Bolm. Tool., Univ. S. Paulo 1: 181-196 ,2992


LUCI ROLANDI BEGO Departamento de Ecologia. Institu­ to de Biociências. Universidade de São Paulo. 20520 - São Paulo - Bra sil. (recebido em 26.X.1982)

RESUMO - A produção de machos em Nannotrigona (Scaptotrigo- na) postiça e alguns aspectos correlacionados foram investi­ gados e os resultados mostram que os fatores extrínsecos co­ mo temperatura e precipitação, através da sua importância na determinação das floradas e subsequente aumento na disponibi^ lidade de mel e pólen, não são fatores determinantes imedia­ tos da alta produtividade da colônia e da produção de machos, como consequencia. Os dados também sugerem uma ausência de inibição da rainha no desenvolvimento ovariano das operárias e que a produção de machos ocorre independentemente da idade fisiológica da rainha. £ possível que muitos outros fatores intrínsecos como alta densidade populacional da colônia (pro vavelmente conseqüente de condiçoes favoráveis de estoque de polen e mel) sejam mais importantes na determinação da produ ção de machos, uma vez que colônias que apresentam uma baixa densidade populacional não produzem machos, embora os ová - rios das operárias estejam sempre desenvolvidos. Além disso, a produção de machos parece estar ligada â oviposição das o- perárias^ devido â relação existente entre ocorrência de^ma­ chos e células de cria contendo mais do que um ovo por célu­ la, numa mesma colônia. ABSTRACT - The production of males in Nannotrigona (Soapto - trígona) postioa and some related aspects were investigated, and the results show that the extrinsic factors, such as tern perature and precipitation, through their importance in flowering and subsequent increase in the availability of ho­ ney and pollen do not immediately determine high colony pro­ ductivity and production of males. The data also suggest an absence of queen inhibition in the ovarian development of the workers, and that male production occurs irrespective of the queen's physiological age. It is possible that many other intrinsic factors , such as high populational density of the colony (probably a consequence of favorable condi - tions for storage of pollen and honey) are more important in determining male production, since colonies presenting a low populational density do not produce males, although the ova­ ries of the workers are always developed. Besides, the pro - duction of males seens to be related to workers oviposition, due to the relationship between the occurrence of males and brood cells containing more than one egg for each cell in the same colony


The study of social regulation has been undertaken as an attempt to clarify many important aspects of the evolu - tion of social behavior in societies. Stingless have been studied from different stand­ points ; one of these which interests the author is connected with the production of males, its relationship with workers oviposition, and the main ethological factors involved in these processes. It is known that in stingless bees, queens and workers are produced from fertilized eggs and males from unfertili­ zed eggs. These latter are produced from workers* and queens' eggs (in most species) or only from queens' eggs (in a few species). This fact is probably related to the ability of _ the workers to develop their ovaries and also some ethological me chanism inherent to each species in particular. In N.(S.) postica, workers show two kinds of morpholo­ gically distinct eggs. One is the nutritive egg, large and roughly spherical, whose function is exclusively to feed the queen (Sakagami & Zucchi, 1963 ; Akahira, Sakagami & Zucchi , 1963; Dias, 1973; Bego, 1974, 1977) The other is the male - -producing egg type, which produces males when laid inside the brood cells (Beig, 1972) Later, Dias (1973) observed that this latter type of egg, which was called functional egg, also was laid at the cells inner upper edge and immedia tely eaten by the queen or sometimes the workers. All these data together were important in starting our investigations on the controlling mechanism of male production and its im - plications in the oviposition process of the workers in N. (S.) postica.


