Continuing Medical Education

Scar : A Case Report and Brief Review

Abdulhafez Selim, MD, PhD; Eric Ehrsam, MD; M. Bassel Atassi, MD; Amor Khachemoune, MD, CWS

GOAL To understand sarcoidosis to better treat patients with the condition

OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this activity, dermatologists and general practitioners should be able to: 1. Describe the clinical presentation of sarcoidosis. 2. Identify modes of diagnosing sarcoidosis. 3. Discuss treatment options for sarcoidosis.

CME Test on page 416.

This article has been peer reviewed and approved Einstein College of Medicine is accredited by by Michael Fisher, MD, Professor of Medicine, the ACCME to provide continuing medical edu- Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Review date: cation for physicians. November 2006. Albert Einstein College of Medicine designates This activity has been planned and imple- this educational activity for a maximum of 1 AMA mented in accordance with the Essential Areas PRA Category 1 CreditTM. Physicians should only and Policies of the Accreditation Council for claim credit commensurate with the extent of their Continuing Medical Education through the participation in the activity. sponsorship of Albert Einstein College of This activity has been planned and produced in Medicine and Quadrant HealthCom, Inc. Albert accordance with ACCME Essentials.

Drs. Selim, Ehrsam, Atassi, and Khachemoune report no conflict of interest. The authors discuss off-label use of allopurinol, , , and . Dr. Fisher reports no conflict of interest.

Scar sarcoidosis refers to of cutaneous trauma such as cuts or venipuncture, sarcoidosis that appear in preexisting scars. caused by such as herpes zoster, and This condition may be caused by mechanical . We present a case of a 34-year-old man who developed scar sarcoidosis following minor trauma to the left calf. We review the epidemiol- Accepted for publication June 28, 2006. ogy, clinical presentations, pathophysiology, and Dr. Selim is a research fellow, Endocrine Unit, Department of treatment options for scar sarcoidosis. Internal Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Cutis. 2006;78:418-422. Medical School, Boston. Dr. Ehrsam is in private practice, Le Cateau, France. Dr. Atassi is a research fellow, Department of Radiology, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Khachemoune is Assistant Professor, Ronald O. Perelman arcoidosis initially was described by Sir Jonathan Department of , New York University School of Hutchinson in 1875, and cutaneous sarcoidosis Medicine, New York. (lupus pernio) was described by Besnier 1 in 1899. Reprints: Amor Khachemoune, MD, CWS, Ronald O. Perelman S Department of Dermatology, New York University School of Sarcoidosis is a multisystem that may involve Medicine, 530 First Ave, Suite 7R, New York, NY 10016 almost any system and, therefore, may pre- (e-mail: [email protected]). sent with various clinical manifestations.2 Cutaneous

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GOAL To understand scar sarcoidosis to better treat patients with the condition

OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this activity, dermatologists and general practitioners should be able to: 1. Describe the clinical presentation of sarcoidosis. 2. Identify modes of diagnosing sarcoidosis. 3. Discuss treatment options for sarcoidosis.

CME Test on page 416.

Figure 1. Large erythematous violaceous plaque on Figure 2. Sarcoid naked (H&E, the left calf. original magnification 340).

sarcoidosis occurs in up to one third of patients with of the previous ulceration and became raised with systemic sarcoidosis. Recognition of cutaneous lesions violaceous discoloration. The patient denied any is important because the lesions provide a visible clue history of excessive scarring or formation after to the diagnosis and are an easily accessible source skin or trauma. There were no personal or of for histologic examination.3 Because lesions family histories of granulomatous . can exhibit many different morphologies, cutaneous Results of a physical examination showed an sarcoidosis is known as one of the “great imitators” erythematous-to-dusky plaque measuring approxi- in dermatology.4 Lesions of cutaneous sarcoidosis also mately 433 cm (Figure 1) on the left calf with well- can appear in preexisting scars, a condition known as defined irregular borders and discrete papules on the scar sarcoidosis.5 The latter condition may be caused internal aspect of the knee. No tender nodules on by mechanical trauma such as venipuncture, scars the shins were noticed, and no caused by infection such as herpes zoster,6 and tattoos.7 was present. Results from a and Treatment of cutaneous lesions can be frustrating. For a routine chest x-ray were unremarkable. Results patients with widespread disease, the most effective of a punch revealed changes consistent with treatment is systemic . The of sarcoid naked granulomas (Figure 2). The patient sarcoidosis usually is good, in particular, if the condi- was started on topical potent tapes tion predominantly or solely affects the skin.8 and experienced marked improvement.

Case Report Comment A 34-year-old man presented with a progressively Sarcoidosis occurs more frequently in females than enlarging on his left calf. He reported that in males, with reported ratios as high as 5:1. In the about 3 months prior he had developed a small United States, black individuals are affected 3 to ulceration at this location following a fall. With local 4 times more often than white individuals.9 Sarcoid- wound care, the ulceration healed with a scar. The osis is found worldwide and in every race, though scar, however, continued to grow beyond the borders the incidence varies dramatically. In Europe, the

