Mineral Inclusions in Four Arkansas Diamonds: Their Nature And
AmericanMineralogist, Volume 64, pages 1059-1062, 1979 Mineral inclusionsin four Arkansas diamonds:their nature and significance NnNrBr.r.B S. PeNrareo. M. Geny NBwroN. Susnennyuoe V. GocINENI, CsnRr-ns E. MELTON Department of Chemistry, University of Georgia eNo A. A. GnnoINI Department of Geology, University of Georgia Athens,Georgia 30602 Abstract Totally-enclosed inclusions recovered from four Arkansas diamonds by burning in air at 820" C are identified by XRD and Eoex analysesas: (l) enstatite,olivine, pyrrhotite + pent- landite, (2) eclogitic garnet, (3) enstatite+ peridotitic garnet + chromite, olivine + pyrrho- tite, pyrrhotite, pentlandite,pyrite + pyrrhotite, pentlandite * a nickel sulfide,(4) diamond, enstatite,magnetite. This is the first report of nickel sulfide in diamond. A review of in- clusionsfound in Arkansasdiamonds showsa similarity with those from world-wide local- ities, and indicatesa global consistencyin diamond-formingenvironments. Introduction opaque and transparent totally-enclosedinclusions were apparentunder binocular microscopeexamina- impermeable, Since diamonds are relatively inert, tion. The 0.45 ct. stone was colorlessand of elon- pre- and hard, inclusions therein are about as well gated rounded shapewith a highly polished surface. pro- served as they could possibly be. Their study Four inclusions were detected.The 0.50 ct. crystal wherein vides entghtment about the environment was a colorlessrounded tetrahexahedronwith a diamondsformed. cleavageplane on one sideand containedtransparent A considerable literature exists on diamond in- and opaque inclusions. The 0.62 ct. diamond was Afri- clusions,but most of it dealswith diamondsof also colorlessand of rounded tetrahexahedralform. can, Siberian, and South American origin (e.9., Severalrelatively large flat opaque inclusions ("car- Meyer and Tsai, 1976;Mitchell and Giardtni,1977; bon spots") were observed.All the diamonds were Orlov, 1977).ln all, about thirty minerals have been free ofdetectable surfacecleavage cracks.
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