Año Año 6, 2,N° N° 11 8 Noviembre Agosto 2016 2020



Lepidium meyenii





Lepidium meyenii Walp, conocida en quechua como maca, maka, maino, ayak chichira, ayak willku, en español como maca, en inglés como maca, Peruvian ; crece principalmente en la zona central del Perú, a una altura de 3500 a 4500 msnm (Gonzales GF, 2006) [Suarez S,


La maca ha sido encontrada en muchos sitios arqueológicos preincaicos. En sus crónicas, el padre Cobo cuenta que “la maca crece en los sitios más agrestes y fríos de la puna, donde no hay


División: Magnoliophyta

Clase: Magnolipsida Taxonomía de Lepidium meyenii Orden:


Género : Lepidium

Especie: Lepidium meyenii W.

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posibilidades de cultivar ninguna otra planta alimenticia”. Tiene diversos usos, además del alimentario; los pobladores andinos desde la antigüedad la utilizaban, entre otros, para mejorar sus capacidades físicas y mentales. [Suarez S, 2009]

Las exportaciones de maca (harina cruda, harina gelatinizada, cápsulas y extractos) siguen incrementándose, el 2017 se exportaron 3,122 toneladas, siendo los principales mercados:

Estados Unidos, Hong Kong, Reino Unido, China, Alemania y Japón, las exportaciones de harina de maca superaron los 26,8 millones de dólares (Comisión de Promoción del Perú para la Exportación y el Turismo [PROMPERÚ], 2017). La maca en el mercado internacional, está basado en la iniciativa BioTrade (Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y

Desarrollo [UNCTAD], 2007:4), que tienen como objetivo fundamental el respeto a la biodiversidad, a sus protagonistas y al medio ambiente.

En China, la maca es comercializado como remedio natural, para mejorar el rendimiento sexual y como terapia post-menopaúsica, todo ello indica que el conocimiento tradicional de los pobladores de la Meseta de Bombón-Junín-Perú sobre los beneficios de la maca como alimento y para la salud fueron sacados de contexto para satisfacer la demanda de remedios naturales, además una forma de contribuir a la soberanía y seguridad alimentaria (Beharry &

Heinrich, 2018; Zapana, Mamani, Escobar-Mamani, & Zapana, 2017). En el ámbito científico, la maca es considerada por muchos como un alimento nutricional, funcional y nutraceútico e incluso como candidato a adaptógeno (Gonzales, 2012). [Villanueva y Reyes; 2019]

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Flavonolignano Macapirrolina C

Lepidilina A Lepidilina B

Lepidilina C Lepidilina D

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Macapirrolina A Macapirrolina B

5-oxo-6E,8E ácido octadecadienoico

1,2-dihidro-N-derivado de hidroxipiridina (macaridina)

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1,2-dihidro-N- derivado de et al., N-bencil-15Z-tetracosenamida 2002)

N-(m-Metoxibencil) hexadecanamida


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Lepidium meyenii, conocido popularmente como maca peruana, se encuentra originalmente en los peruanos. Esta región posee condiciones climáticas y ambientales muy singula- res, que incluyen grandes altitudes, bajas temperaturas y humedad, vientos intensos, lluvia y luz solar, baja presión, alta radiación ultravioleta y cósmica (Gonzales, Gonzales y Gonzales-

Castañeda, 2009). Es una planta bienal que presenta diferentes fenotipos basados principalmente en el color del hipocótilo. De hecho, hasta ahora se han descrito trece colores distintos, pero el rojo, el amarillo y el negro son los colores más hipocótilos encontrados

(Inoue, Farfan y Gonzales, 2016; Qiu, Zhu, Lan, Zeng y Du, 2016). [Carvhalo, 2020]

Hipocótilos de maca (Lepidium meyenii)


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La coloración del hipocótilo depende del contenido de carotenoides y antocianinas en la piel exterior (Clement et al., 2010a, León, 1964). La maca amarilla es la variedad preferida por su sabor aparentemente más dulce (Quirós y Cárdenas, 1992). La maca es bienal en su hábitat natural pero se ha observado que es anual en condiciones mejoradas de temperaturas más cáli- das y bajo el uso de fertilizantes (Quirós y Cárdenas, 1992, Hermann y Bernet, 2009).

[Beharry, 2017]

La maca tiene una roseta de hojas con volantes y crece en el duro clima de los Andes centrales en Perú, donde hay fuertes vientos y la temperatura más alta es de 12°C (Balick y Lee, 2002,

Hermann y Heller, 1997). La maca es la única Brassicaceae domesticada que se cultiva como alimento en los Andes. La parte comestible, descrita más comúnmente en la literatura como hipocótilo o raíz, está formada por la raíz principal y la base de los hipocótilos (León, 1964). La especie es un octoploide autopolinizado (2n = 8x = 64) (León, 1964) y se propaga a través de semillas producidas sexualmente. [Beharry, 2017]

El hipocótilo de la maca tiene diferentes colores que se encargan de influir positivamente en su acción farmacológica y biológica. La maca amarilla corresponde a aproximadamente el 60% de todos los hipocótilos de maca cosechados en Perú. La maca roja representa aproximada- mente el 25% de la cosecha anual. La maca negra es el más raro de todos los colores y repre- senta alrededor del 15% de la cosecha anual. Las condiciones de cultivo y los tipos de color pueden afectar sus metabolitos, influyendo también en las actividades biológicas. (Clément et al.11 ) [Da Silva, 2020]

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La maca peruana tiene un alto valor nutricional similar a los granos de cereales y una mejor composición en comparación con otros hipocótilos, como la papa, la zanahoria y el nabo. Un estudio de la materia seca revela que esta raíz es rica en proteínas (8.87-11.6%), con una pequeña porción de lípidos (1.09-2.22%), además de 8.23-9.08% de fibra, 4.9-5.0% de ceniza, y 54,61 a 60,00% de carbohidratos, donde 23,41% es sacarosa, 1,55% glucosa, 4,56% de oligosacáridos y 30,42% de polisacáridos. Además, la raíz también presenta una gran cantidad de aminoácidos esenciales, ácidos grasos y contenido de minerales, en particular, hierro, calcio y cobre.

[Da Silva et al, 2020]


En los Andes peruanos, la tradición oral menciona muchas bondades de la maca, se han documentado, efectos aparentes sobre el rendimiento reproductivo y sexual en ratas y seres humanos (Gonzales, Ruiz, Gonzales, Villegas & Córdova, 2001; Gonzales et al., 2001; Gonzales et al., 2004). Ratas tratadas por vía oral con maca roja, mostraron efectos beneficiosos en el tratamiento de la hiperplasia prostática benigna (HBP) inducida experimentalmente con enantato de testosterona (Gonzales et al., 2005; Gonzales et al., 2006; Gasco, Villegas, Yucra,

Rubio & Gonzales, 2007). La presencia de glucosinolatos y derivados, alcaloides y esteroles en la maca estarían relacionados con su actividad anticancerígena, los fitoesteroles y otros metabolitos secundarios en la osteoporosis post menopáusica (Fahey, Zalcmann & Talalay,

2001; Wang et al, 2007). Varias pruebas experimentales y ensayos clínicos mostraron sus propiedades nutricionales, funcionales y nutraceúticas, promoviendo a la maca como un adaptógeno o regulador metabólico (Gonzales, 2012). La maca negra muestra mejores resultados sobre la la espermatogénesis, la memoria y contra la fatiga, mientras que la maca

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roja es la que mejor revierte la HPB y la osteoporosis (Gonzales et al., 2014).

La actividad antioxidante de un extracto acuoso de maca, evaluada por varios métodos, demostró su capacidad de eliminar radicales libres y proteger a las células contra el estrés oxidativo, acción anti-proliferativa y citoprotectora, estiman un consumo aproximado de 75 g día-1 (Sandoval et al., 2002; Lee, Dabrowski, Sandoval & Miller, 2005). Los extractos acuoso y etanólico de maca negra administrados a ratones machos por 35 días, mejoraron significativamente el deterioro de la memoria inducida por escopolamina, presumen que el efecto neuroprotector en el aprendizaje y la memoria se deben a los compuestos polifenólicos

(Rubio et al., 2007). Utilizando células renales caninas de Madin-Darby (MDCK), el extracto metanólico de maca inhibió significativamente el efecto citopático inducido por la influenza y mostró propiedades inhibitorias contra los virus de la influenza A y B (Del Valle, Pumarola,

Alzamora & Del Valle, 2014). [Yabar, 2019]


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La raíz de maca se puede hornear o comer después de la decocción o el secado (Toledo et al.,

1998). Los representantes de los productos de maca disponibles comercialmente son la harina

(seca y molida), la harina gelatinizada (seca, extruida y molida), los extractos puros o encapsulados e hidroalcohólicos. Las partes aéreas de la maca, como las hojas, pueden ser vegetales comestibles (Jin et al., 2018). Los ingredientes de la maca se pueden introducir en los productos alimenticios para llevar a cabo funciones tecnológicas específicas (por ejemplo, colorante, aromatizante, texturizante, antioxidante y conservación). La maca contiene varios compuestos bioactivos, como fibras dietéticas, que pueden fortificar productos alimenticios como cereales o productos para hornear para mejorar la calidad nutricional. [Sunan Wang,


Los pigmentos de la raíz pueden ser aditivos colorantes alimentarios naturales. Los polisacáridos sin almidón de maca y el almidón son posibles productos del procesamiento de fraccionamiento. Se pueden utilizar como emulsionantes, estabilizadores y espesantes para dar a los alimentos la textura y consistencia deseadas. Por ejemplo, la viscosidad relativamente alta del almidón de la raíz de cierta variedad de maca puede ser valiosa en algunas áreas de la industria alimentaria (Zhang, Li et al., 2017, Zhang, Zhao et al., 2017). Los compuestos bioactivos de la raíz y las hojas de maca se pueden utilizar como ingredientes para fabricar productos alimenticios funcionales. Los antioxidantes derivados de la maca podrían usarse para prevenir que los alimentos ricos en lípidos desarrollen rancidez y mal sabor, o para controlar el pardeamiento enzimático de los productos frescos. Aún quedan más investigaciones para centrarse en el aislamiento y fraccionamiento de estos compuestos activos. Además, queda por desarrollar el etiquetado apropiado de los productos alimenticios

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que contienen ingredientes de maca. [Sunan Wang, 2019]

La maca se consume de diversas formas. En la zona andina es común la maca asada, conocida como huatia. Una decocción de la maca se prepara hirviéndola en agua por varias horas (en razón a la altitud). Las raíces secas de maca también se las mezcla comúnmente con leche para formar una mazamorra suave. También, se las mezcla con frecuencia con otros alimentos, granos o con patatas, o se deseca y tritura en forma de harina, para hornearla. La cerveza suave, que se hace con la maca fermentada, es conocida como de maca. Además, es utilizada para preparar productos de repostería. [Suarez S, 2009]


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En las prácticas medicinales, la maca podría ser un agente fitoterapéutico natural. Los extractos de maca mostraron una variedad de efectos farmacológicos en animales y humanos.

Para usos medicinales, los compuestos bioactivos aislados de la maca deben evaluarse sistemáticamente por sus mecanismos farmacológicos y toxicidad. El aislamiento y síntesis de los compuestos bioactivos que se encuentran en los extractos puede conducir al desarrollo de la maca como fuente de agentes fitoterapéuticos (Almukadi et al., 2013).

Los componentes de las partes infrautilizadas de la maca, como las hojas, podrían explorarse como agentes para su aplicación en medicina complementaria.

En las prácticas agrícolas, los aceites esenciales de partes aéreas de maca podrían ser un tipo de pesticida natural. (Tellez et al., 2002).

En cosmética, los productos de raíz de maca previnieron el daño cutáneo inducido por rayos

UV-A, -B y-C en ratas (Gonzales-Castañeda y Gonzales, 2008). La raíz de maca podría ser un ingrediente filtrante de rayos ultravioleta para protectores solares u otros productos cosméticos.

En la industria de alimentos para mascotas, los productos derivados de la maca podrían ser agentes terapéuticos potenciales para ciertas funciones como antifatiga, hepatoprotección, neuroprotección y promoción de la motilidad intestinal, habiéndose probado utilizando modelos animales (Pino-Figueroa et al., 2010; Guo et al., 2016; Tang y col., 2017; Zhang, Zhao y col., 2017; Jin et al., 2018). [Sunan Wang, 2019]

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A. Solicitudes de patentes presentadas

Fuente: Clarivate analytics

En este gráfico, la mayor cantidad de solicitudes de patentes pertenece al año 2016 con una cantidad de

778 solicitudes, continúa el año 2015 con 727 solicitudes, en el 2017 se presentaron 670 solicitudes y en el 2018 unas 572 solicitudes.

B. Publicaciones según la clasificación IPC

Fuente: Clarivate analytics La clasificación IPC de las solicitudes sobre Lepidium meyenii se han dividido en 10 ítems: 795 solicitudes presentan una clasificación A23L 33/00 que se refiere a la modificación de la cualidad nutritiva de los alimentos, continúa las 506 solicitudes con IPC A23L 33/105 que se refiere a extractos de plantas, sus duplicados artificiales o sus derivados; y la clasificación A23L 33/10 se refiere a 400 solicitudes de modificación de la cualidad nutritiva de los alimentos usando aditivos.

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C. Documentos de patentes por oficina de patentes

LEYENDA CH= China, US= Estados Unidos, KR= Korea, JP= Japón, OEP= Oficina europea, FR=Francia, CA= Canadá Fuente: Clarivate analytics

Solicitudes de patente relacionadas con Lepidium meyenii, presentadas en diferentes oficinas

internacionales, siendo China con la mayor cantidad de solicitudes presentadas 2812, seguida de

Estados Unidos con 179 solicitudes y Korea con 152 solicitudes recibidas.

D. Documentos de patente por combinación de recursos

En esta gráfica, se observa las solicitudes que

presentan solo el recurso Lepidium meyenii

con el 16%, las solicitudes que presentan

combinaciones con 1 recurso adicional son el

9%, con 2 recursos son 9%, con 3 recursos 7%

y con más de 4 recursos son el 59%.

Fuente: Clarivate analytics

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E. Documentos de patentes por la forma de uso del recurso

Solicitudes de patente relacionadas con la

forma de uso del Lepidium meyenii, como

extracto tenemos el 40%, en forma de harina

el 50% y el uso de metabolitos es el 10%.

Fuente: Clarivate analytics

F. Documentos de patentes por la parte usada del recurso

En esta gráfica, se observa la parte del

Lepidium meyenii usada en las solicitudes de

patente; la parte más usada es el hipocótilo con

86%, seguido de las hojas con 6&, la semilla es

usada 4%, se emplea 2% del fruto, la planta

entera y la flor son usadas el 1%.

Fuente: Clarivate analytics

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G. Documentos de patentes por categoría de reivindicaciones

En esta gráfica, se observa las solicitudes por

categoría de reivindicaciones, el 59% está

relacionado a proceso, 32% a producto, 7% a

uso y 2% relacionado a métodos de


Fuente: Clarivate analytics

H. Documentos de patentes por actividad farmacológica

Solicitudes de patente relacionadas con

actividad farmacológica, se tiene 778

solicitudes con actividad estimulante, 675 con

actividad nutritiva, 476 tienen actividad

antifatiga y 308 presenta actividad


Fuente: Clarivate analytics

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I. Tendencias de uso en documentos de patente

Fuente: Clarivate analytics

En el mapa del gráfico anterior, se pueden identificar, como montañas en un mapa cartográfico, los tópicos que son objeto de protección en los últimos años, a través de solicitudes de patente, que nos permiten detectar tecnologías emergentes. Se puede observar que los temas, con mayor frecuencia

(crestas blancas), corresponden a proceso, aditivo nutricional, composición medicinal, vino saludable, composición cosmética, raíz y plántulas; además, se usa en medicina tradicional china, también se utiliza para mejorar la fatiga, la eyaculación precoz, sistema renal, sistema circulatorio, y se emplea en polvo para tabletas,.

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J. Tendencia de publicaciones

Fuente: Clarivate analytics

En esta figura, la mayor cantidad de publicaciones de patentes pertenecen al año 2017, con una cantidad de 48 publicaciones, continúa el año 2016 y 2018 con 38 publicaciones y en el 2015 se presentaron 35 publicaciones.

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K. Tendencias de uso en artículos científicos

Fuente: Clarivate analytics

En el mapa del gráfico anterior, se pueden identificar como montañas en un mapa cartográfico. Los tópicos, que son objeto de investigación en los últimos años a través de publicaciones nos permiten detectar tecnologías emergentes. Se puede observar que los temas con mayor frecuencia (crestas blancas), están relacionados con aceite esencial, la maca roja para la próstata, conteo de espermas, función sexual, postmenopausia y suplemento dietético; además se está investigando la estructura espectroscópica y la caracterización molecular de la maca.

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Fuente: https://doi.org/10.3390/ph9030049

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Fuente: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2020.121635

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Fuente: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.116904

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Fuente: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-020-02645-4

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Fuente: https://doi.org/10.1055/a-1161-0372

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Record 2/366: WOS:000426096600026 Source: PHYTOCHEMISTRY LETTERS | 23: 137-140 FEB 2018 Title: Three new pyrrole alkaloids from the roots of Lepidium meyenii Author(s): Zhou, M | Zhang, RQ | Chen, YJ | Liao, LM | Sun, YQ | Ma, ZH | Yang, QF | Li, P | Ye, YQ | Hu, QF Date: FEB 2018 Author Keywords: Pyrrole alkaloids | Lepidium meyenii | Cytotoxic activity Keywords Plus: STRUCTURAL ELUCIDATION | MACA | CONSTITUENTS | POLYSAC- CHARIDE | DERIVATIVES | WALP. | RATS Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 23 Abstract: Three new pyrrole alkaloids macapyrrolins A-C (1-3) were isolated from the roots of Lepidium meyenii collected from Lijiang, Yunnan province in China. Their structures were elu- cidated by extensive NMR and MS spectroscopic analyses. Interestingly, macapyrrolins A-C re- present the first examples of pyrrole alkaloids found in Lepidium meyenii with a benzyl substi- tuent attached to the pyrrole nucleus. All the isolated macapyrrolins were evaluated for their cytotoxicity against five human cell lines. However, no significant activities were detec- ted at concentrations up to 40 mu M.

Record 6/366: WOS:000504014800020 Source: PROGRESS IN NUTRITION | 21 (4): 882-888 DEC 2019 Title: Effect of Lepidium meyenii Walp. on the immune function of boxers Author(s): Ren, H Date: DEC 2019 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii Walp. | immune function | white blood cells | im- munoglobulin Keywords Plus: HEPATITIS-B-VIRUS | IMMUNOGLOBULIN | CONSTITUENTS | PROP- HYLAXIS | CORE Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 21

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Abstract: Objective: To explore the effect of Lepidium meyenii Walp. on immune function of boxers. Methods: Thirty athletes who received boxing training in Pukyong National University were randomly divided into three groups and then divided into three intervention stages to en- sure that each group underwent different doses of Lepidium meyenii Walp. The levels of red blood cells, white blood cells and immunoglobulin (Ig) in the blood of the athletes were detec- ted before and after each intervention stage. Results: After taking different doses of Lepidium meyenii Walp., there was no significant change in the level of red blood cells (P > 0.05); the level of white blood cells in the low and high dose groups increased significantly (P < 0.05; P < 0.01); the levels of IgA, IgM and IgG in the high and low dose groups increased significantly (P < 0.05), but the difference of increase amplitude was not large. Conclusion: Lepidium meyenii Walp. can improve the immune function by raising the level of white blood cells and Ig in ath- letes.

Record 8/366: WOS:000393296100010 Source: CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY | 44 (11): 1735-1741 NOV 2016 Title: Rapid Screening of Active Components of Lepidium Meyenii Promoting Leydig Cell Pro- liferation by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Chemometrics Methods Author(s): Sun, JM | Tian, LL | He, ZM | Meng, LW | Sun, H | Kan, JM | Zhang, H Date: NOV 2016 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii | Different geographical origin | Electrospray ionizati- on tandem mass spectrometry | Chemometrics method | Promoting leydig cell proliferation Keywords Plus: MUSCLE Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 44 Abstract: The low-polarity constituents from Lepidium meyenii in Yunnan and were detected by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS). The effects of 10 samples of Lepidium meyenii on proliferation of rat leydig cells were measured. After the process of MS data using principal component analysis (PCA) methods, the samples from Yunnan and Peru were distinguished effectively. Subsequently, the grey relational degree analysis (GRA) and partial least squares analysis (PLS) were employed to reveal the correlation between common peaks of ESI fingerprint of Lepidium meyenii from different geographical origins and prolifera- tion activity of rat leydig cells. The results suggested that most low. polarity constituents from Lepidium meyenii had good activities on proliferation of rat leydig cells, in which N-

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N-benzylhexadecanamide and N-benzy-(9Z, 12Z, 15Z)-octadecatrienamide exhibited the highest activities. In addition, the proposed procedure could also be used as a simple, quick reference method to screen the active components promoting Leydig cell proliferation in tradi- tional Chinese medicine.

Record 9/366: WOS:000481539800025 Source: CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS | 55 (4): 696-699 JUL 2019 Title: New Benzylated Alkamide from the Roots of Lepidium meyenii Author(s): Liu, WX | Dong, M | Zhang, RQ | Ma, ZH | Yang, QF | Chen, YJ | Ye, YQ | Liao, LM | Cheng, P | Jiang, ZY | Zhou, M Date: JUL 2019 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii | benzylated alkamides | cytotoxicity Keywords Plus: STRUCTURAL ELUCIDATION | MACA | DERIVATIVES Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 55 Abstract: A new benzylated alkamide, N-(3-methoxybenzyl)hexadec-9Z-enamide (1), and a known analogue (2) were isolated from the roots of Lepidium meyenii. Their structures were elucidated by extensive NMR and MS spectroscopic analyses. All the isolated alkamides were evaluated for their cytotoxicity against five human cancer cell lines but found to be insignifi- cant at concentrations up to 40 mu M.

Record 10/366: WOS:000438977200043 Source: PHYTOCHEMISTRY LETTERS | 26: 208-211 AUG 2018 Title: Meyeniihydantoins A-C, three novel hydantoin derivatives from the roots of Lepidium meyenii Walp Author(s): Geng, HC | Yang, DS | Chen, XL | Wang, LX | Zhou, M | Mei, WQ Date: AUG 2018 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii | Hydantoin derivatives Keywords Plus: THIOHYDANTOIN DERIVATIVES | STRUCTURAL ELUCIDATION | MA- CA | RATS Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 26 Abstract: A new natural product meyeniihydantoin A (1), and two new hydantoin derivatives, named

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meyeniihydantoins B-C (2-3) were isolated from the roots of Lepidium meyenii. Their structu- res were characterized by means of extensive spectroscopic analyses. The isolated meyeni- ihydantoins were evaluated for their cytotoxicities on NB4, A549, SHSY5Y, PC3 and MCF7 hu- man cancer cell lines.

Record 11/366: WOS:000407231600015 Source: CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES | 9 (3): 405-408 SEP 2017 Title: Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome sequence of Lepidium meyenii (Brassicaceae) Author(s): Zhou, T | Yang, YC | Hu, YH | Zhang, X | Bai, GQ | Zhao, GF Date: SEP 2017 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii | Chloroplast genome | Illumina sequencing | Phylo- genetic analysis Keywords Plus: ALIGNMENT Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 9 Abstract: Lepidium meyenii (Maca), is an important medical , only located in a rather restricted ecological zone in the Andes at a high altitude. Here, the complete chloroplast (cp) genome of L. meyenii (Brassicaceae) was assembled based on the Illumina sequencing reads. The comple- te cp genome of L. meyenii was 154,624 bp in length and contained two short inverted repeat (IRa and IRb) regions (26,330 bp) which were separated by a small single copy (SSC) region (17,963 bp) and a large single copy (LSC) region (83,998 bp). The L. meyenii chloroplast enco- ded 130 genes including 85 protein-coding genes (80 PCG species), 37 tRNAs (30 tRNA spe- cies), eight rRNA operons (four rRNA species). The overall GC content of L. meyenii chloro- plast genome is 36.4% and the corresponding values in LSC, SSC and IR regions are 34.2%, 29.3% and 42.4%, respectively. The maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenetic analysis based on 18 chloroplast genomes demonstrated a close phylogenetic relationship between L. meyenii and L. virginicum.

Record 12/366: WOS:000399862100004 Source: TETRAHEDRON LETTERS | 58 (17): 1684-1686 APR 26 2017 Title: Macahydantoins A and B, two new thiohydantoin derivatives from Maca (Lepidium me- yenii): Structural elucidation and concise synthesis of macahydantoin A

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Author(s): Yu, MY | Qin, XJ | Shao, LD | Peng, XR | Li, L | Yang, H | Qiu, MH Date: APR 26 2017 Author Keywords: Cruciferae | Lepidium meyenii | Thiohydantoin derivatives | Concise synthesis Keywords Plus: AMINO-ACIDS | AGENTS Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 58 Abstract: Macahydantoins A (1) and B (2), two new thiohydantoin derivatives with an unpre- cedented skeleton, were isolated from maca (Lepidium meyenii). Their structures and absolute configurations were fully established by extensive spectroscopic and computational methods. The totally chemical synthesis of macahydantoin A was achieved via benzylamine and methyl piperidine-3-carboxylate hydrochloride through nucleophilic addition and intramolecular dehydration condensation.

Record 13/366: WOS:000433356000016 Source: PHYTOCHEMISTRY LETTERS | 25: 70-73 JUN 2018 Title: Hydantoin and thioamide analogues from Lepidium meyenii Author(s): Tian, XX | Peng, XR | Yu, MY | Huang, YJ | Wang, X | Zhou, L | Qiu, MH Date: JUN 2018 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii | Maca | Hydantoin derivatives | Thioamide analogue Keywords Plus: MACA | 2-THIOHYDANTOINS | DERIVATIVES | THIOHYDANTOINS | WALP. Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 25 Abstract: Four new compounds, including two hydantoin derivatives, macahydantoins C and D (1, 2), one urea derivative, macaurea A (3) and one thioamide analogue, macathioamide A (4), were isolated from the tube of Lepidium meyenii (Maca). Their chemical structures were determined by analyzing spectroscopic data, especially 1D and 2D NMR spectra, and compa- ring their specific rotation with data reported in literature. All of the isolates were obtained from for the first time.

Record 14/366: WOS:000478893800001 Source: NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH | 33 (19): 2731-2737 OCT 2 2019 Title: Isolation and synthesis of a new benzylated alkamide from the roots of Lepidium meye- nii

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Author(s): Ye, YQ | Ma, ZH | Yang, QF | Sun, YQ | Zhang, RQ | Wu, RF | Ren, X | Mu, LJ | Jiang, ZY | Zhou, M Date: OCT 2 2019 Author Keywords: Benzylated alkamide | Lepidium meyenii | synthesis | cytotoxic activity Keywords Plus: STRUCTURAL ELUCIDATION | MACA | DERIVATIVES | MACAMIDES Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 33 Abstract: A new benzylated alkamide, N-(3,4-dimethoxybenzyl)-9Z-oleamide (1), along with two known ones (2 and 3) were isolated from the roots of Lepidium meyenii collected from Lijiang, Yun- nan Province of China. Their structures were elucidated by extensive spectroscopic analyses and the new compound further confirmed by a one-step synthesis. All the isolated alkamides were evaluated for their cytotoxicity against five human cancer cell lines. However, no signifi- cant activities were detected at concentrations up to 40 mu M.

Record 18/366: WOS:000405158500019 Source: TETRAHEDRON | 73 (30): 4392-4397 JUL 27 2017 Title: Macathiohydantoins B-K, novel thiohydantoin derivatives from Lepidium meyenii Author(s): Yu, MY | Qin, XJ | Peng, XR | Wang, X | Tian, XX | Li, ZR | Qiu, MH Date: JUL 27 2017 Author Keywords: Brassicaceae | Lepidium meyenii | Maca | Thiohydantoin derivatives Keywords Plus: MACA | CONSTITUENTS | CROP Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 73 Abstract: Macathiohydantoins B-K (1-10), two new group of naturally occurring thiohydantoin derivati- ves, together with one known analogues (11), were isolated from the rhizomes of Lepidium meyenii (Maca). Compounds 1-11 were all initially obtained as racemic mixtures and further separated by chiral HPLC chromatography to afford the eleven pairs of enantiomers. The structures of 1-10 including their absolute configurations were fully established by the com- prehensive spectroscopic analysis and electronic circular dichroism (ECD) calculations. All isolates were evaluated for their cytotoxic and antimicrobial activities.

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Record 32/366: WOS:000381933700014 Source: JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF PAKISTAN | 38 (3): 487-493 JUN 2016 Title: Chemical Constituents from Maca (Lepidium meyenii) Author(s): Zang, Z | Li, MJ | Lei, Z | Ma, L | Liu, FY | Li, DL | Wu, XH | Zhao, Y Date: JUN 2016 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii | Tubers | Imidazole derivative | Macamides | Te- trahydroanthraquinone | Phenylacetonitrile Keywords Plus: Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 38 Abstract: Two new natural products, tetrahydro-2-benzyl-1H-pyrrolo-[1,2-C] imidazole-1,3 (2H)-dione (1) and (1S,4R,4aR,9aS)-4a-methyl-1,4,4a, 9a- tetrahydro-1,4-methano- anthracene-9,10-dione (2), together with eleven known compounds (3-13) were isolated from the petroleum ether fraction of the 95% ethanol extract from the tubers of Lepidium meyenii. Among them, compounds 1 and 2 were new natural products, compounds 3, 4, 7-11, and 13 were isolated from L. meyenii for the first time. In addition, the spectroscopic data of com- pound 1 were firstly reported. Their structures were elucidated by 1D and 2D NMR spectros- copic analysis along with comparison with literature reports.

Record 43/366: WOS:000389521400028 Source: PHYTOCHEMISTRY LETTERS | 17: 158-161 SEP 2016 Title: Lepidiline C and D: Two new imidazole alkaloids from Lepidium meyenii Walpers (Brassicaceae) roots Author(s): Jin, WW | Chen, XM | Dai, PF | Yu, LJ Date: SEP 2016 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii Walpers | Imidazole alkaloids | Isolation | Identifica- tion Keywords Plus: SPONGE LEUCETTA-CHAGOSENSIS | CALCAREOUS SPONGE | MARI- NE SPONGE | BLACK MACA | EXTRACTS | CANCER | PLANTS | MICE Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 17 Abstract: Lepidium meyenii Walpers, a well-known crop with a long history in Peru, has been utilized in the Andean region as foodstuff and medical supply. In our study, ethanol ex- tract was obtained from the dried root of this plant and then chemically investigated. Two

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new imidazole alkaloids, namely, lepidiline C (1) and D (2), along with two known imidazole alkaloids (lepidiline A and B), were isolated through semi-preparative high-performance li- quid chromatography (HPLC). Their structures were elucidated through HPLC-mass spectro- metry, 1D and 2D proton nuclear magnetic resonance, Fourier transform infrared spectrosco- py, and ultraviolet spectrophotometry.

Record 67/366: WOS:000361184900060 Source: POLYMERS | 132: 509-512 NOV 5 2015 Title: Physicochemical and functional properties of from maca (Lepidium meye- nii Walp.) liquor residue Author(s): Chen, JJ | Zhao, QS | Wang, LW | Zha, SH | Zhang, LJ | Zhao, B Date: NOV 5 2015 Author Keywords: Maca | Lepidium meyenii | Dietary fiber | Physicochemical properties | Functional properties Keywords Plus: IN-VITRO Publication Year: 2015 Volume: 132 Abstract: Using maca (Lepidium meyenii) liquor residue as the raw material, dietary fiber (DF) was prepared by chemical (MCDF) and enzymatic (MEDF) methods, respectively, of which the physicochemical and functional properties were comparatively studied. High con- tents of DF were found in MCDF (55.63%) and MEDF (81.10%). Both fibers showed good fun- ctional properties, including swelling capacity, water holding capacity, oil holding capacity, glucose adsorption capacity and glucose retardation index. MEDF showed better functional properties, which could be attributed to its higher content of DF, more irregular surface and more abundant monosaccharide composition. The results herein suggest that maca DF prepa- red by enzymatic method from liquor residue is a good functional ingredient in food products.

Record 68/366: WOS:000358430400018 Source: ACTA ALIMENTARIA | 44 (3): 461-467 SEP 2015 Title: QUALITY CONTROL OF MACA-CONTAINING (LEPIDIUM MEYENII WALP.) DIE- TARY SUPPLEMENTS Author(s): Hajdu, Z | Lorantfy, L | Jedlinszki, N | Boros, K | Hohmann, J | Csupor, D Date: SEP 2015 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii | maca | potency enhancer |

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Keywords Plus: MACAMIDES Publication Year: 2015 Volume: 44 Abstract: The -like hypocotyls of Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp., Brassicaceae) are widely consumed as common vegetable in the Andean highlands. It is considered as healthy food, rich in and protein, a herbal medicine with a general invigorating reputa- tion and fertility and sexual performance enhancer. The latter is the most popular contempo- rary application of the plant in Europe. The number and variety of industrial products on the market is increasing. Here we report the development of a simple and reliable analytical pro- tocol for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of maca content of preparations and for the detection of synthetic phosphodiesterase inhibitors. Fourteen products were analysed by the method based on TLC and HPLC-DAD analysis developed by us. Our experiments revealed that beside good-quality products, the majority of the multicomponent preparations did not contain the declared herbal component or the quantity of the measured macamide was very low. Furthermore, one preparation is adulterated with a synthetic phosphodiesterase inhibi- tor. The presented method is suitable for quality control of L. meyenii products.

Record 71/366: WOS:000433356000015 Source: PHYTOCHEMISTRY LETTERS | 25: 65-69 JUN 2018 Title: Novel macamides from maca (Lepidium meyenii Walpers) root and their cytotoxicity Author(s): Xia, C | Chen, J | Deng, JL | Zhu, YQ | Li, WY | Jie, B | Chen, TY Date: JUN 2018 Author Keywords: Maca | Lepidium meyenii | Macamide | Isolation | Identification | Cyto- toxicity Keywords Plus: ENDURANCE CAPACITY | EXTRACT | ALKAMIDES | NMR Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 25 Abstract: Maca, Lepidium meyenii Walpers (Brassicaceae), contains secondary metabolites, including macamides, which possess many bioactive properties. Two new macamides, namely, N-benzyl-9-oxo-10E, 12E-octadecadienamide (3) and N-benzyl-9-oxo-10E, 12Z- octadecadienamide (4), were isolated from maca root. In addition, two fatty acid derivatives, 9-oxo-10E, 12E-octadecadienoic acid (1) and 9-oxo-10E, 12Z-octadecadienoic acid (2), were found for the first time from maca. The structures of compounds (3) and (4) were elucidated by spectrometric and spectroscopic methods including UV, IR, H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR, 2D NMR and HR ESI-MS experiments. The novel macamides exhibit inhibitory activity against

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the proliferation of the HT-29 cancer cell line with IC50 values of 12.8 mu mol/L (3) and 5.7 mu mol/L (4). The two compounds were inactive (IC50 > 50 mu mol/L) towards the prolife- ration of SGC7901, MCF7, NCI-H460 and HepG2 cancer cell lines.

Record 74/366: WOS:000489353700006 Source: FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL | 125: - NOV 2019 Title: Structural diversity, biosynthetic aspects, and LC-HRMS data compilation for the identification of bioactive compounds of Lepidium meyenii Author(s): Carvalho, FV | Ribeiro, PR Date: NOV 2019 Author Keywords: Bioactive compounds | Chemical composition | Metabolomics | Peru- vian maca Keywords Plus: RESOLUTION MASS-SPECTROMETRY | CROP RICINUS-COMMUNIS | IMIDAZOLE ALKALOIDS | THIOHYDANTOIN DERIVATIVES | ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVI- TIES | ENDURANCE CAPACITY | FATTY-ACIDS | A-C | MACA | ANTIOXIDANT Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 125 Abstract: Lepidium meyenii is widely used as a food supplement because of its medicinal properties and nutritional value. Several studies have described the identification of its meta- bolites and LC-HRMS analysis is one of the most frequently used analytical tool to assess plant extract metabolome. Nevertheless, proper and reliable metabolite identification is es- sential for such metabolomics studies. Although HRMS distinguishes even minor changes in the metabolites structures, highly specialized secondary metabolites might not be present on available databases imposing serious obstacles for metabolite identification This review dis- cusses the structural diversity and biosynthetic aspects of 101 compounds previously identi- fied in L. meyenii. More importantly, we have compiled the available information on expec- ted and experimental high-resolution masses of L. meyenii compounds. This will help upco- ming metabolomics studies not only of L. meyenii but also other plant species by providing the necessary tools to perform proper and reliable identification of their bioactive com- pounds.

Record 78/366: WOS:000372690300008 Source: NATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS | 11 (3): 315-337 MAR 2016 Title: Bioactive Compounds from Plants Used in Peruvian Traditional Medicine Author(s): Lock, O | Perez, E | Viliar, M | Flores, D | Rojas, R

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Date: MAR 2016 Author Keywords: Croton lechleri | Lepidium meyenii | Peru | Physalis peruviana | Sma- llanthus sonchifolius | Traditional medicine | Uncaria tomentosa Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII MACA | YACON SMALLANTHUS- SONCHIFOLIUS | INCHI PLUKENETIA-VOLUBILIS | QUINOVIC ACID GLYCOSIDES | VITRO ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY | UNCARIA-TOMENTOSA EXTRACTS | DRAGONS BLOOD CROTON | LECHLERI MUELL-ARG | ENT-KAURENOIC ACID | PHYSALIS- PERUVIANA Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 11 Abstract: It is estimated that there are as many as 1400 plant species currently used in tra- ditional Peruvian medicine; however, only a few have undergone scientific investigation. In this paper, we make a review of the botanical, chemical, pharmacological and clinical pro- pierties of the most investigated Peruvian medicinal plants. The plant species selected for this review are: Smallanthus sonchifolius (yacon), Croton lechleri (sangre de grado), Uncaria to- mentosa/U. guianensis (una de gato), Lepidium meyenii (maca), Physalis peruviana (aguaymanto), Minthostachys mollis (muna), Notholaena nivea (cuti-cuti), Maytenus macro- carpa (chuchuhuasi), Dracontium loretense (jergon sacha), Gentianella nitida (hercampuri), Plukenetia volubilis (sacha inchi) and Zea mays (maiz morado). For each of these plants, in- formation about their traditional uses and current commercialization is also included.

Record 80/366: WOS:000501058200001 Source: NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH | : - DEC 4 2019 Title: Lepidium meyenii (Maca) in male reproduction Author(s): Tafuri, S | Cocchia, N | Vassetti, A | Carotenuto, D | Esposito, L | Maruccio, L | Avallone, L | Ciani, F Date: Author Keywords: Maca | Lepidium meyenii | fertility | spermatogenesis | nutraceuticals Keywords Plus: BLACK-MACA | RED MACA | TESTICULAR FUNCTION | MALE RATS | PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA | SPERMATOGENIC CYCLE | SEXUAL-BEHAVIOR | AQUEOUS EXTRACT | SPERM QUANTITY | DOUBLE-BLIND Publication Year: Volume: Abstract: Lepidium meyenii (Maca) is an edible root plant that grows in the Andean region of Peru. For centuries, the plant has been used as a dietary supplement for its nutritional and

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therapeutic properties. Maca are rich in high value nutritional elements and secondary meta- bolites (macaridine, macamides and ) with high biological activity. Several stu- dies demonstrated various biological effects of Maca mainly in the field of fertility. The aim of this review is to summarize the state of knowledge on the properties of Maca on male repro- duction. Literature data was performed in PubMed with researches published from 2000 to 2019. The research showed results related to the effects of Maca on the quality and quantity of the semen, sexual behaviour and disorders of the male genital tract. Despite the numerous studies carried out on different animal species, further research is needed to clarify the me- chanisms of action of Maca.

Record 81/366: WOS:000402544500007 Source: 3 BIOTECH | 7: - MAY 30 2017 Title: Identification and characterization of microRNAs and their targets in high-altitude stress-adaptive plant maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp) Author(s): Paul, S Date: MAY 30 2017 Author Keywords: Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp) | High-altitude plant | Stress | miRNA | MFEI | miRNA targets Keywords Plus: GENOME Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 7 Abstract: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous, short (similar to 21-nucleotide), non- coding RNA molecules that play pivotal roles in plant growth, development, and stress res- ponse signaling. In this study using recently published draft genome sequence of a high- altitude plant maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp) and applying genome-wide computational- based approaches, a total of 62 potentially conserved miRNAs belonging to 28 families were identified and four (lme-miR160a, lme-miR164c, lme-miR 166a, and lme-miR 319a) of them further validated by RT-PCR. Deploying psRNATarget tool a total of 99 potential miRNA tar- get transcripts were also identified in maca. Targets include a number of transcription factors like Squamosa promoter-binding, NAC, MYB, auxin response factor, APETALA, WRKY, and F-box protein. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first genome-based miRNA profiling of a high-altitude plant.

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Record 84/366: WOS:000414636400002 Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION C-A JOURNAL OF BIOS- CIENCES | 72 (11-12): 449-457 NOV 2017 Title: Effects of a water extract of Lepidium meyenii root in different models of persistent pain in rats Author(s): Tenci, B | Mannelli, LD | Maresca, M | Micheli, L | Pieraccini, G | Mulinacci, N | Ghelardini, C Date: NOV 2017 Author Keywords: arthritis | Lepidium meyenii | macamide | neuropathy | persistent pain Keywords Plus: PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY | DOSE-RESPONSE | MACA | OXALIPLA- TIN | OSTEOARTHRITIS | ACTIVATION | MACAMIDES | FEATURES Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 72 Abstract: Lepidium meyenii (Walp.), commonly called maca, is an Andean crop belonging to the Brassicaceae family. Maca hypocotils are habitually consumed as customary food as well as traditional remedies for pathological conditions such as infertility. Moreover, the cha- racterization of maca extracts revealed the presence of compounds that are able to modulate the nervous system. Aimed to evaluate the efficacy of L. meyenii in persistent pain, the pre- sent study analyzed the effects of a commercial root extract from maca in different animal models reproducing the most common causes of chronic painful pathologies. A qualitative characterization of this commercial extract by high performance liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry analyses allowed us to confirm the pre- sence of some macamides known as bioactive constituents of this root and the absence of the main aromatic glucosinolates. The acute oral administration of maca extract is able to reduce mechanical hypersensitivity and postural unbalance induced by the intra-articular injection of monoiodoacetate and the chronic-constriction injury of the sciatic nerve. Furthermore, L. meyenii extract reverts pain threshold alterations evoked by oxaliplatin and paclitaxel. A good safety profile in mice and rats was shown. In conclusion, the present maca extract could be considered as a therapeutic opportunity to relieve articular and neuropathic pain.

Record 86/366: WOS:000418581500024 Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD PROPERTIES | 20 (12): 3112-3123 2017 Title: Macamides present in the commercial maca (Lepidium meyenii) products and the ma- camide biosynthesis affected by postharvest conditions Author(s): Chen, JJ | Zhao, QS | Liu, YL | Gong, PF | Cao, LL | Wang, XD | Zhao, B

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Date: 2017 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii | Maca | Macamides | Commercial products | In- fluence factors Keywords Plus: MYROSINASE Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 20 Abstract: Macamides are bioactive and marker compounds of maca (Lepidium meyenii). Thirty-five commercial maca products were surveyed for macamide composition and content by HPLC-UV/MS. Significant variations of macamide content were found in these products (69-2738 g/g). Analysis of the macamide biosynthetic pathway suggests that: (a) glucosinola- te catabolism, (b) lipid hydrolysis, and (c) amide formation are key steps controlling macami- de accumulation in the tissues during the postharvest drying process. Therefore, we further investigated the effects of sample forms, drying temperatures, and storage times on macami- de accumulation. Our results show that (1) powdered maca provided the largest macamide accumulation followed by sliced hypocotyls, while whole roots displayed a significantly redu- ced amide-generating potential; (2) the ideal temperature for macamide formation is about 30 degrees C; (3) macamide content increases continuously along with storage time; (4) ex- posure to air results in the percentage of unsaturated macamides decreasing. These findings provide useful insights which can be applied in the industrial manufacture of maca products with higher content of bioactive amides.

Record 88/366: WOS:000371945500006 Source: JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY | 64 (9): 1921-1931 MAR 9 2016 Title: Structural Characterization and Immunomodulatory Activity of a Novel Polysacchari- de from Lepidium meyenii Author(s): Zhang, MM | Wang, G | Lai, FR | Wu, H Date: MAR 9 2016 Author Keywords: | Lepidium meyenii | structural characterization | im- munomodulatory activity Keywords Plus: MACA | CONSTITUENTS | MACROPHAGES | HETEROPOLYSACCHA- RIDE | ACTIVATION | EXTRACTION | RECEPTORS | PATHWAY | EDODES | HEALTH Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 64

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Abstract: A novel polysaccharide named as MC-1 was isolated from the roots of Lepidium meyenii using a water extraction method. Structural characterization revealed that MC-1 had an average molecular weight of 11.3 kDa and consisted of arabinose (26.21%), mannose (11.81%), glucose (53.66%), and galactose (8.32%). The main linkage types of MC-1 were pro- ven to be (1 -> 5)-alpha-L-Ara, (1 -> 3)-alpha-L-Man, (1 -> 2,6)-alpha-L-Man, (1 -> )-alpha-D -Glc, (1 -> 4)-alpha-n-Glc, (1 -> 6)-alpha-D-Glc and (1 -> 6)-alpha-D-Gal by methylation analysis, periodate oxidation-Smith degradation and NMR analysis. The immunostimulating assay indicated that MC-1 could significantly enhance the pinocytic and phagocytic capacity and promote the NO, TNF-alpha, and IL-6 secretion of RAW 264.7 cells, involving toll-like receptor 2, complement receptor 3, and mannose receptor mainly. These results suggested the potential utilization of MC-1 as an attractive functional food supplement candidate for hypoimmunity population.

Record 90/366: WOS:000399531800004 Source: TOXICOLOGY MECHANISMS AND METHODS | 27 (4): 279-285 2017 Title: Antioxidant and neuroprotector effect of Lepidium meyenii (maca) methanol leaf ex- tract against 6-hydroxy (6-OHDA)-induced toxicity in PC12 cells Author(s): Rodriguez-Huaman, A | Casimiro-Gonzales, S | Chavez-Perez, JA | Gonzales- Arimborgo, C | Cisneros-Fernandez, R | Aguilar-Mendoza, LA | Gonzales, GF Date: 2017 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii | antioxidant | neuroprotector | reactive oxygen spe- cies Keywords Plus: PARKINSONS-DISEASE | OXIDATIVE STRESS | PATHOPHYSIOLOGY | ACTIVATION | APOPTOSIS | MODELS | DEATH Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 27 Abstract: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are normally produced during cell metabolism, there is strong evidence to suggest that ROS produced in excess impair the cell and may be etiologically related to various neurodegenerative diseases. This study was undertaken to exa- mine the effects of Lepidium meyenii (MACA) methanol leaf extract on neurotoxicity in PC12 cell exposed to 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). Fresh samples of " maca" leaves were proces- sed in order to obtain foliar extracts and to evaluate the neurobiological activity on PC12 ce- lls, subjected to the cytotoxic effect of 6-OHDA through the determination of the capacity an- tioxidant, cell viability and cytotoxicity assays on PC12 cells. The results of the tests of

Página 41 antioxidant activity, showed maximum values of 2262.37 and 1305.36 expressed in Trolox equivalents (TEAC), for the methanolic and aqueous fractions respectively. Cell viability assays at a dose of 10 lg extract showed an increase of 31% and 60% at 6 and 12 h of pretreatment, res- pectively. Cytotoxicity assays at the same dose and exposure time showed a 31.4% and 47.8% reduction in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity and an increase in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. The results allow us to affirm that the methanolic foliar extract of "maca" pre- sents in vitro neurobiological activity of antioxidant protection, increase in cell viability and reduction of cytotoxicity against oxidative stress generated by 6-OHDA. In conclusion, the pre- sent study shows a protective role for Lepidium meyenii leaf extract on 6-OHDA-induced toxi- city by an antioxidant effect.

Record 91/366: WOS:000396186100005 Source: JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY | 65 (9): 1887-1892 MAR 8 2017 Title: (+)-Meyeniins A-C, Novel Hexahydroimidazo[1,5-c]thiazole Derivatives from the Tubers of Lepidium meyenii: Complete Structural Elucidation by Biomimetic Synthesis and Racemic Crystallization Author(s): Zhou, M | Ma, HY | Liu, ZH | Yang, GY | Du, G | Ye, YQ | Li, GP | Hu, QF Date: MAR 8 2017 Author Keywords: (+)-meyeniins A-C | sulfur-containing hexahydroimidazo[1,5-c]thiazole | Lepidium meyenii (maca) | biomimetic synthesis | racemic crystallization | cytotoxicity Keywords Plus: MACA | CONSTITUENTS | STABILITY | CRYSTALS | RATS Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 65 Abstract: (+)-Meyeniins A-C (1-3), a novel dass of sulfur-containing hexahydroimidazo[1,5-c]thiazole derivatives, were isolated from the tubers of Lepidium meyenii (maca) cultivated in Lijiang, Yunnan province, China. Guided by their biosynthetic hypothesis, a stereocontrolled biomime- tic synthesis of meyeniins A-C and their individual enantiomers was efficiently accomplished by a combination of a condensation reaction and Edman degradation. The formation of high- quality crystals for X-ray crystallography occurred much more readily from a racemic mixture of (+/-)-meyeniin A than with the single enantiomer alone in this case. These extensive strate- gies, combined with circular dichroism (CD) spectra, allowed the complete structural assign- ments of (+)-meyeniins A-C. Among them, (+)-meyeniin A showed moderate selective cytoto- xicities against the HL-60, A549 and MCF-7 human cell lines with IC50 values of 14.41, 32.22,

Página 42 and 33.14 mu M, respectively. To some extent, these findings support traditional applications of maca as healthy nutritional supplements or functional foods for cancer prevention.

