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Trotzky’s Latest Book | “The Soviet Hen” “From October to Brest-Litovsk”” (written less than @ year 090) 200 A recent London cable reports that this book had just appeared in that city. We have had our own translation on the market for several months, and are selling it for the low price of 35 cents, 100 Pages (paper cover). Men Among our recent pamphlets are “ Letters to Amer- ican Workingmen,” by Nikolai Lenin. Price 5 cents, Also “ The Old Order in Europe and the New Order Own in Russia,” by M. Philips Price. (Russian corre~ spondent of “The Manchester, Eng., Guardian.) Price 10 cents. “The Soviet. The Terror, and Intervention,” by This Hen! the same author. Price 10 cents. “The Crisis in the German Social-Democracy,” by Rosa Luxenburg. Price 25 cents colony! Af" uvestocky lands," toots, industries, ete, are eo ‘The May issue of “ Te Crass Srruccte,” a maga- zine devoted to International Socialism, is out and ‘on sale at all radical bookstores. Price 25 cents. Tt contains articles by Lenin, Gorky, Bucharin, Sen, Tiducation, and estertainment re Gree, Children Katoyama, Mehring, Adler and others. If you can- not get this magazine or any of our pamphlets at your bookstore we willsend them to you, postage Prepaid, on receipt of the advertised price. Socialist Publication Society LLANO COOPERATIVE COLONY totisiaxi 243 55th Street, BROOKLYN, N. Y. A SUMMER SCHOOL FOR WORKERS @ The most fascinating short-storiés, of genuine merit, of any magazine in Study while you play America. Vivid, colorful poetry of the highest SUMMER SESSIONS OF THE value. @ Reproductions of paintings, etch- Rand School of Social Science ings, drawings by such masters as Boris July 7 to August 16 Anisfeld, Robert Henri, George Luks, 3 terms of 2 weeks each Bellows, Auerbach-Levy. INSTRUCTORS: Scorr_Neantnc, ALceRNoN Lee, Harry Dawa, Norman @ Essays, reviews, miscellaneous arti- Tuomas, Lupwic Lone, A. L. cles. ‘TracHTENsERG, and others. COURSES: Evoution or Socrery, Revo- Allin the Lurions 1x Eurore, Economics or Reconstruction, SOctatisa, Tue Lasox Movement, Cari PAGAN rauisM and many others. ‘Twenty-six in all. the unique magazine Per Tera, $15; ror SINGLE 20 cents a copy 2 dollars a year Course, $3, Send 20 cents for a sample copy For further information, send for Folder 110a PAGAN PUBLISHING CO. 7 East 15th St., New York 23 W. 8th Street 7 "1th". New York City Follow Us! By Maxim Gorky ‘HE victors, who a short time ago, proclaimed to the ful men that capitalism has lost its constructiye force and whole world that they were destroying millions of men is a relic of the past, is a hindrance to the dé¥elopment of for the victory of justice and the happiness of all peoples, world culture, that it calls forth enmity between individuals, have now forced the conquered German people to accept the families, classes and nations and that the beauti terms of an armistice which is ten times harder than the of the great brotherhood of nations cannot be accomplished Brest-Litovsk peace and which threatens the Germans with as long as the irreconcilable struggle between labor and inescapable hunger. From day to day the cynicism of the capital still survives. I do not deny the services of capital inhuman policy of the imperialists becomes clearer and to the working portion of humanity, out of the flesh and threatens more and more openly the peoples of Europe with blood of which it created the bases for a transition into a new wars and fresh bloodshed. new, perfect and just order of society by means of Socialism. President Wilson, who yesterday the eloquent But now that the damnable war has disclosed the comple champion of the freedom of peoples and the rights shabbiness, inhumanity. and cynicism of the old system, now, of democracy, is equipping a powerful army for the “ Resto- its death sentence has been pronounced. We, Russians, a ration of Order,” in Revolutionary Russia, where the people people without traditions and on that account bolder, more have already realized their lawful right to take the power rebellious and less bound by the prejudices of the past, we ‘0 their own hands and are striving with all their might to have been the first to tread the path which leads to the de- lay the foundation for a new political order. I will not deny struction of the outworn conditions of capitalist society, that this constructive work has been preceded by an often and we are convinced that we have a claim on the help and unnecessary destruction. But I, more than anyone else, am sympathy of the proletariat of the entire world, and also justified and in a position to explain, that the ctltural meta- of those, who, even