TThhee New Technology of Acchhiieevveemment IMPORTANT To begin — Please save this guidebook to your desktop or in another location.

How can you get the most out of this writable guidebook? Research has shown that the more ways you interact with learning material, the deeper your learning will be. Nightingale-Conant has created a cutting-edge learning system that involves listening to the audio, reading the ideas in the guidebook, and writing your ideas and thoughts down. In fact, this guidebook is designed so that you can fill in your answers right inside this document.

For each session, we recommend the following:

I Preview the section of the guidebook that corresponds with the audio session, paying particular attention to the exercises.

I Listen to the audio session at least once.

I Read the text of the guidebook.

In addition to the exercises and questions, we’ve created an “ijournal” to make this an even more interactive experience for you. At the end of this guide, you can write down any additional thoughts, ideas, or insights to further personalize the material. Remember, the more you apply this information, the more you’ll get out of it.

1 A GUIDE TO NLP NLP: The New Technology of Achievement

by NLP Comprehensive Boulder, Colorado 80302

©MCMXCI NLP Comprehensive except where otherwise noted.


We wish to acknowledge that many of the NLP patterns in this program are drawn from copyrighted material developed by . The unique expression and application of these patterns are the joint efforts of the NLP Comprehensive Trainers. 2 CONTENTS

Using This Guide ...... 4 A Brief Explanation of NLP ...... 5 Introducing NLP ...... 6 Getting Motivated ...... 7 Discovering Your Mission ...... 9 Achieving Your Goals ...... 10 Creating Rapport and Strong Relationships ...... 11 Powerful Persuasion Strategies ...... 12 Notice and Use Their Most Developed Representational System . . 13 Building a Positive Relationship with Yourself ...... 14 Eliminating Fears and Phobias ...... 15 Building Self-Confidence ...... 17 Developing Self-Appreciation ...... 18 Having Pervasive Self-Esteem ...... 19 Maintaining a Positive Mental Attitude ...... 21 The Keys to Peak Peformance ...... 22 Submodalities – The Building Blocks of Experience ...... 23 NLP Glossary ...... 24 Questions and Answers About NLP ...... 26 Bibliography ...... 28 My iJournal ...... 29 Expand Your Mind Development Library ...... 31


This guide is designed to be used in conjunction with the audio program NLP: The New Technology of Achievement. The techniques that comprise the bulk of this guide are all contained and appear in greater detail in the audios. There may be times, however, when you will want or need to use one or more of the techniques imme - diately, rather than waiting until you can relisten to the audio, and it is for just such events that this guide was created. You can quickly find each session on the PDF bookmarks to your left. As you become more adept at applying these techniques, we believe you’ll find more applications for them. And in time, you’ll learn how to implement them automatically to create the positive experiences you want. Through NLP you’ll learn how to: • Develop real rapport with friends, colleagues and clients • Excel in sports, business and academics • Improve your communication skills and get better results personally and professionally • Change your feelings from resource less ness to resource ful ness when it matters most — before an important meeting, presentation, or in a crisis • Resolve conflicts between people, with others, and within yourself • Assist others in making changes in behavior, thoughts and feelings, for personal and professional development ... and much more! In short, NLP can help you become more adept in just about any area of your life in which you seek improvement. —The Editors


Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the study of human excellence. By identifying in others the essential characteristics of exceptional talent, successful attitudes and empowering beliefs, you can learn them yourself. NLP is the study of the structure of subjective experience. NLP holds that people think and act based on their internal representations of the world and not on the world itself . Once we understand specifically how we create and maintain our inner thoughts and feelings, it is a simple matter for us to change them to more useful ones. NLP was first developed in the early 1970s by an information scientist, Richard Bandler, and a professor, John Grinder. From their studies of successful people, they created a way to analyze and transfer human excellence, resulting in the most powerful, practical ever developed. NLP is a practical application of how people think. Described as “software for your brain,” it allows you to automatically tap into the kinds of experiences you want to have. You can create your own future, and you can have choices about your feelings, especially when it matters most. A state-of-the-art communications method for nurturing personal and professional growth, NLP creates an environment for graceful personal change.