Record 92/366: WOS:000456900700090 Source: JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS | 164: 768-776 FEB 5 2019 Title: Preparation from Lepidium meyenii Walpers using high-speed countercurrent chroma- tography and thermal stability of macamides in air at various temperatures Author(s): Zhong, JL | Yan, H | Xu, HD | Muhammad, N | Yan, WD Date: FEB 5 2019 Author Keywords: Maca | Lepidium meyenii | Macamide | HSCCC | Stability | Autoxidation Keywords Plus: TESTICULAR FUNCTION | SEXUAL-BEHAVIOR | FATTY-ACIDS | MACA | CONSTITUENTS | PURIFICATION | SEPARATION | EXTRACT | OXIDATION | LEAVES Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 164 Abstract: Originally cultivated in the Peruvian Andes, Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is now widely consumed as functional food which is known for its functional characteristic like relieving fatigue and en- hancing stamina. Macamides are the unique fatty acids with long-chain and N-benzylamides among the various constituents extracted from Maca. N-benzyl-(9Z, 12Z, 15Z)- octadecatrienamide, N-benzyl-(9Z, 12Z)-octadecadienamide, N-benzylhexadecanamide and N- benzyl-9Z-octadecenamide were isolated from crude Maca extracts in two steps by using a combination of high-speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC) and semi-preparative HPLC. The four macamides were identified by NMR, UV, HRMS and IR spectra. The thermal stability and autoxidative kinetics for N-benzyl-(9Z, 12Z, 15Z)-octadecatrienamide and N- benzyl-(9Z, 12Z)-octadecadienamide in the air were also studied at various temperatures and the apparent activation energies were 28.4 kJ/mot and 29.9 kJ/mol, respectively. The purity of the isolated macamides was up to 98% and the amount was enough for application as a refe- rence substance.

Record 93/366: WOS:000445170200092 Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES | 118: 816- 833 Part A OCT 15 2018 Title: Structure characterization of one polysaccharide from Lepidium meyenii Walp., and its antioxidant activity and protective effect against H2O2-induced injury RAW264.7 cells

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Author(s): Wang, W | Zhang, FM | Li, Q | Chen, H | Zhang, WJ | Yu, P | Zhao, T | Mao, GH | Feng, WW | Yang, LQ | Wu, XY Date: OCT 15 2018 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii Walp. | Polysaccharide | Structure characterization | NMR | Antioxidant activity Keywords Plus: WATER-SOLUBLE | RADICAL SCAVENGING ACTI- VITY | OXIDATIVE STRESS | PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES | MACA | PURIFICATION | IDENTIFICATION | MACAMIDES | CAPACITY | EXTRACT Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 118 Abstract: The structural characterization, antioxidant activity and protective effect against H2O2- induced injury RAW264.7 cells of a new polysaccharide (MP1) isolated from Lepidium meyenii Walp. were investigated. The molecular weight was estimated to be 4.67 x 10(5) Da by HPLC- ELSD analysis. Monosaccharide composition was determined to be arabinose and galactose in a molar ratio of 2:1 by GC-MS and PMP-HPLC-UV analysis. Methylation combined with 1D and 2D NMR spectrum analysis revealed that MP1 was an arabinogalactan. MP1 possessed a moderate antioxidant activity in vitro in DPPH, ABTS, superoxide and hydroxyl radicals sca- venging, Fe2+ chelating, lipid peroxidation inhibition and reducing power assays. MP1 could also effectively protect RAW264.7 cells from H2O2-induced injury by maintaining stable cell viability, decreasing ROS, MDA and LDH level and enhancing SOD, GSH-Px and CAT activity. These results suggested the potential utilization of MP1 as a natural antioxidant for food and pharmaceutical applications.

Record 95/366: WOS:000426490200017 Source: ANDROLOGIA | 50 (3): - APR 2018 Title: Cyclophosphamide-induced male subfertility in mice: An assessment of the potential benefits of Maca supplement Author(s): Onaolapo, AY | Oladipo, BP | Onaolapo, OJ Date: APR 2018 Author Keywords: epididymis | fertility | infertility | Lepidium meyenii | oxidative stress | testis Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII MACA | MALE RATS | TESTICULAR FUNCTION | GONADAL TOXICITY | OXIDATIVE STRESS | SEXUAL-BEHAVIOR | DOUBLE-BLIND | EX- TRACT | DAMAGE | TESTOSTERONE

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Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 50 Abstract: Effects of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) on cyclophosphamide (CYP)-induced gonadal toxicity in male mice were investigated. Mice were assigned to six treatment groups: Vehicle control, CYP control, CYP plus oral Maca (500 or 1,000mg/kg), and oral Maca (500 or 1,000mg/kg). CYP was administered via the intraperitoneal route (days 1-2), while vehicle or Maca were adminis- tered daily for 28days. On day 28, half of the animals in each group were either sacrificed or paired with age-matched females for fertility assessment. Plasma testosterone assay, sperm analysis and assessment of tissue antioxidant/morphological status were also carried out. CYP administration was associated with oxidative stress, subfertility and morphometric/ morphological indices of gonadal injury, while administration of Maca mitigated CYP-induced gonadal toxicity and subfertility. This study shows that Maca is beneficial in the mitigation of CYP-induced male gonadal insufficiency and/or testicular morphological changes; however, further studies will be needed to ascertain its usability for this purpose in humans.

Record 96/366: WOS:000473513100008 Source: NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH | 33 (17): 2480-2489 SEP 2 2019 Title: Structure analysis and anti-fatigue activity of a polysaccharide from Lepidium meyenii Walp Author(s): Tang, Y | Zhu, ZY | Pan, LC | Sun, HQ | Song, QY | Zhang, YM Date: SEP 2 2019 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii Walp | polysaccharide | construction | anti-fatigue Keywords Plus: ACIDIC POLYSACCHARIDE | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY | IN-VITRO | STRUCTURE IDENTIFICATION | ANTITUMOR | PURIFICATION | EXTRACT | FERMEN- TATION | ELUCIDATION | FUNGUS Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 33 Abstract: A polysaccharide was obtained from Lepidium meyenii Walp by hot water extraction and puri- fication by Millipore (100 kD) and Sephadex G-200. The content of polysaccharide was exami- ned to be 89.9% with phenol-sulfuric acid method. Its average molecular weight was estimated to be 2.213 x 10(6) Da by High Performance Gel Permeation Chromatography (HPGPC). Mo- nosaccharide analysis showed that the polysaccharide was composed of arabinose, mannose, glucose and galactose with the molar ratio of 2.134: 1: 2.78: 2.82. After Smith degradation,

Página 45 methylation, infrared spectroscopy and NMR, the primary structure of the polysaccharide was identified. The backbone of the polysaccharide was composed of -> 4)-beta-D-Galp-(1 -> and - > 4)-alpha-D-Galp-(1 ->, while the branches were comprised of -> 6)-beta-D-Glup-(1 ->, -> 5)- beta-D-Araf-(1 ->, -> 3,6)-alpha-D-Manp-(1 ->, -> 3)-alpha-D-Galp-(1 ->, and alpha-D-Glup-(1 ->. The anti-fatigue effect of the polysaccharide was evaluated using exhaustive swimming test and biochemical indexes. The results indicated the polysaccharide has anti-fatigue effect.

Record 97/366: WOS:000386409700008 Source: FOOD CHEMISTRY | 218: 56-63 MAR 1 2017 Title: Physicochemical properties of maca starch Author(s): Zhang, L | Li, GT | Wang, SA | Yao, WR | Zhu, F Date: MAR 1 2017 Author Keywords: Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walpers) | Starch | Thermal property | Pasting | Enzymatic susceptibility Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII MACA | SWEET-POTATO STARCH | FUNCTIONAL- PROPERTIES | CHEMICAL-COMPOSITION | MOLECULAR-STRUCTURE | GRANULE SIZE | WHEAT | ROOT | GELATINIZATION | MORPHOLOGY Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 218 Abstract: Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walpers) is gaining research attention due to its unique bioactive properties. Starch is a major component of maca roots, thus representing a novel starch source. In this study, the properties of three maca starches (yellow, purple and black) were compared with commercially , , and potato starches. The starch granule si- zes ranged from 9.0 to 9.6 mu m, and the granules were irregularly oval. All the maca starches presented B-type X-ray diffraction patterns, with the relative degree of crystallinity ranging from 22.2 to 24.3%. The apparent amylose contents ranged from 21.0 to 21.3%. The onset gela- tinization temperatures ranged from 47.1 to 47.5 degrees C as indicated by differential scan- ning calorimetry. Significant differences were observed in the pasting properties and textural parameters among all of the studied starches. These characteristics suggest the utility of native maca starch in products subjected to low temperatures during food processing and other in- dustrial applications.

Record 99/366: WOS:000544649200003 Source: PLANTA MEDICA | 86 (10): 674-685 JUL 2020 Title: Characterization of Maca (Lepidium meyenii/Lepidium peruvianum) Using a Mass

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Spectral Fingerprinting, Metabolomic Analysis, and Genetic Sequencing Approach Author(s): Geng, P | Sun, JH | Chen, P | Brand, E | Frame, J | Meissner, H | Stewart, J | Gaf- ner, S | Clark, S | Miller, J | Harnly, J Date: JUL 2020 Author Keywords: maca | Lepidium meyenii | Brassicaceae | flow injection mass spectrome- try | metabolite profiling | imidazoles | macamides | glucosinolates | PCA Keywords Plus: THIOHYDANTOIN DERIVATIVES | STRUCTURAL ELUCIDATION | SE- CONDARY METABOLITES | CHEMICAL-COMPOSITION | IMIDAZOLE ALKALOIDS | WHOLE-GRAIN | MEYENII | MACAMIDES | DIFFERENTIATION | PLANT Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 86 Abstract: Maca (Lepidium meyenii, synonymL. peruvianum) was analyzed using a systematic approach employing principal component analysis of flow injection mass spectrometry finger- prints (no chromatographic separation) to guide the selection of samples for metabolite profi- ling and DNA next generation sequencing. Samples consisted of 39 commercial maca supple- ments from 11 manufacturers, 31 unprocessed maca tubers grown in Peru and China, and a his- toric non-tuber maca sample from Peru. Principal component analysis of flow injection mass spectrometry fingerprints initially placed all the maca samples in three classes with similar che- mical composition: commercial maca samples, tubers grown in Peru, and tubers grown in Chi- na. Metabolite profiling identified 67 compounds in the negative mode and 51 compounds in the positive mode. Compounds identified by metabolite profiling (macamides, glucosinolates, amino acids, fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, saccharides, imidazoles) were then used to identify ions in the flow injection mass spectrometry fingerprints. The tuber fingerprints were analyzed by factorial multivariate analysis of variance revealing that black, red, and yellow ma- ca from Peru and black and yellow maca from China were compositionally different with res- pect to color and country. Critical ions were identified that allowed for the differentiation of maca between colors from the same country or between two countries with the same color. Ge- netically, all samples were confirmed to beL. meyeniibased on next generation sequencing at three gene regions (ITS2,psbA, andtrnL) and comparison to recorded sequences of vouchered standards.

Record 101/366: WOS:000408286400146 Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES | 103: 1302- 1310 OCT 2017 Title: Purification, characterization and biological activities of a polysaccharide from Lepidium

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meyenii leaves Author(s): Li, SF | Hao, LM | Kang, QZ | Cui, YX | Jiang, H | Liu, X | Lu, JK Date: OCT 2017 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii leaves | Polysaccharide | Characterization | Functional properties Keywords Plus: ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY | STRUCTURAL-CHARACTERIZATION | IM- MUNOMODULATORY ACTIVITY | IN-VITRO | EXTRACTION | OPTIMIZATION | MACROP- HAGE | ACTIVATION | ANTITUMOR | WEIGHT Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 103 Abstract: The characteristics and biological activities of a novel polysaccharide from Lepi- dium meyenii leaves (LMLP) were investigated. LMLP was purified using DEAE-52 cellulose chromatography followed by SephadexG-100 chromatography. The average molecule weight of LMLP was 58.43 kDa and it was composed of galactose, arabinose, rhamnose, glucose and mannose with a relative molar ratio of 5.51:4.05:1.15:0.77:0.01. Antioxidant activity results showed that LMLP presented an EC50 of 3.72 mg/mL in scavenging 2, 2-diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, and it also had reducing power (OD700 nm being 0.079 at 1 mg/mL). Moreover, LMLP possessed the potential on stimulating immune response of RAW264.7 cells. It could promote proliferation, strengthen phagocytosis function, enhance the expression of CD80, and increase the secretion of nitric oxide (NO) in a dose-dependent man- ner. All of these results suggested that LMLP could be used as a natural ingredient for functio- nal food. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Record 102/366: WOS:000412168800011 Source: BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH-INDIA | 28: - Sp. Iss. SI 2017 Title: Anti-physical fatigue effect of polysaccharides from Lepidium meyenii. Walp. and the possible mechanisms Author(s): Li, RW | He, JC | Song, DH Date: 2017 Author Keywords: Anti-physical fatigue | Lepidium meyenii | Polysaccharides | Exhaustive swimming exercise | Mechanisms Keywords Plus: INDUCED OXIDATIVE STRESS | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY | EXERCISE | MACA | MICE | SUPPLEMENTATION | CONSTITUENTS | | EXTRACTS | RATS Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 28

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Abstract: Lepidium meyenii. Walp. (maca), a Peruvian plant, has been utilized in the Andean region as a food and a medicine for centuries. This study was carried out to investigate the anti-physical fatigue effect of polysaccharides from maca (MCP) and the possible mechanisms. Mice were administered daily doses of 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg MCP for 28 days. After the treatment period, the anti-fatigue effect of MCP were evaluated by exhaustive swimming exercise and se- veral biochemical parameters related to physical fatigue were determined: blood lactic acid (BLA), serum urea nitrogen (SUN), glycogen, superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxi- dase (GPx), catalase (CAT), and malondialdehyde (MDA). Results showed that MCP could pro- long exhaustive swimming times, decrease the levels of BLA and SUN, and increase the liver glycogen contents. Furthermore, MCP increased activities of SOD, GPx and CAT, and decreased MDA level. The present findings indicate that MCP has obvious anti-physical fatigue effect, and the possible mechanisms were to delay the increase of BLA, reduce the catabolic decomposition of protein for energy and lipid peroxidation, and improve reserve and antioxidant enzymes ac- tivities.

Record 103/366: WOS:000472631000074 Source: MOLECULES | 24 (11): - JUN 1 2019 Title: Screening of the Active Component Promoting Leydig Cell Proliferation from Lepidium meyenii Using HPLC-ESI-MS/MS Coupled with Multivariate Statistical Analysis Author(s): Gao, XC | Lv, JW | Li, CN | Zhang, NX | Tian, LL | Han, XY | Zhang, H | Sun, JM Date: JUN 1 2019 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii | high-performance liquid chromatography- electrospray ionization | mass spectrometry | partial least squares | ultrafiltration affinity | mo- lecular docking Keywords Plus: SMALL-MOLECULE INHIBITORS | CYCLOPHILIN-D | DESIGN | MS Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 24 Abstract: Lepidium meyenii is now widely consumed as a functional food and medicinal product, which is known as an enhancer of reproductive health. However, the specific chemical composition and mechanism of action for improving sexual function are unclear. The present study aims at screening and determining the potential compounds, which promote mouse leydig cells (TM3) proliferation. The partial least squares analysis (PLS) was employed to reveal the correlation between common peaks of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) fingerprint of

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L. meyenii and the proliferation activity of TM3. The results suggested that three compounds had good activities on the proliferation of TM3 and promoting testosterone secretion, there were N-benzyl-hexadecanamide, N-benzyl-(9z,12z)-octadecadienamide and N-benzyl- (9z,12z,15z)-octadecatrienamide which might be the potential bioactive markers related to the enhancing sexual ability functions of L. meyenii. The first step in testosterone synthesis is the transport of cholesterol into the mitochondria, and the homeostasis of mitochondrial function is related to cyclophilin D (CypD). In order to expound how bioactive ingredients lead to pro- moting testosterone secretion, a molecular docking simulation was used for further illustration in the active sites and binding degree of the ligands on CypD. The results indicated there was a positive correlation between the binding energy absolute value and testosterone secretion acti- vity. In addition, in this study it also provided the reference for a simple, quick method to screen the promoting leydig cell proliferation active components in traditional Chinese medici- ne (TCM).

Record 104/366: WOS:000474465300013 Source: CURRENT TOPICS IN NUTRACEUTICAL RESEARCH | 17 (3): 306-311 AUG 2019 Title: High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography Method for Quality Evaluation of Maca (Lepidium meyenii), A Functional Food Author(s): Peng, QL | Hao, LM | Zhang, LM | Cao, J | Yang, YW Date: AUG 2019 Author Keywords: Glucosinolates | HPLC fingerprint | Maca | Quality assessment Keywords Plus: COMPONENT ANALYSIS | HPLC | FINGERPRINT | WALP. | ECOTYPES | RATS Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 17 Abstract: Health benefits associated with consumption of Maca (Lepidium meyenii) has been associated with relative preponderance of different aromatic levels. This has, the- refore, led to a need for reliable method for analysis of different maca preparations. To this end, an HPLC method with high precision, reproducibility and test stability has been developed that is capable of distinguishing quality of different maca sample based on abundance of diffe- rent glucosinolates. The method uses the analyses of similarity and hierarchical clustering to evaluate similarity among different maca samples. The results indicated that the combination of three aromatic glucosinolates (glucosinalbin, glucotropaeolin, and glucolimnanthin) could be used as chemotaxonomic markers for accurate recognition and quality evaluation of diffe- rent maca samples.

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L. meyenii and the proliferation activity of TM3. The results suggested that three compounds had good activities on the proliferation of TM3 and promoting testosterone secretion, there were N-benzyl-hexadecanamide, N-benzyl-(9z,12z)-octadecadienamide and N-benzyl- (9z,12z,15z)-octadecatrienamide which might be the potential bioactive markers related to the enhancing sexual ability functions of L. meyenii. The first step in testosterone synthesis is the transport of cholesterol into the mitochondria, and the homeostasis of mitochondrial function is related to cyclophilin D (CypD). In order to expound how bioactive ingredients lead to pro- moting testosterone secretion, a molecular docking simulation was used for further illustration in the active sites and binding degree of the ligands on CypD. The results indicated there was a positive correlation between the binding energy absolute value and testosterone secretion acti- vity. In addition, in this study it also provided the reference for a simple, quick method to screen the promoting leydig cell proliferation active components in traditional Chinese medici- ne (TCM).

Record 104/366: WOS:000474465300013 Source: CURRENT TOPICS IN NUTRACEUTICAL RESEARCH | 17 (3): 306-311 AUG 2019 Title: High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography Method for Quality Evaluation of Maca (Lepidium meyenii), A Functional Food Author(s): Peng, QL | Hao, LM | Zhang, LM | Cao, J | Yang, YW Date: AUG 2019 Author Keywords: Glucosinolates | HPLC fingerprint | Maca | Quality assessment Keywords Plus: COMPONENT ANALYSIS | HPLC | FINGERPRINT | WALP. | ECOTYPES | RATS Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 17 Abstract: Health benefits associated with consumption of Maca (Lepidium meyenii) has been associated with relative preponderance of different aromatic glucosinolate levels. This has, the- refore, led to a need for reliable method for analysis of different maca preparations. To this end, an HPLC method with high precision, reproducibility and test stability has been developed that is capable of distinguishing quality of different maca sample based on abundance of diffe- rent glucosinolates. The method uses the analyses of similarity and hierarchical clustering to evaluate similarity among different maca samples. The results indicated that the combination of three aromatic glucosinolates (glucosinalbin, glucotropaeolin, and glucolimnanthin) could be used as chemotaxonomic markers for accurate recognition and quality evaluation of diffe- rent maca samples.

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Record 107/366: WOS:000382838100022 Source: JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE | 96 (13): 4475-4483 OCT 2016 Title: Characteristic fingerprinting based on macamides for discrimination of maca (Lepidium meyenii) by LC/MS/MS and multivariate statistical analysis Author(s): Pan, Y | Zhang, J | Li, H | Wang, YZ | Li, WY Date: OCT 2016 Author Keywords: characteristic fingerprinting | macamides | Lepidium meyenii | geo- graphical origin Keywords Plus: DIFFERENT PARTS | MS/MS | RATS | CONSTITUENTS | ALKAMIDES | WALPERS Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 96 Abstract: BACKGROUND: Macamides with a benzylalkylamide nucleus are characteristic and major bioactive compounds in the functional food maca(Lepidium meyenii Walp). The aim of this study was to explore variations in macamide content among maca from China and Peru. Twenty-seven batches of maca hypocotyls with different phenotypes, sampled from different geographical origins, were extracted and profiled by liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection/tandemmass spectrometry (LC-UV/MS/MS). RESULTS: Twelve macamides were identified by MS operated in multiple scanning modes. Similarity analysis showed that maca samples differed significantly in their macamide fingerprinting. Partial least squares discrimi- nant analysis (PLS-DA) was used to differentiate samples according to their geographical origin and to identify the most relevant variables in the classification model. The prediction accuracy for raw maca was 91% and five macamides were selected and considered as chemical markers for sample classification. CONCLUSION: When combined with a PLS-DA model, characteristic fingerprinting based on macamides could be recommended for labelling for the authentication of maca from different geographical origins. The results provided potential evidence for the re- lationships between environmental or other factors and distribution of macamides.

Record 108/366: WOS:000384632300005 Source: FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH | 22 (5): 611-621 SEP 2016 Title: Hypoxia Tolerance and Fatigue Relief Produced by Lepidium meyenii and its Water- soluble Polysaccharide in Mice Author(s): Chen, XF | Liu, YY | Cao, MJ | Zhang, LJ | Sun, LC | Su, WJ | Liu, GM Date: SEP 2016

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Author Keywords: maca (Lepidium meyenii) | maca aqueous extracts | maca water-soluble polysaccharide | relieve fatigue | hypoxia tolerance | BALB/c mice Keywords Plus: VITRO ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY | ANTI-FATIGUE | OXIDATIVE STRESS | MACA | ENDURANCE | ANTIFATIGUE | EXTRACT | MUSCLE | | RATS Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 22 Abstract: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of Lepidium meyenii (maca) on hy- poxia tolerance and fatigue relief, and to determine its active constituents. The results showed that, in the mouse model, maca powder could significantly prolong hypoxia time (HT) and for- ced swim time (FST) and optimize blood sugar ratio (BSR), liver glycogen (LG), muscle glyco- gen (MG), blood lactic acid, and lactic dehydrogenase. Based on these results, aqueous extracts and maca water-soluble polysaccharide (MWP) were isolated. The total sugar content of MWP is 90.41 +/- 2.55%, and the main monosaccharide component is glucose (79.88%). In the mou- se model, HT (40.76 +/- 7.97 min), FST (48.32 +/- 10.76 min), BSR (4.49 +/- 4.04%), LG (11.27 +/- 0.61 mg/g), and MG (1.45 +/- 0.17 mg/g) were all significantly enhanced in groups given maca powder compared to the control group (p < 0.05). In summary, maca is effective in improving hypoxia tolerance and relieving fatigue, and MWP is the active substance.

Record 110/366: WOS:000510740500005 Source: FOOD & FUNCTION | 11 (1): 83-92 JAN 1 2020 Title: Medicinal effects of Peruvian maca (Lepidium meyenii): a review Author(s): Peres, NSL | Bortoluzzi, LCP | Marques, LLM | Formigoni, M | Fuchs, RHB | Dro- val, AA | Cardoso, FAR Date: JAN 1 2020 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: BLACK MACA | IN-VITRO | STRUCTURAL-CHARACTERIZATION | SE- XUAL-BEHAVIOR | HIGH-ALTITUDE | SPERM COUNT | POLYSACCHARIDE | RATS | PU- RIFICATION | HIGHLANDS Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 11 Abstract: Peruvian maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a root native to the Andean region, cultivated for at least 2000 years. Maca is rich in fiber, a large number of essential amino acids, fatty acids, and other nutrients, including vitamin C, copper, iron, and calcium. Besides these essential nutrients, this

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root contains bioactive compounds responsible for benefits to the human body, which has cau- sed a considerable increase in its consumption in the last 20 years worldwide. This review do- cuments the Peruvian maca composition and the recent findings regarding the medicinal ef- fects of this root in sexual dysfunction regulation, neuroprotective effects, action in memory enhancement, antidepressant, antioxidant, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory activities, and skin protection.

Record 111/366: WOS:000425562300017 Source: PHYTOCHEMISTRY | 147: 184-193 MAR 2018 Title: Isolation, purification, structural characterization and immunostimulatory activity of water-soluble polysaccharides from Lepidium meyenii Author(s): Zha, ZQ | Wang, SY | Chu, WH | Lv, Y | Kan, HJ | Chen, QL | Zhong, LL | Yue, L | Xiao, JN | Wang, Y | Yin, HP Date: MAR 2018 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii Walp | Polysaccharide | Macrophage RAW264.7 | Toll -like receptor (TLR) | Nuclear factor-kappa B Keywords Plus: TOLL-LIKE RECEPTORS | ACTIVITY IN-VITRO | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVI- TY | ACTIVATION | TBK1 | MACROPHAGES | EXTRACTION | INDUCTION | INSIGHTS | IMMUNITY Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 147 Abstract: A water-soluble polysaccharide LMP-1 was isolated and purified by ion-exchange chromatogra- phy from maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.). LMP-1 has a molecular weight of 1.01 x 10(4) Da, and is composed of glucose and arabinose with a molar ratio of 7.03:1.08. Methylation and the 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy of LMP-1 revealed that it is mainly composed of -> 4)-alpha-D- Glcp-(1 ->, -> 6)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1 ->, -> 3)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1 ->, and beta-D-Araf-(1 ->, with branching at O-6 of -> 4,6)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1 ->. LMP-1 showed up regulation of Toll-like recep- tor 4 (TLR4) and Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2). The upstream proteins of Toll like receptors (TLRs) (CD14 and MD2) and mRNA level of IL-1 beta also increased. Increased transcription factor nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) p65 was found in the nuclei and cytoplasm in LMP- 1-treated RAW264.7 macrophages. These results indicated that LMP-1 activated RAW264.7 macrophages and elicited immunostimulatory activities via the TLR5/NF-kappa B signalling pathway.

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Record 112/366: WOS:000392903000155 Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES | 95: 1305- 1311 FEB 2017 Title: Anti-fatigue activity of polysaccharide fractions from Lepidium meyenii Walp. (maca) Author(s): Li, J | Sun, QR | Meng, QR | Wang, L | Xiong, WT | Zhang, LF Date: FEB 2017 Author Keywords: Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) | Polysaccharide | Anti-fatigue Keywords Plus: ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES | PANAX-GINSENG | PURIFICATION | RATS | SUPPLEMENTATION | PERFORMANCE | EXTRACT Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 95 Abstract: The two fractions of polysaccharide MPS-1 and MPS-2 were extracted from Lepi- dium meyenii Walp. (maca) by water, and purified using a DEAE-52 and a Sephadex G-100 co- lumn. The molecular weight (M-W) of MPS-1 was 7.6 kDa, and the M-W of MPS-2 was 6.7 kDa. The MPS-1 was composed of xylose, arabinose, galactose and glucose, with the mole ratio 1:1.7:3.3:30.5; the MPS-2 was composed of arabinose, galactose and glucose, with the mole ra- tio 1:1.3:36.8. The IR spectrum implied that only a-pyranose existed in MPS 1, and both alpha- pyranose and beta-pyranose existed in MPS-2. The anti-fatigue activities of MPS-1 and MPS-2 were measured by the forced swimming test, along with the determination of blood lactate (BLA), urea nitrogen (BUN), lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) activity and liver glycogen (LG). The results indicated that both MPS-1 and MPS-2 presented dose-dependently positive effects on the fatigue related parameters. Additionally, MPS-2 has a better anti-fatigue effect than MPS-1.

Record 116/366: WOS:000568660200004 Source: FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS | : - SEP 12 2020 Title: Identification of Suitable Barcodes for Specifically Detecting Adulterants of (Brassica rapa) and Radish (Raphanus sativus) in Maca (Lepidium meyenii) Author(s): Feng, TT | Qiu, SM | Tan, GL | Tian, DM | Wu, DM | Zhou, L | Yang, MX | Zhu, S Date: Author Keywords: Adulteration | Brassica rapa | Lepidium meyenii | Detection | DNA bar- coding | Raphanus sativus Keywords Plus: DNA BARCODE | INTERGENIC SPACER | PLANT | POLYSACCHARIDE | WALP. | AUTHENTICATION | CONSTITUENTS | AMPLICONS | PRODUCTS | SOFTWARE Publication Year: Volume:

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Abstract: Maca (Lepidium meyeniiWalp.), an edible medicinal plant and popular dietary supplement, is native to South America in the Andes mountains of Peru. However, maca is fre- quently adulterated due to its high nutritional and medicinal value, which compromises its sa- fety and effectiveness. In the present study, maca and its two adulterants,Brassica rapa(turnip) andRaphanus sativus(radish), were identified by one nuclear barcode (ITS) and four chloro- plast barcodes (matK,psbA-trnH,rbcL, andtrnL-trnF). All five DNA barcodes were perfectly identified in maca, turnip, and radish. Out of the five tested barcodes,trnL-trnF could be regar- ded as the ideal barcode for detecting turnip/radish adulteration in maca as it generated diffe- rent sequence length among these three species, it was further validated by mixing turnip/ radish into maca at various proportions, andtrnL-trnF efficiently and sensitively detected adul- teration even at a very low level (0.5% of adulteration).

Record 118/366: WOS:000470996600139 Source: MOLECULES | 24 (10): - MAY 2 2019 Title: Chemical Analysis of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) and Its Effects on Redox Status and on Reproductive Biology in Stallions Author(s): Tafuri, S | Cocchia, N | Carotenuto, D | Vassetti, A | Staropoli, A | Mastellone, V | Peretti, V | Ciotola, F | Albarella, S | Del Prete, C | Palumbo, V | Esposito, L | Vinale, F | Ciani, F Date: MAY 2 2019 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii (Maca) | stallion semen | oxidative stress | antioxi- dants | chemical analysis Keywords Plus: OXIDATIVE STRESS | SEXUAL-BEHAVIOR | RATS | CRYOPRESERVA- TION | SPERMATOGENESIS | TESTOSTERONE | SPERMATOZOA | METABOLITES | ALKA- MIDES | MICE Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 24 Abstract: The present study was conducted to assess the chemical composition of Yellow Ma- ca (Lepidium meyenii) and its biological activity on stallions following oral administration of hypocotyl powder. Maca was subjected to methanolic extraction and the chemical analysis was carried out by LC-MS-QTOF (liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry). Our results showed that Maca contains some effective antioxidants, a high percentage of glucosinolates, and other important components with a high antioxidant capacity. To evaluate the plant biological activi- ty in stallions fed with Maca powder for 60 days, the redox status and some reproductive para- meters were investigated. Blood and semen samples were collected at 0, 30, 60, and 90 days

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from the beginning of this study. Blood samples showed a decrease of the reactive oxygen me- tabolites, evaluated by d-ROMs test, and an increase of the antioxidant barrier in terms of bio- logical antioxidant potential (BAP test), powerful oxidant capacity (OXY-Adsorbent test), and thiols evaluation (-SHp test). Furthermore, semen samples showed a positive trend during Ma- ca administration in the following parameters: ejaculate volumes and sperm concentrations, total and progressive motility, and acrosome integrity.

Record 119/366: WOS:000429391000101 Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES | 111: 894- 902 MAY 2018 Title: Maca polysaccharides: A review of compositions, isolation, therapeutics and prospects Author(s): Li, YJ | Xu, FX | Zheng, MM | Xi, XZ | Cui, XW | Han, CC Date: MAY 2018 Author Keywords: Maca polysaccharides | Compositions | Purification | Therapeutics | Prospects | Industrial applications Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII-WALP. | ANTI-FATIGUE ACTIVITY | TUMOR- ASSOCIATED MACROPHAGES | LIVER OXIDATIVE INJURY | ZIZIPHUS-JUJUBA MILL. | STRUCTURAL-CHARACTERIZATION | BIOACTIVE POLYSACCHARIDES | IMMUNOMO- DULATORY ACTIVITY | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES | PANAX-GINSENG Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 111 Abstract: Maca polysaccharides, some of the major bioactive substances in Lepidium meyenii (Walp.) (Maca), have various biological properties, including anti-oxidant, anti-fatigue, anti- tumor, and immunomodulatory effects, as well as hepatoprotective activity and regulation fun- ction. Although many therapeutics depend on multiple structures of maca polysaccharides in addition to providing sufficient foundations for maca polysaccharide products in industrial ap- plications, the relationships between the pharmacological effects and structures have not been established. Therefore, this article summarizes the extraction and purification methods, com- positions, pharmacological effects, prospects and industrial applications of maca polysacchari- des.

Record 120/366: WOS:000409357000039 Source: TROPICAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH | 16 (8): 2039-2046 AUG 2017 Title: Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of N-3-methoxybenzyl- palmitamide in rat: A

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A macamide derived from Lepidium meyenii Author(s): Zhang, QH | Wu, KQ | Xu, Y | Ding, SD | Ye, FQ | Wang, XB Date: AUG 2017 Author Keywords: Macamide | Maca tuber | Lepidium meyenii | Pharmacokinetics | Tissue distribution | UPLC-MS/MS Keywords Plus: TANDEM MASS-SPECTROMETRY | | PLASMA | MS/MS | MICE Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 16 Abstract: Purpose: To study the pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of N-3-methoxybenzyl- palmitamide (MPM) derived from Lepidium meyenii (Maca) Methods: MPM and N- benzylpalmitamide (BPM, as the internal standard, IS) were prepared by one-pot synthesis method and characterized. For the analysis of MPM in rat plasma and tissue samples, a rapid ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/ MS) method was developed and validated by optimizing sample preparation conditions and UPLC conditions. Finally, the pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of MPM after oral admi- nistration in rats were studied. Results: The lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) and limit of detection (LOD) of the UPLC-MS/MS method were 1.2 and 5.0 ng/mL, respectively. Good li- near relationship of calibration curve (r > 0.9951) was achieved over the range of 5-5000 ng/ mL. In pharmacokinetics, plasma concentration- time stomach, followed by lung. The ab- sorption and eliminate rate of MPM were slow in rats. In fact, MPM displayed a lung targeting property. Conclusion: The developed UPLC-MS/MS method is suitable for plasma and tissue distribution studies of MPM in rats. The present study can provide guidance for the further de- velopment and utilization of Maca tuber.

Record 121/366: WOS:000351186800012 Source: JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY | 63 (9): 2458-2463 MAR 11 2015 Title: Flavonolignans and Other Constituents from Lepidium meyenii with Activities in Anti- inflammation and Human Cancer Cell Lines Author(s): Bai, NS | He, K | Roller, M | Lai, CS | Bai, L | Pan, MH Date: MAR 11 2015 Author Keywords: maca | Lepidium meyenii | Brassicaceae | flavonolignans | flavonoid | lignan | human cancer cell lines (Hep G2, COLO 205, and HL 60) | anti-inflammatory

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Keywords Plus: MALE RATS | SEXUAL-BEHAVIOR | MACA EXTRACT | PERFORMANCE | SEPARATION | TRICIN | WALP. | MICE Publication Year: 2015 Volume: 63 Abstract: From the roots of Lepidium meyenii Walpers (Brassicaceae) have been isolated and identified 2 flavonolignans, tricin 4'-O-[threo-beta-guaiacyl-(7"-O-methyl)-glyceryl] ether (1) and tricin 4'- O-(erythro-beta-guaiacyl-glyceryl) ether (2), along with 11 other known compounds, tricin (3), pinoresinol (4), 4-hydroxycinnamic acid (5), guanosine (6), glucotropaeolin (7), desulfogluco- tropaeolin (8), 3-hydroxybenzylisothiocyanate (9), malic acid benzoate (10), 5-(hydroxymethyl) -2-furfural (11), d-phenylalanine (12), and vanillic acid 4-O-beta-D-glucoside (13). Structures were elucidated on the basis of NMR and MS data. Some isolates and previously isolated lepidi- line B (14) were tested for cytotoxicity in a small panel of human cancer cell lines (Hep G2, CO- LO 205, and HL-60) and for anti-inflammatory activities in LPS-treated RAW 264.7 macropha- ge. Among them, compounds 1 and 14 were modestly active for inhibiting nitrite production in macrophage. Compounds 1, 14, and 3 were demonstrated to be selectively active against HL-60 cells with IC50 values of 40.4, 52.0, and 52.1 mu M, respectively.

Record 123/366: WOS:000440958400002 Source: CURRENT TOPICS IN NUTRACEUTICAL RESEARCH | 16 (2): 121-128 MAY 2018 Title: COMPARSION OF NUTRIENT COMPOSITION AND ANTIOXIDANT CAPACITY OF DIFFERENT PARTS OF MEDICINAL PLANT MACA (LEPIDIUM MEYENII WALP) Author(s): Sheng, ZC | Wang, MX | Liu, N | Hao, LM | Zhu, SY Date: MAY 2018 Author Keywords: Antioxidant | MCL | MCRH | MCR | Nutritional composition Keywords Plus: MEYENII | SUPPLEMENTATION Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 16 Abstract: The nutritional values of different parts of the medicinal plant Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.), including the leaves (MCL), root (MCR), and root hairs (MCRH), and the antioxidant activities of their extracts were investigated. The MCL was found to be rich in protein (22.00%) and cru- de (4.66%) as compared to other parts while MCR contained the highest amount (66.70%) of carbohydrate content, and all plant parts were rich in amino acids and fatty acids, although

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the contents were significantly different. The total amino acid content was 26.83 g/100 g MCL, 21.88 g/100 g MCR, and 15.76 g/100 g MCRH, and the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids increased in the order MCL > MCRH > MCR. Extracts from all parts showed antioxidant activities, which increased in the order MCL > MCR > MCRH and were related to the total phenol content in each plant part. Thus, MCL, MCR, and MCRH can potentially be used as fun- ctional foods.

Record 124/366: WOS:000460163700017 Source: MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY | 56 (3): 1770-1781 MAR 2019 Title: Inhibition of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase (FAAH) by Macamides Author(s): Alasmari, M | Bohlke, M | Kelley, C | Maher, T | Pino-Figueroa, A Date: MAR 2019 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii (maca) | FAAH | N-benzylstearamide | N- benzyloleamide | N-benzyloctadeca-9Z | 12Z-dienamide | 12Z | 15Z-trienamide Keywords Plus: MACA LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | MONOACYLGLYCEROL LIPASE | CANNA- BINOID RECEPTORS | ENDOCANNABINOIDS | PAIN | INJURY | BRAIN | METABOLISM | TARGET Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 56 Abstract: The pentane extract of the Peruvian plant, Lepidium meyenii (Maca), has been demonstrated to possess neuroprotective activity in previous in vitro and in vivo studies (Pino-Figueroa et al. in Ann N Y Acad Sci 1199:77-85, 2010; Pino-Figueroa et al. in Am J Neuroprot Neuroregener 3:87-92, 2011). This extract contains a number of macamides that may act on the endocannabi- noid system (Pino-Figueroa et al. in Ann N Y Acad Sci 1199:77-85, 2010; Pino-Figueroa et al., 2011; Dini et al. in Food Chem 49:347-349, 1994). The aim of this study was to characterize the inhibitory activity of four of these maccamides (N-benzylstearamide, N-benzyloleamide, N- benzyloctadeca-9Z,12Z-dienamide, and N-benzyloctadeca-9Z,12Z,15Z-trienamide) on fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), an enzyme that is responsible for endocannabinoid degradation in the nervous system (Kumar et al. in Anaesthesia 56:1059-1068, 2001). The four compounds were tested at concentrations between 1 and 100M, utilizing an FAAH inhibitor screening as- say. The results demonstrated concentration-dependent FAAH inhibitory activities for the four macamides tested. N-Benzyloctadeca-9Z,12Z-dienamide demonstrated the highest FAAH inhi- bitory activity whereas N-benzylstearamide had the lowest inhibitory activity. In addition, N- benzylstearamide, N-benzyloleamide, and N-benzyloctadeca-9Z,12Z-dienamide demonstrated

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time-dependent inhibition when tested after a pre-incubation period, indicating that the me- chanism of inhibition for these compounds most likely is irreversible. Of interest, unsaturation in the fatty acid moiety resulted in greater FAAH inhibitory activity. LC/MS/MS analysis de- monstrated that FAAH was able to hydrolyze N-benzyloctadeca-9Z,12Z-dienamide, suggesting that N-benzyloctadeca-9Z,12Z-dienamide is also a slow substrate for FAAH. These results pro- vide useful information about the mechanism of action of Lepidium meyenii and may help with the development of new compounds with FAAH inhibitory or modulatory activity.

Record 125/366: WOS:000367409900017 Source: FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL | 77: 215-220 Part 2 Sp. Iss. SI NOV 2015 Title: Discovering anti-osteoporosis constituents of maca (Lepidium meyenii) by combined virtual screening and activity verification Author(s): Liu, H | Jin, WW | Fu, CH | Dai, PF | Yu, YT | Huo, Q | Yu, LJ Date: NOV 2015 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii | Osteoporosis | Macamide | Virtual screening | Activi- ty verification Keywords Plus: OSTEOBLASTIC MC3T3-E1 CELLS | -RECEPTOR-ALPHA | MOUSE CEREBRAL-CORTEX | ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM | POSTMENOPAUSAL WO- MEN | FLEXIBLE DOCKING | HORMONE-LEVELS | FEMALE RATS | BONE | EXPRESSION Publication Year: 2015 Volume: 77 Abstract: Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) is a traditional medicine and nutritional supplement from South America with many pharmacological effects, such as enhancing female and male fertility, improving sexual dysfunction, preventing osteoporosis and relieving menopausal syndrome. Until now, the active principles behind most of these effects have not been clarified, severely hinde- ring the exploitation and application of maca products. In this study, the effective anti-osteoporotic com- ponents of maca are uncovered. Through virtual screening against estrogen receptor and verification of pharmacological activity on osteoblasts, we found that N-benzylpalmitamide is an active constituent of maca in preventing osteoporosis. As well, N-benzyl-palmitamide promotes osteoblast proliferation, diffe- rentiation and mineralization, plus it benefits bone formation through enhanced expression of osteoge- nesis-related genes, such as bone morphogenetic protein-2, core binding factor alpha 1, type 1 and alkaline phosphatase. The effects of N-benzyl-palmitamide on enhanced bone for- mation are very likely through the estrogen receptor pathway, as N-benzyl-palmitamide also increases the expression of ER alpha and ER beta genes. Clarifying single-component biological

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activity will greatly enable exploitation and application of maca as a medication and health supplement to prevent osteoporosis.

Record 127/366: WOS:000384787700012 Source: MATURITAS | 92: 64-69 OCT 2016 Title: The use of maca (Lepidium meyenii) to improve semen quality: A systematic review Author(s): Lee, MS | Lee, HW | You, S | Ha, KT Date: OCT 2016 Author Keywords: Maca | Lepidium meyenii | Semen | Infertility Keywords Plus: MALE-INFERTILITY | MALE RATS | SPERM QUANTITY | BLACK-MACA | SPERMATOGENESIS | SUPPLEMENTATION | COMPLEMENTARY | PARAMETERS | THE- RAPIES | EXTRACT Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 92 Abstract: The aim of this review was to assess the evidence for the effectiveness of maca (Lepidium meye- nii) in improving semen quality. We searched 11 databases from their inception to March 2016 and included all clinical trials on the improvement of semen quality parameters in infertile and healthy men, regardless of the study design or the type of maca. The risk of bias for each study was assessed using the Cochrane criteria. The selection of studies, data extraction, and valida- tion were performed independently by the first two authors. Discrepancies were resolved through discussion by the same two authors. Five studies - 3 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) and 2 uncontrolled observational studies (UOSs) - met all of the inclusion criteria. One RCT found favorable effects of maca on sperm mobility in infertile men. The two other RCTs showed positive effects of maca on several semen quality parameters in healthy men. The two UOSs also suggested favorable effects of maca on semen quality. The results of our systematic review provide suggestive evidence for the effectiveness of maca in improving semen quality. However, the total number of trials, the total sample size, and the risk of bias of the included studies pre- vent the drawing firm conclusions. More rigorous studies are warranted.

Record 130/366: WOS:000419145300008 Source: HIGH ALTITUDE MEDICINE & BIOLOGY | 18 (4): 372-383 DEC 2017 Title: Red Maca (Lepidium meyenii), a Plant from the Peruvian Highlands, Promotes Skin Wound Healing at Sea Level and at High Altitude in Adult Male Mice Author(s): Nunez, D | Olavegoya, P | Gonzales, GF | Gonzales-Castaneda, C.

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Date: DEC 2017 Author Keywords: high altitude | inflammation | Lepidium meyenii | red maca | wound healing Keywords Plus: INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE | OXIDATIVE STRESS | IMMUNE-SYSTEM | EXPOSURE | DAMAGE | REPAIR | INTERLEUKIN-6 | CONSTITUENTS | RECRUITMENT | NEUTROPHILS Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 18 Abstract: Nunez, Denisse, Paola Olavegoya, Gustavo F. Gonzales, and Cynthia Gonzales-Castaneda. Red maca (Lepidium meyenii), a plant from the Peruvian highlands, promotes skin wound healing at sea level and at high altitude in adult male mice. High Alt Med Biol 18:373-383, 2017.Wound healing consists of three simultaneous phases: inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. Previous studies suggest that there is a delay in the healing process in high altitude, mainly due to alterations in the inflammatory phase. Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a Peruvian plant with diverse biological properties, such as the ability to protect the skin from inflammatory lesions caused by ultraviolet radiation, as well as its antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of high altitude on tissue repair and the effect of the topical administration of the spray-dried extract of red maca (RM) in tissue repair. Stu- dies were conducted in male Balb/c mice at sea level and high altitude. Lesions were inflicted through a 10mm-diameter excisional wound in the skin dorsal surface. Treatments consisted of either (1) spray-dried RM extract or (2) vehicle (VH). Animals wounded at high altitude had a delayed healing rate and an increased wound width compared with those at sea level. Moreo- ver, wounding at high altitude was associated with an increase in inflammatory cells. Treat- ment with RM accelerated wound closure, decreased the level of epidermal hyperplasia, and decreased the number of inflammatory cells at the wound site. In conclusion, RM at high altitu- de generate a positive effect on wound healing, decreasing the number of neutrophils and in- creasing the number of macrophages in the wound healing at day 7 postwounding. This pheno- menon is not observed at sea level.

Record 132/366: WOS:000447579400004 Source: JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY B-ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE BIOMEDICAL AND LIFE SCIENCES | 1099: 25-33 NOV 1 2018 Title: Composition analysis and antioxidant activity of essential oils, lipids and polysacchari- des in different phenotypes of Lepidium meyenii

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Author(s): Sun, YQ | Dai, CM | Shi, SD | Zheng, Y | Wei, W | Cai, D Date: NOV 1 2018 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii (Maca) | Essential oils | Lipids | Polysaccharides | GC- MS | Antioxidant activity | Canonical correlation analysis Keywords Plus: MACA Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 1099 Abstract: The phenotypes of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) relate to their difference of chemical compositions and biological activities, Essential oils, lipids and polysaccharides are the main active compo- nents in Maca, all of which showed potential antioxidant effect. The essential oil, lipid and polysaccharide compositions were analyzed by GC-MS after the samples were properly pre- treated from yellow, red and black Maca. The antioxidant properties of the three types of com- ponents were examined using the DPPH scavenging assay. The correlation of main composi- tions and the antioxidant activities was evaluated by a statistical method. In Maca essential oil, lipid and polysaccharide samples, thirty volatile compounds, twenty-nine fatty acids and six monosaccharides had been detected, in which benzeneacetonitrile, unsaturation fatty acids and mannose were predominant ingredients, respectively. In three types of components, the DPPH scavenging effect of essential oil was stronger. All of black Maca essential oil, lipid and polysac- charide showed higher effect than yellow and red phenotype. The total activity of the three types of components showed about 60% of the antioxidant activity of entire Maca. Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) results showed that four essential oils, three fatty acids and four mo- nosaccharaides were positively related to the antioxidant activity. The research is helpful to ad- dress the quality attributes and the comprehensive application of different phenotypes of Maca.

Record 133/366: WOS:000495469400111 Source: MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL | 150: - NOV 2019 Title: Mass spectrometry imaging of small molecule in situ in Lepidium meyenii (Maca) using gold nanoparticles matrix Author(s): Yang, SH | Zhan, LP | Liu, CZ | Fu, L | Chen, R | Nie, ZX Date: NOV 2019 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii (Maca) | Mass spectrometry imaging | Small molecule | In situ | Gold nanoparticles Keywords Plus: STRUCTURAL ELUCIDATION | IMIDAZOLE ALKALOIDS | CONSTI- TUENTS | DERIVATIVES | ALKAMIDES | MACAMIDES

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Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 150 Abstract: Lepidium meyenii Walp. (Maca), a functional food, has been used as a drug and food in Peru for more than two thousand years because Maca is rich in nutrition and rational in nutritional structure. Due to their uniform size and little interference in the low molecular weight region, Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been applied as a matrix to analyze the components of Maca extract and to visualize them of fresh root tissue in situ by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The result shows that imidazole alkaloids including Lepidiline A (1,3-dibenzyl-4,5-dimethylimidazolium chloride), Lepidiline B (1,3-dibenzyl-2,4,5-trimethylimidazolium chloride), Lepidiline C (3-benzyl-1-(3- methoxybenzyl)-4,5-dimethylimidazolium chloride), Lepidiline D (3-benzyl-1-(3- methoxybenzyl)-2,4,5-trimethylimidazolium chloride), 1, 3-dibenzyl-2-pentyl-4,5- dimethylimidazilium and 1, 3-dibenzyl-2-phenyl-4,5-dimethylimidazilium are the products of Maca after drying proess. Additionally, the distribution of amino acids, amide alkaloids, imida- zolium alkaloids and saccharide in the upper, middle, and lower parts of Maca root tissue can be clearly visualized in situ with the synthesized AuNPs matrix by MALDI mass spectrometry imaging (MSI). The report provides a meaningful reference to study active components from natural product in situ.

