Published online 19 November 2020 Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue D613–D621 doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa1024 WikiPathways: connecting communities Marvin Martens 1, Ammar Ammar 1, Anders Riutta 2, Andra Waagmeester 3, Denise N. Slenter 1, Kristina Hanspers 2, Ryan A. Miller 1, Daniela Digles 4, Elisson N. Lopes 5, Friederike Ehrhart 1, Lauren J. Dupuis 1, Laurent A. Winckers 1, Susan L. Coort 1, Egon L. Willighagen 1, Chris. T. Evelo 1,6, Alexander R. Pico 2 and Martina Kutmon 1,6,*

1Department of Bioinformatics - BiGCaT, NUTRIM, Maastricht University, 6229 ER Maastricht, the Netherlands, 2Institute of Data Science and Biotechnology, Gladstone Institutes, San Francisco, CA 94158, USA, 3Micelio, 2180, Antwerp, Belgium, 4Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Pharmacoinformatics Research Group, University of Vienna, 1090 Vienna, Austria, 5Instituto de Ciencias Biologicas, Departamento de Bioquimica e Imunologia, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 31270-901, Brazil and 6Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology (MaCSBio), Maastricht University, 6229 EN Maastricht, the Netherlands

Received September 15, 2020; Revised October 13, 2020; Editorial Decision October 14, 2020; Accepted October 19, 2020

ABSTRACT GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT WikiPathways ( biological pathway database known for its collab- orative nature and open science approaches. With the core idea of the scientific community develop- ing and curating biological knowledge in pathway models, WikiPathways lowers all barriers for access- ing and using its content. Increasingly more content creators, initiatives, projects and tools have started using WikiPathways. Central in this growth and in- creased use of WikiPathways are the various com- munities that focus on particular subsets of molec- ular pathways such as for rare diseases and lipid metabolism. Knowledge from published pathway fig- ures helps prioritize pathway development, using optical character and named entity recognition. We show the growth of WikiPathways over the last three INTRODUCTION years, highlight the new communities and collabo- The WikiPathways project was founded in 2007 upon the rations of pathway authors and curators, and de- idea that everyone should be able to participate in the col- scribe various technologies to connect to external lection and curation of scientific knowledge (1). No single resources and initiatives. The road toward a sus- research team can match the diversity and depth of exper- tainable, community-driven pathway database goes tise represented by the greater scientific community. Putting through integration with other resources such as the tools of content creators and database maintainers into the hands of content consumers completes a virtuous cycle Wikidata and allowing more use, curation and redis- that powers growth and quality control which scales with tribution of WikiPathways content. the acquisition of new knowledge. Our approach is reflected in open science and FAIR principles (2). WikiPathways is a database of biological pathway mod- els collected and curated by the research community. Any- one at any time can contribute their pathway knowledge using freely available pathway editing tools. All edits are attributed to a registered author and screened by at least

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +31 43 38 81187; Email: [email protected]

C The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. D614 Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue

