Election Update: Free Swing Dance Alex Ihler is the new BoC Chair. Saturday 8 PM Avery House



tation with Nonabelions" [Ogburn], and BY ANDREA MCCOLL "Building a Robotic Cat" [Charles Atkin]. During th e summer, over 200 students Additionally, not all SURFs occur on worked on a wide range of research campus or the immediate vicinity; some projects, Ihrough the Summer Undergradu­ students perform their research at other area ate Research Fellowship program [SURF]. colleges, and some travel abroad. Some On Saturday, October 18, these students students even come from other institutions, presenled th e results of their work during including Cambridge to research at the nineteenth annual SURF Seminar Day. Caltech. The principle behind the SURF pro­ "You dont have to do SURFs here; you gram is to provide opportunities to under­ can do them wherever you want," said graduate students for research under the Atkin, who spent his summer studying ro­ guidance of seasoned research sponsors. botics in Edinburgh, Scotland. "Its different from regular research," The SURF Seminar Day provided the said Reuben W. Ogburn IV. students with an opportunity to explain Projects spanned many fields of sci­ their research to interested members of the ence, and included such topics as: "The Cal tech community. Evolution of Ganymede and Callisto" Additionally, students identified as the [Amy Barr], "Surface Characterization of best speakers on Seminar Day will advance The LA Circus, a one ring European Style circus came to lawn and Albert to the semi-final round of the Doris S. Quartz Microspheres Used for Quantum Shih was there taking photographs. An aerialist is spun around a rope. Optics" [Erik Streed], "Quantum Compu- Perpall Speaking Awards. Caltech buys abandoned USDA building Destination: Saturn

Fire station to replace 3 student off-campus houses as part of deal BY DALE DEBAKCSY

BY M OHANA K UMAR On October 15 , mankind Caltech recently ac­ took its first step towards its quired a building at 263 newest exploration of the South Chester St., previously ringed planet, Saturn, with the used for over a half-century launching of the Cassini space­ by the United states Depart­ craft at I :43 a.m. PDT. This ment of Agriculture (USDA) marks the first time that an ex­ as a fruit and vegetable chem­ pedition has been launched to istry research station. The property, which was Saturn since the Voyager originall y part of Caltech's probes were sent to examine The Cassini Probe "master plan" for local land the planet twenty years ago. acquisition, was abandonded Cassini is scheduled to Huygens probe to Titan, a three years ago after 50 years reach Saturn on July I, 2004, moon of Saturn, where it is to of use when the USDA de­ when it will begin its first or­ cided to consol idate its acti vi­ be released o n November 6, bit of the planet. Followi ng ties to Riverside. Caltech 2004, in order to carry out tests orbits (of which there will be aquired the land in early Sep­ upon the Titani an atmosphere. tember by applying for sur­ approximately seventy-two) In order to boost Cassini's are to be spread out amongst plus federal property. Housing Crunch? Tech's Solution. speed, it will, over the course the observational flights of Though officially owned of its mission, make several by Cal tech, the land has not fire station established on the This "gentleman's agree­ Saturn's moons which Cassini gravity-assist flybys. The first been zoned for educational, south side of Del Mar Blvd. in ment" is beneficial to both is to undertake in the course of parties. The city needs to en­ two, both around Venus, will administrati ve or research between Wilson St. and Michi­ its four year task. purposes. The conditional gan St. The city's previous sta­ sure a fire station in South take place on April 21 , 1998, Cassini will also convey of use permit hearing for this is tion had been declared Pasadena, and would rather SEE CASSINI ON PAGE 3 scheduled for November 5th. seismically unstable. build a new station than con­ the European Space Agency's At thi s time, neighbors will Although the city's applica­ vert a laboratory building into be able to voice their opin­ tion for the site was submitted a a fire station. Caltech also IN THIS ISSUE ions regarding this issue. year after Cal tech's, Caltech gains from having a long­ agreed to lease out other insti­ term fire station on campus. However, the city's decision THE USUAL is expected to be in Caltech's tute land for city infrastructure The vacated building THIS WEEK'S favor. use, to avoid the city's competi­ was a shelter for transients STUFF FEATURES Initially, both Cal tech tion for the property. Negotia­ before its acqui sition by and the City of Pasadena tions are under way to allow Caltech. Announcements ...... 12 Background Noise ...... 6 wanted the site. In 1989, the Pasadena a 50 year lease on the "There certainly were in­ Crime & Incident Beat...... 8 Comics...... 10 city planned to use the land Caltech land on the southeast dications that homeless Minutes ...... S Editors Box ...... 2 to build a permanent fire sta­ corner of Del Mar Blvd. and people used the building: The Outside World ...... 3 Leiters to the Editor...... 2 tion, replacing the temporary Holliston Ave . SEE USDA ON P,\G[ 3 Dean's Corner...... 7 Y-Walk ...... 4 2 October 24, 1997 OPINIONS The California Tech LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Message from the Editors