Record 135/366: WOS:000411304300063 Source: ORGANIC LETTERS | 19 (18): 4952-4955 SEP 15 2017 Title: Biomimetic Synthesis of Macahydantoins A and B from Lepidium meyenii, and Structu- re Revision of Macahydantoin B as a Class of Thiohydantoin with a 4-Methyl-hexahydropyrrolo [1,2-c] imidazole Skeleton Author(s): Zhou, M | Ma, HY | Xing, HH | Li, P | Li, GP | Geng, HC | Hu, QF | Yang, GY Date: SEP 15 2017 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: ELUCIDATION | DERIVATIVES Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 19 Abstract: Phytochemical investigation on Lepidium meyenii led to the discovery of macahydantoin C (3), a new thiohydantoin with a 1,3-diazabicydo[3.3.1]nonane core, the spectral properties of which indicate a potential structural misassignment of its previously reported analogue,

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macahydantoin B (2a). To probe this hypothesis, a concise, scalable, and biomimetic synthesis of the originally proposed 2a and its revised structure (2b) was efficiently accomplished using the modified Edman degradation as the key step from commercially available materials in 65% (three steps) and 52% (three steps) overall yields, respectively. These synthetic endeavors un- doubtedly reassigned the structure of macahydantoin B as an unreported type of thiohydantoin featuring a 4-methyl-hexahydropyrrolo[1,2-c]dimidazole scaffold.

Record 136/366: WOS:000380203600002 Source: BOLETIN LATINOAMERICANO Y DEL CARIBE DE PLANTAS MEDICINALES Y AROMATICAS | 15 (3): 144-150 MAY 2016 Title: Maca (Lepidium meyenii) supplementation increase the sexual capacity of low but not high sexual performance rams (Ovis aries) Author(s): Avelar, A | Orihuela, A | Vazquez, R | Palma-Irizarry, M Date: MAY 2016 Author Keywords: Sexual behavior | supplementation | sheep | aphrodisiac | breeders Keywords Plus: BEHAVIOR | EXTRACT | RATS Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 15 Abstract: To evaluate the effect of maca (Lepidium meyenii) supplementation on the sexual capacity of males, 40 rams were classified as high (HP) and low performers (LP). Within each category (n = 20), ten rams were supplemented with 233 mg of dry maca/kg of body weight/day during four weeks, followed by four weeks of a control diet (residual), while the rest of the animals re- mained as controls during the eight-weeks period. LP rams increased (P < 0.05) all sexual behaviors during maca supplementation up to HP levels, decreasing to control planes one week after the supplementation ceased. In contrast, in HP rams, maca supplementation only in- creased genital sniffs and nudging, while mounts and ejaculations remained unaffected during both supplementation and residual phases. It was concluded that maca supplementation affects males differently, according to their original sexual capacity.

Record 138/366: WOS:000461772000053 Source: FOOD CHEMISTRY | 288: 422-443 AUG 1 2019 Title: Chemical composition and health effects of maca (Lepidium meyenii) Author(s): Wang, SA | Zhu, F Date: AUG 1 2019

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Author Keywords: Lepidium peruvianum | Chemical analysis | Bioactivity | Antioxidant | Health-promoting | Underutilized species | Keywords Plus: BLACK-MACA | RED MACA | TESTICULAR FUNCTION | MALE RATS | STRUCTURAL-CHARACTERIZATION | IMIDAZOLE ALKALOIDS | BIOLOGICAL-ACTIVITY | MEMORY IMPAIRMENT | SEXUAL-BEHAVIOR | AQUEOUS EXTRACT Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 288 Abstract: Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walpers) has emerged as a popular functional plant food due to va- rious claimed health effects. This review details the major (i.e., starch, dietary fiber, and pro- tein) and minor constituents (i.e., minerals, non-starch polysaccharides, (flavonolignans), macaenes, macamides, glucosinolates, and alkaloids) of maca (root and aerial parts). Diverse health effects of maca are also summarized. Various bioactivities of maca inclu- de enhanced reproductive health, antifatigue, antioxidation, neuroprotection, antimicrobial activity, anticancer, hepatoprotection, immunomodulation, and improving skin health and di- gestive system's function. Plant genetics, botanical parts, processing, extraction, and experi- mental protocols represent the major factors affecting the chemical composition, physicoche- mical attributes, and health effects of maca-based products. However, clinical studies to sup- port the claimed health effects of maca and related mechanisms appear to be lacking. Product innovation and diversification in food and non-food utilization of different parts of maca to ma- ximize the value perceptions are suggested.

Record 139/366: WOS:000400034100008 Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES | 99: 63-70 JUN 2017 Title: Protective effect of polysaccharide from maca (Lepidium meyenii) on Hep-G2 cells and alcoholic liver oxidative injury in mice Author(s): Zhang, LJ | Zhao, QS | Wang, LW | Zhao, MX | Zhao, B Date: JUN 2017 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii | Polysaccharide | Alcoholic liver oxidative injury | Li- ver protective effect Keywords Plus: ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY | DISEASE | EXTRACT | RATS | SUPPLEMEN- TATION | CAPACITY | BURDEN Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 99

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Abstract: To study the characterization and hepatoprotective activity of polysaccharide from maca (Lepidium meyenii), the main polysaccharide from maca (MP-1) was obtained by DEAE-52 ce- llulose column. The average molecular weight of MP-1 was 1067.3 kDa and the polysaccharide purity was 91.63%. In order to assess the antioxidant activities of MP-1, four kinds of methods were used, including scavenging hydroxyl radical, DPPH, superoxide anion radical, and FRAP, and the results indicated high antioxidant activities. Furthermore, hepatoprotective activity of MP-1 was studied both in vitro and vivo. In vitro, the induced Hep-G2 cells model was established to evaluate the protective effect of MP-1, which demonstrated MP-1 can alleviate alcohol damage in Hep-G2 cells. In vivo, the Institute of Cancer Researcch (ICR) mice were used to evaluate hepatoprotecive effects of MP-1 on alcoholic liver disease (ALD). Supplement with MP-1 supressed the triglyceride level both in serum and in hepatic tissue. In addition, MP- 1 ameliorated serous transaminases increase induced by alcohol, including aspartate transami- nase, alanine aminotransferase, and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase. Moreover, MP-1 also dramatically increased the superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione s- transferase levels in alcoholic mice. Meantime, histopathologic results MP-1 lighten inflamma- tion induced by alcohol. These results indicate that MP-1 possesses hepatoprotective activity against hepatic injury induced by alcohol.

Record 140/366: WOS:000358233600001 Source: JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL METHODS IN CHEMISTRY | 2015: - 2015 Title: Comparison of Mineral Element Content in a Functional Food Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) from Asia and South America Author(s): Zhang, J | Wang, HM | Zhao, YL | Zuo, ZT | Wang, YZ | Jin, H Date: 2015 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: Publication Year: 2015 Volume: 2015 Abstract: Contents of eight mineral elements in maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) from China and Peru were determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy. Cu contents in maca samples from China (2.5-31mg kg(-1) dry weight, dw) were higher than the samples from Peru (<2.1 mg kg(-1) dw). Na in two samples from China was found to be significantly of high content (2400 and 2600 mg kg(-1) dw). The contents (mg kg(-1) dw) of B, Co, Cr, Li, Ni, and Zn

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were, respectively, 8.1-21, < 0.023, < 1.1 similar to 3.5, 0.020-0.17, 0.085-4.5, and 10-39 for the samples from China, while being 6.6-12, < 0.023, < 1.1 similar to 2.3, 0.035-0.063, 0.68-1.7, and 27-39 for the samples from Peru.

Record 143/366: WOS:000454091600005 Source: APPLICATIONS IN PLANT SCIENCES | 6 (12): - DEC 2018 Title: Transcriptome analysis of maca (Lepidium meyenii) root at different developmental sta- ges Author(s): Shang, RG | Yang, P | Wang, BY | Zhao, ZL Date: DEC 2018 Author Keywords: Brassicaceae | differentially expressed genes | Lepidium meyenii | maca | RNA-Seq | secondary metabolite biosynthesis | transcriptome Keywords Plus: EXPRESSION ANALYSIS | ENDURANCE CAPACITY | RED MACA | SUPPLEMENTATION | EXTRACT | PLANT | | GENE Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 6 Abstract: Premise of the Study Maca (Lepidium meyenii; Brassicaceae) has been cultivated by Andeans for thousands of years as a food source and has been used for medicinal purposes. However, little is known about the mechanism underlying material accumulation during plant growth. Methods RNA-Seq technology was used to compare the transcriptome of black maca root at three developmental stages. Gene Ontology term enrichment analysis and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway analysis were applied for the identification of pathways in which differentially expressed genes were significantly enriched. Results Trinity was used to de novo assemble the reads, and 120,664 unigenes were assembled. Of these, 71.53% of the unigenes were annotated based on BLAST. A total of 18,321 differentially expres- sed genes were observed. Gene Ontology term enrichment analysis found that the most highly represented pathway among the differentially expressed genes was for genes involved in starch and sucrose metabolism. We also found that genes involved in secondary metabolite biosynthe- sis, such as glucosinolate biosynthesis, were significantly enriched. Discussion The genes that were differentially expressed between developmental time points likely reflect both develop- mental pathways and responses to changes in the environment. As such, the transcriptome da- ta in this study serve as a reference for subsequent mining of genes that are involved in the synthesis of important bioactive components in maca.

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Record 144/366: WOS:000578995200006 Source: CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS | 250: - DEC 15 2020 Title: Lepidium meyenii Walpers polysaccharide and its cationic derivative re-educate tumor- associated macrophages for synergistic tumor immunotherapy Author(s): Guo, TT | Yang, Y | Gao, MJ | Qu, Y | Guo, XX | Liu, Y | Cui, XM | Wang, CX Date: DEC 15 2020 Author Keywords: Polysaccharides | Lepidium meyenii Walp | Cationization | Tumor- associated macrophages | Immunotherapy Keywords Plus: STRUCTURAL-CHARACTERIZATION | HOMOGENEOUS POLYSACCHA- RIDE | IMMUNOMODULATORY ACTIVITY | ACIDIC POLYSACCHARIDE | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY | TARGETED DELIVERY | IN-VIVO | NANOPARTICLES | CANCER | CELLS Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 250 Abstract: In the current study, we developed a synergistic chemo-immunotherapy using doxorubicin (Dox) and a natural polysaccharide as immunomodulator. First, we isolated a polysaccharide (MPW) from the root of Lepidium meyenii Walp. (maca) and characterized its chemical pro- perties. MPW contains -> 4) -alpha-D-Glcp(1 -> glycosidic bonds, while the terminal alpha-D- Glcp(1 -> group is connected to the main chain through an O-6 bond. This polysaccharide was then modified by cationization (C-MPW) to enhance immunoregulatory activity. MPW and C- MPW were combined with Dox and their chemo-immunotherapy effects on 4T1 tumor-bearing mice were assessed. Results indicated that the combination of MPW/C-MPW exerted a stron- ger anti-tumor effect than Dox alone, while reducing systemic toxicity and inhibiting tumor metastasis. In addition, MPW and C-MPW exerted tumor immunotherapy effects through the NF-kappa B, STAT1, and STAT3 signaling pathways, redirecting TAMs to the M1 phenotype that facilitates immunological responses against tumors. As a result, the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment was remodeled into an immune-activated state due to enhanced se- cretion of IL-12, TNF-alpha, and INF-gamma. Moreover, C-MPW exerted a stronger immuno- modulatory effect than MPW. In conclusion, MPW and its cationic derivative are promising tools for cancer immunotherapy.

Record 146/366: WOS:000436029300038 Source: FOOD & FUNCTION | 9 (6): 3456-3465 JUN 1 2018 Title: Aerial parts of maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) as functional vegetables with gastroin- testinal prokinetic efficacy in vivo

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Author(s): Jin, WW | Chen, XM | Huo, Q | Cui, YJ | Yu, ZJ | Yu, LJ Date: JUN 1 2018 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: ALLYL | STRUCTURAL-CHARACTERIZATION | MO- TILITY | MACAMIDES | CONSTITUENTS | ACID | HYDROLYSIS | CANCER | MICE | META- BOLISM Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 9 Abstract: Lepidium meyenii Walp. (maca) has been utilized in the Andean region because of its edible- ness and medicinal value. The aerial parts of maca (APM) were analyzed for protein, total su- gar, vitamins, amino acids, and minerals and its characteristic active ingredients at five diffe- rent growth stages. The results showed the high protein, total sugar, vitamin C, niacin, potas- sium, and calcium contents of APM. All 17 amino acids and the characteristic active ingre- dients, namely, macamide, glucosinolates, adenosine, and total saponins, were detected. We examined the effects of maca plant powders on gastric emptying and intestinal propulsion and the levels of serum and in atropine-treated mice. Benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC) was investigated to identify the potential active material in APM. The results revealed that both maca plant powders and BITC can promote the gastrointestinal prokinetic efficacy. Thus, APM feature potential as new functional vegetable sources.

Record 149/366: WOS:000547296500001 Source: ANDROLOGIA | 52 (10): - NOV 2020 Title: DoesLepidium meyenii(Maca) improve seminal quality? Author(s): Alcalde, AM | Rabasa, J Date: NOV 2020 Author Keywords: Lepedium meyenii | Maca | seminogram | sperm concentration Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII MACA | DOUBLE-BLIND | SEMEN PARAMETERS | EXTRACT | DYSFUNCTION | SYMPTOMS Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 52 Abstract: Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a grown at over 4,000 m in Peru. It has been stu- died worldwide for its properties on fertility. Previous studies have assessed maca effects on semen quality, but there is need of randomised, double-blind trials in order to make clinical

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decisions. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of maca on seminal parameters in infertile adult men. This is a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled pilot trial in which sixty-nine patients diagnosed with mild asthenozoospermia and/or mild oligozoospermia were supplied by maca (n = 35) or placebo (n = 34) (2 g/day) for a period of 12 weeks. When compa- red patients treated with maca and patients treated with placebo, there were no significant dif- ferences in semen volume (2.95 +/- 0.52 vs. 2.90 +/- 0.52;p = .392), sperm motility (22.34 +/- 2.22 vs. 23.05 +/- 2.22;p = .462) and normal sperm morphology (7.89 +/- 1.89 vs. 7.04 +/- 2.28;p = .801), but there was a significant difference in sperm concentration (15.04 +/- 5.61 vs. 10.16 +/- 3.59, respectively;p = .011). In conclusion, patients treated with 2 g of maca for a pe- riod of 12 weeks showed a significant improvement in seminal concentration compared with patients treated with placebo. There were no significant differences in semen volume, sperm mobility and morphology when compared both groups.

Record 151/366: WOS:000398084700025 Source: JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE | 82 (3): 757-764 MAR 2017 Title: Structural Characterization and Antifatigue Effect In Vivo of Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp) Polysaccharide Author(s): Tang, WM | Jin, L | Xie, LH | Huang, JQ | Wang, N | Chu, BQ | Dai, XL | Liu, Y | Wang, R | Zhang, Y Date: MAR 2017 Author Keywords: antifatigue effect in vivo | chemical structure | maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp) | polysaccharide Keywords Plus: PANAX-GINSENG | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES | ANTITUMOR- ACTIVITY | ALKALINE EXTRACT | ALKAMIDES | VITRO Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 82 Abstract: Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp) polysaccharides (MP) with purity of 99.2% were obtained to investigate their structural characteristics and antifatigue effect in vivo. The physicochemical properties of MP were analyzed through high-performance gel filtration chromatography, IR, monosaccharide composition, methylation, GC-MS, and NMR analyses. The antifatigue effect of MP was evaluated by using a mouse weight-loaded swimming model. MP is an acidic hetero- polysaccharide with an average molecular weight (Mw) of 793.5 kDa. It is composed of D-GalA: D-Glc: L-Ara: D-Man: D-Gal: L-Rha = 35.07:29.98:16.98:13.01:4.21:0.75 (mol, %). The fin- dings revealed that MP contained beta-1,3-Galp(A), beta-1,3-Glcp, and alpha-1, 3-Manp linked

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alternatingly to form a backbone (5: 4: 1). MP (above mid-dosage 50 mg/kg bw/d) could effec- tively elongate swimming durations and accelerate average swimming speeds (within the 1st 5 min) of mice (P < 0.05) and improve the serous biochemical parameters of mice. Compared with the control model, high-dosage (100 mg/kg bw/d) MP treatment could significantly en- hance glutathione peroxidase and creatine kinase activities (P < 0.05) and decreased lactate dehydrogenase activity (P < 0.01). High-dosage MP could significantly reduce the levels of blood urea nitrogen, lactic acid, and malondialdehyde (P < 0.05). MP is an acidic polysacchari- de with a high D-GalA content, which could be responsible for the antifatigue effect of maca.

Record 152/366: WOS:000469429200035 Source: PHYTOCHEMISTRY LETTERS | 31: 208-216 JUN 2019 Title: Glucosinolates profiles in Maca phenotypes cultivated in Peru and China (Lepidium pe- ruvianum syn. L. meyenii) Author(s): Meissner, HO | Xu, LJ | Wan, WT | Yi, F Date: JUN 2019 Author Keywords: Glucosinolates | Maca | Lepidium peruvianum syn. L. meyenii | Pheno- types | Peru | China Keywords Plus: ANTIOXIDANT | MACAMIDES | PLANT | ROOT Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 31 Abstract: HPLC glucosinolate (GCSN) profiles and concentration levels were examined in hypocotyls of the four prime Maca phenotypes (Lepidium peruvianum synonym L. meyenii) labelled as "Yellow", "Black", "Red" and "Purple", grown in Peru (Pe) and/or China (Cn). In Trial I, gluco- tropaeolin (GLCT) and m-methoxyglucotropaeolin (MGLCT) content, and their ratios, was de- termined in commercial Maca products of Pe origin and compared with similar products decla- red as of Cn origin. In Trial II, Maca was propagated and cultivated either in Ancash - Peru, ac- cording to a traditional single stage planting system, or in Shangri-La - Cn, applying a two- stage Maca planting procedure adopted by Maca growers in Yunnan. Irrespective of the pheno- type, in the Pe cultivation system, cylindrical elongated and pointed Maca hypocotyls (H) were harvested in the mixed crop, while disfigured Maca tubers resembling "ginseng-type root" (G) were predominant in the crop harvested in Cn. Two peaks of GLCT and MGLCT were detected in all analysed hypocotyls of the four Maca phenotypes grown in Pe, but only one peak (GLCT) was detected in the Maca phenotypes grown in Shangri-La, Cn. Significantly higher GLCT va- lues were detected in all the Maca phenotypes grown in Cn than in Pe (P < 0.05), with the

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highest content recorded in the Black and Purple H-shaped while MGLCT was the highest in Yellow G-shaped Cn Maca tubers. Cn-made "Chinese Maca tablets" contained both GLCT and MGLCT. This indicates that Maca imported from Pe could have been used in the formulation - a fact which was subsequently confirmed by the manufacturer.

Record 154/366: WOS:000362954700015 Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 50 (11): 2443-2450 NOV 2015 Title: Effect of physical and thermal processing upon benzylglucosinolate content in tubers of the Brassicaceae maca (Lepidium meyenii) using a novel rapid analytical technique Author(s): Li, J | Zou, Y | Sun, QR | Yang, C | Yang, JW | Zhang, LF Date: NOV 2015 Author Keywords: Benzylglucosinolate | degradation | drying | Maca (Lepidium meyenii) | myrosinase | shredding | steam Keywords Plus: GLUCOSINOLATE DEGRADATION | KINETICS | BROCCOLI | EXTRACT | COLOR Publication Year: 2015 Volume: 50 Abstract: Benzylglucosinolate (BG) was extracted by 70% methanol from maca and purified on acidic alumina column and semi-preparative Cosmosil cholester column. The purified sample was verified as BG by electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. The purity was 98.3% as determined by HPLC-MS. BG content of maca was quantified using external standard method by HPLC. Effect of physical and thermal processing on BG content of maca was investigated. When maca was steamed for 5min before shredding, no significant difference of BG content was observed during postshredding time, while raw ma- ca lost 57.2% of BG in 24h. Steamed maca showed no significant loss of BG after drying at the temperature from 20 to 80 degrees C in 24h. Thermal degradation was described by the first- order kinetics-Arrhenius equation for BG in the temperature range of 90-100 degrees C.

Record 155/366: WOS:000408482800002 Source: MYCOLOGICAL PROGRESS | 16 (9): 857-864 SEP 2017 Title: Perofascia is not monotypic: the description of the second taxon affecting the South American crop maca (Lepidium meyenii) Author(s): Choi, YJ | Thines, M | Choi, IY | Shin, HD

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Date: SEP 2017 Author Keywords: Brassicaceae | Lepidium | transmission | Species concepts Keywords Plus: PHYLOGENETIC-RELATIONSHIPS | DOWNY MILDEWS | PERONOSPO- RA | HYALOPERONOSPORA | PATHOGENS | DIVERSITY | COMPLEX Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 16 Abstract: Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is an Andean crop of narrow distribution, but because of the nutritio- nal and health value, its cultivation area is rapidly expanding. By a broad-spectrum resistance mechanism against various pathogens, just a few diseases have been reported on maca, among which downy mildew is a potential threat to its cultivation. The occurrence of this disease was, so far, restricted to the native area of maca. However, here we report that it was recently intro- duced into South Korea. As the causal pathogen has initially been attributed to Hyaloperonos- pora parasitica (syn. Peronospora parasitica), which was thought to affect various Brassicaceae, but is, in fact, restricted to Capsella bursa-pastoris, the identity of this pathogen remains uncer- tain. In this study, morphological and phylogenetic data revealed that maca downy mildew is unrelated to any species of Hyaloperonospora and instead belongs to the previously monotypic genus Perofascia. It differs markedly from the type species, Perofascia lepidii, and consequently Perofascia macaicola sp. nov. is described and illustrated here. Considering the quick expan- sion of cultivated land with maca, quarantine measures for this pathogen might be appropriate for hindering the spread of the disease through the international trade of maca.

Record 158/366: WOS:000347983900010 Source: CLIMACTERIC | 18 (1): 69-78 FEB 2015 Title: Maca reduces blood pressure and depression, in a pilot study in postmenopausal women Author(s): Stojanovska, L | Law, C | Lai, B | Chung, T | Nelson, K | Day, S | Apostolopoulos, V | Haines, C Date: FEB 2015 Author Keywords: LEPIDIUM MEYENII | MACA | CHINESE POSTMENOPAUSAL WO- MEN | MENOPAUSE SYMPTOMS | ANXIETY | DEPRESSION | COMPLEMENTARY THERA- PIES Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII MACA | SF-36 HEALTH SURVEY | QUALITY-OF- LIFE | PSYCHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS | SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION | MENOPAUSE | TESTOS- TERONE | POPULATIONS | MEDICINE | BEHAVIOR Publication Year: 2015

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Volume: 18 Abstract: Objective Lepidium meyenii (Maca) has been used for centuries for its fertility-enhancing and aphrodisiac properties. In an Australian study, Maca improved anxiety and depressive scores. The effects of Maca on hormones, lipids, glucose, serum cytokines, blood pressure, menopausal symptoms and general well-being in Chinese postmenopausal women were evaluated. Methods A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study was conducted in 29 postme- nopausal Hong Kong Chinese women. They received 3.3 g/day of Maca or placebo for 6 weeks each, in either order, over 12 weeks. At baseline, week 6 and week 12, , follicle stimula- ting hormone (FSH), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), full lipid profiles, glucose and serum cytokines were measured. The Greene Climacteric, SF-36 Version 2, Women's Health Questionnaire and Utian Quality of Life Scales were used to assess the severity of menopausal symptoms and health-related quality of life. Results There were no differences in estradiol, FSH, TSH, SHBG, glucose, lipid profiles and serum cytokines amongst those who received Maca as compared to the placebo group; however, significant de- creases in diastolic blood pressure and depression were apparent after Maca treatment. Con- clusions Maca did not exert hormonal or immune biological action in the small cohort of pa- tients studied; however, it appeared to reduce symptoms of depression and improve diastolic blood pressure in Chinese postmenopausal women. Although results are comparable to pre- vious similar published studies in postmenopausal women, there might be a cultural difference among the Chinese postmenopausal women in terms of symptom reporting.

Record 163/366: WOS:000414965200029 Source: ANDROLOGIA | 49 (10): - DEC 2017 Title: Feeding hydroalcoholic extract powder of Lepidium meyenii (maca) enhances testicular gene expression of 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in rats Author(s): Ohta, Y | Kawate, N | Inaba, T | Morii, H | Takahashi, K | Tamada, H Date: DEC 2017 Author Keywords: 3-HSD | maca | rat | testis Keywords Plus: LEYDIG-CELLS | EXPOSURE | HORMONE | ROOT Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 49 Abstract: Although feeding diets containing the extract powder of Lepidium meyenii (maca), a plant gro- wing in Peru's Central Andes, increases serum testosterone concentration associated with

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enhanced ability of testosterone production by Leydig cells in male rats, changes in testicular steroidogenesis-related factors by the maca treatment are not known. This study examined the effects of maca on testicular gene expressions for luteinizing hormone receptor, steroidogenic acute regulatory protein and steroidogenic enzymes. Eight-week-old male rats were given the diets with or without (control) the maca extract powder (2%) for 6weeks, and mRNA levels were determined by reverse transcription quantitative real-time PCR. The results showed that the testicular mRNA level of HSD3B1 (3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; 3-HSD) increased by the treatment, whereas the levels of the other factors examined did not change. These results suggest that increased expression of 3-HSD gene may be involved in the enhanced steroidoge- nic ability by the maca treatment in rat testes.

Record 164/366: WOS:000547319800001 Source: ARCHIVES OF AGRONOMY AND SOIL SCIENCE | : - JUN 23 2020 Title: Influence of seed color on germination performance and storage organ color in the high- Andean cropLepidium meyenii(Maca) Author(s): Janampa-Santome, M | Gianoli, E | Lozano-Canales, A | Gonzales, W Date: Author Keywords: Andean crops | gibberellic acid | hypocotyl pigmentation | plant perfor- mance | temperature Keywords Plus: MACA LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | BRASSICACEAE | PRODUCTS | WALP. | CROP Publication Year: Volume: Abstract: Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a high-Andean crop whose subterranean storage organs (hypocotyls) show distinctive colors that are related to pharmacological properties. Little is known about seed color variation and its influence on germination performance, hypocotyl pig- mentation and plant survival. Germination rate is critical for maca plants to survive frost events during early development. We evaluated the effect of germination promoters (gibberellic acid and sodium hypochlorite) and temperature regimes (constant and cold: 4 degrees C; varia- ble and moderate: 5-10 degrees C; constant and warm: 16 degrees C) on germination of seeds with different embryo color (yellow, reddish-purple and blue). We also assessed the association between seed color, hypocotyl color and plant survival under field conditions. Seeds with blue and yellow embryos had the lowest and highest germination rates, respectively, across cold and moderate temperature regimes. At warm temperature, germination was not affected by seed

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color. Germination promoters only enhanced seed germination at cold and moderate tempera- tures. In the field, black seeds (with blue embryos) showed the greatest survival. Seeds with reddish-purple embryos produced a higher proportion of pigmented hypocotyls - mainly purple - than other seed colors. Seed color should be taken into account in maca breeding programs, particularly in the context of climate change.

Record 165/366: WOS:000379655800011 Source: MOLECULAR PLANT | 9 (7): 1066-1077 JUL 6 2016 Title: Genome of Plant Maca (Lepidium meyenii) Illuminates Genomic Basis for High-Altitude Adaptation in the Central Andes Author(s): Zhang, J | Tian, Y | Yan, L | Zhang, GH | Wang, X | Zeng, Y | Zhang, JJ | Ma, X | Tan, YT | Long, N | Wang, YZ | Ma, YJ | He, YQ | Xue, Y | Hao, SM | Yang, SC | Wang, W | Zhang, LS | Dong, Y | Chen, W | Sheng, J Date: JUL 6 2016 Author Keywords: genome sequencing | whole-genome duplication | high-altitude adapta- tion | Brassicaceae | Lepidium | leaf morphogenesis | self-incompatibility Keywords Plus: ARABIDOPSIS-THALIANA | CHROMOSOME-NUMBER | LEAF DEVELO- PMENT | CLIMATE-CHANGE | HOMEOBOX GENE | EVOLUTION | BRASSICACEAE | DU- PLICATION | ALIGNMENTS | TOLERANCE Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 9 Abstract: Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp, 2n=8x =64), belonging to the Brassicaceae family, is an econo- mic plant cultivated in the central Andes sierra in Peru (4000-4500m). Considering that the rapid uplift of the central Andes occurred 5-10 million years ago (Ma), an evolutionary question arises regarding how plants such as maca acquire high-altitude adaptation within a short geolo- gical period. Here, we report the high-quality genome assembly of maca, in which two closely spaced maca-specific whole-genome duplications (WGDs; similar to 6.7 Ma) were identified. Comparative genomic analysis between maca and closely related Brassicaceae species revealed expansions of maca genes and gene families involved in abiotic stress response, hormone sig- naling pathway, and secondary metabolite biosynthesis via WGDs. The retention and subse- quent functional divergence of many duplicated genes may account for the morphological and physiological changes (i.e., small leaf shape and self-fertility) in maca in a high-altitude envi- ronment. In addition, some duplicated maca genes were identified with functions in morpholo- gical adaptation (i.e., LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS) and abiotic stress response (i.e.,

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GLYCINE-RICHRNA-BINDING PROTEINS and DNA-DAMAGE-REPAIR/TOLERATION 2) under positive selection. Collectively, the maca genome provides useful information to un- derstand the important roles of WGDs in the high-altitude adaptation of plants in the Andes.

Record 169/366: WOS:000506833100001 Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 55 (6): 2428-2440 Sp. Iss. SI JUN 2020 Title: The metabolic formation profiles of macamides accompanied by the conversion of gluco- sinolates in maca (Lepidium meyenii) during natural air drying Author(s): Zhang, SZ | Yang, F | Shao, JL | Pu, HM | Ruan, ZY | Yang, WL | Li, H Date: JUN 2020 Author Keywords: Formation profiles | glucosinolates | maca | macamides | natural air drying | precursor Keywords Plus: STRUCTURAL-CHARACTERIZATION | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES | EN- DURANCE CAPACITY | ROOT | SUPPLEMENTATION | POLYSACCHARIDE | CONSTI- TUENTS | ALKAMIDES | EXTRACT | QUALITY Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 55 Abstract: Macamides, functional compounds found only in Lepidium meyenii Walpers, have gained in- terest in many fields of research due to its multiple bioactivities. Nevertheless, the mechanism by which macamides are synthesised is not thoroughly understood. In this study, the synthesis of six macamides and the conversion of three glucosinolates were studied systematically during a 6-month natural air drying process. An investigation of synthesis profiles showed that the lar- gest category of macamides, the major constituents of total macamides, has the same benzyl group as benzyl glucosinolate, which has higher content than other glucosinolates. The second largest group of macamides contains the same m-methoxybenzyl group as m-methoxybenzyl glucosinolate which is the second major constituent of total glucosinolates. The results from this study suggest that glucosinolates are one of the most important precursors of macamides. Compared with all other drying methods, natural air drying is the most suitable condition for the formation of macamides.

Record 170/366: WOS:000449709900014 Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY | 434: 93-99 NOV 2018 Title: The metabolism and distribution of imidazole alkaloids from Lepidium meyenii (Maca)

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in mouse by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging Author(s): Yang, SH | Liu, HH | Huang, X | Zhan, LP | Luo, PQ | Xue, JJ | Chen, R | Nie, ZX Date: NOV 2018 Author Keywords: Maca | Imidazole alkaloids | Lepidiline A | Lepidiline B | MALDI-MSI Keywords Plus: MALDI-MS | LIPIDS | VISUALIZATION | OCTREOTIDE | KIDNEY | DRUGS Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 434 Abstract: In this paper, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI- MSI) was visualized to investigate the metabolism and distribution of Lepidiline A (1,3- dibenzyl-2,4,5-trimethylimidazolium chloride) and Lepidiline B (1,3-dibenzyl-4,5- dimethylimidazolium chloride) from Lepidium meyenii (Maca) in heart, liver, spleen and kid- ney tissues of mice. The results show that the main metabolic pathways of two imidazole alka- loids in heart were the same as those in liver and kidney of mice, however, there were few meta- bolic distributions in spleen tissues. MALDI-MSI distribution of imidazole alkaloids in tissues at 3 h after oral Maca extract was clearly observed by high resolution mass spectrometry. Two imidazole alkaloids were uniformly distributed in heart, cortex of liver and medulla of kidney, but not in medulla of liver and cortex of kidney. This label-free imaging technique in situ will contribute to studying pharmacological mechanism of imidazole alkaloids. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Record 172/366: WOS:000357438200015 Source: PHYTOCHEMISTRY | 116: 138-148 AUG 2015 Title: Bioactive maca (Lepidium meyenii) alkamides are a result of traditional Andean post- harvest drying practices Author(s): Esparza, E | Hadzich, A | Kofer, W | Mithofer, A | Cosi, EG Date: AUG 2015 Author Keywords: Maca | Lepidium meyenii | Brassicaceae | Post-harvest processing | Alka- mides | Macamides | Glucosinolates | Benzylamine | Benzylisothiocyanate | Fatty acid amide hydrolase Keywords Plus: BENZYL ISOTHIOCYANATE | IDENTIFICATION | DEGRADATION | CONSTITUENTS | METABOLITES | SPROUTS | PLANTS | MICE Publication Year: 2015

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Volume: 116 Abstract: Maca, Lepidium meyenii Walpers (Brassicaceae), is an annual herbaceous plant native to the high plateaus of the Peruvian central Andes. Its underground storage hypocotyls have been a traditional medicinal agent and dietary staple since pre-Columbian times. Reported properties include energizing and fertility-enhancing effects. Published reports have focused on the benzy- lalkamides (macamides) present in dry hypocotyls as one of the main bioactive components. Macamides are secondary amides formed by benzylamine and a fatty acid moiety, with varying hydrocarbon chain lengths and degree of unsaturation. Although it has been assumed that they are usually present in fresh undamaged tissues, analyses show them to be essentially absent from them. However, hypocotyls dried by traditional Andean postharvest practices or indus- trial oven drying contain up to 800 mu g g(-1), dry wt (2.3 mu mol g(-1) dry wt) of macamides. In this study, the generation of macamides and their putative precursors were studied during nine-week traditional drying trials at 4200 m altitude and in ovens under laboratory condi- tions. Freeze-thaw cycles in the open field during drying result in tissue maceration and release of free fatty acids from storage and membrane lipids up to levels of 1200 mu g g(-1), dry wt (4.3 mu mol g(-1) dry wt). Endogenous metabolism of the generated from glucosi- nolate hydrolysis during drying results in maximal benzylamine values of 4300 mu g g(-1) dry wt (40.2 mu mol g(-1), dry wt). Pearson correlation coefficients of the accumulation profiles of benzylamine and free fatty acid to that of macamides showed good values of 0.898 and 0.934, respectively, suggesting that both provide sufficient substrate for amide synthesis during the drying process.

Record 174/366: WOS:000448795400001 Source: DATABASE-THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL DATABASES AND CURATION | : - OCT 19 2018 Title: MGH: a genome hub for the medicinal plant maca (Lepidium meyenii) Author(s): Chen, JH | Zhang, JW | Lin, MG | Dong, W | Guo, XY | Dong, Y | Wang, ZJ | Zhang, LS | Chen, F Date: OCT 19 2018 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: RESOURCE | FAMILY Publication Year: 2018 Volume:

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Abstract: Maca (Lepidium meyenii), a Brassicaceae herb plant originated from Andean mountains, has attracted wide interests due to its unique health benefits in reproduction and fertility. Because of its adaptation to the 4000 m high-altitude harsh environment, maca is attracting more and more attention from both crop breeders and basic biologists. After our previous release of the maca genome sequence, there's a growing need to store, query, analyze and integrate various maca resources efficiently. Here, we created Maca Genome Hub (MGH), a genomics and gene- tics database of maca. Currently, the MGH V1.0 harbors the genome sequence, predicted co- ding sequences and protein sequences, various annotations, markers and expression data. For the maca research community, we also provided the publications, researchers and related news. MGH is designed to enable users' easy access to analyze, retrieve and visualize the geno- mic or genetic information through a series of online tools, including the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool, the JBrowse, the query system, the synteny tool and the data downloads. These integrated heterogeneous data, tools and interfaces in MGH allow efficient mining of the latest genomics and genetics data. We hope that MGH will accelerate the research and development in maca.

Record 175/366: WOS:000385816500009 Source: ANDROLOGIA | 48 (8): 927-934 OCT 2016 Title: Effect of Lepidium meyenii (maca) on testicular function of mice with chemically and physically induced subfertility Author(s): Cuya, MV | De La Vega, KY | Sanchez, GL | Cavero, JV | Garcia, HT | Torres, LT | Ornetta, VC Date: OCT 2016 Author Keywords: chemical subfertility (ketoconazole) | Lepidium meyenii | physical sub- fertility (ELF-MF) | sperm count | sperm motility Keywords Plus: FREQUENCY MAGNETIC-FIELD | LONG-TERM EXPOSURE | 50 HZ | ELECTROMAGNETIC-FIELD | APOPTOSIS | RATS | SPERMATOGENESIS | SPERMATO- ZOA | TESTOSTERONE | PARAMETERS Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 48 Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Lepidium meyenii (maca) in chemically and physically subfertile mice. After 35 days, the following groups of mice were evaluated: control, sham, chemical subfertility, chemical subfertility-maca-supplemented, physical subfertility,

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physical subfertility-maca supplemented and maca supplemented only. Motility (32.36% +/- 5.34%) and sperm count (44.4 +/- 5.37 x 10(6)/ml) in the chemically and physically subfertile mice (11.81%+/- 4.06%, 17.34 +/- 13.07 x 10(6)/ml) decreased compared to the control (75.53% +/- 2.97% and 57.4 +/- 19.6 x10(6)/ml) and sham (53.5%+/- 7.86% and 58.4 +/- 14.10 x 10(6)/ ml). Maca was able to reverse the deleterious effect of motility (76.36 +/- 1.97) as well as sperm count (53.5 +/- 9.18 x 10(6)/ml) on chemical subfertility. In contrast, maca did not reverse the effects of induced physical subfertility nor motility (18.78%+/- 14.41%) or sperm count (20.17 +/- 11.20 x 10(6)/ml). The percentage of sperm DNA fragmentation in the physically subfertile mice increased (11.1%+/- 19.29%) compared to the control (0.84%+/- 0.85%). However, in the physically subfertile group, maca decreased sperm DNA fragmentation (2.29%+/- 2.30%) clo- ser to the sham (1.04%+/- 0.62%) and the control (0.84%+/- 0.85%). The group supplemented only with maca showed 0.54%+/- 0.50% of spermatozoa with DNA fragmentation. Yet, the dif- ferences observed were statistically not significant. In conclusion, it appears that maca activa- tes the cytochrome P450 system after chemically induced subfertility. However, it does not re- verse the low mitochondrial membrane potential in spermatozoa compromised in the physical subfertility group.

Record 176/366: WOS:000372097800009 Source: TOXICOLOGY MECHANISMS AND METHODS | 26 (1): 67-73 JAN 2 2016 Title: Effect of gamma irradiation on phenol content, antioxidant activity and biological activi- ty of black maca and red maca extracts (Lepidium meyenii walp) Author(s): Zevallos-Concha, A | Nunez, D | Gasco, M | Vasquez, C | Quispe, M | Gonzales, GF Date: JAN 2 2016 Author Keywords: red maca | gamma irradiation | Biological activities | radical-scavenging activities | polyphenols | Lepidium meyenii | black maca Keywords Plus: INDUCED ENHANCEMENT | RADIATION | PLANT | INCREASES | CAPA- CITY | YIELD | RATS Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 26 Abstract: This study was performed to determine the effects of gamma irradiation on UV spectrum on maca, total content of polyphenols, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging activities and in vivo biological activities of red and black maca extracts (Lepidium meyenii). Adult mice of the strain Swiss aged 3 months and weighing 30-35 g in average were used to de- termine biological activities. Daily sperm production, effect on testosterone-induced prostate

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hyperplasia and forced swimming test were used to determine the effect of irradiation on biological acti- vities of maca extracts. Irradiation did not show differences in UV spectrum but improves the amount of total polyphenols in red maca as well as in black maca extracts. In both cases, black maca extract has mo- re content of polyphenols than red maca extract (p < 0.01). Gamma irradiation significantly increased the antioxidant capacity (p < 0.05). No difference was observed in daily sperm production when irradia- ted and nonirradiated maca extract were administered to mice (p > 0.05). Black maca extract but not red maca extract has more swimming endurance capacity in the forced swimming test. Irradiation of black maca extract increased the swimming time to exhaustion (p < 0.05). This is not observed with red maca extract (p > 0.05). Testosterone enanthate (TE) increased significantly the ventral prostate weight. Ad- ministration of red maca extract in animals treated with TE prevented the increase in prostate weight. Irradiation did not modify effect of red maca extract on prostate weight (p > 0.05). In conclusion, irra- diation does not alter the biological activities of both black maca and red maca extracts. It prevents the presence of microorganisms in the extracts of black or red maca, but the biological activities were main- tained.

Record 179/366: WOS:000473136600041 Source: FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 39: 278-286 Suppl. 1 JUN 2019 Title: Physicochemical and antioxidant properties of methanol extract from Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) leaves and roots Author(s): Lee, YK | Chang, YH Date: JUN 2019 Author Keywords: antioxidant activity | leaves | maca | phytochemical properties | roots Keywords Plus: PHENOLIC-COMPOUNDS | FLAVONOIDS | LEAF | INHIBITION | POLYPHENOL | SAPONINS | CAPACITY | HEALTH | COLOR Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 39 Abstract: In this study, we examined the phytochemical properties and antioxidant activities of the met- hanol extracts of maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) leaves and roots. A total of 25 chemical com- pounds were identified by LC-Q-TOF and classified as saponins, phenols, flavonoids, steroids, alkybenzenes, and amines. Among all the chemical compounds identified, three saponins (tanshinone I, panaxytriol, and rotundifolioside), one phenol (gingerol), and one steroid (ergosterol peroxide) were found in the both leaf and root extracts. Levels of saponins, phenols, and flavonoids in the methanol extract from maca leaves were significantly higher than in the extract of roots. Antioxidant activities (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity and ferric reducing ability of plasma) of the methanol extracts of maca leaves were higher than those of the roots. Antioxidant activities were highly correlated with total phenol content in the

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methanol extracts of maca leaves. Therefore, the methanol extract from maca leaves exhibited higher antioxidant activities than those of roots, and could be used as a nutritional material with potential health benefits.

Record 181/366: WOS:000448909700001 Source: FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION | 5: - OCT 30 2018 Title: Forestalling the Epidemics of Parkinson's Disease Through Plant-Based Remedies Author(s): Banjari, I | Marcek, T | Tomic, S | Waisundara, VY Date: OCT 30 2018 Author Keywords: Asia | Europe | complementary and alternative therapies | parkinson's disease | traditional medicinal herbs Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII MACA | GINKGO-BILOBA EXTRACT | MUCUNA- PRURIENS | OXIDATIVE STRESS | NATURAL-PRODUCTS | BLACK HENBANE | ANTIOXI- DANT | MICE | RATS | PHYTOCHEMISTRY Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 5 Abstract: Parkinson's disease (PD) as the second leading neurodegenerative disease, imposes a heavy burden among individuals as well as economies worldwide. The main characteristics of PD is a progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons resulting in the loss of motor function, the occurren- ce of non-motor symptoms, and cognitive decline. Similar to many other chronic diseases, com- plementary and alternative therapies (CAT) are very popular for the treatment of this disease. This review evaluates six plants, three each from European and Asian traditional medicinal sys- tems: (1) Atropa belladonna, (2) Hyoscyamus niger, (3) Lepidium meyenii, (4) Aspargus race- mosus, (5) Mucuna pruriens L., and (6) Gingko biloba. Atropa belladonna, and Hyoscyamus niger in particular, are better known for their poisonous and narcotic effects than as potentially effective plants for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Ginkgo biloba is one of the most widely cultured plants in Traditional Chinese Medicine with high antioxidant potential which contributes to its neuroprotective/anti-apoptotic activity. The bioactive compounds, anti -neurodegenerative effects and other neuroprotective effects of all six plants are discussed he- rein.

Record 182/366: WOS:000396986000001 Source: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 7: - MAR 17 2017 Title: Chemical profiling analysis of Maca using UHPLC-ESI-Orbitrap MS coupled with

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UHPLC-ESI-QqQ MS and the neuroprotective study on its active ingredients Author(s): Zhou, YY | Li, P | Brantner, A | Wang, HJ | Shu, Xb | Yang, J | Si, N | Han, LY | Zhao, HY | Bian, BL Date: MAR 17 2017 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: TANDEM MASS-SPECTROMETRY | AMIDE HYDROLASE FAAH | LEPI- DIUM-MEYENII | PARKINSONS-DISEASE | ZEBRAFISH EMBRYOS | IN-VITRO | ACETYL- CHOLINESTERASE | ACID | CHROMATOGRAPHY | MACAMIDES Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 7 Abstract: Lepidium meyenii (Maca), originated from Peru, has been cultivated widely in China as a popu- lar health care food. However, the chemical and effective studies of Maca were less in-depth, which restricted its application seriously. To ensure the quality of Maca, a feasible and accurate strategy was established. One hundred and sixty compounds including 30 reference standards were identified in 6 fractions of methanol extract of Maca by UHPLC-ESI-Orbitrap MS. Among them, 15 representative active compounds were simultaneously determined in 17 samples by UHPLC-ESI-QqQ MS. The results suggested that Maca from Yunnan province was the poten- tial substitute for the one from Peru. Meanwhile, the neuroprotective effects of Maca were in- vestigated. Three fractions and two pure compounds showed strong activities in the 1-methyl-4 -phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-induced zebrafish model. Among them, 80% methanol elution fraction (Fr-5) showed significant neuroprotective activity, followed by 100% part (Fr-6). The inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) was a possible mechanism of its neuroprotective effect.

Record 183/366: WOS:000416395900013 Source: JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY | 211: 126-170 JAN 30 2018 Title: Is the hype around the reproductive health claims of maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) justified? Author(s): Beharry, S | Heinrich, M Date: JAN 30 2018 Author Keywords: Maca | Lepidium meyenii | Lepidium peruvianum | Pharmacological ac- tivity | Phytochemistry | Reproductive health Keywords Plus: SERUM HORMONE-LEVELS | RED MACA | TESTICULAR FUNCTION | MALE RATS | HYDROALCOHOLIC EXTRACT | STRUCTURAL ELUCIDATION | PROSTATIC

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HYPERPLASIA | POSTMENOPAUSAL WOMEN | IMIDAZOLE ALKALOIDS | ENDURANCE CAPACITY Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 211 Abstract: Ethnopharmacological relevance: Maca Lepidium meyenii Walp. has been cultivated and used by Andean people for over 1300-2000 years in Peru as food and medicine. Starting in the late 1990's it has developed into an important herbal medicine in China and is now cultivated there widely, too Aim of study: This study aims to provide an insight into the emergence of maca on the global market as an alternative remedy to treat reproductive health related problems in both men and women and to critically assess these health claims. Methodology: A search of electronic databases such as EMBASE and a hand-search was done to acquire peer reviewed articles and reports about maca. Results and discussion: Lepidium meyenii is used traditionally as a tonic, fertility enhancer for both humans and cattle, and to treat a variety of ailments such as rheumatism, respiratory disorders and anaemia among others. Maca root is cooked, baked, fermented as a drink and made into porridge. In the last twenty years, maca was introduced onto the global market and demand has dramatically grown over this time with its promotion on the internet, as the 'Peruvian Ginseng' for libido and fertility enhancement. It has also been said to treat menopausal symptoms, erectile dysfunction and benign prostatic hyperplasia. The sky-rocketing demand for the plant has seen a shift from traditional cultivation methods to mass production practices with the use of fertilisers and also pesticides; as maca is now grown in areas other than the Andes such as in the Yunnan province in China. This can potentially af- fect the phytochemistry and composition of the plant and thus, the quality, safety and efficacy of maca products. Meanwhile, research into maca's medicinal properties has followed the spike in popularity of maca and has been focused mainly on maca's aphrodisiac and fertility enhan- cing properties. So far, the in vivo studies and clinical trials conducted have yielded inconclusi- ve results. Some of the key limitations reside in methodology and sample size. Chemical profi- ling, led to the discovery of new compounds unique to maca, such as, 'macamides' and also ot- her active metabolites like the glucosinolates; to which the medicinal effects of maca have been ascribed but cannot be confirmed due to lack of data. Conclusions: To date, the health claims of maca cannot be fully supported from a scientific standpoint and more research is needed. It appears that the indigenous local knowledge about the health benefits of maca has been drag- ged out of context to fit the demands of a growing market for herbal remedies. This globalisa- tion (or hype esp. in China) also has had serious consequences for the local producers in Peru. The lack of protocols to regulate the production and marketing of maca during this rapid

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expansion, poses a threat to both the safety of consumers and the sustainability of supply.

