Annual Report Energy Management Centre Kerala
ANNUAL REPORT 2002-2003 ENERGY MANAGEMENT CENTRE KERALA (An autonomous center under the department of power, Government of Kerala) Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram 695002. 1. ORGANISATION & FUNCTIONS 1.1 Introduction Energy Management Centre, Kerala, an organisation registered under the Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Act of 1955 with Reg.No: 139/96, came into existence on 07-02-1996. The office of the organisation is at T.C.20/1441, Poojappura- Karamana Road , Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram, 695 002 . The Centre is an autonomous body under the Department of Power, Government of Kerala, devoted to the improvement of energy efficiency in the State, promotion of energy conservation and encouraging development of technologies related to energy through research, training, demonstration programmes and awareness creation. The centre is networking with institutions within and outside the State for research and training. This report for 2002-2003 highlights the various activities of the Energy Management Centre, Kerala in the areas of energy conservation, workshops/training programmes, demonstration and awareness programmes in the energy sector. The report also gives a picture of the administrative and financial activities of the Centre . During the period under report four meetings of the Executive Committee (09.05.2002, 18.07.2002, 23.01.2003, 29.03.2003) and one meeting of the Governing Body (26.09.2002) were held. 1.2 Objectives The objectives of the Centre are to facilitate efficient management of all forms of energy, to promote energy efficiency and energy conservation and to develop new sources of energy as well as novel energy technologies with a view to increasing production, improving the quality of life and facilitating the use of energy on a sustainable basis .
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