MlwtllaneoiiH Reading. cencies setompagy food fortune, liberal gains To be moral, ill the region of the ExrhuM, yon be a *Ium duck, uora baby." The noise of preaching is the bound of b« the uaaofc. ” WW agrafe A lively Intereat la frit at preaent In the length of the reign of Jay Gould and ^ssswEf® I Gary N huiilh, “It can't much |Kcx*I=e.e^i longer,” affirm ihe under-doga —foreboder* IV aud ail Wilkin U alwayt of 111 to the dogs on top. «wiaiilgr The street tonga for the Gould and The Clinton Independent. Smith scalps It won ’t he content until it V «fH ros fad mi Mbrhitl sere the bloody trophies hung up in the wigwam of the Exchange, flit! Drew aud TW* prvltjr link b*Im ■M »r4«r* bar twasstvaaM Vanderbilt smile ominously when asked Tu suand h*r nig* and 4*. their opinion They make no uredb tioa* fbfr«l bat whs# afts's hungry, opeuly; but privately they Lave been Aa4 tt> join wrtib u-r In play VOL. VII.-NO. 30. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1873. WHOLE NO. 342. beard In say that the two cronies are C», If ift# twtUtfbt bound to go under after a while. may 1 ■■■— Uncle Daniel Drew la reptwted tu have piMlbr faat to »bm; A ml so, in my over eagerness to “make the road, or at night attacked and plun next day to send a courier to General Isaac Cook, A. G. Jame* and William f. ware assembled ou au iron bridge over Uk deliverer! himself after this fashion: An4 If »a* wafts* ai mMuq. m. a good dav of *lt, ” I had compassed the Ocucral News summary. “ Now, Jay 4* a kind o' sharp boy. He's WIHtUiMhm am at rest. tiered their camp and murdered men, wo ­ Canity , with a message instructing him to be Rounds. They recommend tbat no port of Koek Ittver. In witness a baptism, when two loss of a (fay. men and children. To such an extent did the suspended col tuba km be restored at bin to the Kyuagogve; and they gels their The* aiw rn**"d from out iftstr slumbers, THE 0I.I» WOULD. on hb guard. Just as he waa attoUt to writs spans of tlie structure gave way, precipitating Wkfi* she »col night aa wall aa day. my sewing in despair, and went over to broken up m Ibis direction. eam les In the Assembly was, three Radicals, Thomas that bad tiern committed, and that it iidea tbat postal card* that have lawn «int dred lives were lost, either by injuria^ caused Tbsre la m» oa»- knows* bat loves bar. the chamber where I had laid Hetty to It was under such circumstances that four Republicans, and one l^giUmiat. In leeljc loo fast. He can ’t buck agin the rosea am aaduna he art* that uray waa then too late to save them. properly trausmltted through the mall, and the by the fall or by drowning Several Udle# whole street; he had ought lo know he Tbat h*r ltfv may br prutrcirj sleep. The dark red scar, just on the or ­ Capt. Ben Wright, then living at Yrnka. Paris Barodct defeated the Count de Reniusat An examination Into the affair* of the At­ stamp thereon cancelled, cau, after thalr beiug were recovered at oues, many flouted down bital verge, rebuked me an strongly as If it one of the nearest mining ramps, was call­ couldn't do nothin' of the sort. There * For day* and yearn to come. by some 4A.UU0 majority. It is asld that Presi­ lantic NatiiHial Hank showed that tbe actual returned to the render In a seeled envelope stream, and others were *up|io*rd to l« buried Tor ibr brown-<-v»4 Bula darling nad been a living voice. Dear child! How bin chaps as smart aa Jay whal’a tried it, ed upon by the united vtdee of that entire dent Thiers was greatly discountenanced by under tbe ruins of tbe tiridge. Of «*our#r la ibe eualtglii of ibal borne. could 1 have so forgotten the needs of her section to unite with him a few detenu in deficit, Indejtendent of the capital and surplus, with a remittance, be trausmltted to the jer- aud they got scooped all in a heap like. the result, and that a change iu the ministry is great cxdlemcot was caused by thb fearful Vt bai mailer ibal her hunhrtgbl opening mind? How could 1 have so ed men of his own daring stamp, and pro ­ amounted to $004,000 Alamt $180,000 of son originally oddrcased, with the w urd 44 Paid” They'll’lewteh Jay on a turn one of these J ub aa agmj of pais? portable. thb amount could be traced to bad debts, for stamped or endorsed thereof), by placing upon accident, which has saddened the rutin* com­ fine* tuornin'z, and away he’ll go like a failed to realise that, while 1 was absorbed tect immigrant travel through the Modoc At a fire in Liverpool, Eng., recently, ooe ><«r au.t.M t •iiiltaand soft while arm* country lie responded to the call, gath whkh tbe eaahier (Taintor) was not responsible. the card a ooo-oent adhesive stamp. Tbe Post - munity. fiet era 1 miraculous r*ca|ira are re- kite. Mind my word, boys! I’re been on Hare paid It bark again in my own employments, she must have man was burned to death aud an entire family W bat matter ibo Ibe purnu something to do? ered his few braves and they immediately About $430,000 of looses were made by him in master-General decides that no dire*ouot cau be |M»rted. Many of the lost were from the the street a long time; I’ve saw Iota o ’ the of tlx persona suffocated. Ilnurs of uurrsi e ndure S For several minutes I stood bending over “put out ” for the Modoca. Their first can; his stock speculation*. It was found that, be­ allowed to purchore ra or agents who desire to country adjacent to Dlxou, but the larger boy* busted, and there’s goiu ’ to be some Christ workeih through oor little one* The 1-an cash ire Railway Company's carriage her. Tln-u going to the drawer in which was to pass alonir the thoroughfare* lead sides using the funds of the Hank for the pur­ keep |Nwtal cards «>u band for sale to the pub­ portion were metutwri of families in that city. more o ’em busted right on. Mark me, To make a* at] more purr. works, In Manchester, Kng , together with 50 her wax doll was laid, 1 unlocked it, and ing through the Modoc section, and bury poses of speculation, he had also “spouted” lic. The bridge was of Iron, of the Trueodalc pat­ if there be n't t” Tharr is not in Ibe breadth and acope taking out the Iteauliftil effigy, placed it the bodies of murdered passengers. They locomotives and 150coschea were burned on $102,000 of private securities left for safe keep Representative James Brook », of New York, tern, and had five spans, elevated altoul twenty Touching Hmitli, Drew ia mentioned oa Of any harnaa life, the 27th. The lost it •1,000.000. Aa III wit hoot a recompense, on the pillow beside her. How sweet the next turned their attention to Uie authors ing in the Bank. Two ticketa were also found died in Washington on tbe night of the 30th feet above the water, which at that |mint Is equally explicit. “ Hen. Huiilh is a biz load; so he ia; so he ia. But then Wall A )oy without a strife: two faces looked; the living and the inan ­ of this wanton and unprovoked butchery. William Charlm Maeresdy, the well known representing $75,000 of fold aa asset#. The ult., of a malarial disease contracted in Indb from fifteen to twenty feet deep. Only two Aad were all anguish blotted oat. imate. 1 gazed at them until my eyea Know ing well the nature and habits of tlie Euglith actor, b dead, lie waa eighty rears while lie was makiug a trip around the world, spaua—the end one#—fell at the time of the street‘a a might y big puddle; big enough And naught bat )<>r remain. Bank is hopelessly t*ankrupt. The stork - to drown him. lie a a smart boy, hut he We'd knaw no lion we’d know no OhrUt, were bliuded bv tears; and thou went enemy, they were careful not to reveal of age. aud whkh was accelerated, undoubtedly, by accldeut. bolder* lose all their investment and surplus. hold out. York Tory For Heaven waa gained through pain back to the sitting-room, where I made their ’presence until they were ready to Tbs Pro*4meiul ('orre*fnmi1em says the visit the shock given his nervous system by the President Grant arrived in Chicago on the can ’t New isn ’t strike a blow. Hie opportunity soon ’prt* The depositor* may receive 50 per cent., while |Tioga, Pennsylvania, Is said to lie tbs another effort to resume my work. My of the Dertnan Emperor to fit. Petersburg con­ censure of tbe House of Representatives last morning of the ttb, from Galena. ho lot her HtUa iaa)aaty hand had grown a little steadier, hut the •ented itself. They found a band of about those who placed their securities in bank for town where Smith was born and reared, — Her coant lea* rhatwe* ring. firm* the pacific policy agreed to by the Em­ safe keeping have no redress. Taintor says winter iu the Credit Mobilier matter. He was A New York telegram of the ;id says Mr Oar heart# around the ram-bad heart was gone. For a very short time I 300 Modoc* encamped in the bend of a peror* of Germany, Ruaaia, and Austria, last C’or.J, and lieu, hasn’t found out tlie differ­ WTft rer Amdle rlisg endesvnreiT to force myself to keen on deep and rapid river which gave th»* that the speculations entered into by him were lo his sixty-third year. Bruuot. Clialrtnau of the Indian Comuiissi«xi- ence yet. When Smith first come on the Wail bear her mad cap humor* with my appointed task; hut, mind and Indian hunter* decided vantage ground, fieptember. It b especially significant at this ail on behalf of the Bank, aud had they proved James W. Tate has beeu renotniuated aa the ers, had expressed an opinidn that the rumor* street* I sized 'ini; I hs»k 'im In. He’s a We'll laugh away her fear*. liody both dissented so strongly that the which they certainly needed, as the enemy time, because the prospect* of quiet In western successful the Bank would have had the eutire Democratic candidate fur Bute Treasurer of of a threatened general Indian w «r were ground quarter horse; he’s a tarnation duster for We'll sooths her'angry *|4rita Europe were growing gloomier. VN hUe wv htm away hiv tear*. garments 1 had ho|»od to complete were outnumbered them’ three to one. The broafii. Kentucky. less, aud that nearly ail the late rr|»otls of a lettlc wav; but when it comes to a good, Two cases of cholera were reported Jn Madge- Anally laid aside, not to be touched again Indians, realizing their situstion, called The decretory of the Treasury has directed President Grant visited his old bouie at fla- ludian outrage# were untrue. squahr mile, his tail’s too short—too abort. Aad. to the diataut future . burg, Germany. W bru the hair ia ailwrad o'er, until to-morrow. for s “peace talk.” The time ap(kointed the Assistaut Treasurer at New York to srll lena on the 1st, w here he met with a cordbl 1 u-ll ye, boys, he's run his heal now ; he’s The bill to remove the |>olltk-a] disabilities of hbe will turn uato bar parruu As I was doing this, a sigh for my lost for this talk was the ensuing morning. $1,000,000 iu gold ou the first, third, and fifth reception. All the public buildings any many A Very Remarkable Story. losin ’ his wind; he’s ginnm’ out. I’m au Aa tbav turned to her beforw. Understanding well the character of tlie females has recently Uen the subject of a long old man. I’ve done some wrong things— day paast-d sadlv from my lips. At this Tbursdars, aud $1,000,000 on the second and private rcaidenrra were illuminated. And with her inrtaj* *|»lrU, moment 1 heard Hetty’s feet and voice; Modocs, Wright spent the nljrht in watch­ debate in the British House of Commons, in nnhodv what knotes it better than me— Which our m-ehud will unfold, fourth Thursdays, in ail $rt,OO0,on her heart. Gow was struck with terrific effect, as, in bonds May 1. Lawfn) money debt...... 14.MSt.UUM an old man, but I spec to live to see Hen. the fight whirl his little hand Austria, lu tbe presence of tlie imperial family, Matured debt ...... name was Rum. Tlia man had many turned out to gras* like on old stage boss. I wap sewing away one morning, for “Oh, mamma”* she exclaimed, as she i followed, At Iowa City on tbe 38th, the building 387.Ztl.VM ftil of nien “sunned the moccasins ” of royal and illustrious guests, and state aud Legal lesdor notes...... noble instincts, and. better than all these, Mark me, boys, I mean ’zactly what I tlettr life, aa the Having in, intending to entered the sitting-room, “you are so good known as Market Hall caught fire and was Crrtlftrates of deposit...... m.lau.utX) he had a loving, faithful, brave wife, who make a pood dav of it, and put my work to give me Dolly to play with,” and she nearly tlie entire camp, few escaping to civic dignitaries. Tbe weatber was unfavor ­ burned, the falling wail huryiug five person* KrartionsI currency...... 48.664. (Mb say. ” able, but the crowds of people from ail parts 04.787,400 made skillful war upon the demon, her ahead, when 1 Jetty, my little daughter, came dancing to me, with her dewy lip* tell the tale.______in the ruins, two of whom, Rtrtiert Love and Coiu rertificates...... of the world who witnessed the imposing hu»bund's master. Recognizing the fact five yearn old, gave a pull at my elbow', put up to mine for a kias. George Andrews (colored), died soon after liv­ Total without interest...... $ 4(Vtt.MW.610 Postal IrtiWM and Regulations. Then* was no rebuke on those precious Shooting Stern. ceremonies were immense, filling the rotunda that her husband wraa under an ovvrjiowcr- ami aaid : "Mamma " ing taken out. Mr Hart, a University law ing impulse, that he longed and struggled “Well, dear, what ia wanted?” I did lips—oh, no. That kiss was love ’s ow n and transept* of tbs building sud portions of ToUl debt ...... $2^16.S*r.llO Many persons, says tlie Chicago Tribune, BTJOSB BILU50S. student from (’ntinually punipt 8an Francisco, 29lh, bring intelligence of a ».i*>.ono ing accomplished their purjeeu*. She t»»ok Now thin wax doll was a treasured pres­ Her state of disturltancc hail passed like who escorted the Empress Augusta. After ed bj law ...... her liunltand by the hand, and shared with irevent the necessity of prosecution toeu- ent Inm grandmother, highly prim! and the morning cloud and the early dew; but up fearful slaughter of U. 8. froop* by C'npt urce the provisions*of the law. them came the eldest son of the Prime, ac­ Total In Treasttry ...... $ 106.tM4.311 him hia struggle, until, after year* of J carefully treated by llettv; and after be­ mine kept pulsing on and shadowing the “Misery luv» k<»mpany,” but kant bear .lack s baud of Mod«K*a. On the 3tMh alt., a Section 142 of the new jKistal code pro ­ ing tenderly minus! by her, dressed and hours that might nave passed in cheerftil kompetishun, than- aint* nobody but what companied by the Prince Imperial i»f Austria. fi.i9fl.4syiy» labor, she overcame hi* devil, and saw- force of sixty-uiue men, eompost-d of taitb'rics TVbU less rash In Trrasa him a free man again. Her battle with vides : undressed, on rare occasions, laid away thinks than* Idle 1/ the soresl bile in mar Tbe Einperor took hb seat on the throne, Decrease during tbe mou 2:::::: <,*47.4W> “That any imtsoii who shall inclose or work. K and A of the Fourth Artillery,and company K Rum hatl been a fierce one. taxing and under lock and key in one of my bureau I counted that day loot, except for the Ul w hen tbe combined lauds, nuratiering several conceal any letter, memorandum or other of the Twelfth Infantry , under command of B«>ad# issued to the Pacific Railroad wasting her strength sorely, but she wraa drawers. lesson it tauirht me; for, when 1 laid mv A reputashun for honor once lost, iz loat hundred musicians, performed an Austrian thing in any mail matter not charged with forever. Capl. Thomas, went out to recounaitre the posi­ < 'oatpoiiies. interest parable la law- conqueror at last. Her husband stood “Nut lo-Uay. ” was my nnswer. aching head upon its pillow at night, 1 hymn, which was succeeded by the Prussian tion supposed to l*e held by the Modocs iu the fal inofiey. prlnripal outstanding . $ 64.0£l 51J letter |s>suge, or make anv writing or “Why not to-day, mamma?” could not look bark upon any uw-ftil thing Men who kno the least alwus argy the anthem, amid the cheers of the multitude. Intasest acoruad and sot yet paki.... 1.XML470 ujM.n manly feet, and showed no sign <4 lava tied*. Tbe object was msiuly to find out falling again. Several ytars paaaed awav, memorandum thereon, and dej*o*it, or 8ure enough, why not to-dav? That accomplished. There had been fruitless most. Tbe Archduke Charles then rose and addressiug cause the same to lie dr|>o*ited, for con ­ bow Ok Modoc* were situated, and whether Interest paid by T'nited States...... $ 18,5UU. ‘fft0 and this reformed man fell ill of consump ­ w as just the question. Was it because efforts to do many things; hut my restless A en»wing hen, and a kakling r«**ter, the Einperor said : Interest repaid by transportation of veyance hv mail at a less rate than letter llctty might injure the doll? No, that state kept me flitting and changing, and are the poorest kind ov poultry. the mortar* could be brought up and used ef­ mails, ste...... 4.186.40* tion. Tlie distinguished physician, from p<.stage, shall, for every such offense, for ­ Mas: Killed wilh gladm-ss I saint*- your Majesty whoac li|w we have the itory, preocribed was not the reason ; for she was a careful my halt formed puri*>*e* w rought out no To !te a big man amung big men iz what In these hails devuled to Progo-ea sad to Pt-acr. fectively against them. As the troops ap­ feit and pay five dollars, and such mail Balance of interest paid by tbe United alcoholic stimulants the only means little girl. The true reason was. I did not sure results.—Arthur'* Ifome Jfu^urtar. proven a man ’s kanikter—to be a bul frog Yonr participation has Ally brought to completion proached the care in the lava t»cds, about bnlf- Hi#:.-#...... $ 14.rn.M3 matter or incloaure shall not be delivered s work which sow draws upon Austria the ry«* of possible of prolonging his life. The poor wish to leave my work and lose five min­ aniuug tadpole* dont amount to mutch. post ten, the command was brought to a halt Commsition t»e- down s massive atom* waliou s building In the in writing, sent by mail. Is subject to let­ sins of omission are covered by this con ­ small end ov. of this undertaking, the importance and signifi ­ and he undertook to lake alcoholic liquor* Blackbume. though onlv thirty years of forc they were flanked to the right by a party navy yard, instantly killing tweuty workmen ter |»o*taire. whether sealed or 4unsealed, venient, T:igu« lv-tileaning little word. age, occupies a very distinguished posi- Exeentricltys are most alwus artyfishall, cance of which I appreciate in tbe bigbeet degree. aa a medicine, and to confine himself ab­ except manuscript and corrected My confidence tr. the patriotism and capability of of fourteen other Indians, that had come up to “f won't hurt her. mother, I'll be oh! go tlon am<>ng English cbroo-players, and it and the best that kan he sed ov them iz, and wounding fifty pothers. solutely to such times and measures in the proofs paaring between author and pub­ mv people and In the sympathy and support of the advance of those who had fired first The matter aa the physician* should prescribe. careful. I><*, mother, let me have Dolly." they are quite az often the result ov difti friendly nations, has accompanied the development John R. Thouqison. a well-known fioutbern lisher.” is a singular fact that he is most success Thin he did, aiul dufiug the months thu* “Didn ’t 1 say that you couldn't have ful when die boards and men arc kept dene** az ov vanity. <*f tbe great work. My good wishea and grateful cn»ss fire ow W right's turu proved very demor­ writ*T. dkd in New York CUy on tbe doth. 11# “Circular* containing writing other Faith wont make a nmn virtewous. but recognition are devoted to it* termination. 1 de ­ alizing. and they broke tau k in <rtcd by a few of his u«>t» called for. and he died at laat a «ol* r man, nearly the whole lrngth of the room, cil of tlie Empire, advancing to the foot of tlie /Trent »»/ “Circulars may he mailed at a prepaid Right or wrong, I roust be consistent ; that uire in this life must keep their souls bil ivaambsioued ofli< er«. In the mcautime an­ Up to the 1st. :t49 bodies had iiecn recovered as the w if« hod so earnestly prayed that whib* he sat near the fire w iih his hack to throne, addressed the Enqicror as follows: rate of one cent for each two ounces or is, have my ow n will in the case And as the boards, calmly smoking a cigar, and fng sll the time, like a pot, and keep all other small party of Indian* had obtained a from the wreck of tlie Atlantic. he might. But the end was not yet. When fraction thereof in unsealed packages. 8ta«: With feelings of modeety. and at the same the loving and patient woman laid him in l was the stronger of the two, of course occasionally conversing with a bystander. tlie time skimming the surface. position to the left, and ojs-ned a raking fire A WajdmigUtn telegram of the 2d give* the Any writing in addition to the address 'I'hare is nothing so deliahus tew the time of exultation and pride, the’people of Austria his grave, and *awr her long latairs thus my will decided the question Mswn us. I*lay commenced at ft ostage by life, iz tusking uiunuy, ’ weight less on the the fire of the twenty-four Indian* ou the right fitiasnv, together with < Tiief ( ommisaioner been left in the house, and drinking it, *he from her face to iny work, 1 carried In my audience sectm-d afraid to move or speak, come from union, which Is strength " We there­ mail.” mortl sksles than an angle-worm. fore lay oar efforts at the final of the throne. and left. The rout wo*complete. Tbe officer* Van Huren They are all from New York. fell hertielf into the |»nwt*r <»f the devil mind the image «»f her grieving lip:* mill lest they idtould disturb the memory of Tlir«-e passenger car# of the Portland ex ­ “Circulars Inrlorod in sealed envelopes tear-fllled eves. Was I rebuked? TVs Mr. Blackbume, but they were informed Vu/iner is far more attraktivr than mot- Tbe Prime waa followed by Dr. Folder, the and uon-reminussiout'd officers mostly lay which nhe had foncht so heroically -And press train on the Grand Trunk Railway in that woman died, not many month* later, a with the corners cut are subject to lutlor Did 1 repent? Yes. And go for the doll by him that he did not mind a noise, and fsr—monkeys are watched cluster than Burgomaster of Vienna, who expressed the stretched on the rock* with their postage.” at once? No. I was busy at my work for the remainder of the evening the room eagles are. gratitude of the pe«>ple of the cap­ life blood ebbing fast away, and < anada were thrown from the track near hn|>ele*a, helplc** drunkard, —llr^rth tutd JelotiA people alwus luv themselfs more ll'nne. “If circulars are mailed in bulk to a and could n<4 spar*- a minute, Swing was anything but quiet The ceftefal re­ ital to his Majesty. Tlie Emperor and confused and demoralized as they were, the fiojxanter, on the 3d, by the spreading of the post master, properly prepaid af the mail­ M*acns was of more consequence than sow ­ sult of the {punc was that Mrillack- than they do thoze whom they arejel- Empress, followed by distinguished men iwvame an easy prey to the Modtic*. who, rails, and rolled down on emt>aiikincut over ing office, and he is ftirntshed with |x>*tage ing seeds of happiness in the heart of my burne won slx game*, drew two, and loat oua ov. (•ersonages, then traverN-d the west­ confident In the protection of their native thirty feet high. A large nunils-r of pasaeng The Great f inancial Squeeze. stamps to pav the drop rate of postage child. And then, had 1 not said that I hilly two. The ten players were all members Curiosity iz the genu ov all enter ern and eastern wings of the exhibition build nicks, shot them down like so many frightened ers were injured, several seriously and per­ thereon in addition, he can distribute them was not to make her appearance to-day? of the club, excepting Mr. Whitnev. who prizes—tnen dig for woodchuck* more for Ing, being received everywhere with thunders deer. Forty nine were killed aud wouoded out haps fatally. “Oma,” the New York correspondent to imtsodh living within the delivery of Waa 1 to break mv worn? No. I must is the C«»nsular Agent for the United curiositv than they do for woodchuck*. c»f applause Having completed tl»e circuit of of a command of sixty-nine men. The officers The lion, fiamuel fihellaliarger has signified of the St. Louis (Mnhe, writes an follows his office. If the drop rate is not paid, he lx* a consistent mother, if I expected to State* at Huddersfield, and has some repu Men don ’t fall so often in this world killed are, ( optain Evan Thomas, Fourth Ar­ to the fiet-retary of fitatc his acceptance of the concerning the recent great financial should place them w ith other dead printed from s want ov right motives, az they do the exhibition, they de|>urtrd amid saltoa of govern niy ckUdren aright. Ulion as a chess-player, beiug himself artillery and the cheers of immense crowd# tillery; Lieutenant Album Howe, f’tHirth Ar­ *|ip<»inlment tendered him by the President, as squeeze in Wall street: matter.” It was very still in the room for the able to conduct four simultaneous games from lack ov grip. a member of tha tlvil-fiervire ( ommissiuo. Never has money been ho stringent for “letter postage must be collected on all There iz only two men in this world gathered outside the building. tillery; Lieutenant Thomas Wright, Twal/lh next ten minutes. Only a>ob or two broke blindfolded. Mr. lilackbume was loudly Infantry, and LtruU-uant Arthur t ran*ton, of fiereral strikes v»*-re htaugurated at th4 East ho long a time ait it ban tiecn here for the matter passing at less than letter rates, the silence, at first, as Hetty choked down applauded at the close, and indeed several who never make ennv blunders, aud they Tbe Italian Miniatry hive tendered their Battery A. b missing—protiably killed. Tlie on the 1st. firvrnU cotton mills lu RhtMle last nix month*. The rate* have been upon which there is any writing in ad ­ her diaapfKdulinent. She had crept into tines during tin* match, and cspcciall) an* ff<'u and me. mi friend. resignations to tbe King and they have l*een simply ruinouH—often one half, three- dition to the address. Every man seems tew hav hi/, price, ex­ accepted On the 1st a new Cabinet had not Mndoes, it is stated, were armed with 8|>enc» r Island, win-re the hands Usd struck for ten the great arm-chair. and was sitting there when he demonstrated the mrouinced hour*, suqw nd«-d o|M-ralion* tenqM>rarily. fourths, and one per cent, jht day —one “Packages of papers or circular* ud- idle and silent. After a while I turned cept the news-monger; tlfry prvfer to work vet been cboaen. cari'ihos aitd tirvectv-Lnadiug muskets. Their mate in four moves. A Yirgiuia (Ncv.) dispatch of the 1st says hundred and eighty-two and one half, two drfBBfd to a fn**tvuiBtcr, prepaid, cannot lie I tartly around, and glanced toward her for nothing, and board themselfs. Tbe Upper House of the Prussian Dirt has loss could not be ascrifained, os their dead hundred and seventy-three and three- delivered to parsons through his office that tbe settler* at Mountain City, in the Cape sUmitliBy. Her brow wss <‘oniracted. her Agricultural Report. Yung man. vu kant h-arn ennything bi passed the bill for the regulation aud council and wounded were secreted in the fourths, and three hundred and sixty-five w ithout a cent stamp being put on each lips pursed out slightly, and over her hearing yurseff talk, but yu may |M*i9ibly of the clergy by s large majority. eaves. Colonel Grern, in an official district, ware greatly alarmed at the threaten­ |»er rent, per annum! What busine** in addition to the |H>*tagc paid ou the whole face was a shade of unhappiness. The following 1* a summary of the con ­ by hearing others. The Portuguese Government has ordered all dispatch, coataisng: th< report of tlte disaster, ing attitude of tbe Indians, fitiakeaand Piute* under the sun can stand that beyond a original package. ” “Why don ’t you get your china doll? ” dition of the winter wheat, just issued Than* ir no one w ho kan disregard with i srlist refugees from fifaiu b» leave its terri­ sava: “JusticeYo The memory of the gallant are |M>uring in from all directions, sll in their week or two? A fellow w ho steal* money “Tlie insertion of a date or any other said 1. rather coldly. from tlie Agricultural Departments impunity the propriety* ov life, but there tory, giving them tbe choice of golug to any dead compels us to rcc«>rd tbe following wrli- war paint. could not afford to take it at nueh price. writing in a printed rircular subjects it to are menny people who, if they ain ’t prop, A dispatch from Yreka on tlie 1st says that “I don't want ray china doll, ” she an­ On the first we»*k of April, a considera ­ country except France suthi nticatcd facts When < apt. Tliomas Imagine \ onto* If borrowing $100,OOd, and letter postage. Only the address may lie per ain ’t nothing. no further movements against the ladian* l»»d swered. ble portion of the northern belt of the win­ A Madrid telegram of the 1st states that tbe found liim-etf and bis men surroutHied by the cum|wiled to Bay $100,000intercut on your written.” Than* I* lots rrr folks in this world taken plorc. The miming men in tlie tattle of “Ob, very well, just as you plea**-, my ter wheat area was covered with snow. i arlists continued to bum railway stations, vindirtive foe, true to his nature as a soldier, principal in little more than three months! “An address, in writing, ou circulars, is whom vu kan bio up like s bladder, and the 3f*>th had not been beard of, aud it was l>o you coll that usury’? Usury is a mild little lady, ” I returned; and look no no The condition of that vLibir gave prom ­ tear up tracks aud destroy telegraph w ires. be sought to (beer tin* soldier* on to the bit­ allowable; but any other writing, such a« lice of her for ten minutes longer —all the ise of general exemption from winter in then ki’k them az high az you pleze. supposed their Uidies had t»eeti burned, All name for ft. 'Commercial throat-cutting date, signature, or any other alteration, I hav alwus ootiMcd one thing, that Their military operations were much restricted ter end, obtain. If pttasihle, life for life, and while working away as intently as if our jury, leaving the rrou subject to the mete sell their lives dtarly, saying: 4 Men, we are the settler* at Butte and Bogus CYre-ks had it a fitter phrase to express such enormi­ subjects them to letter postage. ” next meal depended on the result of iay when a cunning man burns luz finger*, by the aetivity of the troop*, and the Govern ties. Generally, onc-fourth per cent, per orological vicissitudes of April. In thr surrounded. We must fight and die like sol­ left. “No circular, or notice of any kind, con ­ labor. I was sorry that I had not taken Middle Hates a great improvement upon everv boddv hollers for Joy. men! was sanguine that the insurrection would A national mass meeting of fipiritualisls is diem la the extreme figure which the fihy- diers.* la his iK>14t efforts to sustain the cour­ taining any writing other than the ad ­ the time to get Hetty's wax doll; but, a* 1 the showing of last sprinr Is everywhere I kant tell now whether a goose stands soon I* suppressed. A telegram from Cervera, t4> meet in Cincinnati on tb# fi5d of May locks of the hanking quarter charge; aud age of his small Mimmand. he was ably sec«»nd- dress can tie scut by mail, except at letter had said a#. I concluded that it was U*st conceded, especially in \ew Jersey and on one leg so mulch to n-st the leg as to uear Barcelona, announces tlutt the truojt* had The new liquor law of >Yo*t Virginia wsnt Uiat is quite enough to carry any one down rest the goose. I wish sum seientiflek ed by Lieut. Howe and Lieut. W*right. After postage. ” to let no reins in in force. PoBBsylvAiiia The prr aint nothing. trill be tbe end of June before the show can tie ing across tbe Atlantic, aud five across the communications, either printed or written came up from my heart. “It would have ter wheat is mainly grown, prem-nta a Governor Beveridge, of Illinois, lias issued devils caught lietwcen two iniD-stoncs A fu hranes in a man's lied are az noizy in full operation. Gulf of fit. Lawrence, before the 1st of fiep- i, and a still more fav­ language are the shortest—“ Yes ” and countries, and cannot look indithrmtly on Rtce, Dakota Territory, on the 15th <4 June said only twenty three Modoaa were engaged, controlled. A deiqwratc speculator, in­ dress upeen debating tb« advisability cisely fitted him. other pholks straight iz what bother* me. too gnat to secure these ends. the provisions of the law, for the accom ­ was not Usroa. 1 called, but got no an­ in 1*72. A dispatch from Gen. GUIem to Orn fiber- *4 taking away the (routing-grounds from the —N. T Weekly A Madrid telegram says that the Carl 1st* are flow thtv who hare bffen “long” on modation of the public.” swer. Then I ran up to the third story, man. dated Lava Beds, 38th, says: “The In­ fiioux and eonflnlng them to thetr reservations, stocks have suffered In the recent and “There is no provision in the Postal < aplaln Ken. Wright’s Enronnter with Pnns for*tke Ti making heavy requisitions for money and prv and ptidi d the door of one of the room a diana oretiiy a ptwHiou in the forks aUiut in order to protect the w hite families scattered ever-recurring pinches! How the hot Code allowing the use of postal cards other open hastily In the middle of the bed sat the Modors. visions In tbe provinces, and arrest and hold four miles south of their eaves. It will lie im through them. pincers of usury have been applied to than such as may lie furnished by the I>e- mv tittle truant, busily at work with a pair The “Girl of the Period, ” equipped w ith tbe Mayors of towns until their demands are praeibie to sum mad them with the force at An excursion train oa the New Albany and their quivering financial flreh. and vast partment, with stamps impressed upon of scissors on an elegant lace cape which A STATEMK3VT having been going the leather belt and elub handle parasol attach­ satisfied. Chicago Railway, while running backward be- pieces clipped out! To every species of them. Substitutes for them are subject to had cost roe fifteen dollars rounds of the press to the effect that some or eu route to thb place. The eirrumference ed. is suspected of copying the policeman's A dispatch from Rome, ith, says that King of the lave beds is about thirty miles.” twecu Mount Carmel and Princrloo, no the torture they have been and are subjected. letter postage. ” With a quick exclamation and an excit­ yean ago a Cni*. Wright of the United Victor Emmanuel had revoked his acceptance uniform on account of the “taking way” On the night of the 39th, at llarmdaburg. Ky , fid, ran upon a number of cows which threw They have hern boiled, roasted, thumb, “The only p**#lol can!* authorized by ed manner, I sprang toward ibe little de mates army invited a party of Modors to they have. law are those to hr furnished by the De­ a feast, and then treacherously massacred of the Ministry's rewignation, and reqosatrd a molt surrounded the jail and demanded of the ears from the track, overturning them screwed, racked, lacerated with knivez, struct»vc. who, frightened at my tone and It is to be hoped there will be a new that it be withdrawn. broken on the wheel. No pity has Isvn partment; private partie* cannot issue appearance, suddenly threw up her hands, them, the Washington correspondent of the Jailor a negro boy named Robert Curd, down an emlauikment some eight feet in deal with the Modocs, and a Jack upturn height. (Her thirty penams were injured, shown. little has been a-k* «.<•!« them.” and I saw the sharp* point of the scissors the New York flttn gives the following ed at the first cut who was under sentence of Imprisonment for THE NEW WORLD. some of them. It wo* thought, seriously. rry has been 44 Your money or your blood; “The only postal cards containing writ­ she held enter her check just below the fart* of the case as related by an old Oregon “What shall 1 do for my dyspepsia, doc ­ committing an outrage upon a woman some your loot dollar or your life.’' ing authorized by law are those to be ftir- eye. A scream followed, as the Mood ran hunter who waa one of ' Wright’s band ”. Oold closed In New York on the Xd at lift* The funeral service* over tbe remains of the tor? ” “Diet” **Dye it! wty, man, months ago. Recently the jailor had allowed Brokers and operators never grow moral nisbed by the Department. Private parlies over her face. What a sickening sense of (’apt. Ben. Wright never was a l aited would you have me treat a disease m If It #117. the boy to go after hb row every evening, and late llUi rotor M tb* r at air of L if Munro, pommtr m urn, publisher*. •portal A a** llcirnlt k HIIWASltee Killrnifi. dooreard. Ho *»ih»i poraaa ha*any right looker Uatil run her notice, trata* wiitoav* St. John* a tloo M) autborlly or ooatro ovor the pnaouoai Hay ho prorarod of DK G. R. t OK BIN lor ao llllo maacy as at any oil. e lb Mtcblfao. Hurd a aador ; Marble Works ! proparty of said aoialo. All psrsouo i»al«d it Jabaa. April MMh, 1*74. A TTOKBKY aud Counselor at law and So- Mail at 4 40 p.m. for Grand Haven, Graad Rap­ L. M. SHERMAN A CO , New Spring Stock Cll ARI.Kti K OKI hho N . Ji V. 1 tell or la Chaaoery. Particular attention TIM. id*. *t«. dportal Admlaialrator of lbo Hatata ot L. G Man- *t\_en (a collet ling and aeitling till* ia real cauta. (D)IN(J K A HT. Ar* now prepare# ta faraiab i,. <1, .... J 841 a J { Olttce In II The Qrtoii Rapid* iMtmtrai, 8 fear* AT TIIK KarUn* Union s D ock, (up siatraj, Night Rip. at 1 3# am. for Detroit This train ha* Having removed aiy atock af ■l, Johns . kilt h tU if Sieetdn* car attached -M on u ***** 11 ( aa, ’ O I I4 I. la hrr'foro m* at the l*» l lrtl» e m lb. village of n _ Ml Johns Aucommoda*ton leaves al 7 80a.m., arriving la Detroit at 1141 txxw : returning, leaves Cnpplng naa«l soala for not daring to allow up the LOW PRICE STORE. HI •lohi.a, <>n Friday, the Jvth day of May, A. I) •iltl.