Tony Wilkinson In summer 1994 Tony Wilkinson made brief field visits to the sites of Kestel/ Goltepe and Titris, Hoyiik in Turkey. These were followed by a six-week field sea­ son in the Balikh Valley of northern which focused upon the development of the archaeological landscape and its relationship to changing patterns of settlement (see separate report). Following this in October 1994, a three week visit was made to Sijilmasa on the northern edge of the Sahara Desert in Morocco, to investigate the regional layout of this major Islamic trading city. Fieldwork resumed in 1995 with a visit to the Giza Plateau Project in Egypt (late February/early March) followed by the second season of the Oriental Institute Dhamar Survey in highland Yemen which continued for the remainder of March/ April (see separate report with McGuire Gibson). Although continues to be inaccessible for fieldwork, the existence of com­ puter compatible tapes of satellite images of southern Iraq on the Sun SPARCstation has enabled mapping of Mesopotamia to continue, albeit by remote sensing. Publications over the past year include "The Structure and Dynamics of Dry Farming States in Upper Mesopotamia," Current Anthropology 35 (1994); "The Dhamar Plain, Yemen: A Preliminary Study of the Archaeological Landscape," Pro­ ceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies (July 1995); and a monograph entitled The Archaeology of the Essex Coast, Volume 1: The Hullbridge Survey, East Anglian Archaeology, Report No. 71 (Chelmsford: Essex County Council, Archaeology Sec­ tion, 1995). Fieldwork and most of the writing for this volume (coauthored with Pe­ ter Murphy of the University of East Anglia) was undertaken in England before Wilkinson arrived at the Oriental Institute. In addition, a monograph entitled Settle­ ment Development in the North Jazira, Iraq. A Study of the Archaeological Land­ scape, coauthored with David Tucker (published by the British School of Archaeology in Iraq), was in press and should appear in the summer of 1995.


Teaching in 1994/95 included a new course (with William Sumner) devoted to Spatial Analysis of Settlement Patterns in Near Eastern Archaeology, a course initiated to serve the needs of students requiring such methodology for their graduate research. Outside lectures included the following: "The Evolution of the Landscape of Highland Yemen," for the Seminar for Arabian Studies, at Oxford, United Kingdom, July 1994; "Early Bronze Age Urbanization, Agricultural Produc­ tion, and Collapse," a paper presented to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization seminar on Abrupt Climate Change, September 1994, in Kemer, Turkey; "Recent Fieldwork in the Balikh Valley, Syria," to the meeting of the Chowder and March­ ing Society, November 1994, in Chicago; and "The Other Side of Sheba: New Dis­ coveries in Highest Yemen," to the James Henry Breasted Society of the Oriental Institute (with McGuire Gibson, at the University Club, Chicago).

1994- 1995 ANNUAL REPORT