Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 94 (1992): 55-86 55 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

Pliocene and geologic and climatic evolution in the of south-central

Karel L. Rogers a, Edwin E. Larson b, Gary Smith c, Danny Katzman c, Gerald R. Smith a, Thure Cerling e, Yang Wang e, Richard G. Baker f, K. C. Lohmann g, Charles A. Repenning h, Penny Patterson i and Gerald Mackie j aDepartment of Biology, Adams State College, Alamosa, CO 81102, USA bDepartment of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA ~Department of , University of , Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA dMuseum ~?]Paleontology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, M148104, USA CDepartment of Geology, University of , , UT84112, USA fDepartment of Geology, University of lowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA gDepartment of Geological Science, University of MichLgan, Ann Arbor, M148104, USA hPaleontology and Branch, US Geological Survey MS 919, Box 25046 Federal Center, , CO 80225, USA iDepartment of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA JDepartment of Zoology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G2WI, Canada (Received May 23, 1991; revised and accepted December 11, 1991)


Rogers, K.L., Larson, E.E., Smith, G., Katzman, D., Smith, G.R., Cerling, T., Wang, Y., Baker, R.G., Lohmann, K.C., Repenning, C.A., Patterson P., and Mackie, G., 1992. and Pleistocene geologic and climatic evolution in the San Luis Valley of south-. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 94:55 86.

Sediments of the Alamosa Formation spanning the upper part of the Gauss and most of the Matuyama Chrons were recovered by coring in the high (2300 m) San Luis Valley of south-central Colorado. The study site is located at the northern end of the rift. Lithologic changes in the core sediments provide evidence of events leading to integration of the San Luis drainage basin into the Rio Grande. The section, which includes the Huckleberry Ridge Ash (2.02 Ma) and spans the entire Matuyama Chron, contains pollen, and invertebrate and vertebrate . Stable isotope analyses of inorganic and biogenic carbonate taken over most of the core indicate substantially warmer temperatures than occur today in the San Luis Valley. At the end of the Olduvai Subchron, summer precipitation decreased, summer pan evaporation increased, and temper- atures increased slightly compared to the earlier climate represented in the core. By the end of the Jaramillo Subchron, however, cold/wet and warm/dry cycles become evident and continue into the cold/wet regime associated with the deep-sea oxygen- isotope Stage 22 glaciation previously determined from outcrops at the same locality. Correspondence between the Hansen Bluff climatic record and the deep-sea oxygen- isotope record (oxygen-isotope stages from about 110-18) is apparent, indicating that climate at Hansen Bluff was responding to global climatic changes.

Introduction , one of the front ranges of Colorado (Fig. 1). Fossiliferous sediments are from the Plio- The study area for this paper is a high (2300 m Pleistocene Alamosa Formation (Siebenthal, 1910) elevation) in Colorado. It lies that form the almost flat floor of the San Luis between the , including the Valley. Continental Divide, and the Sangre de Cristo Sediments of the Alamosa Formation originated from the San Juan Mountains, the San Luis Hills, Correspondence to: K. L. Rogers, Department of Biology, and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains (Fig. 1). The Adams State College, Alamosa, CO 81102, USA. San Juan Mountains are underlain almost entirely

0031-0182/92/$05.00 © 1992 -- Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 56 K.L. ROGERS ET AL.

The geology of the San Luis Valley, located in the San Luis drainage basin (i.e. the Rio Grande drainage basin in Colorado), has been studied extensively (see Brister and Gries, in press) because it is at the northern end of the (Chapin 1971, 1979, 1988; Cordell, 1978; Hawley, 1978; Tweto, 1979; Keller et al., 1984) and because of its importance hydrologically (Emery, 1971, Moran, 1987). The San Luis Valley is an asymmet- ric, first-order half-graben that is down-tilted toward the east and bordered by the Sangre de Cristo zone (Kirkham and Rogers, 1981). Site Two second-order half-grabens are present; the Monte Vista graben to the west and the Baca graben to the east are separated by the Alamosa horst (Burroughs, 1981). Today, the San Luis Valley is nearly fiat; the basement is overlain by through Pleistocene sediments including the Blanco Basin Formation (Eocene), Conejos Formation (35-30 Ma), a series of ash- flow tufts (26-30 Ma), (26-4.5 Ma), and Alamosa Formation (Brister and Gries, in press). The Alamosa Formation thickens from west to east in the San Luis Valley suggesting that accom- modation space for sediment was controlled by movement along the Sangre de Cristo fault and Fig. 1. Location of the study site. that substantive movement along other faults in the area had ceased by mid-Pliocene (Huntley, by andesitic lavas and associated volcaniclastic 1979). Total displacement along the Sangre de debris, and capped by younger quartz latitic ignim- Cristo fault since early has been about brites. Precambrian crystalline rocks crop out in a 1500 m (Burroughs, 1981). movement few canyons; they contribute only a small volume along this fault ranges from 2.4 to 29.0 cm/1000 of arkosic detritus to San Luis Valley watersheds. yrs (McCalpin, 1983, Kirkham and Rogers, 1981); In the southern part of the San Luis Valley, the rates vary along the fault, with modern movement San Luis Hills are composed of andesitic volcanic most pronounced in the southern part of the fault. rocks lithologically similar to those in the San Initial study of the only outcrops of the Alamosa Juan Mountains and basaltic lavas of early rift Formation began in 1979 at Hansen Bluff (Fig. 1), age (Thompson and Machette, 1989). The Sangre on the east side of the Alamosa National Wildlife de Cristo Mountains, in contrast, consist princi- Refuge. Results of an interdisciplinary analysis of pally of Precambrian crystalline rocks, mostly gra- the outcrop (Rogers et al, 1985) formed the basis nitic, overlain by sedimentary units; for the present work. watersheds that drain into the San Luis Valley are The outcrop sediments were dated by paleomag- currently dominated by crystalline bedrock. Terti- netism and the Bishop Ash (0.74 Ma). Deposition ary volcanic rocks occur within the Sangre de occurred in the meandering ancestral Rio Grande, Cristo Mountains, but their contribution to the either in slow moving stream channels or in quiet sediment load is minor compared to that derived water. Dating of sediments in the 13 m high bluff from the crystalline rocks. was done with an assumption of constant sedi- PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY AND CLIMATIC EVOLUTION IN SOUTH-CENTRAL COLORADO 57 mentation and that the Jaramillo Subchron was Above the erosional surface, the Bishop Ash (0.74 just below the reach of sediments available for Ma) was present in Brunhes magnetically normal study. The average accumulation rate calculated sediments. from data available in 1985 was 6.9 cm/1000 yrs. In deposits younger than 0.74 Ma, pollen was Analysis of vertebrate and invertebrate fossils absent, but other fossils indicated dry terrestrial and pollen from seven localities and five measured conditions. Species indicating warmth were com- sections resulted in a record of climatic change at pletely absent, and the common fish present were Hansen Bluff that could be correlated directly with cold-water trout. deep-sea oxygen-isotope stages 22 through 18. The glacial episode starting at about 0.81 Ma Three major climatic periods were represented was correlated with oxygen-isotope stage 22 and in Alamosa Formation sediments. The oldest was with the classic Nebraskan till in southwestern warm/hot and dry, the middle cool and wet but Iowa. All three are reversely magnetized, in the punctuated with a warmer and drier interval, and span between 0.91 and 0.735 Ma, and represent the youngest was cold and dry. the coldest climate during that time. During the warm/hot and dry period (0.82-0.81 The Alamosa Formation sediments exposed at Ma) the valley floor was a sagebrush grassland; Hansen Bluff were formed in a receding basin growth rates of fish were similar to modern forms under circumstances that preserved multiple evi- in the Rio Grande River in New Mexico indicating dence of climatic oscillations. Thus, it was highly a climate with a freeze-free period between 90 and likely that older and fairly-continuous sediments 200 days; the available aquatic habitat was large were available in the subsurface. Because the and permanent indicating high ground-water levels outcrop reflected more than a local climatic record, for the area; warm winters were indicated by three a core was expected to provide an opportunity to species that occur today in southeast and east- compare a long terrestrial climatic record with the (normal winter minimum and oceanic sequence. mean daily temperatures were probably above - 5 and 0°C, respectively); numerous species character- Modern climate and vegetation istic of dry, open, sandy areas were present; mean annual temperature was about 3 8°C warmer than The modern climate and water resources of the today. San Luis Valley are significantly affected by sur- Between 0.82 and 0.74 Ma, montane forest rounding mountains, which include 13 of the 53 vegetation occupied the San Luis Valley floor. This peaks in Colorado above 4267 m elevation. indicates a lowering of vegetation zones that would Orographic influences result in an inverse rela- be caused by a 1.2°C decrease in mean January tionship in the amount and seasonality of precipi- temperature, a 1.4°C mean July temperature tation between the valley and surrounding decrease, and a 67 mm increase in annual precipita- mountains. Wetter than average years in the valley tion, excluding snowfall. Warm indicator species correspond to drier than average years in the were absent during this time, and northern forms mountains; most mountain precipitation occurs in of freshwater snails were present. The fauna clearly the winter whereas most valley precipitation occurs indicated the presence of deep, permanent aquatic in the summer (Doesken and McKee, 1989). The habitats. At about 0.77 Ma, a slightly warmer and San Juan Mountains shield the San Luis Valley drier interval occurred. Overall, this cold/wet from moisture coming from the west. Nearly all period was interpreted to represent a glacial period air masses reaching the San Luis Valley from any punctuated by a short warming trend. direction must descend over mountain barriers. The glacial interval in the deposits was termi- The descending air, especially in the winter, com- nated by an erosional surface closely underlain by presses and results in loss of relative humidity and a reversely magnetized (Matuyama Chron) uniden- warming. During warm times, especially late spring tified ash and ostracod coquina that contains a and early summer, convection of warm air, warm-indicator species (Limnocythere bradburyi). enhanced by the presence of mountains, is impor- 58 K.L. ROGERS ET AL. tant in generation of clouds and precipitation on TABLE 1 the valley floor (Doesken and McKee, 1989). Synopsis of climatic variables in the San Luis Valley. Data Heavy flood-producing rains rarely occur; rain- taken from Doesken and MeKee (1989), the National Climatic fall of 12 mm occurs about 3 times per year and Data Center (1982), and the Alamosa National Weather Service events >25 mm occur about once every 10 years (pers comm., 1991). (Doesken and McKee, 1989). At higher elevations, Temperature* Precipitation* most precipitation occurs as snow. Flooding in the Mean annual 5.3 °C Mean annual 178 mm valley results mainly from heavy, late-season Mean monthly Mean monthly mountain snow storms followed by rapid melting Jan - 8.0 °C Oct-Apt 72 mm associated with unseasonably warm weather. July 18.3 °C May-Sep 109 mm Record high 33.9°C Record high 293 mm The valley floor experiences cold nights with Record low -45.6 °C Record low 86 mm large ranges in diurnal and seasonal temperatures Mean diurnal (Doesken and McKee, 1989). Thin cloud cover temp. range 18.0 °C Solar Radiation* leads to rapid radiative cooling in the evenings Mean frost- Cloudiest Nov-Dec free days ~86/yr Sunniest Mar-Sep causing dense cold air to settle on the valley floor. Evaporation* Solar radiation is less The coldest temperatures are reached when the Mean rel. humidity 42% than 60% clear day sky is clear and the ground is snow-covered. Tem- Mean July humidity 28% values 30-40 days/yr peratures become more moderate toward the May-Oct pan evap. 192 Some cloudiness occurs cm/sum on more than 50% of perimeter of the valley. Although cloud cover the days of the year causes moderation of temperatures, only about 80 days per year are classified as cloudy by the *Values are given at Alamosa. The climate becomes warmer, National Weather Service. wetter, and with closer temperature extremes at the perimeter of the San Luis Valley. In the mountains, precipitation increases and evaporation decreases with increasing elevation. At the valley floor, evaporation exceeds precipita- Because of topographic variability, overlap of tion. Nevertheless, it is less than expected in such about 6.4 m occurs between the core and the a dry environment because of the cool nights. See lowest beds studied in the outcrop. A depth of 127 Table 1 for a summary of climatic indicators. m was reached, with an average recovery of 72%. The dominant vegetation zones from low to Core (Fig. 2) was lost at the top of each 1.524 m high elevation in the mountains include pinon- drilling interval by the washing necessary to keep juniper, ponderosa pine, and spruce-fir forests, and the casing free of sand. During drilling, color tundra. The valley floor vegetation is now domi- changes of the drill water were recorded to provide nated by greasewood (Sarcobatus) and rabbitbrush independent depth indications of major lithologic (Chrysothamnus); before about 1925, the valley breaks. After each core segment was brought to was covered by grasses and sagebrush (Artemisia) the surface, the core was labeled, photographed, (O. Silzell, oral commun., 1984). Today, Hansen measured, marked for depth, evaluated for missing Bluff is near a floodplain wetland with oxbow sections, and the lithology was described. Lastly, lakes bordering the Rio Grande River. The wetland each core segment was wrapped in plastic film and has scattered cattails (Typha), cottonwoods (Popu- stored in a sealed PVC tube. lus), grasses, sedges (Carex), and willows (Salix). In the laboratory each core segment was split lengthwise. For identification of ash beds, small Coring and methodology (20 cc) samples were obtained from all intervals that were light gray. Five cc samples were taken A core from the base of Hansen Bluff (taken from fine-grained sediments for analysis of diatoms immediately below measured section D of Rogers but none contained identifiable diatoms (Bradbury, et al, 1985) was recovered in 1986 by rotary drilling pers. commun., 1990). Forty cc samples were taken with a five foot long (1.524 m), split-tube core for pollen analysis. The samples were processed barrel (size NC; 2.40 inch or 6 cm inside diameter). with standard laboratory methods for clastic sedi- ~" ,-.:j o .~. ~ Do o~ ..... ~o. o ..- 0 0 ,~ 0 0 ~,0 0 0 ~0 0000 0 ~ 000000 00~ 0 0 0 0 H PALEOMA~TIC ,~AEEOLES oCORE DEPTH m


