The Works of Saint Augustine a Translation for the 21St Century

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The Works of Saint Augustine a Translation for the 21St Century The Works of Saint Augustine A translation for the 21st century Catalog 2021 Fostering a culture 800-462-5980 of unity and dialogue Just thirty years ago English, alone among modern languages, lacked any organized effort to translate the entirety of the works of Saint Au- gustine. Existing translations of even limited passages could be archaic or faulty, or the scholarship outdated. A figure so vital to the Church and the broader civilization was sadly neglected by a language so important in the modern world. To remedy this great neglect, the Augustine Heritage Institute (AHI) was founded in 1990 under the direction of the late Fr. John E. Rotelle, OSA, a legend in patristic circles. For thirty years the AHI has labored in conjunc- tion with New City Press on The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century. As the publisher of New City Press I am excited to announce that this great project has now completed forty-four volumes of what within this decade will be the complete forty-nine volumes of all Saint Augustine’s works. Claude Blanc Publisher Table of Contents A letter from the publisher 2 New release 3 44-volume set 4 Alphabetical listing 5 Series listed by volume number 14 Latin titles 16 A letter from the Publisher Digital distribution and free index 20 2 [email protected] - Homilies on the Gospel of John (41-124) Hardocover $69.00 978-1-56548-108-4 599 pp. Paperback $49.99 978-1-56548-061-2 599 pp. Few ancient Christian authors attempt- ed anything like a complete commen- tary on the Gospel of John, among them Origen, John Chrysostom and Augustine. Of these, Augustine’s must count as the greatest. Unlike Origen’s, it has come down to us in its en- tirety, and of the others that remain it is certainly the most theologically profound. John’s gospel allows Augustine to range broadly over themes that were his life’s work —the Trinity, the person of Christ, the nature of the Church and its sacraments, the fulfillment of the divine plan. The 124 homilies that constitute Augustine’s commentary, however, are masterpieces not only of theological profundity but also of pastoral engage- ment. In the question-and-answer style that he frequently employs, for ex- ample, one can sense Augustine’s real awareness of his congregation’s strug- gles with the gospel text. And the congregation’s response to Augustine, which he frequently alludes to, is an indication of the success of his dialog- ical preaching style. Translation and notes by Edmund Hill, OP, edited by Allan D. Fitzgerald, O.S.A., Boniface Ramsey, series editor. Also available: Homilies on the Gospel of John (1-40) Hardcover $59.00 This volume of the first 40 homilies are masterpieces not only of 978-1-56548-319-4 theological profundity but also of pastoral engagement. 604 pp. Translation and notes by Edmund Hill, OP, introduction, notes and Paperback $39.95 Release New edited by Allan Fitzgerald, OSA, Boniface Ramsey, series editor. 978-1-56548-318-7 604 pp. 800-462-5980 Ext 1 3 New City Press is proud to offer the best modern translation of Saint Augustine The CURRENT SET includes: Answer to Faustus, a Manichean The Manichean Debate Answer to the Pelagians I The Donatist Controversy I Answer to the Pelagians II Marriage and Virginity Answer to the Pelagians III New Testament I And II Answer to the Pelagians IV On Christian Belief Arianism and Other Heresies On Genesis The City of God (Books 1-10) Responses to Miscellaneous Questions The City of God (Books 11-22) Revisions The Confessions Sermons Vol. 1 (1-19) Expositions of Psalms Vol. 1 Ps 1-32 Sermons Vol. 2 (20-50) Expositions of Psalms Vol. 2 Ps 33-50 Sermons Vol. 3 (51-94) Expositions of Psalms Vol. 3 Ps 51-72 Sermons Vol. 4 (94A-147A) Expositions of Psalms Vol. 4 Ps 73-98 Sermons Vol. 5 (148-183) Expositions of Psalms Vol. 5 Ps 99-120 Sermons Vol. 6 (184-229Z) Expositions of Psalms Vol. 6 Ps 121-150 Sermons Vol. 7 (230-272B) Homilies on the First Epistle of John Sermons Vol. 8 (273-305A) Homilies on the Gospel of John (1-40) Sermons Vol. 9 (306-340A) Homilies on the Gospel of John (41-124) Sermons Vol.10 (341-400) Letters Vol. 1 No. 1-99 Sermons Vol.11 (Newly Discovered) Letters Vol. 2 No. 100-155 Teaching Christianity Letters Vol. 3 No. 156-210 The Trinity Letters Vol. 4 No. 211-270 and Divjak 1*-29* Writings on the Old Testament The Works of Saint Augustine Set of 44 Volumes Hardcover $3,046.00 978-1-56548-363-7 44-volume set St. Augustine of Works The 4 [email protected] - Answer to Faustus, a Manichean Hardcover $54.00 The Answer responds to a certain Faustus, a Manichean bishop, 978-1-56548-264-7 who objects to the Old Testament and questions how Christians 468 pp. can claim it for themselves. Translation, introduction and notes by Roland J. Teske, SJ, Boniface Ramsey, editor. Answer to the Pelagians I Hardcover $99.00 This volume contains: The Punishment and Forgiveness of Sins and 978-1-56548-092-6 the Baptism of Little Ones (De peccatorum meritis et remissione et de 605 pp. baptismo parvulorum), The Spirit and the Letter (De spiritu et littera), Nature and Grace (De natura et gratia), The Perfection of Human Righ- teousness (De perfectione justitiae hominis), The Deeds of Pelagius (De gestis Pelagii), The Grace of Christ and Original Sin (De gratia Christi et peccato originali), and The Nature and Origin of the Human Soul (De anima et ejus origine). Translation, introduction and notes by Roland J. Teske, SJ, John E. Rotelle, OSA, editor. Answer to the Pelagians II Hardcover $85.00 This volume contains: Marriage and Desire (De nuptiis et concupis- 978-1-56548-107-7 centia); Answer to the Two Letters of the Pelagians (Contra duas epis- 596 pp. tulas Pelagianorum); and Answer to Julian (Contra Julianum). Transla- tion, introduction and notes by Roland J. Teske, SJ, John E. Rotelle, OSA, editor. Answer to the Pelagians III Hardcover $108.00 This volume contains: Unfinished Work in Answer to Julian (Contra 978-1-56548-129-9 Julianum opus imperfectum). Translation, introduction and notes by 774 pp. Roland J. Teske, SJ, John E. Rotelle, OSA, editor. Answer to the Pelagians IV Hardcover $69.00 This volume contains: Grace and Free Choice (De gratia et libero arbi- 978-1-56548-136-7 trio), Rebuke and Grace (De correptione et gratia), The Predestination of 264 pp. the Saints (De praedestinatione sanctorum), and The Gift of Persever- ance (De dono perseverantiae). Translation, introduction and notes by Roland J. Teske, SJ, John E. Rotelle, OSA, editor. Arianism and Other Heresies Hardcover $89.00 This volume contains: Heresies, Memorandum to Augustine, To Oro- 978-1-56548-038-4 sius in Refutation of the Priscillianists and Origenists, Arian Sermon, 520 pp. Answer to an Arian Sermon, Debate with Maximinus, Answer to Maxi- minus, Answer to an Enemy of the Law and the Prophets. Translation, introduction and notes by Roland J. Teske, SJ, John E. Rotelle, OSA, editor. The Works of St. Augustine of Works The Alphabetical listing 800-462-5980 Ext 1 5 The Augustine Catechism: Paperback $18.95 The Enchiridion on Faith, 978-1-56548-298-2 Hope and Charity 143 pp. Written as a favor for a friend, this “little work” is a wonderful explanation of the Christian faith: a true catechism from which, throughout the history of the church, other catechisms have drawn and learned. Trans- lation and notes by Bruce Harbert, introduc- tion and edited by Boniface Ramsey. The City of God (Books 1-10) Hardcover $69.00 Books 1-10 contain Augustine’s critique 978-1-56548-454-2 of the Roman religious, political, and in- 348 pp. tellectual tradition explaining that Rome’s Paperback $39.95 traditional gods were neither able to pro- 978-1-56548-455-9 vide happiness in this life nor in the life to 348 pp. come. Translation and introduction by Wil- liam Babcock, notes and edited by Boniface Ramsey. The City of God (Books 11-22) Hardcover $69.00 Books 11-22 offer Augustine’s Christian 978-1-56548-479-5 view of history, including the Christian 615 pp. view of human destiny. The Index for Books Paperback $39.95 1-22 is included. Translation and introduc- 978-1-56548-481-8 tion by William Babcock, notes and edited 615 pp. by Boniface Ramsey. The City of God, Abridged Study Edition Paperback $34.95 This outstanding abridgment by Augustine scholar Joseph Kelley 978-1-56548-660-7 is “highly recommended” (Midwest Book Review) Translation and 620 pp. introduction by William Babcock, notes and edited by Boniface Ramsey, Joseph Kelley. The Confessions Hardcover $89.00 Augustine’s classic work in a marvelous 978-1-56548-468-9 translation that is “a different level of excel- 432 pp. lence” (Rowan Williams). Includes an anno- Pocket $12.95 tated bibliography by William Harmless, 978-1-56548-154-1 SJ. Translation and introduction by Maria 320 pp. Boulding, OSB, John E. Rotelle, OSA, editor. Paperback $29.95 Alphabetical listing 978-1-56548-445-0 St. Augustine of Works The St. Augustine of Works The 432 pp. 6 [email protected] - The Donatist Controversy, Vol. 1 Hardover $89.00 This Volume contains: To the Catholic Members of the Church (Ad 978-1-56548-404-7 Catholicos fratres), On the Unity of the Church (De unitate ecclesiae), 689 pp.
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