LAND AT LOCHHOUSE Beattock, Moffat, Dumfriesshire, DG10 9SE IN ALL ABOUT 381.10 ACRES (154.23 HA) Location Plan NOT TO SCALE Plan for indicative purposes only LAND AT LOCHHOUSE Beattock, Moffat, Dumfriesshire, DG10 9SE A PRODUCTIVE BLOCK OF MOWING & GRAZING LAND CONVENIENTLY SITUATED OFF THE A701 BETWEEN BEATTOCK & MOFFAT • LIVESTOCK HANDLING FACILITIES • HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE GRAZING & MOWING LAND • AMENITY WOODLAND • GOOD ACCESS TRACKS • ROAD FRONTAGE TO A701 • BASIC PAYMENT ENTITLEMENTS (97.72 REGION 1 & 37.00 REGION 2) IN TOTAL ABOUT 381.10 ACRES (154.23 HA) FOR SALE PRIVATELY AS A WHOLE VENDORS SOLICITORS SOLE SELLING AGENTS Mr Grierson Dunlop Threave Rural Turcan Connell The Rockcliffe Suite Princes Exchange The Old Exchange 1 Earl Grey Street Castle Douglas Edinburgh DG7 1TJ EH3 9EE Tel: 01556 453 453 Tel: 0131 228 8111 Email:
[email protected] Web: INTRODUCTION GUIDE PRICE The land at Lochhouse is situated about 1½ miles southwest of the town of Offers for the land at Lochhouse are sought in excess of: £1,100,000 Moffat within Southwest Scotland. The area is distinctly rural in character with agriculture and tourism forming the backbone of the local economy. VIEWING By appointment with the sole selling agents: The region is noted for its fertile and productive grassland. The land lies in a climatically favoured area which is known for its mild climate and long growing Threave Rural season. This has contributed to it being recognised as one of the most productive The Rockcliffe Suite livestock rearing and dairying areas in the United Kingdom. The Old Exchange Castle Douglas, DG7 1TJ The subjects are within easy reach of both Beattock & Moffat with the land lying Tel: 01556 453453 adjacent to the A701, Dumfries to Moffat road.