Rece ntly several parties our advertisers from wanting Baltimores Why all the ads? IHC: tell us what (ASCIT, parents, e tc.) have to rUn ads . We like ads. OUI expressed concern over the Business Manager likes ads, greeting has Dear Editors: you think about amount of advertising in the too. Ads allow us to provid disturbing As the parent of a freshman Rotation Tech proportional to the you the Tech for cheap at Caltech I susbscribed to The number ofarticle s. With the (that's free on campus). The Dear Students, overtones California Tech newspaper exception of our bookkeeper result is the occasional Tech The !HC would like to hoping to keep informed about Patti Croke, the Tech is en­ with eicher large space fill. Dear Editors: hear your input on the Rota­ tirely student run. Unlike in g gimmicks (remember to exactly what you folk s at Several rhetoric ques­ tion process in general. We most schools which have ei­ fill out your Tech surveys) or Cal tech are up to. I have just tions came to my mind after are open to any comments ther journalism majors or fewer pages with more ads. 1 received the first three issued of reading the front page of last aoout the rules, violations, journali s m departme nt s, Consider f or a mom e n~ The California Tech and while and the way Rotation week week's Tech. " American is a Tec h has neither. Consider­ the face of The Georgia Tech I found issues number I and 2 is carried out. If you know language and a sty le that ing that Caltech is a small , The poor paper of this in sti chock-full of useful infomlation of arry problems you feel that dominates the world"? technically oriented school , tute was so starved for ar. for the new students and con­ we should address for next this is not surprising. How­ ticles that its poor editorl Should the language be En­ taining some interest ing articles, year, please let us k now. We ever, one of the results is a plastered the front page witi glish? welcome your suggestions particularly "Core Class Chaos" student newspaper edi ted by an annoucement w hich wen I wonder, in what sense for improve ments, as well as by John Hatfield, issue number folk s majori ng in Physics something like this: Ther does the American style of any other constructive criti­ } was a distinct letdown, filled (Erik) and Computer Science will be no paper this week life and English language cism you might have. (Autumn), w ith support by no one has written any ar with more advertisements than dominate, say, in the neigh­ If you have questions math, geology, physics , ticles. It could alway s be information. boring Mexico, two hours about whether an event was a c he mi stry majors and frosh. worse. So m etimes it hal drive from here, or in hun­ I see that Ryan Cox, one of violation - either a hypotheti­ We draw o ur articles been. dreds other countries across the previous editors, resigned cal situation or one which ac­ from the staff, stude nts, and the world? just as issue number 3 was go­ tually occurred during Rota­ occasionally faculty of the THE EDITORS, ti on week, feel free to ask Us This may be a true state­ ing to press and I only hope that in stitute. With these sources ERI\{ STREED and we'll address the issue. ment when refering to the his resignation does not presage we can normally fi ll an eight AUTUMN LOOIJEN Your input on Rotation will American pop culture, which a plethora of advertisements and to twelve page paper. How­ help us make the necessary ever, si nce our size is s maJl , does dominate the world's a dearth of information in future changes to facilitate the imple­ the relative variation in ar­ movies and TV shows, but, issues. How many advertise­ mentation of a smoother Ro­ ticles is hi gh. During Rota­ probably, it's not what mat­ ments does it take for the paper tation week for next year. ti o n, midterms, and various THE CALIFORNIA TeCH to break even? Sure the news­ ters at Caltech? And why, at Pl ease send your input to other times of th e year the all, the "dominating" part is paper is not run as a profit mak­ [email protected]. Thank stude nts who run and write Caltech 40-58. Pasadena, CA 911 ZS editorial desk: (6Z6) 395-6153 so important for Caltech? ing industry at Caltech? you very much. the Tech have othe r things advertiSing desk.: (626) 395-61 S4 editonal email: [email protected] MAXIM LYVTlKOV FREDERICK BLAKE LORI Hsu theyneed to be doing. Like advertising email: [email protected] ISSN 0008- 1582 THEORETICAL ASTROPHYSICS FRJ.::SHMAN PARENT fHC CHAIR P hysics 98 and Math 108 sets. Thi s does not prevent VOL UME XCIX. NUMBER 6 OCTOBER 24, 1997

EPlfou Autumn Looijen Erik Screed

y ~u:were alway~ · different. Som,eHril"lK.ishappening o,utttier.e,-. The most rapidcr~ation of Jusums MA.NAU( weajth in the world is bei. ngge~erated in softwlo-ie;byyo,;,ng, Mi c Wcstcoat intelligent people without regar~ for conventio~s or c,?rporate ladders·, You··can make a. difference here. You;canchatige the ~JMf_ ~OJ~M~KUU Wre n M m\!~"mcry Yin YUCI\ world here. If you're looking for an elite Bxperience, this is it. CoN'ftf~ "', UYWf .*. J:.x,/U<'s FrcdlCI Vanessa Sill At PluIrl.tree,.we don't care if you majored in physics or Andrew Hun Smarter. e-"..,f'OII STJ.IT r<'::- I " com;puter- sci~nce or mat"<,{)rP1d~t history for,.that·.mat"ter. We fbtl [1!I1IC Ann<: Hanna Erik Sireed Rafi Rullin just, want intelligent people with a passion for what they're Ilclfl Wanle --_.J.-;> j -)' )"hn H ~[fidd Sf.lJJ= Wmru Driven. M~ranwy C:.llah," ...... ,.... Neil SLevens We'll give you all the things you need to do well: the highest­ Kenneth Kuu Ousan Misevi~ Dale Do::Bak,sy paying job out there, ownership of a compelling project, a group Mohi Kumar Lis",""'- Van H""-!'I."f of peoPIe_yiiu-can call yowoJne!").ds; and a learn,jl!g:~~p:ecrjence hAtvu Worm tha~ will keep you right or. the ~dg~ of high tec1'nology-all good Rn" O.,llct.c Erik-Dill'"'- Daisy Jam e.~ to have, no miltter where! you eJ!ld up in life. [ , Shann,," S\.Cwm an J~an · P~ul Rew] L __ ,_ _~ .1 __. ,---- - _ _ ".t.