Journal of Sustainability Science and Management eISSN: 2672-7226 Volume 14 Number 4, August 2019: 25-37 © Penerbit UMT



1Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries Reseach, 2 Faculty of Science and Marine Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia. 3Fisheries Research Institute Batu Maung, Department of Fisheries, Batu Maung, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. 4Institute of Tropical Biology and Conservation, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract: This study describes the natural diets of the crenate swimming crab, Thalamita crenata through observation on parameters for dietary composition between different sexes. A total of 30 pairs of T. crenata males and females were sampled from Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu, Malaysia. A significant difference ρ( < 0.001) was observed between body weight and the sex of T. crenata. Foregut fullness analysis revealed that males have a higher percentage of index score 4 than females (36.66% and 26.67%, respectively). A total of 12 different dietary items were identified in both sexes of T. crenata. Fish (male: 18.8%; female: 16.7%) and bivalve (male: 14.6%; female: 16.7%) were recorded as the most abundant in foregut content of both sexes of T. crenata. Gut content analysis reveals that T. crenata is a generalistic predator, cannibalistic and omnivorous as its diet is mainly composed of fishes, bivalves, slow-moving and plants like seagrass and thus indicates their main food source. Overall, males possessed higher mean frequency of BW compared to females with 78.47 ± 17.66 g and 55.86 ± 14.48 g, respectively. No significant difference of food preferences was noted between the different genders and between the size of the crab (BW) with the mean fullness and dietary composition of T. crenata. This finding helps in understanding the dietary composition of different sexes ofT. crenata and thus can be a reference focusing on this species population dynamics and ecology study mainly for management purposes and artificial diet development for the near future.

Keywords: Body weight, crenate swimming crab, dietary composition, foregut fullness, Thalamita crenata.

Introduction 2011; Amin-Safwan et al., 2016) and other Crenate swimming crab, Thalamita crenata swimming of the Indo-Pacific region also known as rocky spiny crab (Songrak et al., (Cannicci et al., 1996). T. crenata can be found 2009) is commonly found in mangrove creeks in , , the Red Sea, the (Muhd-Farouk et al., 2017) and shallow waters Persian Gulf, , , , Malaysia, of the Indo-Pacific region (Cannicci et al., , Korea, , , Tuamotu, 1996). These crabs inhabit the rocky and muddy Tonga, Hawaii and French Polynesia (Wee intertidal platform in front of the Sonneratia- & Ng, 1995). This species is fished mainly in fringe and swim in the swamps during their the Southeast and East Asian countries and are activity period (Vezzosi et al., 1995; Songrak frequently caught by trawlers, traps, seines and et al., 2009; Muhd-Farouk et al., 2017). Such nets. Collapsible traps are also widely used by behaviour was also observed in mud crab, genus fisherman for collecting mud crab, especially Scylla (Hill, 1979; Ikhwanuddin et al., 2010; in Malaysia (FAO, 2001). Although T. crenata Adnan Amin-Safwan et al. 26 is one of the most common and widespread and Mckillup (1996) have investigated on T. swimming crab species, little research has been crenata natural diets and feeding habits, while, done on this species or others within the genus Songrak et al. (2009) focused on fishery biology (Vezzosi et al., 1995), mainly due to lower of T. crenata. Susanto and Irnawati (2014) and market value as it is small in size compared to Muhd-Farouk et al. (2017) studied on size at the other commercial swimming crabs (Muhd- maturity and length-weight and width-weight Farouk et al., 2017). However, due to its flesh relationship, while Kannupandi et al. (1997) quality and more abundant compared to mud focused on water parameter (salinity) on crab (Muhd-Farouk et al., 2017), this species larvae and Sigana (2002) conducted a study is favoured by the local community as a source on breeding cycle of T. crenata. This species is of protein for their daily meals. As for their common in the Malaysian coastal waters, but landing, there is no data recorded previously, still there is scarce information, thus further thus proven that no in-depth study has been investigations are needed on natural diets of T. done on this species. crenata. Knowledge of natural diet in T. crenata can be classified as carnivorous species is generally essential to study to know and a predator. Its diet is mainly composed of their nutritional requirements, their interactions bivalves and slow-moving crustaceans (Cannicci with other organisms and their culture potential et al., 1996). Nonetheless, it also appears to be (Williams, 1981), besides for evaluation omnivorous as algae, seagrasses and other plant purposes and functioning of the ecosystems materials found in their stomachs (Cannicci et (Krebs, 1989). The knowledge gained can al., 1996). Moreover, cannibalism is common as support the expansion in terms of production the larger crabs feed on the young smaller crabs. and economy for this species in the near future. Though T. crenata is known to be a predator, Therefore, the investigation on natural diet on T. omnivorous and eats almost everything, the diet crenata is critical to understand the behaviour can still be influenced by the habitat that they and food preference between sexes of T. crenata, are living in, gender (sexes), maturity stage, which is important to develop successful seasons and their activity period (Sigana, 2002; aquaculture and farming techniques for this Hajisamae et al., 2015). Songrak et al. (2009) species (Ikhwanuddin et al., 2009). Besides, claimed that T. crenata activity period between the knowledge on the foregut fullness and the sexes were different, where males favoured dietary items found can be used as pioneer burrowing while females preferred swimming research towards in-depth understanding on this to search for their prey and both sexes were particular species. Therefore, the objectives of basically most active during the day (Chen et this study were to determine the natural diets al., 2005). of T. crenata through dietary composition and foregut fullness and to compare the body weight The present study on natural diets of T. and foregut fullness among different sexes of crenata focused on dietary composition and T. crenata from Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu foregut fullness. The data obtained can be Coastal Waters, Malaysia. helpful in understanding the feeding habits between sexes and also for fisheries management of T. crenata. The information on the foregut Materials and Methods fullness and dietary composition relationship Crab samples and sampling technique is important to understand the feeding habit T. crenata samples were from Setiu Wetlands, and nutritional requirement between male Terengganu, Malaysia and obtained at two and female T. crenata. Up to now, only a sampling stations: Sampling Station 1 (S1) and handful studies have been available that have Sampling Station 2 (S2) (Figure 1), from April focused on T. crenata , which were carried until June 2017 and the frequency for sampling out by Cannicci et al. (1996) and Mckillup

