occurred between 14 and 25 parts per thousand. larvae settle to the bottom. Those that man­ The bottom type most suitable for oyster age to find a solid substratum (shells, rocks, populations is relatively hard mud that is hard bottom, and debris) develop into capable of supporting large amounts of shells miniature oysters or "spat," reaching a to which the spat may attach. In Mississippi size of about one-quarter inch in 2 weeks waters, oysters generally live in depths of (fig. 1). On the Gulf coast, oysters attain marketable 1 WEA THERBY, J. H. 1930. Survey of the oyster oot­ size in about 2 years (fig. 2). Oysters found toms In MIssissippi Sound (revised by W. H. Dumont). A in shallow water in dense clusters are fre­ report on file with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, quently referred to as "coon" oysters be­ Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, cause they are often eaten by raccoons. Gulf Breeze, Fla., 35 p. Figur e l.--Clusters of "spat and small o}sters about I 4 to I inch In size attached to old shell. less than 10 feet at mea!' low tide on stable Drums, skates, rays , crabs, scaup ducks , bottoms !lot expose j to heavy wave actions or and especially oyster conchs or drills, prey to excessive amounts of fresh water runoff; on the oyster. In addition, many diseases, however, these areas are occasionally sub­ parasites, and commensals (organisms not jected to periods ofincreaef'd salinities caused parasitic, but living in or on other orga nisms) by t oo little rainfall (Price, .954) . invade shells and tissues, thus impairing the Adverse climate causes oyster mortalities quality of oyster meats. by disrupting the environment. Excessive fresh Other mollusks and barnacles compete with water runoff that reduces salinity to less than oysters for space and cause large-scale d am­ S parts per thousand frequently occurs in age by fouling shells placed to catch " set" the Mississippi Sound (Butler, 1949). This (settling larva) or smother young oysters after situation is brought about when excessive they become established (U.S. Fish and Wild­ rainfall in the area coincides with flood con­ life Service, 1945) . ditions on the Mississippi River. Periodic A typical oyster reef consists of a low opening of flood control spillways funnels mound wit h the heaviest concentration of large amounts of these waters into the Missis­ oyst ers on the sloping shoulders (fig . 3). If sippi Sound via Lake Pontchartrain. Conse­ t he center of the reef is exposed at low quently, salinities and the amount of avail­ tide, oysters are periodically destroyed when able food are reduced for extended periods. exposed t o excessive cold or heat for ex­ Periods of t oo little rainfall, r.educing the tended periods. Oyster reefs of Mississippi amount of fresh-water runoff, are respon­ have been in existence for thousands of years sible for increase in salinity. Damage to or as evidenced by large deposits of oyster destruction of oyster reefs under these con­ shells. The shell deposits are usually under ditions is attributed mainly to the influx of a layer of mud of varying thick ness covered oyster predators rather than to high salinity b y 8 to 10 feet of water. Depths of the " shell (Gunter, 1952, 1953, 1955). Salinities o f 30 bank s " may range from a few inches t o 25 parts per thousand or greater also inhibit feet or more, although their actual exte nt growth and reproduction. remains unknown (Butler, 1954), Temperatures below 42 0 F. or above 890 F. In recent y ears, several oyster reefs h ave inhibit growth and reproduction. Oysters ex­ been closed as a result of municipal and posed to these extremes for extended periods industrial pollution, which are not necessarily may be destroyed (Galtsoff, 1964), toxic to oysters but render them unfit for

2 fIgure 2.--0ysters (about 2-1/ 2 to 6 inches long) r eady for harvesting. Those less than 2-1 2 Inches I.Jn~ .J H r eturned to the water.