-e lu Hank Block, south door, 1*1 door. 1*74, and Toroday, lh* Hat day of Qrtab»r, A D. A Detroit al 4 Jtl p m , arriving at St. Johns al lo 14 Tuml>s, UKMEKIES M.BaaVtfW. J. 11. Diivi. MT Through ticket* lo all polola Kaot and Wool Land Office fraada which were recent­ 1*71, at oo* o'clock In lh* afternoon of rack of aan he pur* It seed al V O M. I»-not daya ; aald ll»t day of O. lolwr bring tb* Ot American aad Foftlf* Mar bios. fo*4 aa lb# BARTOW A FEOEWA, hl.KKPl.N'G CAKH ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS ly brought lo light by Gov. Bagiey, The largest stock of Hats laal day of tb* Dm* Itmllod for ll* proooataltoa of boat aad cheap a* tb* c bo spo ol claims against sold Rata** - |tet*d April VI, 1*73 TTOKNKYtt and CownaoUor* al Law and Refresh manta at Detroit, Owoooo and Ornn .i n , AND PROVISIONS 44# 4 JOKL II C'R A MHOS Judge of Hrokal*. _, NoiMilot* >n Cbanoory, Weatpbaiia, CUatoo von.nadnpon Companv'a Kerry Steamer oa iMfull Parlh ular alteatlaa •• Nsildiaf and apparently ecoothered by the in* At Stephenson ’s. Coualy\ . Mn h if an River. Comfortable hotel above depot at Grand Hlohr. Mil la, H a4*r*Tabi*«, ventilating eouiiuiltee, in a light that ‘ >BdliTl OMHt.H. rital* «.f Michigan, Moaea Bartow, t'lrruit t'oart Commiaaioaer, will Haven. t,H* To lk« COB mod too* Hart room In 1 County ot CUntoa, a* At a a* sat on ot tbe boat il Johnson Wednesday of each week. | o4S) CONNRCTIONM. —At Detroit,with Groat Wea- would even do jaatice to au organ of Dulalr Court lor tb« county of Cllalon, boldou lorn and Grand Trunk Rati ways for all point# Rnat MTHI h'P cor aoytCil idea Avenue aad 11 If ha m New styles Men’s and Boys ’ Clothing at the 1'robaf* offl<*. In tb* villa** of 4i Jolt us, DR. J. SPEARS, Michigan Central and Michigan Southern railroads. Street, St Jwbaa. that faat fading and thievea patty now on Wednesday, lh* 8th .toy of April, lo tho your Pvsaenfor# 'jr O W Railway, go on the ot>* thousand eight hundred and *i vn.ty-three. OMIRPATIUC I'll YHICI AN, Dallas. Mlrb. At Stephenson ’s. Steel's Brick Block, Company's Kerry Steamer at DA M. R. R Dock hi I’rcsent. Joel i|. Cranoon, Judge of t'mhate. , Hpe. ial al lent ton paid ta t bioaic diaaaaea. 7:4# s.m . 1TO» m. and « 40 p.m. H f will bt UsfitrtsM. in power. Thu Dtmocrgl say a: H 3Bl:yl May 14lb, liTS. Ml to the mat er of live natal* of MUdANN A H II. Da A WATSON, •'The Any/#, not daring to meet the A ad having added largely to my former varied ltOi>GRd, Dt-.-oax «l On reading and Alin* the H Oerveral Sooenwtendewt aad eoopWU assortment, 1 am la every way bolter petition, duly verlAed, of Ge«»rge C. Bow a, ad N. DE LONG rI''HK CKJtTER Lnnd Oft ce Irauda in trout, and the Cottonade Pants only $1.25, ovinialrator of aald Ratal*. pra>tng that he may be prepared lo aonro my friend* and patron*. My rroRNRY AT LAW and Notary Pa him, real iaaue aa the htmtoarmi alated it nt Hr* used .*# »ell certain real ««iate be I oa* la* ll.oro- , Maple Rapid#, Mich. aa-ily HOTELS. At Stephenson ’s. stock aKall aiwayn embrace ovary article found in a to, for ih« naipooo of paying th* 4rl»t* of *aidde- nil, dodgee the tuaiu question and talka Aral rlaaa Grocery aad Provision Establishment, reaaed, and defray In* l hi ripeneeeof administra ­ L. ww . I ara«MHMi| «• * -| tion W. FASQUELLE, M PEHRIN KCCDTJSE, like any other administration organ and It la my lateuGooo to pieaae my potrooa, both MVaictaa ilk avauaoa tnlceal his rtaidonrr, MEAT MARKET Thereupon ll la Ordered That Mt.nday , I be |St b Near Coart House S«|nare, jJajT ° Hay, 197-1, at one oYiuck Iu the afternoon, on Walker alfcei. east of Cilaton A vena*, 4l that ia more ooucei lied bow to make Johns,P Mn-hlfan ('all* prom pt ly aitendv- d la. 1384 ar. jtmsb, t t $ much. 1* Still OB 1 bo upward met, and poo pie eaa there 500 doz. Ladies’ and Gents’ Hose, le awlrm-d for th* hearing ,«f said petition, aad Snd the beef of the moat of a bad job than apply a that heir a at law of said doroaoed, and all other At Stephenson.s. In Price and Quality, per .ot.. interested in aald eatalo, ar* required to WtLBRIOCE 4 COOK, thorough remedy to a glaring evil.— appear at a session of said Court, then to W hold TTOHN R Yb and Couu**Uors al U» and &0- JOHN SWEENEY, Proprietor. |’re«.k, Drird aid halt Nrah, The fraud exiate aud haa loug eziated *n allhe 1'rohaie Office, In lh* villa** of 8|. Johns iicitors in i.'haaawj Aii Nstoaaa ibwlHti I a ball atwaya bo pro pored to pay tbe blfbool A deep aud damning, but the Jutflt ia far ai»d show cause, ll any there he, why tbe prayer of I tbolr core will be promptly and faltbfally attended This hoase I* entirely new, and was opoiied to A• bevelofore, aad it shall bo my further ala. to Clothing cut and made to order, market price Kir the pot 11 loiter should not he a run ted An.I ll I* ' to. Office with Prosetuttn* Attorney, ta the thepuhlli In Dece'nl>«-r, 1948 The rooms are large, dev Is. in 9a u* of best s«r eta* my root a at era. all *9 ■Hire lutcrealod iu aaviug the Hepubl • further Ordered, That noil.* heftvtn to the per- 1 Coart House. Ml. Johns, Michigan. 344 j well ventilated and pleasant. .Btagoa leave this whom will pleas* accept my WnrikeOI thanks for sons intert-oied in said oatate. f | ■. wAtaaisaa. A. Seen* boas* daily for St. t*oiiia. Ithiea. Mt |*leasa*it Ma- Ibvir utnd imhJ ilherat patfowags m the paot. and f can party from injury than iu ezpoaiug At Stephenson ’s. said |M!tlllnii, and »he heating thereof, by eausihga J pie Rapids, and all (rotnl* n.»rth. Good •taaf'ng for trust by keeping good MM-ato and demJiag alike aald it and puuiahing the guilty. Of. COUNTRY PRODUCE. op) of I hi, order to be puhll.hed in the Clinton WM. HAVENS, M. D., ! l earns I n conneet Ion with tin house. > shire of oilmen lo merit a continuance of ike asm# Independent a n« *epa|.«r printed m*C circulated OM ol M iy, A D. 1*73. al one o'clm k in the CFfl W FVTES A QQN frauda. Waa till Lvi'ialatuie atartled NOW READY! aiteinaon, ho aaslgnod for the uroving of said will, 1 ’ 3U ' DETROIT, MICH. CaARLtsfiipp, A lv *« II WkLgga^ What one Urputlican aioe*- in hia place Paper, and that the heirs al law of said d*-e«-as*d, ' _ ,. e A K HI K R B. Joaa 11 icaa, Jo*i*a Prvoa, amlall.dher ja-r-on. interests In said will, ar* <>■— •« residence, on Spritm St root, 8t John*, Saarst S. Wants. aud detiiainied in the name of jtinlKh At Stephenson ’s. r. t) to ap|M ar at a session of ta'diourt, then j ptv»f.-#aion»l calls, night or day, promp^v j. r. AXTraitFL, Proprietor . 144- to (m holden »i the Pioha'e Oiflcr, in ll.# village of ‘t *° Hi-ceivc deposits, buy *n4 sell eirhsngc oa *11 aud the good name of Michigan, in a M ■*▼■*. Tho place to buy choice Ht Johns and show canoe, if any theta ho, why tho 1 •■**- w travna 1 points, deal in Gold. Silver, Canada Money/ tone and manner that meant buaiueaa, • mhI instrument »h>>u «l not h* | roved and allowed SWEET’S HOTEL. that the facta and all the facta abould The best selection of Corsets is aslhe Iasi will and testarmttl of said detease.l. SPAULDING 4 CRANSON GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. United States Honda, Ac., Ac. Receive dey^aitg And It ia further Ordered, that notice he given 4 TTORNKYH and Counsellor*«t Tmw.anddollci lath* be revealed by a thorough luvi-atiga- to t r person* luleieoird In said eaiale. tors la Chaocery, St Johns, Clinton Co Mi. h At Stephenson ’s. Familv Groceries! of the proving of said will, hy caitsln* a copy of o l. mrintiu I i. a. nmoa tiou V But the /uiylr aaya lhl» trial ia a T. H. LYON. Jr.. - Proprietor. this order to be published In tho Clinton Indepen ­ Late of the RATH BUN HOUSE. SariDis Department commenced and ia hall over. Whert- IS AT THE NEW STORK OK dent, a newspaper printed and circulated In said couutt . throe aucccoalvo weeks previous lo aald MISCELLANEOUS, Of sum* aa small aa one dollar, on which interest aod when? i n a) commenced ? Where day of h. arm* For Neck-Ties, Paper Collars and Famished Thronghout Equal to »nj at Ihc rate of five per oeot per annum i* paid on* ia the pi oof of it ? A committee ap­ JUKI. H. CKANHON, Judge of Probate. R. 4. WOODRUFF, (A true ropy )______Ml 3w ill. O L. I_> First-Olzss Hoase in Michigan. the flr-t day* of Judo and I>eremb*r, on all sum# Linen Handkerchiefs, on deposit one month previous to thee* date*, lb# pointed ! Why do they not act? 4)R rirARK N4I.L. Default having T On* Hundred handaomel j fitted upKoomi. \\ here ia the evidence of a firm de ­ In the Hank Block, M •om made In lb* conditions of a cvrtain Thirty-two room*, comprising all of th# brick asm* aa In th* Savings Bonks of tb* Kasloro Go to Stephenson ’s Low Price Store rrv J portion of the ILvthhun House, used in connection States and nth*. termined apiril to get at the bottom Anna Newman 10 Charles K. Synoid 00 the third HX. JOIINH. MICH. with ffwi-et's Hotel for the accommodation of hoard ­ fi#*H. hnol District* in thi* aad adj iotng c« on * of the corruption and cle.iu out all the NT. JOIINM, MICH. day of March, A D 1944, a h li oaid m>>rtgage ers and guests. waa recorded In the ofttt-e of the Register of I>e*da tie* desiring to procaro mean* to baild house* t j roltcuiitiM f “Half over* is it? Prob ­ A KINK LINK OK for Clluinu counttr, Michlgan, on th« flflb day of the Issue of bonds, ar* derived ta comtautdcBlw Match, 1944. in Liber K of mortgages, on page with u* ably ! And if the end m like the be* lSt; and whereas, *aid mortgage waa duty assign- BOOK giniog and the middle, it needa no | ed by the aald • baric* Y riyiiold lo Gorge Gndo*. Hell our own Draft* on all place* In Kngtand prophet to lore tell the disgusting fail­ which aaatgnmvrit was duly recorded in lh# office Agents Franco aad Ocrmony, and transact a General GENERAL INVITATION ' Crockery, Glass-ware, Lamps, k of the Register of Deeds for said county, on the Honking Bu*in##a. 431 ure 8uppoae a grand jury, when ila fifteenth da) <*f Kebrnary. A. D 1*91. Is^r II, mVtTCt A loo, a splendid atock of of mortgages, oa page 913. and on winch aald attention had been called to the ezia- mortgage there la elalinrd Ur W due at the date ot 'T. JOIINM this notice tbe sum of Knur Hundred and Twenty leuce of Hoar gieal crime, *h«>uld refer Dollars, beside* an attorn*) foe of ten dollars, GREAT INDUSTRIES S' the matter to one or two of its mem* i BOOTS AND SHOES. stipulated to he paid should any proceedings to- or THE UNITED HTATKH. taken to form.lose said indentute ; and no proceed 1300 Pagi> and 500 Kngrawinpi bera, with the uuderatanding that if To those who do or do not wish to May always ho found at this place, all of which Inga ta law or chancery have h*i*t..fore h*on Foundry & Agricultural Works. there waa anything iu the information, will he offered at verv low flgurv* f<>r ( sal* or taken to forecioo* said indenture. Notice Written hp 20 Eminent Author*, inr/odiny HrDdy.pgy. W* propose to do a safe bust- fore ia hereby given that by virtu# of a power of it would look into it, who would not JOHN B. UOCUH A HORACE GKKKLKY. new at a very small margin. sale In aald mortgage .-ont.onrd. and In pursuance till CzlimmorH aay, and justly, that jury waa made up St John*. Dec 34(h, 1973 334 tf of the statute In such case mad.- and provided, Thi* w< Jk iv a* le ln«t* rv «-f all branches eaid premie*# being that piece or parrel of land, of industry, proccvHi ».f .uanufacture, etc., in all i HICK8 A HUSTON, of fooia or knaves ? The Legislature of , descried ** follows, to wit: Tb* North-west agt:*. It i* a complete encjrcl' p*-dia of art* and . tjuarter of the North-west quartet of Section num ­ manufacture*, and tv the most entertaining and Manufacturers of tbia State alauda in the relation to the ber ten, In township number an, north of range valuable w->rk of information oa •alijvcli «>| gen ­ people of a grand itiqu,at and when 8t. Johns, Feb. 25/73. four writ, la the S'ate of Mlehlgan. will hea-.ld at eral interest ever '-If- red to tb- public, W* want public v. n tue to the hightat bidder, \% «-d nr*» Agent* in every town of the United State*, and the Governor brings before it the cz- ! .lay . ttay lltli. A D. 1973 al on# o ’clock t no Agent can tail t.» do well with this bunk- — FARMING isteuce of a great wrong, the busineM • ft the afternoon, at tho front door of the Clinton Farmer*. Mechanic*, aid those of th* world'* | One ag nl aold 133 c< pic* in eight day*, another County Court llouae lo the village of St. Johns, people who enjoy looking upon pile* of j *«dd 3*ie in two w.-ekv. Our ng nt in Hartford of the Legislature ia not lo refer the Mtch.. lo sallofy the amott'.i do* on said mortgage, : void 3V7 in one week, Sp.ciu.vnv sent fre* on HimiUNTS interest and eo*l* — Dated Kebruary liiti, A. D. ‘ receipt of stamp. matter to one 01 two weak-kneed politi ­ LOOK OUT 1971. cal hacks, but to indict the culprita GKO. GODKE. Assignee. Riltov A f«l)iwi Ally's tor A«*ignre NEW AND FRESH AGENTS WANTED for the and bring them to justice. Haa this! om 1 •• %r 4. a A OR. vv till vu *. 7, hy tieorge W Akii.a, of Cliutor MKI I'agrv, ii.iO Litgravlngv. or that there ia auy intention or de- 1 Cooaty, Michigan, lo Helen C. Ilcwiu, of the' GROCERIES! An interesting and amusing tr-atise on tbe 330:8(1). Now on lki«n«l ik*»*l rt't'civlnR same place, and tct-*r«led In the office of the Itcg.s- j ST. JOHNS MICH. tire to do it ? Haa there beeu any one le ot Deed* for the county of Clinton and Slat* j Mcdieal llitmhngv «.f tbe paat and preurnt- It j - Michigan, an the 4d day of Augu*l, |967, al 1 I cvpooc* Quacks. Imli-stote, Trarrline Doctor*. act that looks like a full and fiim dc- 1 I'au-nt M«*dicine v - n-lcr*. Noted Female Cheat*, when we get time to o'clock ta theafternoon of aaid day, la llther If of I note la th# telling of ST. JOHNS HAKKKY, termination to stamp out wrong and ’ Mofig >gw, on page 413, on which^mortgage tn.-rv rtun# 1 < Iter* and Medium*, and give* inter- Is 1 -aimed to be due at the date of t hi* mdiee aot en ' ovting account* nf V>t d l’hy«ician* and Narra save the State from a great dishonor ? hundred and forty-nine dollar* and *ikiy -flv*j live* of their lives. It rev«ml* vtartling scerri* cents, tmaidea an attorney fee of hfty dollar*, *tlp- J and instruct* all how tr. amid th# ill* which Walker klrcfl Wont. But the Eaglo says “the frauda men* ulaled lu *ald mongage lo b* pvt l if any pro-ced ­ flesh j, heir to- Wc giro mcluiiv" territerv and iioned in the Governor* message were to |-A|lit|L| write one. ing* he taken to forecioo# sat<> mortgage, and no Low Prices, liberal c.>mmi«*i«.nv. Lg circular* and term* suitor proceed I it** al law or in equity having address th« publisher*. not commenced till August, so far aa been instituted to recover the »li»-.r or any part J. It. HI HH A nr HE. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN. of debt secured hy entd mortgage N--w 1 Cali open MR GRISWOLD at th# HARTFORD. COW., CHICAGO. appears from the recoid, aud were not 1 here fore. I*y virtue of the power of sale in Said on ILL. known to any body outside the Land mortgage contained, and of the *?atut« In au-h Office till near the close of December!” i •riii!: ■ as. inad* ar» I provided, Not|.-e la hereh) given, i DB.CROOK’S WINE OF TAB! CROCERIE8 that on the Stlh day of June. 1973. Tem Temraaf ayoMi*i?ml **£a far at appeart from tk* record f' j at one o'clock ID the aft« ri.oon of raid day, at the teal hupmvfd I>r.Cl•Crook *■ DAVID STELBKRh'ER, Pr*|»r. west front door of the Court House of (Minion WlasafTariolitv* morn That ia possible, but who shall a«y the ! county, in the village of nt. Jehno. In said count) . j Star Grocery Store. merit than any similar “record ” of those who are ackuowledg- 1 there will »r sold al public auc Ion. lo the hl{he»t preparation ever offered to 80LD bidder, the premiere describe.) in said mortgage as the public. It D rich in ed to be thieves, ia correct ? We have folmv. a, tn-a it : A pier.- nr parrel nf land on.* the medicinal qaalitlcsof I am now prepared la furaish tba .good reason for the statement that menclhg rlgl.teen rods nortli of th. south oast And there, a* ever, may be fouud the fairest and Tar, and uncqanlevl for STOCK corner of the west half of tt.r »*t quarter choicest brand* of dtneaara of th*- Tkraat A CHffiratffi Nt. John Cracker*. when a thorough investigation shall be of section 4ve, township <*igh', n.-rth of range 1 1, a mgr a, per form mg U>e AT • hrev wr*i . In I'Mnton c.iinly and mate of Michi­ moat remarkable curea. It made it will be found that the Luod 1 gan; runn ing l henc* aesi all rods, thence soul h Trai ftptrra effectually carenal) ( ougks In quantities to *ult purchasers and at price* that Office frauda czteud back not only to | four rmla, thence west nine rods. lt.*nr* south aad ( oida. It has curevl ao three f*-ls, thence a noft h-Wealerl) -'ttecl lot. uni II many caaca of Aatkmaa will defy competition and I can aatnly wanaat August, 1872. but over a period ot nr-j It rom.-a to the water on tbe sou I. bat.k of Mapl# Caffe** Raapa and Hrouehlfla, Giutit them to be equal la all nspov-ro to th* A DISCOUNT. Him right rods op from the ea*t end th* hut- haa been jirunouncevl a toon years. Never miud what ia re- j —OF— men' nf th« dam srrnes Mvple K v-r. thence lo aped fie kir theao com­ corded, Mr. Eagle, bat let us go back 1 in* center of *a«d river, thence up the centet of hug a to Gilo plain ta, For Palma in tba said liter until It Inters. < t* the Hoe on the east- Breast, NMe me Mark, •f records and investigate tbe facta. side of t hr s«id west half nf the south Wes' quarter Snivel ar KMaey dla- Best Crackers Bade Bat what shall we aay of a journal I nf aald section five, thence south to land owned hy Walavaeo Flail eooe, d IseoMm of Uie 1* rH»> John N VV hi tec re, or t he hard 'and, t hen--* we* l ary Organa. Jaaadlee. making the lesat pretense to fair deal ten r<>d*. thence sooth ten rods. Ihrnc* east Ion or any Liver ( omplsini rndo. thence south two rods In theplareof begin ­ Dried and Wmaked ttraiv It haa no equal. ing and claiming to be in favor of in* ning — Drtcdm .1 oh ns. March l*'h. 1*74 It fta oloa a aaperiar Tonic, lu euoaeelioa, 1 ahall always keep a fMII llaa Beatarea the Appatil*. vewtigating tbe Land Office frauds, IIKLKN t: II K W ITT Mortgagee. of 4 Svnrv, Alt'v for Mortgage* 3)1 Rtrengtkcn* Ike My ate***. lb at haa no word of rebuke for a Gov. I reah and Dried Irullv Ktlltrrt the Weak and Debilitated, Canoes the load to Digreat FRESH BREAD. CAKES. wbo has known of theae frauda since j Spring Remove* Dyspepala and I ndlgeai lan Jl made la the condition# of a oertatn mortgage And always a g« Alonso Ptumstoad Dives tame ia)onrkyatrm PIES. ScC.. and l.acvette 11um*t.-wd lo Lyman Hwagart, and not brought them to the attention of recorded March 2>d. I9M, at 11 o'clock M., In the And ahall hold myaelf In reaklne** to faraish pri­ Che Legiilature till near the clot* of /A#1 office of »be K--gl*ter of |>eed# h»r Clinton county. FLOUR & FEED. vate and public partte*. wnhtlag* aad festival*, 8ATI8FY Michigan.In LbcrOtf Mortgages, on r>age 1*1, with all the laxurte# the season* wtll aSord, on tttttvn f Dors the conduct of the Gov* on which mortgage I her* la claimed to W .tonal ©m«*r look as though be had a disposi* the date of thl* noli**, three hundred and twenty- The highest market price always pa d for short notice. In connection with my store mn I five foliar* and seventy two cents, hastde* an at­ lion to ezpose and punish crime ? Why t have pieaoantly fitted a floe airy mom, aarrouadrd YOUR8ELVE8. torney fee of twenty five dollars, all pa laird la 1 with l-cautiful shades, where people caa com* and did be not bring the matter up when Ovid mortgage to h* paid shou'd any proceeding* BUTTER, KCiCiH, Summer Clothing 1 he taken to Krfeciooe said fr.-vrtgage . and n>. *Utt Tbzt Fils, Tallow, Sickly Lookinff 3kin enjoy their first discovered ? Why wait till it ia or proceeding* *1 law nr Inequity having 'men la- la changed to one ot rrvahtM-nn and Iieaith. • 'it utrd 1* recov er any part of t be dv Ll secured Hy A im! moot kind* of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Tboan Blues* eu of Ike Ok la, PI a* plea, OjUtfl’K, KltlHlIltt'M. &«'.» too late to do anything ? The fact ia,, At the Old Stand, sal I mortgage ; Now i|ier*f«»re, bv virtue of the lalea. III 1 and Lraplloma ary the Republican party in this hute ia , p-.wr-r of sa'r tn *a»d Wiortgage eoatstnvd. and of removed.▼ed. OeroOrrafula, kerofaloa* Ptaeaaea of th# cholceot brand*. the statute la such ewer made and provided Nmtc* Of Ike Eye*, 99 k I to ff welllag, 1'lrers, rotten to iu very bones, and so cor* I ••d »arra o* any kind of Humor rapidly ta hereby given that on the |flh il»» y ot July At tho dTAR HT''UK may be foand rapt that it atiuka in the oust ’ils of { In town, ft! tlio A D 1973, al one o'clo. k in the aft. moon at the j dwindle and disappear under IU influence. Head of Clinton Ave. w-st fii.nt d«v<>r of the t'-ourt House tor Clln'on Id fhet It will do you more good, and ears good men, and it ia not in the power t.-un r, In the State of Michigan, tn 'he village of Frcnlt Oyatt'i'M you more speedily than *nr and all other preparations combined. What to ttf It Is oo- of administration orgaua or Young St. Johns, la said enunty, Iher* Will be sold at Th# year round, at m«»demlr price*. inre'a own restorer ! A soluble oayd of Iron D. C. HURD. pahllc vendue to th* highest bidder, th# premise# combined with the medicinal properties at Mena Christ lao Association mui It in *al-* mortgage d«*crttH'd, viit The a -oth ot.e- Poke Root divert ed of all diaagrwaahle qaali- Of the he*t brand*, by tho Caee, Caa or Dioti, fan longer lo hide lU abomination* from half of lot slg <9> In Mock seven (7 n I" the village tioa It wtll rare aay t kraal* or La*g> nt*h«-d at the lowest price*. of St. Johns, Clinton county , Michigan, voeniliq Rtamdimg Dloeaae whnao real or direct *0 the recorded plat of said village — I>*te«l April 8t. John*. Oct. lath, 1973. 397 tf the aight of people. ” JOHNS i st m»:< »:iv»:i» plat ■ | eauar Is had hi ood. Rhenmattaa, Pains I Mb 1971. LYMAN HWAGART, fa Llimka or Dae*, t aastltatioaa bro ­ ,J HO 12s M-roag Ice-Hardened Batter. * ST TB9 — ken down by Mercurial or other poteona, l*«aai» * * H* i.t>w i a Art y » ft" Mongaj- » ore all cured by It. Por My pkllfo, or lyphh ConaTITl ’TIO* Connissio *.— Tbe Iftte taint, there le noiiirng equal to !l A Great patna I* taken In aeleriIng Butter for re­ • rial wtll prove It. A*K POM OL MISCELLANEOUS. tailing. and it bring kept ronetanttr on Ice, It will y e vv Legislature a|i|*ropriaUd $15,000 for i fuoh 9 (ugraiT# BTiir or be found a* cold and fresh aa In mid-winter, roati>*Rt4or. 8 commission to retiw and amend tbe ■____ I H. N. GRISWOLD. 'Ml: Hl.vr AND ( IIKAPLNT soksiituiion of our 8taU*. if ibere it HORSE & BUGGY fft. Johns, Jane 4d, 1*73 IH FOR HALE. Furniture Rooms ! so ezlra tenMou in zl wiuter llteaa rrtkr I'rfiti'k fauaJkan kiitHian, NE-PR1CE STARE • amend menu recoaimendcd will be I offer for *al* on easy term*, a good etnrle horse, a light strong open buggy, a Itetrnd made I to tad oo at tbe nezl election. carter anil new, a iligt* breast colter bar woes, j and a druraM) lined Buffalo ruhe and ro«-d Up; OTTAWA CHIEF! robe J. n. 9KI.IIIA. TIIK HT. .IOHNH Dated St. John*. April 3|at, |97Z 440 tf Will ##fv# mar** this season at the fntlowlag Which we are bound to eell. place*, commencing tfouday, April flat: COMMERCIAL. FOB SALE! Btadafa at Cbortc* Ferguaon'a, OHv*. at MINI FtCTI RING COMPANY noon ; theaee to IbW ttt. ail nigbl. UNDER THE SUN I IT. JOHNS MARKET. TWO KIKCIIVS! Tmradmya Will b* at Selan Kerris, afternoon and night. fine Rraidear* Prapertlra on ffmM t coper 1 fully announce to the ctlisow* of St. roekiy b) D C IIran. Grocer- Wednesdays ho will erocred lo Morrl* J ohm* and vicinity, that they have apoaok a 1 l-anslng riraot, St Johns, Mich. Each rm Boaghloa'*, at noon, and remain antll aost Heavenrich & G uiterman, tamo a bon, one and a half arrea of land, a mm foe ­ VHKAT-Kitr* Whrie, |I7I morning 's Me house nf ire rooms, pastry. efoeet, well, rla | Tk* rad ay n b* willl proceed to John fftnrgto. R*.|,|I8 tern, eelter, Ac., fine yoong orchards with grapoa, Tb* uadoroigned have **■ Hul.flU Bengal, nt noon .them- • to hta own atablo, St. raapberric*. airawberrioo, Ac. Both places are Job**, near tho Fair Gro-md. — mo. L Led |1M rented to ood tenants, hat must h* said One Friday a and ffatardayg he will remain with 144 feet front, price |1 (aa The other with PLOU«-Xm tats per Mm PKOPBIETOR8. at Mo own stable antll Monday, eonttnatng IFURNITUREl 437 feet front on fansing and xxi r» m •I.SaO Term* eooy, title perfect. health aod weather permuting. No booineoe REMOVED •• -xx ns •• Enqntruof H . II ALL. al Perrin* A Baldwin's done oo Snaday OANK HLOCM -T. JOIINH The iaeot lavate* of office, fft. John*, till May lath. 341 •ORB MEAL- f) D per 140 I bo DEPARTMKNT, IS P. 1—The |lja property I* *n!4 end them ta a PRDIGRKRi To tho woH-known o'and recently occupied hy A- FEED #1 fi par l« poo ode groat bargain In I he *•# remaining Aoll oooa. TEACflOUT. whore they have opened IRA If —Tte. par la# pooada Barber Shop. Spring 4 Sunaer Coods, Ottawa Chtef tk a thorough bred Preach Oa Ba­ 4I9M9 PRSPP.BTt kina Mars* : was bred by 11 Monro, E*q , la 90RR-lta*t* per ba. ekallao. Ever bofo-* oSored la Ibl* market, roootetiag of Oaaada Newaarirodhy Young Nap«*looo, ho wrtk aa In the “Red Front, ” OATS WRMD inf pur ha Ififlfi k HWEE^KYvfrsFrlrUrfi. by Old Rt*v, a well known hots* la Montreal RARLKY - «1 us per rwl smoamam FOR 8ALE. The dam a thom*«hhvod French Cat akrnn Mare, Dm tfce Kaot 9lk« af fllmtoa Fine Broad Cloth Suits, bred ta (J»#bo*. He to sis year* old ibis Spring. RAJ I I ER—19 cent* par Ik. Mhmeinp. Hoir Cmtti»#. RyriagaaJ 4 beam Ifni dark dapple brows rotor , ho siand* avenwe, aapanll# 84. I4aatp* i(ag , Th# hwotneo# lot of Jacob Brown, on CHwtoa Entire New Stock! J ok aa Hamae, ffiKtaa 3# cent* per llv., Johns, with one half af brink wall, staters banka high, weigh* thirteen hundred aad MTPmmptlv dawe *• the test and latent #4yb Imported Diagonal Suits, Maly aonndo. aod g o *4 boa# nod muoolo, with kARD 8 tonka parik, j trill he aold al a bargain, aad aa long tim*. Par Of tk# I-steal Stylo* la Boots A ffhooo. mm4 • j The piwprkdara ef thte FWWry, wtll be la panic alar* Inquire of oa perl or setlna. Where they wtll eoartaatly hue* no k fall | 8t*Job"~ Nov. IWfc, 1* 73 ____ 3IT* A. L. RI'TLER tgral. lit** of fUSATDIa 44 par 49. Imported Scotch Suits, January 3#ib. f#73 339 Hi John* Tarasa- Toloowt* afeal IS, pay shir thoflra: Say of Kebrnary . 191k. Par lh* aaaoon N, payable th* iari two round* Plug!* trap ft nay able nt Receive Milk on May 1st Cheviot Suits, p" the lima af orrvfe* Mare* that are Insured moat Better, Cheaper and More of them WHITE BRAMS—91 fi oar ka **1890*4 regularly tn tb# homo, or they will b* I. Forney Pi cbsrged a* aoaaa* mina. Porana* ktapnata* af ikrit. External aa os AKKLRS 4S*#4>* parka SUE. EYCHDiGE*r RENT. Akriv_»nrea_^efncr Mating 'Hao, moot pay hr the Thaakfe! for poet kvoro, we hope hy keeping m the following boot* ; O* aa average ef § Cottonade Suits. Kif M -Drw4,hynp*M4. far IS pound* <>f unskimmed sweet milk, far and thone trying I keep ooaktoatly oa hand la ronnarUn* with good good*, at ransoms 4to rate*, to merit a eoatla- FORK. - Per haevot, 414 88 . •nth*, ta ho dvhtewd on** a day oa ar ba- THE hotel property known as tk# " Jack ana Hum a fall Hao ot WtRkaakarg -d a* 1 ARi RRWP-St aa to was pee vaa a'rtach AM. Saadat* earepted. House ' I* offbrod tee sale eaohaage ov real. Far tk* rink af owaor*. teday night** milk le ho delivered ffatorday P* f1tr*** r** rfl{|lRlIfS A BALDWIN. Agt* • to 9a. aa nt before ***** o'e lnet ffaadoy awa St. Johns, Jmmy ffkth, »979. 338- if Dry, »4 telle. allk la ba Sept hy th* patron* Geitx' Finiihiu Goods, L. C. Ml NRO. Pr*pr. r» We cm'i be I'airryklf kowol. I* be mad* a* soon as retain* eaa ho R. Ramil, feraam*. a IJi -'Tala't ta hr fit*. w pm l the r bo»»r, which ha * 4* of Up rest loo* I* Aka, a fall a—artm*at af tb# boot riylo* af INik'fi W I fHffl R$rlif BH peo fso rvd of th* pvqqritloBQ at the lot* Residence for fiUde. St Jakan. April Slk, (STfi. SaSmt Rot tom* * >4 Ike Fart ello The subscriber nSot* fee ante at a bargain, btv milk eavry HATS Sc CAPS. 'Teachout's Old Stand. Kprlw M$4. SWAI - fie peril wlh Sad at tho Kar­ hawse and large lot on Slate *trret. It to aepplted FOR SALE. rr« n»R - k hh. v* i >t aa. Mth Mai* ■ ...rUllfi with a choice a* sort meat of alt kinds af hiariaf fewtt tree* . good well aad rtolara ; gaud fewan I*loooo rail and eiamia*

a...... OAII At*e« UraeM." Wealing of the Wfflcer* aa« »!• W. H. Watt *, Barber Mid Hair NEW ADVEaTISEMENTS. N>:\V ADVERTISEMENT. MISCELLANEOUS. Jjf Clinton Inclrpturirnt Mh Kiotoa—I eort \> like the *pir- ; '•cl#r* ,kr Agrlenllnrnl I>rtua*r, 1st door north of NatioubI bw«iety , ited aud brilliant manuer in which d HOIlOUNlMieTKR'b ROTfiK.-Uin i««r) TV m*4«) , >| Bowk, 8l. Mirk. S42 V »•«•list at lbs Reims of NANCY K N J K I^PHlbE AMR »| HNLN J°ur <-orr».|H>nd«»», “Whit," b.dlr. The offlrer. and ,llr«-tor. of thr Clin- KIN. Demaaad.U W» ibs sailsrslaas* baying COMMIT At MMTKMi *noticestkr lbthat at *••• will moatmeat alSt lbsthe a01 M as Millinery! TERMS $1.50 k YEAR,IN ADVANCE hat* found ii tiacemary to facilitate eivil government, from Countable to village, on Monday of till* week, for af g. Hovl,. EK»»«4‘i , litin ibalira TUIagavillage af* HiSt Jobaa,Jobaa la ••id county on Krtdav, lb* Stb tiny of JJi a as, ------their growing trade, to a«ld a new and Freeident f* therefore be favort grade* the purpose of revising the Premium •it, and on Haiurday, tb« 1st Say of If oftabsr,o vent attractive delivery wagon. “ Deliver List and selecting the Viewing Com­ •78, at It o ’rlucb A- a af tub of said■Nn,waW days, for IIOMH MATTKHN, in onr aeboole. But he forget* to tell {l>ar|»oac af raaatstng sad a4)«*Oag all ibtai mittee, the list of which we give below. siast said dscsaasdj and sli maaibs from lbs |m ua. na whether we have a first, second, y of May, 1*73, Is tbs tlmsallowad by said Court —IM— ror ante.-Mr. R M bhlaid# slmai M* It was decided to hold the next annual ZAmt avadltors to prrwsi ibsir rlalais tnr sdjaolmaal it* r«*4«n(«. aitaated la • pl#*M*l part af **• Call and are the elegant Geo. third or fourth grade Freeident, nor fair on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs­ sad aik>«aiK-«.-4U Jabas. May Alb, |I7L JtkH.MlMMloNMlIa, ettuated in I hr heart MYLVEftTER BUTT. Hiss H. E. DARLms, Woods A Co. ’a 8 atop Organ, in an does “Whit*' tell us if the President day and Friday, October 7th, 8th, 0th HENRY ■ tilHHuNg, *f baaluea*. al a bargain. Hot h buildings »(• «»• * entirely new atyle of caee, only $200. ttfvt Commtaslonors. parotively m« sad wall arranged fur »omfort and waa working upon the up or down hill and loth, 1873. llrown** 111 o** 1a , I have lately secured the agency for ... . ______Division A-Bo its A* iouNiMievi:H«« Roria:. lotbi bust**** ^ grade when be Signed til* great coo* CLIN l- Ti»u««auo- Siau«l ILmI, Katii JmmlimSlim ofOf thrIbr EsislsEsists nfof ATWELLATWKLL A Khl*- the sale of these Organ*, and am pre­ Charlw tol«w»n Ureeotash ; Lot*as<> M lyon, f0 E, DseSMsS. w r Ihs uojrr*l»nrd. LstIa * bar* tons! oUal bill, taking himself. Mupotnirdby Jorl Onsaon, J vtlsr uf Ptnlwi* for pared to sell them, aa alao the Vogel $ Bengal' H I* sow prepared with a anprrb sAosk t* supply Cun ii—Ifnaaas rot ill Won -J. K Flow- ins county of viinitni|Clinton, ntavedull tfiof im* lchi*s««,ivvii^iei*, Corna ttne Roll of Honor. Hughes, at a lower price lhao yon can $100,000 of the people's money fortha man, IVnwl : John g. Ctarfi, Watertown ; Mlai ralssloitsrs to rrrsl«swrlu sisminsrismins sndsad sdjust all claims • be wants and driaanda of tbs Indira of ibis aoBi* K Jinw, Victor •ml tlsmands against said daaraard, du limb* muuity. obtain an instrument of anything like | ^ 0f hi* signature What we want |yn (nil| f# t||^|•alas will ism at Ibs aWrr of B. Cum lit - Roadetiii *■» Tiotiii # Broca. — ioyt. Esq., In tbs villa** of IMi- Joints, In snlg MT *o 4aaarv*a . Hinghata : Harrison gallon, Be* f aabasrtbea for a papei and i»aye *»»**» gat. Ir, IK73, M oaaa B-.rtuar, Wrat|*halla ...... •1 Ml New Music.—Mr. Wm. II. Tripp, to what grade our President properly . I M Clam I— liases -Orange Whitlock, Orwr.* at lo o'c lock A. ofsncb of said days, for Ibs *sr U Granger. Cheat**, Mae* ...... dealer in all the latest pieces of sheet belongs, high or low ? “Whit ’ says: tiu.h . CortlaoS llill, Bengal; Hiram g Mow, posr of i scsl r In* and ad)asiing sll c 1st sis aval act HATS A. Weller. Lyoa'a Mllla...... 1 4# Eaana. ■aid dc« os sad , sad six months from lb« 1st day of . 4 u* Clam m to *m.-IUihi»i» Stock . Orrtu Fee- May, |V7t, Is tbs time allowed by said Coart for o. W. Hunger. *1 Joh* ...... music aud musical instruments, in this *T waa strongly in favor of gtedes, creditors lo prsssnt tbslr rlalais for •■l)aslai«at . t M nell, Bath; John C. Brunson, Vlclor i Myron W O. H sad#* son, ** ...... village, will please accept onr thanka especially in our public schools, and Kills, Urr»«kuth and sllowaao*. — gt. Jolt ns. May Db. 1*73 Bleached and Freasad U. P. Um»rr. “ ...... I 4* j Claes tin * is -Ouiw m Natitk #. — K. L. HYLVE4TER HOYT, — AT— . 1 «0 for a beautiful Scotch Ballad, entitled, that, too, with direct reference to be- j ; A mort B. Cooh, BB*y; Cfcw HENRY B. UlltBoNg, U N. AI Ira. MapU ...... Rt *4 ______Commlssloasra. la tbs finest and moat Improved style of tb* ask* H VauKleet. Juuialo, Nebraska.. . 1 4* j-Dinna Forp-t yer Mi.her, S.udi.."-1 •»« «bb to rrcr. . I w.Mm. JgWj-MW . 40 1 >MOH t i l ON DI M. g.s.r of M>. nl,.» O. U dwain, bt 4obn*...... 1 A county ot CUatoa, as. At s scAsion of tbs Dennis Ctaacuy, " ...... 1 44 Tbi. i. . br.orb of .r..l. io «.r ril-1 for tb« m.rnr, io,«.rJ ' H'f ^ rtoliatr Court for tlis tonnt) of Clinton, botdro Nathan Ash "Riley...... 1 00 lace that should be encouraged to the | »o favor of the great principle oi poll- . orid.wit* luster R Hire, Dallas; I.ymsa *ws •t ibe Pnibai* Office, In I b# Tillafs of Hi Job*#, llalr Goode . 1 40 on Monday ihc Stb dsr of May, In tbs yaar garni WuUaru, Dfcepai'ftsvlll*.... onr iImiummn I cl-ht bundled and srvsniy>tbrcs l 4* fullest extent. Heal economy, a principle which few divihimn c -gtiKKp.gwixK a imhii.tky Present, Jorl II. Crsmmo, Jutlys of l'roi>stc: g C. French, gt. John#...... I" ___ | .... . ! Cl*ssi MrASua M asisu Massr.-Oro. Allen, A HPKCIALTY. Wm Hansom. ** ...... IN In lit* matter of lbs Estate of UKOROR ------1 understand. rt»r instance: nine out DeWut; wilier K.oai, k #m.«; caeiu-s k ii«»i- liORKKI.I,, Ibrntol. On rradln* and fllln* Ibc Jacob Britten, Ea*t...... 4 4a Tuknmi out to Ubcmuit .—Messrs . , , . .... * HsMr.Vktar . I of ten fall to see any great amount of Clam ii a in —Lasa AS* Missis Wools —O. |istliton. tluly vcrtArd, of CUrUsn A. gorrrll, gmy- I’aiiu D«»ty. Itaalc...... 1 40 to* for rrsssos llirmn Mft lortli ihsi sbe mm All sty lea of Hair Wort don* wit b neat ns* Any Reed & Gievii have sent elevn of ibCif > . . » •• H Mimiwons, t»li%»; Wui. ll nio . teacher, u, UIVIhioh D- fX rm lMH.IMIU?Te AND and that the heirs at law of said deesnsrd, and sll other persona Interested in Mid estate, are re­ For which the highest prlee trill ba paid. tUMiCeiident, a newspaper printed and — A uew train haa het^ placed on Simon haa couvrrtcd him to elrrulsted In sold county of Clinton, for suc­ _ i i j , (Hits. cessive week*, previous to aatd day of hearing the Miibigati Ceutral road, to be Skkvicks Sot oiit .—That close bred g r*de noliev; and I can assure “Wbll"| division K-DAIRY a HOl’gKItot.D. JOEL n. CHAXBt iM, Judge of Prohat#. §u||• ir• - . 4. || % (Ja | _____ lO--ry a oif ______J1 JI...... M.sJrtwIS. e ff. t0.„«.u ewjjitvy j. F.*#c V , ■Mrs. It. illJsm.rf,.ton, (A true copy.) NOw known aa the Kmigraut hxpreaa. lion, * I otter* Henry t lay, owned ih*t gt uui next »«ho<»l meeting be will Vlstor . Mr* John l'-ok*. R»^y fnrriiurc )HOH U| I', lilt III It Hi ate of Michigan, Faetorr. — By the late*t accounts circuse* by J 0. Dayton, of tbi* village, is fast g,,j that he is not the only one that !**»<■ T. IIoiustsr, Victor; — fihFlrtrbor. Uilrv. County of Clinton, ss. Al a ■• •■ion of tbe Asron Dnplsln. ProbateI Court for tha * minty of Clinton, holden ire now making their annual ciieuit gaining popularity among asts of Ht. Johns, tine hor*Ta. HaorsAsa I.SATBRS'- onHatuolsy, theSd day of Ms), in tbs year one over thia part of the western country struction of the present achnol grade I l*r..u |*. Yancber, WrAtpbsiU; H.our* link*. thousand eisht hundrid «n* M-it-ni)-three. —There are now in o|>cration iu this vices at Mnple Bapida and vicinity, «... . . u . . g|. Johns: A«r«>a Ni«rrl», IhWlU. PtrA II 4 r.«n»< i.. .1 iid.-i .*f Prol'ite. ayatetn. 