* ., L, _ ' __ ~ ."./'- A ·235 'Pine Street, rI6th-Floor I I l1an:Francisco, California 5?4104 "-" ... "'" ...... ® Jumllhao Adams HaJIDaily ( \:_415-263-8900: f: 415-263-8991 _. ~esume@lplumtr~esoTCciJ~ _ .t.·' a Advenising: Sp.l11 . Munday V Fall Deadline: October 31 ", 1997 Annnunccl11enl'i (Min\.<;): n,M'n Munday U:lte~ h) the Editur: S p.l11 . Munday Unsulicilrd Anicles /IlK,n Munday r------, Puhlished "'cckly euxp\ during V..:iIli(111 EVERYONE and cl:un;naliun rcriUU5 hy \he N;5ocialai Sluc.lcnl:l To in the EXPEDITION: EARTH ,,(!he C~] ifl\miil InsLitute d Techn,,],,!:y. Inc. TIll: " pi ninns ex,,~=l herein aIt' strH:lIy those "r !he Caltech Community: authors and adve rtisers. Essetltials for the !Modertl tlo!Mad (..clters :and annut,"cel1lcn~' :u-e we/cume:. Buy 5 burgers, get a All cUnlrihuJjullS shoul:I-(.-[G-J--N A .L­ Adv erti~ in! should he suhmitU:d as camcl"· Pasadena 626-793-0025 .,.,~~ in LA.. c.!"IC:e 1 the busincu managcr. Fur 530 South Lake Avenue, Pasadena email, plClSC useudv@/t'cil.callrc1t.rdM. Do IlIIi send Open Every Day! ad illljl.liries In !he a1illlfS. 4 ~~\; Fur suhscripJj"., infnnnalinn.plc.ase lIend miUl : 2 3 5 (across from Burger Continenlal) 10 "Sl.IhscriptinILs"" of call (1)2ti) )<)5-I>J.54. I ~~ I (626) 449·7656 - (626) 449·7657 fax L. __ _ ------.1 f'Tinted ily News·Type Sc~. Glendale. The California Tech October 24, 1997 3 - NEWS After two' day delay, Cassini The Outside World takes first step toward Saturn CONTIN UE[) HOM PAGE t but were turned down by a fed­ by Myfanwy Callahan take place o n April 2 1, 1998, eral judge in Hawaii. NASA J ERUSALEM, ISRAEL- VI ENNA, A USTRIA - suburbs of Santo Domingo in and June 22, 1999 - so mark maintains that the craft is safe. Sheik Ahmed Yassin , founder In the last 16 mo nths, 4220 protest. your calendars. The third will The performance of both of Hamas, gave hi s most mili­ tanks, jets, he li copters, and ar­ tant speech since hi s retum to till ery pieces have been de­ T OKYO, J APAN- occur on August 17 , 1999, us­ the Cassini craft and Titan IV / Gaza three weeks ago. He pro­ stroyed in the Balkans, accord­ Japan has agreed to sign the ing the Earth's gravity for pro­ B Centaur rocket during the claimed, " A nation Ih at does ing to the Organi zati on for Se­ worl dwide ban on antiperson­ launch fa r exceeded all expec­ pulsion. Finally, o n December not wage j ihad cannot exist," curity and Cooperati on in Eu­ nel land mines th at was en­ 30, 2000, this wayward voy­ tations of its project chi efs at and urged hi s foll owers to con­ rope. Yugoslavia, Croatia, and dorsed by nearl y 100 oth er ager will pass around Jupiter, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. tinue fighting Israel until "we He rzegovina have a ll worked countries in Oslo last month. thence on to its final objective. The energy transferred regain our ri ghts and our home­ towards the limit on weapons Thus, Japan broke from the These n ybys were a major from the rockets to the craft land." specified in a 1996 Ireaty. United States, thoug h they concern of those protesting was accurate within one part in usuall y fo ll ow the American NEW DELHI, INDIA - SANTO DOM IN GO, DOMI NICAN lead in such issues. Cassini 's launch. Protesters fi ve thousand, and the post­ The Cabinet reversed its deci- R EI'U RI.IC - claimed that the craft's pluto­ launc h trajectory a lteration, sion to have the federal govem- Ri ots broke out Monday in five W AS HI NGTON, D.C. - nium fu el could kill millions if expected to be on the order of ment take control of Uttar districts where residents have A study of 50,000 patients in a miscalcu lation cau sed 26 m eters per second, will onl y Pradesh, India's largest state. born th e bru nt of th e power cuts 35 countries found that a third Cassini to colli de with Earth. need to be of o ne m eter per Vi olence had broken out after lasting up to 20 hours every day. of countries have tuberculosis They attempted to get a court second. All systems aboard the the Hindu nationalist party won Demonstrators looted shops, that is resistant to all standard injunction to stop the launch, craft are operating normall y. a confidence vote, but the situ- threw s tones, a nd drugs. Areas of India, Russia, Latvia, Estonia, the Dominican soation chaot wasi cnot as deem:;d?j~~~~~~~~2:~burnedto in tirthese Republic, Argentin a, and the warrent fed­ Ivory Coast have so muc h USDA: Greenhouse to be eral control. drug-resistant tuberculosis th at it is overwhelming th eir cur­ renovated for biology research rent health " , < , p ~

CO"''TIN UED fROM I'AGt: 1 ti on of an existing greenhouse vents were taken off the crawl o n the property. This green­ space; remnants of old clothing house will be used by Professor Beverly Sills to give Michelin Lecture and food wrappers were scat­ Meyerowitz of the biology de­ which s he retired at the tered across the area; parts of th e partment. V IA D AVID G OODSTEIN precocIous age of building were u sed as a The use of the remaining The s ixth annua l twe lve. She went o n to restroom," explains W illiam area will be determined by th e James Miche lin Distin­ Irwin, Deputy Director of the Provost's Office according to in- fame o n the stages of the guished Lecture will be Physical Plant De- stitute needs. Spe­ world's leading opera Tuesday, November 4, at 8 partment, the divi­ cific departments houses. p.m. Beverly Sills, one of sion in charge of The vacated are able to apply The Miche lin Lec­ the greatest coloratura so­ Caltech's property for u se of the ture series was estab­ pranos o f the Iwentieth maintanence. building was pro perty, but, as li shed by a