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Penny C. Sansevieri :gBglb]^kl@nb]^mhIn[eb\bsbg` Zg]FZkd^mbg`rhnk;hhd PENNY C. SANSEVIERI New York FROM BOOK TO BESTSELLER :gBglb]^kl@nb]^mhIn[eb\bsbg` Zg]FZkd^mbg`Rhnk;hhd by Penny C. Sansevieri © 2007. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and record- ing, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from author or publisher (except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages and/or show brief video clips in a review). ISBN: 1-60037-088-8 (Hardcover) ISBN: 1-60037-085-3 (Paperback) ISBN: 1-60037-086-1 (eBook) ISBN: 1-60037-087-X (Audio) Published by: Morgan James Publishing, LLC 1225 Franklin Ave. Ste 325 Garden City, NY 11530-1693 Toll Free 800-485-4943 Interior Design by: Bonnie Bushman [email protected] MORE BOOKS BY PENNY C. SANSEVIERI GhgÛ\mbhg Get Published Today (Morgan James Publishing 2006) From Book to Bestseller (, Inc. 2005) No More Rejections: Get Published Today! (, Inc. 2005) No More Rejections: Get Published Today! ,QÀQLW\3XEOLVKLQJ Get Published! $QDXWKRU·VJXLGHWRWKH RQOLQHSXEOLVKLQJUHYROXWLRQ (1st Books, 2001) ?b\mbhg 7KH&OLIIKDQJHU (iUniverse, 2000) Candlewood Lake (iUniverse, 2006) To subscribe to our free newsletter send an e-mail to ln[l\kb[^9ZfZkd^mbg`^qi^km'\hf P^]eho^rhnk_^^][Z\d' A^k^lahpmh\hgmZ\mnl3 Author Marketing Experts, Inc. 3RVW2IÀFH%R[ San Diego, CA 92142 [email protected] ?hk?kZgl The best dad a girl could ever have. CONTENTS <hgm^gml :\dghpe^]`f^gml .............................qbbi =bl\eZbf^k ...................................qo ?hk^phk] ..................................qobi Bgmkh]n\mbhg ................................. qbq SECTION ONE Bgmkh]n\mbhgmh;hhdFZkd^mbg` .......1 ;^\hfbg`ZFZkd^mbg`@nkn .......................3 <k^Zmbg`RhnkNgbjn^FZkd^mbg`<ZfiZb`g ...........5 Different Ways to Market Your Book .................7 L^o^gL^\k^mlh_Pkbmbg`Z;hhdMaZmL^eel ............9 PahlRhnkFZkd^m8 ...........................13 G^o^k!^o^k"L^eeRhnk;hhd ......................19 LfZkm;n]`^mbg` ..............................23 Pbggbg`ma^GZf^@Zf^ ........................27 Pkbm^kl<hg_^k^g\^l ...........................31 RhnkIn[eb\Zmbhg=Zm^ ...........................37 DghpRhnk<Zm^`hkr ...........................39 SECTION TWO <k^Zmbg`Zg>q\^imbhgZeIk^llDbm ....43 ;^\hfbg`Zg>qi^km ............................45 F^]bZDbml ...................................49 Bgm^kob^pjn^lmbhgl ............................51 obb obbb FROM BOOK TO BESTSELLER Mbila^^m ....................................55 :nmahk;bh4Bm l:ee:[hnmRhn .....................57 Ik^llK^e^Zl^LZoor ............................61 >qi^kmLa^^ml ................................69 Ihlm\Zk]l ....................................71 Story of a Bestseller; The Power of a Postcard .........73 SECTION THREE ;hhdK^ob^pl .................75 E^mlK^ob^p ..................................77 Gb\a^k^ob^pl ................................99 More Directories and Alternative Review Sources: .....100 Mock Reviews. ................................102 Following Up. .................................103 A Final Word on Reviews. ........................104 L><MBHG?HNK Hnmlb]^ma^;hhd FZkd^mbg`LmkZm^`b^l .....................105 Mabgdbg`Hnmlb]^ma^;hhdlmhk^;hq ...............107 ;hhd<en[l .................................113 Alternative Book Clubs. .........................117 Local Book Clubs ...............................118 <hnkmbg`Li^\bZeLZe^l .........................123 @^mmbg`Rhnk;hhdhgJO< ......................127 @^mmbg`Bgmh<ZmZeh`l ..........................131 Online Catalog Directories. .......................133 Major Catalog Companies .......................134 <^e^[kbmr>g]hkl^f^gml ........................137 Libg&h__Ikh]n\ml3<k^Zmbg`Fhk^LZe^lHimbhgl _hkRhnk;hhd ..........................141 CONTENTS iX SECTION FIVE Ma^F^]bZ ...................145 <kZ\dbg`Ma^<h]^ ...........................147 Ibm\abg`RhnkLmhkrB]^Z ........................149 Timing Your Pitch. ..............................154 Following Up. .................................160 Your Pitching Script .............................161 Happy Holidays; Leveraging the Holidays to Your Advantage .....................................162 L^o^gF^]bZFrmalmaZmpbeeDbeeRhnk<ZfiZb`g .....165 <kZ_mbg`Rhnk>e^oZmhkIbm\a .....................169 Pa^gHe]G^plbl@hh]G^pl ..................171 :k^RhnK^Z]rPa^gma^F^]bZ<Zeel8 .............175 ?ZmZeIK3FblmZd^l:nmahklFZd^hgMa^bk<ZfiZb`gl ..179 <&LiZg ....................................183 Ma^Fhkgbg`Lahpl ...........................185 The Art of the Morning Show Pitch. ................186 The Today Show. ...............................188 Good Morning America. .........................189 The Early