Record 185/366: WOS:000361233100001 Source: EVIDENCE-BASED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE | : - 2015 Title: Effect of Lepidium meyenii Walp. on Semen Parameters and Serum Hormone Levels in Healthy Adult Men: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study Author(s): Melnikovova, I | Fait, T | Kolarova, M | Fernandez, EC | Milella, L Date: 2015 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: RADICAL-SCAVENGING ACTIVITY | MACA | MICE | SUPPLEMENTATI- ON | TESTOSTERONE | ANTIOXIDANT | MACAMIDES | EXTRACT Publication Year: 2015 Volume: Abstract: Background/Aims. Products of Lepidium meyenii Walp. (maca) are touted worldwide as an ali- mentary supplement to enhance fertility and restore hormonal balance. Enhancing properties of maca on semen parameters in animals were previously reported by various authors, but we present to the best of our knowledge the first double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled pilot trial in men. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of maca on semen parame- ters and serum hormone levels in healthy adult men. Methods. A group of 20 volunteers aged 20-40 years was supplied by milled hypocotyl of maca or placebo (1.75 g/day) for 12 weeks. Ne- gative controls of semen were compared to the samples after 6 and 12 weeks of maca adminis- tration; negative blood controls were compared to the samples after 12 weeks of treatment. Re- sults. Spermconcentration and motility showed rising trends compared to placebo even though levels of hormones did not change significantly after 12 weeks of trial. Conclusion. Our results indicate that maca possesses fertility enhancing properties in men. As long as men prefer to use alimentary supplement to enhance fertility rather than prescribed medication or any medical intervention, it is worth continuing to assess its possible benefits.

Record 188/366: WOS:000430123600013 Source: JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE | 83 (4): 966-974 APR 2018 Title: Postharvest Ultrasound-Assisted Freeze-Thaw Pretreatment Improves the Drying Effi- ciency, Physicochemical Properties, and Macamide Biosynthesis of Maca (Lepidium meyenii) Author(s): Chen, JJ | Gong, PF | Liu, YL | Liu, BY | Eggert, D | Guo, YH | Zhao, MX | Zhao, QS | Zhao, B

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Date: APR 2018 Author Keywords: drying efficiency | Lepidium meyenii | macamides biosynthesis | physico- chemical properties | ultrasound-assisted freeze-thaw pretreatment Keywords Plus: CHEMICAL-COMPOSITION | LF-NMR | DEHYDRATION | WATER | L. | MICROSTRUCTURE | HYDROLYSIS | MUSHROOMS | STORAGE | QUALITY Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 83 Abstract: A novel technique of ultrasound-assisted freeze-thaw pretreatment (UFP) was developed to im- prove the drying efficiency of maca and bioactive amide synthesis in maca. The optimal UFP conditions are ultrasonic processing 90 min at 30 degrees C with 6 freeze-thaw cycles. Samples with freeze-thaw pretreatment (FP), ultrasound pretreatment (UP), and UFP were prepared for further comparative study. A no pretreatment (NP) sample was included as a control. The re- sults showed that UFP improved the drying efficiency of maca slices, showing the highest effec- tive moisture diffusivity (1.75 x 10(-9) m(2)/s). This result was further supported by low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR) analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The rehydration capacity and protein content of maca slices were improved by UFP. More impor- tantly, contents of bioactive macamides and their biosynthetic precursors were increased in 2.5 - and 10-fold, respectively. In conclusion, UFP is an efficient technique to improve drying effi- ciency, physicochemical properties, and bioactive macamides of maca, which can be applied in the industrial manufacture of maca products.

Record 189/366: WOS:000510151900022 Source: JOURNAL OF HERBAL MEDICINE | 17-18: - SEP-DEC 2019 Title: Extracts of maca (Lepidium meyenii) root induce increased glucose uptake by inhibiting mitochondrial function in an adipocyte cell line Author(s): Chen, HT | Han, Y | Jahan, I | Wu, SY | Clark, BC | Wiseman, JS Date: SEP-DEC 2019 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii | Diabetes | Glucose uptake | sensitizer | Seahorse metabolic analyzer | Mitochondrial toxicity Keywords Plus: ACTIVATED PROTEIN-KINASE | 3T3-L1 ADIPOCYTES | CANCER-CELLS | INSULIN | GLUT4 | AMPK | DIFFERENTIATION | TRANSLOCATION | STIMULATION | DYSFUNCTION Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 17

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Abstract: The authors describe the effects of an ethanol extract of maca root on glucose uptake and meta- bolism in cultured 3T3-L1 adipocytes. The extract stimulates glucose uptake and shares many features of an insulin mimetic: increased phosphorylation of (IR), increased phosphorylation of Akt downstream of IR, and inhibition of glucose uptake by LY294002, an inhibitor of PI3K, which mediates Akt phosphorylation. However, the extract also inhibits mi- tochondrial oxygen consumption. The effect on glucose uptake is biphasic, and inhibition of mitochondrial respiration is associated with decreased glucose uptake at high concentrations. When the authors examined the effects of a well-characterized mitochondrial poison, oligomy- cin, for comparison, completely parallel effects on the insulin signaling pathway and the same biphasic effect on glucose uptake were observed. It is concluded that stimulation of the insulin pathway by the extract is an indirect effect of mitochondrial inhibition rather than direct stimu- lation of the pathway itself. These results have practical implications for assessing the potential benefit of natural products in glucose homeostasis and caution against concentrated extracts from maca for use in humans.

Record 190/366: WOS:000509546700001 Source: ANDROLOGIA | 52 (3): - APR 2020 Title: Inflammatory pathway employed by Red Maca to treat induced benign prostatic hyper- plasia in rats Author(s): Vasquez-Velasquez, C | Gasco, M | Fano-Sizgorich, D | Gonzales, GF Date: APR 2020 Author Keywords: cytokines | inflammatory cells | red maca | Th1 | Th2 Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | UP-REGULATION | ESTROGEN | ALPHA | BPH | APOPTOSIS | CELLS | MODEL Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 52 Abstract: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a pathology characterised by an increase in prostate size associated with low urinary tract symptoms. Finasteride (F), a 5a-reductase inhibitor, is the standard treatment for BPH reducing prostate weight but also sexual desire. The Peruvian plant known as Red Maca (RM) (Lepidium meyenii) inhibits BPH in rats and mice. The aim of the study was to assess the inflammatory effect of RM and finasteride in rats with testosterone enanthate (TE)-induced BPH. Thirty rats were divided into 5 groups: Control, TE (50 mg/rat), TE + F (0.6 mg/kg), and two groups of TE + RM 40/80 (40 or 80 mg). After treatments,

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tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFa), interleukin 4 (IL4) and interferon gamma (INFg) as well as testosterone and oestradiol were evaluated and inflammatory cells (neutrophils, mast cells and lymphocytes) in prostate were quantified. Red Maca and finasteride treatments decreased inflammatory cells counts in prostate, inhibiting TNFa by different pathways. Finasteride in- creased IL4 whereas Red Maca increased INFg. In conclusion, data suggest that finasteride acts on Th2 response by increasing IL4 in prostate, while Red Maca acts on Th1 response mediated by INFg.

Record 191/366: WOS:000426490200035 Source: ANDROLOGIA | 50 (3): - APR 2018 Title: Aqueous extract of yellow maca (Lepidium meyenii) improves sperm count in experi- mental animals but response depends on hypocotyl size, pH and routes of administration Author(s): Sanchez-Salazar, L | Gonzales, GF Date: APR 2018 Author Keywords: Central Andes | fertility | Huallanca | maca phenotypes | nutraceutics Keywords Plus: ALLIUM-SATIVUM L. | ADULT MALE RATS | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY | GROWTH | BLACK | PLANT | MICE | YIELD | ACID | POLYSACCHARIDE Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 50 Abstract: Lepidium meyenii, a Peruvian plant growing over 4000m.a.s.l., has effects on nutrition and fertility. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the sperm count in 105 male mice receiving boiled aqueous extract of yellow maca hypocotyls from different sizes, under different pH con- ditions and using two different routes of administration.Five mice per group were treated daily for 3days with vehicle (oral and intraperitoneal) or maca aqueous extracts (5mg/0.5ml/day) belonging to the first, second, third and fourth categories, according to their hypocotyl size. On day four, sperm count was evaluated at testis, epididymis and vas deferens.Sperm count was higher in mice receiving maca from the larger sizes (first and secondcategories). Reduction in maca extract pH increased sperm count, whereas an increase in the pH resulted in a reduction in sperm count. The effect of pH reduction is observed only in maca from the first and second- categories. Aqueous extract of maca was effective only after oral administration. In conclusion, the larger size ofhypocotylspresented the best biological effect, and the low pH in the extract and the transformation after gastrointestinal passage are both important for its biological ac- tion.

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Record 193/366: WOS:000373419700010 Source: PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY | 51 (4): 542-553 APR 2016 Title: Immunomodulatory effects of a polysaccharide purified from Lepidium meyenii Walp. on macrophages Author(s): Wang, W | Zou, Y | Li, Q | Mao, RW | Shao, XJ | Jin, D | Zheng, DH | Zhao, T | Zhu, HF | Zhang, L | Yang, LQ | Wu, XY Date: APR 2016 Author Keywords: Maca | Polysaccharides | Immunomodulatory | Macrophage activation Keywords Plus: WATER-SOLUBLE POLYSACCHARIDE | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES | MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION | RAW264.7 CELLS | MACA | ANTITUMOR | SUPPLE- MENTATION | PURIFICATION | EXTRACTION Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 51 Abstract: A polysaccharide (MP21) was extracted and purified from Lepidium meyenii Walp. using DEAE -52 and Sephacryl (TM) S-500 columns. Its physicochemical properties and macrophage im- munomodulatory activity were investigated in vitro. The results indicated that MP21 had an average molecular weight of 3.68 x 10(5) Da and was mainly composed of rhamnose, arabinose and galactose in a molar ratio of 1:4.84:5.34. The conformation of MP21 was between a sphere and random coil, and different treatments could change its conformation and asymmetry. RAW264.7 murine macrophages treated with MP21 could significantly inhibit the proliferation of human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG-2. MP21 could enhance the phagocytic capacity and induce elevated NO, ROS, TNF-alpha, and IL-1 beta secretion in RAW264.7 in a dose depen- dent manner. MP21 promoted the expression of both iNOS protein and mRNA. The expression of the NF-kappa B p65 protein was also up-regulated by MP21. These results suggest that MP21 could exert cytotoxicity towards HepG-2 by activating macrophages via the NF-kappa B sig- naling pathway.

Record 195/366: WOS:000454819300001 Source: MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION | 2018: - 2018 Title: Lepidium meyenii Walp Exhibits Anti-Inflammatory Activity against ConA-Induced Acute Hepatitis Author(s): Zheng, W | Du, SW | Tian, MY | Xu, W | Tian, YF | Li, TY | Fu, YL | Wu, SP | Li, C | Jin, NY Date: 2018

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Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: CELL-MEDIATED HEPATITIS | A-INDUCED HEPATITIS | SUPPRESSOR- CELLS | LIVER-INJURY | KUPFFER CELLS | INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE | ADHESION MOLECULES | CONCANAVALIN | MICE | GAMMA Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 2018 Abstract: Strong inflammation is a prominent pathogenesis of acute hepatitis, which can induce hepato- cyte death and lead to liver failure. Lepidium meyenii Walp (Maca) is a traditional herbal medi- cine mostly used in improving sperm motility and serum hormone levels, etc. However, there are no reports that showed Maca was designed for treating hepatitis so far. Therefore, the pro- tective effects and pharmacological mechanisms of Maca are unknown in hepatitis. In this study, we found that the protective effects of Maca extract ameliorate ConA-induced acute he- patitis (CIH) and underlying mechanisms. We determined that pretreatment with Maca extract significantly suppressed the production of aminotransferases and inflammatory cytokines, in- cluding IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-2, IL-6, IL-12, and IL-17a, and moderated acute liver injury in CIH. Maca recruited more myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) to the liver and suppressed infiltration of natural killer T cells (NKT cells) and macrophages in the liver. Furthermore, our data indicated the molecular mechanism of the inhibitory inflammatory ef- fects of Maca, which should suppress the activation of NF-kappa B, IFN-gamma/STAT1, and IL -6/STAT3 signalings. Collectively, this present research explores Maca as an effective hepato- protective medicine to inhibit inflammation and liver injury caused by acute hepatitis.

Record 197/366: WOS:000476398600001 Source: ARCHIVES OF AGRONOMY AND SOIL SCIENCE | 66 (6): 805-818 MAY 11 2020 Title: Characterization of rhizosphere microbial communities in continuous cropping maca (Lepidium meyenii) red soil, Yunnan, China Author(s): Wang, S | Dong, LQ | Luo, YY | Jia, WJ | Qu, Y Date: MAY 11 2020 Author Keywords: Continuous cropping | lepidium meyenii | microbial community | qPCR | DGGE Keywords Plus: DIVERSITY | GROWTH | TEA Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 66

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Abstract: Continuous cropping maca systems are widespread in Yunan Province, China. However, the relationships between continuous cropping maca systems and microbes are not well unders- tood. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of continuous cropping maca sys- tems (Maca with 0, 1, 2, and 3 years of continuous cultivation) on the soil microbial communi- ty. The results showed that the soil organic matter, total N, total P, and total K contents, as well as maca fresh and dry weight, decreased significantly with increased continuous cropping years. Interestingly, qPCR analysis showed that the bacterial and fungal abundance (DNA le- vels) decreased and active bacterial and fungal abundance (RNA levels) increased with crop- ping years from the first to the third cropping (p < 0.05). Moreover, the abundance of actino- mycetes in the CK soil was significantly higher than that in the other maca soils. In addition, the continuous cropping system resulted in rich diversity in the fungal structure and had little effects on the bacterial and actinomycete communities. Acidobacteria (50%) and Ascomycota (58.3%) were detected in the continuous cropping maca soils. Based on the present results, continuous cropping of maca not exceeding two years could be optimal to maintain soil nutri- tion and microbial community.

Record 198/366: WOS:000386434400004 Source: JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND PLANT SCIENCES | 26 (4): 901-908 AUG 2016 Title: EFFECTS OF MACA (LEPIDIUM MEYENII WALP) POWDER ON SERUM INDICES AND METABOLIC RESPONSES IN RACEHORSES Author(s): Bilal, T | Abas, I | Korkmaz, S | Ates, A | Keser, O | Kumas, C Date: AUG 2016 Author Keywords: Horses | Lepidium meyenii Walp | Maca powder | Metabolic responses | Serum indices Keywords Plus: GLUCOSE Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 26 Abstract: Eighteen racehorses, 6.5 +/- 1.17 years old, were divided into three groups. During 45 days, control group was fed basal diet, experimental groups M50 and M75 were fed basal diet plus 50 and 75 g/day maca extract, respectively. There were no significant differences between groups for initial and final body weight, average daily feed intake and blood hemogram values during the study. On day 45, while M75 had higher aspartate transaminase level than M50, gamma- glutamyl transpeptidase level in this group were higher than both control and M50 (p<0.05).

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M75 had lower Mg level than control (p<0.037). After feeding, M50 had higher adiponectin level than control and M75 at 30th min. (p<0.05). Insulin level in M50 and M75 were lower than control at 60th min., but it was higher in M50 than M75 at 120th min. (p<0.003). Thyroid stimulating hormone levels in M50 were lower than control at 60th min. before feeding and were higher than M75 at 15th min. after feeding (p<0.05). Triiodothyronine concentrations were higher in M75 than other groups (p<0.001). Similarly, M75 had higher thyroxine concen- tration than control and M50 during the study (p>0.05). The differences between groups were found statistically significant only at 60th min.

Record 201/366: WOS:000445149700022 Source: GENES | 9 (7): - JUL 2018 Title: Combining Targeted Metabolites Analysis and Transcriptomics to Reveal Chemical Composition Difference and Underlying Transcriptional Regulation in Maca (Lepidium Meye- nii Walp.) Ecotypes Author(s): Chen, QS | Li, M | Wang, C | Li, ZF | Xu, JY | Zheng, QX | Liu, PP | Zhou, HN Date: JUL 2018 Author Keywords: transcriptome | metabolome | glucosinolate | hypocotyl | Maca Keywords Plus: MALE RATS | RNA-SEQ | GENOME | SPERMATOGENESIS | SUPPLE- MENTATION | CONSTITUENTS | ANNOTATION Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 9 Abstract: Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) is a traditional Andean crop with great potential for various sanitarian and medical functions, which is attracting increased research attention. The majority of previous Maca studies were focused on biochemistry and pharmacodynamics, while the ge- netic basis of its unique characteristics lagged due to a lack of genome information. The authors perform gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis in the hypocotyls of three Maca ecotypes and identify 79 compounds. Among them, 62 compounds have distinct profiles among Maca ecotypes. To reveal the underlying regulatory mechanism of the chemical compo- sition differences, de novo transcriptome sequencing is performed and the transcription profi- les of three Maca ecotypes are comparatively analyzed. Functional analysis indicates several key pathways, including "starch and sucrose metabolism," "phenylpropanoid biosynthesis," "phenylalanine metabolism" and "plant-pathogen interaction," are involved in regulating the chemical compositions of Maca. Combining metabolomics and transcriptomics analysis indica- tes transcription factors such as MYB and WRKY and mediators such as protein kinase and

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bifunctional inhibitors might be critical regulators of chemical composition in Maca. The trans- criptome reference genome and differentially expressed genes (DEGs) obtained in this study might serve as an initial step to illustrate the genetic differences in nutrient component, secon- dary metabolites content, medicinal function and stress resistance in Maca.

Record 202/366: WOS:000384354600001 Source: CHINESE MEDICINE | 11: - SEP 26 2016 Title: In silico profiling for secondary metabolites from Lepidium meyenii (maca) by the phar- macophore and ligand-shape-based joint approach Author(s): Yi, F | Tan, XL | Yan, X | Liu, HB Date: SEP 26 2016 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: NF-KAPPA-B | BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA | UNION-OF- PHARMACOLOGY | ESTROGEN-RECEPTORS | BLACK MACA | PPAR-GAMMA | RED MA- CA | MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASES | MEMORY IMPAIRMENT | SEXUAL-BEHAVIOR Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 11 Abstract: Background: Lepidium meyenii Walpers (maca) is an herb known as a traditional nutritional supplement and widely used in Peru, North America, and Europe to enhance human fertility and treat osteoporosis. The secondary metabolites of maca, namely, maca alkaloids, macaenes, and macamides, are bioactive compounds, but their targets are undefined. Methods: The phar- macophore-based PharmaDB targets database screening joint the ligand shape similarity-based WEGA validation approach is proposed to predict the targets of these unique constituents and was performed using Discovery Studio 4.5 and PharmaDB. A compounds-targets-diseases net- work was established using Cytoscape 3.2. These suitable targets and their genes were calcula- ted and analyzed using ingenuity pathway analysis and GeneMANIA. Results: Certain targets were identified in osteoporosis (8 targets), prostate cancer (9 targets), and kidney diseases (11 targets). This was the first study to identify the targets of these bioactive compounds in maca for cardiovascular diseases (29 targets). The compound with the most targets (46) was an ami- de alkaloid (MA-24). Conclusion: In silico target fishing identified maca's traditional effects on treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, prostate cancer, and kidney diseases, and its poten- tial function of treating cardiovascular diseases, as the most important of this herb's possible activities.

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Record 204/366: WOS:000389460600003 Source: LETTERS IN DRUG DESIGN & DISCOVERY | 13 (6): 489-494 2016 Title: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Macamides Derivatives as Potent Inhibitors of Breast Cancer Cell MCF-7 Author(s): Liang, XX | Xiong, C | He, M | He, CL | Yin, ZQ Date: 2016 Author Keywords: Macamides derivatives | inhibitory activity | MCF-7 Keywords Plus: MACA LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | SOY ISOFLAVONES | ACID Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 13 Abstract: A series of macamides (1-4) and their synthetic analogs (5-14) were synthesized and evaluated for in vitro inhibitory activities against breast cancer cell MCF-7. The results of bioactive assay showed that two of the macamides (compound 1 and 4) and one synthetic analog (compound 5) displayed comparable inhibitory activities against MCF-7 cell line, with IC50 values of 29.6, 36.2 and 27.2 mu M, respectively.

Record 206/366: WOS:000370208400018 Source: SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS | 36 (2): 394-400 FEB 2016 Title: Study on Application of NIR Spectral Information Screening in Identification of Maca Origin Author(s): Wang, YZ | Zhao, YL | Zhang, J | Jin, H Date: FEB 2016 Author Keywords: Lepidium meyenii Walp. | NIR spectroscopy | Identification | Spectral information screening | Model population analysis Keywords Plus: UNINFORMATIVE VARIABLE ELIMINATION | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | SELECTION | PLANTS Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 36 Abstract: (GA) and subwindow permutation analysis (SPA). The spectral variable information filtered was evaluated by model population analysis (MPA). The results showed that RMSECV (SPA) > RMSECV (CARS) > RMSECV (MC-UVE) > RMSECV (GA), were 2. 14, 2. 05, 2. 02, and 1. 98, and the spectral variables were 250, 240, 250 and 70, respectively. According to the spectral variable filtered, partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was used to build the

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model, with random selection of 97 samples as training set, and the other 40 samples as valida- tion set. The results showed that, R-2 : GA>MC-UVE>CARS> SPA, RMSEC and RMSEP: GA

Record 207/366: WOS:000419952600015 Source: ANDROLOGIA | 50 (1): - FEB 2018 Title: Long-term feeding of hydroalcoholic extract powder of Lepidium meyenii (maca) enhan- ces the steroidogenic ability of Leydig cells to alleviate its decline with ageing in male rats Author(s): Yoshida, K | Ohta, Y | Kawate, N | Takahashi, M | Inaba, T | Hatoya, S | Morii, H | Takahashi, K | Ito, M | Tamada, H Date: FEB 2018 Author Keywords: ageing | Leydig cells | maca | rat | testosterone Keywords Plus: LUTEINIZING-HORMONE | SEXUAL-BEHAVIOR | TESTOSTERONE | SPERMATOGENESIS | BIRTH | ROOT | AGE Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 50 Abstract: This study examined whether feeding hydroalcoholic extract of Lepidium meyenii (maca) to 8- week-old (sexually maturing) or 18-week-old (mature) male rats for more than a half year af- fects serum testosterone concentration and testosterone production by Leydig cells cultured with hCG, 22R-hydroxycholesterol or . Testosterone concentration was determi- ned in the serum samples obtained before and 6, 12, 18 and 24weeks after the feeding, and it was significantly increased only at the 6 weeks in the group fed with the maca extract to matu- ring rats when it was compared with controls. Testosterone production by Leydig cells signifi- cantly increased when cultured with hCG by feeding the maca extract to maturing rats for 27 weeks (35 eeks of age) and when cultured with 22R-hydroxycholesterol by feeding it to mature rats for 30 weeks (48 weeks of age). Overall testosterone production by cultured Leydig cells decreased to about a half from 35 to 48 weeks of age. These results suggest that feeding the

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maca extract for a long time to male rats may enhance the steroidogenic ability of Leydig cells to alleviate its decline with ageing, whereas it may cause only a transient increase in blood tes- tosterone concentration in sexually maturing male rats.

Record 209/366: WOS:000428364500012 Source: ANDROLOGY | 6 (2): 351-361 MAR 2018 Title: Influences of dietary supplementation with Lepidium meyenii (Maca) on stallion sperm production and on preservation of sperm quality during storage at 5 degrees C Author(s): Del Prete, C | Tafuri, S | Ciani, F | Pasolini, MP | Ciotola, F | Albarella, S | Carote- nuto, D | Peretti, V | Cocchia, N Date: MAR 2018 Author Keywords: cooled semen | dietary supplementation | Lepidium meyenii (Maca) | stallion semen Keywords Plus: FATTY-ACID-COMPOSITION | ALPHA-TOCOPHEROL ENRICHMENT | SEMEN QUALITY | OXIDATIVE STRESS | BLACK-MACA | TESTICULAR FUNCTION | LI- PID-COMPOSITION | EQUINE SEMEN | VITAMIN-E | FISH-OIL Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 6 Abstract: Stallion semen is damaged by oxidative stress during cooling and transport. Semen processing and extenders have been tested to improve the fertilizing capacity of semen and to preserve se- men during transport. Dietary supplementation with natural antioxidants has been proposed to prevent oxidative damages. In this study, for the first time, the effect of dietary supplementati- on with Lepidium meyenii (Maca) on the characteristics of fresh and chilled stallion semen was evaluated. Maca is a traditional Andean crop used as a nutraceutical for the fertility-enhancing properties that are linked with antioxidant activity. The diet of five stallions was supplemented with 20g of Maca powder daily for a total of 60days. A control group of five stallions received the same diet without Maca. Semen was collected once before the administration of Maca (D0), twice during the administration at 30 and 60days (D30 and D60), and finally twice at 30 and 60days after the end of the administration (D90 and D120). Ejaculates were processed for co- oled shipping at 5 degrees C and evaluated in the laboratory for total and progressive motility, acrosome integrity, and lipid peroxidation after collection and after 24, 48, and 72h of storage. Dietary supplementation with Maca improved sperm concentration (from 213 +/- 80.4 to 447 +/- 73.1x10(6) spz/mL) and total sperm count (from 10,880 +/- 4377 to 24,783 +/- 4419x10(6) spz). The beneficial effects of Maca supplementation on motility and acrosome integrity in the

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raw semen were detected from the end of treatment with Maca (D60) until the end of the study (D120). Furthermore, during cooling storage, total motility, progressive motility, and acrosome integrity declined more slowly in the Maca-treated group than in the control group. Lipid per- oxidation did not change during cooling storage in either group and did not show a significant difference between the two groups. In this study, the dietary supplementation with Maca in- creased sperm production and stabilized semen quality during chilled storage.

Record 210/366: WOS:000509542600001 Source: ANDROLOGIA | 52 (3): - APR 2020 Title: Plants in the management of male infertility Author(s): Abarikwu, SO | Onuah, CL | Singh, SK Date: APR 2020 Author Keywords: androgens | male infertility | medicinal plants | plant extracts | testis Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII MACA | EURYCOMA-LONGIFOLIA JACK | TRIBU- LUS-TERRESTRIS LINN. | MUCUNA-PRURIENS LINN. | EX HIERN STEM | SEXUAL- BEHAVIOR | APHRODISIAC ACTIVITY | TESTICULAR FUNCTION | AQUEOUS EXTRACT | MALE RATS Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 52 Abstract: This review attempts to collate existing data and provide the perspectives for future studies on the effects of plants on the male gonads. For many of these medicinal plants such as Lepidium meyenii, Rupus coreanus, Tribulus terrestres, Panax ginseng, Petasites japonicas, Apium gra- veolens, Eurycoma longifolia, Pedalium murex, Corchorus depressus, Mucuna pruriens, Astra- galus membranaceus, Nigella sativa, Crataegus monogyna, Fagara tessmannii, Phaleria macro- carpa, Anacyclus pyrethrum, Cynomorium songaricum and Morinda officinalis, the mechanism of actions of their active principles and crude extracts has been shown in both laboratory ani- mals, in vitro, and human studies, and includes their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, sperma- togenesis-inducing, aphrodisiac, smooth muscle relaxing and androgenic properties. Several active chemical leads including glucosinolates, , protodioscin, ginsenosides, ses- quiterpenes, phyto-oestrogens, quassinoids, diosgenin, thymoquinone, proanthocyanidins and bajijiasu isolated from these plants are known to have target effects on the testis, but efforts have been limited in their application at the clinical level. There still appear to be many more extracts of medicinal plants that have not been characterised to determine the phytochemicals unique to them that have target effects on the gonads. Further, collaborative efforts at isolating

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pro-drug candidates from medicinal plants for studies at the molecular, cellular and clinical level towards elucidating their mechanisms of action on the testes are therefore warranted in the light of the current male fertility crisis.

Record 214/366: WOS:000466903300023 Source: PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH | 33 (4): 1074-1083 APR 2019 Title: N-(3-methoxybenzyl)-(9Z,12Z,15Z)-octadecatrienamide promotes bone formation via the canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway Author(s): Wang, T | Sun, CH | Zhong, HB | Gong, Y | Cui, ZK | Xie, J | Wang, YP | Liang, C | Cao, HH | Chen, XR | Zou, ZP | Li, SF | Bai, XC Date: APR 2019 Author Keywords: bone metabolism | Maca | N-(3-methoxybenzyl)-(9Z,12Z,15Z)- octadecatrienamide | postmenopausal osteoporosis | Wnt/beta-catenin Keywords Plus: MACA LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | DIFFERENTIATION | PATHOGENESIS | PHOSPHORYLATION | POLYSACCHARIDE | OSTEOPOROSIS | OSTEOBLAST | RE- SORPTION | DIAGNOSIS | WALP. Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 33 Abstract: Osteoporosis is characterized by low bone mineral density and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue. N-(3-methoxybenzyl)-(9Z,12Z,15Z)-octadecatrienamide (MBOC) is one of the macamides isolated from Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.), a cruciferous plant from the Andes of Peru. In this study, C3H/10T1/2 mesenchymal stem cells were treated with MBOC in osteo- genic induction medium. An ovariectomized (OVX) mouse model was used to investigate the effect of 1-month MBOC treatment on the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Remar- kably, trabecular thickness, trabecular number, and bone volume/tissue volume of the distal femoral metaphysis were significantly increased in OVX+MBOC mice compared with OVX mi- ce, as revealed by microcomputed tomography analysis. Trabecular separation was decreased in OVX+MBOC mice compared with OVX mice. Consistently, MBOC increased the levels of os- teocalcin and runt-related transcription factor 2 in OVX mice, as well as the expression of runt- related transcription factor 2, osterix, and alkaline phosphatase in C3H/10T1/2 cells. Mecha- nistically, MBOC activates the canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway via inhibiting phosphorylation of GSK-3 beta at Tyr216 and maintaining beta-catenin expression. Collecti- vely, the current study demonstrates the robustness of MBOC in the induction of mesenchymal stem cells osteogenic differentiation and consequent bone formation, suggesting that MBOC

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may be a potentially effective drug to treat postmenopausal osteoporosis.

Record 216/366: WOS:000372497600015 Source: ANDROLOGIA | 48 (3): 347-354 APR 2016 Title: Feeding hydroalcoholic extract powder of Lepidium meyenii (maca) increases serum tes- tosterone concentration and enhances steroidogenic ability of Leydig cells in male rats Author(s): Ohta, Y | Yoshida, K | Kamiya, S | Kawate, N | Takahashi, M | Inaba, T | Hatoya, S | Morii, H | Takahashi, K | Ito, M | Ogawa, H | Tamada, H Date: APR 2016 Author Keywords: Leydig cells | maca | rat | testosterone Keywords Plus: ADULT HEALTHY-MEN | RED MACA | PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA | LU- TEINIZING-HORMONE | TESTICULAR FUNCTION | SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION | 3 | SPERMATOGENESIS | SECRETION | MICE Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 48 Abstract: Although Lepidium meyenii (maca), a plant growing in Peru's central Andes, has been traditio- nally used for enhancing fertility and reproductive performance in domestic animals and hu- man beings, effects of maca on reproductive organs are still unclear. This study examined whet- her feeding the hydroalcoholic extract powder of maca for 6weeks affects weight of the repro- ductive organs, serum concentrations of testosterone and luteinising hormone (LH), number and cytoplasmic area of immunohistochemically stained Leydig cells, and steroidogenesis of cultured Leydig cells in 8-week-old male rats. Feeding the extract powder increased weight of seminal vesicles, serum testosterone level and cytoplasmic area of Leydig cells when compared with controls. Weight of prostate gland, serum LH concentration and number of Leydig cells were not affected by the maca treatment. The testosterone production by Leydig cells signifi- cantly increased when cultured with 22R-hydroxycholesterol or pregnenolone and tended to increase when cultured with hCG by feeding the extract powder. The results show that feeding the hydroalcoholic extract powder of maca for 6weeks increases serum testosterone concentra- tion associated with seminal vesicle stimulation in male rats, and this increase in testosterone level may be related to the enhanced ability of testosterone production by Leydig cells espe- cially in the metabolic process following cholesterol.

Record 217/366: WOS:000501182200008 Source: FOOD BIOPHYSICS | 14 (4): 437-445 DEC 2019

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Title: Continuously Distributed Glass Transition of Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walpers) Powder and Impact on Caking Properties Author(s): Granados, AEA | Fongin, S | Hagura, Y | Kawai, K Date: DEC 2019 Author Keywords: Maca powder | Water sorption isotherm | Glass transition temperature | Critical water activity | Caking Keywords Plus: AMORPHOUS PHASE-SEPARATION | MOISTURE SORPTION ISOT- HERM | WATER-CONTENT | STARCH | MALTODEXTRIN | TEMPERATURE | STICKINESS | SUCROSE | CRYSTALLINITY | RELAXATION Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 14 Abstract: Water sorption isotherm, glass transition temperature (T-g), and caking properties of maca (Lepidium meyenii Walpers) powder were investigated. A broad endothermic shift reflecting continuously distributed glass transition was detected by differential scanning calorimetry, which prompted the evaluation of onset T-g and offset T-g. From the onset and offset T-g cur- ves and water sorption isotherm, critical water activity (water activity at glass transition tempe- rature of 25 degrees C) was determined to be 0.258 for the onset T-g and 0.480 for the offset T- g. The critical water activity values were validated by isothermal mechanical relaxation measu- rement. Caking properties of maca powder were compared with maltodextrin. The degree of caking and cake hardness for maltodextrin increased at a water activity just above critical water activity for onset T-g. Maca powder, on the other hand, showed a small degree of caking in the water activity range of 0.225 to 0.576, and the degree of caking drastically increased at a higher water activity. The hardness of maca cakes increased gradually at water activity values greater than 0.432. Since maca powder showed a continuously distributed glass transition, the molecu- lar mobility required for caking was considered to have been provided incrementally by the in- crease in water activity above critical water activity for the onset T-g.

Record 218/366: WOS:000418806800001 Source: EVIDENCE-BASED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE | 2017: - 2017 Title: N-Butanol and Aqueous Fractions of Red Maca Methanolic Extract Exerts Opposite Ef- fects on Androgen and Oestrogens Receptors (Alpha and Beta) in Rats with Testosterone- Induced Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Author(s): Fano, D | Vasquez-Velasquez, C | Gonzales-Castaneda, C | Guajardo-Correa, E |

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Orihuela, PA | Gonzales, GF Date: 2017 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | GROWTH-FACTOR | EXPRESSION | BPH Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 2017 Abstract: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) affects, worldwide, 50% of 60-year-old men. The Peruvian plant red maca (Lepidium meyenii) inhibits BPH in rodents. This study aimed to determine the effects of methanolic red maca extract and its n-butanol and aqueous fractions on expression of androgen and oestrogen receptors in rats with testosterone enanthate-induced BPH. Thirty-six rats in six groups were studied. Control group received 2 mLof vehicle orally and 0.1 mLof pro- pylene glycol intramuscularly. The second group received vehicle orally and testosterone enant- hate (TE) (25mg/0.1 mL) intramuscularly in days 1 and 7. The other four groups were BPH- induced with TE and received, during 21 days, 3.78mg/mL of finasteride, 18.3mg/mLmethanol extract of redmaca, 2mg/mL of n-butanol fraction, or 16.3mg/mL of aqueous fraction from red maca. Treatments with red maca extract and its n-butanol but not aqueous fraction reduced prostate weight similar to finasteride. All maca treated groups restored the expression of ER beta, but only the aqueous fraction increased androgen receptors and ER alpha In conclusion, butanol fraction of red maca reduced prostate size in BPH by restoring expression of ER beta without affecting androgen receptors and ER alpha. This effect was not observed with aqueous fraction of methanolic extract of red maca.

Record 219/366: WOS:000383549700001 Source: EUROPEAN POULTRY SCIENCE | 80: - JUL 18 2016 Title: Effect of Maca (Lepidium meyenii) powder dietary supplementation on performance, egg quality, yolk cholesterol, serum parameters and antioxidant status of laying hens in the post-peak period Author(s): Korkmaz, S | Eseceli, H | Korkmaz, IO | Bilal, T Date: JUL 18 2016 Author Keywords: Laying hen | nutrition | Maca | Lepidium meyenii | egg quality | antioxi- dative status Keywords Plus: METABOLISM | EXTRACT | RATS | OSTEOPOROSIS | EFFICIENCY | JU- VENILES | HORMONE | GROWTH Publication Year: 2016

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Volume: 80 Abstract: The present study investigated the effects of dietary supplementation with Maca powder on the performance, egg quality, serum parameters, hormones and antioxidant enzyme levels of laying hens in their post-peak period. A total of 150 hens, 56 week of age, were separated into three treatment groups (50 hens per group). Over 16 weeks, diets were supplemented with Maca powder at concentrations of 0 (control), 5 and 10 g/kg respectively. Performance and egg quali- ty were not significantly influenced by the supplementation of Maca powder. Cholesterol con- tents of the yolk were not influenced by the experimental diets. At the end of the study, no sig- nificant difference in the levels of serum glucose, total triglyceride and total cholesterol, cal- cium, phosphorus, and oestradiol was detected. However, serum le- vels decreased as the rate of Maca powder increased (P< 0.05). A significant increase in serum glutathione peroxidase (GPx) was measured in the hens fed with 10 g/kg Maca powder. In con- clusion, Maca powder had neither positive nor adverse impacts on performance, egg quality, yolk cholesterol content, serum parameters (except magnesium) and hormones. Despite that serum magnesium levels were adversely affected, Maca powder may enhance the antioxidant status, specifically GPx, of laying hens in the post-peak period.

Record 220/366: WOS:000375331900022 Source: FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS | 9 (6): 1686-1695 JUN 2016 Title: Simultaneous Analysis of Macamides in Maca (Lepidium meyenii) with Different Drying Process by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Author(s): Pan, Y | Zhang, J | Li, H | Wang, YZ | Li, WY Date: JUN 2016 Author Keywords: Maca | Macamides | Drying process | UPLC-MS/MS Keywords Plus: CHEMICAL-COMPOSITION | GENTIANA-RIGESCENS | SEXUAL- BEHAVIOR | RATS | WALP. | MS/MS | CONSTITUENTS | ALKAMIDES | EXTRACT | SAM- PLES Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 9 Abstract: Macamides with benzylalkylamides structure are a group of characteristic constituents isolated from functional food Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.). Previous study demonstrated that maca- mides are secondary amides, the accumulation of which is associated with drying process. In this study, a rapid method based on ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass

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spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) is developed for the simultaneous detection and determination of macamides in Maca. Validation parameters including linearity, limit of detection, limit of quantification, accuracy, precision, repeatability, and stability were all within the required li- mits. Seven major macamides are determined by the UPLC method with detection wavelength at 205 nm in 12 min. Based on the fragmentation pattern of standard compounds, four frag- ment ions (m/z 91, 108, 121, and 138) are selected as diagnostic ions for detection of macami- des through precursor ion acquisition mode. Additionally, comparative analysis is performed to examine the effects of different drying processes (air-drying, oven-drying, freeze-drying, and steaming) on Maca (whole hypocotyls and pieces) for macamides. Whole hypocotyls with oven- drying showed the highest content of macamides (2.528 mg/g), while freeze-drying and stea- ming significantly decrease the amount of macamides. The results provide a reliable method for analysis of macamides and extend previous work insights into the drying process of Maca.

Record 223/366: WOS:000429352700001 Source: FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY | 9: - APR 6 2018 Title: Aqueous Extract of Black Maca Prevents Metabolism Disorder via Regulating the Gly- colysis/Gluconeogenesis-TCA Cycle and PPAR alpha Signaling Activation in Golden Hamsters Fed a High-Fat, High-Fructose Diet Author(s): Wan, WT | Li, HX | Xiang, JM | Yi, F | Xu, LJ | Jiang, BP | Xiao, PG Date: APR 6 2018 Author Keywords: maca (Lepidium meyenii Walpers) | metabolism disorder | metabolomics | glycolysis/gluconeogenesis-TCA cycle | lipid metabolism Keywords Plus: GLUCOSE-METABOLISM | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | METABOLOMICS RE- VEALS | INSULIN-RESISTANCE | DIABETES RESEARCH | DRUG DISCOVERY | LIVER | HOMEOSTASIS | EXPRESSION | RATS Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 9 Abstract: Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walpers) has been used as a dietary supplement and ethnomedicine for centuries. Recently, maca has become a high profile functional food worldwide because of its multiple biological activities. This study is the first explorative research to investigate the prevention and amelioration capacity of the aqueous extract of black maca (AEM) on high-fat, high-fructose diet (HFD)-induced metabolism disorder in golden hamsters and to identify the potential mechanisms involved in these effects. For 20 weeks, 6-week-old male golden hamsters were fed the following respective diets: (1) a standard diet, (2) HFD, (3) HFD

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supplemented with metformin, or (4) HFD supplemented with three doses of AEM (300, 600, or 1,200 mg/kg). After 20 weeks, the golden hamsters that received daily AEM supplementati- on presented with the beneficial effects of improved hyperlipidemia, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, and hepatic steatosis in vivo. Based on the hepatic metabolomic analysis results, al- terations in metabolites associated with pathological changes were examined. A total of 194 identified metabolites were mapped to 46 relative metabolic pathways, including those of energy metabolism. In addition, via in silico profiling for secondary maca metabolites by a joint pharmacophore- and structure-based approach, a compound-target-disease network was esta- blished. The results revealed that 32 bioactive compounds in maca targeted 16 proteins invol- ved in metabolism disorder. Considering the combined metabolomics and virtual screening re- sults, we employed quantitative real-time PCR assays to verify the gene expression of key enzy- mes in the relevant pathways. AEM promoted glycolysis and inhibited gluconeogenesis via re- gulating the expression of key genes such as Gck and Pfkm. Moreover, AEM upregulated tricar- boxylic acid (TCA) cycle flux by changing the concentrations of intermediates and increasing the mRNA levels of Aco2, Fh, and Mdh2. In addition, the lipid-lowering effects of AEM in both the serum and liver may be partly related to PPAR alpha signaling activation, including enhan- ced fatty acid beta-oxidation and lipogenesis pathway inhibition. Together, our data demons- trated that AEM intervention significantly improved lipid and glucose metabolism disorder by regulating the glycolysis/gluconeogenesis-TCA cycle and by modulating gene expression levels involved in the PPAR alpha signaling pathway.

Record 224/366: WOS:000471085900041 Source: SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE | 253: 341-348 JUL 27 2019 Title: Seed weight predicts seedling emergence, and extremely acid soil and low availability of Phosphorus are associated with poor plant performances in Lepidium meyenii Walpers (maca) Author(s): Lozano-Canales, A | Janampa-Santome, M | Clark, D | Gonzales, WL Date: JUL 27 2019 Author Keywords: Maca | Environmental stress | Plant growth | Seed weight | Soil acidity | Phosphorus deficiency Keywords Plus: HIGH-ANDEAN PUNA | PROTON TOXICITY | PH | TEMPERATURE | ALUMINUM | CLIMATE | ROOT | INTENSIFICATION | GERMINATION | MANAGEMENT Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 253 Abstract: Lepidium meyenii Walpers (maca) is a Peruvian species cultivated in the high Andean region

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(ca. 4000 m.a.s.l.), highly praised for the nutritional properties of its hypocotyl. The benefits to human health and their relationship with the hypocotyl have been well investigated. However, few studies have addressed the factors affecting field crop performance and the improvement of agronomic practices. Here we evaluate the effect of soil properties (humidity, temperature, and fertility) and sowing method (ridge-furrow system and flat planting) on the biological perfor- mance of five seed accessions of maca in 6 experimental plots along an attitudinal gradient (3554-4442 m.a.s.l.). Plots located at both the lowest and highest altitudes had lower plant sur- vival, vegetative growth, and hypocotyl size. Most of the differences among plots could be attri- buted to the acidity and the concentration of available phosphorus in the soil. In addition, low soil temperature and humidity negatively affected crop performance at different stages of plant development. The ridge-furrow system appeared to promote plant growth, although it did not favor plant survival under the unexpected climatic conditions experienced. Finally, seed weight was found to be a good predictor of seedling emergence and plant survival.

Record 226/366: WOS:000424062300137 Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES | 107: 2611- 2619 Part B FEB 2018 Title: Isolation, purification and antioxidant activity of polysaccharides from the leaves of ma- ca (Lepidium Meyenii) Author(s): Kang, CC | Hao, LM | Zhang, LM | Zheng, ZQ | Yang, YW Date: FEB 2018 Author Keywords: Maca leaves | Polysaccharides | Characterization | Antioxidant activity Keywords Plus: RADICAL SCAVENGING ACTIVITY | STRUCTURAL- CHARACTERIZATION | CELLS | EXOPOLYSACCHARIDES | OPTIMIZATION | EXTRACTI- ON | FRACTIONS | CULTURE | WALP. | MICE Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 107 Abstract: Two fractions of polysaccharides (MLP-1 and MLP-2) were extracted from the leaves of maca (Lepidium Meyenii Walp.) by water, and purified using DEAE-52 ion exchange resin and sep- hadex G-200 clumns chromatography. An investigation was carried out for their structural characterization and antioxidant activity in vitro. The results indicated that MLP-1 was mainly composed of ribose, rhamnose, arabinose, xylose, mannose, glucose and galactose, with the molar ratio of 0.12:0.32:1.50:0.32:1.03:1.00:0.93; the MLP-2 was a homopolysaccharide com- posed of glucose. The molecular weight (Mw) of MLP-1 was 42756 Da, and the Mw of MLP-2

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was 93541 Da. The FT-IR spectra showed the general characteristic absorption peak of maca leaf polysaccharides (MLPs). The evaluation of antioxidant activity revealed that MLP-1 had strong scavenging effects in vitro on hydroxyl, superoxide anion and DPPH radicals, whose EC50 (mg/mL) was 0.44, 0.21, and 0.82, respectively. Both MLP-1 and MLP-2 presented dose- dependently positive effects on the antioxidant-related parameters. The results suggested that the purified MLP-1 displayed better antioxidant capacities than that of MLP-1, which could be explored as potential antioxidant agents for the complementary medicine or functional foods. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Record 230/366: WOS:000437769300001 Source: JOURNAL OF OLEO SCIENCE | 67 (7): 789-800 JUL 2018 Title: Maca Cosmetics: A Review on Constituents, Therapeutics and Advantages Author(s): Li, YJ | Wang, SY | Xin, YZ | Zheng, MM | Xu, FX | Xi, XZ | Cao, H | Cui, XW | Guo, H | Han, CC Date: JUL 2018 Author Keywords: maca | cosmetics | constituents | therapeutics Keywords Plus: NF-KAPPA-B | NITRIC-OXIDE SYNTHASE | GREEN TEA | LEPIDIUM- MEYENII | IN-VIVO | ULTRAVIOLET-RADIATION | SKIN PHOTOPROTECTION | ENDU- RANCE CAPACITY | SCUTELLARIA-RADIX | COPPER DEFICIENCY Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 67 Abstract: Herbal cosmetics are the focus of attention nowadays, they have various therapeutics, inclu- ding, anti-oxidant, anti-radiation, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory. Maca contains polysacchari- des, phenolics, alkaloids, minerals and amino acids, which is said to suitable component for cosmetics due to the single action or synergy action. The review summarized the existed and potential therapeutic effects of maca ingredients in cosmetics. And compared to the marketed cosmetics, maca cosmetics have the merits of mild, low-toxicity and the clear relationship effi- cacy.

Record 231/366: WOS:000385816500007 Source: ANDROLOGIA | 48 (8): 915-921 OCT 2016 Title: Effect of butanolic fraction of yellow and black maca (Lepidium meyenii) on the sperm count of adult mice Author(s): Inoue, N | Farfan, C | Gonzales, GF

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Date: OCT 2016 Author Keywords: antioxidant | black maca | butanolic fraction | sperm count | total pheno- lic content | yellow maca Keywords Plus: BETA-CARBOLINE ALKALOIDS | MALE RATS | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVI- TY | SPERMATOGENIC CYCLE | PHENOLIC-COMPOUNDS | EXTRACTS | PIPERINE | PLANTS Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 48 Abstract: Lepidium meyenii, known as maca, is a popular nutraceutical food which is grown over 4,000 m above sea level in the Peruvian central highlands. Maca contains alkaloids, but there are no studies on their biological effects. The butanol fraction obtained from methanol extract of maca hypocotyls contains alkaloids. The effects of butanol/aqueous fractions partitioned from met- hanol extract of yellow and black maca were examined. Total phenolic content (TPC) and anti- oxidant capacity by 2,2'-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl were used to evaluate maca fractions in vi- tro. Daily sperm production and sperm count in epididymis and vas deferens in mice were de- termined as biological effect of maca extracts in vivo. Yellow maca (21.7%+/- 0.69) had better antioxidant capacity than black maca (18.2% +/- 0.12; p < .01). Antioxidant activity was better in the methanolic fraction than in the aqueous fraction of yellow or black maca. TPC is higher in the aqueous fraction than in the methanolic extract of yellow or black maca. Black maca ad- ministration resulted in higher concentration of sperm count in epididymis and vas deferens compared to yellow maca. A higher biological effect was observed in methanolic extract and in aqueous extract than in the butanol fraction of maca. In conclusion, better biological effect was observed in the methanolic extract of maca than in its partitioned fractions.