J. Sustain. Sci. Manage. Volume 14 Number 4, August 2019: 25-37 NATURAL DIETS OF Thalamina crenata 27

Figure 1: The sampling stations at Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu, Malaysia (S1 = Sampling Station 1 (Latitude: 5.69º; Longitude: 102.72º) and S2 = Sampling Station 2 (Latitude: 5.65º; Longitude: 102.75º) was two days every week (Friday and Saturday). and differentiate the dietary items in the foregut Setiu Wetlands is located along the coast facing (Figure 2) using the crab collapsible traps. Crab the South China Sea in the state of Terengganu. collapsible trap is a traditional mud crab trap that It is located 60 km north of Kuala Terengganu. is simple but a very effective equipment which is Setiu Wetlands is one of the most important used to trap mud crabs (Poomikong et al., 2005). wetlands in Malaysia as it has mangrove areas No bait was used during sampling to avoid and salt marsh (Sigana, 2002) that are rich in bias in gut content analysis. Thirty collapsible biodiversity. traps were used during the biosampling of T. A total of 30 males and 30 females of the crenata. The collapsible traps were deployed in crab species T. crenata were sampled to identify the evening between 1600-1800 hours and left

Figure 2: The dorsal (left) and ventral (right) view of T. crenata which was sampled from Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu, Malaysia