Seven colonies of N.(S.) postica were kept in hives based on those described by Nogueira-Neto (1970) They were from Batatais, and Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State. Over about two years, the rates of newly emerged wor - kers and males were estimated by using samples of combs in pre-emergence phases. These combs were placed in an incuba - tor until the emergence of the bees. After that, all samples of bees were returned to their respective colonies. The observations were carried out at intervals of 10 days, so that there could be three samples per month. At the same time, when the colonies were opened, the internal condi^ tions (diameter of the new combs, frequency of the bees wor­ king at the brood region, and the storage pots of food) were also observed. According to these observations, the criterion used in classification of the colonies was: (+) weak, (++) regular, (+++) medium, (++++) strong. The queen's age was also verified by using a code (co­ lored paint on the thorax), and by the degree of wear to the queen's wings. Once a month 20 30 workers , whose preferential tasks were centered on the new brood combs ("nurse bees") were col lected from the colonies. In general, these workers are pre­ ferably young, presenting a pale scutellum. However, older workers (intermediate age (I) and old (0 )) were also someti­ mes collected, either because they were on the new combs wor king effectivelly, or exceptionally. This information was ob tained through further observations carried out in observa - tions hives. The samples of workers were fixed in Dietrich for three days, then placed in 70% alcohol for observation. They were later dissected under a stereoscopic microscope and the ova­ rian development was estimated (fig. 3) Finally, once a month, a small new brood comb was ta - ken from each colony and the brood cells were opened under a stereoscopic microscope to record the frequency of cells containing one or more eggs. The climatic data were taken at The Experimental Sta - tion of Ribeirao Preto (SP)


1. Male production cycles related to extrinsic factors The results given in figs. 1 and 2 show that male pro­ duction was asyncronic, i, e, the frequencies over about two years were variable from month to month, year to year and co lony to colony. In colonies 12 and 13 production of males followed sue cessively, practically without interruption, whereas in colo ny 36 this fact did not occur. Male production was verified only in January, April, May and June at a very low frequency. In colony 18, production of males took place at reaso­ nable rates in November, December (197·+), and May ,June( 1975)- In April (1975) the frequencies were higher. In the succee - ding periods the rates were insignificant or even, in some months, nil. The rates found in colony 16, were more expressive du­ ring the following periods: April, May, July (1975), and Fe­ bruary, March (1976) In colony 2·+, male production was more expressive in April, May and June (1975). From July to January (1976) the rates were nil or practically nil; nevertheless, from Februa Figure 1 - Frequency of males related to climatic factors from November, 197U to December, 1975. Figure 2 - Frequency of males related to climatic factors from January to December*, 19 76. ry to December (1976), there were males in almost all the months, although the rates showed some variation. Finally, in colony 14, the rates also did not have a fixed quantitative value. Males were produced in May, June , July and September (1975), and from February to December (1976), except in August. The values were always medium in some months and low in other cases (see the average frequen­ cies in table 1)

Table 1 - Yearly average frequency (%) of males in N . (S.) postica colonies.

Number of Total average frequency 1975 1976 colonies (1975 and 1976)

12 3-97 6.10 5.04 13 10.42 9.67 10.04 14 0.50 0.94 0.72 16 1.33 1.21 1.27 18 3.10 0.26 1.68 24 1.55 5.31 3.43 36 0.50 0.00 0.25

2. Intrinsic factors of the colqnies^"related to male production.

From the results given ,inr tab-ire 2 it can be seen that the strong colonies, which present high populational density (cols. 12 and 13) produce male's at higher rates. This tenden cy is confirmed in coldny^ 36 whijch, during almost all the ti me of observation, was^m unfavorable donditions. Although it has not been possible to quantify exactly all pai’cimeters (increase of the brood combs, and number of storage pots of food), we are sure that our qualitative cri­ teria were important to control subsequent experiments ,which were able to prove this fact (Bego, in preparation) As to physiological age of the physogastric queens, it was possible to show that there was no relationship between this fact and production of males. In colony 12, males were produced before and after queen supersedure, and in colony 36 there were no males either before or after queen replace­ ment. Other types of combinations can be seen in table 2 for all colonies.

3. Worker oviposition related to male production.

The workers always develop their ovaries producing two types of eggs, nutritive (N) and functional (F), according to established stages (figs. 3, 4, 5 and tables 3, 4) Table 2 - General conditions of the colonies (food, population and age of physogastric queens) in different periods of the year. C/5 H •"D *3 < o 4 1 z 41 4 1 4 1 4 1 o K £ < £ *3 4 4 ►3 H V 4» z < o t O H P O P •H fH < 4> «O «O £ 4» u £ 04 3 60 « a 4 4 Ü > 4> 3 3 G U o a <0 4 > « CD « ·> o - r C 3 60 t> P* Ü o m «1 CD O* 3 c 3 0 U « >1 > o 4> * P # • « . . CD • m l/> • rH Ç - r H C» «H * >O * O 4> O A 9 6

