Lawyer and Journalist

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Lawyer and Journalist ERNEST CUNEO Papers of, 1926-1988 Accession number Th e papers were donated to the Library by Erne st Cuneo ' s children, Sandra and Jonathan Cu n eo . Description: Personal and business corresponde nce relating to Cuneo's law practice, n eh'spapers busi ness , wr itings , and i n telligence work; drafts and c opies of columns , articles , and books ; and reference material . Quantity : 63 ft. Re strictions: Material that constitutes a n unwarran ted invas ion of p rivacy h as been c l osed . Copyrigh t : Material in thi s collection is subject to the Copyright La,,,, Title 17 o f the U. S. Code . ~eL 5f>"-C<~ P"I>'" f.o~fA..&L..5 ~ £0"" <!...., <-lJ ~ F ..... /4 -a::?~'~_ Re l ated Material: Democ r at i c National Co mmi ttee Papers Franklin D. Roosevelt Library 4079 Albany Post Road Hyde Park, NY 12538 1-800-337-8474 Date: November 16, 2009 Reply to Attn of Bob Clark, Supervisory Archivist Subject Ernest Cuneo Papers; James A. Farley Materials To : NOTICE TO RESEARCHERS Copyright in and to the personal, private and commissioned writings of James A. Farley, contained in the Ernest Cuneo Papers, Series: Roosevelt and Farley, has not been transferred to the United States Government and remains subject to the provisions of the United States Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 , et. seq. Permission to quote fi'om or reprint the personal, private and commissioned writings of James A. Farley contained in this collection and series should be requested from the following representative of the Farley family, or his designee: J.A. Farley 5 Patriots Lane East Hampton, NY, 11937 .. -----/ ;;~ ca~- BOB CLARK Supervisory Archivist A Presidential LibrGlY Administered by the National Archives and Records Administration The papers o f Ernest Cuneo r e f lect his active life as a lawyer , n ewspaperman, autho r, and intelligence liaison. Cu n eo was born in East Rutherford , Ne w Jerse y in 1906. His first ne wspaper experience was as editor of the sch oo l newspape r at East Ruthe rford High School and a stringer f or t he Passaic Dailv Ne ws . He was also a star athlete i n high sch ool and l ater p l ayed f ootball at Co lumbia Unive rsi ty a nd for a professional team i n Brooklyn . During college vacat i ons h e worked f o r t h e New York Dai l y News . After h e was g r aduated f rom l a w sch oo l, Cuneo became law secretary to Fiorel l o LaGuardi a , t h e n a congressman from New York. In this capacity , he was involved in briefing LaGuardia for t h e Seabury inve s tigation o f jud icial malpractice and in the invest igatio n of fraudulent ba nkruptc ies. In 1 936, James Farley appointe d him associate general counsel of t h e Dem ocr a tic Nation a l Co mmittee . When Wo rld War II began, Gene ral William Donovan, head of the Office of Strategic Se r v ices r OSS ], appointed Cuneo liaison office r between t h e OSS , Britis h Intelligence, the FBI, t h e Departme nt o f State, and the White Ho use. While working with Do novan and head of British Inte lligence, Sir William Stephenson, Cuneo became acquai n ted with Stephe nso n 's aide , Ian Fleming. A close fri e ndship developed between the two me n . Fleming l ate r credite d Cuneo with more tha n half t he plot for Goldfinger a nd all o f t h e basic plot of Thunde rball . For his service during the war, Cuneo was d ecorated by Italy, Great Britain, and the City of Geno a . As a lawyer, Cu n eo was a n au t h o r ity on libel a nd con s ti t utional law , espec i a l ly in t h e freedom of t he press. He r epr esented Walte r Winc h e ll duri n g Winchel l ' s mos t influe ntial perio d. In hi s l ater years , although h e continued to practice law, Cun eo was more involved in t he n e wspaper bus iness and in writing. He s e rve d as president of the No rth Ame rican Newspaper Allia n ce a nd was later editor-at - large of t i, e Saturday Even ing Post . For a number of years he wrote a synd icated column, "Take It or Leave I t ," whic h a ppeared three time a ,;eek. The success o f t h e column led to an o ffer to take over t he "National Wh irlig ig," t h e original "ne\;s b e hind the n ews " col umn whic h a p peared five days a week. Cuneo also wrote se ve r a l books includ ing The Dynamics of World Hi storv, Science and Hi s t o r y , a nd Li fe with Fiore llo . Cu neo , who died i n March 1 988, was married to Margaret Watson who predeceased Il im in 1976 . Ti,e coupl e had two c hildren, Sandra and J onath a n. ERNEST CUNEO Papers, c . 