New York century, will share a con­ Irwin is quick Burke says, "We desig ner in memory of a shelter for versati on with her audi­ to point out that must decide what ence in Beckman Audito­ her uncle, James the building was transients, is best for the In- f1um . Michelin, a geologist, cleaned and sani- stitute." Currently Chairman of who a lways hoped to at­ tized once Caltech Regardless of th e Board of Lincoln Cen­ te nd Caltech. It was de­ gained title to the-property. Se­ what the building's future use ter for the Performing Arts, s ig ned to "foster a cre­ curity personnel are also patrol­ will be, it is in need of basic Sills was born and grew up at ive interacti o n be­ ling the area. renovation. "The electricity, in Brooklyn. She began tween the arts and sci­ The site still contains labo­ heating and ventilation are ob­ her career in radio com­ ences ." ratory facilities used by the solete and outdated ," claims mercials and soap operas, Optional free tickets USDA for chemical research, Irwin. "If we indeed do have to Beverly Sills, one of the greatest playing Elaine Raleigh on though they are outdated. Jerry convert it into a modem lab, it coloratura sopranos of the a re available from the Our Girl, Sunday, fro m Burke, Special Ass istance to the won't be inexpensive." How­ twentieth century Caltech ticket office. Provost for Facilities, says, "We ever, this cost would be far less ACADEMY have not made up our mind as than the cost of building an en­ OUT AND PROUD to whether the building wi ll be tirely new facility. t]{a8 rTi me BARBERSHOP on Green used for offi ce space o r lab Irwin remai ns undaunted by 27 N. Catalina Ave .. Pasadena CaItechlJPL OutIist space." th e work ahead. "Caltech is rap­ RE SA LE CLOTHING Of'cn Tues.-Sat .. 7 A.M.-3 PM. foc www.cco. caltech.edu/-duJoutlist.html However, it has a lready idly outgrowing its boundaries. WOMEN (8 t8 449 - t68 1 been decided that, of th e 16 We need new facil ities and op­ 11 36 E. Green St . • Pasadena thousand square feet available, portunities for new research. (8 18) 796-9924 approximately two thousand Any potential like this is excit­ ; will be allocated for the renova­ ing!" J, TERRACE DINING •, 230 S. Lake Ave, Pasadena • (626) 792-6600 Fax: (626) 792-6610 • LAEMMLE THEATRES To all members of the CaItech Community, • > A big thanks for your support! 5' ESQUIRE COLORADO " • 2670 E. Colorado Blvd. 2 588 E. Colorado Blvd. it- The only Vietnamese restaurant in Pasadena (626) 793-6149 (626) 796-9704 ",. •• LUNCH SPECIAL $4.95 , The Full :1" DINNER SPECIAL $6.50 d Beaumarchais " Monty '" Catering & Delivery (5 orders or more) Daily 4:55,7:15,9:35 p.m. Daily 5:30, 7:45, 10:00 p. m. " Bttrgain M atinu 12:15 p.m. Sa-Su Bargain Matinee 1:00 p.m. Sat-Sun If you like Thai food, you ' ll love o ur Vietnamese Cu '-- 4 October 24, 1997 FEATURES The California Tech.. Caltech srudents, staff participate in the Stroll to end Child Abuse ti o na I workshop for parents of strollers to the start of the mile pre-schoolers at ri sk for child long Stroll Course. which abuse. $50 pays for fivc weeks wrapped around area H of the of tutoring for an abused chil d Rose Bowl. The lei surely walk who is failing the third g rade. lasted about 20 minutes. After $200 pays for one month of in- the walk . stro ll ers were treated rensivc therapy for a chil d abuse to music by K-Earth 101 and vict im. The money collected food from refreshm ent spon so rs, helps the lout of 4 girls and 1 Heathe r Dean. who orga. out of 7 boys who are victims of ni zed the Caltech Stroll team. felt child ahuse in America. The Foot­ that th e eve nt was likely to attract hill Family Service has been help- Caltech participants because of ing families and children in th e the proximity of the Rose Bowl, Pasadena community for over 7 1 and th e small time commitment years. that the event required. The heau. Mi ckey Mouse and Minnie liful sunny day and the camival Mouse were on hand during th e atm osphere of the vari o ll s te nts introductory speeches. The Men's set up in the middle of the Stroll National Fitness Champion and course made participation fun and the runner up in th e National LOok the edge off a ve ry serious BY K AREN BLETZER Cal tech stroll team, sponsored sponsor of the event, Bristol Aerobics Champion Mixed Pairs subject. Nevertheless, although by the Caltech Y, helped the Farms. competitions led the warm up and it was fun , participants felt thru This Sunday, October 19, a cause by paying the $ 10 regis­ The walk was preceded by stretching before the walk. Stroll- they had helped make a difference group of eleven students and tration fee for each member of short speeches given by several ers, wearing bright green Stroll T­ in a child's lifc by raising botb staff participated as a team in the team. Total Stroll partici­ people associated with the shirts and prompted by the two money an d awareness. the second annual Stroll to End pants numbered 850 and raised Foothill Family Service. They aerobics champions, marched in Child Ab use , a mile walk $75 ,000. Corporate sponsors of described how as little as $25 place and stretched with part­ - CLASSIFIED ADS around the Rose Bowl organized the walk were diverse and in­ in collected pledges and regis­ ners. The children present en­ BACK PAIN· Headaches · Sciatica by the Foothill Family Service, cluded Huntington Hospital, the tration fees helps prevent child joyed the bustle and activity. Arthritis · Neck Stiffness · t a non-profit organi zation. T he Pasadena Jaycees, and the main abuse by paying for an educa- Mickey and Minnie then led the Numbness· Calltotl free '-"nn-? , 211 0 for re corded information. live results in 4 weeks or $ back.

