Portland Daily Press: June 30, 1875
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 1862. YOL. 13. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 30, 1875. 23, PORTLAND, TERMS $8.00 TER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. in a business cards. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. _ENTERTAINMENTS.__ ENTERTAINMENTS. 1873, percentage of 14.14 upon the cost. Current Notes. TITE PRESS. The uet earnings were $70,188 972, equaling The 5 32 cent, ou and the Chicago Times, Democratic, calls the The First per cost, dividends were w. L. Booksellers and Stationers. Baptist and State Street 5 7 cent, ou the share Ohio KEILER, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE ’75 per capital. In the west- Democratic platform “an interesting A root! Middle Street. Schools 30, ern states there was an iuerease HOVT, ,No.Ol ! Sunday during the product of combined aDd rascal- T. IV 454 St. JULY 1 8 J *1 demagogism McGOWAN, Congrem of cost was fresco 1, Have engaged the steamer C baric* Houghton year 3,063 miles. Their $1,972,177,- painter, the for Juno and invite ■844. against $1,730 728,2:14 for 1873, and was ity,” party itself “a corrupt combination Book Binders. WjHHKfiiVMDAY .*IOth, FOR >0. 16 MARKET their tiiendsto join tliein in a pleasant Excursion to GOVERNOR, made up of $899,030,222 of share capital and ot demagogues and knaves;” “the same old SQUARE, WM. A. Room Printer’* QUINCY, II, $1,073,147,722 of debt. Their gross earnings bogus sixpence:’’ the open advocate of repu- No* 111 Exchange Sit* LONG Residence Cor. Congress & Vaughn St Exchange, ISLAND. PEN, SELDEN CONNOR. were $214,809,477. against $211,717,784 for 1873. diation;” and “the of Bourbonic No. 35 Plum type pelre- S7KALL & SHACKFOBD, T.eave State Street Wharf at 8.30 and Franklin The percentage of gross earnings to the cost of laction, the ot Street. symbol absolute death. Portland Me. Whart at 9 a. m. and 2 p. id., returning at 6 p. in. the roads w as 10.89. The uet earnings were JylT Hot Coffee Gen. Roberts’ God-Father. A vigorous canvass for Governor not Milk, and Ice Water tree. Chowder, $75,545,095, and equaled 3 8 per cent, of suab Allen, Ice Cream and Other Refreshments lor Sale. in Ohio only, but all over the will Carpenters and Builders. It is rather warm cost. The dividends paid amounted to $10,- country, getting between the establish the tact A Pearl FANE 095,832, anil 1 82 cent, on the share that the financial of TiTl. GREGG & WHITNEY MEANS, Street, op. SINGING, editor of the and Mr. equaled per policy CO., Park. Whig Pilisbury of the of the roads. Tire sf the south- the Democracy of Ohio is to be the financial poNile A SPELLING MATCH, capital mileage SHIP1 Maine Standard. In the course of ils com- ern states was 13,505, a falling off of The policy of the national in the cam- BROKERS. VariouM Gamei>« 403, Democracy Furniture--Wholesale and Retail. ments the late gross earnings were $52,259,241, against $53,- paign lor the I*residency,—Richmond Whig and other Entertainments will be upon Democratic Convention, Commission & Merchants COREY A No. provided. 090,409 for 1873. The percentage of gross earn- Forwarding WAI.TEB CO., Arcade, the If stated that Mr. (ban.) IS Free Street. Tickets cent*._ jne2fidtd hig Pilisbury, who on ings to the cost of the roads was 9.9; the net (Srniu nml The Vice President hits the nail on IVfroleuui, other € .Starter*, GEOBtiK A. WHITNEY, No. 50 Ex- that occasion presented the name of Geu. Rob- earnings were $17,2(59,332, and equaled 3.3 per right Negotiated. Ft uienls made eight E<'ngagi change St. Upholntering of all fciuda BASIE BALI. ! cent, on such cost. [Tee dividends paid amount, the head when he says, “I think to the lor all partn of the world. erts and vouched for him as a sol- duty done to order. “patriot ed to and 0 50 cent- Ulnriue lunuraucc effected in $l,0ti8,455. equaled only per country demands reliable ou that Republicans should do Officew. dier,” was guilty of “inciting resistance to the the share capital of the roads. The mile- CHE L~S E A S all can to Horse Shoeing drafts.” age of the railroads of the Pacific states for they so reinstate their party that it SOS WILM'T OF MAaSACUlT'tF'lT*, n. Mr. Pilisbury replies that the editor shall STREET, TIMOTHY” SVC.L.IVAN A S. YOUNG, 1874 was 1,039, against 1,012 for 1873. Their again invite and command the support Under direction of the Joint Special Committee of the City Council of the is a “liar.” the PHILADELPHIA. Experienced Horae Shoers, at 70 Fed- R E S O L U T E S ! Whig