1926- 1 988 Containers Series 1-66 General Cor r espo ndence, c . 19 32 -1 988 : Personal a nd business c orr espondence arranged alp h abeti­ call y by su rname of correspondent o r subject. The series contai n s c lien t files and corres­ pondenc e, political c orrresponde nce , co r res­ pondenc e with \'ar i o u s publ ishers a nd editors, and cOJ'responde nce with family members and fri ends . 6 7-1 62 Writings : Copi e s of col umn s and articles, referenc e material, ma nu script s of books, c lippings , appointment diaries, printed matter, and bour.d l edgers. The series contains mater i a l on James A. Farley, f ore ign af f airs , Fiorello LaGuardia, the OSS , Franklin D. Roose ­ ve lt' s a dmin i.strati o n, science , t h e press , Waller Winc h ell, a nd ma n y other topics of intere st to Cuneo . ERNEST CUNEO Papers of , c . 1926-1988 General Co rrespondence Container Conte n ts 1 A Academy of American Poets 1974 Academy of American Poets 1975-77 and Undated Alfieri, Anna and Peter c . 1932-36 American Export Airlines c . 19 40-5 3 (5 folders) 2 American Legion Magazine 1 976-86 American Union for Democracy c . 1937 - 39 Andrew Jergens Co . - Letters re Winchell 1940 Antones, Dominick 1932-34 Automotive Sales Research 1935 Ayre, Dr. J. Ernest 1948-49 Ba Barc, Michalina 1932-43 Barnes, Julius 1936-40 Batchelor, Walter 1936 Be 3 Benham, Laura 1934 Benham, Laura - Tudor City Ni n t h Un it, Inc. 1933-35 Be n son, Raymond 1982 - 83 Bentley, Benjamin W. 1935 Bentley, J erome 1932-80 Berle, Adolf, Beatrice, and Peter 1947-88 Beschloss, Michael 1977 Bi - Bo Biddle, Francis c. 1960- 62 Birmingham, Frederic A. 1978 and Undated Blair, Samuel A. 1934 Blanke, Ursula c . 1945-46 Boas, Ronald c. 1932 Boerum, Howard 1932 4 Bo nllell , Ihlliam A. 1936-40 Borkin, Joseph 1960-79 Bourke, Marie 1941-42 Bowden, John and George 1934- 83 Bowden, John W. "League of American Writers" Bozzi, Angelo 1933 Container . Contents 4 cont. Br - By Brennan, Francis J . 1936 Brewster Aeronautical Corp . 1944-45 Brown, Ph ilip and Josephine 1969-75 Brown, Philip and Josephine 1976-86 a nd Undated 5 Bruns, Elizabeth 1935 Br yce , John F. C . and Josephine A & P: Correspondence Application - Internal Revenue Reorganization Cu neo Notes Legal Documents and Reports Ian Fleming: Correspondence (2 folders) Co rrespondence r egarding and Misc. "James Bond of the Secret Service!! 6 Bryce , J o h n F. C. a nd Josephine McClory vs . Bryce, Corr espondence 19 58 -6 4 (4 folders) Notes a nd Miscellaneous Stateme nts We ide nfeld Bryce Foundation Black Hole Hollow Farms 7 Bryce, John F. C. and Josephine Notes and Corresp ondence Burrows and Arc her 1934 Ca - Ce Cairon , Rudolph 1932- 33 Canadian Colonial Airlines , Inc. 1940 Carter, Boake 1938 Casey , William J. 1969-86 Cassidy , James B. 1945-46 Castle Garage 1933-36 Cerio, Mabl e N. 1945-4 8 Ch - CI Ch amberlin, Arthu r 1933-36 Chapin , Katheri ne Garrison - Presidential Med a l of Freedom 1974- 75 8 Chemical Foundat ion, Inc . c . 1940-42 (2 folde r s) Chicago Stock Yard Co. 1941 Ch ieffetz and Greenberg 1934-35 Chi na, Republ ic of 1937- 38 Christmas Cards Ciancia, Anthony and Rose 1927 -3 4 2 Container ~ Contents 8 cont. Cittadini, Countess Irene 1944-46 Civil Aeronautics Board c. 1946 9 Civil Aeronautics Board c . 1946 Claremont Riding Academy 1933- 35 (2 folders) Clarke , General Bruce C. 198 6 Cof - Col Cohn , Morris H. 1939-4 6 Colli, Rose and Joseph 1933 Colonial Air l ines c. 1948- 54 (3 folders) 10 Colonial Airlines c . 1948- 54 Colonial vs . Adams (3 Folders) American Airl ines, Inc. (3 folders) 11 Colonial Airlines c. 1948-54 American Airlines, Inc. (2 folders) Civil Aeronaut i cs Board Applications (2 folders) Free Transportation 12 Colonial Airlines c. 1948-54 Colonial vs.
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