•H > * 0 V 4 E 4 g 4 Ë 6 4 E 6 4 g 6 4 Ë £ 6 £ 6 £ £ £ 6 4 Ë £ 4 g e e O 4 g 4 g 4 4 E 4 4 g 4 4 E 4 + HÊ 4 Ê >H 4 4 4 4 4 O 4 4 4 4 4 4 H 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 CM 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ' O 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 05 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 O 4 4 O 4 ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 g + E + E 41 4 1 4 1 4 Ê 4 E 4 E + E 4 Ê 4 Ê 4 Ê 4 Ê 4 Ê 4 Ê 4 Ê Ê 4 4 4 4 4 en t-H 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 >-» 4 E 4 E 4 Ê 4 Ê 4 E 4 E 4 E 4 E E E 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 > C 4 4 rH 4 4 4 4 X 05 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 05 4 4 4 4 b 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 O 4 4 4 4 4 » „ 4» 4 4 4 4 >8 4 1 4 1 4 E 4 E Ê 4 E 4 Ë 4 E E E 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 >H 4 CD Hr CM rH •H 4 O 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ë 4 Ê 4 O 4 ) 4 4) 4 4 4 + 4 4 M 4 O 4 E O 05 4 4 < 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ê 4Ë 4 Ë 4 •Ê 4 Ê 4 Ë 4 Ë O 4 Ë 4 Ë 4 Ê 4 E 4 Ë 4 1 4 1 00 4 E 4 E 4 4 4 O 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 E 4 4 4 Ë 4 4 4 4 Ë >H 4 O 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ë 4 1 4 » 4 Ë 4 4 E O 4 Ë 4 Ë 4 E + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4« 4 4 4 «P 4 4 4 4 4 o 4 4 4 t s O 4 4 4 O 4 4 4 4 o 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 O 4 4 O 4 O 4 4 4 4 £ 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 C O 4 Ë 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 C 4 4 4 4 O 4 n e 4 4 05 4 »c w c >» 4 4 D05 CD 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ) m 4) 4 4 O •H •H •H T3 O c M < rH T J J T o 0 60 4) 0 <0 g »0 *0 a> TJ 3 E O > o) a> (0 3 HrH 4 O J 3 O iH 4) ) 4) 4) Ë O 4 C ) 4 4) 60 U ^ 5 C 1 4) i P 3 ) 4 4) 60 ü c ) 3 4) 0 4) (0 rH Ë -a - i ) ) 4) 1 4 4 Ë U o 4» 1 C 60 (0 4 4 1 5 3 *5 (4 4) Figure 3 - Ovarian development stages in workers of N. (S.) po8tica. A,A' - undeveloped; B - beginning to de­ velop; C - Developed; D1 , D? , D 3 - fully develo - ped; E - in degeneration; E' - degenerate eggs and oocytes N - Nutritive F - Functional. Figure H - Frequency of nutritive (N) and functional(F) eggs, in workers whose preferential tasks are centered’ in the new brood combs (. "nurse bees") Table 3 - Frequency of ovaries with nutritive (N) and functional (F) eggs related to relative age of the workers, whose preferential tasks are centered in the new brood combs ("nurse bees").

N u m b e r o f Frequency

1 Kelative age the c o l o CM -T H to CM zr

n i e s o f 04 •H ■o 1 - ■ © Í- o 09 u. H Z 2 * 2 fc-. 2 2 -M 4- 3 C L· © U as 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s - M >-

to ^ o* n 1 >4 - V ■ c cs. f—■»cc >* x: P >4 K E c CL •H < \ H o- 04 H > «—i o. to u l 5 s 5 ° T. ! = H 4 CO 04 — > > *—* - >4 ro H-> r— Œ >- Hi Hi >- H o >4 to « >> G >4 o G >4 >* IT 04 >4 to >4 l · > g O the most part *—* > 1 O «