Record 232/366: WOS:000385816500008 Source: ANDROLOGIA | 48 (8): 922-926 OCT 2016 Title: Red Maca (Lepidium meyenii) did not affect cell viability despite increased androgen receptor and prostate-specific antigen gene expression in the human prostate cancer cell line LNCaP Author(s): Diaz, P | Cardenas, H | Orihuela, PA Date: OCT 2016 Author Keywords: androgen receptor | cell viability | LNCaP cells | red Maca Keywords Plus: | ESTROGEN METABOLITE | SERUM TES- TOSTERONE | MALE RATS | APOPTOSIS | HYPERPLASIA | DISEASE | ISOTHIOCYANATES

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PLANTS | WALP. Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 48 Abstract: We examined whether aqueous extract of Lepidium meyenii (red Maca) could inhibit growth, potentiate apoptotic activity of two anticancer drugs Taxol and 2-methoxyestradiol (2ME) or change mRNA expression for the androgen target genes, androgen receptor (Ar) and prostate- specific antigen (Psa) in the human prostate cancer cell line LNCaP. Red Maca aqueous extract at 0, 10, 20, 40 or 80 mu g/ml was added to LNCaP cells, and viability was evaluated by the MTS assay at 24 or 48 hr after treatment. Furthermore, LNCaP cells were treated with 80 mu g/ml of red Maca plus Taxol or 2ME 5 mu M and viability was assessed 48 hr later. Finally, LNCaP cells were treated with red Maca 0, 20, 40 or 80 mu g/ml, and 12 hr later, mRNA level for Ar or Psa was assessed by real-time PCR. Treatment with red Maca did not affect viability of LNCaP cells. Apoptotic activity induced by Taxol and 2ME in LNCaP cells was not altered with red Maca treatment. Relative expression of the mRNA for Ar and Psa increased with red Maca 20 and 40 mu g/ml, but not at 80 mu g/ml. We conclude that red Maca aqueous extract does not have toxic effects, but stimulates androgen signalling in LNCaP cells.

Record 233/366: WOS:000366238100048 Source: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE | 1105: 403-414 FEB 5 2016 Title: Structural, electronic, topological and vibrational properties of a series of N- benzylamides derived from Maca (Lepidium meyenii) combining spectroscopic studies with ONION calculations Author(s): Chain, FE | Ladetto, MF | Grau, A | Catalan, CAN | Brandan, SA Date: FEB 5 2016 Author Keywords: N-benzylamides | Vibrational spectra | Molecular structure | Force field | DFT calculations Keywords Plus: SEXUAL-BEHAVIOR | FT-RAMAN | 13-EPI-SCLAREOL | CONSTITUENTS | DITERPENE | EXTRACT | GROWTH | AGENT | WALP. | ACID Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 1105 Abstract: In the present work, the structural, topological and vibrational properties of four members of the N-benzylamides series derived from Maca (Lepidium meyenii) whose names are, N- benzylpentadecanamide, N-benzylhexadecanamide, N-benzylheptadecanamide and N-

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benzyloctadecanamide, were studied combining the FTIR, FT-Raman and H-1 and C-13-NMR spectroscopies with density functional theory (DFT) and ONION calculations. Furthermore, the N-benzylacetamide, N-benzylpropilamide and N-benzyl hexanamide derivatives were also stu- died in order to compare their properties with those computed for the four macamides. These seven N-benzylamides series have a common structure, C8H8NO-R, being R the side chain [- (CH2)(n)-CH3] with a variable n number of CH2 groups. Here, the atomic charges, molecular electrostatic potentials, stabilization energies, topological properties of those macamides were analyzed as a function of the number of C atoms of the side chain while the frontier orbitals were used to compute the gap energies and some descriptors in order to predict their reactivi- ties and behaviors in function of the longitude of the side chain. Here, the force fields, the com- plete vibrational assignments and the corresponding force constants were only reported for N- benzylacetamide, N-benzyl hexanamide and N-benzylpentadecanamide due to the high num- ber of vibration normal modes that present the remains macamides.

Record 235/366: WOS:000394481900009 Source: JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY | 65 (6): 1146-1157 FEB 15 2017 Title: Structural Characterization of a Novel Polysaccharide from Lepidium meyenii (Maca) and Analysis of Its Regulatory Function in Macrophage Polarization in Vitro Author(s): Zhang, MM | Wu, WJ | Ren, Y | Li, XF | Tang, YQ | Min, T | Lai, FR | Wu, H Date: FEB 15 2017 Author Keywords: polysaccharides | maca | structure | macrophage | polarization Keywords Plus: TUMOR-ASSOCIATED MACROPHAGES | IMMUNOSTIMULATORY POLYSACCHARIDES | IMMUNOMODULATORY ACTIVITY | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY | CHAIN CONFORMATION | M2 MACROPHAGES | CONSTITUENTS | M1 | HETEROPOLY- SACCHARIDE | INFLAMMATION Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 65 Abstract: In our previous study, three novel polysaccharides, named MC-1, MC-2, and MC-3, were sepa- rated from the roots of maca (Lepidium meyenii), which is a food source from the Andes re- gion. The structural information and immunomodulatory activity of MC-1 were then investiga- ted. The structure and activity of MC-2 are still unknown. In this study, structural characteriza- tion revealed that MC-2 has an average molecular weight of 9.83 kDa and is composed of arabi- nose (20.9%), mannose (4.5%), glucose (71.9%), and galactose (2.7%). The main linkage types

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of MC-2 were proven to be (1 -> 5)-alpha-L-Ara, (1 -> 3)-alpha-L-Man, (1 ->)-alpha-D-Glc, (1 - > 4)-alpha-D-Glc, (1 -> 6)-alpha-D-Glc, and (1 -> 6)-beta-D-Gal by methylation and NMR analyses. Congo red assay showed that MC-2 possesses a triple-helix conformation. Immunos- timulating assays indicated that MC-2 could induce M1 polarization of original macrophages and convert M2 macrophages into M1 phenotype. Although MC-2 could not shift M1 macrop- hages into M2, it could still inhibit inflammatory reactions induced by lipopolysaccharide. Furthermore, Toll-like receptor 2, tTll-like receptor 4, complement receptor 3, and mannose receptor were confirmed as the membrane receptors for MC-2 on macrophages. These results indicate that MC-2 could potentially be used toward hypoimmunity and tumor therapies.

Record 237/366: WOS:000573077600004 Source: BMC PLANT BIOLOGY | 20 (1): - SEP 16 2020 Title: Comparative analysis of maca (Lepidium meyenii) proteome profiles reveals insights into response mechanisms of herbal plants to high-temperature stress Author(s): Wang, ZQ | Zhao, QM | Zhong, XT | Xiao, L | Ma, LX | Wu, CF | Zhang, ZS | Zhang, LQ | Tian, Y | Fan, W Date: SEP 16 2020 Author Keywords: High-temperature stress | Maca | Molecular mechanism | Stress respon- se | Tandem mass tag Keywords Plus: HEAT-STRESS | SUCROSE SYNTHASE | GEMINIVIRUS AL2 | ITRAQ RE- VEALS | RICE | TOLERANCE | GENOME | IDENTIFICATION | LEAVES | L. Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 20 Abstract: Background High-temperature stress (HTS) is one of the main environmental stresses that li- mit plant growth and crop production in agricultural systems. Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is an important high-altitude herbaceous plant adapted to a wide range of environmental stimuli such as cold, strong wind and UV-B exposure. However, it is an extremely HTS-sensitive plant species. Thus far, there is limited information about gene/protein regulation and signaling pathways related to the heat stress responses in maca. In this study, proteome profiles of maca seedlings exposed to HTS for 12 h were investigated using a tandem mass tag (TMT)-based pro- teomic approach. Results In total, 6966 proteins were identified, of which 300 showed signifi- cant alterations in expression following HTS. Bioinformatics analyses indicated that protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum was the most significantly up-regulated metabolic pathway following HTS. Quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis showed that the expression

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levels of 19 genes encoding proteins mapped to this pathway were significantly up-regulated under HTS. These results show that protein processing in the endoplasmic reticulum may play a crucial role in the responses of maca to HTS. Conclusions Our proteomic data can be a good resource for functional proteomics of maca and our results may provide useful insights into the molecular response mechanisms underlying herbal plants to HTS.

Record 238/366: WOS:000462108500002 Source: GENE | 694: 7-18 APR 30 2019 Title: Alternative splicing coupled to nonsense-mediated mRNA decay contributes to the high- altitude adaptation of maca (Lepidium meyenii) Author(s): Shi, Y | Su, ZC | Yang, H | Wang, WZ | Jin, GH | He, GQ | Siddique, A | Zhang, LS | Zhu, AD | Xue, RG | Zhang, CJ Date: APR 30 2019 Author Keywords: Alpine plants | Post-transcriptome | Intron retention | Alternative 3 ' splice site | Long non-coding RNA | Positive selection Keywords Plus: GENOME-WIDE ANALYSIS | LONG NONCODING RNAS | ABIOTIC STRESS | TRANSCRIPTOME ANALYSIS | SR PROTEINS | GENE | REVEALS | PLANTS | EX- PRESSION | ALIGNMENT Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 694 Abstract: Alpine plants remain the least studied plant communities in terrestrial ecosystems. However, how they adapt to high-altitude environments is far from clear. Here, we used RNA-seq to in- vestigate a typical alpine plant mace (Lepidium meyenii) to understand its high-altitude adap- tation at transcriptional and post-transcriptional level. At transcriptional level, we found that maca root significantly up-regulated plant immunity genes in day-time comparing to night- time, and up-regulated abiotic (cold/osmotic) stress response genes in Nov and Dec comparing to Oct. In addition, 17 positively selected genes were identified, which could be involved in mi- tochondrion. At post-transcriptional level, we found that maca had species-specific characteri- zed alternative splicing (AS) profile which could be influenced by stress environments. For exa- mple, the alternative 3' splice site events (A3SS, 39.62%) were predominate AS events in maca, rather than intron retention (IR, 23.17%). Interestingly, besides serine/arginine-rich (SR) pro- teins and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), a lot of components in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) were identified under differential alternative splicing (DAS), supporting AS cou- pled to NMD as essential mechanisms for maca's stress responses and high-altitude adaptation.

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Taken together, we first attempted to unveil maca's high-altitude adaptation mechanisms ba- sed on transcriptome and post-transcriptome evidence. Our data provided valuable insights to understand the high-altitude adaptation of alpine plants.

Record 240/366: WOS:000407868900007 Source: JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS | 61: 52-58 AUG 2017 Title: Probing the free-radical scavenging activity of the extract, the major glucosinolate and isothiocyanate of Eruca sativa Mill. and Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. seeds Author(s): Montaut, S | Benson, HJ | Kay, M | Guido, BS | Mahboob, SS | Chenier, J | Gaspa- retto, JL | Joly, HA Date: AUG 2017 Author Keywords: Eruca sativa | Lepidium densiflorum | ESR spectroscopy | Free-radical scavenging activity | DPPH | Hydroxyl radical | Glucosinolate | Isothiocyanate Keywords Plus: ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY | RAPHANUS-SATIVUS | KAIWARE DAIKON | SPROUTS | PLANTS | IDENTIFICATION | PURIFICATION | CAPACITY | MUSTARD | ME- YENII Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 61 Abstract: Sinalbin (SNB) and 4-hydroxybenzyl isothiocyanate (4-HBITC) were isolated from Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. seeds, while glucoerucin (GER) and erucin (ER) from Eruca sa- tiva Mill. seeds. Free-radical scavenging assays (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and hydroxyl radicals ('OH)) were used. The amount of plant extract required to scavenge 50% of the DPPH radicals (SC50) was 0.35 +/- 0.053 mg mL(-1) for L. densiflorum and 0.55 +/- 0.067 mg mL(-1) for E. sativa extract. The latter, however, was a better scavenger towards (OH)-O- center dot (3.4 +/- 0.38 mg for mL(-1) densiflorum vs. 1.0 +/- 0.081 mg m(-1) for E. sativa). 4- HBITC was more active towards DPPH and just as active as ER towards (OH)-O-center dot. As expected, 4-HBITC was a better scavenger than SNB towards DPPH and (OH)-O-center dot. On the contrary, GER was found to be more efficient at scavenging DPPH than ER while their activities towards (OH)-O-center dot were the same. Overall, the compounds were not very effi- cient antioxidants.

Record 241/366: WOS:000472020900005 Source: BMC COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE | 19: - JUN 18 2019 Title: Effects of combined extracts of Lepidium meyenii and Allium tuberosum Rottl. on

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erectile dysfunction Author(s): Zhang, Y | Zhou, FX | Ge, FH Date: JUN 18 2019 Author Keywords: Combined extracts | Maca | Chinese chive seed | Supercritical fluid | Se- xual function Keywords Plus: SEXUAL-BEHAVIOR | MALE RATS | AQUEOUS EXTRACT | NITRIC- OXIDE | MACA | QUALITY | SPERMATOGENESIS | MIXTURE | MICE | MEN Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 19 Abstract: BackgroundSexual problems are widespread and adversely affect the interpersonal relations- hips and the quality of life. Currently, synthetic drugs improving sexual function are available, but expenditures for such agents are extremely high. To discover relatively inexpensive, widely available and effective natural drugs, we identified a combined extracts from Lepidium meyenii (maca) root and Allium tuberosum Rottl. (Chinese chive) seed, assessed the effects of this com- bined extracts on erectile dysfunction, and explored its potential mechanisms.MethodsThe ex- tracts were obtained via supercritical fluid extraction. Male BALB/c mice received doses of ex- tract from single plant or the combined extracts (200mg/kg) by gastric gavage for 14 d, and Viagra was used as the positive control drug. Sexual behaviour was observed, and concentra- tions of serum testosterone, nitric oxide (NO), and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) in serum as well as in penis were measured. In addition, weights of genital organs were also measured.ResultsThe combined extracts of maca root and Chinese chive seed (1:1, w/w) had a 45-fold increase in macamide content compared with maca extract. It also led to significantly higher ejaculation frequency (P<0.05) than single extract from maca root or Chinese chive seed, with no corresponding effect on genital indices. In addition, the NO level in serum (P<0.01) and penis (P<0.05) increased notably, as well as the level of cGMP in penis (P<0.05).ConclusionsThe results indicated that the combined extracts produced better syner- gistic effects on male sexual function than maca extract or Chinese chive extract alone. These positive effects may involve the upregulation of NO and cGMP concentrations in penis.

Record 242/366: WOS:000398795300001 Source: JOURNAL OF FOOD QUALITY | : - 2017 Title: The Nutritional Composition of Maca in Hypocotyls (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) Cultiva- ted in Different Regions of China Author(s): Chen, LF | Li, JY | Fan, LP

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Date: 2017 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: TESTICULAR FUNCTION | SEXUAL-BEHAVIOR | EXTRACT | MACAMI- DES | ACIDS Publication Year: 2017 Volume: Abstract: Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) was introduced to China in the recent two decades. Proximate compositions and secondary metabolites in dried maca tuber powders of different cultivation areas and colour types were analyzed and compared in order to provide the scientific guideline for its application. Cultivation region significantly affects the compositions of maca. The pro- tein content of maca ranged from 9.31% to 21.02% by dry basis of maca powders and Xiao- pingba-Y, Yulong-Y, and Pamirs-Y have the higher protein contents. The essential amino acids (EAA) contents ranged from 189.19 to 312.90mg/g protein. The crude lipid content of different maca ranged from 0.59% to 1.00% and has no significant difference (P > 0.05). The total die- tary fiber (TDF) contents ranged from 17.82% to 26.00% and soluble dietary fiber (SDF) ran- ged from 2.46% to 7.88%, respectively. Maca samples were rich in Na, Mg, Ca, and K elements which ranged 138.3-187.8, 625.2-837.2, 3838.9-4502.7, and 5394.8-8063.3mg/kg dry matter (DM). Xiaopingba-Y has the highest benzyl glucosinolate content which was 2.31mg/g DM. Pe- ru-Y and Xiaopingba have the higher contents of total alkaloids contents which was 2.61 and 2.56mg/kg DM. Yongsheng-Y, Yulong-Y, and Pamirs-Y were rich in N-benzyl hexadecanamide contents, which were 0.164, 0.174, and 0.173mg/g DM, respectively. Significant higher protein, total dietary fiber, insoluble dietary fiber, total alkaloids, and benzyl glucosinolate contents were found in purple and black maca compared to yellow maca in Pamirs, while there was no significant difference in N-benzyl hexadecanamide content.

Record 244/366: WOS:000503861400002 Source: REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE FARMACOGNOSIA-BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHAR- MACOGNOSY | 29 (6): 702-709 NOV-DEC 2019 Title: Simultaneous determination of macaenes and macamides in maca using an HPLC met- hod and analysis using a chemometric method (HCA) to distinguish maca origin Author(s): Xia, C | Deng, JL | Chen, J | Zhu, YQ | Song, Y | Zhang, YJ | Li, HJ | Lin, CB Date: NOV-DEC 2019 Author Keywords: Maca | Macaene | Macamide | HPLC | Simultaneous analysis | HCA Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | 13-OXO-OCTADECADIENOIC ACIDS |

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DISCRIMINATION | FINGERPRINT | TOMATO Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 29 Abstract: Macamides and Macaenes are the bioactive marker compounds in maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp., Brassicaceae) tuber. To simultaneously quantify these two types of compound, HPLC method was studied. To distinguish and group the growing regions of different maca samples, Hierarchical cluster analysis, a chemometric method, was applied to analyze the HPLC data. The calibration curves obtained using the HPLC method showed satisfactory linearity with de- termination coefficients >0.9998. The precision and repeatability relative standard deviation values were <4%, and the accuracy relative standard deviation value was <5%. The limits of de- tection was <0.1 mu g/ml and the limit of quantification was <0.3 mu g/ml. Our HPLC method was successfully used for the separation and determination of macamides and macaenes in Ma- ca within 45 min, i.e., two macaenes (9-oxo-10E,12Z-octadecadienoic acid and 9-oxo-10E,12E- octadecadienoic acid) and five macamides (N-benzyl-9-oxo-10E,12Z-octadecadienamide, N- benzyl-9-oxo-10E,12E-octadecadienamide, N-benzyl-9Z,12Z,15Z-octadecatrienamide, N-benzyl -9Z,12Z-octadecadienamide and N-benzyl-hexadecanamide). The HPLC method was applied to analyze and quantify the seven compounds in thirty maca samples with different colors and origins. The origins of all the maca samples were distinguished and grouped using hierarchical cluster analysis of the HPLC data. Accordingly, the metabolism of macaenes and macamides in maca post-harvest processing has also been proposed. The HPLC method is efficient to simul- taneously quantify the macamides and macaenes in maca. Analyzing the HPLC data using hie- rarchical cluster analysis can distinguish maca growing origins.

Record 245/366: WOS:000482000700011 Source: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 9: - AUG 21 2019 Title: Origin identification of Chinese Maca using electronic nose coupled with GC-MS Author(s): Li, A | Duan, SL | Dang, YT | Zhang, X | Xia, K | Liu, SW | Han, XF | Wen, J | Li, ZJ | Wang, X | Liu, J | Yuan, P | Gao, XD Date: AUG 21 2019 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | SECONDARY METABOLITES | DISCRIMINATION | CULTIVATION | COLOR | MICE Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 9

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Abstract: Maca (Lepidium meyenliWalp.), originated in the high Andes of Peru, is rich in nutrients and phytochemica Is. As a new resource food in China, Maca suffers marketing disorders due to the limitation of basic research. Due to the close relationship of Maca quality and origin of place, it's of scientific, economic and social importance to set up a rapid, reliable and efficient method to identify Maca origin. In the present study, 303 Maca samples were collected from 101 villa- ges of the main producing area in China. Using electronic nose and BP neutral network algo- rithm, a Maca odor database was set up to trace the origin. GC-MS was then employed to analyze the characteristic components qualitatively and semi-quantitatively. As a result, very significant differences (p < 0.01) were detected in the volatile components of Maca from diffe- rent areas. This study not only constructs a network model to forecast the Maca origin, but also reveals the relationship between Maca odor fingerprints and origins.

Record 246/366: WOS:000499762200023 Source: INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS | 142: - DEC 15 2019 Title: Comparison study for the recovery of bioactive compounds from Tribulus terrestris, Panax ginseng, Gingko biloba, Lepidium meyenii, Turnera diffusa and Withania somnifera by using microwave-assisted, ultrasound-assisted and conventional extraction methods Author(s): Tsaltaki, C | Katsouli, M | Kekes, T | Chanioti, S | Tzia, C Date: DEC 15 2019 Author Keywords: Ultrasound assisted extraction | Microwave-assisted extraction | Heat reflux extraction | Soxhlet | HPLC | Herbs Keywords Plus: OLIVE POMACE | TOTAL PHENOL | OPTIMIZATION | CONSTITUENTS | SAPONINS | SOLVENTS | MAE | L. Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 142 Abstract: Heat reflux (CONV), Soxhlet (SOX), microwave-assisted (MAE) and ultrasound-assisted (UAE) extraction methods, using ethanol, water and their mixtures, were studied for the recovery of bioactive compounds from Tribulus terrestris, Panax ginseng, Gingko biloba, Lepidium meye- nii, Turnera diffusa and Withania somnifera. The study revealed that SOX method achieved extracts with the highest yield(TPC) in terms of the total phenolic content (TPC) (66.65 +/- 1.50%); MAE and UAE resulted also in extracts with high TPC and shorter treatment times compared to SOX. More specifically, the TPC values for MAE and UAE were 91.783 +/- 0.026 mg GA/g dw and 81.113 +/- 0.103 mg GA/g dw, respectively, the antioxidant activity (DPPH)

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was 63.577 +/- 0.057 mg Trolox/g dw and 64.923 mg Trolox/g dw, and the yield(TPC) was 60.82% and 61.89%, respectively. All were higher compared to those obtained by the CONV method. The use of pure ethanol as the extraction solvent, provided maximum TPC and similar results for DPPH and yieldrpc (%). Moreover, maximum TPC (183.70 mg GA/g dw) and DPPH (377.21 mg Trolox/g dw) values were achieved for T. diffusa. The HPLC analysis of T. terrestris, P. ginseng and G. biloba extracts showed that G. biloba contained its characteristic bioactive compound in the highest concentration (13.512 mg gingkolide/g herb).

Record 248/366: WOS:000431001700003 Source: DRUGS | 78 (6): 643-673 APR 2018 Title: Herbal Dietary Supplements for Erectile Dysfunction: A Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis Author(s): Borrelli, F | Colalto, C | Delfino, DV | Iriti, M | Izzo, AA Date: APR 2018 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: MACA LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | KOREAN RED GINSENG | 4TH INTERNA- TIONAL CONSULTATION | DOUBLE-BLIND | TRIBULUS-TERRESTRIS | SEXUAL DYS- FUNCTION | GINKGO-BILOBA | PANAX-GINSENG | FUNCTION IMPROVEMENT | CLINI- CAL-TRIALS Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 78 Abstract: Purpose Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition that significantly affects quality of life and interpersonal relationships. Objective Our objective was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the efficacy of herbal dietary supplements in the treatment of ED. Materials and Methods We searched five databases to identify randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that evaluated the clinical efficacy of herbal medicines in ED. Quality was assessed and risk of bias was estimated using the Jadad score and the Cochrane risk-of-bias tool. Results In total, 24 RCTs, including 2080 patients with ED, were identified. Among these, 12 evaluated monopreparations (five ginseng [n = 399], three [n = 397], two Tribulus terrestris [n = 202], and one each Pinus pinaster [n = 21] and Lepidium meyenii [n = 50]), seven evaluated formulations (n = 544), and five investigated dietary supplements in combination with pure compounds (n = 410). Ginseng significantly improved erectile function (International Index of Erectile Function [IIEF]-5 score: 140 ginseng, 96 placebo; standardized mean difference [SMD] 0.43; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.15-0.70; P < 0.01; I-2 = 0), P. pinaster and L. meyenii

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showed very preliminary positive results, and saffron and T. terrestris treatment produced mi- xed results. Several herbal formulations were associated with a decrease of IIEF-5 or IIEF-15, although the results were preliminary. The quality of the included studies varied, with only se- ven having a prevalent low risk of bias. The median methodological quality Jadad score was three out of a maximum of five. Adverse events were recorded in 19 of 24 trials, with no signifi- cant differences between placebo and verum in placebo-controlled studies. Conclusions Encou- raging evidence suggests that ginseng may be an effective herbal treatment for ED. However, further, larger, and high-quality studies are required before firm conclusions can be drawn. Promising (although very preliminary) results have also been generated for some herbal formu- lations. Overall, more research in the field, adhering to the CONSORT statement extension for reporting trials, is justified before the use of herbal products in ED can be recommended.

Record 249/366: WOS:000562932300014 Source: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 10 (1): - FEB 14 2020 Title: Physiological responses of maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) plants to UV radiation in its high-altitude mountain ecosystem Author(s): Reyes, TH | Esparza, E | Crestani, G | Limonchi, F | Cruz, R | Salinas, N | Scartaz- za, A | Guglielminetti, L | Cosio, E Date: FEB 14 2020 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: INDUCED STOMATAL CLOSURE | ULTRAVIOLET-B RADIATION | PHO- TORECEPTOR | ARABIDOPSIS | LIGHT | XANTHOPHYLLS | GROWTH | MUTANT | ROOT Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 10 Abstract: Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a small fraction of the solar spectrum, which acts as a key environ- mental modulator of plant function affecting metabolic regulation and growth. Plant species endemic to the Andes are well adapted to the harsh features of high-altitude climate, including high UV radiation. Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walpers) is a member of Brassicaceae family nati- ve to the central Andes of Peru, which grows between 3500 and 4500 m of altitude, where only highland grasses and few hardy bushes can survive. Even though maca has been the focus of recent researches, mainly due to its nutraceutical properties, knowledge regarding its adapta- tion mechanisms to these particular natural environmental conditions is scarce. In this study, we manipulated solar UV radiation by using UV-transmitting (Control) or blocking (UV-block) filters under field conditions (4138 m above the sea level) in order to understand the impact of

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UV on morphological and physiological parameters of maca crops over a complete growing season. Compared to the UV-blocking filter, under control condition a significant increase of hypocotyl weight was observed during the vegetative phase together with a marked leaf turno- ver. Although parameters conferring photosynthetic performance were not altered by UV, car- bohydrate allocation between above and underground organs was affected. Control condition did not influence the content of secondary metabolites such as glucosinolates and phenolic compounds in hypocotyls, while some differences were observed in the rosettes. These differen- ces were mainly related to leaf turnover and the protection of new young leaves in control plants. Altogether, the data suggest that maca plants respond to strong UV radiation at high altitudes by a coordinated remobilization and relocation of metabolites between source and sink organs via a possible UV signaling pathway.

Record 250/366: WOS:000424317600008 Source: TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY | 340: 67-76 FEB 1 2018 Title: Neuroprotective activity of macamides on manganese-induced mitochondrial disruption in U-87 MG glioblastoma cells Author(s): Gugnani, KS | Vu, N | Rondon-Ortiz, AN | Bohlke, M | Maher, TJ | Pino-Figueroa, AJ Date: FEB 1 2018 Author Keywords: Macamides | Mitochondrial dysfunction | Anandamide | Cannabinoids | Mitochondria | PPAR gamma | ROS Keywords Plus: MACA LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | ACID AMIDE HYDROLASE | OXYGEN SPE- CIES ROS | INDUCED NEUROTOXICITY | ENDOCANNABINOIDS | ACTIVATION | ANAN- DAMIDE | RECEPTORS | DAMAGE | CANNABINOIDS Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 340 Abstract: Macamides are a distinct class of secondary metabolites, benzylamides of long chain fatty acids, which were isolated from the Peruvian plant Lepidium meyenii (Maca). As structural analogues of the endocannabinoid anandamide (AEA), they have demonstrated neuroprotective effects in vitro and in vivo. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the neuroprotective activity of the macamides: N-(3-methoxybenzyl)oleamide (MAC 18:1), N-(3-methoxybenzyl)linoleamide (MAC 18:2) and N-(3-methoxybenzyl)linolenamide (MAC 18:3) in a neurotoxic environment caused by exposure of U-87 MG glioblastoma cells to manganese chloride (MnCl2). The neuro- protective effects of these macamides were reversed by the CBI antagonist AM251. The

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mechanism by which manganese (Mn) induces cell damage was investigated by studying its effects on mitochondria. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) increase intracellular calcium and en- hance the opening of mitochondrial permeability transition pores (MPTP), which leads to de- creased mitochondria] membrane potential (MMP), to disruption of mitochondria and to neu- ron death in neurodegenerative disorders. In this study, MnCl2 at 50 mu M was responsible for mitochondrial disruption, which was attenuated by all three of the macamides tested. Human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR gamma) has been proposed to be a cannabinoid target, and PPAR gamma has also been demonstrated to mediate some of the lon- ger-term vascular effects of the plant cannabinoid, Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol. PPAR gam- ma activation was observed in response to exposures of cells to MAC 18:2 and MAC 18:3. These findings suggest that macamides achieve their neuroprotective effects by binding to CBI. recep- tors to protect against Mn-induced toxicity in U-87 MG glioblastoma cells. Additionally these macamides, in a manner similar to the analogous endocannabinoid AEA, interact with other targets such as PPAR gamma to regulate metabolism and energy homeostasis, cell differentia- tion and inflammation.

Record 256/366: WOS:000571298500001 Source: GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY | : - SEP 19 2020 Title: Effect of a natural supplement containing glucosinolates, phytosterols and citrus flavo- noids on body weight and metabolic parameters in a menopausal murine model induced by bi- lateral ovariectomy Author(s): Valdivia, M | Soto-Becerra, P | Laguna-Barraza, R | Rojas, PA | Reyes-Mandujano, I | Gonzales-Reyes, P | Temoche, H | Timoteo, OS | Lugo-Martinez, G | Calzada-Mendoza, CC | Mezones-Holguin, E Date: Author Keywords: Lepidium Meyenii | supplementation | glucosinolates | phytosterol | ci- trus flavonoids | menopause | body weight | metabolism Keywords Plus: MACA LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | HORMONE-THERAPY | SYMPTOMS | RO- DENTS | SERUM Publication Year: Volume: Abstract: Objective To evaluate the effect of a herbal preparation containing glucosinolates, phytosterols and citrus flavonoids (supplement) on body weight and metabolic parameters usually impaired by menopause. Methods A pre-clinical experimental study carried out in twenty-five Swiss

Página 123 strain mice (Mus musculus) randomly distributed (1:1:1:1:1 ratio) to five groups to receive for ten weeks: (1) oral gelatinized maca extract 0.5625 mg/kg/day + bilateral ovariectomy (Maca + OVX); (2) oral supplement 0.5625 mg/kg/day + bilateral ovariectomy (S1 + OVX); (3) oral supplement 1.6875 mg/kg/day + bilateral ovariectomy (S2 + OVX); (4) oral saline 100 mu l/ kg/day + bilateral ovariectomy (OVX); and (5) oral saline 100 mu l/kg/day + sham surgery (sham). The primary endpoint was change in body weight gain from baseline to final. Secon- dary endpoints were uterine weight and cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, and glucose/ triglycerides index values at the end of the study. A modified intention-to-treat analysis was performed through linear regression models and using the Bonferroni method to penalizedp- values by multiple comparisons. Results Twenty-three animals completed the study. There was a significant average difference in weight gain, with a greater reduction in the S2 + OVX group compared to the OVX group (difference= -3.5; 95% CI (-5.27; -1.74);p < .001). S2 + OVX group also displayed a significant average reduction of total blood cholesterol (difference: -16.94; 95% CI (-33.73; -0.15);p = .037). No significant effects of the supplement were found on other se- condary endpoints. Conclusion In this murine menopausal model, triple oral supplement dose resulted in an average reduction of weight gain and total cholesterol levels, suggesting that the compound could have a potential effect at regulating menopausal altered metabolism.

Record 257/366: WOS:000356863700006 Source: BOLETIN LATINOAMERICANO Y DEL CARIBE DE PLANTAS MEDICINALES Y AROMATICAS | 14 (3): 206-236 MAY 2015 Title: Andean plants and its products commercialized for food and medicinal purposes in the Metropolitan Area Buenos Aires-La Plata, Argentina Author(s): Puentes, JP | Hurrell, JA Date: MAY 2015 Author Keywords: Urban Ethnobotany | local botanical knowledge | Andean plant products | Argentina Keywords Plus: CHENOPODIUM-QUINOA | MACA LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | IN- VITRO ANTIOXIDANT | PSIDIUM-GUAJAVA L. | MEXICAN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE | TROPAEOLUM-TUBEROSUM RUIZ | INDUCED MEMORY IMPAIRMENT | MORINDA- CITRIFOLIA FRUIT | PHYLLANTHUS-NIRURI L. | AJI CAPSICUM-BACCATUM Publication Year: 2015 Volume: 14 Abstract: This paper includes 50 taxa (species, subspecies, varieties, cultivars) of plants linked to the

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Andean context whose products are marketed for food and medicinal purposes in Metropolitan Buenos Aires-La Plata, Argentina. For each taxon its products are indicated, as well as its assig- ned uses and scientifically studied effects, in order to evaluate their correlation. Also, the pro- ducts diffusion from the restricted ambit of the Bolivian immigrants segment ('linked to tradi- tions' context) to the general commercial circuit ('not traditional' context) is discussed. The- reby, the dynamics of local botanical knowledge is assessed through the different products cir- culation.

Record 258/366: WOS:000422619700001 Source: BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL | 2018: - 2018 Title: Monoamine Oxidase-A Inhibition and Associated Antioxidant Activity in Plant Extracts with Potential Antidepressant Actions Author(s): Herraiz, T | Guillen, H Date: 2018 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: ST-JOHNS-WORT | BETA-CARBOLINE ALKALOIDS | HYPERICUM- PERFORATUM EXTRACTS | MOUSE-BRAIN MITOCHONDRIA | IN-VITRO | ENZYME- INHIBITION | CONSTITUENTS | METABOLITES | MODELS | MACA Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 2018 Abstract: Monoamine oxidase (MAO) catalyzes the oxidative deamination of amines and neurotransmit- ters and is involved in mood disorders, depression, oxidative stress, and adverse pharmacologi- cal reactions. This work studies the inhibition of human MAO-A by , Peganum harmala, and Lepidium meyenii, which are reported to improve and affect mood and mental conditions. Subsequently, the antioxidant activity associated with the inhibition of MAO is determined in plant extracts for the first time. H. perforatum inhibited human MAO-A, and extracts from flowers gave the highest inhibition (IC50 of 63.6 mu g/mL). Plant extracts were analyzed by HPLC-DAD-MS and contained pseudohypericin, hypericin, , adhyperfo- rin, hyperfirin, and flavonoids. Hyperforin did not inhibit human MAO-A and hypericin was a poor inhibitor of this isoenzyme. and flavonoids significantly contributed to MAO-A inhibition. P. harmala seed extracts highly inhibited MAO-A (IC50 of 63.6 mu g/L), being a thousand times more potent than H. perforatum extracts owing to its content of beta-carboline alkaloids (harmaline and harmine). L. meyenii root (maca) extracts did not inhibit MAO-A. These plants may exert protective actions related to antioxidant effects. Results in this work

Página 125 show that P. harmala and H. perforatum extracts exhibit antioxidant activity associated with the inhibition of MAO (i.e., lower production of H2O2).

Record 261/366: WOS:000449818300008 Source: JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING | 41 (7): - NOV 2018 Title: Optimization of Maca polysaccharide extraction process and its chemo-protective effects on cyclophosphamide-induced mice Author(s): Wang, CX | Xu, L | Huang, LQ | Li, XR | Han, W | Liu, DQ | Cui, XM | Yang, Y Date: NOV 2018 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: LIVER OXIDATIVE INJURY | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII WALP. | STRUCTU- RAL-CHARACTERIZATION | IMMUNOMODULATORY ACTIVITY | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVI- TY | IN-VITRO | CAPACITY | SUPPLEMENTATION | CONSTITUENTS | PURIFICATION Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 41 Abstract: In this study, the extraction process of Maca polysaccharide (LMP) was deeply studied and its chemo-protective effects on Cyclophosphamide (Cy)-induced mice were evaluated. By single factor investigation and response surface methodology optimization, it was found that the li- quid-to-solid ratio, extraction time, and extraction temperature were the main factors which affected the extraction yield of LMP. The optimum extraction process was obtained by Box- Behnken design combined with response surface methodology. It was found that, at the condi- tion of liquid-to-solid ratio of 30:1; extraction time of 2.3 hr; and extraction temperature of 90 degrees C, the yield of the LMP could reach 46.56%. Furthermore, by oral administration of LMP, the cyclophosphamide-induced mice showed the proliferation of lymphocyte and the phagocytic capacity of macrophages' enhancements. The number of white blood cell, red blood cell, and platelets in the peripheral blood were up-regulated; the spleen total superoxide dismu- tase, Catalase, and Glutathione-peroxidase activities were enhanced, while the Serum malon- dialdehyde and Triacylglycerols content was reduced. Therefore, our work provided an effective way for extraction of LMP and demonstrated the chemo-protective effects of LMP on the ani- mal level. Practical application Natural polysaccharides from functional food sources are widely accepted for their bioactive activities. As extraction conditions significantly affected the quality and yield of polysaccharides, the effective extraction process for polysaccharides should be sys- tematically investigated. In the current work, the optimum conditions for polysaccharides ex- traction from Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) (LMP) were obtained using liquid-to-solid ratio

Página 126 of 30:1 for 2.3 hr at 90 degrees C. The Mass characterization and Monosaccharide Composition of LMP were also determined. Furthermore, the extracted LMP exhibited well Chemo- protective activities on Cyclophosphamide-induced mice. Therefore, our work showed the po- tential applications of Maca polysaccharides as the easily accessible source of natural im- munopotentiating agents in function food and pharmaceutical industry.

Record 263/366: WOS:000415887200001 Source: JOURNAL OF FOOD QUALITY | : - 2017 Title: The Composition Analysis of Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) from Xinjiang and Its An- tifatigue Activity Author(s): Li, JY | Chen, LF | Li, JW | Duan, ZH | Zhu, S | Fan, LP Date: 2017 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: EXTRACT | RATS | MICE Publication Year: 2017 Volume: Abstract: Environment would affect the nutritional composition of maca, especially its secondary meta- bolite. The chemical compositions and function of Xinjiang maca were not very clear. The che- mical compositions and bioactivity of Xinjiang maca were determined. A mouse model was also used to evaluate the antifatigue activity of Xinjiang maca as a forced swimming test was perfor- med and certain biochemical parameters related were estimated. The results show that the Xin- jiang maca is rich in protein content and amino acids, especially branched chain amino acids such as Valine and Isoleucine related to the effect of antifatigue. It also has considerable mine- rals ions such as Ca and Mg. Besides, bioactive ingredients such as maca amide, glucosinolate, and alkaloid of Xinjiang maca are similar to those of maca from other areas, which qualify the biological value of Xinjiang maca. The results of mice model suggest that maca has a dose- dependent antifatigue activity by decreasing blood lactic acid, as well as increasing liver glyco- gen content and the forced swimming time.

Record 264/366: WOS:000527562500001 Source: MOLECULAR NUTRITION & FOOD RESEARCH | 64 (10): - MAY 2020 Title: Lepidiline A Improves the Balance of Endogenous Sex Hormones and Increases Fecun- dity by Targeting HSD17B1 Author(s): Cheng, CJ | Shen, FK | Ding, GY | Liu, AN | Chu, SM | Ma, YJ | Hou, XT | Hao,

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EW | Wang, XY | Hou, YY | Bai, G Date: MAY 2020 Author Keywords: fertility | 17ss-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 | lepidiline A | maca | sex hormones Keywords Plus: TRANSDERMAL ESTROGEN THERAPY | 17-BETA-HYDROXYSTEROID- DEHYDROGENASE TYPE-1 | IMIDAZOLE ALKALOIDS | MENOPAUSAL WOMEN | SPERM QUANTITY | MACA | MEYENII | QUALITY | SUPPLEMENTATION | IDENTIFICATION Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 64 Abstract: Scope Maca (Lepidium meyenii), a well-known plant from the Andean highlands of Peru, has been used widely as a nutritional supplement to increase sexual function and fecundity. However, the identity of its active ingredients and how they function remain unknown. Met- hods and results Chemical substances in maca are identified by UPLC-Q-TOF, and the active ingredients are screened through HotMap coupled with an artificial neural network. Lepidiline A (LA), an imidazole alkaloid, is identified as the key active compound. LA affects the balance of endogenous sex hormones in mice and improves fecundity in Drosophila. Using a molecular LA probe, 17ss-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (HSD17B1) is revealed to be the potential target of LA using a fishing-rod strategy. It is demonstrated with experimental data that LA tar- gets HSD17B1 to enhance the enzyme's activity and increases its bioconversion efficiency of ac- tively formed sex hormones including estrogen to 17 beta-estradiol and 4-androsten-3,7-dione to testosterone, which ultimately improves reproductive activity. Conclusion LA improves the balance of endogenous sex hormones and increases fecundity by targeting HSD17B1. This un- derlying mechanism of action provides a useful insight into the application of maca in the regu- lation of dietary nutrition and healthy fertility.

Record 266/366: WOS:000473048600036 Source: PHYTOMEDICINE | 59: - JUN 2019 Title: Screening for CYP3A4 inhibition and induction coupled to parallel artificial membrane permeability assay (PAMPA) for prediction of botanical-drug interactions: The case of acai and maca Author(s): Zhang, YL | Rants'o, TA | Jung, D | Lopez, E | Abbott, K | Pondugula, SR | McLen- don, L | Qian, JJ | Hansen, RA | Calderon, AI Date: JUN 2019 Author Keywords: Euterpe oleracea Mart. | Acai | Lepidium meyenii Walpers | Maca |

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PAMPA | CYP3A4 Keywords Plus: EUTERPE-OLERACEA-MART. | HUMAN CYTOCHROME-P450 3A4 | IN- VITRO | ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE | MASS-SPECTROMETRY | JUICE BLEND | ANTIOXI- DANT | METABOLISM | EXTRACTS | BERRY Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 59 Abstract: Background: The consumption of botanical dietary supplements (BDS) is a common practice among the US population. However, the potential for botanical-drug interactions exists, and their mechanisms have not been thoroughly studied. CYP3A4 is an important enzyme that con- tributes to the metabolism of about 60% of clinically used drugs. Purpose: To investigate the potential for botanical-drug interactions of Lepidium meyenii Walpers (maca) root and Euter- pe oleracea Mart. (acai) berries, two commonly used BDS, when co-administered with CYP3A4- metabolized drugs. Methods: In an attempt to decrease the general discrepancy between in vivo and in vitro studies, the absorption profiles, particularly for passive diffusion, of plant extracts were investigated. Specifically, the parallel artificial membrane permeability assay (PAMPA) model was utilized to simulate intestinal filtration of passively diffused constituents of acai and maca extracts. These were subsequently screened for in vitro liver CYP3A4 inhibition and in- duction. In the inhibition assay, midazolam was used as the probe substrate on genotyped hu- man liver microsomes (CYP3A5 null), and the production of its 1'-substituted metabolite when co-cultured with extract treatments was monitored. In the induction assay, extract treatments were applied to human primary hepatocytes, and quantitative PCR analysis was performed to determine CYP3A4 mRNA expression. Results: Passively diffused constituents of the methanol acai extract (IC50 of 28.03 mu g/mu l) demonstrated the highest inhibition potential, and, at 1.5 mu g/mu l, induced significant changes in CYP3A4 gene expression. The composition of this extract was further investigated using the chemometric tool Mass Profiler Professional (MPP) on liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy (LC-MS) data. Subsequently, five compounds of interest characterized by high abundance or high permeability were extracted for further study. This included efforts in effective passive permeability determination and structural elucidation by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Conclusion: The passively absorbable portion of a methanol acai extract exhibited inhibition and induction effects on CYP3A4 suggesting the po- tential to produce botanical-drug interactions.

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Record 267/366: WOS:000413016600001 Source: JOURNAL OF FOOD QUALITY | : - 2017 Title: Correlations between Antioxidant Activity and Alkaloids and Phenols of Maca (Lepidium meyenii) Author(s): Gan, J | Feng, Y | He, Z | Li, X | Zhang, H Date: 2017 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: MALE RATS | PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA | RED MACA | EXTRACT | SUPPLEMENTATION | CAPACITY | MICE Publication Year: 2017 Volume: Abstract: The antioxidant capacity of maca has been considered to be the basis for other bioactivities, and revealing the active antioxidant compounds would help to elucidate a variety of bioactive compounds. In this study, the correlation between the antioxidant activity of maca and secon- dary metabolites, including ferric reducing antioxidant potential (FRAP), hydroxyl radical sca- venging ability (HRSA), lipid peroxidation inhibition ability (LPIA), total phenolic contents (TPCs), total alkaloid contents (TACs), and total sterol contents (TSCs), was investigated by measuring. was selected to be an efficient extraction solvent for antioxidant com- pounds in maca by polarity fractions test. The results showed that TPC exhibited significant linear correlations (P < 0.05) to FRAP and LPIA, while TAC had significant linear correlations (P < 0.05) to FRAP, HRSA, and LPIA. These results suggested that alkaloids and phenols were the most important substances for the antioxidation of maca, of which the antioxidant effect of alkaloids seemed to be higher than that of phenols.

Record 268/366: WOS:000438662500070 Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES | 115: 618-624 AUG 2018 Title: Maca polysaccharides: Extraction optimization, structural features and anti-fatigue acti- vities Author(s): Li, YJ | Xin, YZ | Xu, FX | Zheng, MM | Xi, XZ | Cui, XW | Cao, H | Guo, H | Han, CC Date: AUG 2018 Author Keywords: Maca polysaccharides | Optimization | Structural features | Anti-fatigue Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII WALP. | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES | BLACK

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MACA | IN-VIVO | EXERCISE | SUPPLEMENTATION | PERFORMANCE | FERTILITY Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 115 Abstract: The maca polysaccharides optimal extraction conditions were obtained by using response sur- face methodology (RSM) method and the anti -fatigue activity of maca polysaccharides (MCP) was explored. The maca polysaccharides extract yield of RSM could reach 9.97 mg/g by using the model predicts, and the total sugar and protein purity were 61.00% and 4.46% with the further isolation process, respectively. And the monosaccharide compositions obtained by gas chromatograph (GC) were composed of rhamnose (rha), glucose (glc), galactose (gal) with the ratio of 2.34:10.21:1.00. Furthermore, the anti -fatigue activity was evaluated by the swimming parameter, biochemistry parameters (liver glycogen (LG), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and lac- tic acid (LD)), the result indicated that the low-dose maca polysaccharides group had the signi- ficant anti-fatigue activity. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Record 269/366: WOS:000459935700037 Source: PHYTOMEDICINE | 53: 332-343 FEB 2019 Title: 25 years after the 'Rio Convention'-Lessons learned in the context of sustainable develo- pment and protecting indigenous and local knowledge Author(s): Heinrich, M | Hesketh, A Date: FEB 2019 Author Keywords: Ethnopharmacology | Traditional medicine | Convention on biological diversity | Nagoya protocol | Intellectual property | Lepidium meyenii Walp. (maca) Keywords Plus: ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 53 Abstract: Background: When in 1992 the Convention on Biological Diversity was adopted, it was a res- ponse to centuries of exploitative use of biodiversity and to a lack of recognition of the rights of the countries and regions of origin. At the same time, it was an outcome of the increasing drive, especially in many European and American countries, to ascertain more equitable sharing of wealth between the global North and South. It is a result of negotiations between states and driven by political consensus. Aim: With this review we aim to assess the situation 25 years af- ter the adoption of the CBD, provide an overview on how we got to the current framework and offer a perspective on how such access rights and equitable benefit sharing can be ascertained.

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Outcomes and discussion: Without doubt the CBD has resulted in a new framework for provi- ding and securing access to biodiversity and for equitable benefit sharing. It has since been de- veloped and amended in numerous treaties and protocols, most recently the Nagoya Protocol. This development is both driven by the historical experience of many countries in the exploita- tive extractions of biodiversity, and indigenous peoples' drive for the recognition of their rights. Examples of exploitative use of biodiversity include the species yielding quinine and rubber. Using Lepidium meyenii Walp. as an example, we assess the current patent basis and highlight why in this case equitable benefit sharing proved to be impossible. Today, there are well- established principles in place to establish intellectual property rights, both with respect to a country's ownership of genetic resources, and a research entity's invention based on them. The- re remains, however, a lack of investment as well as research and development opportunities based on these internationally binding agreements. In line with the aims of our review, this pa- per includes an overview on how the current patenting system can be used to ensure that the goals of the CBD can be achieved. Conclusion: In the context of the centuries of exploitative use of biodiversity, 25 years is a short time span and this review reiterates Posey and Dutfields' call (1996) to companies or other outside organization for developing 'a relationship in which the community is an equal partner'.

Record 270/366: WOS:000373631000003 Source: WORLD JOURNAL OF MENS HEALTH | 33 (2): 62-72 AUG 2015 Title: Current Status and Clinical Studies of Oriental Herbs in Sexual Medicine in Korea Author(s): Shin, YS | Zhao, C | Zhang, LT | Park, JK Date: AUG 2015 Author Keywords: Erectile dysfunction | Herbal medicine | Medicine | East Asian traditio- nal | Reproductive health Keywords Plus: SCHISANDRA-CHINENSIS EXTRACT | CAVERNOSAL SMOOTH- MUSCLE | RABBIT CORPUS CAVERNOSUM | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII MACA | GINSENG PANAX-GINSENG | NO-CGMP ACTIVITY | PENILE ERECTION | RED GINSENG | GINKGO- BILOBA | IN-VITRO Publication Year: 2015 Volume: 33 Abstract: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of the most common diseases among aging men. Although pre- vious studies have shown that type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitors (PDE5-Is) are very effective for the treatment of ED, many researchers are currently attempting to identify therapeutic

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agents from natural sources with comparable or better effects than PDE5-Is. Herbal medicine is thought to be advantageous because it is natural; moreover, it not only treats isolated sym- ptoms, but also maintains general well-being. Furthermore, since newly created chemical com- pound libraries have limited structural diversity with regard to pharmaceutical agents, more attention has recently been paid to the ability of oriental herbs to enhance physical health, in- cluding sexual function. Herein, we review the current status of Korean preclinical or clinical studies of the application of oriental herbs to sexual medicine.