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• mm ~ ~" ~ << TYPE OF CARBONATE Z 0 DO 0 0 0 O0 0 0 ~oO "~ ~ om ~'~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~.%,~ c ~- -

~" "-o o.~o o ~.o DO O o~.0 o o,~ooo o o.~ o o .~ DO o ~o o o o o~ O~mO O O O PALEOMAGNETIC SAMPLES CORE DEPTH m

• " • ::" :" M~O m~N>> z 2:


0 0 0 O 0 o o O0 0/1,~ O-c oo -~ ~,~ :=or- ~ ~r (3

R ~ D E ~ o-= o o o~ .... ~,o o o ~ .... ~ oo o ~ o o~ O ~ o ~' O o O CoREPALEOMAGNETiCDEPTHm SAMPLES OC~F'~


0 O0 0 0 000 0 o m ~ O "n ~'~-,~ ~o ,e,-- oc~ "n > ~.



_m )= > - Z~r- :u >>~o ~ >

r. o "0 O > O "='m"+~OZ < TYPE OF CARBONATE |,| ,~% g= e~ 60 K.L. ROGERS ET AL. ment, i.e. KOH, HC1, HF, and acetolysis solution potassium feldspar and plagioclase, respectively. augmented by screening with a 7 gm sieve, and Modal analyses were performed by counting 300 flotation with ZnC12. Pollen samples were mounted points per slide using the Gazzi-Dickinson method in silicon oil (2000 centistokes), and pollen was (Ingersoll et al., 1984) to minimize mineralogical identified by comparison with the reference collec- variations related to grain size. tion at the University of Iowa Geology Depart- All inorganic carbonate layers and nodules from ment. For the analysis of ostracods, 20 cc samples the core were sampled and classified as lacustrine, were collected from all layers that tested positive vadose, or groundwater in origin; no inorganic for carbonate with dilute HC1. These samples were carbonates from the outcrop were sampled. Inor- washed through 100 mesh screen, and the residues ganic carbonate samples were baked in vacuo at were hand picked under a binocular microscope. 450°C and then reacted with 100% phosphoric Species were identified by comparison with a set acid. The resulting CO2 was cryogenically sepa- of reference slides, under the supervision of rated and analyzed on a mass spectometer. R.M. Forester (U.S. Geol. Surv. Denver). Carbon and oxygen isotopic data were collected Approximately 130 paleomagnetic samples were on ostracod and mollusc samples from all core taken from the finer-grained beds, muds to silts- layers containing concentrations and from samples rarely fine sands (Fig. 2). Samples were taken in recovered in 15 cm washed segments. Because small plastic cubes (Rosenbaum and Larson, 1983), biogenic isotope data had not been collected oriented with respect to vertical. Each cube was previously on outcrop material, samples were pro- pushed into the face of the split core section close cessed and analyzed. Stable-isotope data from to the core centerline. A plastic cap was attached ostracods are affected by species and by develop- and sealed to minimize desiccation. All remanence mental stage. In this study, ostracods were sorted measurements were made on a Schonstedt SSM by size but not by species before analysis. Most 1A spinner magnetometer. Following natural isotope analyses were done on Candona patzcuaro, remanent magnetization (NRM) measurement, all which was present in almost every sample and the samples were subjected to progressive alternating- largest species available. Biogenic carbonate field (AF) demagnetization at 5, 10, 15, and 20 samples ranging in weight from 100 to 300 ~tg were mT (1 mT= 10 Oe). After AF demagnetization at roasted at 380°C to remove volatile contaminants. 20 mT, the remanence intensities of many samples Samples were individually treated with four drops became so low that demagnetization was discon- of anhydrous phosphoric acid at 73°C in a Finni- tinued. gan 'Keil' extraction system coupled directly to Seventy-five percent of the remaining core was the inlet of a MAT 251 ratio mass spectrometer. washed in 15 cm segments through 50 mesh screen; Isotopic enrichments were corrected for acid frac- the residue was hand picked under a dissecting tionation and 170 contribution. Precision and cali- microscope to obtain fossils. In addition to the fossils described in this paper, plant remains and bration of data were monitored through daily insect parts were collected; none were identifiable. analysis of NBS-20 powdered carbonate that The remaining core was described in detail, with bracket sample analyses. Measured precision was close attention to sedimentary structure and depo- above 0.1%o for both carbon and oxygen isotope sitional features. Representative lithologies were compositions. sampled for petrographic examination. Preference Biogenic and inorganic isotopic results are given was given to medium and coarse-grained sands in the per rail (%o) notation where: although some fine- and very fine-grained sands 613C(%o)=(Rs,mpLe/RpDB -1) X 1000 and R is the and mudstones were also sampled to provide more ratio of 13C/12C in the sample or the PDB stan- complete coverage. Thin sections were prepared dard, respectively. Ratios for 61sO are calculated by impregnating unconsolidated sands with epoxy in an analogous fashion. and staining with sodium cobaltinitrite and barium The remainder of the core is stored at Adams chloride rhodizonate to facilitate identification of State College. All fossils have been accessioned to PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY AND CLIMATIC EVOLUTION IN SOUTH-CENTRAL COLORADO 61 the University of Colorado Museum, Boulder, is high and nearly constant throughout the core, Colorado. indicating that the streams from the San Juan Mountains incised through capping ignimbrites Data and underlying andesites during sediment depos- ition. Because andesitic detritus probably domi- nated San Juan sediment of the core, the few percent of quartz and sanidine present in the Two stratigraphically separated, well-dated ash capping ignimbrites (Lipman, 1975) probably did beds in the Hansen Bluff sequence provide the not substantially contribute to the quartz content. basis for establishing a polarity magnetostratigra- Quartz and potassium (K) feldspar in the sedi- phy in the cored section: the 0.74 Ma Bishop Ash, ments must have been derived almost exclusively identified in surface exposures at Hansen Bluff, from the crystalline rocks of the Sangre de Cristo and the 2.02 Ma Huckleberry Ridge Ash at 78.3 Mountains. The quartz and K-feldspar measures m depth in the core. The latter ash, light gray and thus provide an indication of Sangre de Cristo 30 cm thick, has been identified on the basis of influence. A second measure of San Juan influence shard shape, mineral content, and trace-element can be seen in the plagioclase to total feldspar plus chemistry (Izett, pers comm., 1988). The Huckle- quartz ratio. Because plagioclase could be derived berry Ridge Ash has not been previously reported from both provenances, but significant K-feldspar in Colorado (Izett and Wilcox, 1982), and quartz only from the Sangre de Cristo source Because the core was obtained by rotary drilling, areas, higher ratios should reflect increased San all of the oriented paleomagnetic samples lack Juan influence. azimuthal control. Magnetic polarity determin- Hand-lens observations of sands in the core ations of the samples, therefore, were based solely coupled with petrographic data indicate two gene- on remanence inclinations. NRM directions are ral facies associations. Therefore, broad sections dominated by normal polarity (downward) inclin- of core were classified as channel or floodplain. ations, but with progressive demagnetization, The classification of each 30 cm segment was used reversed and intermediate (steep upward, low to calculate the range of percent channel deposits; upward or low downward) inclinations became all missing core was counted as channel for a high more common (compare Fig. 3:10 mT and 20 estimate and as floodplain for a low estimate. roT). Three intervals maintained normal polarities These data, along with the percents calculated by and strong intensities during all steps of demagneti- ignoring missing core, are plotted within magnetic zation. The remaining intervals, comprising nearly control points in Fig. 5. Regardless of the three 3/4 of the section, exhibited reversed to intermedi- measures used, floodplain facies are most abundant ate directions interrupted by spikes of normal above 21 m depth in the core. polarity. Moreover, with progressive AF demagne- Channel facies, representing deposition in river tization, directions in 83% of these samples moved channels and on sand bars, are dominated by away from normal toward intermediate or reversed medium- to coarse-grained sands, commonly in directions. The spikes of normal polarity remaining fining-upward units capped by fine-grained sands. after AF cleaning to 20 mT are considered to The tops of some fining-upward sequences contain represent stable remanent magnetization acquired root traces. Beds, which range in thickness from after deposition. 0.3 to 1.5 m, are generally cross-stratified. Many channel sands are cemented by calcite, typically at Sedimentary Analysis contacts between finer- and coarser-grained units (Fig. 2). Five parameters of sediment composition reflect Floodplain sequences are dominated by fine- to stratigraphic variation in provenance (Fig2 4). The very fine-grained sands and muds. Preserved depo- total volcanic lithic content is sensitive to input sitional structures are uncommon and root traces from the San Juan Mountains and the San Luis and carbonate nodules are abundant. Beds are Hills. The andesite to andesite plus ignimbrite ratio generally less than 0.3 m thick. 62 K.L. ROGERS ET AL.


Magnetic Polarity Inclination Inclination zonation Up Down Depth Up Down Age, Ma 90 60 30 0 30 60 90 Ft M 90 60 30 0 30 60 90 BRUNHES .74

~ ~,,e .90 • - ~

- N iiii _ ,u~ ~"

;l!=l _ ~--e --k..

1,67 -- .~_ t:zi ~,~ ~ \ ' o_, " z lJ 2.01 ~ ,-- ,.,.,.j ,.u.,o. t2.04I.oi ~ ...... ~ 2'.12 / 214 ~ll _ - 9o ~

100 ~-,-O 110

GAUSS 120 ~i! i~i!iiiii

10 mT 20 mT Fig. 3. Magnetostratigraphic interpretation of the Hansen Bluff core sediments (shaded represents normal polarity; unshaded, reversed).