Figure 1. Recent growth of WikiPathways. The y-axes represent data for the pathways accumulated in the database (approved content via http: //, focusing on the last three years (x-axes). (A) Total counts for all revisions, including contributor and automated revisions (black squares), the subset of revisions made by contributors (black diamonds) and individual contributors (red circles). (B) Total human pathway count. (C) Total counts for and (black squares), interactions (black diamonds) and metabolites (red circles). Data colors match corresponding y-axes. one other curator by means of organized and distributed which 12% are new to the database. Furthermore, of the community curation. This approach allows WikiPathways 1886 metabolites added, 69% were new, as a result of a con- to grow at the scale of new discoveries and with input from certed effort on metabolite curation. These datanodes are diverse sources of pathway knowledge. connected by 46 105 interactions, of which there are cur- As previously reported, WikiPathways relies on com- rently 4026 more than in September 2017 (Figure 1C). munities of pathway authors and curators, pathway users, Based on data from Google Analytics in the last three and developers to assemble, update and distribute content years, the main WikiPathways website has recorded on av- for myriad research applications (1,3–7) In this update, we erage 700 visitors per day an international audience (33% highlight unparalleled growth in content with more than from North America, 32% from Asia, 25% from Europe). seventy new pathways and thousands of revisions each year. Additionally, our REST webservice API recorded 27 mil- We also present several research communities that we have lion requests during this three-year time span. Importantly, collaborated with and empowered, including the COVID- in an effort to produce a more accessible and sustainable re- 19 Disease Map project (8), LIPID MAPS (9) and the rare source, we regularly disseminate pathway content to third- disease community. Furthermore, to strengthen community party tools and databases (see section ‘Connections to other building and curation, we started organizing monthly Cura- initiatives’), which generate secondary usage statistics not tion Cafe events focused on selected topics, e.g. improving reported here. the quality of existing or creating novel pathways. We also detail some of the latest infrastructure updates, tool devel- Pathway lifecycle opment and dissemination work which improve the free ex- change of pathway information across platforms and within New biological knowledge is published every day, and as common analytical workflows. part of the curation process, pathway models get revised over time with this new information, in addition to other up- CONTENT AND GENERAL UPDATES dates and corrections. Quality assurance of the WikiPath- ways content is accomplished continuously, by a combina- In the three years since our last update (7), over 70 new tion of a weekly manual curation by a member of an or- pathways per year (on average) were added to our data ganized team of curators, computer-assisted curation pro- release ( In this section, cesses (7) and monthly curation cafes. Our manual cura- we report on the content updates between the data re- tion protocol is designed as an interactive set of tasks which leases on 10 September 2017 and 10 September 2020. Over- cover a wide range of topics, from recent edits and ad- all, WikiPathways currently contains a total of 2857 path- ditions, assessing redundancy and overlap, to problematic ways for all , out of which 1777 are included in the content. It has been used successfully for the past three species-specific analysis collections. In the last three years, years and has greatly streamlined and standardized the pro- the content at WikiPathways has seen 10 079 user con- cess. The ease-of-use has also made it easy to bring in tributions, and 122 new contributors joined our commu- new contributors. Additionally, the computer-assisted cu- nity (Figure 1A). Although the content at WikiPathways ration tools are used effectively and its repertoire of tests represents human biology to a large extent, a total of 29 has been expanded to better support the ongoing cura- species are supported including vertebrates, invertebrates, tion efforts and challenges in the WikiPathways database , eukaryotic microorganisms and . Our hu- ( man pathway collection has been extended consistently with Each edit in a wiki-based system is recorded as a re- 242 pathways (Figure 1B), and 9014 genes and proteins, of vision in the pathway history. These revisions are a mea- Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue D615

Figure 2. The number of revisions and contributors for all pathways in the human collection. The x-axis depicts how often pathways were updated (revised) on a logarithmic scale. The y-axis depicts the number of contributors who have worked on a pathway. The size of the dots expresses the number of pathways for that combination of contributors and revisions. sure for community activity and engagement. Pathway ed- viously included in WikiPathways nor collec- its cover adding new biological knowledge, annotating the tions (as of January 2020). Based on enrichment analysis pathways with metadata (description, ontology tags), im- of disease-annotated sets against these pathway fig- proving the layout of a pathway diagram, and any com- ures, the genes represent a wide range of diseases, including bination thereof. Figure 2 shows that pathways from the various types of cancer, cardiomyopathy, and diabetes. Pri- human pathway analysis collection are updated regularly. oritizing novel genes and rare diseases, we are using these While only 6 out of 639 pathways have not been updated published pathway figures as starting points for collabora- yet, 14 pathways have >100 revisions including the ‘Inte- tive curation events. We have made all of the pathway fig- grated Breast Cancer Pathway’ (WP1984, 445 revisions, 14 ure content available via an interactive web interface (https: curators, (10)), the ‘Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor’ pathway // from NetPath (WP2586, 256 revisions, 9 curators, (11,12)), and the ‘Selenium Micronutrient Network’ (WP15, 208 re- visions, 15 curators, (13)), displaying that the collaborative PATHWAY CURATION COMMUNITIES nature of WikiPathways is a clear asset to pathway curation. The collaboration with various communities is an essen- tial part of WikiPathways, where portals serve as a func- Pathway figures in published literature tional framework for communities with focused pathway Even with the continued growth at WikiPathways, approx- interests ( Portal mainte- imately only 50% of -coding human genes are rep- nance instructions are provided to enable communities resented in pathway models. Despite the availability of free to design and maintain portals themselves, with assis- pathway modelling tools, such as PathVisio (14), CellDe- tance from the WikiPathways team if needed. Here, we signer (15)orNewt(16), the vast majority of pathway con- highlight recent community efforts in collaboration with tent is still shared as static images in published figures. WikiPathways. All pathways receive a tag specifically for Each month, an estimated 1000 figures representing path- their community, allowing for automated downloads of way content are published and collected at PubMed Cen- these pathway collections through the REST API (http: tral (PMC) (17). Hence, the WikiPathways project initiated // with the ‘getCurationTags- an analysis to convert published pathway figures into path- ByName’ function, and our RDF format with SPARQL way models, using a pipeline beginning with a PMC im- queries (,(6)). age search, followed by machine learning, optical charac- ter recognition and named entity recognition. We identi- COVID-19 fied 64 643 pathway figures published over the past 25 years and extracted 1 112 551 human genes, representing 13 464 The COVID-19 Disease Map project aims to understand unique genes (18). These include over 3600 genes not pre- biological processes relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic D616 Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue

Figure 3. The COVID-19 Portal on WikiPathways ( The portal contains relevant information for COVID-19-related re- search, including all molecular pathways, contributors, and publications.

(8). From the start of this international effort, WikiPath- e.g. laminopathies, ciliopathies, disorders of sexual develop- ways has been committed to contributing to this initia- ment and fertility, and copy number variation syndromes. tive by building, curating and sharing pathway models with a liberal license (CC0) and under FAIR community standards. Currently, the WikiPathways COVID-19 portal Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) (,seeFigure3) contains a col- Inborn errors of metabolism are a subsection of the rare lection of eleven molecular pathways on SARS-CoV-2 it- disease field, which are captured in the ‘IEM portal’http: ( self, nine on other coronaviruses from earlier outbreaks, and //, containing molecular pathways several known processes involving ACE2, the main target connecting clinical biomarkers to disorders. We have started membrane enzyme of SARS-CoV-2 for entering host cells. a collaboration with the authors of the book ‘Physician’s Identifiers and cross-references for coronavirus genes and Guide to the Diagnosis, Treatment, and Follow-Up of In- proteins are provided through a Wikidata project (19). Our herited Metabolic Diseases’ (21) and are currently process- pathway models are regularly updated and integrated into ing all included pathways, as well as integrating these in the COVID-19 Disease Map. For this initiative, we are cur- the IEMbase (22). The portal currently covers 19 chap- rently adapting the data model to allow better support for ters, 23 approved pathways, over 350 diseases linked to multi-species pathways, annotation of evidence information OMIM identifiers and 68 unique Disease Ontology terms, and annotation of complexes. and is expected to be expanding with the coverage of ad- ditional chapters. Examples of data analysis for these (and other) pathways can be found at https://bigcat-um.github. io/PathwayAnalysisBlauBook. The disease nodes are cur- Rare diseases rently represented as Labels with hyperlinks in the path- Rare diseases affect relatively few people, with the exact way models. We are planning to extend the data model with definition varying between 5 and 80 individuals per 100 a non-molecular data node (e.g. Annotation / Phenotype) 000 for a given rare disease. However, it is estimated that that will not be used for data analysis but can be annotated up to 5.9% of the general population is affected by a rare with a proper identifier for computational processing of the disease. The majority of these disorders are genetic, 4440 information. of 6172 in total counted by ORPHANET (20). For many disease-causing genes, there is little known about the nor- Lipids mal gene function, and this knowledge is scattered over sci- entific publications and databases. Within WikiPathways Lipids are a fascinating class of chemical compounds that there is a specialized portal for exploring, curating, and serve several roles within organisms and are difficult to mea- expanding the collection of rare disease pathways (http: sure in a wet lab setting. The LIPID MAPS team has initi- //, partnered by EJP-RD (Eu- ated a collaboration (9) with the WikiPathways community ropean Joint Programme on Rare Diseases), ELIXIR (Eu- to maintain and extend their lipid pathway content, lead- ropean Bioinformatics infrastructure programme) and the ing to the addition of nine highly curated lipid pathways Dutch Rett expertise centre (Maastricht University Medi- for mouse, the original pathways are available at https:// cal Centre). The portal is used to capture knowledge from These path- literature and data to gain a better understanding of these ways have been homology converted to their human coun- complex disorders. The pathways are created and curated in terpart and are now part of the Lipids Portal (http://lipids. collaboration with disease experts, currently covering over Annotating individual lipids instead of 60 rare diseases including very different types of diseases, lipid classes can be quite complicated; this phenomenon is Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue D617

