Page 16  2021 Catalog  The Maine Lady The Maine Potato Lady  2021 Catalog  Page 17 Alison’s Spud Specs™ roasting, salads roasting, salads fries, roasting roasting, salads roasting, salads roasting, salads boiling, roasting roasting, salads roasting, salads roasting, salads boiling, fries, salads boiling, roasting baking, roasting boiling, fries, salads all purpose baking, mashing boiling, mashing roasting, salads BEST USES BEST boiling, steaming boiling, steaming BEST USES BEST roasting, salads boiling, salads, soups roasting, salads boiling, steaming all purpose mashing boiling, mashing, salads baking, fries baking, fries, mashing baking, fries roasting, steaming all purpose baking, fries, mashing baking, fries all purpose all purpose all purpose baking, fries boiling, mashing, roasting boiling baking, roasting all purpose boiling, mashing baking, mashing boiling, steaming salads, soups all purpose all purpose salads, steaming boiling, mashing baking, fries all purpose mashing, soups boiling, salads STORAGE good good good good good good good good good good good good good fair excellent excellent good good good fair good good good fair good excellent excellent STORAGE excellent excellent excellent good good excellent excellent good excellent excellent excellent good good good excellent excellent excellent good good good good good good excellent good excellent good YIELD high high medium-high high high medium-high high high medium-high high high high high medium-high medium-high high medium-high high high high medium-high medium-high high high high medium-high high YIELD high high high high high high high high high high medium high high medium-high low-medium high high high high high high high high high medium high medium-high mid-late MATURITY mid mid-late late mid-late late late late mid-late mid mid mid mid early-mid mid mid early-mid mid--early early-mid early late mid late early late late late MATURITY mid mid late early early mid late mid mid late late mid-early late early early mid mid mid mid-early early-mid mid early early late mid late early SHAPE fingerling fingerling fingerling fingerling fingerling fingerling fingerling fingerling fingerling round-oblong oblong round round oblong round-oblong round oblong oval round round oblong round oblong-long round round round-oblong round-flattened SHAPE oblong-long long oblong round round-oval blocky-oval round-oblong round oblong flat-round oblong round-oval round round oval round oblong flat-round round-oblong oval oblong oval-round oval oval-long round round-oblong oblong oblong round oval dark yellow dark yellow purple yellow w/red ring dark yellow dark purple white dark pink dark yellow blue blue dark yellow yellow purple yellow white pink-red dark yellow white white deep yellow white dark yellow deep yellow white white FLESH COLOR FLESH white FLESH COLOR FLESH white white white white white cream yellow yellow white white white white white white yellow yellow yellow light yellow dark yellow yellow yellow yellow light yellow yellow yellow yellow dark yellow SKIN COLOR SKIN tan tan lightly russetted blue rose-red tan dark purple red bright red rose-blushed beige deep blue deep blue purple purple and yellow purple purple pink-splashed purple purplish-red red pink red dark red rose red bright red red and yellow rose-red bright red dark red dark red SKIN COLOR SKIN smooth russet light russet heavy russet buff buff buff buff buff buff buff light tan white buff white buff w/pink eyes bright gold w/pink eyes yellow yellow dark yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow netted yellow yellow yellow dark yellow 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 8 9 9 8 8 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 12 12 18 13 14 19 19 19 13 12 18 10 14 19 13 19 18 10 15 15 15 15 14 18 13 18 PG PG web web web NEW! VARIETY FINGERLING n Banana n Fleur Bleue NEW! French Fingerling n Laratte n Magic Molly Papa Cacho n Red Thumb n Rose Finn Apple n BLUE-SKINNED All Blue n Harvest Moon Masquerade Purple Majesty Purple Sun Purple Viking n RED-SKINNED Adirondack Red Baltic Rose Chieftain n Dark n Désirée n Fenway Red NEW! Pinto Gold Red Gold Red Maria n Strawberry Paw Goldrush Caribou Russet RUSSET Canela Russet Upstate Abundance NEW! Superior n Norwis Lehigh Keuka Gold Kennebec n Katahdin n Green Mountain n Eva Elba BUFF-SKINNED Early Ohio n Yukon Gold Yukon Gem Yukon Yellow Finn n Yellow Vivaldi Soraya Satina Nicola n Natascha Golden Globe German Butterball n Carola n n YELLOW-SKINNED Belmonda VARIETY 207.717.5451 [email protected] 207.717.5451 [email protected]