The New Zealand Gazette 839

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The New Zealand Gazette 839 JULY 27] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 839 MILITARY AREA No. 2 (PAEROA)-contin,u,ed. MILITARY AREA No. 2 (PAERO.A)-oontin,u,ed. 638197 Brownlie, Colin Eugene, farm hand, MorrinsviJlE-. 642349 Ewing, James Austin, farm hand, c/o Mr. F. Flynn, Bowlers 641939 Bryers, Robert Keith, carpenter, Edgecumbe, Bay of Rd., Te Aroha. · Plenty. 642459 Fagan, Charles Oscar Porter, farm hand, Waitakaruru. 639404_ Buchanan, Russell Alister, foundation-driller, Whakamaru, 565428 Fallas, John Thomas, share-milker, Ngakuru, Rotorua. Tokoroa. 639381 Fargher, Herbert John, farm hand, R.D. Turua. 636908 Buckton, Peter, farm hand, R.D., Kiwitahi, Morrinsville. 638435 Fawcett, Christopher ·Bruce, farm hand, Campbells .Rd., · 638601 Bulcrnig, William Roy, plumber, 9 Peace St., Rotorua. Walton, 639991 Burke, Cecil David, share-milker, Kutapere, Opotiki. 637887 Ftirguson, Arthur William, truck-driver, Terminus St., 636733 Carmine, James Lewis, bakers' assistant, c/o Post-office Te Aroha. Putaruru. 635936 Ferguson, Lorne Stewart, farm hand, No. 7 Rd, Waitoa. 637084 Carroll, Lawrence Kevin, farm hand, Wardville, Waharoa. 641547 Fergusson, Ross Archie, grocer's assistant, Te Teko. 636335 Caudwell, John Ernest, shop-assistant, 30 Devonport Rd., 641546 Finlay, Allan Charles, apprentice mechanic, Tirohia R.D. Tauranga. · 242264 Fisher, Benjamin Blanchard Wyan, farm hand" c/o G. H. 637884 _Caudwell, Robert Desmond, draper's assistant, Tutanekai Verity, Tirau. St., Rotorua. 623881 Fisher, Hubert, farm hand, R.D. Netherton. 636612 Chandler, Ian Hamish, timber-mill worker, Smith St. 642016 Flavel, John William, apprentice coach-builder, R.D. Matamata. · Whakatane. 637238 Chandler, William, farm hand, c/o A. F. Creswell, R.D., 638911 Fleming, Cyril Clifford, mill hand, Mamaku, via Rotorua. Okoire. 640608 Ford, Laurence William, jockey, c/o J. W. Cathro, Burwood 636664 Charlton, James Ronald, mill engineer's assistant, Scotia, Rd., Matamata. · Glen Rd., Putaruru. 637286 -Forlong, Alex James, farm hand, Kiwitahi, Morrinsville. 642714 Cheeseman, Thomas Frederic, clerical cadet, c/o Mrs. L. 637287 Forlong, Eric Douglas, farm hand, Kiwitahi, Morrinsville. Barnett, Tryon St., Whakarewarewa, Rotorua. · 642440 Forrest, Thomas James, farm hand, Rotorua, Wharepaina. 639279 Chittock, Noel Francis, farm hand, Oropi, Tauranga. 643768 Forsman, Leslie Victor, saddler, Firth St., Matamata. 641876 Clarke, James Waipoua, labourer, Manoeka, Te Puke. 642373 Frost, James, farm hand, 20 Domain Rd., Whakatane. 642754 Claude, Ivan Keith,· garage-attendant, 74 Malfroy Rd., 639286 Gardner, David Harold, clerk, c/o Geo. Gardner and Sons, Rotorua. · Ltd., Te Haroto, via Napier. 640807 Cleaver, John Alexander, farm hand, Bakers Rd., Manawaru. 639552 Garrity, Robert Peter, clerk in holy orders, 50 Eighth Ave.. , 637133 Cole, Leslie Raymond, cadet (N.Z.R.), Canada St., Morrins­ Tauranga. ville. 638355 Gemming, Frederick Thomas, gr9cer's assistant, Herbert 636428 Colebert, Edward Alexander, farm hand, Wiltsdown R.D., St., Te Puke. Putaruru. 640408 Giddens, Eric Alfred, mechanic, Martin Rd., Waihi. 641662 Conder, Brian Charles, mechanic, 51 !ith Avenue, Tauranga. 641540 Giddy, Raymond Horace, farm hand, Waha:roa, Matamata. 640670 Conder, George Noel, farm hand, c/o G. E. Conder, Hinuera. 628195 Gilbert, Ernest George, farmer, Tokoroa, Putaruru. · · 639406 Coombe, Russell Harold, farm hand, Whakahoro Rd., 640986 Gilmour, Logan, farm hand, c/o Mr. Robert F. Schwarz, Springdale. R.D. Tirau. 