Students March in Otahuhu – Pg 14
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NZ Catholic: August 9 - 22, 2020 1 The national Catholic newspaper August 9 - 22, 2020 • No. 595 Priests shouldn’t Auckland’s Mercy promote political Spirituality Centre parties 3 closes 4 Saying ‘no’ to violence Students march in Otahuhu – pg 14 2 NZ News NZ Catholic: August 9 - 22, 2020 INSIDE THIS ISSUE New GM for Palmerston North Diocese Our Lady of Peace by EMMA DODSWORTH at Howick On July 14, Liam Greer was welcomed into the role of general manager of the Palmerston North Diocese. During the whakatau at the diocesan centre, p17 attended by diocesan and parish staff, Cardinal John Dew welcomed Mr Greer on behalf of the diocese. He acknowledged that Liam was coming into the diocese at a very unusual time, with no per- manent bishop and himself as apostolic admin- istrator. p17 “While it is a strange time, I can assure you of great support: from Monsignor Brian [Walsh], the staff of this diocesan centre, the clergy and laity Treasured of the diocese . You are very welcome and will be welcomed around the diocese.” teacher retires “The role of general manager in the diocese is extremely important, as the Church becomes more and more complicated . We rely heavily p20 on the support, knowledge and expertise of our general managers,” he said, adding that Mr Greer brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the position, which has come from his most recent role with the MidCentral District Health Board and other employment experiences. Mr Greer, whose family has a five-generation association with the diocese, grew up in Palmer- Carmelite ston North, attending St Peter’s College. In Year turns 90 12, he was selected as an AFS exchange student and lived in Missouri, USA for 12 months, return- ing with itchy feet. Meeting Jannene soon after his return, they embarked to Europe where they lived Liam Greer (right) meets Fr Vijay Dung Dung at the wel- Pax Christi marks 75 years and travelled for several years. Their overseas p5 experience was cut short when they were caught come (Photo: Emma Dodsworth) up in the Gulf War, while travelling through the p10 Vatican instruction on parish roles Middle East in late 1990. knew the best place to raise them was Palmerston Returning to Aotearoa, Mr Greer enrolled at North, and moved back to their turangawaewae, p11 Theology of Body courses in Wgtn Massey University, and graduated with a degree their place to stand. Mr Greer undertook further in valuation and property management in 1994. study in infrastructure asset management and, in Working as a property valuer for a few years 2012, accepted the position of director of facili- p12 Pope calls on young to reach out to elderly made him aware of how important housing is to ties and estate management with the MidCentral the wellbeing of families, which led to him ac- District Health Board. cepting a role in Palmerston North with Housing After much contemplation and advice, he de- On the front cover: Catholic schools were involved in a stu- New Zealand. cided to apply for the Palmerston North diocesan dent-organised march against inter-school violence at Otahuhu With two young sons, Liam and Jannene moved general manager role. to Kapiti, where he took on a national role for “From the start of the hiring process through on July 29 (Photo: Josh Talakai) Housing New Zealand, being responsible for the to my first day, I’ve been nothing but impressed roll-out of the social allocation system. Mr Greer with the professionalism of the staff and the cul- completed further study in housing management ture,” Mr Greer said. “I am excited to be in this and social policy, and accepted the role of prin- new role and the challenges it presents, and I’m cipal asset manager in 2008. looking forward to working with the diocesan As their children grew up, Liam and Jannene team to achieve great things.” Pompallier Diocesan Centre, 30 New Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. P.O. Box 147-000, Ponsonby, Auckland 1144. Phone: (09) 360-3067 or (09) 378-4380. Email: [email protected] Govt. funding for Wellington cathedral project Website: by NZ CATHOLIC staff Publisher: Bishop Patrick Dunn Editor: Michael Otto Journalist: Rowena Orejana The Government is putting $8.5 million to- Marketing and Administration: Claudia Cachay wards the restoration and strengthening of the Design & Advertising: Anne Rose Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Advertising enquiries contact: Wellington. [email protected] Finance Minister Grant Robertson said the project meets all the criteria for funding under NZ Catholic is published fortnightly. Subscriptions: One the $3 billion infrastructure fund announced in year, $73; two years, $135. Overseas airmail extra. The the Budget earlier this year. contents of NZ Catholic are copyright and permission to The cathedral was closed in 2018 due to seis- reprint must be obtained in advance. ISSN 1174-0086 mic risk. Member