6 Cook: Howe Mire, Inveresk | 143
Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 134 (2004), 131–160 COOK: HOWE MIRE, INVERESK | 131 Howe Mire: excavations across the cropmark complex at Inveresk, Musselburgh, East Lothian Murray Cook* with contributions from A Heald, A Croom and C Wallace ABSTRACT Excavations across the complex of cropmarks at Inveresk, Musselburgh, East Lothian (NGR: NT 3540 7165 to NT 3475 7123), revealed a palimpsest of features ranging in date from the late Mesolithic to the Early Historic period. The bulk of the features uncovered were previously known from cropmark evidence and are connected with either the extensive field system associated with the Antonine Fort at Inveresk or the series of Roman marching camps to the south-west of the field system. The excavation has identified a scattering of prehistoric activity, as well as Roman settlement within the field system, together with dating evidence for one of the marching camps and structures reusing dressed Roman stone. INTRODUCTION reports have been included in the site archive. A brief summary of these excavations has been An archaeological watching brief was previously published (Cook 2002a). conducted in advance of the construction of This report deals solely with the excavated 5km of new sewer pipeline from Wallyford to area within the scheduled areas which com- Portobello (NT 3210 7303 to NT 3579 7184). prised a 6m wide trench approximately 670m The construction works were conducted by M J long (illus 1) (NT 3540 7165 to NT 3475 7123). Gleeson Group plc on behalf of Stirling Water. The trench was located immediately to the The route of the pipeline ran through a series south of the Edinburgh to Dunbar railway line of cropmarks to the south of Inveresk (illus (which at this point is in a cutting) and crossed 1; NMRS numbers NT 37 SE 50, NT 37 SW both Crookston and Carberry Roads, Inveresk, 186, NT 37 SW 33, NT37 SW 68 and NT 37 Musselburgh.
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