Israel: May 2021 Violence, Other Background, and U.S. Relations in Brief Updated May 18, 2021 Congressional Research Service R44245 SUMMARY R44245 Israel: May 2021 Violence, Other Background, May 18, 2021 and U.S. Relations in Brief Jim Zanotti The following matters are of particular significance to U.S.-Israel relations. Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs Violence and unrest over Gaza and Jerusalem. Violence and unrest has flared in May 2021 around Gaza and Jerusalem, and has sparked Arab-Jewish rioting in some Israeli cities—partly in connection with a controversial case about the possible eviction of several Palestinians from their East Jerusalem homes. As a result, prospects of an Israeli government forming imminently to replace Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu appear to have collapsed. Israel-Gaza violence has escalated to a level not seen since 2014 as the Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated terrorist organization) and other militants fire rockets into Israel, and Israel retaliates inside Gaza. Depending on how the tensions escalate or deescalate, they could have implications for a number of U.S. policy considerations, including aid for Israel and the Palestinians, and how the Biden Administration and Members of Congress might focus on Israeli-Palestinian and related regional issues. Some Members of Congress who support a cease-fire may be seeking more time to review a proposed $735 million sale of precision-guided munitions to Israel that the Biden Administration notified to relevant congressional committees on May 5. Domestic issues: An end to or continuation of Netanyahu’s rule? After the collapse of its power-sharing government in December 2020, Israel held another round of elections—an unprecedented fourth in two years—for its Knesset (parliament) in March 2021. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of the Likud party—the largest in the Knesset—has been unable to form a new government in the face of significant opposition to his continued rule, while he faces an ongoing criminal corruption trial. Yair Lapid of the Yesh Atid party has until early June to forge a coalition supported by disparate parties from across the political spectrum. As Arab-Jewish tensions escalated amid the May violence, Naftali Bennett—whose right-of-center Yamina party was critical to Lapid’s efforts—announced that he would not join such a coalition. If no one can form a government, another round of elections would probably take place in the fall of 2021, and Netanyahu would remain as caretaker prime minister (as he did from December 2018 to May 2020) until November 17, when the power-sharing arrangement Netanyahu entered into last year would lead to Defense and Justice Minister Benny Gantz of the Kahol Lavan party taking over in the caretaker role. Palestinians and Arab state normalization. In hopes of preserving the viability of a negotiated two-state solution among Israelis and Palestinians, the Biden Administration has stated its intention to reengage with Palestinian leaders and people, after the Trump Administration took several actions that generally favored Israeli positions and appeared to alienate Palestinian leadership. In April, the Biden Administration announced the resumption of some types of aid to the Palestinians. Amid some debate on issues that could affect aid to Israel and the Palestinians, the Administration has voiced opposition to unilateral steps—including annexation, settlement activity, or incitement to violence—by either side. Additionally, the Administration has expressed support for continuing the Arab-Israeli normalization efforts that began in 2020 under the Trump Administration, as reflected in agreements between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco. In connection with its deal with the UAE, Israel agreed in August 2020 to suspend plans to annex part of the West Bank, though announcements related to settlement activity have accelerated since then. Israeli normalization with Arab states could raise questions about the future of cooperation and rivalry among key actors in the Middle East. Arab-Israeli common cause could intensify, dwindle, or fluctuate in countering Iran and perhaps even Turkey and Qatar, two countries that provide some support for Sunni Islamist movements. The January 2021 shift of Israel from the purview of U.S. European Command to U.S. Central Command may increase Arab-Israeli military interoperability. Other factors affecting regional cooperation and rivalry might include U.S. arms sales (including a proposed sale of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and MQ-9 drone aircraft to the UAE), mutual economic benefits, and Arab public opinion. Some of these factors could determine whether Saudi Arabia drops preconditions related to Palestinian national demands on normalizing its relations with Israel. Iran and other regional issues. Israeli officials seek to counter Iranian regional influence and prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Prime Minister Netanyahu strongly supported President Trump’s withdrawal of the United States from the 2015 international agreement that constrained Iran’s nuclear activities. Facing intensified U.S. sanctions, Iran has reduced its compliance with the 2015 agreement. Netanyahu has made statements opposing the Biden Administration’s possible reentry into the agreement. In light of recent incidents targeting Iran’s nuclear program that may have been Israeli covert actions, observers have speculated about future