. , Booing, Gunshots The Weather Mo.t'y cloudy with ecc ..Ie"., r.in .nd ".".... d thun ...... torm. At Ole Miss Stirs through tonight. High. In tho "" ~ • Ii"'. eool.r in tho .outh_tt, Owon Rain .nding Sund.y with niHil Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City temperatur•• _

Easing Tensions Establisbt>d in 1868 Asf;ociated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Saturday, Oct. 6, 1962 - Iowa City , l~wa B., THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ., OXFORD, Miss - A booing crowd of students and a report of gunshots hattered the mood of easing tensions on the University of Mississippi campus Friday. Ranking In Ba/ance- Still, lhere were signs that federal officials, holding a tight grip on the situation, feel the crackling sense oC danger is letting up. I Nicholas Katzenbach, deputy U.S. attorney general, said : "I think we've gono a long way teward rll1."lng tln.ion. hlrl and getting back to normalcy." The developments came near the end of Negro James H. Meredith's W'eather Factor in USC Ti·lt first wcek as a student at previously all-white Ole Miss. The 29-year-old Meredith planned to leave the eampu for the weekend - destination unannounced, but believed to be a meeting with * * * * * * his wife and perhaps their 2-year·old son. E~y Tells Hawkeye Rooters, Trojans S~k . The report of the shots fired at an Army vehicle carrying three or four soldiers came in just as the school day was nearing its end . Nobody was hurt. FBI .gents bog.n an Inv ••tigation, One report said only one shot was heard. 'Oon/t-Make Vacation Plans' Grid Reveng~ : The report of gunfire was the first since t.he rioting on the campus B., BILL PEMBLE Sunday night and in the town sq uare Monday. StaH Writer A crowd of students jammed into a narrow hallway and booed Before 60;000 . and hissed Meredith as he walked out of a political science class. "Explode the Trojans," Pcp Hally number two of the year, They screamed obsc.nitl.s .nd profaniti.. and .t I... t on. went off despite 11 muddy track Friday night b fore about 1,500 I., ERIC ZOECKLER Sport, Editor threat - "Your life is .hort" - .. M.r.dlth .nd hi. ..e.rt of loyal Hawke e rooters. Iowa Athletic Director Forest Evashev­ marshals walke~ through tho crowd. ski highlighted the evening with a brief address, warning the Two precision "T" forma­ The number of marshals walking with Meredith In his rigid routine Iowa fans "not to make plans for Christmas vacation." tions go on display this after­ remained small - only three, the same as Thursday. FOREST EVASHEVSKI noon at Io'.va Stadium when For the fir st time since the riot, the government reported Friday Emcee Roger Wiley , A3, Sioux "A Ros., Chrlttm ••" City, introduced the opening num­ Jowa's H a wkeyes tnekl(l the thut nobody was arrested Thursday night. ------ber, a "Can-Can" featuring Jolene Friday's Clouds And yet, at the same time, an undercurrent of uneasiness remained. Bryant, A3, Fort Dodge, Gwen Trojans of Southern California The university junkld mo.t of thl c.mpul homecomlnl fa.tivi­ Owen, A2, Rapid City, S. D. and Say Rain Today with a I1ntionnJ football ranking ties and moved the game to J.ckson, tho capit.I, 170 mill' to the CrQwd Cool Anne Parham, A4, Kirkwood , Mo. llanging in the balance. SGutt!. Mary Blakey, A3, East Moline, Ill . B., Thl Associatld Prell But the effectiveness of The fe deral officials didn't want to face the prospect of a football coordinated the dance routine. More clouds moved ovel' Iowa Iowa's new "Floating T" and crowd of 20,000 to 30,000 - most of them dead set against desegregating After the "Can-Can," the yen Fl'id:!y, a prelude for expected To JFK Step Southcl'I1 Cal's "shjfting T" may Ole Miss - swarming into the campus over the weekend. I(;a ders and the "Pom-Pom" girls rains and thunderstorms today. led the crowd in a few cheers, The rain will precede the move- he marrcd by e,\:pectcd thun­ setting the stage for Evy. ment of a low pressure center into HOMES SHOT INTO dershowers. * * * Iowa's genial gentleman of port, Iowa from the west. By Sunday JACKSON, Miss. - The National Association for the Advancement Into Campaign Evy recalled his first Pep Rally at skies should be portly cloudy and The weather could also put a of Colored People said "more than six homes and a store were shot temperatures mild. dent in attendance figures as oear­ into by roving bands of whites" in Harmony, Miss., Thursday night. President Blasts Michigan State after coming from Where clouds had already moved ly 60,000 fans are expected to turn Thi was the fourth in a series of racial incidents reported in Syracuse to join the MSU staff. into the state Fl'iday, afternoon out if the sun shines. Republican Party Addressing the rally, Evy said, temperatul'es stayed in the 60s. In Mississippi since Negro James H. Meredith was admitted to the Uni­ The Trojans, seeking revenge Asks Election Aid "You need nO,t, fear, wc '\I win fo~ the western counlies they wel'~ afler last year's 35·34 loss to the versity of Mississippi on Monday . Syracuse . . . ' near 70 degrees . Medgar Ever, NAACP state field secretary, said no one was Hc hopes "that this year will be , _____ Hawks in Los Angeles, must B., DOUGLAS B. CORNELL humble the Iowa tl!8m to hold on injured but the six houses and the store were damaged. Harmony is more profitable than last" Evy's to lheir six-place national raling. about 50 miles northeast of Jackson. EN ROUTE WITH KENNEDY first ycar out of the coaching 1.fI - President Kennedy blasted ranks. He had planned to spend Vietnamese An lowa triumph .- coupled with Republicans as a party without a time "with my bride of 20 years" the easy conquest of Oregon State program Friday night and de- and watching his sons pilly foot, last week - probably. would boost the Hawkeyes into the top 10. clared that 0 n I y by electing a ball, Jim at City High and Frosty Guerrillas Democratic Congress can this at Michigan, he said. But, injuries Bolh Coach Jerry Burns 01 Iowa country get moving again. plagued the Evashevski's as well and John McKay of USC are hoping News in Brief Cor a dry field so they can put their Taking his campaign directly as the Iowa Hawkeyes. Frosty was Stage Attack intricate offenses and top flight By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS into enemy GOP tel'ritory, Cincin· ruled out fOI' the season, and ,lim WASHINGTON - The United States touched off one of the passers to a real test. nati , Kennedy said of the Repub- suffered a head Injury and was also I AP MY LUONG, Soulh Viet Nam The Trojans sport 0 rellUlrkable biggest nuclear tests in its current series Friday beneath the \icans: "They have mode the word forced oul. (.fl _ Communist gucrrillas threw 26-year-old left hallback In junior Nevada desert, the Atomic Energy Commission announced. 'no' a political pI'ogram but I be- "This has gol 10 he n happier 1I vicious counlerpunch at a gov- Willie Brown, a mercury-heeled fel­ liave in the word 'yes.' " season!" Evy continued, "When we ernment task force of more than low who runs like the wind with the WASHINGTON *- The judge *who ordered *a psychiatric exami- Presidential P I' C S 9 Secretary have a top football team, it I'epr(>- IS-ounce pigskin. ' nation (or Edwin A. W:!lker, former Army mqjor general, had Pierre Salinger said police cnp- sents our university and we know 1,000 troops Friday, killing a U.S, 1'he Ha.wks will counter with bccn told that Walker's medical history indicated "functional ond tain Gaynor Mills esUmoted th 'we're 0 llIP $cbool." H clqlleined helicopter crewman and crippling their captain, LIlrry r'erguson, Uke psychosomatic disorders," it was learned Friday. crowd's size as 80,000. . thai backing the Ifawkeyes gives an entire company of Vietnamese Bl'own, l) left halfback, who proved There was no question that the the students and other fans a l'angers. The governmcnt claimed to Iowans last Saturday in 10wa'II cl'owd's sentiment did not com- chance to "give venl to penl,up 100 guerrillas were sillin in the openel' that he indeed is as sharp MIAMI, Fla. - *Fringe winds * oC Daisy, a* GOO-mile-wide mass pletely match the President's. emotions." action. as in 19(10 when he won Al\-~m­ of gales with a hard core center of 100·mile-an-hollr winds, socked FOI' as he spoke, Kennedy looked Coach Jerry BUI'ns and the Iowa Eleven U.S. Army helicopters crican honors. the liny Atlantic Ocean Island of Bermuda Friday night. Ollt on an array or homemade foolball team appeared aftel' Evy's roared inlo the allack area at When it comes time to give the signs that carried such slogans as: talk . A few more cheers were led dawn, Ilnd were greeted by heavy ball a toss, both leams will have WASHINGTON *- West Berlin* Mayor Willy * Brandt said Friday "Troops fOI' MiSSissippi but none and then Wiley informed the crowd round fire even before reaching competent passers with All-Ameri­ he and President Kennedy "take it for granted" that Soviet Premier for Cuba." that no qualified person was avail- their'objectives. Amel'ican gunners can candidates for receivers. Khrushchev probably will visit the United Nations in New York "Uphold the Monroe Doctrine." able to detonate the USC Trojan in nearly all the battle-scarred McKay will bank on two formid­ able signal-callel's - BUI ,Nellien thi s autumn. "Less profile, m 0 r e courage, horse. Pre-rally plans had called H21s in the group blazed away with Can-Can We Win? blockade Cuba. " for blowing up a facsimile oC a their 30-caliber machine guns, and and - who will be It apparently was in a direct Trojan horse floating on the Iowa tracer bullets churned the watery Generating spirit at the Pop Rail., Frida., night using an old Fr.nch tossing most of their aerials in the NEW YORK - *Cornelius Drummond* , a vetera* n of 16 years in answer to this silent but conspicu- River. The fans had to seltle for fields below into fountains. direction of big , a fl-5, the United Statcs Navy, was indicted Friday on federal charges trick were (left) Gw.n Owen, A2, Rapid City, S.D. and Anna P.r. 225·pou nd left end, who sets USC OllS heckling th:!t Kennedy said: a bonfire instead. Next rally is be- Here and there running rebels ham, A4, Kirkwood, Mo. The Can-Can girls are a regular feature of selling a vast and varied store of the nation'9 defense secrets to "The last administration paid no (ore Homccoming. fee and did not move again. recol'ds evel'y time he pulls In the the Soviet Union. He (aces the death penalty if convicted. attention to Latin America for of SUI pop rilllles. boll. eight years - and we have paid d The government had received in· Burns, who will start the same the. price." telligence L'eports that several hun- leam as last Satur~IIY, will : ~ave But mostly Kennedy kept to the Sno 'grass dl'ed Viet Cong regulars had moved Schirra Named Award Recipient pin-point passing artist Matt Szy­ Committee Dismisses (barges prime purpose oC a series of week- into the area to reinforce regional WASHINGTON IA'I - Astronaut Walter M. Schirra Jr. will kowny and lanky Cloyd Webb, who ly campaign parades which wi~l Communist troops. Since a year be awarded the Distinguished Service Award by the National has made an awesome start toward take him all over the country by To Lecture ago, this part of Dinh Tuong Provo an all-American rating last Sat-· Aeronautics and Space Administration at an Oct. 15 celebration at Election Day, Nov. 6: to do his best ince, 50 miles southwest of Saigon , urday. • 19ainst Colorado U. Student to see that the Congress remains has been controlled by the Viet Schirra's home town, Oradell, N. J. In Southern Cal's 14-0 triumph Democratic, H' M d Congo House OKs Arms Use in Berlin over Duke and 33·3 conquest of BOULDER, Colo. (.fI - The Disci­ article in the University news­ The names of the Americans Southern Methodist last Saturday, pline Committee of the University ere on ay WASHINGTON IA'I - The House adopted, 311-0, Friday a resolu­ Beathard completed II total of 63 paper, the Colorado Daily , assailing :fe~~n~ithheld pending notification of Colorado dismissed a student's the conservative Republican sen­ •es I at u re tion recording congressional support for any action "inch,lding per cent or his tosses, compared to attack on . Sen. Barry Goldwater Leg W. D. Snodgrass, the only SUI Szykowny's 12 (or 17 (70 per cent> ator from Arizona, the Discipline graduate to win the Pulitzer Prize A wave of Vietnamese helicopt- the use of arms" to uphold Allied rights in Berlin. Thursday' as an expression of free Committee said the choice o[ lan­ against the Beavers.