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by Ron Dollete o r content to think aboul. Style. Advertisit1g Mat1ager(s) wise, ''Tuhlhumping'' and "Drip , "Chumbawhat'?" Drip, Drip" are kind of catchy. Make the BIG MONEY, including commission! Coordi­ You' ve probabl y already heard People who don't like the female the hit sing le hy Chumbawamha voice that interrupts will prohab ly nate the entire advertising end of the paper. Apply solo or as called "Tuh thumping." The song not like the rest o f the C D where reall y is catchy, and it's the first the female voices are more preva­ a team of 2-3 people. Please apply! The Business Manager trac k off 's new CD, lent and is also disappoi nti ngly not is desperate! "Tubthumpe r. " Inc ide nta ll y, as danccabl e. The next single off tu bthumping referrs to yell ing out th e al bum is goin g to be "Amne­ on a soapbox and ranting and so on. sia." This song is alri ght and is Layout Staff The name aptl y fi ts thi s eclecti c probably the next best song On the hand. On th e C D, there's a quirky . We definitely need a new Know how to use PageMaker? Want to learn how? The mix of a ll sorts of media, like Beck song sint.:c Y 107 manages to pl ay Tech is short on layout staff and the desperate editors will meets Art of Noise. And political. "Tubthumpi ng" a rid ic ul ous three There are many social overtones in limes in lhe span of an hour and a pay you well, especially if you have work-study! songs like "Goodship Lifestyle" (a half. I recommend just getting the song arguabl y about the loneliness "" single if you' re in of bein g homosexual in an intoler­ that marke t. ft comes with two Circulation Staff ant world. May be I'm just di gging other songs as well as two mi xes. too deep ... ) and al so "Outsider" and The EP wi II be more worth your If you have work-study, we can pay you at least $50 for your "Scapegoat". The song "One by money than this C D. invaluable work each Friday morning. Plus, you'll be done One" is about union leaders who sold out their pi cketing employees and awake in time for ASCIT Donuts. j ust for a seat in the Bri tish House of Lords. So there's definitely a lot

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BRUSSELS The California Tech FEATURES October 24, 1997 7 On the other hand, from the cal opium den in Katmandu before point of view of the individual it trudging up the Western Cwm. Un­ Dean's Corner makes a lot of difference. der such circumstances they can't So I'll aver that, yes, climbing act as Techers: cool cucumbers who K2 or Everest, driving a supersonic have it all figured out, truly have car, exposing oneself to dangerous taken everything into account, and Darwin and the ecce ten not diseases - taking risks along those therefore know that it ' ll work out. positively corre­ lines is OK, acceptable, honorable, Acting this way means that the by Jean-Paul Revel lated with the benefit that useful. risks are not worth taking, the thrills would accrue if everything should Beside the greater or lesser not worth experiencing. The balance s i c a I turn out well. value to society there is also the between gai n promised and accom­ ability or so­ So there are many sports heroes, personal importance of risk taking, plishment fulfilled has become so cial ski ll s would deter- boxers. but many others as well, who the self-testing, followed by a feel­ tilted, that there can never be a posi­ mine s urvival they would be endanger their lives for the thrill of ing of self- assurance, the satisfac­ tive outcome, at most a neutral one. In the more than 100 years among the fittest. However, as I said pushing beyond existi ng limits. This tion of conquering one's own fears, We should never place ourselves since Darwin propounded hi s earli er, fitness in some respects does is also true of many researchers, epi­ and so on. under potentially dangerous condi­ views, it has become customary to not guarantee overall fitness. demiologists researching things like That's great. But in all these tion, when unable to judge of the allude to the "survival of the fittest" Now, if one asks whether Ebola virus, pioneers who lest drugs cases there are careful calculations dangers. Accidents happen; that's as a parad igm which explains many Techers are fit to survive. one has on themselves or place themselves about how dangerous it really is. part of the risk. But to try things that behavioral trails and personality to hem and haw. It depends on under very extreme conditi ons, ex­ Expertise, training, concentration are dangerous because one cannot characteristi cs. where - in their houses? at plorers of the world and of space - all work in favor of success. Some­ judge the dangers, or for whatever It is fantastic 10 what extremes Caltech? in the world at large? all of whom took g rave ri sks. As where along the line there is a de­ other reason - that's dumb, not this idea