Israeli actions to influence or disrupt nuclear diplomacy. Israel also has reportedly Congressional Research Service Israel: May 2021 Violence, Other Background, and U.S. Relations in Brief conducted a number of military operations in Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon against Iran and its allies due to concerns about Iran’s efforts to establish a permanent presence in these areas and improve the accuracy of Lebanese Hezbollah’s missile arsenal. China: Investments in Israel and U.S. concerns. U.S. officials have raised some concerns with Israel over Chinese investments in Israeli high-tech companies and civilian infrastructure that could increase China’s ability to gather intelligence and acquire security-related technologies. While Chinese state-owned companies remain engaged in some specific infrastructure projects, including at seaports in Haifa and Ashdod, in May 2020 Israel turned down the bid of a Chinese- affiliated company to construct a major desalination plant. Congressional Research Service Israel: May 2021 Violence, Other Background, and U.S. Relations in Brief Contents Introduction: Major Issues for U.S.-Israel Relations ....................................................................... 1 Violence and Unrest over Gaza and Jerusalem ............................................................................... 2 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 2 U.S. Policy Implications and Assessment ................................................................................. 4 After March 2021 Elections: Will Netanyahu’s Rule End or Continue? ......................................... 6 U.S. Security Cooperation ............................................................................................................... 8 Key Foreign Policy Issues ............................................................................................................... 9 The Palestinians and Arab State Normalization ........................................................................ 9 Trump Administration ......................................................................................................... 9 Strategic Assessment .......................................................................................................... 11 Israeli-Palestinian Issues .............................................................................................. 11 Future of Regional Cooperation and Rivalry .............................................................. 12 The Biden Administration and 117th Congress ................................................................. 14 Iran and the Region ................................................................................................................. 15 Iranian Nuclear Issue and Regional Tensions ................................................................... 15 Hezbollah .......................................................................................................................... 16 China: Investments in Israel and U.S. Concerns ..................................................................... 16 Figures Figure 1. Israel: Map and Basic Facts ............................................................................................. 2 Tables Table 1. Indictments Against Netanyahu and Steps of the Legal Process ....................................... 7 Appendixes Appendix. Israeli Political Parties in the Knesset and Their Leaders ............................................ 19 Contacts Author Information ........................................................................................................................ 22 Congressional Research Service Israel: May 2021 Violence, Other Background, and U.S. Relations in Brief Introduction: Major Issues for U.S.-Israel Relations Israel (see Figure 1) has forged close bilateral cooperation with the United States in many areas; issues with significant
Israel's National Religious and the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict
Leap of Faith: Israel’s National Religious and the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict Middle East Report N°147 | 21 November 2013 International Crisis Group Headquarters Avenue Louise 149 1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 2 502 90 38 Fax: +32 2 502 50 38 Table of Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... i Recommendations..................................................................................................................... iv I. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1 II. Religious Zionism: From Ascendance to Fragmentation ................................................ 5 A. 1973: A Turning Point ................................................................................................ 5 B. 1980s and 1990s: Polarisation ................................................................................... 7 C. The Gaza Disengagement and its Aftermath ............................................................. 11 III. Settling the Land .............................................................................................................. 14 A. Bargaining with the State: The Kookists ................................................................... 15 B. Defying the State: The Hilltop Youth ........................................................................ 17 IV. From the Hills to the State ..............................................................................................