5 Session 1: INTRODUCING NLP The Fundamental Principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

The Map is NOT the territory. We respond to our thoughts and memories. These are our internalized map of reality. However, these maps aren’t true reality. Experience has a structure. When we change the structure, the experience will automatically change. People work perfectly. People are always making the best choice(s) available to them. People already have all the resources they need. Anyone can do anything. If one person can do something, anyone can learn to do the same thing. (When there is a physical or environmental limit, the world of experi - ence will let us know.) Mind and body are parts of the same system. You cannot NOT communicate. We are always communicating, at least nonverbally. Even thoughts are communication with the self. The meaning of your communication is the response you get. Communication is not what is intended, but what is received. Underlying every behavior is a positive intention. The person or element with the most flexibility in a system will have the most influence. NLP gives you flexibility.

There is no such thing as failure – it’s feedback for the next step.

6 Session 2: Getting Motivated The New Behavior Generator

This technique for accelerated learning allows you to make any new action or skill automatic in your behavior. It is useful any time you want to have more choices, learn a new skill, or model an expert. 1. Imagine looking off a little to your right, and see yourself in front of you. 2. Decide what you would like to learn how to do. It may be acting in a more satisfying way in a current situation, or it may be doing something new. How would that other you look if that other you could already do it? Construct a movie of that other you doing it. If the movie is incomplete, that other you can pretend “as if” he/she were able to handle situations like that easily. Now watch as the movie fills in any missing parts. If you need more information, seek a skilled role model, live or taped. Carefully observe and listen as the role model performs the desired behavior. Have that role model transform into the “real” you doing it. Watch as the role model turns into that other you doing the new behavior in the desired situation or location. 3. See and hear that other you doing the new behavior in the desired situation or location. 4. Is what you see and hear what you want? Is that satisfactory to you? 5. If something is missing, or the experience doesn’t look or sound satisfying or appropriate, adjust it until it is a full and satisfying experience. You can do this by deliberately making the changes you want. Or you can let a fog or mist conceal the movie while your unconscious mind makes the adjustments and clears the fog when it’s adjusted appropriately. 6. Step into the beginning of your movie and live through it in the desired situation, having all the sensations and feelings. 7. Discover if anything is missing from the experience. If it is a full, satisfying, and desirable experience, skip ahead to step 9. 8. If something is missing, or the experience is not satisfying or appropriate, step out of the image and adjust it according to the feedback from steps 6 and 7, until it is a full, satisfying, and desirable experience. You can do this by deliberately making the changes you 7 want. Or you can let a fog or mist conceal the movie while your unconscious mind makes the adjustments and clears when it’s adjusted appropriately. 9. When is the next time you’re likely to encounter a situation in which you might exhibit the old behavior? Give yourself a “dress rehearsal” now of actually having the new behavior in that situation. Do this for several different future situations. From Trance-formations by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. ©1981 Real People Press

8 Session 3: Discovering Your Mission Passion and Mission

This technique brings your desires, goals and values together to create a mission that promotes a deep sense of personal satisfaction. 1. To find the values that relate to a goal or desire, first identify that goal or desire. Then ask yourself, “What do I want or need from the goal I selected? What is important about it? What do I value about it?” Your answers will indicate what there is about the goal or desire that you value. 2. To find higher values than the ones you identified above, and to discover the direction your motivation is coming from, ask yourself, “What will these values do for me?” The answer will give you an even higher, more important value. For instance, you may want “greater success.” And the value you get out of that goal would be “greater happiness.” But what will greater happiness do for you? The answer to that question will be the higher, more important value. Your answer will also reveal the direction your motivation is coming from. In this case, it is to achieve ; therefore, it is Toward goals ( achieve, attain, gain ). However, with different goals and different values, your motivation may have been Away From problems (with words like avoid, relieve, out ). 3. To find the highest value , you should ask yourself: “What will having the highest value do for me?” Your answer to this question will help you determine your Mission. 4. A Mission will include and fulfill all of a person’s or organization’s highest values. By systematically going through the steps detailed here, you can determine your Mission.

