AUTHOR Minch, Jindra, Ed. AVAILABLE FBCB on the Training Of

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AUTHOR Minch, Jindra, Ed. AVAILABLE FBCB on the Training Of DOCUMENT lESOHE it'll 162 168 CE 018 817 AUTHOR Minch, Jindra, Ed. TITLE Training of Adult Educators in East Europe. Monographs on Comparative and Area Studies au Adult Education. INSTITUTION British Columbia Univ., Vancouver. Center for Continuing Education.; International Ccutcil for Adult Education, Torcrtc (Cntaric) . PUB DATE 77 NOTE 132p. AVAILABLE FBCB Centre for Continuing Education, Ike University of British Columbia, Vancouver, S.C., Canada. V6T 1E5 ($6.00) 'ED RS PRICE HF-30.83 HC-$7.35 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Adult Edncation; *Adult Educators; Continuous Learning; Cultural Education; Educational History; Educational Research; Educational Theories; Foreign Countries;.Inservice Education; Political Influences; *Professional Training; Staff Improvement; Universities IDENTIFIERS Czechoslovakia; *Europe (East) ; German Lesocratic Republic; Hungary; Poland; Bomaria; USSR; .Yugoslavia ABSTRACT The purpose of this volume is to present infom r on the training of adult educators in EastEuropean countries. All but twq of these countries, Albania and Bulgaria, aredescribed. The first of nine articles provides an overview cf theresearch and preparation of adult education staff in sole EastEtropean.countries. Factors cited as influencing the system developaent inthene' countries are tradition, social situation,growth and application of science, acceptance of the continuous education idea, andthe development of theory. and greater professionalism in the adult edubation field. Following the initial report, there arearticles dealing with CzechoslOvakia, the ,German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Union cf Soviet 'SocialistRepublics, ani Yugoslavia. The article on the Soviet Union deals only with thepolitical education aspects. All contrabuiaons were originally'publisbed elsewhere. (CSS) *********t.**************************.*********************************** can' be made A . Reproductionst supplied by EDRS are the best that from the original document. A ***************************************************=**********1********** Training of Adult Educators in East Europe Jindra Kulich, Editor U S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, -PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTEDBV EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION OR IGIN- ATiNG Ij POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY INFORMATION CENTER IERICI AND USERS OF THE ERIC SYSTEM:' VANCOUVER 1977 2 Published 1977 in Vancouver by the Centre for Continuing Education, The University of British Columbia, in co-operation with the International Council for Adult Education Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Training of Adult, educators in East Europe (Monographs on comparative and area studies in adult education) 1. Adult education teachers, Training of - Europe, Eastern - Addresses, essays, lectures. 2. Aeult education - Europe, Eastern - Addresses, essays, lectures. I. Kulich, Jindra, 1929 - II. University of British Columbia.Centre for Continuing Education. III. International Council for Adult Education. IV. Series. LC5256.A2T73 374'.607'1047 C774)02081 -X Order Centre for Continuing Education from: The University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada V6T 1W5 Price: $6.00 (mailing charges iacluded) 3 FOREWORD .Interest in the comparative study of adult education has been grc'.'ing in many parts of the world since the first conference on comparative adult education held at Exeter, U.S.A. in 1966. This inverest was given further impetus by meetings held at PugwashCanada in 1970; Nordborg, Denmark in 1972, and Nairobi, in 1975. A number of international organizations, among these Unesco, the International'Bureau of Education, the International Congress of University Adult Education, the European Bureau of Adult EducatiOn, O.E.C.D., the European Centre for Leisure andEducation, the' Council of Europe, and the International Council for Adult Education have contributed their share. A growing number of universities in all five continents established courses in comparative adult education. Many other universities encourage students to deal with comparative study or with the study of adult education abroad in major papers and theses. The literature in this area has increased considerably since the early 1960's both in support and ci a result of this university activity... A number of valuable bibliogiaphies, were published, cataloguing the growing wealth of materials available in a number of languages. Most of the literature available on adult education in various countries can still be found primarily in articles v. scattered throughout adult education and social science journals, 4 ii while most of the truly comparative studies remain unpublished master's theses or doctoral dissertations. There is no publisher enticing resear chers to submit manuscripts of monographs dealing with comparative adult education and case studies of adult education in various countries, even though the need for such a publishing venture was stressed at a number of international meetings. It is with the intent to provide such service-to the diicipline and the field of adult education that the Centre.6br Continuing Education at The University of British Columbia, in cooperation with the International Council for Adult Education, decided to publish a series of Monographs on Comparative and Area Studies in Adult Education: .rt Jindra Kulich General Editor 5 iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The editor"thank the following publishers for1 . their permission to reprint article& which first appeared in their publications: Centre for Continuing Education, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada (Occasional Papers in Continuing Education). International Congress of University Adult Education, c/o The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (ICUAE Journal. International Council for Adult Education, Box 252, Station F, Toronto, Ontario, Canada ,(Convergence). National Instit.1-e of Alult Education, De Montfort House, Leicester England (Adult Education). Inriernatiusi.Artm and Sciences Press, Inc. (Soviet Education) aomoht 0 1972 by InternatiOnar7EFEE and-Scienomems, Inc. 