Commercial Biotechnology: an International Analysis
Index . Index Abbott Laboratories, 149, 196 generic applied research, 312 Abello Co. (F. R.G.), 130 international comparisons, 317 acquired immunedeficiency syndrome (AIDS), 125, 132 issues and options, 325 Advanced Genetic Sciences, Inc., 82 National Institutes of Health, 310, 323 Agent Orange, 222 National Science Foundation, 310 Agricultural Genetics (U.K.), 71, 82, 320, 425 USDA, 311, 323 Ajinomoto Co., 83, 131, 196, 197, 505 Baxter Travenol Laboratories, 134, 196 Allied Corp., 82 Baxter, William, Assistant Attorney General, 436 American Association for the Advancement of Science, Bayer Co., 83 309 Beckman Instruments, 87, 88 American Association of Universities, 421 Becton Dickinson Co., 145 American Cancer Society, 123 Beecham Co. (U.K.), 75 American Commercial Co., 87 Bell Laboratories, 308, 532 American Cyanamid, 80, 81, 167 Berkey Photo, Inc. v. Eastman Kodak Co., 440 American Hospital Supply, 196 Bethesda Research Laboratories, 84, 199 American Society for Engineering Education, 341 bioelectronics, 7, 253-256 Amgen Co., 80, 130, 149, 167 biochips, 254 Amicon Co., 54, 88 biosensors, 253 analysis, framework for, 263-266 future research, 256 competitiveness in biotechnology, factors influencing, bioengineering, novel techniques, 3, 4, 25 263 Biogen Co., 99, 101, 122, 133, 134 firms commercializing biotechnology, 265 Bio Logicals, 85, 90 Anheuser Busch, 102, 247 Biopol@, 211 animal agriculture industry, 6, 79-81, 162-171 bioprocessing separation and purification animal nutrition and growth promotion, 167 instrumentation, 88 commercial
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