The Times , 1981, UK, English
ijpPjJI LJ* I '* '’■■hi; ®^ren\, 4 Defence: What dlls * Tliursday June IS 1981 -t fc.-- No 60.957 0- can we k Price twenty pence ; afford? Page 6 v ■ - v cb >' ofa s T. BL making Chancellor’s more cars :vnKj ■ ■' .ius.A' ''*• '■ with 30,000 I . fir-,_ ».r critics on reactor threat T. fewer men From Patrick Brogan, Washington, June 17 1 :i A report prepared for Primeprime Minister. The1 directdirector-01 By Edward Townsend Congress says that the Iraqi general of the IAEA told hishi ; - ‘v... s?y."n- '• Sir Michael Edwardes, chair- experimental nuclear reactor board of directors last week tliathat ’ -'• ‘ '•• , “• win boost for man of loss-making BL, dis- destroyed by Israel oh June 7 the reactor could not be used- ■> ••,. i closed a new set of productivity could not nave been used to to produce material for nuclear : I«l,| figures yesterday snowing that build nuclear weapons secretly. weaponsL f, 3 '’•■-r >!,. C- -’ the company is sow making The report, a written by the' . The Washington Post more cars with 30,000 Fewer research service of the Library - describes the IAEA report this workers than a year ago. of Congress, suggests that Israel morning, and says that it claims railways was mistaken in considering the Tn the first five months of that there are only two methods reactor a threat. By Julian HarHand, Political Editor this year, BL produced'an esti- by which plutonium could be ■ v mated 170,000 ears--about 4 It says: “In normal obtained. One was to wrap a ». * The Cabinet alter two hours petfdveness, which tad been per cent more than In the same operations, (be Iraq reactor “blanket” of uranium around "l— ••• of talks on economic strategy declining for years, could have produced • small the reactor’s core, and foe other .
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