J. Sustain. Sci. Manage. Volume 14 Number 4, August 2019: 25-37 Adnan Amin-Safwan et al. 28 overnight and collected early the next morning was handled in the most delicate way as the (0800-0900 hours). foregut is fragile and easily damaged. The The crabs captured in the collapsible traps fullness of the foregut was observed and were then immediately transferred and frozen recorded using the index of 1 to 4 (1 = 0-25% in an ice-chest (less than 1 hour) for physical foregut fullness, 2 = 25-50% foregut fullness, measurement. The crab body weights (BW) 3 = 50-75% foregut fullness and 4 = 75-100% and carapace width (CW) were measured of foregut fullness) (Ikhwanuddin et al., 2014) using an electronic balance (Shimadzu, Japan, (Figure 4). After the fullness index is completely identified, each foregut was fixed in formalin, in 0.001 g) and digital Vernier calliper (0.01 cm), TM respectively, according to the sexes of the crabs. 50 ml conical centrifuge tube (Falcon ) for The sex can be differentiated by observing the seven days, followed by soaking in freshwater abdominal flap that is also known as an apron overnight and stored in 70% ethanol (Kunsook (Widigdo et al., 2017). Male crab has a triangular et al., 2014; Hajisamae et al., 2015) before like shape of an apron (narrower), while female proceeding with subsequent analysis. crab possesses a broader shape (Figure 3). Dietary Analysis Foregut Fullness Individual foregut specimen was cut open in The carapace of the crab was directly opened a petri dish using surgical ocular scissors and to remove foregut for analysis of the foregut observed under a dissecting microscope to fullness and dietary composition. The foregut identify the dietary item (Ikhwanuddin et al.,

Figure 3: The figure (a) shows the apron of male, while figure (b) shows the apron of femaleT. crenata, (c) berried female crabs sampled from Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu, Malaysia

Figure 4: (a) The carapace of the crab was directly opened up to remove the foregut for the analysis, (b) The fullness of the foregut index of 1 to 4 (1 = 0-25% foregut fullness, 2 = 25-50% foregut fullness, 3 = 50-75% foregut fullness and 4 = 75-100% of foregut fullness)

J. Sustain. Sci. Manage. Volume 14 Number 4, August 2019: 25-37 NATURAL DIETS OF Thalamina crenata 29

2009). The dietary items were recorded and and diet breadth (Bi) which is calculated using identified to the lowest possible taxanomic Levin’s standardized index (Krebs, 1989). level. Various dietary items found in the foregut Below is the formula used to calculate the index: were allocated according to the different categories, such as sea star, oyster, fish, crab, bivalve, gastropod, seagrass and marine debris (De Lestang et al., 2000). The dietary item that cannot be differentiated was classified into Where, Bi = Levin’s standardised index for the unidentified dietary item (Nesakumari & predator I; Pij the proportion of the diet of Thirunavukkarasu, 2014). The list of dietary predator I that is made up of prey j; n is the compositions was formed and differentiated number of prey categories (Hajisamae et al., between that of the female and male. The number 2015) of occurrences for each dietary category found Diet overlap was calculated using the in the foregut were recorded for calculation of simplified Morisita index or Morisita-Horn relative composition by volume of food (De index (Horn, 1966). Classification and definition Lestang et al., 2000; Porter & De Lestang, of the rate of overlap were referred to Langton 2002). (1982) and Hajisamae et al. (2015), where low overlap is 0.00-0.29, moderate overlap is 0.30- Data Treatment 0.59 and high overlap is 0.60-1.00, biologically The data were analysed for volumetric significant. The formula for the Morisita-Horn contribution, which is the percentage contribution index is as below: to the volume of all dietary items present in each of the non-empty stomachs (Hajisamae et al., 2015). The percentage volumetric contribution of each dietary category to the total volume of Where, CH is the Morisita-Horn index of overlap the diet (%V) of each T. crenata was expressed between species i and k, Pij referred to the using the point method, which considered the proportion of food i of the total food used by stomach fullness (Hyslop, 1980; De Lestang et species j, Pik is the proportion of food i of the al., 2000). The practical method to analyse the total food used by species k and n the total amount of each food item in each gut as referred number of food items (Hajisamae et al., 2015). to that of Hajisamae et al. (2015) and methods modified from Platell and Potter (2001) i.e. by Statistical Analysis evenly spreading the contents from each gut Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test into the counting chamber and examining under whether stomach fullness varied significantly a dissecting microscope. The area occupied by amongst sizes and sexes and the relationship each food item in the chamber was converted of dietary item and foregut fullness was into percentage of each food item. analysed by using Non-parametric Independent- Trophic attributes are referred to the indices Samples Mann-Whitney U Test. The analysis of that describe the status and expression of the volumetric contribution, trophic attributes and importance of each prey item in the diets of diet overlap were done. Data were presented as fish species (Hyslop, 1980). The indices using mean, mean ± standard deviation and percentage in the present study as referred to Hajisamae (%). This statistical analysis was done using et al. (2015) included: Vacuity Index (VI) - the application of Social Science (SPSS) software number of empty stomachs as a percentage of (version 22.0 for Windows; SPSS Inc., Armonk, the total number of stomachs examined; average NY: IBM Corp.). number of food items refers to the average number of food item found in each stomach;

