Extensions of Remarks E1389 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS

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Extensions of Remarks E1389 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS August 2, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1389 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FEDERAL EMPLOYEE TAX HONORING METRO CHICAGO RESOLUTION OF DISAGREEMENTS ACCOUNTABILITY ACT ABOUT CYPRUS HON. MIKE QUIGLEY SPEECH OF HON. VIRGINIA FOXX OF ILLINOIS OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MARYLAND Thursday, August 2, 2012 Thursday, August 2, 2012 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, there is a need to Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, thirty years respond to recent comments that have been Tuesday, July 31, 2012 ago, in August of 1982, a little-known band made by some of my colleagues involving issues of concern to Cyprus. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, once again from Georgia took the stage at a new music venue at 3730 North Clark Street in Chicago. We all agree that a comprehensive and sus- the House finds itself considering a bill that tainable resolution of disagreements about Cy- unfairly targets the hard working public serv- Five hundred tickets were sold for 5 dollars prus is long overdue. Such a solution must ants who every day are providing a wide array each, and Chicagoans gathered in ‘‘the big allow both the Greek and Turkish Cypriot com- of public services from helping to nurse our room’’ to watch R.E.M. munities to participate in all aspects of the is- wounded veterans, to discovering cures and The show was a huge success, and the land’s national life and government while re- treatments for diseases that plague millions of Metro Chicago has been an influential music specting the rights and political equality of all American families, to ensuring aviation safety, venue ever since. Cypriots preserved in a renewed partnership to protecting our borders, public safety and the Celebrating their 30th anniversary this state. Of concern to me are statements by some food supply. Over the last two years, our Re- month, the Metro continues to hold an impor- that Turkish Cypriots, and the Republic of Tur- publican colleagues have repeatedly brought tant place in the Chicago music and per- forming arts scene. key itself, are obstacles to any forward legislation to the floor to slash the pay and progress. benefits of civil servants in order to protect There is a long list of memorable moments, Without rehashing the history that brought special tax breaks for the super wealthy and including performances by music legends like about the current situation on Cyprus, it special interests. James Brown, Bob Dylan, the Ramones, should be made clear that the Turkish govern- Smashing Pumpkins, and my personal favor- Obviously, all Americans should pay their ment has, on multiple occasions, welcomed ite, Poi Dog Pondering. taxes, and those who fail to do so should be the resolution of these issues which guaran- tees the equal rights of the Turkish Cypriot penalized. But federal employees should not The Metro has always been a venue that community. Turkish Cypriots voted overwhelm- be denied the full complement of due process has provided a platform for new music talent to start their careers the old fashioned way, by ingly in favor of the U.N. Comprehensive rights that are available to any other Amer- sending in a demo and booking a slot. Peace Plan (known as Annan Plan) in 2004, ican. This bill would result in the firing of fed- demonstrating their sincere desire to move be- eral employees who may be legitimately con- Their dedication to independent music yond the painful past. Despite this genuine de- testing a tax liability through the established comes from the enthusiasm of owner Joe termination to incorporate, not only within the process. Moreover, by linking the firing of a Shanahan, a south side Chicago native. life of the island, but within the wider Euro- federal employee to a lien, this bill would re- In the late 1970s, looking to better connect pean and global communities, the U.N. pro- sult in the firing of individuals who are already the music community of his home town, Joe posal was overwhelmingly rejected by the in the process of satisfying their tax obligation. started hosting parties for performing artists Greek Cypriot side. Incredibly, one week after There are already laws and regulations on the out of his loft apartment in the city. missing one of the most significant opportuni- books that address how tax debt should be It was not long until his musical gatherings ties to reach a comprehensive solution to these longstanding problems, the Greek Cyp- handled and how federal employees who are outgrew his small space. riots were awarded with membership in the delinquent on their payments should be dis- He eventually converted an old community European Union. ciplined. center into a venue, and he has been bringing As a result, the Greek Cypriot community, In 2002, the IRS asked Congress to change Chicago the best local and national talent ever as the Republic of Cyprus, now enjoys full the standard for determining when an agency since. membership status in the European Union in- was mandated to fire employees. Rather than Shanahan, an icon in independent music cluding all associated rights and privileges as firing every employee who fails to properly file promotion, stays involved in the community as well as membership in the wider, global com- their tax return, IRS created a hierarchy of well by serving on the boards of the Chicago munity. It is time to end the isolation and em- penalties based on the seriousness and willful- Children’s Choir and Rock for Kids, a charity bargoes imposed upon the Turkish Cypriot community and secure a negotiated political ness of the offense. This bill throws out that that provides music education to underserved children in Chicago. settlement, agreed to by both parties, that al- process and treats all delinquencies as if they lows all Cypriots to build a common future to- were willful and deliberate. Without a doubt, the Metro and Shanahan’s influence on the Chicago music scene is be- gether. Comparatively, federal employees have a yond measure. f compliance rate that is higher than the aver- RECOGNIZING THE 100TH age American taxpayer. In 2010, 3.35 percent Music before money always has been the ANNIVERSARY OF DEVEREUX of federal employees were delinquent in their message, and because of this commitment, the Metro has helped shape Chicago’s cultural tax payments. That same year, the delin- landscape. quency rate for the total universe of American HON. JIM GERLACH taxpayers was 7.4 percent. Instead of making For 30 years the Metro has contributed to OF PENNSYLVANIA public servants the target of new, unnecessary the music scene in Chicago, and for 30 years IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fans have flocked to it. and unfair legislation, we should instead be fo- Thursday, August 2, 2012 cusing on uniform ways to strengthen and bet- Congratulations on three decades of rock. Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ter enforce existing laws and regulations gov- We’ll be lining up for thirty more years of congratulate Devereux on its upcoming 100- erning tax delinquency. great music to come. year anniversary. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:40 Aug 03, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02AU8.001 E02AUPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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