1 n hit bays that “society Is Class m—A btislss or Dsrss—Hrotwr W In the msit4-r of the K*tste of KI.IZA A IHTT- 8 tate, nineteen hemlock extract fac­ have been *uch, that Mr. Dayton haa gr .ded." We all understand that and I>rW“l; °' I hKKIKI.D tin reading and Ahng The CSroat Slaughter has fommenced carriages and buggies tbapoillion, duly vended, of John O Palmer, tories. concluded to stand him there on Moo admit there is the upper crust grade i}/* 1j”icMeV AkVaidMivummltaitaTITaJD* praying that arv-rtam inrlrumriii da'ed July 2d. 1*7*. and a todlrll thereto attarheu dated Junr OK ALL KlNim, journalists connected with days of each week, Hi* colta are all and tb* lower-stunt grade, but whit, “cT'aH’^WAaesa, Cam .as .s asp *lbi«b»- lath. 1*72. may be proved and allowed as the last will and teat»no nt ot said drrssn d ' Kept on hand or manufactured lo order from thd the American press died during last fine aud strong built, and promtae, to that ba* to do with political economy I V o V^ a * i* ,.t,*r lIi.,,orM ,,oh"* ’A’ * Ttiereupon it Is Ordered. That Monday, the gil day of June, 1*71, st nine o ’rlork In the forrrtoon, year. a certain extent, to belter tbe stock of is bard to understand. Lastly, “Whit" l>!'lHtnlt 1-fink ^iith and nkkdi .k he aa*igoed for tbe tom ring of Mid petition, and that tbe heirs wl law and It sat era of said de* eased, __J, H. Corbit, hardware and agri ­ horse* of this section. “,or lho i'nprorrmot of riw7 ,%7* l,JL Mr"..K M* ,,w,h#t#f* victor why Mid will should not he approved Ami Ilia A CLEAN SWEEP ! NOTHING HELD BACK ! Steamers “Ironside ” and “City of ° | Ml*« Hsrsh VEnDyktr, K.lct. Further Order* d, Thai notice t e giv rn to the per wise improving his place ot buaineaa. clincher in the way of argument as a| On motion, R. B. ( ariisa and Ran •ona inter* med In •aid relate, of the pendency of Frcniout * running in connection with the hearing thereof, hy causing a ropy of this __Rev. C. Fox, Adveutist, will (f’aifi r,* a* ,,u f°r ^he grading of human beings dolph Strickland were ap|M>iuted a order to Its published in the Clinton Independent, the I) Sl M. R. R. between All Work Folly Warranted ! preach at 8. Hoyt ’a office, Tuesday in our school. committee to get up premium list and a newspaper printed and elrrulsted in Mid county Haven and Milwaukee, did resume of Clinton, for three eae<-ra*lve weeks pervious to programme for trotting at the fair. Mid day of hearing evening, 13th instant, and every two At a receot examination it was .ItlKI. II t'U A SHOS. Judge of Prnhnts. their daily trip* on the 14th ult. On On motion of H. Strickland, the See- fA true ropy |______342 3w Weeks thereafter, uotil further uolice f un i that the f* w s< holari of the high ~ , . the 12lh of May iuat , the Steamer 1 ,u* 1 ‘u ’ *' . . _ , retary I* atithorizeil u» procure *ome —The woman au ffrr ..S„io4W .. wi), V ,,|„.cd O0 tlli. Kr.d0 urd„, wl,o in it 4xi«i.vai:xi9. I shallalso keep on hand an assortment Cf Saginaw ” will be pi vara atn ymg jri» |><.r-OI| p, tlcliver an address at tliecoin- N —I received an unexpectedly large sup route, leaving Grand Haven on the ar l#u^ I'* 1**, wrrp rfTJ deficient iu iug fair. Adopted. Tbs atidvrstgurd hating « rrctrd a port in onr State Legislature, but fail­ A Rare Chance to Buy Goods at State Prison IVituons, .. . ri*»l of each through tr.,0> th... form j °nU »>rr,I,h-Y *,,d «>'«•<»»« br.nchr* The meeting then adjourned. IN 17 W SHOP ed to receive the requisite two iof with tbe “Irotwidf." ...d -Kr« ,ad ,U owi#« 10 ,hclr * r®»* —The bill passed the Legislature Your Own Figures I YVhlrh I will sell on vote. Or. 14# farttrr of |,arsing and Ht«t« «lr«rl, has moot -r% two connection* acros* .Lit.the Lake f jumpJ 1 over the living, into the dead r«mo\ni Ills MOi k «t>d t««*l# froiu Mitt# shop to raising the ssUrieg of our Supreme that ptarc, vlitlt l»r wilt is ptrp*rrd to furnish __A convention of the Protestant Tic morning .nd .Truing. With I Judg«a to 84.1 MHi per annum. REASONABLE TERMS, Episcopal Church for the Diocese of tl.. « f.c.llir. fn. d nnd ,.!«.urr. •" bi* h or u,.pvrcr...t Michigau. will be held in the city of lh. I). M mu., croiul, r.pi ll, gr„« tain*. Tl,iThi*" grade U,t‘ ",e ,tud J °* IHKK OI ( HAHbi:. Waps, Carnap Sleifiks, AND Marshall, commencing June 4th, into public f.T..r, * ,,Y drld -ho.ild be .tyl.-d Call at Colwell A Lung's Drug Store, in St. CUTTERS, hr , Wiil'ntiit «ts« Fully 1873. John#, and get a «atuple bottle of Dr. A Bfarbiu'l Mads ftom thr t rst maU-ttal and thorough!) fin- Standard “A* f Sugar ...... 11J Cents. ~ the deed grade, becovsr, to support ttg 17ft«-rva»n Hymp. rattor cexaeB- It Was lately tslit-d in a workntanltkf ntsnri. r .lobldug In all __Next Sabbath evening the s«Tie* A New Publication .— o have re- |t ,|, |0 t|)t. tax payer, ac now tnan- l>een introduced in this country frt»in Germany, its forma, prxmp'l) and antiafartort!) don* . Thanking in) frirnda and |»stmija l«*r |.a#l favor. Best Rio Cofiee, ...... 24 “ Aa I do my own work. of discount** on “ Popular Amuse- j «.jVe.l lb# advanced pagt-s of a new »ged. aod docs not, aa “ Whilw wovld V"1*'**!? **fTj I trust b) doing good work srcl giving Ml sfsc- tion, to ni«-rtt a rontinusore of ihs aantr. «« 44 44 Roasted ...... 29 44 raents will l*a rt*sum**< a <• |, noon to b<* published by the Na- have ua believe, yield a fair return for say diseas* of the throat and lungs it haa uo 0. W. BlRkLR. Church. The subject will be “ The j tional Publishing Co., C hicago, entit- the n»..nev invested • nt»r can we see lo th# wadd. Our regular siss bottles ?s MARTIN SMITH Rl. Johns, April Zfitk. 1171 3414* Japan Tea $1.00, with discount Ut Johns. Fob 1st. 1971 277 tf Theatre. A. J. Kta# LL, t.ed Br hiroJ the ^c«nr» to NV esliinglov. any great amount of economy in <«ur , turned Ifp' rfeet ■atisfactio* is not gtrea. Two in quantities. — Fiuih what we can learn tlirouyfl> A book for the tiui* aa, illustrative of m'bool w vat am ns it now ia * and that Jo*** »»ll relieve any cum . Try it. F. H. Swift N ' " iheodumiia of the Portland (Mich .) the Creilit Mobil ier investigation, the glass of peroooo wh« ere now tern ting | * i^.g^V.TTbe bS^’ M’Ch ista-yii OWrsr, thet village is destined to be Congn ring*, political intrigue*, j lhw chiVdren to a private school will1------=------Notions at Wholesale. FOUND a manufacturing town of conaiderablt workings of the lobbies, etc. Showing wo ndcr to hear “ Whit” preach about 1 <>M lf- MUSIC STORE! ■ s ...... ------AT THE- .oU. It offer* rare inducement*. how the public money ia squandered •• political economy. ” Simon . | BUTTE it F! KID In It. t gal. Tureday morning, IIS’ NT. .IOI1.VN. A|*.II Af h, l*7X nf for.sumption, Mrs K A. —Two thrifty and lofty evergm u* ..i,d how votes are obtained, with I*. 8. —If our acb.tol must be run RuilerRt id grd U )r«r« have been set out in front of the Court -ketche* of the leading Senator*, Coo- upo|1 the grade principle, by all mean* Drar it Ihnn weft, and justly drar, Corner Book & Jewelry Store ! House. They were presented by W m greoamen, Government Officials, and |«t it be furnished with a brake, aud Wf will not a w|i for tbee. (Sts thought shall ch«ck tbs •: art log tsar, WM. H. TRIPP Dry (*oo (In at Less than Wholesale Prices! A KISH STOCK OF L. Hicka, E*q . to whom the people ot an accurate desenption of the splendid j |et a be applied in time, so that we It Is that thou art fr«w. Having Isasr«! and fltird up In anprrb si)Jr, thr this town and county are placed uudrr public building* of (he Federal Capi- „h*ll hare another case like unto the And thus «hali faith'# consollag pi' rrt building ow im d by letter paper , reoewed o.ligatioua. tol. __ 19t McDonald boy, who after having hon- The te ar* of lovs i rat rain. O, wh<> that mw thy parting hoar A* Y, W illiaiM#, ClIntwM .11 r n ar, SERMON PAPER, —Nnw a tbe Me for 8an Uwbrrl- _Xh, 0r,„d R,p. or.t.ljr ure»it4 to the higl.ret gr.dr i'oald wish thee hark again f Isa and Paroeola, sod any of our lady F00L8CAP PAPER, ide/V««T.< «... -J. F. Tbo«p>o«, '0 *e one ecbool, ... thru rut upon Thr paMlng spirit gently find, Haa tbrrs dlsplayrd a fin* liar of readers wbo ate in want of a sun um­ Hoatslrud by grace dtvtr*; LEGAL CAP PAPER, brella or parasol, we would advise them Srcreur, of the State Poaralogieel ,h' dow " l* ‘11 »r,de io ,be other- »nd O. mat aurh grace oa os be shed to go ot once to Stephenson's and ex- S.H!iety, ernt Mr. 8. L Fuller . note |co,,ld ‘ ,or ,b« w •0, u( • Pr,'frr And make oar *-nd Ilka thine. Musical Instruments, NOTE PAPER. •unne their large stock aud very low ijnitr rerestly, Meting thnt from rrp-rt. ! hr,ke- be ,,n PPrd b" U,,d 'd "* " INITIAL PAPER, prices. be bee iMrieed fruta sll aeetioMef tbe M,P’' K.pi.le. D .wn hill NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. afceel wild Hound Haste, NEW SHAWLS __Not long since a number of head StMehe prclicle thM the fru.t crop trr.-lre withm.t . b>»kr nre d«nge...ue, Krnbrarlrvg thr Lrst and Istrst of th* day. Any ENVELOPES, of cattle broke their way into Col. O L lor Nali* or liichangf# pirar of muah or mnsiral Instramrat, an kept la thia eee.on will bo a. follow.: therefore. I f.ror • big for our •tor*, will br furnished on short notirr, and at Ibr SCHOOL BOOKfl, Spaulding** finely decorated yard, and The sahariiher oSer* for Mle or cxrhsnge for towrst market pr»«r Brtwrra im and l.SMt destroyed s number of fine and prom tVerhre, onr rjmrter crop oo the faint prop. I • rraAdeac* alias ted on Wight •hrrta of music now oa head. A fail and row Lake Shore. street, in a pu-anant and desirable part of the vtl- pl*#r atork of BLANK BOOkS, iiitg evergreens, but they are ever* A ftTABt l*U RHI TR. MMg ii It Jakes The house ia nrw and wall Pear* and plums, one quarter crop. built and arranged. Haa good re l*r. well and A.T A.ISTY PRICE. Editor Inokprnpent :—Allow me cistern I.EVI CLEVELAND rods DOW. Cherries, three-quarter erop. gt Johns, May 4th. |fi73 342 3m Guitar and Violin Strings. WRITING BOOKS, Strawberries ami apples, g ,od crop, i l*'™gh lb® eolumne of your paper to __Dr. O. C. Jneliu, of thia village. ||HOHITi: OH DI M. gt Sts of Mir hi NOTE A RECEIPT BOOKS, iwform* u« that be sold full $100 worth Gtapes, "tie-half crop. ask if the editor of the Clinton Repub ­ I gagas, Count)i nflii) ofor Clinton.» union. »•■• At a Msslon of In addition to th* abovs. I shall keep a superior th« I’rutat* C.»«rt for ihseoaoty of Clinton, hot* quality of ot nrwt pocto pl.uU from h,. liule R«P^rr'0. <-r«p lican has become *•» financially ember- den at Iks ProHats Offies. In Lho Til lags of gt. TISSUE PAPER, . . r r _ * . | Bla< knerriee and quinces three- Johns, oo Toim U), thr Mh dav of May, In aecount d that be cannot afford to keep thr ) sar an* thovMod right hand red and rsvr sty- Lugitl potek last season. On of the cr,>p thrrr DRAWING PAPER, cold they have n«»t done a* well tint, He ie of the opinion that we shall bta black cow from off the stieefs of iaPn-srnt, toe mmmmw Jftrl II m. f'raoann me Jadg* of FrnKats. !••'111%i* A Mule Pi»|H*r, Black Milk anti Alpacaot In thr maPer nf the Eatatr of GEORGIA Ku veiopcM, GILT PAPER. however, he will Itavc quite a have a plenty of fruit for use in the * 1 ••"**•* where she liaa »pongrd her ktta F«>X,sM"*»»r t In rnnding and Sling thr I llli, 1*4* II H, | l^ovlna Fns, Guardian nf State and apph*e to sell, and that tbe living for the last six months? I make mTiw"«r"r for thvrvtb art forth Below New York Coat. SCHOOL CARDS, eauutf lor wale. ^ And th* like. I shall also keep a fine stork of thr 1 I latter ill he very aujverior. | thia inquiry from the fact that she de- grte^iT? * rr* ,#,uir’ hrst t rands of —Something oew again and 8te* | j MARRIAGE phenMOW fib fiau, of our village, have Thereupon It la tiidcrcd. That Monday, thr the axel waive aa Cigars and Tobaccos. CERTIFICATES Alt them- goods will he warranted as represent­ eatm finmh Veil ed and sold at moderate prier*. these collars N It Mo**e Tree hers raa be furnished with tihevt M*•!* on same terms as raa b* furnished hy I.n.llt-M tSlnvrM, Colin !•«, ttnn.llii-rohl.-fli nti cent* to k* «• i^rs*H»# imstmum la Mid |r«naee We bear it sai l that they de ­ J ratalr, of thr prndmry nf Mid pstltlon, and th* April 22d, 1*73 im PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, wad uk* no other. parted, leaving our neighbor of the Re- drive her to the potiud. I notice that baring tlsarmf. r nt * ck a nrw»i*ap«T prlntr.| and rirrnlatrd in said roun- ty of Clinton, for thrrr aneersrira vrrki |.rvnoua C HGCKKllY U do-farmers of Re*ex township, will for printing, the Perrin Honae with a "he “**> not ®° attention, to Mid dm of hearing LEAD PENCILS, gpewd a few mooths vacatioo io tbe JotiL It CRANMON, Judge of rrohats small balance for findings, and ^ ,be editor would abide by some of (A true ropy.) 342 — PLAYING CARDS, uewlberw pert of thie 8tete, daring the “Riley,” who did much for their sue- lbe l*w* i'»»teid of trying lo «>U4»H ITi; OltUI H, St. fof Mkhi(.n ? o 8priug mod Summer. We can atroog. X »'<»ar*i) nf Clininn, m. Al a saastoa of iIm| S AUTHOR S CARDS, ceae, $10 for hell rent. We believe force new once, of his own making, up |’r„-ntr t '.Mii' for t in- muni » of 4 In,Ion, It.odrn at fi> o ly testify to one feet, vit: he did oot the Probate Office, ia the alllae* of fit Johns, on M w A BIO STOCK OF that their intentions were good enough, on the people, he would have more T*< *da> , the 6th day of May, In the year oa* J O Ck STEREOSCOPES, Imvs the printer to mourn end to eUrve thousand sight hundred and #*v« nty-three. but their “wherewith" waa not in ac­ friends and influeaoe iu thi*community. 1‘rreent. Joe. H. Cranson, Jndge of Probate. o ow Recount of hie uegligeoce to pay — In the mat ter of the Relate of Hi I.A* R JoNEfl, bs HARMONICAS, cordance with said intentions Our A Farmer . Doerssed On reading and filing the peGttos, 1 O Our roll of honor eeys, * nary time.” dal) verified, of Lurea C Hheitejr and Leroy C. WRITING INKS, bill of |2.5U was promptly paid, sod June*. Administrator#. With the'will nonet, d of —Farmers, when rowdy to buy your O ur Dxvil ’s First Smoeb .—Our said relate, praying for rvaswn* therein set lorth, we thank the unfortunate proprietor that they may I terns*. I ta sell certain real estate d ^UiaH30113 A<- •grieolturwl implements for spring and devil thinkiog it would be a fine thing b. longing thereto for the narpoee nf paying the NEW CLOTHING! NM(r owe, do not forget our wide-*- ^ l,iak*®8 °* 000 °f b’* preferred ^ get uatomed to tbe pipe, in- debt# and I. gaciee of Mid de ceased Thereupon it ts Ordered, That Monday tbs 9th wake friend, L. B Mattieoa. on weat creditors, and sincerely hop* the rtcinmo day of Jan*. 1»7J, at nlae o'clock In the forenoon WATCHES, vested his “ bottom cent" in a clay one, be assigned for the hearing of said petitioa, sad Walks* street. He kee the letdwt end will oot try to foroe them into bank ­ and filling it from our box. selected a that the heirs si law of Mid deceased, and *11 CLOCKS, sought styles of plows, grain drills, other persens Interested IbmI4 estate, are requlr ruptcy. rather secluded spot and commenced ed to appear at a session of Mid Coarl then to h« plows, ew»tivalors, harrows, seed I olden at th* Pro ha I* office, in th* village of 01. W. BUNDAY Below Auction Prices* JEWELRY, (Utwt lie. road ecrspars, ooru planters, Graw *o.r —There haa been consider ­ operations In five minutes from the Johns, and show cause, If any there be, why the prayer at the pei it toner* ebon Id not be granted Ha* now an hand a large and varied assortment of in the market, and he ia A nd ll 1* Kurt lie? Ordered, that notice be glean to GOLD CHAINS, able strife among tbe property-owner* time of the firat “ whiff'’ be didn't know the beet brand* of •all them at email profits. the persona Interested la Mid rotate, of the pen ­ on Oaklaod etreet, of late, as to wheth­ what waa the matter with his head and dancy af Mid petit tun, and the hearing thereof, by SILVER CHAINS, —Tbe Cornet Band waa out Friday canal .qy a copy of this order to be published la th* er that street shell or shall uot be internals. Mother earth roar up and Cli'itoa Independent, n n#w#p*per printed and FULL SUITS FROM usd Saturday Rights attract tug a crowd eitealatrd In Mid eoanty of Clinton for four sac- $7.50 TO $10.00. graded The matter was before ike stared him full in the face; boxes and »vaster weeks previous In retd day of hearing HH SILVER FORK8 A SPOONS, fur tbe benefit of Green e Mio*trela, and JOEL If. C------RANhON,g" Judge* 4 of Pro bat*. Crockery I Board on Monday evening, sad that barrel* became unsettled, and heefesred < A true crpy > Hti PLATED FORKS A SPOONS, •n* 1, judicious body decided that it should for home to get out <»f danger. His yitUHITK 0KBI:H. Htate of Michigan. •* tfad atsat ddslrahlr paltrras. UfiJfif tbe IcMbriliip of Prof. M. M. County of Clinton, a*. At a session of the NAPKIN RINGS,; be graded, tbe majority of the property * mother gave him two quart* of boom t robot* Conn lor i ho muaty of Clinton, holdrn or * of tbe moat finished most al the Prohate Office, In th* riling* #f Ht. Johtm, owners having signed a petitiow for the tee; rubbed hia ears with Monitor oil, ...»I Moodsy,■"IWaJr iprm* 2fithewlff dayffeJ offff April,A |»nl, laIII \tha year FINGER RINGS, ia ibis aeetioR, tbe bead is rapid seme. 0a top of thia was a petition and put Unee yards of well haired to **■thooMod "* eight' * ‘ hundred* aad oerenty-l‘» three l*r«ooat. Joel H t ran-an. Jodgv of Prorobele Those who call on us will GOLD PENS. A*., Ac If improving in its playing, and will la th* matter of lb* Katote of JollHH8BAEB, N A superb stork uf circulated by Mr. L. 8 Reed, wbo bee plaster upon hie bowels. She then ------Oa read lag sad filing the petition. mum be prominent among tbe beet been aroused from an apathy, has placed mustard drafts upon bis feet daly verified, of CothertB* Rare, widow nf said dec wo oed, praying for roaaaa# therein set forth Save Money. bunds in lbe State bought two Iota cn the cornet of Wight and egg-shells upon hie eyau Then that her dower la the real r stale, of which said Glass-ware He sir saber Ilia Sid ilffisd, can John Bor* died seised, a#y ha oesfoasd aad sot —Tbe Lanrng District 8nndsy end Baldwin streets, intends to meet aha put him to bed, and darkened the off lo her rilaisa 4fr. fa Kalkrr Ut# Thee*upo n It is Ordered. That Monday, th* 2d and School Institute of tbe M. E Church, a fiae bowse, aad ------(to be eontia- room, and fed him on a oew kind of *.*'*? • )Vh 1 *• awe Retook la tha afterar-wa bearing of Mid petition, aad will beM a aevwi-eanual eemtoa ia tbe ued until tbe eventfal day), for tbe balsam till Wednesday morning, when ^ *•*•» ** law af said decoaaad, aad all other perso n# Inter**'*d ta Mid ratal#, ar* r*. Stone-ware, g^Ordsrt far bonk Binding taken at Detroit M* K. (Jbwreb, at Orid« May 14tb and gradiog of Wight etreet. We ar* she allowed eke bad got tbe beet of qalrod t* appear at a soaoina af aatd Court, the* L7 yrlees, and rrmaytly at traded to. Fart too to b* hat den at the Probate office, lath* village Always oa haad, sod ha el a# Boohs to bind, raa fall their freights ay l&ib. 187$, (Wid Uvda y and Thorn plaoacd to bees ooeb energetic eitiaens leaving them frith br* tbet typhus attack. of Ft. Jobaa. and show raa**, If any there ha, why Particular atuatien firm ts Uw Taming Trad#. tajof next wash.) Chi Id re *• meeting on ear lane, but grad es euat money, at the prayer a* tha p*«1tlower should ttof he gruet —Mr. J. Williams, ones a jeweler in *d: And it I* Farther Ordered, that notiee ho feenmg. Fenone going least that was the report when the glees to th* preens* latersffied la said rotate, AT LOW PRICES. RINNCLL school las waa being collected. We af the pea deary af aatd pethioa and tha Hi Jobaa, April' -rain, on Thursday and ibis village, returned lo bis family bore baarlag thaesafi. hy msffiag a e**y of this didt ’l sign R bene was we like erennem at M. A,rii mt. «m a— by tbe 9% lobes Aeeonaoda- lest Saturday night from Californio, eedrrto he pahrlehed In lbe f’Hnton Indepen dent, ■ new simper prtneted and eirealatcd in said grew! JosnTle ffi ami fatrncm ; act beawty and loveliness county af Clinton for tb Gift rH«mmrrr«U'iwM:r W •« pay ball far*. Adults will where be bee been for tbe last three cents a rear, with a a pie ad Id 91 J. Nf. C'AWK, any far lbe trip, 40 seats; Children aa- oa all side* but oae, and there a *m elou# to said day af heart aa fr*e. ■*. men,Inaats. Rats* years aud a half. JGBLH t RANUUN, Jadge of I'rohate f whore you ■* saw this. Job* B. mam aad a (A true copy ) MfaXw ssrsi Ml ts i* L. Csoe dk T-***"- ■&***-'

ITU ENT ITU A. ■ found Mr De Wolf, being the first This brief and iuparfret skeloh of the FARM AND HOt’HEHOLD. Cuttings of roaea, verbenas, oleandera, What Next ?—Tbs May number Is 12,000,000 ACRES! martyr to this absurd, not to say mon fatuous * East India CAUnpany" Would be heliotropes, etc. ete., con also be rooted fills! wtsa ss asaswsl vsristjr sI ths ckii<«s> rssfi- SADA Til Delaware L*ftt®Uture hM voted its stroua, proposition, should carry the case •till more imtierfret without refrrence to —(Team PU.—White! of two eggs, one la small vtals Ailed with warmish water, tsg Int jirtuit* fmopt* Tbs psbtWhsr sssoaacss Cheap Farms! |«v in gold for arrvnhl araoion* up to the l nlled Bua«* Skupremi* C ourt. It Warrrtt Italic* whuaa uamc and fame tablespoon of flour, one tablespoon heap­ and suspended from the window casement Afttfi rssh nteftftdORi wsstesfi fiartaf ths swath THM GREAT ALTERATTVE Mim Aurl Y ahoo ban bND am*nntrel Is a question in which ttM whole people are ta*.is*»lubly a«MM*iatod with Ike his ing foil of sugar, one teaspoon of lemon; Select the cuttings aa described above; of April. Its wowfisrtal mm toss h a*i sort than fts Btsrtls Asssrv*. TWtjr casts s f*sr * ith rhotes Amuuiii LifttfehuataarheeiMr si Dunkirk, are interested. The *e*nh«t (ftltmioe of tonrof Britishb India,lout a. anaand ainoalso nnwith in meIke cream sufficient to fill the disk. This la pull off the lower leaves, and insert the R AMD BLOOD PURIFIER. of two fiR« fit ou ckiWRus to ssrh an bar r! bar ho union New York. ~’m V then is of a graver klud. An undertaker Kaal India Company“ " In 1790 Itr. only enough for one pie. end for about an Inch into the vial Tie 0 II hi not a quack D*«s(nim. emit A Mr liomivsuV. frtun Minnesota, seed at Portland uas advertised for a coffin Hastings was sent to Bengal as a clerk In —To Remove Grease.—Take one-quarter a string about ite neck, and hang tn the costs. Joss E A lush , Ptblhlor, Chlcsfo. »4 The ingrcdicais are published 122. pa*®ed through Milwaukee, Wk, th# stolen from his shop, and offers to trim Iks company's i service. Through the ex- pound caatlle soap, one-quarter pound sun. If a bit of cotton wool la wrapped is ths O szat Platts Vallsv . and tins it for the use of the thief, and en­ about the cutting where It goes Into the on each bottle of uu diriue. It other day, to visit s young sou U Illinois, hlbltioo of marked ability he was pro ­ ammonia, very strongest, one ounce hr Lata (1st. ttrsrjr wrstr mm Sallows • |ia used End recommended by aged 99. grave his name upon a handsome silver moted to second In council at Madras, sulphuric ether, one ounce spirit* of wine, neck of the vial, and It is kept wet, It Ex arc tits Cbambbs , Ha sal owe so , Fife. tt. urn t i.lit l.l Acres in Centnd Mobrnskn plate, If he will only return it. 8uch acts prevents the rapid evaporation of the Physician* wherever it has Thr father of Kralich, hanged at Hyra- then raised to the presidency of Calcutta one ounce glycerine To mix this cut the Ds as a Lias ss so ss * Now for sate ia tear*• of forty *eres aad upwards oa been introduced. It vrill nvs a ** tbm vkiH cbbomt at • raacasT. No an - of gnnoroelty are rare nowadays. and Bra gal At this critical period, 1799, soap fine anil dissolve in one quart of soft water Itmrnr mr —I ragartf joar Aalidots vumt the <>(^a day, occupied a window When the tiny roots show themselves positively cure 8CMOFVLA Vasob iNTRaaor aaqnaao. ____ where he ralkl get ft rtiuj view #f tbs «X> a war broke out between Hydcr All and water, then add four more quartz of water as a pabltr boaofaetioa MlU> AMU MBAX-rart L rUDATS. FBSTILS NOIL, AS the British India colonies. Hastings, by shout an inch or more in length, fill ut> S fp ite t art*»f tfap* *, RJIKV- A Letter front governor XcEnerv, and all ingredients. lo ths fall of UBS, tt prsroS Itself ta nr csss, as wrl bold and vigorous efforts, crushed the re­ the rial with a rich composted soli ; let It \MA TIS mTY'HIT** ^ WKL* —^The ProeUml Farmer mentions a sn ta bm| others that com suiter mj obssrvaUsa. a II lulus roatoas ofwj t alorado, I (ak sad L The complete Ah of the Charlestonn (8(8. Oov. Walher, of Virginia, having sent a volt, protected the M East India Compa ­ hang for two or three days longer, then I LINO, GO l T, GOJTMM. vwia. arias su*.|»lted by u* farwM* ia lha Platts V.) Courier, f«>r seventy years, was bou cranberry field in Burlington Co., N. J., uu»l tBTslaabl# remedy for Favor sad Agoe, aol only V a IXST. communication to li«v. Mcttaery, of Lou ­ ny ‘s’’ interests, and saved India to Great break off the glass carefully, w ithout dis ­ \BMOyCJilTJS, NFJiYOVS by C. A. Hportord for fl.ilSu, for the containing one hundred acres, which last prompt aad powerfal la rartag the disease, bat ala isiana, transmitting the resolutions of the Britain. But the means he took to de ­ turbing the roots, and pot the plant. A I it:mil TYt JNi 1PIKN1 gresaional library season employed three hundred hands, galariy plsssaat aad hSTiclal Is IU gssseal rflrcU Soldim Entitled to a Homestead of Heucral As-cinldF at the form «t 8tah ex­ fend these inter* t-to- —exftsnme cruelty to Managed in this way the roots receive CONN l MPT JON, and all di»- who picked by the bushel, clean as they *oa the ijfilnu ’ 160 • A wan was lined $5 and coats, at Thin pressing ay hi path/ with the people »»f the enraiy—awoke a terrible ruaioiw In go, making gtMMl wages Fifty acres pick* no check, and the plant will grow very lesMs arising frtm sn Jln^ure leith, 111. for cutting off a colt's ear with a Louisiana, has received the following let- England, and general Iforror throughout ed over, yielded 7,000 bushels, four acres vigorously. The cutting can Im* taken What la tsar Lift Worthl conditi<*n cf the birr d. Bend from the water and the roots planted in TUB MM LOCATIONS FOE COLO ME*. ja« k knife, ami |HT|i«nrating other cruelties ICT In repty: Ktiropf. J|e was recalled home in 17H0, of which produced, which seemed to them for our IlotuPAMN A i manac , in on the helpless animal. and hit lEI|M*a« liment was m<*vwr1 by Ed pots, but they will cling closely U»gether, No ostteaats caa hr mad.- of the valas of a bamsa D ____ HONRS FOB ALL! Will wras a Utats sv UictsVfhf. Kxt.Tftvi omen, t ious, 1,000 buKbels. Twenty acres which yen will find certificate* i aaoa for sa*rj under _ N«w Oat ran *. A|irtl IV < and are not as naturally d l»p< **e*i as'when life. It h beyood appralsruroL The wealth of of ettotett Oo>.*ruui* * Lands Tmk heirs of «$*• !%tgr Qleama have off. murnl Burke, the great Irish orator, then gave only 8,000 bushels, anil the re* from relisble snd trustworthy at BoRMTIiDlaw MMJ •his• OMKST Mails * 111* Ksretleurjr Oilhrrt 0. W slker (Mocninr «# the glass is broken off, after the roots art i ot aa ola tabliahed ilitdr claim to $4 f real rotate Tn the city of Trenton. if. J., did not begin until Folmiary, 1799, when, 7.000 bushels, yet the owners complain of covered with soil. Yet how many prrrto w ttrss are thrown away an- settled aaaattf . ______.. . T>kak Sir: | have the hooor to acknowledge If the wsu*r evaporate* a third or more Gospel and others. Free passes to parrhasers of HNEFoad Land- which had moaUy been leased for long the re*riot of your letter of the 7lh hut., in the language of Macaulay, "The high the shortness of the rrop. wittingly The laws of health are simple enough, A pf. S. Wilsoa Cart. **f FalOirrra, e- ttoosl Mapa.showtnc the 1-saJ. ste-. new edltloa I * aw RirrivR hsmurr wit« »«* Ham ttsium court of Parliament wa* to sit according in the vial, it munt be filled up with warm­ im of h terms by . another part v. who came into ttstuutlttfng a co|>y <»f the joint resoluthst ■—Milk for butter making should be bat they are not generally understood, and even rays te In u»« d It hi < s r«4aia riRTwum. _ _ ^ ish Water.—Floral Cabinet I sbd «th«r 4o «sm( with ibtiih tsUsfac- fraud ulr4$ proa wl in of * by the Betters! Assembly of Vlrginis, tri forms handed down from the days of handled gently snd put si rest as soon as Addrea*, O. F. DAVIfi, cipmMvr »>f the *em«* «»f that ltou acanowhaigtnents for Ute movn lion* et- longed eight years; he was charged with miE. When set, U should be protected even of the feeble and delicate, be gleet to fortify gent ; blanc et or, and blanc et bleu. pn-eerai in »shl rvsuJuliyns, aud sltich. *ootter Sonic say that some swarms come out, be cherrfulty yvrntrwrfida it te> alt kis I 000D, DURABLE ARDCHEAP! nUMierous high crimes; was arraigned hy from even the least jar. Churning in a themselves in this way against a known danger. I Crtetida and s< qusmtam » •. The salt well near heaven worth. «*r later, must find an art lx e response in the and go direct from the hive to the wo *m1s; teUlPI'ED KEADT FOB UtE, the ablest legal orators of that brilliant milk mom, or any work that jars the Crxvtn A Co. I rurgiets •« nordor*. Manafaetured by Crawford County, lad.. which Is 1,069 hearts of all true lovers of Ulierty in this great but in the time that I have kept bee*, I Who Is so ignorant as not to he aware that liostrt- vliu, Vi.ojit never hss laird togns j era in Engl ish history . was accused <>t building, will re tard the rising of the J.W. CHAPMAN AOO., feet deep, ami has, for several years, uathm. The people of ls>uisistia, sho hare sins far greater than ware attributed to never had such an instance In the first ter's Motnacb Ritters, if taken regularly, are LatlefscUoti. „ „ . . txxn unsillhitf r;isetators of the overthrow, by cream. Milk, to get the beet yield of cream, fiaaa'l 0. McTsfifieB,, Madirvin, liuL yielded Maying brine, has suddenly ceaaed L*rd Clive; but wras acquitted (in 179hi. place, I prepare my hive. I generally put a •are protection against iutermittenu, remittents, fraud snd force, of their government, chosen requires absolute and undisturbed rest. a piece of comb into the hive to attract TetJi.tsore, »»)• It <« r»d iiunof l.hri»- IW bead lot Circular. to be salty, but is (touring forth coal oil with Ida health gone, his fortune 1m and all epidemics engendered try the rapor laden _____S [fn.ii-m « hen all alar failed. in strange abundance. In conformity »ith the laws of Um* State, ■—To clean sweetment Jar* or b*»ttles, them. I keep the hive in the shade and, would Ih- ju»tlfitd in the rightful com-lusion pairbd. and his friends beginning to think »ur in the iar* hot water and a teaspoon atmosphere of springf Who doe* not knse in the water. Wash in Vienna, at last accounts, averaging six­ were they not doeplv snd thoroughly iiul>ued or* are correct Warren Hastings ’ bank tree, on the table; tip the hive back, nervon* debility, indigestion, and all the long cata­ with sn abiding f »ilh that tin < lUtcrm* of the bottles the same way. or kettles or any enough to let the Im** enter; put a board, will ears Chills and Freer. Ltear Cotn|>lst»t, I>ys- ty a week. l ulled Mates, reflecting the public sentiment credit was far belter after his celebrated other vessels which you wi*h to purif\ <>r logue of Ills to which beat and malaria give rise. aeasln, ate. Wa ausrantee Rapadalii s*>|>< rtor to eighteen inclie* square, or a cloth, in front ao Fifteen hundred staging birds of dif trial fbr impeachment than ever l»efore.| Whoever wants a dean bill of health for the must sit othsr RI 4 rurtfisrs. Sand for teoscrit'ttvs of the couutry, and tMtsaessing the exclu­ clear from grease, Strong lye poured of! ortlie hive, and take the hec» down and Ctrralar or AlaaanAc. ferent varieties, imported from Germany sive authority to renteay the great wroug and H<* died in 1819, leaving a reputation of clear from good hickory’ asheswill answer enervating season of the year, should take time Address CLXMKNTS A CO , ; MOTHERS! MOTHERS!! by a society organized for that pnrpnAr, hijustict hiflK’trd u|N*n them, would at its superb ability as a colonial administrator, put them on it. Then take cold water nearly as well for the same purpose, and from the well, and with a hand broom- by the forelock and commence a corrse of thi^un- A 8. C«^rainercs St., Jlitltim'ort. 3tJ. were turn«d ashes may always of the Mate from au usurpatorv government and a trifle on them, and they will soon Ban'! fall Is praear# MR*. WINH- ticate them in this country if possible. Ulikaow li to tin* Const it uti«>n of tile lulled be used. ■ Dtl_ g<» up. Amte. * hen a few doses of *haUaab**rK«*r'« nils rill R. R. R. D Low ’d enoTiiiNfi MHIT FOR hile rare yo* *1 o*ea* N<> sickness, slid bo |>urx1ux W tearing down an outbuilding at States, and prolmhlv ut xariance with the first Kellogg's latest ('rime. —The tide of favorable opinion for K«*|»e*t this in twenty minutes and con I ClflLDIlCM TEETIIINU the YarboroHouse in Kah igh, N.C.,neol principles of Anicriesn liberty. heading fruit tree* low for orchard cul­ tinue till the hottest part of th. fiqf |g on*d waiter found a package of money I trust and ho|tr that Um* other Mates «>f the ture. i* now exfwricnring a revulsion. YV’IIKN WKITINIi TO AttVEKTIwEHE Tills valoahta nreparation has been aaad with NAV* I’uloh, rising sttovc party ♦ honor and p-.xrt v dis ­ Events occurring daily in Louisiana past. As soon as they are nearly all in, re vv sirsM* si*y >uw saw the advartlonwaat EU KAlLlhO is TH»»r*ANH*<»F Cs.-TE. containing some giu.000 in old State hank cipline, tuay follow the evamph* of your in>tde idi<*d a new and wicked light on the fight Orehardists who cultivate their orchards, move the old hive, and put the new one la lata r»arr. RADWAT’S READY It not only relieve# the rhild from pala. hat u*'» notes, some Confederate bond.**, $.100 in ttml ire in th* habit of ploughing or -,tir n B Ij I E I* I orates the .totiiarh and bowels, corrects aridwy, and and illustrious Common wealth, and not )H*si- at Colfax. The un4|UCfttion«*d details of where the old one storsl, and put a hoard I give* tone and en.-rgy t« Ums aboia s>aUna. It wU* gold and silver, and two watches. Then* tute to i«n»nouiM*e in emphatic term* their c«»n- the war in Grant Parish, taken in Conner- ring the noil peri* m!leallv, say low headed over to keep the sun and rain off 87314307 ! also Utslantly relieve if no clus as to when they were placed dcmuatlou of thv UsurutUkin aiut plr of tin movement* of the Kellogg faction, pro' approach near enough with the horse ami ix raox Mat* by the wrongful illegal «/ fmirir orders —A grand fete is to take place in Paris, WHERE IS THY RELIEVER? When fuel is burned in an open fire­ that they deliberately went to work to implement, and hence the high standard in the month of September, on the occa We believe It the ||f>T sn*l t*r ttKST PrtiKDT IN place, at least seven-eighths of the actual ami ihvrees »»f a l uited Mai* * IHstrict Judge. method of training will answer for garden Beadrre, you will Snd it tn that Favorite Home ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. I THE W'OKLD.Ie *U « »*>.-■ of U^MfcNTLItY AS® Never did it enter tin* imagination of any I make that conflict and b)*Mid*hCU tretl.ln* or an) other reuse. American patriot that a Mat* Government, le­ blr. They had reached the point where This fete will be the first celebrated since lN-|M-nii upou it, uMtlM'rt, it will fflva rest to you unused. About one-half is carried off gally elect**! and erected hy the ballots of thr their usurpation would fall into power good deal of land labor. Apple and peach the declaration of war. i*i:kki havin ’ attbs titi'ito this ai »vkbti -r.akxt I •elves, sod with the smoke, one fourth with the cur- tree* must Im* train***! high, but pear*, we ;**ople, might, under anv state of cirrumstan less contempt unless they could manufac ­ Need any one Suffer with Pain. n nt w hich flows in between the mantel ­ ces. tie overthrown and destroyed by s Federal ture a pretext for aggressive violence and believe, are Itest grown on the pyramidal Asx for Pmssing ’s Cider Vinegar and tak Relief aad Health to Toor Infanta. piece and tht fire, and the remaining loss Judge, and the Judge who destroyed the le­ Federal intervention, and. with that system, and this must be low to attain no other. Warranted to preserve Pickle*. It has been tested in every variety of tllmate. and by ftadsi)'* Heady Iteltef l* * (are for rtary Pain. 1 Be sure and rail for gally chos**n goremment in tbb Mate and sub­ slniost every nation ko*>«ri to Aioertcau# It Is the is represented by the unhurued carbon- shameless audacity which had before ex­ success.