9 Session 4: Achieving Your Goals Choosing Your Goals

This technique helps you create well-defined, compelling and attainable goals, and provides a pathway to their natural realization. Meeting the Conditions for Goal Realization 1. What do you want? State your reply in positive terms. How can you make this goal happen? 2. How will you know when you’ve achieved it? What will you see, hear and feel at that time? 3. When, where and with whom do you want it? 4. What effect(s) will this goal have or create? Making Your Goals Compelling 5. Now that you know what you’re seeking, imagine seeing yourself in a compelling, goal-oriented movie. Make it big, in color, three- dimensional, with stereophonic sound, and have it feature voices that are encouraging. Creating a Pathway to Your Goals 6. Once you see that compelling goal in your movie, transport yourself (out of your seat and) into the movie, so you are floating overhead and witnessing yourself completing the goal. Do you want to become the person you see? Make any adjustments to your movie so that you will. 7. Now, become this person. Step into this person. Enjoy it. And look back from this future you to where you once were. Observe the natural pathway that took you from where you were to the future you . 8. Step out of the future you and walk back to where you once were, noting how you accomplish this. 9. Step back into the present you , remembering the Pathway to Your Future. 10. Now, schedule your Pathway to Your Future in your date book. What’s the first thing you will do on that Pathway? Do it. 10 Session 5: Creating Rapport and Strong Relationships Rapport

What are my goals for this relationship? • Are my goals positive and can I do them? • What will I see or hear or feel that will let me know I’ve reached my goal? • What do I want for the relationship now and long term? Rapport Alarm What are the feelings I get when I know I’ve lost rapport? Rapport Builders To build rapport by matching another person’s experience including: Alignment Matching the direction of someone’s focus of attention. Example: Sitting at the corner of a table instead of “facing off.” Emotional State Matching someone’s emotional state of mind. Example: “You seem really upset.” Body Postures Example: Matching someone’s whole body or part of his/her stance. Rhythm Matching someone’s tempo, tone, volume or pitch of speech. Matching someone’s rhythm of movements. Generating Positive Feelings How do I want people to feel when I’m around? What can I do to help others feel that way when I’m around? Sincerely feel the feelings you want others to feel around you. From Frogs into Princes by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Used with permission. ©1979 Real People Press

11 Session 6: Powerful Persuasion Strategies

Persuasion Persuasion is the ability to offer compelling value to others.

Finding another’s values What do you want in a ______? What’s important about ______? What do you value about ______?

Finding the higher value What will having that______do for you?

Motivation Direction Find Out the Motivation Direction of Those Values What will having that do for you? Toward (Goals): uses words: achieve, attain, gain, get Away From (Problems): uses words: avoid, relieve, release, out

Submodalities of Attractiveness Bigger, closer, higher, more colorful, 3-D, panoramic, movie.

12 Notice and Use Their Most Developed Representational System

Seeing (Visual) Eyes: These people look up to their right or left or their eyes may appear unfocused. Gestures: Their gestures are quick and angular, and include pointing. Breathing and speech: high, shallow and quick. Words: The words that capture their attention include “see,” “look,” “imagine,” “reveal,” and “perspective.” Presentations: They prefer pictures, diagrams, movies.

Hearing (Auditory) Eyes: down to his/her left, “shifty-eyed.” Gestures: rhythmic, touching one’s face (e.g., rubbing the chin). Breathing and speech: mid-chest, rhythmic. Words: “hear,” “listen,” “ask,” “tell,” “clicks,” “in tune.” Presentations: list, summarize, quote, read.