J. Sustain. Sci. Manage. Volume 14 Number 4, August 2019: 25-37 Adnan Amin-Safwan et al. 30

Results Dietary Attributes Food and Dominant Food Items From 30 samples of male crabs examined, 26 There were 24 out of 30 female crabs and 26 out of them contained food (SF; number of stomach of 30 male crabs which had the foregut fullness with food) with vacuity index (VI), average index of 2, 3 and 4. The foregut fullness index of stomach fullness (FL), average number of food 1, in range of 0-25% of fullness was not further items (AF), total number of food items (TLF) and diet breadth (B ) of 13.33, 2.83 ± 1.12, 2.83, analysed as it was considered having an empty i stomach (Ikhwanuddin et al., 2009), while the 12 and 0.38, respectively. For female crabs, SF, VI, FL, AF, TLF and B were 24, 20, 2.63 foregut fullness index of 2, 3 and 4 were further i observed for the dietary composition analysis. ± 1.09, 2.63, 12 and 0.49, respectively. Results There were 12 different dietary categories found of dietary attributes for male and female crabs in the foregut of the crab specimens from both collected were analysed and shown in Table 2. females and males. The number of frequencies of each type of dietary item found in the foregut Foregut Fullness with Body Weight (BW) of crab was recorded to calculate the relative Relation Analysis composition in the diets of crabs. The dietary The foregut content analysis showed that 20.00% composition analysis revealed that fish and of female (100% in berried stage) and 16.67% of bivalve were the most preferred food items both male were in foregut fullness index of 1, ranging for female and male crabs as these dietary item from 0-25% foregut fullness. 23.33% of female categories were most dominant in the foregut of (57.14% in berried stage) and 20.0% of male the crab samples with the same contribution of with the foregut fullness index of 2 which was 16.7% of both fish and bivalve were found in ranged from 25-50% foregut fullness. 30.00% female foregut, while 18.8% of fish and 14.6% of female and 26.67% of male with the foregut of bivalve were found in the foregut of male fullness index of 3 which was ranged from 50- T. crenata in the present study. Details of diet 75% foregut fullness and 26.67% of female composition for males and females of T. crenata and 36.66% of male crabs were recorded with are presented in Table 1. foregut fullness index of 4 which was ranged from 75-100% foregut fullness. Berried females

Table 1: Relative composition by volume of food from foregut content of T. crenata sampled from Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu, Malaysia (60 crabs; 30 males and 30 females)

Sex SS OY FH CP CH PR BV GS SG MD UI OT Female 4.8 0.0 16.7 11.8 2.4 2.4 16.7 14.3 7.1 7.1 14.3 2.4 Male 0.0 6.2 18.8 10.4 2.1 4.2 14.6 10.4 6.3 10.4 8.3 8.3 Abbreviations: SS, sea star; OY, oyster; FH, fish; CP, crab pincer; CH, crab hepatopancreas; PR, propagule; BV, bivalve; GS, gastropod; SG, seagrass; MD, marine debris; UI, unidentified; OT, others.