Record 271/366: WOS:000360630100001 Source: ARCHIV DER PHARMAZIE | 348 (9): 607-614 SEP 2015 Title: The Old Made New: Natural Compounds against Erectile Dysfunction Author(s): Pavan, V | Mucignat-Caretta, C | Redaelli, M | Ribaudo, G | Zagotto, G Date: SEP 2015 Author Keywords: Erectile dysfunction | PDE5 | Polyphenols | Sildenafil | Traditional medi- cine Keywords Plus: NITRIC-OXIDE SYNTHASE | RABBIT CORPUS CAVERNOSUM | RED WINE CONSUMPTION | ENDOTHELIAL DYSFUNCTION | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | PENILE ERECTION | IN-VITRO | ANTIOXIDANT | RELAXATION | EXPRESSION Publication Year: 2015 Volume: 348 Abstract: The interest toward sex-related diseases keeps growing through the years. In this review, we focus our attention on erectile dysfunction (ED), a condition that caught much attention espe- cially after the introduction on the market of phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors such as the well- known sildenafil. Here, we briefly describe both the etiology of ED and the available treat- ments, examining then extensively some natural derivatives that, coming from traditional me- dicine, could represent promising starting points for the development of alternative remedies. In fact, herbal remedies from several parts of the world have been traditionally known for long, and were recently reconsidered and are now being studied to demonstrate their eventual poten- tial in the treatment of ED. Among the various examples reported in the literature and revie- wed here, plants and extracts containing polyphenolsespecially a class of compounds called kraussianonesappear to be particularly effective and promising against ED.

Record 272/366: WOS:000440785200069 Source: CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS | 198: 611-619 OCT 15 2018

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Title: Immune-enhancing activities of chondroitin sulfate in murine macrophage RAW 264.7 cells Author(s): Wu, FF | Zhou, CH | Zhou, DD | Ou, SY | Liu, ZJ | Huang, HH Date: OCT 15 2018 Author Keywords: Chondroitin sulfate | Immunostimulating activity | Macrophages | Cell membrane receptor | Toll-like receptors Keywords Plus: ORIENTALIS L. FRANCO | STRUCTURAL-CHARACTERIZATION | IM- MUNOMODULATORY ACTIVITY | POLYSACCHARIDE FRACTION | INFLAMMATORY RES- PONSE | HERICIUM-ERINACEUS | SIGNALING PATHWAYS | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | DRUG-RELEASE | ACTIVATION Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 198 Abstract: As a representative sulfated glycosaminoglycan (GAG), chondroitin sulfate (CS) has been re- ported playing vital roles in the immune response in vivo and in vitro. However, limited infor- mation is available about their immuneenhancing activity. This study was to achieve more pre- cise understandings about the immuno-stimulating activity of CS. In in vitro experiments, CS was found to significantly promote the pinocytic, phagocytic activity and ROS production of RAW264.7 cells at the dose range of 100-1000 mu g/mL compared with the untreated group (p<0.05). Further experiments showed that CS could increase the secretion levels of NO, TNF- alpha, IL-6 and IL-10 via activating the corresponding mRNA expression in macrophages through the toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2). These results indicated that CS could function as an immunostimulator to enhance the immune responses and might be a potential candidate for application in immunological diseases or functional foods.

Record 273/366: WOS:000506201100088 Source: FOOD CHEMISTRY | 311: - MAY 1 2020 Title: Authentication of the geographical origin of Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) at different regional scales using the stable isotope ratio and mineral elemental fingerprints Author(s): He, YY | Sun, QQ | Zhang, XW | Bao, XP | Wang, YD | Rasheed, M | Guo, BL Date: MAY 1 2020 Author Keywords: Maca | Geographical origin | Regional scale | Stable isotope ratio (SIR) | Mineral elements | Chemometrics Keywords Plus: Publication Year: 2020

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Volume: 311 Abstract: Maca has shown broad application prospects as a new food resource. The function of maca is directly affected by its geographical origin, and an effective method for studying traceability must be established. This study aimed to discriminate maca from different regions at large sca- les (Peru and China) and small scales (Yunnan, Xinjiang, and Tibet in China) through geo- graphical authentication using the stable isotope ratio (SIR) (delta C-13, delta N-15, delta H-2 and delta O-18) and mineral elemental fingerprints combined with chemometrics. For Peruvian and Chinese maca, overall discriminatory accuracy of 100% and 96.2% were obtained by ap- plying SIR and the mineral element analysis, respectively. For maca obtained from different Chinese regions, the order of the discriminatory accuracy was mineral elements (80.2%) = SIR combined with mineral elements (80.2%) > SIR (71.9%). K, B, Mn, Fe, Mo, Cd and As were identified as the main discriminating indicators for identifying maca from different Chinese regions.

Record 274/366: WOS:000419714900004 Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 53 (2): 304-312 FEB 2018 Title: Maca (Lepidium meyenii) as a source of macamides and polysaccharide in combating of oxidative stress and damage in human erythrocytes Author(s): Lin, LZ | Huang, JY | Sun-Waterhouse, D | Zhao, MM | Zhao, K | Que, JJ Date: FEB 2018 Author Keywords: Extraction method | human erythrocyte | maca | macamide | oxidative stress | polysaccharide Keywords Plus: STRUCTURAL-CHARACTERIZATION | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES | IN- VITRO | CELLS | RATS | METABOLITES | EXTRACTION | MICE | VIVO Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 53 Abstract: Maca is known to be rich in macamides. The objective of this study was to analyse macamide profiles of macas with different colours cultivated in Yunnan, China, and commercial Peru ma- ca by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The antioxi- dant activities of water, citric acid and alkali-extracted polysaccharides from Yunnan and Peru macas were evaluated via DPPH radical scavenging activity, oxygen radical absorbance capacity and erythrocyte haemolysis inhibition effect assays. Six major macamides present in Peru maca

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were also found dominant in Yunnan maca at comparable concentrations. Maca polysaccharide effectively scavenging DPPH and peroxyl radicals protected the erythrocytes against H2O2- induced haemolysis by inhibition of malondialdehyde (MDA) generation. Citric acid extraction was found the most suitable preparation method for generating heteropolysaccharide with strong antioxidant activity. Black maca cultivated in Yunnan possessing the most abundant ma- camides and polysaccharide with strong antioxidant activity could be developed as functional foods.

Record 276/366: WOS:000444010000004 Source: BOLETIN LATINOAMERICANO Y DEL CARIBE DE PLANTAS MEDICINALES Y AROMATICAS | 17 (5): 453-491 SEP 2018 Title: Traditional uses, conservation status and biotechnological advances for a group of aro- matic / medicinal native plants from America Author(s): Iannicelli, J | Guariniello, J | Alvarez, SP | Escandon, A Date: SEP 2018 Author Keywords: Biotechniques | Aromatic-medicinal plants | Exploitation | Conservation Keywords Plus: IN-VITRO PROPAGATION | ESSENTIAL OIL COMPOSITION | IPECAC CEPHAELIS-IPECACUANHA | PHENOLIC COMPOUND PRODUCTION | ROSEWOOD ANIBA-ROSAEODORA | LARREA-DIVARICATA CAV. | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII MACA | HAIRY ROOT CULTURES | MOMORDICA-CHARANTIA | STEVIA-REBAUDIANA Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 17 Abstract: Medicinal and aromatic plants are biologically and economically valuable species because of their intrinsic value as plants, ability to produce secondary metabolites, possible use in the pharmaceutical and food industries, germplasm availability and applications in traditional me- dicine. In addition, they hold social and economic importance due to the ancestral knowledge they represent and because they are part of the livelihood of many families. Most of them are collected from the wild and are in serious danger of extinction. Through biotechnological tools it is possible to develop their germplasm and obtain new and improved varieties from wild ma- terial, while advocating the alternative of production by cultivation instead of extracting it from nature. The objective of this review is to provide an updated perspective on the traditional uses, conservation status and biotechnological advances in a group of 30 plant species native to the American continent.

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Record 277/366: WOS:000423351400025 Source: FOOD & FUNCTION | 9 (1): 279-293 JAN 2018 Title: Structural elucidation and immunostimulatory activity of a new polysaccharide from Cordyceps militaris Author(s): Bi, SX | Jing, YS | Zhou, QQ | Hu, XJ | Zhu, JH | Guo, ZY | Song, LY | Yu, RM Date: JAN 2018 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: WATER-SOLUBLE POLYSACCHARIDE | IMMUNOMODULATORY ACTI- VITY | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY | IN-VITRO | ANTITUMOR-ACTIVITY | LEPIDIUM- MEYENII | GANODERMA-ATRUM | BETA-GLUCAN | MACROPHAGE | CELLS Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 9 Abstract: A new polysaccharide (CMPB90-1) was isolated from cultured Cordyceps militaris by alkaline extraction. The chemical structure of CMPB90-1 was determined by analysis of physicochemi- cal and spectral data. The backbone of CMPB90-1 is composed of (1 -> 6)-linked a-D- glucopyranosyl and (1 -> 3)-linked a-Dglucopyranosyl residues, with branching at O-6, which consists of (1 -> 4)-linked beta-D-mannopyranosyl and (1 -> 6)-linked alpha-D-glucopyranosyl residues, respectively. beta-D-Galactopyranosyl residues is the terminal unit. In vitro immuno- modulatory assay revealed that CMPB90-1 promoted proliferation of splenic lymphocytes, en- hanced cytotoxicity of NK cells and promoted lymphocyte secretion of the cytokine interleukin- 2. Besides, CMPB90-1 upregulated T-cell subpopulation, strengthened phagocytosis function of macrophages and induced their M1 polarization. The mechanism of the effects might be due to the activation of TLR2, MAPK and NF-kappa B pathways. The results proposed that CMPB90-1 can be researched and developed as a new functional food.

Record 281/366: WOS:000567826100003 Source: LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 131: - SEP 2020 Title: A comparative study on the phenolic bioaccessibility, antioxidant and inhibitory effects on carbohydrate-digesting enzymes of maca and mashua powders Author(s): Paucar-Menacho, LM | Penas, E | Hernandes-Ledesma, B | Frias, J | Martinez- Villaluenga, C Date: SEP 2020 Author Keywords: Bioactivity | Bioaccessibility | In vitro digestion | Mashua | Maca | Phenolic compounds

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Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | ALPHA-AMYLASE | VITRO | STABILITY | POLYPHENOLS | CHROMATOGRAPHY | ANTHOCYANINS | COPRODUCTS | PROFILE | LIQUID Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 131 Abstract: The polyphenolic content of dehydrated maca (MA) and mashua (M) powders, promising fun- ctional ingredients, and their antioxidant activity and inhibition of carbohydrate digestion was evaluated following in vitro gastrointestinal digestion (GID). Moreover, the impact of steaming on bioaccessibility and bioactivity of the M phenolic fraction was investigated. MA phenolic fraction composed mainly of caffeic-4-O-glucosides showed high bioaccessibility (117.8%), an- tioxidant activity (142.9 mu mol Trolox equivalents, TE/g) and weak effectiveness to inhibit carbohydrate digestion after GID. Anthocyanins were the major compounds in the M phenolic fraction with low bioaccessibility (22.4%), although a superior antioxidant activity (446.7 mu mol TE/g) and modest inhibitory effects on carbohydrate digestion after GID. Generally, bioac- cessibility and bioactivity of M decreased after steaming process. MA and M powders contain appreciable concentrations of phenolics, although M polyphenols were more effective on mo- dulating carbohydrate digestion.

Record 282/366: WOS:000463126800037 Source: JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY | 235: 392-405 MAY 10 2019 Title: Beyond tribulus (Tribulus terrestris L.): The effects of phytotherapics on testosterone, sperm and prostate parameters Author(s): Santos, HO | Howell, S | Teixeira, FJ Date: MAY 10 2019 Author Keywords: Ashwagandha | Herbal medicines | Mucuna | Testosterone | Tribulus Keywords Plus: EURYCOMA-LONGIFOLIA-JACK | GRAECUM SEED EXTRACT | REPRO- DUCTIVE HORMONE-LEVELS | MALE SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION | URINARY-TRACT SYM- PTOMS | IMPROVES SEMEN QUALITY | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII MACA | MORINGA- OLEIFERA | DOUBLE-BLIND | OXIDATIVE STRESS Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 235 Abstract: Ethno-pharmacological relevance: Phytotherapeutic approaches have been widely proposed to improve male health. Despite the well-touted effects of tribulus (Tribulus terrestris L) on men's

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health, an optimal phytotherapy remains an elusive challenge. Aim of the review: We sought to critically analyze the evidence in the phytotherapic literature beyond the effects of tribulus on testosterone (T) concentration and sperm analysis to also include indications for prostate health. Materials and methods: A focused literature search was conducted to include studies published in Cochrane, Pubmed, and Web of Science databases between the years 2002 and

2018. Results: The use of tribulus and maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp, Brassicaceae) were not scientifically supported to improve serum T levels in men. Moderate evidence supports the use of long Jack (Eurycoma longifolia Jack, Simaroubaceae), mucuna (Mucuna pruriens (L.)

DC, Fabaceae), ashwagandha (Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal, Solanaceae), fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graceum L., Fabaceae), and black seeds (Nigella sativa L., Ranunculaceae) to increase total T and improve seminal parameters. Data suggests an increase in total T with the use of 5000 mg/d of powdered mucuna seed and ashwagandha root (151 and 143 ng/dL, respectively) over a 12-week period in patients with oligozoospermia. The use of mucuna was supported for patients with oligozoospermia to improve sperm parameters, with an increase of 83.3 million/mL observed after use of 5000 mg/d of powdered mucuna seed over a 12- week period. Evidence supporting the use of saw palmetto (Serenoa repens, (W.Bartram) Small, Arecaceae) to improve prostate health remains equivocal; whereas, evidence suppor- ting the use of Pygeum africanum Hook.f., Rosaceae, Urtica dioica L., Urticaceae, beta- sitosterols, pollen extract, onion, garlic, and tomato, appears favorable and promising. Con- clusion: Scientific evidence supports the use of mucuna and ashwagandha as phytotherapics for improving serum T concentrations and semen parameters. Despite inconclusive evidence for use of tribulus as a T booster, it may provide advantageous effects on sperm parameters in men with idiopathic infertility. Nutraceutical strategies and some phytotherapics may also be effective to promote prostate health. Popular foodstuffs (onion, garlic, and tomato), nutra- ceutical agents (pollen extract and beta-sitosterols), and herbal medicines (Pygeum africanum and Urtica dioica) are rational approaches.

Record 283/366: WOS:000571336300001 Source: ARCHIVES OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY | : - SEP 15 2020 Title: Maca modulates fat and liver energy metabolism markers insulin, IRS1, , and

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SIRT1 in rats fed normal and high-fat diets Author(s): Gencoglu, H Date: Author Keywords: Energy metabolism | inflammation | Maca Root | obesity | sirtfood Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | BLACK MACA | OBESITY | DYSFUNCTION | RE- SISTANCE | SIRTUINS Publication Year: Volume: Abstract: Maca root extract on insulin, insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS1), leptin, and NAD-dependent deacetylase sirtuin-1 (SIRT1), as well as body weight changes evaluated in this study for a 60 days model of normal and high-fat diet (HFD) fed rats. 28 male rats allocated to four groups: (i) Control, (ii) Maca (40 mg/kg/day), (iii) HFD, and (iv) HFD + Maca. After the 60 days of study, fat tissue and liver insulin levels decreased in the HFD and HFD + Maca groups in com- parison to Control and Maca groups (p < .001). Maca group showed a significant IRS1 increa- se in the fat tissue (p < .0001). Leptin levels were the highest in the Maca group and the lowest in the HFD group in the fat tissue (p < .01). SIRT1 levels were found the highest in the Maca groups (p < .01). These results show the protective and regulatory effectiveness of Maca when fed with a normal or HFD diet.

Record 284/366: WOS:000477691300036 Source: FOOD CONTROL | 105: 285-291 NOV 2019 Title: A sensitive UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS method for the determination of tropane alkaloids in herbal teas and extracts Author(s): Cirlini, M | Cappucci, V | Galaverna, G | Dall'Asta, C | Bruni, R Date: NOV 2019 Author Keywords: food safety | Herbal products | Food supplements | Teas | Tropane alka- loids | Mass spectrometry Keywords Plus: SCOPOLAMINE | BUCKWHEAT | PRODUCTS | ATROPINE Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 105 Abstract: A sensitive UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS method, coupled with a suitable extraction protocol, was de- veloped and validated for the rapid detection of four tropane alkaloids (anisodamine, atropi- ne, homatropine, scopolamine) in herbal teas and herbal extracts. The method offers good

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sensitivity, accuracy and precision. The protocol is suitable for routine determination of tro- pane alkaloids in dried plants and extracts sold as food supplements or phytotherapics, and was applied to 60 commercial samples. Anisodamine, atropine and/or scopolamine were found in 4 herbal teas samples (LOQ-69 mu g/kg for atropine and 50 mu g/kg for scopolami- ne) and in a Lepidium meyenii extract sold as food supplement (traces of anisodamine). The level of contamination do not to pose a direct risk for the consumers if compared to the acute reference dose indicated by EFSA, but the detection confirms the need for suitable methods and careful screenings in order to determine a more precise evaluation of dietary intake for tropane alkaloids.

Record 285/366: WOS:000437916200002 Source: REVIEWS IN THE NEUROSCIENCES | 29 (5): 491-529 JUL 2018 Title: Medicinal plants with acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity Author(s): Patel, SS | Raghuwanshi, R | Masood, M | Acharya, A | Jain, SK Date: JUL 2018 Author Keywords: acetylcholinesterase | Alzheimer's disease | medicinal plants | traditio- nal use Keywords Plus: INDUCED MEMORY IMPAIRMENT | SCOPOLAMINE-INDUCED AM- NESIA | INDUCED COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT | INDUCED OXIDATIVE STRESS | TABER- NAEMONTANA-DIVARICATA EXTRACT | IN-VITRO ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE | HYDRO-ALCOHOLIC EXTRACT | VAR. BRACTEATUM EXTRACT | MACA LEPIDIUM- MEYENII | CROCUS-SATIVUS L. Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 29 Abstract: Alzheimer's disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disease, is characterised by hypofun- ction of acetylcholine (ACh) neurotransmitter in the distinct region of brain. Acetylcholineste- rase (AChE) is an enzyme that metabolises the ACh at synaptic cleft resulting in Alzheimer's disease. Medicinal plants have been used to treat numerous ailments and improve human health from ancient time. A traditional system of medicine is long recognised for its effective management of neurological disorders. The present review confers the scope of some com- mon medicinal plants with a special focus on AChE-mediated central nervous system compli- cations especially Alzheimer's disease. Literature suggests that medicinal plants reduce

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neuronal dysfunctions by reducing AChE activity in different brain regions. In some instances, activation of AChE activity by medicinal plants also showed therapeutic potential. In conclu- sion, medicinal plants have a wide scope and possess therapeutic potential to efficiently mana- ge neurological disorders associated with AChE dysregulation.

Record 286/366: WOS:000385816500004 Source: ANDROLOGIA | 48 (8): 880-893 OCT 2016 Title: A review of the potential of medicinal plants in the management and treatment of male sexual dysfunction Author(s): Malviya, N | Malviya, S | Jain, S | Vyas, S Date: OCT 2016 Author Keywords: aphrodisiac | male sexual dysfunction | medicinal plants | phytoconsti- tuents | traditional medicine Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII MACA | EURYCOMA-LONGIFOLIA JACK | DIFFU- SA WILD TURNERACEAE | EX HIERN STEM | AQUEOUS EXTRACT | MALE RATS | APH- RODISIAC PROPERTIES | ERECTILE-DYSFUNCTION | KAEMPFERIA-PARVIFLORA | TESTICULAR FUNCTION Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 48 Abstract: Male sexual dysfunction is a common disorder that appears to be a consequence of a wide ran- ge of physical and psychological conditions. Due to mental stress, insufficient physical exercise and various aetiological factors, human being's life is becoming less pleasant, which leads to incapability to have sexual pleasure. The allopathic drugs used for sexual dysfunction are be- lieved to produce a variety of side effects and affect other physiological processes and, ultima- tely, general health. Therefore, the search for natural supplement from medicinal plants is being intensified probably because of less side effects availability and affordability. Ethnobota- nical surveys have indicated a large number of plants traditionally used as aphrodisiacs but only few of them are scientifically validated for the management and treatment of male sexual dysfunction. This article has summarised the medicinal plants traditionally recommended and scientifically validated for the management and treatment of male sexual dysfunction.

Record 287/366: WOS:000490421100025 Source: ACS OMEGA | 4 (15): 16493-16500 OCT 8 2019

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Record 287/366: WOS:000490421100025 Source: ACS OMEGA | 4 (15): 16493-16500 OCT 8 2019 Title: Differentiation of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) from Different Origins by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry with Principal Component Analysis Author(s): Yang, SH | Sun, XC | Gao, YM | Chen, R Date: OCT 8 2019 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: STRUCTURAL ELUCIDATION | IMIDAZOLE ALKALOIDS | CONSTI- TUENTS | MACAMIDES | DERIVATIVES | ALKAMIDES Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 4 Abstract: In this paper, we report a high-speed, high-sensitivity, and economic method to authenticate Maca. After being extracted by ethanol, nutritional components of a dozen kinds of Maca were detected by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Combined with principal com- ponent analysis (PCA), these samples can be rapidly differentiated after selecting the origins and principal components in the projection of components 1 and 2. The result suggests that sample 2 from Lijiang gets the highest comprehensive score among the samples and sample 1 from Huize gets the lowest comprehensive score among the samples in positive-ion mass spectra. However, sample 2 from Peru gets the highest comprehensive score among the sam- ples and sample 3 from Lijiang gets the lowest comprehensive score among the samples in negative-ion mass spectra. Compared with the PCA results, the data of negative-ion mass spectra can better differentiate these samples than those of positive-ion mass spectra. This method has the advantages of easy operation and high efficiency, which make it a differential tool in the fields safety, medicinal chemistry, and materials science.

Record 288/366: WOS:000469145900054 Source: FOOD & FUNCTION | 10 (5): 2894-2905 MAY 1 2019 Title: Physicochemical and functional properties of a protein isolate from maca (Lepidium meyenii) and the secondary structure and immunomodulatory activity of its major protein component Author(s): Wu, LY | Zhang, MM | Xin, X | Lai, FR | Wu, H Date: MAY 1 2019 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: SUPPLEMENTATION | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY |

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POLYSACCHARIDES | PURIFICATION | SPECTROSCOPY | TOLERANCE | PEPTIDES | MUSCLE Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 10 Abstract: Maca protein isolate (MPI) was extracted from maca root, and its physicochemical and fun- ctional properties, and the secondary structure and immunomodulatory activity of its major protein component, MMP, were investigated. The MPI lacked essential amino acids compa- red with soybean protein isolate (SPI) and casein, but was rich in cysteine and proline. The MPI had rich free sulfhydryl (20.6 mol g(-1)), and its surface hydrophobicity (H-0, 812.4), oil absorption capacity (7.4 g g(-1)), foaming capacity (100%) and emulsifying activity (58.2 m(2) g(-1)) were higher than that of SPI. However, the thermal stability (T-d, 87.4 degrees C), foaming stability (75%) and emulsifying stability (26.3 min) of the MPI were weaker than that of the SPI. MMP was a pentamer with a molecular weight of 22 kDa and rich in -sheets. MMP could significantly enhance the phagocytic capacity and promote the NO, TNF- and IL-6 se- cretion of RAW 264.7 cells, involving toll-like receptor 4 and complement receptor 3 mainly.

Record 289/366: WOS:000439280800038 Source: FOOD & FUNCTION | 9 (7): 3974-3985 JUL 1 2018 Title: Structural characterization of a novel acidic polysaccharide from Rosa roxburghii Tratt fruit and its alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity Author(s): Wang, L | Chen, C | Zhang, B | Huang, Q | Fu, X | Li, C Date: JUL 1 2018 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: VITRO ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY | ANTI-APOPTOSIS PROPERTIES | IN -VITRO | IMMUNOMODULATORY ACTIVITY | HYPOGLYCEMIC ACTIVITIES | POTEN- TIAL MECHANISM | SARGASSUM-FUSIFORME | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | AMYLASE | PU- RIFICATION Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 9 Abstract: A novel acidic polysaccharide (RTFP-3) was isolated and purified from Rosa roxburghii Tratt fruits. Structural analyses revealed that RTFP-3 is a homogeneous polysaccharide with a mo- lecular weight of 67.2 kDa and mainly consists of arabinose (37.20%), galactose (34.40%), glucose (10.02%) and fucose (18.30%). The structural chain of RTFP-3 was proven to be

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composed of 6)--d-Galp-(1, 4)--d-GalpA-(1, 5)--l-Araf-(1, 4)--d-Glcp-(1, -d-Glcp-(1 and 3,4)--l -Fucp-(1 residues by periodate oxidation-Smith degradation, methylation, and 1D- and 2D- NMR analyses. Bioassay results showed that RTFP-3 exerted favorable mixed type inhibitory activities against -glucosidase, and its half inhibitory concentration (IC50) value was determi- ned as 4.15 mg mL(-1). RTFP-3 showed static type quenching of the intrinsic fluorescence of - glucosidase, during which the binding process induced the conformational change of - glucosidase. These results suggest that RTFP-3 has the potential to be a novel -glucosidase inhibitory agent for use in functional foods.

Record 290/366: WOS:000459581600033 Source: FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 39 (1): 232-239 JAN-MAR 2019 Title: The effect of bioactive components of plant origin on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of functional sausages Author(s): Poltorak, A | Marcinkowska-Lesiak, M | Lendzion, K | Onopiuk, A | Moczkows- ka, M | Wojtasik-Kalinowska, I | Wierzbicka, A Date: JAN-MAR 2019 Author Keywords: functional foods | sausages | natural components | bioactive compo- nent Keywords Plus: MACA LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY | CATUABA EXTRACT | PHENOLIC-ACIDS | OLDER MEN | TESTOSTERONE | HONEY | DEPRES- SION | FLAVONOIDS | RECOMMENDATIONS Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 39 Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of bioactive compounds of natural origin on the quality of sausages. Four variants of sausages were manufactured: a control variant (C) and three variants with the addition of catuaba, galangal, roseroot, maca, guarana and poly- floral honey (E-1, E-2, E-3). The pH values, colour and chemical parameters (total phenolic content, total antioxidant activity and anti-inflamantory activity) of the meat batters and fi- nished products were determined. Additionally, texture and sensory analyses of the sausages were performed. It was found that regardless of slightly lower acceptability, sausages with bioactive components were characterised by increased antioxidant properties, higher total phenol values and higher anti-inflamantory activity. The best results were obtained when the highest level of bioactive compounds was used (1.734% of catuaba bark, 0.022% of ground great galangal root, 0.458% of ground roseroot, 0.614% of maca root extract (4:1), 0.600% of

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ground guarana and 1.146% of polyfloral honey).

Record 291/366: WOS:000402382400004 Source: FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS | 10 (7): 2143-2151 JUL 2017 Title: Quality Evaluation of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) Based on HPLC and LC-MS Analysis of its Glucosinolates from Roots Author(s): Zhang, LM | Cao, J | Hao, LM | Kang, CC Date: JUL 2017 Author Keywords: Maca | Glucosinolates | HPLC | LC-MS | Hierarchical cluster analysis Keywords Plus: SECONDARY METABOLITES | LIQUID-CHROMATOGRAPHY | IDEN- TIFICATION | SEPARATION | WALP. | CONSTITUENTS | CULTIVATION | PERFORMAN- CE | ECOTYPES | LEAVES Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 10 Abstract: In order to evaluate the quality of maca samples, 15 batches of maca hypocotyls from diffe- rent geographical origins were analyzed by using HPLC and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Their glucosinolates (GLs) were identified, profiled, and quanti- fied. Three aromatic GLs, glucosinalbin (GSB), glucotropaeolin (GTL), and glucolimnanthin (GLH), were identified from maca roots. It was found that the HPLC profiles of maca samples showed a similar qualitative pattern except for some differences in their contents. The amount ranges (mu mol g(-1), DW) of GSB, GTL, and GLH were 2.62-5.55, 12.99-57.12, and 3.15-12.12, respectively. Furthermore, a HCA (hierarchical clustering analysis) was used to classify the quality of maca samples according to their cultivated sources and GLs contents. The results showed that the combination of GSB, GTL, and GLH could be a marker for accu- rate determination and quality control of maca samples. It was concluded that the multi- component analysis in combination with HCA could be a supplement to assess the quality of maca materials.

Record 292/366: WOS:000383063300001 Source: EVIDENCE-BASED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE | 2016: - 2016 Title: Preservation of Cognitive Function by Lepidium meyenii (Maca) Is Associated with Improvement of Mitochondrial Activity and Upregulation of Autophagy-Related Proteins in Middle-Aged Mouse Cortex

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Author(s): Guo, SS | Gao, XF | Gu, YR | Wan, ZX | Lu, AM | Qin, ZH | Luo, L Date: 2016 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: ENDURANCE CAPACITY | MEMORY IMPAIRMENT | OXIDATIVE STRESS | EXTRACT | BRAIN | MOTOR | ACCUMULATION | INFLAMMATION | EXPRES- SION | SURVIVAL Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 2016 Abstract: Maca has been used as a foodstuff and a traditional medicine in the Andean region for over 2,000 years. Recently the neuroprotective effects of maca also arouse interest of researchers. Decrease in mitochondrial function and decline in autophagy signaling may participate in the process of age-related cognitive decline. This study aimed to investigate if maca could impro- ve cognitive function of middle-aged mice and if this effect was associated with improvement of mitochondrial activity and modulation of autophagy signaling in mouse cortex. Fourteen- month-old male ICR mice received maca powder administered by gavage for five weeks. Maca improved cognitive function, motor coordination, and endurance capacity in middle-aged mi- ce, accompanied by increased mitochondrial respiratory function and upregulation of autop- hagy-related proteins in cortex. Our findings suggest that maca is a newly defined nutritional plant which can improve mitochondrial function and upregulate autophagy-related proteins and may be an effective functional food for slowing down age-related cognitive decline.

Record 293/366: WOS:000458555700014 Source: CURRENT TOPICS IN NUTRACEUTICAL RESEARCH | 17 (1): 93-98 FEB 2019 Title: Isolation of an Anti-fatigue Preparation from Cellulase-treated Maca by Hydroalcoho- lic Extraction Author(s): Zheng, Y | Zhang, WC | Wu, ZY | Fu, CX | Gao, H | Hui, AL | Du, B | Zhang, HW Date: FEB 2019 Author Keywords: Anti-fatigue | Enzymatic pre-treatment | Macamides | Maca hydroal- coholic extract | Maca polysaccharides Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | STRUCTURAL-CHARACTERIZATION | ANTI- OXIDANT ACTIVITY | ENDURANCE CAPACITY | IN-VIVO | MACAMIDES | POLYSAC- CHARIDES | MODEL Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 17

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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the anti-fatigue activity of maca hydroalcoholic ex- tract (ME), which mainly contains macamides and polysaccharides. ME was prepared by cir- cumfluence extraction with enzymatic pre-treatment. Antifatigue activity of ME was investi- gated in weight-loaded forced swimming mice, with pure macamides and commercially avai- lable maca tablet as positive control. Compared with normal group, pure macamides treat- ment group could prolong the swimming time to exhaustion, but there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05); while ME (middle-dose and high-dose groups) could effecti- vely prolong the swimming durations (P < 0.05). Supplementation with pure macamides sig- nificantly decreased blood lactic acid (BLA), whereas ME significantly increased hepatic gly- cogen (HG), decreased BLA, and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) compared with those in normal control (P < 0.05). The results suggested that the anti-fatigue effect of ME was better than that of pure macamides, which can be explained by the increase of glycogen storage and the reduction of metabolites accumulation.

Record 295/366: WOS:000517824600003 Source: RECHTSMEDIZIN | 30 (1): 15-30 FEB 2020 Title: Toxicology of natural and synthetic aphrodisiacs Author(s): Hess, C | Boehmer, A Date: FEB 2020 Author Keywords: Aphrodisiac | Toxicology | Forensics | Yohimbine | Tribulus terrestris Keywords Plus: SEXUAL DESIRE DISORDER | HERBAL DIETARY-SUPPLEMENTS | RABBIT CORPUS CAVERNOSUM | PHOSPHODIESTERASE TYPE 5 | PALMETTO SE- RENOA-REPENS | MACA LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | SAW-PALMETTO | PTYCHOPETALUM- OLACOIDES | KAEMPFERIA-PARVIFLORA | SPILANTHES-ACMELLA Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 30 Abstract: Aphrodisiacs, libido or erection-enhancing supplements are widely available on the internet. The beneficial effects are controversial. Forensic toxicologists should be aware of the poten- tial toxicities of these products because they could be given in cases of drug-facilitated sexual assault. This article presents a case report in which the defendant claimed to have administe- red an aphrodisiac to several women who showed strong symptoms of intoxication after con- sumption in an alcoholic drink. A literature research was carried out for potential substances sold in these aphrodisiac products. Synthetic substances as well as products of herbal or

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mal origin can be the ingredients. The main products that could cause intensive side effects and intoxication are phosphodiesterase V inhibitors (declared or undeclared on packaging), yohimbine, steroid hormones, flibanserin, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, Tribulus terrestris, Bufo Toad, Spanish fly or Horny Goat Weed. All other products used as aphrodisiacs and des- cribed herein show less potential side effects or no studies on side effects in humans were ca- rried out.

Record 296/366: WOS:000426963900028 Source: CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS | 188: 236-242 MAY 15 2018 Title: Purification, characterization and immunomodulatory activity of polysaccharides from stem lettuce Author(s): Nie, CZP | Zhu, PL | Ma, SP | Wang, MC | Hu, YD Date: MAY 15 2018 Author Keywords: Polysaccharide | Stem lettuce | Purification | Characterization | Immu- nomodulatory Keywords Plus: STRUCTURAL-CHARACTERIZATION | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY | SULFATED POLYSACCHARIDE | IMMUNOLOGICAL ACTIVITY | STIMULATING ACTIVI- TY | ZIZANIA-LATIFOLIA | LEPIDIUM MEYENII | SWOLLEN CULMS | POLYMYXIN-B | IN-VITRO Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 188 Abstract: Stem lettuce has a long history of cultivation in China and possesses high nutritional and me- dicinal value. In our previous studies, extraction optimization, characterization, and bioacti- vities of stem lettuce polysaccharides (SLP) were investigated. In this study, SLP were further separated into two purified polysaccharides, SLP-1 and SLP-2, by anion exchange chromato- graphy followed by size exclusion chromatography. SLP-1, with a molecular weight of 90 KDa, was mainly composed of galacturonic acid, galactose and arabinose in a molar ratio of 17.6:41.7:33.9. SLP-2, with a molecular weight of 44 KDa, was mainly composed of mannose, galacturonic acid, galactose and arabinose in a molar ratio of 11.5:69.5:9.3:8.2. In addition, both purified polysaccharides contain sulphate radicals, have triple helical structures and can promote macrophage proliferation without cytotoxicity. SLP-2 was better able to stimulate phagocytic and nitric oxide production than SLP-1. The results suggest that polysaccharides from stem lettuce could be explored as immunomodulatory agents in the field of pharma- ceuticals and functional foods.

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Record 297/366: WOS:000354403800010 Source: CLIMACTERIC | 18 (3): 364-371 JUN 2015 Title: Hormones, herbal preparations and nutriceuticals for a better life after the menopau- se: part II Author(s): Comhaire, FH | Depypere, HT Date: JUN 2015 Author Keywords: MENOPAUSE | HORMONES | HERBAL PREPARATIONS | NUTRI- CEUTICALS Keywords Plus: BREAST-CANCER RISK | PINE BARK EXTRACT | STANDARDIZED HOP EXTRACT | ALPHA-LIPOIC ACID | POSTMENOPAUSAL WOMEN | DOUBLE-BLIND | DIETARY-SUPPLEMENTS | SOY ISOFLAVONES | FOLLOW-UP | CARDIOVASCULAR EVENTS Publication Year: 2015 Volume: 18 Abstract: Long-term estrogen replacement therapy with estrogen has benefits for many postmenopau- sal women. However, some women prefer non-steroidal substitution with herbal prepara- tions. The effectivity against vasomotor symptoms has been evidenced for the extracts of pine bark, of linseed and of Lepidium meyenii (Maca), whereas there is controversy about the ef- fectiveness of genistein-rich soy extract. The extracts of cruciferous vegetables such as Broc- coli and of linseed induce changes in the metabolism of , and antioxidants may re- verse altered epigenetic DNA methylation, possibly reducing the risk of breast cancer or its recurrence. Indirect evidence from the literature and from clinical trials supports that a nutri- ceutical composed of plant extracts, low-dose vitamins and minerals may improve the quality of life by delaying certain age-related diseases. On the basis of epidemiologic studies, physio- pathological considerations and controlled prospectieve trials, it is suggested that transder- mal substitution therapy with estradiol together with nutriceutical food supplementation may increase the number of quality-adjusted life years of postmenopausal women, but comple- mentary, large-scale, prospective trials are still needed.

Record 301/366: WOS:000419242400161 Source: MOLECULES | 22 (12): - DEC 2017 Title: Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction, HPLC and UHPLC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/ MS Analysis of Main Macamides and Macaenes from Maca (Cultivars of Lepidium meyenii Walp)

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Author(s): Chen, SX | Li, KK | Pubu, D | Jiang, SP | Chen, B | Chen, LR | Yang, Z | Ma, C | Gong, XJ Date: DEC 2017 Author Keywords: cultivated maca | macamides | ultrassound-assisted extraction | respon- se surface methodology | optimization | UHPLC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS | MS Keywords Plus: RESPONSE-SURFACE METHODOLOGY | PERFORMANCE LIQUID- CHROMATOGRAPHY | RATS | POLYPHENOLS | MICROWAVE | CAPACITY | MICE Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 22 Abstract: Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), using petroleum ether as the solvent, was systemati- cally applied to extract main macamides and macaenes from Maca hypocotyls. Extraction yield was related with four variables, including ratio of solution to solid, extraction temperatu- re, extraction time, and extraction power. On the basis of response surface methodology (RSM), the optimal conditions were determined to be the ratio of solution to solid as 10:1 (mL/g), the extraction temperature of 40 degrees C, the extraction time of 30 min, and the extraction power of 200 W. Based on the optimal extraction method of UAE, the total con- tents of ten main macamides and two main macaenes of Maca cultivated in twenty different areas of Tibet were analyzed by HPLC and UHPLC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS. This study indicated that UAE was able to effectively extract macamides alkaloids from Maca hypocotyls. Quantita- tive analysis showed that geographical origins, not ecotypes, played a more important role on the accumulation of active macamides in Maca.

Record 306/366: WOS:000360295100005 Source: ANALYTICAL LETTERS | 48 (16): 2566-2580 NOV 2 2015 Title: Rapid Determination of Cadmium and Lead in Maca (Lepidium meyenii) by Magnetic Solid-Phase Extraction and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Author(s): Ju, SQ | Yu, JP | Ma, YQ | Yang, YL | Liu, MS Date: NOV 2 2015 Author Keywords: Flame atomic absorption spectrometry | Fe3O4 nanoparticles | Magne- tic solid-phase extraction | Lead | Multiwalled carbon nanotubes | Cadmium Keywords Plus: LIQUID-LIQUID MICROEXTRACTION | MULTIWALLED CARBON


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Publication Year: 2015 Volume: 48 Abstract: Multiwalled carbon nanotubes were modified by Fe3O4 nanoparticles with application for the preconcentration of metals. The modified materials were characterized by infrared spectros- copy, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. The Fe3O4 nanoparticle mo- dified multiwalled carbon nanotubes were used as sorbents for the extraction of cadmium and lead from maca prior to analysis by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The amount of nanoparticles, pH, adsorption time, coexisting ions, eluent solution, and reuse of the mate- rial were characterized to optimize the recoveries of the analytes. Under the optimum condi- tions, the calibration curves were linear from 0.05 to 20 milligrams per liter for cadmium and from 0.05 to 25 milligrams per liter for lead. The limits of detection were 0.32 and 0.57 mi- crograms per liter while the relative standard deviations were 2.1 and 1.9 percent, respecti- vely. The method was employed for the determination of cadmium and lead in maca and re- coveries between 94.8 and 105.6 percent were obtained.

Record 307/366: WOS:000436579700001 Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD PROPERTIES | 21 (1): 1219-1232 2018 Title: Modification of bamboo shoot dietary fiber by extrusion-cellulase technology and its properties Author(s): Song, Y | Su, W | Mu, YC Date: 2018 Author Keywords: Extrusion | cellulase | bamboo shoots | dietary fiber | modification Keywords Plus: MACA LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES | FUNCTIONAL-PROPERTIES | CHEMICAL-COMPOSITION | ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES | WHEAT BRAN | EXTRACTION | POWDER | POLYSACCHARIDES | CARBOHYDRATE Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 21 Abstract: In this study, the effects of extrusion combined with cellulase on the structural, physicoche- mical, and functional properties of bamboo shoots dietary fiber were evaluated. Extrusion- cellulase treatment increased the contents of soluble dietary fiber (22.17g/100g dry solids). The scanning electron microscopy and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy analyses showed that the extrusion-cellulase treatment altered the structure of bamboo shoots dietary fiber without destroying the main components. Bamboo shoots dietary fiber modified by

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extrusion-cellulase treatment showed improved water-holding capacity (9.34g/g dry solids), oil-holding capacity (10.74g/g dry solids), swelling capacity (8.32mL/g dry solids), cation ex- change capacity and functional properties, including glucose adsorption capacity (158mg/g dry solids), cholesterol adsorption capacity (9.8mg/g dry solids (pH 2), and 11.4mg/g dry so- lids (pH 7)), and nitrite ion adsorption capacity (29g/g dry solids (pH 2) and 21g/g dry solids (pH 7)). This experiment provided a theoretical basis for the modification of bamboo shoots dietary fiber, and the bamboo shoots dietary fiber modified by extrusion-cellulase can be useful as a fiber-rich ingredient in functional foods.

Record 309/366: WOS:000467423000003 Source: BMC PLANT BIOLOGY | 19: - MAY 7 2019 Title: Physiological responses of Lepidium meyenii plants to ultraviolet-B radiation challen- ge Author(s): Reyes, TH | Scartazza, A | Pompeiano, A | Guglielminetti, L Date: MAY 7 2019 Author Keywords: Chlorophyll fluorescence | Gas exchanges | Maca | Multiple factorial analyses | Stress | Ultraviolet-B Keywords Plus: UV-B | ARABIDOPSIS | STRESS | GROWTH | METABOLISM | EFFI- CIENCY | DAMAGE Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 19 Abstract: BackgroundUltraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation can affect several aspects ranging from plant growth to metabolic regulation. Maca is a Brassicaceae crop native to the Andes growing in above 3500m of altitude. Although maca has been the focus mainly due to its nutraceutical properties, it remains unknown how maca plants tolerate to harsh environments, such as strong UV-B. Here, we present the first study that reports the physiological responses of maca plants to counteract and recover to repeated acute UV-B irradiation.ResultsIn detail, plants were daily exposed to acute UV-B irradiation followed by a recovery period under controlled conditions. The results showed that repeated acute UV-B exposures reduced biomass and photosynthetic parameters, with gradual senescence induction in exposed leaves, reduction of young leaves expansion and root growth inhibition. Negative correlation between increased UV-B and recovery was observed, with marked production of new biomass in plants treated one week or more.ConclusionsA differential UV-B response was observed: stress response was mainly controlled by a coordinated source-sink carbon allocation, while acclimation

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process may require UV-B-specific systemic defense response reflected on the phenotypic plasticity of maca plants. Moreover, these differential UV-B responses were also suggested by multifactorial analysis based on biometric and physiological data.

Record 310/366: WOS:000439280800003 Source: FOOD & FUNCTION | 9 (7): 3610-3616 JUL 1 2018 Title: Evaluation of the stability of tyrosol esters during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion Author(s): Yin, FW | Hu, XP | Zhou, DY | Ma, XC | Tian, XG | Huo, XK | Rakariyatham, K | Shahidi, F | Zhu, BW Date: JUL 1 2018 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: FATTY-ACIDS | PANCREATIC LIPASE | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY | EN- ZYMATIC-SYNTHESIS | RECEPTOR LIGANDS | LIPOPHILIC RUTIN | EGCG DERIVATI- VES | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | OIL | INHIBITORS Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 9 Abstract: Lipophenols such as tea polyphenol palmitate derivatives (palmitoyl esters of tea polyphenols) have been classified as non-toxic food additives due to their better protective effects on lipidic food matrices from oxidation, but their digestion and absorption have re- mained unexplored. In this study, the digestive stability of tyrosol acyl esters (TYr-Es) with fatty acids of different chain lengths and different degrees of unsaturation such as C12:0, C14:0, C16:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2, and C22:6 was evaluated using an in vitro simulated gas- trointestinal tract model containing various digestive enzymes (pancreatin, pancreatic lipase and phospholipase A(2)). HPLC-UV measurements demonstrated that only pancreatin and pancreatic lipase, but not phospholipase A(2), could hydrolyze TYr-Es to free TYr. The degree of TYr-E hydrolysis negatively correlated with the chain length but positively correlated with the degree of unsaturation of their lipid moiety. In addition, the fact that TYr in fatty acid es- ter forms could be absorbed by the intestinal lumen, at least partially in the form of free TYr, may explain a sustained release behavior of TYr-Es to TYr during the time-course following the digestion process.

Record 311/366: WOS:000443264400049 Source: CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS | 200: 446-455 NOV 15 2018 Title: Two novel polysaccharides from the torus of Saussurea laniceps protect against AAPH-

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induced oxidative damage in human erythrocytes Author(s): Chen, WB | Ma, JJ | Gong, F | Xi, HR | Zhan, QP | Li, XF | Wei, FS | Wu, H | Lai, FR Date: NOV 15 2018 Author Keywords: Polysaccharides | Saussurea laniceps | Erythrocyte | Hemolysis | Oxi- dative damage | Antioxidant Keywords Plus: GAMMA-GLUTAMYLCYSTEINE SYNTHETASE | BUPLEURUM- CHINENSE DC | IN-VITRO | STRUCTURAL-CHARACTERIZATION | ANTIOXIDANT AC- TIVITY | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | STRESS | INVOLUCRATA | CELL | GLUTATHIONE Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 200 Abstract: Two major polysaccharides (SLT-3, SLT-4) were isolated from the torus of Saussurea la- niceps. Their molecular weight, monosaccharide compositions and the ability to protect hu- man erythrocytes from oxidative damage induced by AAPH were assessed. Results showed that the Mw of SLT-3 and SLT-4 were 10,113 Da and 12,392 Da. SLT-3 was composed of man- nose, rhamnose, glucuronic acid, galacturonic acid, glucose, galactose, xylose, and arabinose in a molar ratio of 0.25:0.53:0.19:15.35:0.51:1.10:0.63:1.73, whereas SLT-4 was composed of mannose, rhamnose, glucuronic acid, galacturonic acid, glucose, galactose, and arabinose in a molar ratio of 0.92:5.61:0.93:19.50:2.42:5.27:3.01. Pretreatment with SLT-3 and SLT-4 redu- ced MDA content, inhibited the generation of intracellular ROS and maintained the balance of GSH and GSSG in AAPH-treated erythrocytes. Furthermore, the activities of intracellular antioxidant enzymes, such as SOD, GSH-Px and CAT, were attenuated in polysaccharide treated cells. The results provide an important basis for the development of S. laniceps as a natural antioxidant.

Record 312/366: WOS:000423351400026 Source: FOOD & FUNCTION | 9 (1): 294-306 JAN 2018 Title: Structure characterization of a novel polysaccharide from Hericium erinaceus fruiting bodies and its immunomodulatory activities Author(s): Wu, FF | Zhou, CH | Zhou, DD | Ou, SY | Zhang, XA | Huang, HH Date: JAN 2018 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: GANODERMA-ATRUM POLYSACCHARIDE | IN-VITRO ANTIOXIDANT | ORIENTALIS L. FRANCO | MACROPHAGE ACTIVATION | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII |

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DENDROBIUM-HUOSHANENSE | CORDYCEPS-MILITARIS | CHAIN CONFORMATION | SIGNALING PATHWAYS | ANTITUMOR-ACTIVITY Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 9 Abstract: A novel polysaccharide fraction (HEP-S) was extracted and isolated from the fruiting bodies of Hericium erinaceus. Structural characterization revealed that HEP-S had an average mole- cular weight of 1.83 x 104 Da and consisted of rhamnose, fucose, mannose, glucose and galac- tose at a molar ratio of 1.47 : 0.93 : 1.36 : 8.68 : 4.08. Periodate oxidation-Smith degradation and NMR analysis showed that the main linkage types of HEP-S were composed of (1 ->)- alpha-D-Glc, (1 -> 3,4)-alpha-D-Glc, (1 -> 6)-alpha-D-Gal, (1 -> 3,4)-beta-D-Man, (1 -> 3,6)- alpha-Rha and (1 -> 2)-beta-L-Fuc. The immunomodulatory assay indicated that HEP-S could significantly enhance the pinocytic and phagocytic capacity and promote the secretion of nitric oxide and pro-inflammatory cytokines by activating the corresponding mRNA and protein expression in RAW 264.7 cells involving a toll-like receptor 2 membrane receptor. Besides, HEP-S was also found to improve the adaptive immune function by enhancing T and B lymphocyte proliferation and increasing the interleukin-2, interleukin-4 and interferon-. secretion in spleen lymphocytes. These results suggested that HEP-S could be used as a po- tential immunoregulatory agent in functional foods.