Figure 4. The WikiPathways SNORQL user interface ( The WikiPathways SNORQL semantic web browser allows for user-friendly access to the WikiPathways RDF through providing example SPARQL queries (right panel). in most cases due to a lack of biological knowledge on indi- riety of options to access the data for use, through down- vidual lipids. Furthermore, several cases are known where loads in various formats for individual pathways or pathway homology mapping between different species for proteins is collections, from the pathway editor and analysis software hampered, e.g. for stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 having four PathVisio (14), through the WikiPathways REST API and isoforms in mice compared to only two in (23). rWikiPathways R package, or through the WikiPathways SPARQL endpoint. These aspects make WikiPathways con- tent easy to implement in services, tools, workflows or dis- Adverse Outcome Pathways tributions. Since the introduction of Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs) to support regulatory decision making for risk as- sessment of chemicals (24), the primary focus of AOP re- BridgeDb search groups has been capturing mechanistic data in writ- ten format. However, since the majority of biological pro- Managing molecular pathways requires robust use of cesses described in AOPs are biological pathways that exist database identifiers for all pathway components (genes, as pathway models on WikiPathways, the AOP Portal (http: proteins, metabolites, complexes, diseases, interactions). // has been created to capture all Recently, mappings to the EBI Complex Portal (27) pathways relevant to toxicological assessments (25). These and IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY (28) molecular AOPs contribute to the understanding of AOPs have been added to the identifier mapping framework and facilitate the use of various omics approaches in risk BridgeDb (29) which is integrated with WikiPathways. assessments (26). One challenge lies in the unique rationale behind molecular AOPs, where biological processes are con- nected in a chain of Key Events (KEs) that make an AOP, Wikimedia Toolforge rather than presenting one molecular pathway.Second, KEs often describe disturbances or adverse responses already The pathway viewer widget was updated and moved to captured in molecular pathways in WikiPathways (25)and Wikimedia Toolforge allowing users to integrate the path- therefore AOPs are modelled as meta-pathways. These com- ways from WikiPathways into their own website with more bine pathway nodes and KE nodes in one data model, which ease ( The widget unifies is linked to the AOP-Wiki, identifiers from the data source originally specified bythe pathway author, to provide several commonly used data sources for additional exploration. Metabolite identifiers CONNECTIONS TO OTHER INITIATIVES are unified by BridgeDb to include ChEBI, HMDB and WikiPathways enables anyone to freely share, redistribute, Wikidata identifiers. For gene products, the Wikidata API use, and adapt pathway content in the database, by remov- is used for mapping of NCBI Gene, Ensembl, HGNC and ing any barriers for people to decide to contribute to or use Wikidata identifiers. In the future, the mapping for gene WikiPathways. Furthermore, WikiPathways provides a va- products will also be done using BridgeDb. D618 Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue

SPARQL explorer linking to PubMed and Europe PMC, the literature section now links to Scholia pages for the cited articles. To make access to the WikiPathways RDF more user- friendly, we have introduced Wikipathways SNORQL Nanopub (, a new extended implementation of the SNORQL user inter- Nanopublications for WikiPathways have been released for face (UI), to be our go-to semantic web browser (http: several years now in collaboration with their international // WikiPathways SNORQL is a community (35). The nanopublications are created using query editor that offers syntax highlighting for writ- a combination of nanopub-java library (36) and SPARQL ing and executing SPARQL queries directly on our ex- queries against the WikiPathways RDF (see https://github. isting SPARQL endpoint ( com/wikipathways/nanopublications). This results in three sparql). Furthermore, the user interface provides a query types of nanopublications, for three types of facts in examples panel which is auto-populated with SPARQL WikiPathways: complexes, interactions, and general partic- queries from a customizable GitHub repository (https: ipation in pathways. Nanopublications are currently only // This reposi- generated if the complex, interaction or participation is tory stores queries in folders divided over particular topics, linked to a specific literature reference, identified bya communities, collaborations functionality, or external data PubMed identifier, which is used as part of the provenance sources for federated queries, allowing new users to navigate of the nanopublication. Nanopublications are findable us- through our example queries panel with more ease (Figure ing semantic web identifiers for genes and proteins (37), but 4). Overall, the new UI allows collecting, storing, exploring using the pathway identifier we can also find all nanopubli- and reusing SPARQL queries on the WikiPathways data. cations that originate from the corresponding pathway, such One example of semantic interoperability using feder- as WP15, for example with a command line: ated SPARQL queries is our collaboration with neXtProt. curl -X GET ' The neXtProt (30) knowledge resource of the Swiss Insti- com/api/local/local/find nanopubs with uri tute of Bioinformatics aims to document inter- and intra- ?ref= individual diversity of human proteins by integrating in- WP15 r107118' -H 'accept: text/csv' formation from a variety of protein resources. To extend the knowledge on proteins towards systems and biological Europe PMC and other PubMed interoperability pathways, federated SPARQL queries have been developed The PubMed identifier is still the primary, global identi- in collaboration, harnessing the semantic web capabilities fier used by WikiPathways to identify the literature cited. In to connect neXtProt with WikiPathways knowledge. 2018 we started contributing links between PubMed articles and pathways in WikiPathways (excluding the Reactome- Wikidata synced pathways (5)) to Europe PMC via the External links service ( function- The CC0 license of WikiPathways also enabled interop- ality (38). This allows Europe PMC to show the path- erability through Wikidata, the linked data repository of ways from WikiPathways that mention that article in their Wikipedia (31). Like Wikipedia, Wikidata is a knowledge- database. The WikiPathways website now also links to Eu- sharing platform open to all (humans and software). In col- rope PMC for cited articles in the literature section on a laboration with the Gene Wiki and Reactome teams, we de- pathway page, making the integration bi-directional. veloped bots to add information about the curated path- ways to Wikidata (19,32). The WikiPathways bot creates Enrichment analysis tools Wikidata items for each pathway and the content thereof in WikiPathways and aligns those with the Wikidata items Functional enrichment analysis is a popular approach for on associated genes, proteins, metabolites, literature cita- characterizing differentially expressed genes based on Gene tions, and ontology annotations (e.g. https://www.wikidata. Ontology terms, pathways and other annotated gene sets. org/wiki/Q28031254). The WikiPathways content of the hu- We release a standard Gene Matrix Transposed (GMT) man pathway analysis collection in Wikidata gets updated file each month that includes the latest set of curated after each monthly release. pathways approved for enrichment use cases. Using this file, WikiPathways content can be added to any proto- col supporting the GMT standard. A number of R pack- Scholia ages and online tools that perform enrichment analysis have incorporated WikiPathways into their methods and Scholia is a graphical user interface that aggregates infor- vignette examples, including g:Profiler39 ( ), clusterPro- mation from Wikidata around topics (33,34), such as genes, filer (40), rSEA (41), Enrichr (42), IMPaLa (43) and We- proteins, metabolites, pathways, authors, articles, and orga- bGestalt (44). Human and mouse WikiPathways gene sets nizations. In collaboration with the Scholia team, we devel- are now also available in the Molecular Signatures Database oped Scholia templates for WikiPathways pathways and all (MSigDb, (45)) for the GSEA software (46). pathways in Wikidata are now also addressable as Scho- lia topic pages MINERVA WP111. These pages show the participants of the pathway (genes, protein, metabolites), the literature cited by the path- The interoperability between the MINERVA platform (47) way, and articles citing the pathway. Moreover, similar to and the WikiPathways GPML got a boost with the COVID- Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue D619