—fforffruihiriU. •loi«n roasiant c«*ui(>anlon su«l iursiintalos frt* nd of IT W AS HIS FIRkT AND IS aceous matter in the stnoke. stituted therefor one not elected t»y the vote* —A milk cellar will be coolest when CoNscwmoN —Por the cure of thisdUtrea the missionary snd travel* r. on sea and land, snd no “MRfi. WINSLOW ft 8O0THIK0 8TEUP * of the pe«tple, must and will receive tin* bitter posed them to the sharp censure of a lie ting disease there has t**en do m**dlclne yet unt itvttlU travel oa oar lakes or rivers without it. the only pain UEMEDY A woman in Reading. Pa., used to buy and unmistakable i oudcmualiou of ti*e w hole publican Congress, they did not even well sunk into the earth, and not much discovered that can show more evidence of ^ | , _iur» Havlar rktrt, In up* IN «< uuu a-Her almost in- 1 i allX., Htomsrti. Bowels, or Other r.aftUe or orgsiu, by plot. Its cruel and devilish details stand will Wnta for a 1 t to J* ■• JOHj®TO!l, ohn i m ki of the wails should be protected from the and all disease* leading ter* t* as affections of .umily cure you TArrs u Hoiking * Huoi Xu U. lot aPoHcatW®. ti)(»nstrat4*d with her for her extravagance, enl servant. J M K - , j out from the record as obtrusively, and few niowents It cores w*tppiK»u> n. she would burxt into tears, and say she Govenu>r of Lmisiana. challenge the attention as iBSOkagj as sun either bv trees or shrub*, or with tti* threat, lungs, and all diseases «>f th**pWtShSB Colic.* ramps.)bt*un. Ilrartbarn. DlarriMra. Dyseo- I IN FFtON ONE TO T" EVTft MINT TT QREAT blind* or shades; and wire screens inside ary organs, ia introduced to the suffering pa Ir­ "*^S*.f!SSSaSSHSS a,—’ matter how vtntent or W n»ris** ff*w jwwhte Mh*4 hiladelphia newspapers,Bfl <>! recent date, we find that hult«sl as was to be exiH*cted where th* is not a good conductor of beat, it will Its great surceaa. A P woman wanted a safe WH.L AITOlft ISST1NT I.ANA. • •uas St la SUd thnfft*>fiS> Kite* < dace iu which to secrete her uionev, Aotut- a bill has been introduced in the Parlia- white ami bla* k races were nearly even in render the cellar warmer in summer ami Id secUons of the roaniry where Itwdfwc M to S—- ft L* •*. (-M M•Isrvsl. cinder in winter, by preventing aceesa to WHOIUIIT IRON PIPES. FEVEB AND AGUE \I ISM KI.AMM I ATIOX...... OF TMK...... KIDNEYS.mAr>I)Kn. * .bine TsckU 4a M*«^-s*s *• — .;*»*«• ill,4fW, and to placed it in that ingenious ment «*! itreat Britain for ‘the dissolution numlM*rs. McEnery l»eat Kellogg m th* I ISH. AMVATlON OK THf Anar onus. IUthiw -*<• booRht *w teadod foe article of feminine apparel known an a *il the l.ast lu< a CVuniMUiy;" tl»<* hhid bill parish, lMi while M« Eiiery meu, or Fu I the earth. G*mm1 stone flagging would Im* Doubtless many of our readers will ire sur prevail* . three is no remedv held tn Brea ter esteem. I 1Mii»VM»vi,rtiii luiti •ant by a* press 0.0 D to ba •tanwal telw* paid lor. | l**tt»T in this respect, anti hard burned prised to learn that the i'ranc Brothers* Manu •w-fur />rer .tg«e—Take tlirrw L uls | IVFI.AMM ATlOh OK Tllr. IM I !>. bustle. Cnfortunately another woman's prov iding that it- affkirs shall be wound I *ionists, wen* elected to some parish ofll fa* turiiqr ( omfiany, office 10 North Jaffsrs«»t) >f __ths J'AlM-klLLBB______la about _ half s |>iu( of hot aster. COSN*E>TI(>N Of THE LI'NO*. wit contrived a plan to chloroform her u(> by dune 1-t, 1^*4. Th»- is Ike fa- j k«*lh»gg uu*n were chosen f«»r *»thers. I brick would Im* bett**rthan common brick. sell sweetened with BtoUsse.. ss thr ^ttaCB Eremlaff I Tif|n *AT, Dim CULT BREA Till Ml. ■There should 1m> a ventilating flue run up street, (Llcairn, have me of tire largest works »n. bslbtna froely lUacbsat. back and b*»ael*.witb the I »»vi1MT vTiitN or Tll> Ilf VltT ami relieve her of her funds, w hich was mouN commercial c.*m|mnr founded two | Warmoth. an«l afrerwanls McEnerv. com- for the manufacture of Wbhioiit Irom Piprs uedMlnest the same ttiur. ltej*eat Uie dore u> tweu I FALfH AT to * ur ihbbaaki . successfully accomplished, and the dar and three-quarter* centuries ag*», am! mU-ionc*l th«* *»fl1**ers elected witliout re- from the tipper part of the anartment, in in the United fitates. and is the only «me in the \ Uiiuui<-«. tf the first d oe d«>* • not slop ths rhtll |ITSTE«U1% CBOCF, DIPHTHERIA. which the current of air mav im* regulated -hould tt pnrdore a voiuiitbir erator got off safely with her booty. whick has n*»t only a great c*.mmrr dsl, I t4) party, but Kellogg ignored the Weal They are obliged to run Rheir pipe ill •tontaeii is very foul), l*t*' a little 1 ain Killsn I » »,»/ tttr »tTTi artiw by mean* of a register .—Country GentU- r. r**ld aster, sweetened nith saaar. after each HEADAtHK, TOOTHACHIL at Iui , ______filHill h««fwari*in fLeonly A young man ad\*erttned for cotTtapon- f»ut an ini(M>rtant colonial ami poiiii* al dsctlen eatirely, and ap|»oinU*d an*>th«*r works night and day to supplv the demaird ■ !«au> Perseverance tn the above tre-tment ha#rared I hhl KAlAilA. LJttl MAI I*M. nuiu turning out XI) ton* tier month. They also wips’i Amarlran tllustnfii-d pap«*i p3»*Ushed tnatrwr tlence with ladies in develand a snort history The fir-t e**mm« rcial int. rc*»ur*e | M.t ,,f parish oftl« «*rw. All of these hut the util severe and obstinate cases *»f UiS disease I coi n cmi.TA, AOCR chill*. ti\Bing and j*l -rreaUv*. PrtrtocvarvsuP- manufactureevery varletv of brare andiron TVJCy I > A7* KX TFKS.XLL ) . AHA UMMKST. wriber. the maffatttevut **tiro*uo **at *st so mom 1 The of < treat BritainIritain with the EastE*-i indies was | one appointe*! Parish .Indge, failed to 3**Uunff fftvea quicker ease ta Eucwqt’aM. ft,Mtess. The mrq/’Ireibm of the Urndv Relief time ago. 8ome fellow answered, and an Toad* in Hie Garden* fitting ronnectad with |r(|re, and all steam I or psrt* « b*-re th« paic or OtXkuity catsu will m«jstb**sailful »**r pabllaheu. Hold only by snoscMp- a private a* 1 venture *»ff threethr**** shil»s, fit!*-*! j <|ii;iiify within the time r***|tiiml by law. •t/f o*.». .Uotf* cow* /msw snd fXcxiktM. It rem«»v*w Uoa. Agent* are i.svlti* unhe«rfi-t*f »u*( *ss naehavinr |Hiint**d an interview one night on Kurlid warming appliance*. ■ «r> uid the wound hrsls like ordinary sorea. I ea**c and ro*«lurL out in lAitl; hut onlv one of wi* I shi(>s , th*MM* nSArifcrinffWMh HHKIMA T!»M. HOI Tor NK C- Tw*«ty drop* In half A tvtmb’rr of w*«rr vrtTI, In a taken ovw U'mA n-iu*-s. Ail pr..a->uo*-r ihlsprM. - -•/-»- nvenuc. One of their numner dressed in Httil (N.mtniMion***! by McEncrr ami T*>ai » often c*»tni* t*r the surface in the | fow momeait, enre Cramp*, ►pasni-. r»;ur Moms* b, thr /^dcMsnrefor mcaev-ma-lar ever om-red woruan's clothes and met the advertiser reached U»e Indi*--. tf»e two other* lieing Warmoth still retained ilicir iMisftitm*. n»*wsi>a(M r*, ami (rrettv wnm we may ex Da. Rajisos s TIivr Prat r AVoTotr. *»a ll"vn i XL4*!A. If not a positive cure, they Sod the /*«» I Hevril*arn. >K*k H* ad*al»e. Dborhe*. IK-eTitary. Colic, Ureulai* frrr. Ms Ivan. ModUard A » o.. < bit ago. 111. lost throurii mutiny and shipwreck. The There was no resistance t«» Kellogg s ap. htbi r. Is not a quack ardidn< It is pr»-parvd hy invea them relief when uo other remedy will. | Wind in »l«c |Wiw» l*. snd all Interim! I» »*. and then another pretending to be her |m*( t them ter come again ter the surface of a rvgaiar phy«i*nan <»f over twrnty y« ars' praette**, Ar bay H o *ab -K r ai -aa should keep it at hand, and I n>v««'(n oii .ul i AlwAlf* • «rry a boi ’.lr of Had. successful argosy (commanded hy Cnpt. |*iint«*ci»; n*n»c was thought of There •i*nly »t on Um* Sret attack of aay »*ain. It will fflva **nC« ltrn«te lleltef wllhifrtou. A few fir* re To brother, belabored the romantic youth w ith! the ground in search of the summer in who o»rdlit It inauymany yearsyear- with great sure*-* in hi- MU»?Artory relief, and -a* e hours of *uffennff. a stuffed club, purposely prepared. He ran Lancasti-r) return***! to England afb*r thre** al>M>ititc jm-mc** in Um* rnrialt. Prntsi- I *ect> U(ron which they exclusively f**ed. largeyr prscM.practice • for th*-tf»«- rarecare of<*f cr*»o|iTivrop tC**uiriia ••ugh* sod Do not trifle with yonrerlvre bv TraUagaatriad rtm | wairr adl |»revrtit slrkocs* or Mm* from rhsn.*a ol ANTfcIW-%€;r.vr» — fitliO I wsicr. It is better lima Preach UraoUjr or D. ur* as a perm nth. every whsr#, te sail years' abs**nce, richly laden w ith the fruits I n**nt citizens *rf the McEnerv n»rty wrifi i old 1- among 'he children, and nearly all of bt» e»i*-s He sure you call for th** rA/.k-k ILLLH I sumaiaDL away crying loodlv fbr toe police. We know gardener*, who certainly know families kept thr aardlcin** in the house to be ready |F"DtractK.ns sccoaip«a*y *ach bottle. one of th*- moil useful article* of h<*r voyage to th«- seiui tro|»i<*al regions j actually couterriiq; with Kellogg about | w|IMt they are atertit, who buy ever Invented, needed ta rvary A n ludianapolis woman has notified j ui> all the for a sudden attack. Only tt cents. Price ti cents, i® rents and fil.UO per Bottle. FEVER AND ACUE. *»f "the far East." Captain Lam aster’s in It!- appointment*. assuring him *»f j t.,a.U th.’v cun get, an »c.»d fur Circular a— several soda-water vender! not to sell her fonnalion h-d to the estaldishtm-nt of ('uoi.Bas Monica Is instantly cared hy t>r. Mil- J. N. IIAKRI® A tO., Clmrlnnntl.O. Fever and Ague cored for fifty rent*. There 1* not Addresf, husd&nd any more of that seductive com- a* «jui«*s* <*u**t* by (be (XNtpk- in his eXcrris*.* their cerst in the destruction of insects and ltv> Magnetic Balm No person should he with­ | arviiK*ttal atmi In thto world that a til care >rvrr and SECOMB fi CO . "The East India Company," which was j out a bottle on the mad. as a timely dose may save Proprietor**rr>priet*jre forto r methe sai«S*.athcni^ and W** 1tAtcrn fcUOe*. ] Ague .aad sllotber Malart«»n«.niM-*u*^*c*rlet.TTpphol«l. (tfthat power. Thr adoptitl policy of the lame. fifryoi sals by ail Medic tne Dealer*. iar St ate-* L. (HirASO, Ill. pound of sugar, water and w ind, llis or ­ chartered in lb-ccnrinT. 1(500, w ith a < api Ufv. ® coats per bottle <*nly | Yrtlow aad other Fever* (aided hy in**AY ini-ILLS), ganism is so 'eoftltive (she says this) the McEnerv l»*irty wm> a oasaivc reni^tnne* Many person* have a loathing of this Mm advt-rtlsrmmt in this (taper. | mu quirk aa Ribwit i UkaOT Kbliaf . W tal Mto* k **l ‘ 1*7*2,000 This <-oiu)*any built L munise of a driak of w hisky Intoxicates m«nif**eU**| |n withholding Isxm , appeal really int«*rri»iing but certainly n*»t band Fifty Cent* per Ilwllle. tHtim, and two glasses of common sod a fourI ship*, and uni ting with exuaofdinary lag to pulillc sentiment in other State-* and some the result of *u(rendition, or Take I>r Pierre’s Pleasant Purgative Pel­ suer**-*, incn*ased the nunritcr t»» a n* lking to the final action of (’smgrea* want ofed tar at ion. It i* time we l«*arue*l lets. or Tasteless. Coated. Concentrated Root CHEAP FARMS reuses him to step higher than a hone spectable fleet, and thnmgh a nioiio|M>ly and llertnU Juice, Anti Bilious t«ratiules, for w ith the spring halt, and his spirit to soar anti (hecourt* for juntice. And (hi* (ntlicy I hat they cannot bite any more than a gar HEALTH! BEAUTY! of the Ea-t India tra*te made all It- stock | wa* telling terribly u|x>n the Kellogg Jaundice, ( on.-tii>»lion Biliousness, luflntn- among the stars. te r snake, and if they could that the Lite (iiat ton or Irritation of the Bladder. | IN IOWA. STUONO AND rrRX RICH BLOOD—INCREASE OF holder* immensely wealthy. The original FLESH AND WEHiHT — CLEAR HKIN S I LOAM u-urn.Htion. Just tfien in hi* apiw-aU to would Ire equally a* harmless. We *uj> rp** *ppUrall--n lo thr underelBiird. there will he I O ne Allen, of Chicago, is now collect ­ (tanied by pain or frequent calls to urinate, price of a share was one hundred pound* WH-iiington for aitl nn«l couns* ‘i. Kellogg p* mm* the fiction that they carry a j**w**l in maiM-d t<> sit) sitdreM ixiat-psMi. s nrw >iatlr*»s*t Map I and beautiful complexion ing documents and searching records, pro- and to T>reak up atfaclttacaa of cold* and fever*. of Iowa and a |*ampblel .containibg s*. t><.ns. map. I MINERAL SPRING WATER, sterling, but a- early as Iliad tins** shares was notifieil that there was a growing in their head i* mr longer believed, Shaks EECUUEI) 70 ALL. OF MILWAUKEE. WT*.. paratory to commencing a suit to recover Pleasant, harmlcas, and ooly tweoty-fivc cent* dearriptUm, trrma of sale, etc . of VXt.IMM) ar rra of were sold for five time* that amount. disposition ou the part of the F<*ruggi*t*. 21 the tnret sgrtcaltnral lan*ta In thr etate Cores Dropsy, DUUtea. Hrtgti: • l'la w'. possession of a tract ol land four mil<*s These lnrwt* are near eunipletcd Uironah of | DR. RADWAY’S thr I do aajthtag for bint until yet the latter is more true than the burner ary (>rffaa*. Fur proaf ot aamr, mu * for rirsaUi, ur square in Livingston County, X. Y., on rai|r«»a*l, batason the Unportaht fiUre of I>ea Molar* 1 of this great corporation is the fact I he should manifest some vigor in his own —indeed it is half true. They carry two, Prauc SrffAEXKs and Sinobnu will find and ( ouactl fllaft. ltd la the tnidot of a large popa- 1 ** l< r< RLLOAM NIVKKAL tPHIVfi (It., w hich the village of Ml Morris lias (teen that in 1K.V) its gr«*** revenue w»* £EiV defence; that the negrt»e* of the South their eye*, at least, are as bright as any Hm*rr.'§ Rnmchux! TrnrhrTicueflcial In They are oErred to actual settle r* al vary low i Sarsaparillian Resolvent Uu.» ll M» »<« built. Allen claims to be a linealAeacend- tazi.oot), or nearly $<179,000,(XI0 in our cur­ in u*1 learn to protect themselves. It Is J jrwels that ever spark led in a diadem, clearing the vole® l*rf«*rr sjs-Aklng or singing, price*. Aad wa t rm*tc*ui* all ciaasra. ant of Ktienrzcr Allen, to whom the land rency. KKPIeOICINO TH KKT®. rumiinff aptrehas. RAN MADE THE MOST AflTONIFHINA CURES: SO i*ut a few days since the telegraph in- They are the moat tamwent of creature* and relieving the throat after any exertion of *:id to A return of rallrowd fsr- QUICK. AO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE I AX DELIGHTED^L*^ was ceded by Indians In trust for his t *xupa: j * UcRrt' fBcr* at Chicago and ntiwr prtsat- wonWI not be * iU**>ul It for tea t lure* tt* rah- Tlie almrrst fabulous pr*»spcrity of this I form***! um that a Cabinet officer had al- that ever ale indiscriminately anything the vocal organs. For Coughs and Colda tbm BODY UNDERGOKh, UNDER THE IN­ daughters, and who improperly disposed t*al stattoaa. Address KTlutloll prlrc. Ul< H «RbY a ILXA, «• itnmcrcialitiinx r« i.U aasociathma.-- .< tatu»n— wlumewin »< DfinMNim nitM r-j 1VMit T»**t tto thl* c nitnanication ter K* liogg that had life that they could swallow that ______FLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WON- of it to Robert Morris, w ho, in turn, sold TrorKra are effectual. J. I- DMKVY. land t umwvtsalourr. Kearney Juactto*. RubUto.. Nehraska. f(tun«l***l vrme «»f the wealthiest families in a* having been sent a month ago, and a* came within reach. Tin y are worth more DEHTUL MEDICINE. THAT The above ta a fair aamulc of bun«ireda tt Irt- it to individuals. Lawyers inform AJlcn ( hit ago. Hew It Island A !*•« Ida H. It. ( fly** Lm*numt We Uyc Weight is Seen and Felt. • s m pi# copies of dl fltrrwn t date* tar thr so r#at tkop . fects of various stimulants, describes the side in the ft* a’ harvest of Oriental com­ .iff uru In Grant Pariah stood a- above in goon humor with the-*- insect devour « k tvlna t»erfe* « aailsflaeftpn • * e. Try K it, and always rveommeud it U> our frieuda. TO INVESTORS. ■dftAd -s ROWMAX fl M ITTTfrWj. rwi.i*ahrsta red wines as in some cases benefit dal. or merce . hrrt ia «*td« r to still tiirtber inn- Htatod. anti fornii-hcri tin tqiportuaity b< er*. we reproduce the billowing story by THE 8REAT BLOOD PURIFIER. 4.4 N i H .f.ft U«s Ml at all events the least hurtful; white wints nopnli/e the ?m*!n* ->*. Iliede companies ncMeffl To *lrag Ilte ripp»vftent** of Ms Dr. Harris: \V< should not hesitate* to rre-uftimend to any Thr Xorlhcrn l»nclflr Unllroad generally art* detrimental to the nervous were united in 17CK? Tin* field <*t the con­ 7-.TO First MorlvayMaoM Bonds, Every drop of th* SAKSAPARILMAN RKtAOLY- u-urpation Ix-fore Ute courts it ha*I createtl He *up(Mi*rd the odor of the squash bug frirtid of our*, />«rs*s*' Pur,fait r* PJla; they TST reremnnteats* tkrunrk the Blood. Swret. I nn**. rNOrettf C! system; sherry and strong cider intoxicate solidated ’’East India Company ’*" tra in llin hunted d<*wn by I'nitctl States troojm, and ------toad -;------and ter tent the matter he offered one all the purposes of a good purgative medicine. wrll-aecured inreatment, bcur 7 8-10 per life, for » rerrer* thewaa<« tt th* body wlih new and fT\J ttm. peculiar influence on the gastric juice. ••and material, fmrofula, Syphtila, (VmreaijUkm, d.Mttan (on** of which i- now ('alctitUI, a tried uu*l«*r Utc Ku Klux Uv by the in to a grzvc-looking b*x/o under a cabbage cent gold interest (about currency!, Undaiar INmma Lkwr* In lha Throat, M »o«h. "You know bow it la yourself." If you Beer produces a heavy and dull intoxica ­ trading (smt in Siam, an«l also a lightgut faaftou- l»ur*ll, lo furnirtli tin* M.nm K j H*rre. flail ifli • n . keent* tt'nntrd. **otr1 f»*rctewlar A«*dr*re. about the harliaristn of I put his front feet on the top of his heatl all the men look so handsome 1. Titer are the obligation of a strong truipriw, Aroa. Sark Spot*. Worms la fh*m Plreh. * " DhMLs* 1C nk® i.Nti MAC MINI 1«> . S T. and brandy “are going to a certain death. " mercc throughout the greater part of the Sonihem whites, the dogs of war had to j for an instant, as if ta i»4ta,and then di*ap corporation. 1 au.*,*•*, Causer* In the Wutuk, aad alt araakentacit»£ nfnl dVw-harfea, Ntffht hwreta, and all waaissar«« otof A t San Francisco, recently. Miss Helena peninsula ctf llindoatiui, from the Indies lie turned loose, and Grant 1’i-Uh affortl***! j peared across the garden in a aeries of th*- ts* HWVII III) flu* ss (I(nlw«< itjr tb*t strrnRff 2. They are a First Mortgage on the pr* r>i*«tlt>D. * sist si-*a- • f Kli ai x H ub I*v*. Ki lit* prtort|*la. arem within tharurauva r»n*r «f 'hi* Frazer wras awarded a verdict of $12.00o to the frontier* of Burmali; also to the the propitious op(M>rtunity. He t>egan de- greatest leap* a toad ever made. Perhaps cmnirt te ridllr*! Ij >a!ur< :H« t»ithillref*' Hoed, its Equipment*, HighU and Frao- w< nd»rtt Mudern* Ctennstry, ati>t •»«-* day* ass will The Best is the Cheapen. by a tender hearted jury as a soliatum for island* of Oylon. Maltte cit. Sumalrs ttnd 1 the bug bit the biter. Not satisfied with coni(anio« with Nature'* uxat f»**M pivlurUabk chiaea. >•* e to aay person•on n-nx H tor Htbn ot UKMI onus |liln-ratcly to palter with his own and the aitu defy OotnUoa. of dive* ■«. It* notrot powre to ears tlom. PROCTER A GAMBLE'S blighted affections, breach of promise, Borneo. It ha* lnt*n rumored, and gen other faction in re^rd to the |>ari*h «*ffic- I this. Dr. II. hunted up another toad, which 8. They are a first lien on its net earnings. If the pattaat,.■ daitr hat parts* rsSausd hv th* rure Horn.}:®HltrTI ) It i.tI biax M>ar. erallv believed, that this great monopoly and d*-* <>m|eHilUoa•inpnalOoa that I* r**nUnna^y proaresaiac. mmv etc., etc. The trifler with her maiden af­ er* In such a way a* to bring them into lived under the piazza, and always sunned frjkSS'l Iwotsst Kbi.ikv . — Warrantod to re- 4. There is pledged, in addition, for the rre-l» ta afreattnc there wastes, and repa*™ * This Aoap baa been sold f <*r mow than XjMR. fections was a well known lawrver bearing atone time kept up an illicit trade with Iviolcnt colli** 4), eat h side Iteiicvtag that biuiself ta one place in the ipu*a, and of ­ Hera all EhsujaaUr AElcUoas. Sprains. Nruralcta. payment of principal and interest, a Ltnd with new imarerial re*da from healthy bt*> >I ami thl* tt ia rmoMiy lo bay H. *• UMsoid UUrt a*faa #f Hr The best, tka saraat sa<) tka qutrkrat rrnel) lur the - \H.rtAPARII.LIAN wifi and d»m* *s;,s* ’ gains were earn***! hy honest and swallowing, though from the wriggling quality.______tar have averaged $.> Ofi per acre. an kn^wn rentedhL agent* ta thr rare of t hermic, rtcro- appt Great Britain, ; Knery anti Kellog ’g. True, Kellogg's t, and then when shaken before him he *X)HN Waste ru Mixed ...... Krsr %hS uSvarm can ’t help it," said the injured hushaud . hut the ** Ka*t India I’-ompany. ’’ C((mtnissions had not Icon forwarded, but would seize and swallow it, at first eager OATS—Ws#tem. New...... Tumorof 12 Ynare ’ Crowth Cur Ml UZHINU CO., Chicago,! U. RYE Western ...... HUNTER’S at TRAPPER’S ■ she gives ’em to me when I’m arfatp Some half a century later the province* they had been made out, had been men in y, hut with diminished zest aa the nuni PORE New Mess ...... by Radway ’» Resolvent. ft 4 ff * ’ I’d wear a muzzle," sakl his Honor. of Calcutta, Mad rati and Bengal, hy an art his office, and the names of those who icr increased, until it tweamr necessary LARI) ...... £ illustrated practical guide PRICE $1.00 1*10R BOTTLE. The irOured husband started He hadn't of the Britt ah Parliament, wer** placed were to receive them had been published to rub the worm against his lips for some WOOL-Pulled ...... AMERICAN SAWS. Tabbed ...... thought of that—Indianapol is Hr odd. under the a*lmini*trati*>n of a Governor in hia official organ. Ilia connivance at time tiefore he could decide about it. He BFJfT IN TUR WORLD ______CHICAGO. DR. RADWAY'8 MilVABLX-TOOTHED ( HUU AKfl, General. Lord Clive, who went to Madra* Ward ’s movement appeared in the inter­ would then take it and sit with hi* lips BEEVtt-Cboice ...... I ( huh * it and Bute are at variance at Hjar for a short time, gathering strength rirUFOR ATFD riZOVM fTTM. Portsmouth, N. H. The people of that in 1747 a* a commercial agent, aoon pas***i view between them tn But land ’s presence. Gond...... ______flood Air F____ to the military service, and hy a succes­ aad resolution, aad then swallow hy a tie*- Medium ...... Perfect Purgative and Regulating Pills. arfricax saw ft*., srir YOKK. town have procured the naaaage of an or- Ward then announced that the negroes of Batcher*' Htork...... sion of cofM^uiwU added Immense te-rrito. Grant Parish were strong enough tn seize perate effort. There i* no telling what the Cow* and Heifer* ... dinance forbidding the violent ringing of YVrfeetly taatrlsss. elegantly mated with sweet TTTE8T. Hcm.W.L rial acquisitions to British India. These number or result would have hern, a* the HOG*--lire ...... EALTH k church bells, and cm Easter morning, those offices, and would have them. He Pfh IMlklt. portfy, chare and strengthenH Wi exploit* so pleased I»rd Chatham that he went there boasting of the violence he dinner bell rang as the lOlsft disappeared, HltEEP -Good to Choice ...... Ma»a I'lMirrlw lafrrm, Um thaenre of all thsordar* tt th* Blore- 0NDER3 EBB, when the rector of the Episcopal church BCTTER Choice ...... flrtlf Mif dfefifi* f lag. taaaiag aa® Brh, liNV. h.>w*>4«. k \nm\ s H .» I ■ f, V*-r\ *i- l*i«ei*s- W UTmed (live “a heaven l*>rn General”; and by the cloae of the meal he had retired fbjr new ptaa Z magolfleent * hriiwire»* f ■ ordered the aexton to usher in tn* dav with would inaugurate with Kellogg ’s knowl ­ EOOH Fresh ...... 4Totaff ak! as aa® t tar* fishing A*. «s. Htwtote, Const lpatina, Cootlvcnces, ladlyeation. tsuoresrf** reereseftt. Al® refMto/ rthMMtV, A ififtO and so gratified was the "Last India Com to his hole, nor did he appear for four FLOUR Whit* Winter Extra.... Dyspepsia, tHRooMcre. Rtlioo*. Typhus and Typhot* a lively ringing of the hells, that oftlrial. edge and tacit consent. lie kept his desaffmvlaffa. Fever*. Isflauima r» of the UowW*. Hire, nod ail do pany” that it pul him ta imiMMioii of word; seized the court-house, drove away days in hi* sunning place. It Is to he Hpriair Ettra...... paid, •* raastF* W pHtm hy ■ ata tt the Internal Ylac*fa. W»rr*nted »«» AGENTS WANTED', ; ,i ... i hrawhChi} fearing the terror of the law more than GRAIN- Wheat- Spring. No. t,.. etc. K. liTnaaroaoAOo^t Ire iatMdiAChiragve enormous wealth British India also gave hoped that he slept well, but then1 might as. Mvw York. effort a aottUva cure. I'urtty Vet rtekl*. orretateiag the denunciation of his spiritual adviser, •uch negroe* a* would not be pressed Into Corn —No t...... So reerenry. reiorrni*. or iMrevtot* drug*. him the title of "Omraii of the Mogul his tender, and actually slew sous* of thr have been nightmares — Hr«fem Rural. Oats No t...... flatly refused Thereupon the rector sent Itrohsrrve the faflnwlag ormpkoate rural dog from Kmpire"; and Great Britain eonferre*! on Rye—N®. •...... EFFERVESC.NG bis son. and there was an alarm betimes, moat refractory. A reign of terror wa* 11 vufut Dlaorderstt lha DtgesUre t 'rgsn* : him an Iriah peerage. In 1773, afier he llow to Manage Catting** Barley—No. t. New .. Coaialalaff gaos rai dlrecllooa far ® rlttiur. •>•*» Moo that dismal, stormy morning, bringing speedily inaugurated, with martial law PORE Maaa...... si Letter* Vamity Emma (IMnaVMPfi Lot Coottpafhm. Inward plW. Fufteere of the Wood ta hundreds of people from their rrmrati, had returned home, a savage attack was administered by a negro mob, and every LARD ...... i*-re f rrt**adaaip. fatur* of Hrtuitathv, Lore Letter*. the lireJ, Acidity of the h *«maeh. Nansen, MotMtar*, made upon him in the lfou*e of Com ­ species of outrage aa accompaniments. In selecting a cutting a great deal de. WOOL—Tab washed ...... Snliftjsri* Lsttora. Lettsra of DminffuLbed Mr*. Let- itareatt at Fnod. Fattnss* or hetin m tha rtommem. and stirring up a fire of indignation that Fleece ler* of ntotlnirnlshed ®*otoeo. Letter* of Dt»«lnrnt*h- hoar Krnetaticms sinking or Fiat^rriag at the lit of will not be quenched, except by the reaig- mons, respecting his political conduct in The dispoateaaed officers appealed to Gov. penda o (»oe a judicious choice; If the slip ret Author*. Boatnes* Letl*r*.L**tter» *>f IttrwBtMoa, the ^toreaeh. nurtannnng tt tho 11* wi. Harried and Dtf- l®*tia; hut the motion wa* rvjerteii. and a Mtaorllan**o«M Lettare.aodMoeel Note* <»f In»Itattoo fleult Breathing. Fla'trrtng at the Heart, t hoklng or nation of the rector. Kellogg for aid, aad outraged citizens ap­ is too young and too hill of fresh eap. it PalteA...... Toffetter with llhir uu<.iat i' H*. * holes Fro#* Soatt- haffcwwtlnr fenretions when ta a Lying IN-lure, Dtn»- vote sf thanks paused declaratory of his pealed to him to enforce for their protec ill fade away from too much cvaptir*. (TNCINNATI. MR telert Poet leal QaoUllon* also a CoMotM nresuf VldotL. l>»ta or Web* before tha MrM. Fm sr A little circumstance came to light at eminent foreign service*. He committed FLOUR Family New ...... rti<>n»rr «*f ttyaooyins. all U*r latln. ) reach. Spaa and Dan 1‘ata ia tha Head. Deft* tew v of Carapirartoa, tion the civil proc esses which hia own ap lion; and if it Is too old —i. hard ami mb aad Italian Words aad Phra#*** nasally met with . jtttewoerett th* flktn and tyre, r*la to Sn Mftg RAB ORCHARD SALTS Xew York, a few days ago, that illustrate* suicide the following year, and w as sin­ l»ointrea had Issued and the mob had dis ­ Woody —It will take a great while to strike WHEAT—Red ...... [a fall lt«t of Abbreviation* Mottoes of the Mate*, Cheat, l. mbs, ar.d Sadden ) Inspre tt I tret. Ranting In OOKN...... aad a Model of ni altfl Prwd < orrretloas. Tka tha nrea. A taw dams tt HAD* AY’fl I II h wftt the beauties of the detective system ns it cerely mourned by the mople of Britain regarded. He pretended that he could n«»t root. Yo® must take a cutting that is tail...... /a rif Mliktt 1880.1 exists in our larger cities. A gentleman Bowk eoatotos too pa®**, maktaff Um sms| aotaftola. free the system from *0 Um above-named disorder*. J^WILCH A CRIFFITMSp as the groat fownder of foe British Kmpire get transportation for a detachment of hia partly ripened, and Is from a vigorous Mi...,...... moat perfart, most siahorate. moat naefal. moat sa- Pries DA ('oafs per Mon. Fold l»y Dntfilsta. was robbed on a street car of a set of dia ­ ia India. Httft, the measure* which he PORE Mesa ...... tZM tsrtatntag- aad yet aimp’s. Letter Writer erer pro- ^ Macafaetorera of flaws. iMctnipoIttao brigade; tmi at the seme shoot, ret is a little hardened at the baee doratL It retire tkr prd qaalttte* of all other* with mond studs, n gold chain and locket, and adopted, to carry out his eohmlal and po ­ t-ARD...... RKAD "FALSE AND 1UUJL* flood mmm letter J* ftTFKKIOK TO ALL OTkKtt.<. time he was in conference with delegations It Is awn essential to have a bud or Joint HOG® ...... man? additional feature* rerultar ta itarlf PrXrm Stamp to R ADW AY A CO . Rn. tel Warren AL, X. F ^ EVKBV AAtt WAR ■ ANTED. a fine garnet ring. Without letting his litical policy, do do ( accord with the 4 Or runu iaforreattoa worth tevusaud* will be aaat voa. from the mob. and the thing wore on till at or scar the end of the cutting, ae all FT Lom pries la a letter, and rserlve ths book hy retara mail ^to Filn®. BAltlng and Machinery. busiafciia be known, he made an appoint strict honor'and Justice of to-day. th* thrice^commissioned Sheriff Nash as roots strike from It, and the nearer it is to BREF CATTLE- Fair to Extra . A*W' w* MAZ/.AKDA S*»N. Boofctellera. Moaooffw ifya. given gratis to HOGg-Ure ...... ^ rwr are r^frel^* 1 ment to meet one Bennett, a city detective, For more than two renturie* tftf we * mi auuited Use court hotisc al Colfhx and dis the base the greater your chance of sue­ ft WATCH FREE r .V* wva —a ate w>® pri nrf Ufitfi IMI Unttltri irfF. at police headquarters. When' they met FL»TB Fall XE...... attaawar agent nreuisre flqfi ! aarahtf Hta interpret history!, was the Empire of In perwed the mob. The kiillngof Hadnot WHEAT No f HpHuff...... REWARD AMS* fat flays Rais* hi* a* # without It Mail have lLl**> . e«re the File*, 8R3%SdMflNnTempera nee n Msgsclnatest rated . ifAgent* M pa„* •to*w *My ra* rd the detective The latter at first denied put the cuttings dope around the edge of MH.WAUEKE fatthawiy n iaoTratafl FASTEN TOUR WINDOWS! the Mogul dyaaaty and conquered it* do ­ emir Transport al i«>n wa* found im letll- d nothin* else. SoW hv t nttktag ft-rr f 1 ■-* per week. Aon the possibility of such a thing, but autree minions. had hut one object in view—the atel®. The metropolitan brigade the poft: for if the bud joint comes In con- FLOUR -aprtoff XX...... • i to Dntofflma Fnre |liV and toairoetl'io* t«» rso»arer». mailed oa*» M WHEAT Aprioff. Ho. 1...... a deed, and i qtiently admitted that the ring was given purchase and sale of henry apices, (He tari with the surface of the pot, it , of root* Addrere IRON tOSlfl rt;®- mobilizedmomnzen smlami sent forth tn raise war ta - Ho •...... f’w^ul I NO CO FlMahorgh. fa. damp fort to him by a thief only a day er 4wo previ­ monds ami IngoU of gold —and cared •11 refractory parialhes A gua bnut seems to strike root more quickly. Pull off OOHH-Ho.ft ...... GREATEST CURIOSITY'?;I iMMmnirr KUM kwha sent lo any afldre a* ta Ih# T. fl.. porepata^tm rv ous The gentleman thereqprm gn ve the nothing for the welfare nr happiorafi of fitted up, a regimen*ment of cavalry provided the lower leaves before you plant the cat­ O ATE-Ho. A...... snniaff weekly prtoaSSnswt* V« turn hn* Address flNnRRriL. A New Method tt rorteg tv.» ■:!,!CTsssrss!«fSkm detective one week to recovet the reef of EYE—Ho. I...... o?*»n OR A Mr ART) A to.. fWi.o. Mare. , st...... arrinn. A*.«T*I ft. Ac, Sent free. ------the people of that vast Empire whose f**r, and the FedeiFederal troop* called into ting Proas the weft sand tightly about the HABLEY-Ho t...... W>r* gw attsrft Addre ss, with r»tur* stamp. the property, and within - that time It was territory it had conquered by commercial aettuu, to gather ia victims for the mild tiny stem, for a groat deal of yotour succeas UfCftfa aad anreettrees moatn* nf stdtaHaff A TOt’No, MflFtm Street, nrooklya. It TL, N. T H@5jaB&gag^-s delivered to him in a sealed express pack ____ _ C1HYELAND. HII rO ao«ld h* avoided if atosMot rwMftkt greed and military superiority, Th® ex­ tribunal of the drunken Durell ia raising the rutting® depend® upon the WHIAT-Ho t Red ...... i ore BfOMpUy seed In ®r*« Map* of dire aa*. flmMh® St K TV m rt MAVJK, ®SBfl age marked Philadelphia. Of course the done contact of the amid with the stem OOHH...... - eaaeoftTstoodard ktrereopotbtr rererdlre »h*«H h* Itrerlf■astretasflL traordinarymm mm power, influence and arro It Is after making this record aad show kept at hand by vrarv tree: ssal pitta all far ftt W 15 to $20 thief was not arrested OATE Ho |...... ,'flvy*w eveflred QOe* qd»atr»qot o old. Stake OK*tv uHeoey M w«-ita fHl. Addrere •ftEAT tt R«*TKR A l A iVt-re, s rth d* *y r— 0FR ’ftlHU WHEAT -Ho t...... I AGRRCY.Ttaod WJackvmR .Chkraffo VOt-M, A CL •*•**■: red been dev elo prd recently in Mew Haven Pariliament it a hill called •‘The Board of that Kellogg dare* to apeak of theft ead for it will greatly promote the growth of ___ Ameer...... r and Portland fa the former city, an on r*»ntrlontral,* ’ which placed the| aftin of the affair aa the "roeoH" of McEnerv * "trow* tkMotoSro. light and heat are the three CORK - H»* I...... puny under the control of British on able acta against the State gove rnment OAT® ...... Heft “Wolf “ _____ TOIEDO THEA-NECTAR ally brought before the Folie* Chart for eminent, and which It b the direct fruit of hta own eaeenttals to pleaVlNh; without them no WHEAT- AwWvMWh ...... ______Ibrella* Wottm *aft this. trolled the executive and political tioos. and if he is permitted tn g cutting will atari Shade for tww or three ______No >m7T...... $1 o to S20 SnT'iffnKsL JP* ment of India. Hrifice. we must accord to spreading the spirit of race aatagoc dag® from sunlight, but don't left the sen i 000-Eatt...... he was punished, thus eetahlidling the A. N. E. «as C E. dangerous precedent that umbrellas are that k*rssi *r*te«msn the credit of changing and violence, ae stepping atone* to a dry; then glee ell the tun you OATE—No •...... the administration of British fadts frow ft lea# des potism, there to reaanu fto four obtain; keep up a good supply of ____ WHEWEI personal property, and di*turb*ng the BEEF CATTLE...... DE. WH1TTIKE time honored rostom which has iMI mere fteifirr of erimmerela! avarice to (the went to yet to nd you caa baraly tail to HOOP-tire the appropriation of the umbrella of justice civilization and progreaa Jfep I. of your cutting®. £elrctrd JffiscelLmg. ban A La On* riamMiBU Cba|>maa Psr«-«t*a Ja * F»iw at i rn.iifk’mirrnnr « hs* « i'B ft. BfBk«.BB. L«v mmt tk»«Mik la • »>n« t, John Jr, I .at i Maos Tkwr’t ituikiHtf *( all u» harm totow. Wm W.rd I/h i« A. M«« wkt. M narr ana 4tmub «i th«- world Uiyrikw A Ism H m>4 Jr 4 a < *#r. T« a*s» , A Ml n sssto * iln« llH phM«M w»fc«r *llri‘ TKhC| I ses t? ItBri If, Moraine. Thr sq/ksf pl«r« la all ik« IimI Vi a I’ati ,.* .1 Ai aa U. t'e> Naan. I* lh« hvru* ;va Ib uI lk« WM kud' W II Wunier I J*dia w M allace. TWa m*kk* to Uod that a Sower will 4to - The Clinton Independent. 11. Fka MA D 4Wh.1JB». t bui A. Jantaa* T»a» bmI* la llaav TaafeaMitiBa* Ay, n. w w. K fichu in ■*. J*o>i Hi'iAtut kialkiaa U hail* iitv|A< ti« lataa' IS Ja * H Mem it. 17 Autun u kLaair ' tV« .1 hv aa A|*rll la the *|»rta«!M 14. *J«#ha It Pac ker. ra«a va4»ar u, lar a •••»» U*r« RHODE 1*1 AND To »laad aa (ltory's iltaianml *ulr I. Brnj. T. Aim* t La Usint W. Mai I os. And timhk * »|«ia. though 1 go 1*4#, A wo* tor |«a, VOL. IX-NO. 7. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 211, 1874. WHOLE NO. 423. t I. W. Maciit . 5. RolH buuiil* *col >. And lift Um latch i4M*h y • gala! a. KsK( Ek MiGonas - ■ ■ 11 ■ .1 . tb*se»»ck , II. 1. Wn M< Pabi .anh S. John F Hocii M<»a«o a|» Um In la a r*»»ilr glow. land would support u» nicely, he said, ness or accident, however, and Robert's And remeiu tiering how few tomorrow* LATEST .NEWS. The Arkansas muddle formed the subject last quarter of the fiaeal year 1672, wlu-u 1 *4 M • W C. W MITT MORSE. I ill ike lunplr |wn« and ike rnbt«*a »ku« ! and in the meanwhile, with'farms all face looked pale and anx ous aa be rode lay between those peaceful eyes and thu of Cabinet c«msultalioa on the 17th. The they amounted to $d.dUtt,o3U, against E. Geo G Disksu. H •J. li C Atkin *. Mwlag hark ike canaia aow II *m! $5,H-V).«UH in the last quarter uf the fiscal 4. John W Head a. Wm P. 4’aldwki .l. And n« h and warm llto •Irn4«'r river around us where help would often be away. sight of their belter inheritance in the President said lie •Uoiild not inU-rf. re, except ft. *Jous M ItaiuiiT iu. il. Caskt Yoen*. Hkall thaw Taa»a«Mi»%i*«< vwar la twain needed, he certainly could find work “There was no one to visit us, no “city which hath no foundation*, ” Row- to keep the |vmc , uutil lie was further ad­ year 1H74. TEXAS. v' t hr maul le parted Um old Hod M • ena kissed the withered check and was The CommiaoioBer suggest* that the t. J II Rea «am . I. *Kooem 4J Ah. never fear-whlaw a* il will, enough to do to savu us from suffering friendly face to look in upon our loneli­ Frightful Eiplosiou in a French vised aa to the fa> t*. ness, and to me the days dragged heav­ nib ni 1/e» tried nil sorrows hat the lael. a in me at Pttlston, l*a., on the 17th, by the VIRUIMIA. the stamp* necessary under the law ex ­ I. II. It bot'oi.AAn. *. John R Tc ksk . Aad woadur* why he dar.