Army Files Murder Charg(B Against Officer in Viet Deaths
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■ -N 5 . r .. \" • /r SATU^AYv 1889 " ■ ( lEvrning o'. - ■ ; :i ' < D S ir D m | > M B m TTie Weather The leadenOilp training cbuM ^ m dM tip Circle of the Sal- 800 at Dinner ' The form'er aaaooiate- min- church's "Goal 70—One ' ' Step Navsmker ig, u m ' J ^ ' Clear and colder, tonight with Shrine Qub About "Town ,of ISTorth United Methodist vatlonN Aymy will not have its .'Isters are .Jhe Rev. Charles lOgher’’ idedge caiQpai^, clos ■f-- lows in 20s- Tomonow'sunny- Church will meet Tuesday at regulaA meeting Monday but ed with S'* pledging'service. The Bentley School PTA m - Reynolds, executive' secretary high In 408. Wednesday’s out- 8:80 p.m. at the church. wlU attMd a' Thanksgiving Ser Of Soutli Gburch JsM snM fSM i sg^sBwt, ilia ecutlve boird will meet Mon of the Ludhiana Christian Med 1 5 ,8 0 0 , look cloudy, mild wttb chance Taps Bogue vice at the church". IS n n k sH a peaJeataiBr T*’ day at 8 p.m. in the school li Nearly 800 members of South ical College Board h> York • Usiiefceiisi 4 City of yUimte Chmmt . of ehoweri. brary. North • United MeChoilst City, and the Rev.. Percy 8mith R a ^ o n d B. Bogfue of 89 Bry United Methodist‘ Church last of the New London Methodist 'WELDON CP. an Dr. last nlgltt was elected ■ Church members and constltu; Fire Calls m Main MMKU VOL. LXX30X, NO. 47 ents are reminded to bring Senior Toiith Forum of night attended the chprch’s sec Church. ■ , (THIBTY-SIX PAGI^TW O SRCnONS) MA|rCHESTER, CONN., BIONDAT, NOVEMBER 24, 1969 (Cinsrifled AdmrtMnrosi Fhga SS) president of Omar Shrine Club' Wunrfee Chapter • of the North UnitM Methodist Church PiRICE TEN CENA for 1970. He .succeeds Willard ^Questers will meet Monday at 8 their completed, pledge cards ond 'annual congregational din Hie speeches were informal Town ftreOghtdrs responded Sunday to the 9 or 10:80 a.m. will meet-’raesday at 7 p.m. and more like the Jests and easy B. Dtckenson’ of Plymouth p.m; at the home of Mrs. Wal at the church. The ’Grade 9 ner at the Manchester State to two calls yesterday; both i Lcme, Bolton, and assumes the lace Shearer, Oder Mill Rd.^^ worship service. Those unable Armory. , y banter of friends 'reunited after were false alarms. to attend are ' asked, to call Conceptors will also meet at 7 many years. presidency aft the January Bolton. A peper will be given p.m. at the ch^ch. Three former ministers and The first came In by tele s meeting of the Shrlners. by Mrs. James Roach on Charles Stfsrllng at 84 Scott Dr. two past associate ministers of W; J. Godfrey Gourley was phone for l l Griswold St. Fire EXPERT M(nmi>Bii|; R e p u te d The annual meeting Of Blue “ Christmas Onisunents.'” Mem The canvas's committee will ihaster of ceremonies. Stanley men said a young-sounditig ■\ the church and their wives were SPACE CENTER, Houston Lodge Night was held last night bers are reminded to bring an contact those whose cards have “^e Trinity SlnWers will meet guests of honor. The former Weinberg, dinner chairman, voice called at 3:84 p.m. Bugs W n lllill (AP>— Bafora ApoUo 12 w m at Mancheister Country Club. item for a silent auction. not been received. Tuesday at 6:80 y-m . at the ministers are Bishop W. Ralph paid tribute to those who had Someone pulled Box 291 aKBSDBNTIAL / ^— (Durant and Oescent St.) at launobad into wpmst, a todi- se of worked so hard to feed and home of Mrs. B u f^ Johnson, Ward of. the Syracuse, N.T., a OOBOaHIOIAI. n h ^ raported 'to Chariea The United Pund of Man Trustees of Trinity Covenant 92 Hemlock St., to go to the area; the Hev. Dr. Fred R. M - serve the diners. 9:28 last night. ^ aINmiaiBIAL chester Inc. will change hs lo Church will meet Tuesday at "P«to" Oonnd Jr. that a Open Hearth in HaAfbrd where gar, pastor of the Oak Lawn Three young members of the oockroach was seen inside cation from 923 Main St. to 89S 7:80 p.m. 