before the war, criticised sharply the morphosis which is going on under particularly dificult ci present conditions of soci ‘cumstances, and which calls for heroic exertions of strength, If this criticism was honest, then all honorable men in is now gradually taking on a form and a compass which has Europe and America must recognize our right to shape our up to the present, been unknown in human history. ‘This destiny in the manner we think necessary, If any of the is not an exaggeration, But a short time ago an opponent intellectual workers take a true interest in the solving of ‘of the Soviet government and still in many respects not in the great social problem, they must protest against those agreement with it, I can yet say, that in the future the his- who strive for the reestablishment of the old regime, who torian, when judging the work which the Russian workers wish to destroy the Russian Revolution by the shedding of have accomplished in one year, will be able to feel nothing Russian blood, to subject Russia to their rule in order later but admiration for the immensity of the present cultural ac- to exploit it as they exploited Turkey and other countries, tivity... and as they are now preparing to exploit Germany. ‘This Ts it because of the slight transgressions of the Russian is the true wish of the imperialists, is their sacred task. Revolution against humanity, is it because of the lack of high- The leader of the campaign against Russia is Wood- mindedness on the part of the Russian workmen row Wilson, The torch of the Russian Revolution which towards their conquered class enemies, that, the throws its light over the entire world, is held firmly by the imperialists of Europe and America are taking the field hand of Lenin. The proletariat and the intellectuals will against Revolutionary Russia? No, the case is not so beau choose which one represents their interests most nearly, the ful or so idealistic as the papers of Europe, France, America representative of the outworn, life-destroying minority rule, and Japan represent it. The matter is much simpler. The or the leader and teacher of new social ideals and emotions, imperialists of the three continents fear the operation of the who is the embodiment of the beautiful ideals of the workers new influences which may hinder the fortifying of political —of freedom of labor among all peoples... conditions and institutions that can strengthen their power Existing under the menace of conquest by the robbers, over the wills of the people; conditions, in consequence of they proclaim to the workers and to honorable men’ in which a small minority disposes of the wills and lives of all the world: Follow us to a new life, for the creation of the majority, that minority which evoked the senseless, which we are working without sparing ourselves or any- bloody battles. thing or anyone else. For this we are working, erring and One would think that all sensible and honorable suffering with the eager hope of success, Jeaving to the just men must see clearly the hypocrisy and the stupidity decision of history all our acts. Follow us in our struggle of the foundations of the capitalist system. It seems as if against the old order, in the work for a new form of life, this were the time to convince all honorable and thought- for the freedom and beauty of life. , Ser 0, J, Pabllabed by ‘Te, Laberator Pobliahy ‘Tap Lanmagon, « monty magazine, Jane, “Applcaton 1919. petclog Twenty tor cent ett" a copy, ay sSoed 82,8 Year. Class matter Vol. 2, ‘a No. Tie bor’ she at New Verse S. Taer the Ret oe Siar Pelee ho Robinson Boardman “4 (058 Keege of Nate Vol. 2, No. 6 (Serial No. 16) June, 1919 there be no more failure and no more faltering. ‘These EDITORIALS imperialistic pirates who have ripped open and mutilated the wounded body of the German nation after surrender, JF there had been no disinterested idealism introduced into are at the same time engaged in the cold-blooded murder by the war by Woodrow Wilson, and the Allies had simply starvation of hundreds of thousands of men and women and proceeded to “lick” Germany in a straightforward fashion, little children in the towns and cities of European Russia. the terms imposed upon her would no doubt have been ‘They are starving them because that is the only way they extremely severe. The victors would have taken away all can prevent the truth that has been demonstrated in Rus of her ion-European territory, and probably about 2 quarter from becoming known to the whole world. And while they of her European territory, reducing her empire from 1,236,- are starving them, they are supplying arms and ammuniti 600 square miles to about 160,000 square miles.