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disease affects white individuals more commonly than include infectious, environmental, and autoantigens.20 other races, and it affects Western Europeans more The most common infectious agents implicated than Eastern Europeans. People from Scandinavia are , Mycoplasma species, have one of the highest incidence rates at 64 cases Corynebacterium species, spirochetes, atypical myco- per 100,000 population; in Poland, the incidence is bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes, Borrelia burgdorferi, 3 cases per 100,000 population. The disease is rare in herpes simplex virus, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalo- Eskimos, Southeast Asians, New Zealand Maoris, and virus, coxsackievirus, rubella virus, Histoplasma spe- native Canadian populations.10,11 The difference in cies, species, coccidioidomycosis, and prevalence among certain populations in varying geo- sporotrichosis.21 Environmental antigens implicated graphic locations suggests that ethnic susceptibility include metals (eg, zirconium, aluminum, beryl- factors, as well as environmental factors, contribute lium), organic dusts (eg, pine, pollen), inorganic dusts to the etiology of sarcoidosis.11 (eg, clay, soil, talc), and autoantigens (AV 2S31 Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disorder characterized and HLA-DR171).22 by noncaseating, naked, epithelioid granulomas and Genetic factors also are thought to play a role in commonly involves the hilar lymph nodes, , skin, the disease process.23 Familial clustering of cases has and eyes. The frequency of skin involvement in sar- been reported. Monozygotic twins are 2 to 4 times coidosis is 10% to 30% of all cases, but the prevalence more likely to have the disease than dizygotic twins.23 of particular types of cutaneous lesions varies among Certain HLA associations have been demonstrated; races, as well as among individual cases.12 the most common allele found in sarcoidosis is Clinically, there is spontaneous development of HLA-B8. Other associated alleles include HLA-A1 livid or reddish-brown plaques on scars that were and HLA-DR3.24 previously and mostly atrophic; this phenomenon Most authors divide cutaneous lesions into specific occurs at varying intervals. Therefore, sarcoidosis and nonspecific categories.25 Specific skin lesions dis- should be considered in the of play noncaseating granulomas on biopsy. Nonspecific an enlarging previously inactive scar. Lesions can skin lesions display no granulomas on biopsy. Scar sar- develop in scars caused by mechanical trauma, such coidosis is a specific form of cutaneous sarcoidosis in as in sites, tuberculin test sites,5 sites that which old scars become infiltrated with noncaseating have received hyaluronic acid injection for wrinkles,13 granulomas. Typical sarcoid lesions sites of cosmetic tattoos,14 sites of previous laser sur- are characterized by the presence of circumscribed gery,15 and sites used for desensitization injections.16 granulomas of epithelioid cells with little or no necro- Scar sarcoidosis has been reported following herpes sis. Granulomas usually are in the superficial zoster infection.17 but may involve the full thickness of the dermis and Correctly diagnosing sarcoidosis may be a chal- extend to the subcutaneous tissue. Islands of epithe- lenge. Unfortunately, no single test can lead to diag- lioid cells may have a few Langerhans giant cells.25 nosis of the condition. Patients are diagnosed with Giant cells may contain asteroid or Schaumann sarcoidosis when a compatible clinical or radiologic bodies; asteroid bodies are star-shaped eosinophilic picture is present, along with histologic evidence of structures; and Schaumann bodies are round or oval noncaseating granulomas, and when other potential laminated structures that usually are calcified at the causes, such as , are excluded. periphery.26 Granulomas are referred to as naked Cutaneous sarcoidosis varies greatly in its clini- because they have only a sparse lymphocytic infiltrate cal presentation and has been labeled as one of the at the margins of the granulomas. , if present, great dermatologic masqueraders.4,18 Maculopapular usually starts at the periphery and advances toward lesions can appear as , rosea, lupus the center.26 erythematosus, or adenoma sebaceum. The differ- The treatment of cutaneous sarcoidosis often is frus- ential diagnoses of plaques include , trating, and the condition often is refractory to therapy lipoidica, , , , or recurs following successful treatment. Therapeutic and discoid lupus.4,18 approaches range from topical, intralesional, and sys- The etiology of sarcoidosis is unknown, but several temic use of to systemic medications immune aberrations have been noted and are thought such as cytostatic drugs, chloroquine,27 allopurinol to play a role in its pathogenesis.19 Immune dysregu- (300 mg/d),28 and thalidomide.29 lation has been theorized to result from a persistent For localized involvement of cutaneous sarcoidosis, antigen of low virulence that is poorly cleared by the topical or intralesional steroids are used. Physicians immune system, leading to a chronic of the frequently use superpotent topical corticosteroids 30-32 Th1 subtype response and causing forma- because the drugs occasionally are effective. How- tion. Proposed antigens fall into 3 categories that ever, the corticosteroid often does not adequately

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penetrate the skin lesion. Intralesional cortico- References steroids (eg, acetonide in a dose of 1. Besnier M. Lupus pernio de la : synovites fungue- 5 mg/mL) typically are more effective, with injec- sues (scrofulo-tuberculeuses) symetriques des extremities tions repeated at 2- to 3-week intervals.30,31 superieures. Ann Dermatol Syphiligr. 1899;10:33-36. Alternative therapies include oral psoralen plus 2. Kerdel FA, Moschella SL. Sarcoidosis. an updated review. UVA, surgical excision, and laser treatment.32 J Am Acad Dermatol. 1984;11:1-19. The Q-switched ruby laser appears to be a rapid 3. Giuffrida TJ, Kerdel FA. Sarcoidosis. Dermatol Clin. and effective means of treating scar sarcoidosis 2002;20:435-47, vi. in traumatic tattoos without adverse effects.33 4. Hsu S, Le EH, Khoshevis MR. Differential diagnosis of Surgical excision of small lesions or excision of annular lesions. Am Fam Physician. 2001;64:289-296. larger lesions with skin grafting can be attempted 5. Caro I. 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