■ -N 5 . r .. \" • /r SATU^AYv 1889 " ■ ( lEvrning o'. - ■ ; :i ' < D S ir D m | > M B m TTie Weather The leadenOilp training cbuM ^ m dM tip Circle of the Sal- 800 at Dinner ' The form'er aaaooiate- min- church's "Goal 70—One ' ' Step Navsmker ig, u m ' J ^ ' Clear and colder, tonight with Shrine Qub About "Town ,of ISTorth United Methodist vatlonN Aymy will not have its .'Isters are .Jhe Rev. Charles lOgher’’ idedge caiQpai^, clos­ ■f-- lows in 20s- Tomonow'sunny- Church will meet Tuesday at regulaA meeting Monday but ed with S'* pledging'service. The Bentley School PTA m - Reynolds, executive' secretary high In 408. Wednesday’s out- 8:80 p.m. at the church. wlU attMd a' Thanksgiving Ser­ Of Soutli Gburch JsM snM fSM i sg^sBwt, ilia ecutlve boird will meet Mon­ of the Ludhiana Christian Med­ 1 5 ,8 0 0 , look cloudy, mild wttb chance Taps Bogue vice at the church". IS n n k sH a peaJeataiBr T*’ day at 8 p.m. in the school li­ Nearly 800 members of South ical College Board h> York • Usiiefceiisi 4 City of yUimte Chmmt . of ehoweri. brary. North • United MeChoilst City, and the Rev.. Percy 8mith R a ^ o n d B. Bogfue of 89 Bry­ United Methodist‘ Church last of the New London Methodist 'WELDON CP. an Dr. last nlgltt was elected ■ Church members and constltu; Fire Calls m Main MMKU VOL. LXX30X, NO. 47 ents are reminded to bring Senior Toiith Forum of night attended the chprch’s sec­ Church. ■ , (THIBTY-SIX PAGI^TW O SRCnONS) MA|rCHESTER, CONN., BIONDAT, NOVEMBER 24, 1969 (Cinsrifled AdmrtMnrosi Fhga SS) president of Omar Shrine Club' Wunrfee Chapter • of the North UnitM Methodist Church PiRICE TEN CENA for 1970. He .succeeds Willard ^Questers will meet Monday at 8 their completed, pledge cards ond 'annual congregational din­ Hie speeches were informal Town ftreOghtdrs responded Sunday to the 9 or 10:80 a.m. will meet-’raesday at 7 p.m. and more like the Jests and easy B. Dtckenson’ of Plymouth p.m; at the home of Mrs. Wal­ at the church. The ’Grade 9 ner at the Manchester State to two calls yesterday; both i Lcme, Bolton, and assumes the lace Shearer, Oder Mill Rd.^^ worship service. Those unable Armory. , y banter of friends 'reunited after were false alarms. to attend are ' asked, to call Conceptors will also meet at 7 many years. presidency aft the January Bolton. A peper will be given p.m. at the ch^ch. Three former ministers and The first came In by tele­ s meeting of the Shrlners. by Mrs. James Roach on Charles Stfsrllng at 84 Scott Dr. two past associate ministers of W; J. Godfrey Gourley was phone for l l Griswold St. Fire­ EXPERT M(nmi>Bii|; R e p u te d The annual meeting Of Blue “ Christmas Onisunents.'” Mem­ The canvas's committee will ihaster of ceremonies. Stanley men said a young-sounditig ■\ the church and their wives were SPACE CENTER, Houston Lodge Night was held last night bers are reminded to bring an contact those whose cards have “^e Trinity SlnWers will meet guests of honor. The former Weinberg, dinner chairman, voice called at 3:84 p.m. Bugs W n lllill (AP>— Bafora ApoUo 12 w m at Mancheister Country Club. item for a silent auction. not been received. Tuesday at 6:80 y-m . at the ministers are Bishop W. Ralph paid tribute to those who had Someone pulled Box 291 aKBSDBNTIAL / ^— (Durant and Oescent St.) at launobad into wpmst, a todi- se of worked so hard to feed and home of Mrs. B u f^ Johnson, Ward of. the Syracuse, N.T., a OOBOaHIOIAI. n h ^ raported 'to Chariea The United Pund of Man­ Trustees of Trinity Covenant 92 Hemlock St., to go to the area; the Hev. Dr. Fred R. M - serve the diners. 9:28 last night. ^ aINmiaiBIAL chester Inc. will change hs lo­ Church will meet Tuesday at "P«to" Oonnd Jr. that a Open Hearth in HaAfbrd where gar, pastor of the Oak Lawn Three young members of the oockroach was seen inside cation from 923 Main St. to 89S 7:80 p.m. 