How Palestinians Can Burst Israel's Political Bubble
Al-Shabaka Policy Brief Policy Al-Shabaka March 2018 WHEN LEFT IS RIGHT: HOW PALESTINIANS CAN BURST ISRAEL’S POLITICAL BUBBLE By Amjad Iraqi Overview the allies holding up his fragile rule, from the ultra- orthodox Jewish parties to his personal rivals within Although no indictments have been issued yet, Israelis Likud. “King Bibi,” however, survived them all. A are speculating whether the latest developments in skilled politician, he has been adept at managing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption Israel’s notoriously volatile coalition system, and scandals finally mark the beginning of his political has remained in power with three consecutive demise. The second-longest serving prime minister governments over nine years – each more right wing after David Ben-Gurion, Netanyahu has had a than the last.2 profound impact on Israel’s political scene since the 1990s. It is therefore troubling, especially to Netanyahu directly influenced the country’s media Palestinians, that if these corruption cases are the landscape by shaping the editorial stance of Israel harbinger of Netanyahu’s downfall, they will have Hayom (the nation’s gratis, most-read newspaper, had nothing to do with the more egregious crimes for funded by American billionaire Sheldon Adelson), which he is responsible, and for which he – and future and used the Communications Ministry to threaten Israeli leaders – have yet to be held accountable. and harass media outlets that were critical of him. Despite crises and condemnations throughout This policy brief analyzes Israel’s political his career – including mass Israeli protests for transformations under Netanyahu and maps out the socioeconomic justice in 2011 and, more recently, current leadership contenders from a Palestinian weekly protests against widespread government perspective.1 It argues that Israel’s insular political corruption – Netanyahu withstood public pressures discourse, and the increasing alignment of Israeli to step down.
C1. Naftali Bennett, the Israel Stability Initiative, February 2012
DOCUMENTS AND SOURCE MATERIAL 195 ISRAEL already called for Israel’s annexation of speci"c territories in Judea and Samaria, C1. NAFTALI BENNETT, “THE ISRAEL to actualize their words through con- STABILITY INITIATIVE,” FEBRUARY 2012. crete action. What separates this plan from others is that it’s practical. This “proposed solution” to the con- !ict was "rst circulated in late February 2012 to Israel’s political and military The 7-Point Plan for Managing the elites, who reportedly (Jerusalem Post Arab-Israeli Con!ict in Judea and 2/23) gave it “high praise.” Its author, a Samaria self-made multimillionaire and a “ris- ing star” in the religious-Zionist-nation- 1. Israel unilaterally extending alist right, was Netanyahu’s chief of staff sovereignty over Area C: Through (2006–8), and for two years (until Janu- this initiative, Israel will secure ary 2012) head of the YESHA settlers vital interests: providing security council. Bennett is also founder and to Jerusalem and the Gush Dan head of the extra-parliamentary move- Region, protecting Israeli commu- ment My Israel. The Israel Stability Ini- nities, and maintaining sovereignty tiative is posted on the One State Israel over our National Heritage Sites. website at The world will not recognize our Currently, in Israel’s marketplace of claim to sovereignty, as it does not ideas, only two solutions are being pro- recognize our sovereignty over posed for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian the Western Wall, the Ramot and con!ict. They are: Gilo neighborhoods of Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. Yet eventu- 1. The establishment of a Palestinian ally the world will adjust to the state on the majority of the terri- de facto reality.
Opinion New Government, New President, New Israel?
Journal of Military and Strategic VOLUME 20, ISSUE 3 Studies Opinion New Government, New President, New Israel? Melanie Carina Schmoll, PhD Israel in summer 2021 – the end of the pandemic seems to be near. Israel opens up, almost all mask requirements are cancelled, international travel groups are welcome and even the individual guests are allowed to travel to the Holy Land with almost no restrictions. It seems Israel is back in pre-pandemic times. But it is not the same country anymore. Some fundamental changes have happened over the last few weeks. When, in March 2021, the Israelis had to vote again for the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset, it was for the fourth time within two and a half years. The outcome was almost the same as the three times before. Benjamin Nethanyahu, Israel´s long-time prime minister, won most of the seats with his Likud party. As the State of Israel is a parlamentary democracy the executive branch or the government draws its authority from the Parliament (the legislative branch) and needs its confidence. Therefore, the prime minister is not decided directly by the voters but depends instead on a process of bargaining among the various fractions elected to parliament. In Israel, no single party holds most of the seats in Parliament and thus the process of forming a government is long and complicated.1 Israel also has an extreme proportional system of government, 1 For more information see Melanie Carina Schmoll, “Israel and the permanent siege: The people have spoken - who will find an answer to the needs of the voters?” Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 20, 1 (2019).