Within the broad categories of channel and downward. Other facies sequences, 0.5-1.0 m thick floodplain facies, sediments at Hansen Bluff record and coarsening upward, may represent lateral pro- a variety of environments of deposition. Thick gradations of levees along the margin of the allu- beds typically fine upward from medium- to very vial ridges. fine-grained sands and may represent large flood Excluding lacustrine carbonate, which is lami- events, crevasse splays, or small floodplain chan- nated and interbedded with sand and silt, carbon- nels. Thin (5-10 cm) rhythmically bedded fine sand ate layers and nodules are abundant in the core and silt beds may represent flood-slackwater sedi- sediments (Fig. 2). They were probably formed at ments such as those described along modern river the phreatic-vadose interface, although not neces- courses (Kochel and Baker, 1988). Green silts and sarily in active soil profiles (Fig. 6). Pedogenic fine sands, commonly associated with carbonate carbonate with meniscus or pendant form is absent nodules and ostracod concentrations, suggest in coarse grained sediment; Carbonate in the Han- deposition on floodplain wetlands. Deposition of sen Bluff core typically forms a relatively uniform these sequences may form distal to alluvial ridges micritic coating on the detrital grain surfaces sur- because they typically occur near the middle of rounded by fine-grained spar. floodplain deposits that fine both upward and Root traces are abundant in the sediments; plant PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY AND CLIMATIC EVOLUTION IN SOUTH-CENTRAL COLORADO 63

E g Main Sediment Source < San Juan Songre de Cristo San Juan -~ 0.80 - 0 0.89 1C

0.96 2O San Juan 1.13 30 1.29 4O 1.45 5O Axial Stream

1.61 6O with San Juan 1.82 7O Incursions 2.03 8O > 2.14 90

2.26 O0 Axial Stream 2.38 10 2~

2.51 2O Sangre de Crlsto 2.65 30 ~ , , , r 0 50 !00 0 50 25 5O O0 05 10 0 50 0 75 1.00


Fig. 4. Stratigraphic variation in sediment composition. San Juan source areas are dominated by volcanic lithics and Sangre de Cristo source areas are dominated by quartz and K-feldspar.

growth apparently occurred on mid-channel bar Depth m tops and point bars, in floodplain marshes, and 22.5 53.0 78.0 119.5 on floodplains that dried entirely during a portion 20 1 of each year. The length of time sediments may have undergone pedogenic modification at the 0.8 surface can be tentatively inferred from the degree 15 of alteration of the detrital grains. Throughout the core, detrital plagioclase and ferromagnesian sili- 0.6 cate grains have undergone only minor dissolution ¢o "~ 10 (Fig. 7). This degree of alteration is less than that

0.4 observed in 10,000 year old soils formed under 2 similar climatic conditions (Birkland, 1984). More- ~ 5 over, the uniform character of the minimal post- 0.2 depositional modifications suggests most of the alteration did not occur during intermittent soil- 0 0 forming intervals. Hence, the maximum span of 0.5 I 1 1.5 2 2.5 surficial exposure for any of the sediments proba-

It Age Ma bly was less than a few thousand years.

Average Accumulation Rate Carbonate precipitation in most cases appears to have occurred at relatively shallow depths below Fig. 5. High and low sedimentation rates within paleomagnetic control points. Percent of channel facies also shown, with high the existing ground surface (Fig. 6). Most of the estimate based on all missing core being channel facies, and carbonate probably formed at the top of the low estimate based on all missing core being floodplain facies. phreatic zone by evaporative processes at the capil- Actual percent in the recovered core is also plotted. An inverse lary fringe. In some cases, channel sands are well relationship between sedimentation rate and channel facies ratio is apparent. Average accumulation rate was calculated by cemented by calcite at contacts between finer- and sedimentation between ash layers and between the bottom of coarser-grained sediments; this occurrence suggests the Brunhes Chron and the top of the Gauss Chron. that the calcite represents major permeability boundaries. 64 K.L. ROGERS ET AL.