Table 2: Trophic attributes of T. crenata sampled from Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu, Malaysia

No. of CW ± BW ± SD FL ± SD TLF AF SF VI Bi samples SD Female 30 6.07 ± 55.86 ± 2.63 ± 12 2.63 24 20 0.49 0.60 14.48 1.09 Male 30 6.78 ± 78.47 ± 2.83 ± 12 2.83 26 13.33 0.38 0.62 17.66 1.12

J. Sustain. Sci. Manage. Volume 14 Number 4, August 2019: 25-37 NATURAL DIETS OF Thalamina crenata 31 were recorded only in index 1 and 2. Table 3 stage) (Figure 5). Overall, the males possessed showed the foregut fullness range according to higher mean frequency of BW compared to the sexes of T. crenata sampled from Setiu Wetlands, females with 78.47 ± 17.66 g and 55.86 ± 14.48 Terengganu, Malaysia in the present study. g, respectively. Results from the present study From the total of 60 samples observed, 30 also indicated the presence of 10 berried female specimens of female and male of T. crenata (carrying eggs), representing 33.33% of the total were collected for the foregut content analysis. number of female crabs. A significant difference It was observed that the highest range of body (ρ < 0.001) was observed between body weight weight was 110-130 g, where this range has the and the sexes of T. crenata (Table 4). The test highest mean fullness of 4 for male, while the for Independent samples showed that the mean lowest mean fullness of 1 for female (in berried BW for the male crabs was higher than that of the female crabs. The Test for Non-parametric

Table 3: Foregut fullness range according to sexes of T. crenata sampled from Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu, Malaysia

Foregut Fullness Female Male 1 (0-25%) 20.00% (100% berried female) 16.67% 2 (25-50%) 23.33% (57.14% berried female) 20.00% 3 (50-75%) 30.00% 26.67% 4 (75-100%) 26.67% 36.66%

Figure 5: Mean foregut fullness index of T. crenata with different body weight range sampled from Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu, Malaysia (n=60)

Table 4: Result of ANOVA test between body weight with sexes, fullness and sexes and fullness of T. crenata sampled from Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu, Malaysia

Type III Sum of Source df Mean Square F Sig. Squares Gendercode .294 1 .294 27.912 .000 Fullness .007 3 .002 .234 .872 gendercode * fullness .025 3 .008 .777 .512 Error .548 52 .011 Total .908 59

a. R Squared = .397 (Adjusted R Squared = .316)

J. Sustain. Sci. Manage. Volume 14 Number 4, August 2019: 25-37 Adnan Amin-Safwan et al. 32 in Independent-Samples Mann-Whitney U Test swimming crab, Portunus segnis (Safaie, 2016), showed there was no significant difference where it feeds largely on small invertebrates. between the foregut fullness index of both Besides, previous studies on food and feeding female and male crabs (ρ > 0.05). of mud crab, genus Scylla by Hill (1976), Prasad et al. (1984), Joel and Sanjeevaraj (1986) and Dietary Overlap Prasad and Neelakantan (1988) reported that they feed largely on mollusc, crustaceans and Out of total 60 crabs examined, only six of fish which are quite similar to the feeding habits them (10%) have value > 6.0, considered to be of T. crenata found in the present study. biologically significant overlap of food resources utilized by T. crenata (Table 5). The remaining The locations inhabited by T. crenata do were low overlap (0.00-0.29) with 53.33% and influence the food preferences of this species, moderate overlap (0.30-0.59) with 36.67%. As as supported by Hajisamae et al. (2015) on for different sexes, male and female crabs, out of P. pelagicus. As T. crenata inhabits extreme 30 crabs examined, only three of them had value seaward fringe of mangrove swamps, it prefers > 6.0, indicating significant overlap of diets. intertidal platform in front of the Sonneratia fringe (Muhd-Farouk et al., 2017) and sometimes

