TMR2000 PROCEEDINGS Field theory insight from the AdS/CFT correspondence Daniel Z.Freedman1 and Pierre Henry-Labord`ere2 1Department of Mathematics and Center for Theoretical Physics Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 01239 E-mail:
[email protected] 2LPT-ENS, 24, Rue Lhomond F{75231 Paris C´edex 05, France E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract: A survey of ideas, techniques and results from d=5 supergravity for the conformal and mass-perturbed phases of d=4 N =4 Super-Yang-Mills theory. 1. Introduction while the phases with RG-flow are described by solitons or domain wall solutions. The AdS/CF T correspondence [1, 20, 11, 12] al- The result of work by many theorists over lows one to calculate quantities of interest in cer- the last few years is a quantitative picture of the tain d=4 supersymmetric gauge theories using 5 strong coupling limit of the theory which is a re- and 10-dimensional supergravity. Miraculously markable advance on previous knowledge. In this one gets information on a strong coupling limit lecture we will survey some of the ideas, tech- of the gauge theory– information not otherwise niques, and results on the conformal and mas- available– from classical supergravity in which sive phases of the theory. We attempt to reach calculations are feasible. non-specialists and are minimally technical. The prime example of AdS/CF T is the du- ality between N =4 SYM theory and D=10 Type 2. The N =4 SYM theory IIB supergravity. The field theory has the very special property that it is ultraviolet finite and The N =4 SUSY Yang-Mills theory in d=4 with thus conformal invariant.