-» to live. did not progress very rapidly, however. ful for the children. That was not hard The Great Express Rubbery In Cin­ failing of the rock roof of the mine. cept proprietary and documentary, and 1. •James II PI .ut. 7 . •John T H arris . And think* h> he* no thank* to give, There were no houses near our own, and at first, for thev were full of anticipation, cinnati. May are that glimmer on the subject. hut little difference, for we soon learned seemed like preparing for our removal. Both the American and United States er* near the Government works in New York ft. Geu . C 11 Cabell * II look* mi like Ike roaaof gold tlio C«tl’lis*tM. Should Congress wish to abolish stamps ■ lie trod kiawlf la lime* of old — that the people all around us were for­ Long before il was possible for their Express offices have fronts on both city, killing live of the crew and fatally Injur­ YEBMONT. Look up 2S* ier Tu tMUaulVIJlu found. eigners and many of them scarcely father to return they were watching for Fourth and Race streets. The Raee ing the Captain. on bank checks, etc., jierfumery, cosmet ­ 1. Charles W. Joyce. | X. ♦tiro. W. llcndre. spoke a word of English. him and any glimpse of horseman or street fronts of these offices are used for Tin: sU-aiutioat Kinpirc, heavily laden, tank ics, patent medicines, matches, etc, X. Dudley C. Dennison III. which yielded last year $6,136,844 (but Bring oat tke chair* from the empty wall * 4 * l knew there were some of that sort, wagon on the road was sufficient to draw the receiving and shipping of good*. Of An American Boat Run lluuii iu at the levee in New Orleans on the 17th. WEST VIRLlSIA. he is still of opinion that the revenue emj ilson rank W here Aiful shadows u»ed to fall - hut 1 didn't think the whole of this the whole party to the window. Os the course, there are not many persons in Thirty to forty lives are reported to have been 1. H W k •F llEazroaD. The ibaLHi of father, aiater. mother, first day that we could reasonably expect the Clyde. cannot be reduced with safety), theC’om- *. C. J. Failkmer I of etoaaer *w eel heart. Mead aad brother; thrifty and flourishing settlement was the office—we speak now of the American losff after the same pattern,’ said Robert, him. I do not think lhg|c was a single missioner says sn equivalent could be WISCONSIN. No natated atadow half mi fair —on Sunday. Y esterday afternoon.w hen A New Y oke dispatch of the lHth says the 1. •ChAA. ({. williams. 5. Han . D. IU bthard . half-hour that bright eyes were not scan­ a had by increasing the tax on spirits ten A* the old home room with It* shadow • there! half-laughing, half-vexed at the discov ­ the robbery of w hlcb we are to speak oc ­ New York Central .V Hudson River Railroad 1. Lurien H Caswell. *. A M Kimball. No pictured hail at ktag'« deelre ery. ‘The worst will be the loneliness ning the road. But, amid all iny hope Terrible Meant IMaaMt-r Iu New cents per gallon, which would yield $6,- X. Henry h. Maifoou 7. • Jere M Husk. t'oald match that group before the ire curred, there were very few in the office. Company had reduced the pay of all day. for you, Mollie. Never mind; we must fulness at Uiought of his coining, my Orlt-Mii*. 957.000, or four cents a pound on tobacco 4 Wm P. Lisle « *A. 8. McDill W ho m o r ca*t a •had* he*td«. Between the hours of two aud three, when iaiiorerM 10 per cenL aud discharged l. sz» Bnt oa that wall and when they died! hurry and make our fortune, and then heart ached to hear how constantly the the “trick” was taken, there were only would yield $4 612.000 And *omr went np at break of day, w^fkmeu, or one-sixlh of the whole number KCi AMTVLATtoN. we can either move away or coax some childish voices linked the name of * pupa ’ two employes on duty in that part of the Republicans. I'fJ: Oppo-itiou. 175. The Htatea Nome waited longer by the way - employed. l K h(M*ucex iHSl ADssoiSAT. Gen . J. II. Baker , Commiaxioner of That fl >*nd aafe aero** the river. the darkness gathered, and we were still l**th. The ruin total of the appropriation* ARKASHAS. SSB*A«KA. the road yesterday, hut they muttered post, quite alone, trad rather weary of the city. A Hcndaye dhpatrh of the 1 Wilt 1*77. Powell Clayton. 1S77. P. W. Hitchcock. I'enaions, under date of Oct. 13, 1874, No n*Ke Innt mil. no cadence gone, alone. made is pJl.dlO. That they warbled, died, aud aang right on? something about “ Yankees,” and it the day, there entered Mr. Abe Monroe, says that a vigoruu* cannonade from one ol 1HT9. I W. Dorsey. I*K1. A Republican. ha* submitted hi* unnual report to the ‘“Give us a little more supper tonight Til ton 's suit against Mr. Beecher ha* been CAureasiA. NEVADA. The girl* •hail come la their white and blue didn’t sound verv polite either,” said lit* a lame man. formerly a ntesseuger of tiie the outlying fort* of Iron had driven the Car- Secretary of the Interior. During the A* if they broke God's azure through, tie lioh decidedly. because he will be sure to come to-mor ­ company. Mr. Monroe w as discharged a d* finitely set dowu for Dec. 8. 1*79. Aaron A Sargent. 1*7*. John 1* Jon***. year 5,758 application* for army invalid Flared truant to the realm* of light lists once more from the vU iulty of that plan . 1*11. Newton Booth. 1**1. A Republican. “ * It’s only their'way, 1 guess, and we row, you know, and then we shall have NEW IIASP-HIMB. pension* were allowed at an aggregate To ne with n* Thanu '»«*'’ inarched away to mail, <1 dram “ But as the week* aud months went “Another day and another passed and SIUVAKZ. creased at an aggregate unnual rate of Hut ding no *ha«iow« a* they come and remarked that he'd like a smoke. under polios snrvetllsnee, the physician* hav­ Ward of the city of Grand Rapids and that of 1*77. Kl.l BAL'La BI RY. 1*77. F F Krclinghoys'n Without a eorruw or a *in l»y wc became more enlightened as to Robert did not come. The children Moody couldn't accommodate him, ing certified that confinement would be pre­ txMl. A Dks .m hat . t*M. A I>BNo<*aAT. $416,257.50; the losses in thi* roll from the town of Lincoln, give Cate (Ref.) a ma­ ria>aii>A NEW Tom *. K’en death hitn«elf Mould let them In - the true state of affairs, ami in his occa ­ grew sad and complained bitterly of the and * Monroe cleverly proposed to judicial to his health. His trial had beeii death and other cau-e* were 6,105, Oh, Aacdkaarta! Comrade*? Welcome hom>' sional visits to the town Robert gained hope so long deferred, and my own jority of iso votes. 1*79 S. It Conover. 1*79. Ro*ow? Coukling. whose |H-n*i«>na with the am rant of re­ —/!*•*> imih /■. Taylor. gamble for the cigars—to “mark.” set for the l.t of December. 1*M. A Dzk o*ed to accommodate A convention of the Illinois Anti £«•< rat (I HO SOI A. SOKTM f A KOI I N A duction of the rate* of other invalid pen ­ the farms had a great antipathy to hav ­ Then there came a morning when we him. they marked, and Moody lost Then Accomoino to s London dispatch of the Society Association was recently held in Chi­ 1*77. T. M Norwood . t*77 M W. Ranhos . sions aggregated $377,432 55 annually. 17th the British Government had derided to Resuluthm* condemnatory ef all se« ret j 1*79 A H. Mehhjho N. A SILVER Cl I* ing any Americans among them, and made no pretense of breakfast; there Monroe, being a lame man, and Moody cago OHIO On the 80th of June, 1874, there were their prejudice had formerly been so w as literally nothing in the house to eat. requiring exercise, it w as concluded that organize another Foisr ex|**dition. On the organizations were adopted. 1*77 John A Logan. 1*79 John Kherman. 102,457 army invalid pensioner* on the !*;V K t Oglr-hy. 1WSI. A. O Tmcrhan . HY K \TK W. If A MILTON. strongly manifested, in various ways, as The younger ones cried and fretted some, Moody should go acros* the street for l'.ith a boat tirlonging to lh« American ship Tiir. following i» the composition of the roll. The aggregate annual pay of this to keep our place long unoccupied. That but Hob, the eldest, only stood by the INDIANA. ORBttON. cla** waa $10,056,377.54. The in< rca*c in the cigars. But perhao* we are ahead Aurora was run down in the Clyde and Nevada Legislature: .HenaU* —Republicans, 1*7* O. P Morton. 1*77 Janes J Kbi.i t. Ir wa m a dark November (lay, w ith a window !<>oking out in a strangely grave, wm was the reason it had been offered to u* of our story a tnfls Right here, proba ­ seventeen men drowned. IH; Democrats, 7. Assembly—Democrat*, 16; ISll. A Dkrotrat . 1*79 J. 11 Mitchell. the nuintn-r of this cl.4-a * 2.653, and blow, cold rain falling steadily from the silent way. By and by, when a few flakes law a . PENfiTLV ASIA. upon such low terms. bly, r-hould come in the black horse and Accokdino to Vienna dispatches of thc the aggregate lucreaae of |>cn*!on8 waa gray *ky, chilling the unclothed, shiver- “•Mere ignorant prejudice and jeal­ of snow began to fall from the clouded Republicans, 31; Independents, 3. 1*77. Geo O Wright. 1*79 Simon Cameron. $131,137 45 During the year 8,051 new green w agon. Thi* drove up on Race at Iftth religious troubles had broken out iu Po­ 1*7V Wm B Allison. t**l. A DWM ovr in ir trees and healing piteously upon the ousy. 1 think the feeling will wear oft sky, he turned to me. Ac*. okt>ixo to a Little Rock special of the pensions lor army widow* and dependent about this lime. It w as a rickety old land, caused by the iudi»po*ition of the pro- kasha *. HHo{>E INLASD. dead leaves where they lay. Its cold, after we have hern here a little while,’ * Mother, haven ’t you a little money l'.Hli all the State officers of Arkansas elected 1*77. Jatnc- M Harvey. 1»*77. IJenry It Anthony. relatives were allowed, at an aggregate express wagon, drawn by a spavined, pie Ut accept the priests appoint 'd by iwpe- tldtup huger* kept monotonously tapping Robert said, as rather reluctantly he told left?’ ringboned,old, black horse* ll contained on the ticket with I.u-ut.-Gov. Hmith, except 1*7*. John J. Ingalln. 119*1. A Hepoblhnn. annual rate of $110,433. and the |K-n*ion>4 against the windows of a room which rial authority. Troops had been sent Into lb* KENTi’rar aol-TII CARol.tNA. the story when we were gathered around “‘Only two shillings,’ I answered. two men and a trunk. It hacked up and the Secretary of Slate aud Attorney-General, 1*77. J so. W.htkv Kanos 1877 Thu*- 4 ICH**-. of 12.932 pen*ioner* of this flans were hut for that sound would have seemed the tea table one evening ‘At any rate, “‘ Well, I gue*s you ’d lietter let me the two men got out and let down the isath-rted districts and a number of the riot­ had indorsed Smith’s application for recogni­ 1*79. T. ( M<* REEKY. !*?.!. John J. falter* Inereaaed at an aggregate annual rate of bright and cheerful A fire of coals we are hers, and we must make the best take it aud go to town, ’ he said thought­ tail-board. Then they took out the ers arrested. tion as Governor. LOeiSlASA. TKSHiasRB. $913,111.22. There were stricken from glowed in the ojw*n grate, delicate cur­ 1*77. J ItfMlman West 1*77. H enry Cooper of It now. ’ fully. ‘ 1 know the way, and Jimmie trunk. This trunk wa* empty, hut when Tin; Government <»f .Saxony ha* forbidden Tiiz majority of ChsmberUin^for Governor 1*79. A Dr Nen*iona aggregated $1.- roses and geraniums—grew there unter tirely bv ourselves. Several times Rob Beside*, if we wait and the snow gets 1*79. Lot M Morrill. 1*77 M ( H ash .ton they tugged at it for a “stall” as if it London dispatches of th»* ldth say that 250,113 05. <»n the 80th of June, 1874, rifled by the storm. Carpet, cushions, ert tried to establish more friendly rela­ deep then I can’t go. ’ 1SHI. A K* puMIcsn |W1 Nazi e» H Mart. there were on the roll of army widows were heavily freighted. They set the lii-r*. H had been re-elected Hector of thr TIIK MAKKKTS. a ahyland . VERMONT. and lounges were solt and line in texture, tions with our neighbors, but the different “1 bail thought of that. lie had been kokoe enni and dependent relative* 107,516 names, trunk down and remarked that they Universlty **f tila.gow by 7»a» roU » to 5UU NoVKMBfc* *t- 1 1*79. G It D - 1*79 Ju»tln S Morrill. rich and warm iu coloring; hut Prissy ’s language made all communication diffi­ several times with his father, and though wauted it to go to the “old horse” corner. N cw Y obk.-C0*G*-144H’**C- riour-lii** 1 1**! II B rs. l**l. Geo. F Krimuud*. at an aggregate annual rate of $13.5Jfv.- eyes, wandering wearily from her hook, votes for iuiph Waldo Emerson. to « k >ice. $5.IS<£*> * ’; »hiipsh*-u extra. $'> 'mU xrny Nl< HICAH. WE«T VIRi.INI % aion- of this elan* being $424,568.00. 1*77 Tho*. W* Ferrv. 1*77 H enry G Daw *. in a faraway corner by the piano, grew to feel fairly afraid of the people then with sudden thought added thr old and in the short time of his ahnence on that day ujKin a proposed bank bill by s AI .SI.4I4). Cor* 9tsplS^- Writ <>u the JFMh of June there were 1.551 *rn. (-4 N>(',t. Pork New m■. fl1 .34t«L **' I**l A Hepublir an 1*M A Des«h iiat played snatches of «ad, low music in a about us and imagined all sorts ot evils •ilver cup. It wa* pure and heavy ; he Monroe captured the plunder. vote of 127 to t.W The President of the SINNE-oTA. W l Howe annual rate of $169,492, an increase in He selected from the lot of ordinary Kelchstsg had tendered his resignation. Domestic Wi<(S6Hr. Urrrt4 flUUktUfln U941. A Republican. ‘•|k», Wene, stop that doleful medley only laughed at the idea of any positive manly, courageous little fellow was messengers' safes the one containing a //, /« Dr -- ft $•*>.*, v- 75; live. p;b$MG l*Mi. A Itepubluan the year of 121 in the number of |»en* of wads, howls, and funeral marches!” A Vienna dispatch of the I*■>1 It says thirty- Skrrp—Live. ft^UgilUU. * aivKtMirri. injury to us or our property being at­ lioh. After the brave blue eyes smiled large amount of money, $70,000, we un­ t*77 Jatne* L. Alcorn, sioners, and $1*4,954 35 in thr annual rate broke in Piissy ’s impatient voice at last. tempted, but was becoming troubled and their good by from the doorway he never two of the Turk* charged with the recent < HI4 AOO Choice. II 7’ff# II; pood. iw*!. Hianrb K Itrucc. of pen-ion* of thi* cla-*. On the 30th derstand on good authority. Thi* safe |i.;v<$.Y4; ax-diam, $» *iO» *>; hates, r* “Tomorrow will be Thanksgiving.* ’ anxious about our situation, for it was once turned or looked back, hut pushed niurdi-r of Montenegrin Christian* had l»eeti nf Iune then were 1,7^5 pensioner* on * Well, it d«*e*n ’t seem much Tike it,” was for the Chicago ines-enger, and was -,.- fc $. :»N$iot. •i• .»r* //'• ;«— Li v-;. good loehoire |>i 'ogT.W — Hepuhllran 41 the navy roll of widow* and dependent aaid iiowena, facing about. “That ought was nearly all gone, and his efforts to would !>e late in the day ere he could It i* »upi»o*ed that one of hi* confed­ iinpriaonno-iit each. . . Id t« rbuHS, $* iS4t» V) Botut Choice jrrl- Opposition .31 relatives, at .» total rate of $287,534, an to mean sunshine and gay family gather­ ,.>w, Udh* r. yy• Frr»h, iKtCf Potk— obtain work proved unsuccessful There return at beat, hut the little ones began erates stepped in again and hcl|»ed him Ia»Nl**»N telegram*of the 19th ssv that King M*-*S, UeW. $11 Lord IS vftHSf. HGl SK OF RKPRK*HNTATIVF> increase for the v< ar of 15 in the number ing—the homecoming of the absent.” i was need enough of assistance on M«*tue to count the hours before he was fairly put thr safe in the trunk. There i* no Coffee, of the Ashsnteea, had i*ecn dethroned Ctlt*44 -NeW t )(k Ksfiory. ; western (Republican* in Romau; Oppo*ltion in • mall of names, and $0 9*4 in the rale of pen ­ Her voice dropped a little there, and the <>f the neighboring farms, hut they 14. !.„v lkats $ r le Winter extra cap»; name* rtf mealwri of the Forty third Con- out of sight. doubt it w as placed in the trunk during and hi. nephew made King in his place. M A sion*. shadow in Prissy » you nr eyes deepened seem *d determined to have nothing to do «print cxtr». $1 (1^*. *s> gres* marked with an a«teri*k *•> ] The names of 571 new ivensioner* were “ The day grew darker and darker- Moody ’s absence after the cigars. Moody On the I'.Hh an cxpl«M»ion occurred in a Npiinj. No.___ m.*. — Corn. No Ai ALASANA. but softened. with ua, even when it would benefit , m s o l added to the roll of survivor* of the war long before u «n >d they wondered it it returned with the cigars, anHHHndLL chemical factory near fit. I* nis. Frame, which • , «.; »i*c -C -N :•> Ryt— No R It Lewis. A. Palm . !ta*nr<*ai>. '* Ay, we appoint a day in w hich to . themselves. were nearly night’—and the snow fell M onroe proceeded to have a nice smoke. i at Horlftf Sa. 4, ’!• H <>o4 W. 11 Fornet . 4 •Charles llo*. of lHpJ, and 1,217 of thi* claa# were loht killed three snd seriously injured fifteen work­ — Tub sa»bed. C-it-'tTc; fleece. washed. aN* give tharks for the year's common, “‘They either can’t or won ’t under­ in a steady, blinding shower. 1 had tut While they were smoking up drove the 1. Jere Haralson (col.), ft. John II ( ai -Dweix . by death, leaving on the 30th of June countless mercies, an( 7V$7 VI Flftr \\ Fall $ I i'%4, brief and simple ceremony by the time uj»on us, and shut us in—a wild, stormy lugging to carry il—rather more than issue for the arrest of 8mith and his Secretary I *c> WA#'i/-No 1 Rod Fall. $l tffff! « a Com Jake * Williams . of June 5.312 |ten-ionera of this class— underneath the «mth gray hair was the cold days of the late autumn came j uight. Robbie could not come. 1 knew they had made pretense of in the first of Slate uj*»n the charge of treason. They had No. 1.1,* w. ibaTO^c. mu -No. - ,c. FLORIDA. an increase for the year of 259 in the Beautifully peaceful. 1 used often to look at ray children then, tlv “i* / trie. li-ttUy- )i k». Pork it even while I strained my eves peering place. 'Ihey walked out with it quietly not been arrested up to one o ’clock a. B of the 1. *J. T. Walls (col.i. *• •Wm J. Purman. number of pensioners and $24,864 in the Prissy noticed that more than she did and think longingly of the old home, $!'i Lord -13 xiftt3*»c- OEOROIA. rate of pensions. out into the darkness, aud listened, in and in good order, placed it in the IfJt h. Milwai KEB.-A*4'f>«r-!vpnog XX. f*. V the remark, for she exclaimed suddenly: where they wi re alrsady looking forw ard every lull of the wind, for his step at the wagon and drove off. Monroe disap­ WK'it Njjrvuj-. No. t. !*•*- L 6S 1. J I'Ll AS llASTRirx.E b *Jane » II. Bumst . The total number of pensioner* of all Acookihwo to the appendix to tlen. Spin­ illiam bitii vhnet *' W hat a day! There is nothing bright to and making preparations for the door. The hungry children slept at l**t, peared also. I um N<». J. 71^74 ,c. Dais—No. E. < W F. S . 7 W H D . classe* on the 39th of June, 1874, was to he seen but the fire and giandmothcr's ner’s r*q»ort, published on the 14th. the re­ Ryt— So, 1, VJ^IOc. BarUy — No. A 5. •PmiijpCoo R. “• • A li NTr.i-iu.N-. Thanksgiving-time. It was hard, girls; but I could nut. I paced restlessly to The fact of the robbery did not come 4 •H enri K H arris 9 Garnet M Millam . 2-91.241, a decrease of *2,170 during the bt-c * ” f? Tiu-1 34. you cannot tell how hard. We had Itought and fro, thinking, thinking. < Hi, girls, to light until six o'clock p m., when the ceipts of the Government for the last fiscal ft M A Candler year; the aggregate unnual rate of pen- “Nay, ” smiled the old lady, lifting ( . EVE! AND -No. 1 Red. $1 n®' If. the place, our money and our summer’s what a torture thought can become! messenger w ho w as to take this safe to year were #7dl,7W.\*).MN. snd the * xpendl- Nr>. 2 Red. "6. Coro —New. ILLINOIS. -ion-* of nil clauseson June 30 was $26,- her eyes, as she had done often during work were In It, anl we had nothing be­ t’bicago drove up with his wagon and turc* $742,947,1T3AA The balance In th*- mils — N O- 1. ShHkfiMc. I. R G CAt'l-WXI D. II. Kf-OTT Wiax. 254,071 10. a decrease from the preceding “ An interminable night it seemed, yet krisos \\ M M. >PHI N>. EK. the last boar, to a tiny bracket where a side*. We did not know what to do if we looked for his safe among the dozen that Treasury at the close of the year was ♦I’**,. DrnhWT.— WAtnf Kxtra. |1 !9^M9-a. Corn t. C. II. 11 * . li vear of $5,645 13. Tlie roll (uratains the silver cup reflected llie gleam of the fire­ it did end, and with the early morning —Si^Mc. OaU -Ai %*ftMc. X •( has B Fsrwell. 11 A I. ffraVBSS left it, and our being forced to abandon little Bessie awoke moaning S» many were piled up there. He couldn ’t find it. 731.ASUBI. The receipts »»f the Postofflee I)i*. 4 \ II .- 14 •Jos. G. 4 Aunon. Raines of 410 w idow.* of soldiers in the light—an old cup massive, richly chased, it would add still further to ila bad re­ 1 >Lii>r> -H led Amber Xifh.. ll orftiir %: • •John K Korn , He volution ary wai. days of insufiicient nourishment, followed He tried hi* key to several, snd it would pertinent were $ll,9W0,8l6JX, and the expend ­ No. i red. $! *r.g»-Uvs. * •(; L Fr.rt I*. Ws IIaktesli . invalid ]>enNioncrs by laws passed at the that old cup catches all the glow and ings. it w as really valuable. We let our V% S it A N fiERsoN. nearly all the day 1 held her in tuy arms cause there was nothing there that cotton snd other raptured snd abandoned fa ’c>ik7 JV. Shotp—Llvo, $4 VO& fJ*4- 9 R II Whiting. 19. last session of Congress, and the steady brightness yet. It has seen the coming Ka *t ! isertt — Catilt — lt,»t. 10. JoMK 0. Ba LST. cows go— we could not keep them In the afternoon the storm abated; hut resembled it. This safe was new snd inereaM* of the numlwr on the Invalid an l going of so many, many Thanksgiv­ through the winter—and our horses, all property was $10,414, I - * XD - INDIANA I knew not where to go for assistance, freshly painted, with broad bands. fhila,:, pbu. $; 110,7 "C Sk**p lte»t. jsuff •Morton C Hunter. pension roll, will probably bring tlie ing days, ” she added, a lingering some­ but one. 9 At the recent election In New York the 1. B 8 Fci.La* *• even if I could have left her. Indeed, 1 There was no safe there Then the ' .X. good, $1 3*04 7ft. 1 J D Willian * * •Th<. •John Y. Rhowr . 7. J. C- H. Hla « kbcrn . His manner wasn't very cordial. ’ laughed They lielonged to a man named Brown, •in a * W. Millisis *. •Milton .? Dcuuam . temptation to unscrupulous agents to *' Yes; tell me about it,” said Prisay, clock beating so loudly; gazing at the fit nati, were recently discovered iu tic- furnace No spirit* were ex|R>ru-d for drawback Robert, “ but 1 couldn't afford to be par­ in tb« Nineteenth Ward. They had during the last year, and the quantity of 4. Pr»x Tor Ks«»tt. » John D. White. fabricate testimony with a view to ob ­ fui, flickering shadows thrown on the of a tannery. A day or two afb-r the *on **f a so s o moving her low seat nearer, and nestling ticular about that, and perhaps I can been seen bv a lot of boy* at the corner K v P S K . 10. J M.N It. 1 LARK E. taining the allow ance of claims not ad ­ down upon it, with her tumblad brown wall by the firelight, and stealing now Andress»-r confessed that his father, one tobacco was very slight compared w ith Lol tstAN A make myself so useful a* to overcome of Third and Elm streets as they drove the amount exported in bond. The missible upon existing known evidence. curls where the withered hand could and then to the bedside, not knowing ftufer and himself murdered the jK>or man by Randall L. Gibson 4. W. M. Lem. his dislike to Yankee neighbors.* up Elm street, coming toward the ex- E John Elms. 5 ItENi. F. HrEN< er. The la.-t act of Congress granting boun smooth them. w hether 1 hoped for or feared the ch*n?r amount* refunded for taxes illegally press office, and the boys had hooted at pounding him on the h« ad with an oaken •C. B Darral!. * C. E Nash . ty lands has ln*on in force for twenty “ I writs young when we went there,” “ Useful enough he was, it seemed, for that might have passed over the pale fa* < collected were $«1H.60? in 1*73 and he was kept dsy after day; and as there on the pillow. When the gray dawn the shabby old turnout. But where they stick aud punching him with pitchforks. To $230,749 in 1*74 The receipts from dis ­ S AIN E years, a sufficient time for all those who continued grandmother, still somewhat •John II Burleigh. 4 •Hsmari F n.-r*«-jr. are entitled to the benefits to avail them­ was a prospect of employment for a con­ came 1 drew up the curtains, snd looked ha 1 gone after that nobody could tell — hide the evidence they threw the lady into tilled spirit* for the fiscal year of 1*74 abstractedly, and scarcely conscious that the engine furnace. All were arre«t4-d, and •William P Frvr. ft. *K«pM H»!e. selves of its provision*. It would, there­ siderable time we began to breathe out u|M»n it with a half-formed thought at least nobody that might be <1i*|>OM'd were $49,444,090, a net decrease of $-*,- •Jam*-* G. ItliiiK. she was being lw’guiied into a story. *' It to tell. It had passed awmfr quietly, with the toy aud Kufer confessed their share In fore, in the opinion of the C ommissioner, was hard to leave the old home and more freelv, and relaxed our rigidly that 1 should never see the daylight grow* 653,2*0 The reeeipt* from *j»ecial taxes MARTLAND. its magnificent freight, without attract­ l.e consistent with justice, and for the friends, hut there had been some trouble meager living, beside* purchasing some again. the deed. On the 14th Mra. Kufer became on rectifier* and dealer* show an increase F Thomas . 4 •Tiios Mwann . Chan . A. RonEKT*. ft. Ku G. H enrle . interest of the Government, that a limit needed winter garments for the children, “ Suddenly a voice called. * Mother! ’ ing attention or suspicion. insane and tried to murder her little child. of $7W,413. The production of spirit* and iv*ses on the family place, and when At about half past twelve o'clock this •Wm Jas . U RniEN. i. W*. Walsh . should be put by Congress to the period the estate was divided Robert ’s portion which we had not ventured to do before. there was a sound of hurrying feet, then Egner the elder sturdily denies his com­ •luring the year wa* 69.572,062 taxable morning there t ame proof that the tele­ gallons Seizure* amounted in value to HA«SA< MfSETTS. during which the various acta granting didn’t amount to a great deaf. lie It nearlv drained our purse, bo slender the door was pushed open, and Rob, plicity. and says both the other* are crazy. Tarrot . graph had worked well, ll came in the •James Bnffinton. 7. John K bounty land* shall continue in force. thought we could do oetter by going before, hut that did not matter much eager and anxious, but alive and well, Tnx ofl1<-la! vote for Governor of New York $476,863 The amount of distilled spir­ •RenJ W. Harris. * Ws W. Warren . »ha(>e of a dl.patch from Indianapolis its remaining in warehouse Sept. 30, for 1 \ •n<-nry----- L Pierce w•tieo. F Hoar. During thr last fiscal year the 8|K*eial West, and when, after looking about, he when more would soon be coming in; stood before me. The first glimpse of his Is as fidlows: Tllden, 416,.*t4#; Piv. 361,406; that Monroe had been arrested there h WJsl. II e Ind. Service Division ha* |»erfoniied impor ­ found this farm—the one with the little and we preferred to use what we had face, the cla*(r of his arms al*out me, pavment of lax. wa* $12,577,090. making 4. Rufus . Frost shortly after eleven o'clock, on a train Clarke, 10,214; Tllden over IMx, M.947. ft. N. P Masks It. Cues . W. CuAi-ts. tant service in the detection and preven ­ log cabin upon it—for sale at a remark­ rather than ask for any that was due brought me back to life snd the world. a decrease of $^1,240,618 from June 30. j a. CM A*. P. Tmo MI-no S. from this city . But there was no money The express safe belonging to the Ameri­ tion of fraud in the prosecution of claims ably reasonable price be was very glad before the suriy old farmer was ready to “ *1 m all right, mother; you see I am! The amdunt remaining for cx(H»rt w a* MICH IMAM. on his iwrson and be didn't seem to have can Express Company was robtn-d in Cincin­ reduced in *aine time from 2.145,010 for pensions. Claim* were investigated to take it, and only wondered that with proffer It. We were so anxious to con­ And I lost the way, for alf I thought 1 t. A I* William - 6. '-so II Dcbant . by tni» division numbering !,263. and farms all around it and the land so rich ciliate those neighbors, you see. knew it so well?* he explained, too excited any confederate* with him. lie was de­ nati on the l-Mh of $.7n,ected to ag SKKKASRA. remarkable: “ A woman of the fishing faint I v smiling. “ No, Robert brought • l>*re n so C run are. ” 1 thought so too, and tried toeomfort them home —and carefully, too. for thep fairly hug|ed it. As 1 opened it, anil cese, who felt his curiosity excited and The Bopervisor of Registration and the giegate $88,000,00$. caste,” write* Mr. Lockwood, “was *iL The production of tobacco for the last NEVADA. mysrlt with visions of the fair, pleasant were precious—when be found that no saw the ’ silver run in the sack's mouth,' determined to go snd hear for himself. Court Clerk of BL Jam* • Parish, La., wen- ting by the ride of the Ganges, some 100 homcMtead it would some day become argument or remonstrant <• could move B recalled the old story of Benjamin; He accordingly set out one Sunday morn­ arrested on the 16th, upon the charge «if alter­ A n < al year wa* 116,54^.619 jH»und*. an in ­ Wm. Vi viodbura. mile* from here, in the 1'atna District, when I felt tired or homesick. There and the thought of. how that troubled ing. he and his suite—Chaplain, Vicar* ing election returns. They were held to bail crease over tbe precoding year of 2,107,* new H A Mr-HIKE about daylight of the 16lh of August. the old man to anything more like 6*t pounds. The number of cigar*, was work enough to keep ut busy in get* justice. But we knew then that we day had ended in the restoring of the General and Secretary — and, arrayed in In the sum of $1,000 each. Tbs tr»*.q*s had been [Election ia March. 1F7S.] Suddenly the bank on which »lie was sit­ ting comfortaTdy settled and a fair I oat, aad the leaving of a land of famine full CSiMicsls, invaded the small village ordered to va as Bpeakcr. was 10,800.927 pound*, an excess of formed a kind of life-buoy, and she was had been we had not money enough to nearly three quarter* of a million pound* |. IIvnbt H MnuLF 14 Aadrew W’itHams tle idea of that style of housekeeping. take advantage of iL We could expect fully, slowly revived little Beaune. Food in his usual simple manner, and after­ The North Carolina Legislature was organ. 1 *J G. Hi Ml SAKE* 1* *Wm. A W'hnnlnr. carried down by the current, which ia *• There were only two rooms —one no kindness or accommodation from was. after alt, the only medicine sbr ward preached a sermon of such impres I zed on the 16th by the election of Col. It. F. over the preceding year. INK Ckittssi »*k • Henry ll llathora. now running at a great pace. A* cat h 1 arge, one with a tiny bedroom off it. The Commissioner consider* It indis ­ 4. A. M. Bu»*. Haml. F MiiW. village or lioat waa passed she shouted to those around ua and there seemed no needed though the sight of Robbie, five eloquence that the Cardinal felt Arm field aa President of the Senate and John 5 Edwin H Mbadb Own. A Msirlt-y. The last hado't space for much embel­ pensably necessary to control the move ­ % the villager* to help ber, but no one wray hut for Robert to tabs our one with the more hopeful spirit that had moved and followed him into the vestry L. Robinson -as 6(teaker of the House. The a. *Ham ( el h Coe . *! H ani TT Id EIi lishing. and for the first, its gas, picture*, ment of raw or leaf tobacco by the con ­ 7 . rsitm J Eli. Jr. Wm f! Raker came to ber relief. In this way she wa* horse, journey alone to the old home, mmeovsr us all. seemed to have almost when mas* was over to compliment him. House stand* eighty four iK-mocraU, thirty- and ornaments were all gathered in the Frohahly His Eminence was not more ex tinuance of the leaf clause of the act of a Elijah Ward £EW* Ix-miri worth carried nearly 109 miles.and, forlunatcly and make some arrangement for our as much to do with her recovery. That four Republican* and two Inde|HMidenU. The t. Fbsn a mini Wih»d . •4 II MrDougal large open fireplace at one end. After us for two days, and emi»t than other folk from the occasional June 6. 1072. for her, when *he had been twenty-four coni,,|k Friends there would, we knew, coni meal lasted Senate, thirty-eight Democrat* and twelve F» A 1 IIewitt. Klbrtdee It. laviham all, a great, blaring, cheerful fire is s gladly furnish horses, wagon aad pro by that lime Robert came, lie had been failing of snobbishness, for, after i»av. The receipt* from other aourcea were : tl Hen * A . •Thoa Platt hours in the water she passed by Mon- besutjr in itself, and atones for the want visionsvision* necessary for our tranaiwirtwtton.transportat delaved by heavy storms, but he brought log onered his praiees, he could not resist Republicans. Hank deposit#, saving* bank*, capital I*. N llol.MKS IIDKIA. »Cn as (' It W'ai .rer. ghyr, and was rescued ny Col. Murray, and bank circulation. $3,387,080; ad IX *J O Whitkhocse et John M Davey. who. seeing her floating by, *♦ nt hi* pri- of many other things. And when, one and thee he could return for ua. everythiag necessary for our comfort the temptation of adding: “ I congrat- On the KHh Gov Garland seat a communi­ 14 Gao. H Msebs XI. lire 44. Iliskit*. day. I bad finished putting op curtains “ Hr started early the next morning, and removal, and we were with ulate you the more, sir. that I was afraid cation to the Legislatnrr of Arkansas, slating bcaive at&mpa, $6,136,844; jienaltie*. 1ft. Joas II. Maaalrt , Jr.lXi. •l.v man K Hi- vale ls»at and rescued‘ "her.her. The woman at the odd little windows amt gathered a and the children and I stood el thr win friends oooe more.” my presence might perhaps render you what action he had taken In regard to Smith's $7104,216, article* and occupation* f«*r ta ('ha* II Adams. A Aim im F Allen . did Dot appear much the worse for her few stray hardy blossoms for that old rwerly taxed, but now eaemiit, $7H4.mnp 17. Milton I. Townsend prolonged atay in the water, but natu 400 end watched him until he nr l “Aod never went backquestioned nervous and nrevenb you from speaking proclamation, and ashing that Indy to amend SOUTH CARnUSA. mqp mother's and grandmother ’s before |cf djjlisss the quirt, kssly Prissy. with your ordinary excellence ** O n«*. the law so that he con Id offer a larger reward Tbe CommiaaMiner ext4»l* the working rally w as much Impreaeed by the fart of of the ayati'm aboliahing Aaaeaao rahi I. Jasst J. Y bavc *. VAN Ha a l rs. her being rescued by a Kuropean, when It wss mine -and net ft where K shone in mryeed mem lonely ** No, we left onr farm and buildings as my bird, aoswemf the priest, with a mild than Ml* for the arrest of the two r*m*pirator» 2 John A Hvnvaa 4 T L Asms and leaving tbe whole matter with an manv of ber own caRte had declined the fire biase, ns It does now, I thought •till everything l«*»ked whea hs had gon. they ware for a while, but afterward took at the Cardinal's scarlet roltes, “ I tlmith and Wheeler. On the 17lh Judge z X. A M Waddell . 7 W « M Itonaiss Oollector* aa securing more imimpt pay­ 4 Joa J Davis a M B Vamcr . to help ber She was provided with a the otd room looked cosy end prettv —the stretch of brown, bare field, dotted Robert sold them for enough to start him make It a point in preaching to look upon Poland, of the laventlgaUng Committee, was ment and a larger amount of tax onto. railway ticket to I’atna, together with notwithstanding iu rough walls only by stubble or dnr. lifeless stalks; the in business in a small way. Ami the mas my congregation aa so many cabbages, summoned from- UtUe Rock to Washington fnrnitore. that bought R ran count his millions and a red cabbage more or less make* Tbe tax against bank* and banker* I. •hum* livui II J«ns L Vamcr food and clothing from tbe relief fund* ” tall leafier* trees, and the cloudy Novem On the lath the Arkansas Legislature passed her Sky over eH I mold not kmk at It, nuur, for the old pi*rr is the neater of n not the slightest difference ” We are not realised $3 600,784. an increase of $4«l t •■bsrv R H asniwo it A SARI T WALMMn •— - — ■ ^ a Mil authorizing ihn. Garland to "in a 013 over tke previous year. n«*t with stand a lost a as v *na )tk •M I * and turned sway, find that there was great city • told that the prteat waa promoted to a 4 Joas X. M«« mahon 14 Jobs F 4'wwna —At a fair in Texas Messrs fiauer A . ”Uh! what a pity you couldn ’t have ! richer beneffre after this retort, but It reward of $1,900 for the arrest of Messrs lac tke financial disaster* of tke fall of I AmWMI X ki IX M. H V sm VorheA work to busy hands aad heart Going O d offered a premium for the brat loaf of and returning would oecupy nearly f began Row ran But the old cannot have mattered much in his rase, Health aad Wheeler F W Prylnn. «f Hunt­ 7878. and la largely due to tke new *y* « Frank M Ht a* M •Lsrrajn ©nntord ington. W Vs, claims to have the miming tern of aaeeaemeal. tke rroult* of 7 •WiHinm Uwranen 17 •I. tl Rffwlotwih bread to be made from theirflour . but erod. ** Nay, nay, there is noth for a man who could have found suck so • *LJ Heal »* 'Jaw U* no ladies were willing to try to male might last that length to regret, child—and to morrow is answer was aurs Ut make hit way in lift. Chaffin Ram In hh pwmsmluo. aad offers ta w kick are still more apparent la tke riar $ M- f raevtnron •Jamas A Us our of It little margin for tick i -/r r.

