Remembering List 5 facts that you know or can remember about the . These could be things you already know or things that your remember hearing or reading. Understanding Match the crew members to the job they had onboard the ship

CAPTAIN SHOVELLED COAL INTO THE SHIPS BOILERS STEWARD WATCHED FOR DANGERS, E.G. ICEBERGS HELMSMAN CLEANED ROOMS AND CARED FOR PASSENGERS STOKER IN CHARGE OF THE SHIP AND CREW LOOKOUT STEERS THE SHIP Applying Create either a timeline, comic strip or paragraph detailing what happened during the Titanic disaster. You can start from the night it hit the iceberg, the day it sailed or even further back to when it was first built. Analysing Titanic was a ship of classes. Passengers were either first class, second class or third class. What facilities you had onboard depended on which class you were. Compare the facilities available for each class and record your findings in a table. Place a star next to any facilities which were available to everyone. Evaluating Different people played different roles in the Titanic disaster but who would you place the blame on? Read the following information and make your decision. Give reasons for your choice

Captain Smith Ordered the ship to keep sailing at high speed even though he knew there were icebergs. (designed the ship) Designed a ship which had only enough lifeboats for half of the people onboard. Brusce Ismay (Titanic Order) Asked the captain to sped up to get to New York early. Also asked for less lifeboats because they cluttered the decks. Fred Fleet (the lookout) By the time he spotted the iceberg and told others, it was too late because he was not using binoculars. William Murdoch (first officer) Tried to turn the ship away from the iceberg, even though the rules said it was best for a head on collision that a side on one. David Blair (sailor) Was not even on the ship. However, in his pocket, he had the key to the box which contained the lookouts binoculars. Jack Philips (wireless controller) Received messages about iceberg locations (including the one the ship hit!) but was too busy to pass them on to the captain. Creating Today, ships are much safer and dangers such as icebergs can be tracked on radar. However, this did not exist back in 1912. Imagine you are Titanic’s designer and want to make some changes. How would you make Titanic safer? Redesign the ship with new safety features. Consider the following:

Is there a way to light up the dark ocean in front of the ship? What could the hull (outer walls) be made of? Is there a shape which could cut through ice? Could it have buffers along the sides? What about the number of lifeboats? Titanic had 20 and this was only enough for half of those onboard. Could the lookouts position be improved? (the lookout said it was hard to see because the cold air made his eyes water).