Show. ................................190 'R·VDQG'RQ·WVIRU3LWFKLQJWKH0RUQLQJ6KRZV ......191 @^mmbg`HgHikZa ............................193 <hgmZ\mbg`Ma^:llh\bZm^]Ik^ll ..................199 Lrg]b\Zm^Rhnkl^e_ ............................205 KZ]bh%K^Z\abg`?hkMa^FZll^l ..................211 Tips for a Successful Radio Interview. ..............214 Make Every Interview Count. .....................216 How to get on radio…tomorrow ....................217 GZmbhgZeIn[eb\KZ]bh .........................223 q FROM BOOK TO BESTSELLER L^kbhnlLZm^eebm^KZ]bh .........................235 F^]bZMkZbgbg`FZ`b\ .........................249 SECTION SIX ;nss%;kZ``bg`Kb`aml% ;hhd Lb`gbg`l%Zg]Fhk^ ......................253 Li^ZdNi ..................................255 ;nbe]bg`ma^;nss .............................259 ;kZ``bg`Kb`aml ..............................263 ;hhdLb`gbg`l ...............................265 The Buddy System. .............................267 No Sitting On The Job. ..........................267 Go See What the Competition is Doing. .............268 Be Unique!. ...................................269 Stuff To Do Before Your Book Signing. .............269 Things To Bring To Your Book Signing. .............270 During Your Signing .............................272 What To Do After Your Book Signing ...............272 A Few Final Notes on Book Signings. ...............272 ;hhdMhnkl .................................277 Timing is everything. ............................280 L><MBHG>B@AM :?^p?bgZeFZkd^mbg`LmkZm^`b^l .281 G^mphkdbg`@he] .............................283 Ma^<k^]b[bebmr?Z\mhk ..........................287 ;hhdZK^&EZng\a ............................291 AhpmhEZg]rhnk;hhdhgZ;^lml^ee^kEblm ..........293 In[eb\bmr_khfMabkmr&MahnlZg]?^^m ................297 FZdbg`ma^Fhlmh_:fZshg'\hf .................301 Hg^Fbgnm^FZkd^mbg` .........................305 <HGM>GML qB :FZkd^mbg`Mbf^ebg^ ..........................309 :Phke]h_MaZgdl ............................313 :?^p?bgZePhk]l ............................315 SECTION NINE K^lhnk\^@nb]^ ..............317 ;hhdl .....................................319 A^ei_neP^[Lbm^l ............................321 Author Event Promotion. .........................321 Writing & Publishing Organizations. ................322 Online Newsletters & E-mail Newsgroups. ...........323 Publicity, Resources & Promotion. .................325 Media, Media, Media. ...........................327 News Sites . ...................................328 Publishing Info, Trends and Updates . ...............328 Research, Statistical, and Legalese Related Sites: .......329 :_m^kphk] .................................331 Bg]^q .....................................335 :<DGHPE>=@F>GML It would take an entire book to thank everyone involved in the process of creating From Book to Bestseller. Of all the VHFWLRQVLQWKLVERRNWKLVLVQRGRXEWWKHPRVWGLIÀFXOWWRZULWH There are scores of people who contribute both in their support and the willingness to share their own creativity. The students in the classes I teach and their tireless efforts to see their work in print; my clients both past and present whom I am enormously fortunate to work with and I am honored that they entrust their work to me. Many thanks to the “behind the scenes” people who brought their own amazing level of support and creativity to this book for their wisdom and insight and constant and tireless feedback, Paula Krapf, Jeniffer Thompson, Saundra Woolsey, Kathy Gallyer and all the folks at Morgan James Publishing for taking on my family of books and making them their own. My friends and family who always love and support me even ZKHQP\VFKHGXOHGRHVQ·WDOZD\VSHUPLWPHWRVSHQGDVPXFK WLPHZLWKWKHPDV,·GOLNH As a kid I always dreamt of being an author, my fondest wish was to see my work in print. Not only did my dream come true, but the ripple effect of one dream coming true has been many others coming true in the process. I hope in some small way that this book will help you work on a part of your own dream, whatever that might be. qbbb I have many blessings in my life. To list them all here would be endless. I am and always will have a grateful heart for my work and my mission and I am enormously fortunate to be able to do what I love, I wish you the same kind of happiness. qbo DISCLAIMER Every attempt has been made to make From Book to Bestseller as accurate and complete as possible. However there may be mistakes both typographical and in content. Therefore the text and information contained in this book should be used only as a general guide. Furthermore, the information contained in this book consists of media contact information, Web site, and promotional
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