Feeling (Kinesthetic) Eyes: down, to his/her right. Gestures: rhythmic movements, touching chest. Breathing and speech: deep, slow with pauses. Words: “feel,” “touch,” “grasp,” “catch on,” “contact.” Presentations: Hands-on, do-it demonstration, test-drive. Direction of Motivation Toward (Goals): achieve, attain, gain. Away From (Problems): avoid, relieve, out. Submodalities: To be more persuasive with all groups, make the representation: bigger, closer, more colorful, 3-D, movie. From Frogs into Princes by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Used with permission. ©1979 Real People Press

13 Building a Positive Relationship with Yourself

This technique creates the deep personal congruence that leads to enthusiasm, charm and personal power. Rapport with Self Calibration Exercise 1. Think of a time when you were in rapport with yourself, in deep and full agreement. See what you saw and hear what you heard. Experience it again, fully, then notice your feelings. Memorize them. 2. Clear your mind. 3. Think of a time you were deeply conflicted, out of rapport with yourself. See what you saw and hear what you heard, externally and internally at that time. Experience it again, fully. 4. After you shake off that state, contrast the two states. What is different internally: pictures, sounds, feelings? What is different externally: posture, breathing, responses from others?

Developing Rapport with Yourself • Making it a priority goal • Communicating respectfully with yourself • Aligning with your higher values • Associating good feeling with yourself In order to build a positive relationship with yourself: 1. Set a Goal. What is your Mission or Purpose? 2. Build Rapport. Use a pleasant tone of voice when you talk to yourself. Align with that internal voice. Commit your actions to align with your values. 3. Reward Yourself. Do nice things for yourself. Indulge yourself in personal treats that are really important to you.

14 Session 7: Eliminating Fears and Phobias The Fast Phobia/Trauma Relief Technique

This technique neutralizes the powerful negative feelings of phobias and traumatic events. Remember, most people learned to be phobic in a single situation that was actually dangerous or seemed dangerous. The fact that individuals can do what psychologists call “one-trial learning” is proof that a per - son’s brain can learn quite rapidly. That ability to learn rapidly makes it easy for you to learn a new way to respond to any phobia or trauma. The part of you that has been protecting you all these years by making you phobic is an important and valuable part. We want to preserve its ability to protect you in dangerous situations. The purpose of this tech - nique is to refine and improve your brain’s ability to protect you by up - dating its information. 1. With your eyes open or closed, imagine you’re sitting in the middle of a movie theater and you see a black-and-white snapshot of yourself on the screen. 2. Now, float out of your body and up into the projection booth. See yourself sitting in the movie theater seat, and also see the black-and- white photo on the screen. You may even wish to imagine Plexiglas over the booth’s opening, protecting you. 3. Now, watch and listen, protected in the projection booth, as you see a black-and-white movie of a younger you going through one of those situations in which he/she experienced that phobia/trauma. Watch the whole event, starting before the beginning of that incident. Observe until beyond the end of it, when everything was OK again. If you are not fully detached, make the theater screen smaller and farther away, make the picture grainier, and stop and start the film so that when you’re done viewing it, you’re completely detached. End the movie after the phobia-causing event, with a freeze-frame of yourself. 4. Next, leave the projection booth and slip back in the present you in the theater seat. Next, step into the freeze-frame photo of the younger you , who is feeling OK again, at the movie’s end. Now, run the entire movie of that experience backwards in color, taking two seconds or less to do so. Be sure to go all the way back to before the beginning. See, hear, and feel everything going backwards in those two seconds or less. 15 5. To test the process, attempt to return to the phobic state in any way you can. What if you were in that situation now? When will you next encounter one of these situations? If you still get a phobic response, repeat steps 1 to 4 exactly, but faster each time, until none of the phobic response remains. 6. Since you were phobic/traumatized, you have stayed far away from those particular situations in which you used to feel phobic, so you haven't had the opportunity to learn about them. As you begin to encounter and explore these situations in the future, we urge you to exercise a certain degree of caution until you learn more thoroughly about them. From Heart of the Mind , by Connirae and . Used with per - mission. ©1989 Real People Press