human consumption. Although restricted fr o m to Lake Borgne on the west (fig. I). \" I ' foo markets , these oysters are used as seed exception of a few man-made or na 1'"<1 oysters, provided they are relocated in time c h anne ls, it s depth is less than 20 f,·, to rid themselves of the detri m ental sub ­ C h a nnels 2 to 3 miles wide ruT' bp w,- r stances before reaching marketable size or islands and connect the Sound wi h he Gil! prior to opening of the h arve sting season. T he s out her n boundary is marked by A bill passed b y the Mississippi legisla­ Pet it Bois, Horn, Ship, and Ca ture gives hope that areas now closed would T o t al a rea is about 700 quare mil again be open to oyster harvesting . The legis­ p ercent of which is in fisslssippl. r n lature (Senate Bill o. 1955) provides for r ivers enter t he Sound along the. its I Ippl the creation of the Mississippi Air and Water coastline; from east to wes , t he Pa ca~(\ la. Pollution Control Commission to establish Biloxi, Jourdan, and Pearl. The la and enforce pollution control standards. Estab ­ arate s Louisiana and MISSIssippi. lishment and strict enforcement of adequate T h e m outh of the Pascagoula Rlv r I di- standards should result in the eventual re­ vide d into three large open! gs (Ea itddle. opening of reefs now closed. a nd West Rivers) tha are connec ed bv a nd ba yous (fig. 5) . Oyster have gro ..... n If< m os t of these tributaries for rna y \'~ar REEF LOCATION The second largest reef in he S a e. cor;· t aining about 30 acre ,i loca d br"" All r eefs referred to in this report occur E ast a nd West Rivers, and wa fl hed c within t he lim i ts of t he Mississ i ppi Sound, m e r cially fo rna r -ear Thi which e tends from Mobile Bay on t h e e ast producing 1,000 w o r h of o'

3 well as in the area between Deer Island and the mainland (fig. 6). The presence of munici­ pal and industrial contaminants has forced the State to close portions of these reefs. The most important reef i s off Pas s Christian (fig . 7) ; this 3,000-acre reef is now the main source of oysters taken from Mississippi waters . Bay St. Louis, situated at the mouth of the Jourdan River, conta ins a few small reefs. An additional 80 acres of productive reefs are found in the western end of the Sound. Mississippi reefs have alway s been con­ - sidered public domain; however, an attempt was made in 1960 to lease some bottom off D ee r Island for private use . These areas were found to be in the spoil way of a channel dredging operation; consequently, all leases and leasing plans we re abandoned. Figures 5 and 6 compare locations of two i mportant reefs in 1911 and 1962 (Moore , 1913), in­ cluding areas that are now closed to taking MUD of oysters. Locat ions have generally re­ mained consist e nt, but fluctuations h ave oc­ curred in contour a nd size. A chart depicting the locations of Pass Christian reef prior to World War II w as not available. However, Figure 3. --Diagram of a typical oyster reef. the depth of shell deposit in the substratum indicates that, like other r eefs, the actual when it was closed by the State in 1960 posit ion has remained unchanged, but changes because of municipal and industrial contami­ have occurred in its shape and size. nation (Gunter, Demoran, and Hague, 1962). Maintenance and rehabilitation of produc­ It is now the primary source for s eed oysters tive reefs that have been damaged b y storms, that are used to maintain public reefs. Addi ­ droughts, parasites, and predators have long tional important reefs occur east of Pascagoula been practiced in Mis sis sippi. These duties from Bayou Casotte to the Mississippi-Alabama are now major functions of the Mississippi Middle Bay area and west of Pascagoula in Marine Conservation Commission, which was Graveline Bayou. organized in 1960. Extensive planting of shells Sixty acres of reefs exist within the limits and seed oysters , biological sampling to de­ of and in the area adjacent to Biloxi Bay, as termine conditions of oysters and oyster reefs ,

MISSISSI PPI sou N 0 1966

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G U L F OF M EX leo .A I .• '

Figure 4.--Mississippi So und, 1966.


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Figure 5. --The Pascagoula oyster grounds in 1911 and 1962.

