Please have your ingredients weighed out and all equipment ready prior to the class. Please feel free to join in and bake along or watch and bake another time.


Electronic scales Assorted bowls, spoons, wooden spoon, and Non-stick baking paper Large saucepan with a heatproof bowl that can sit on top (or double boiler) Baking tray Mini muffin tin (can be silicon) Hand (balloon type) whisk Citrus or cheese grater Temperature probe, optional but not necessary

Passion Fruit Curd

The perfect accompaniment to a special Valentine’s Day breakfast, afternoon tea, or dessert.

3-4 passion fruits, depending on size, to make approximately 100ml (1/2 cup) of juicy pulp 2 T lemon juice 50g caster 85g unsalted butter 4 egg yolks (from large eggs)

Place the passion fruit pulp and sugar in a heat-proof glass bowl or top of double boiler. Heat a few inches of water to a simmer in a pan or bottom of a double boiler. Place the bowl on top, taking care that the water is not furiously boiling and the bottom of the bowl does not come into contact with the water. Stir the mixture for a few minutes to dissolve the sugar and warm through.

Whisk the egg yolks and lemon juice in a separate bowl to form a smooth paste. Pour the warm passion fruit mixture into the egg yolks while whisking constantly to temper the eggs then pour the mixture back into the bowl over the simmering water.

Add the unsalted butter to the warm passion fruit curd and stir frequently as it melts to emulsify the curd. (Make sure the bowl does not touch the water or the eggs will scramble!) Stir frequently until thickened (10-20 minutes) and the mixture coats the back of a spoon. The most accurate way to test if the curd is ready is to use temperature probe, it is ready when it reaches 160 degrees F.

Allow the curd to cool and store in a covered container in the refrigerator for up to a week. AMARETTI BISCUITS

Naturally gluten free, Amaretti biscuits make great gifts and are perfect for sharing or sending in the post.

190g caster sugar 70g egg whites (please weigh for accuracy - approximately whites from two large eggs 260g ground almonds (ground hazelnuts can also be used) Zest of one orange 25g finely chopped stem ginger (the kind sold in ) Icing sugar to roll biscuits in

Preheat to 180 degrees fan. Have a parchment covered baking sheet ready and a tray with icing sugar ready to roll cookies in before baking. Mix eggs whites with HALF of sugar until mixture resembles whipped cream, it is recommended that you do this by hand. Add other half of sugar and whip in until you can no longer feel the granules of sugar. Tip in all of ground almonds and mix in with a or wooden spoon. Add the zest and finely chopped ginger. The mixture will resemble marzipan.

Roll into balls (approximately 35g each) and then in icing sugar in tray (these need to be coated very well). then let them set in the tray for about 5 minutes before baking. Bake at 180 fan for about 20 minutes.

Mixture will keep refrigerated for a week or in the freezer for a month.


Makes 12

50g unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly 100g caster sugar 1 large egg 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 35g plain flour 25g cocoa powder pinch of

For the filling: 7 soft toffees, unwrapped 1 Tablespoon double cream

Preheat oven to 170 degrees fan. Spray mini muffin moulds with nonstick spray (or grease well) and set aside.

In a large mixing bowl, mix the butter and sugar, add the eggs and vanilla and mix well. Combine the dry ingredients and sift into the the wet mixture. Mix just until combined.

Using a piping bag, pipe the mixture evenly into 12 mini muffin moulds. Bake for 14/15 minutes until puffed and set, brownies are best if they are slightly under baked. Remove from the oven and gently press in the centre of each brownie with the bottom of a measuring teaspoon to make a ‘dip’ for the filling. Allow the brownies to cool completely before removing from the moulds. To make the filling, place the toffees and double cream in a microwaveable jug and microwave in short bursts (20-30 seconds), stirring between each increment until a smooth texture is achieved. Spoon caramel into the brownie bites, sprinkle with a few flakes of sea salt if desired and allow to set.