· . and open discussion. guage was in part injudicious. But elO'Urnment for poetry, will be on campus Mon- ers droned in to evacuate casual­ lito Seeks To Heel Wounds Bedsole has nabbed nine catch"s Ad day to study student poems and ties . All of them made it, and for for a total of 211 yards. bnd three The, q9mmittee voted unanimous­ it said the language could not be deliver an address. practical purposes, the gl'ound bat- MOSCOW 1.fI - President Tito of Yugoslavia is com ing to the ly to dispense :with charges brought considered a personal attack on Soviet Union in December for a vacation and presumably to smoot h louchdowns, while the' flashy Brown any individual. Snodgrass will give a public lec- tie was over. Then artillery and has romped for more than live against the student author, Carl ture and reading at 7:90 p,m. in the bombing planes went to work. over scars of the past 15 years. Mitcham of Dallas, Tex. "The committee firmly upholds Sti II De Iaye d yards per carry in two games, Senate Chamber of Old Capitol. Ferguson will be ably backed by The young philosophy student the right of students to engage Paul Engle, director of SUI's WASHINGTON 1.4'1 - Wrangling Willie Ray Smit~ as the Hawks was accused of conduct unbecom­ in free and open discussion," the Writer's Workshop, describes group said. over pork barrel legislation plus test, for the second tfme, .the new ing a student, failure to respect maneuvers for a pension plan Snodgrass as a "witty as well as the rights and privileg~s of others The article led to a sharp dis­ excellent speaker." Regents Approve $8,973,000 "Floating T." Fergie last Saturday killed hopes Friday for congres­ smashed for 64 yards in 11 carries, and conducting himself in a man­ pute between Goldwater and the Snodgrass will discuss the nature sional adjournment this week. But Smith romped for 64 ill .1~ att~J1lPts . ner bringing discredit upon the University president, Quigg New- the two biggesl remaining meas­ of poetry, and will read from University. ton. ' Heart's Needle, for which he won Burns, who was pleaSed 'Wlth ,the ures were untangled from contro­ alternating of his first and second Conviction could have brought a Newton wired the senator "sin- versy. the Pulitzer Prlze in 1960. Much Asked by SUI for 1963-65 units last week, has pr~rpis,d ,the repl'imand, probation or suspen­ cel'e apologies and regrets" and Senate Majority Leader Mike of the volume was written in the sion. SUI Poetry Workshop while Snod­ same procedure today, but be will said the University disavows the Mansfield (D·Mont.) obtained un. B., PEGGY ANNE ROGERS equipment and moving expenses in greater size, so actually our cur­ keep Szykowny in the' gAme Whe.n Of Mitcham's strongly worded article without qualification. animous consent for the Senate to grass was a student here. St.ff Writlr relation to these buildings. Utili­ rent requests will serve the 1965- the second unit runs, , - The editor of the student news- skip Saturday's sessions - once Before his talk, Snodgrass will tie needs amount to $1,440,000. 1969 period." visit the Poetry Workshop and dis­ McKay wUl counter with a three­ paper, Gary Althen, 21, of Wheat planned as the windup - and to The State Board of Regents, in Two milli9 11 dollars will be asked $60,000 is requested ror a botany leam alternating system witn {be Ridge, Coio., also wrote Goldwater meet again on Monday. The House cuss student poems. the second session of a three·day for classroom and faculty office Snodgrass received his B.A. in greenhouse with equipment. $600,- first team playing bot" offensive Court Delays an apology. went ahead with plans for its Sat. meeting here, approved SUI Pres· buildings. After the bulidings are and defense and specialized oUen· Goldwater replied to Newton urday session in order to act on the 1949, M.A. in 1951, and M.F.A. in ident Virgil M. Hancher's request under construction a later request 000 is asked for an addilion to the 1953 all from SUI. He has taught sive and defensive units backiDg it lhat "You either do not know roreign aid money bill. for $8,973,000 for SUI ror the 1963- will go to the 'Legislature for the art building , w'ithout equipment. up. what is going on in the University Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-N.Y.l in English departments at Cornell 65 biennium. furnishings and equipment. Additional mounts from gifts and University, Ithaca, N.Y., Univer­ Burns has held light drills this Negro 'Entry or you don't care, and in chairty, asked Mansfield how many more The Board also approved a total "It is usually three years from pri vate sources will supplement week. Three were In tbe . rain, I would presume the later. To put days Congress might stay in ses· sity of Rochester, N.Y., and Wayne figure of $22,086,500 for the six the appropriation Gf funds by the this. A psychology building, to be State University, Detl'oLt which will be a point in hls favor, j( it brierly, I doubt that you have sion. The Democratic leader re­ state institutions: SUI, Iowa State Legislature until the actual oc­ supplemented by federal grants, the predictions hold up. ' ~t the Interest or the concern to be plied that it might extend "any­ University, State College of Iowa, cllpancy and use of new buildings," is requested withoul equipment for If the Iowa monaoohs do arrive ': Clemson In .the position you hold." where from next Tuesday to next Iowa School for the Deaf, Iowa President Han c her commented $750,000. For that same sUJ1l, and this afternoon, both coaches are ALEXANDRIA, Va, 1.4'1 - Imme· Newton quickly replied, calling Saturday or beyond." Braille and Sight-Saving School , "There is urgent necd of this of­ also to be supplemented by federal eltpel;ted ,to turn more to the servo diate admission to Clemson College the senator "0 symbol of the sup- , • • and State Sanatorium. lice and classroom space as we grants, is the Speech Pathology ices of their big and talented ·full· was denied Friday to a Negro IItU' pressive forces which are waging JFK's PhYSICian In addition the Board will re- anI icipate a great student increase Center, without equipment. backs. dent seeking court action for an all-out assault 00 the Unlver- f quest that the Legislature give the in 1965. Another large element in the sur For McKay, bi, Ben \V~ transfer to the all-white state insti­ slty." Here or Meeting State Board of Regents powcr to The closses of Ihe following years budget is for the third part oC the would get the call to penetrate \he tulion in Soulh Carolina. decide 011 a sabbatical leave policy will not be less, but of equal 01' library for which $J, 750,000 is ask­ relatively small Iowa defensive for faculty members and the right ______Inslead of granting Harvey B. Contest Canceled Physicians from six states reg- ed. Accoustical ceilings will be pro­ wall Which, nevertheless,' held Ore· Gantt, 19, immediate entrance, the istered here Friday lor a two·day to set tramc regulations and speed vided as well as airconditioni ng for gon State to a -8 yard. rualJiDl. 'United States 4th Circuit Court of The contest, announced in conference on arttiritis and relatecl limits on campus areas. President Hancher the pl'esent building. Included in Wilson, a 225-pound bUll ·moose .. is Appeals, in effect, held up a deci- Friday's Daily Iowan, for SUI disorders being held at the sur Col- Hancher originally askcd $25" lhe accevtcd revised budget is just now roundini into shape alter sion, IL said the case should be males to guess which of the 26 lege of Medicine, 283,000 for sur. After consideration Enters U. Hospital $500,000 for tho air-conditioning of a knee operation. • ," - h'ied soon on its merits In a lower candidates for Miss SUI would The conference is sponsored by by the Board, lhis figure was re­ certain buildings which have in­ Burns would call OIl Bill per-' kins, an equally powerful court. \vin, has been canceled. The de- the SUI Department of Physical duced to the nearly nine million . President Virgil M, Hancher croused summer usage. (ullbaek The order was issued afler Ganlt cision to eliminate the contest Medicine and Rehabilitation and The requests for building needs of The Stato Univlrslty of Iowa, The Statc College of Iowa pres­ at 204 pounds, Perkins had only appealed a U.S. District Court de- wlls made at a meeting of the the Iowa Chapter oC the Arthritis and related iml)rOVements were plans to Intlr University HOI' ented to the Board their request ror three rushing chances last ' ~, cis Ion denying his move for a pre- Paeeant Board Friday night. ond Hheumotism Foundation. placed in priority order, and the plt.l. this wleklnd for observ.­ $2,870,000 which was revised and one going for a touchdown, ' , Iimlnary injunction to gain Imme- The Board decided that due to Dr. Janet Travell, personal phy- Board approved in toto Ihe first tion of a back ,ain, approved at $2,3~8,OOO . Iowa State Unhearlded, but ilxplOlive 81 I'D, major football bajD', are diate admission. The injunction was unforeseen expenses they would sic ian to President John F. Ken- eight items In the rev ised proposed SU I ph.,.lclanl .ald Prelident originally asked $11,075,000 which 'Iow'o:. denied by Judge C. C. Wyche of not have surricient funds to fln- nedy, was one of Ihe guest speakers budget the Board approved at $6,275,000. Bobby Grier, who turned in • Hancher wal bllng hospltlllztcl creditable job last WM.k . ill '~tUI U.S. District Court for Eastern ance the contest. at the conference Friday. W. L. The egislature of three years ,for rut .nd further ...mlnatlon The total request by the six state South,CtJrollna. In addition, the contest had Mooty, lieutenant governor of Iowa, ago provided for new buildings at ,·,to determlnl thl cau.. of thl institutions was $42 million doliars. Ganll now is a student in archi- not ori8ln811)' met with total spoke on Building 0 Healthy Iowa SUI. The present Legislature, to back pain. HI I. IXpecttcl to rl­ AHer the revisions the final' re­ Football- ' lecture at Iowa State Uni,ersity oC agreement of the board. at a dinner meeting Friday even- POET SNODGRASS meet this January, will be asked mlln for about fivi dar •• quests which will reach the Leais­ Science and TechftoloJ)' lit Arne.. '-______-' Ilng. ", • , Witty •• WIII.'~ to appropriate $1,123,000 (or the lature total $22,086,500. (Co,.tinued On Page 4) ~ EcI;to,;~ ,' Pag_ On Other .Engli €cmpuses AGUDAS ACHDI ST PATRICK'S CHURC,8 CONGREGATION 224 E. Court St. Sarry's Definition ~da Ac:hlm sJDlCopa Be... IUchard Egan, PL.,. 8y JOHN KLEIN 603 E. Waahiri2ton st. R.... Harry Llnnenl)rIDk, AIIiIItIat Ani"ant Mana,lng Editor bbbl Sbeldon Idwudl 6:S0, ':lS, \I:U and U. a.m., SUll' On L~ rrtday S;irnce. 8 p.m. da1 ...... Y A N K E E-COLLEGE news­ llebbetb Wonblp, SaturdaJ, ..... 1:45 ID4 6\UI a.m., D~ x.a- \ -0- -0- ~hmay Krieg Qf 'American'" . Twisted IIILLEL FOUNDATION ..•• papers from Harvard University ASSEMBLY OF GOD Illinois, will spea current ttLe raging betw n S n. Barry Gold­ to UCLA have been printing stu­ 1m Keokuk Street 122 East Market St. I , . nl b TIM Rev. Georc.e W. lIullen, P.... 7:. p.m., Friday, Sabbath 8anIeeI , ., 'l'uesday at 8 p.rn wat r ( R-Ariz.) and the Univcr ity of Colorado, indicates dent reaction and editorial com· 10 l.m. Suoday .3c:h001 -0- )(ornlnI Worship, 11 I.m. GRACE UNITED taUe is sponsored ments on the recent action in 7 P.ID. Youth MeeUnr that th political right in Colorado with the aid of some tilDlelllt1c Servlce, 7:411 p.a. MISSIONARY CHURCH College. Mississippi. -0- 1854 Muscatine Ave. , ; powerful ou"tside stonntroopers has once again stepped up BETHANY BAPTIST CHURCH aeT. Raymond G. Sahmel, Putaor • Ralph Freed As may be expected, the north· its campaign to discredit the niv r ity, its administrator B St. Ill; Fifth Ave., Iowa City ':45 l.m., Sunday School . ger "one of the ern schools were unanimous in s.v. Frank Doten, Pistor 10:n a.m., Wonblp Servtct und tl Democrat-controlled Board of Regents. 1024 E . Burlmgton 8:&5 p.m., YOIItl\ Service ". theorists o[ litera both student and editorial opin­ Sund." t:" a.m.. 81aDW ~ '17110 p.m.. EvenI.Dg Servlce ' the younger genff T~e furor started over a po sibly libelous statement 10:" a.m., Moml.l.1C W 0I'allIp ions concerning Meredith/s' en­ 7 p.m. Even1D& Wol'llllp ----~IO~w:r._;_~c~ffi-~·-· --- 1I~.; , developed since W made • bOut Goldwater in a supplement to the S pt. 21 1:15 p.m. UDlftl'lllt;)' yGata rollment. All were dismayed and rellowablp' BAPTIST CHAPEL " . has been in the r Colorado D ily. Goldwat r demanded and received apolo­ 432 South Clinton fining the new B digusted by the actions of Mis­ BETHEL N".!!ICAN Cooperltlng witb the criticism." gies from both the eu Pre id nt QUigg ewton and The sissippi's segregationists. METHODIST CHURCH Southern BaptIst CoDftnttoa -- The Rev. Orlynn £Vana, P .... The lecture will Daily OOftor Gary Althen. 411 S. Governor st. 8:30 ID., Sunday SCh601 Student newspapers at Dixie fte Rev. Fred L. PenD1, Putol' 10:30 a.m., MoruIDg Worship cussion of a nu But the rampaging s nator from tbe Southwest was universities in Virginia, North to a.m., Sunday Scbool , ~ p.m., Training UnJ"n mainly by Shake 7 p.m. £Venina' Wonbtp not satisfied and responded with a vicious and personal TRINITY CHRISTIAN of it will be taken - Carolina, Missis -~ - -- -0- ". attac,k on . ewton and th University. sippi, Kentucky REFORMED CHURCH JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES coming book . and Texas were Conference Room No.1 · 2120 R. St. Krieger 's studi!! We agr c that the stntement made in the Daily article lowl Memorl&l Union. 