July 2018 VICTORIA REYES Department of Sociology Email:
[email protected] University of California, Riverside Cell: 614.596.9299 1204 Watkins Hall, Riverside, CA 92521 Website: www.victoriadreyes.com ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of California, Riverside 2016- - Faculty, Southeast Asia: Text, Ritual, and Performance (SEATRiP) 2017- Postdoctoral Fellow, National Center for Institutional Diversity, University of Michigan 2016-2017 Assistant Professor, Growth and Structure of Cities Department, Bryn Mawr College SP 2015- SU 2016 EDUCATION Princeton University Ph.D., Sociology, January 2015 Dissertation: “Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Philippines: A Case Study of Global Borderlands” Committee: Miguel A Centeno (chair), Viviana A Zelizer, Douglas S Massey M.A., Sociology, November 2010 (with distinction) Areas of Examination: Political Sociology, Economic Sociology, Global and Urban Ethnography The Ohio State University B.A., International Studies, June 2006 (Asian American Studies minor) B.A., Psychology, June 2006, with honors in the Liberals Arts, with distinction in International Studies, Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa AREAS OF INTEREST Culture, global and transnational sociology, economic sociology, urban sociology, law and society, comparative / historical sociology, qualitative methods, gender, race/ethnicity PUBLICATIONS Peer-Reviewed Articles Reyes, Victoria. 2018. "Three Models of Transparency in Ethnographic Research: Naming Places, Naming People, and Sharing Data” Ethnography (Special issue on innovations in ethnographic research) 19(2): 204-226 Reyes, Victoria. 2018. “Port of Call: How Ships Shape Foreign-Local Encounters” Social Forces 96(3):1097-118 Reyes, Victoria. 2015. “Global Borderlands: A Case Study of Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Philippines” Theory and Society 44(4):355-384 1 July 2018 Reyes, Victoria.