lbs Itf! of Toe Poivtb or o Goon Wire.— BUSINESS CARDS. NOTICE! • ■40C'• Hr jSxdrprnilrnt A borderi) paid $5,000 for bitu oud be Robert Heme, tbe Scottish poet, eteok * 100.000- TO L#4!IS stood for $500 to serve mar»« before iug ef tbe qualities of o good win, di Removed A H S. HILL, B A., ■. B , W’osto prwpoiod to fufi-toL «*•***•) ua unioeuai [tirwdani* of Turoatw L‘».i»*r*r>, 4/*i**4m. , vided them teto ten |*orte. Four perte l»oro4 Isapes*o4 term gnrwritt In wm (*« !•**• ('•rarr Klorf ! re ^afaioias ass nraeoos. oil ♦, dmuh A\ dr»d Suiand upward* *n l»* y#*ru iln» l*r»* THUMDAT,, 1174. The Godoiphia herb, that left to be gave to “good temper,*' two to “good bu*. *t.iH J Wuoinill t, Hi. jubiM, Hub p« ny tuuat bo n.»rih IIm« Mine* »K* amount of E«t i Hoa-tlliiiiri I lWo mo< rroaivod Apply *<• main lenownod deoeodeoU, m pur eeeee," ooe to •‘wit,” ooe to "beeetj" 1 rClKKK.NMmi S 1)0.. MT. .lOII.Vf. R. STRICKLAND. pa* la laauLig Mm*Wigan. Wfcal ta« SlMitea Otrl4»4, cbored oat of ft water earl ie Prana*. (eoeh oe o sweet face, eloqoeut eye*. AW abd rb»««i) SudBM* Vaiiuolor l Spileila, tbe Bother of Buiipse, woe 0 fine perron, o graceful carriage), oud I J i*ail-»a given to tu* exoarlnmiiot, aad •*uk*- f Mftftl rt wrrly fofoWI 4 foag. The New York TVOsaw, which ha* 4« »l of dtspatad till#* to Ileal L*«*te. Cun vey- JP but on indifferent race more. 8 be the remaining two parte be divided not jot finished with the lesnone of the aneing dun# wliti d«<*t*w-b AitM for aalo and 4 | I 0 L'ft f || ft VI 1’ g kr HI'VT never etorted oot bat oooe oud wos one other qualities belonging tv or purchase uf land. Ofllro n lotXi in r M . F. Corner ?■ *!*■*• fill || 1 Vllfj III 1*1/1 I • CuMlMlIj baud »id fur onJo C*ltia(os4 A vniur. Court IIuum a<)Uart,H Julrn*. Mlrb. S?ft L. Hall & Co., dw titmiftyi then iguotmniouolj defeated. Eclipse atUoJiagsndi on a wife, ouch as fortune, TIIK W»Ui pruparty lb»«a aa tb* 'J«ba»« If anj ooe thing can be said to have tod Froacrpiuo ore among the or alto- j coontctiuo*. educe lion or aoeomplish DENTISTRY. llunao," ia uflarod for anlo, oaahoigo ur roai lor furlltor (•artirulara apply to __ __ rrtlf K Hft:»T IS THK PHl IPCftTI Are again on baud with a large and fr been decided bj tbe elections, it is that oracj of her orogeny. meats, family, and so on ; bat, be said, MtKKiSn A BALDWIN, Ag ’Is. Pore Dnis aid Mediciies! Ht John*, Jan y. fotli, 147ft. <«M ii«N-k of the people will no longer tolerate that Kysdyk ■ liambletoniao, the kiug of “divide thoee two parts as you please May be procured of |»R. (i t (’ORHIN for as • lasisrd fairsi tfrdlcla**, New Store A New Goods little u»oae> a* at say ofilceia Mirhiyaa. Hurd ’s strongs politieol essence detested in trotting sires, never started in a race, remember that all throe minor piopor- Building. HI Johns. jog |y r»rtf r. Watkins A Hidden. Masmchosetts as Butlerisro, in Feon He carved out his owner s fortaoe as tioos mast be expressed by fraottous, Fsfi»/s, Puri Ground IImi aaaaasr 014 llrui of sylvania as Cameroaism, in Michigan the sire of sach trotters as Dexter, for there is not any ooe of them that A. STOUT LRCHITECT5 COFFEE, TTORXKY AT LAW, Ht Johns, Michigan — ran — BOOTS and SHOES j 0,1*. as Chaodlemm, and known generally Nettie, and others of great renown. He is eutitled to the dignity of aa integer/' V_> OIBce ia Hank Block, aouih d«>or, 2d fiwr. Superintendents. { I'.r/ii.A/., lobarco, alt kind* everywhere as Gran turn. Tbe Kepub- oomuieoeed his service* in the stad nt ------M.Baatawi 4. II Kbus Ta N*S. IS ssi IU, Mm m h Mlerh , 1 Pa oi ihiimur, 1* 74 , and on Hinnll. have ha<1 to Branch out, I on N\ alk.r atreet, ea»l of 4 mt«n Akeuur, Ht. I r*M I nst ft ear’s Prlrrt. rtl> day John*, Michigan. Call* pr.rmprly altetnled lo. 1244 opp. fol • Johns lArhani*. Pure Ground Spier*. Pull hue It lent l any further claims to existence. Tbe■ wife. of------bis------hard-hearted* owner.• — -----IIis| I1 M , on oaeh oiof aaia aald a*y* ; ana *ix bouim ma i 1 *11 I i’ I ! Nut*, llonl*, tkenp, leaders who have been condemned by desoendauts are ainoog sucb flyers as tb* data of thu uotie* m iho tiwo allowed «>r ntltl Will now Ik ? Ioiiim I nt Cor- WALBRIDCE A COOK, Kemble J«k»on. Amerie.o Girl tod || , . . . M • |k#«irtng to do an honorable at.d souata buwneaa , . ri „r. . the people must be deposed by the po 1 I I OKN h>\ n and (.uiinsellui • at l*aw and Ho Kottrd mail A l Ijrddlfkt I rourft* waluvllw your yairean *. gnarantoelag aa good an (unnie*, f ur* time* ami Lnrv | JUKI. >1. CKAKHON.* of t’robole. hit Hro ’ii New Hrick Store, No. 2Y Heitors in Chaucrry . All hu*irie*aeatru*ted to Y Mkhigau ”r ** •• TEAS rery cheap, Ltyuor*. for me- liticaos, or the letter may as woll abon* MMOMUI 0 1(1*1 M Hialr oi Mlcnigan j thrircare will he promptly amt faithfully attended T. .t. P.kll. l...... '' ,tclo,f - don tbeir celling. New tn* n and new Dexter was parte*! with for a mere Oouat) of Clinton, aa. At a a.aalon of thr j y wllCTO to. Office with Proeeeuiiag Attorney, in (he song at bis first sale on accouut of white robatr Court f«>r ilia «<>unty of (.'llnton. tio|«i*n will he fountl the ( uurt liou- h J..i »i M l ,»i. r« I Me I'Hbllr in oi*enu>L measures must show themselves. But at Ibr l*ro*»al« «.HW. In th* viilaifr of Ht. Jotin*. S . w Ai.aaiM.R. a . coot, w*we propoaepropose to do a strictly Cm*h(Rtk business, and ggr g y mmr a W*fSV II d v m* *1 XT ——— if, on the other hvnd, there is to be no i leg* blstcd face subjecting him to on TuraUajr, thr 3Mb Jay of Octotwr. In thr TUnRMTnN\ L|iuy AUTfAIICDV’ t.; • II g«»«td imcmirural lowb.w enoiignenough to mik*make 11it a»an Yi f V A *1 I JlUjril PMcler Hagg allradi pertausllf I tivlill I Ull w rllVt An I uALLftn I • ..tijorl l«ple la ronir and aer ua and pay cash y rarnitr thouaaiid right bundrr.l and •rvvnt) -four. following : preparing Prear rlpllan*. change either in the policy or the *bc scoff* and jeers of a deluded public 1‘rvrrnt, Jo.-) H. (..'ranaon, Judge of Trot/ale. il o I’l Mi It A r 11arg* . 4**1 *111,11, and Iu fart Hoping, h« a *lro»,g effort loghr **ii*facti* >n. we Might #r 4m 9 . leaders of the party; if its * notorious those "hitc legs could jo>s, with- la (hr matier <>f the r«t«te uf ISAAC) It r every variety of pie ur» mu n at the above Gal may receive a liberal palr»uag. FttIKH. deertard. A «OpV of thr la*t «III and Children’s Clothing. lerv,either large nr small Canicular attention 1* <* cl Iftlh. |ft«4 -17 4 and a ul make M an object lut i< * t.» palroti corruptionists are to be sustained and °ut sn effort every horse of his dsy, U •lament of aald dicnurj an! of I hr probate called to enlarging and It Jcatred colored la oil, ire ua. HFXCIALTIK# encouraged ; if aovereign Suto are to *»id tbat while Lose appear first on the thereof under thr lama of thr Hlate of New York, HoyfT Clothing, water colors or I ndia I nk . Head of C'laton A venue, Doctor HiiRif'M duly authenticated, havlitR been l»rodu< <*«! to thi- weatalde. |1| l„ W. TsoaBVoa , Antal. Fowler Carriage Factory. be governed by telegraph from Wash . bome-siretch he sold for the fabulous Court by John Kn.», tofi-thrr with a |eliii<>n that Men a Clothing, Atfiio ington, and usurping .lespotiain made price of $33,000. thr aanie may hr allnured, filed and recorded Iu tlo- A. J. WIGGINS. W*i 11. Itiulif lafe V Out fin 1-t ic* 1 ■* ft 11 ss • Probate Court of I'lintou eounty. Soft ft nisi t Bleacher Muslin yllVHlCIAN AND Ml* ROH on liti*i*liei»ai PIIIm. permanent by Freaidenlal caprice t if. Flora Temple is said to have been Thereupon it U * Irdrred, That yotiday, the 221 12 1-2 cents yard. Monger A Itiirtn'* atore. All |ir"fn*loiitl call* 1 Dt Npcpiic JMIIas. venality is to be coucealed, defended, ! when a colt for $13. 8he was at day of Nornuher, 1S*4, at Vu rlix k In the forenoon. Inight or day, promptlv attended fa. Particular l I>e aeal^ned for the heartn* of aaid petition, and alien!ion given tn < hr<»nic and Hurgieal ea*« a, 114*f«4lia«*ti<» tbat the helra at law of raid deeeaard and all other All Silk Sash Ribbon* 50 cts extenuated and denied; if, in short, !east a diminutive pony but gradually HEHL, COSH AW A CO., •ad lak« • look . Trwd.< wbeie y •». caw get tb* kM 11 IlktUM OlnlMrsl, mn 4 for peraona Inter rated in aald ’-atale, are required to —l*~*4*' ,>k-l«44 all (IMtlra, .hla- appear at a a*«alon of aa.d ('ourt, then to W hold yard. SPAULDING A CRANSON. Giantism is still to masquerade in the I rose iu the market to $1«5 at five year or Mauuf/*ct'.rt-t« of en at the Probate * * thee. In the vtUa*e of Ht- Johna TTOHNK YH and C<»Hi»#elh>r» at I aw ,aud hrhe nuMtabedpubllrhed in the Clinton | ^ \ Pn • rI^IIK CKNTF.R We * r* prepared tu furvilab ail *iyle* *f Wag present peril. Governor Morgan and made 2:19 { at Kalamazoo, before war Independent a new • pap. r printed and circulated * l.w" pCT | *«11T. 1 o' i, Carnage* nud Hlelgl**, ( nrriiiLn sAMatrons x«cw AltltA NO F.M KN'I Clinton, for thrt* aucea**lve 11 . . ._____ ^ prices governed the horse market. In aald county of laid dav of heart oe IliltS fft 11C1 1 uiilry Mmortgage, executed March 12th. lk!2, by Will; tin » includes Grant or GrintUm is a reor-1 they were not constructed to staud the Howland and Mary M . Ilow land, bla a ife. to Wil­ Iiodieft^ l nderwear. ganizing for destruction. severe ordeal of training. They left liam K Mf»orr, and recorded In thr «*f the Fresh, Dried and Salt >lcnK II o rae •ft.* ns4 Register of Ilerds for Clinton county, Michigan, (iciit’H Underwear. Jakhi ug. a valuable produce with unmistakable on the JSth day of March, 1172, in l.lbt-r SO >>f A* heretofore, and it aball hr my further aim to Mortgagee, oti page 3. ou which aald mortgage The celebrated Goshen Flan­ dcvl*« mean* <>f beat *rrving my ru*toniera. all <>l I’romptly ami *j*t .ifaa-loiily d4»u«, CCWKlft or JIICIIIOA*. evidence of great speed and eudurance. theie ia claimed to be due at the date of tin* Ocdire whom willplri**. * r Fiota IW« Lasalsg Rrpubhcan. What is bred in the bone will stay in tbe run of two hundred and twenty dollar*, he- nels best in market and all tbeir kind an I ieM>rai patronage in Ihepaat, and 1 Fuwl«r, Ogt. ftgth, 1*74 41* ly aldea an attorney fee of thirty dollars, (n aald truat by keeping good inr* ’* and t. allmento mvrita *nut innance ott he «im* Tbe beautiful red that adorns the ceedings be taken to foreclose the Mint, and no F irst N ational Bank tion of this State for 1874 are given suitor pro. reding* at law or to eqult) hating Paper Collars, all Myles WM RKMt.m below, excepting tbe township of Case- Devon breed of cattle haa been so long been Instituted to recover an> part <>r tb* debt St.John*, March 294,1S73 I7S t f «iK HT loll No secured by said mortgage. Mow therefore, by vir­ Trunks. Satchels vS: Yalices. SAGE BROTHERS, vfile in Huron county, the First ward bred in that it has become a fixed in ­ tue of the power of sale In said mortgage contain ­ in the city of Monroe, and three island heritance, no single cress would effect, ed. and of the statute In *och coo made and pro ­ Kentucky Jeans, (*i\s-imen s Clt()(!KI2llV! < * A I *ITA I*. S.VOJMMI vided, Notice i* hereby given that oa the lllh Siii'plu*. - (JO. 04 Ml in Manitou county, neither of which or even a series of out cromcs obliterate 4a) of i'ebrnory* 1*73, at one o ’clock to and Tailor ’s l’rinunin^s. K.-r many year* in tb* •(opt*/) *»f lb W llarkcr, the Devon color. It would take many tbe afternoon, a. the w ret front d<*or of the Court lake plcaaur* in anitouncing to their frier>d* ant) have been returned to the Secretary of e . Honse for Clinton county. Michigan. In thevtl- French (’ors* ts only t»u cts. ( II A It I.KH K 11 1’. I re.Idem, . the publh-generally tbat ;Le\ baaaopenej bual State. Estimating the unreported in- generation* 1 itli the most p< WCriUl lage of Ht. John*, to *al»l count). Ih« r« will lie JOHN II l« KS, View l'r**ideni , ne*a oo NEW GOODS Splendid Drill Cor-cts only S.H.WAI.KKK < a*ln«r habitants upon the basis of the remain- ! °Ppo*ilion to chauge it. Any breed Sold at public vendor to the highest bidder, the premia* • dcarrt bed In said motlgag.-, a* follow* I K\b THK FLUE TO Bit THEN. ing portions of these counties, to the with such fixed chaiacteri'itics will All the North-west fractional quarter of Hc-tloa 80 cents. • Hirer I«ra : •even,In the lownshtpnf Ovid, Clln'en county, t fflMlwM Mk euue. Juu( nor l la mt 4h* figures of l$7 l there should be added stamp its own impress upon its get to Mich ,‘according to thr l'nite.1 n^ate* Hur\*-\, *4. Trunks, t'atatn kirr, Ai.vas II Wmir, IlirhsHg* Hotel. ii. (a>KfrrK. the third and fourth generation. It <-• pt twenty O.e acre*, a* follow* Coit/iuencing Joaxlll«B*. ■biaiat trioa , 2,697, making the total population on th* MK-iion line at a point twenty-two ends Baskets, (■•III. H W til • I coDstitutes tbe value ot a brcoJ to be l,*3*,H$8. T his shows an increase half rods Weet of tbe N>eth-ee«t ronirr of **id y ..... • t'i \\ a. I' Kill.* aKla to nernMntlc their nt* n crr\ru\ fractional 4uarter ae. ’»on, thence running w. *t on Satchels, Kecei t t-de p4i*l i* buy and **n rv«-baigr on all \N here they wir k*ep in *U«K since 1870 of 152«52$< being 11 4 per aDle to perpetuate ttieir own good ##|4 Ml^ tWrfltvhee n-f*. ih.-..ce H .„t». nitiai i ■ oent. During the ten years since 1804 qualities in spite of nil oppozltiou to j acro*e *ald quarter *.-. lion. Ibeme Kaat twenty - 1 ’mbrcllas. potnta, deal in t*old. HiUer, CanaJa Mimey, l AHM >1 . X $ M * > I’nl te.l s f«te* It. >nd . A < , Ar Receive drj«.*l'* the increase of population is 53&$63« Stamp tliC ini press of thi'ir oail great (0 |)IV place of heginnlag. The par el . i Wall and Window Paper, Buggies, or 06.3 per cent. powers inill vital HUt>r(zui*rcraacy‘roacv -over...... their...... In fact, we keep everything FIM; JEWELRY! The State Ceusu* of 1874 w as taken colts; to give form nn>l sutwtancc, 1 WIU.IAM f moor *, Mortgagee usually fount! in a first-class Savings Department Wagons and by Supervisors or City Assessors, while temper and action that csrry their col- \f4M«Tt.%4*i. Mi l . - imauit having AND PLATED WARE . . . . • . . » la-.n made in the c<*oditi-»T • of a certain (»f *um* *• •mail a* one dollar onwhl.h in'neat in aaongsge, derated Nih. P«:a 1% Clark h Drv ^ »of Jure and I'ecenibrr, on all *uma N|>(*l*tM('l(*« 4411(1 t'H4M*M* P. S.—We iave now the Kloin the leal Tuaoafa'-U/tle* Iu ti e Country, and W hat constituted tbe sacceai of old 1 Michigan,oa the Nth day of M rrh. \*'A. at .. , • »n depoait one itotnlh pr4-t lou* t«* theae datea tbe « her* t lev will liold heineeU *-* lr. read I nee* to do The results were however reached by t 4*»*ss. ted ■%**• >rtinriit Hevolv the same general plan of enumeration, M«o«rr or hi. grind w>n AM.ll.b '.'J",,1n„^ ajrcncvCT- o for tin celebrated Do- It •aioe a* In the Hating* Itank* of the K.aatern S’ate* and rtth-a. lNiokct C'utlcry* and arc equally correct, we presume. but that iron constitution ami intlotu- *aid Conrad Huekhard u> Wi «uF M r. ... inestic Paper Pattern-. oum .. .» *11 A a a at • Mid Hh d$r $f Nirch, inti wli* h «$il u#.;' SF^chiMil li.aiiid* bl* and adj dniiigcoun- Sit'll. OrnaiMcitlnl and H * For the first time in the history of I table Will to perpetuato their gnat waaduly rwrorded In S*id Regiaier ’a ..ffiee. , -it . Sl’KilAI. ATTKNTION (JlVKN T«» Any lady purchasing of a liea Je*lrlng lo procure meati* to build h'*u*e* by Michigau its growth of popal.tion abilitlea unimp.ircd to their colts thri«auaof * ond*. are «leilr*d to eonimsnli ate Paintlig* seems to be arregtod in the older 8ome thoroughbred "taliions hs\o »tii..'.i*t» of tld» uotire, the *0111 <>f one hurdred l)n***s Pattern at or over, with u* . and ninety-six dollar*. Ui ddeaan attomry fee of Fine Watches let \ -i Hell our »wta l>rafta<>n all placea In h igiaitd regions. Ten of the oldest agricultural 1 • < u en lowed with such signal hcredi- thirty doilarp. In raid rn< r'gagv- atipulat*d to U will receive a Paper Pattern Ala-. »i’l ‘•* prepared lo foii*.»b and h*ag counties in the State, one mining and tury influence over their eontempor- j-ald in c**e ar y |»nxr#cdlng* l»« taken ta f-irc* y»» Franc and tiermariy, ard tranaaet a Oenera And be purchasing of tb* •ame. the aanoe ; and no *uit «»r proceeding* at law <>r In free of chartre. Rankli ’g Ilualneas. 711 one island county show Ices inhabitants arics, that they hare monopolized the euulty having l>w. Ir.atltut«d to recover in? far' Of Ikr Ml*iI drvlrskls pnllerna. 'W' LL PAPER Ilavics bad many y eara expert* are iu the u,ak of the debt a- cured by aald mor'gage. Now u.ere |i>g ami repalrti.g of W alrb*-*. 4 locka and Jew thtu four years ago. They are Harry, runniog celebrities. Sir Archy and fore, by virtu* of tbe power of aal* I;i *aif Hocti n 12. In Itenga! townahlp. Clinton and Apply the Brakesi! Creek, Cold water, Corunna, Ishpcmiog t^azKnvzr.. rouoty . M ichigan. The abore *ui« wi'.fbe rna > • u'Jeet to a afatioeqoent paymrr.t it, *,ld mortgage \ DRUGS & MEDICINES. Marshall, Nile*, Fontiac, and Ypsilan- ~ nut yet 4no.~I>av*-«l N- v. *d. 1^74 w' Stone-ware, ti. The loss in tbe*c cities aggreeatvs MKHK.tN M:\VS, ______WI Lt t a M F d* »•'R»- Reft erste the Nteani ! Pure Afrohof at OH % f t.OK IX It. k V! I>i*. .loaloti'a. 2.8R6. * ______County of t'ltnton , a*. At a ao»«l*>a of the A lw at • band.a»d Probate Court for thaeounty of Cl lot on. hotdenat Pure Pori IT me at The principle «>f the Sutc The new hoe nwnal.ctory at llaltle I ibVir™bii,'oiiiV.:r..*V village of Ht . John*.on I>ft*. .Iow Icii’m. CU G^Jd H» idk.'tlie U-o S 'ina« i Cre,k Vll> ^ P"1 operation the 1 i«a *o Kovewiiwr, In the year AT J.0W PRICES. the Jlaehine! Creek will be put one thousand eight hundred and seventy -four. Purr California at present month. 1‘rraent, Jim-1 II Craneon .Judge of I’robate. / Si John# April 234, |V7* Jackson, Fort Huron, ami Landing I a the mattrrofthe Katate ofJOSl A H H IIKN Ui*. .Iom Icu 'm. reading and filing the exhibit 52,932 ot the entire increase, Orcr 12,000 barrel, of apple, *"T; «■»”Ho Ion C. King, pray- Purr Catauba It me at bees*en shipped from Hsttls Crs^k during Ingng forTor rc*oo-»er.-**..r>* meremtherein a»t** f-V- r: b O *1 tt *•«. • or 34.8 p»*r cent. •f *•*. .1 oMleu ’s. the present seosoD. Bennett may be app«dntrd aJmlnletra'or The loss of population is almost satsl*. Pure Conroe d Grape Jt’mr at wholly in tbe farmiug regions, where Mr. 8. A. Shepard of Kalamo. left ^VDU 4 FTit II O fk III4k II t S OA.LL WT l>r*. Jouleu'e. all the Isnd is now tskeo up smi held at the office of tile Charlotte flepubll • bensatgnod forth* hearing of awldpwt»it>o. and that *wft .Mil lllft ■■ 1 I th* Itrira at law of aald dr caa*»«1. Purr Clinton Grape ft me at at prices that afford small encourage 1 ran a flat turnip that measured 2 feet I j olher perV.n*interested m*sid e.ta e, arearc rwqutr-r, tu*r •4 tn appear at a »*aaion of aald (’ourt, it., t. New Firm I>r*. Jom Ipii'm. meut for poor ineo with Urgo families inches in circumference, loMtn at tkr I’robat* nfllrv.iD th* village of Ht . O- John*, and *h«w r*D*a. If any tbvrv M, a by Pure Nat it e Grape tl'me at to come io, or for farmers' sous to set- The Battle Creek Journal says that And undeniable ibr prayar of tb* pvtltfoorr should not I f grantvd : l>t*. Joss1 0x1 *w. tie down an l raise families. 65 bushels of mail matter wt*rc sent out A nd It i* Further Ortmd, tbat notlcv b* glvn- to CASH DOWN! Tbe significance of these facts iu from tbe Adventist printing office in tb*puraona 1 nlvrratrd In aald »-atat*. of thrt»*n Pure Ffder berry ffme at dancy of aald potttion and tba hearlrig thvr«of, by FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE calling for diversified industry is pa | that city ou Nov. 2—the largest amount rauaing a copy of thta older to b* publlabvd 10 thv OR NO SALE. L>f. *Joslen's. tent. Unless Michigan farmers prac­ Clinton Indrpondant, a ncw*|>ap«r printed an l scut out in a single dsy. nreulatrd In said county of CJoton for tbrvvaar- FOR GROCERIES Pure IF me Plant JCmr at tice an improved tillage which shall c«a*l v* artk* t>r*i Inu* to *aid «la> of hearing A convention has been called by JOEL II. LKAXkO.V, Judgaof Frobat* 1>i*. Joslen'e. give employment to more labor and ( A tms a«»py> 4*2 J Bishopuishop McCrosky, to rneei at Grand Th* under*tan-d having pun haa*J the (inert) Pure ‘ French Brandy at elevate tbe lives of the rural clans )MOft ftTI. OK IX. 14 State of Mlabigan. That can’t be Beat tor Quality or Price. . , . ... , . . ... ^ Rapids on the 2d of December, to or Stork of I* I. YAUCON9ANT. ssd sddfd large I>r*. Joslen's. unleii. they aaUbli.h and bu.ld up rite tbe new Dioo*** of county of ('In,ton. •• At a *.**,. « of ’.la ly th« r*lt>, wonlj her* •** to the |ifopU tbat tl**J ’robot* Court forth* county of (In'on >1 >ir*. .losleu ’s. varied employment for tbeir bright rnchmi bu broken out iu t fimiljr I ear oa* thousand *lgbt hundred and *ev*nty -four. He is bound to sell. l’r***nt, Jo* I II. Cranio#, Judge of I’robat*. ( Pure Holland Gin at and daughters, —tbe Feninsulsr Ifuot, in 8alxbtin| ; one boy, In tb* matter of th* ratal* of KL1ZA That you may tell sons Fl.INT,PLilt I, Hfl»ec*a**-«'i. (*n(In reading an*t>d fl irtg tb* GREENBACKS, 1>I*. *1 4 nssI *- 1ft *■(. State will make a still poorer "stow -” agt-d fifteen, died Monday, tbe 6th Million, duly v*rlflcd, of AlbertJ Nielaon admin* | A ft *1 aaven yr-sr’a trying to kerp »ia>r» ^aiJ, To friends around mat., and four others are not expected i*irator of aaid **lat* prating for rearea*on* therein and on tb* “ort ' aid* of |M>(eity and ruin, 1 hav* Pure Jamai ia Jlum at 10 tbe Censuses to oomc* The same ■at forth that hi* first and anal arcoun'account tnayr l* **t firmly re^dved, on ami aftar Janu-try lat, |97ft, to Coil ftl ( I* ’ •V r W hat a jrood place you hav# found. to live. tied and allowed and b* l<* diae barged from tb* do a *trie t! y Ua*. *1 oslen ’s. lesson i* taught in Maine, New Hamp­ further car* of *atd ratal* So give him a call shire, and Vermont, whose rural dis ­ Mr. John Stump husked eighty bush­ Thereupon It I* ordered, That Tuesday the tytb 111 et>-l4*tig* for 1 Pure Medford Bum at day of lAecembar, IS74. at • o'rioek In tb«- forenoon, And he will f*ati#fy all l)t*. . I 4»SSl«* ■»*«. tricts have generally fallen behind in els of corn, on the farm of Darius b« aaMgned for tb* bearing of aald petition, and population within 20 years. 5 oung, of Armada, between suorise that tbe betr* at law of aaid dectaaed. and all , Cash or Ready-Pay Bosiness! _ He will give you cash Pure Bye ItTmkey at other peraona Interested In aald estate, ar* and sunset, he also tied and set up the r*uulred to appear at a ar**ton of said Court, than For Butter and Ejrgs l>t*. .loMl(*tft'e. •talks. Where is tbe Granger who can to b* bolden a 1 th* Probat* Office, In tb* village brltrvIng that *u«h a rour** •«ll)ru«v niuinailv of HI John*, an«l *bow cause, if any there be. why bf#fifl»* Ur my** If and my p* trow a . f r with raah And goods for the same Pure Bourbon tThieley at For tit* Michigan Farmer. beat it? tb* pray*? of tb* pHIHnaff *hould ool b* grant *d or tta cqntvab nl, I an buy rh« a|*« r, a*d f*»r th* l>r*. *V oalen'a. DISTINfellftHED HOItSKa. And M la Further Ordcrrd, that notice b# rltrn lo II • b*ap«r lie’ll not refuse. * Tbe Detroit, Lansing St Lake Mich­ th* p«raona l*trr**t*d tn said »atat*,of thr Pure Elixir of Wine at igan and the Jackson, Ltnsing & Sag ­ drnry of aald petition, and thr heariBg t hrrr. f, by \T l Af II #»IC So |deiu»e oblige How are oar great horses bred ? is s ng • ropy of M to b* pubiiabvd in !>■% .losleu's. inaw Railroad Companies will join tb* Cilotoo 1 Indr:Indrprndrnt, a n*w*pap*r printed By calling roqu . question that comes up to iuktruct ns. and rtrrolatrd la aaid rownty of L'IiiiIm, for thr** lipt'lk or tr*a?,i-tv* Tor Me-tlrlr* yuf next season in building a large brick auc**a*1v* wrrka, pravtoua to aald day of hrari'ig 1 Ready-Pay Prices Are they the result of inheritance or the I j...*•>* only .anJ for other purpo*** non* 'n**d ap­ passenger and freight depots at l*ao- JUKI. II. C’RANHU.N, Judge of I’robate. ply.* ’ Iu sdJitlna to tb* eompi*an*at of llt^anr*. (AtrsrropyJ *» work of cultivation ? Is their speed and sing. To my Debtors : uiil >• f.»un*1 a good aux-i of Madtcla**. bottom the gift of nature or the effect | yltUltUI OKU! K. Htate ot 2 i«-hig*o, •f Gruml** and We Study to Please. OollJ and Fluid Kxtrart* and Tlnctar** of tbe Gov. Bagley has appointed Hon. JL 1‘oanty of Clinton, **. At a a***k»aof Iba In -ddili. ’O to a So* most reliable make, ***«• * *ur* Ago* Kradtrator of artificial training? There mast be s I’robateCoart for ihrConnty ot L'linton, hold*a I •». Xp*«l, «.i In 4»*l«.-r wm .1*, demand (hat I’n v•#».>».* n» >l.i'l i«i » sn.| the beat Toale for Wenb'y Females la the Dsn. *1. Arnold of Allegan to be .ludj at tb* Prohot# Offir*. lath* Village of St.John*, •II pass • ill* lr«I (iff n<’( 4tf World Nlglrt and day rails promptiv attended cause to produce the effect. We mast 1 t .1 - # . oa Saturday, the 14th day of Novara bar in th* year boob aervmnt. to runi* forward and aallafarlorlly iton*u*uai. ' O. C Ju SlIh. M I* . r 1 • • « • . , of the judicial circuit composed of A. draw our conclusion from the history ___r\,t______-f V oa* thousand*t|ht hundred and aevrM) -faar. a«l.*uat the aam* NOW Tk’*« who will not root- St. John*. Jan. ltfh. 1474 f|7S tf) of * 00.1 hoi*e*. .od from . r-.i.w of !*■»■ *»d «•'«•«. •» «" Prevent , Joel II. Crai>a<>n..ludgt of I’rohat* pie with thle reqneai will certainly I* *ubU-ct«-d lo < ?t*04*l«4*l**, • In th* matter of th* K*tat* of MAltY trouble aiel et|»et>*e 'Miewfip* I * -arerb tiron to th.Tr geoe*logj or the *.orco from ~T* ^ ">0 of SHOOK, LirceMrl Ou reading and filing hre.J •) ii I a«y Nt«||«*a\Vni’r ((Mil which they sprung. They have been JuV »!»•. tb* potiiion, da'y wriflrd, of Wltaun Shoos pray IjKTItOlT A MII.W At - Ing for raoaon* therein art forth thoi Oaorge HhooS Y i>»r», Truly. *eomber, A D. 1*74. at • o'rioek In th* Uf 7 4 bred in tbe booe. Hereditary law lays ^offB ®fr ‘®Y# ■Looting herself aastgaedfor the hearing *f aaid petltlna H. N. GRISWOLD. l atil farther aotire. trains will laav* Hoiai aad that th* heir* at law of aaid dear at a **a*lon of aaid Mite.| at VAi s.m. for Ursad Kopi.i*oaly, structure is reared. Thoroughbred is eoart.theato be hotdenat th* I’tohat* Offir*. ta Night Essrsss. with aloofoog ear. at MS a m ed at Sturgis 00 November 6th io th* vlllag* of St John*and *how raaae.lfany there for < I road Kapidu and Ur* ad Tfgraa. a conventional term that signifies a be, why tb* prayer of th* potlttoaor ahould not h* Vauconsant & Leland. Mail at s.stt p.m. for f traoj II • ven. quest of a joung man who had prom ­ grartea: And it| ia farther Ordered, that aotte* ! pure breed that can he traced through Ml. John*. May fiStb, 1*74 2B7 GOINfl Eah T- ised to mirrj her. Not finding him be given io th* person*InteiestedIn *alde*tate. Night Exymt al 1.2S a m for n*lm«(. with five or six generations to tbe most fa­ of the pend*ney of *aid prdthm, and th* hearing •lee ping ear attar bed mous progenitor* of superior horsev *li<' finished her earthly trouble as thermic by oaumeg a copy of tala order to be pub Mixed alS fa p.m. for Ownmt. fllattd. tlahed la th* Cltntoa lndepend)•dependent |^m, a newspaper Mail st 12.43 p m. for iWlroit. The breed has been purified by printed aad clrealatedIna*i4 eounty of Clinton, C. TURNER A SONS, Accommodation leave* at fi gs o m.. arriving The Flint Sl Fere Marquette Hail for thr** goece*#!** wreka prevtoa* 1* aaid day ia Detroit at 11.21 noon: return me leave* D* ling out tbe wrorthlem screws that ot hear In t-ou.snivioe Loili. J^kass4 is so entail tbeirtheir defeets.defeets, leavinglea .in. sothing b«t r0* d »iM wnipUod to La1 mad* in tb# eotwfi4pAt Fcwta*. Am!*ro*e .!•>»»-* «>f IUfre*hmentt at Ifotrott. Ovnwo aad Orand femth.r. Th. bird fuieh-r, to prop.- •«"* to-. ‘tlownt throngfa lh« Ttr,, l’ghara *nunty 1 llef.igsn, Wiiilta Hsvoa. and ap- s <'"«pra’ « forty Htooaaer oa «t* hi* kind, dwtron *11 thtt do not h*"* #f th« ,oww renmmilo. Tht VaaPyhf.of K* *y, Clinton c ouaty,, »o*l 4223 !»em>t| Rivnr. (< rt*b!e h.^el abova d-p-.t at en* n’efoek I*. M | crop oat hi* U.oriu plvawr *o thst Uo< *" »«'»<> r* rT l<«» r**ord* d January ISth, M7|, _ - emporium ! at Ur*ad Haven. in th* ofir* of th*l*Regl*ferof E**1*ier i IbM* for (I lot on < MH«rfleu*- AI Ifotroit. with Cirwat W*ut- (hero will b* nothing left to contamia Suu tor »g’icoltnr»l parpow.. it]ty. Mirhlgan. In IJbef 23 of Mortgage*, on j era and Orsod Trunk Kail wav* for all or>int* |*m on wVleb mortfage there I* eklmerl to , NKW Ka*i and Mick. f’*ntr*l and MicbSoatkorwR ’y •to hi* cb*ri*b*l color, or interfere The following reaolntiooe were |«e rda* «.n tbe IFh o>iing ancoetor. Tbe R-'olred, Th»t the Rapemeor* of annum, b***de* •• allov»»*-y Sr of twenty fife A. WAtnOM. l*r*. attpaUtad la *aid m..rcM* lo be putd Tbe_____ andriulgned______bovlrg _____fitted _ up, In rod shape. (M)EKTiKEKS. „ M D*noral Hapwint#ai#u(. Pore end nnd. hled ere onited for geo- ,b* Coaotj of Ingham do hereby Ip« D.A M OUee itf4 •bo*Id aay pr*r**4lng* M **** * *° foferlo** Mid ),Marion* ion* over bla (irnortiy f*H ore.nee. woaldwoulrl p rntiooe to pnrifj tho foantei* hmd ** “» " *>« P»wwv»* ®* pfofwr com monoM*, aad a* *utt m pmeriiug* at law or la |K# plWkpublic u,thata( b«h* i*I* frfwpaeed to fur NT. IOIINM, ' w. .tA 'll 41_ Ofjui’y hating me. •*.*• ””ed lo re. over a . p*rt f on that their sueeewors in blood will I r* n* W hmil ne^ f ♦ «>f J,|g debs * * cured by «•!•! mortgace . New r. FltlsFa VrrrtaM* Bhiaastlt 4lm State af Mtrblgaa. Is tO* vlllag* *f Oi. Joan*. t dt ------T#a I a(a# PU. f.L,« 411 ralla pronsptly silesfird ta* To wbteb we sroooaaaaily adding i yruRi I iwmsa Rsa tnliliain a***Or fom. 1 whift: to rank the true nrietoeroey of — Itispuhlielj thst the to *w4 Mtslt. tbeee will W aa*4 •« y*MW vr*4w •Iwd* I "It t WWrr, (If « 1 iirm otiber day ar alulit* Ml “ T l. Is tO* blgbe-4 bidder. (0* pWSftfts** 4*wv1 M In I . __ M _.. ,__ their class. Mistakes have made that ■to. »j"4f_ 2ft/*n!4 m*etc*ge U-wtt All tHai eermla pieee nr E

I a Wi JII11 ■ ril I • Another Attractive Stock just received at Teachout & Co/s, which has been bought i ces, and will be sold accordinorlv. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED

»«rt. — J^utfrag'- taxiing at Mr W H iMitoliMniMif .) Iloi i* Kiim ass ltoaaiar. litwiot* I'immauim Iauhn tui Niiu ~ Circciy ’Cocrt .—Tho following is a 4 rroi»oa«iioa for • »»•*» NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. (Eht independent Laxell n ural Tuesday • vtmug •,t* % * ‘m * »•••** ■■ » •€ Tmm. ^ |,ctr- robbar? it Ciuciu ! A,wo,l « •.Oaciwd by the Foot Gf ih* eiM* ab)>« exhibition vill b* gm-u H.o (w.uty liftb .uui. en-ry ?f lb. „.»!-•» mcom I of which •» T * ’ '*■ l 4 .l« I , tIlt tb* (’ircuil Too.t, «|> to . " “ *7* \ ? K*"* % % • «i>rk«w* of iba mt term of the Pircuit Comt, up to . _ . . u - 1 list n the throagh this^*t»«ty are designated, vis ; the tax-payeia of < linton <’o. |l,f>00.. ^ ngt g , . e iag- from W ft EE TEEMS, 11.60 1 TEAR II ADVAIOE. — Mr. II. >|. Shepard, abipped from ©f * h« inatant. eveuiug of the 13th instant. A few From L*slug to DeWht, m». aadoa and Court adjourned yeeterd.y lo meet ° r . , PKW< W* Mr anil Mr« Hrunann bourn* ' back, six tiuivs a week. Jaais Ijbuaing dai- . »f . . , COUDCttcd with dweUllig b(»u*>ra on fV4Jlvl> | VfiP A /II' ______| Shepard«rilla to Detroit, Dal week. S4 . Ir. aud Mra nrunaon I »gan houae* aiilc out from the . ity, a nun tiilMwd |- #Ecept .Suuday, on arriral of from Sf»tu on Monday next „ >------«—«•— - t------INSI BANUE AtffENT* Tb. Amrftctb fsrd ••rtlinaa, farms, such aa poultry-house, hog-pcos, ~«*7i 1 of Ibe liT. ling* (but hM rntr-n-d kwpiug up.»n Hi. firm whc.o tb.-jr now tl|C ^ Jowf of ,he J5 ash houae, amoko house, dry hou^e, ice luyrwwn tka Miowtaf Cowyaataa • ileMlal■***' ''**•■ — * “,T 1 Ib.l city tbi. leMoo. | r»i4*. »«n .fler tbeir nurrUg.. wd OT«,i,c », tnJ »t lb. uni ,7 n ui. lacavt; lie Witt daily, except h«u»- Uteellug TrUi Ita4 «u4 rerdici of t*?€li1U£ (niDf inu At tuc Mine ro<>YU6lit • &Uf9 it 8 s Ui; gnrivA At Ijuising nt 10 s m* sft IO-.SO • m ; arriiarrive pert of leapoadeot grenied. ______:.a___ a \i- , Ve Iwi Li6 rf VI.. ... - UMimM arraugement, all to be couaidered. Mr. of Calloway btfr. M%bbg 8.1U < I«>n 'bi- ooeaaion, a larga^ number j Mj * Xpr«a moaaooger wen- gagged anj ; ^sa'a “ay a1**t roTa^HKa> The Puople va. Htynour Nelaou. |].*rrfity . Mo- Hose ex AS IK ui I.Th A buivUr of fw* uldr WMbllBfi M'l lour )<*• r-olf Oulu for .. . r*AA ,i.i • — - — glo Tueiolay and Sat tin lay at 8 a m ; arrive lion to biarib- lltll__ ' firm of Wtnin V l)m,n ambled in rcaponac to th« invitations fro .„ #bo nicaa<‘Uircr,a Docket the aaft; i .. The Peoria va. Ueerge McCoutb. Bape. f ,,,. be will be oue of tcu or a doiui to make T>iKfill eAl.k1* A 1.1 AM I HAKC.O.N I •.«• f I • — rn»e P tar rnr -It__i t<_ no «»f hand. w»’l> fK*ni |J.U»* lo ’3© * I UUU, • . . . , - i r 'if rom ^ t«i Itigerer ‘ll«, 4 1*2 niilia ttuutvl on application of rrej>oo«let«t. up a awecpHtakca for tb° Acricultlll al |: ,41110 «tor»r>i )tf«>oung Fr«»i Tr»#e. •••! rontf. rtehi* i ^|tcjtftlnj||lg jf| villacc, Kan Wen t vt''nu’*d to them. Among the p’la* MMmcd, Hid all theiiiom I valuable puck* I awd back, nix time* a week. Wave Wa* The People ve. I^ihrop Unggn. iup«. Ar ' ^ ...... * r*«l4et><« | di —. v uutul ro M. I > - ' 11 ■ «" ' W* H fg p*k . ,k„., Tl.o Ir.iu ru unking I r"Vt "V*?*- “ 4.3W f •' bot guilty. ('»Mi*ved upuo i ^ d* cidc UpiH. 1 l»C I f *P $5 a Year! Jllrt . heap for e daily MWipaper) ie ihe prleo of arrive at Jng« reoll* at .Vim p iu ; lea\e In* *p^iuwiWu of r«*i>ui>d*uf. tioo is a good ouo and deserve# con#id- i.y. rtfPR||RIA Rif liitt Pnrinthian 1 flllflP Nfl 9A1 1 NVynana remaining. (wlm have aucccaafuliy traveled lifoe freijnent atoppigea a-« it approached the ({cniolU daily, except Sunday, at l» pm j The P#*»ple»i. L'ii**l«y lu«. I*tre*ft>>. Nut!# oration. On tho out buildinga con- INC tVCNINU NfcnO UUriUlIIldll LlUUHC HS. j _ xhe |lext El>iwCopi | SiK.ia| wij| ^ fUcekeretl journey together, for a tjuar* cilJ| MU(| t|l0 r„bhci. wero thua euabled unite at Wacrmeta hy 7 p n» Ibmd requir* prouo^ul to;ervd. ♦*<1 a ith bid, 1300. The People ve. CreySiuitb, AtMuevloe. Outer 1 ncctcd with the dwelling house depend# i in'-iuding r<.*u*ge, or it win by *ent da month* for t/«a.e»a.e*.o, efi’or held at the residence of Meaarw Towmr 1 r (* f a 0 I,tur3’’ wi re Mr. llnineoti'a to escape with their booty. The bell ° r ! rj.4o, or thr*M* month* for fl M TheH Earning From South KiJey t«» DetVitt, G 3-4 milee cf no u« pioee^ui. much of the profit# of the farm, as we New* ie un«Uubt«4iy ia. .•(Men I >«lgr M« Ml, V A A. M . el «i»«iri eldeat brother an 4, l«:«Wondey. AaguM A H74 Thursday eveniug, Dec. Sd. t a ui ; arrive at lie Witt by !♦ a in ; have u.. lectures. There ill barn# aud out boua- i <** y pewepeprr la th» Htate for all Who lk* Mrs. F. S Feck, of (jireenville, Mich IH>\N itt '1 ucuday, TUnrwlay end Saturday hrm # in a mil •Fel?f rid ! Drei^r litflirifM to asii IVtiru it) I, ** ** Auguut «l, •• — Mina If I. llifka. fashionable have btt'U given cveu if 111? mill ll.d ■7 ”— wonw, H.ur, « l.Ui: i._ll.,U».J. I...... it. Jl Is March a. •• •• a*|.i , xe. •• II | 1 | I \| || ! t _ i f t At 10 A lift J At Mouth K ft ley f||# •lu Igineut. I'lelblifl •utuili* tu iion-vuil. ca, arc tie munufuctork * that turn tLr * » April a, •- October M. " usillioer, over A. Tcaciiout Jt Co.Vi \* nn aooii overpowered. No cine Ikma rMuiiwd with bid, 1900. crop# and much of the material that INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS, - M*y *, “ “ ** receiving tftw Mil eMenaive ttwde of Alher and motbar, Dr. and Mrs. I T ha* y. t been found t<. the robber*. TfctL by Vicl!,r» ^ Hht'l,*r»Uulla, Cureci lu* Wetci* ve. Alphru* Fuute. Appeal. •* June ». 4* “ !*•» 2». M Cunliuurtl upon motion of l'iaintilf upon urm». il. . /v , * • , •, w . , . , , i8 tn lire and back, t*ice a vtcek.4. bate1^ would otherwise boluct iutom.rkeUblc ta,5r,"il »« Jafy#, ** olliati r, of \ ictor, and their family, amount of the lo.«.a sustained by the ; o«ary W^lneaday and Satardaywit 10 a Ell Coo|K>r v«. Cbaeueoy H. Woleolt. Hull for any here in ln*r line of trade. M ui : i •• lli 4 u’i*out**l Sot U«f. TnmJ *iul Jury dlt* produce. The proj»osition of Mr. j hearing. T.ton .in* PSeriTASLS »ACT». — The baud dance at Ncwtou Ilall A number t*f persona were present American Express Company ia about am'w •* lT1lu?.* r'!* v,1,,w 12 Ul ; ,tavo *gree-l. Chapman i. ono well worthy o( JUfSTlSL. *» a»hl Bt WllAtug uuglw SI ...... 