Y - M >- n 04 -=r >4 3 r—i >4 c « a» >4 o œ >4 H >4 r—i *— ! >4 CM >- r—i >4 04 > J· C O r—i > >4 *3 r—i G >4 H >4 tO >4 3 >t H >4 to >4 c s_n >4 CM >- r—i »-* CO >4 o CO * > r—i * > >4 < r—i CO >4 P o O- >4 3 OC 3 09 G CO >4 r—i >4 o o cn CD >4 o

o Y 9 for cole

-T 5 Œ. r-i hH n i e s 1 8 , 3f CO P to >4 i O l >4 « a © o © U co >4 co >4 >4 o =T O >4 o ° r—i >4 o o 1 » 04 * o XI P O' >4 Ü O >4 CM >4 m O *m *m U CO c œ CO H >4 CM * >4 >4 >4 -3- G CD O U m * V o >4 CO o CD »-HI >4 o œ CD ^T -H r—i m 2 XI •~i o >4 o >4 O > © E « o to >4 o O' >4 o O O •H co >4 o Cl >4 o >4 a I X to >4 o © O' >4 o © E © (4 O G >4 c to >4 o >4 G r—i CO >4 o ci >4 G >4 *3 o- to O' >4 o to >4 C © 3 O © £ CM >4 o r—i *—1 >4 c to >4 o to >4 o to >4 o >4 u* XI O' >4 o G >4 © b 3 ft o © >» >4 ac H H .3- >4 o O' >4 o to >4 G ac >4 o 4>4 >4 r: rC »—4 to >4 o >4 © u o O f—i CM >4 o CD >4 CO >4 o O CM >4 G G H >4 >4

Y Y - Young workers ; I I - workers of intermediate age; 0 - old workers FREQ. OF BROOD CELLS { MORE THAN ONE EGG )(zjf

Figure 5 - Frequency of brood cells containing more than one ( egg for each cell, in different periods of the year.

During one year of observations it was possible to de­ tect that the workers ("nurse bees") preferable develop func tional eggs (F) The frequencies observed were variable in the same colony and from colony to colony throughout the ye­ ar. These workers have a pale scutellum and can easily be seen over the new brood cells in construction. The nutritive aggs (N) are also always produced, but, inflow frequencies Ln this particular phase of the worker liffe cyjcle (fig. 4 and table 3). These latter are found at higher rates in ol - 3er workers (intermediate (I) and old (0 ) relative age) The se bees present a dark scutellum,and they do npts usually work Ln the new ^brood cells in connection with construction and jrovisioning (Bego, 1981, in press) As to worker^’ oviposition (functional eggs) it can be verified tlfat vthere ia a tendency to correlate pha»*s of ma- Les production and number of ce^ls containing *ore than one !gg (fig. 5, 6 and table 4), thus strengthening the data of *-ig (1972). Table 4 - Total frequency of functional eggs laid by the wor kers, inside of the brood cells

Number of Number of (%) of Total number Number of eggs per cell with cells with of opened Colonies brood cells eggs eggs brood cells

1 796 82.49 2 129 13.37 12 3 28 2.90 4 6 0.62 5 6 0.62 965

1 808 92.45 2 47 5.38 13 3 9 1.03 4 5 0.57 5 4 0.46 6 1 0.11 874

1 891 95.60 14 2 36 3.86 3 5 0.54 932

1 738 96.60 1 2 24 3.14 3 1 0.13 5 1 0.13 764

18 1 668 100.00


1 821 98.44 24 2 12 1.44 3 1 0.12 834

36 1 995 100.00

995 « /H, /-H 3· 3 P~ 3 05 m e'­ m CT> cn en cn iH rH i—1 i—1 w w Hr· w 0) O O 3 o r~v p o P a* P rH co o) 00 0) •rH a) /H <3 rn /H r- z cn z P z cn r- cn CM cn 1 i—I 1 < 1 cc cn co C'­ i—1 ft It 1 It cn i—1 cn en Hr Ph Ph 0 Pi iH Hr i—1 i—1 pH •H ft •H rH •H >_r sr cr •H o 0) T3 0) rH 0) ft x: a: 3 ft 3 •H 3 Pi > Ph bO ü P bO Ph bO £ bO Ph rH Pi •rH ü 3 0 0) 0 It O 0) •rH 0) 0) 3 < z H z a z A CO A A CS3

>. c c C -rt 0) 0 0) >5 rH 3 Pi C O >, O* Pi It O O O 0) O 0) 0) Ph Ph E o G 3 O a; 0) 0 c •r Pi O cfp A3 P P 0 0 >5 a) a) o) Ë A P •H , O s « HJ «· >i A 0) c 3 A Ü a) to >, It 0) • r >« o TD •h a; >|P E ft ft A E