Now Whig average cost per mile was $89,981, against $95,- ot all who profess to believe in its fel>8 (1X tbc following is announced as the principles, y eral street. ma30<13m* comes with its are 500 for 1873. The gross were and who Grand at proofs which takeu from earnings $16,774,- rejoice over every reform of ac- Opening Game, Preaumpacot Trot- 086, against$15,270,747 for 1873. The line Park. THVB8DIV. July l.l. a file of the Franklin Patriot percent knowledged abuses.” That is what we ask WILLIAM Maker. Play published age of to the cost of the roads was SCHUMACHER, Pattern and Model commences at 3 o’clock. Admimion 25c. j 11.10,121 earnings for; we want no ot fatted ■n 1803 Mr. to the 10.5; the uet were slaughtering J. I. HARROCR, 430Fore Street, Cor.ot PROGRAMME by Pilisbury, which, say earuiugs $9,862,(570, and calves.-AT. Y. Tribune. FRESCO equaled 0.1 per ceut. ou such cost. PAINTER, CroKti. Portland. MUSIC PORTLAND. least, are rather bad for a who The divid- HAIL, gentleman ends were The railroads Office at Schumacher Brothers, FOR THE $3,250,130—equal to 3.92 per cent, ou which cost 10,000,000 of pa- appears as a political God-father for a can- the capital invested. 3 DEEBIIVU BLOCK. Photographers. POSITIVELY TWO”SIGHTS per dollars are sold for one-tenth of the sum. of tlic of ONLY, didate and declares I hat he was a It from the A. 8. DAVES A CO., No. SO Middle 8treei. Celebration Ninty-ninth Anniversary “patriot appears above that the railroad The mills that made the iron havo not been 1 respectfully inform the public that I have taken Thursday and 1st soldier.” the buniuess of Chas. and will J. II. U, AMMON, 134 Middle St.,cor. Crone. Friday, July interest is better able to withstand commer- and are J. Schumacher attend and 2nd. paid, unable to pay their laborers, promptly to all jobs entrusted to me. I shall en- We cannot give all of the extracts wh'ch cial than most It deavor to depression industiies. and close; the sale even of is keep the reputation which my predecessor Plumbers. American cheap goods has held for so entire nkiv performance* the Whig presents to show that Mr. Pilis- further appears, that many years, JAMES MIUUER. No. »1 Federal Stteet. Independence, however, companies suspended; no more carpets are needed, nor W1H. S€HUMACH£K. The Celebrated Irish Comedian bury is guilty of the offense charged against have maintained their net assets a reduc- by china, nor mirrors, nor carriages nor silks; J\. CARD. Real Estate JOHN M. him. Indeed, it is not There were tion of Agents. ON MONDAY, JULY 5TH. BURKE, necessary. tunning expeuces. This, of course, clothing and even food is reduced to the min- I take great pleasure in Mr. Wm. C. No. Oil in a New and but recommending JOHN PROCTER, Exchange Original Farce, wiitten expressly lor two sides then. One was doing its ut- cannot proceed with a ium ; production are not Schumacher as one of the best Louse decorat ors ever this safety beyond given ceases, wages paid, Street. Entertainment, entitled labor i# n Portland, and have no doubt that Mr. Wm. Schu- most to sustain the government and encour- point without necessitating largely increased unemployed, poverty and suffering macher will execute all work entrusted to him dura- the the in the war. The in the oppress dependent. Cheap money has bly, tastily and Roofers. of the various Churches will be rung at Mu arise, Noon aud Sunset* age people supporting outlays tuture. The further tact that satisfactorily. “Shaun been abundant; it has flooded the country, CHAS. J. SCHUMACHER, J. N. McCOY* A CO., 48 Spriu„ Street. O’Reiley,” other was its utmost to shake the con- hundreds of car and doing shops locomotive works this desolation. And now comes nollltf Ecclesiastical Decorator. — OR— bringing National Salutes will be Fired at Sunrise and Sunset fidence of the in Stair Builder. country the government and throughout the country are idle, indicates the Democrats of Ohio and propose to rem- At 8 o’clock M. a THE FOLKS WE MEET IN to and dishearten the Of that edy all this by sucti an increase of O’Donnell Sylvester. K. F. I-1BKV, I,o. 953 Fore Street, cor. A. discourage people. many railroads must now be running ou currency Cions In Eeltu«’u Mill. IRELAND. that “paper dollars” will be as as ill., this last class was Mr. Pilisbury. He may their teserve, if that term can be used in cheap they ». L. Cor. Vork ft were Richmond before the ot the HOOPER, Maple Supported by a full Dramatic now have jn collapse ROWIUG REGATTA Company, foigotten it, cr, seeing the wicked- that connection.