'at the church. they will conduct a iksrvice. Methodist Church Dallas, church, Mark Saunders/ Elliott Women of Socotra, largest is­ FRANK Main St. on Dec. 1. ’ the epabectuft, but It got Tex.; and the Rev. Lawrence Oliver and Robert Kiilght, pro­ land in the Indian Ocean, are away. —^ The Couples Bridge Croup 3 Almond of the Massachusetts vided guitar music' for the group especially f<md of Jew^ry. As Manchester Council of of the Newcomers Oub will Bible Society,' i^ston. The Rev. 8PAOB OENTEai, Houston Oomad Wter mused to of- The Couples Bowlinh Group singing. The Chancel Choir of many as nine earrings hang SU -lSU flciaM (hat peilihpa ha oouM Churches will meet Monday at meet tonight at 8 at the home of the Newcomers Oub will and Mrs, Bari B. Story were the church also sang several se­ from nine holes in each ear. A (AP) — If the ApoUo 12 aetn^ 7:80 p.m. at Fellowship hall of of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gilbert OaO Vorltaee: Catch the lasBCft te apwoe meet tonight gt 7:30 ai Sliver unable to attend the event as lections. hand may support five rings, an nnuts are found to be free of al­ North and show ft m telerialDn. Community Baptist Church. of Warwick Dr.* Bolton. Lanes in East Hartford. planned. The dinner, which pjiened the ankle two bangles. ien organisma, future moon'ex- Patifk Ocsofi Sunday, the ApoBo 12 corn- SPACE CENTER, Hotwlcn plorers may be excused from mender aonouneed he had (AP) — Racing through the fi­ tha three-week Quarantine now done ft. Hut on be heKi up nal hours of their voyage of die- ~ ' In force. for TV was a hand drawing covery. ApoUo 12’s moon men — not the real hug- - marveled a speetacular No hmar bugs croiq>ed up in earthly eclipse of the sun today, MipWAY HAWAIIAN Presumably, tf the orttter the men of Apollo 11 or the and fired their Jet thrusters a ISIANDS ever waa aboard, he’s aUB brief burst to aero in on their material they brought biuk there, eftar a t ^ to the splashdown tiuget In the South from the Sea of TranquHlity. moon and (Mok. • I^cific. The ApoUo l2 moon landers WAKt Henolulw^^l^ m Chariea "P ete" Oonrad Jr., set down 800 mllee away, in the Richard F. Gordon Jr. and Alan Ooean of , stonns, and Qpa«e(IUAill/ L. Bean were in good epirits ae scientists say there la a far; ’ their Yankee CUpper streaked I Moon^s No tefadied pnarihlUty a weird form foster and faster toward their home plaiiet on a course that Baymona B. Bogue of life might exist in the differ­ ... • I Slice of Cake would slam them Into the at­ Guests included William F. ent enrironmient iMtW •• I AFOUOfR . _ ^ mosphere 76' mUes high at a Booth of New Haven, grand 'nwy don’t expect to find any, RUINfA— ------ speed of 84,600 miles per hour. master of Masons in Omnecti- but they’re teMej no chances. Say« Conrad Atmospheric friction and par­ cut and a paaft potenftate of "With idmUcal negative infor­ ..SOLOMON achutes were to slow them to 88 Pyramid Temple of the Shrine mation from two missions, we SPAOE CBNTER, Houston m.p.h. In the final minutes be­ in Bridgeport. He was accom­ might .propose ieUevlng the fore splashdown, set for 8:86 panied Merle P. Tapley, crew quanmUne . after . ApoUo SAMOA ^ (AIP) — ‘TU tell you one thing," p.m. BBT about 400 mllea oouth- grand Junior warden; and by IS," Dr. A. D.' Oatterson, a Pete Cionrad. was saying . "R east of Amertcah Samoa. Beecher Qould, who is oriented Manned . Spacefill^ Center eui^ took every Ut of knowledge I Am Yankee Clipper iQ>- guide of Pyramid Tem{4e and gecn, said In an Interview. cdiairman of the grand lodge had to get that baby down .there proached the earth It was on a “ BBt H depends how things go slightly ehallow path that would commltte on the^ condition of on 12." in UM right place. That was ho Masonry. plim of cake." cause It to land long. A fiva-eeo- TUs fUgfat'it’a M-day Quarantine C y P A £ lA ond firing of the JeU at 12:44 Representing Sphinx Temple b^iaa lastIt Hiureday when •• Oonrad, Alan L. Bean and was WUUam O. Qadd, oriental p.m. steepened the angle to aim Oharlee A. Oonrad Jr. and Alan T ^ 3 SfttfiG PmtHk Richard F. Gordon .Jr. w«i« the spaceship at a point close to guide. L. Bean Waeted■ated away from thetho i • — S holding the fin t nei#a confer- ESlecfted to serve with Bogue the aircraft carrier Hornet. moan’s Ocean of Storms and enoe from space Sunday and he "Looks like a good burn,” are: Rdberu .Murdpek, first Joined Richard F. Gordon Jr. in was reoalUng how he brought ' vice presidenit: RiehaPd Roth- Mliulon Control told Yankee the command ship Yankee Clip­ NEW the lunar lander Intrepid In. The oetronauts were awad by well, second vice president; per. "It took fyerythlng I had to Herbert R. SUngSbury, secre­ ZiAlAMO, a eight that can be seen only by Like ApoUo 11 estronauts NeU Milee at fqoatar get that LM down in one pleoev” men flying far from their home tary; and iStanley N.
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