Root-trace voids Channel belt Vegetation / I \ ~,

~~~~.~_.~._~~F.~.~I~Tj~.~~~~ ~= Vadose Zone Phreatic Zone

Calcite Calcite-filled nodules root traces Fig. 6. Diagrammatic representation of the inferred development of calcite nodules and calcite-filled root traces at the vadose- phreatic interface. Dimensions: vertical, tens of meters and horizontal, 500-1000 m.

There is no petrographic evidence of cementa- United States (Forester, 1987). In the past, it has tion by carbonate long after deposition. The extent occurred much farther north; it may be able to and types of alterations throughout the core are survive colder winters if it occurs in lakes deep uniform so diagenetic processes during burial enough to remain near 0°C in winter, but shallow occurred only over relatively wide stratigraphic enough to warm during summer (Forester, 1985, intervals. 1987). Therefore, three types of carbonate appear to Limnocythere robusta has never been found liv- be present. Lacustrine and groundwater carbonates ing, but may not be extinct. From associa- most likely reflect groundwater chemistry. Vadose tions, L. robusta probably lives in lakes similar to carbonate, on the other hand, was probably those of L. bradburyi, but it may tolerate colder formed under the combined influence of ground- water (Forester and Bradburyi, 1981, Forester, water chemistry and plants. pers. comm., 1990). The coolest indicator of the limnocytherids pre- Paleontology sent in the core is L. eeriotuberosa, which lives only north of the frostline in North America today (Forester, 1987). Forester (1987) hypothesizes this Six species of ostracods occur in 48 levels of the species requires a cold period during part of its Hansen Bluff core (Fig. 2). They include: Limno- life cycle, perhaps in the egg stage. This ostracod eythere bradburyi, L. robusta, L. ceriotuberosa, L. lives in the San Luis Valley today in the ephemeral, platyforma, Candona patzcuaro, and L. n.sp.A. saline San Luis Lake. Limnocythere n.sp.A may be ancestral to L. brad- Limnocythere bradburyi and L. ceriotuberosa can buryi (Forester, pers comm., 1990); it shares coexist under some conditions, e.g., 9.9 m (0.89 characteristics of L. bradburyi and L. robusta. Ma) in the Hansen Bluff core, in the Hansen Bluff Distribution and relative abundance of ostracod outcrop near the end of the Stage 22 glaciation species within the core section are presented in and at San Agustin Plains, New Mexico between Fig. 8. about 18-14 Ka. Co-occurrence may result from The Hansen Bluff limnocytherids are character- the two species living or surviving in different istic of lakes and ponds in which evaporation is places in the same lake (Forester, 1987). For equal to or exceeds precipitation (Forester, oral example, Limnocythere bradburyi might survive in comm., 1990). Characteristic water bodies are fresh the center of permanent lakes buffered from cold to saline, permanent to emphemeral ponds and winter temperatures while L. ceriotuberosa might lakes. Individual species have specific ecological live in the colder littoral or sublittoral zones. Co- requirements. occurrence of these taxa in a northern lake suggests Limnocythere bradburyi is a warm indicator the lake was permanent but shallow, such that the species; its modern biogeographic distribution is deepest waters were sufficiently warm during sum- in central Mexico and south of the frostline in the mer allowing L. bradburyi to complete its life cycle. PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY AND CLIMATIC EVOLUTION IN SOUTH-CENTRALCOLORADO 65

Fig. 7A. Photomicrograph showing the general lithologic character of the volcanic-rich sandstones from the upper portion of the Hansen Bluff core. Note that the detrital framework constituents have not undergone in situ alteration. Sample obtained from core depth 58.2 m; field of view 2.9 mm. B Photomicrograph showing the unaltered character of the volcanic-rich sandstones from the lower portion of the cored interval. Sample obtained from core depth 108.8 m; field of view 2.9 mm.

According to Forester (oral. commun., 1990), ostracod assemblage in the core. This species toler- Limnocythere platyforma may indicate water fresh- ates a broad range of salinities, but differs from ening, probably from increased precipitation that the other ostracods at Hansen Bluff in that it can causes more stream discharge in the catchment survive desiccation through torpidity (Delorme basin. and Donald, 1969). Today C. patzcuaro occurs in Candona patzcuaro is present in nearly every the San Luis Valley interdune lakes. 66 K.L. ROGERS ET AL

Depth ia m 0.69

0.73. (RXXXXXXX 0.77

XXXXXXXXX 0.81 OU1 CROPe 095 L COl E& 10 0,89. L" 0.93

20 0.96


30 1.13


40 ! .29


50 1.45

1.53 m P 60 1.61

1.71 ......

70 1,81.


90 2,02.


90 2,14.


100 2,25.


110 2,38.

i 2,44. 1,1,1 i , t,i i ~ . ~ , i , i, i ,i,i LU =HJ ~ OU I U( 20 40 60 8010 20 40 60 8010( 20 40 60 80 20 20 4C 100 200 30(

Percent Fig. 8. Ostracod frequency by depth in the Hansen Bluff core. Climatically important species from the outcrop are also shown. Data are presented as a percentage of the number of valves recovered. Only concentrations of ostracods are included. PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY AND CLIMATIC EVOLUTION IN SOUTH-CENTRAL COLORADO 67

Clams are present in the core in four 15 cm long species include Phrynosoma douglassi (short horned segments from 3.66-4.57 m depth (Fig. 2). Species lizard -- anterior portion dentary) and Thamnophis include the widespread and tolerant Pisidium caser- sp. (garter snake -- fragmentary vertebra). Short tanum and P. compressum, which are characteristic horned lizards occur today in dry-shrubby areas of perennial well-oxygenated waters. Another of the San Luis Valley; this species was present in bivalve, Sphaerium cf S. similie, occurs in the core the outcrop only during dry, cold times. at a depth of 70.7 m (Figure 2). The Sphaerium Three species of mammal fossils occur in three fragments have coarse, evenly-spaced striae that segments of the core (Fig. 2). Species include Sper- are characteristic of S. similie and resemble those mophilus sp. (small ground squirrel -- lower molar on occasional shells of Sphaerium striatinum, a from 53.34 m depth), Reithrodontomys sp. cf. R. species with a broad North American distribution. megalotis (harvest mouse -- mandibular ramus Sphaerium similie has not been previously reported with three molars and an incisor from 54.56 m in the west; today it is confined to the east-central depth), and Allophaiomys (extinct microtine half of North America. The fragments from Han- rodent -- incomplete first lower molar from 54.56 sen Bluff are insufficient to establish a range exten- m depth and complete third lower molar from 73.1 sion for the species. m depth). Spermophilus and Reithrodontomys sug- Aquatic snails occur at 59.1 m (Physid frag- gest the presence of a mountain meadow environ- ment), and 92.4 m (Gyraulus parvus) in the core ment. The latter, in particular, normally inhabits (Fig. 2). Gyraulus parvus is a widespread North thick, overgrown grass but can live in adjacent American species common in perennial well- open forests; it is especially abundant in wet areas. oxygenated waters. This may be the oldest fossil record, although Fossil fish-bone fragments are very common at other (extinct) species are known to be more than Hansen Bluff, occurring in fifty-nine 15 cm seg- 4 Ma old. Allophaiomys, although extinct, has a ments of the core; all are minute bones and teeth fossil distribution that indicates it was more toler- from fishes less than 15 cm in length. In 14 of the ant of humid, subtropical climates, and less toler- segments, fish remains are identifiable (Fig. 2). All ant of cold climates, than was its descendant, the of the identifiable bones are from either Gila cf. genus Microtus (Repenning, 1990), present in the G. pandora, the Rio Grande chub (a minnow, outcrop sediments. By analogy to faunas in the family Cyprinidae), or one of two kinds of moun- Great Plains, the presence of Allophaiomys in the tain sucker (Catostomus subgenus Pantosteus, fam- two core intervals suggests that during those times ily Catostomidae); unidentifiable fragments winter freezes were uncommon, rainfall was high, probably represent the same three species. These and summers included many cloudy days with three species were found in outcrop sediments moderate temperatures (Repenning, 1990). The older than 0.74 Ma. All are warm-water indicators fossil from 73.1 m depth in the Hansen Bluff core whose geographic ranges are primarily south of is the oldest record of Allophaiomys in North the San Luis Valley. Gila pandora lives in New America. It is smaller and identical to some individ- Mexico; Catostomus plebeius is found widely in uals of Allophaiomys pliocaenicus Kormos (1932) the Rio Grande Basin. Based on the shapes of the from the type locality, Betfia-2 or Puspokfurdo, maxilla and dentary, one of the suckers (Catosto- Romania (Fig. 9). mus 'a' of Rogers et al., 1985) is related to forms described by Siebert and Minckley (1986) from the Palynology northern Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico. Amphibian fossils occur in seven segments of The top 11.6 m of core contained pollen; these the core and two segments contained reptile fossils data are presented along with the surface outcrop (Fig. 2). Species include Ambystoma cf. A. tigrinum data analyzed by Hall (Rogers et al, 1985) in (tiger salamander -- vertebrae, ribs, leg bones, and Figure 10. a dentary) and Bufo sp. (toad -- vertebra). Both Pollen from a surface sample (Fig. 10) reflects forms occur in the San Luis Valley today. Reptile the modern vegetation of the San Luis Valley 68 K.L. ROGERS ET AL.

A B Geochemistry

Distribution of inorganic carbonates in the Han- sen Bluff core with their classifications as lacus- trine, groundwater, or vadose are presented in Fig. 2. No data are available from the outcrop. Inorganic 6~80 data most likely reflect isotopic composition of meteoric waters (Table 2). The Fig. 9A. Allophaiomys cf. pliocaenicus fossil from 73.15-73.30 rn depth in the Hansen Bluff core (1.89 Ma) B. Topotype of water table in the San Luis Valley presently is at Allophaiomys pliocaenicus Kormos, 1932, Betfia-2, Romania. or near the surface; groundwater chemistry should be controlled by local infiltration, including surface and groundwater discharge from the mountains (Rogers et al., 1985, Jodry et al., 1989). This and valley precipitation (Bodrig, 1989). Cerling sample is dominated by species with non-arboreal (1984) reported a good correlation between 6~80 pollen including Artemisia (sagebrush), Ambrosia (PDB) of soil and vadose-zone carbonate and 6~80 (ragweed), Sareobatus (greasewood), Poaceae (SMOW) of meteoric water, especially when the (grass), and Chenopodiineae (chenopodsam- carbonate is preserved without diagenetic modifi- aranths). The arboreal pollen of Pinus (pine), Picea cation. (spruce), and Juniperus (juniper) with percentages Carbon isotopic composition of vadose carbon- of 19, 2, and 6, respectively, comes from surround- ates were probably affected by plant fractionation. ing mountain slopes. Vadose carbonate 613C data are presented in Pollen spectra from outcrop and core show Fig. I lA; mean values (+ la) over 15.25 m (50- strong fluctuations over short intervals. High Pinus foot) intervals are given in Fig. 11B. According to (and Picea in the outcrop) pollen percentages with Cerling (1984), the carbon-isotopic composition of low amounts of non-arboreal pollen (NAP) both soil and vadose-zone carbonates is controlled alternate with a decrease in arboreal pollen and by the carbon-isotopic composition of CO2 in the very high percentages of Artemisia pollen. soil. This composition of soil and vadose zone

.~,~ ,~, .~ • ~ ~, ,~ \\ ," o,o, .ooo o,O oOOO 9. C NAP


.80 0 I¢

8 g"

.89 10 I.

i, • ,i ,,. i,, ,i ,. ,i .,i ,, • i ,rr'l rrl r,-i r~l rrl .... I .... I'''l'''i''l''';''l'''i''i'''l'i .... II'~'ll ''' i,r'-IIw'lrn-IP 20 40 60 80 20 10 10 10 10 100 50 100 20 40 20 20 20 25 15 20 10 10 10

Analysts R,G. Baker end S.A. Hell Open curves exaggerated x 10 Bars at top ere surface samples

Fig. 10. Pollen diagram including the surface exposures and the top 11.6 m of the Hansen Bluff core. PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY AND CLIMATIC EVOLUTION IN SOUTH-CENTRAL COLORADO 69


Biogenic carbon and oxygen stable-isotope data with statistics calculated over 15.25 m intervals; the outcrop data are treated separately. Inorganic carbonate 61sO statistics over similar intervals are presented for comparison. BIOGENIC INORGANIC Delta 13 Carbon Delta 18 Oxygen Delta 18 Oxygen

, , I q I I I ( dlS0 I Interval wandl~ rain mx std n Ran rain mx std In