7:00 p.m., PubUc Address: more conserva­ Rev. Robert J . PIlma "IS' It God's WJIl That Man Sufrer range, Including w s pb sibly Iibelou , in poor t:lsto nnd senseless, and that tive. Some pap­ 10 a.m., WorshIp, and Ole? Croce, Arnold, Haw Sermon: "God's Love Revealed" 4: 15 p.m .... Watchtower Study: "Pur· Coldwater de erved an imm diatc ap&logy. Rut we also ers, like the Vir· ' 11:15 a.m., Sunday School suI 1111 I"eace Through Jncreased and contemporary 7 p.m. WorshiP ginw C a valier . Knowledge" 4 fe I th. t Gold, ater hould have accepted Loth Newton', Sermon: "Have ThIs Mind" -0- He has authored and The Tulane -0- including The New • nd Althen' pologi in the ame spirit in which they (La'> HlOlabaloo THE CHURCH OF CHRIST MENNONITE CHURCH ., 1318 Kirkwood 614 Clark St. .' Poetry, published I w r off~re.d. H didn't. s e 1 d 0 m men­ BW Mackey and BUi Dumb.. The Re.. WUbur Nacbtll'RU. p.1tor Tragic Vision : V tioned the Ole"""" . .I olnt M1nJster. 8:30, 10:45 a.m .. Mornlnf: -Worship !I:. Theme in Literary Insteno, ,he cho to renew his attack on CU - appar­ • a.m., Bible Study 9:45 • .m ., Sunday Schoo , • Miss situation in.' 10 I .m. Wor.hlp. 7:30 p.m., EvenIng ServIce ". published in 1960. ently still smarting from th~ less than cordial reception he -0- the i r new s KLEIN 7 p.m., Even In, Worllllp , 'tl rccci .• cd there at a speaking engagem nt last spring. REORGAN~ED CHURCH Krieger is co·ed' columns, and never did in their CRURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF JESUS CHRIST live textbook on ae His attack was politically motivated and constituted an editorial columns. OF LATTER-DAY-- SAINTS tU· OF LATTER DAY SAINTS philosophy of arlo unbeli vahle insult to not only Newton and the University, Other southern schools did 910 E. Fairchild St. 221 Melrose Ave. This is the first • a.m., Priesthood J. D. Anderson. P.... Humanities lecture but to. the whole state of Colorado. make notable efrorts to under­ 10:30 a.m., Sunday School ':JO a.m., Cburch School o p.m., 8ac:rameDt Mee~ 10:30 l.m. MornJIII WorlblP year. rus actions were nothing mol' than pure political write Meredith's righ~ to attend -0- -0- college. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE SHARON EVANGELICAL meddlJng and we suggest that the good senator should 1035 Wade St. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Among them was the Unl"er. Th. Rev. Harold L. Keene" Putol' * * keep hi 2l0se out of Colorado politiCS - it is neither needed ':4' a.m., Sunday School Kalona J I ,. sity of T.x.s which sent two tele­ 10:45 a.m., Worllh!p Rev. Sl1IIuel J. Hahn . ! ~! nor wanted there. 7:30 p.m .. EvenlDg Servlc:e 1:30 l.m., Sunday Scbool Talks S grams dUring last week's difficul­ -<>- 10:30 a.m., DIvine Worablp , • • • THE CONGREGATIONAL 7:~O p.m., Eve~rvlce .' ., " ties. One went to Meredith salut­ CHURCH In the increasingly hitter remarks flying between the ST. ANDREW I • On Agi -r.~' ing his ". . . courage and perse­ Clinton &I Jefferson StTMtlI Capitol in Washington and the campus in Boulder, Cold­ Rev. WendeU MaUJews, Pa.tor PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ~ :' ~~~~ 'o~t<- verance in facing overwhelming 10:45 a.m., Church School. Worship, Sunset & Melrose Ave, .• The ninth annua water has· made one statement which borders on the pre­ opposition to . . . your constitu­ Communion ServIce. Meditation: University Helrbta ,f, • Gerontology will d>'P6~ '!'te W~I~~AI P¢STt<. "A Common Treasure" Bev. Huberi B. Brom, Pastor 'r postero:Yi; nd with which we can never agree. tional rights." 9:30 a.m., Worship Church School, . .' campus Monday an Said Goldwater: " ... I am far more concerned about EVANGELICAL Grade 3 down. Adult Class. r' Those attending The other message was ad· -- 11:00 a.m., Worship, Church Sch091, • FREE CHURCH the abilW of people with an un-American philosophy to Nixon column, Brown is in serious OF CORALVILLE Grade. down I I ! 14 will register bet dressed to Lhe Ole Miss stUdent noon at the main 1 have that philosophy displayed in the college press and, tr6l1ble. TIle Rev. W. Bobert CU!ben-. I • THE RESULTS varied from body and was sent to the stUdent Pastor ST. PAUL'S versity Library. Predicts Nixon Win, If . ' :45 I .m .. Sunday Sch ....1 LUTHEJ tAN-- CHAPEL in some cases, defended by that press, than I am about what precInct to precinct. Our pollees body president. In it the Texas 11 a.m., Morning WorshIp Service (Mluourl Syood) .. The conference By JOSEPH ALSOP were as like as lwo peas in a 7 p.m., Evening ServIce. happens to me or my name. I have poken with groups of in Los Angeles precinct 2180 had university said H ••• (we) remind 404 E. Jefferson cation for aging. SAN FRANCISCO _ The trend pod - pleasant, emi·suburban -0- Bev. John Constable some 2.$ colleges and schools in this country, and this is given 20 votes to Kennedy against you that the preservation of free­ FAlTB UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m., Sunday School and Bible sessions the {olio in a rew precincts does not make neighborhoods full of pleasant 17 for Nixon. They now split 17 (Evan,eJleal and Refo",ed.t Study be di scussed : J. 1 th only' on where the SociaHsts, or whatever you care to a state-wide tide, anymore than a people in the comfortable lower for Nixon. 16 for Brown, and the (jom and individual rights is the 1807 Kirkwood Avenu- 9, \l a.m., Divine Service, • . . E. Eugene Wetzel, Minister Sermon: "The Nature of Compas. status of middle­ call thdm, se in to have the ability to do what they want few swallows make a summer. middle Income rangc. The San rest undecided; with three former responsibility of every Ameri­ ' :15 a.m .• Sunday Scbool slon" adults. 2. Motivatl But after rather intensive pave- Francisco precinct was a more Kennedy voters among those de· 10:30 a.m., N:ornllll Worshl6J for adult educatio without censure." can. " -0- ment pounding both here and in varied neighborhood o[ apart­ cided for Nixon. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH LUTHERAN-- CHURCP of action : next st It is hard for u to believe that a man who can be THE TEXAS STUDENT as­ OF CHRIST THE KING Los Angeles, this reporter is con. ments and two· family houses, in The people in Los Angeles pre· North Clinton &I Fairchild Streets for aging. called a Unlted States Senator would level this charge. "inced that former Vice-President which Chinese. Italians. left-Ican­ cinct 1240 had gi ven Nixon 26 sembly voted 21-8 to send the Rev. Georl{s A. Graham Corner of rwv Road 8:30. II a.m .• WorshIp. and Coralville Road Dr. W. W. Morri We do not believe criticism of the American government Richard M. Nixon has an excel. ing intellectual , and all sorts of vote$ against 25 {or Kennedy. telegrams. Communlon Meditatlon: "Who Are The !lev. ;;ugene K. Han.on Put. .',1 ; ' or the SUI lnstilut lent chance to win the California other types co·existed in an ami- They now split 27 (or Nixon We?" 9:30 a.m., The Servlce Nursery q " ~ or its public.officials is "un-American." We do not believe Also active in the telegram cru­ l and general chair elections. able melling-pot style. against 16 for Brown, and the 9:45 a.m., Church School 10:30 a.m., Church Scnool ~ sade were 400 students at the -0- -0- 1.1 • ference . that the college press, however critical, should he silenced. THIS WILL BE something of an WE TOOK BIG samples in all rest undecided; and here four FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCB Unlv.rslty of North Clrolinl. ST. MARK'S And we commend President Newton for his defiance of tll. upset, ( j( it happens. As already thrqe precincts. Leaving out per· ormer Kennedy valers crossed 217 E. Iowa Ave. METHODIST CHURCH They sent a telegram to Gov. 'peDcer M. Adamson, M1DIItaf Arizona conservative in his reply, "Senator, I shall not reported in this space. Mervin sons who were unr~gistered, ~nd into the Ni:Y:on column. '. Sally A. Smith 124% E. College '" * Field's usually dependable Cali- lho e who were plainly not g~t1g Those we polled in the San Barnett informing him that the MinIster or Educal.1oB Meets at Odd FeUow'1 BID !" l ( SUI Music Li silenc them." ' :15 l.m., Chun:h School Roberi E. EllIIel, Putor Cornia poll now shows Nixon'S op- to bother to go l!> the poll .. (lIke FrancisCO precinct had given Tar Heels were backing Mere­ 10:30 a.m., Worllh!p 9:30 a.m. Wol'Iblp Servlc&-Nuraer)' • III ..... We commend the University of Colorado for allowing ponenl. Gov. Paf BroW'nr'wllh :.Al:1tP,le of the. lell. polilical!y~ware Kennedy 25 voles and Nixon 17 ~ 10:45 a.m., Church School dith·s admission. 6 p.m.. Youth FeUowllllp c1ose-to.commanding lead oC 6 Chinese ladles In San FranCISco); votes, and there were five new FffiST CHURCH a wholesome atmosphere of acadcmic freedom to exist OF CHRIST, SCrENTI&1' ., Hila Benton. SU percentage points. The best local ou~ total of polices was 136 ~ voters, plus one lady who so Members of the student govern­ ~T. THOMAS --MORE CHAPEL , -,. returned to the there aud' ho'pc that those responsible are not scared off by much disliked both Kennedy and 722 E. College St. 405 N. Riverside judges of political , form think which was . a large . sample from ment and Daily Tar Heel staHers U a.m., Sunday School ailer a trip to Eur the "offen8ed" like Coldwater. Nixon that she had not ivoted -on 11 a m.. Les.on :lermon: Father McEleny, Paator Field is right. And Nb:on's own three preclllcts whIch onl~ cast circulated the telegram, gathering 8:'0, 10, 11:30 a.m. Ind II pAL It~ '. she attended the iO (he Presidential line. They now "Unreality" Sunday MI ..._. The 10 I.m...... II ,_ We d(> not believe, as apparently Coldwater does, that polls also show Brown in the a tot.al of. about ~OO votes the -0- al Congress of M signatures from the entire camp­ I HIIID Mall II11II by the eoncre lead, though by a mere hairline Presldenltal electIOn .. gave Brown 22 votes against 21 FIRST ENGLISH LUTHERAN ,allon. , w have tp agree with him or his cons rvative philosophy margin. I~ .. al.1 t,hree precincts, some >for .Nixon, with the rest undecid­ us. ' :30 and 1 l.m., S p.m., Dill, M_ The congress CHURCH Royal Swedish A to be AmQrican. And we question his definition of "Ameri­ That was not what Tom and . people .who had voted for Pres i­ ~d . . Two former Kennedy voters (JIeetlDll at the Englert Theatre) Conlellions on Sltur4aY from &-II:. r, )~ III Rev. Roy Wingate, Putor p.m.. 1~ : 3O p.m. .:. , ~ros~ed over, more than balanc- • • in Stockholm, Sw canism" wheo he advocates silenCing the voice of the Joan Braden o[ the Oceanside 'dent Kennedy in 1960 were nbw A Frenchman at the Univlrsity Rev. Carl Berhenke, -0- University o[ Up Blade-Tribune and this reporter getting r~ady to vote for the '~'ng 'the solit.ary former Nixon­ A ..ocJate Pastor ST. WENCESLAUS CHURCB people. -Larry H{ltfielcl 9 and 11 a.m ., Services ton spoke at a se found. however, ( 0 r mer Vice·President. But voter who was going for Brown . of Kansa. is disenchanted with 10 a.m., Sunday School a18 E. Davenport St. ·1· The Rev. Edward W. Ne'~zD, Put~ '" gress on "Early when we rang at;'oog. those who had vote~ for AS ALREADY noted. three pre­ Kansas coeds. -0- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN I : ~I!, 8, 10 Ind 11:" a.m. SUDCIa1 ship in the Unjte doorbells in pre- NIXon 10 1960, no one was serlous- cincts are not much better than He dislikes the women's ever· masse. three swallows, if as indicative. CHURCH 7 Ind 7130 a.m., Dally 111_, I The SUI music cincts 1240 and ly consic;\ering voting, for Brown 26 E. Market St. I •• present white tennies. In France, " of With Fing'ers Crossed 2180 in Los An- this year except a solitary San But the consistency of the pat· Dr. P. Hewlson PoU~k, IItnllttr TRINITY EPISCOPAL CBUBCE ' . . denl the Musi said Jean-Japues Saurel, the wo° The Bev. Jerome J. Leakl, -- geles, and in the Francisco Chinese. tern is notable all the same 120 E. conere st. , ",1 alion or the Unit University PlatOl Robert E. Holzhammer, Bector As federal forces are beginnjng to move out of calming 254th precinct of This is such good neWS to Nixon, If Nixon wins here, and if the men aU wear heels - even to ':30 Church School aDO Worship 8 a.m., Holy Euch.rlllt other big states follow the reo 9: 15 a.m., Family Service and Church Oxford, Miss., many people are looking to the future with the 18th Assem· and such bad news for Brown, class. -0- School, Nursery • bly District here because the 1960 election in Cali- ported Republican trend, this FIRST METHODIST OIiURCB II a.m., Choral Euchar",t. Nursery I * their finger eros ed. He dislikes the appearance of -0- Odd Job He in San Francis- fornia was about as close as an election can become a major mis­ Jefferson & Dubuque Streets u. They are looking with some apprehension to the last (ortune for the Kennedy admin­ the American girls here. He said Rev. EUllene H . Hancock ST. MARYS CHURCH ", Male students i co. election in a very big · state can they all look alike with their short 9:30. 11 a.m' Church School, Worship, &I Linn istration. filld this is all the more Sermon: l'S urpassing Knowledge' Jefferson Streets log odd jobs at $ l\ 0 Southern strongholds of segregation - labama and The s e pre· • possibly be. Nixon won the state hair and white shoes. lIonal.nor C. H. Meinber" PutGr I cincts were chos· in the end by a few thol,lsand ab- true, because a Nixon victory will .. 