5 and moving s d oys to refs tha ne d popula ion repl ni hm b cause o f damag from adv rs w ath r condi ions, invasions o f pr dators, and 0 her factors. The e oy - t rs matur , spawn, and s abli h he ar a. Planting op ration hav long be n prac ­ tic d by th Sta e and are now he principal m thod o f maintaining and x panding oy - t r r sourc s. In 19 0, 80,000 barrels o f oys er sh lls w r plan ed in Mi sis ippi waters. An a Iditional 15, I 5 barrel of hell and 3,170 barr Is of s ed oyst r were plan ed througholl MI sissippi oy t r areas in I BilOXI, MISS., 1911 A cooperative plan for fur her expan ion of h... IS issippi and Alabama Middle Bay OYSTER S : ~P" hrough planting o f sh 11 and seed n, "tC'r", has b en au hon;tcd by bo h S a e . DENSE : OWing to favorable envi ronmen al and cli­ rna IC conditions and re f maintenance· and SC ATTERE D . moles rehabili a lon, a card d ou by h Mis­ SiSSIPPI . anne Co ervation Commis ion, OYS er landing from Mis IS ippi wa er have 'Ilb anlallyincreas dinr cen year.


10nglng IS onp. of he prlOclpal me hods of harvesting Oy ers from Mis i sippi Sound and I connec Ing water. Since he arlies days, onging has been done from r ela ively small kiffs and occasiona lly fr o m l arger vessels powered by oars, poles, and sails until the ea rly 1 30 's . Tonging, u s u ally IOvolving a crew of one or two, is performed from fiat bo tom kiff , BilOXI , MISS ., 1962 which are 1 to 1 fee long, 5 t o 7 fee wide, and powered by an out board m o tor . OYSTERS : A pair o f ongs is an elonga ed baske - like

.. ~ ... . . apparatus with to 12- foot h a die s , de ­ DE N S E :::=::;::: pending on depth fis hed. Oystermen position their s k iffs over the reef and extend t he SCATTE RED moles tongs down t o the oysters , sim ul aneously o m oving the h andles in a scissorlik e motion to work oyste rs into t he tongs in a groping manner (fig. 9) . When the tongs are full, Figure 6. - - Biloxi oyster r eefs in 1911 and 19 62 . t hey are hauled on deck, t he contents are deposited on a culling board and sorted. Shells and enforcement of State commercial fish­ and small oysters are returned to the water . ing regulations are among the duties of the This process i s repeated until the da y's commission. It works closely wit h t he G ulf c atch is made. Coast Research Laboratory in Ocean Springs, Dredging is the o ther principa l met hod of Miss. harvesting oysters from the Sound. P r ior An area is suitable for planting if the to 1900, d redging was done f rom sailing v es­ "set" or larval count is insufficient, salinity sels in much the same w a y as i t is toda y and t e mperatures are adequate , and the bot­ with the except ion that loa ded d r edge s were tom is appropriate . Two method s of planting retrieved by a hand-op e rated win ch. Size are as follows: (1) t he loading of shells ont o of crew varied wit h v essel size . Small bar ges and moving t he b a rge s to t he pre­ schooners had a c r ew of three men, and det e rmined site whe r e t he shells a re u n­ l arger v essels a n a ve rage of s ix. In the loa ded a nd s cattered evenly ove r t he b otto m. e a r l y 1900 's , oystermen fro m Chesapeake Shells have been u nloa ded e fficiently with Bay, i ntendi ng t o use dredges operated from h igh- p r e ssure wat e r guns (fig. 8 ). M atu re stearn-powered v essels , came to Mississippi larvae quickly a ttach to the planted shell, to harvest o y sters from the deepwater reef and (2 ) thi s p roce s s inv olve s thinning out located in Channel. Soon a l aw

6 20 20






89 20' w. u'

Figure 7. --Pass Christian oyster reefs, 1962. prohibited this operation, along with other with a 9-foot beam and a 2-l/ 2-foot draft power dredging in Mississippi, b ut p ermitted to 60 feet ove rall with a 17-foot beam a nd dredging from sailing vessels. The early a 5-foot draft. Most are about 5 2 fe e t long 1900 's saw installation of small gasoline with a 15- to l6-foot beam and a d r aft engines on some vessels to power dredge of about 4-1/ 2 feet . The vessel has a crew winches. In the early 1920's , p owered dredging of 3 to 5 men. was again permitted on State reefs . Although A dredge is made of metal and has two indiv iduals began installing engines to power triangular-shaped sides welded or riveted t h eir vessels during the 1920 IS, transition from together with braces and rods. A net with sails to power was not complete until the metal link webbing in the bottom half and mid-1930 ' s. On dredging vessels, the winch heavy twine in the top is attached t o the that operates dredges now receives its power frame . A toothed metal bar extends across from t he main engine. the lower hind portion of the frame imme­ A multiple-purpose vessel powered by a diately forward of the net (fig . 11). Two dies el engine, known as the Biloxi lugger dredges are usually operated from a ves­ (fig. 10) is now used in dredging operations. sel; one from each side, one slightly in This vessel ranges from 3 0 feet length overall front of the other. A dredge is towed over