639576 Corbett, Cyril Percy, farm hand, Matahui Rd., Katikati. 638849 Goile, Norman Francis, paper-mill hand, Whakatane. 641557 Corbett, William Norman, 32 King St., Rotorua. 405595 Gooch, Edward Raeburn, clerk, Bank of New Zealan?J., 640566 Corry, Theodore William, farm hand, Buckland Rd., Waihi. Hinuera. 638914 Goodman, Frederick J9hn Thomas, farm hand, c/o F. 642173 Cossey, James Trevor, farm hand, c/o H. Hardca~tle, Old Lowrie, Tauhei R.D., Morrinsville. Taupo Rd., Rotorua. 638124 Gordon, Colvin James, farm hand, Tahuna R.D., Morrins~ 636656 Cox, Francis Joseph, motor mechanic apprentice, Tower ville. Rd., Matamata. 643516 Goudie, John Crawford, farm hand, Colville .. 635791 Crawford, Alexander, farm hand, Shaftesbury, Te Aroha. , 640944 Grace, Sinclair, farm hand, c/o Mr. Baigent, Waitakaruru 641612 Crawford, Valentine Henry, farm hand, Pairere R.D., R.D. Tirau. 641952 Gradwell, Edward Francis, painter, Bungalow Private 642149 Cteery, Victor William, seaman, Matamata. Hotel, Tongariro R.D., Taupo. 56-2956 Cristall, Lawrence McLeod, dairy-darmer, R.D., Whakatane. 642200 Gray, John Kenneth, assistant slaughterman, Farmer's 638399 Croad, Murray Claude, farm hand, Tahuna, R.D., Morrinsville. St., Te Aroha. · 640261 Croll, Donald, shop-assistant, Church St., Opotiki. 639023 Groshinski, Ronald, farm hand, P.O. Box 37, Waihi. 637087 Cross, Gilbert Henry, lorry-driver, Rewi St., Te Aroha. 637444 Hack, Maurice Fullart<fn, timber-mill hand, c/o Weir and 638998 Cunningham, Darcy David, farm hand, Kereone, Morrinsville Kenny, Tokaanu. 641761 Currin. William Terence, farm hand, Tauranga-o-moana, 639464 Hall, Raymond George, labourer, c/o Box Factory, Tauranga. Matamata. 637447 Hamblin, Arthur Vernon, farm hand, c/o A. Morrison, 640434 Dain, James Francis, store hand, Richard St., Opotiki. R.D. 637943 Dari;ow, John Earle, shepherd, c/o Miss Nicholson, Piarere 641533 Hansen, Roy Antony, farm hand, Waharoa, via Matamata. R.D., Tirau. 637569 Hardie, William, 24 Victoria St., Rotorua. 643739 Daulton, Roy Ernest, storeman, Royal Mail Hotel. 563721 Hardley, Raymond Harry Fergusen, fruit-farmer, Maunga­ 639724 Davies, Richard Norman, grocer's assistant, Tauranga Rd., tapu, Tauranga. Ngongotaha. 638345 Hardwick, Douglas, farm hand, c/o M. F. N. Stringfield, 640725 Davis, Frederick Joseph, postman, Driving Creek, Coro­ Kiwitahi, Morrinsville. mandel. 640960 Hardy, Gordon_Burcher, butcher's assistant, Victoria Ave., 640817 Dawson, Vernon Arthur, farm hand, c/o Mr. B. J. Pirritt, Mount Maunganui. Kiwitahi R.D., Morrinsville. 640404 Harper, Lionel Percy, farm hand, Tower Rd., Matamata. 438137 De'Cary, Raymond, 83 Fenton St., Thames. 637811 Harris, Bernard Francis, farm hand, Waitakaruru. 642175 De Lille, Raymond, farm hand, Patetonga R.D., Morrins­ 642058 Hayes, Desmond John Anthony, student, Kerepeehi, ville. Hauraki Plains. 637562 Demler, Ray August, Dodds Rd., Motumaoho R.D., 639654 Hayes, Herbert Lloyd, farm hand, c/o Mr. P. A. Hayes, Morrinsville. Waihou. 636062 Demler, Roy Ernest, farm hand, Dodd's Rd., Motumaoho, 639810 Hayward, Harold James, farm hand, Taneatua. • Morrinsville. 638341 Healey, Oswald Murray, farm hand, c/o R. Kilgour, Komata 636340 Devcich, Michael Joseph, student, Moorehouse S.t., Morrins­ North. ville. 640020 Henrikson, David Ronald, farm hand, Tatuanui. 63794 7 Dickin, James Parsloe, clerk, 8th A venue Tauranga. 601125 Henwood, Leonard Arthur John, farmer, Hauraki Rd., 638720 Dickson, Archibald Alexandra, clerk of works, 9 Mission St., Turua. Tauranga. · 639733 Herbert, Henry Willoughby, farm hand, c/o T. Meany, 642267 Dodd, Roy Reginald, labourer, Toroa St., Whakatane. Morrinsville. ~ . 