Record 314/366: WOS:000400648500053 Source: PLOS ONE | 12 (5): - MAY 4 2017 Title: Occurrence of urea-based soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitors from the plants in the order Brassicales Author(s): Kitamura, S | Morisseau, C | Harris, TR | Inceoglu, B | Hammock, BD Date: MAY 4 2017 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: NICOTINAMIDE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE NAMPT | BENZYL ISOTHIOCYANATE | EPOXYEICOSATRIENOIC ACIDS | PENTADIPLANDRA- BRAZZEANA | DOCOSAHEXAENOIC ACID | INFLAMMATORY PAIN | POTENT INHIBI- TORS | BROCCOLI SPROUTS | MORINGA-OLEIFERA | BLOOD-PRESSURE Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 12 Abstract: Recently, dibenzylurea-based potent soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) inhibitors were

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identified in Pentadiplandra brazzeana, a plant in the order Brassicales. In an effort to gene- ralize the concept, we hypothesized that plants that produce benzyl glucosinolates and corres- ponding isothiocyanates also produce these dibenzylurea derivatives. Our overall aim here was to examine the occurrence of urea derivatives in Brassicales, hoping to find biologically active urea derivatives from plants. First, plants in the order Brassicales were analyzed for the presence of 1, 3-dibenzylurea (compound 1), showing that three additional plants in the order Brassicales produce the urea derivatives. Based on the hypothesis, three dibenzylurea deriva- tives with sEH inhibitory activity were isolated from maca (Lepidium meyenii) roots. Topical application of one of the identified compounds (compound 3, human sEH IC50 = 222 nM) effectively reduced pain in rat inflammatory pain model, and this compound was bioavailable after oral administration in mice. The biosynthetic pathway of these urea derivatives was in- vestigated using (Carica papaya) seed as a model system. Finally, a small collection of plants from the Brassicales order was grown, collected, extracted and screened for sEH inhi- bitory activity. Results show that several plants of the Brassicales order could be potential sources of urea-based sEH inhibitors.

Record 316/366: WOS:000456275900048 Source: JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE | 99 (3): 1405-1412 FEB 2019 Title: Two macamide extracts relieve physical fatigue by attenuating muscle damage in mice Author(s): Zheng, Y | Zhang, WC | Wu, ZY | Fu, CX | Hui, AL | Gao, H | Chen, PP | Du, B | Zhang, HW Date: FEB 2019 Author Keywords: anti-fatigue | histological analysis | macamide extract | muscle damage Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII WALP. | IN-VIVO | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY | ENDURANCE CAPACITY | LIPID-METABOLISM | LIVER-INJURY | GLUCOSE | SUPPLE- MENTATION | POLYSACCHARIDE | INHIBITION Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 99 Abstract: BACKGROUND Macamides, the main active components contained in maca, have attracted increasing attention due to their various bioactivities. In this study, crude macamide extract (CME) and purified macamide extract (PME) were prepared by enzyme-assisted extraction and macroporous resin separation, and the anti-fatigue effects of CME and PME were evalua- ted in a forced swimming model. RESULTS The composition analysis results revealed that

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both CME and PME mainly contain eight kinds of macamide. Based on the results of a weight -loaded forced swimming test, compared with a control group, CME and and PME groups could prolong exhaustive swimming time, increase levels of liver glycogen (LG) and muscle glycogen (MG), accelerate fatty acid oxidation in serum to provide energy, eliminate the accu- mulation of blood lactic acid (BLA) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and decrease the serum biomarkers for muscle damage, such as lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatine kinase (CK). Histological analysis also indicated that CME and PME attenuated damage to skeletal muscle and the myocardium in mice during exercise. CONCLUSION Two macamide extracts have a beneficial effect on relieving physical fatigue by attenuating the damage of skeletal muscle and myocardium during exercise, and a better effect was observed in the PME group. (c) 2018 Society of Chemical Industry.

Record 317/366: WOS:000380704800001 Source: BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL | 2016: - 2016 Title: Effects of the Aqueous Extract of Eremomastax speciosa (Acanthaceae) on Sexual Behavior in Normal Male Rats Author(s): Nchegang, B | Mezui, C | Longo, F | Nkwengoua, ZE | Amang, AP | Tan, PV Date: 2016 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION | MEDICINAL-PLANTS | LEPIDIUM- MEYENII | SMOOTH-MUSCLE | NITRIC-OXIDE | DOPAMINE | POTENTIALS | STEM Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 2016 Abstract: Objective. We studied prosexual effects of Eremomastax speciosa aqueous extract in male adult rats. Materials and Methods. 100 and 500mg/kg of extract were administered orally (days 0, 1, 4, 7, 14, and 28 (posttreatment)). The sexual behavior of rats receiving a single do- se (500mg/kg) was also evaluated after pretreatment with L omega-NAME (10mg/kg), halo- peridol (1mg/kg), or atropine (5mg/kg). Controls received distilled water or testosterone enanthate (20 mg/kg/day/3 days (s.c.) before the test). Results. The extract (days 1-14) had no significant effect on mount, intromission, and ejaculation frequencies but on day 28 (14 days after treatment), it increased frequency of mounts and intromissions at 500mg/kg. Mount, intromission, and ejaculation latencies reduced and postejaculatory intervals de- creased but the effect did not persist 2 weeks after treatment. Extract prosex effects were greatly reduced by atropine and completely abolished by , while L omega-NAME

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increased mount latency and potentiated extract effect on intromission and ejaculation laten- cies. Conclusion. In summary, E. speciosa extract can have positive effects on male sexual motivation and performance when administered for two weeks at the dose of 500mg/kg. The effects (dopaminergic and/or cholinergic dependent) tend to appear during the posttreat- ment period.

Record 320/366: WOS:000438312200034 Source: JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY | 66 (26): 6752-6761 JUL 4 2018 Title: A New Compound Isolated from the Reduced Ribose-Tryptophan Maillard Reaction Products Exhibits Distinct Anti-inflammatory Activity Author(s): Qin, D | Li, L | Li, J | Li, JL | Zhao, D | Li, YT | Li, B | Zhang, X Date: JUL 4 2018 Author Keywords: ribose | tryptophan | Maillard reaction | structure | anti-inflammatory activity Keywords Plus: NF-KAPPA-B | RAW 264.7 MACROPHAGES | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY | SIGNALING PATHWAY | STRUCTURAL-CHARACTERIZATION | IMMUNOMODULA- TORY ACTIVITY | BETA-LACTOGLOBULIN | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | NITRIC-OXIDE | IN- VITRO Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 66 Abstract: In this study, a compound of 532.24 Da named BF-4 was separated from the ribose- tryptophan Maillard reaction products by solvent extraction and purified through reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. The purified compound BF-4 was identified as 3-((1H-indol-3-yl)methyl)-8-(5-((1H-indol-3-yl)methyl)-6-oxomorpholin-2-y1)-9-hydroxy- 1,7,4-dioxazecan-2-one in accordance with 1D- and 2D-NMR spectra and LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis. BF-4 significantly reduced the production of nitric oxide (NO), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. It inhibited nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) activation and mitogen-activated pro- tein kinase (MAPK) phosphorylation through suppressing phosphorylation of I kappa B alp- ha, P65, P38 and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). The anti-inflammatory activity of BF-4 was comparable to dexamethasone, and more importantly, BF-4 showed less cytotoxicity than dexamethasone on the normal human liver cell LO2. The results indicate that BF-4 is a pro- mising anti-inflammatory agent with pharmaceutical potential.

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Record 322/366: WOS:000546150700001 Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH | 25 (1): - JUN 29 2020 Title: The effects of aqueous extract of Maca on energy metabolism and immunoregulation Author(s): Fei, WT | Hou, Y | Yue, N | Zhou, X | Wang, YJ | Wang, LY | Li, AM | Zhang, JJ Date: JUN 29 2020 Author Keywords: Maca | Aqueous extract of Maca | Traditional Chinese medicine | Spleen | Energy metabolism | Immunoregulation Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII MACA | DOUBLE-BLIND | DYSFUNCTION Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 25 Abstract: Background In the present work, we investigated the effects of aqueous extract of Maca (AEM) on energy metabolism and immunoregulation in spleen-deficient mice. Method We established a cyclophosphamide-induced spleen-deficiency model with ginseng, a herb that strengthens splenic function, as a control. Sixty male Kunming mice were randomly divided among 5 groups: normal, model, ginseng control (1.5 g/kg), AEM high dose (1.5 g/kg), and AEM low dose (0.75 g/kg). All animals, except those in the normal group, were injected with cyclophosphamide to induce spleen deficiency. Furthermore, we investigated differences in the thermotropic behaviors of mice using the Animal Thermotropism Behavior Surveillance System to detect energy metabolism-related assays and immune regulation assays. Results Mice given AEM exhibited tropism in response to hot plate exposure. AEM inhibited loss of body weight and immune organ atrophy caused by cyclophosphamide, increased the cAMP/ cGMP ratio in blood, and enhanced the activities of Na+-K+-ATPase, Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase, lactate dehydrogenase, and hepatic glycogen. AEM significantly reversed declining white blood cells and platelet counts, and increased the hemoglobin content within peripheral blood cells. AEM improved the protein levels of IFN-gamma, TNF-beta, IL-2, and IL-4 in the spleen. Conclusions Maca possesses the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) property of warm and appears to strengthen spleen function.

Record 324/366: WOS:000406926800007 Source: PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH | 31 (8): 1192-1198 AUG 2017 Title: Protective Effects of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) Aqueous Extract and Lycopene on Tes- tosterone Propionate-Induced Prostatic Hyperplasia in Mice Author(s): Zou, Y | Aboshora, W | Li, J | Xiao, TC | Zhang, LF Date: AUG 2017

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Author Keywords: benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) | lycopene | maca | testosterone propionate Keywords Plus: RED MACA | 5-ALPHA-REDUCTASE INHIBITORS | ERECTILE DYS- FUNCTION | CANCER | RATS | PREVENTION | MANAGEMENT | DIAGNOSIS | RISK Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 31 Abstract: The inhibitory effect of maca extractant, lycopene, and their combination was evaluated in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) mice induced by testosterone propionate. Mice were divi- ded into a saline group, solvent control group and testosterone propionate-induced BPH mice [BPH model group, solvent BPH model group, benzyl glucosinolate group (1.44 mg/kg), maca group (60 mg/kg), lycopene treated (15, 5, and 2.5 mg/kg), maca (30 mg/kg) combine lycope- ne treated (7.5, 2.5, and 1.25 mg/kg), and finasteride treated]. Benzyl glucosinolate was used in order to evaluate its pharmacological activity on BPH to find out whether it is the major active component of maca aqueous extract. Finasteride was used as positive control. The compounds were administered once for 30 successive days. Compared with solvent BPH mo- del group, BPH mice fed with maca (30 mg/kg) and lycopene (7.5 mg/kg) combination exhi- bited significant reductions in the prostatic index, prostatic acid phospatase, estradiol, testos- terone, and dihydrotestosterone levels in serum. They also had similar histological compared with those aspects observed in the mice in the solvent control group. The results indicated that combination of maca and lycopene synergistically inhibits BPH in mice.

Record 325/366: WOS:000492677600007 Source: CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE | 40 (9): 1832- 1839 SEP 10 2019 Title: H-1 NMR Metabonomic Investigations of N-Benzylhexadecanamide Induced Prolifera- tion and Iestosterone Secretion of Mouse Testicular Leydig Cellst Author(s): Zhang, NX | Lv, JW | Jin, P | Li, JF | Bian, XF | Zhang, H | Sun, JM Date: SEP 10 2019 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII MACA | ENDURANCE CAPACITY | MACAMIDES | IDENTIFICATION | TESTOSTERONE | EXTRACT Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 40

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Abstract: A metabolomic mechanism was evaluated for inducing proliferation and testosterone secre- tion of mouse testicular Leydig cells by N-benzylhexadecanamide ( NBH) from maca based on 1H NMR metabolism approach. The cell proliferation rate of mouse testicular Leydig cell sbe- fore and after administration and the testosterone content in the cell culture medium was de- termined experimentally. Based on principal component analysis ( PCA) and orthogonal par- tial least squares discriminant analysis ( OPLS-DA), metabolite differences in mouse testicu- lar Leydig cells before and after administration were studied, and metabolic pathway analysis was performed. The results showed that NBH could increase the proliferation rate and testos- terone secretion of mouse testicular Leydig cells. After administration, the profile of the faulty liquid metabolic in mouse testicular Leydig cells was changed significantly, which identified 24distinct metabolites such as , lysine, scylloinositol, valine and alanine. Meta- boanalyst showed that distinct metabolites mainly involves 10 pathways including alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism, , serine and threonine metabolism, glutathione metabolism, pyruvate metabolism, pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis, aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis, lysine degradation, Inositol phosphate metabolism, D-glutamine and D - glutamate metabolism as well as glycerophospholipid metabolism. The result indicated that NBH promotes proliferation and secretion of testosterone in mouse Leydig cells by organizing the relevant nodes of the above metabolic pathway.

Record 327/366: WOS:000458222000091 Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES | 125: 829- 838 MAR 15 2019 Title: Physicochemical and structural properties of starch from five Andean crops grown in Bolivia Author(s): Fuentes, C | Perez-Rea, D | Bergenstahl, B | Carballo, S | Sjoo, M | Nilsson, L Date: MAR 15 2019 Author Keywords: Andean crops | Grans | Roots | Starch | Properties Keywords Plus: FIELD-FLOW FRACTIONATION | HYDRODYNAMIC RADIUS DETER- MINATION | CANNA-EDULIS STARCH | AMARANTHUS-CRUENTUS | MOLECULAR- STRUCTURE | DIFFERENT CULTIVARS | NATIVE STARCHES | CHAIN-LENGTH | PART I | QUINOA Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 125

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Abstract: Three Andean grains - amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus), quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), canihua (Chenopodium pallidicaulle) - and two Andean roots starches - achira (Canna indi- ca), maca (Lepidium meyenii) - were studied. Physicochemical properties such as granule si- ze, crystallinity, pasting properties among other as well as structural properties such as root- mean-square radius (r(rms)), weight-average molar mass (M-w) and apparent density (rho (app)) were analyzed in order to evaluate the relation between them. Grains were similar in most of their characteristics as roots in their i.e. granule size, shape, type of crystallinity, M-w and r(rms) varied according to botanical source. The starch granules from grains were in a narrow diameter range (0.5 to 2 mu m) and displayed A-type X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD). Roots starch had a wide granule diameter range (1 to 100 mu m) and displayed a B- type XRD. The amylose content varied between 0 and 48% where amaranth had the lowest value and achira had the highest. Furthermore, quinoa and canihua starches had very low breakdown in pasting properties, indicating high stability during cooking. A model is propo- sed that relates pasting properties i.e. peak viscosity and final viscosity with rho(app), gelati- nization enthalpy, granule size and amylose content. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reser- ved.

Record 328/366: WOS:000530068000075 Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES | 152: 757- 765 JUN 1 2020 Title: Rheological properties of a neutral polysaccharide extracted from maca (Lepidium me- yenii Walp.) roots with prebiotic and anti-inflammatory activities Author(s): Lee, YK | Jung, SK | Chang, YH Date: JUN 1 2020 Author Keywords: Polysaccharide | Maca | Rheological properties | Prebiotic activity | An- ti-inflammatory activity Keywords Plus: WATER-SOLUBLE POLYSACCHARIDES | CHAIN FATTY-ACIDS | STRUCTURAL-CHARACTERIZATION | CONSTITUENTS | PURIFICATION Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 152 Abstract: The rheological, prebiotic, and anti-inflammatory properties of neutral polysaccharide extrac- ted from maca roots (MP) were investigated. MP was composed of arabinose, galactose, rhamnose, and glucose. In steady shear rheological properties, an increasing concentration of

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MP solution exhibited higher apparent viscosity (eta(a,100)) and consistency index (K) under acidic condition (pH 4). In dynamic rheological properties, the dynamic moduli (G' and G '') in the frequency sweep test from the MP solution were increased with increasing concentra- tion and decreasing pH. The changes in dynamic moduli of the MP solution with various con- centrations and pH values were stable during 1 h storage at 4 degrees C due to the enhance- ment of hydrogen bonding. According to the results of the temperature sweep test, an increa- sing concentration of MP solution increased dynamic moduli under acidic conditions. The prebiotic properties of MP induced a higher growth of Bifidobacterium fongum ATCC15707 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 7469 than inulin and increased acetic acid, propionic acid, and butyric acid more than inulin in vitro. Furthermore, MP inhibited lipopolysacchari- de-induced NO production in RAW 264.7 cells, which indicated that an increasing concentra- tion of MP enhanced anti-inflammatory activities. Therefore, MP is a potential functional ma- terial for the food and pharmaceutical industries.

Record 329/366: WOS:000493211800032 Source: JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY | 246: - JAN 10 2020 Title: Identification of novel phytocannabinoids from Ganoderma by label-free dynamic mass redistribution assay Author(s): Zhou, H | Peng, XR | Hou, T | Zhao, N | Qiu, MH | Zhang, XL | Liang, XM Date: JAN 10 2020 Author Keywords: Cannabinoid receptors | Ganoderma | Phytocannabinoids | Dynamic mass redistribution Keywords Plus: CARTHAMUS-TINCTORIUS L. | CANNABINOID RECEPTOR | EN- DOCANNABINOID SYSTEM | SELECTIVE ANTAGONIST | TRITERPENOIDS | LUCIDUM | CB1 | CANNABIDIOL | ANTIOXIDANT | COFFEE Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 246 Abstract: Ethnopharmacological relevance: Located throughout the body, cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) are therapeutic targets for obesity/metabolic diseases, neurological/mental disor- ders, and immune modulation. Phytocannabinoids are greatly important for the development of new medicines with high efficacy and/or minor side effects. Plants and fungi are used in traditional medicine for beneficial effects to mental and immune system. The current re- search studied five fungi from the genus Ganoderma and five plants: Ganoderma hainanense J.D. Zhao, L.W. Hsu & X.Q. Zhang; Ganoderma capense (Lloyd) Teng, Zhong Guo De Zhen

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Jun; Ganoderma cochlear (Blume & T. Nees) Bres., Hedwigia; Ganoderma resinaceum Boud.; Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat.; Carthamus tinctorius L. (Compositae); Cynanchum oto- phyllum C. K. Schneid. (Asclepiadaceae); Coffea arabica L. (Rubiaceae); Prinsepia utilis Royle (Rosaceae); Lepidium meyenii Walp. (Brassicaceae). They show immunoregulation, promo- tion of longevity and maintenance of vitality, stimulant effects on the central nervous system, hormone balance and other beneficial effects. However, it remains unclear whether cannabi- noid receptors are involved in these effects. Aim of the study: This work aimed to identify components working on CM and CB2 from the above plants and fungi, as novel phytocanna- binoids, and to investigate mechanisms of how these compounds affected the cells. By analyzing the structure-activity relationship, we could identify the core structure for future development. Materials and methods: Eighty-two natural compounds were screened on sta- bly transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines, CHO-CB1 and CHO-CB2, with appli- cation of a label-free dynamic mass redistribution (DMR) technology that measured cellular responses to compounds. CP55,940 and WIN55,212-2 were probe molecules, and SR141716A and SR144528 were antagonist probes. Pertussis toxin, cholera toxin, LY294002 and U73122 were signaling pathway inhibitors. The DMR data were acquired by Epic Imager software (Coming, NY), processed by Imager Beta 3.7 (Coming), and analyzed by GraphPad Prism 6 (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA). Results: Transfected CHO-CB1 and CHO-CB2 cell lines were established and characterized. Seven compounds induced responses/activities in the cells. Among the seven compounds, four were purified from two Ganoderma species with potencies between 20 and 35 mu M. Three antagonists: Kfb68 antagonized both recep- tors with a better desensitizing effect on CB2 to WIN55,212-2 over CP55,940. Kga1 and Kfb28 were antagonists selective to CB1 and CB2, respectively. Kfb77 was a special agonist and it stimulated CB1 in a mechanism different from that of CP55,940. Another three active com- pounds, derived from the Lepidium meyenii Walp. (Brassicaceae), were also identified but their effects were mediated through mechanisms much related to the signaling transduction pathways, especially through the stimulatory G(s) protein. Conclusions: We identified four natural cannabinoids that exhibited structural and functional diversities. Our work confirms the presence of active ingredients in the Ganoderma species to CB1 and CB2, and this finding establishes connections between the fungi and the cannabinoid receptors, which will serve as a starting point to connect their beneficial effects to the endocannabinoid system. This re- search will also enrich the inventory of cannabinoids and phytocannabinoids from fungi. Yet due to some limitations, further structure-activity relationship studies and mechanism inves- tigation are warranted in future.

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Record 330/366: WOS:000387194600078 Source: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE | 1128: 653-664 JAN 15 2017 Title: Evaluation of the structural, electronic, topological and vibrational properties of N-(3,4 -dimethoxybenzyl)-hexadecanamide isolated from Maca (Lepidium meyenii) using different spectroscopic techniques Author(s): Chain, F | Iramain, MA | Grau, A | Catalan, CAN | Brandan, SA Date: JAN 15 2017 Author Keywords: N-(3,4-dimethoxybenzyl)-hexadecanamide | Vibrational spectra | Mo- lecular structure | Force field | DFT calculations Keywords Plus: SEXUAL-BEHAVIOR | FT-RAMAN | 13-EPI-SCLAREOL | MACAMIDES | DITERPENE | GROWTH | AGENT | IR Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 1128 Abstract: N-(3,4-dimethoxybenzyl)-hexadecanamide (DMH) was characterized by using Fourier Trans- form infrared (FT-IR) and Raman (FT-Raman), Ultraviolet- Visible (UV-Visible) and Hydro- gen and Carbon Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (H-1 and C-13 NMR) spectroscopies. The struc- tural, electronic, topological and vibrational properties were evaluated in gas phase and in n- hexane employing ONIOM and self-consistent force field (SCRF) calculations. The atomic charges, molecular electrostatic potentials, stabilization energies and topological properties of DMH were analyzed and compared with those calculated for N-(3,4-dimethoxybenzyl)- acetamide (DMA) in order to evaluate the effect of the side chain on the properties of DMH. The reactivity and behavior of this alkamide were predicted by using the gap energies and so- me descriptors. Force fields and the corresponding force constants were reported for DMA only in gas phase and n-hexane due to the high number of vibration normal modes showed by DMH, while the complete vibrational assignments are presented for DMA and both forms of DMH. The comparisons between the experimental FIR, FT-Raman, UV-Visible and H-1 and C -13 NMR spectra with the corresponding theoretical ones showed a reasonable concordance.

Record 333/366: WOS:000519827000001 Source: SUGAR TECH | 22 (5): 853-857 OCT 2020 Title: New Value-Added Sugar and Brown Sugar Products from Sugarcane: A Commercial Approach Author(s): Yang, L | Shen, SY | Wang, ZN | Yang, T | Guo, JW | Hu, RY | Li, YF | Burner, DM | Ying, XM

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Date: OCT 2020 Author Keywords: Co-crystallization sugar | Sugar value-added products | Brown sugar value-added products | Herbals | Medicinal herbs | Health benefits Keywords Plus: Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 22 Abstract: The conventional sugar market is relatively homogeneous, consisting of edible products such as refined white sugar and brown sugar. A high level of health consciousness has been develo- ped in recent years among human beings for sugar intake. Therefore, Sugarcane Research Institute of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (YSRI), China, has started initiative to develop sucrose co-crystallization technology as a means to derive functional and healthier value-added sugar and brown sugar products with various edible, tastier, and medicinal plant homologs. In the process of sucrose co-crystallization, bioactive components of edible and medicinal plant homologs were mixed and copolymerized with sucrose and brown sugar to form a stable and co-crystallization edible product. Co-crystallized products had high disper- sion and uniformity and may be improved in crystal shape, fluidity, moisture absorption, and stability of the altered sugar compounds. Co-crystallized white sugar value-added products were developed with Phyllanthus emblica, Polygonatum kingianum, Dendrobium nobile, Pueraria montana, Lepidium meyenii, and Panax notoginseng and brown sugar value-added products derived from Crataegus pinnatifida, Citrus x limon, seed of Vitis vinifera, Zingiber officinale, Wolfiporia cocos, Hippophae rhamnoides, and Angelica sinensis. These sugar value -added products were rich in plant-derived bioactive constituents with potential health bene- fits and have a great potential for commercialization of the consumer market all over the world.

Record 334/366: WOS:000385525500146 Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES | 17 (9): - SEP 2016 Title: Polyphenols and Sunburn Author(s): Saric, S | Sivamani, RK Date: SEP 2016 Author Keywords: polyphenols | flavonoids | antioxidant | sunburns | UVA | UVB | skin damage Keywords Plus: HONEYBUSH CYCLOPIA-INTERMEDIA | ROOIBOS ASPALATHUS- LINEARIS | GREEN TEA POLYPHENOLS | INDUCED SKIN DAMAGE | MOUSE SKIN |

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OXIDATIVE STRESS | ULTRAVIOLET-B | GRAPE SEEDS | PHOTOPROTECTION | PRO- TECTION Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 17 Abstract: Polyphenols are antioxidant molecules found in many foods such as green tea, chocolate, gra- pe seeds, and wine. Polyphenols have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antineoplastic pro- perties. Growing evidence suggests that polyphenols may be used for the prevention of sun- burns as polyphenols decrease the damaging effects of ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation on the skin. This review was conducted to examine the evidence for use of topically and orally ingested polyphenols in prevention of sunburns. The PubMed database was searched for studies that examined polyphenols and its effects on sunburns. Of the 27 studies found, 15 met the inclusion criteria. Seven studies were conducted on human subjects and eight on animals (mice and rats). Eleven studies evaluated the effects of topical polyphenols, two studies examined ingested polyphenols, and two studies examined both to- pical and ingested polyphenols. Polyphenol sources included the following plant origins: green tea, white tea, cocoa, Romanian propolis (RP), Calluna vulgaris (Cv), grape seeds, ho- neybush, and Lepidium meyenii (maca). Eight studies examined green tea. Overall, based on the studies, there is evidence that polyphenols in both oral and topical form may provide pro- tection from UV damage and sunburn, and thus are beneficial to skin health. However, cu- rrent studies are limited and further research is necessary to evaluate the efficacy, mechanism of action, and potential side effects of various forms and concentrations of polyphenols.

Record 335/366: WOS:000355480200001 Source: EVIDENCE-BASED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE | 2015: - 2015 Title: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial of Maca Root as Treatment for Antidepres- sant-Induced Sexual Dysfunction in Women Author(s): Dording, CM | Schettler, PJ | Dalton, ED | Parkin, SR | Walker, RSW | Fehling, KB | Fava, M | Mischoulon, D Date: 2015 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII MACA | ADULT HEALTHY-MEN | DESIRE DI- SORDER | EXTRACT | RATS | QUESTIONNAIRE | BUPROPION | SYMPTOMS | VALIDITY | BEHAVIOR

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Publication Year: 2015 Volume: 2015 Abstract: Objective. We sought to demonstrate that maca root may be an effective treatment for antide- pressant-induced sexual dysfunction (AISD) in women. Method. We conducted a 12-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of maca root (3.0 g/day) in 45 female outpatients (mean age of 41.5 +/- 12.5 years) with SSRI/SNRI-induced sexual dysfunction whose depres- sion remitted. Endpoints were improvement in sexual functioning as per the Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX) and the Massachusetts General Hospital Sexual Function Question- naire (MGH-SFQ). Results. 45 of 57 consented females were randomized, and 42 (30 preme- nopausal and 12 postmenopausal women) were eligible for a modified intent-to-treat analysis based on having had at least one postmedication visit. Remission rates by the end of treat- ment were higher for the maca than the placebo group, based on attainment of an ASEX total score <= 10 (9.5% for maca versus 4.8% for placebo), attaining an MGH-SFQ score <= 12 (30.0% for maca versus 20.0% for placebo) and reaching an MGH-SFQ score <= 8 (9.5% for maca versus 5.0% for placebo). Higher remission rates for the maca versus placebo group were associated with postmenopausal status. Maca was well tolerated. Conclusion. Maca root may alleviate SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction in postmenopausal women. This trial is regis- tered with NCT00568126.

Record 338/366: WOS:000412863400058 Source: JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS | 37: 574-585 OCT 2017 Title: Structural characterization of a novel polysaccharide fraction from Hericium erinaceus and its signaling pathways involved in macrophage immunomodulatory activity Author(s): Wu, FF | Zhou, CH | Zhou, DD | Ou, SY | Huang, HH Date: OCT 2017 Author Keywords: Hericium erinaceus polysaccharide | Structure characterization | lmmunomodulatory activity | Toll-like receptors | MAPICs signaling pathway Keywords Plus: ORIENTALIS L. FRANCO | TUMOR-BEARING MICE | IN-VITRO | DEN- DROBIUM-HUOSHANENSE | CORDYCEPS-MILITARIS | O-POLYSACCHARIDE | LEPI- DIUM-MEYENII | FRUITING BODIES | CULTURE BROTH | KAPPA-B Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 37 Abstract: A novel heteropolysaccharide fraction (HEP-W) with great immunomodulatory activity was

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isolated from the fruiting bodies of Hericium erinaceus. Structural characterization revealed that HEP-W had an average molecular weight of 1.59 x 10(4) Da and was composed of rham- nose, fucose, mannose, glucose and galactose at a molar ratio of 0.98:1.59:0.89:5.60:7.06. The main glycosidic linkage types of HEP-W consisted of (1 ->)-(alpha-D-Glc, (1 -> 3,6)-alpha -D-Glc, (1 -> 2,6)-alpha-D-Gal, T-beta-Gal, (1 -> 3,4)-beta-D-Man, (1 -> 3)-alpha-Rha, and (1 -> 2)-beta-L-Fuc by periodate oxidation-Smith degradation and NMR analysis. The bioactivi- ty tests showed that HEP-W could significantly promote the pinocytic and phagocytic capaci- ty and increase the NO, IL-6 and TNF-alpha secretion by activating corresponding mRNA expression in macrophages through MyD88/IR AK-1/TRAF-6/PI3K/AKT/MAPKs signaling pathways. Meanwhile, toll-like receptor 2 and mannose receptor were found to act as syner- gistic PRRs to co-regulate the immunomodulatory response to HEP-W in macrophages. These findings provide a molecular basis for the application of HEP-W as a natural im- munoregulatory agent in functional foods.

Record 339/366: WOS:000546439000006 Source: SEXUAL MEDICINE REVIEWS | 8 (3): 431-442 JUL 2020 Title: Ef ficacy and Safety of Common Ingredients in Aphrodisiacs Used for Erectile Dysfun- ction: A Review Author(s): Srivatsav, A | Balasubramanian, A | Pathak, UI | Rivera-Mirabal, J | Thirumava- lavan, N | Hotaling, JM | Lipshultz, LI | Pastuszak, AW Date: JUL 2020 Author Keywords: Aphrodisiacs | Erectile Dysfunction | Dietary Supplements | Herbal In- gredients Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII MACA | PLACEBO-CONTROLLED TRIAL | DOU- BLE-BLIND | TRIBULUS-TERRESTRIS | SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION | GINKGO-BILOBA | L- ARGININE | DIETARY-SUPPLEMENTS | EURYCOMA-LONGIFOLIA | SAW PALMETTO Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 8 Abstract: Introduction: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to attain or sustain an erection for se- xual intercourse. Affected men endorse difficulties with intimacy and feelings of guilt and shame. Although medical treatments are available, patients are reluctant to discuss ED with physicians and often use dietary supplements to attempt to treat their ED. As such, there is a need to better understand the effects of ingredients used in nutraceuticals for ED treatment. Objectives: To summarize the literature on the efficacy and safety of the most common

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used in ED supplements. Methods: 10 of the most common ingredients in ED supplements were reviewed using PubMed-indexed literature to assess their efficacy and safety in treating ED. Key findings were summarized to include historical use, active ingredients, prior animal studies, human studies, and toxicity. Results: Nutraceuticals used in ED treatment include a variety of ingredients. Although L-arginine is a safe supplement with clinical data supporting improved erectile function, limited data exist on the efficacy of other ingredients in the treat- ment of ED. Conclusion: Despite the growing use of supplements for treatment of sexual dys- function, ED supplements remain poorly studied, with limited data demonstrating efficacy of individual ingredients. Further study is required to definitively determine the efficacy of nu- traceuticals in ED treatment. Srivatsav A, Balasubramanian A, Pathak UI, et al. Ef ficacy and Safety of Common Ingredients in Aphrodisiacs Used for Erectile Dysfunction: A Review. J Sex Med 2020;8:431 - 442.

Record 340/366: WOS:000525787900006 Source: REGULATORY TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY | 111: - MAR 2020 Title: Safety evaluation and protective effects of ethanolic extract from maca (Lepidium me- yenii Walp.) against corticosterone and H2O2 induced neurotoxicity Author(s): Yu, ZJ | Jin, WW | Dong, XH | Ao, MZ | Liu, H | Yu, LJ Date: MAR 2020 Author Keywords: Ethanolic extract from maca | Neuroprotective effects | Corticosterone | Macamides | Pro-inflammatory cytokines | Safety evaluation Keywords Plus: DEPRESSIVE-LIKE BEHAVIOR | FORCED SWIM TEST | PC12 CELLS | H2O2-INDUCED APOPTOSIS | ENDURANCE CAPACITY | MAJOR DEPRESSION | OXI- DATIVE STRESS | MACAMIDES | CYTOKINES | MICE Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 111 Abstract: Maca has been traditionally used to enhance sexual behavior and fertility. Recently, maca's neuroprotective effects have been reported. The purpose of this study was to investigate whet- her the ethanol extract of maca (EEM) (100 mg/kg/bw, 200 mg/kg/bw, 400 mg/kg/bw, p.o.) exerted neuroprotective effects in corticosterone (CORT)-induced (40 mg/kg/bw, s.c.) rats, to determine the neuroprotective effects of EEM (12.5, 25, 50 mu g/ml) and macamides in H2O2-induced (50 mu M) PC12 cells. The acute toxicity (2000 mg/kg/bw, p.o.) and subacute toxicity (200 mg/kg/bw, 500 mg/kg/bw, 1000 mg/kg/bw, p.o.) of EEM were evaluated by mouse models. EEM reversed CORT-induced abnormal behaviors, reduced the contents of

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TNF-alpha, IL-6 in hippocampi, and increased the positive cells of doublecortin (DCX), bro- modeoxyuridine (BrdU) and DCX + BrdU in the hippocampus of rats. Moreover, EEM and 4 macamides remarkably increased the cell viability in H2O2-induced PC12 cells. EEM promo- ted the phosphorylation of I kappa B alpha and p65, suppressed the NF-kappa B activation, and inhibited the levels of proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-alpha, IL-6 and their mRNA levels in H2O2-induced PC12 cells. In conclusion, EEM could exert neuroprotective effects in CORT-induced rats and in H2O2-induced PC12 cells. Moreover, EEM did not pre- sent relevant toxicity after exposure to single and repeated doses.

Record 341/366: WOS:000440391700049 Source: LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 96: 364-370 OCT 2018 Title: Evaluation of the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects of catuaba, galangal, roseroot, maca root, guarana and polyfloral honey in sausages during storage Author(s): Poltorak, A | Marcinkowska-Lesiak, M | Lendzion, K | Moczkowska, M | Onopiuk, A | Wojtasik-Kalinowska, I | Wierzbicka, A Date: OCT 2018 Author Keywords: Functional sausages | Bioactive components | Natural antioxidants | Lipid oxidation | Anti-inflammatory activity Keywords Plus: COOKED GROUND PORK | TRICHILIA-CATIGUA | NATURAL ANTI- OXIDANT | MODIFIED ATMOSPHERE | PHENOLIC-COMPOUNDS | PAULLINIA- CUPANA | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | ALPINIA-GALANGA | EXTRACTS | PROPOLIS Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 96 Abstract: The antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects of catuaba, galangal, roseroot, maca root, guarana and honey in sausages were investigated during storage at 2 degrees C for 20 days. Three independent replications of sausages were manufactured to compare groups: the control group (C) and groups where various levels of bioactive components were added (E -1, E-2, and E-3). Each group was examined for chemical composition, total phenolic content (TPC), total antioxidant activity (TAA), anti-inflammatory activity (AA), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), fatty acid profile and total aerobic bacterial plate count (TAPC). Increased levels of TBARS and TAPC values were noticed in all the samples during storage. In the groups where bioactive components were used, improved antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects were observed. The best results at the end of storage were obtained for the sausages where the highest dose of the components was used (17.34 g/kg of catuaba

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bark, 0.22 g/kg of ground great galangal root, 4.58 g/kg of ground roseroot, 6.14 g/kg of maca root extract, 6.00 g/kg of ground guarana and 11.46 g/kg of polyfloral honey). In the exami- ned sausages, strong correlations between TPC and TAA (r(2) = 0.82; P < 0.05), TPC and AA (r(2) = 0.88; P < 0.05), and TPC and MARS values (r(2) = -0.67; P < 0.05) were obtained.

Record 342/366: WOS:000429654600019 Source: SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL | 82 (2): 463-474 MAR-APR 2018 Title: Land Use Effects on Soil Fertility and Nutrient Cycling in the Peruvian High-Andean Puna Grasslands Author(s): Rolando, JL | Dubeux, JCB | Ramirez, DA | Ruiz-Moreno, M | Turin, C | Mares, V | Sollenberger, LE | Quiroz, R Date: MAR-APR 2018 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: ORGANIC-CARBON | PARAMO GRASSLANDS | AVAILABILITY | MA- NAGEMENT | NITROGEN | INTENSIFICATION | DISCRIMINATION | TILLAGE | POTA- TO | PLANTS Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 82 Abstract: Expansion of crop production into high-altitude native grasslands is occurring in the Peru- vian High-Andes due to climate change and agricultural intensification, with little understan- ding of the consequences to the ecosystem. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of land-use changes on soil fertility and nutrient cycling to guide future land manage- ment. Comparisons were made between native grasslands and two alternative farming sys- tems; the first was a system in which native grassland was replaced by an annual cash crop, maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.), followed by a long fallow and the second was a long- standing perennial cultivated pasture. There was greater N mineralization, extractable Bray-1 P, and K+ in recently converted maca soils relative to adjacent native grassland soils most li- kely caused by tillage-induced nutrient mineralization and by incorporation of manure and native grassland residue during the first year of land preparation prior to planting maca. Soil fertility, as determined by an ex situ pot trial to measure plant yield, was correlated with plant cover, soil total organic carbon, and water stable aggregates (WSA) under fallow following maca, suggesting that soil erosion might be an issue in the long term. In cultivated pastures, we found an increase in long-term fertility driven primarily by the build-up of soil N and

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improved soil structure in the perennial grass-legume mixture compared with adjacent native grassland. Responsible management of the Puna agroecosystem requires restoration of plant cover after annual cropping of maca or the establishment of mixed perennial cultivated pastu- re.

Record 343/366: WOS:000380900000002 Source: BRAZILIAN ARCHIVES OF BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY | 59: - 2016 Title: Analysis of Maceaene and Macamide Contents of Petroleum Ether Extract of Black, Yellow, and Purple Lepidium Meyenii (Maca) and Their Antioxidant Effect on Diabetes Melli- tus Rat Model Author(s): Qiu, CY | Zhu, TL | Lan, LY | Zeng, QM | Du, ZG Date: 2016 Author Keywords: maca extract | antioxidant activity | maceaene | macamide | diabetes mellitus rat Keywords Plus: OXIDATIVE STRESS | TESTICULAR FUNCTION | SEXUAL-BEHAVIOR | COMPLICATIONS | PRODUCTS | INSULIN Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 59 Abstract: Maceaene and macamide contents as well as antioxidant effect of petroleum ether extract of black maca (BM), yellow maca (YM), and purple maca (PM) on diabetes mellitus (DM) rats were investigated. The results showed that seven, six, and five analogues of macamides were identified from the petroleum ether extracts of BM, YM, and PM, respectively. BM extract ex- hibited the highest contents of total macamides. Comparatively, the PM extract has the lowest macamide quantity. The maceaene contents in all the extracts showed no significant differen- ce (p>0.05). Macamide contents in maca with the same color were not statistically different. Pharmacological results showed that 60-day oral administration of the petroleum ether ex- tract of maca (100 mg/kg.d) can significantly decrease lipid oxidation as indicated by the de- creased thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and carbonylated proteins (CP) con- centrations on DM rat model (P<0.05). Among them, oral administration of PM extract showed the lowest TBRAS and CP concentrations. All maca extracts can enhance antioxidant enzyme (SOD, superoxide dismutase; CAT, catalase) activity of liver and red blood cells (RBC) of DM rat. However, only oral administration of PM extract can increase SOD and CAT activity of both RBC and liver. The glutathion (GSH) contents in plasma were significantly increased in DM rats treated with PM extract (p<0.05). But, oral administration of BM and

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YM extracts did not enhance GSH levels. Take together, the data suggested that PM extract exhibited the most potent antioxidant activity on DM rat model. And, maceaene and macami- de in maca extract was not correlated with its antioxidant ability.

Record 344/366: WOS:000388835700054 Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | 113 (48): 13672-13677 NOV 29 2016 Title: Late Archaic-Early Formative period microbotanical evidence for potato at Jiskairu- moko in the Titicaca Basin of southern Peru Author(s): Rumold, CU | Aldenderfer, MS Date: NOV 29 2016 Author Keywords: microbotanical starch analysis | Solanum tuberosum | plant domestica- tion | south-central Andes | food production Keywords Plus: BREVICAULE COMPLEX SOLANACEAE | OCA OXALIS-TUBEROSA | STARCH GRAINS | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | LAKE TITICACA | SPECIES BOUNDARIES | STONE TOOLS | ROOT CROP | DOMESTICATION | MAIZE Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 113 Abstract: The data presented in this paper provide direct microbotanical evidence concerning the early use of potato (Solanum tuberosum) within its botanical locus of origin in the high south- central Andes. The data derive from Jiskairumoko, an early village site in the western Titicaca Basin dating to the Late Archaic to Early Formative periods (similar to 3,400 cal y BC to 1,600 cal y BC). Because the site reflects the transition to sedentism and food production, these data may relate to potato domestication and early cultivation. Of 141 starch microre- mains recovered from 14 groundstone tools from Jiskairumoko, 50 are identified as consis- tent with cultivated or domesticated potato, based on reference to published materials and a study of wild and cultivated potato starch morphology. Along with macro- and microbotanical evidence for chenopod consumption and grinding tool data reflecting intensive use of this te- chnology throughout site occupation, the microbotanical data reported here suggest the in- tensive exploitation, if not cultivation, of plant resources at Jiskairumoko. Elucidating the details of the trajectory of potato domestication is necessary for an overall understanding of the development of highland Andean agriculture, as this crop is central to the autochthonous agricultural suite. A paucity of direct botanical evidence, however, has hindered research ef- forts. The results of the modern and archaeological starch analyses presented here

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underscore the utility of this method in addressing questions related to the timing, mode, and context of potato origins.

Record 345/366: WOS:000446039300005 Source: CLIMACTERIC | 21 (5): 437-445 2018 Title: Effect of phytoestrogens on sexual function in menopausal women: a systematic review and meta-analysis Author(s): Najafi, MN | Ghazanfarpour, M Date: 2018 Author Keywords: Phytoestrogens | sexual function | postmenopausal and perimenopau- sal | systematic review | meta-analysis Keywords Plus: QUALITY-OF-LIFE | RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED-TRIAL | DOUBLE- BLIND | POSTMENOPAUSAL WOMEN | PUERARIA-MIRIFICA | HOT FLASHES | RED- CLOVER | RICH DIET | SYMPTOMS | SOY Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 21 Abstract: Objective: This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to critically evaluate the effectiveness of phytoestrogens on sexual disorders and severity of dyspareunia.Materials and methods: Relevant studies were identified through a systematic search of major databa- ses such as PubMed, Cochrane Library, ISI Web of Science, and Scopus up to 29 September 2017, without any time limit. Two independent reviewers screened all abstracts and full-text articles. The final version of Jadad scale was used for evaluating the quality of trials.Results: Soy did not have an effect on sexual function (standardized mean difference [SMD]=1.099 [95% CI: -3.033 to 0.835, p=0.265]; heterogeneity I-2=80%; p=0.006; random-effect model; three trials) but improved dyspareunia (p>0.05). Red clover showed no significant effect on sexual function (SMD=-0.087 [95% CI: -0.936 to 0.763, p=0.842]; heterogeneity I-2=0%, p=0.397; fixed-effect model; two trials) and sexual satisfaction (p>0.05). Phytoestrogens iso- lated from Lepidium meyenii, Foeniculum vulgare, and maritime pine bark as well as Trigo- nella foenum-graecum L. significantly improved sexual function. In contrast, phytoestrogens isolated from Korean red ginseng and flaxseed did not lead to significant effect on sexual fun- ction. The positive effects of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. were observed on libi- do.Conclusion: Phytoestrogens have various effects on sexual function. Published reports show that maritime pine bark, T. foenum-graecum L., and F. vulgare could be considered as agents to overcome sexual dysfunctions while soy, red clover, genistein, and flaxseed had no promising effects on these conditions.

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Record 346/366: WOS:000380893100004 Source: ANDROLOGIA | 48 (7): 754-760 SEP 2016 Title: Herb formula enhances treatment of impotent patients after penile venous stripping: a randomised clinical trials Author(s): Hsieh, CH | Tsai, HC | Hsu, GL | Chen, CC | Hsu, CY Date: SEP 2016 Author Keywords: Erectile dysfunction | herb formula | penile venous stripping | phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor | synergic effect Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII MACA | ADULT HEALTHY-MEN | ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION | SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION | ANATOMY | PATHOPHYSIOLOGY | EPIDE- MIOLOGY | SILDENAFIL | EVOLUTION | SURGERY Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 48 Abstract: Herbs have been regarded as aphrodisiacs in treating impotence for many centuries despite little true scientific evidence. Our latest refined penile venous stripping (PVS) technique is effective in treating impotence, although this procedure remains controversial. A synergic ef- fect of PVS and oral herbs was confirmed in our practice but lacked rigorous scientific proof. The objective of this report was to review our experience with this combination. From August 2010 to May 2014, 263 males underwent PVS. Among these, 67 unsatisfied men chose addi- tional salvage therapy and were randomly assigned to oral herbs (n=35) or placebo treatment (n=32) which replaced herb eventually. All were evaluated with the international index of erectile function (IIEF-5) scoring and our dual pharmaco-cavernosography. The pre-op IIEF- 5 score for the herb group was 9.7 +/- 3.7, post-operative 13.9 +/- 3.3 and post-herb 19.6 +/- 3.4, while the control group scores were as follows: pre-op 9.3 +/- 4.1, post-op 14.5 +/- 3.6, post-placebo 15.1 +/- 3.5 and post-herb 19.9 +/- 3.2. Although there was no significant diffe- rence between the two groups pre-operatively, post-operatively and post-herb, a statistically significant difference was found post-salvage therapy (19.6 +/- 3.4 versus 15.1 +/- 3.6, P<0.001). It appears that the combination of oral herbs and PVS treatment provides an en- hanced outcome to impotent patients refractory to medicine and unsatisfied with PVS monot- herapy alone.

Record 347/366: WOS:000409362500004 Source: EMIRATES JOURNAL OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE | 29 (7): 509-517 2017 Title: Physicochemical and functional properties of dietary fiber from Bamboo Shoots

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(Phyllostachys praecox) Author(s): Wang, CH | Ma, YL | Zhu, DY | Wang, H | Ren, YF | Zhang, JG | Thakur, K | Wei, ZJ Date: 2017 Author Keywords: Bamboo shoots | Dietary fiber | Particle size distribution | Physicoche- mical and functional properties Keywords Plus: MACA LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES | BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS | AVERRHOA-CARAMBOLA | HEALTH-BENEFITS | INSOLUBLE FIBER | LIME RESIDUES | RICE BRAN | POLYSACCHARIDES | PRETREATMENT Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 29 Abstract: Dietary fibers are a necessary component of diet and have positive connection with human health. Dietary fiber extraction and characterization in terms of physicochemical and functio- nal properties of dietary fiber from bamboo shoots are not yet explored. To find the potential applications of dietary fiber from bamboo shoots in food and health products, the effects of chemical, enzymatic methods and particle size distribution on the chemical and structural composition, physicochemical, and functional properties of dietary fibers (DFs) from bamboo shoots were studied. The results showed that BSEDF and BSCDF had higher total DF and higher soluble DF, respectively. The crystalline regions calculated to be higher in latter and both had irregular surfaces and diverse monosaccharide composition. Both fibers showed good functional properties [water retention capacity (WRC) (11.24-15.13g/g), water swelling capacity (WSC) (18.84-28.75 mL/g), oil holding capacity (OAC) (6.71-10.15 g/g), glucose ad- sorption capacity (GAC) (0.08-6.89 mmol/g) and glucose retardation index (GRI) (3.57- 40.92%)]. WRC of BSCDF and BSEDF decreased with the increase in the mesh size (40-200) while, WSC and OAC increased with mesh sizes (40 to 120), followed by decrease above mesh120. Both particle size and extraction methods significantly affected GRI. In conclusion, physico-chemical properties of fibers can be manipulated through treatments (chemical and enzymatic) to improve their overall functionality. Therefore, both BSCDF and BSEDF can find potential applications in food and health products as a functional ingredient in different aspects.

Record 348/366: WOS:000412035600008 Source: GEODERMA | 307: 65-72 DEC 1 2017 Title: Soil organic carbon stocks and fractionation under different land uses in the Peruvian

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high-Andean Puna Author(s): Rolando, JL | Dubeux, JC | Perez, W | Ramirez, DA | Turin, C | Ruiz-Moreno, M | Comerford, NB | Mares, V | Garcia, S | Quiroz, R Date: DEC 1 2017 Author Keywords: Carbon stable isotopes | Grassland | Maca | Particulate organic carbon | Pasture | Perennial ryegrass | Soil organic matter | Mineral associated carbon Keywords Plus: AGGREGATE-ASSOCIATED CARBON | ECOSYSTEM SERVICES | TIBE- TAN PLATEAU | MANAGEMENT | MATTER | SEQUESTRATION | GRASSLANDS | NI- TROGEN | TILLAGE | CLIMATE Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 307 Abstract: Soil organic C (SOC), the largest terrestrial C pool, has been shown to be sensitive to agricul- tural disturbance. In the Andean Puna, agricultural expansion is thought to be jeopardizing the large SOC stock sequestered in its soils. In this paper, we assessed the impact changes in land use have on C sequestration, fractionation and delta C-13 natural abundance featuring two case studies in the Peruvian Central Puna. We found SOC stocks greater than average temperate grassland soils (between 123 +/- 4 and 136 +/- 4 Mg C ha(-1) in the 0-30 cm soil profile); however, they did not differ between land uses. In the first case study, depletion of delta C-13 in mineral associated C in long fallow (> 7 yr) and maca (Lepidium meyenii Wal- pers) croplands was hypothesized to be caused by disruption of soil aggregates due to tillage and initial greater SOC concentration in maca plots. In addition, SOC loss was found in long fallow plots, and was correlated to steep and low plant cover plots; evidencing that soil degra- dation does not occur during cropping activity but due to erosion after land abandonment. In the second case study, a long-established perennial ryegrass (Lollurn pererme L.) - white clo- ver (Trifolium repens L.) association ( > 40 yr) was studied. We did not find an increase in SOC stock under the cultivated pasture. However, we found a better soil aggregation and an increase of 17.3 and 12.2 g C kg(WSA)(-1) in particulate organic C, and SOC within small ma- croaggregates in cultivated pasture soils. Soil 813C natural abundance was about 1%0 deple- ted in all measured C fractions of cultivated pastures when compared to native grasslands, suggesting that pasture fixed C forms labile and recalcitrant SOC fractions.