shelters itself in the small pool during low tide, Discussion so their food compositions comprise organisms Comparison of T. crenata Dietary Composition that inhabit those areas. According to Cannicci et al. (1996), polychaetes are commonly found The results of the present study showed the in the diets of T. crenata and other mud crabs’ dietary comparison of T. crenata sampled species as they inhabit muddy area, however, from Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu, Malaysia, they are easily digested and hardly seen and consisting of varieties of sessile and slow- identified under microscope. The mollusc moving invertebrates, including bivalves such as species such as bivalves, oysters and gastropods oyster, gastropods, sea star and crabs (proven by are mostly found in the foregut of the T. crenata, pincers and hepatopancreas found in their gut) but the gastropods are less likely to be found fishes, propagules, seagrass, marine debris and compared to other mollusc species – postulated others materials such as rocks, sand and wood. that they are easily digested compared to the This dietary composition is almost similar to the others, besides being covered by mud and hard dietary composition reported by Cannicci et al. to be recognized. The bivalves were identified (1996) in mangrove swamps of , which based on the fragment of shell which remained in pointed out that T. crenata is a scavenger and the foregut and were found crushed by the teeth a generalistic predator which consumes largely of the crab (Nesakumari & Thirunavukkarusu, small invertebrates such as bivalves, gastropods, 2014). Sea stars are also shown to be in the foraminifera, fish and polychaete. The diet of T. diets of T. crenata. This is expected as these crenata is also quite similar to the mud crab, crabs also inhabit estuarine which has higher Scylla serrata (Hill, 1979), blue swimming crab, salinity compared to the mangrove area where Portunus pelagicus (Ikhwanuddin et al., 2009; it is near to the sea (Alongi & Sasekumar, 2014; Hajisamae et al., 2015) and alien blue 1992). It is observed that crabs have long, slim

Table 5: Percentage number of samples referred to Morisita-Horn indices for dietary overlap analysis of T. crenata sampled from Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu, Malaysia

No. of samples 0.00-0.29 0.30-0.59 >0.6 All 60 53.33% 36.67% 10% Female 30 56.67% 33.33% 10% Male 30 50.00% 40.00% 10%

J. Sustain. Sci. Manage. Volume 14 Number 4, August 2019: 25-37 NATURAL DIETS OF Thalamina crenata 33 and sharp toothed chelae with a relatively high for their prey. Besides, the larger male crabs proportion of fast contracting muscles that are had a greater opportunity to capture larger and well adapted for the rapid snapping movements prey of different types. The larger body size of for capturing fast moving organism such as fish the crab might have led to cannibalism during (Joel & Sanjeevaraj, 1986). This explained the food limitation where larger crabs would usually finding of the fish bones in the diets of crabs in feed on young smaller crabs (De Lestang et al., the present study. 2000). The present study also showed that crab hepatopancreas and crab pincer were mostly Dietary Composition in Relation to Sex found in the larger crab. Crab hepatopancreas was mostly found in female T. crenata (CW > Results showed that fish and bivalve were the 6.00 cm, BW > 56 g), whereas the crab pincer most preferred by both female and male of T. was mostly been found in male T. crenata (CW crenata in the present study. Although fish > 6.67 cm, BW > 69 g). and bivalves remained as the most preferred diets, there was a slight difference of food Table 1 shows the differences between preference shown between female and male of the male and female of T. crenata, in terms of T. crenata, whereby the most preferred dietary types and quantity of food consumed and this is items for female were fish and bivalve, both supported by previous finding by Safaie (2016) with the percentage of 16.7%, followed by on P. segnis. The food that was consumed by the gastropods (14.3%) and crab pincer (11.8%), male and female did not give much difference while for male crabs, the most preferred was in percentage of dietary categories in the crabs fish (18.8%), followed by bivalve (14.6%), crab sampled. Results in the present study were pincer (10.4%), gastropod (10.4%) and marine quite like those of the previous studies by debris (10.4%). The present study showed that Ikhwanuddin et al. (2009; 2014) and Josileen the males have higher foregut fullness of index (2011) on P. pelagicus, which reported that there 4 (36.66%) as compared to the females of was no difference in the quantity of the food which the highest was at foregut fullness of 3 consumed by different sexes of P. pelagicus. The (30.0%) which is different from the findings of identification of the food items in the foregut a previous study by Ikhwanuddin et al. (2014) will contribute to the feeding formulation of T. on P. pelagicus. The foregut fullness index 4 crenata for aquaculture activity. T. crenata has a was recorded mainly from the females in that high commercial value in some countries such previous study and the mean foregut fullness as , China and Japan, but not in Malaysia. index of female P. pelagicus was also greater In the future, T. crenata commercial values may than those of male P. pelagicus. However, the continue to increase, thus, the best technique in foregut fullness index was not affected by the aquaculture activity could be plotted based on sex of P. pelagicus (Ikhwanuddin et al., 2014). the findings of the present study. For example, previous studies by Ikhwanuddin et al. (2009; The trend in the present study showed 2014) on P. pelagicus have been referred to for that the male crabs consumed more food as formulating the food pellets, which have high compared to the female crabs. The result in commercial value in Malaysia. the foregut fullness of the T. crenata between sexes in the present study was different from a previous study by Cannicci et al. (1996), where Foregut Fullness in Relation to Body Weight they reported that female BW was usually larger Williams (1981) reported that diet composition than the male crab as the female crab was more changed a bit with the size of the crab although active in hunting for its prey. This might be due within broad taxonomic groups, where prey to the male crabs staying often in the burrows species change with the crab size. However, and had slower metabolism since they did not Edgar (1990) discovered an absence of size- move around as much as the females to hunt related change in the diets of crab. The trend

