Skibitsky Defeats Brennan; GOP Increases Majority on Council by MICHAEL J
Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, November 5, 2009 OUR 119th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 45-2009 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. SIXTY CENTS Skibitsky Defeats Brennan; GOP Increases Majority on Council By MICHAEL J. POLLACK and victorious Tuesday evening, Republi- Winning re-election, Mayor Andy MAGGIE DIGGORY Specially Written for The Westfield Leader cans will now enjoy an 8-1 majority in Skibitsky carried 63 percent of the Westfield. The GOP kept the mayor’s Westfield vote (7,076), with Demo- WESTFIELD – Celebrating at Echo seat and won three of four council crat Bill Brennan pulling in the re- Lake Country Club (ELCC) after a races, picking up a seat in Ward 4. maining 37 percent (4,205). Two Republican newcomers will join Mayor Skibitsky on the council; in Ward 1, Sam Della Fera received 58 percent of the vote (1,684), while Demo- crat Janice Siegel pulled in 42 percent (1,205). Mr. Della Fera replaces Sal Caruana, who did not seek re-election. In Ward 4, fellow Republican new- comer Keith Loughlin (1,503) was elected by a 52-48 percent margin over incumbent Democrat Tom Bigosinski (1,371), who won by a single vote in 2005 over Republican Eric Leuthold. “Eric lost by just one vote,” Mr. Loughlin said during his remarks. “This victory is yours, too, along with mine.” Running unopposed, Vicki Kimmins, David Samsky for The Westfield Leader a Republican incumbent in Ward 2, re- TRIUMPH...Republican Governor-elect Chris Christie and his Lieutenant Governor running mate, Kim Guadagno, salute ceived 1,811 votes.
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