5 3 3 3 >> ^ •H e P c a. Ph 0) O C A rH bO bO bO rH A^ Pi TJ •H O ft Q) It > C 3 0) 3 3 3 3 3 ra) ft C o *3 CO s: O-Hb P *3 < < < *3 > ft

r-t tul « 0)1 ■ o)i . 0)1 Pi A Ph A Ph A Ph A O A · A · A · A · •h e CO CO CO O CO A3 o 0 OO Ph 0 A*rH lit lit »ft It ut «TJ bG 1 U 1 Ph 1 1 Pi 1 rH Ph 1 Pi 0) •H 1 •H 1 •H 1 c_> •rH bO Ph 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 A3 „ A3 „ A3 O À A3 0) •H 0 •H O •H O •H · •H O

Table Table 5 - Observation about periods u of male production A P A P A P A CO A P

•p •p 1 1 1 1 e « 3i 3> «0 « <3 <0 s; K PC a ; 03 •P *P o a « P p P P) 0 A »5 3> P P «3 CO « Eh o o —s 0 « P —H o O Pi Pi . A, A « , p. Eh rÇ tC S5 •p CO •P to p: CO XJ *73 (0 « H— P, 0) Eh 03 •p CO -73 tJ 'PJ 'PJ A 3 —N —N —s a «3 *P <3‘P Pi « P ■ ••• C eo 3 O 3 O « e; «3 A A A A O *P Pr*P cr*P E o Pi V_ s_ V- v_ <3> c tJ t! A P *P Eh « *P C3-P <3 •P a w a e a O Pi O C rC c Eh Eh O) •p •p *p *P P t> O P O P O P CO •H 0» « t» 0» O *P A K A C A o 3 o •Cl rO •o Jt 03 •p e •P O •P e: o •o 0) « « 1» 0) s; o TP tP TP p: o E A thI »Hi » H i |P « « 03 CJ « « 03 e *p o 0 0 Ai A A A 6s P s : p 5: p A P A Figure 6 - Brood cells opened showing two (A) and more eggs (B) for each cell.


Several authors recorded periods of male production,in Meliponinae and Bombus in Brazil according to table 5. Male production in Meliponinae as well as many other aspects must be connected with extrinsic and intrinsic fac - tors of the colonies. It is known that, in addition to climatic factors which are determining in flowering and subsequent storage of food, there are internal mechanisms in the colonies which control the production of males. In some species of stingless bees under orphanage the workers develop their ovaries and lay eggs inside of the brood cells, and as a result the males are produced. This fact occurs in some species of Plebeia (Zucchi, 1973; Imperatriz-Fonseca & Oliveira, 1976; Camillo- Atigue, 1977 ; Terada, 19 80), Leurotrigona (Terada, 1974) ,Par tamona (P-) testacea (Sakagami,Beig & Akahira, 1964) and Pa- ratrigona subnuda (Bego, unpublished) In normal colonies, in some phases of the colony cycle, some of these species are even able to lay eggs and produce males. Zucchi (1973) suggests that in many of these cases there is partial inhibition by the physogastric queens. In Prieseomelitta and probably Duckeola, even in queen less colonies the workers cannot develop their ovaries (Zuc­ chi, 1973; Terada, 1974), and finally, in Melipona and Nanno_ trigona (S.) postica the workers always produce eggs (Silva, 1973; Zucchi, 1973; Sakagami & Zucchi, 1963; Beig, 1972; Di­ as, 1973 ; Bego, 1977, 1981). According to Silva (1973) in Me_ lipona the males originate from queen and workers eggs, and in N. (S.) postica, most of them from workers (Beig, 1972) Social regulation of male production in N.(S.) postica seens to be different from most species mentioned above.Good evidences to show absence of inhibition by the physogastric queens are summed up as follows: 1. The workers oogenesis and laying in the brood cells are usual events; 2. Male production is not related to the physiological age of the queens ; 3. Colonies under orphanage did not increase the rates of de veloped ovaries (Bego, 1974, 1977, 1981) Our data suggest that the internal conditions of the colony such as populational density, amount of food and per­ haps some ethological factors can be more directly responsi­ ble for male production. These last aspects will be intensi­ vely discussed later, in a subsequent paper.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS - I would like to thank the following indivi^ duals and institutions: Dr. Ronaldo Zucchi, Dr- Shôishi F Sakagami, Dr. Warwick E. Kerr, Dr. Vera Lucia I. Fonseca, Zu aldo Schiavoni, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) and Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa (CNPq)


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