can lead. It can be used to Although our intellectual J.B .S. Haldane said, such people be­ tcnnination that this is something worthy of Caltechers. Risk is worth explain very paradoxical behavior, prowess is unquestionable overall , come their own rabbit. worth taking risks for, whatever the taking only when the achievement is which obviously gives no advan­ it is not clear that we always use Similar altruisti c risk taking is result from the point of view of sur­ worth writing home about. lage to the indi vidual. the marbles we have. There are found in the heroic behavior of sol· vival of the fittest. We Techers, eggheads that we In the case of the male spider many instances when extraneous diers in battle. The risk taken in But I am truly disappointed are, must really and truly avoid situ­ or mantis for whom the sex act is pressures affect our behavior so many of these instances can be seen when, in spite of our vaunted brains, ations where thoughtlessness, or the supreme sacrifice, it is the nu­ drastically, as to seriously influence as species-preserving move. we take wanton risks, risks that are induced thoughtlessness, jeopar­ tritional advantage that he gives to our intrinsic fitness. We take risks Of course it is to be hoped that taken casually, or under conditions dizes the survival of the fittest. his mate, and thus the headstart for which could threaten the integrity the person who do such unselfish that negate any forethought. A bientot ... meaning that you his offspring, which may be key. of our yolks, and could lead to the acts, is not the one who has the germ Or, say that other things inter­ have been usi ng your marbles and The beneficiary, instead of being loss of our genes to the population of solving the world's problems. And fere, and the collective judgment of will have survived yet another week the individual is the gene pool to at large, thus decreasing fitness to even then, from a global stance, I the Caltech Climbing and Chowder which the individual belongs. naught. guess it makes no real difference, Club (Cccq (sorry if there is such It is amusing and sobering at Risk tak.jng, of course, is not because if it can be done by a single a thing, the names and events are the same time to see how such a reprehensible per se. What is sad is individual, most likely someone else purely fictitious) becomes clouded paradigm applies to oursel ves. Ob­ that the degree of ri sk taking is of- will do it sooner or later. by spending several days in the 10- viously, being here marks you as one of the fittest in at least some characteristics. such as intellectual achievement. As a result you have the opportunity to further develop your native abilities, presumably in­ creasing your fitness, as long as we live in a society where brains and ability to do things, count. We are o ne of the specia l places where intellectuals of the world unite; homework may stand in the way socializing with your peers. but as Adlai Stevenson (the eahead who lost the battle for the U.s. presidency to Ike, of course, whoiraduated from West Point not fir from the bottom of the class, if ~~,::) '("''''il,,~",w,'' ' .~ ," . :""., ,\ :;; I mnember correctly), said , you CREDIT SUISSE FIRSTiBOSTC)N,IS A LEADING GLOBAL PROVIDER have;: Inathing to loose but your yoIb. (Maybe I don't belong here, OF WHOLESALE FINANCIAL SERVICES WITH OVER 50 OFFICES 1l1li not sure I understand what I IN MORE THAN 30 COUNTRIES. THE FIRM IS FOCUSED ON FOUR justwrot [sic]. I find it no consola­ i tion. however, to belittle problems KEY BUSINESS AREAS: CORPORATE AND INVESTMENT BANKING, by saying th at you are merely los­ ing your yolks.) SALES AND TRADING (EQUITY, FIXED INCOME, FOREIGN \,.';; In any case, be grateful th at you are not a male praying mantis. EXCHANGE AND MONEY MARKET), FINANCIAL PRODUCTS , Ifane thinks of it, however, fit­ (DERIVATIVES) AND PRIVATE EOUITY INVESTMENT. ness is not a single characteri stic. The overall fitness of the indi vidual is made up of sub accounts, each given a weight which depends on external factors, and wh ich are then summed. The terrible thing is that fitness in one area does not guarantee over­ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1997 all fitness. I recently saw a docu· mentary which brought this home vividly. It was about people with William's syndrome, a set of chro­ 101 WATSON LAB BUILDING mOSome defects which result in very peculiar personalities and odd physical characteristi cs. People suffering from William's have unusual facial char­ acteristics and many other traits re­ lated to the fact that elasti n, a pro­ tein which is an important in con­ trOlling the elasticity of many tis­ sues (skin, blood vessels etc.), is defective. William's patients also .... mental defects of sufficient Contact career services for resume drop dates. lIIIcnitude that it makes many of i:' t\ ;"'''''', them· incapable of li vi ng on their For more information about Credit sLiJsd 'First B6ston, visit our own. although some manage to learn how to. website at www.csfb.com. Although retarded in many Ways, these people turn out to un­ ~Iy adept at social interactions, CREDIT FIRST t.i1h no fear of others, an outgoing SUISSE BOSTON Ptnonality and a basically positive lltitude. They see poorly, but th ey have very keen hearing. and are ex- Credit Suisse First Boston is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer. Iy musical. In an environment where mu- 8 October 24, 1997 FEATURES The California Tech