BICOM Briefing The Bennett-Lapid ‘Change Government’ June 2021 The Bennett-Lapid ‘Change Government’ On Wednesday evening, 2 June, Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid informed President Rivlin that he had succeeded in forming a coalition government, adding that it would “work for all the citizens of Israel, those that voted for it and those that didn’t. It will do everything to unite Israeli society”. Swearing the new government into office, which only requires only a relative majority, will take place within the next 11 days. Yamina’s Naftali Bennett will serve as Prime Minister for the first two years, followed by Lapid. Maariv 1 June, Bennett and Lapid stare lovingly at eachother as the sun – with the face of Netan- yahu sets The Change Government How did we get here? The elections for the 24th Knesset which took place on 23 March 2021 gave neither the pro-Netanyahu bloc nor the anti-Netanyahu bloc a clear majority of 61 seats. Following the results, two parties who defined themselves as unaligned were considered to be key to both sides - Naftali Bennett of Yamina (7 seats) and Mansour Abbas of Raam (4 seats). Bennett emphasised his preference for a right-wing and ultra- Orthodox coalition. When Likud sources sent out feelers to Raam to support the government from outside 2 the coalition, that move was opposed by Bezalel Smotrich and his Religious Zionist party. With Saar unwilling to sit with Netanyahu, and Smotrich unwilling to countenance outside support from Raam, the pro-Netanyahu right-wing/ultra-Orthodox coalition could only muster 59 seats.
WWW.JPOST.COM THE Volume LXXXIX, Number 26922 JERUSALEFOUNDED IN 1932 M POSTNIS 13.00 (EILAT NIS 11.00) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2021 27 SHVAT, 5781 Eye in the sky A joint goal Feminist religious art IAI unveils aerial Amos Yadlin on the need to When God, Jesus surveillance system 6 work with Biden to stop Iran and Allah were women Page 6 Page 9 Page 16 How did we miss Netanyahu formally denies charges in court Judges hint witnesses to be called only after election • PM leaves hearing early the exit • By YONAH JEREMY BOB two to three weeks to review these documents before wit- Prime Minister Benjamin nesses are called, that would ramp? Netanyahu’s defense team easily move the first witness fought with the prosecution beyond March 23. ANALYSIS on Monday at the Jerusalem Judge Rivkah Friedman Feld- • By YONAH JEREMY BOB District Court over calling man echoed the prosecution’s witnesses in his public cor- arguments that the defense A lifetime ago when living ruption trial before the March had between one to two years in northern New Jersey, I 23 election. to prepare for witnesses. But often drove further north for It seemed that the judges ultimately the judges did not work. were leaning toward calling seem anxious to call the first Sometimes the correct exit the first witness in late March witness before March 23. was small and easy to miss. or early April, which they A parallel fight between the But there were around five would present as a compro- sides was the prosecution’s or so exits I could use to avoid mise between the sides.
NAFTALI BENNETT INAUGURATION SPEECH at the Knesset in Jerusalem, Israel by Luis B
NAFTALI BENNETT INAUGURATION SPEECH At the Knesset in Jerusalem, Israel by Luis B. Vega ‘When Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem the Arab, and the rest of our Enemies heard that I had rebuilt the Wall and not a gap was left, though to that time I had not yet installed the Doors in the Gates, Sanballat and Geshem sent me this message: Come, let us meet together in one of the villages on the plain of Ono. But they were planning to harm me.’ -Nehemiah 6:1-2 The purpose of this study is to 1st provide the official released Inauguration Speech of Israel’s new Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett. The 2nd purposed is to analyze key prophetic inferences related to the Last Days that are pertinent from the speech in light of a Christian perspective and interpretation of world event and Israel’s coming 70th Week for Years. It is very interesting how when such national events occur and the occasion is for a Transition of Government, for example, that such People invoke the Name of GOD, in this case, the GOD of Israel, YHVH. Bennett ended his speech with a prayer to ‘Our Heavenly Father, the Rock and Redeemer of Israel’. It is very interesting as it echoes the Triune Nature of YHVH being, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. If one knows and has read the Gospel accounts of Jesus, it is striking how at the account of the Resurrection of Jesus, Mary Magdalene sought to locate the body of Jesus. Why? She came to the Garden Tomb and found that the Stone that had sealed the Tomb was rolled away.
