UTSA 1997-1999 Graduate Catalog

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UTSA 1997-1999 Graduate Catalog GRADUATE CATALOG 1997-99 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO USPS #982940 VOLUME XVI APRIL 1997 NUMBER 2 Published four times a year (one issue in March, two issues in April, and one issue in October) by The University of Texas at San Antonio Office ofAdmissions and Registrar San Antonio, TX 78249-0616. Second Class Postage Paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO Office of Admissions and Registrar, San Antonio, TX 78249 The provisions of this catalog do not constitute a contract, expressed or implied, between any applicant, student, or facuIty member and The University ofTexas at San Antonio or The University of Texas System. This catalog is a general information publication, and it does not contain all regulations that relate to students. The University ofTexas at San Antonio reserves the right to withdraw courses at any time, and to change fees, tuition, rules, calendar, curriculum, degree programs, degree requirements, graduation procedures, and any other requirement affecting students. The policies, regulations, and procedures stated in this catalog are subject to change without prior notice, and changes become effective whenever the appropriate authorities so determine and may apply to both prospective students and those already enrolled. University policies are required to be consistent with policies adopted by the Board ofRegents ofThe University ofTexas System and are in compliance with State and federal laws. STUDENTS ARE HELD INDIVIDUALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR MEETING ALL REQUIREMENTS AS DETERMINED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM. FAILURE TO READ AND COMPLY WITH POLICIES, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES WILL NOT EXEMPT A STUDENT FROM WHATEVER PENALTIES HE OR SHE MAY INCUR. No person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity sponsored or conducted by The University of Texas System or any of its component institutions, on any basis prohibited by applicable law, including but not limited to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, veteran status, or disability. Contents 13 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Calendar and Information 5 Calendar 9 Information Directory 12 Maps 13 Administration IS Graduate Faculty 18 2. About UTSA 39 History, Mission, and Organization 43 Administrative Policies and Services 46 Campus Resources 53 Student Life 58 Health and Counseling 60 Research Organizations 62 3. Tuition, Fees, Charges, and Deposits 67 Tuition and Fee Change 71 Methods of Payment 71 Payment and Refund Policies 72 Procedural Fees 77 Semester Fees 79 Fees for Resource Use 85 Penalty Fees 88 4. Admission 89 Philosophy 93 Classifications and Requirements 93 Application Dates 99 Admission Procedures 100 Readmission 100 5. General Academic Regulations 10 I Registration Procedures 105 Records and Classification of Students 108 Courses I 10 Grades 110 Academic Standing I IS Scholastic Dishonesty 116 6. Master's Degree Regulations 117 Degree Requirements 121 Transfer of Credit 124 Graduation 126 7. Doctoral Degree Regulations 127 Degree Requirements 13 I Transfer of Credit 13 I Admission to Candidacy , 132 UTSA 1997-99 Graduate Catalog 4/ Contents Interim Master's Degree 132 Completing the Degree 133 8. Graduate Program Requirements and Course Descriptions 137 College ofBusiness 141 Division of Accounting and Information Systems 147 Division of Economics and Finance 157 Division of Management and Marketing 164 College of Fine Arts and Humanities 179 Division of Architecture and Interior Design 181 Division of English, Classics, Philosophy, and Communication 188 Division of Foreign Languages 195 Division of Music 203 Division of Visual Arts 210 College of Sciences and Engineering 217 Division ofComputer Science 219 Division of Earth and Physical Sciences 229 Division of Engineering 247 Division ofLife Sciences 267 Division of Mathematics and Statistics 278 College of Social and Behavioral Sciences 289 Division of Behavioral and Cultural Sciences 291 Division of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies 308 Division of Education 319 Division of Social and Policy Sciences 346 Index 369 UTSA 1997-99 Graduate Catalog 1. CALENDAR AND INFORMATION Calendar and Information / 7 CALENDAR AND INFORMATION Chapter Contents Calendar 9 Information Directory 12 ~~~~n·i·~t·~;t;~~·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~ Graduate Faculty 18 UTSA 1997~99 Graduate Catalog Calendar /9 GRADUATE *FALL SEMESTER 1997 January 1,1997 Wednesday. Deadline for international doctoral applicants to apply for admission and provide supporting documents for Fall 1997. February 1, 1997 Saturday. Deadline for