p.m. Upon returning to his ticed a strong smell of chlo­ Crime and bike at 3:30 p.m., discovered rine by the track area. Cam­ his bike missing. pus Maintenance, the Fire De­ Incident Beat partment, and Safety were no­ Oct. 9, 1997 tified. Nearby buildings were by Anna Sims Theft - Bike evacuated until the fumes dis­ A white, Maroon bicycle, val­ sipated. Oct. 6, 1997 ued at $600 was taken from Unauthorized entry Theft-Bike Beckman Institute, near the Security responded to a report A dark blue, Performance bike, valued at $450, courtyard. Victim last seen his of an unauthorized entry to the was taken from the area between Lloyd and bike at 12:00 midnight in the Braun Athletic Center. Staff Page house. Victim left his bike unsecured be­ Beckman lnst. Courtyard. di scovered the south door of tween Lloyd and Page House at approx. 3:00 Upon returning to the location Brown Gym had been broken at 9:00, discovered the bike and forced open. Nothing ap­ mi ssing. peared to be missing from the Theft-Bike Gym. A dark green, Huffy bicycle valued at $100, was taken Oct. 12, 1997 from 1170 Del Mar. At False Fire Alarm approx. 6 :00 PM, on 10/02/ Security responded to a fire 97 , victim secured his bike at alarm in the Blacker House 1170 Del Mar. Upon return­ Lounge. After investigating ing he noticed the bike mi ss- the alarm, it was determined mg. that the smoke detectors was Vandalism set off by students burning At approximately 9:25 a.m ., newspaper in the fireplace. victim parked her vehicle, a Honda Accord, in the Wilson Oct. 13, 1997 Parking Structure. Upon re­ Theft -Bike turning at 12: 15 p.m., she no­ A green Free-Spirit bicycle, ticed that her radio's antenna valued at $160, was taken was bent over the top of her from the north side of 1028 vehicle. Catalina. At I :00 p.m., vic- tim noticed that his bike, Oct. 11, 1997 which he had secured with a Chemical Spill chain lock, was not in the area While on patrol, security no- where he had left it parked. ~~

Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

Just about everybody at ali zed that they were much bet­ Tech has heard of Monty Py­ ter at sketch comedy than at thon; the British comedy troupe scripting an entire mov ie . As still has quite a follo wing years funn y as The Holy Crail and after disbanding. Its members, Th e Life of Brian were, they Terry Gilliam, Graham dragged quite a bit near the en d. Chapman, Eric Idle, John So in this film, Monty Python Cleese, Terry Jones, and went back to the style that Michael Palin, have produced brought it such success with the SOme hilarious stuff, like The TV show, Monty Python 's Fly­ Search for th e Holy Grail and ing Circus; it is arranged in a The Life of Briall. In fact, I'll seri es of skits depicting the di f­ bet you know somebody who ferent stages of life. They range really loves a certain skit or from the satirical (the Catholi c song, and you' ll have to be re­ musical number "Every Sperm strained from killing someone Is Sacred") to the disgusting (an the next time you hear "The extremely obese man vomits all SAVE UP TO $10 ON ADMISSION Lumberjack Song" or the differ­ over a restaurant) to the com­ WffH A COUPON AT PARTICIPATING TACO BELL ence between a European or Af­ pletely random (a nice game of LOCATIONS, OR WHEREVER YOU BUY PEeSI. rican swallow. Well, you' re "Find the Fish," anyone?). pretty safe with this movie. The They don ' t exactly come to­ CALL TICKETMASTER AT (213) 252·T1XS TODAY Meaning of Life was their third gether to make a coherent OCTOBER 24-26, 30-31, movie, and never became as whole, but they weren' t really DD NOVEMBER 1st well known as the first two. intended to. Besides, that That being said, The Mean­ doesn't stop you from laughing ing of Life has some advantages along the way - and finding over the earlier Python films. out the meaning of life. The Pythons seemed to have re- NEXT WEEK: The Shilling CHURCHILL SCHOLARSHIPS Ca~pus t1eadlitte: Nov. It @ It Noott

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DILBERT ® by Scott Adams FoxTrot by Bill Amend

CAN I 1'/"1 GOI"lG I"ITO niE I 'VE HE~RO THAT MOST i t.JO w ! 11-11\1 '5 SPORTS MH\OR"t>IllA ~ U TOGRAPHS ARE ! ~~~ER!E~T "'- GOING TO eE e USINE5:> . FORGERIES . 50 MY WORTH INITl"L tNV E~TME"IT BASEeAlL SOI'\E1H ["!G. WILL C>E LOW . i SIGNED B~ 1 MOSES 7 l \ ; •, r----./11