Australasian Religious Press Association and “This project is ready to go right now,” Mr Australasian Catholic Press Association Robertson said, adding that it will create 300 construction jobs. “The restoration is expected to take about three years and, once complete, will see this Cat- The Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Wgtn. egory 1 Historic Place once again available for the St Dominic’s Wellington community to use. as well. “The cathedral is not only widely used by the “We thought we would never be able to do Catholic College Catholic congregation, but also by the public as that, but we decided that we would apply to the Founded by the Dominican Sisters a performance space because of its globally-ac- “shovel ready” project.” Catholic School For Girls Years 7-13 claimed acoustics. It is also a tourist attraction Cardinal Dew was scheduled to lead a bless- because of its architectural merits.” ing of the site and workers outside the cathedral The project is getting underway now, the min- chapel on August 7. • Joyous celebration of St Dominic’s Day. ister’s statement noted. It has all the approvals it Some $3.3 million has been raised for the needs, up to and including stage 3 of the project. project so far before this funding. The overall • Upcoming Yr 12 retreat days. Stages 4 and 5 will be “shovel ready” by March, fundraising goal is $16m, reportedly. 2023, following immediately on from the comple- A cathedral newsletter stated that the fund- • Open mornings 9am: Friday 21 Aug, tion of stages 1-3. ing allows design work for the base isolation to The statement noted that “all approvals are in begin. Tuesday 15 Sept, Friday 16 Oct. principle and subject to contract negotiations. “The leadership team is delighted with this Investment values are also subject to change”. unexpected announcement, and we are now Cardinal John Dew told stuff that the funding gathering the necessary team to progress this would enable strengthening to be completed to a project,” the newsletter stated, adding that it was high standard, and would allow for base isolation “great news”. NZ Catholic: August 9 - 22, 2020 NZ News 3 Priests shouldn’t promote political parties by ROWENA OREJANA siastical authority, this is required people in the parish, not involved paign of President Donald Trump. for the defence of the rights of the in local politics”. The priest withdrew at the direction Priests in New Zealand are being Church or to promote the common At least one priest in New Zealand of Church authorities. reminded to use their social media good”. has aired support for a political In 2008, the CNA article noted, accounts wisely, and not to use “People in parishes belong to all party on his social media account, Chicago priest Fr Michael Pfleger these accounts to express support sorts of different political parties, but had since taken the post down. drew attention for appearing as for a political party. and a priest should not be involved “They get told not to do it,” Msgr part of a “People of Faith for Judicial Vicar and canon law in promoting one party or another,” Daly said. “People can address par- Obama” coalition during then-Sen- lecturer Msgr Brendan Daly said Msgr Daly explained. ticular issues such as employment ator Barack Obama’s primary bat- canon law prohibits the clergy from “A priest is to promote the spiri- or refugees or right-to-life, but ad- tle against Hillary Clinton for the promoting any political party, as tual welfare of the people. The rights dressing particular issues is quite Democratic Party’s presidential this could cause dissension in the and the interests of the Church are different to promoting a particular nomination. parish. not identified with any one political political party.” Pfleger’s bishop, Cardinal Francis He cited Canon 287 which states party, and it is a mistake to actively n The Catholic News Agency re- George, said at the time that, “while “clerics care always to do their ut- promote one political party from the ported in late July that the US Priests a priest must speak to political is- most to foster among people peace pulpit or on social media dressed as for Life national director Fr Frank sues that are also moral, he may not and harmony based on justice”. a cleric,” he added. Pavone had resigned from advisory endorse candidates nor engage in Paragraph 2 of the same canon Msgr Daly explained, even if the positions in the re-election cam- partisan campaigning”. states “they are not to play an ac- message was on a priest’s person- tive role in political parties or in al social media account, “he still directing trade unions unless, in the shouldn’t be doing it because his judgement of the competent eccle- role is involved in pastoral care of Close review of Vatican Bishops urge voters to guide on dealing with abuse by NZ CATHOLIC staff sional Standards (NOPS), which can appoint independent investigators to reject End of Life Choice Act New Zealand’s Catholic bishops examine complaints.