643302 Dodd, William Ferguson, farm hand, c/o A. J. Squibbs, 639981 Hewitt, Raymond Walter, machine tender, 11 Louvaine St., R.D., Putaruru. Whakatane. · 639285 Doran, Matthew James, c/o ·E. J. Doran, Taneatua. 430963 Hicks, James Desmond, electrician, Bourke St., Te Puke. 639029 Douglas, Trevor Charles, farm hand, Canal Rd., Ngatea. 642560- Hight, Neil Kenneth, farm hand, No. 7 Rd., Waitoa. 564279 Dugmore, Francis Royston, civil servant, 16 Briarley St., 637706 Hill, Alfred Laurence Muir, farm hand, Mangaiti R.D., Tauranga. Te Aroha. 638511 Duley, Maurice John, draper's' assistant, 27 King St., .643341 Hilton, Joseph William, farm hand, P.O. Box 104, Opotiki. , Whakatane. 641976 Hobson, Harry Freeman, farm hand, Wisemans Rd., Waitoa. 636644 Duncan, James Harry, farm hand, c/o W. · J. Orr, R.D, 640714 Hockey, Trevor Garland, farm hand, c/o F. W. Hockey, Edgecumbe. Dairy Co., Tauranga. 639668 Duncan, Steven Patrick, watchmaker, c/o V. Edwards, 637708 Hogg, William Bain, labourer, c/o Mrs. ·P. McEnteer, Seddon St., Te Aroha. Baillie St., Thames. 640877 Dunn, Raymond Laurence, grocer's assistant; 308 Aorangi -640227 Hollis, Vernon Windus, truck-driver, c/o G. C. Wyborn, Rd. Te Aroha. 641236 Edmonds, Stanley George, farm hand, c/o F. H. Edmonds, 639731 Holmes, Richard Charles, farm hand, Taihoa R.D., Matamata. R.D., Katikati. 640662 Honeycombe, Enoch Vivian, labourer, R.D., Whakatane. 636599 Edwards, Mostyn, farm hand, c/o A. C. Fox, R.D. Te Puna, 640228 Horgan, Patrick, farm hand, McCabe's Rd. R.M.D., Te Aroha. Tauranga. 636189 Horn, George Murray Walter, farm hand, Elstow, Waihou. 637764 Ellis, Jack Noel, farm hand, Wrights Rd., Aongatete, 639271 Hose, Mervyn Lawrence, mill hand, c/o Post-office, Ngongo- Katikati. taha, via Rotorua. .
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    2888 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 110 076591 Mace, Arthur Sidney, Farmer, Mangaiti Rural Delivery, 427199 Merriman, Stanley Ivan, Farm Hand, Gate Pa, Tauranga. Te Aroha. 109490 Merriman, Thomas William, Farm Hand, Gate Pa, Tanranga. 260033 Maddock, Echns, Braceman, care of Mrs. Maitland, Seddon 140101 Metcalfe, Neil William, Farm Hand, care of C. J. Hemsley, St, Waihi. Scherers Rd, Waharoa. 375103 Madill, Marcus Wintere, Share-milker, Taihoa Rural Delivery, 261714 Mikkelsen, Claude Cedric, Share-milker, care of Mr. N. E. Matam a ta. Mikkelsen, Kiwitahi. Rural Delivery, Morrinsville. 249047 Magill, Fraser, Chemist's Assistant, P.O. Box 29, Te Aroha. 251879 Miles, John Leslie, Share-milker, care of J. Carruthers, 427397 Maher, Lewis, Sheep-farmer, Rural Delivery, Putaruru. Matamata. 39],285 Mahoney, Desmond John Capel, Cadet Reporter, care of 251880 Miles, Trevor David, Share-milker, care of J. Carruthers, C. G. Harris, 1 Grey St, Rotorua. Matamata. 422965 Main, Charles Robert, Farmer, Pongokawa Rural Delivery, 247867 Millen, James Alfred John, Stockman, care of Canal Camp, Te Puke. Waitakaruru, Hauraki Plains. 259939 Mainwaring, Donald Richard, Dairy-farmer, Turanga-o­ 276531 Miller, Cecil Francis, Gardener, View Rd, Rotorua. moana, Matamata. 272105 Miller, Charles, Farm Hand, care of H. A. Macfie, No. 7 425734 Malam, Cecil John, Farmer, care of J. Diprose, Hinueria Rd, Road, Waitoa. Matamata. 111688 Mills, Norman Trevor, Dairy-farmer, Rural Ma,il Delivery, 424943 Malaquin, Cyril Douglas, Farm Hand, care of A. K. Day, Te Puke. Rural Delivery, Whakatane. 034502 Minhinnick, Kenneth Percival, Herd-tester, care of C. J. 290434 Malaquin, Ernest William, Dairy-farmer, Strathmore Dairy, Hallett, Rural Delivery, Whakatane.
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