7:30, t. 10:15 and 11:30 l.m., 8_ ·1 , , register with How South Carolina. It is inevitable that those states will soon almost certainly affect the Demo­ He dislikes the way American OUR REDEEMER day lia_a . ager of student a en because, in 1960, they divided ~ent\1e b!lllots. It is obvipus, there­ LUTHERAN-- eHURCR ..~ and 7:30 IJII.. DaIb' x.- a ,. face the same decision which was forced upon MiSSissippi. almost exactly evenly. The wid- ror~, thaI if almost no former crats' chances to gain California girls wear their skirts. "Too long (Missouri Synod) fice of Student And with many important voices being raised in those est margin, either way, was Ken- Nixon·voters are moving into the seats in the House or Represent.a­ and too wide," opined the French 2301 E. Court St. ZION LUTHE~ CHURCH 1.1 .. .' Hall . R~ .. W . H. Nierman. Putor John!!On & Bloomington Streets nedy's lead of 106 to 103 in pre· Brown column, and if (air num­ tives. on which they have built connoisseur, "their clothes have The jobs will i states against the federal government's action in tississippi, such high hopes. 8:30, 10 :45 n.m .. Communion. 8 and 10:30 a.m" 8emc:ea ~ 1 r cinct 2180 in Los Angeles. ber~ of former Kennedy·voters no form ." Scrmon: "A Pastoral Prayer" ' .15 I.m., Sunday 8chool pIe, work sue tho i ue is changing from segregati reqUire all Greek pa.. r, the Coloredo D.lly. An Ie· day beneath a s Pubu.ber ...... Bdward P. B_U House /Swlmmlnll. Basketball, Hand· Charles Autrey, through . Oct, 18. count of the developments In the ability to do what they want with·v MaMI.1t dent organization, wUJ hold Its first baU, Squam, Welllhtltftlnll, etc.l for League members wantlD, IIUers or organizations to gain autonomy Suzanne's locked leIllor ...... Jerry El.ea meeting Tueldal.' Oct. 9. at 7:30 p .m. Ooldw.t.r·CU battl. Ip"lr.d In out censure. f • AUDIT IUUAU MIIIQtnJr I4llor ...... Lan7 Hatfield at the "Gables' Speech CUnio An· the First Semester will be Sept. 'itT, parents Interested in jolnlnll the in their pledge choices. Frld.y's Iowan.) , Police said thell City lcU{or ...... Jou Andereo.o Nov. 11 and 25, Dec. 13, Jan. 10 ana league cal\ 8.6622. "I must because of this, then" ,II ellCULATIONS0' nex. Dr. James C. Rardy w.lll speak 24 from ''1:15 ,to 1l:~5 p.m,. Students" .' . "Your telegram of apology for girl that she kill. Newl Ic1ltor ...... Dou, Ca rUoD on the "Iowa Speech 'Hearbig As, o· Daily developments in the come to the conclusion that you .. , 1. .u.t.tant Cit)' c:laUon." All speech pathology mao stall and faculty may bring thelr RECREATIONAL SWIMMING for day and left the EeIlLor ...... Glry Gerlich children ooly, who must leave when men: the Field House pool wID be Greek-faculty struggle have kept the libelous article which appear­ either do not know what is goins jors, plus anyone elae Interested, their parent leaves. Staff or ID cards open to men only from 12:20-1:20 day for an airplB l AulItAat Newt EcIllor TIm Callan are InvIted to attend. the Madison campus in a con­ ed in a r~cent supplement of the on in the university, or you don't v' ,. • 8porta EeIllor ...... Eric Zoec:kler , ~ dallY ~ : 30-7 : 30 p.m. daUY1 and 10 and return, acco ---'-- ' SodelY EcUtor ...... Suan Arta .. THE PH.D. ''TOOL'' EXAMINA· a.m.·~ p.m. on Saturday", ID or atafl stant furor. <;olorado Daily has been received. care, and in charity. I will pre­ ChIef l'boto,rapber... Joe UpplDcott lUI OBSERVATORY will be open TION In StatistiCS wUl be ,Iven In cards are required. her pet dachshunc lor the pubUc every dear Monday 204 UnIversity HaU begInnJng at 7 - With this in mind, the spon­ sume the former. To put it brief· i AulltaDt Pboto'r:&~~Alan Cuter between 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. tbrough• Tbe apology is appreciated, but The return of t . p .m'l Oct. 10. SlIldents expectln, PlAY·NITES It the Field Houee sors of the plan agreed to a one Iy. I doubt that you have the In· ., I. out the {all and spnng semester. ex· to take this examination should are held each Tuesday and Friday, grandmother. Bar ~~ . ~ . ~e...... ohn IDelD the harm remains and I must terest or Ule concern to be in tb. 1) AabtaDt Sporta cept during university holiday•. Any not1ly the secretary, Room 301, \Jnl· 7:30..9:30 except on days of home month postponement of the fac­ main, from her : BcIltor ...... Rarrlet HlndmaD person Intereated In vlewlD, with verslty Hall, by Oct. 3. varslly contests. Statr or ID ClrdJ ulty vote. The committee said the comment on it. position you hold." Advertllln, Director ... lrv GroJlll1an lhe telescope may vialt the obllerva· are required. Cape Cod led to tory durlng these t'lbun :WIthout re .. issue "must be decided ... on its "It isn't What you said about the slaying. Suzall Advert1Ilni en-aUon. Friday nllhta are re.rved UNIVERSITY CANOE HOUSE will Manger ...... •• . . Dennia Blnnlna be open Monday·Thursday from 3:30 IOWA MeMORIAL UNION HOURS: merits and . . . not on the basis me or who said it. It was the fact C1UIIIIid Manacer •...••. BUl lUn,er lor groups of seliool chlldren or Calelerla open 11 :30 e.m.·U p,m., Or So They Say lers in her grane people in other pubUc or,anlzaUona. to 8 p.m.; Frlday and Sunday, 12·8 of emotion. , .". that it has now become obvious Hill home. Advertt.lnC Coriaultant ... BI11 Bryant Tboee who wIIh to obtain a reller"'­ p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. except Monday-Saturday; 5-6:45 p.m., "'on· Clrc:ulaUOD llanaCer ...... 11m Collier lion for a particular ,roup may call on days of home football game•• day·Friday: 11:30 a.m.·l:30 p.m" Sun· thli this type o[ attack is the rule A current jssue of a medical 11 II'. Miss Clift. a niE Staff or ID cards are requlJ"ed. day. Gold Feather Room ojlen ., a .m.' • • • Trw ...... of ""lie. x2463 or x44SS. ~ather than the exception at the journal has a photograph of , iI ,,,' Montgomery curl hi". Student The beat time to observe the moon 10:45 p.m., Monday·Thurlday; 7 l.m.· Seen in the want ads o( the ...... IftC.& Lee Theilen, A4' Larry ItECREATIONAl IWIMMING for 11 ;45 p.m., Friday; • a.m.·U:" p.m., University of Colorado." (Gold­ physician who is an expert in call· ,;"(1" tani on a blind d~ Pr7b1!r. A.; Nllley Shlnn. AJ; Prof. will be the days between the first all women students, women faculty Saturday; J.lO :45 p.m., Sunday. Rec· Uni"lr.1ty of Cilifem II: l>iIe aentz, UnlYersity Ubruy; Prof. quaner phase and the fuU moon, reallon area open 8 a.m.-ll p.m., water was severely challenged by cer research. AS might be ex· . They had been £ Oct.8, 15; Nov. 5, 12; Dee. 3, 10; Jan. members and (acully wIves, Monday Lealie G. MoeUer Sc:bool or Journa'· I\\rOUllh }'rlday, 4: 15-5:15 p.m. at the Monday.Thursday; 8 a.m.·12 mJd· Wanted to take lecture notes: a CU audience when he appeared pected, the doctor Is shown smok-. l <:" Recently, Bren t ~i IIIchael IIIduff, A4; Dr. Georre 7i Feh. 4, 11; Mar. 4, 11 ; Apr. 1, 8, 29; women's Iym. night, Frlday and Saturday; 2-11 lA8l.r.u;oUe,e or Dentiltry; IUchard May 6, 13 and June 3. Both Jupiter p.m., Sunday. Upper·division or graduate stu­ there at a speaking engagement ing a cigaret. With undisguised I f grees from a Sw-_ A. r, A'l; Dr. Lauren A. Van and Saturn wUl be visible dUrinl the ITUDENTS who slgnce! for a 1962 . dents with some writing experi­ last year.) pleasure yet. ~ ",' Harvard, resigne .. Dyke, ColIe,e of EducaUon. fall IJ8laOn, but Venus ~n be ob­ SENIORS AND---- GRADUATI ITU· , aerved onIy for a short wblle after Hawkeye and nave not -yet picked ence. Starting pay - $8.50 per - Chl.,.1 Hill (N.C.) WHkty .•• n:t .. up theIr books are urged 10 do 110 DENTS who expect 10 ,raduate In Hr am far more concerned the announced L llUll5et durinll the next few weeks. TII~ rr- Is utiUecl a. Dial 1-4191 U you do not receive your II soon as possible. Tho books are February and who want Job. ID lecture. The ad was run by Fy­ • • 0 t10ning in Florenc el to the _ for npubUcatloD ~ Iowan b, 7:. LID. The DaDr Olher interesUng objects, especially . a.vaUa..ble dally, cxcept Saturday, , business, industry or 1I0vernment about thc abUity of people with of III 10.1 _ printed ID tbll Iowln dreulaUon offlee ID the Com· on moonle.. even1nJrll will /Ie the ftoom ·11 a.m., to 5 p.m., al 201 Com· 'DIust be reglslered In the Bulllne .. bate Lecture Notes. an un-American philosophy t(l It has been said that truth was taking a .joh In C munlcaUona Center Ia epan from 8 cluster In Herculea, lhe Rln, Nebu· munlcatlon. Cenler. and Industrial Placement Ofllc:eJ, 101 The brief cour ...IIMl e'~- .. - ... ell AP . .... I.m. to S p.m. Mon4aY IhroQJb rrt­ 1a In Lyra, the double . .clu51er In University Hall immediatelY. "om, If and when Fybatc comes to have that philosophy displayed In . a scarce commodity. We some· , ~~ .# _ IDd from • to 10 I.m. Silurdly. Peraeua. and later In fJle winter UNIVlRlI;'YLii""R.'RY HOURI: panl.1 wUl be comlrw tei tile 811ftp­ SUI pr6fes80rs may have to mark the college press and, in sotnc times wonder why the supply' I. Miss Clift's retur ~ _rvlea OD milled plpera monthl Ihe Orion Nebula ' beJins to MondaY·Frlday~ " : 30 · 2 a.m.; Saturday: us this faU to interview protpeetlve be visible In the early evenlDlIs. the best lecture I88ts reaerved cases. defelldl.'.d by thaI press, QIWLlYIl HI'Doler than the demand. day from ' NewY II not ~b1., but nery elfort will _ .: .. 1 ., 7:30.. a.m.-lO p.m.; Sunday: 1;30 p.,m.· pmployees regar ,-.- 8y RALPH DIGHTON ward Hawaii. The KearsBl'~ is due : Murra Krieger, professor of English at the University of NADINE GODWIN theme for SUI, the SUI-Liters, David, Al, Decatur, III., il alt.,· Here Oct. 27 ABOARD USS KEARSARGE IN Saturday. Scrurra will transfer im· ATION ..•. , Staff Write .. tagged the "Porn Porn Girls," reo nate_ PACIFIC (,ft - Too much cbit-chat mediately to a plane and fly to tSt. lllinois, will speak on "The Mirrors and \Vindows of Metaphor" The The SUI Central Party Commit­ lth s.nieeI' I, •• •. j Football games are a little dif­ place the female cheerleaders. seven girls are not cheer· on the worldwjde radio network Houston, Tex. Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the House Chamber of Old Capitol. His pompen tee announced that Stan Kenton Cerent this year. This faU a mega­ The,. .... SlVIn w.v­ leaders as such. They work out distracted astronaut Walter M. Schirra was quoted as sayillg in ED ~. phone cheering block , created by In" d ..cing stft·~. They their own dance routines and per­ and his New Era Orcbestra will be Schirra Jr. during his six-orbit taUe is sponsored by the Humanities Society and the Craduate the private conCerence: "YoU need rURCH the SUI Pep Club, sits where the ar.: Diana Lyman, A2, Oil form in cooperation with the SUI featured at tbe annual Homecoming space flight Wednesday, and once Ave. College_ card section sat last year; Coach Moine.; Jlnny Hall, Al, Cedar Marching Band. caused him inadvertently to use some quiet time up there. n nol. Put. h. Dance. ,I Ralph Freedman, associate professor of English, calls Krie- Jerry Burns this season instituted Rapid.; Sherrl. Dunham, A2, The Liters came to Iowa City fuel from two sources, a space He complained that every ' time Ice ger "one of the most impOrtant * * * the Cloating T {ormation, a new Rock IIland, III.; Sandi Ericl"', two weeks before classes started The dance will be held at the agency spokesman reported Fri­ he had to start thinking aboUt ad· , theorists of literary criticism of alinement for the SUI football A2, Elmhurst, III.; Jill Ow,"I, in order to begin practice_ They Union at 8 p,m. on Saturday, Oct. day. justing tbe space capsule's attitude toe r team. A2, Davlltport; and Linda Mar. controls or some other part of tbe lit."; " the younger generation :Nho have L G d t practice two days a week now and 27. The radio gabfest did nol pre­ e developed since World War n. He . aw ra ua es And to complete the "new look" kulln. At, Elmhurst, III. Judy each Salurday morning before a vent a sensationally successful mis­ system, somebody on earth broke PEL "" . Tickets wi.ll go on sale at • a.m., sion. But, on future space trips, In on tbe radio. ' ; b~ been in the foreCront .in de- Adm.