13 I. »»«,!.« •» Owy lf>- S,. B..J.C Thu I’topl***. Werrot I*. Hig*t>), hit*in K. last Friday night, gave evidence, by it^ eration. Wc hope to hear further on political, P«*rectnel, ba»nroo«, hterery, music*), yours ng<>. and u ho gladly united agtiu -----—►------b> 11. N. GeiavoLO.Grtx ut their iuimenae stock cannot wen uo •ojouiniog for nearly a year past iu a past twenty-five years. Tie »poke moat °,u demand of hungry ereditoi : ftowlar by 11am. or m time to connect I John McCray. Treej >m 4.'ohtlbue«l hyeouaent. l with eaeUru made; have Fowler daily, 1 1 do it to do justice to myself, my Marl*TbSrM< ;i ve. Chrivliau J.» ~ * l*rtcee far I’aruiera' I'redurle. othor th.n plc.« «U " 1"^ |M<| .here „,.»y curiow'. thiop h.v. fccl.o Kl, of their blended joy, .nd .or- • «*« » •» J""“» «* ”i ■ «ce,a s»..U7> ,t 4 p .u,!uui.U I M* t il« BUg*! ...... lo (S 12 Fall and Winter Stock chasers Before purchasing been diact)vered. and %vho lisa the ik>w* rows, an.l the lessons of wisdom to be co*t«>men», my creditors and tho rest from the east; *t \\fstphaliaby G 30 ! l*»i ln»«-nl ol Itubl»er cannot quite come up to a San Juan ^rugghw, in the old log house-—of the J u<» it to save my customers from ,1 John*, ll mil*-* end liack, thref tune# a Barley per bu...... * ‘ week. Dave Maple llapid* M-.nilav, Wed- ' .m w . .. v . ., . u ,, , Buckwheat pet lu# lb* . 3 00 a. 3 it Hoot# and Sh'x a el >aiif‘»rd *• 121:4 miner who1 ha# been1 pr<»#peoting in rbange *o the... larg* and comfortable »© * '» P^t cent, in buying .^1 _ 1 l- 1 1 . ^ 1 . ’* 1 Jinx* M. .Ndtuii, Lot I. Ntl'Un Jr.,!»• Metier Cabbage per luo ...... ft t*> 'S * oo n^eday- - - aixl - ImlayJ - at 8 a in; arrive at Nt. arid. Hlupben^ . H.. Gey, ’ vrw Audrrw, . J, Harrington, Clover »etj pur bu ...... u IS) <•» 6 fro • t Yo l mi\o ■ j southwestern Colorado, and who, it in I* * »u*io . now occupied by them ; and the I do it to save myself from the ten- John* by 11 am ; leave >t. Johns Monday. Corn per bu...... •Ji i A 3>H .It r m.Tcir, of “ .led liC.U." ! '' vi"7 lt,Y !u,:1 f 11 * Itm • »mf" 1 rr* A. (iuokwr end I.ocluaC Knapp. Aa«uuip*tl. Cider pur cal...... 10 -■•ft 12 NOVELTIES! t 'lotmi vo •' CioiutMi!!? baa found a whole forest of petii- plenty mid abundance witfi which they at Maple Kapitia by 0 .Ml p m, )„.n>l rv^uir-( .'rial r*u*u di*roiitiDu*d ag to I*«-fu>tdatit llooerr. Carrot* per bu...... y> a 4u1 I do it to save myself from bankrupt- j cl on bid, 8300 ' • ju4f,urul imi*# llarrlnfioe end Knapp IlrrMfd koge...... 0 IS) ia 6 1ft j At be CiMitou Avenue mammoth stork and prices fi**d tree#, with petrified bird# -citing weic «nriounded ; nil the refidt of their L)r. *•«• 1 chicken* per lb a ------■■ ■■ OruMud turkr)* p« r lb.... 10 S n greatly reduced at Mai llcavcnricb • oti the limb# singing petrified -mig# HTorl ; .0.1 th.f, which doling «J ™'». »nJ 1 <»« '« fo * n'»ny <’‘ber j Ttt.Li"vim.'. ‘^7 1 ’ ^ c«rt. Kgf• per dos...... 16 d# 1* I tlieae yesra, their t>wn hands liatl gath* reason# which I will not now cotumuni-1 b*ui*, .';4 nule* aud ha- k, m tun*-# a wrek. | rwmif fit >l* > r.rd^iwr** II»v per too ...... lo oo (a 12 ou | — IIate )v*u learned how cheap they II1 lee, trimmed |»ur lb..... ft Ks.—On and after i it >i i j cate. Leave 5ft. Johns daily, except Kutulav, at 7 Uun ^fh^r*** Iletiey per lb...... 1ft M I# m|| Hats and Ca|M* at A. Teach mt A IlMMMtC A , indebted to me will hy • p ■ • Imt. -'.K":l per** * i.» indebted to me wi Hope per lb...... » VS #>## AND BOOK STORE. Co *s. See them bef**r# vou buy Saturday, November 2slh. the Ladies Ilwkorynuu pt-r bu.. . 2 00 C 2 .K. Letter# from absent relatives and please. i...* V. callJl\\ and1‘. i settle_* ,TiJ during the*V.'« next l>mia daily, vx.vpt />uaday.Ml1' at**, 7* *am; m , **#•*•. 4**ho It !!•>, <*r*ct l’b«ip*. Ar. lr.w J. l pur lb...... Mlll+r slid Juauph It. logall. Ti«*p*m- Holloa I# l«l 14 — Beautiful Sa»h Kibbow* only 2-»e Libraiy will be open for drawing Invoka f,it.Dd aiumg h.-.rti i..i.4.r»tul». II.if, ...... H„l, rfijuic 1 I.ivu Ii if e per l'JU lb*...... 4 r*0 (4 0 ed with bul. 91. M>0 for c» otinuencu by l’.aiuUfl upon u«cel t*nn*. Oita pur bu...... 4>) tW 4'J a yard at Mai llca\enrich*#. from 2^ till 5 r. n tiona * and two poem.#, written for the [423] 1). C. Ifl BD. From KuieLa t*» >t. Juhna, jl ].‘J nulu Albert E. Balloek v*. WUIleta A Itai!o«k. A*- Oolone per bu...... 1 <*) (« 1 2ft | Pelte...... 1 fM) 1 — The cheapest place to buy Bo**ts Mr#. S. S. Walker , .Wy occasion, were read. j and back, twict* n woc-k. Lrave Fur. k v •u * ni,** t- HutiUwi. Potatoes pur bu...... 60 a AX• iLiulies* iiold Watches, 4>n Ike Kaigrd »'.#«« •! Despair.** Tue*,Uy and Friday at 8 a m . ;*rriv. at St KrcJenckC. Goff v*. Oliver A.-ump* Tallow per lb...... 6 0$ 7 and Shoes is at A Teachont d; Co. a. Key irtdHitift XVmdtr.g Gore .— Mr. fieorge \N’. M’.iite, who Mr. and Mrs. Brunson Wtre th** re­ The ti rati'd Journal of last week I J,,hn‘! 11 1 ’ ; •* ’ ** fohne ruaadaj * AmM* ’ ’ • .1 f m 11 • Turoipe per bu...... 30 ■'.« 4>> — A beautiful line of Drew# tiooda \\ » nut* per bu...... 7e .1 Qa just opeoed at Max Heat enrich #. hu beeo iJentifiHI with th? bwiocM_ j oipiuot. <.f. nn«brr of bMatifal pm- hi th« following “Judging by tho p L“* Cni^ri'U'uilSr - Wood, 1* to ‘A) iDt bee per c >(d.. •. l oo M 1 fro Rv e per bu...... Ti Q$ HI (ionts* Gold Watches, — The finest line of Fall and Winter interests of our village for a number of cot» ; andnd every onoone mustmust have felt tone of a couple of lOMMlieati na . ,. Kun-ka t*» >t- u v, *.* mil* .. ami hack. ' »- » ? areal attt| wheat - Extra per be... . tlie Maple Itapids M |cr of laat ] owes a week. Leave Eureka Saturday at «> Ki*«ui»«n ll. W*rrioer, Wo, M Tatrtek eod ** No. 1 p«r bo...... K< ) and Ptcm XViodlug. '*< Hide in towo, may be found at the years past, left us tbi# week with a satisfied that Mr. Brunson wa# in favor Kud. pur bu...... store of Max lleavoorich view of locating in Iowa or Kansas. — ©f “ l‘nr Gents' Silver Watches, — Another large addition to the large \ye W|8 h him #ucecs# and trn#t he will amount atoek of Dry (»oodi at A. Teachout ^ many friends in bis new borne Ladies’ Gold Opera Chains, 3c Co.Y, cheaper than ever. 44 I as be ha# left in his old. Guard “ fisuimM Kiv iif www N ------44 b. S. Nara I'ilot cloth Overcoats ; and Keam .no .—O n Thursdav ertniug, 14 Leontines, L\ S. N#va Blue Sack t oata. Cali pCOfm^r loih, proximo. Mi cemner Ufih, proximo, Mi#* Minnie 44 44 and see them at Stephen#^’# Low Swayxe will give a reading at Newton Necklaces. voiis alone prevented thvir attendance. Congregat'um*! Chach in that village, 1 rom Lieie t*» Ovid, 4* 1-2 milt-* anti track, Fricc Store. l v*. I'elur C. Browu *f>d Wra. XV Br>>wu A • > new and fl'x* a**ortmunt of Hall for the benefit of th*) Lxdiee A mart bountiful .u^-r w« «.r»cd, ™«b" •••»»«• «p<.» ooiupjiog the pul- i * s^|T* * <*k. Lure El*i«* *it Judgnite* for l.’.i. Cold Sets of Jewelry, son # taste aud #kill hi that rc#poct. #ppCfrH that somo time last summer nuln*ad; arrive at Klaie hy 3 p in. iv.nd The Paper to Take. «>r six for 25 cents. both a* a reader and speaker, and a# 6a. Iniuruet at 10 pur ofDt. Pina, linger Hlnga, Bracelets* 8 1li ra ! Sili'M ! • ^4,^^ the object i# a worthy one, wo hof*c to Hie time passed all too swiftly tor Fildcr Mudge wa# called to minister to r»-«|uif ■ 1 with hid, 8300. Kieoklln Kurlri. Huuu Kurd. I>lvo«tu. t*u- the delighted company, ’ and when the * church cf his own faith in Ionia coun ­ L*c. A fall »*-ortru«nt of all the novtltlue in •rticl? »t Him.. Iw. tli? Hall well filled. ritu granted on the ground of dcuurtios. A*1 The Foisom ox the Wall #.— Frof. ___ hour of j artiiig carnc, from each ooc V',,*,ty, at a salary, of 8*00 /per aunum, .but , r , , . . , Ji*up)unu PSttrldge ve Ix^ring A. PeUridgr^ Michigan he* many thing* lobe proud of. Th* To Ot’R Deliswi EM*. —A» the end I>urrre grao'ud on the ground of went V- • . * . . , , declined the oiror, at the ‘urgent solio- i Kedne, one of the leading analytical energy *r>| the Industry of h«r people, tl * lr int» ! Silver Plated-Ware, of 1874 i* near at hand, it is expected | Tie I’rrRort Rvmxo Xewa.—Tht» w.» h?»rl, with renrwe.l coogr.tuU- i,»tioo and liberal rl«W of .om« of chemu-W of thw lUr, 1*«» |.rf,»«r«l • t»1- Iig**nce, thuiretbool* and college* and benevolent that ererT p*r»m indebted to u«. in i. • wi-le-.w.k?, «picy little daily. «r li?n, lo the b.ppy puir, tbee«nM*t hop« the irooJ DMtilc > f M»i !o lUi.ida. u«hl? |Ta|air on urswnu-al »n.I other i«>i- ..M^ihman' ve. Caroline Cu*hnt*r. l*!vrioe iu*lltutiona ere feme.1 abroad. Coextcneive with t Hklor*. II ii 11 r r Iftieliua* Kiiivea granted on the ground of edultur) . that fame, perhsp* euryeMlng ft, I* the leputu of lorka. 4poom, Xapkln Itinga* Ar* labulb Mack M otion, Tex I>xtb «*it Fexe ree*e. In eil the uirm«*n:e .'O for collator f«i »cd us- that go to make op the really *ui>ert.>r new*papur A l*o, atoek of g'«od* amiable for p»»r wu k for r»re f In Tee Fexe I'mk *lcr«ugr»at<>«i for n vt* land*, arc replete. mind full or part payment. moot, to be found in another column, will keep fresh and grc**n in tha com* and that it wa* probable that he fore n# it bocomc# our duty to #4*«* to it ( v# Maiueftur April 1. ltd*. Without dwelilt.g upon tin* eounu of Hiat* Photograph Albuns, . Mwlw ttfim* 1'** * * '‘"wi.* »t»l then ?»ll »t thi. office .nd p?ru«- ing year#. (Mudge) would bo called to supply that the people at large should know pride, which may be *uppo*rd to gratify peculiar- ij Michigan men, the putll*h« r* <1«**iru to announ ­ Boquet Holders, the vacancy thus created. At a re- just what. to do about the matter. l*rof. I lie Xew lloiier of C'wrrertlon* A ll persona having onattfled ac The following Lentil ul lines were ce to tboee unaoiuaiotol with Tlau Octroi I "PI lne ,0,,0W,l,f «»»■»“' »»« cent m??tiiiR of tbo Coogrcg.tioo.l Keflric, in bis nqort to the State Bonnl i t n i n -j i n-- «. Qround Slass and counts with the St. Johns Foundrx written f«r the occasion by Mrs. W . C. , society, however, the quc*tion of sclcc* of llmltb. gin tb* follovihg n.lri..,:; . Th? peoj-le of Orod lUp.d* »i)d of; *r.. err... «.** *>.•<* A \Y awt |Si rpLixt).—Mr. A. NV. eee credited to It, that It ie 11 * faumy ncw.pepur Ornamental Vases, and Agiicnltural Work*, are resp<‘cU W. Gtiun : ting a new pastor xvss discussed, when Hi? .jtirstiou how to nroiil nuch . 1.11 - P.o-t Soyinow linvo little coofi - -Dec 10 fully rc«iucate*l to call at J. Hicks DeFoe, a practical tailor and cutter, ncei:rpa**u ,t Ioni , and intimatc ,h,t the grueeionai, Hoc a); and it pa>* m >*t particular at­ Ai d .-iindrie*, too numerous to mentioa. tention to that which can mo«t iniurcat or inform — Boots and Shoea im§ for cssA at building." oppomf? .hi. off,??, ia fet | % t M\ »U.‘ ^ ^ sons diallk# the naked wliitu wall ;4nd .... . » .. _____ . r. ,. ...___ i v. , . . , , Legislature Will rcvn'W and set aside ■•*»*•*■ rubier* eepualaily. A* a Uturary paper Alee, k*•«.!•* an hand a* u*iiel. • full line of (421:w4] Saxroao#. 'gstional minister, and voted unani building uj> a healthy tr.x b' In ie tinted of any hue deair* i ^c,r **»•><>« tho t%vo PUc« b»-et Hiorle*. fketch,* of Adventure and Travel, - ^ Q fl Tl C* T1TT i42l:w»] SaRroai* s. log through hi. »tock w? «■. [42l:w4] K. H. SAMfoA a. stead of sorrow. Call on him With th* brilliant hoe* of your earq way; Heavy Commer’l Note Paper, Store Waited .—Wa have a nice Aud the ;d*-dg* of h#trethal wiU wtill aarnvr A nother Firm Dissolved .—Tho Cotter which we with to exchange for Reaealed tn the ryrl* of twei ty-fl«e. Initial Papers, all kinds, firm of Boardman 6c L ddick. butchers, There tuny ha* e •■*** aonowe. there m*y hare © fOUOJ llia.i alxvut J* y Car# of Sg* ‘- j good building etooa or afore-woou. may !*• found in any val of every r%*adcr has been dissolved. Mr. LHdiok, who »*-en tear* ' non of Kdw.trd Paine, of Kochest copying the! In the family. There ere hardly any ad vert **t ♦ cr in the State. If the arsenic }*n|»-r is The Saginaw (Vwrxr. copji menu at all, and The Tri-XVieklr Kr«-v IV-** i* Fine Rep Papers, remains at the old place opposite the But together ye shared both the hop, • and the Colony, was acciilentallv shot in three already on your wall, and if, for any! yre$ prfu gpccisl, add# fear* abeoluu'y one of the very l>e*t and rht afH *t new* HOME MATTERS. Exchange School Books, business in Ta aar Pairaai Oauldr •• t’llaisa Pens, Inks, Ac. Oaaaif* what wc can • it- . * And fancymi there, with lay wrinkled face, oM l-l-r- I>;« g"*n ; i-h?, mot? | ti»oncr? for «n indilnUon of . f rh. w I, rvnderr,„ »!| r»«the de­ i - mem, a* huntnfbre Therefore, w# aha 11 he obliged public patronage He is willing to x«sim.ef naww, wjtmilietai;- tract it while hit# brother wa# boldine ______. ,. . , , iu charge tu th* amount of every outuld# eabeenb- © arc tntdtlv soluMo in hihoiua water. this charnetvr than a!! tbs rest of'Kina el l, Commercial. Literary, Agricultural, work late and early to earn an honest And J«rrtr,g and rrede I* Ih# ea.r>g | elrg tha butt, the cootci.t# of the other bar- If a little amonia wntor |#)ur..#l on the er th# eum "f II vent* ae eweh a lranre po*ag*. — Micbiiriu coiubincJ. \V»iu? Couu It i*®-**' ? ?o»-cr disi'hsrgo# the kpccii r#dor, <»r pro- onl* *xcep«*a. Hero w? b«rc botb ! '-"I'X"'- l. .mw ! I — What ia better tbao a promising ^ ing patronage be bestowed upon him Pevehaae* there are A#w#vw y#i to bloom for v*u F'asquclb* was summoned for his relief.!^ ^ ,t-^prol#vl»|f *«*n aro practically iucxhauntiblc. An itu- nw.pajer, and** each etalaie a Miperior rank. 1 All tho*e who intend by onr people ss to enable him to kcfp a «d perth.aee . «oM.. wedding .#*, 1 | lauiR arwetnc. I o identify* tlie prswcnc^ portant item in tho b.Kjation of aucb an Then-i* tx>thing about it .lull or commonplace, jAttog man 7 A pnying one. — On Friday last Mr. Horace Krull, of arsenic in any Err then, another will taa* th* lyre, y pw|x?r, wet the |#*|*m in*titution is traDsporUtioo, and every wa»’^r, from ii.#6rei p^ to theioet,. SETTLINC IN TEXAS, __Standing on the dentist # dooratt p open a well supplied market And twits* th# ehaplct — while I retlie an cx-livcry mao in this village, while, with amonia water, pour off this water person sent from the1 valley of- tli.« ■. * j eootalr.* matter o f an lnter»-#ting a.M lo^nirtlo character, • ak-a!aU«l lo |>l*-a*e all ela**e* of read- i <>r, who wl«h to go with aa will often cure toothache. We have ***** , , i There a another bridal, —th# robe* ere gives ! out hunting with a double barreled » clown of glasa and drop into troi t Hou«o of Correct ion costs in the It la ecarcely acceeeary to add that Tb* : *een il tried 1 T,,K HOLIDAY*. —A s the holidays The m#w earn#* from tKs thmttof Huoii- shotgun, discharged the contents of *hi# it crystal t»t nitrate of nilvor, or a neighborhood of $15. Ionia probably Weekly Free l’rv** beyond any other aewinew *p«per —. ... are near at hand, our merchants are Th# man #»on uop«n,-th# gueet* ar# there. on? barrel »t »o,ne, lowmd th* ^ r*"* ,u', * f * **'' .t met not to «cc?J .... .y..'•jrtuj.u,?, •coyile. Excursion to that State, — The vois on Governor in this * TH* Ma#«*r wait a, -uitt w# all b# there t 1 #70 bringing out their fine good* designed * low precipitate forms around the crya- persona to such an institution during «Mwc»l*ilwm Naira. ! To *#e for tbemeelve*. null obtain Certlffl* county iu 1868, was 4,747; in |*iccc to th« ground, and while .Undmg ul it in.lioUs. tb? of nr-nic. |,? v«r. The onlr «uit»bl? lo?»tioo I...... r*'* WV'* rale tram brnrrnl tfrni. at Texas ' for preseuta. and otherwise preparing Thi Detroit Frsr Press . — Kiss- th« year. Tb* only .uitablo location | p 4 olott) Awsarlatlaa* twforo Kov*«eb#r Sft. 4.361, and ia 1874, 4,320. with his right baud over the mui/.lc, for such an institution ia conceded to Tn weekly, hj m«ii, fx>*t pw«.i, per uv. t so which the very lowral rates af fure J«ka ainJei*a* .# _*i 1 for th«« gay and plrAsafit -*rasou. Among where in thi# iaatis may be found _ . . . , ...... i ,,, and f relgI* 4 ran bo oocurwd r John tiladatons, t»f this vil- / . . , . ,, | the other barrel was accidentally di#- Real K«*ta Te Tn.oarrit#.- The follow* be the 8aginaws or Grand Kapids, aud ' r«*ry##r . rtnr K-.-. .j those making the most rxt**tiMve prep prosp<*cta# of th« iMtsoit rrcs Pren, . . . , . , lags, ha* oar best how tor a basket of , © .. l i i 1 7j n _ . „ .. ’, chargetl. the contents Hhattenug the iag aro the tranaactioua in real catatr in this advantagei are io our hror fn*m j of when prwrucesi*. wri** plainly THE EXCURSION WILL km I d.lieion. »|.pl?» ,hf dcll 'r' “ IV P.p.r lo T.k«. le.r |„nf ,ud gTWtng b» tn Th. hnd county, s# ap|M*ar* hy tl»« rcconl# in the the fact that,Grand Kapids is located name #0*1 pet •'Iflr*. al*o lherUtt. . 8tephcnson by year this paper add# lo its atoek of WM iojured to that siteot that Dr. office of the ltegiat«r«»f fbw-.l*. ft»r the work St oos side of tho Htatc. If a qui#t TH-Weekly erWsefcly. lynx was killed in North Star. Gratiot ^ Bon ^r* Kmmona haa n«*w on baod, popularity and worth, aud at it* pres Joslsn, the attending physician, found ending November 2B- place i# the only re«]ui*ite Ionia is ------—- LEAVE (Hl€4«0 fttaniv br a mao named Smith an< * w^ifh he will commence displaying cut standing ii events as though there nscesssry to aapiiUte the index tleerx* r»lm?f t« John lltir#. north I* *.-t«-« *r certainly the point, bul bcyooJ tbst, THY IT! NOVEMBER 24.1874, •...... , iber.»there ia DotoiU?not one solitary liUry nwtamntlirecommenda ­ Wf will Mrthl, po*t p#Ul, the |)11lt Jim one -Mb.------«?»• bat that t.inxd *«k. tb. hn?.t Iim of vatebaa, u. uo fnrtb?r chao?? for .mpr-rcm-itt. |fMV,wrcn th? fir.t .nd «^?nd joint.. John DIvnAay to A4viw K«4*vi, M irr*. off ?wt tion in her faror. The decision of the month for #4 ewnto, the WaetLV for th re* month# The regalar f«re|fn>n» t'btrago to Iawrcwee, Teas* •44* of *oath i| ol wuih-w* « Re . 12, in iVnt- i , . .... ______. . , _ tor ft# rent*, nr the T•t-Wetti v fi>w> hre* month* ie f SO #* T!»o#» who Up ou owe aids, aod her husband srili c“**©*t riuga. bracelets, wolid aud But at the close of the coming yeaf ,*>»■ i phaiaaj4#? fsus. _ commiwuoocni will be presented to the eised it to severely that ahe wore her t** ”* ailvsrwsrs, toys, book, fioe it a lumber admiring fMtorc will be add Bl ddee De at *.—Mr. Parker Wtb- j i. gwl2?|i35l to u* u, ata m, Legialaturo for ratification before any iiNabtri ..... »>??. PURCHASE a LOT In LAWMNCI old b .. net when she went to the 8oci* . •<«-, aver bef *rs offered to ed. It ig a well conceded fact that its b< r, wbo has bad a residence in thisf ima i .bj «, appropriation will b • made for the iu I»KTK<)IT FREE I IKS6 1X1. (|^ot fill will b# prwvlieJ with rirel«clfM lhroM|h Tlrkrl frwos f hlrag# far 4L# II AX Tin fftA t hi oo 4otng. yos on Uwcwra a ral- I cm .> iv ik)a -i k4 * • orri« k . eablr as4 aare lift #S- Tbooewhoro •t. Jowaih Nov f, l#74 \ e* “E»ror*i.nt*t*' ‘ will b#a*»*1 'M with ft rat* Fropooelo will bo rwa#4v*4 al thu oRe, ■■ %m IS class raast »rlw TlcitwS hew CMme# o > oeh. M. of luorwiber 1X1674. f*v fumteaing to Lswrwwoo. Toioo. e»4 rw»sra. |m4 ter gf as4 4#llworlae si th# Court H omo la mi4 rliiu*. wiw» ta# IMA 4#V nf M*r h. UTft, ft# oorte #f 4 fnet Ray o, far ■ AMD WOOD, fov tbe woe e< aoi4 Gown How**, Tho matron ter h.mi*hin# «u4 wwo4 will ho lot to #4-40.00 ! tho l*w*#t MAAer JOUIAH CFTOM, ‘ «te fw ) ______Oowwty Tr mow rev tF UeJeeoS rules from STR-From tho prowl***of thou mI“t.fvwSeM* ■ 4# mvewOa wVmWo pviHiVfqa # m JUS#A. la at loo *e*t *f tho village of St .1 os thoasih wa . tewv hesA of yowag mtU* - ■ KN E> IbrCIRCIXAHN hstter. am lam* * toottloA WhlHi will aw rm terowwa viom m osoev Tales wsA th# Baev •■» i ssero## way to e#* TRIPP 4 flKCUCk, Ooo#?e Age** T« Detroit. Cbiaugn and Now York ( tKKUT ITLflV l’na>t. Ji-aitfrau states that fts» the bent FARM Aftft MOIKEMOLB. Can it m Tarn* —Withia the loot few ___ men nanJVfi of hla knowledge the Empire had lfifi fur putting the seme Into practice. months n considerable number of per­ III.## whtrhwe ae»- fucni-iilug with uaaeaflaga humey A UKilY (firl—The mladloM. A...... tuS. • urr nernth part,. eUr. mail-«1 ' o- hogsheads of sugar, 79 barrels of molas ­ — There Is no profit la harping hogs in A plentiful supply of water for stock sons have called ujxia Dr Walker, the bAdraaa X. W. fT agrapb fntilK. J—navilia. Nla. lloiH'Kixuv* —Brick carrkn. ses, barrels of rye and 785 sacks of an open lot and food mg corn during the in w taler is scarcely tree important than proprietor of the popular medicine IMeaA W..n ub rough rice. He says the boat did not cold storms of November. Either sell food A brook, pond, or spring a half a known as V ineoar Bitter* and assured UNHAM T If motto —llufietl lea. break in two, but went dowrn stiff and hogs or protect them mile or more from the barnyard is for him that, In their belief, his preparation PLOOfi. A «iiat ul time—Thai of a iloul ok) is;.-# •olid He (isn't account fur her sinking, —An old pork-raioer says the price of too frequently the only source of supply, is an infallible antidote for rum and to ­ LIVE A6ENT8 Dunhafn 4 Sons, Binufscturoft, lfoly. «at I at lOI Kwtl MadWoa siruft (M**<* ,i h«» as she was not mrrloaded, and there was corn and the price of Uincs should com and to this distant spot the cattle must bacco. The minute details which have tklugv. 4IIA.NU-4.MAXU lltalltadxd gaarlaw. Wi eroomx. II last 14lH Street, Ax ora unknown lo women -The luUl no unusual water anywhere when he re­ wade through snow, mud and storms been furnisbed hiui forbid him to doubt die a|«» meace with the same figure. Thai la, piece of Counti (BeULtleho4lsS4.) NEW TOM. tired at night. He cannot tell how many w hen corn D M cents hog* should be daily all the long winter, or suffer the the accuracy of the statements. Tills WANTED! MrnU/vr iUustrat'4 r ead /Via L*L XV ulx the guwl man diet nature feel* passengers were on board, as the books $3 00 per cwt ond when* the former is tortures of thirst. We have seen far too new claim of a great remedy to the con ­ Propertyr„|>erty^^^R or A ulage bt, Sw which I will glxW good the drain. taiucoaiherxMl ( h»r ag*> Suburban Uda. POM VKAHI.X IIIIRTV YKAtS TUB are in the safe in the clerk’s room. He 00 cents the latter should be $0 00, etc. many instances of this kind of slock fidence of the public will give a vast and rapidly eahuorlng Iin xaiue. Addrew T. tuaJT( Won on that burn —The contents of our thinks there were about thirty-five loat — —Recipe for Glue for Heady Tse.—To farming to believe that it does not exist, well-deserved impulse to its popularity booth Clark at rest. waste basket. four of them his children: Fannie, sev­ even if the truthfulness of the above Heretofore the Bitter* have been recog ­ any quantity of glue use common w hisky H#,RICHMOND sSanhsM PRINTS* % Ir you plant a puppy a hat w ould come enteen years; Johnnie, twelve years; instead of water. Put both together in a should be questioned. Now, animals nized as a pnre vegetable tonic and cor ­ thho 7 hey *r# i>ro>im • d In ait the nov#it|cs«f chang­ up— IXugw ood. Ada, eight years, and Walter, seven should have fresh, pure water, and that rective, devoid of alcohol, and thorough ­ Itu* W^ Scwv t. ing fhehloi*#, and I tt r-mum -r vat He #ry )•» • ailed to Use bottle; cork tight, and set it away for UY.NI^H?>*VX0 (.VAC KC# 0 • saU of many persona. Among Ut# laUer aru U»* Wiihx it rains hardest people catch months. He is overwhelmed with grief, three or four daya. It w ill then be fit for not ice-cold either, supplied to them at ly adapted to the cure of stomach and lit a ‘1 most soft water. and cun scarcely realise the horrors of use without the application of heat. It least twice a day (three times would be bowel complaints, nervous disorders, \t. 1»f < ____ Mala or fMoaJe. In ev­ "STANDARD GRAY STYLES." Nt» oxk proa lien better than the nut, last night will be found a useful and handy article better still) during the winter. Dry, bilious affections, muscular disease* aud Proper lor Uie house or nrr# '-(>caut!fui in deetgoa The bodies of Funuie and Walter; Mr. dirty food creates thirst in winter fully as Indeed a majority «.f the ailments within A8ENTSWANTED ery city and town, to and pleasing ia coloring. * and she says nothing in every household. take orders for Purer* X ululianu< I I4u »»»mi Krutoi, engineer of Maguolia plantation, rapidly as heal in summer while the ani­ the rea('li of medicine; but if it will also lland-tlaniM,d-niawtpa, t«*rf‘»r tt>ualn«4Mimalasa# iarnf private n#e A tile ,VINEGAR BITTERS N kyt to a dairy the most difficult —To Cure Sleeplessness.—Let the full mal is grazing on succulent, Juicy grasses cure the craving for liquor and tobacco, C4>tiiiiS##lon ail 'Sed. A ldreaaI Westernwestern liMouse i 4 Chocolate Standard Styles,n thin# to keep is a lead-pencil. and two children of Mr. Kemper, have meal come in the middle of the day. • 4 < " • N. Y. Kuirber TypvFtmhd In grrwl Xfuri.’t. and widelr known aa m.#f servhea been recovered. The boat aud cargo aud other forage plants. If you have philosophers, slat’-stiien and theologians An SL C .ark eL, t Utcago, ill. K|. Si/UTUS, Mo S.^ tie print#. N-dl.iag »Mtf**r f #r dally wear. Theee grtunale creditor la, 't he bell U>at Osage will attempt to raise three or four miles or ride twice that w ith w*ater the coming winter now is the Can the good news be true? It is easy il* .,v t-i | JU0 papers, aivided into 1 aubjl I>reporatlun, iu;ulo chiettv from tu« na ­ number. Eat a light, easll v digested sun »>•*»• Scud S cent • amp fc»r Map showing l«»CS that one is a “ do ” and the other a dun. the wreck to-morrow, when the bodies proper time to dig wells or provide cis to test the question. It lot, of paper#, with* n-bmed and aeparats ••••s ACItKTS READ THIS! tive herbs found on tbs lower ran^ps of A TKXXBMaKK funeral was delayed for i>er and pass the succeeding hours till (lriycit mate# b>r st of ad verttaltg Add re# * the bierra Nevada mountains of Califor ­ drowned will probably be recovered. terns for the purpose. 9 I SAKR«»ltF. 114 Monroe street, Ch.cego. Ill JOHN Jidia Paul I# one nf the bright* at (*f half an hour to allow a horn* trade, tied time in an agreeable but not exnL There are many farm yatds which The Greet Favorite !—Tbe popular ( hill ©ur humorists, *m| u r* x««ry #*f»- to nia, the medicinal nropnrtic* of which ing manner. Avoid causes of worry, Cure of the age!! Composed of l>ure and NK agent aold In ooe month SOI Crvplen of the PAULS predn t that hi# Iwn.k util he a remark liusitieas before pleasure was the motto. Only a Country Meekly, could be supplied from running brooks, -Implc drugs, VVUIioft's T<»ni« has I l.« Ul ahly mtertaiioiig one — spr\naiuul lie- are extracted therefrom without the u *b sleep in a fresh bed and well-ventilated either w ith pi|>es and a hydraulic ram, or O I.IFF. Ob' MYIMilTOXK. s#Mm#, ** A play u|H>n words, ” as the tire apartment. the highest place In the long Ihx* of remedies Which unfold# hr llrWiny r/p/nram of a eerUnfoe BOOK. The l»>. > said of John PnnF# unparalleled Hucceaii of Vinegar Hit­ ttjls American that the worst toothache, or hesvy expense of doctor*' visits, where friend Davxkeoarot ST. Lot ia. A Trot man worth $73,000 hung him it with an intentional sneer ever retted all means have it done before the cold new hook —” fa«r»'# »»(^4c »a fAa kriry 4iP* -JV. y neuralgia coining from the teeth, may weather acts in. If no brooks or |»ond« I v call*arc all Itemised in the account current. Graph**-. ters f’r Our answer is, that they removo self the other day. If they must do it, upon the duties and mission performed l*e *|H ‘cdily and delightfully ended by A penny saved Is a penny gained, and saving John Pa»s!‘# Hook will Ik - a clever one, for it# author the cause of dioeoMy and the patient re­ that's the kind of men to go about it, as by the |HM»r, obscure country weekly, are available, and wells are too expen ­ toochea noUilng that he dose i.<-t ailoru. Broohnm the application of a small bit of clean sive, then as a last resort build cisterns. it in thi* way adds to health slid eouifort. Try J'ffS* cover* his health. They are the great it looaens the currency. w hicli i> as much, nay, more, to its few Wtlbnft’s Tonic a« a certainty and you wifi ft will be a pleasant, attractive volume. I tar per'$ cotton saturated in a strong solution of If the soil near the buildings i* of a mod HEALTH LIFT Br«-iry. blood purifier ami a lifo-giviuir principle, hundred readers in the country as is the never regret It Wiibblock , Fini .at Co., A tk ^t of honesty—When an employer ammonia to the defective tooth, home- ^AMes 114 DCARB0RM £ JMil foe an aget.ry f«»v thliUx>k. address fOLT'MBlAN' a perfect Innovator and lnvigorator great metropolitan daily to its thousands erateiy firm nature, and not too full of Proprietor*, New (>rle*na. BooK CO.. i«4 Waahlikgtoh aln-et. ( i.icago, |)J. see* a young man with good wage* times the late sulTerer la prompted to ■tone to admit of making a smooth inner of the system. Never before in tho ►«|>cndal! ht earn-, he'd teller ! >ok-harp of readers in the city? Oh, no, they momentarv nervous laughter by the ap For sale bt am . Dmiooi -ts. i l/tn«.l4()llrMl : M11.xvx « i v*. l C W'laadWtl never think of placing any estimation surface when dug. no wall of either brick Ix Tn ltd for I'et, t vphtnat<»rV. Tlit ** FAMILY FAVORITE.* history of tho wig-id hou a ntotlicine brru to see that he earns all he s)>enda. plication, out the pain has dUap|K ‘arra. eotiDpoaudcd jKjsACHbinK the rcmarkaM* U|>on the worth of a country paper; it or stone will Ik - necessary, but the cement ... V A max who was arrested for chopping —The pernicious habit of breathing W. wostwomi, the Sherman House, at Chi­ Codey’s Lady’s Book E.SY ikkoar ba* none within the narrow limits of cun be placed directly ii|>on the earth, q iahtiet of V IltrTXRS in hraiinir tba his son in two was defended by his law­ through the mouth while sleeping or and nlanks or slabs used for covering cago, recognising the popular demand for Offer*/ .m__ to ...and j _willhi give- to ..every Riilarrlhrr,.1 whether- - — - w Wu ■ a iu k of every tii +**6 man ik beir to. They fit* ir superficial and contracted brains. retrenchment, ha* reduced Its tariff of rates, Mhgle or In aCIuh. who pay# In Advance for 1*73, and yer on the ground that it was not u waking is very hurtful. There are many One barrel of cement (water lune» will lx* remit# direct to (hla otll< a, are a gentle Purgative an w«*ll as a Touic. crime for a man to part his lieir in the They w ill not admit of the utility of any persons who sleep with the mouth open and in a corre»;iondiiig degree iHcrw*ni its SIMPLE. relieving Congestion or* Inflammation of form of a newspaper save one which is sufficient for a circular cistern seven feet merits. A topy of “TIIK ItKSt I K,“ middle. and do not know it. They may go to Tt»e fl*rdaome*t Chfroo ever (*ffervd. For < Irrular, ll.e Liver sud Yutceral Orgontt, in Hilious crammed full ol telegraphic dispatches, iu diameter n|^l the same in depth. Two “ IY kask , Mister, my father's dead and sleep with it closed and awuke with it contalnii.g terms, etc. addrew# I* A fJ*»I»FY, N. L. DURABLE. giving the minute details of some revolt ­ men can dig, plaster, and finish such n Sr.xT free, on receipt of neck and breast corarr bixtb aud Cheatuut hla., Philadelphia, i'A my mother's runued aw ay, and would cheted; but if the mouth is dry and measure, height, weight and price, our (*sm- Tho projK rtii s of Dr. Walker ’s ing and nauseating social scandal; the cistern in a day or a day and a half. The ye let me and my sister suck cider parched on w aking it is a sign that the piei “ Model $2 Hiilrt.’* Fitted hy ]>*(« nU-d agents RELIABLE. V ivkgar lurrkR* arc Aperient, D.aahoretic, hour at which the Chamberlain of the cost of ceiucnt and plank will not exceed model. Hljllfth and *ul>«tantial. Address ronTBYLtsn through a straw out of that 'ere barrel o ’ mouth has been open during sleep. Snor ­ five dollars, except inscribe few liKalitics LFRD TUADKRS Carminativff, Nutritious, Laxative. Diuretic, Imperial Palace at Ispahan put His Most Model Shirt Co.,SI Houtli *th fit-, Philadelphia All hl*K4 I 1. VI 4*1»HW Made of the *e*f mxte-lala, parts Interchangeable yourn? ” ing is a certain sign. This habit should NOTICE. and few ta number, easily learned, doing a great va­ ^odatire,Counter-Irritant badoribc, Ailero* S rent* and Mighty Highness the Shsli to where the materials useJ are very scarce Mu*. Partington write* to say that be overcoma. At all times, except w hen trading and aelilitg our Missouri land# and raincuut- riety of work without eitraatfurhnienta. Live, and Aau-Buioas. bed tba* the .*avage Hallo* of Abyssinia and expensive. Tnrocoi the length and breadth of the land tn-r«-d < hlrago bulnirlan l/.fa. For Dill particulars ad- We emphatlra)') deny tl e atalemcnt* made hy agents she can ’t make out why all the ‘‘help” eating, drinking or speaking, keep the Some coarse sand, a few planks, and a the celebrated HII.YF.H TIPPED Boot* and dress, with stamp, land qftlce. t J&S. (lark -at. Roo m »E of other ina bines cobcerblhg our guude Mai our buel- (irateful Thousands proclaim Vin - hud abjured the tenets of the (.’optic mouth firmly dosed, and breathe through shoe* are sold by tiie million, for parent* she gels are so stupid when she is always fait it and had bow«d down in adoration barreled cement can Ik * turned into a ta s# #tatatiug- J-UAR IlmEK-stho moet wonderful In- particular to obtain them from an intel ­ the nostrils, and retire with a firm deter ­ very fair cistern, and in a few hours, bv know they !a*t twice ar long ai»tho-«- without vigorant Uiot e\ vr suotained the sinking at the shrine of Mecca's !*rophct; that mination to conquer. The nostrils are Tips. Try them. For sole hy all dealer*. EMPLOYMENT. ligence office. the poor, unoffending Papuan of the any man wiio posaenocs ingenuity suttf- I want HMXO agents lo canvass for the COMP LET? Seiini Machine Co., system. Ax Indianapolis night policeman ha* the proper breathing apparatus—not the < lent to dig a hole or mix mud. The HI till A 1.1 n T. and TuiUluSixa Wniu>. 1 willgivr No Person ran take thone Bitters Celebes was being slaughtered by the mouth A man may inhale |x>isonous The Prettiest Woman In New York.Mn* such term# and lurntah such ad» ertiaiug fa# !IItie* • hat 13*4 State It., (hlraga, III. la*en presented with a neat little jeweled Dutch invaders from the ncigltonng isle form of su< li cistern should always be no man to-ed make lews than tlO|H-r month and all according Bo »lireetiotiH. anil remain long gases through the mouth without being that of uu inverted cone, in order to vive K —. *fl known In uble society for her ei|M hsc#-aw matter whether lie ever r#tn*Mol be­ alarm clin k to wear in his coat-pocket] of Macassar, and so on in an infinite va­ tioUxg*' *(>pr«ranr« and beautiful complexion. «u fore or md. Address l»IL O PUKLPS BROW S. No. unw ell, provided their bones are not de ­ aware of it. but not through the nose. — strength and facilitate the spreading tl t>raud strevt. Jersey City, S. J., aud full particular# ano'h patches, ring mar k*. etc , and TOLEDO WEEKLY BLADE. will be Interrsf.-tJ to «ti*»w t* at II. II. Bry*a*it*#fTdcagf> in accordance with the Darwinian theory ion' of hi* fellow citizens residing with­ that costs two hundred dollars is too cx- thick, the tir*t coat con»|H>*ed of roanx* make# owe look ten years younger than they ar*. Mag 1 ' *»#1 '* I* * »*XS •. the Itrfot. ts-st and « hcapest ftap. r li.aincaa xolieg** u tbe largest lontltol 1 « of ll»e kind mittent l overs, which arc so preva­ pen-ive a piece of inachiuery to lie out sand or fine gravel, one part cement to Doha IUlm for atranaperent complexion, and l.yuo'a >u the w rl.i si ' t fre* to any eddfc#*. ii coiumu. of to America. Ttir^e in-rntta' t«ltl< o. with all tl-.e ad- lent in the valleys of our jn-eat rivers of the survival of the “fitlist.” out the en\ irons of his mighty empire of K »*d rrw-tii.'g matter, • \ autagv*- f thi# s’reat h».*!i,« -# tmtnliifr act'** l, c#*r in the weather ei|>o*rd to wiud, sun and four of the gravel The next coat a half JUlhalroa to make the hair plentiful, luxuriant, aoft but giV. at tn-'ti’ha •«'. and one xr• ar S’'PV. Mr. ft ft. “ Shout anti pudgy w«>m« n ought not I a f» w miles in area is a sealed b*x>k; he ht r i Ut throughout the Tnlted States, especially rain One of our correspondents some inch thick, of moderately fine sand, two aud delicate, have so rtvala. The kathairon pn rents LAH KK tk JOyp.