Bennett Rejects Palestinian 'Right of Return' to West Bank
Bennett rejects Palestinian ‘right of return’ to West Bank •By TOVAH LAZAROFF salem has argued, would undermine the concept of two states for peoples. Palestinian refugees can not be allowed But Liberman, like Bennett, raised the to return to the West Bank en masse, issue of the risks of such a resolution in Education Minister Naftali Bennett told the current geopolitical reality. Army Radio on Sunday morning. He The Palestinian Authority can absorb warned that such a move would endan- the refugees, but pragmatically it would ger the State of Israel. be difficult, Liberman said. “Anyone who allows millions of [Pal- “If they want to take them in Nablus estinian] refugees into Kalkilya and or Hebron or Kalkilya, let them,” he said. Tulkarm will turn Route 6 into a large At issue, Liberman said, are 700,000 refugee camp,” Bennett said, referring to Palestinian refugees and their descen- the major highway that lies adjacent to dants living in Syria and Lebanon. the two Palestinian cities. “Not a single Palestinian will return Kfar Saba is just three minutes from from Canada or the United Kingdom,” Kalkilya said Bennett, as he spoke of the he said. area in the center of the country. Those who would seek to relocate to “I want to see a resident of Kfar Saba the newly created Palestinian state would who would agree to see [in their back- be refugees in Syria or Lebanon, who now NAFTALI BENNETT yard] thousands of buildings filled with live in those countries without rights. (Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) refugees from Syria and Lebanon,” he “All of those would want to return,” said.
Israel Report Is a Student Publication of Reconciliation Efforts Between the Rival Palestinian Factions
To provide greater exposure to primary Israeli news sources and opinions in order to become better informed on the issues, and to gain a better understanding of the wide range of perspectives that exist in Israeli society and politics. Issue 1129 • November 2, 2018 • 24 Marcheshvan 5779 IN DRAMATIC MOVE, PLO PULLS OUT OF ALL AGREEMENTS WITH and let his followers vote for Berkovitch or not vote at all. ISRAEL (Israel Hayom 10/30/18) Ger is the largest and most influential hassidic sect. Alter is not expected to The Palestine Liberation Organization's Central Council declared that it was issue a ruling until just ahead of the runoff race. The religious Zionist Bayit suspending its recognition of Israel until Israel agrees to acknowledge an Yehudi Party and Meuhadim leader Aryeh King are expected to endorse independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders and with east Lion, but many of their supporters will back Berkovitch. Jerusalem as its capital, Ramallah's Wafa news agency reported Monday. Berkovitch came to the Kedma Restaurant that overlooks the Old City walls The council further decided to suspend all security and economic ties with from the Mamilla Shopping Center to thank his supporters, while Lion’s party Israel, as outlined in the 1994 Paris Economic Protocol. was held at the Pavilion Hall in the capital’s Talpiot neighborhood. The decision, announced after a two-day meeting in Ramallah, is declarative “We proved that we can run positive and optimistic campaigns,” Berkovitch and nonbinding, the report said. According to the report, the PLO essentially told Army Radio Wednesday.