16 Session 8: Building Self-Confidence A Strategy for Responding to Criticism

This technique allows you to stay resourceful when you’re criticized, whether it’s at home, at work, or with friends. This enables you to use criticism as feedback to improve your relationships. 1. See yourself in front of you. That self in front of you is going to learn a new approach to criticism, while you watch from the outside. Do whatever you need to do to feel detached from that self. You can see that self farther away, in black and white, or behind Plexiglas, etc. 2. Watch and listen as that self gets criticized and instantly dissociates. There are several ways that self can surround him/herself with a Plexiglas shield when he/she was criticized. Or, that self can see the words of criticism printed within a cartoon balloon (like the comic strips), etc. That self uses one of these methods to keep feeling neutral or resourceful. 3. Watch as that self makes a slide or movie of what the criticizer is saying. What does that person mean? Does that self have enough information to make a clear, detailed picture? If the answer is no, gather information, if the answer is yes, proceed to the next step. 4. Have that self decide on a response. For example, that self can agree with any part of the criticism that you agree with. Or, that self could apologize, saying “I’ll give it some serious thought,” or, “I see things differently now,” and so forth. 5. Does that self want to use the information you got from this criticism to act differently next time? If so, have that self select a new behavior. That self will then imagine using the new behavior in detail in the future. Next, that self can step into this movie of using the new behavior, to feel what it will be like. 6. Having watched that self go through this entire strategy, do you want this for yourself? If the answer is no, ask inside how you can modify this strategy so it fits for you. If the answer is yes, continue. 7. Thank that self for being a special resource to you in learning this strategy. Now pull that self into you, feeling her/him fill you so that this knowledge becomes fully integrated into you. From Heart of the Mind , by Connirae and Steve Andreas. Used with permission. ©1989 Real People Press 17 Session 9: Developing Self-Appreciation Seeing Yourself Through the Eyes of Someone Who Loves You

This technique helps you to gain the appreciation for yourself that others have for you. It is useful for building self-appreciation and confidence. 1. Identify someone who loves you. Or think of someone who you’ve done something for and who, as a result, sincerely appreciates you. 2. Then, imagine you are writing your autobiography. As you do so, glance up to see, on the other side of a glass door, the person who loves or appreciates you. 3. Now, resume your writing, and include the qualities and characteris - tics of that person. 4. Next, float your awareness outside the room and stand next to this person. Now, see yourself through the glass door, making your own observations. 5. Then enter the body of the person who loves you. See yourself through this person’s eyes of love or appreciation. Also, listen to this person’s thoughts of love about you. Have this person’s feelings. 6. When this is completed, float back into your body and write the qualities and aspects of yourself that you saw and heard when you looked through the eyes of love and appreciation. 7. Think of possible times and places, both now and in the future, when you’ll want to re-experience this sense of deep self-appreciation. From Solution: Enhancing Love, Sex & Relationships by Leslie Cameron-Bandler. Used with permission. ©1985 Michael LeBeau and Leslie Cameron-Bandler