%. Tutsde, Ohio. i Brvant. the'-rlginaJ r>(;!*d«-r of the chain r4c«»n«-ge. to wt ar belt*. Fashion Notes. Thi* i* I has nevt r opened i»s pages to inquire the hair from turning gray, eradicate* dandruff, aud is has withdrawu aa a |turtn<-r fr in all the m - laof 11k tlm o nf tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, time since made the startling announce ­ parts ot sand to on** of cement. A neck 1 chain Id ord^r ♦« give hi* wlxole tln;e to liuMirf up 1 good advice thrown away. There i* uot w ithin; lie know * nothing of it; pul Inin the beat and cheapest dressing In the world. 7.#*"iiMUYtilWAIITEB Illinois, Tennessee, Cunitorland, Arltan- ment that on au average tin y did not do of the cement should 1m* set usidr for a CMcagu an ln*ti>uli"0 far in advao. c <»f any u woman in the world who believes il to the tc*t and you will find he knows school heref.»f'»re in ext»t»-n . this i*urjriue l* bHs»g rapidly aroovnpIhlietL The terj.ia applies to her. '• Miort and pudg> !*’ more about the condition ot the Berbers * * <« » U s«n w -ftnc# ; aa I tHs urt OP X « rc>hM»V SOW k- are put at al >w r «te. 1* tng h#*«-»l ujw :» a Inrye pair* ti- iv.ul, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro ­ worn out —estimating that two weeks' m-nt ; or merely washing with cement clergyman, of New York, waa recently badly kicked PAL IK. T'*sa. ««m#> ar»)usl i-#X. I nk is# (rr.l In4s • liorxu short skirt* for walking *uit^ of Northern Africa than hck docs about hr# rr-a Al*«» Ag»«i. *"eC««. **#»#• f - orsma a*-»t. circu:*ra have m-cparcJ giving the currhy anoke, J.tines, and many others, with labor wo* got out of them each year, and water put on with a whitewatdi- by a h<>rae, aud was speedily cured by using the cele­ sa l misi | aco' straws l.«a U» ptss# ot J. O. Uyilash h Csl >i i.i • ■ *i » i #-»(., .i ■' • a * are meeting unexpected fav<»r, and mo ­ the people in the neighboring county. their v;..*t tributaries, throughout our We turn aw »y from the contemplation of and that in four years they were used bru*h will answer if one is not un adept brated Mexican Mustang Liniment. When the pro ­ meammmmmm * distes predict that before the spring up. Now this ought uot so to be. and in the use of a plastering trowel. We prietor asked hi in for a certificate be replied that he X. H B. BRYANT S , ’ entire country during tho Summer ami they will Ik * cut of a really convenient thi-> human superficiality, ot which WANTEDB"|( lark ,;l *"'"St., I htcago. 1,1 j AGENTS there are thousands, to turn lo vet it is on a par with much of the farm have two cistern* made in this way ten -considered It a remarkable ante la, but it wouldn't CHICAGO business coll ECF Autumn, and remarkably so during sea­ length. At present they just clear the ing in the West. Hulld a shelter, In* it years ago, the cost of w hirh did not ex­ anawer for him to Indorse a remedy In print." Her* *• X <• It K XT NOVELTY. S l COR STATE iWASHINGTON ST*. sons of unusual heat and dryness, aro ground. the practical and common • sense IHMIK t \%\ ( w \\ XNTKD ntan, w ho w i.*he* to be informed as to j ever so cheap, and store your machinery ceed five dollars ea< 1». besides the labor, consistency. Hut we didn't kick turn, a# tbe horse F<-r If e uxat rvuiarkahh- book ever puh.udHol CHICAGO ‘ ] Invariably accompanied by extensive de ­ A yocao man has tocn arrested in New did. Tbe world know# that for Rheumatism. Brulaea. Aii-r-.a. !•> V rt I t., W'.u*la» lu d. /* the pui-uits, condition and prospect* of in it the first thing after getting your and they have never leaked, and are a* o&jf, II 4.4 i* < ..i 4, Aifrt. i Tftnyan, J>hu tt rangements of the stomach and liver, York lor sleeping in a standing position grain in the stack. Take out the sickle, • •filings. Sparta. Scratches. Inflammation. Lame the people of h:* own immediate State sound today as when made. Water nets. <»r anjr flesh, bone or muarle aliment upon man v I Knti <-!y r,rw , splendidly llloatiwed TIIB and other abdominal viscera. In their He would stain! on the street for four oil it. and lay it away for safe keeping from a clean cistern in certainly prefera­ .MTCt Reentry y >i • produce. Will Itour* at a Mretch with his eyes closed, and county lie find* in the rural paper or animal, there ta nothing like the Muetang Liniment. 'ske Imim rarljr, F.tru# I’sruit'u* Agents. A ! treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow ­ tin information he seek* The country in your house (dean thoroughly all the ble to that of a pond, the ice on which It nau but 3u eta. and 91.00 per bottla, and should be drew# Ini'.iMwtiatc r. W W P. OILL A CO., U. W aati erful influence upon those various or- and ftot move a muscle. It is hereditary, metal work and rub it over with tallow* has to be broken iu cold weather in order is every family. It i# »rapped In a fu« steel plate ingl-Jlt S'.re. t, Ik tun. Maas. ll.s father was a |H>liceinan. organ is to him the camera lucida which gan.x, la c sent nil ly necessary. There f.iithtully portray* all that twcurs; it is to save rusting, for this not only de ­ to permit *to< k to get it, aud then per label, aud signed -(1. W. Westbrook. C hemot." hoc ; rtmgf .r# illllCflGO! EDGER is no cathartic for the purj>o>e c c-rffi, b f«|f I'l* v tiie cheapest and best for the past ten years he has been trying it compared to that w hich is fell aud en ­ wood ami keeps It from *un crack* and ueed be but few, if any, |xx»r or sirkH r ,•-> \ T-*r.|! hy»#.f.|. ,w. bowels aro loaded, at tho some timo his best to get her oil hi* hands. rot. If it i» sheltered and painted, and hope to make a market for their own •tagnaot, watery I>APER IN THE COUNTRY. st'imilaLmg tho secretion* of tho liver, tertained by the country people tbem- animal* in *pring It i* to be regrettea, ware* by decrying all medicinal prepara­ y u.n. ihu. ACo. in. A rustic youngster being asked out to *tl\e* - it i* < venthing to them. In it kept from rusting, and the nut* properly however, that these things are not uni- tions. But the public ran stomach neither their argu- and generally restoring tho hcabhy take tea with a friend was admonished is found news which they aloue, proba ­ screwed up w hen inum*, a good harvester versally provided; hence the annual l«>w* nieiits nor t heir potation*.and consequent tj reject three functions of Liao digestive organs. to praise the eatables. Presently the will last a dozen years with occasional very veak Imitations of the eumij aa entirely toot).in. The Cincinnati Weekly Star! ^iaSO ANNUM bly, can appreciate and understand, in of thousands of animals, and a far greater * Fortify tin* Ixxly against dlwfia* butter w as p i *e l t* him, when h<* re renewal of the siclile.’’ Inc!»td!Bg twwtag*Obd tbff flp«1y-rbi#trule*! tttar XI- formation regarding tlitir friends and numlx-r whose gaunt sides and almost Vegetable Pulmonarr HaUarti Mat aa mauac. 11 per vear. A nt i-^lori(.g«»lx —The by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar proxed. rrl»ab.e and »ell-know u remedy for (>• ogn*. marked: “Very nice butler—what there »r*. the condition of the crop* anti protruding bones afford unmistakable tit an«4 r*» l*ap« r—r t U idiigifarg*- ( ri­ Hitters. No epidemic can tako oold is of it,” anil observing a smile he added, (are of Stock iu W infer. ( o -S and (or.Mjmpti .1, t.»t the •##«, a. a Co#, Boston. chanic In any part of the c#>nnfry will find this the h»-st Unexcelled hy any Weekly Literary of a svstem tlins fore-armed. “and plenty of it—such os it is.” • tradesman in the rouni ry is of a \c%t Yvrk Sun. of tl e vrt-i,i(4, Ur aay nothing of the low price. Scan y-ar and address Dr f* R Blaekalt. Ag* nt# are off-red lndar to any thing Dyspepsia or Ind ideation, Head ­ Ax old lady, on hearing that a young y importance, matters That there is an immense amount of name to Publication, East or West. of UK'al »l • h!c#g ao 1 r» K|# Hu h« rci-tf. re attrmpt*4L aprcttiicn copies free. Ad ­ ache. I'ain in the Shoi.hlorx, Coughs, friend had l»*>t hi* place on account of n ration wherein tney arc interest I suffering among farm animals in winter, Kheiiiuati-tn in llor-c*. Irtin and ( xtalofs* ->f i r« hooka free dress ** iiti. hi AIL'* t lDcinoai;, Ohio. misdemeanor.exclaimed : “Mis* Demean­ d a hundred and on< different I owing to the want of shelter and proper CANVASSERS WANTED IN IVEB^ Tightness of the Chest. Dizziness, .Sour food, we think few will attempt to deny; \t llHi W RITING TO (IIVBM TisRK", Eructations of the Stomach, Had Tasto or! bat his place on account of Mi*- » which utlcct and interest them, I.'ll animat ion of the muscle* and ten '»’ » alriiKcalrnar #kmh * x an • i x* th« A d% «• nl#> aim TOWN IN TIIE FSITED STATES. Demeanor! Well, well. I’m afraid it * privately and publicly. The coun- I and, strange as it may appear, cruelty of dons in the liorsc i* much more common In thi# »>aper. in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, K'alpita- this kind is generally nnwt common SUBSCRIBERS. too true that there’s alius a woman at have arranged with PKBMOVD A CO., Hi Hare The m'tst Liberal Pr.mlutn. and Club Ra‘ea ev#r tatlon of t!io Heart, Inflammation of tho the bottom of a man * difficulties. ” li v til only be effectually done by it. where the facilities for preventing it are scure forms of laiuene-s may be consid ­ liscas:uk#b»v. XikkbUie.JtwtaKUi street. 1‘htladt iuhia, by which each antm-riber Ux this c.ffrred hy a re Addre## from the pudical works of furnt«h*4 on applt a'i< t. A re#a nevs, and a hundred other painfui symp­ -* which are unsurpassed, liy it where f<»od and even building materials often a horse after a wet or cold days Wl ► Mail A 1 Bortiar. 1. Maine toms, are the off^prin^i of Dyspcpsiar# to a masquerade ball given by a club in are scarce and high priced, animals are BYRON, MOORE AND BURNS, THK LRIB.IvK ( IJfPAXY- the tow n where be lived, in at knuwlcdg inner, the laborer and the mechanic work comet out of the stable “ a* stiff a* By fending loceata to tbe above addreoa Oi.o l**»tt!owTll prove a better guarantee I lx-tter cared for than in the newer ones a |H»ker” and scarcely able to walk, uixm $210 A Month. ing the invitation *afd: “There D a ne acquainted with the good-and* free. k. W alier A Co., M Lou.*, Mo. of its merits than a lengthy advertise ­ where these are ln»th cheap and abun ­ which hi* master fancies that he will In­ o quiet Karra*! i, though of course not in * of the tradesman; they learn I”! Ad.r.iV.e Tlndsld ment. dant. \N e seldom hear td cattle dying laid up with severe lameness for some PKH I» \ V t mial—l«»n rrSrv»««< . ,] WE WANT MASON & HAMLIN tended, in iuviting a country editor who i- they can purrha-e what they de- in rvrry •tuwa aud my In the I for want of shelter or fo<»d iu the thickly- *. — - * ary, and rx t- r.»» a. We offer it and wl imi has but on** suit, mtd that a poor one, to and at the lowest prices. The coon- months; but on entering the stable next 11 ’ totted Atatr*. ft sella We! i and Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whit*ortion* ot the Eastern Slates. IL Apply now, u. \\ eblnrr «R ( th, iiv a. (I. AGENTS IS just uhat . very h«>u#c iireli Swel.iugx, l Itcri, En ipdon, 8wrU«nl Snkf such an al*air w ithout accompany ing the w-paper i- to a county what nutri- morning he is surprised to find his horse It!* the , Me* #r W-toe. * 4 i AGENTS world t al '. vely pre- CABINET ORGANS. Goitre, c rofuious InUetriiualionii, ltdoierit compliment with the necessary clothes." week er ft'X; f"rf»ited. yXr .(Uc-re< /'»#4. Wr!U venl rain. r*d*1. .now and duat Inllamrr.a:iona. Mercurial AfTt»oUoii% 0,1 unit andan develop all that is tbe We#l cwur,Jc there are slock- great peculiarity of these attack* of Aatooce to CO W E N A .''.I g 1' « -eet, NfW rrv»m c»mln| nndrr door b.d- W nnertof TmiKK Hl'IIft 4T MFDAI-S aid DT A n old tunn In Virginia was traveling ...... ow ners every where who are constantly : AGENTS’ Pl/JMA of HONOKat MI NNA. J-r\ PAIUS 1WT Sores, Krjpt.ons of the Skin. S«*ro Byro, etc. The c unity that is without rheumatic lameness is their liability to I TTT__ 1 _J *• • (speed'sBa»- U)Oa. 1 #rj»-titrr# make iota of along a ro»d followed by hi* wife. By I practicing cruelty u|ton animals which ^ Acents wantea, m. m v har.d • ,.* - i • I and tn AMKUltJk A1.WA1*. I Reels red by Ml -I In tl;e»e. at in all other constitutional Dit- a waste plain without eleva- shift and change, the horse on one day AGENTS for «>ur rlrxular. WllxrS. , t 1 XNHt.KM H.kJLl 1 to be CXIJIX VLFD and IN some mean* her clothes w :re set on fire should cause them to Ik : banished from rxTYtt f. A i n, holt Manufac ­ ((•MPAltAHU^ K'id at lived uaiXorui price* to oil, BBMes, Walk kb ’s V inegar Hirricita havo which a per*ou desiring toex* being lame in hi- near fore leg amlsper- • hich are print.-d and Invar *!•>. by the pipe th*t she wa* smoking, and For full Information. f>rice-i«L AGENTS turers, 1*4 l lark ul , Uicafu ahuwn their great curative power* la tho surrounding- cau make no oh respectable society; but it Is to Ik * hoped kftpi on the next refuring to put his off 1*1 lt< n* OK tilti.\\<4 AKK ItK- she w as burned to death, The old man, that these are exceptional cases. There CAJACU»(ABm * - * - - - • •r • iU •f IX f>Rf> that the lean;«4I a t-i l* alcra and r**d- obstinate and intrartahlo cane*. who was some way ahead of her, knew —-Ni/4 .1/ itt*> [Cal ) / (rtf*. hind foot to the ground. But sometimes T. 1* t 111Llr*». Troy, tthla - » • I . are persons w ho ap;K-ar to thiuk that if the disease is persistent in one limb, will pay litem For Inffaniniatory and C hronic nothing of the arcidt nt until some men. Tt ( Wltl- Agente • •• t« h •r\»»,rre. For> STEINWAY th - l/trg. .t (MBtwiwioa. or tiis< ount# for they furnish anything in the way of food 1 f »# outfit L« . Fait 11 A k * 1 a 1 a !»* ' , Cm It hen mat ism. Gout. IV lions, Keiuit- finding Ibo lx dy, overtook hiui and though varying in degree; and here the aelllng, MlmMt ending. which animals will eat, even under com horse always trots lame on one leg. at It A HIT CLULD at Home. *» TV* NtMIX A IIXMl.rX ORGAV CO. tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of brought him b« k After surveying the pulsion, their duty in the matter u done, FubllcMy. T- rnu m«#i« r»u [ prtrMhgotlej dothc'.r lour.l prlrr#, ran af* -rt charred corpse a few minubs, “Humph! oMier times lx»th fore limbs may In- af- Time *i*ort. F«*nr y-«-« • ( tin Grand, Square a^i UpriEht Pianos. b>de«irrs only the smallest roniiulnlan.. This tho JilfoNl, Liver, hitlurr* arid IRa-lder, Many curious experiments have been and it', suffering from an inclement cli­ fected either in the shoulder or in the pa-a’>led sorer#* / lu-i .v-r huprrlor to a’l others. Ftary Piano W* a r ran tod for plan uecurea to every purchaser the lowrat #rt< e, be­ the do their best to are cau*od by V»tiat«*U lib**' home,” w as hi* touching comment, mind over the Innly, and the question neglect should not Ik * laid at their dnt»t to ag* nta Addr«u 'u >TF.INW\Y A ST.\d, < fe'-H other organa, stuipiy N-vatKe they g»-t enormous Median Irfil Disoa.vox. —Persons en- A oiux kk in Detroit keep* “ a little whether the mind of one person ran in A glance »t the lanu buildings in many shoulder or arm. and If behind, in the A. L SToDDAUiC, Mi. h. S* KY7, USA 111 f.«( 14 th Street, New lark. discount* on tm-rn. Pint orgattaare currcntiy aold brown jug ” near hi* c dcr barrel, and terpret the thought* of another, under of the older and more wealthy )»ortion» f to deale** st *-vratv-flv* per rent, discount, or atone- gnged in Faints and Minerals, such as muscle* of the hip. Shoulder lameness, SUISCRIPTION HCMIKa-Z'holee and r; quarter the prices print* © f e th» m. A# a rule, tbe Hu in her«, T. pc-setteri, Gold toater*. ar.T when he want* to do the fair thing bv a certain circumstance*, ha* !*een much of the country would soon convince an * 9u aLg iliMetrol#*l. t»—a> p**>rer the organ the higher it* printed price aad Um when present, is often rheumatic, but in Induerment# to Agent#. For t«-rtna and rlrenlar# ad i hk only Self-Threading Machine JIHI greater the d •< ount <*nTt. Miner*, 0.1 th- y a i.asce in life, are subject customer he mingles some of tin con- discussed recently by physician- in thi* observer that they »m* almost worthless some cases it is the result of a strain; in SXW WtiliLD i-l itUaUl t.oadr .'..a w i Tit Tbe ffkXUX A IIXHMX OROXX < O. are 1 n>>w «»ff»-r!r«g new #t) !« *, with lin|e>rt*at Improve- to paralysis of the Bowri*. To gua -d tent* of the aforesaid jug with the ider city. J. 11 Brown, who call* himself a as shelter for the animal* which are gen ­ either case, however, requiring the same sir - muzmm’s: He made a mingle for an oil farmer, A MONTH—Agents wanted every l in. nta, and are selling n<>t on'y for cash evcluMvrly, aguin^t th:*. take a dose of \\ ALRER'a VlJt- mind-reader, and who claim* to lie able erally kept therein Me have seen thou­ treatment. • here |tu»r.' o honorable and flr#t butais<>un n-w plana of easy pevii.«r,r#, rtgtnlng EUAR IIITT>!k * oC«*a-i*>lial!r. but got in .1 great deal of whisky and a to determine the train of thought In an sands of barns sided up w ith green hem­ ciaa#, Particular# sent free A iugh «-nex-'ar or longer They .Wr> nt n*ar or- Lameness from rheumatism may al­ John WoUTIfA < » . SL L..UU, M > IX THF WOULD. gansw thpr.v egsof burthas--. Kent u-al«l llarue Km*Shin Disc.iv» : ; very little cider. About an hour after other, when Wrought especially in con ­ lock Nmrd-, rro< hing from sill lo plate, most always be know n by the horse lift­ year* purrhs*## thr Organ. drinking the farmer wa* observed lean AORN'XMB W AUTTblD. ■ o gne a and Clrculank ter, tolt-lUieum, Hl<*tnic f V|x*riincnU in this and w ith no idgn of a batten over the ing his leg, w hether hind or fore, with ATFHT1 V"-I4IA1£ * r MtMMY A vt- MA< HIM. « O which give very fail Information aad art amt fr*-e. ing ag-un-d a fence, anil wa* heard to III EH I • 1 \ \ it i s. 1 » I^u-tulca, ltoilft, C'nYbmicle*. King worm*, city, and his methods were investigated rrack*. which widen a* the timber be­ difficulty; whereas In the di»ease of the P 14 4 XXal>tv.ii Yvtnne, ttaicngo.f TIIK N.XSON A II xVlV.lif OIK-X> UK, *oiihx|Ui/e : “It's loo late for sunstroke*, >ca!d-br»ad. N*re Eyes, Erysipelas. Itch, by many distinguished physician* and come* old and season**! In the corner f«*ot or the lower part of the leg he lift* (bicag->. Pamphlet f *r inventors sent free. I AT Bill!KB Scurf*, I>:'coloration * of the Skin, llumor* and too early to freeze to death, and 1 .*<-M*ntii-* Mr. Hrown afterward went of many of them- crate-like structure* a il readily enough, hut puts it down with UT Patut setr* a Si-bcial VT. N#w York, lloaton or i hlrago. ami Di-ca-c* of the Skin of whaterer name guv** it'* a touch of the shakin' ager. ”—- to New Haven and exhibited his power* stable i* partitioned off for the horses, Iketruit rr*e l'rt**. grea ;aution. and ttin< lies w hen it is on QPNf\'nr n W%rd. fltr* Brl yp O V T or nature, aro literally dng np and carried there, before a large audience. The while the cows are left iu the yard to the ground The toe in als<> dragged on O t Is I# • It f* (• Mi.-nro ul.trr «*r reg • out of the tyatein in a abort t,mo by the v•» imittee w ho there investigated Mr. wj> ow BDSINESSISS: SOLDIERS, ITTENTION! A poXTRiBrttm to an Engli-h mags- seek shelter wherever they may hapiK-ti the ground in rheumatism, which causes Njwrw fr<>m ( hills sim! h trr wit .nt qnii. l > of tbe«*o nitters. sine explains that the three holes* in the Brown's methods reported that they to find it. It is well known to every in­ Wanted in Kvery bt«.re. ffK'Mate Right*. X »rth»r*L actual lo** of action or power, whereas m'VIF UNI tWMX Cleared by one A Cl K XT for «a>«. Applicant* for ngutato manufacture and sell Pin. Tape, .mid othor Vx’omix, shell ot a, w bich give it such a **w « re not ready to as-ert that the claim telligent *ta, I’nrchasiog Agent of thi* dragging i» never seen in the fore it»e AuiciXcun Eaprea* t'ompany.t hlrago. This handy UNITED STATES CLAIM AGENCY larking in the uvatem of ro many Uiou>ands comic resemblance to a monkey's head, of mind reading had lK*en clearly main* thrive on much less lood in warm, com ­ foot from any other cause. In the rheu­ Ible Pencil h»r marking clothing ^ampJ«a by mall at pules ted > It made entire y of ape.tig steel. Autli«»r|g<-«f by l, S, (toTmunrot, are efloctuoily ^eatroyed ai.d r«*u»*»Ved. No are for the purpose of allowing the fortable stable* than when cx|»o*ed to 4(1 rente. Company's B->x, 141. Northampton, Mass. Samp'e sent, f*re nxr f »r the purchase of toou ftvatem of medicine, no renr.iferes, no an­ young tree to i»*uc from the sin 11 when H illiam Hammond and several the cold; therefore it i* n matter of tion is *een. and tne hind leg is not INHSl Iff ■ or am x ot Nit snoiu. In ( huagu or New York. wtU Pensionsand Bounties. ti, elminitic* will free tbe *y»tem from worms the nut is nianted. Thu* arc the m va­ scientist! .ittcu'h'd several of Mr. economy to furnish warm quarters for brought forw ard w itb sufficient power or ready. Oaly Xc, Als».lxipri#* <<>nN. .ik3 the*c Hitter*. Brow n Hnt es, as he called them, Circular* for ag*ta. Lyntan*Co,ZSi Ji.Clark-#t,Cuc#gn Fverr aoUfler who vrs# disabled while Ir the service leric* of thi* wonderful fruit graduallyer.i.ln-dl slock, to say nothing of the humane side freedom. Wargo. Of thelU-publtc, either bv uoutids, broker, lliitb-. < For Female Complaints, in young I - KITIXtTn• • • — t < • NLTCV^fi(•rowers siul I>ca«ers la oil ki^i# „( pefow'-vl lnturiea, hernia >r rupture. !'*#• of eye#lgnt irr ni.idc deaf to the common un*idcrstao'i- while he was in the city. Mr. Brown of the question. In every cose the treatment consists in ock . no*u? D diseased eye*, or u .* if -ven d«>»n In the #rr' ir old. married or tingle, at the dawn of wo ­ ing. We know the design of the three •aid that he could not oik *rate through In the colder localities, where st«H*k rubbing in a stimulating liniment, such 1 #nrma f (ilt.U.V AMI SKEWS. rtoaurr or lr where (lisvav* of tho lung* linVrn c• n the result and sequence of oth­ Hitter* di'p.ay ao decided an influence that shell »ominted for, and there now re. ren-on for -uc h a statement. \\ it la other food required during the winter, good, oil turpentine and spirit of wine, of each Particulars and i'fi(V«TAXT ENPIAITN9..XT,—At -C<-d 1Male '>p. A or ,»lvr, AlfaJlx, W hdc t. lover, t wage 4 rraug* er d.acasM a, am h aa pneumonia, retr-M-x^«<»n or improvement is soon perceptible. main* to Iw explained only the purpo-e gentlemen Ir. H •* n performed various warm stables are necessary for both with Sc. return v Female. XV a week warranfrd. No capital%.->d requintncif ot d h> r iis ai #U*rk «»f Field, tiardm. Tree an i buck of the nicaelea, or WTicre the phth**- • pWmnvulu t(}rec ounce#; mix, and apply a portion 1 valuable #amp,e #rnt free. Addreaa. Hedge p;an: ^e.1*, *« nplr# of which, with price list. U U.e dim t result of the exposure of camp life, or Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when-. of the hair on the outside thereof. tot experiments. One of the gentlemen hid *tan.p,C. lUwa,[VIOXW.V WUliaiuaburgh. IX ITN. Y.•( RKI Ju*t dlacaaoa of the bowel*, awh aa chronic dtarrhrra and night and day; but in warmer climates night and morning, it should lx- rubbed • U be #cnt free fo rrail up.-n apr»l'cation. Also if de- ever yon find It* Imparities burning through the savant* proceed .—Chita go Timet. his do »r key under a mat in the hall. w here there are no snow s to cover the | o ut, I #efaL llaiolaome. ( heap. Seiia Mr»-d by th*u. ir t« reted , a *Ik >rt esaay oq the rooiinori- the like. Every soldier who has thus been di#ahie ' I LIIh.M tt iSwWnbi rv" Anger entitl rs a pold irr to a pension. dried heritage, anti stock cau graze eral health should be attended to. and his TIIK Sii free#uecesefttlly If at*, in pa are practiced sent lo pa>by them{wugti for many yrars. 010*0 0) it when yon find a obstructed and The Sinking of the Steamer Umpire. gentleman's hand* in his, and touched l or mwm *th -i. t imlasv loiii ' Ar each All widows arm children of evidlers dying tn th« throughout the year, shelter is not quite stomach______set right_____ by stomachic halls, earn pis of seed ordered. service, or after they acre di*ctiartr' 1, mi a*c«»unt of td-jggifth in therein*; clean*# it when it i* the other, which wa* held against his HOOK.mLasibu * Fuigwtx" eoatain# 7 article# woun-1* received or disease coatraclud la the service, 90 ‘"»F“rt«nt. Mill, no animal can rest | if necessary; or "a fever'boll, osthe7oT- needed by every Ladv-Patent SptH,|- foal ; your feelingft will tell you when. Keep Nffw Out ■**«, Not . 17 forehead. Mr. Hrown then charged the OUR ore also entitled to a pension. comfortably or remain healthy if exposed lowing, given every other night, will Illolder. hxlaw.ra. Tumfde. etc,—guaran ­ Xp«-«-lal Attention t.lvrn lo < talma for the blood pure, iu.d the health of the system The regular lower-coast packet Um­ [gentle man to think of nothing hut the to cold rains, such as occur in all parts teed worth •! Sample Ttog. by mail AGENTS sometimes give relief: Nitrate of pot ­ AO cent#. Agents wat.Ad. I'U'M’I AOUu SIO llicrraaeul In wall.I Prntlon*. will follow. pire, ( apt. .leanfruu, sank to her texas place wherewL the object was hidden. Mr. of the country, both North and Houth ash, one ounce; camphor one dram NEW UK*. Eighth *tmet, PhlladrlphR, pa. Fer/bj# ha'/ who are now drawing a pension are H. II. MeOOX AI.TX At ( alxiut four o ’clock this morning at her Hrown I tlhen led the gentleman about the This is (.-specially im[M»rtant with neat fnatiy eutitird to an Increase. M> terms arc; findG«ni Arts.. K*n Fyam-isoo,California^ and a half; calomel and opium, of each WANTED PER DAY. So t barer# .Made For Advice, landing at the foot of Conti street. and 4*>r. of Waahuirton ax.*l Charlum Su.. N. Y, room and out into the ha I. \\ hen they cattle, which gather their food rapidly, one scruple; linseed meal and water, Tr.aeMthe IIOMF. SIIITTLF. XF.XX IXO MX The Empire arrived about 12 HO this re a* hed the mat Mr. Hrown stopfved and <11 INK. 1*1114 K S4 X, ltead-riTvon ran make And no fee ever asked unless successful In collecting Sold hy all l)ru|gt#U mad Dealers. filling themselves with coarse, unmosti- enough to form a ball.—I'rairi* Farmer. money setting the ** ||(M|K *l|( TTl,K*» whethei your 4'laima. morning heavily loaded wdth sugar, mo- said: “Here it is” Mr. Hrown had rated food, which is re-chewed while ioaftrvKXFF.ltlKM F.ll tn the hu«ln»-«a or not 1 also take np claims thst have been rejected tn foe lassen, rice, etc. Several of her ;>a**engers Fifteen Pounds of Flesh. If you whh to buy aSKWlNO MAt IIINK for fbmll) hand* of other sttorur) valid proaecute to* successful also a string of large letters of the alfdia- they ore in a state of rest. £*uch ani­ use. our circulars xrtil show you bow to auru money left the !*>*! upon her arrival, otherwise bet hung across the room, and upon this mals may live and grow fat on the Texas Hone as a Manure, Sorrg Dffawf-g, Me., Jam 17. lffTJ. Awmi A BOOK POE EVERY SOLDIER. II. ?L Srwvgga, E»4*. 1 Wtehart’s the ’os* ol life would have been very he spelled out a word thought of by prairies or Western plains, even if com ­ JOHAMiX, ( LAKK A < O., Cbicaoo . III. TbU book Is devtrted strictly tn the wclfare and In ­ The bones of all animal creation are !»rar Sir—I have had Dv«pe|»#1a In Its worst form for terest of all soldiers and pensioner*, containing t!»e largo. A* it #^, fourteen passengers anil some gentleman. This w a* often done pelled to sleep out in cold rains, ehillv the Ism ten years, sod have taken hundreds of dollar#* regulation# relating to Army and Navy Pension#, the m>.ny of t!:e crew are believed n» be correctly, though Mr. Hrown was secure­ dews and cx|K»*cd lo cold winds. Mill, composed of three substances, phos­ worth of medicine without obtaining any relief. In new Pension laws. It gives s comoU-te list of ait the phoric acid, lime and gelatin, or glue — September )a»t t commenced taking the Vgogrisx, HALL'S patent STANOAR0 bftteat Bounty and Pem*> >n laws, thu* enabling each browned. Five bodies have l»ecu re­ ly blindfolded all the time. they would certainly be more comforta ­ •lurs « hich time my health ha««teadlly improved •uidb r t*iaeeat once tbcriat aiirtfjnt of tmuaty or covered, including the Captains eldest Dr Hammond explains the process by ble and would do better if given shelter three of the best fertilizing substances f-r*I dlgrwta well, and I have gained fifteen poun«n pens-on he should receive, to produce good seed. But where do the of ffeah. There are several ethers In th;# r.ace taking aa CRR'TR. daughter, about seventeen year* of age, the theory that the jx*r*on ojH-rated upon, of some kind, even if nothing better was the VioriXB, aad all have obtained relief. bones of animals come from? Certainly Yours truly, Orruvocs »ree. Address all rotntiinnl>-ati«*n# n Vi motion; de- XATIXU t.Xls. HY TIIK KK1 * TOY K The paper la Lively, Entertaining, . awakened by a great noise and confu ­ of one of them. He then placed las in warm climates, although worthy of tone of our cattle, horses, etc. )et turn of theaptrtta, dletnrbed sleep aad frightful dreams * XFKTY Ci.Xd M X< IIIXK. IT IX SIMPI,F and Instruct I ra, yet not forgetting a j sion; « aught one of bis children, swam fingers upon the person's wrist and said: — •me notice in both. A sudden change Five ner cent, of all plants are com- IX < OXUTItt t Tlt»X. MAFIC IX OPKKA- share of Inaoceat Foa aad Fro. ic. with it to the shore; saw his wife stand ­ p«»«ed of ten mineral substances of which TltDX, A XIM y.U I XIX IX HKNILTM. FOK “ Now I will tell you the name of the from green, succulent food to dry an I FEEL MTAELF A AEW MAS. ing «41 detk with the baby in her arms; person you are thinking of. Head over woody, as from grass to hay, straw or oone forms a large part, and which X II.LXUKff.l HI Rt HKM. Ill R XI. tfOMK* comes directly from tbe earth, while the IXMTIT1 TIOXS, KTt ., 1 HK KK1 STOXK Reined v a* ihs boat Went down she clung to the the list and when you reach the right cornstalks, frequently severely tests the M „ .______N A TICE, Maaa.Ju»a let, in V wheel bouse of the Hrsdisli Johnson fat of animals it composed of carbon, Ma. It. R. Srgvgsat APFAHATItk Al'FUItlFI TIIK MO*T name 1 shall know your pulse which digestive organs of the most healthy ani­ nar Sw—Through the advice aad earwet peewiaet«va PKKHMT MKAXX OK IKAA MIX4TIOX which stood alongside, but the violent it I* ” The person then began and read mal, and, as a matter ol safety, the oxygen and hydiogen, three of tbe gases h tVr,t- <»f »*(• piece I have bv# taking Y K.T DIM'OVKKKU, »» X XPIII.ETN AMI shock wrenched from her grasp her that plants take exclusively from the air, ▼ ■wsKTIKK for I>yspep#la, of *Mrh I hove rafr--( Ft LLIXFtlKNITItlXON (PPI-K XTIOX. FOR ALL down the list, and each time, when the change should be gradual instead of sud ­ for tear*. J have ouli two bottlga, aad airwedy child, who fell in the water and was name thought of was reached, by some den. Our beat farmers fully appreci­ in the form* of cartonir acid and water, feef myself a orw osao. Re#n*n' . j. KKY RTOXK MFF.TY GAR MAC IIIXK drowned means it woubhbe plainly indicated, to ate the importance of n gradual and which constitute about 94 per cent, wm W. r A KTEIL » «M J. B- XX IL,«t«»X. PURR., r,»l. RAK KK. of all tdants .—fxatiarilU Courier Journal ■W h FIT XAXUOM XT., PIHI.AI>KLi*lllA. JohA Dublin says: “I am mate of the the* great astonishment ol the person ex­ change of food, and of a variety; 1IOL4BKRTX *T.. M-.XX YORK. Empire We arrived last night about perimented upon. “The whole la ex­ —— ------— A Source of Crest Anxiety. Throat and Lung hence the rapidly increasing production X kvfr eat Just before you expect to twelve o ’clock and lied up; went lo my plained to me' added l>r. Hammond, of the various kinds of root crops, such My daughter has meatswd great bewefft from theu— At.lMs WA5TED FOK room and almost immediately went * bv the influence of the mind over the engage in any severe mental or physical ef v un set * ■ Rev decimiug health w u# • enurrw of as beets, turnips and carrots. Not being exercise. great aaxtwy te all of hap frxeaiU. A few hnt ties ef r P take pleasure in na- asleep) between four and five o'clock btxty. The majority of person# thinking fully satisfied with such laxative and ^ ^ — to Vauartsa rawand bar healxfo etrenwih ar d #ppe- newa#*tug t has wv have heard a tremendous crash; thinking we •Na. ^ _ > N Ml 1*9 n , Wfuel rerei. eg new* ef th« steadily u;*on one subject do not fail to healthful food, many practice cooking Evnar oar know* that a roM or rough GUIZOT’S Dart that the greet Msta had b^en run into, rushed on deck . seeing me* ead giians# had Diseases. five evidence when that snhjert U the grain as well as steaming their hay. ou*tit not to be n«*glerte4, and ^at tf If ta not II 1*7 OHY — she ws« sinking shouted for everybody attended to In *mm« It may rremtt fatally lent MsahM this Imp- r ret* died which that person has lire a ex straw and other kinds of fodder, with tset worm befoeuSt# Snetk. aesNJ* r®** "• * “ paugSe «1U Jpevd to get life preserver* . rushed along for ­ peeling. The reason why Mr Brown beneficial and profitable results But a (Mir advice is lo take rare of it before It is too Whit I Know About Vegetine. The M*. ef the last voL ward. shouting lo wake all I could, in ­ ««in Id not operate upon me was, I would variety ot loud should always he pro ­ late, and use ISr. V% Chart's Floe Tree Tor hetng o4#w In the hoods «f «. py r '_xrJL weak b-r s « '.o,# h* f”' rorfisi, which i on be had af any druggist the Pari# publishers 14 * fc Y > l V' ~ tending to run into the cabin, when the not allow myself to five the slightest in vided, if for no other purpose than to ______Barra Boms, May fl, ISA #re mow tssetag the Work bwat. almost in a second * time, seemed dilation that would enable him le de ­ Hr Wkthaii's Worm Sugar Drops are tbe host HR Srfvn#! FRANCE. m mm tnaeihti part#, at paid, but wilt else raetr# * Vrs#'tr.I 4*1 quicken the appetite and prevent cloy remedy for worm* ever discovered _mOr me—I haes had maatgrruhle erpeHenee wHh ••eta per teffk For Bale by All Drug- to sink, and I was throws into the water. tect my thoughts. 1 found this s very ing If It la the general practice to feed fhe Vnu netaa For Oeweval l*eh«>itv at d swnrn until I could catch hold of some difficult thing to do, and. after 1 had ^ VanwrtMia topeex.* lo ••r ikteg ft I* eee ef the most so- eorn whole or ground, then change occa ­ It b as Lard In fit s llam collar waa bed •ififil amra evwe aaadL 1 aammaarr c taAtag \ 4GB perk rpeetatee# nf >»»t thing and save myself " tried It, I did not worn lev that many wave Tt* a awnwt the middle #f lam urtoter nod after —#i'SK rvff pshlt#*--c In t«arrfh- »_ they sionally by steaming or toiling The ax»d I ro wed ao as to Imd well We advlai America. I lest-eles# rue willoet uwith th# tbe pie furs vsr- gists and Storekeepers. Eugene Durabe, the pilot, says unable to exercise this control I think Is four buOtlaa It aaOleely eweed me #./d-#y»t»*#, #71 ncmpictu ahttol sod me Mtelie es •- eesdi P-- fraeviegt same change may be made with oats mn restUcoian le hnt the Improved War- "1 bfcmd aevuv was la •• pad a—dwo a a a t #1 * —«eg nge n vs went. 4 tn foli.fA Wti) peer •re tape 4 usueieO nod for ' When the howl aank 1 was Ir m\ that, when this theory of external Indies when fed to horaea, but the addition of wtrk It Uialta better than any tines collar, •meat time It win afowd aaa pteaewre tr. gtx* a# r •a-'e'tW. uatry page* for ear f*wr. |4.«S wM pee | t,»‘ *•« »*»•»*» romrnm • »*». heard the rmefe. thought we were run lion of a thought suddenly mvther wntmiw reloneu lm what I » It Is the I.liffih XftMdt cere tfee four I h Vr nape- ft# O# is###, a^—s. —an # j t. rat*rqq qro.n *. < if three times a week would he it# iplrtdldh, and Keep# d u*dm»* '-vaay eae wn* will sail ar addrow me ' ef (fee par Apply at eoe* Into; I was thrown in the water and Is followed up farther. It will any ofier Try IL will ptsame SaeL A. X. fi. " Bat It is unnecessary to par IUntrelioBs ! **M ’ A T ftAMf rot a infi- 4 X swam Mi the wbaff, 1 think the tost brake whole of Mr Brown ’s IBB Nt iff fivury stock-owner will bt Tns MfMffiOfi FABBKfi, XM kthew. #tre-t MTU fi tsAURIAT IS hi t wo. aha weak no saddmriy ” jr.r to last Co ’s ALTBBO HAfiTVBA, IVTI9K IB Bfilfi fit Ail NTMIITv r Btllla •lI. for SUM kv A. W. I