-tted YO Bar game. Saturday, Oct. 20, at the Union's ton fiDlng the new area of literary 'I . Marcia Thayer, head of the dance "We will make a definite effort to In addition to messages ad· • the I I ;) I. Information Delk at $5 a couple. reduce the amount of talk on the dressed to him directly, he eould ,nYenUIJII criticism." At _Dr ,ake Party department at the women's gym. Tickets are available only to SUI tis, Putor is advisor to the Liters. Norman R. astronaut frequency," sajd Lt. Col. not help hearing the talk of track· 01 , , The lecture will consist of a dis· - students and alumni. ~nhIp f cuss ion of a number oC sonnets, Holzaepfel, gymnastics coach in John H_ Powers of the National ing stations and everyone elae on (;~ I, I Twenty·five SUI law graduates Kenton, who recently marked his mainly by Shakespeare, and much the men's physical education de­ Aeronautics and Space Administra­ the network. I ' I',' I ; were admiUed to practice law in twentieth year as a muslclan-com­ tion. o( it will be taken (rom his Corth­ Iowa at a ceremony aCter a lunch­ partment, also works with the girls Powers disclosed that Schirra at . Ii' - coming book. in making arrangements for their pOser, will present an entirely new The problem of too many people one pOint used fuel (rom both his ' IJESSES eon Friday at Drake University. library of arrangements, biased on . \ ' ~, ~ Krieger's studies cover a wide The SUIowans were among 39 out-oC·town trips. on the air waves was brought out available sources to control drift: sa: a newly developed instrument, tbe during Schirra's discussions with Schirra himselC considered this as Man Sulfer range, including Shakespeare, who passed Iowa bar examinations The Llterl will Iccompany the mellophonium, Croce, Arnold , Hawthorne, Conrad given at the Statehouse in Des football ..am to Indiana, Wil­ his fellow astronauts and engineers. :l "goof," possibly due to distrac' Study: "Pur. The mellophonium, wbcih is mu· as this recovery ship steamed to- tion, ',' h Increased and contemporary poetry. Moines earlier tbis week. conlin, Minnesota and perhaps sically and physically a cross be­ He has authored several pocks, The 25 SUIowans are: to Notre Dam.. They will al •• Donnie it. Bennett, Clarinda; Roberl help stir SUI spirit durin, the tween a trumpet and a French roRCH including The New ApOlogists for B. Coat. Iowa Cit)'; William A. Con· horn, gives new sounds and pat· * • ~ i t'o~ basketball Slason and will tranl * * * * * Poetry, published in 1956, and The zett, Dubuque; James C. Davis, Iowa terns to the orchestra and its mu­ i... U , '"-Itor '. , Cli),; Glen L. Grllflth Keokuk' Terr), to some basketball ,am... r Worship .,;. Tragic Vision: Variations on a Guinan, Council Blure.; John E. Har­ sic. Scientist Sees Space Danger.' Theme in Literary Interpretation, meUnk, "anltton, S.~,; Brian R. Rean· Last spring the girls were se­ rice ")1, Grand Rapids, Mich.; RusselJ R. Besides f 0 u r melJopboniums, " published in 1960, lected by the outgoing cheerlead­ "' ltj Henry, Des Moines; WASHINGTON (All - Astronaut I The scientist's repOrt on the ill­ Lurie C. lilnclman Meservey; Karl Era in Modern American Music t.'" I Krieger is co-editor of a defini­ J ers and four representatives from :mJRCB J. Horn, Audubon' L-Io)ld E. Humph­ the Pep Club and men's and wom­ Kenton's orchestra, called the New Walter M. Schirra Jr. might have · tensity of radiation in the artlfielal JUST tive textbook on aesthetics and the rey., Iowa City; Charles M. Klerscht, Orchestra, consists o( five trump­ been killed if his space capsule had belt carries implic~tions of d~ger to ... I I Iowa Clly; David R. KUlinier St. # en's gyms. SAINTS philosophy o( art. !:etersburl. Fla.; William D. Kurth, ets, five trombones, one tuba, five passed through an artificial radia- to (uture exploration deeper mto ve. : This is the first in a series of ...ake City; ,MUlord R. Llmesand, Lake The girls then chose their name, Putol' ':,.: MUls; Donald J. Menater, Cascade; saxaphones, drums, Latin drums. tion belt created by a U.S. high- space. .. . I Humanities lectures for this school Howard P. Myera, Pleas.ntvUle; the SUI·Liters. They have since string bass and the piano. altitude nuclear test explosion, an Trakowskl tndicated alf!O ~e u.tp year. Dean E. Phillip., Brewerlon, N.Y .; been dubbed the "Pom Pom Girls," Air Force scientist said Friday. belt generated by the 250-mlle·hlgh Daryl E. Roberts, Dallas' Thomas although correctly speaking. they Highlights in Kenton's career '. Rowe, Fjllrfleld' Leo J. Steffen Jr., ". nuclear test blast would be strODg ELICAL Oelwein; Gary M. Veldey, EsthervUle; wave pOmpons_ were his European tours during It concel.vabl~ co~ld have been enough to blind any Spy.in-the-sky ~ CHURC8 Thorn,•• J. WUklnson Jr., Cedar Rap· 1953 and 1956. When the orchestra fatal to Sc~~rra I( he d gone above satellite _ U.S. or Soviet _ which , ; , ,,. 'i' * * * Ids, and Chris J. ZOIC, Loni Grove. Creation ., the Liter ,roup II returned to the United States, Ken­ Ishn ' ' ~ j part ., an .ffort of G..,... May· 400 m!le~ , Ll. Col. Albert C. might move through it above 40t I ' Talks Set ton was the third member to be Trako~skl Jr., said. He presented miles. where Ihe radiation in­ Iblp er, Al, Falrfi.ld, prelident of the elected to the Down Beat Jazz Hall ~ * * * an . AI.r Force statement on the cr ases harply. Ice ,College of Nursing Pep Club, and otherl to create of Fame, an honor established for radlalion belt and answered ques. _ e__ s_____ .."..,.- _-:-~ :w On Aging pep amon, SU I fanl_ outstanding musicians who have tions at a news conference. CHURCH Hosts Workshop Miss Dunham said the girls hope contributed the most to modern Schirra actually got no higher ~Ave. " The ninth annual conference on "to stir up more school spirit, to American music in the 20th cen­ than 176 miles on his six-orbit spin Cht. ,r, Gerontology will be held on SUI More than 50 nurses [rom Mid­ make the kids really want to sup· tury. m, Pastor 'T'" western hospitals will attend a around the earth two days ago. " urch School " , .' campus Monday and Tuesday. pOrt the team." In January 1962, Kenton was This was below the weakest part ::-1a88. ' 1,.1 Workshop in Supervision of Dired ,urch SCho91, ' Those attending the conference Patient Care next week at the SUI q; She expressed her own feelings awarded the "Playboy" magazine of the artificial belt that starts li "'I will register between 10:30 and Center for Continuation Study un- and said, "Really, we do have a Jazz Poll (or the fifth consecutive about 200 miles above the globe noon at the main lobby of the Uni­ der sponsorship of the SUI College great school. I wish these kids year. and extends at least 1.000 miles. S versity Library, would gel out there and yell their lAPEL of Nursing. In a recent interview Kenton said ad) '.' The conference will focus on edu­ Thora Patterson, associate di­ Pom Pom Girls in a Flurry as Usual heads off." he is constantly searching for new IOn cation for aging. During the three rector o[ nursing services at table ,. sounds and arrangements to pres· ,I and Bible sessions the following themes will Michael Reese Ho&pital, Chicago. ent to the public because, "Now be discussed : 1. The educational will give eight of the workshop lec· more than ever, it is imperative status of middle-aged and other tures. Other speakers will include To that we communicate on as many 2, Cracked Road Be Checked On~.1.. adults, Motivation and resources Sister Mary Annetta. director of levels as is possible." for adult education, 3. A program the Mercy Hospital School o( Nurs­ (AutJaoro/"l WIJI a T~ Dww/," "TIN JlfIJIJ AMES (All - A district engineer natural soil from beneath the em-I.====.;======:;;; ruRCI' of action: next steps in education ing, Iowa City ; the Rev. Paul M. LD!1U of DobU GiU"," •.) ~ KING for the U.S. Bureau of Public bankment and put in better soil , Road :... for aging. Diettrich oC the Asbury Methodist Roads said Friday an investigation but our tests showed us the natural Mother'S Tender Touch Road ',! Dr. W. W. Morris Is the director Church, Wellman, and Pearl Zem· will be made into the settling and soU met our strength require· an80ft Peate. .,t:' o( the SOl Institute of Gerontology IIcka, assistant professor of nurs­ breaking up of half-completed In­ ments." and Nursery ~" ' ing at SUI. WHAT TO WEAR TILL THE DOCTOR COME8 001 ~ and general chairman for the con­ terstate 80 south of Grinnell. He said to have done the job the - ,) , ference. Group discussion leaders will be I Morris Sloan, the district engi­ other way would have cost an extra DIAPARINE Now that you 11ave enrolled and paid your feetl and boutht :'S Ann Hunter, former instructor in neer, said an engineer from the $40,000 to $50,000. Clauson said that fIURCB the SUI College of Nursing; Mar­ Ames office of the bureau will by the time all corrective measures DIAPER SERVICE ),our books and found your way around campus and learned to I ege garet Miller, nursing supervisor, are taken on the bad spot, they will hate your roommste, it is time to turn to the mOlt important ow'. Ball .J l l * * * University Hospitals, and Betty make the investigation. He said ar. baby'l belt proteCtIon putGr SUI Music Librarian the federal government, paymaster cost a total oC $10,000 to $20..000. upect of college liCe . I reCer, of course, to clothes. vie&-Nunel'7 Hendricks, instructor in nursing at for the interstate system, wants to 1001 all ..o~ Returns from Sweden SUI. "Even considering the cost of the What does Dame Fa hion decree ror the coming school year? btp check the daily'records on the proj­ corrective measures, we're ahead NEW PROCESS (Incidentally, Dame Fashion is not, 88 many people believ'l a E CBAJiEL ';,11 Rita Benton, SUI music librarian ect dealing with construction, in­ of the game moneywise, " the chief Diaper St,..I~ Ii titiOUB character_ he was a real Englishwoman who lived io I ;ide " ' returned to the campus recently * * * spection and tesling. engineer commented. "These things Paltor ,. after a trip to Europe durin" which Hebrew Holy Day "We're not going to sit back and have happened before." PheM ,.,'" Eliaabethan times and, indeed, England is forever in ber debt, and Ii PAl. ilL " she attended the Sixth Internation· twiddle our thumbs and say 'Gosh, During the inn ion of the pllnish Armada, Dame Fasbion­ o a.m. IIUa 11 _ Observed Here , the eonar. al Congress of Music Libraries. that's too bad'," Sloan said. "We 're • not yet a Dame but a mere, unlettered country Illl!S named The congress was held at the Agudas Achim congregation and naturally concerned about this and Moll F1andel'8- during the inva ion, I IlAY, of the Spanish '. Dally ...... ' you .,. from 6-6:. , N~ Royal Swedish Academy of Music Hillel foundation will observe the we want to find out why it hap­ ENGINI!ERS-can Intars.ct each ofth ... AnnAda, this dauntle88 girl stood on tbe white cliJJa of DoYer ,I. " in Stockholm, Sweden, and at the Hebrew holy day, Yom Kippur pened." Ielrel .. uslna 3 streiaht lin .., without .,,*!CII!I.Ol and turned the tide of battle by rallying the drooping morale 01 •• It University o( Uppsala. Mrs. Ben­ (day of Iltonement), here Sunday Sloan said Ihe inquiry wil~ be \rernQYlAl"'yO"'..e!nCiL from &he pel*!. ton spoke at Ii session oC the con· evening and Monday. made Monday. t.be Briiiab 6eet wit.h this stirring poem of her own QOIIlpolitioal gress on "Early Musical Scholar­ Rabbi Sheldon Edwards, founda· Part of a dirt embankment sup­ porting one of the interstate lanes D(m't be guill'" ship in the United States." tion leader, and Cantor Leo Fett­ . ' . I man will ofCiciate at the services. started sliding out from under the Men of Britain. ... I, The SUI music librarian is presi­ f . dent of the Music Library Associ· Yom Kippur is the holiest day in road earlier this week. leaving huge StuiT\9 yOUI' cutl08a, lL CBURCE ~ '." crevices in the roadbed or the est. , ,"'.1 ation of the United States. the Hebrew calendar and marks a We ain't qllittir'. ler, Rector period of 24 hours of fasting. superhighway. Smalh the Spania". :e and Church The observance here will begin In one 300' [001 area, the roadbed with the Kol Nidre service at 6 has dropped about a foot, leaving Sink /MiT boalI, .rlst. Nursery ~ * * * 'l _ Odd Job Help Wanted p.m. Sunday in Macbride audito. cracks 8 to 10 inches wide. This MaTu ',In vaniah, rium. area will be ripped out and re­ ElURCB .- Male students interested in work­ Uke a Iioru maKti oata. I Streets placed before construction con­ ~berll, Peate. I· ing odd jobs at $1.25 an hour can tinues. Fqr Good Queen Be .., :30 a.lll., SIID- ~, , register with Howard Momtt, man­ * * * Episcopals Plan Dinner L, M. Clauson , chief engineer of DetM' aT', row g0ll4 Jlr""- (ll , ager of student affairs. at the Of­ All Episcopal students, faculty, the Iowa Highway Commission, Mak~ amu& t,} ~ fice of Student Affairs, University /lnd memlJers of Trinity Parish are said Friday the embankment CHURCH , Hall. Of that Armoda. !ton Streetl . . Invited to the annual Student·Fac· "could have been built so the slide lea , q'j r The jobs will include, for exam­ ulty parish Dinller at the Episco· wouldn't have happened, but it Yau VIOn' j fail! .001 ple, work such as removing pal Church at 5: 15 p.m. There will ClUt would have cost so much extra it Knock 'em flat! screens, putting up storm w;odo\Vs, be dancing in the lounge from would have been uneconomical. to , ; yardwork, anli cleaning basements. 7-9:30 p.m. "We could have removed the Then we'll drink ar.. k Cl• rk ' And nutlike that. anel RoOID , , Union She Saw Psychialrisl- ;chool .. ,. . .. tSPITAL nnt lua..,. :" Boston flell Suspect Jailed ALL ' 0 U-R.· PRO B L E-M S ,'t' OSPITAL BOSTON IA'I - Seemingly da!ed, Seemingly confused, she shuttled ing. to a holel where she turned :s .' 