I I I I I I I I I I I I outcrop -9.1 I-13 I 0.413.3 {12.0 -6.91-10.3)-3.312.4112.0 I I I I + ..... + ..... + .... + ...... + ...... + ..... + .... + ...... ÷ ...... + ...... + .... 4 0-15.2 1.2 !-2.513.111.5 {17.0 -1.9 I -5.3 ) 0.311.5117.0 -11.61-11.61-11,5 )0,812,0 {...... + ..... + .... + ...... ÷ ...... + ..... + .... + ...... 15.2-30.5 1.2 I-0.3 I 2.911.214.0 -2.11-3.1{-1.510.614.0 -11.81-13.01-10.6 )0.7 16.0 ~...... + ..... + .... ÷ ...... + ...... + ..... + .... + ...... + ...... + ...... + .... 4 30.5-45.7 -1.5 I-1.5 I-1.510.011.0 -5.51-5.5{-5.51o.o{1.o -n.81-12.31-11.510.313.0 t- ..... ÷ ..... + .... + ..... ÷ ...... + ..... + .... + ...... + ...... + ...... + .... 45.7-61.0 -1.3 I-4.511.6 )1.5119.0 -5.01-11.01-1.512.6)19.0 -11.3 1-12.51-9.910.919.0 ~...... + ..... + .... + ...... + ...... + ..... ÷ .... + ...... 61.0-76.2 -2.7 I-5.8 I- -7.31-11.0f-2.314.014.0 -11.91-13.3 I-lO.5 Io,9 Ilo.o t" ..... ÷ ..... ÷ .... ÷ ...... ÷ ...... ÷ ..... + .... ÷ ..... , ...... + ...... + ...... + .... 4 76.2-91.4 -1.1 I-8.313.613.3113.0 -7.51-13.0{1.214.1113.0 -11.21-12.0 )-t0.6 )0.615.0 ÷ ...... + ..... + .... + ...... 91.4-106.7 -3.9 I-6.s I-0,913.012.0 -11.81-12.~ I-lO.9 Io.7 I 5.o ..... ÷ ..... + .... ÷ ..... + ...... + ..... + .... + ..... 106.7-121.9 -3,1 I-5,8 I 2.012.3110.0 -6.41-14.o11.715.1tlo.o -11.8 1-12.9 1-11.1 )0.6 113.0 ..... + ...... + ..... + .... + ..... + ..... ÷ ..... ÷ .... + ...... + ...... + ...... + .... 4 121.9-127.1 I I 1 l III) -11.31-11.31-11.310.011.0 i i , , 1 carbonate is greatly influenced by soil respiration, conditions. The CAM succulent plant families, including the fractionation effects of the three Cactaceae and Crassulaceae, are ignored here major groups of plants: C3, C4, and CAM (Crassu- because they make up only a small portion of lean Acid Metabolism) (Deines, 1980). C3, C4, plant biomass except in extreme desert conditions. and CAM plants have average 613C values of With the model developed by Cerling (1984), it -27%0, -12%o and -18%o, respectively. Carbon is possible to estimate the percentage of C4 plants isotopic composition of modern soil carbonate and contributing to carbonate formation from the ~13C coexisting organic matter systematically differ by values of vadose-zone carbonates (Fig. 12). Inter- 14-16%o (Cerling et al., 1989). pretations of the resulting data based upon the Distributions of C3, C4, and CAM plants are modern observations discussed above are ham- controlled by climatic variables. The percentage of pered by uncertainty about whether the plant/ C4 grasses in a flora correlates highly with mini- climate relationships held true under the different mum temperatures during the growing season P(CO2) conditions (Berner, 1990) in the past. (Teeri and Stowe, 1976), whereas the percentage Nevertheless, the data clearly demonstrate the of C4 dicots correlates most highly with mean fraction of C4 biomass was higher in the past than annual (May-October) pan evaporation (Stowe it is now. and Teeri, 1978). Nearly half of the known C4 Biogenic 6180 and ~13C data from the core and species are grasses (Downton, 1975). Many of the the outcrop are presented in Fig. 13A,B. Mean, presently known C4 species belong to genera and range, standard deviation, and the number of families that either have their origins or major samples for each 15.25 m section of core and for parts of their ranges in tropical and subtropical the outcrop are presented in Table 2. Also pre- regions; this photosynthetic pathway is an adapta- sented are similar data for inorganic carbonate tion to warm, intense sunlight and dry climatic 6180 values, considered here to be a measure of 70 K.L. ROGERS ET AL.

A Age Ma t~ 0.80 1.45 2.26 2.61 A •~ Core depth m O 22.6 53.0 78.0 119.5 5' .... h .... , .... , .....

t~ -4

-6 • "- • ".~; . • I .7 ._o -8 -10

0 $0 100 150 -15 ...... 0.6 0.9 1.2 1,5 1.8 2.1 2.4 Meters depth in core Age Ma

B B t# Core depth m 22.6 53.0 78.0 119.5 5 ..... ' .... i .... , .... , .4-1 es ~ • ,. E 0 • "I • "'dl." j .$

•-~ -5 -6

-10 mB

-8 -15 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 15.25 m interval in core Age Ma Fig. 11. ~3C data from vadose carbonates. A. Raw and B. mean_+ lcr over 15.25 m core intervals. Fig. 13A. 6180 and B. 613C values from biogenic carbonate. Data include core and outcrop mollusc and ostracod samples.

infiltrating meteoric water. Relatively minor varia- tions among sizes and species are indicated by 60 ..... control data from 37 m in the core based on seven 2O ostracod specimens representing four species and extreme size ranges. Size and species differences 44 ,,5 40 ! account for up to 2%0 difference in 61so and 3%0 II tt ,, difference in 613C. Based on one pair of samples .a from 10.7 m in the core, mollusc 6180 and 613C s values differ from ostracods by about 1%o (more 20 10 negative in molluscs) in both 6180 and 6~3C. Thus, ~' ,o Modern July Minimum Temp 8.9"C trends of biogenic stable-isotope data can be con- sidered accurate to within about_ 3%0. Five shells a i J a of modern Limnocythere ceriotuberosa from the

15.25 m Interval in core San Luis Lakes have a mean 6~3C of 0.04 (a=l.9) and a mean 6180 of -4.4 (a=0.87) Fig. 12. Percent C4 plants estimated to have contributed to soil carbonate formation and July minimum temperature (Fig. 13 A,B). inferred if the major C4 plant influence derives from C4 grasses. Even within the possible error margin, pro- nounced differences occur in the magnitude and PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY AND CLIMATIC EVOLUTION IN SOUTH-CENTRAL COLORADO 71 range of biogenic isotope values from the core and perature (principal Curie temperatures range from outcrop. Values of 51sO are most scattered in older about 560°-580°). sediments; they become more clustered in samples The most tentative portion of the magnetostrat- from higher in the core. Samples from the outcrop, igraphy is associated with the Reunion Subchron, mainly molluscs, exhibit a definite negative shift. generally considered to contain from one to three A similar pattern is evident in 613C data. Further- separate, short, normal intervals centered at about more, inorganic carbonate isotope precipitation, 2.07 Ma (Mankinen and Dalrymple, 1979, Shuey presumably occurring in the late summer dry sea- et al., 1974). Two thin normal intervals are appar- son, is stable, indicating groundwater predomi- ent in the core (Fig. 3). The Huckleberry Ridge nance in these processes. Stable values for 6180 in Ash (2.02 Ma) occurs at the top of the uppermost inorganic carbonates also provide evidence that of these two zones. We have concluded that the the variance in biogenic isotopic ratios is not single N sample from 90 m depth represents a caused by diagenetic alteration of carbonates. third magnetozone. Although the evidence for a third magnetozone is weak, any other interpreta- tion results in highly anomalous sedimentation Discussion rates for this section of the core. Except for the base of the Jaramillo, the bound- Geochronology aries between the principal N and R zones are located within 40 to 50 cm intervals in the core. The simplest interpretation of the remanence The base of the Jaramillo Subchron could only be directions observed is that the zones of consistently determined within 380 cm as a result of substantial downward directions correspond to zones of nor- core loss (ca. 21 m in Fig. 2). mal (N) polarity, whereas those of mixed reversed, intermediate, and normal polarity correspond to Sedimentation rate~hiatuses zones of reversed (R) polarity. This interpretation leads to the magnetostratigraphy presented in The average rate of sedimentation in the section Figure 3 and it is consistent with the locations of between the two ashes is 6.6cm/1000 yr. It is the Bishop and Huckleberry Ridge ashes in the 7.1 cm/1000 yr based on the magnetostratigraphy sequence. from the top of the Gauss to the base of the The difference in directional consistency between Brunhes, i.e. over nearly the entire length of the the N and R polarity zones suggests that the entire combined section. It was estimated to be combined section has been affected by the addition 6.9 cm/1000 yr from surface outcrop data (Rogers of a stable, secondary, normal component. This et al., 1985). These calculations may seem precise component would be parallel to the initial normal for the data set; however, they are remarkably depositional remanence (DRM; Tarling, 1983), similar. In the Hansen Bluff depositional environ- thereby strengthening the N polarity. However, it ment, erosional surfaces (e.g. the Brunhes/Matuy- would have been opposite to a reversed DRM, ama boundary in the outcrop) and stable surfaces leading to a weakening of the R polarity. In some (e.g. partially formed soil horizons) apparently cases, the additional component has been sufficient formed periodically. Nevertheless, over long to moderately to completely overwhelm the initial intervals sediment accumulation was apparently reversed DRM. This effect is most noticeable in limited by factors such as accommodation space the coarser-grained samples (sandstone, siltstone). provided in the basin by vertical movements across The secondary normal component was likely the Sangre de Cristo fault. acquired during the Brunhes Normal Chron. The Within the constraints discussed above, the mag- relative strength of the secondary component indi- netostratigraphy provides a series of datum points cates that it probably resides in magnetite particles. within the section accurate to about _+0.5 m. Magnetite is apparent in polished sections and in Interpolation between these points and extrapola- analysis of saturation magnetization versus tern- tion using the average sedimentation rate to the 72 K.L. ROGERS ET AL. top and base of the Hansen Bluff section provide are apparent; rates are lowest before and during dates for the total outcrop and cored section the Olduvai Subchron, and highest during the (Table 3). On this basis, sediments in the outcrop Jaramillo Subchron. range in age from 0.86 to 0.67 Ma (Rogers et al., 1985), whereas those in the core range from 2.60 Provenance to 0.80 Ma. The range of sedimentation rates within paleo- The Hansen Bluff core contains sediments inter- magnetic control points is presented in Fig. 5. The preted to have been deposited by three shifting highest sedimentation rates were calculated assum- fluvial systems -- an axial stream, San Juan pied- ing the reversal took place adjacent to the sample mont streams, and Sangre de Cristo piedmont of opposite polarity, giving the interval its maxi- streams. Deposits of the three can be distinguished mum sediment. Conversely, lowest sedimentation on the basis of sediment composition. The prove- rates were calculated assuming minimum sediment nance of the two piedmont-stream systems is litho- within the interval (Fig. 2). Over paleomagnetic logically distinct and the axial stream should reflect intervals, variations in sediment accumulation rate a mixing of these two sediment sources with some


Correspondence between depth and age in the Hansen Bluff outcrop and in the core section. The correspondence is based on magnetostratigraphy,ash beds, interpolation between known points, and extrapolation to the top and bottom of the sequence...... , ...... TNeters Ma Meters Ha ~Meters Ha THeters Ha TMeters Ha TMeters Ha TMeters Ha ;14etem ~ +~te~ ~ Heters Ma Meters ~ +...... +...... ~_...... +...... ÷...... +...... +...... ,+...... ) ! ) 1 {i0.36 0.674 2.74 0.823 16.15 0.938 129 26 I.II0 42.37 1.325 55.47 1.540 :68.58 1.786 181.69 2.050 94.79 2.192 107.902.353 121.01 2.524 [10.06 0.678 3.05 0.826 !16.46 0.940 {29.57 1.115 42.67 1.330 155.78 1.545 !68.88 1.793 !01.99 2.953 95.10 2.196 108.202.357 121.31 2.529 9.75 0.662 3.35 0.829 16 76 0.942 129.671.120 42.98 1.335 56.08 1.550 i69.19 1.799 82,30 2.060 95.40 2.200 108.512.360 121.62 2.533 9.45 0.667 3.66 0.832 17.07 0.944 {30.18 1.125 43.28 1.340 56.39 1.555 69.49 1.806 82.60 2.063 95.71 2.204 108.812.364 121.92 2.538 9.14 0.691 3.96 0.835 17.37 0.946 30.48 1.130 43.59 1.345 56.69 1.560 69.80 1.812 82.91 2.066 96.01 2.207 109.122.368 122.22 2.542 8.84 0.6% 4.27 0.838 17.66 0.948 30.78 1.135 43.89 1.350 57.001.565 {70,10 1.819 83.21 2.069 96.32 2.211 109.422.372 122.53 2.546 8.53 0,700 4.57 0.841 17.98 0.950 i31.09 1.140 44.20 1.355 57.30 1,570 70.41 1.825 83.52 2.072 96.62 2,215 109.732.375 122.83 2.55I 8.23 0.705 4.88 0.844 18.29 0.952 !31.39 1.145 44.50 1.360 57.61 1.575 70.71 1.832 83.82 2,075 96.93 2.218 110.032.379 123.14 2.555 7.92 0.709 5.18 0.847 18.59 0.954 31.70 1.150 44.81 1.365 57.911.580 71.02 1.838 84.12 2.078 97.23 2.222 110.342.383 123.44 2.560 7.62 0.713 5.49 0.850 18.90 0.956 32.00 1.155 45.11 1.370 58.221.585 )71.32 1.845 84.43 2,081 97.54 2.226 110.642.387 123.75 2.564 7.32 0.718 5.79 0.853 19.20 0.958 32.31 1.160 45.42 1.375 58.52 1.590 71.63 1,851 84.73 2.084 97.84 2.230 110.952.390 124.05 2.569 7,01 0.722 6.10 0,856 19.51 0.960 32.61 1.165 45.72 1.380 !58.63 1.595 '71.93 1.858 (85.04 2.890 9~.15 2.233 111.252.394 124.36 2.573 6.71 0:727 6.40 0.859 19.01 0.962 32.92 1.170 46.02 1.385 59.13 1.600 ~72.24 1.864 85.34 2,094 98.45 2.23? 