S ERVICES & M USIC April 2 bristol-cathedral.co.uk Dean of Bristol The Very Revd Dr David Hoyle Canon Precentor The Revd Canon Nicola Stanley Master of the Choristers and Organist Mark Lee For more information, please contact the Music Administrator Tim Popple
[email protected] 0117 926 4879 3 bristol-cathedral.co.uk Welcome hrist is Risen! He is Risen indeed, Alleluia! CAt last the sombre weeks of Lent, which began this year on 14 February, are finally over and we can celebrate the joy of Our Lord’s Resurrection. Once again the choir are singing alleluias, the purple cloths of Passiontide which have covered all our symbols and statues have been removed and the Cathedral is full of flowers and light. The message of Easter is that Christ burst from the tomb, death could not contain him: through Christ’s death on the Cross we are freed from the burden of sin and through his Resurrection we are promised a share in his eternal life. Never again need we be separated from the love of God our Father – we are an Easter people, no wonder we rejoice! Easter is a time for new beginnings and we congratulate the newly baptised and confirmed, praying too for all those who are preparing for marriage or baptism over the coming weeks. This winter seems to have been particularly long and cold - we’re all waiting for the warmer weather - and I pray that the new life and spiritual growth of Easter will soon be reflected in new life and growth in our gardens and the countryside.