7 Figure 8.--Lnlu.ldlng shllls .... Ith a hi h-prcssure water n. the reef until full and retrie .... ed by a power wa in 1929 ( .12 ,000 pound). and t he lowe winch . The contents are emptied on a cull­ ir I 52 (23,100 pound ). Produc ion was grea - ing board, s ort ed, and stowed. fhis process est for the prewar period (192 -40) whe is repeated until the day's catch is made. the catc h averaged 3, 35,900 pounds or 1 .2 Oyster dredging is restricted to Pass Chris­ percent o f he overall average . The tian reef and until recently was not per­ war period (1 9 45- 59) had an average c a mitted closer than 1-1'4 miles to the m ain­ o f 33,900 pounds or 30 . 3 perce of he land. overall average. The recen period (1960 - 65) averaged I, 6 ,00 pounds or 9 . 3 STATISTICAL EVALUATION percent o f the ove rall average, an increase of 59.0 percent over the postwar average Figures 12-14 depicting annual catches and catch. t heir value and the number of fishermen The prewar average value of the ca ch was in the fishe r y are based on data from " Fish­ $1 6 7,600 (79.2 percent of the overall aver­ ery Industries o f the United States " and age); the postwar average value $160, 700 " Fishery Statistics of the United States." (75. 9 percent); and he recent average The Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Fish­ value $533,400 (191.0 percent) (fig. 13) . The ery Reporting Specialist for the Mississippi relatively high average value for 1950- coast furnishe d the 1961- 65 statistics. Sta­ 65 can be attributed largely to price tistics are not available for the following increases . years: 1933, 1935, 1941 - 44, 1946, and 1947; The greatest number of f i shermen (1,715) therefore, data for 30 years over a span was in 1939, and t he leas t number (265) of 38 years were used. Each table has the in 1951 (fig. 14) . The overall average is overall average plotted for easy compari­ 1,005 fishermen. The prewar average was son. 1,258 men (125.2 percent of the overall aver ­ Annual c atches in millions o f pounds are age); the postwar average was 723 men (71.9 plotted in figure 12. The 30-year average percent); a nd the recent average was 1,511 catch is 2,091,000 pounds. The highest catch men (150.3 percent).


in oy = c atch in Pr liml ary c ate h a t v n f w r ay i n 19 Con quen h', r ine Cons r vation Comml t he dredging s a on duced fi!'hing effor . F lood con rol R i v er have reduced water t h at ent e rs

accompanied c a using addi ional r dl1ctlon In c \' l ations . Occasional low ~al!11 It" IT'~' ,. area result from he "'pf"r.ln al O}. ways during periods offloe'; .• f()l' d i f these conditions r vall ft')l' I'\"~d ,.,. Despite reduc ion in hI' r m en in 1965 which in turr f o r t he decrease in h 19( ') Cd ch. rro l r' ( -I 6 5) annual average ca ch dnd Vd. 1 ' siderable ilT'Pl'c)\ "mpr C'v r r r< \ , \" ( I 94') - 59) . j d I lor. a: IT r" a , . ,. ~ h a rves t s a rl an iupat ~ r r I r ,.. planting act \ Itles Ir 1 er ar ~,. regulations permi Ing m r, ., o f dredges. an,~ w ('r ~I'''!S ' v.. Figure 9.--0yst r tongs and their use (after Dumont dn d reopened following abd f"ml'r. Sundstrom, 1961). and industrial con amlnar s.