111.562.398 124.66 2.578 6.40 0.731 6.71 0.861 20.12 0.964 33.22 1.175 46.33 1.390 59.44 1.605 72.54 1.871 85.65 2.098 98.76 2.241 111.862.402 124.97 2.582 6.10 0.736 7.01 0.864 ;'0.420.966 33.531.180 46.63 1.395 59.74 1.610 72.85 1.677 85.95 2.101 99.06 2.245 112,172.405 125.27 2.586 5.79 0.740 7.32 0.867 20.73 0.970 33.831.185 46.94 1.400 60.05 1.615 73.15 1.890 86.26 2.105 99.36 2.248 112.472.409 125.58 2.591 5.49 0.743 7.62 0.870 21.03 0.975 34.141.190 47.24 1.485 60.35 1.620 73.461.897 86.56 2.109 99.67 2.252 112.782.413 125.88 2.595 5.18 0.746 7.92 0.873 21.340.980 34.441.195 47.55 1.410 60.66 1.625 73.761.904 86.87 2.113 99.97 2.256 113.082.416 126.19 2.600 4.66 0.749 8.23 0.876 21.640.985 34.751.200 47.85 1.415 60.% 1.630 74.07 1.911 87.17 2.120 100.28 2.260 113.392.420 126.49 2,604 4.57 0.752 8.53 0.879 21.950.990 35.051.205 48.16 1.420 61.26 1.635 74.371.918 87.48 2.122 100.58 2.263 113.692.424 126.80 2.609 4.27 0.755 8.84 0.662 22.250.995 35.361.210 48.46 1,425 61.57 1.640 74.66 1.925 87.78 2.123 t00.89 2.267 114.00 2.428 127.10 2,613 3.96 0.758 9.14 0.885 22.561.000 35.661.215 48.77 1.430 61.87 1.645 74.981.932 88.09 2.125 101.19 2.271 114.30 2.431 3.66 0.761 9.45 0.888 22.861.005 35.97 1.220 49.07 1.435 62.18 1.650 75.291.939 88.39 2.127 101.50 2.275 114.60 2.435 0 3.35 0,764 9.75 0.891 23.161.010 36.271.225 49.38 1.440 62.48 1.655 75.591.946 88.70 2.128 101.80 2.278 114.91 2.439 ce; 3.05 0.767 10.06 0.894 23.47 1.015 36.581.230 49.68 1.445 62.79 1.660 75.901.954 89.00 2.130 102.11 2.282 115.21 2.443 2,74 0.770 10.36 0.900 23.77 1.020 36.881.235 49.99 1.450 63.09 1.670 76.20 1.961 89.31 2.132 102.41 2.286 115.52 2.446 2.44 0.773 10.67 0.902 24.081.025 37.191.240 50.29 1.455 63.40 1.676 ?6.50 1.968 89.61 2.133 102.72 2.289 115.82 2.450 2.13 0.776 10.97 0.904 24.38 1.030 37.491.245 50.60 1.460 63.70 1,663 76.81 1.975 89.92 2.135 103.02 2.293 116.13 2.454 1.83 0.779 11.28 0.906 24.691.035 37.801.250 50.90 1.465 54.01 1.669 77.11 1.982. 90.22 2.137 103.33 2.297 i16.43 2.458 o 1.52 0.781 111.58 0.908 24.991.040 38.101.255 51.21 1.470 54.31 1.696 77.42 1.989 90.53 2.140 103.63 2.301 116.74 2.461 1.22 0.784 111.89 0.910 25.30 1.045 38.401.260 51.51 1.475 544.62 1.702 77,721.996 90.83 2.144 103.94 2,304 I17.04 2.465 0.91 0.787 i12.19 0.912 25.601.050 38.711.265 51.82 1.480 54.92 1.709 178.032.010 91.14 2.147 104.24 2.308 117.35 2.469 0.61 0.790 12.50 0.914 25.911.055 39.01 1.270 52.12 1.485 65.23 1.715 !78.33 2.013 191.44 2.151 104.55 2.312 117.65 2.473 0.30 0.793 12.80 0.916 26.21 1.060 39.32 1.275 52.43 1.490 65.53 1.722 78.642.016 91.74 2.155 104.85 2.316 117.96 2.480

0.00 0.796 q 13.11 0.918 26.52 1.065 39.621.280 52.73 1.495 65.84 1.728 78.942.019 92.05 2.159 105.16 2.319 118.26 2.484 0,30 0.799 113.41 0.920 26.82 1.070 39.93 1.285 53.04 1.500 66.14 1.735 79.252.022 92,35 2.162 105.46 2.323 110.57 2.489 0.61 0.802 13.72 0.922 27.13 1.075 40.23 1.290 53.34 1.505 66.45 1.741 79.55 2.025 92.66 2.166 105.77 2.327 118.87 2.493 0.91 0.805 14.02 0.924 127.43 1.080 40.54 1.295 53.64 1.510 66.75 1.748 79.862.028 92.96 2.170 106.07 2.331 119.18 2.498 1.22 0.808 II14'33 0.926 27.74 1,085 40.84 1.300 53.95 3.515 67.06 1.754 80.162.031 93.27 2.174 106.38 2.334 119.48 2.502 1.52 0.811 I14.63 0.928 28.04 1.090 41.15 1.305 54.25 1.520 67.36 1.761 ]80.472.034 93.57 2.177 106.68 2.338 119.79 2.507 1.83 0.814 114.94 0.930 28.35 1.095 41.45 1.310 54.56 1.525 67.67 1.767 80.772.040 93.88 2.181 106.98 2.342 120.09 2.511 o 2.13 0.817 15.24 0.932 28.651,100 41.761.315 54.~ 1.b30 67.97 1.774 J81.08 2.043 94.18 2.185 107.29 2.345 120.40 2.515 2.44 0.820 15.54 0.934 28.961.105 42.061.320 55.17 1.535 66.281.780 181.38 2.047 94.49 2.189 107.59 2.349 120.70 2.520 PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY AND CLIMATIC EVOLUTION IN SOUTH-CENTRAL COLORADO 73 bias toward volcaniclastic material because the Provenance data indicate an increasing San Juan San Juan Mountain watersheds are larger than influence upward in the sediments. During basin those in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, and the subsidence, eastward tilting of the San Luis Valley axial stream most likely headed in the San Juan floor would cause an eastward shift in fluvial Mountains. systems and result in the observed changes in Restricted compositions reflecting San Juan and provenance. If tectonism alone accounts for the Sangre de Cristo sources are not represented in sedimentation rate changes, then sedimentation the core. Hansen Bluff was probably near the rate in Fig. 5 reflects levels of tectonism along the confluence of all three fluvial systems during the Sangre de Cristo fault, ie. relatively little movement last 2.6 my as lateral shifting of the fluvial systems during the Olduvai Subchron, and much move- and periodic flooding occurred. The sediment com- ment during the Jaramillo Subchron. position data suggest a long-term eastward migra- Alternatively, sedimentation rates at Hansen tion of depositional systems within the valley Bluff may have been controlled by sediment supply (Fig. 4). and closed-basin lake size, both of which are affected by climate-hydrologic factors. Today, Variations in sedimentation rate as a climatic water and sediment supply to the valley floor and signal water level in the San Luis Lakes (Fig. 14C) are controlled by run off from mountain snow during Floodplain deposits are expected to represent the spring; vegetation growth is enhanced during fast sediment accumulation (Allen, 1979, Bridge high-water years. In the Hansen Bluff record, and Leeder, 1979, Blakey and Gubitosa, 1984, increased rates of sediment accumulation and pres- Kraus and Middleton, 1987, Schuster and Steidt- ervation of floodplain sediments would be favored mann, 1987). Vertical aggradation of both channel by high water tables and increased vegetation to and floodplain areas takes place rapidly compared stabilize channels. Thus, the changes in provenance to rates of channel migration, resulting in a higher observed in the Hansen Bluff core could be a proportion of floodplain facies preserved. How- natural consequence of progradation of the San ever, during slow accumulation, channels shift Juan piedmont. Because San Juan stream water- laterally and remove floodplain sediments redepos- sheds are larger than those draining the Sangre de iting them as channel facies. Cristo Mountains, more sediment would be In the Hansen Bluff data, an inverse relationship expected from them than from the piedmonts from exists between sedimentation rate and proportion the east. of channel facies (Fig. 5); the highest sedimentation Several observations support the hypothesis that rates, for strata near the top of the core, correlate sedimentation was controlled by climate. A 2 to 3 with the greatest abundance of floodplain deposits. m drop, similar to Holocene Sangre de Cristo fault A slow sediment accumulation rate, consistent movements (McCalpin, 1983), at one side of a with the occurrence of mainly channel deposits, 37 km-wide valley would have little effect on slope characterizes the period immediately before and of the valley floor. Furthermore, much of the during the Olduvai Subchron. movement along the Sangre de Cristo fault may Climate and/or tectonism could account for the have caused mountain uplift rather than valley variations in sedimentation rate observed at Han- floor downdrop (McCalpin, 1983). A tectonic sen Bluff. The Sangre de Cristo fault, along the hypothesis would imply periods of slow sediment east edge of the San Luis Valley and bordering the accumulation, e.g. before and during the Olduvai Sangre de Cristo Mountains, was apparently active Subchron, to coincide with westward progradation before, during, and after deposition of the Hansen of piedmont facies away from the tectonically Bluff core and outcrop sediments. Rates of move- active Sangre de Cristo basin margin. A westward ment along this fault, postdating the deposition of shift in facies is not observed in the provenance Alamosa Formation, are within the range of sedi- of the sediments. The low sediment accumulation mentation rates calculated from Hansen Bluff. rates before and during the Olduvai Subchron 74 K.L. ROGERS ET AL.




Fig. 14. Stepwise integration of the San Luis Drainage Basin into the Rio Grande River. A. Gauss B. Matuyama and early Brunhes C. Recent. The closed basin lakes in the San Luis Valley today are called the San Luis Lakes. The San Luis Hills are just north of the New Mexico state line in the southern San Luis Valley. coincide with slow sediment accumulation rates in valley precipitation occurred in the past, then the tectonically stable San Pedro Valley of south- valley precipitation would have been lowest when eastern (Lindsay et al., 1990). The coinci- mountain precipitation and sediment accumulation dence of similar sedimentological changes in rates were highest. In the Jaramillo Subchron, different basins suggests the influence of climate, sedimentation rates were highest when ostracod rather than tectonism. stable isotopes indicated that valley floor precipita- Other data from the Hansen Bluff core support tion was low. Conversely, before and during the climate-hydrologic control of variations in sedi- Olduvai Subchron, stable isotopes indicated rela- mentation rate. Biogenic stable-isotope data, dis- tively high summer precipitation while sedimenta- cussed later in this paper, indicate decreasing tion rates were low. Thus, at least indirectly, stable summer precipitation on the valley-floor up-core. isotope data support a climate-hydrologic control If the modern relationship between mountain and of the sedimentation rate. Therefore, if variations PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY AND CLIMATIC EVOLUTION IN SOUTH-CENTRAL COLORADO 75 in sedimentation rate were controlled by climate, The fossil distribution of Allophaiomys (at about it seems probable they reflect changes in amounts 1.89 and 1.53 Ma at Hansen Bluff) indicates a of precipitation in the surrounding mountains. preference for areas with relatively high rainfall and frequent cloudy summer days (Repenning, Fauna 1990). Reithrodontomys, (at about 1.53 Ma at Hansen Bluff) is particularly abundant in wet Although limited, faunal data provide observa- areas. tions that contribute to reconstruction of paleocli- Species of clams and snails apparently occur in mate and paleogeography. Throughout the core, the sedimentary record when water tables were warm indicator species are more prevalent than high; they indicate perennial, well-oxygenated cold indicator species. Allophaiomys sp., present at water and were present at about 2.16, 1.83, 1.60, about 1.89 and 1.53 Ma, Limnocythere bradburyi and 0.83-0.84 Ma. The most likely source of and possibly its ancestral species L. n.sp.A (Fig. 8), perennial, well-oxygenated water on the San Luis indicate mild winters with few freezes. Fish iden- Valley floor is from relatively high mountain tified from the core are all warm-water forms. runoff. In contrast, L. ceriotuberosa, a cold climate ostracod, occurs only in restricted portions of the Pollen core at about 2.4, 2.1, 1.5, 0.91, and 0.89 Ma. This species also occurs in the outcrop during the Stage The interpretation of the pollen sequence is not 22 glaciation and is present in the San Luis Valley completely straightforward. Many pollen sites today. Additionally, cutthroat trout, Onchor- from small, high-elevation lakes in the Rocky hynchus clarki, which now thrive in cool mountain Mountains record climate changes during the last streams, are absent in the core. There is evidence glaciation and the Holocene. These sites show that that these trout were widespread in western North high Artemisia and relatively low Pinus pollen America during the Pliocene (Stearly and Smith, percentages are characteristic of cold glacial condi- in prep.), although there is no evidence they had tions, and the reverse indicates warm Holocene reached the San Luis Valley by that time. They climates (Baker, 1976, 1983; Barnosky et al., 1987, appear by 0.74 Ma at Hansen Bluff, and become Legg and Baker, 1980, Wright et al., 1973). At common in the upper part of the section. Absence lower elevation sites, some at or below lower of trout in the many fish-rich parts of the core is treeline, Pinus pollen is most abundant during an indication that temperatures were at least as cooler times, and Artemisia and other NAP (non- warm as in parts of the lower San Luis Valley arboreal pollen) become dominant during the today. Holocene, continuing to the present (Bright, 1966; Dry climate species include an ostracod and a Markgraf and Scott, 1981; Markgraf and Lennon, lizard. Candona patzcuaro indicates seasonal desic- 1986). Surface samples also show that sites in cation when it is the only ostracod present; this many of the large, open basins of the Rocky occurs at around 2.1, 1.8, 1.6, 1.5, and 1.0 Ma. Mountain region are dominated by Artemisia, The lizard, Phrynosoma douglassi, lives in dry San Poaceae, Chenopodiineae, Sarcobatus, and Ambro- Luis Valley grasslands and occurs at about 0.94 sia pollen, and the prevailing pollen rain in the Ma in the Hansen Bluff