Record 349/366: WOS:000393483400022 Source: BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH-INDIA | 28 (1): 122-128 2017 Title: The effects of polysaccharides from Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) on exhaustive

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exercise-induced oxidative damage in rats Author(s): He, JC | Li, RW | Zhu, HY Date: 2017 Author Keywords: Polysaccharides | Maca | Exhaustive exercise | Oxidative damage | Pro- tective effects | Biochemical parameters Keywords Plus: DNA-DAMAGE | EXTRACT SUPPLEMENTATION | SKELETAL-MUSCLE | STRESS | POLYPHENOLS | RESISTANCE | INJURY Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 28 Abstract: The present study aimed to investigate the effects of polysaccharides from Maca (MCP) on oxidative damage induced by exhaustive swimming exercise using rat models. The rats were divided into five groups: sedentary control group (SC), exercise control group (EC), exer- cise+50 mg/kg MCP treated group (EM-50), exercise+100 mg/kg MCP treated group (EM- 100), exercise+200 mg/kg MCP treated group (EM-200). SC and EC groups received distilled water while three MCP treated groups received different doses of MCP (50, 100 and 200 mg/ kg bw) by oral gavage once daily. After 28 days, the rats were forced to swim in a plastic tank until being exhausted, and the following biochemical parameters of oxidative damage were measured: aspartate aminotransferase (AST), creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathio- ne reductase (GR), reduced glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG), malondialdehy- de (MDA), and 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG). In all MCP treated groups, serum LDH and CK levels were significantly lower than those in the EC group, whereas in the E-100 and M-200 groups, a decrease was also seen for serum AST levels. Furthermore, the GSSG and 8-OHdG levels in the E-100 and M-200 groups, as well as the MDA levels in all MCP treated groups were significantly lower. In contrast, all MCP treated groups exhibited signifi- cantly higher levels of SOD, CAT, GPx, GSH and GSH/GSSG ratio in muscle. The GR levels in muscle were also significantly increased in the E-100 and M-200 groups. These results de- monstrate that MCP might have protective effects on exhaustive exercise-induced oxidative damage.

Record 350/366: WOS:000405415600010 Source: JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE | 97 (11): 3559-3567 AUG 30 2017 Title: Application of multi-block analysis and mixture design with process variable for

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development of chocolate cake containing yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) and maca (Lepidium meyenii) Author(s): Tormena, MML | de Medeiros, LT | de Lima, PC | Possebon, G | Fuchs, RHB | Bona, E Date: AUG 30 2017 Author Keywords: common components and specific weights analysis | simplex-centroid design with process variable | free-choice profiling | taster segmentation | constrained opti- mization | multi-block analysis Keywords Plus: SENSORY CHARACTERIZATION | LOW-FAT | PROFILE | YOGURT | INULIN | OPTIMIZATION | MILK | COMBINATION | PERFORMANCE | FORMULATION Publication Year: 2017 Volume: 97 Abstract: BACKGROUND: In this study, a chocolate cake formulation was developed with partial subs- titution of wheat by yacon and maca flour. A simplex-centroid design was applied to de- termine the proportions of the three , and the amount of water was included as a pro- cess variable at three distinct levels. According to the overall acceptability of the cakes, the tasters were separated into two groups using k-means. RESULTS: After segmentation, regres- sion models were constructed for overall acceptability of each group; R-adjusted(2) values of 92.5% for group 1 and 98.9% for group 2 were obtained. Using the sequential simplex method an optimized formulation was determined for group 1 (0.49 kg(wheat) kg(-1) total flour, 0.37 kg(yacon) kg(total flour)(-1), 0.14 kg(maca) kg(total flour)(-1) and 140.0 mL of water) and another for group 2 (0.35 kg(wheat) kg(total flour)(-1), 0.65 kg(yacon) kg(total flour)(-1) and 120.0 mL of water). In addition to these formulations, a third formulation was proposed with a greater maca proportion (0.32 kg(maca) kg(total flour)(-1)), which does not significantly alter the overall acceptability of both groups. The three optimized formulations and two con- trol formulations were evaluated through free-choice profiling. The data were evaluated using the multi-block method common components and specific weights analysis (CCSWA). CON- CLUSION: It was observed that a greater proportion of maca intensified brownness and burnt aroma and taste, whereas a larger proportion of yacon produced a better appearance, softness, sweetness and chocolate flavor.

Record 351/366: WOS:000582869900001 Source: PHARMACEUTICALS | 13 (10): - OCT 2020 Title: Pharmacology of Herbal Sexual Enhancers: A Review of Psychiatric and Neurological

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Adverse Effects Author(s): Brunetti, P | Lo Faro, AF | Tini, A | Busardo, FP | Carlier, J Date: OCT 2020 Author Keywords: aphrodisiac | sexual enhancer | plant | pharmacology | toxicology | psychiatry | neurology | adverse effect Keywords Plus: DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER | DOSE-DEPENDENT CHANGES | GINSENG PANAX-GINSENG | KOREAN RED GINSENG | ARECA NUT | SCELETIUM- TORTUOSUM | BETEL-QUID | DOUBLE-BLIND | PTYCHOPETALUM-OLACOIDES | COG- NITIVE PERFORMANCE Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 13 Abstract: Sexual enhancers increase sexual potency, sexual pleasure, or libido. Substances increasing libido alter the concentrations of specific neurotransmitters or sex hormones in the central nervous system. Interestingly, the same pathways are involved in the mechanisms underlying many psychiatric and neurological disorders, and adverse reactions associated with the use of aphrodisiacs are strongly expected. However, sexual enhancers of plant origin have gained popularity over recent years, as natural substances are often regarded as a safer alternative to modern medications and are easily acquired without prescription. We reviewed the psychia- tric and neurological adverse effects associated with the consumption of herbal aphrodisiacs Areca catechu L., Argemone Mexicana L., Citrus aurantium L., Eurycoma longifolia Jack., Le- pidium meyenii Walp., Mitragyna speciosa Korth., Panax ginseng C. A. Mey, Panax quinque- folius L., Pausinystalia johimbe (K. Schum.) Pierre ex Beille, Piper methysticum G. Forst., Ptychopetalum olacoides Benth., Sceletium tortuosum (L.) N. E. Brown, Turnera diffusa Wi- lld. ex. Schult., Voacanga africana Stapf ex Scott-Elliot, and Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal. A literature search was conducted on the PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases with the aim of identifying all the relevant articles published on the issue up to June 2020. Most of the selected sexual enhancers appeared to be safe at therapeutic doses, although mild to seve- re adverse effects may occur in cases of overdosing or self-medication with unstandardized products. Drug interactions are more concerning, considering that herbal aphrodisiacs are likely used together with other plant extracts and/or pharmaceuticals. However, few data are available on the side effects of several plants included in this review, and more clinical studies with controlled administrations should be conducted to address this issue.

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Record 352/366: WOS:000367271200002 Source: JOURNAL OF SEXUAL MEDICINE | 12 (11): 2105-2117 NOV 2015 Title: A Urologist's Guide to Ingredients Found in Top-Selling Nutraceuticals for Men's Se- xual Health Author(s): Cui, T | Kovell, RC | Brooks, DC | Terlecki, RP Date: NOV 2015 Author Keywords: Neutraceutical | Dietary Supplement | Men's Sexual Health | Erectile Dysfunction | Decreased Libido Keywords Plus: LEPIDIUM-MEYENII MACA | MILD ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION | SERUM TESTOSTERONE LEVELS | GINKGO-BILOBA EXTRACT | PROPIONYL-L- CARNITINE | DOUBLE-BLIND TRIAL | ORAL L-CITRULLINE | L-ARGININE | TRIBULUS -TERRESTRIS | IN-VIVO Publication Year: 2015 Volume: 12 Abstract: Introduction. Use of supplements is common among men seeking urologic evaluation for se- xual health matters. With a dizzying array of formulations available and little regulation on the dosage, purity, or ingredients found in these products, the health effects of nutraceuticals are often confusing to patients and medical practitioners alike. Aim. In this review, we set out to concisely summarize the data on ingredients found within the top-selling nutraceutical agents marketed for men's sexual health in order to provide a clinical guide for urologists. Methods. We used sales data from the most popular retail provider of men's health supple- ments to identify the top-selling products marketed toward improvement of men's sexual health. We summarized the available information related to the ingredients, dosage, cost, and mechanism of action for these substances and performed an extensive literature search to identify and review the current evidence available for each of the most common ingredients found in these nutraceuticals. Results. The top-selling nutraceuticals marked for men's sexual health contain a blend of multiple supplements (up to 33 in one formulation identified), the most common being ginseng, tribulus, , horny goat weed, B complex vitamins/trace mi- nerals, fenugreek, L-arginine, maca, DHEA, ginkgo, and yohimbine. The currently available medical literature evaluating the efficacy of these substances is generally of low quality. Con- clusions. Despite the dearth of evidence supporting nutraceutical agents in the men's health arena, these substances are still commonly used by patients. As these products can affect the health and well-being of men presenting to a urology clinic, a familiarity with commonly used agents can help the urologist appropriately counsel their patients.

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Record 355/366: WOS:000478628600037 Source: RSC ADVANCES | 9 (40): 23096-23108 AUG 1 2019 Title: Protective effects of macamides from Lepidium meyenii Walp. against corticosterone- induced neurotoxicity in PC12 cells Author(s): Yu, ZJ | Jin, WW | Cui, YJ | Ao, MZ | Liu, H | Xu, H | Yu, LJ Date: AUG 1 2019 Author Keywords: Keywords Plus: CHRONIC CEREBRAL HYPOPERFUSION | RECEPTOR AGONIST WIN55,212-2 | HYDROLASE INHIBITOR URB597 | INDUCED APOPTOSIS | INDUCED CY- TOTOXICITY | ENDURANCE CAPACITY | CYTOCHROME-C | MACA | EXTRACT | HIPPO- CAMPAL Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 9 Abstract: Maca has attracted considerable attention owing to its neuroprotective effects in vitro and vivo. Macamides, a series of nonpolar and long-chain fatty acid N-benzylamides, are conside- red unique constituents in maca. This study investigated the protective effects of ethanol ex- tracts of maca (EEM) and macamides on corticosterone-induced (CORT) neurotoxicity in rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells. CORT reduced cell viability and increased LDH release, in- tracellular ROS levels, and MMP decline rate, and induced mitochondrial apoptosis. However, pretreatment with EEM and macamides ameliorated CORT-induced neurotoxicity. EEM increased the cell viability and reduced the LDH release. M 18:1, M 18:2, and M 18:3 increased cell viability and reduced LDH release and intracellular ROS generation. M 18:2 and M 18:3 inhibited MMP reduction and reduced the Bax/Bcl-2 ratios. M 18:1 reduced the intracellular ROS without affecting other factors. Moreover, M 18:3 prevented CORT-induced mitochondrial apoptosis, restrained the expression levels of pro-apoptotic proteins, namely, Bax, cytochrome C, cleaved-caspase-3, and cleaved-PARP, and increased the expression le- vels of Bcl-2. In addition, M 18:3 increased Akt phosphorylation and the ability of M 18:3 to protect against CORT-induced cytotoxicity was remarkably reduced by LY294002, a PI3K phosphorylation inhibitor. M 18:3 also elevated the phosphorylation of CREB and activated the BDNF protein levels in CORT-induced PC12 cells. In conclusion, macamides, especially M 18:3, exert protective effects on CORT-induced PC12 cells. The cellular mechanism of M 18:3 against CORT-induced cytotoxicity may involve inhibition of mitochondrial apoptosis, and activation of Akt and CREB phosphorylation. Overall, macamides may potentially treat neu- ronal damage induced by CORT.

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Record 356/366: WOS:000451641900201 Source: MOLECULES | 23 (11): - NOV 2018 Title: Integrated Proteomics and Lipidomics Investigation of the Mechanism Underlying the Neuroprotective Effect of N-benzylhexadecanamide Author(s): Zhou, YY | Wang, HJ | Guo, FF | Si, N | Brantner, A | Yang, J | Han, LY | Wei, XL | Zhao, HY | Bian, BL Date: NOV 2018 Author Keywords: N-benzylhexadecanamide | neuroprotective effect | neurotransmitter | proteomics | lipidomics Keywords Plus: INDUCED NEUROTOXICITY | TELOMERE LENGTH | DISEASE MICE | LEAF EXTRACT | BRAIN | NEUROTRANSMITTERS | MACAMIDES | NEURONS | INVOL- VEMENT | METABOLITES Publication Year: 2018 Volume: 23 Abstract: Macamides are very important secondary metabolites produced by Lepidium meyenii Walp, which possess multiple bioactivities, especially in the neuronal system. In a previous study, we observed that macamides exhibited excellent effects in the recovery of injured nerves after 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+)-induced dopaminergic neuronal damage in zebrafish. However, the mechanism underlying this effect remains unclear. In the present study, we ob- served that N-benzylhexadecanamide (XA), which is a typical constituent of macamides, im- proved the survival rate of neurons in vitro. We determined the concentration of neurotrans- mitters in MN9D cells and used it in conjunction with an integrated proteomics and lipido- mics approach to investigate the mechanism underlying the neuroprotective effects of XA in an MPP+-induced neurodegeneration cell model using QqQ MS, Q-TOF MS, and Orbitrap MS. The statistical analysis of the results led to the identification of differentially-expressed biomarkers, including 11 proteins and 22 lipids, which may be responsible for the neuron- related activities of XA. All these potential biomarkers were closely related to the pathogene- sis of neurodegenerative diseases, and their levels approached those in the normal group after treatment with XA. Furthermore, seven lipids, including five phosphatidylcholines, one ly- sophosphatidylcholine, and one phosphatidylethanolamine, were verified by a relative quan- titative approach. Moreover, four proteins (Scarb2, Csnk2a2, Vti1b, and Bnip2) were valida- ted by ELISA. The neurotransmitters taurine and , and the cholinergic consti- tuents, correlated closely with the neuroprotective effects of XA. Finally, the protein-lipid in- teraction network was analyzed. Based on our results, the regulation of sphingolipid

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metabolism and mitochondrial function were determined to be the main mechanisms un- derlying the neuroprotective effect of XA. The present study should help us to better un- derstand the multiple effects of macamides and their use in neurodegenerative diseases.

Record 358/366: WOS:000452343400017 Source: JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY | 229: 167-179 JAN 30 2019 Title: Male sexual enhancers from the Peruvian Amazon Author(s): Schmeda-Hirschmann, G | Burgos-Edwards, A | Theoduloz, C | Jimenez-Aspee, F | Vargas-Arana, G Date: JAN 30 2019 Author Keywords: Amazonian male sexual enhancers | Phosphodiesterase-5 | Campsian- dra angustifolia | Phenolics | HPLC-MS/MS analysis Keywords Plus: PERFORMANCE LIQUID-CHROMATOGRAPHY | HERBAL DIETARY- SUPPLEMENTS | C-GLYCOSYL FLAVONES | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | PRODUCTS | IDEN- TIFICATION | EXTRACT | BARK | PROANTHOCYANIDINS | ANTIOXIDANT Publication Year: 2019 Volume: 229 Abstract: Ethnopharmacological relevance: Selected Peruvian Amazon plants are macerated into sugar cane distillates to prepare alcoholic beverages used to improve male sexual performance. The tree bark from Campsiandra angustifolia Spruce ex Benth (Fabaceae), Swartzia polyphylla DC (Fabaceae), Minquartia guianensis Aubl. (Olacaceae) and Thynantus panurensis (Bureau) Sandwith (Bignoniaceae) usually are used as crude drugs in mixtures of several ingredients. Aim of study: Describe the chemical composition of the most traded traditional male enhan- cer beverages, namely "Levantate Lazard' and "Siete veces sin sacarla", and their single crude drug constituents, as well as their inhibitory activity towards the enzyme phosphodiesterase- 5. The presence of pro-sexual drugs such as Sildenafil and derivatives was assessed in the samples. Materials and methods: Single plant constituents and the preparation mixtures were purchased in the Mercado Belen (Iquitos, Peru). Chemical profiling was carried out by HPLC- DAD-ESI-MS/MS. The extracts were assessed for phosphodiesterase-5 inhibition. The occu- rrence of pro-sexual drugs was determined by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/ MS. Results: Chemical profiling allowed the identification of condensed tannins as the main constituents of C. an- gustifolia and S. polyphylla, hydrolysable tannins for M. guianensis, and C-glycosides for T. panurensis. The traditional preparations showed similar composition compared to the crude drugs. At 200 pg/mL, the traditional preparation "Levantate Lazard' and "Siete veces sin

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sacarla" inhibited the phosphodiesterase-5 by 49.88% and 27.90%, respectively. No adultera- tions with pro-sexual drugs were found in the samples. From the crude drugs, low effect was found for the extracts of S. polyphylla and T. panurensis and high activity for C. angustifolia which inhibited the enzyme by 89.37% and 81.32% at 200 and 100 g/mL, respectively. Con- clusion: The traditional preparations used to improve sexual performance in the Peruvian Amazon showed activity as phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. The most active ingredient of the traditional preparations was C. angustifolia, with some contribution from T. panurensis. These results encourage additional studies, including animal models to confirm the male en- hancer effect of the preparations.

Record 362/366: WOS:000391076800051 Source: JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY | 194: 483-494 DEC 24 2016 Title: Uvaria rufa Blume attenuates benign prostatic hyperplasia via inhibiting 5 alpha- reductase and enhancing antioxidant status Author(s): Buncharoen, W | Saenphet, K | Saenphet, S | Thitaram, C Date: DEC 24 2016 Author Keywords: 5 alpha-reductase | Benign prostatic hyperplasia | Prostate gland | Tes- tosterone | Uvaria rufa Blume Keywords Plus: URINARY-TRACT SYMPTOMS | OXIDATIVE STRESS | MEDICINAL- PLANTS | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | LEAF EXTRACT | AGING MEN | RED MACA | TESTOS- TERONE | RATS | BPH Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 194 Abstract: Ethnopharmacological relevance: Traditional medicine has used Uvaria rufa Blume as an ethnomedicinal plant for treating fever, skin allergies, intestinal ulcers and prostate disorders including BPH. However, no scientific evidence supports the traditional use. Aim of the study: This study aimed to evaluate the therapeutic potential of U. rufa on BPH using in vitro and in vivo models. Materials and methods: In vitro studies screened the efficacy of a 5 alpha- reductase (5 alpha R) inhibition and antioxidant activity of petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, ethanol and aqueous extracts from the stem of U. rufa. Phytochemical screening was perfor- med to determine the active compound using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Ethyl acetate extract (UR-EtOAc) of U. rufa was used to evaluate the therapeutic effi- cacy in vivo models. BPH was induced by subcutaneous injection of testosterone propionate (3 mg/kg) to male rats for 30 days. After 30 days of oral administration of UR-EtOAc at doses

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of 10 and 20 mg/kg and finasteride at a dose of 1 mg/kg, the prostate weight, prostate index (PI), testosterone and androgen receptor (AR) levels, and histopathological alteration of pros- tate gland were determined. Also, oxidative status and toxicity indices were assessed. Results: UR-EtOAc exhibited the highest potency of inhibition of 5 alpha R and possessed potent anti- oxidants rich in phenolics and flavonoids contents. The active compound analyzed by HPLC was beta-sitosterol. In vivo results show a significant reduction in prostate weight, PI, and AR in all treated groups when compared to the BPH model group (P < 0.001). Also, the UR- EtOAc and finasteride treated groups had increased prostatic and serum testosterone levels when compared to the BPH model group. A histopathological investigation of the prostate glands supported the above results. UR-EtOAc elevated the antioxidant enzymes and reduced the malondialdehyde level in BPH-induced rats. Moreover, treatment of UR-EtOAc at all do- ses had no toxic effects on the vital organs and serum biochemical indices. Conclusions: UR- EtOAc from the stem of Uvaria rufa Blume appears to have the potential as a phytotherapeu- tic agent in the management of BPH, which provides the scientific evidence for traditional use.

Record 363/366: WOS:000376696500017 Source: JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY | 185: 155-161 JUN 5 2016 Title: Assessment of an aqueous seed extract of Parkia clappertoniana on reproductive per- formance and toxicity in rodents Author(s): Boye, A | Boampong, VA | Takyi, N | Martey, O Date: JUN 5 2016 Author Keywords: Implantation | Maternal toxicity | Teratogenicity | Reproductive perfor- mance | Developmental toxicity Keywords Plus: COITAL ANTIFERTILITY ACTIVITY | LEPIDIUM-MEYENII | HERBAL MEDICINES | PREGNANCY | ACID | IMPLANTATION | PLANTS | ABORTIFACIENTS | INDUCTION | QUALITY Publication Year: 2016 Volume: 185 Abstract: Ethnopharmacological relevance: The seeds of Parkia clappertoniana Keay (Family: Faba- ceae) are extensively used in food in the form of a local condiment called 'Dawadawa' in Gha- na and consumed by all class of people including sensitive groups such as pregnant women and children. Also, crudely pounded preparations of P. clappertoniana seeds are used as labor inducing agent in farm animals by local farmers across northern Ghana where nomadism is

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the livelihood of most indigenes. Ecologically, P. clappertoniana is extensively distributed across the savannah ecological zone of many African countries where just like Ghana it enjoys ethnobotanical usage. Although, many studies have investigated some aspects of the pharma- cological activity of P. clappertoniana, none of these studies focused on the reproductive sys- tem, particularly its effects on reproductive performance and toxicity. To contribute, this study assessed the effect of aqueous seed extract of P. clappertoniana (PCE) on reproductive performance and toxicity in Sprague-Dawley rats and ICR mice. Methods: After preparation of PCE, it was then tested on rodents at different gestational and developmental windows (1- 7, 8-14, and 15-term gestational days) to assess the following: mating behavior, implantation rate, maternal and developmental toxicities. Generally, animals were randomly grouped into five and treated as follows: normal saline group (5 ml/kg po), cytotec (misoprostol) group (200 mg/kg po), folic acid group (5 mg/kg po), and PCE groups (100, 200, and 500 mg/kg po), however, these groupings were varied to suit the specific requirements of some parame- ters. For acute toxicity, animals were orally administered PCE (3 and 5 g/kg for mice and rats respectively). Results: PCE-treated rats showed improved mating behavior compared to con- trol rats. PCE improved implantation rate compared to misoprostol-treated rats. On the ave- rage, PCE-treated rats delivered termed live pubs at 21 days compared to that of folic acid- treated rats at 23 days. Also, PCE-treated rats showed no observable maternal and develop- mental toxicities compared to folic acid and control rats. PCE (3-5 g/kg po) was orally tolera- ted in rodents. Conclusion: Oral administration of Parkia clappertoniana seed extract impro- ves reproductive performance in rodents with no observable maternal and developmental to- xicity.

Record 366/366: WOS:000512216000026 Source: SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS | 40 (1): 152-156 JAN 2020 Title: Qualitative Identification and Quantitative Analysis of Maca Adulteration Based on Multispectral Imaging Technology Author(s): Zhang, HR | Liu, CH | Zhang, JK | Han, JX | Chen, Y | Zheng, L Date: JAN 2020 Author Keywords: Maca | Turnip | Authentication | Multispectral imaging | Non- destructive detection Keywords Plus: Publication Year: 2020 Volume: 40

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Abstract: Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.), an annual or biennial herb of Brassicaceae fa- mily, grows at high altitudes and contains rich nutritional value and bio-health benefits. After being listed as a new resource food in 2011, Maca is gradually becoming familiar to the public, the Maca industry has developed rapidly and price has risen steadily. Due to the fact that the shape of turnip (Brassica rapa L.) is very similar to that of Maca, driven by economic inter- ests, illegal businessmen often pass turnip off as Maca to make Maca powder, slices and drinks in order to make exorbitant profits, which has brought serious negative impact on the orderly development of Maca healthy industry. Therefore, the authenticity identification of Maca is very necessary, but most of methods for the authenticity identification of Maca are traditional, and there are few rapid detection methods. In this study, a new method for rapid and non-destructive identification of Maca and turnip was established by using multispectral imaging technology. The experiment mainly focuses on the authenticity identification of Ma- ca slices and Maca powder. One is to identify the authenticity of Maca slices. A total of 240 Maca and turnip slices (120 Maca slices and 120 turnip slices, respectively) were selected to collect data by the Videometer Lab equipment, which acquired the multispectral images at 19 different wavelengths from the visual region to the lower wavelengths of the NIR region and the detailed information of the measured wavelength were 405, 435, 450, 470, 505, 525, 570, 590, 630, 645, 660, 700, 780, 850, 870, 890, 910, 940 and 970 nm. In order to identify Maca and turnip effectively, the principal component analysis (PCA) was first performed. Then the qualitative analysis model was generated using support vector machine (SVM), genetic algo- rithm optimization support vector machine (GA-SVM) and back propagation neural network (BPNN) algorithm, and the ratio of the the calibration set to the prediction set is 3:1. The re- sults demonstrated that clear differences between Maca and turnip could be easily visualized by PCA. The predictive accuracies by SVM model for Maca and turnip slices were 98. 33% and 100%, respectively, and the predictive accuracies by GA-SVM and BPNN model could be as high as 100%. The other is the identification of Maca powder. 120 samples of Maca powder were selected and 20%, 40% , 60%, 80%, 4 different adulterated levels (W/W) of turnip powder were mixed for multispectral data acquisition, Combining partial least squares (PLS) and least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) , the adulteration ratio of turnip was quantitatively predicted. The study found that the prediction coefficient (R-P(2)) of PLS and LS-SVM models were 0. 992 and 0. 994, the predicted root mean square error (RMSEP) were 2. 718% and 2. 675% and the relative prediction error (RPD) were 12. 782 and 12. 987, respec- tively. In comparison, the LS-SVM model had higher R-P(2), RPD, lower RMSEP, so it was considered to have better predictive performance for the proportion of turnip powder adulte- rated to Maca powder. In conclusion, the research results provide a method for the rapid and

non-destructive identification of Maca authenticity.

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Se describe un extracto de Lepidium meyenii, así como sus alcamidas aromáticas, para su uso en composiciones y métodos para mejorar el sabor de un consumible que contiene un componente que tiene un sabor astringente, amargo o desagradable.

Solicitud de patente no presentada en la oficina peruana

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La presente invención se refiere a una composición desinfectante de manos con actividad antibacteriana y antiviral, que contiene un extracto natural y, más específicamente, a una composición desinfectante de manos con actividad antibacteriana y antiviral, que contiene un extracto natural, que comprende un extracto de etanol de helecho y un Lepidium meyenii. extracto como ingredientes activos, en donde el extracto de Lepidium meyenii es una fracción de butanol de Lepidium meyenii .

Solicitud de patente no presentada en la oficina peruana

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La invención proporciona vino medicinal para tratar la gota. El vino medicinal consta de las siguientes materias primas en partes en peso: 13-17 partes de radix aconiti lateralis preparata, 2-4 partes de rizoma chuanxiong, 10-20 partes de radix puerariae, 25-35 partes de caulis et folium piperis wallichii , 10-18 partes de Lepidium meyenii Walp., 18-22 partes de flos lonicerae, 10-20 partes de radix rehmanniae praeparata, 3-5 partes de radix paeoniae alba, 10-20 partes de flos lonicerae, 10-20 partes de rizoma arisaematis procesado, 4-8 partes de radix aconiti, 5-16 partes de talco, 8-25 partes de radix rehmanniae praeparata, 2-4 partes de herba asari, 10-18 partes de radix notoginseng, 16-20 partes de rhizoma et radix notopterygii, 8-25 partes de cornu cervi pantotrichum, 2-6 partes de radix codonopsis, 17-23 partes de escama manis y 150-170 partes de Baijiu. El vino medicinal emplea materiales vegetales naturales puros, y tiene las características de tratar la enfermedad de la gota, tiene un efecto excelente, despeja y activa los canales y colaterales, promueve el qi para activar la sangre y no tiene efectos secundarios.

Solicitud de patente no presentada en la oficina peruana

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La invención describe un vino nutritivo y tonificante para la salud renal y un método de preparación del mismo. El vino nutritivo y tonificante para la salud del riñón se prepara empapando al menos uno de salvia miltiorrhiza, cártamo, hierba clubmoss común, herba taxilli, raíz de rehmannia preparada, raíz de acebo pubescente, tallo de flor de vellón de tubérculo, epimedium, curcuma zedoaria, rizoma sparganic, ramita de morera, cáscara de mandarina, haba de jacinto blanco, semen allii tuberosi, radix astragali, tallo suberecto de spatholobus, malta, asta pilosa, sargentodoxa cuneata, raíz de regaliz, trigonella foenum-graecum, poria cocos, raíz de achyranthes, ñame, semen plantaginis, caulis sinomenii frutas, fructus psoraleae, lithocarpus pachylepis, fruto de ligustro brillante, polvo de sangre de corazón de venado, asterina pectinifera, raíz de flor de vellón de tubérculo, tendón de venado, raíz de peonía blanca, semilla de casia, Lepidium meyenii walp, cistanche, tongkat ali, fructus jujube, eucommia ulmoides, semilla de bardana, comino, cornus officinalis, dipsacales, canela, papaya, raíz de kudzu, atractylodes macrocephala koidz y morera con licor. El vino nutritivo y tonificante para la salud renal tiene los efectos de vigorizar el qi y fortalecer el bazo, despejar los canales principales y colaterales y disipar la humedad del viento, y puede regular aún más el dolor de cintura y el dolor de espalda, beneficiar al hígado, mejorar la vista y fortalecer el cuerpo.

Solicitud de patente no presentada en la oficina peruana

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La invención describe una bebida sólida de Cordyceps militaris, Lepidium meyenii y un método de preparación de la misma, y pertenece al campo técnico de los alimentos funcionales. La bebida sólida Cordyceps militaris Lepidium meyenii está hecha de las siguientes materias primas en partes en peso: 90 -110 partes de un extracto de Cordyceps militaris, 50-70 partes de un extracto de Lepidium meyenii , 3-8 partes de un extracto de ginseng, 2-4 partes de un extracto de rizoma de salomón, 3-5 partes de un extracto de ostra y 0,5-1,5 partes de vitaminas. El extracto de Cordyceps militaris, el Lepidium meyenii, el extracto de ginseng, el extracto de rizoma de salomón y el extracto de ostra se utilizan para realizar la compatibilidad con las vitaminas para preparar la nueva bebida sólida Cordyceps militaris Lepidium meyenii con efectos para el cuidado de la salud que fortalecen el yang, y la bebida sólida es adecuada para una variedad de personas. y satisface las demandas de la gente de alimentos sanitarios ecológicos y seguros que fortalezcan el yang. Además, la calidad del producto se mejora ampliamente a partir de la nutrición, el sabor y la absorción, y la bebida sólida tiene el efecto de vigorizar el bazo y armonizar el estómago.

Solicitud de patente no presentada en la oficina peruana

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1.- Número de publicación: US20090110674A1 Fecha de publicación; 2009-04-30 Título: Health supplement Solicitante: ———- Resumen: A health supplement consisting of numerous ingredients from several general groups including: anti-aging, anti-oxidant, vitamins, minerals, and elemental substances including metals. The supplement is specifically formulated for maximizing synergistic interaction of the ingredients while eliminating harmful interaction among the ingredients. A holistic approach to health is followed with ingredients to aid all systems of the human body. By addressing all human body systems, the supplement acts as a precursor to anti-aging and, when body systems are detoxified and oxidation is controlled, the effect of aging may be reversed.

2.- Número de publicación: US20090065013A1 Fecha de publicación; 2009-03-12 Título: MOIST SNUFF NON-TOBACCO COMPOSITION AND A METHOD FOR PRODUCING THEREOF


Resumen: A method for the production of a moist snuff non-tobacco composition, and a composition obtainable from the method are disclosed.

3.- Número de publicación: JP2013169153A

Fecha de publicación: 2013-09-02 Título: HYDROGEN-CONTAINING DRINK INCLUDING FUNCTIONAL INGREDIENT | The hydrogen-containing drink containing a functional raw material Solicitante: SHEFCO CO LTD Resumen:

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a hydrogen-containing drink which maintains a high density of dissolved hydrogen in a hydrogen-containing drink containing functional ingredients such as teas and hydrogen water. SOLUTION: A hydrogen-containing drink is made by compounding at least one type of functional ingredient which is selected from the group consisting of: teas; fruits, vegetables and plants; sugars and sweeteners; polyphenols; vitamins and coenzymes; amino acids and proteins; oxidation-reduction enzymes; and citric acids and yeast extracts with hydrogen water. The hydrogen containing drink is prepared by producing hydrogen water by deaerating water as a raw material and dissolving hydrogen gas in it through a gas-permeable hollow fiber membrane and dissolving or mixing one of the above functional ingredients in or with the produced hydrogen water. Alternatively, it is prepared by dissolving or mixing one of the above functional ingredients in or with water as a raw material, deaerating it and dissolving hydrogen gas in it through the gas-permeable hollow fiber membrane.

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4.- Número de publicación: CN105076448A Fecha de publicación: 2015-11-25 Título: A cooling and summer heat clearing soybean milk Solicitante: MA Li-fa,Chongzuo,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,532200,CN Resumen The invention claims a cooling and summer heat clearing soybean milk, wherein the following weight parts of raw material composed of: soybean, 100-120 of mung bean, 80-100 of lotus seed, 20-30 of lily, 10-20 of fresh water chestnut 10-15, sugar 10-15, fresh lotus leaf 20-30, honeysuckle 10-20, chrysanthemum 5-10, liquorice 10-15. Second-level thin 5-15, water proper amount. The addition of soybean milk and bean fruit, and can play to effect good summer function, but also good taste, fragrance, rich nutrition, in addition, also adding of cool summer and in medicine, can help people relieve mouth and body heat, equal discomfort.

5.- Número de publicación: WO2006134409A2

Fecha de publicación: 2006-12-21 Título: SYNERGISTIC PREBIOTIC COMPOSITIONS Solicitante: ————— Resumen: The invention relates to synergistic compositions comprising prebiotic components selected from fructose polymers GF n and F m, either containing a glucose (G) end-group, or without a glucose end- group, and one or more component of a group of prebiotics consisting of modified or unmodified starch and partial hydrolysates thereof, partially hydrolysed inulin, natural oligofractoses, fructo oligosaccharides (FOS), lactulose, galactomannan and suitable partial hydrolysates thereof, indigestible polydextrose, acemannan, various gums, indigestible dextrin and partial hydrolysates thereof, trans-galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS), beta-glucan and partial hydrolysates thereof, together if desired with phytosterol/phytostanol components and their suitable esters, and if desired other plant extracts, mineral components, vitamins and additives.

6.- Número de publicación: CN1473594A Fecha de publicación: 2004-02-11 Título: Maca extract Solicitante: Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan,Hubei,430074,CN Resumen:

Maca extract refers to extract and application of natural plant, its purpose is realized through the active ingredient extracting, separating and purifying, obtaining natural plant maca extract has various medicinal and health-care value of. The invention takes the maca bulbils or as raw material for extracting and separating, comprising active ingredients and extract residue; the active component comprises the following parts of components by weight: 10-90 percent of glucosinolate and decomposition products thereof, isothiocyanate, weight ratio of 5-70 % of Maca and maca, weight ratio 2-30 % of sterol, such as raw material can be processed into capsule, tablet and other speed-control slow release medicine new dosage form such as solid dispersing medicine, cyclodextrin inclusion agents and so on. In the invention of the Maca extract and taking it as raw material for preparing different dosage of medicine or healthcare food for treating climacteric syndrome, enhancing female sexual desire, improving sexual function, increasing in vivo sperm density and improve fertility and treating depression.

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7.- Número de publicación: US20050089499A1 Fecha de publicación: 2005-04-28 Título: Active substances for use in cosmetic and/or pharmaceutical products, obtainable from the fermentation of plant components and/or plant extracts



Processes for producing cosmetic and/or pharmaceutical active components which comprise: (a) providing a fermentation broth comprising a plant component selected from the group consisting of plant constituents, plant extracts and mixtures thereof; (b) inoculating the fermentation broth with a microorganism; and (c) fermenting the microorganism-containing fermentation broth to produce an active component; are described along with cosmetic and/or pharmaceutical preparations containing such active components and methods of using the same to treat the skin and/or hair.

8.- Número de publicación: CN102716263A

Fecha de publicación: 2012-10-10 Título: Composition and application of Lepidium meyenii Walpers, Panax ginseng and Lycium chinense Miller Composición y aplicación de Lepidium meyenii Walpers, Panax ginseng y Lycium molinero chinense

Solicitante: Yunan Dianlong Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.,Kunming,Yunnan,651700,CN


The invention claims a composition and application of Lepidium meyenii Walpers, Panax ginseng and Lycium chinense miller. The composition is prepared from mixing 30-85 percent of Lepidium meyenii Walpers, 10-40 percent of Panax ginseng and 5-30 percent according to the weight percentage. The composition can prepare tablet, hard capsule, granules, soft capsule, wine agent, oral liquid and drinks by adding the edible auxiliary material. The composition in the invention is collocated and combined according to each function characteristic of Lepidium meyenii Walpers, Panax ginseng and Lycium chinense miller; the Panax ginseng can be nourishing and strong and replenish qi; the Lepidium meyenii Walpers can improve the sexual function, reduce the prostatic hyperplasia and improve the potentia generandi, and the Lycium chinense miller can be used for preventing the effect of consumptive disease and energy insufficiency, impotence and spermatorrhea; the three are complement each other and have synergistic effect to improve the sexual function, reducing the prostatic hyperplasia and improving the potentia generandi.

9.- Número de publicación: JP2005255527A

Fecha de publicación: 2005-09-22

Título: COMPOSITION FOR IN VIVO COLLAGEN SYNTHESIS PROMOTOR | The composition for living_body|organism collagen synthesis|combination promoters


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PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To obtain a composition having excellent in vivo collagen synthesis promoting action. SOLUTION: An animal or plant component and/or a component derived from an animal or a plant is added to a plant belonging to the genus Pfaffia, a plant belonging to the genus Ajuga or a plant belonging to the genus Rhaponticum to improve in vivo collagen synthesis-promoting action.

10.- Número de publicación: CN106473099A Fecha de publicación: 2017-03-08 Título: Functional food or substitutional tea with improved efficacy Alimento funcional o té sustitutivo con eficacia mejorada Solicitante: ZHONG Shu-guang,Chengdu,Sichuan,610000,CN


The invention claims an edible and/or a medical (powder) product (or composition), the product (or composition) comprises one kind (or several kinds) of polysaccharides (in particular starch, sticky polysaccharide) and/or peptides or (particles (or powder)) of proteins high molecular polymer I and AAP value ratio of particles (or powder) I of one (or more) hydrophilic polymers. The producto composition (a) dispersing performance is improved, especially the following performance improving powder in heat (temperature) of the dispersible in water, powder effective components in the heat (temperature) dissolution in water, powdered high-humidity environment without agglomeration, powder food, etc.

11.- Número de publicación: US20050281792A1 Fecha de publicación: 2005-12-22 Título: Phytases, nucleic acids encoding them and methods of making and using them Phytases, ácidos nucleicos que los codifican y métodos de fabricación y uso.



In one aspect, the invention provides a purified and modified phytase enzyme from Escherichia coli K12 appA phytase. The enzyme has phytase activity and improved thermal tolerance as compared with the wild-type enzyme. In addition, the enzyme has improved protease stability at low pH. Glycosylation of the modified phytase provided a further improved enzyme having improved termal tolerance and protease stability. The enzyme can be produced from native or recombinant host cells and can be used to aid in the digestion of phytate where desired. In one aspect, the phytase of the present invention can be used in foodstuffs to improve the feeding value of phytate rich ingredients.

12.- Número de publicación: JP2003238432A Fecha de publicación: 2003-08-27 Título: HYALURONIC ACID ACUUMULATION-ACCELERATING AGENT | Hyaluronic-acid accumulation|storage promoter

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AGENTE DE ACELERACIÓN DE LA AERONULACIÓN DE ÁCIDO HIALURÓNICO Acido hialurónico promotor de acumulación-almacenamiento

Solicitante: FANCL CORP


PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide food, medicines and cosmetics effective for improvement of skin wrinkles, increase of a skin moisture-holding property, prevention of skin aging, thrombosis formation inhibition, treatment of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis treatment, dry eye treatment, softening blood vessel, treatment of arteriosclerosis, since it has a hyaluronic accumulation-accelerating activity. SOLUTION: This hyaluronic acid acuumulation- accelerating agent contains at least 1 kind of selected groups consisting of Aloe vera, Momordica grosvenorii, Eucommia ulmoides, Lepidiummecyenii, Avena sativa, Anethum graveolens, Gentianella alborocea, Hibiscus sabdariffa, Calendula officialis, Euphoria longana, Foeniculum vulgare, Thea sinensis, Mentha pulegium, Ultrica thunbergiana, Areca catechu, Fagopyrum tartaricum, Uncaria gambir and Terminalia arjuna belonging to Combretaceae. The agent has a low toxicity since the active ingredients are natural products.

13.- Número de publicación: CN102787062A

Fecha de publicación: 2012-11-21 Título: Okra maca wine and preparation method thereof Solicitante: Tonghua Wanjia Biological Technology Inc.,Tonghua,Jilin,134001,CN


The invention claims a health wine. That is okra maca wine and a preparation method thereof. The wine comprises maca powder, okra, penis cervi, Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum Blood, medlar, longan pulp, ligamentum cervi, crystal sugar and base wine and water according to a proportion. The invention has the functions of improving sexual function, increasing fertility, adjusting internal secretion, delaying climacteric, strengthening immunity, relieving fatigue and so on. Using method is 100 ml per day, once or twice.

14.- Número de publicación: CN102757880A

Fecha de publicación: 2012-10-31 Título: A maca healthcare wine and preparation method thereof Solicitante: Beijing Zhongke Jianyu Biological Technology Co. Ltd.,Beijing,100190,CN


A maca healthcare wine and preparation method thereof, according to weight is as follows: maca functional extract, 2-10 parts of kudzuvine root extract, 0.1-5 parts of functional and 85-97.9 parts of wine. Maca and kudzuvine root as raw material, adopts normal temperature ultrasonically extracting technology to prepare maca and kudzuvine root functional extract, extract the wine according to the proportion in the form of solid dry powder or concentrated solution, filtering, sterilizing and filling. The method is suitable for preparing maca healthcare wine with white spirit, yellow wine, wine, , fruit wine, the production technique is simple, controllable effective component quantity, exerts the maca several health-care effects at the same time, the kudzuvine root function component reduces the harm of the alcohol to human body. maca healthcare wine prepared by this invention has relieving fatigue, anti-pressure, resisting radiation and enhancing immunity, improving sexual function, regulating internal secretion, improving sleeping, reducing blood fat, delaying aging, protecting liver and so on. Maca and kudzuvine root functional extract improves the bioavailability of each functional component, therefore, maca healthcare wine with wide application prospect in preventing and improving sub health.

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15.- Número de publicación: WO2006028684A2 Fecha de publicación: 2006-03-16 Título: PHYTASES, NUCLEIC ACIDS ENCODING THEM AND METHODS OF MAKING AND USING THEM

Solicitante: DIVERSA CORPORATION|4955 Directors Place, San Diego, CA 92121, US|


In one aspect, the invention provides a purified and modified phytase enzyme from Escherichia coli K12 appA phytase. The enzyme has phytase activity and improved thermal tolerance as compared with the wild-type enzyme. In addition, the enzyme has improved protease stability at low pH. Glycosylation of the modified phytase provided a further improved enzyme having improved termal tolerance and protease stability. The enzyme can be produced from native or recombinant host cells and can be used to aid in the digestion of phytate where desired. In one aspect, the phytase of the present invention can be used in foodstuffs to improve the feeding value of phytate rich ingredients.

16.- Número de publicación: CN102526161A

Fecha de publicación: 2012-07-04 Título: Preparation method of highly active lepidium meyenii extract / Método de preparación del extracto de Lepidium meyenii altamente activo Solicitante: Institute of Process Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,100190,CN Resumen: The invention claims a preparation method of highly active lepidium meyenii extract, comprising steps as follows: breaking fresh or dry lepidium meyenii root, using water as a solvent to perform first ultrasonic reinforced extraction under a condition of controlling a certain liquid/solid ratio at 20-50 degrees centigrade, performing solid-liquid separation, and concentrating clear liquid at low temperature; performing second ultrasonic reinforced extraction of filter residue by alcohol-wáter solution under the condition of controlling a certain liquid/solid ratio at 20-50 degrees centigrade, performing the solid-liquid separation, and concentrating the clear liquid at low temperature; combining concentrated liquid of the two times; drying at low temperature or at fast speed to obtain the powdered lepidium meyenii extract. The invention is fast and efficient, extracting functional elements completely, preventing breaking a thermal sensitivity function of the lepidium meyenii, achieving high activity of the extract by low energy consumption and low cost. The lepidium meyenii extract of the invention is easy to dissolve in water, white spirit, grape wine, yellow millet wine, beer, fruit juice and liquid milk, capable of eliminating fatigue, resisting against compression, improving immunity, relieving climacteric syndrome, resisting against benign prostatic hyperplasia and reinforcing sexual function.

17.- Número de publicación: CN102763742A Fecha de publicación: 2012-11-07 Título: Maca instant tea and production method thereof / Té instantáneo de maca y método de producción de los mismos Solicitante: Beijing Zhongke Jianyu Biological Technology Co. Ltd.,Beijing,100190,CN

Resumen: The invention claims a maca instant tea and a production method thereof, belonging to the technical field of deep processing of the maca, comprising specific follows: respectively crushing the maca and

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a tea raw material into powder, performing ultrasonic reinforced extraction by water at 20-40 degrees centigrade, filtering, concentrating the extract liquid, performing spray drying to obtain maca extract and instant tea powder, mixing maca extract with the instant tea powder according to 10-30% of the maca extract and 70-90% of the instant tea powder, sterilizing and bagging to obtain the maca instant tea. This invention not only keeps the flavor of the tea, but also makes full use of Maca has to eliminate fatigue, resisting radiation and improving immunity, balancing hormone, resisting against benign prostatic hyperplasia and enhancing sexual function and so on; the maca extract increases the biological utilization of the functional elements of the maca; therefore, the maca instant tea has brilliant application prospect in preventing and improving sub-health.

18.- Número de publicación: CN102960810A

Fecha de publicación: 2013-03-13 Título: Maca beverage Solicitante: Shanghai Puwei Health Food Co. Ltd.,Shanghai,201108,CN Resumen: The invention claims a maca beverage, which is composed of the formulation comprises the following raw materials: 0.02 %-0.1 % of Maca powder, 0.3 %-1.0 % of ginseng, 0.02 %-0.1 of Chinese yam. 0.2 to %-0.6 of chrysanthemum, 0.2 %-0.6 of honeysuckle, 0.04 %-0.06 % of guarana extract, 0.01 %-0.1 % of soy peptide, 0.01 %-0.04 of coffee extract, 0.4 %-0.6 % of taurine. 0.06 to % 0.12 of inositol, 2.0 to %-3.0 of vitamin B1, 0.4 %-1.2 of vitamin B6 and proper amount of flavour regulator, and the rest is water. Maca beverage of this invention has refreshing, anti-fatigue, fast replenishing energy, restoring physical function of clearing.

19.- Número de publicación: CN102613555A

Fecha de publicación: 2012-08-01

Título: Maca powder ginseng composition and preparation method thereof

Solicitante: CSPC Zhongqi Pharmaceutical Technology (Shijiazhuang) Co. Ltd.,Shijiazhuang,Hebei,050035,CN Resumen: The invention claims a Maca powder ginseng composition and preparation method thereof, comprising the following raw materials of weight parts: 2.5-8.5 parts of ginseng extractive, 10-30 parts of Rhodiola rosea extractive, 10-30 parts of herba epimedii extractive, 6-18 parts of fructus lycii extractive and 75 - 250 parts of Maca powder, Maca powder ginseng composition is manufactured by sieving and mixing uniformly the above drugs. The Maca powder ginseng composition manufactured by the invention is featured by natural raw materials, edible safety, and notable efficacy; the Maca powder ginseng composition can manufacture traditional Chinese medicine health food with enhancing immunity and releasing physical fatigue efficacy.

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Texto completo en: https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/2020/11/06/nota/8039896/siete-beneficios-raiz-maca-mujer

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Texto completo en: https://peru.info/es-pe/gastronomia/noticias/2/12/superalimentos-peruanos--la-nueva-tendencia-en-la- gastronomia-mundial

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Texto completo en: https://www.hola.com/estar-bien/galeria/20201023177782/maca-andina-suplementos-energia/1/

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Texto completo en: https://www.gob.pe/institucion/pnia/noticias/127705-proyecto-del-inia-busca-mejorar-procesos-de-secado- poscosecha-de-maca

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Texto completo en: https://www.publimetro.pe/salud/2020/03/06/coronavirus-9-superalimentos-peruanos-para-fortalecer-tu- sistema-inmunologico-noticia/

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