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introductio% 3 Research and Preparation of Staff in the Field of Adult Education in Some East European' Countries (DusanSavicevic) The Czechoslovai, Standard System of Training of Adult Educators (J4rodra Kulich) 17 Training 1:11144tul- T.''acators in !East Germany (Jindr lictve 27 ,2"sain:-rug Illodt-onists in Hungary (so6s ph) 49 Tmimirkg =ors in Hungary (Jind.ra Kulich) + lro A=re mnd of Adult Educators in Poland ict 63 1Vat137img of ro al Workers, Political Educators, aMIll Atm lt 3 in Romania (Jindra Kulich) 97 Ttut _raining of Propagandists in Theory and Method (P. Syeelmikov) 103 Training Adult Educationists in Yugoslavia (Dusan Savicevic) 121 3 The phenomenal world-wide groswth of.uniat education .mite broadest meaning during the last quarter-7.7t.a century hasino lawmen parallel in the history of mankind Along with it came, mmpmcaally since the early 1960's, a steadily :21creasizag research acttiwt#q and-a professionalization of the fliAd. This was most evithmst in. North America, but Europe and the Ct'411er continents soon toe up their place in this development. The emphasis placed on and tt. .;.,-nrovision for the traiminn of. adult educators, both professiamaI4:Ballid volunteers, is of =nodal importance to thefurther deveLnnment of the field.Due to tme Magnitude of this operation in. Moare America, considerable literature is available in Engi;.,4)1 about training in, adult education on this continent. CT: 'ne other hand, relAtivell, tow accounts exist in English of the important_and, for compazative purposes, interesting provision of such training in Europe. The purpose of this volume is to collect already available .° information on the"training of adult educators, in the broad meaning of the term accepted in the East European countries. The editor has uptad to do this in preference to attempting to request articles especially written for this occasion, primarilydue to the time factor, but also because suffiCient materials were available in English to warrant a monograph bringing them together. 'Unforttnately, with the exception of thmrUnited Kingdom, ' there is no cdkresponiing set of articles in English available on 4 West European countries. (T "is, of course, the excellent monograph Workers in Education published in 1966 by the Council of Europe which does provide, itow somewhat dated, informatiarrOn six of 'n.t.:e West European countries.) The editor trg,s4 thatIthis volume will encourage our West European ,,---colleagues to submit accounts of the training of adult educators in their country to warrant a West European sequel to this monograph. HopefulLy our colleagues in the other continents will also wish to see thteir training provision better known abroad and will contribute to this process. This monograph brings together descriptions, albeit not always most up-to-date-or complete, of all but two of' the East European countries (accounts of the training provision in Albania and Bulgaria were not located). Dusan Savicevic's article pro-Vides an overview for the area covered, followed by articles dealing4'with Czechoslovakia,.the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, U.S.S.R. and Yugoslavia. (The article on the Soviet Union deals
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    ISSN 2084-2686 ISBN 978-83-60904-41-1 T. 35 (5) 2015 PRACE NAUKOWE Wałbrzyskiej Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania i Przedsiębiorczości Zeszyty Pedagogiczno-Medyczne Słownik Pedagogów Polskich i Polskiej Myśli Pedagogicznej XIX i XX wieku pod redakcją Marii Jolanty Żmichrowskiej Magdaleny Pluskoty Wydawnictwo Wałbrzyskiej Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania i Przedsiębiorczości w Wałbrzychu Publikacja ukazała się dzięki wsparciu dr n. med. Włodzimierza Wróbla, za co jej autorzy wyrażają serdeczne podziękowania. RADA PROGRAMOWA Przewodniczący Rady Programowej – prof. dr hab. inż. Franciszek Mroczko Wiceprzewodniczący Rady Programowej – dr Krystyna Szlachta Członkowie: - prof. dr hab. inż. Lucjan Kowalczyk - prof. zw. dr hab. Kazimierz Bobowski - prof. dr hab. n. med. Jăroslav Opavskỳ - prof. dr hab. Jana Škrabănkova - prof. dr hab. Miroslaw Gejdoš RECENZENCI NAUKOWI prof. zw. dr hab. Bożena Muchacka ks. prof. zw. dr hab. Edward Jarmoch ADRES REDAKCJI: Wałbrzyska Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Przedsiębiorczości 58-305 Wałbrzych, ul. 1-go Maja 131 e-mail: Redaktor Naczelny: prof. dr hab. inż. Franciszek Mroczko Zastępca Redaktora Naczelnego: dr Beata Owczarczyk Sekretarz Redakcji: mgr Michał Lesman Redaktorzy tematyczni: dr Piotr Laskowski: ekonomia, administracja dr Bogusław Bałuka: ratownictwo medyczne, nauka o zdrowiu dr Zbigniew Baran – pedagogika dr Agnieszka Tabor-Smardzewska – zarządzanie Redaktor statystyczny – Teresa Kwiatkowska Redaktor językowy – doc. dr ing. Olga Hasprovà Redaktor techniczny – Władysław Ramotowski ISSN 2084-2686 ISBN 978-83-60904-41-1 © Copyright by Wałbrzyska Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Przedsiębiorczości, Wałbrzych 2015 Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Kopiowanie, przedrukowywanie i rozpowszech- nianie całości lub fragmentów bez zgody wydawcy jest zabronione. Redakcja deklaruje wersję papierową czasopisma jako podstawową Printed in Poland prof. zw.
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