core. mountains is Pinus, along with Picea and Abies Wet indicator species include the ostracod, Lim- (Hall, 1990; Maher, 1963; McAndrews and Wright, nocTthere platyforma, and the rodents, Allophaio- 1969). mys and Reithrodontomys. The ostracod is thought The large size and high altitude of the San Luis to be indicative of water freshening, either by Valley and the lake occupying the northern portion precipitation or by diversion of a new water source of the valley mandate extra care in interpreting into the lacustrine environment. It occurs at the pollen sequence. The high altitude of the basin around 2.4, 2.3, 1.60, 1.57, 1.3, and 0.91 Ma; these means it could react like other high-altitude sites occurrences do not coincide with provenance in the , or like other large basins. changes and probably reflect precipitation changes. That is, the high Pinus and low Artemisia percent- 76 K.L. ROGERS ET AL. ages could mean cold or warm conditions. Holo- could not be made; past CO2 concentrations in cene cores (Jodry et al., 1989), the other biological the atmosphere could affect the plant limiting indicators, and a surface pollen sample in the San factors upon which the inferences are drawn. The Luis Valley (Fig. I0) help to resolve this problem. interpretation depends upon whether%C4 plants In the Hansen Bluff outcrop, several other biotic determined from the inorganic ~13C data were due indicators showed that periods rich in Pinus pollen primarily to C4 grasses or C4 dicots. occur during cool, wet periods, when treeline If plants contributing to the vadose carbonate descended and the valley floor supported pines. were mainly grasses, then, percentage of C4 plants High percentages of Artemisia and other taxa correlates with July minimum temperature (Teeri indicated warm, dry periods, with the treeline and Stowe, 1976). If the C4 plants are mainly above the basin floor. When several other NAP grasses and if modern grass/climate relationships elements were high, as they are now, conditions were consistent during past P(CO2) concen- were warmest and driest, allowing warm-steppe trations, then minimum temperatures during the elements to dominate (Rogers et al., 1985). growing season at Hansen Bluff were substantially With the interpretation of the outcrop samples warmer than today and became progressively as a model, the core portion of the sequence warmer from 2.6 to 0.93 Ma (Fig. 12). Normal appears to represent most of a cold-warm (possi- July minimum temperature in the center of the bly glacial-interglacial) cycle. The high pine per- San Luis Valley at present is 8.9°C, which would centages near the top of the core would indicate predict only 10% of native grasses to be C4 (Teeri relatively cold, wet conditions. The NAP elements and Stowe, 1976). in the middle of the pollen sequence from the core Alternatively, if the percentages of C4 plants suggest that conditions were warm and dry, and deduced from the Hansen Bluff vadose carbonates interglacial conditions prevailed. The high pine were primarily C4 dicots, then the more positive percentages near the base of the pollen samples ~13C values indicate increasing mean summer suggest a return to cold, wet conditions. (May-October) pan evaporation up-core. Today, These interpretations are based on the assump- with 192 cm/summer pan evaporation (Doesken, tion that a site receives pollen that represents the pers. comm., 1991), 1.7% dicot species (Stowe and surrounding area. In large lakes with large drain- Teeri, 1978) would be expected in the San Luis age basins, much of the pollen can be derived from Valley. inflow of rivers (Jacobson and Bradshaw, 1985; At present, grasses make up 50% or more of Maher, 1977; McAndrews and Power, 1973). If the biomass on San Luis Valley floodplains; during changes in drainage into the basin occur, then wet years, other monocots (eg. sedges, many of pollen shifts can be non-climatic in origin. Several which are C4) become more prevalent (Dixon, oral observations support a climatic origin of pollen comm., 1991). Therefore, estimates of climatic shifts in the Hansen Bluff sequence. Sedimentologically, this interval at Hansen Bluff change at Hansen Bluff from vadose 613C data represents flood basin ponds and marshes associ- based primarily on C4 grasses are probably more ated with San Juan piedmont streams; no changes accurate than estimates based on C4 dicots. Never- in river inflow are apparent. Further, ostracod theless, if summer temperature actually did faunal composition supports the climatic fluctua- increase, it would also increase summer pan evapo- tion, although the associated data do not indicate ration (Doesken, pers. comm., 1991), making the cold periods as extreme as the Stage 22 glaciation. area more habitable for C4 dicots. Thus, drainage shifts probably did not cause pollen In summary, the %C4 species contributing to fluctuations. the vadose carbonate-isotope data suggest a trend toward warmer summer temperatures and higher Geochemistry summer pan evaporation from before 2.48 Ma to about 0.93 Ma at Hansen Bluff. If the inorganic isotope data were the only data In the following interpretation of biogenic iso- available, the following climatic interpretation tope data, we assume that surface fresh-water PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY AND CLIMATIC EVOLUTION IN SOUTH-CENTRAL COLORADO 7?


90 -4 .o X ...... s% ...... ~ ...... ~,i~'~'~ '~'' '°zl ...... /-\i ...... /-i/~2~2°~'

,,=, so ..... /: ~'i t~ I~. 40- -6 .,.

O 2@ --lo -

0.74 0.76 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.88 0.88 0.90






50 ~ 4

45- ~i~ ~"~,:~ 40- i,i ..J 35- , ~~i I-- ~, _.! ,~ ..... j~( ~f__~ Z L.IJ 30- < O I-- ..a LiJ 25- ,' I.IA --6 Z 20 i,i I,iJ r~ ,-I -J 15 2 O O 10 --10

5 --- --12

,,,,,,,,I,,,,,,,,,,,,,I,,,,,,,,,I,',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,J~, "14 0./4 0.16 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90





Fig. 15. Pollen percentages plotted with biogenic stable-isotope data. A. Pinus pollen B. Artimesia pollen 78 K.L. ROGERS ET AL. inflow during the growing season leads to forma- through the core, in negative (~13C values may tion of biogenic carbonate depleted (more nega- indicate reduced input from dissolved organic car- tive6180) in 180 and that progressive evaporation bon in surface water. Reduced decomposer activity during summer months results in 180 enrichment would also lessen release of dissolved organics (more positive 6180) of shallow lacustrine waters depleted in 13C. The two ancient, slightly negative by as much as + 16%o (Detman, pers. commun., clusters, at about 2.4 and 1.5 Ma, may indicate 1991, Fontes et al., 1970, Gonfiantini et al, 1973). waters somewhat depleted in 13C by a slight However, this positive 6180 shift in water composi- increase in recycling of terrestrial sources of tion would be attenuated in precipitated carbonate organic material. The extremely depleted outcrop by higher temperature of crystallization. Variation samples, at about 0.85 to 0.67 Ma, may indicate in 6180 in biogenic carbonates is considered to exceptionally heavy surface run-off. have been recording mainly first order changes in The distribution of two ostracod species, Limno- the 6180 of lake water. cythere platyforrna and Candona patzcuaro, would Therefore, the relatively depleted 180 biogenic be expected to reflect the hydrological changes carbonate in the lower part of the core may inferred from the biogenic isotope data. In the indicate frequent precipitation on floodplain lakes Hansen Bluff core, ostracod carbonate has a mean (Fig. 13A; Table 2). If the relative abundance of 6180 of - 5.96 (ranging from - 14 to - 0.05) when depleted 61so samples from before about 1.4 Ma L. platyforma is present and a mean 6180 of - 4.87 indicates influence of precipitation, then loss of (ranging from - 11 to + 1.9) when L. platyforma that effect in younger sediments indicates a major is absent. Though these differences are not statistic- reduction in rainfall or runoff during the growing ally significant, L. platyforma at Hansen Bluff season. In the outcrop samples, the effect of precip- tends to occur with a stable oxygen isotope record itation is apparent, and evaporative effects seem slightly depleted in 180. Ranges of values overlap, less pronounced. Thus, the data suggest increasing however, indicating environmental factors in addi- dominance and stability of summer evaporation tion to freshening are important in the occurrence relative to rainfall or runoff from about 2.4 Ma of L. platyforma. to about 0.85 Ma at Hansen Bluff, then decreased Non-significant differences in biogenic isotope evaporation and increased precipitation during the data also occur with C. patzcuaro. When other Stage 22 glaciation. species are present with C. patzcuaro, 6180 values During the interval between about 1.4 and 1.7 average nearly 2%o lighter. Thus, when C. patzcu- Ma, a cluster of more positive 1~180 values indicat- aro occurred alone, the water may have been more ing evaporation are interspersed with negative ephemeral. values indicating precipitation. This combination Fluctuations in pollen coupled with 6180 and indicates a transition to lower runoff and more 613C data provides insight into the climatic arid summer conditions in summer after about 1.4 changes apparent between about 0.91 and 0.74 Ma. Ma. In general, 6180 values tend to be most We assume the major controls on carbon iso- negative during the Stage 22 glaciation, especially topic ratios in ostracods are local productivity between 0.82-0.74 Ma but remain relatively posi- (photosynthesis concentrates 12C in plant tissues) tive before about 0.85 Ma. Depleted 180 tends to and either influx of detrital organic material and occur with high Pinus and enriched 180 tends to its mobilization by decomposers, or the influx of occur with high Artemisia, although there appears soil-gas bicarbonate from groundwater. Each of to be an offset between the two systems (Fig. 15 these would be reflected in negative c513C values A,B). The best correspondence between pollen and for dissolved carbonate available for ostracod shell isotope data can be seen between 613C values and growth. Artemisia pollen (Fig. 15B). Possibly, increased The general pattern of 613C data from ostracods precipitation and surface runoff were important in and molluscs is similar to that seen in 6180 data the establishment of forests on the San Luis Valley (compare Fig. 13A,B). The decrease, upward floor but evaporative intervals with decreased sur- PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY AND CLIMATIC EVOLUTION IN SOUTH-CENTRAL COLORADO 79 face runoff coincided with the spread of sage- the fluvial systems at about 2.4 Ma. Nevertheless, grassland. No explanation for the offset is Wells et al. (1987) present strong evidence that the apparent. San Luis Valley did not drain into the Rio Grande No biogenic isotope data are available during until after the youngest Alamosa Formation sedi- the Pinus pollen peak centered at about 0.82 Ma. ments were deposited (0.67 Ma). This peak and the one centered at about 0.91 Ma Integration of the San Luis Basin into the Rio are not coupled with high Picea percentages, north- Grande drainage may have been stepwise and, ern faunal elements, or other indicators of glacial possibly, a result of regional uplift in the northern conditions. Because these two Pinus peaks were Rio Grande rift (Bachman and Mehnert, 1978, identified from core samples only, it may be that Dethier and Demsey, 1984). Initially, a small drain- other indicators of glacial conditions exist in those age basin in the southeast corner of the valley, intervals but were not recovered. However, ostra- between Guadalupe Mountain and the San Luis cod data that occur with the 0.91 Ma Pinus peak Hills (Winograd, 1959, Wells et al., 1987), was indicate moderately cool conditions with freshen- probably captured (Fig. 14A). This water may ing of the water body. Shortly after the peak, have drained into a small closed-basin lake or Limno¢Tthere bradburyi and L. ceriotuberosa occur playa north of Guadalupe Mountain; lake-playa together indicating the presence of a permanent sediments are known to occur there (Winograd, lake with the deep center buffered from cold winter 1959). Also, Quaternary alluvium is present in temperatures, and colder littoral or sublittoral New Mexico where streams from the southeast zones. In summary, these two Pinus peaks repre- corner of the valley would have flowed (Wells sent cold, wet periods, but there is no evidence to et al., 1987). See Fig. 14C. One possible explana- indicate they were as cold as the Stage 22 gla- tion for provenance data of Gauss-aged sediments ciation. (2.48 Ma and older) with high Sangre de Cristo influence, is that capture of the small basin did Conclusions not occur until after the Gauss Chron (2.48 Ma). Such a capture would have reduced Sangre de Evolution of the drainage Cristo sediment in the water as it moved past the Hansen Bluff area toward the San Luis Lakes area During most of the early Quaternary, the axial (Fig. 14A). stream in the San Luis Valley probably flowed During the Matuyama Chron (2.48 0.74 Ma), north because the basin was apparently closed and the San Luis Valley apparently continued to be a internally drained. The Rio Grande originates in the San Juan Mountains (i.e. Rio Grande Basin closed drainage basin (Fig. 14B). Sediment at Han- in Colorado) today and flows through the San sen Bluff had a progressively larger influence from Luis Valley. According to Wells et al. (1987), the the San Juan Mountains, reflecting progradation northern drainage did not integrate into the of the San Juan piedmont, possibly due to the ancestral Rio Grande until between 0.69 Ma and greater area of that watershed. After 0.69 Ma 0.3 Ma. Evidence from the Hansen Bluff outcrop when sedimentation ceased at Hansen Bluff, but (Rogers et al., 1985) indicates that at least minor before 0.3 Ma (Wells et al., 1987), capture of headwater-stream capture occurred between the streams through the San Luis Hills diverted much San Luis Basin and the Taos as early as of the San Luis Valley drainage into the Rio 0.82 Ma. For example, the freshwater minnow, Grande, although the area around the San Luis Dionda, which occurs in the southern Rio Grande Lakes remained a small closed basin (Fig. 14C). drainage today, is present in the Alamosa Forma- Various authors have hypothesized stream-flow tion at that time. The presence of minnows (Gila) from the Upper Arkansas graben north of the San and suckers (Catostomus) from the Rio Grande Luis Valley into the San Luis Basin began in the drainage in New Mexico indicates that additional late /early Miocene and continued into headwater stream capture had occurred between the late Pliocene/early Pleistocene (Van Alstine, 80 K,L. ROGERS ET AL.