'at the church. they will conduct a iksrvice. Methodist Church Dallas, church, Mark Saunders/ Elliott Women of Socotra, largest is FRANK Main St. on Dec. 1. ’ the epabectuft, but It got Tex.; and the Rev. Lawrence Oliver and Robert Kiilght, pro land in the Indian Ocean, are away. —^ The Couples Bridge Croup 3 Almond of the Massachusetts vided guitar music' for the group especially f<md of Jew^ry. As Manchester Council of of the Newcomers Oub will Bible Society,' i^ston. The Rev. 8PAOB OENTEai, Houston Oomad Wter mused to of- The Couples Bowlinh Group singing. The Chancel Choir of many as nine earrings hang SU -lSU flciaM (hat peilihpa ha oouM Churches will meet Monday at meet tonight at 8 at the home of the Newcomers Oub will and Mrs, Bari B. Story were the church also sang several se from nine holes in each ear. A (AP) — If the ApoUo 12 aetn^ 7:80 p.m. at Fellowship hall of of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gilbert OaO Vorltaee: Catch the lasBCft te apwoe meet tonight gt 7:30 ai Sliver unable to attend the event as lections. hand may support five rings, an nnuts are found to be free of al North and show ft m telerialDn. Community Baptist Church. of Warwick Dr.* Bolton. Lanes in East Hartford. planned. The dinner, which pjiened the ankle two bangles. ien organisma, future moon'ex- Patifk Ocsofi Sunday, the ApoBo 12 corn- SPACE CENTER, Hotwlcn plorers may be excused from mender aonouneed he had (AP) — Racing through the fi tha three-week Quarantine now done ft. Hut on be heKi up nal hours of their voyage of die- ~ ' In force. for TV was a hand drawing covery. ApoUo 12’s moon men — not the real hug- - marveled a speetacular No hmar bugs croiq>ed up in earthly eclipse of the sun today, MipWAY HAWAIIAN Presumably, tf the orttter the men of Apollo 11 or the and fired their Jet thrusters a ISIANDS ever waa aboard, he’s aUB brief burst to aero in on their material they brought biuk there, eftar a t ^ to the splashdown tiuget In the South from the Sea of TranquHlity. moon and (Mok. • I^cific. The ApoUo l2 moon landers WAKt Henolulw^^l^ m Chariea "P ete" Oonrad Jr., set down 800 mllee away, in the Richard F. Gordon Jr. and Alan Ooean of , stonns, and Qpa«e(IUAill/ L. Bean were in good epirits ae scientists say there la a far; ’ their Yankee CUpper streaked I Moon^s No tefadied pnarihlUty a weird form foster and faster toward their home plaiiet on a course that Baymona B. Bogue of life might exist in the differ ... • I Slice of Cake would slam them Into the at Guests included William F. ent enrironmient iMtW •• I AFOUOfR . _ ^ mosphere 76' mUes high at a Booth of New Haven, grand 'nwy don’t expect to find any, RUINfA— ------ speed of 84,600 miles per hour. master of Masons in Omnecti- but they’re teMej no chances. Say« Conrad Atmospheric friction and par cut and a paaft potenftate of "With idmUcal negative infor ..SOLOMON achutes were to slow them to 88 Pyramid Temple of the Shrine mation from two missions, we SPAOE CBNTER, Houston m.p.h. In the final minutes be in Bridgeport. He was accom might .propose ieUevlng the fore splashdown, set for 8:86 panied Merle P. Tapley, crew quanmUne . after . ApoUo SAMOA ^ (AIP) — ‘TU tell you one thing," p.m. BBT about 400 mllea oouth- grand Junior warden; and by IS," Dr. A. D.' Oatterson, a Pete Cionrad. was saying . "R east of Amertcah Samoa. Beecher Qould, who is oriented Manned . Spacefill^ Center eui^ took every Ut of knowledge I Am Yankee Clipper iQ>- guide of Pyramid Tem{4e and gecn, said In an Interview. cdiairman of the grand lodge had to get that baby down .there proached the earth It was on a “ BBt H depends how things go slightly ehallow path that would commltte on the^ condition of on 12." in UM right place. That was ho Masonry. plim of cake." cause It to land long. A fiva-eeo- TUs fUgfat'it’a M-day Quarantine C y P A £ lA ond firing of the JeU at 12:44 Representing Sphinx Temple b^iaa lastIt Hiureday when •• Oonrad, Alan L. Bean and was WUUam O. Qadd, oriental p.m. steepened the angle to aim Oharlee A. Oonrad Jr. and Alan T ^ 3 SfttfiG PmtHk Richard F. Gordon .Jr. w«i« the spaceship at a point close to guide. L. Bean Waeted■ated away from thetho i • — S holding the fin t nei#a confer- ESlecfted to serve with Bogue the aircraft carrier Hornet. moan’s Ocean of Storms and enoe from space Sunday and he "Looks like a good burn,” are: Rdberu .Murdpek, first Joined Richard F. Gordon Jr. in was reoalUng how he brought ' vice presidenit: RiehaPd Roth- Mliulon Control told Yankee the command ship Yankee Clip NEW the lunar lander Intrepid In. The oetronauts were awad by well, second vice president; per. "It took fyerythlng I had to Herbert R. SUngSbury, secre ZiAlAMO, a eight that can be seen only by Like ApoUo 11 estronauts NeU Milee at fqoatar get that LM down in one pleoev” men flying far from their home tary; and iStanley N.