Details of Module and Its Structure
Details of Module and its Structure Module Detail Subject Name Sociology Paper Name Development, Globalisation and Society Module Name/Title Religious Resurgence Pre-requisites Understanding implications of globalisation on religion Objectives The module aims to understand the impact of globalisation on religion; initially religion losing its significance and then resurging with new dimensions. Keywords globalisation, secularisation and religious resurgence Structure of Module / Syllabus of a module (Define Topic / Sub-topic of module) Globalisation and its Impacts – Religious Resurgence Role Name Affiliation Principal Investigator Prof Sujata Patel Department of Sociology, University of Hyderabad Paper Coordinator Prof Sherry Sabbarwal Department of Sociology, Panjab University, Chandigarh Content Writer/Author (CW) Veenat Department of Sociology, Post Graduate Government College for Girls, Sector-11, Chandigarh Content Reviewer (CR) Prof Sherry Sabbarwal Department of Sociology, Panjab University, Chandigarh Language Editor (LE) Prof Sherry Sabbarwal Department of Sociology, Panjab University, Chandigarh 1 Course: Development, Globalisation and Society Unit: Globalisation and its Impacts Module Title: Religious Resurgence Introduction In the present times, religious terrorism, love jihad, religious conversions and re-conversions (ghar wapsi), fundamentalists’ agendas, etc. are the buzzwords. Interestingly, this is happening in midst of the phase that is supposedly the most advanced stage of civilisation where human beings are acquainted with best of scientific innovations and information technology and the whole world has shrunk, to what McLuhan calls a ‘global village’. When the process of globalisation gained momentum in the twentieth century, affecting almost all facets of human life like economy, politics, intellect and culture, surpassing all constraints of time and space, it also had a significant impact on religion.
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