19 Disease Map project (8). In this large international effort, efforts across multiple sites. Pathway edits made at Wiki- it is crucial to be able to communicate between the differ- data, NDEx, WikiPathways or Reactome would essentially ent resources to share, collect and unify the content. The open a request to merge and redistribute the new infor- MINERVA software can now import and export GPML mation. Utilizing gene, metabolite and disease content ex- files from WikiPathways. This facilitates the integration of tracted from published pathway figures, we will organize fo- WikiPathways pathways in the larger disease map but also cused curation efforts aimed at converting content as path- allows export of other models to GPML enabling distribu- way models. This process will be facilitated by the addition tion of the content in RDF format in the future. of a portal highlighting and organizing this content. We are also integrating pathway information into new BEL ecosystem platforms for biomedical research and discovery. This work includes the continued support for third-party pathway Several researchers involved in the Biological Expression analysis tools online and via R and Python packages, as well Language (BEL) project (48) are harmonizing the infor- as new knowledge bases that connect pathway information mation of different pathway databases including WikiPath- to other genomic and phenotypic models of biology. For ways. Bio2BEL converts the content from several pathway example, we are contributing curated and published path- databases into BEL and stores causal and correlative rela- way information to the NCATS’ Biomedical Data Trans- tions between biological entities across multiple modes and lator program (54) using the BioThingsExplorer (https:// scales as a biological network (49). ComPath aims to evalu- and Smart API (55). ate the coverage, agreements, and discrepancies between the pathway databases in terms of gene content (50). PathMe provides normalizations between these pathway databases CONCLUSION for other content (e.g. protein–protein interactions, com- The content of WikiPathways increases every day due to plexes) (51). This information is integrated into Pathway- the combined effort of multiple communities, including cu- Forte (52) and the feedback from these analyses led to ad- rators of pathway models and authors of pathway figures. ditional curation efforts on WikiPathways including renam- A wide variety of third-party analytical tools utilizes the ing of pathways. content distributed by WikiPathways, creating an immea- surable user base. WikiPathways is defined by the people Network Data Exchange - NDEx authoring, curating and utilizing pathway knowledge. We The Network Data Exchange (NDEx) is a public resource invite all researchers interested in pathways to directly par- for publishing and sharing biological networks and gene ticipate in the WikiPathways project. sets (53), and WikiPathways is closely collaborating with the NDEx team. First, we regularly deposit the WikiPath- DATA AVAILABILITY ways human pathway analysis collection into a dedicated collection at NDEx ( All WikiPathways data, including older data releases, are 4cf0-11e9-9f06-0ac135e8bacf), with over 600 pathways in- stored on Scripts and SPARQL cluded. Second, as part of the Clinical Proteomic Tumor queries used to generate the data published here can be Analysis Consortium (CPTAC) initiative, we have led the found on GitHub (56). curation of 28 cancer-specific pathway models and the or- ganization of 87 cancer-related pathways, all of which we ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS have merged into 11 network models representing common cancer hallmark categories ( We would like to thank everyone who contributed to We regularly deposit these network models at NDEx. Third, WikiPathways content, code and discussions, and who used we have extracted gene sets from over 32,000 pathway fig- the content of WikiPathways in their projects. ures with 10 or more genes and have deposited them at Author contributions: M.M. and M.K. led the writing of the NDEx (53) for manual download and programmatic access, manuscript. All authors contributed to the writing of the as well as facilitated Cytoscape workflows and enrichment manuscript. Middle authors are sorted alphabetically by the analysis via NDEx Integrated Query (http://iquery.ndexbio. first name and based on their role within the project (core org). developers, curation team), followed by principal investiga- tors. FUTURE WORK FUNDING With the ever-growing collection of curated and published pathway information, the WikiPathways team is working European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation towards a more sustainable and scalable infrastructure for programme [NanoCommons: 731032 to L.W., E.L.W., all pathway knowledge. This work will involve the devel- NanoSolveIT: 814572 to A.A., E.L.W., RiskGONE: opment of new tools and services, continued integration 814425 to A.A., E.L.W., OpenRiskNet: 731075 to M.M., into community-run resources like Wikidata, and close co- C.T.E., EJP-RD: 825575 to F.E., C.T.E.]; ZonMw ordination with other pathway databases and [10430012010015 to M.K., C.T.E, S.L.C, F.E.]; National teams. For example, we are building a pathway knowledge Institute of General Medical Sciences [R01 GM100039 to management system using git version control, with auto- A.R., K.H., A.R.P., R01 GM089820 to A.W.]. mated diff and merge capabilities to synchronize curation Conflict of interest statement. None declared. D620 Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue

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