1 h ARE NOT THIS SIMPLE Hospital ,ill. a small, blonde post-debutante by cab (rom the railroad station to the dog over to the cab driver. He II COllnel1, I " stood in Municipal Court where a her home, and then, without enter· went to police. you - allO without benefit or rule or ea) judge ordered her jailed Friday \w. say "ou(~ advisedly. .,Ide tJand, IIlDIM 'I pending grand jury consideration computer. W. must decld, who would be " ~* • ,"OU have to decide which compeni. to of help to us In tacklil1l HSicnmanls .. of a charge that she murdered the ..e about your future Job. At a time when man she had talked of marrying. today'a ttchnolotiel ofttlt ...... " YOll've already aot more to do than you eleCtrOnics indultrill. All a reward for these inspirational vel'll8ll QuetD Eliabetil . Suzanne Clift, 21, was quoted by can reasonably hindle, it would be helP-l police as saying she shot to death dubbed her a Dame, made her Poet Laureate, and p~e her be Piero Brentani, 'n, Italian electron­ fui if makinl that job choice could don. ~ 250 colleges ", for you by slide rule-or computer. ' You DO hay, on. Idvlnyt' w, haven'! the Western Hemisphere except Duluth. But tb.ia 'If" DOt iba '. ic engineer. But 'they said she of· I-you probably know som.thln. about exoont of Dame F88hion's service to Queen and country. J. " , country, and '\ fered no reason. .e where the , If it's any consolation, WE are fecina much G.neral Dynamics alrMdy. W"d 1I~ .. ]589 ahe invented the laying hen, and she 11'111 awarded a lif.. The nude body oC the handsome, , . ver you c,are i the same probl.m-from the opt)Oslte I ev.n the scor. a bit by fineillt, out mora time p8I!8 to Chavez Ravine. But she was not to end her day. 6-fool Brentani was found Wednes­ to have the V " Side of the fence. We'ft~ot to make decl­ about you. A dlscunion ml8ht lOIve 1MIIt. jn glory. In 1591, alae, she was arrested for overtime jouatiDl ey want wlth· ~, ' day beneath a sheet on a bed in lions about a lot of ¥OU11I.£n.ln ..... like) our probl.ms. Suzanne's locked bedroom. and imprisoned for thirty years in a butt of malmaey. Thia later Police said they were told by the became known as Guy Fawke8 Day.) . ~ , of this, then" ,') : Our R.presentatlv. will be on lO"r cempu. ahortly with Information .bout positions In -. girl that she killed Brentani MOD­ But I digreee. Let U8 get back to campus f88hioDl. Certain tAt lion that you ! ' I day and left the apartment Tues­ each of th., divisions: - - what is going be the rage again this year ia the cardigan (which, euriously day for an airplane flight to Brazil In CAUFORNIA-Convalr and AltrOnauticl Divisions In San 01,,0; Pomona Dlvl.lon In or you don't t, , and return, accompanied only by enough, was named after Lord Cardigan, who oommande(l the I, J will pre· Pomona - her pet dachshund. English fleet against the Spanish Armada. The Iweater it onl1 . " ) put it brief· " , In NEW YORK - EltcttOnles and T.ftcommunlcation Divisions In Rochelwr one product of this remarkable Briton'. imagination. Be alIIo " The return of her social-register ; have the \11· '11. grandmother, Barbara Pierce Pear· invented the glottal atop, the gerund, and the eyelid, without ~ to be in th. 01\ :-" .In TEXAS - Fort Worth Dlvilion In Fort worth, main, from her summer home on which winking, 18 we know it today, would not be pcIIIl~). Cape Cod led to the discovery of Incid,nt.lly, our ma~ will h.ve the solution to th. punl. alon" Just In cue you milMd _ But I digrees. The cardigan, I say, will be back, whiob .,.) . .: • f" the slaying. Suzanne occupied quar. , I; : .why not make a us at.your Placement Office now? t Say ters in her grandmother's Beacon eIate,_'" believe, eause for ~joicing. Why? BeeaUBe &he eardipa _ I ' ~ Hill home. nice big pocket. in which to carry your Marlboro CipMtet­ ~f a medlcal )rt IU, Miss Clift, 3 niece of movie actor aDd that, &ood friendl, i. ample reaaon for celebration &I aU fIl t ·' I lograph of . a , ~, . Montgomery Clift, had met Bren· you trill agree who have enjoyed Marlboro'. fine, comI~, • expert In can- ,\" I" toni on a blind date two years IIgo. . " mellow flavor and Marlboro'. filter. 80 why don" you llip." . I .' , might be ex· . They had been friends since. I your cardigan and hie yourself to your tobuoooili fow _ . i ., i shown smok· , i "'" Recently, Brentani, holder of de­ L " ~ undisguised "). I grees (rom a Swiss university and good Ma.rlooroef They come in 80ft pack or lip-top •• CIrdi­ " 1 Harvard, resigned his pOsition with pna come in pink for ,irla and blue for boya. ••__ ..... I.".'t :N.C.) WHkly.ll /ll the announced Intention of vaca­ > , tioning in Florence, Italy, and then • • • • hat truth was taking a ,job in California. lET..,..... _ YOUR HAil NUT All DAY WITHOUT DRUSE. C.rdl,aru ., pulloNr_it', a matt" 01 t.. t. , •• 04_ ... ' The briet courl hearing followed ly. We 80ine- I ,~IIP the oil in the can. In your hair, use Vitalis with V·7e, the Marlboro ,. matt,r 01 t•• t_th, h.t talt. fh., c.n ~ ••,.. the supply' I.J Miss Clift's return by train Thurs­ 7?,1~ day (rom New .York, stUI carrying ~r ••seltll jroomlnl dlscov.ry. Filhts embarrassi", dandruff, h ""hl,,,ed II, .xperl,ncld ,row" .nd "",..,-r., ~ I the demqnd. .noe, cllllt.IIC., ancI t.nder 10111", .rI, 'Trw ~,., _. ' ,. : L.lCItr ' Pott, ller dOl. ~..... -IIItpI your bair neat all day ~jthout.lr.,!!,.• "=:.-.::..-:. .. .. ,-- . Mtdlu, OIaw • • I Page 4-THE DAILY IOWAY-lowa City, 'a.-Saturday, Oct. I, 1"2 I·································•i Today~s Starting lineups I ·Ke/s - Tony Glac~~:~ LE 201 H!~:s~~N CALlF~~NI2~S I :Ir * * Sanford J~Rifs ¥ankees, 2-0 Wall, HI ...... '" LG at LT 215 • I II _ Gary,1etdIer C 210 John RatliH LG 118 I Preserv .~" FRA rCI CO ( P) - Jack Sanford overpowered the _ Earl McQuiston RG 214 Larry Sa,ouspe C 220 • • '('w York Yankee with a thre -hit, 2-0 shutout Frida as the _ Gus !Cas_pl. T 223 Pate Lublslch RG 205 ~ • San Franci co Giants quared the World Scric at on amo I Cloyd W..... RE 203 MarY Marlnovlch RT 225 • each, _ Paul KrMlM ·FL 161 Pred Hili RE 200 =, _ Ma" SlYkowny QB 172 Pate Buthard QS 200 • The turdy right·har · -- •• only fatty Alou, his kid brother, Regals Whip Tpma- 'r oledo! larry Ferguson (cl RH 189 Willie Brown LH 170 two Yankees reach ' ~Lln ' l base, grounded to Bobby Richardson, I I' and one of them bad to teal it. Hiller scoring on the play, By a StaH Wrlt.r Bobby Grl.r RH 186 Ken Del Conte RH 185 • in blanking the defending world This was a tremendous come· T AMA - The mighty Regina Re­ Bill Perkins FB'" Ernie Jones PB 200 • folk music scene. champs for the first time in Series bade for Sanford who had been gals might get a boost in Iowa's (. "Ploet.r") t, . " The following are play since Milwaukee's Warren taken out of the second playoff high school football ratings this I ideas abou t folk s' pahn did the job, Oct. 5, 1958. llama Tuesday with a 5-0 lead week by virtue oC a 31-19 drubbing ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 · I t a DI reporter: A tremendous 450-(oot home run and • two-hitter, Mana,.r Alvin of the Tama·Toledo Trojans here in the eventh by Willie McCovey, Dark r.moved him after he Friday night behind the passing "What I'm try' playing first base in place of the walked the first man up in the and running of quartcrback Steve educate people as Welter. Ernie Davis ~ronounced Fit . lumping Orlando Cepeda, gave sixth inning. Bafore his succ.s· , . t song comes (rom Sanford an insurance run to back sors could g.t the side out the The RegaIs, in raking up their J'I 1 fourth st.raight win against no de· historical perspecti up the run the Giants got off Ralph Los An,.11I pod,." had scored purpose is to reer Terry in the first. Itven tlm.s. feats this season, jumped to a solid 18-0 hal£time lead on two touch· Tp Begin Workouts Monday ' less save the tr SAnford, the top winner en the The first hit off Sanford was a music, That's wh down passing plays [rom quart~r· W.ary Giant steH with I 24-7 pure nuke. Tom Tresb bunted a CLEVELAND IA'I - Ernie Davis of the Cleveland Browns, the na· these young peopl record, Ictually hid the .... Iy run pop fly back to the mound with back Welter to right halfback Dick tion's top collegiate (ootball player of 1961 , has leukemia. But it is in Klein and on Jack lrnig's :I·yard learn Cifteen son gs ha needed In the wary first in­ one out in the fourth. Sanford went a "penect .tate of remission," the club said Friday, and he is physical. album and they plunge. nin, a. his overhand 'nt ball back in a try ror the ball, inter· folk singer. - Tra Welter fired to Klein Cor the £irst Iy able to start workouts with the team. ' kept the Yankl under control fering with Jose Pagan's attempt score - a 30-yard play - and after Davis has been undergoing treat· "You know I pi all the way. to catch it. Tresh promptly stole lmig's dive from left hall added a ment and traditional forms o£"med· carefully, of course. This is a diS· rraternities and ba UnW 1cCovey slammed his second, the only Yank to reach 2O-yard throw to Klein in the sec· Ication since Aug. I, when the dis· \'entions, There's towering drive over the right field that station until lickey Mantle ease that is not fully defined, D,oe- , ond quarter. ease - cancer 01 the blood - in folk songs on t lence, It appeared that the run doubled with two out in the ninth. tors are still learning much abpul The TrOJans, holding the Iowa first was diagnosed. His condition it all the time." I'm darn pleased! would d cide the garne. Cbuck T.rry also had matched San· had been described publicly as a and the songs are City squad scoreless, hit paydlrt on I .. Hiller, leading off for the Giants, ford with • fine pitching job un­ Sanford Gools a 7-yard passing play from fullback blood disorder. anyone, But not e drove a long fly ball to right field til McCoYeY hit his homer, the Dick Hardon to right half Mike Ernie Davis has had a form of Hawklets lose, 28-0. , how much there i 41st heme rvn ball he has thrown , . Ihe past ! on Terry's second pitch. Roger This sequence photo lhows how the New York pitcher Jack Sanford (331 made a try and missed. Mickelson. Hardon's ]·yard dive leukemia," said Dr. Austin S. Special to The Daily 10wan Maris raced after the ball and got thll ..ason. Yankees were awarded their first hit of the second Ball dropped In behiltd Sanford end was ruled a J pulled the Trojans within one touch­ Weisberger, professor of medicine WEST LIBERTY - West Liber' , "And that so mu it in his glove but couldn't hold it The 43,910 fans in Candlestick World S e r i e s game In San Francisco FridAY. hit. The GiAnts blanked the Yankees, 2·0, to even down at the end of tbe third period, at Western Reserve University and as folk these day as he rammed into the right fi eld Park roared with expectation of ty's "Flying Frenchman," Denny Giants' shortstop Jose Pagan, right, was set for the series at '·1. 18-13, an outstanding authority on blood Descoteau, romped for three of ihc And the popular I wall. more runs, Tom Haller singled and the catch of pop fly by Tom Tresh wh.n Giants' -AP Wirephoto The Regals sewed up the contest disorders. The medical specialists, often use jazz chor Hiller wound up on second base shortstop Tony Kubek dropped Jim .______. on a 19·yard jaunt by Welter and Comet's four touchdowns here Fri., who had been in charge of treat· day night aiding in a 28·0 blanking "I've been in te with a double, Felipe Alou moved Davenport's double play ground, a 5-yard run by Bernie Schrader moot for the former AU-America ol U·High's Bluehawks. ' " songs since I wa IJiller to third with a sacrifice and er foUowing the hiL. With men* on *first and* second * * * ' with 2:17 leU in the game. haUbaek from Syracuse, added in mother was from Tama countered on a 2-yard Descoteau scored on 34, 3 and and nobody out, Dark ord.red Handy Sandy Football- a statement: 47-yard runs as Jerry J{aalbjlrg • IOI'ed this music Pagan to sacrifice, moving both plunge by Rick Inman on the last •I He has responded extremely knew a lot of the 01 THE ARMCHAIR NEW YORK- A,L. (Contillueel Irom Pa~e 1) added a 19-yard jaunt" for (tie un· • runners, with the pitcher n.xt to play of the game. well to therapy and medication. At f sing a bit myself All It H It III 0 A defeated Comets. The ' winners bat. Kubek, 55 , 4 0 0 10 1 1 collegiate debut, and USC's Ken the present time his blood findings picked up two points on a safety , Kelso, 25, was Sanford missed the pitch on a Richardson, 2b , 4 0 \I 0 3 3 are entirely normal. As long as he Tre$h, If , 3 0 1 0 a 0 Del Conte. Both will be dueling for in the second period, USC Win suicide squeeze attempt. Hallcr Davenport Blasts remains in this perfect state of reo Wants Mantle, cC , .. 4 0 I 0 3 0 A staunch defense let the BI~ ~ rr Marls, rt '" • , 3 0 0 0 0 1 game honors at right halfback, was trapped between third and mission, I see no reason why he hawks penetrate to only the Corn· ' Good Li 1 Berra, c ... 2 0 0 0 6 1 In lhe lines, which were can· home and run down, The failure Long, Ib , , 3 0 0 0 6 3 Hawklets, 31-13 cannot play professional football." ets' 22 yard line, U-Higb's longest To Revenge 161 s of Haller to move toward the plnte Boyer, 3b . 3 0 1 0 3 2 lor Davis will start a conditioning Terry, p , , , 2 0 0 0 2 0 sidered "weak spots" both Special to The Daily Iowan run of the evening was a 12-yard in that rundown prevented Daven. a·Blanchard , 1 0 0 0 0 0 learns at the season's start, fea· DAVENPORT - The Iowa City program Monday, jaunt by Keith Mikelson, Daley, p , ,., 0 0 0 0 0 0 port (I'om taking third base, Can· Litlle Hawks got the full force of Doctors said the complete remis· ~ Heartbreaker tUl'ed stars will be USC's power· sian was brought about through use sequently. wh en Sanford singled Totals , . 2. 