doctoral applicants to apply for admission and provide supporting documents for Fall 1997. June 1 Sunday. Deadline for international master's applicants to apply for admission and provide supporting documents. June 15 Sunday. Deadline to file Petition for Reinstatement for students who have been academically dismissed. June 16-July 18 Priority Touch-Tone Telephone Registration. July 1 Tuesday. Deadline for master's applicants to apply for admission and provide supporting documents. August 25 Monday. Classes begin. September 1 Monday. Labor Day Holiday. September 10 Wednesday. Census Date. Last day to: drop an individual course or withdraw from all classes without a grade; drop a class and receive a refund. October 1 Wednesday. Deadline for degree candidates to apply for graduation. October 24 Friday. Last day to drop an individual course or withdraw from all classes and receive an automatic grade of "W." November 27-29 Thursday-Saturday. Thanksgiving Holidays. December 1 Monday. Last day to withdraw from all classes. December 6-12 Saturday-Friday. Final examinations. January 1, 1998 Thursday. Deadline for international doctoral applicants to apply for admission and provide supporting documents for Fall 1998. February 1, 1998 Sunday. Deadline for doctoral applicants to apply for admission and provide supporting documents for Fall 1998. *SPRING SEMESTER 1998 October 15 Wednesday. Deadline for international master's applicants to apply for admission and provide supporting documents. Deadline to file Petition for Reinstatement for students who have been academically dismissed. October 27­ Priority Touch-Tone Telephone Registration. November 26 December 1 Monday. Deadline for master's applicants to apply for admission and provide supporting documents. January 12 Monday. Classes begin. January 19 Monday. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. • For the most current and detailed calendar of semester events, refer to the Schedule of Classes for each semester. UTSA 1997-99 Graduate Catalog 10/ Calendar and Information January 28 Wednesday. Census Date. Last day to: drop an individual course or withdraw from all classes without a grade; drop a class and receive a refund. February 1 Sunday. Deadline for degree candidates to apply for graduation. March 13 Friday. Last day to drop an individual course or withdraw from all classes and receive an automatic grade of "W." March 16-21 Monday-Saturday. Spring Break. April 27 Monday. Last day to withdraw from all classes. May 2-8 Saturday-Friday. Final examinations. *SUMMER SESSION 1998 March 1 Sunday. Deadline for international master's applicants to apply for admission and provide supporting documents for Summer Sessions I and II. March 15 Sunday. Deadline to file Petition for Reinstatement for students who have been academically dismissed. April 6--24 Priority Touch-Tone Telephone Registration for Summer Sessions I and II. May 1 Friday. Deadline for master's applicants to apply for admission and provide supporting documents for Summer Sessions I and II. May 27 Wednesday. Classes begin for Summer Session I. June 1 Monday. Census Date. Last day in Summer Session I to: drop an individual course or withdraw from all classes without a grade; drop a class and receive a refund. June 15 Monday. Deadline for degree candidates to apply for graduation. June 16 Tuesday. Last day for students enrolled in the first five-week term to drop an individual course or withdraw from all classes and receive an automatic grade of "W." June 23 Tuesday. Last day to withdraw from all classes for the first five­ week term. June 29-30 Monday-Tuesday. Final examinations for courses in the first five-week term. July 1 Wednesday. Classes begin for Summer Session II. July 6 Monday. Census Date. Last day in Summer Session II to: drop an individual course or withdraw from all classes without a grade; drop a class and receive a refund. July 7 Tuesday. Last day for students enrolled in the IO-week term to drop an individual course or withdraw from all classes and receive an automatic grade of"W." July 21 Tuesday. Last day for students enrolled in the second five-week term to drop an individual course or withdraw from all classes and receive an automatic grade of "W." * For the most current and detailed calendar of semester events, refer to the Schedule of Classes for each semester. UTSA 1997-99 Graduate Catalog Calendar I II July 28 Tuesday. Last day to withdraw from all classes for the 10- week and second five-week terms. August 3-4 Monday-Tuesday. Final examinations for courses in the IO-week and second five-week terms. *FALL SEMESTER 1998 January 1, 1998 Thursday. Deadline for international doctoral applicants to apply for admission and provide supporting documents for Fall 1998. February 1, 1998 Sunday.

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