18 Session 10: Having Pervasive Self-Esteem The Swish Pattern

This technique takes any unwanted behavior and transforms it into a desire to become more the person you want to be. It is useful anytime you want to change unwanted behaviors or feelings. 1. Determine the unwanted behavior, feeling and/or attitude you want to change. 2. Identify a specific cue – a behavior, an image and/or a voice that is always there before the unwanted behavior. (For example, a cigarette in hand before smoking ... or a critical voice before feeling bad.) You are associated in this experience. 3. Create a large, bright and colorful image of yourself, as you would look having already resolved the difficulty contained in the unpleas - ant image. You don’t know how you resolved it. It’s like a portrait photo with no background. Looking at that image of you, you know the difficulty has been resolved because of the sparkle that’s in that other you’s eyes and the relaxed smile on that other you’s face. You can hear that other you’s internal dialogue, which is saying supportive, appropriate things like, “I feel good about myself.” 4. Do you find that other you attractive and appealing? Would you like to become that other you? Does any part of you object to becoming this image? If so, adjust and change the image until it incorporates the positive intentions of the objection. If the image is not appealing to you, let a fog or mist conceal the image. Shrouded in the mist, let the image spontaneously adjust and change until it combines the positive intention of those objections with having already resolved the problem. When the mist clears, see the enhanced, attractive self- image. 5. Shrink that self-image down to a dot. 6. Place the dot containing the other you that has already resolved that problem in the bull’s-eye center of the image you identified in Step 2 – the cue that manifests itself just before the unwanted problem. 7. Now, rapidly exchange the two images by having the image for unwanted behavior (the cue image) lose color and shrink into the distance until it disappears. At the same time, the self-image dot will get closer and bigger and brighter, blossoming out until it’s life-size in front of you, filling your vision. You’ve just Swished (exchanged) 19 the images. 8. Now, see a blank screen in your mind’s eye. 9. Repeat the process (Steps 6 and 7) about five times, seeing a blank screen at the end of each repetition. Next, run through the same process five more times, only faster. Finally, do it five more times, faster yet, until you can no longer get those unpleasant experiences. From Heart of the Mind by Connirae and Steve Andreas. Used with per - mission. ©1989 Real People Press

20 Session 11: Maintaining a Positive Mental Attitude Richard Bandler Decision Destroyer/Resource Creator

This technique rids you of negative past decisions or imprint experiences. It is useful anytime you want to change limiting attitudes or create new, empowering ones. 1. Think of a powerful, positive, formative memory that affects your behavior (an Imprint Experience). Notice the submodalities: Is it in color or black and white? Is it panoramic? How large, bright, and close is it? etc. If you’re not sure, contrast it with an ordinary memory’s submodalities. Next, set it aside. 2. What experience or decision in your past is a limiting Negative Imprint for you? 3. What experience could have happened before the Negative Imprint that would have transformed it? Pick something that would have prepared you so that you would have been fine in that Negative Imprint experience. Imagine this experience in full detail. Then make it a Positive Imprint by putting it in those submodalities you discovered in Step 1. 4. Step into this new Positive Imprint. With this Positive Imprint, float up over your past timeline, until before the Negative Imprint happened. Drop down onto your timeline, and experience the Positive Imprint here, on your timeline. Now rapidly come forward through your subsequent experiences. Notice how these experiences are shifted and re-evaluated in light of the new Positive Imprint. Stop when you reach the present and see yourself moving on into the future, noticing how it will be different now.

21 Session 12: The Keys to Peak Performance Timeline Perspectives and Changing Your Future

This technique provides a liberating perspective and a chance to preview your future. Use it to create the life you want to live. 1. Find a comfortable chair that supports your back so you can thoroughly relax. With your eyes closed, look up and imagine you see a window in the top of your head. 2. Gently allow your awareness to rise inside you until it goes right out that window and is now floating above your body. 3. Visualize, in the manner that will prove most effective to you, your timeline . It shows that your future extends out in one direction and your past in another. Imagine yourself floating above your timeline. Fly out in the distance until you’re just ahead of where your timeline ends. If your timeline ends before you see yourself as quite old, wise, and active, take hold of your timeline and stretch it out even more until you do have a long, rich future. 4. From your vantage point, situated just before where your future ends, look back on your timeline. Review your life and decide if it was worth living the way you lived it. See what you accomplished. Is it good, satisfying and worthwhile? If you want to change your future timeline, imagine a mist obstructing your view. Realize that while your view is blocked, your timeline is changing for the better and be - coming more enriched in ways that combine your conscious desires with the wisdom of your unconscious mind. Then as the mist clears, you see a much more satisfying future history. 5. Now look at the wise old person you will become. Look and listen closely as this future you may have something very important for you. When you have received it from that future you , thank that person and take a moment to appreciate what you’ve been given. 6. Then begin to move back along your timeline, back to that distant present, getting closer every moment. Review your new future time - line as you do. 7. Come to a stop over the present you. Look into your past. See a younger you who once anticipated the present you . Then look into your future and see that future you who is expecting you. Now, re-enter your body and settle fully into yourself with all your new 22 knowledge available to you as you now open your eyes. Submodalities The Building Blocks of Experience