0 3 0 24 11 Davenport Central's power game as Saturday, 0 to right, Davenport was thrown out, lui (225 ) and of traditional medication, No ex· SAN FRANCISCO-N ,L, gUSI'd Pete Lubisich (205) against the Blue Devils, the state's tbird­ A hearty , :00 Department trying to score from second, on a All It H Rill o A ranked team, whipped the Hawk· perimental drugs were used on the 1:15 News By ERJC ZOECKLER perfect peg by Roger Maris. lllller, 2b 3 1 1 0 o 6 lowa's only , tackle in Gus Kasapis 22-year-old athlete. 1:30 FGlk MusIc F , Alou, rt "" 2 0 1 0 o 0 lets, 31-13, before an estimated 1 9:00 The Musical Both managers named their Sun­ (223 ) and guard Earl McQuiston Remission means the disease is '-I 10:00 Cue Yes, Iowans. there really is a California, and there will be a M. Alou, If " ., 4 0 1 1 1 0 (214 )' 10,000 Cans at Brady Street stadium. day pitchers for tbe third game in Mays, ct , 4 0 0 0 3 0 temporarily arrested, 1:15 Southern C rough and rugged football team that will attempt to make thaL McCovey, Ib ' . . 4 1 1 1 The Blue Devils, scoring on four 3:00 Theater Mat ew York, Billy Pierce <16-6 ) will HaUer, c . , . ,, 3 0 1 0 1A ~ Tagged on the end of the Iowa power drives ana one 6O-yard "This has happened before in 4:30 Approx. - fact stick in your minds this afternoon, 5:15 One Man's start for the Giants and Bill Staf­ Davenport, 3b , 3 0 0 0 1 0 line wiJI be the "floaters," Paul other cases," said Arthur B, Mo· is tIle trademark of Iowa Citr[) Led by a brilliant football mastermind, John McKay, this mass Pagan, 8 $, .. 1 0 0 0 touchdown aerial from quarterback 5:30 News ford (1 4-9 ) lor the Yanks. The Sanford, p , 3 0 1 0 i 1 Krause and Sammie Harris, Dave Campbell to Jim Hester, were dell, the club president. "You can't friendlfest tavern. " us Sports Time or power and brawn which represents the University ol South rn Giants' pitchers in the other two Krause, the starler, pulled in only 6:00 Evenin& Con never behind and held a 12-7 half­ call It a miracle. It is remarkable, You're. right, it's 8:00 MusIc for a California will be on display at Iowa Stadium to meet Iowa's games in New York will be Juan Totals 27 2 • 2 27 13 three passes last week, as Szy. though, He has a perfectly normal 9:45 News Final a truck out fOT Terry In 8th, H . time lead. 10 :00 SIGN OFF Hawk y s. Mal'ichal and Billy O'Dell, Thurs· New York-A.L. , . , 000 000 000-40 kowny used him an<1 arns spar· The Hawklets first half score blood count at this time. There are McKny's pep talk before the contest, we're sure, will not in­ day's loser. Sen Francl.co N.L. " " 100 000 10x-2 ingly. came on a power drive with Jack no traces of the illness." E - Kubek, DP - Hiller, Pai/an . II Doell Connell', 8:00 clude a r minder that a group of men last year erected billboard Will Davis be sidelined again? 8 :~ nnd McCovey. LOB - New York S, Iowa holds a 2-1 margm over the Jefferies going in from the one 8:15 signs in this state proclaiming to citizens that "There is No Cali­ San Fra ncIsco 6, 2B - Hiller, Mantll'\ TroJ'llns the 10 s dating back to yard line. Iowa City got another "We just don't know," ~ald Mo· 26 East College 8:30 IIR - McCovey, SB - Tresh, S - F. 'c H· k " fornia , tay in Iowa." Dark Elated Over Alou, Paean. 1950 when US bounced the aw S, score when Don Rhoades returned dell, "We'll have to watch him No, Mr. McKay, we believe, will r.mind his ,entlemen of Terry (L) ~' ~ ~ E2R 20-14 . The series opened in 1925 a Davenport kick-ofC 61 yards and this ,rut autumn .port about last y ••r's 10wa·USC baHI •• Sanford's Pitching Daley " ,". :: 1 too with an 18-0 victory. two plays later went in (rom the Sanford (W ) ...... 9 3 0 0 10·yard line. But it's doubtful that they ~ICI for.. t. SAN FRANCISCO !.4'1 - "You DB - Terry (1) Hiller, Daley (1) F. MIAMI NIPS FLORIDA STATE The lIawkeyes won that splendid afternoon, 35-34, but only by 't improve on Jack Sao- Atou, Sanford (3 .Ih, Marls, JIel'.a. ---- couldn .SO - Terry ($) Mays, Sanford (2.l1 MIAMI, Fla. !.4'1 - Mighty George POLl SCI WINS the skin of their necks. With :46 seconds left to play in the Los ford's pitching today," Manager McCovey, DayenporL. "an,ord (6) !-on\1- Mira passed Cor 32 and 39 yards The Political Science Maulers 'n Dark declared alter hIS' right- Terry, Kubek, Treon, Boyer, Blanc . Angeles Coliseum End Hal Bedsole grabbed a 5-yard pass from Alvl ard. HBP - By Terry (Paean). Friday night and a touchdown romped over Sociology, 20-6, Fri­ Quarterback to come within one point of the nation's handed ace had shut out the New U _ Berry (A) plate, Landes IN) that gave Miami a 7-Striumph ov~r day afternoon for their second No, 1 team at that time. York Yankees 2-0 to square the first base Bal'ltck eN) thlrd ba~el Florida State University in a bit· straight touch football win of the "Vorld Serl'es at 1.1 for the San Burkharl (N) left field, Soar (A) rlgfU Th. Trojanl w.nt for the two point conversion with the , fi eld. T - 2: II. A - 43,910. Net reo terly fought football game in tile season. Last week they defeated Francisco Giants. celpt. - $356.265,36, same patt.rn, but an alert Samml. Harris d.fI.ct.d the ball Orange Bowl. the History Department. Catcher Tom Haller agreed, ex· and ..• whewl .• _ it wa. Iowa's gama. plaining. "He was throwing easy Thus, it's significant that every player who gained a yard all day - not overly strong but B,QWLING, 1 o rushing lor lhe Trojans against Iowa In 1961, will be back lor a hitting the spots he wanted. That FACULTY LEAGUE victory here this afternoon. This includes Willie Brown, Ben WHson, was as good a game as he bas At Memorlll Union NOW! OPE~ SUNDAY Pcte Bcathard, Bill Nelsen and Ricb McMahon, four men who pitched all year and be has pitched W . L. sbould spark the Trojans' "Shifting offense anyone does. some good ones," WSUI ...... 7 1 r" iI Geology ...... ' 'v. 1V. FOR YOUR CO VENIENCE But the Iowa Hawkeyes allO h.ve a motive for victory. The triumph was SAnford's 25th Oental Profs ..... " . .... , 2 ...."'" in 1962 es he threw a three·hiHer. Journalism " ". , , " . SV. 2112 '-' They' r. out to prove to thi. state's football public that this year Psy~holollY ... , .... ,"... 4 4 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. will be an IOWA y.ar. No on. I"m.d too Impress.d with their No Giant pitcher has won that Engineering " "" . . . , 4 4 : ~ many since Carl Hubbell in 1936. Physical Education "'" 4 4 .. 28·8 victory ov.r Or.gon /it .... Education ". , ",. , 3 5 .- "1 wasn't worried at any time Med Labs ., ... ,., . .. .. 1 5 USC has WiUie Brown, IQwa, Larry Ferguson. The baltle Cor until Mickey Manlle hit that double Oentlstry ,. , . ... . ,2 6 rushing supremacy between the two will be fierce as will the in the ninth with Roger Maris next Speech Palhology . , , .. 2 6 MINIT CAR WASH Chemlslry """ , , 1 7 1025 S. RIVERSIDE DRIVE performance comparisons of Iowa's end Cloyd Webb and the up," the 33-year·old Sanford said HIGH GAMES : IlDlNlrt Hlnsen, 225; Trojan's Bedsole, both potential All·Americans, USC has two out­ with a grin far different from the EUgene Gauron, 203, "Your Car CI.an.d Inside end OIJt" scowl he wears during a game. HIGH JERIES: Olaf Langland, 5.7; slanding in Pete Beathard and Nelsen and Iowa has Thomas Faucett, 54'. MatI Szykowny. It probably will take two men to beat Matt at bis But there were two outs and specialties, Sanford relired Maris on an infield ~ grounder to end the game. Tbe weather - if it rains, for instance L will help or hinder botb teams equally because o£ their explosive oCfenses. It will be tl,ht, but w. I" Iowa, 29, USC, 25, Tebbetts Resigns HAS • • a . . ~ EWERS FOOTWEAR Wilh our season record standing at 19-7 {or .730 and last week's As Braves' Headj a~ mark oC 15-4 for .789, here goes another try to qelp you impress ' your lriends: SAN FRANClSCO IA'I - Birdie FLATTERY. .. Northwastam 28; Illinois, 14 - Tommy Meyers is showing Tebbetts resigned Friday as man· Evanston and vicinib' that the Cootball future there is bright. ager of the Milwaukee Braves and became 1963 field boss oC tbe Cleve· FOR THE GIRL Purdue lS; Not,.. D~ma, 12 - With two weeks to prepare and land Indians. correct themselves after a 7.7 tie with Washington, the Boilermakers Tebbetts, 50, replaces Mel Mc­ THAT GETS AROUND better nol muff this one. Gaha, who was [ired by the Indians Wisconsin 25: Indi.na It - Tbis will be another explosive last Sunday, the (inal day of the AND GOES AROUND contest and an upset is probable. season, Mlchl,an 21: Army 12 - The Wolverines were humiliated last Tebbetts, a former Cleveland, week. They're big and tough and don't like to take a second seat, Detroit an<\, Boston catching star, even to the military. said Milwaukee had given him a Michlea" State 21J North , ....lIna .. - . Tbis is still a tough release from his contract, which bad a year to run. Spartan squad, Don't let last week's Stanford loss mislead you, ts~Outlo

Des Moines Students Protest Ban Market Trends 'Higher ------~~. ps K~/so: 'Try to Educaie .:People' ~. NIA I·• NEW YORK (.fI - The stock MADISON, Wis. tA'I - An esti· dation contended the sorority's na· 225 I To Get Land mated 1,400 umbrella carrying tional council maintained a policy market closed higher today, mak· 215 University of Wisconsin students or racial discrimination. ing it two straight days on the up· * * * * * * * * * DES MOINES tA'I - U.S. Rep. 218 I staged a demonstration Thursday Luberg accepted the rEsolution side. Dealings were fairly brisk as 220 Neal Smith of Altoona sent word I Preserve the ifraditions, Folk Singer Says in protest to a proposal that Delta and said he would give it to UW a desultory scssion ended. 205 ~ I Crom Washington Friday of a plan 225 _ , By BILL GRIMSTAD year Crom North Texas State, and Gamma sorority be banned from President Fred Harrington. A lot of them were honest-to·good­ to dispose of 340 acrp.s of surplus StaH Writer is currently doing postgraduate ness hlU people. campus. The University faculty is ex· - DOORS OPEN 1:15- 200 , - lBrid at the old Fort Des Moines Pall! Ke1so G, Dallas is a young study at the University, with an "I guess I know about 200 songs. The sludents paraded on the pected to rule in a few weeks on 200 " - ' Here's one from the Appalachians." army post. the recommendation offered by the man who is making quite a name l:aili1JI#ljll interdepartmental major in music PollY-pretty Polly, come alon, wltb w a I k around various university Human Rights Committee. 170 .- me. The General Services Adminis· f «, i ~7i) 185 for Iilmself around town on the -ENDS and English. "The long term goal Polly-pretty Polly, come along wllh tration outlined the plan to Smith. buildings and along fraternity row. NOW folk music scene. of my training is to be a concert me. . TUESDAY- DOORS OPEN THIS 200 - ReCore we get married some pleas­ The plan calls for tile College oC Spokesmen for the group pre· ATlRACliON 12:45 II I ·, The foUowing are some of Kelso's folk singer with an academic back· ures to see. sented to Leroy E. Luberg, dean SHOWS - 1 :30 . 4:00 • ".r have no objection to a folk Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery First Show J:OO P.M. ground." 86 of students, a resolution protest· 6:35·8:50 ••• ,1' ideas about folk singing as told to singer changing a song as long as of Des Moines to get acres as a - Last Feature 9:05 P.M. - Shows - 1:00 • 3:4S - 6:2D. ing a University faculty Human a DI reporter: "You know this Saturday we plan he does it in the traditional way. site for a new campus. The City of 9:05 - "Feature 9:10" Rights Committee recommendation ------to run something very good over J guess you might say I have a Des Moines is to get 138 acres as a NOW! NOW! How did they over "What I'm trying to do is to site for a park. The Des Moines to ban the sorority. The recommen· " . WSUl," Kelso said. "Five or six of whiskey baritone voice. There are educate people as to where the folk School District is to get 86 acres as HERE COMES THOSE make a movie of' it us from the campus went down ,to lh~ee styles: finger pickin', flat song comes from and put it in its Arrow Rock, Mo. last summer a site (or an elementary school, DOORS OPEN 1:15 P.M. FU.N-LOVING AMERICANS I I ~I .... pickin' and blues. This style I'm historical perspective. My primary where there were pickers,' singers, using is a mount.ain style I'm not s junior high school anl~ a high LOLITA? purpose is to recreate or more or fiddlers, what have you. And we're certain anyone else' uses it. Lester school. And 30 acres is to be sold as unimproved land to the highest "41l~11 _), wattDisne.YS less save the traditions of folk going to play the tape (rom it. - Flatt and Earl Scruggs (two coun­ ---~ . music. That's wh;:tt so many of try music pickers and singers) are bidder. .. ;, the ha· . these young people need - they two great stylists. II I I It it is in learn fifteen songs from a record Kelso has just begun a series of NOW SHOWING I ~N\bYAGE! physic~l. : album and they think they're a programs on WSUI at 8:30 a.m. I TECHNICOLOR' folk singer. - Tradition, tradition. cach Saturday. During these pro· ·..