~~~ t ~~~ rYE PlAYED IT e UT 1 OO"l'T SEE LJI(£ 1.000 Tlto1£S! ' 0"""'" I W'-{ERE i\;[ THIS I S THE BEST PRICE ~ Lb..i ER i ONIGHT. r M LI'TEJtAll."I' AUTOGR"PI-I I S. """",,to; """" I'VE SEE"I FOR. '~'5EBI

I'll THE _ WIiO LoVES YOU SAy THIS BUT ['1"1 NO FOOL . "M't SlNT bJ ".. BElA. coMfVT£R 6AMEsf I 'I11lE fGA.O.' I'LL FOOTB~Ll WAS TI-IIS ISN'T " FOOT­ ~ j WOW! VERSo"" "" oNE WHo'S B£EN """'ITLN& BET 1 DID AUTOGRAPHED "A,Ll. IT HAS NO RIVrABLo ?.'/' fotIR Y£ARS FoR THIS.'IM IT WHILE WW'I'?!.P "!liE aNt _ El1l!EIR loGGEt> oN JES u s ... STITCHES. AND I THIN~ • I HOW?.'?, oNliNE ~BE " SfT" TESTER A.S YOu ,' ! I HEARD IT n's NOT FoR RIV I A8to " ~S" ! OINK.. FAIR ,' I ~ \

~ I GE . DoN'T lHE ~06£ lWoT Ire; RIM TOO eW THE ...".","'" r I'M IMPRESSED, tlUT WHAl' Do NOT To SHoW lHll'IilC, 'YOV NlMG oN ouR COMPJ'TEIl NolO _oR MAY8E W>\AT I'M l OO"'ING yo u DO>l'T "bJ HEAH THE Rt'llA8\.o ONtlERSTi'HO ! I CAN'T S£E IT WIU kiLL n£ P0;lBl EM wow .. . .. SOFTBALL SIGNED ,I 1$ nlAT fOR IS SOMETf1ING '1'oU WOf(T srn-, To AN"!U«. I'VE BE'EN ME I'LL BURST AT M SEHo1S~ tl'l' ~I'.TIN LU,HER, lET ME \ WAI'T\NG ~ I'Ll kNoW PAL"'I LLICE. No .,.., Do SIGNED B'I' MARTI"I LEADER OF THE WATcH 'roO l

000- 1H1S IF YOU WAN, TO tlE .51<. QUEsTIO"lS AT ... SO IF T,",ERE'5 AN 000 - THIS &.ME GAM\; IS PRO Mono , 'l'OU \\I>,\J[ /'\EE"TINGS. BOT /'\A"'';: ACCIOf'" 1"1 ~ CO/"IPAtI'I' IS AMAZ ING.' UNNBtUEEEV· ",BlE ! TO BE \\IGHl'l' VISIBLE. Tf1EM EASY SO YOU CAR J WHER'E. S*K>UlO WE DON'T EMBARRASS eVR'! THE YOuR eoss. I ~~/



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Cash Advance ...... ,.: ...... 12 October 24, 1997 The California Tech in sula, Marin or Sonoma counties. or the Bay Area. There are no dead. Announcements ) lines-applications are accepted c Mints throughout thc year and are avai lable ii; denotes a new announcement. in the Financial Aid Office. The Alumni Association has funding available for student organizations that HJerusalem-Sacred and Pro­ in science and engineering. inleresred $1,000-$2,000. To apply you must The Josephine de Karman Fellow. encourage interaction between stu· fane," a travel film to be presented in working in French university. For be a junior or senior in undergradu­ ship Trust is pleased to announce the dents and alumni. To be considered by lecturer Rick Ray, will be shown more infonnation. write to The Em­ ate study, or a graduate student. Ap­ availability of ten fellowships in the for funding, an application fonn must in Beckman Auditorium on October bassy of France, Office for Science plications and all supporting docu­ amount of $7.000 for 1998-99. All be completed and returned to the As· 24, 1997 at 8:00 pm. For more in­ and Technology, Chateaubriand Fel­ ments are due April 15 , 1998. studies must be carried out within the saciation no larer lhan October 3D, formation, call (626)395-4652. lowship Program, 4101 Reservoir United States and expended within 1997. To receive an application fonn, Road, NW, Washington. DC 20007- The American Women's Club in the United States. Fellowships are call Kerry at ext. 6582 or e-mail her at ~i; Kate Michelman. presidenl of 2176, or see their web page http:// Sweden will be awarding a travel open to students enlering their senior [email protected]. The form NARAL-a national pro-choice ad­ www.chateaubriand.amb-wash.fr. grant for study and research in Swe­ undergraduate year and graduate stu. can also be found on the Web at http:/ vocacy group--will speak on current den. To qualify you must be a dents entering the tenninal year of a /www.ceo.co/tech.edu/-alumi/ pro ~c hoice issues in Pasadena at 6:30 Graduate fellowship for Women woman, age 18 or over and an Ameri­ Ph.D. program in Fall 1998. For ap­ slar Junding.hrml. Decisions on fund­ p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 29, at the and MInorities in the Physical Sci­ can cilizen. You must also be ac­ plication information write to: ing will be made in November by the Neighborhood Church, 301 N. Or­ ences, the National Physical Sci­ cepted for a period of study or re­ Fellowsh Committee, Attention: JUdy Student/Faculty/Alumni Relations ange Grove Blvd. ences Consortium offers awards to search at a Swedish educational in­ McLain, Secretary. Josephine de Committee of the Alumni Association graduating seniors who are female Of sticution or agency and show evi­ Karman FellOWShip Trust, PO. Box Board of Directors. Taj Mah.1 and Queen Ida wi II be a member of a minority group for dence of financial need. The com­ 3389, San Dimas, CA 91773, or visil performing in Beckman Auditorium Ph.D . leve l study in Astronomy, pleted appli cation and all supporting the Financial Aid Office. Applica. The GaylLesbianIBisexual Discus­ on October 25, 1997 at 8:00 pm. Chemistry, Computer Science, Geol­ documents must be received by April tions musr be postmarked no l

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