Listed below is a compilation of some of the most common submodali - ties. Familiarize yourself with these building blocks of experience; you’ll use them when you engage in many of the techniques found on the audios. Remember, submodalities can be used to enhance, diminish, or change your experience. Visual Brightness Contrast Size Clarity Color/Black & white Focus Saturation (vividness) Framed/Panoramic Hue or color balance Movement Shape Perspective Location Associated/Dissociated Distance 3-Dimensional/Flat

Auditory Pitch Duration Tempo (speed) Location Volume Distance Rhythm External/Internal Continuous/Interrupted Source Timbre or tonality Monaural/Stereo Digital (words) Clarity Associated/Dissociated Number Kinesthetic (Sensations) Pressure Movement Location Duration Number Intensity Texture Shape Temperature Frequency (tempo)

From Using Your Brain — for a Change by Richard Bandler. Used with permission. ©1985 Real People Press

23 NLP Glossary

Alignment – To match another person’s behavior or experience by getting into the same line of sight and thought as the person. Anchor – A specific stimulus: a sight, sound, word or touch that automatically brings up a particular memory and state of body and mind. Example: “Our song.” Associated – Seeing the world out of your own eyes. Experiencing life in your body. Also see First Position. Contrast with Dissociated and Third Position. Auditory – The hearing/speaking Sensory Modality including sounds and words. Chunk Size – The level of specificity. People who are detail oriented are “small chunkers.” People who think in general terms are “large chunkers” – they see the big picture. Congruence – When goals, thoughts and behaviors are in agreement. Criteria – (Value) The standard by which something is evaluated. Dissociated – Viewing/Experiencing an event from outside one’s own body. Example: Seeing yourself on a movie screen. Floating above an event and seeing yourself. Contrast with Associated. Ecology – From the biological sciences. Concern for the whole person/organization as a balanced, interacting system. When a change is ecological, the whole person and organization (or family) benefits. Eye-Accessing Cues – Unconscious movements of the eyes that let us know if someone is seeing images, hearing sounds, or experiencing feelings. First Position – Viewing/Experiencing the world through one’s own eyes and with one’s body. See Associated. Future Pace – A process for connecting Resource States to specific cues in one’s future so that the resources will automatically reoccur. Also see Anchor, Resource State. Incongruence – When goals, thoughts, and behaviors are in conflict. Example: A person may say one thing and do another.