-, r . , grams Kelso provides comment Open Sunday "You know I play for a lot of And Every Other Evening . ,I , is a dis: fraternities and banquets and con· and historical data about folk mu· -with­ ventions. There's a lot of interest sic, some of which is op record and ned. Doc-, some of which he sings. PRED MacMURRAY lch ahiml ,' in folk songs on this campus and JANE WYMAN I'm darn pleased! The instruments KESSLER'S STORM IN GUATEMALA A HOST OF OTHERS I and the songs are easy to learn by Please - NOT For Kiddie.s "III GUATEMALA IA'I - A tropical liThe Tender Crust" anyone. But not everyone realizes PLUS - Color Cartoon storm Thursday lashed northern Also Shrimp, Steak, PLUS - Color Cartoon PLUS - Color Cart:lon 28-0 how much there is to learn from "CARELESS CARETAKER" I, the past! Guatemala, flooding much of the Chlckin, Spa.heHI "CARELESS CARETAKER" "DICKEY MOE" Iowan I ' port city of Puerto Barrios, where FREE DELIVERY ~ st Libel" "And that so much of what's sold a thousand families were evacu· .. D ., , enpy as folk these days isn't genuine . ated from low·lying sections. ree of the And the popUlar folk song groups here Fri· often use jazz chords, for instance. ,...... blanking "I've been interested in these .' songs since I was about 13 . My I~, 3 and motller was from Arkansas and loved this music and my father I C t ,l P .T HIS .. ' I{IlBlbjjr~ knew a lot of the old firehall things. l' tne un·., • J sing a bit myself." o Order Your winners FOLK SINGER: KELSO = And Use Pizza a safety ',· Kelso, 25, was graduated last ", •• Tradition, tradition." • MOBILE HOMES fOR SALE RIDERS WANTED LOST & FOUND " = MENU 12" / 14" lhe BI~4: .. f.. Good Listening­ • CHEESE ...... 1.00 1.50 Advertising Rates 1959 PACEMAKER, 36 x 8 2 bed- RIDE or riders to IndJana game. Dial LOST: Man's prescription sun glaSSes the Com· 01' ONION ...... 1 .... ,,' .. : ...... 1,00 1.50 room. Cedar RapJds 36(-4494. ]0·12 7·9671. 10·9 with case. ><2050 8·3465. ]0·9 's longest " = • SAUSAGE ...... 1.25 2.00 Three Days ...... ISe a Word a 12·yard APARTMENTS FOR RENT WHO DOES IT? Today on WSUI • BEEF ...... 1.25 2,00 Six Days ...... 19c a Word ROOMS fOR RENT ...... -- ....---- .....-- ...... --- ., r.~n Days ...... 23c a Word 910 kilocycles 9:30 BookshelL • GEORGE'S GOURMET SPECIAL .. ,...... 1.25 2,00 ROOMS for men. Call 7.2741. ]0.5 3 ROOM aparlment. Stone collagt' and HOME baked bread ond pastries. ?:55 One Month " . "" .44<: a Word ...... _ ....______rooms wllh cooking. l!raouatc me.. Phone 7·3771. 10·22 Saturday. Oct. 6, 1962 10:00 ~:~~t American History No.4 = Sausage, Onion, Groen Pepper • 01' women. Black's Graduate House. 10:50 For Consecutive Inseriions APPROVED room {or boy. CookIng 7.3703 . J 1.6R 6:00 Department of Healtb ~~~cIs a Writer • PEPP~RONI ...... 1.25 2.00. prlvleges and telephone. 7·5169 morn· 8:15 11:00 News 11:15 Music • KOSHER SALAMI ...... , ...... 1.25 2,00. (Mlnlmum Ad, 8 Words) Ing and evenlni. 10·[7 8:30 Follt Music 11:55 TYPEWRITERS J 9:00 The Musical MUSHRbOM ...... 1.So 2.25 WANTED ") 10 :00 Clle 11:58 ~~~1l~1~~riS = I CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS ROOMS. Cooking. Men, In exchange I 1:18 Soulhern CaUC. 12:00 Rhythm ambles I GREEN P!P"~~ ...... ~ .... 1.50 2.25. lor work. 7·3703. 11·6 • REPAIRS " 12:30 Afternoon Report Ll One In.ertlon a Month .... $1.35- 3:00 Theater Matinee Music . SnItIM" . ~ .~ ...... 1.50 2.25. GUNS wanted: shot guns, rIfles, plst. 4:3Q Appro". - Post·Game Parly 1:00 Five In ..rtlons a Month .. . $1.t5· ols. Hock·Eye Loan. 10·26 • SALES 5:18 Orle Man's Opinion ...... 2:00 MISC. fOR SALE 'a Cil!!) 2:50 ~O~~r~Ogy of Courlshlp No. 4 = TUNA FISH ...... 1.50 2.25 = Ten Insertions., Month .•... 1.05· • RENTALS 5:3Q roklws 1< 4:25 WOlttA wanted to shan~ home. All 5:45 Sports Time 4:;10 ~::~lme • ANCHO't'IE ...... ' ...... 1.50 2.25. FOR SALE: Used furniture. Gas and 6:00 Evening Concert "Rates for Each Column Inch prlvlleics In rctum 10 help care for Authorized ROYAL Dealer 8:00 MusiC lor a Saturday Night 5:15 Sports Time • FRIDAY SPIiC;IAL ...... " ...... 1.50 2.25. electric stove. Refrigerators, bed· children. Reference. exchanged. 5:30 davenport ., dining room suite, electric 8·5071 or after 4 call 8·5461. 10·6 9:45 News Final MUSIC. HOUSe SPECIAl...... 2.00 10:00 SIGN OFF 6:00 ~~:~~n\:C'r~rtLlve_S. 3.00. Slnller sewlni machine. loric china PORTABLES STANDARDS " H~. cabinet, misc. Whipp)) House. 529 S. ROOMMATE wanted. Two ciean com. Monday, Oct. a, un 7:00 Evening Concert • I d .• ClIllert. __ ~ fortnble room~ . Approved. L1n enq 8:00 News HeadUnes 'J' 8:00 Evening Feature • De ivere Piping Hot in • ell'$ 8:04 MornIng Chapel 9:00 Trio SCHWINN IIghl.welght men's bicycle. fUI·l1 lshcd. Dlnl 8-4267 or 8·6176. 10·10 WIKEL 8:15 News Call 8·7022 attpr 6 p.m. 10·6 IF YOU WANT TilE FASTEST RE e 8:30 Music Georg8'sOven-Equlpped Delivery Wagon .' 19:~8 ~I~~ ~I;;I = = 35mm CAMERA £1 .5; double bcd, SULTS SELLING OR BUYING, uSc ,...----iiiiiii;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.... ;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii- • • chairs. Reasonable. 8-1393. 10·11 Dati> Iowan Wan~ Ad . DIal 7·4 191 ]2·1 TYPEWRITER .CO. MUST tieU lypewrlter, one year old, WILL do any t yp~ long.hand writing. 20 Minute i ,~ia , 18-7S4S i excellent condition. Call x3491.___ 10·12 Phone 7·7797 for more Information.10.9 STUDENTS: Con,c to TowtlcreSt Loun. TONIGHT LMGE top, fully adjuslable drawing deretle and save 15 cents per load , lable. Make otter. 1·5605. 10.8 PORTABLE ~tcrco aLld records. Call with double load washers plus extra Dry Cleaning'l 8.7480. 10.13 .oak cycle. 10·18 at Phone 7-4191 HOLLYWOOD style double bed. Box THE ESCORTS IGEORGE/S I springs. Dial 8·5919. 10·10 Ignition CHILD CARE Carburetn" p""" • a,m. to 4:30 p.m. WHk· AUTOMOTIVE clays. Closed Saturdays. An GENERATORS STARlE~S . GOURMET i KrDDlE KOLLEGE - Pre·school nurs· KING KOIN I Experienced Ad Taker WDI 1954 FORD 6. Mechanically sound. Rea· er. 12011 E. Burlington. ExpeL'lenced Briggs &. Stratton Motors THE HAWK • 114 S. Dubuqu. = Help You With Your Ad. son able. 8·6653 alter 5. 10·9 teachor, Ir~ded equipment. Full or • AcrOll from Hote' • 1949 CHRYSLER. Best orter. Fall' con. half dUj sessions. Call 7-5491 or 8.3ig~9 NEXT WEEK: • J.ft.rson ' I) • THI DAILY IOWAN RESERVES dltlon. 8-4344. 10·11 Pyramid Services • • THe RIGHT TO REJECT ANY 1962 PONTIAC Grand Prix 15,000 , 62' S. I):JbuQue Dial 7·5721 THE EMBERS 923 S. Riverside Drive • Orders to Go • Free Delivery on orders over 3.95 • ADV!RTISING COP':. miles. Power steering. Brakes, seat, SMALL appliance ref:air. Lamps and "Two Doors South of McDonald'." ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• radio, and heater. Automallc transmis­ ~ I.I sion. Black with wh1te upholstery. Aunt Sue's Kiddie Kare \'8cuum clcaners. 8· 262. 10-26 WIJI finance. Dial 8·3700 a!ler 6 p.m. .... - 10·6 EXPERIENCED CARE FOR • 19M FORD va. $275.00 or best offer. CHILDREN 2-5 WASH 9x12 RUGS , TYPING 8·6343. lH ~3.00 Per Day Phone 8·D696 in the 81G 80Y at the TYPING. Experienced In theses, et TROUBLE ietllng A uto Insurance? cetera (or UniversHy. Electric type. See Bob Bender. Dial 8·0639. 10-30 writer. Dial 7·2244. 10·25 1~9 ALFA Romeo. Call 8.5381 alter WD..L do babysilltng, my home. Fink· DOWNTOWN LAUNDERETTE TYPING servIce: Electric _ lt2565 C)r 5. 10·10 bine Park. 8·1985. 10·12 226 S. Clinton . 7·5886. 10·18 1961 AUSTIN Healey Sprite Roadster. WILL babysit full or part time. 1017 TYPING: Electric IBM; accurate, ex. While, 25,000 mUes. Price $1300.00. Finkblne. 10·16 SEWtNG of aU lund•. Former llome NOW YOU KNOW perlenced. Dial 7·2518. ..30R Dial 338-G605. 10·10 Economics tcacher. 7·2720. 10·16 JERRY NYALL: yjectrlc IBM Typing. AUTOMOTIVE - ElecLrl~l , Carbure· HELP WANTED DAILY IOWAN Want Ads bring reo Phone 8.1330. 10.27 tor, tuno·up specialists. McCreedy sulls try 'em. Dial 7-4191. U·~R Auto ElectriC Service. 822 S. GUbert. NANCY KRUSE. IBM Electric Typing Dial 8·7907. 11-4 why more people smoke Winston than any other filter cigarette. Service. Dial 11·6854. 10·28 PART TIME help for weekends. PIZla FOREIGN car parts, service and ae· Villa, 216 S. Dubuque. 8·5135. TYPING Service. Dial 8-5274. 11·2 cessoTles. .'oster Imported Auto Parts. 824 Malden Lane, 8-4461. 11·5 Flavor does it every time-rich, golden tobaccos specially TYPING; Elcctrlc lBMj Accurate ex· perlenced. Dial 7 · 251~ . 10·31 TROUBLE getllng Auto Insuj·al1ce. See Bob Bender. Dial 8·0639. Jl·5R U*S*AIR FORCE ALL kinds of typing. Experienced. THE AEROSPACE lEAM selected and specially processed for filter .smoking! CaU 8·5246. 10·16 PERSONAL DIAL 7-9696 . TYPING service x2565 or 7-598a. 10·18R See your local TYPING wanted. Experienced. Spe· clal rates. Mrs. Weber. 8-4368. 11·5 MONEY LOANED Air Force Rdcruiter and use the complete " :,.:.:.-::: ELECTRIC IBM; accurate, experienced. Diamonds, Cameras, modern equipment of the Dial 7·2518 . 10·30R Typewrite", Wetches, Lugga,e, PART TIME sale •. ]o'ull lime Income. Guns, Musical Instrumenh Selling to college students. Manage. men\ gpportunilles, naUonal flrm...t af· WORK WANTED Dial 7-4535 leI' Iradua(loll. Write Box 56, ually HOCK·EYE LOAN 10WIIl!. 10·18 Maher Bros_ Transfer W ANTED, Ironing,. Dial 8·8248 after PART TfME hClf for wc4!kends. Pizza 7 p.m. 1~ A TIP FOR THE WISE _ to sell buy, Villa, 216 S. ubuque. 8:5735. 1l.1~ HAGEN'S TV: Guaranteed televlslon lRONINCS wanted. Call 8·2793. 10·17 or swap use Dally Iowan Want Ads MALE help wanted. Full and pal·t servicing by cerllfled sel'vlcemen. for quIck, errtclent and Inexpensive lime. ~lInlt Cal' Wash. 1025 S. River· 9 a.m.·9 p.m. Monday through Satur· WANTED: Ironlng5. 8·6331. 10·]7 service. Phone 7-4191. 12·2 side Drive. ]0·11 day. Call 8·3M2. ll·lR

~.<... By JobllPY 'Jmrt r' ,



! ,- Ii:--I,,, ·~ t , ~"'1 ,...... ,,_'4 ,...... ~~~_'_'~--~------....~

PURE WHITE, :' MODERN 'ILT~R : BEETLE BAILEY By MORT WALKER ]8::;;;: :8llij~!~. -,.. -- ,.. ---=--, I~ ,. j PLUS ,j FILTER - BLENOup FRONT I I !i j ":1ns~on tastes good

L • it J.. • ~e cig~ttt; .sllould! . " . ~UI2 .. 1 L_.•. I • --'1'ob - CIa'"'''' w..,. ""1&1.... • ". 0.. • .. ., .. . 01 r • .... '-THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, 'a.-Saturday, tkt. I, 1K2 U.~ Pr~ WASHI] ..: lhe constitu ". , in publicsc This ql; SUII Worl StoPI By

A rormel lhe campu night, read ciative ouc sons in the Capitol. W. D. Sr awarded tt from his "Heart's ~ 1960 pulil! , His sel! ranged fro One," a d of :I Worte Veterans, here. to (hi



• JII PROBABLE STARTING LINEUPS IOWA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA w. TONY GIACOBAZZI ...... LE' 201 HAL BEDSOLE ...... LE 225 Givi ...... LG 209 GARY KIRNER ...... LT 215 Window," KICKOFF GARY PLETCHER ...... e 210 JOHN RATLIFF ...... LG 218 :lclion of , EARL McQUISTON ...... RG 214 LARRY SAGOUSPE ...... C 220 frozen wi) GUS KASAPIS ...... T 223 PETE LUBISleH ...... RG 205 beginning Snodgras TIME ClOYD WEBB ...... RE 203 MARV MARINOVICH ...... RT 225 a persona· PAUL KRAUSE ...... ,...... , ..... , ... · FL 168 FRED HILL ...... RE 200 poem befo MATT SZYKOWNY ...... QB 172 PETE BEATHARD ...... QB 200 In an Sl sliid he bel LARRY FERGUSON (e) ...... LH 189 WILLIE BROWN ...... LH 170 ness to say BOilY GRIER ...... , ...... RH 186 KEN DEL CONTE ...... RH 185 so i nteresti 1:30 P.M. BILL PERKINS ...... FB 199 ERNIE JONES ...... : ...... FB 2QO il will be , :lUdience .. (.. "Floater") indecd. lc "worth sto • I 'I'hey apl , . matic mon of three P' . Show lem How, Hawks! Iowa Extra his sisler Go Get JEm Fiawks! City's . such as .•• . a flower VI WELCOME ALUMNI! FINE FOOD typical yeo hrothel's . t LAREW four wall I "nuts." I, · The SUI ALUMNII ASSOCIATION 'fhe auc · Plumbing & Heating (OOK'S PAINTS Snodgrass I one of the Phono 1-4433 ted he, too 337-9681 extends its greetings to all grads 125 E, C"IIOIl' thing: "T11 Complete Restaurant and Drive-In nuts ; you] , he comme I who are giving their support Snodgra ~

,~ , aftemoon SWAILS .. . classes he 'Roll Along, Iowa! . to the Hawkeyes :J ing his 0 .... HAMBURG INN NO.1 ', work oC st . ". REFRIGERATION INC. . . '". - '1' >1 The Push Button Drive-In "Iowa City's Lead.lng Refrlgemtlon for the 1962 alld t\ppliallc'e Center" says Dono' t HAMBURG INN NO.2 " Prisor ;. :~ (har(o's Drive In football season. .Aft :J£~ ,Wa, JJawke,e~! With '. · 205 So. Capitol Phone 7·9645 Quick Lunches and Sandwiches UAVANJ Highway 6, West . negotiator Prlme r.'1il sct to me on the re After the game - taken in .: I:·.' HEADQUARTERS IN IOWA CITY vasion, r~ , Push IEm Over, Hawks! Monday n ~ . SALES - RENTAL - SERVICE 'fhe inf HOT COFFEE and long·await. TELEVISION : . A HI.FI - PHONOGRAPHS l'clease w< , < • NORTH /SIDE the first r STEREO SANDWICHES ~ prisoners ' PUBLIC ADDRESS FIn .• in a , I"': Respons • MAID-RITE. CAFE WAS~~N~TON FOOD MARKET van had a ­ WOODBURN SOUND' SERVICE City Parking Lot Next Door eon World 211 E. College 1·7547 Across from Schaeffer Hall 532 North Dodge portation • '.- '- - = . from Hav; . weekend. ~ . :'. COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES WIN' We extend our sincere Rack JEm Up I, FROZEN FOODS 1 IHAWKS OXFORI t was broke ':~ FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES wishes for a successful Hawkeyes! Missi ssipp i H. Meredi COLD BEER AND POP WIN building 'fhe roC" 1962 Football Season •• ANDYOUFANS-RACK pane of UP Daily Iowan c