1968, 1970; Knepper and Marrs, 1971; Hanna and yet by 1 3°C. Such warming would cause mean Harmon, 1989). Evidence for this paleodrainage annual temperature to rise about 3-5°C from was the presence of the Mio-Pliocene Dry Union present day, making the temperatures at that time Formation on Poncha Pass at the north end of similar to those recorded just south of Albuquer- the San Luis Valley. However, Brister and Gries que in New Mexico today (Doesken, pers. comm., (in press) report that neither surface mapping nor 1991). gravity surveys indicate significant Dry Union/ Several lines of evidence indicate a shift in Santa Fe deposits at Poncha Pass; instead a topo- climate at about the end of the Olduvai (at about graphic and/or structural barrier existed at Poncha 1.6 Ma). Changes in biogenic 61so and613C values, Pass during the Miocene and Pliocene. Addition- sedimentation rate, and ostracod faunal composi- ally, freshwater fish present in outcrop and core tion indicate that the lower part of the core sediments at Hansen Bluff are not closely related primarily represents a time of abundant summer to Arkansas River fish. However, trout are present precipitation on the San Luis Valley floor. If the in Alamosa Formation sediments above the base modern relationship between the mountain and of the Brunhes (0.74 Ma) (Rogers, et al., 1985). valley floor precipitation occurred in the past, Trout originated on the Pacific coast and most mountain precipitation during the Olduvai would likely entered the San Luis Valley through headwa- have been less than in the upper part of the core. ter stream capture from the Arkansas River; see May-October pan evaporation rates appear to Fig. 14 for proximity of the drainages. have been considerably less and terrestrial produc- Thus, the general paleogeography of the central tivity was probably higher than occurred during and southern San Luis Valley during the late deposition of the upper half of the core. Pliocene and early Pleistocene probably consisted After the Olduvai event, the San Luis Valley of a closed-basin axial drainage, which flowed went through a period of transition lasting a NNE toward the San Luis Lakes and was flanked maximum of 200,000 years. Mountain precipita- by piedmont streams and fans. The presence of tion, valley-floor summer precipitation, May- the closed basin lakes is supported by nearly 610 October pan evaporation, terrestrial productivity m of lake clays in the Mapco-Amoco well near and temperatures oscillated between high and low the San Luis Lakes (Burroughs, 1981). values. The transitional period included oscillating 6lso and 613C values and repeated faunal changes. Climatic reconstruction A short period during the middle Reunion event is characterized by low valley and high mountain Several broad trends in climate are evident from precipitation, heavy summer evaporation with cor- the Hansen Bluff core data. Most of the core section apparently represents a time that was responding low terrestrial productivity, and a high warmer than conditions in the San Luis Valley sedimentation rate. This reconstruction is based today. Vadose 613C data indicate warm temper- on the presence of Candona patzcuaro occurring atures for growth of C4 plants. Ostracods include without other species, an indicator of seasonal Limnocythere bradburyi, a species living only south desiccation of ponds, and also on biogenic 61ao of the frostline in the United States today. Three values with several high positive peaks and on warm-water species of fish that occur in New 6~3C values that form a cluster of positive data Mexico and Mexico today are present and cold- points. water trout are absent. The fossil microtine, Toward the top of the core and in the base of referred to Allophaiomys, a rodent species indica- the outcrop sediments, there is evidence that the tive of warm periods is present. From these data, climate began to oscillate between the earlier warm it is apparent that minimum growing-season tem- conditions and conditions similar to, but not as peratures were significantly higher than at present severe as, 1;he Stage 22 glacial conditions recorded (possibly by as much as 4-7°C); the time repre- in the outcrop. Pollen, biogenic isotope values, sented in the core above the Olduvai was warmer and ostracod faunal composition vary between PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY AND CLIMATIC EVOLUTION IN SOUTH-CENTRAL COLORADO 81



MAGNETIC DEPTH M COLD WARM VALLEY FLOOR UPLAND RUNOFF POLARITY LU OUTCROPSECTION DRY WET HIGH LOW ~UN-! -- z ~i ~ Summor ~e~ps ~ 2S c 074 -- ,u A m L, bradburyicoquina x Jan 9 2 C GLACIAL x Ju~y 16 9 C BRIEF WARMING 08 I a_ A ~2 ! L cefiot betOs NE~RASKAN GLACIATIO -- A9 0 CORE , u a Temps N A 5 Winter Frlezeses~--'--"~ M~n An,~ua$ AS 90-200 Day!S ~ ~ ,/ 3 8 C Modern A I Freeze Free~ COLD' WET ...... Gl~;';~'oag~ ? 'm ......


ul lo SEASONALLY DRY r.4.0 oo,,I

Lb WARM 1.1 ~)


1,3 I Lb WARM

f.4 CI] Sj

o3 1.5 < Lb WET LC WARM'WETCOOL,WET A.R WARM,WET '1 Cp oni~ SEASONALLY DRY i Cp o.iy 1.6 Lb WARM, WET l Aquatic snails ~Lb WARM. WET i~ ,_~sJ 1.7 X 1,8 WET SEASONAL DRYINGOF PONDS >a WARM 1.9 ,< DRy b SJ 20

g WET ~--z - DRY 2' LC COOL. WET

Clams KEY 22 Cp Qnd~E~e~s ~atzculro Lb Li~necythe~ bradnuq LC L lmnoeythere eeriotuberou x LP ~m ~yt he ¢~ plit yform a 2.3 < DRY WET SA Limnocythere ~cies A Lp sJ s.n Juan influx • ,solo~l values Lc COOL.WET 24 A Allo~hsiomy 5 DRY Lc COOL,WET R ~olt~oaomomy~ p - p~3_rynosoma dOoglassl w -- 25 o O3

(9 26 ,I[~.- VA D OSE ISOTOPE AVERAGES BIOGENIC ISOTOPE ~SEDIME NTATION RATE (Estimated mean annualtemperature AVERAGES BY MAG. POLARITY THICKNESS 6-8 C warmer lhan modern)

Fig. 16. Synopsis of climate data including selected outcrop data that was published in Rogers et al. (1985). Straight lines represent means over 15.25 m (50-foot) intervals; curved lines represent deviations from the means. Dashed vertical lines indicate modern temperature and moisture values (See Table 1). 82 K.L. ROGERS ET AL.

Hansen Bluff 518 0677 (°/oo) 518 0552 (°/oo) Temperature 5.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 Cold ,, Warm ~ i ~ 1 i-=~ I i --~._I I i, ......

,.0 :r ,.0

2.5 , I 2.5

5.0 4.0 3.0

Mo0o,° Ju,y M,o. ~5 I~ Temp. 8.9°C 06.7 (o/ OO ) Fig. 17. Parallels between the deep sea oxygen isotope temperature record and the Hansen Bluff temperature record. The general temperature trends are similar as well as detailed oscillations. warm/cool, wet/dry, and more/less surface run off are shown for temperature, valley precipitation/ conditions. evaporation, and mountain precipitation. Overall Cool periods are recorded by the ostracod, climatic interpretations are provided wherever Limnocythere ceriotuberosa, and by the presence possible. of pine forest vegetation on the San Luis Valley The temperature summary from Fig. 16 redrawn floor. Using these criteria, several cool periods are to a uniform time scale is presented in Fig. 17, apparent at about 2.35-2.43, 2.10, 1.5, 0.91, 0.89, along with several deep-sea oxygen isotope records and 0.84-0.82, in addition to the Stage 22 glacia- spanning the interval represented at Hansen Bluff. tion between about 0.80-0.74 Ma. The time represented in the core section corres- All data pertaining to climate at Hansen Bluff ponds to oxygen-isotope stages 110 through 23, at are summarized in Fig. 16. Baseline mean values, North Atlantic sites 607 and 609 (Raymo et al., corresponding to 15.25 m long core segments were 1989; Ruddiman et al., 1986; Ruddiman et al., plotted. Deviations from the mean by outlying 1989). Even in the upper section of the core, where data points or faunal evidence were added. Data a pollen record is available, correlation below stage PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY AND CLIMATIC EVOLUTION IN SOUTH-CENTRAL COLORADO 83

23 is highly speculative and has not been identified fossils or have been otherwise involved attempted. Nevertheless, correspondences between in various aspects 0f this study include E. Anderson warm and cold oscillations can be made between (Denver), T. Brown (Univ. Wisconsin), S. Hall the two sequences. Further, relatively warm, stable (Univ. Texas, Austin), G. Izett (USGS, Denver), climates evident in the deep sea data during the R. Thompson (USGS, Denver), D. Schwert (N. Matuyama are reflected in the Hansen Bluff data. Dak. St. Univ.), R. Gries (Denver), B. Brister Therefore, it is apparent the climatic history pre- (New Mex. Bur. Mines Min. Res.), T. VanDe- sent in Alamosa Formation sediments reflects vender ( Mus.), N. Doesken (Colo. global changes in the climate system. Clim. Cent.), and D. Taylor (Tiburon Cent.). Faculty and staff at Adams State College have Summary given their assistance generously, especially H. Dixon, D. Burroughs, R. Peterson, D. Stewart, P. The Hansen Bluff combined core and outcrop McGee, R. Loser, E. Adams, B. Moeney, J. Reed, section represents nearly continuous sedimentation K. Vest, M. Cousineau, S. Sedlachek, and M. from about 2.67 to 0.67 Ma. The sediments include Vohs. M. Nail of the Alamosa Wildlife Refuge all magnetic chrons and subchrons expected during was most cooperative in providing permission for that interval. access onto protected land. We thank J. Zachos, During and after deposition of the upper part J. Burdette, D. Detman, and B. Patterson for of the Alamosa Formation, the San Luis Basin various aspects of ostracod isotope analysis and was integrated into the Rio Grande drainage. This for discussions that led to a clearer understanding occurred in a stepwise fashion and left a small of the meaning of the data. Student help at several area of the San Luis Valley as an internally drained institutions was essential to many labor-intensive basin. aspects of the study. We thank K Schiel (Univ. From 2.67 to about 0.93 Ma, mean annual New Mex.) for petrographic modal analyses of temperature in the San Luis Valley was signifi- sandstones, L. Schultz (Univ. Iowa) for running cantly warmer (by 3-5°C) than today. Most inter- pollen samples, and numerous dedicated science glacial events were similarly warm. students (including J. Bini, S. Hendricks, D. Foiles, An important change in climate began at the K. Weaver, S. Hokensen, N. Martin, M. Martin, top of the Olduvai, and lasted for about 200,000 C. Mitchel, L. Harvey, A. Rogers, M. Romano) yrs. During this time, there was a decrease in at Adams State College for sampling, washing, summer rain, an increase in summer pan evapora- picking, and other work related to the study. tion, an increase in mountain precipitation, and Drillers from Boyles Brothers Drilling went above higher summer temperatures. and beyond the call of duty to recover core under The general pattern of climate and some of the extremely difficult conditions. Funding from the climatic oscillations present in the deep sea record National Geographic Society (grant number are apparent in the Hansen Bluff data. This indi- 3335-86), and National Science Foundation (grant cates that the Hansen Bluff climatic record reflects number ATM-8912517) is also gratefully global changes. acknowledged.

Acknowledgments References

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