Intention – The desire or goal of a behavior. In NLP, intention is assumed to be positive. 24 Kinesthetic – Sensory Modality of touch, muscle tension (sensations), and emotions (feelings). Meta-Program – A mental program that operates across many different contexts of a person’s life. Mirroring – Putting oneself in the same posture as another person, in order to gain rapport. Model – A description of the essential distinctions of an experience or ability. Modeling – The NLP process of studying living examples of human excellence in order to find the essential distinctions of thought and behavior one needs in order to get the same results. Motivation Direction – (Meta-Program) A mental program that determines whether a person moves toward or away from experiences. Neuro-Linguistic Programming – (NLP) The study of the structure of subjective experience. The process of creating models of human excellence in which the usefulness, not the truthfulness, is the most important criterion for success. Pacing – Matching another’s behavior, posture, language/predicates in order to build rapport. Rapport – The natural process of matching and being in alignment with another. Resource State – While any experience can be a Resource State, typically a Resource State is a positive, action-oriented, potential- fulfilled experience in a person’s life. Second Position – Viewing/Experiencing an event from the perspective of the person you are interacting with. Sensory Modalities – The five senses through which we take in experi - ence: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Strategy – A sequence of internal representations and behavior leading to an outcome. Submodalities – The components that make up a Sensory Modality. Example: In the visual modality, the submodalities include color, brightness, focus, dimensionality, etc. Third Position – Viewing/Experiencing an event as an observer from the outside. Timeline – The unconscious arrangement of a person’s past memories and future expectations. Typically, this is as a “line” of images. 25 Visual – Sensory modality of seeing. Questions and Answers About NLP Q. What is NLP? A. It’s a state-of-the-art set of communications methods for enhancing personal and professional development and for creating personal change gracefully. NLP is also described as “software for your brain” – allowing you to automatically tap into the kind of experiences you want to have. Q. What can NLP do? A. It lets you model, or copy, human excellence in any form. With NLP, you can identify what makes someone exceptionally skilled, and get that skill for yourself or teach it to others. NLP can help you become adept in whatever is important to you, whether that means getting along with your family and co-workers or being more effective on the job. Q. Where is NLP useful? A. NLP is valuable wherever human communication skills can enhance results – in business consultation, management, negotiation, education, counseling, therapy, relationships, parenting, nursing, public speaking, sports performance, and many other areas. Q. What kind of results can I get with NLP? A. NLP can allow a therapist to change the impact of the past on a client, a teacher to change a poor speller into a good speller, a business person to gain rapport nonverbally and to run meetings efficiently, an athlete to improve concentration, and more. Q. Is NLP a therapy? A. Although NLP can be used as a method of therapy, the applications are much broader. Even when used as a therapy, it’s basically a process of teaching people how to use their brains. Most therapy is remedial, that is, directed toward solving problems from the past. NLP goes much further to study excellence and teach the skills that promote positive change that generates new possibilities and opportunities. Q. Will NLP change the way 1 think? A. Probably. NLP is a model of how the brain works. When you understand what yours can do, you’ll probably want to use it to greater advantage.

26 Q. Does NLP deal with emotions? A. Yes! This is one of the things NLP does best. NLP helps people transform debilitating emotions into empowering, resourceful feelings. Since many therapies are very slow, based on catharsis or “venting your feelings,” many people associate personal change with the expression of a lot of unpleasant feelings. NLP offers a much more pleasant, effective way of dealing with emotions. We assist people in going through old memories in new ways, quickly transforming unpleasant experiences into positive resources. Q. Can you use NLP on yourself? A. Yes. You can use some NLP patterns with yourself immediately. This includes changing your feelings, learning a new thinking strategy, changing habits, motivating yourself, and more. Other patterns/ techniques are primarily useful in working with others. Q. Is NLP manipulative? A. Since NLP is so powerful in getting results, people want to know that it will be used to benefit them. Our trainings emphasize ways to make sure the changes you help someone get are in her or his best interest. Knowing NLP gives you ways of protecting yourself from manipulation by others or the media.

27 Bibliography (Editor’s Note: Listed below are the sources for much of the material you heard in the audios.They are presented here to acknowledge NLP Compre - hensive’s appreciation for the contribution of these authors and to provide you with a partial reading list, should you wish to learn more about the fascinating and ever-expanding field of NLP.) Andreas, Connirae, and Andreas, Steve Heart of the Mind: Engaging Your Inner Power to Change with NLP Real People Press, 1989 Andreas, Steve, and Andreas, Connirae Change Your Mind – and Keep the Change Real People Press, 1987 Bandler, Richard Using Your Brain – for a Change Real People Press, 1985 Bandler, Richard, and Grinder, John Frogs into Princes Real People Press, 1979 Cameron-Bandler, Leslie, and LeBeau, Michael Solutions: Enhancing Love, Sex & Relationships Real People Press, 1985 GarfIeld, Charles Peak Performers, The New Heroes of American Business Garfield Enterprises Inc., 1986 (Avon Books) Grinder, John, and Bandler, Richard Trance-formations: NLP and the Structure of Real People Press, 1981

Would You Like to Be Trained in NLP? For more information about NLP and NLP training and certification, contact: NLP Comprehensive 2897 Valmont Road Boulder, Colorado 80302 1-800-233-1657

28 My iJournal

29 My iJournal

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