J. Sustain. Sci. Manage. Volume 14 Number 4, August 2019: 25-37 Adnan Amin-Safwan et al. 34 in the previous study by Williams (1981) was foregut showed that T. crenata is cannibalistic. similar with the present study, where the larger The dietary composition analysis revealed crabs have the highest fullness. As shown in that slow-moving crustaceans such as sea star, Figure 5, the males of T. crenata which have bivalves and gastropods were preferred by T. the highest BW were in the range of 110-130 crenata. In addition, this present study showed g and having the highest mean of the foregut that T. crenata was primarily an omnivore fullness of 4 compared to other weight, while with preference for marine whilst females have the lowest mean fullness of 1 at the also feeding on plant items like sea grass. range of BW of 110-130 g. This might be due Fish and bivalve were recorded as the most to the influence of female maturity stage where preferred items by both female and male crabs from our observation, 33.33% of female crabs as these dietary items were the most dominant collected were at the last maturity stage (berried in the foregut of the crab samples. Overall, stage - carrying eggs), where they consumed this study has proven that the size of the crab less food, as reported by Hajisamae et al. (2015) (BW) has no significant difference with the and Safaie (2016) on P. pelagicus and P. segnis, mean fullness and dietary composition of the respectively. crab species. Generally, the study also showed Cannicci et al. (1996) reported that female that larger male crabs of T. crenata had the BW was usually larger than the male crab as ability to capture more prey and consumed a the female crab was more active in hunting for variety of food items. The last maturity stage its prey, while male crab preferred burrowing also influenced the feeding habits, as berried to hunt their prey. However, the present study females only in fullness of 1 and 2, but not in the recorded a different trend as the female has a male crabs. For recommendations, increasing lower foregut fullness and BW as compared to the number of samples for future research is highly male. This trend was likely related to the female recommended, besides focusing on tidal rhythms maturation stages, where during the last stage and sampling periods (pre-monsoon, monsoon, of female maturity, portunid crabs commonly post-monsoon, daylight or night catch) for better focused their energy for ovarian development research outcomes. Therefore, this present study and their survival (Amin-Safwan et al., in press), can help the formulation of food pellet that are which sometimes involve moulting process. suitable for T. crenata to be used in aquaculture Moulting requires a lot of energy which is for activity in the near future. the better use of the reproductive output for egg production purposes (Sigana, 2002). This theory Acknowledgements explained that mature female crabs did not This study was funded by the Ministry of Higher grow as large or moult as frequently due to its Education Malaysia under the Niche Research reproductive energy requirement. On the other Grant Scheme (NRGS) of Vote No. 53131. Our hand, male crabs did not face problem with their appreciation goes to the Institute of Tropical maturity stage as they only use their energy for Aquaculture and Fisheries Research, Universiti the somatic growth. Hence, the larger the male Malaysia Terengganu and everyone involved BW was, the higher their mean foregut fullness directly or indirectly in this study. would be (Nesakumari & Thirunavukkarusu, 2014). References Alongi, D. M. & Sasekumar, A. (1992). Benthic Conclusion Communities. In: Robertson, A. I. & Males T. crenata crabs have the highest mean Alongi, D. M. (Eds.). Tropical Mangrove fullness of foreguts and a higher range of BW Ecosystems. Coastal and Estuarine compared to the female crabs. The presence Studies 41. American Geophysical Union, of the crab pincer and hepatopancreas in the Washington, D.C. 137-171 pp.

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