F r 10.-- auo I Sa r I y " . ' y "

lew g r ir.t,

Figure ll.--A typical oyster dredge.

M~Lfll',"~~, .' , ______-, (lOW.) 4

." c ~ G Q. '0 c o

'"... « w l! II< w... '">- o


Figure 12.--Annual catches of oyster meats (million of pounds) from public waters of Mississippi.


•III ... o'" ...o o IIIo Z

III '"o:::I :z: ...I o III ni •o Z :::I :z:

1921 29 30 52 53 54 55 64 65 PREWAR POSTWAR RECENT


Figure 13.--Value of annual catches of oyster meats taken from public waters of Mississippi.

Z III 0 . MIN 2 ~... o III o Z « III :::I o ...:z:

30 31 32 34 36 37 38 39 40 60 61 62 63 64 65 PREWAR POSTWAR RECENT

YEAR Figure 14.--Number of fishermen in the oyster fishery of Mississippi.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT damaged by flood waters in 1945 . U.S. The following provided facts, photographs and Fish Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. reference material: J. Y. Christmas, William 8, 29 pp. Demo!'an, and Gordon Gunter of the Gulf Coast 1954. Summary of our knowledge of the Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, Miss.; oyster in the Gulf of Mexico. U.S. Fish Hermes G. Hague, Bureau of Commercial F ish­ Wildl. Serv., Fish. Bull. 55: 479-489. eries, Pascagoula, Miss.; William Cruso Sr DUMONT , WM. H., and G. T. SUNDSTROM. Cruso Canning Company, Biloxi, Miss.; Elme'; 1961 . Commercial fishing gear ofthe United Gautier, Mississippi Marine Conservation States. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. , Circ. C?m~ission, Biloxi, Miss.; Anthony Ragusin, 109, iv + 61 pp. BilOXi Chamber of Commerce Biloxi Miss ' GALTSOFF, PAUL S. and the late Steve M. Sekul, 'Sr., Se~ Coa~t 1964. The American oyster Crassostrea Packing Company, Biloxi, Miss. virglnICa Gmelin. U.S . Fish Wildl. Serv., Fish. Bull. 64, pp. 397- 446. LITERATURE CITED G UNTER, G ORDON. 1952 . Historical changes in the Mississippi BUTLER, PHILIP A. River and the a djacent marine environ­ 1949. An investigation of oyster producing ment. Publ. Instit. Mar. Sci. 2(2): areas in Louisiana and Miss i ssippi 11 9 -1 39.

11 Gt:. TEP, GORDO.·. - - C on inued M i ssissippi eas t of Bilox i . [U.S . ] Bur. 1 q- 3. The r e lationship o f t h e B o nnet C arre F i s h . , Rep. Comm. F i s h., 191 1, Doc . Spillway 0 oys er bed s i n Missi ssippi 774, 42 pp. , 6 pl., 1 map. ar.d r:e 'Louis ia na Marsh" , wit h P R ICE, W . A R MSTRO G . a repor or. he 19 50 o pening. Publ. 19 54. Oyster reefs of th e Gulf of Mexico. 11"'5 it. .iar. SCI. 3(1): 17 -7 l. U .S . Fish Wildl. Serv . , F i s h . Bull. 55 : ! ~55 .. ior aht y of oysters and a bunda n ce 4 9l. of ce r air. associates as rel a ed to U .S . F ISH a nd WILDLIFE SERVICE. .... Ecology 36(4) : 601 - 60 5. 1945 . Oyster r e s ource s . I n F i s h ery re­ G . TEP, GORDO.', WI L LIA ~ D EMO RA ' , s ources of the Unit ed States . 7 9th Con­ ar.rJ HLP. 1ES HAG UE . g ress , 1st ses s . [vol. 4, seri al 10941], 10 62 Extrac ive industries . Gulf Coast Senate Doc. 51, pp. 9 7 - 102. Pes. Lab .. !. pp. ,1('( R.t: , H . F . 1"' 3. Cor.di ior. and exte nt of the natural MS. # 1689 Oyster beds a nd b arre n botto m s of