Israel and Middle East News Update Wednesday, June 9 Headlines: ● Lawmakers to Vote Sunday on Formation of Govt of 'Change' ● Shas and UTJ Leaders Lash Out at New Government ● Edelstein to Challenge Netanyahu for Likud Leadership ● Jerusalem Flag March to Take Place June 15 ● Israel: Hamas Tried to Hamper Defenses From Gaza Tower ● Palestinian Leaders in Egypt for Gaza Cease-Fire Talks ● Blinken Calls Out UNRWA Antisemitism in Congress ● Israel Reported to Strike Several Sites Across Syria Commentary: ● Yedioth Ahronoth: “All Means are Kosher’’ - By Chen Artzi-Sror ● Ma’ariv: “Disgraceful Trio’’ - By Ben Caspit S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace 1725 I St NW Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006 The Hon. Robert Wexler, President News Excerpts June 9, 2021 Ynet News Lawmakers to Vote Sunday on Formation of Govt of 'Change' Lawmakers will vote Sunday to approve the new government put together by Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid, Knesset Speaker Yariv Levin said. The move will unseat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving leader who has railed repeatedly against his political opponents as they worked to form their coalition of right-wing, left-wing, centrist and Arab parties. Lapid said that the coalition agreements would be presented at least 24 hours before the vote as required by law. If the new government wins the vote of confidence, which is expected as it has a majority, it will be sworn in on the same day, marking the end of Netanyahu's 12-year run as prime minister and his replacement by far-right Yamina head Naftali Bennett.
Jewish Federation of Reading/Berks Non-Profit Organization Jewish Cultural Center, PO Box 14925 U.S. Postage PAID Reading, PA 19612-4925 Permit No. 2 Reading, PA Change Service Requested Enriching Lives Volume 51, No. 7 July 2021 Tammuz-Av 5781 ShaloThe Journal of the Reading Jewish Communitym published by0 the Jewish7 Federation2 of Reading/Berks1 Your Federation Supports: Jewish Education Preschool, Federation build on success Food Pantry By Holli Winick Viau Since I started as incoming director of Friendship Circle the Lakin Preschool in April, I have been Chevra learning so much about our preschool families, our children, and how we can make Community Shabbat changes to enrich the preschool experience Reading Jewish Film Series for everyone involved. I have been greeting everyone at PJ Library the door so that I can become familiar with parents and caregivers, as well as Jewish Family Service having the children and parents become Jewish Cultural Center accustomed to seeing me each morning. I love being able to welcome every little Lakin Holocaust Library smiling face into the building each morning! We are working to upgrade our preschool & Resource Center and our enrichment programming as the Israel & Overseas school transitions to management by the Jewish Federation of Reading. We want to Camp Scholarships continue to provide rich and varied experiences for our children in a loving environment, while Israel Trips making it fun and promoting growth. We are Jewish Community working to offer a music class during school this year as a “special” class for each age High School group, as well as welcoming back a gross Holli Winick Viau has been working to get to know the Lakin Preschool children.
Chronology of Events in Israel and Palestine Appendices Iemed
Chronologies Chronology of Events in Israel Appendices and Palestine In Israel, 2019 is a year with an elec- iteinu. And the other is the centrist can- the hope of avoiding a possible trial toral focus, with the country holding two didate Kajol Lavan (Blue and White) and, in turn, refloating negotiations to legislative elections. The economic formed by Benny Gantz’s centrist Ho- form a government, given that the three slowdown, the corruption scandals in- sen L’Israel (Resilience for Israel), Yahir court cases constitute one of the main volving the Prime Minister and Likud Lapid’s Yesh Atid (There Is a Future) stumbling blocks. However, after the leader Benjamin Netanyahu and the and Moshe Yaalon’s Telem (National hearings, in November the public pros- relentless divisions in the most con- Statesmanlike Movement). A draw in ecutor decides to officially indict Net- servative coalition government in Is- the elections, with both alliances taking anyahu for accepting bribes, fraud and Chronology in Events of Israel and Palestine raeli history formed by Likud (Consoli- 35 seats each, forces Netanyahu to ne- breach of trust. At the end of December, dation, conservative), Kulanu (All of Us, gotiate a coalition government again the sitting Prime Minister announces his centre-right), HaBayit HaYehudi (Jew- with the ultra-Orthodox and extreme intention to file an appeal before the ish Home, ultra-nationalist), Yahadut right-wing parties. An agreement is not Knesset in order to safeguard his par- Hatorah (United Torah Judaism, ultra- forthcoming, and so on 29 May new liamentary immunity. orthodox Ashkenazi) and Shas (World- elections are scheduled for 17 Septem- The successive demonstrations of the wide Association of Torah-Observant ber.